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154 Sentences With "seductions"

How to use seductions in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "seductions" and check conjugation/comparative form for "seductions". Mastering all the usages of "seductions" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In Season 5, those seductions have been dialed way back.
Rhythm consummates the album's seductions, with grooves that are sneakily unconventional.
She drank too much and could be wolfish in her seductions.
Rarely do real-life seductions proceed as smoothly as they do on film.
Fashion Review PARIS — Sometimes it feels necessary to resist the easy seductions of beauty.
Even after the arrests or priest seductions or elaborate stabbings, you root for them.
Through a series of seductions, Khan had developed a reputation for extravagant and excessive romances.
You feel for this pathetic character when he falls prey to the mock seductions of the Rhinemaidens.
Far more individual are the snippets we get from pamphlets Lucia writes on the seductions of arson.
JON PARELES There are few seductions that the bachata superstar Romeo Santos isn't fluent in, or hasn't attempted.
Luckily, Johannes has a kindhearted mother, Rosie (Scarlett Johansson), who is immune to the seductions of National Socialism.
But the Framers knew people to be selfish, ambitious and susceptible to the seductions of fame and fortune.
In the Southern heat, twisty seductions, jealous rivalries, and sexual tensions are pulled taut among the cooped-up women.
Like many indie-rock acts, this Brooklyn-based band has drawn inspiration from the melodic seductions of Serge Gainsbourg.
Lately I find myself blowing past the images of friends and yielding to the seductions of multinationals and overfunded startups.
Wainwright became instantly possessed by Lister's life, her swagger, her Don Juan-like seductions of society women around the world.
They are drawn in by the visual seductions of Instagram, as well as a desire for community inflected by environmentalism.
Poisoning becomes her business plan, and the movie turns into a cycle of seductions, pregnancies, marriages, deaths and insurance payouts.
Before his elevation as Pope Benedict, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger expressed the opinion that there might be "subtle seductions" in the tales.
Despite this orchestra's myriad seductions, Mr. Jurowski resisted the urge to overplay; the emphasis was on guiding a coherent, accumulating drama.
But even the best privacy laws are only as effective as our Paleolithic emotions are resistant to the seductions of technology.
"The simplest problem to fix is framing his rapes as seductions and Casanova as a kind of sexy scoundrel," she said.
This wasn't the polished, chart-packaged garage world of Craig David with his mainstream-friendly cooing and emphasis on week-long seductions.
His second act is more unsparing and harrowing, with seductions that take the form of surreal scenes tangling racial and sexual anxieties.
Yet in the conclusion of "Leonardo da Vinci," Isaacson capitulates to the easy seductions of TED-ism, and boy is it disappointing.
"Even the best privacy laws are only as effective as our Paleolithic emotions are resistant to the seductions of technology," he wrote.
During the '80s, Duran Duran was a staple of MTV: handsome, preening British lads smiling and singing synthesizer-driven tunes about glamorous seductions.
"As we face the domestic, international, and global crises of our own times we have to resist the seductions of rage," she writes.
One of the show's unremarked upon seductions has been Philip turning his neighbor into his best pal, the better to keep his guard down.
I've got a lot of time for Young MA's steal-yr-girl fuck songs, but sometimes it's all about tender slow jams over swaggering seductions.
As anyone who's tried (and failed) to communicate their burning desire in a single glance can attest, real-life seductions are more fraught with miscommunication.
Her tweets were an extension of herself, performing what she perceived as the best version of herself, optimizing herself for the unforgiving seductions of social media.
In "The Monarchy of Fear: A Philosopher Looks at Our Political Crisis" (Simon & Schuster), Nussbaum acknowledges the seductions of anger but warns against its side effects.
Such tentative seductions have generally been undermined by events like Japanese-American internment and the Vietnam War, which convinced many Asian-Americans that they were not white.
I mean, I think many of us, many people are, and then we grow up and the tempo increases and the seductions of materialism are like, rampant.
Designers and their fans alike are so stoned on storytelling and the seductions of reference that one starts to yearn for the preliterate — or pre-Internet, anyway — world.
Her seductions and transactions are accompanied by a jaunty song "Moi, je me balance" ("Me, I'm Swinging") written and sung by the celebrated cabaret performer Barbara (Monique Serf).
Yet two of his numbers were almost all abhinaya; the difference between the tender, successful, seductions of his Krishna and the swaggering, amusingly unsuccessful ones was a delight.
Helen Schulman's novel "Come With Me" is a bright techno-dystopian family story about the seductions of virtual reality, with an inherent warning to stop taking nonvirtual reality for granted.
In Larraín's fantastical rendering, Neruda is pursued by a police official who is also a great reader; the pursuit becomes more metaphysical than real, a study of the seductions of narrative.
This is an evocation of the unhealing wound of Amfortas, the leader of the knights, and of the opera's bitter power plays and nightmarish, incest-like seductions, more harrowing than anything onstage.
The pope's speech included calls for greater education about other religions and peoples, a condemnation of "the seductions of materialism, hatred and prejudice" and the "fake news" that he suggested spread it.
One adviser to Mr Anwar even worries that unless UMNO, now in disarray, refashions itself as a nimble opposition, the new coalition might fall for the "seductions of power" and reforms might slow.
In each of the series I have discussed so far, we see Barré rejecting the seductions commonly associated with the material sensations of paint — opticality, weight, fleshiness, color — without settling into a style.
What the three encounter, though, is a city filled with large betrayals and dangerous seductions, a place where crime and corruption are rampant and the poor mere tools to be used and abused.
We go to the movies — and we still go quite a lot, by the way, in spite of the seductions of the couch and the streaming queue — in search of escape from reality.
While it's as suspenseful as any Le Carré plot, it's structured less around spycraft than around a series of seductions, overlapping and conflicting, that allow Park to indulge his fondness for moments of heightened melodrama.
The revelations run from tawdry micro-seductions (a Louis Vuitton handbag stuffed with cash) to macro-estimates (the calculation that Mr. Zuma's 2015 attempt to appoint a lackey as finance minister cost the economy $34 billion).
When these two men disguised themselves, it was in dark, full-body blackface makeup — they're pretending to be African mercenaries — and their seductions laid bare the mingled disgust and desire the white colonists feel for the natives.
It's a lighthearted late '60s action comedy, full of bumbling pratfalls and failed seductions all scored to the kind of vaguely Chinese-sounding music common in that era's spy films, meant to evoke the exoticism of international espionage.
An account of the last days of James Whale, director of the 1931 adaptation of "Frankenstein," the film begins as a tame biopic but soon mutates into a very peculiar discursion about the seductions and strangeness of flesh.
Yet Monninger's affable prose offers distinct seductions ("the subway station smells like panting") and the platitudinous love affair ("Jack took me to bed in the late afternoon and devoured me") is spiced with sharp repartee and social criticism.
The songs are made up of equal parts of emotional exuberance, momentary seductions, and broken hearts to any record by the groundbreaking gay '80s duo Erasure worth its salt; what they all have in common in an undeniable danceability.
In February of 2013 she even uploaded to an audio-file sharing site a nine-minute recording in which she passionately warns against what she sees as the dangers and seductions of the material world—or "duniya," as she calls it.
As with Richard Tuttle, his rejection of the seductions of weight and thickness, his insistence on immateriality, were an open criticism of physical size and mass as the measures of Modernist progress, best exemplified then in Frank Stella's and Richard Serra's work.
This positioning, right in the middle of the millennial generation, is part of what makes her one of the most persuasive commentators on the seductions and ironies of cultural and other forms of capital, and the ways they move through the digital sphere.
There's voyeuristic pleasure to watching — watching fear; watching bodies; watching seductions; watching leather-clad killers' knives stab handsome men and women; watching textiles hang on the body; watching exteriors, from skins to zip-up boots to taxidermy; watching men's crotches, women's crotches, groping; Watching the color of Italian liquors, turtles, and high heels.
I suspect that my father would have remained cheerfully impervious to it, whereas I find myself making use of the argument from time to time, not just to win a political point but to feel further ensnared by those seductions of Camelot that a half century before I covertly craved and loyally resisted.
" The senator said the era for global success of democracy has shifted to "a time in which the seductions of authoritarian rule find favor with many; when self-interested leadership excuses naked aggression with weak rationalizations; when ethnic grievances haunt the old and religious fanaticism fires the minds of the misguided young.
I have only to venture into the streets of my own neighborhood, the West Village, to see such Humean casualties by the thousand: younger people, for the most part, who have grown up in our social-media era, have no personal memory of how things were before, and no immunity to the seductions of digital life.
How else to interpret the fact that Maison Margiela highlighted its "ongoing study of seductions in the millennial era" in the notes for its Artisanal show, and the designer John Galliano paid literal lip service in an accompanying podcast (podcast!) to the inspiration of "neo-digital natives" and the Gen Y and Z-ers in his studio?
Jennifer's seductions/murders are too campy to read as really sexy, and the much-hyped kiss between Jennifer and Needy is less steamy girl-on-girl action served to the male gaze on a platter than it is an awkward, confused act of manipulation between two girls bound together equally by affection and ego-driven codependence.
Sean Young, who elegantly channeled noir style in Blade Runner, is femme fatale Lola Cain, bringing both glamour and goofy physical humor (she parodies Sharon Stone's infamous Basic Instinct leg uncrossing by loudly announcing "I'm not wearing panties!" and inelegantly opening her legs as wide as possible); Ned's dutiful secretary, Laura Lingonberry, is played by none other than a post–Audrey Horne Sherilyn Fenn; the plot, with its seductions, murders, and trials, is largely incidental.
A sizable dollop of the text, truth be told, is given over to fin de siècle score-settling, mostly at the expense of critics and academicians, but it is nonetheless a surprise to encounter the Wild One's sentimental defense of stodgy old Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, or his praise of Camille Pissarro as "a virgin who had many children but remained a virgin despite the seductions of money and power," or his two-line epigrammatic (if not gnomic) endorsement of Paul Cézanne: Apples, Rembrandt?
Roger Cohen HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam — So Havana is 20 years behind Ho Chi Minh City on the development cycle that brings you bulldozed historical districts; traffic-clogged streets; a skyline of cranes; fancy golf courses for expats and the local elite; lattes galore; burger joints; smartphones everywhere; a middle class with disposable income; the seductions of credit; fragrant shopping malls; brand heaven (or hell); the end of virgin beaches; massive real estate developments with names like "Central Park"; offshore fortunes for the political architects of capitalist communism; resorts with their manicured lawns; casinos; mass tourism; social media; 6 percent annual growth; mom-and-pop entrepreneurship; suburbia and sprinklers; private schools for kids with Ivy League colleges already in their sights; Asian and Latin American versions of the American dream; and a population fired up and sort of freed by the opportunity to make a buck for the first time in generations.
The Seductions of Fall , The New York Times, 2004-09-10. Accessed 2009-02-21.
Tageldin, Shaden. (2011). Disarming Words: Empire and the Seductions of Translation in Egypt. Berkeley: University of California Press.
He was close friends with Bayard RustinJohn D'Emilio. READING THE SILENCES IN A GAY LIFE The Case of Bayard Rustin pp. 59–68 in The Seductions of Biography. Edited: Mary Rhiel, David Suchoff, David Bruce Suchoff.
Gabriela Basterra is the author of two books, Seductions of Fate: Tragic Subjectivity, Ethics, Politics (2004) , Palgrave Macmillan. and The Subject of Freedom: Kant, Levinas (2015) . She has co-edited Quel sujet du politique? (2010),, Journal Rue Descartes.
However, he argued that Masson misrepresented Freud, and that his critique of Freud is flawed, since "Freud did not dispute his patients' accounts of actual seduction and sexual abuse", being concerned rather with the way in which "external events are suffused with fantasy and desire." The book also received criticism from commentators critical of psychoanalysis, such as the philosopher Adolf Grünbaum, the authors Allen Esterson and Richard Webster, and the critic Frederick Crews. Grünbaum argued that regardless of the merits of Masson's accusation that Freud abandoned the seduction theory out of cowardice, Masson's position that "actual seductions" are the etiological factors in the development of hysteria is unfounded and credulous. Esterson wrote that while Masson charged Freud with a failure of nerve by asserting that his patients' reports of childhood seductions were mostly childhood fantasies it was questionable whether they had indeed reported childhood seductions.
Sultana goes about her bright and artful seductions but somehow misses her targets. Her business collapses. Desperately, Khudabaksh too tries his hands at many jobs but is unsuccessful. His faith in his camera is replaced by his belief in a holy man.
Some of the "seductions" and counter-seductions of actors have been reconstructed by modern scholars, notably Judith Milhous, from the records of the Lord Chamberlain's office and from Colley Cibber's autobiography An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber (1740). However, actors were obscure people of low status at this time. This is especially true of the actors remaining at the Patent Company after all the stars had decamped to Betterton's cooperative company; except for Cibber, their birth dates are unknown and there is no portrait in existence of any of them. John Vanbrugh, later a famous architect, was likewise an obscure young man in 1696.
200 Not only is the film's structure formulaic but so is the psychological development of each character. They all go through "seductions", "confessions" and "transformations". The way each character changes their state of mind is the same. They all fall into a sexual desire for the guest.
In the novel, Theodore's Paleologus descendants battle with James Bond-style villains through murders, seductions and car and speedboat chases, all in order to find a lost stained glass window with an inscription supposedly containing the date of the Second Coming, preserved by the Knights Templar through the ages.
The plot of the opera involves love intrigues, attempted seductions and provocations to jealousy between members of the three different social strata: the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie and the working class. The role of the Lieutenant is a close parallel to that of Don Alfonso in Mozart's Così fan tutte.
With all these gifts, she was nevertheless of great simplicity. The world offered her all the seductions: she preferred to devote herself to God and buried deep in a retreat. She took the veil in the monastery of Saint-Evroult-Notre-Dame-du-Bois in 1664, then in Poissy.
See also "Bisexuality and Celebrity." In Rhiel and Suchoff, The Seductions of Biography, p. 18. Dean's iconic appeal has been attributed to the public's need for someone to stand up for the disenfranchised young of the era,Perry, G., James Dean, p. 204, New York, DK Publishing, Inc.
Williams, Daniel E (1993). Victims of Narrative Seductions: the Literary Translations of Elizabeth (and "Miss Harriot") Wilson. In Early American Literature (XXVIII), pp 148-170. Although Elizabeth was certainly the focus of most early accounts, some of which make only passing references to her brother, William was also the subject of several sensationalist publications.
Gary One of the nicer men that Lori's mom has dated. Gary also feels attracted to Lori. Dexter An ex of Lori's mother who beat her, giving her a black eye and then fled soon afterward. Mr. Clayton The driver of the van who picks up Lori when she hitchhikes and succumbs to her seductions.
3 The country life made a lasting impression on young Penn, and kindled in him a love of horticulture.Fantel, p. 12 Their neighbor was famed diarist Samuel Pepys, who was friendly at first but later secretly hostile to the Admiral, perhaps embittered in part by his failed seductions of both Penn's mother and his sister Peggy.Fantel, p.
August 2010 In this manner, parents and children were supposed to systematically become strangers to one another.Pingel-Schliemann: Zersetzen, S. 254–257. To provoke conflicts and extramarital relations the Stasi put in place targeted seductions by Romeo agents. For the Zersetzung of groups, it infiltrated them with unofficial collaborators, sometimes minors.Axel Kintzinger: „Ich kann keinen mehr umarmen“.
Künsteling, Ehrelob, Reichimuth and Sinnigunda ply Seelewig with gifts (a telescope, a fishing rod, a bow and arrow and a crown of flowers). Once again Gwissulda and Herzigild save Seelewig from their seductions. Seelewig takes fright during a storm and sings a song asking advice from the forest echo, which warns her to flee the snares of this world.
Frequent subjects featured in the trials included divorces and seductions. Clement Scott once described Nicholson's role in the event as a "plebeian Falstaff". During the performances, Nicholson wore a judge's wig and robe and was referred to as "my lord" by the cast. He sat at a raised desk next to boxes for the prosecutor, witness, and jury.
"Opera and Ballet", p. 313 in Ruth Towse (ed.) A Handbook of Cultural Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing. However, even in the 19th century when opera was largely run by individual impresarios rather than large organisations, opera management as a profession was characterised as "a devouror of the fortunes of the victims it has tempted by its seductions".
Sleepy-eyed nice guy Lee Ritter (Michael Blodgett) and his vapid but pretty wife, Susan (Sherry Miles) accept the invitation of mysterious vixen Diane LeFanu (Celeste Yarnall) to visit her in her secluded desert estate. Tensions arise when the couple, unaware at first that Diane is in reality a centuries-old vampire, realize that they are both objects of the pale temptress' seductions.
There is a liberal mixture of historical fact and melodrama, the latter in the form of extended monologues attributed to Elizabeth, as well as the texts of several letters supposedly written in her cell and "discovered" after her death.Williams, Daniel E (1993). Victims of Narrative Seductions: the Literary Translations of Elizabeth (and "Miss Harriot") Wilson. In Early American Literature (XXVIII), pp 148-170.
The two begin an affair, which ends abruptly when Elena announces one night that she is leaving him. After she leaves, Andrea begins a long line of seductions, seducing seven noble women in total. At last he begins to try to seduce Ippolita Albònico. One day, while at a horse race, Andrea angers Ippolita's husband who challenges him to a duel.
The plot of Gawain is ideally suited to Birtwistle's approach to musical structure. The repetitious structure of events can be paralleled with a repetitious musical structure. Thus the three hunts in Act 2 use the same musical material, as do the three seductions. The music is varied and adapted every time it is heard, but inner coherence is easily established.
Props to their self-interpretation of Paula Abdul's "Straight Up" done acapella". James Hunter from Vibe described the song as a "serious goof" and added that it "unwinds like dancehall, jerks and cuts like hip hop, and shouts its seductions with the gutbucket abandon of Joe Tex's "I Gotcha". The phone rings just as K7 gets home to his sweetie ("Hello? Hello?)", hilariously interrupting the mood.
John 14:14 Attachment to the goods of this world are a bondage. The Scriptural remedy is the desire for true happiness that is found in seeking and finding God. Holy people must struggle, with grace from on high, to obtain the good things God promises. Faithful Christians put to death their cravings and, with the grace of God, prevail over the seductions of pleasure and power.
He is also abrupt and self-centred in his seductions, never waiting for Sonia to achieve orgasm. Sonia sometimes sees and hears her brother. He appears as a child and judges her actions. On one occasion she buys a non-kosher egg roll whilst in Chinatown and her brother tells her off and an elderly street beggar-woman sees him and offers him candy.
Heracles, Duke of Argos, plans to undertake a new campaign to destroy the infamous cult of the goddess Astarte. He will go to Lydia, in order to exterminate the queen Omphale, a cruel and indecent sectarian of this goddess. Nothing can hold him back, not even the love of his wife Deianira. She wants to use a talisman to warn him against Omphale's seductions, which she fears.
Young's subsequent installations extended outward to larger family and social bodies. Mendacity (1996) featured miniature scaled institutional structures (city hall, church, bank, school, hospital, home) clustered like a city block and surrounded by hanging thrift store clothing. Frieze critic Michelle Grabner wrote that its tactile, construction-grade materials and household objects created an "uncanny physical life" capturing the tension between the seductions of institutions and their function of control.
She makes a deal with her to reclaim part of the bar in exchange for getting out of jail. She fails to resist Svetlana's seductions, much to her annoyance. Thanks to Fiona, Vee realizes that her attraction to Svetlana stems from a desire to be dominated, which allows her to break free from Svetlana's control. She and Kev get rid of Svetlana by getting her married to a wealthy, senile man.
In Vienna, the three country girls stroll through the Prater at night. Each of them pairs off with a soldier, Lena with the cadet officer, Franz Hofrat. She surrenders to his seductions and they begin an affair – which we will discover in time has produced a child. They secretly are married, and Franz reassures her “Don’t worry Lena, I will look after you.” The scene shifts to Vienna four years hence.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2557, John 14:14 Attachment to the goods of this world are a bondage. The Scriptural remedy is the desire for true happiness that is found in seeking and finding God. Holy people must struggle, with grace from on high, to obtain the good things God promises. Christ's faithful put to death their cravings and, with the grace of God, prevail over the seductions of pleasure and power.
The song received mixed reviews from critics. PopMatters described it as "dripping with sexual energy and cool" and is "sexy as hell, but contains a pretty unmistakable edge of hostility, macho swagger, and thunderous chest thumping." Entertainment Weekly wrote that it was an "appealing throwaway single" and lyrics such as "after you work up a sweat, you can play with the stick" are not seductions; "they're orders".DaBrowne, vid (March 7, 2005).
Jaganmohini became a major hit and even performed better than the films of big stars. The movie had the best visual effects according to Indian standards at that time. This is the story of woman betrayed by a king, who reappears in his next life as a ghost intent on possessing him. On the advice of a priest, the king marries a pious woman who matches her devotional prowess against the ghost's seductions and wins.
On the other hand, one travels fast in order to forget a past experience. For example, after Vincent's disastrous night at the chateau, he gets on his motorcycle and drives home as fast as he can in order to leave behind the site of his failed romantic endeavor. There is also the suggestion that speed creates vulgarity, as suggested by the parallel seductions held at the chateau. Vincent's seduction of Julie is misguided and ultimately fails.
Baring a single breast was a visual motif of Classical Greek sculpture, where among other situations, including seductions,Other situations include marking a female figure as an Amazon, as part of athletic attire, or for the purpose of nursing an infant. it often represented impending physical violence or rape.Cohen, "Divesting the Female Breast," p. 68ff. Some scholars have attempted to find a "code" in which exposing the right breast had an erotic significance, while the left breast signified nurturing.
Bird joined his father's government as Deputy Prime Minister. In addition to serving as Deputy Prime Minister, Bird also served as Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, and Energy. Bird's tenure as Minister of Tourism and Minister of Economic Development was controversial, and he personally benefited from tourism partnerships with foreign investors, including in the construction of the Royal Antiguan Hotel.Carolyn L. Cartier and Alan A. Lew, Seductions of place: geographical perspectives on globalization and touristed landscapes (2005).
198, 2008 (Actes du colloque Frontières de l'histoire littéraire, organisé à Paris les 9 et 10 novembre 2007 par Jean Bessière et Judit Maar), p. 125 According to literary historian Rodica Ilie, his call to "purge Romanian society of corrupting influences" was a "trope" shared by extreme nationalists and communists of the day, the latter of whom targeted "bourgeois seductions" rather than "Jewish spirituality". Rodica Ilie, "Diversitate artistică și ideologică în avangarda românească. Fenomenul «alogen» evreiesc", in Țara Bârsei, Nr. 6/2007, p.
"In statements such as this, Cold War liberals diagnosed the potential contradictions emerging from the postwar economy's emphasis on mass consumption in terms of the inadequate moral education of the populace; the cure was the administration of culture by an elite class immune to the seductions of the mass. Hence television programs such as Omnibus, sponsored by the Ford Foundation." The show was broadcast live, primarily on Sunday afternoons at 4:00pm EST, from November 9, 1952, until April 16, 1961.
B Gata H Kei revolves around lascivious 15-year-old high school student Yamada, who makes it a goal to have sexual relations with 100 different guys. However, her insecurities as a virgin herself lead her to reject every guy who attempts to make a move on her. To overcome this mental barrier, she searches for a "cherry boy," an inexperienced guy who will be her first. At the bookstore, she falls on her rather plain classmate Takashi Kosuda, and makes him the target of her seductions.
The frescoes in Corpus Domini were damaged during World War II. He painted 26 canvases of the Seductions and Loves of the Diana and Venus (1692-1700) for the Viennese palace (now Liechtenstein Museum) of Prince Johann Adam I of Liechtenstein. He also served as a buyer for the art-patron Prince. Venus and Adonis hunting, Liechtenstein Palace In Genoa, he also painted for the palaces Spinola and the Palazzo Pallavicini (now Podestà) (1715) of Genoa. The latter had five large canvases of the history of Diana.
In this sense, the film also contains a programmatic structure. It begins with documentary- like images and then moves on to the opening credit with a dark volcanic desert, a home party scene, cuts of the factory in sepia tone, introduction of each family member in silence and sepia tone, and, then, the guest sitting in the back yard in colour. The middle section is divided into three: "seductions", "confessions" and "transformations".Pier Paolo Pasolini: Contemporary Perspectives by Patrick Allen Rumble, Bart Testa, p.
There are stories of voyages, migrations, seductions and battles, as one might expect. Stories about a trickster, Māui, are widely known, as are those about a beautiful goddess/ancestress Hina or Sina. In addition to these shared themes in the oral tradition, each island group has its own stories of demi-gods and culture heroes, shading gradually into the firmer outlines of remembered history. Often such stories were linked to various geographic or ecological features, which may be described as the petrified remains of the supernatural beings.
He orders the Jesuit Black Bishop's Pawn to flee and says he will falsify documents that make it look as though the pawn was not there when the incident took place. After the pawn flees through a trapdoor, the Black Knight Gondomar orders the burning of all of the pawn's files. The files contained records of various seductions and misdeeds that would implicate the Black House if discovered. Later, the Black Knight's Pawn Gelder enters and expresses remorse for castrating the White Bishop's Pawn.
In 1980 she left academia to become Director of Talks and Seminars at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London, where she stayed for ten years and helped the ICA talks programme gain a reputation as "an intellectual hothouse". While at the ICA she edited the Documents series, which included the books Postmodernism and Ideas from France. She became Deputy Director of the ICA in 1986 and created the ICA-Television branch, which produced England's Henry Moore in 1988 and Seductions for Channel Four. She left the ICA in 1990 to write full-time.
They heard the siren voice of their Southern homeland calling from deep within their memories. They sought to resist its seductions, but the call became more insistent and, finally, irresistible. In spite of their years of fighting slavery, they gave themselves to a history and a people committed to maintaining slavery and its deep oppression—both an act of deep love for a place and people, and the desertion of a moral vision. Wilson was soon made the Secretary for Foreign Missions for the newly formed Southern Presbyterian Church.
After her baby dies during childbirth, Lucy is duped into a life of prostitution and struggles in a cycle of seductions and betrayals. Lucy speaks of the people and incidents she has seen during her three years working in “Negro Hill.” In 1812, she meets a first lieutenant of a privateer, who mentions in a conversation with Lucy that if he were a woman, he would disguise himself as a man and “rove about and see the world” just like Revolutionary war veteran Miss Sampson who disguised herself as Robert Shurtliff (70).
When her car breaks down, she has it serviced at Auto Services, and when motor mechanic, Jaikumar Sharma, returns it to her house, she thinks her friend Guddu has returned, seduces and has sex with Jai. She frequently breaks her car down, and asks Jai to repair it, but he refuses to go along with her seductions. When she finds out that he has fallen in love with a girl named Robby, she decides to do away with her - and whoever else attempts to stand in her and Jai's way.
Initially educated at Winchester College, Burn spent only one year at New College, Oxford before the social seductions of Le Touquet won out. As he himself put it, he was not sent down: having done none of the work expected of him, he simply did not go back, choosing instead to initiate a writing career by ghosting the autobiography of 'Bentley Boy' Sir Henry Birkin. Burn spent time in Florence, befriending Alice Keppel, the former mistress of Edward VII. A bisexual man, his lovers included later Soviet Union spy Guy Burgess.
"Aramony's lawyer says his client's judgment was impaired because of brain atrophy" and noted "that Aramony had a cancer that led to surgical castration" while he was seeing Lori Villasor. Lori Villasor ended her affair with Aramony in 1992.Time Magazine: October 3, 1994-Charitable Seductions While still incarcerated in 1996, Aramony filed a $5 million lawsuit against UWA, claiming he was denied earnings and retirement benefits that were due him.Funding Universe: Company Histories-United Way of America UWA counter-sued and a United States district court issued a split decision which both parties appealed.
He also convinces Septimus to take over the role of Sempronius and the production proves a great success. Euterpe appears naked to Smith at a bath-house later that night and - despairing of Tabitha - he encourages and gives in to her seductions. However, the following morning they are discovered in the 69 position at his lodgings by Flora, who had been bringing a letter of reconciliation from Tabitha. Euterpe's husband is Major Tomlinson, part of the Governor's faction, meaning it seems as if Smith has sided with the New York Assembly against the Governor.
Pamela has significant similarities to the famous Persian tragic romance of Khosrow and Shirin by the Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi. In both tales a rich, famous, and hedonistic man is trying to seduce the main female character of the story. Even though the female character is truly in love with the male counterpart, she resists his seductions and requests a proper marriage. At the end the male character gives in to an official marriage with the woman he loves and this love causes a gradual and positive change in the male character.
Her first novel, Black Lentil Doughnuts was published in 2005. In it, Meena talks about Shanthi and her alter-ego Lilly who escape the oppressive warmth of their small town to taste the freedom of an emerging metropolis. Shanthi is seduced by the anarchism of the Three Mosquitoes, while Lilly's seductions are on more predictable lines. But all the while they are being stalked by an insane mass hysteria that sees them as outsiders C K Meena takes the readers on a roller coaster ride through the love and hate, gentleness and brutality that is metropolitan India.
She gave as an example the way Webster moved from correctly noting that Freud "did hound some of his patients to give him the evidence he was looking for", to incorrectly concluding that all of his patients' accounts of seductions and fantasies were Freud's reconstructions, thereby undermining a sound observation. She agreed with Webster that not all dreams are wish fulfillments, but criticized him for not acknowledging that psychoanalysts have long abandoned the belief that they are. She considered Webster naive or ignorant to deny that "emotions can produce bodily phenomena", and criticized his discussion of Breuer's treatment of his patient Anna O.
The lyrics and theme of the song are similar to those of Part I, with Serena Kim of The Washington Post describing it as "mighty pressure coming from...male voices to persuade one woman to succumb to spontaneous sex", while Beyoncé portrays herself as a "hesitant but willing" voice of reason. Wayne's lyrics, modified through the use of a vocoder to make him sound intoxicated, are wily seductions to have his love interest have intercourse with him in the club's bathroom. During Wayne's verse, Usher sings breathy ad-libs. In the song, Usher refers to Beyoncé as "Queen B".
Kapoor's most recent books, Confronting Desire: Psychoanalysis and International Development (2020) and Psychoanalysis and the GlObal (2018), investigate how the unconscious "speaks out" in various guises: from obsessions about growth and poverty to the perverse seductions of racism and over-consumption, from disavowal of the climate crisis to the social and cultural traumas engendered by globalization. For Kapoor, the unpredictability and excess of unconscious desire are not only the source of "irrationality" but also a political resource for breaking out of the global capitalist status quo. He examines, for example, the political and psychoanalytic bases of revolutionary movements such as the Arab Spring.
In 1984, Kruger created a T-shirt design that featured a blown-up image of a woman's face with text running across the figure's eyes and mouth reading, “I can’t look at you…and breathe at the same time.” The shirt was produced as a collaborative project with fashion designer Willi Smith for his WilliWear Productions label. Since the mid-1990s, Kruger has created large-scale immersive video and audio installations. Enveloping the viewer with the seductions of direct address, the work continues her questioning of power, control, affection, and contempt: still images now move and speak and spatialize their commentary.
In the following period of intense rivalry, the Patent Company was handicapped by a shortage of competent actors. "Seducing" actors (as the legal term was) back and forth between the companies was a key tactic in the ensuing struggle for position, and so were appeals to the Lord Chamberlain to issue injunctions against seductions from the other side, which that functionary was quite willing to do. Later Rich also resorted to hiring amateurs, and to tempting Irish actors over from Dublin. But such measures were not yet in place for the staging of The Relapse in 1696, Rich's most desperate venture.
Other finance came from Moravian congregations in England, Germany and America. The total cost was £6,000.Mellowes, 1977, p 19 On 9 June 1784, foundation stones of chapel and choir houses were laid. A declaration was placed in the stone of the chapel, in which the settlers expressed their desire 'to be separated from the world and its seductions ... and ... to enjoy true fellowship as children of God', to serve the 'propagation of His Gospel among Christians and the Heathen' and asserted their 'adherence to the Word of God as contained in the Old and New Testaments, and the Augsburg (or Augustan) Confession'.
Bennet his gambling debts, his seductions, and his unpaid bills with merchants. Closely monitored by Darcy, and under the stern gaze of Gardiner during the wedding ceremony, he then cuts a fine figure at Longbourn, where his conversation with Elizabeth (who has just read the letter from her aunt revealing the key role played by Darcy in bringing about the marriage) is repeated almost word for word, showing him silenced finally. His life with Lydia is revealed in only a short montage shown during the double wedding of Jane and Elizabeth. When the officiating minister says that marriage is a remedy against sin and fornication,Lydia Martin 2007, p.
Gerard Dennis (David Brian) is a suave, controlling character dependent on filching jewels in ingenious ways from their owners, often women whom he inveigles into his clutches by seducing them, in order to support himself. Relying mostly on conniving and trickery, he is not above also resorting to violence when necessary to enable him to escape apprehension by the law. He pulls off a series of amazingly clever seductions, heists and escapes from the police before one of his conquests, whom he had married, helps the police catch him, and the film ends with his being sentenced to prison for some 25 years, when he will be 55.
In a similar vein, essayist David Quint contends that "with Cleopatra the opposition between East and West is characterised in terms of gender: the otherness of the Easterner becomes the otherness of the opposite sex". Quint argues that Cleopatra (not Antony) fulfils Virgil's Dido archetype; "woman is subordinated as is generally the case in The Aeneid, excluded from power and the process of Empire-building: this exclusion is evident in the poem's fiction where Creusa disappears and Dido is abandoned... woman's place or displacement is therefore in the East, and epic features a series of oriental heroines whose seductions are potentially more perilous than Eastern arms", i.e., Cleopatra.
Twenty-year-old Atsushi and his seventeen-year-old girlfriend Mari arrive in Tokyo from the suburbs with plans to marry despite their parent's objections but they are soon pulled into the city's dark underside. Atsushi meets Miki, a fading adult video (AV) actress, and gets introduced by the veteran Yoshiya to the occupation of "scoutman", recruiters who ply the streets trying to convince young girls to join the AV industry. Meanwhile, Mari, looking for work, runs into Kana who initiates her into the business of selling tickets to swinger's parties. The young couple continue to fall deeper into the seductions of Tokyo's sex industry and away from each other.
Bruce had a meeting with Shreck to contest Shreck's plans to build a new powerplant, during the meeting Bruce met Selina Kyle, Shreck's secretary, with whom Bruce begins a romantic relationship, unaware that she is the masked vigilante known as "Catwoman". Batman first encounters Catwoman during a confrontation with the Penguin, where the two come across her as she had finished vandalizing a Shreck's Department Store, and causing it to explode. Batman attempted to pursue Catwoman, only to grow confused due to her passive aggressive attacks, and attempted seductions of Batman. After returning to the Batcave, Penguin officially announced his plans to run for Mayor of Gotham City.
As the film opens, a young man, traveling on an overnight train from Indianapolis to Pittsburgh, sedates a young woman with a syringe full of narcotics, slices her wrist with a razor blade, then drinks her blood. The next morning, he is met at the Pittsburgh train station by a mysterious man in a white suit who escorts him to a second train destined for Braddock, Pennsylvania. The young man, named Martin, has romantic monochrome visions of vampiric seductions and torch-lit mobs, but it is unclear if these are memories or figments of his imagination. The man in white is Martin's elderly grand-uncle, Tateh Cuda.
Agis has been taught to hate her and the entire female sex, and to reject all love. After gaining information from one of Hermocrates' servants, she goes to see Agis for herself and finds him bathing in a lake in the forest. She falls in love with him at first sight, but he is kept in seclusion by Hermocrates (Ben Kingsley) and his sister Leontine (Fiona Shaw) to protect him from her. She wishes to gain Agis' love in return and marry him so that they may share the throne, but to get close enough to Agis, she must embark on a series of bribes, deceptions, and seductions.
Her work makes visible the aporias and incommensurabilities in the emerging national public sphere in India, which include gender and class barriers, religious differences, the continued power of repressive state apparatuses, and the seductions of social homogeneity and deceptive ideas of public consensus enabled by emerging mediascapes. Gupta's works which deal inter-subjectivity and phenomenology, constantly remind us about the relational and highly mediated facets of the act of seeing, retrieving and remembering. Be it brass labels, stamps, objects confiscated at airports, motion flapboards, or illegal material that traverse physiological and geographical chasms, her practice pushes the boundaries of how the art object is understood.
" Filter called it "large and epic, but tense and claustrophobic as well, and, gratefully, it's as close to Elliott as we've ever been." Billboard stated that "Smith bundles together subtlety and ferocity to create one of his heart-aching best... Consider it a 'fond farewell' to one of this generations most poignant and gifted songwriters." Rolling Stone had some reservations, observing that "this is an album about the seductions of oblivion, and a few of the more densely arranged songs mimic the characters in the lyrics, stumbing around without quite connecting. More often though, Smith teases extraordinary wit and warmth from songs that float lazily toward happiness.
Because women enter the public record less frequently than men, their religious practices are less known, and even family cults were headed by the paterfamilias. A host of deities, however, are associated with motherhood. Juno, Diana, Lucina, and specialized divine attendants presided over the life-threatening act of giving birth and the perils of caring for a baby at a time when the infant mortality rate was as high as 40 percent. Literary sources vary in their depiction of women's religiosity: some represent women as paragons of Roman virtue and devotion, but also inclined by temperament to self-indulgent religious enthusiasms, novelties and the seductions of superstitio.
The "variable-length psychoanalytic session" was one of Lacan's crucial clinical innovations,John Forrester, 'Dead on Time: Lacan's Theory of Temporality' in: Forrester, The Seductions of Psychoanalysis: Freud, Lacan and Derrida Cambridge: C.U.P., pp. 169-218, 352-370 and a key element in his conflicts with the IPA, to whom his "innovation of reducing the fifty-minute analytic hour to a Delphic seven or eight minutes (or sometimes even to a single oracular parole murmured in the waiting-room)"Janet Malcolm, Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession (London 1988) p. 4 was unacceptable. Lacan's variable-length sessions lasted anywhere from a few minutes (or even, if deemed appropriate by the analyst, a few seconds) to several hours.
The subject of the painting is an episode in the epic poem Odyssey by Homer in which Ulysses is tormented by the voices of Sirens, although there are only two Sirens in Homer's poem and they stay in a meadow. The painting depicts Ulysses tied to the mast and forcibly attendant to the Sirens' seductions. Although the Sirens were depicted in ancient Greek art as scary, ugly creatures, Draper maintains the spirit but not the content of the story by transferring the Sirens' seductiveness from their song to a visible form, depicting the Sirens as beautiful mermaids who invade Ulysses' ship. The Sirens are nude and their tails disappear as they board the ship.
Campbell married the actress Prunella Gee in 1978, and they had a daughter, Daisy. They divorced in 1983 but remained close friends. He was in a relationship with the ventriloquist and actress Nina Conti when she was 26 and he was 59; from him she inherited his collection of ventriloquist dummies.'Nina Conti: The acclaimed ventriloquist on the seductions of acting and throat-singing' The Independent 5 May 2013'Nina Conti: A Ventriloquist's Story, BBC4 – review' Radio Times 13 June 2012'Nina Conti: 'I feel it's not in my film how much I miss Ken' The Guardian 15 March 2012 Campbell lived in Loughton, adjacent to Epping Forest, in a nineteenth-century Swiss chalet.
Later in the poem we find her again in the company of Armida's ladies, but Erminia abandons her Muslim people and goes over to the Christian side. When Tancredi is dangerously wounded in combat, she heals him, cutting off her hair to bind his wounds (Canto 19). The witch Armida (modeled on Circe in Homer and the witch Alcina in Ariosto's epic) enters the Christian camp asking for their aid; her seductions divide the knights against each other and a group leaves with her, only to be transformed into animals by her magic (Canto 5). Armida comes across the sleeping Rinaldo, the greatest of the Christian knights, and abducts him in her chariot (Canto 14).
In continuance of the same lesson, he teaches them historically that the possession of great privileges is no safeguard, and that the seductions, even of idolatry, must not be carelessly despised. Although writing to a church made up of both Jews and gentiles, KJV Paul finds no difficulty in using scriptural narratives to illustrate God's dealings with the church, since he regards the Israelites in the desert as 'our ancestors' (10:1) or "our fathers", that is, the [Jewish] forefathers at the time of the exodus from Egypt. He speaks, "as in , from his national consciousness, which was shared in by his Jewish readers, and well understood by his Gentile ones".Meyer's NT Commentary on 1 Corinthians 10.
Considering that the elder Gugy's men were disarmed, exposed to all manner of seductions, supplied by wine and allured by women, this feat certainly indicated the respect and regard in which he was held. On reaching the Swiss Frontier, the elder Gugy found himself penniless. Resolving to sell his horses, he requested that a non- commissioned officer of his regiment enquire for purchasers. One of the interested parties was a French cavalry officer, but Louis Gugy interceded before the purchase of one of the horses could go ahead, revealing to his father that the purchaser was none other than Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve, the servant at the inn of Varennes who had recognised and betrayed King Louis XVI.
Hutchison placed great store on the presence of witches' marks on the bodies of the accused, and cast doubt on the natural explanations of those marks offered by some physicians: "And however doctors may say such and such things of it [a witches' mark], we know not upon what ground. It may be that they have been budded and bribed to say such things". The jury, confronted by a threat from the prosecutor that if they acquitted the defendants they would be "accessory to all the blasphemies, apostacies, murders, tortures, and seductions, etc., whereof those enemies of heaven and earth shall hereafter be guilty when they get out", found all seven of the accused guilty.
Invariably, these pieces presented themselves as singles. Among the more memorable were "Do the Strand," and "Love is the Drug," a trenchant satire (I think) of love songs and romantic love per se. Best of all, though, was "Over You," its title a multilayered pun (which was perhaps even scatological in some dimensions), its topic an essence of banality, but its groove irresistible. Ferry's singing succumbs to the seductions of the beat and actually shows some life, so that even though the lyrics are actually quite as predictable as they want to be, their juxtaposition with heavily romantic piano chords, synth riffs, and Andy Mackay's soprano sax solo lends them a lush romanticism, as if the love song overlay were genuinely felt by all concerned.
The mountain is the scene of several mythic events in the works of Homer. At its summit, the Olympian gods gathered to watch the progress of the epic fight. But the mountain was the sacred place of the Goddess, and Hera's powers were so magnified on Mount Ida, that she was able to distract Zeus with her seductions, just long enough to permit Poseidon to intercede on behalf of the Argives to drive Hektor and the Trojans back from the ships. During the Trojan War, in an episode recorded in Epitome of the fourth book of the Bibliotheca, Achilles with some of the Achaean chiefs laid waste the countryside, and made his way to Ida to rustle the cattle of Aeneas.
As culture in those days did not consist in the solitary reading of books, but in the listening to performances, the recitals of orators (and poets), or the acting out by classical actors of tragedy, Plato maintained in his critique that theatre was not sufficient in conveying the truth (540c). He was concerned that actors or orators were thus able to persuade an audience by rhetoric rather than by telling the truth (535b). In Book II of The Republic, Plato describes Socrates' dialogue with his pupils. Socrates warns we should not seriously regard poetry as being capable of attaining the truth and that we who listen to poetry should be on our guard against its seductions, since the poet has no place in our idea of God.
Cicero and Maximus both claim that Lusius's position as a tribune could account for this, in that he would have probably held political power during life, and others may have been afraid of a similar fate if Trebonius was not suitably punished. Trebonius took up his own cause and defended himself before the trial. He provided examples of Lusius’s unceremonious behavior, and offered up witnesses to testify about Lusius’s acts. Lusius had often made generous offers towards Trebonius and had often made advances on him, but Trebonius had never given into his seductions. Marius was impressed with both the courage of Trebonius’s self defence at his trial, as well as his unwavering affirmation of Lusius’s attempts to seduce and bribe him.
Sarah Churchill, the Whig heroine The story concerns the return to earth of the goddess of Justice, Astrea, to gather the information about private and public behaviour necessary for the proper moral education of a prince in her charge. Astrea encounters her mother Virtue, dressed in rags and little regarded, and the two benefit from their power of invisibility to make their observations, guided by the earthy Lady Intelligence. Together they encounter a succession of scenes displaying public and personal corruption, broken lives, ruined virgins, orgies, seductions, and rapes. The narrative employs the framing device of a conversation between the three allegorical female narrators, who observe, report and reflect upon the patterns of life on the remote Mediterranean island which is the scene of their investigations.
Jeffreys states that while gay men are unlikely to sexually harass women, bisexual men are just as likely to be bothersome to women as heterosexual men. Donna Haraway was the inspiration and genesis for cyberfeminism with her 1985 essay "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century" which was reprinted in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (1991). Haraway's essay states that the cyborg "has no truck with bisexuality, pre-oedipal symbiosis, unalienated labor, or other seductions to organic wholeness through a final appropriation of all powers of the parts into a higher unity." A bisexual woman filed a lawsuit against the magazine Common Lives/Lesbian Lives, alleging discrimination against bisexuals when her submission was not published.
Pickford's return as a scruffy young girl in Little Annie Rooney was a critical success as well as a triumph at the box office, becoming one of the highest-grossing films of 1925. This film was a particular achievement for Pickford after the lukewarm reception for her last two starring efforts. Pickford biographer Eileen Whitfield wrote, "One watches in amazement as Pickford, at thirty-three, fresh from the seductions of Rosita and the stiff declamations of Dorothy Vernon, slips into the body of a twelve-year-old tomboy." Little Annie Rooney was restored by the Academy Film Archive in 2014 from Pickford's personal 35mm tinted nitrate print and contains longer scenes, different camera set-ups, and better shots of Mary Pickford as well as special tinting effects not seen in any previously available versions.
Moreover, rather than 'dominating over others', "will to power" is more accurately positioned in relation to the subject (a mere synecdoche, both fictitious and necessary, for there is "no doer behind the deed," (see On the Genealogy of Morals)) and is an idea behind the statement that words are "seductions" within the process of self-mastery and self-overcoming. The "will to power" is thus a "cosmic" inner force acting in and through both animate and inanimate objects. Not just instincts but also higher level behaviors (even in humans) were to be reduced to the will to power. This includes both such apparently harmful acts as physical violence, lying, and domination, on one hand, and such apparently non-harmful acts as gift-giving, love, and praise on the other—though its manifestations can be altered significantly, such as through art and aesthetic experience.
In short, the Court's > opinion could be read to prohibit the Government from advertising the > seductions of criminal activity as part of its sting operation, for fear of > creating a predisposition in its suspects.Jacobson, Id., at 557, O'Connor, > J., dissenting. She scoffed at White's claim that the calls to activism were possibly instrumental in creating a predisposition to offend: "The most one finds is letters advocating legislative action to liberalize obscenity laws, letters which could easily be ignored or thrown away ... Nor did the Government claim to be organizing a civil disobedience movement, which would protest the pornography laws by breaking them." It was up to the jury, she said, to decide what Jacobson meant when he said on the stand that he wanted to see "what all the trouble and hysteria was about",Jacobson, Id., at 558–9, O'Connor, J., dissenting.
Cage was again attacked by Angle and Roode but this time an upset looking Styles just watched from the ring apron. In following weeks, Tomko made it clear to Styles that they needed to choose sides, and while Styles was indecisive, Tomko firmly established his own foothold in the situation by leaving both the Coalition and the Alliance on the January 3, 2008 episode of Impact!. Styles later succumbed to Karen's seductions once again and chose to join Angle at the Final Resolution pay-per-view by helping Angle retain the TNA World Championship against Cage. Following Final Resolution, Angle and Styles continued to try to recruit Tomko, only to be rebuffed each time, eventually leading to Tomko attacking Angle after he insulted Tomko's wife over Karen and appearing to side with Christian leading up to the title rematch between Angle and Cage.
Much of his research was devoted to the history of psychoanalysis and the life and work of Sigmund Freud; he also studied the work of Jacques Lacan for many years, including co-translating two of Lacan's Seminars. His PhD thesis became his first published book, Language and the Origins of Psychoanalysis (1980), which argued for the considerable influence of the sciences of language, from neurology (aphasia) to philology, on the development of Freud's psychoanalysis. Freud's Women (1992), co-written with Lisa Appignanesi, explored the part that women played in Freud's work and the history of psychoanalysis, from patients to practitioners, including the extensive debates over the nature of femininity that took place in Freud's work, during his lifetime and in second wave feminism of the 1960s and 1970s. He has also published three collections of papers: The Seductions of Psychoanalysis.
Professor Amy Kalmanofsky of the Jewish Theological Seminary suggested that the closest analogue to the ritual for the suspected wife in is the ritual in in response to an unsolved murder, as both rituals addressed cases where the community faced the possibility of a capital crime without the evidence necessary to determine guilt or innocence.Amy Kalmanofsky, “Procedure for a Wife Accused of Adultery (5:11–31),” in Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Andrea L. Weiss, editors, The Torah: A Women's Commentary (New York: Women of Reform Judaism/URJ Press, 2008), page 821. Kalmanofsky noted that the verbal root s-t-h (), translated in this passage as “gone astray,” appears four times here — in (, tisteh), (, satit), (, satit), and (, tisteh) — but only twice more in the rest of the Hebrew Bible, when (, seteh, “turn away”) and (, yest, “wander”) warn young men to resist the seductions of dangerous women.Amy Kalmanofsky, “Procedure for a Wife Accused of Adultery (5:11–31),” in Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Andrea L. Weiss, editors, The Torah: A Women's Commentary, page 822.
I even chose a camera among the many brands whose ground lens most nearly approximated the look of those in larger cameras.” She eventually selected the Olympus 35mm, which became her constant companion throughout her later years. The hand-held camera was “designed for action. But I held to the way that I took joy in seeing... and it was not until I arrived in Venice – vulnerable, rotting, splendid Venice — that I finally succumbed to the seductions of color... color bold; color subtle, nuanced; a veritable paint pot of color.” Some of the most splendid of her color photographs are of the famous gondolas on the Grand Canal in Venice. In a personal note in her journal she kept while in Italy (1977), she wrote, “I specially fell for the gondolas, not as a craft, but as objects d'art ...pieces of sculpture”... and she captured them exquisitely.Monterey Museum of Art for “The Photographs of Dody Weston Thompson Exhibit,” Carmel, California, April 30, 1997, p. 16 Her travels to Hawaii, Italy, France, Mexico and Japan allowed her to produce some of her most famous color photographs.
Cover of an 1847 issue of the National Police Gazette, while it was published by Wilkes In 1845 Wilkes joined forces with Camp and began the National Police Gazette. The Gazette quickly became popular and within a few weeks of its founding had a circulation of 15,000. Collier's called the Gazette a most interesting record of "horrid murders, outrageous robberies, bold forgeries, astounding burglaries, hideous rapes, vulgar seductions, and recent exploits of pickpockets and hotel thieves."Quoted in Mott History of American Magazines 1741–1850 p. 418 Because of Wilkes' and Camp's efforts to combat crime in New York through the Gazette, the offices of the newspaper were the subject of attacks by mobs stirred up by criminals. Wilkes wrote a History of Oregon, Geographical and Political in 1845, which was inaccurate. Notwithstanding this, an extract from the work was published as Project for a National Railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, also in 1845. It was popular and was in its fourth edition by 1847. In 1848 and 1849, Wilkes wrote a novel, loosely based on the life and murder of Helen Jewett, a New York prostitute.

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