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97 Sentences With "savviness"

How to use savviness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "savviness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "savviness". Mastering all the usages of "savviness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Digital savviness has played a part in Mr O'Rourke's rise.
Their tech savviness is astounding (actually it made me scared).
Their savviness in Internet security and computer architecture was outstanding.
Savviness, once a virtue, has become something closer to an obligation.
"Everyone that sees it is blown away by its design-savviness," Mrs.
She's not wealthy but she is principled and has proven some political savviness.
"There is a striking difference in certain Americans in distinguishing what are factual statements and what are not and that depends on one's level of digital savviness, political savviness," Amy Mitchell, director of journalism research at Pew Research Center, said in an interview.
Instead, browse the fruit section with savviness, and always buy whole fruit rather than cut.
Most people with even a tiny bit of tech savviness aren't falling for this stuff.
Technological savviness and a multifaceted approach distinguish the highest climbers in this year's Power 100.
In just 22 years she's learned more style savviness than most will learn in a lifetime.
So does Korea's tech savviness—the home of Samsung and LG is no stranger to cybersecurity.
The weather outside may be frightful, but that's no excuse to let your sartorial savviness slip.
And what better way to show the savviness of your taste than with the sophistication of age?
The report finds GDP does not correlate with security or even a national reputation for cyber savviness.
Across Africa, there is an explosion of entrepreneurship, artistic creativity, cutting-edge design and scrappy tech-savviness.
Nowadays, Millennials seem to be getting a lot of buzz for their entrepreneurial savviness and startup success.
But for all the fresh approaches — the slick marketing, the internet savviness — the message remains the same.
But it's possible that all of the press about Wendy's social media savviness went to its head.
This video proved that, for all the fans' savviness, the creators are still one very crucial step ahead.
And it can't identify people who either over-estimate their own savviness or fail to spot fake news.
That's just a small sample of the sophistication and savviness that seems to mark the entire #NeverAgain movement.
Getting major legislative wins requires a level of detail-oriented savviness that Republicans have learned Trump just doesn't have.
Good news: You can supercharge your Microsoft Excel savviness with the Epic Excel 2019 Mastery Bundle, a $273 value.
Raspberry Pi runs on a scaled down-version of Microsoft's Windows 10 and requires some tech savviness to operate.
I gave my mother a smartphone a few years ago, in an effort to edge her closer to tech savviness.
Instead of watching Tiktok over Tiktok, why not put your digital savviness to good use and build a social empire?
There is little hope that the Trump administration will display the savviness to seize economic and political opportunities in Africa.
Dad shows some impressive tech savviness by commenting on a few posts himself so as not to give the game away.
Nowadays, of course, the trades are made not out of necessity, but from a mutual savviness about art and its market.
But the most significant way in which the Islamic State has exhibited its media savviness has been through its embrace of openness.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's maneuvers on the international stage over the last few months have shocked some for their savviness.
KS: When you look at this administration in general, when it comes to tech savviness and tech policy, I think the answer is zero.
The Mercers admired the savviness of the Kochs' plan, which called for attendees to pool their contributions in a fund run by Koch operatives.
But neither role required the sort of market savviness and familiarity with the intricacies of the dismal science that's de rigueur at the ECB.
Stearns' savviness will come in handy during the coming weeks, because he has more leverage than the typical first-time GM navigating the trade deadline.
One reason could be that because most of these individuals are over the age of 40, they lack the web-savviness of their Islamist counterparts.
Google has proposed an answer: on June 6, it released a kid-focused web program, Be Internet Awesome, to teach young people about online savviness.
Increased incomes and financial savviness might be the way over the problem, but for many couples, financial therapy might be a crucial way through the murkiness.
The highly-regulated industry moves slowly, and isn't exactly known for its tech-savviness, but a new wave of startups is betting it can change that.
We have shown that we have the leadership skills, social media savviness and commitment to our friends, family, and community to push for major paradigm shifts.
Kuzminskas's skills, first developed in his native Lithuania and then refined in recent seasons in Spain, include a strong outside shot and general savviness on offense.
Why you'll love it: Fjällräven's Kyl parka is a perfect hybrid of street savviness and adventure readiness with its durable canvas exterior, sustainable down fill, and faux fur hood.
I'm deeply grateful, then, for this timely revival, which resurrects the musical's vibrance, culture-savviness, and intersectionality for a new generation of fans, all without watering down its lovely peculiarities.
The 2017 edition of iCloud looks good and works well, and with a little more web savviness and better support for Android and Windows, Apple could seriously challenge Google and Dropbox.
Google recently posted an online quiz to test your security savviness, taking you through the common tricks used by phishers—dodgy domains, misspelled email addresses, fake security alerts, and so on.
Cultural roots, industry savviness, mind, body, and pure dance: These are the elements Bomba Estéreo builds upon and works into Ayo, their fifth studio album that came out in mid-2017.
Razer CEO Min Liang Tan has previously lamented a lack of tech savviness within Hong Kong's public markets despite a flurry of IPOs, which have included names like local services giant Meituan.
Of course there are various cards to play in that competition: wit, creativity, ideology, comedy, savviness; but the factor most frequently stressed, the one no one can do without, is emotional impact.
"To me, these are two individuals who have a lot of savviness in how to manage that, and I'm happy to see them in the spots that they're in, " the CEO said.
And it shows the savviness of the pro-life movement's strategy: not pinning their hopes on one law but testing out as many laws as they can and seeing which gains political traction.
Whether it was sheer Internet savviness or because they just couldn't bear to live in a world where someone would actually release a product like Lady Ball in 2016, not everyone was fooled.
You're smart about money, Capricorn, and it's not like you to spend foolishly, but part of what makes Capricorns especially adept business people is your willingness and savviness to invest in cutting ideas.
This might be a bit much for many in today's generation to accept; despite our technological savviness, many of us will hold tight to the tasks that we think of as essentially human.
That's due to several factors, not least the general internet savviness of the mostly young anti-government demonstrators, who could quickly switch to other encrypted messaging apps or platforms, such as WhatsApp or Signal.
The most useful way to understand the disparity in responses inspired by the piece isn't to understand audiences as living on different parts of an ideological spectrum, or on a continuum of tech-savviness.
The singer, who previously kept her political views under wraps for undisclosed reasons (which some attributed as business savviness), decided to speak out on politics, from LGBTQ+ rights to systemic racism, on her Instagram page.
Given that this season has been criticized extensively for falling back on the recurring question of who will die in pivotal episodes, it's tempting to read this blatant meta-commentary as tongue-in-cheek savviness.
Now that we've become responsible adults, our parents are now relying on us — and to an extent, our savviness with technology — on everything from figuring out the exchange rate to finding the best hotel deal online.
I see financially enabling families a lot, but at the same time, I also witness great examples of families taking strides to educate future generations and instill in them a work ethic, drive and financial savviness.
The athlete traced her business savviness to her father Richard Williams, who helped her think critically about finances since the age of 14 when he took her to negotiate her first major business contract with Puma.
He has vowed to transform France into a "startup nation" -- going to great lengths to emphasize his tech-savviness by inviting tech chief executives to Paris and even posing in his official portrait with two iPhones.
It's a disappointing turn of events considering congressional leaders have somewhat demonstrated a level of tech-savviness in their arguments (for politicians, at least) on a number of tech-related hearings over the last few months.
And Seery's savviness was on display throughout, as in this nice sequence where he clips Horiguchi on the way in, threatens a throw to mitigate Horiguchi's dominant clinch position, and spins out while connecting a right hook.
It will use its (and its users') media savviness to feed a global dataset that ad exchanges, app developers, advertisers and corporations will pay increasingly large amounts of money to access, making it a media-led data company.
Still, with time being extremely limited and a precious resource for millennials, teletherapy remains a viable, valuable and popular way for them to embrace and combine their flexibility and tech-savviness with a good cause: their mental health.
But now, on to the land: Toward the end of the episode, Charley and her business savviness lead her toward figuring out that something ain't right between the Landrys, the Boudreaux and their incessant hunt for the Bordelon farm.
The key difference between the Middletons and the Duchess of York on the one hand, and Mr. Markle on the other -- apart from the latter's relative lack of media savviness -- is that the bride-to-be's father is American.
"This sets us up as a company that can demonstrate digital savviness and innovation and at the same time, and leverage things we've done in the past, like managing the relationship with a partnership and building out great analytics."
And in this case, so much will depend on the savviness of those woeful billionaires who had it so good, and now will be guinea pigs thrust into a maze that has overwhelmed so many test subjects before them.
Whether it's garnering the most likes on an Instagram post (heeeey, Kendall), hosting the AMAs like Hadid, or promoting tech-savviness in young women like Kloss, today's models need to be all about cultivating their brand in order to thrive.
Less logically, some also convince themselves that their travel savviness gives them a sixth sense that enables them to spot and avoid dangerous situations, an argument that holds little water in the case of random bomb attacks on busy locations.
Still, Reese and Wernick were able to write for a major comic book film franchise — a franchise hailed for its genre-savviness, no less — while being so unaware of a huge, problematic trope in comics culture that they unconsciously repeated it.
The study found that participants' ability to classify statements as factual or opinion varied widely based on their political awareness, trust in the news media, and "digital savviness" or degree to which they are confident in using digital devices and the internet.
In season two, the AllSafe employee-turned-E Corp rising star (portrayed by Portia Doubleday) is bringing all sorts of sartorial savviness to the show, using her fashion choices to show that (a) she's newly loaded and (b) you better take her seriously.
Pundits who seek to project their savviness about political reality, at the expense of any kind of moral commitment to a cause, simply cannot grasp how unprecedented it would be for the Democratic nominee to push something as dramatic as single-payer.
As the Obama administration draws to a close, there's a lot of reminiscing to be done, especially about the First Lady — about the work she's accomplished, the example she set for women across the country, the pop-culture savviness with which she approached her role.
"It doesn't take that much tech savviness to click a link, but you'd be surprised by how many people do it and it's just a mess," says media coach Ruth Sherman, who trains celebrities and executives on how to conduct themselves professionally in a digital environment.
But, in the end, despite his political savviness and years of experience from capitals as diverse as Manila, Washington and Luanda, Manafort failed to predict the harsh reaction of the Ukrainian people and was unable to protect his client from being ousted from power in early 2014.
Arguably the most definitive political movement of this generation is the "alt-right," whose use of disruption, tech-savviness, and branding (think: Pepe, the flag of "Kekistan," calling everyone they disagree with a cuck) isn't that dissimilar to how any of the aforementioned left-leaning groups started either.
Mr. Landau's savviness in pulling the levers of city government on behalf of Allure Group, an owner of the for-profit nursing home company, was outlined in the greatest detail yet in a report on the transactions by the city comptroller, Scott M. Stringer, that was released on Monday.
In the case of Facebook, several verification checks are in place to counter this (you need to actually call your trusted contacts to get their help, for example), but it's still worth picking contacts with a lot of tech savviness to spare and making sure they know what they're doing.
Instead, Fleischer's zippy pace and Rheese and Wernick's clever story-structure — which starts in the middle of the action, then fills in key details later, often via amusing little digressions — proves both disarming and ingratiating, if only because it shows how the filmmakers respect the audience's savviness about zombie conventions.
Some would tell you that if you want to get into PC gaming, you should build a CPU of your own — but not everyone has the time, money, or tech savviness to do all of that (and if you want to bring your games with you, a PC tower is much harder to pack in your suitcase).
What started as a tiny civic protest snowballed into a 70,000-strong popular movement in the space of just two years, and the group's strategic use of nonviolence, humor, and pop culture savviness led the fight against Milošević, who lost the 2000 election he called prematurely, eventually earning himself a one-way ticket to The Hague.
When it comes to the impact technology will have on every aspect of our business and personal lives and our culture going forward, their lack of tech savviness that will keep America from advancing, and will allow countries like China, Canada, France and others, whose leaders embrace technology rather then dismiss it, from potentially leaving us in the dust.
While it's true that millennial humor has been shamed here and there for its apparent tendency toward Dadaist nonsense, layers of built-in meme-savviness, and bleak absurdism ... The stranger cries out for someone, anyone, to explain what twitter means but we keep talking about baby shoes and plums and when he's at his lowest we just start chanting about orbs.
Accordingly, Shulkin's savviness to navigate the political landscape of today should not be under-estimated when it comes to analyzing the future of veterans health care: His perceptiveness for both President Trump and stakeholders in the veterans community is a rarity not just in today's bewildering political climate, it is also atypical for a VA Secretary who's been in office less than a year.
It strives for irony, a postmodern savviness in the face of its own unconcealed profit motive; it jokes about the mainstream games it borrows ideas from, and piles on the schtick: There's a Zelda reference, a bird named Kim Fli Hy that's modelled after Kim Jong-il (concerning, if not quite racist), and a black-bobbed bird named Mia that I only now recognize as a Pulp Fiction reference.
Overseas Study Programs bring together students of similar academic interests to attend intensive short term courses hosted by member institutions. Each program centers around an AUA theme aiming to broaden students' knowledge of the selected disciplines and help them gain valuable insights and increased cultural savviness through the exchange of academic ideas with peers and professors of different countries.
GW was able to benefit from its savviness in the miniatures business, and integrating "Titanicus" in the popular WH40K universe proved a winning move. Space Marine, another miniatures and rules set (for two opposing Space Marine armies), followed after (in 1989). The two could be played as individual games or as a combined game. Where Adeptus Titanicus included six plastic Titan models with swappable weapons and styrofoam buildings, Space Marine included folded card buildings with styrene roofs alongside its sprues of infantry and vehicles.
Ali's closest friend, who helped him regain his license Gene Kilroy, introduced Ali to Bernie Pollack, a furrier in Pottsville, Pa., who had undeveloped land just outside Deer Lake. Kilroy, who was Ali's closest confidant and business manager, brought Ali to the area and urged him to purchase the secluded site in an area called Sculps Hill. Kilroy told Ali that he was going to make a businessman of him, and introduced him to a top-flight accounting firm. Kilroy knew all along that Ali could use the site as a tax write off and the accounting firm acknowledged Kilroy’s savviness.
Logical Intuition, or mathematical intuition or rational intuition, is a series of instinctive foresight, know-how and savviness often associated with the ability to perceive logical or mathematical truth — and the ability to solve mathematical challenges efficiently. Humans apply logical intuition in proving mathematical theorems, validating logical arguments, developing algorithms and heuristics, and in related contexts where mathematical challenges are involved. The ability to recognize logical or mathematical truth and identify viable methods may vary from person to person, and may even be a result of knowledge and experience which are subject to cultivation. The ability may not be realizable in a computer program by means other than genetic programming or evolutionary programming.
The Family Jewels received generally positive reviews from music critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalised rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream publications, the album received an average score of 68, based on 21 reviews. Hugh Montgomery of Q magazine noted that the singer's "imaginative reach" was "complemented by a winning pop savviness", while Luke O'Neil from The Phoenix stated that "[t]he likes of Kate Nash and company have flitted through this piano siren/exuberant dance-diva territory, but never mind, because this gorgeous genre starts now." Leonie Cooper of NME praised the album as "astonishing" and wrote that "Diamandis mixes sparkling pop with beautiful darkness for a debut that dazzles".
It is the belief of many that attended the first years at the Metropolitan facilities that their determination was to be the voice of defiance that led to the awakening of the necessity for better school facilities. A debt of gratitude is owed to Joseph Lalla for directing the students on the eve of the strike, with the use of his political savviness and knowledge of using the media as a propaganda tool and the use of his telephone in his office to contact the media. The school board then decided to extend a small elementary school, École Sir George-Étienne-Cartier, at the corner of Jean-Talon and Viau streets. The project would not have been approved by the provincial Department of Education had it been presented otherwise.
Harold Meij: 1st Foreign President Back to Toy Firm That Helped Him 2015 Questia Meij successfully turned the loss making company around, and its latest financial results is showing greatly improved profitability (year ending March 2017), and their stock has more than tripled. He introduced innovative new ideas such as placing “Gacha” toy capsule machines at airports, initiated numerous collaboration and licensing projects with other companies, introduced numerous toy lines based on original animation, comic and film content, and worked on improving brand strength. Known for his marketing and promotional savviness, Meij has used his marketing and management base built over time working at multinational companies such as Heineken, Unilever and Coca-Cola with success to a Japanese company. Known to be fluent in Japanese, the Nikkei even went so far as to say he had the “Steve Jobs Effect” implementing over "100 innovations", and is known to be very approachable even dressing up at Halloween events.
Freeman's ability to forge formidable relationships with both African royalty and British colonial officials alike, made him an eminent diplomat and missionary. As the longest serving Methodist missionary survivor in West Africa, his imaginative zeal and enthusiasm for the Wesleyan ministry along the coastal plain, coupled with his savviness, skill in conciliation, innovation in ministry and resilience led to the propagation of the Gospel and the spread of Methodism in Benin, Ghana and Western Nigeria. There is a memorial in the sanctuary of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, installed shortly after his death. Several institutions in Ghana have been named after Thomas Birch Freeman, including: Freeman Methodist Center, Kumasi – Guesthouse; Freeman-Aggrey House –Mfantsipim; Freeman House, Prempeh College; Freeman House, Wesley College Kumasi; Freeman Methodist School Ghana; Mim Freeman Methodist School, Mim, Brong Ahafo; Berekum Freeman Methodist Preparatory and Junior High School; Freeman Methodist Primary ‘A’ School, Kwesimintim; Prampram Freeman Methodist Basic School; Koforidua Freeman Methodist Junior High School; Freeman Methodist Church, Ofankor and Freeman Methodist Church, Kwesimintim, Western Region.

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