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452 Sentences With "safety nets"

How to use safety nets in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "safety nets" and check conjugation/comparative form for "safety nets". Mastering all the usages of "safety nets" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mexico, for example, spends 1.7% of GDP on safety nets.
Most are fairly homogeneous nations with strong social safety nets.
They have less help from safety nets and their employers, too.
In this country, for instance, it's the removal of safety nets.
In a way, these franchises act as "safety nets," he added.
Tina Smith of Minnesota are hoping to improve contractors' safety nets.
Democrats talked about social safety nets, but he talked about jobs.
Safety nets for tipped workers also vary from state to state.
A second possible solution is social welfare systems and safety nets.
Social safety nets are being shredded, environmental protections are being reversed.
"I think we need stronger safety nets and trampolines," Friedman said.
Millions depend on the government for social grants and other safety nets.
This suggests online platforms act as safety nets and buffers against violence.
They just have substantially better social safety nets than the United States.
This will orphan programs that bolster both farmers' and consumers' safety nets.
"People are working through their personal safety nets right now," she said.
Americans also generally have less help from safety nets and their employers.
But Zika has ripped some marriages apart and torn economic safety nets.
Safety nets play a bigger role in some places than others (see chart).
Two others are a good fit: unemployment and access to social safety nets.
Still, the government can't completely afford to ignore social safety nets this year.
Anger brews as well even in countries with more robust social safety nets.
The more this happens, the more existing workforce safety nets will be strained.
For those without safety nets, getting out of LuLaRoe could be much worse.
Safety-nets, in one form or another, have proliferated across Africa in recent years.
This disparity shows up even in countries with strong social safety nets, like Denmark.
But they're hoping companies like Petnet build in safety nets for their inevitable glitches.
The cold-hearted attempt to remove safety nets such as health insurance, the proliferation
And formal safety nets, like pensions and unemployment insurance, do their jobs as advertised.
Village-dwellers are also reluctant to abandon informal rural safety nets based on caste.
The payroll tax supports the country's two biggest safety nets: Social Security and Medicare.
This time around, generous social safety nets are unlikely to be adequate shock absorbers.
"What they need to be doing is putting safety nets in place," she said.
She said the macro safety nets that supported markets in the past are now absent.
Almost all these parties now advocate strong states, protectionism, social safety nets, and so on.
Despite such gripes, Ethiopia's experience suggests that even poor countries can start extending safety-nets.
Moving to find work is increasingly difficult given scant savings and inadequate government safety nets.
McCulley: "Shadow banks" engage in regular bank behavior, but without access to government safety nets.
Build stronger safety nets Jules Cooper, a retired teacher who lives in Kings Valley, Ore.
We can talk about what kind of social safety nets we want in this country.
But that means politicians don't talk about how cutting these safety nets could fracture neighborhoods.
Collective efforts to regulate or provide social safety nets through public or governmental intervention are rejected.
And without adequate safety nets in place, she questioned where these workers are expected to go.
It shouldn't be a surprise that countries supported by robust social safety nets dominate this list.
They could also target their parents and other adults in communities to form protective safety nets.
Those aren't reasons to get complacent, but extra safety nets are there should you need them.
Those countries, like most of Europe, also have stronger safety nets for people who are unemployed.
Now the company plans to avoid entering a death spiral by setting up some safety nets.
I don't want them to run safety nets, I want the government to be doing that.
Rather, they talk about restoring the middle class, education reform, social safety nets, and tax policy.
At the same time, it also underscores how vulnerable many providers are, with few safety nets.
I believe we'll learn how to employ safeguards and safety nets for those in leadership positions.
But as with all such acts, it's a sad fact that safety nets reduce the thrill.
Funding for key safety nets, like food aid, will run out in a couple of months.
Her priorities include redressing injustices from Taiwan's authoritarian past, reviving the economy and improving social safety nets.
McDonald's On-demand economy workers Rethinking work and safety nets Who is in the on-demand economy?
The Democratic debate is less about Trump and more about redistribution, government intervention and huge safety nets.
THE euro-zone debt crisis exposed a critical need for stronger European financial safety nets and institutions.
A thin-skinned campaigner, he grumbled that he was accused of wanting to abolish government safety nets.
Sessions are to be held specifically on international capital flows, global financial safety nets, and monetary issues.
Anyone who relies on countervailing institutions, like public education, labor unions or social safety nets, loses out.
"People are worried about financial safety nets when they miss hourly labor or contract work," says DeYoung.
He uses data from a country with one of the world's most robust social safety nets: Denmark.
It helps explain, more generally, why more homogeneous countries tend to have more robust social safety nets.
Social safety nets, once the preserve of middle-income countries, have been spreading into the developing world.
"I do think there needs to be some legislation — that there needs to be safety nets," Blumberg said.
Go deeper: The new gig: America's hidden economy Chart: On-demand economy workers Rethinking work and safety nets
In 2009, DeJoria lost the brakes in her car and crashed through the sand pits and safety nets.
Boomer leaders (and their forebears) underinvested in long-term infrastructure and safety nets and economic and environmental rules.
For decades, universities have provided academic safety nets to students with physical disabilities and learning challenges like dyslexia.
Allard said the third pillar was to provide social safety nets to protect the most vulnerable in society.
These programs aren't just critical safety nets, but are also investments in the health and education of Americans.
But some critics argue that shift is pushing Jeong and thousands like him into needing those safety nets.
Italy does offer generous maternity leave policies, but there are few safety nets once that leave is over.
And public safety nets like libraries, where children might have gone in the past, have closed their doors.
The aging of Japan's work force is prompting a rethinking of traditional career paths and government safety nets.
Asia is rising, and when people get richer and social safety nets remain threadbare, demand for insurance rockets.
If Obamacare is repealed and replaced with something that lowers the safety nets, that disparity will only rise.
Mr. Buffett suggested providing safety nets for those who want to work but find their talents out of favor.
A generation of tax cuts has undermined social safety nets and the public investments needed to knit communities together.
But these countries rely heavily on oil revenues to fund government operations, defence, healthcare, education and social safety nets.
In more recent history, prison funding has risen alongside the prison population; while social safety nets have withered away.
That makes all the guardrails and safety nets built into the Maine bill all the more important to strengthen.
Americans believed that Goldwater might actually cut back federal safety nets for the old, the sick and the poor.
I belong to the Gray Panthers, a national organization of networks confronting ageism and defending our social safety nets.
Those states will also be required to operate high-risk pools as safety nets for customers with expensive conditions.
Safety nets are a great thing when you're a trapeze artist or about to bungee jump off a building.
As should Republicans, who might come to grasp the appeal of combining sturdier safety nets with freer, fairer markets.
Poultry farmers will have to keep their flocks indoors or apply safety nets preventing contact with wild birds, it said.
Instead, stronger safety nets to reduce the size and frequency of market malfunctions should be a priority, the letter said.
Lastly, it's important to note that financial safety nets are vital — even if you have a big student loan balance.
Nostalgia for her government's generous subsidies, high employment rates and social safety nets is growing as Macri's austerity measures bite.
It cautioned that any deficit spending should be aimed at productivity boosting infrastructure spending or shoring up social safety nets.
I would like to see a $15 minimum wage and a federal jobs program and much stronger social safety nets.
The social compact is broken — we have severed our social safety nets just as we've hurled ourselves out the window.
Yet there's a real possibility that Trump could turn Republicans into the party of industrial policy and social safety nets.
I think it has to do with safety nets and institutions that eliminate some of the costs associated with churn.
At this famously liberal campus, there were no safety nets for the chicks, who were hatched sometime in late May.
So let's heed Mr. Kasich, end the civil war over health care (and other safety nets) and begin to heal.
One reason for Asia's relative stinginess may be a lingering belief that safety nets erode people's work ethic and foster dependency.
One reason so many African countries are building social safety-nets is that they have become wealthier and more politically stable.
And we were never nearly as poor as the people who are facing deep cuts to their social safety nets today.
And only governments have the necessary resources and power to provide extensive social safety nets that will protect the "left behind".
The report points to safety nets that well-off students have that keep them on track — nets that poor kids lack.
We have schools, laws, courts, police, regulators, bureaucracies, safety nets — arms of a government that is often frustrating but always indispensable.
I truly believe in our democracy as a system that is enduring and one that has safety nets built into it.
President Emmanuel Macron's changes to labor rules are supposed to offer displaced workers support more in line with Scandinavian safety nets.
While inequality has risen in Europe as well, progressive taxation and robust social safety nets have kept the gap there manageable.
This latest shooting also forces us to reflect on mental illness and the safety nets that exist for troubled young people.
Growing income inequality, disregard of environmental hazards and the undermining of social safety nets all stand to harm our patients' health.
Worse, parts of the system are failing because of inadequate investment, weak and failing federal regulations and inadequate social safety nets.
Second, Mr. Van Ness's story reminds us that as the floor drops out from under us, we all need safety nets.
"It is important that there are safety nets for myself in place, so that he can't make my decisions," Sotelo says.
And the President appears to be operating increasingly without the safety nets provided by long-term strategies or a coherent policy process.
Functional social-safety nets and instruments such as tax credits make it possible to direct money to the needy in these countries.
But what the new budget really shows as far as agriculture goes is that the current administration wants farmers' safety nets gone.
Its editor scorned elites and worried that Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal safety-nets and public works might sap the country's capitalist ethos.
That makes social safety-nets very different from things like fuel and fertiliser subsidies, which tend to go to middle-class people.
Roanoke Times reporter Jacob Demmitt says the drone takes the same route over and over again, and there are safety nets everywhere.
Safety nets once reserved for the poor or unemployed are now being used by those assumed to have stable middle class lives.
And pop music becomes this thing where material life is a complete fucking nightmare, globalization, total destruction of all social safety nets.
Vulnerable workers in developed nations deserve better safety nets, as well as ambitious and effective retraining opportunities in growing sectors of economy.
It took decades for governments to regulate factories after the Industrial Revolution, and much longer for them to install social safety nets.
They cut taxes and regulations; they battled unions; they shrunk the welfare state; they privatized assets and weakened the state's safety nets.
Arne Duncan: Schools aren't just schools, they're amazing social safety nets, and over 30 million students rely on schools for their meals.
That disparity reflects not only the world's differing safety nets, but also what governments are doing right now to stem the crisis.
The disparity reflects not only the world's differing safety nets, but also the contrasting views of a government's role in a crisis.
But the people who are working in warehouses and call centers and retail stores around the country generally have few safety nets.
The costs are even higher when you factor in the social safety nets they often require upon leaving the juvenile justice system.
Many hope that the acknowledgement of the need to bolster global financial safety nets and national health systems will translate into action.
"What you're losing is the safety nets for those workers," said Catherine Ruckelshaus of the National Employment Law Project, an advocacy group.
Bogdan Bogdanovic, the dazzling 26-year-old Serbian sophomore who plays basketball like a stuntman who despises safety nets, is one of them.
Clinton tended to present herself as an inheritor of the Democratic Party's traditional agenda on the economy, social safety nets and foreign policy.
The biggest challenge lies in the fact that even the broadest safety-nets in Africa only cover a small portion of the poor.
Misery, notably among low-income Chinese, deepened as unemployment spiked and safety nets collapsed in 2000-05, as state-owned firms were restructured.
While such work comes with incredible flexibility, there are no work safety nets often associated with full-time work status, including health insurance.
The legislation didn't support our nation's farmers and ranchers with adequate safety nets to endure the record-setting financial strains they are experiencing.
He also worries whether people will begin to see dependence on safety nets as an easier route than farming, as crop failures worsen.
"The safety net is increasingly geared towards workers, if we think about the earned income tax credit and other safety nets," Thiede said.
Our social networks can become safety nets, if we can convince our friends not to violate distancing norms, while also showing generosity -- virtually.
Foxconn chillingly responded to those suicide attempts by installing safety nets to catch employees attempting to jump to their deaths from company buildings.
Mr. Buffett's suggested solution: providing safety nets for those who want to work but find their talents out of favor because of market forces.
"The combination of fear of downward mobility, weak safety nets, and eroding social cohesion likely contributes to the high levels of desperation," they suggest.
But the growing group of non-traditional workers that results has no access to labour protections or safety nets provided by law to employees.
The IMF will focus initially on the implications on monetary and financial stability and how international monetary systems and global financial safety nets evolve.
Leaving, he told me, meant losing all community safety-nets--and could have led to him ultimately dying homeless and abandoned on the streets.
Even with the challenges posed by growing burdens of age and ill health, they still offer the best social safety nets on the planet.
But that comes at the expense of a number of social safety nets that serve some of the most isolated people in the country.
Americans are forced to rely on themselves in emergencies way more than people in most other wealthy countries that have much stronger safety nets.
When you come to this country as a foreigner, you don't have all the safety nets that you have when you grow up here.
This same problem existed at the turn of the last century, leading to the income tax and the creation of the social safety nets.
This kind of trust allows the combination of free-market liberalism with big government and deep safety nets for those who are left behind.
Such capabilities within each country help to ensure strong community safety nets that can be mobilized to protect the world from other health threats.
While countries like Denmark have famously robust safety nets, even the Conservative government in Britain has, after years of austerity, adopted a similar approach.
So not only are sound safety nets popular, but they also increase the public's tolerance for the dislocations of a dynamic free-market economy.
In Washington, the social safety nets that were woven during the civil rights era are being devoured by the moths of the Religious Right.
Safety nets have traditionally housed Level One trauma centers because of their connection to medical schools, and government funding has helped keep them open.
The vast majority of MSI students rely on financial aid and don't have the financial safety nets that middle and upper income students have.
While the water from public water systems is federally regulated, water from private wells doesn't have the same safety nets to protect against contamination.
But many of those countries also maintain stronger social safety nets that better equip them to absorb the shock of a public health crisis.
The line between social safety nets and better sex is blurrier than the title of the book implies, but there are some interesting ideas here.
Liberal ideology supports governmental regulation in the name of the greater good, for higher taxes that pay for social safety nets, for universal health care.
For those unable to find work in tomorrow's tech-driven society, governments could provide universal basic income or other safety nets for the least-advantaged.
Explanations have drawn on culture (the self-discipline of Confucianism), history (memories of privation) and public policy (flimsy social safety-nets forcing people to save).
While cooperation between regional and international safety nets has become inevitable, the participation of the IMF in Europe is hardly sustainable in its current form.
On-demand work prospered after the recession because workers needed to fund their own safety nets or find stopgap work in a tough job market.
A lack of retirement savings, for example, is already stressing federal and state safety nets—and will only become more severe as the population ages.
These are support services you hope you'd never have to rely on: safety nets ranging from benefits and legal advice to shelters and food banks.
I argue in this book for stronger safety nets and trampolines, but what I would object to is turning the whole economy around for them.
According to budget documents, officials plan to "efficiently use taxpayer resources" to find savings by eliminating "overly generous subsidy programs" and examining other safety nets.
These schools generally serve predominantly low-income minority students, who arrive with the fewest resources, smallest safety nets and lowest chances of rising from poverty.
Since about 1970, however, as other countries provided universal health care and built up social safety nets, American kids have been dying at higher rates.
Universal health care and improving safety nets for the disenfranchised are fantastic ideas, but I have different feelings about how these things should be accomplished.
This means striking a better balance between growth, debt sustainability and social objectives and acting to address growing inequality by building stronger social safety nets.
Europe's social safety nets have traditionally offered protection, but even these are being reduced as deficit-reduction policies required by the European Union kick in.
But he was a person of contradictions: a hedonist with a needle-sharp ethical eye; a marginalist protected by safety nets of class and race.
A global slowdown, even a brief one, means layoffs at a time when governments will also have less tax revenue to fund social safety nets.
Then came the super-G crash, when she straddled a gate in midair, flew face first down the mountain and slammed into the safety nets.
She lost her balance when landing a jump and slid into the safety nets but appeared unscathed as she rose to ski down to the finish.
"When you come to this country as a foreigner, you don't have all the safety nets that you have when you grow up here," he says.
Analysts are also keeping a close eye on Brazilian policy, especially the potential for new minimum purchase prices or safety nets for the country's coffee farmers.
Gates and Buffett for years have called for higher taxes on wealthy individuals, like themselves, to fund social safety nets and pay down the country's debt.
Safety nets can also save households from desperate measures, such as selling assets at knockdown prices or taking children out of school so they can work.
In the longer term we will also need to develop safety nets, retrain workers, and look into the concept of a universal basic income for everyone.
DJI says the indoor venue will be kitted out with safety nets, an LED-light circuit for advanced pilots, and support for first-person-view flying.
Tax policy, labor market regulation, a reformed financial sector and stronger social safety nets all have much more direct impact on well-being than trade policy.
Although we already have some automatic stabilizers in place, such as our tax system, the unemployment insurance system and other safety nets, they must be improved.
Extreme poverty is not the same in the U.S. as in Africa, for America has better safety nets from the government and from churches and charities.
Poultry farmers located in these "high risk" zones will have to keep poultry flocks indoors or apply safety nets preventing contact with wild birds, it said.
Economists say investment is set to shrink further as President Moon Jae-in's government slashes infrastructure spending and shifts resources towards building stronger social safety nets.
The company reportedly installed safety nets to catch workers who jumped from upper stories and asked workers to sign a contract agreeing not to kill themselves.
Many of the safety nets that were part of the old, Soviet-style system had disappeared, and rapid economic growth mainly helped better-educated city dwellers.
Our domestic approach, over-reliant on underfunded and ineffective trade-adjustment assistance policies, has not worked and needs to be replaced by more extensive safety nets.
The coronavirus pandemic is shining a spotlight on the weaknesses of social, economic and health safety nets we've long taken for granted, including our water system.
Tax-funded safety nets for the less fortunate, for instance, have historically generated about as much affection here as, well, flood-borne floating fire-ant beds.
South Korea's finance minister has publicly said the deal should be extended to cement existing financial safety nets, but the ministry declined to comment on Tuesday.
Q. risk-takers — and at the same time encourage radical entrepreneurship, provide stronger safety nets like health care, and foster life-learning opportunities for every citizen.
No one wanted to talk about Reaganomics and the ending of social safety nets, the defunding of schools and the loss of jobs in cities across America.
No one wanted to talk about Reagonomics and the ending of social safety nets, the defunding of schools and the loss of jobs in cities across America.
Large social safety nets already provide some automatic support during downturns: deficits grow as tax revenues decline and payments for unemployment benefits and other emergency outlays increase.
The safety nets Asia is weaving might even spare some people from long, listless waits outside a mosque, hoping to be fed by the piety of strangers.
Compared with the older, more bureaucratic social-safety nets in Europe, Asia and the Americas, the new ones in Africa can seem rather ropy and ad hoc.
In an era of budgetary constraints, it is unclear how governments will find the resources to expand education and job training programs and strengthen social safety nets.
But these safety nets are beginning to fray, and there is the potential that the Trump administration's budget could drastically cut -- even eliminate -- funding for VAWA grants.
She got to university, she told The White Review last year, just before all the "safety nets and ladders"—notably free tuition—got pulled up for good.
Being locked out of government programs means these families face unique obstacles, not quite qualifying for safety nets, but not being able to make ends meet either.
When Republicans suggest that government safety-nets will have to be trimmed back before they grow unaffordable, Democrats and their allies do not see hard-headed prudence.
I'm skeptical of this approach too, although it's certainly true that social safety nets will need to be strengthened in the face of the shift to automation.
Others include improving early warning systems in Madagascar, and expanding social safety nets like pensions and free school meals that can be scaled up in a crisis.
There aren't really any safety nets for the money you send via wire, either, so it can be hard to argue for your money to get returned.
So they tried to ensure that economies grew in ways that benefited all those who participated in them and provided safety nets for those who could not.
It also strains our social services when individuals are unable to secure their own financial future and must rely heavily on financial safety nets like Social Security.
Those include building more robust homes, schools and infrastructure, preparing farmers for climate shifts, managing water wisely and protecting people's incomes through social safety nets, Georgieva added.
Companies without human workers, Janah said, should be paying higher taxes that support more human social goals, such as safety nets, job retraining, and universal basic income.
A 2015 meta-analysis showed that installing large safety nets beneath suicide "hot spots" like San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge was highly effective in cutting suicide risk.
Poverty in the United States is a predictable consequence of our own policies relating to affordable housing, minimum wages, education, health care, social safety nets and more.
Governments should control food prices to ensure basic commodities do not become unaffordable, he said, adding that ensuring social safety nets reach the most vulnerable was vital.
I have a deeper understanding now than when I founded Rent the Runway about the ways these missing safety nets contribute to unemployment and limit social mobility.
The legacy of reform includes severe environmental problems, a breakdown of social safety nets, and a conviction among the middle class that materialistic pleasure equals spiritual happiness.
Together, we have found the wilderness, peeked past our safety nets, and opened up a world that they need and I need and now we will have.
The AHCA will provide the sickest patients with a variety of affordable insurance options and safety nets while keeping premiums low for the general population as well.
And here's the thing: The Nordic countries don't just have low inequality, they also have much bigger governments, much more extensive social safety nets, than we do.
The independent game journalists and influencers who do great work on YouTube often do so without the safety nets of (for instance) legal counsel or editorial mentorship.
Joyful underachievement as the defining characteristic of millennials is a trope that centers on those with wealthy families, racial privilege, and other safety nets as a backup plan.
The UN sends money direct to bank accounts it sets up for Syrian refugees in Jordan; many countries use cash transfers as part of their social safety nets.
Those who may not use confinement or safety nets because of animal welfare or quality requirements can ask to be exempted if they can prove sufficient biosecurity measures.
Policymakers thus far appear blind to the coming job losses for women, experts say, and risk putting in place training programs and safety nets that mainly rescue men.
But, vague though it is, this much is clear: As a moral document, this budget prioritizes the rich over the poor and tax cuts over social safety nets.
Why it matters: Safety nets and many rural hospitals could hypothetically benefit under Medicare for All, but expressing support would put them at odds with their larger brethren.
Remember too that the placid reaction in financial markets to Brexit was largely driven by expectations of policy-maker safety nets, not a reassessment of the actual damage.
While those safety nets are falling apart, this pop music pops up that's like this weird moment of relief that's so charged by the desperation of daily life.
Our government had no choice but to rescue, then transform, Lehman's too-big-to-fail shadow bank brethren into conventional banks, with access to the government's safety nets.
The organisation also said Thailand needs to improve access to education for children from lower-income families, policies on safety nets and create better jobs to address inequality.
The way to assist the small numbers of workers who are temporarily displaced is with social safety nets, with subsidies for job retraining, with earned income tax credits.
Citi declined to comment on whether those safety nets, which are part of the Aggregator programme, were operating at the time of the flash crash for its own traders.
Anywhere outside of Scandinavia, the socioeconomic label would probably have been "poor," but Danish safety nets and support systems did their best to suspend the facts and offer better.
According to a new report by the World Bank, developing countries spend an average of 1.5% of GDP on social safety nets designed to stop people hitting rock-bottom.
In truth, lots of Republicans like safety-nets for the deserving (as Mr Trump understands, when he says he will not cut Social Security and Medicare for the old).
The social service organizations in town that are providing safety nets to communities are reporting a drop-off in the number of people that are coming for those services.
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - About 50 million people have escaped extreme poverty because of social safety nets, from pensions to feeding programs, the World Bank said on Wednesday.
"We live in an era of individualism and personal responsibility, characterized by disinvestment in social safety nets, declines in social cohesion, loss of connections, and increased loneliness," Monnat says.
Wage theft, or denying employees payment for their work, is a major issue facing low-income, hourly workers — especially immigrant laborers with few federal safety nets and employment options.
It requested that poultry farmers located in humid regions, where the risk of transmission is higher, keep poultry flocks indoors or apply safety nets preventing contact with wild birds.
A 2015 analysis published in the journal The Lancet Psychiatry averaged 18 suicide studies and concluded that placing safety nets under known "hot spots" for suicide reduced death rates.
"Deep distrust in public systems" is becoming more and more of a default perspective in America, as is awareness of how precarious many of our social safety nets are.
Other financial bubbles, such as student loan debt and long-term care, stifle our children's and our parents' nest eggs, respectively, and leave us vulnerable as their safety nets.
President Trump, still the darling of white evangelical voters, has hardly wavered from the Christian right's tradition of faith in a lightly regulated market and weak social safety nets.
DUBAI (Reuters) - G20 leaders said on Thursday they were ready to strengthen global financial safety nets, called for more private sector coordination and said "we will overcome this" together.
Still, while new mandates may not come from the Trump administration, companies will continue to face mounting pressure to provide safety nets for their workers, sharing economy executives told CNBC.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a speech earlier this month that the government is reviewing its education, healthcare and housing policies in order to strengthen social safety nets.
There are no safety nets in place to help creators who need a break; it's at the discretion of creators themselves of when, and if, they're able to step away.
Worse yet, they also hamstring or corrupt the legal and regulatory system, and many strip-mine whatever government safety nets may exist in favor of further enriching their kleptocratic cronies.
She said social safety nets, which covered people while they waited for the same jobs to reappear, should be replaced by "social safety ropes" to help people find new roles.
I think I used to be a Democrat, but some Republican ideas work great too, and Socialism too, has done great things for the financial safety nets of this country.
They know that Cuba provides an attractive climate for U.S. business – its proximity to the U.S., a competitive tax regime, an educated workforce, social safety nets and low labor costs.
Refinancing to a private loan will forgo the safety nets that come with a federal loan, including the income-based repayment programs and loan forgiveness, for those who would qualify.
We also discussed what a properly constructed welfare state looks like, and why the left has failed to convince the right that stronger social safety nets are in everyone's interest.
Do they believe we need to expand safety nets to catch those being left behind by this age of accelerating change but also control entitlements so they will be sustainable?
Ryanism — the belief in privatizing Social Security and Medicare, shrinking the national debt, and solving poverty through, among other things, cutting social safety nets — has been pushed to the wayside.
In Western Europe, an extensive welfare state has historically provided the safety nets that in turn enabled levels of economic openness that are much higher than in the United States.
They also expressed concern about the risks to fragile countries, notably in Africa, and populations like refugees, acknowledging the need to bolster global financial safety nets and national health systems.
But circumstances arise in life where parents and children need assistance, and thus, we have public safety nets in place at the local, state and federal levels for those instances.
But 35 years of neglect, compounded by poverty and inadequate local health care infrastructure, have left too many black gay and bisexual men falling through a series of safety nets.
Hochstein said such OPEC-led oil price gyrations can be dangerous for at least six oil-producing countries whose economies, services, and social safety nets are built around oil revenues.
Is it a sign that the safety nets we used to have in journalism — fact-checkers and copy editors, for instance — are dwindling and there is more of this to come?
Farmers located in humid regions, where the risk of transmission is higher, are advised by health authorities to keep poultry flocks indoors or apply safety nets preventing contact with wild birds.
WTO-ILO meetings would allow member countries to share their experiences educating and training their workforces for the next generation and to build effective social safety nets for those left behind.
From their comfortable homes, bought for a fraction of today's prices, they're happy making cuts to the things that made them rich and secure — things like immigration or social safety nets.
Fortunately, we have a great alternative -- a feminist who believes in racial justice and progressive economic policy, who wants to make college debt-free and expand our vital social safety nets.
These countries spend an average of 1.2% of GDP per year on social safety-nets, using a broad definition that includes pensions as well as support for children and the poor.
The Commission proposal would reduce the sharing of banking risks and set strict conditions that states must meet before their banks gain access to safety nets funded at the EU level.
Even mobilizing to achieve the basic social safety nets the rest of the global north takes for granted has proved difficult in the U.S. And decarbonization is a much bigger lift.
Most food truck vendors are immigrants and people of color who aren't eligible for benefits like paid sick leave, unemployment insurance, or other safety nets, according to the Street Vendor Project.
The recent tax bill's benefits are skewed and temporary, and people do need stronger safety nets and other help to pay for the rising costs of housing, health care and college.
Mr. Sanders framed the pandemic's likely fallout as an indictment of current systems, and as evidence for the necessity of sweeping new programs like "Medicare for all" and economic safety nets.
We can't afford this unthinking approach any longer, not if we want to sustain the safety nets and the health care and education promises we've made for the people already here.
The shift in my leadership isn't doing, if you will, double duty on providing safety nets on connecting people, on taking care of the emotional well-being of our team members.
DUBAI, March 26 (Reuters) - G20 leaders said on Thursday they were ready to strengthen global financial safety nets, called for more private sector coordination and said "we will overcome this" together.
Across the board, Congress must also reject cuts to programs that provide safety nets protecting men, women and children, in the United States and abroad, who are most vulnerable to trafficking.
The new farm bill reauthorizes key safety-nets for agricultural producers, including federal crop insurance and farm commodity programs that provide a floor price and income support for covered commodities and farmers.
So we need growth that is broad and that lifts everybody up — including tax policies that do right by working families, and robust safety nets for those who fall on hard times.
Much of South-East Asia is plagued by the same problems as Thailand: slowing growth, ageing populations, wobbly democracies, inadequate social safety-nets, endemic corruption and the ever-present shadow of China.
The government is seeking to mitigate these risks by emphasising that it is bolstering social safety nets (including cash transfer schemes) and that the reforms will deliver better economic performance and employment.
Government's job is to strengthen the safety nets and infrastructure so individuals and companies can be as daring — in terms of learning, adapting and investing in themselves — as they need to be.
Poultry farmers who may not use confinement or safety nets because they are bound by animal welfare or quality requirements can ask to be exempted if they can prove sufficient biosecurity measures.
Everyone I know is gearing up to battle infringements on LGBT, people of color, women, disabled, the working-class people's rights, intensified surveillance, increased brutality, and the rescinding of social safety nets.
We've invested heavily in education, anti-corruption, early childhood, gender equality, and healthcare programs, helping poor countries set up the systems, structures and social safety nets necessary for a stable, secure society.
The big picture: Organizers hoped to caution French President Emmanuel Macron against pursuing the reform, which many fear will disrupt the country's social safety nets, shrinking pensions and forcing longer work hours.
Those that have had strong safety nets as well as programs to help people move up the economic ladder, like Northern Europe, do not have as much of a problem as others.
Living in a society that offers few safety nets for mothers (and considerable economic penalties), it's becoming more common to either delay having children until your 30s or avoid having them altogether.
Second, we need to ensure that there are appropriate safety nets in place for those whose jobs are disrupted by innovation, so that they can continue to lead productive and fulfilling lives.
On a two-month tour of Europe in 1910, he made a point of meeting politicians and social reformers who had helped to put up the first government-sponsored social safety nets.
Yet Americans do not seem to build their own safety nets: 46% say they could not cover an unexpected $400 expense and would have to sell something or borrow to pay for it.
Most tech talent in New York can always go straight to Wall Street and most cities have similar "safety nets" for young people who might be afraid to set out on their own.
Africans are far more likely to be self-employed than people in richer parts of the world, for the simple reason that without social safety nets, many of them must hustle or starve.
To the extent that they support health care or other social safety nets, they do so because they believe the state has a moral obligation to care for its citizens, especially the needy.
Mr Ryan stands for fiscal discipline with a special focus on reforming pension and healthcare safety nets, such as Social Security and Medicare, before their costs expand and eat the federal budget whole.
It proposed other options to support developing countries, such as international funding to build up social safety nets, relocate vulnerable communities and develop new ways of making a living for those at risk.
And after a half-decade of techlash, our industry's leaders are launching peer-to-peer social safety nets and ways to help small businesses survive until we can be patrons in person again.
For those who are 18 or older and lack the financial safety nets that might allow them to take on unpaid work or afford culinary school, it's a new way into the industry.
Hailing from Adelaide, Australia, the company's members apparently don't care about safety nets, fancy equipment or the usual laws of physics, so just relax and watch them invent their own brand of aerodynamics.
Both Windows and macOS are now built with a lot of self-repairing safety nets in place, as well as basic modes of operation you can use if the operating system isn't working normally.
If we convince ourselves that talented artists like the Beatles will be successful no matter what, we can also convince ourselves that we don't really need to provide people with safety nets or resources.
In India, for example, the poor rely heavily on community safety nets and girls tend to have very little control over their life choices, so fully living one's sexual orientation is not an option.
Spending on safety nets was highest in Europe and Central Asia and lowest in Africa and South Asia, measured as a share of a country's gross national product, among the countries surveyed, it said.
Could the rise of bigotry in food kitchens and other forms of charitable community outreach be used by opponents of the welfare state as an excuse to bolster austerity and reduce institutionalized safety nets?
They will want to give individuals more time to transition off Medicaid and provide additional safety nets to ensure that people who may become ineligible for the program have another means to buy insurance.
Elway would win the next two Super Bowls, skipping out on meeting with Bill Clinton after the second one, which really jump-started his many forays into politics ("I don't believe in safety nets").
That is why many economists urge governments to strengthen social safety nets, like by using the money saved once subsidies are removed to create employment and improve health care and education for the poor.
She is playful and democratic in her work, which pulses with a domestic vibe that doesn't come wrapped in theory or any of the other safety nets that pass for critical thinking these days.
France protects citizens with one of the most generous social safety nets in the world, with over one-third of its economic output spent on welfare protection, more than any other country in Europe.
"This tornado is a little bit of a reality check and is a great example of why we need to elect candidates that will ensure strong public social services and safety nets," she added.
He supported CARE in Ethiopia, the Global Poverty Project in India, and a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S., and pushed for more social services and safety nets in inner-cities.
In a plaza set before the 14th-century basilica of Santa Maria Novella, in the heat of a Tuscan morning, polo grounds had been set up, complete with barricades, safety nets and goal posts.
And we should strengthen our safety nets so that when the next storm's victims are picking up the pieces, they are not also worried about job insecurity, rising health care costs and precarious retirements.
"Our misclassification coupled with insurmountable pay cuts have resulted in Shoppers becoming trapped in cyclical poverty and reliant upon social safety nets to pick up our employer's tab," organizers of the Instacart action said.
The two were separated at the border, and Deisi joined the thousands of other immigrant children who have been taken from their parents after entering the US and thrust into adulthood without safety nets.
And it's landing in this particular moment, under this particular repressive regime, in which anything can be done to Black people — a moment where all kinds of social safety nets are being ripped away.
Nonetheless, the sell instructions from Citi's desk in Tokyo kept coming and started tripping over each other in a pattern known as "looping" that is normally constrained by safety nets embedded in bank trading tools.
Why it matters: Major safety nets for farmers are in limbo while smaller agricultural programs have stopped receiving funding altogether, creating extra anxiety for farmers who are already reeling from tariffs and lower crop prices.
In addition to diminished buying power, business has been freed up and government has codified cost shifting for healthcare, education and financial safety nets and removed vacation days, sickness pay, maternity leave and job protection.
To help make way for more military and border spending, it would slash programs large and small, from Medicaid and Medicare — which President Trump as a candidate promised to protect — to safety nets for farmers.
But his policies have hurt poor- and working-class Americans left behind by fraying social safety nets, ailing cities and failing schools; they are ever more likely to land in the state's exploding prison system.
Officials called for measures to tackle poverty, and strengthen social safety nets and emergency response systems in order to build resilience to hurricanes such as Irma and Maria, which swept through the region in 2017.
Keith Mitchell, prime minister of Grenada, which was devastated by Hurricane Ivan in 2004, urged nations to tackle poverty and strengthen social safety nets in order to better prepare populations for the impacts of disasters.
While the ECB's 20083 trillion euro stimulus program may have helped kick-start a post-crisis recovery of sorts, deep cuts to public spending are blamed for exacerbating poverty and shredding Europe's welfare safety nets.
When Holcombe took his post, in 2006, he had 121 employees for central Louisiana's public health units, which act as safety nets for people who don't have health insurance or money to pay for care.
"The Flying Machine Arena offers ideal conditions to test novel concepts thanks to a high-precision localization system, high-performance radio links, easy-to-use software structure, and safety nets enclosing the space," its website describes.
Motherhood as a social construct is becoming increasingly entrepreneurial, as social safety nets fray and being a stay-at-home nurturer — or even a nurturer with a full-time-job — becomes increasingly unfeasible for many women.
Foster care has long been criticized for failing to meet the needs of children, from allowing kids to age out of the system without safety nets in place, to struggling to adequately support youth and families.
The world's richest countries are full of people who don't feel economically secure, and they don't trust the safety nets their governments have set up, according to a survey of 22,000 people in 21 OECD countries.
"In urban areas there are typically better support networks, professional organizations, social services and other safety nets to help these young people succeed," said Ellen Kahn, director of the Human Rights Campaign's Children, Youth & Families Program.
What remains of social safety nets for the working and middle class, including ObamaCare, Medicare, social security, welfare, and unemployment benefits, will be chipped or stripped away by his administration and the Republican majorities in Congress.
The majority of farmers in these countries are smallholders using traditional farming methods, who do not have the financial safety nets to invest in new crops which may improve yields in years to come, Hewston said.
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) plans to develop more detailed guidance on financial safety nets to help harmonize Islamic principles with existing legal systems, as the industry body strengthens ties with financial regulators.
Watch it hereTo prevent Iran from going nuclear, intelligence officer John Tavner must forgo all safety nets and assume a perilous "non-official cover" — that of a mid-level employee at a Midwestern industrial piping firm.
This is why the fight for reproductive justice is more than the right to an abortion: it's about ensuring that families are able have the rights, resources, and safety nets to ensure families can truly thrive.
When the current crisis subsides, we need to address these issues with a more progressive and efficient tax code, smarter social safety nets that confront modern realities and expanded health care coverage for low-income Americans.
African women are often excluded from social and economic plans -- safety nets they desperately need -- after the death of a spouse or dissolution of a marriage, experts from the World Bank said in a 2018 report.
This is the sorry state of what passes for good-enough care for patients who depend on Medicaid, among the most vital safety nets for the American poor and disadvantaged, in the second most populous state.
"I think it has to do with safety nets and institutions that eliminate some of the costs associated with churn," Pietra Rivoli, a professor at Georgetown University, said of the populist backlash of the past year.
While no country achieved 90 or above, the report attributes strong public services and social safety nets as the reasons Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Germany, Canada, Ireland and Australia make up the top 10.
Why it matters: Companies hit by attacks are exposed to incredible costs — Equifax lost $4 billion in stock market value in just a week — so companies are increasingly looking beyond traditional safety nets to avoid financial ruin.
These houses of worship are seen as social safety nets, even as the hundreds of millions of dollars they draw in from attendants each year have propelled preachers into the ranks of the richest people in Africa.
The discussions started well before Italian policies created the contagion risk, at a meeting in September officials point out, but the rising tensions around Italy have increased the level of focus on what safety nets are available.
The IMF called on Asian nations to learn from Japan's experience and deal with demographic headwinds early, such as by introducing credible fiscal consolidation plans, boosting female and elderly labor force participation, and revamping social safety nets.
Advocates' concern is that the GOP will pursue ways to pare the federal government's most expensive budget line items — which also happen to be social safety nets — to offset the price tag of their tax-cut package.
Consequently, Hollande, elected four years ago after running a Bernie Sanders–esque campaign to take down the wealthy and reinforce social safety nets, now finds himself staking his political future on a plan to do the opposite.
Moyo, a former army general and Mnangagwa loyalist, said the government would strengthen social safety nets to cushion the impact of austerity measures and seek to recover public funds "where there was clear-cut evidence of pilfering".
Lack of funding for public education ensures that Guatemala remains one of the most illiterate countries in the Americas, and failing health care and social security systems undercut what scant social safety nets exist for the poor.
No such safety nets exist between Washington and Pyongyang, worrying experts who say an accident, misstatement or erroneous reading by one side of the other's actions could spiral into full-scale conflict even though neither side wants war.
Before long, the health-care safety nets in these states may look very different from those in Democratic ones—and indeed from those in other rich countries, where the poorest citizens receive health care with no strings attached.
African governments with stretched public finances will need to improve housing and social safety nets in cities and diversify their economies to support rural areas in order to avoid an increase in inequality that could stir up discontent.
Proponents of closed borders and small social safety nets have a tendency to highlight the tension between citizen and noncitizen, to imply or explicitly state that the only way to help one group is to deprive the other.
Before he was elected, U.S. President Donald Trump had favored a government plan to move FBI headquarters from downtown Washington, where it is housed in a crumbling building adorned with safety nets to catch falling chunks of concrete.
Sanders has centered his White House bid around a "political revolution," often noting on the campaign trail the necessity of boosting congressional support for plans that would work to reduce systemic inequalities and drastically expand social safety nets.
Dr. Chokshi, at New York City Health and Hospitals, believes this is one of the reasons safety nets have a natural advantage in how they coordinate care, cut costs and make the overall health care environment more efficient.
A drop in employment rates and wages, and erosion of social safety nets, may result in a return of hunger in countries that have already eradicated it, José Graziano da Silva, director-general of FAO, said at the launch.
There are problems of little or no public transportation, fewer jobs that pay a living wage for those without college degrees, and fewer social service "safety nets" that tend to be more robust in cities, experts on poverty say.
I never want to crystallize and become this boring adult but I also realize I have a lot of personal safety nets that I've made for the things that I will and will not accept in my personal life.
Although US citizens are equipped with various safety nets and enjoy economic and military global superiority, their elected administration's foreign policy is a matter of life and death for the citizens of other countries, especially in the Middle East.
And while this debate will track nearly every aspect of our food system, from farmer and consumer safety nets to conservation and energy programs, there is at least one small provision that all Americans can support: subsidy payment limitations.
But over the past decade and a half Hal had noted a change, a transformation whereby radio, and public radio particularly, had become an attractive career path drawing ambitious people with family safety nets and almost psychopathically charming personalities.
They can't exploit the positive externalities of their business, but they are held liable for the negative ones, like increasing traffic congestion or the creation of an underclass of freelancer drivers who are paid inadequately and lack safety nets.
But such a sweeping move is seen as impractical by many in poorer, less industrialised countries like Senegal and Ivory Coast, where people depend on their daily earnings to survive and are not covered by strong social safety nets.
The euro zone public opinion is also frowning on abuses and mismanagement of otherwise humane welfare provisions and cases where the social safety nets are savaged while unpopular presidents pay their barbers and beauticians monthly salaries equivalent to $22.6,800.
With all its faults (a certain dogmatism, privatisation without competition policy and a tendency for countries to have overvalued exchange rates) and omissions (an initial neglect of social safety-nets) it put the region on a more viable course.
Without such safety nets, and without action on FOSTA-SESTA, advocates say trans sex workers in America will remain vulnerable to violence — and legislation backed by Democrats, including frontrunners in the 2020 race, will be part of the cause.
Our thought bubble, per Axios' Felix Salmon: In countries like Canada and Ireland that have robust social safety nets, the need for permanent philanthropic capital is lower — which could be why foundations in those nations have less in assets.
In a climate change action plan released late Thursday, the bank said it would bring early warning systems to an extra 250 million people in 22017 developing countries, and social safety nets to protect an additional 50 million people by 2020.
In sum, our slow growth, inequality and national security challenges require radical solutions: strengthening safety nets, curbing the bad environmental and health behaviors that are bankrupting us and paying for it all by sharply incentivizing risk-taking, innovation, investment and hiring.
"Once the market gates are fully opened and without any restrictions in place, no safety nets can protect the local rice industry from the influx of massive rice imports," said Antonio Flores, secretary general of farmer group Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas.
But the fund itself is keen to highlight one conspicuous intrusion in Argentina's affairs: it has set a floor under social spending, requiring the government to devote at least 1.3% of GDP to cash-transfer schemes and other social safety nets.
But other countries exhibit many of the risk factors seen in Latin America a generation ago: widespread displacement as a result of conflict, millions of leftover guns, a demographic bulge, little by way of safety nets and corrupt, ineffective police forces.
Born-again voters in the general election will be still more diverse: millions of evangelicals are black or from fast-growing Hispanic churches, and worry about government safety nets, poverty or immigrants' rights as much as about abortion or gay weddings.
That leaves financial markets stuck in a holding pattern with renewed fears about global growth pushing against safety nets that central banks have built up over the years, according to Valentin Marinov, head of G10 FX strategy at CA-CIB.
They show someone with a vision, a pragmatic approach to getting things done and a healthy instinct for balancing the need to strengthen our social safety nets with unleashing America's business class to create the growth required to sustain social programs.
The emphasis on making elite rungs accessible needs to be better balanced with efforts to bolster safety nets; to improve the standard of living for all; and, perhaps most importantly of all, to narrow the gap between rich and poor.
I'm just curious how you've had to reimagine philanthropy in an age when the safety nets are being cut back and presumably, lots of the priorities that ... I know you guys have made a big push on resilience against climate change.
In the last few days, Ms. Hysmith said, a similar urge has set in: Diners are using apps to order from favorite local restaurants in an effort to save them, knowing that places without financial safety nets may never reopen.
Additional economic aid is at the heart of the debate, with Democrats hoping to expand coverage for workers who may not have access to corporate-funded safety nets and Republicans looking to provide tax cuts and financial support to businesses.
It defies logic to assert that the relatively stingy U.S. social safety net has somehow lured the U.S. public into licentiousness and social decline whereas the much more comprehensive social safety nets in other wealthy democracies has failed to do so.
A political elite whose supposed expertise has produced globalization with growing inequalities and outsourced jobs, ultra-economic liberalism with the undoing of safety nets and increasing private money in elections, the war in Iraq and the Great Recession of 2008.
The Social Security paid leave approach seems the best, most realistic option for targeting help at people who really need it, while positively reshaping how the public thinks about government and public safety nets creating the potential for future positive reforms.
With talks over revising the North American Free Trade Agreement set to begin Wednesday, the focus will be on whether Trump can keep his word, or if Americans will have to continue to rely on safety nets like the TAA program.
Safety nets like a higher power don't seem so bad when in actuality your experience of the adult world has been defined to date by global financial crashes, the ruthless ideology of austerity and the existential malaise of post-Brexit, pre-Trump politics.
Those who will be particularly affected by changes in the way we work — and who are lacking the safety nets and training systems more common in the past — are low-skilled, part-timers in the gig-economy or the young, the OECD reports.
Some Democrats argue that America is "different" from other countries and that difference -- presumably the resistance to creating broad social safety nets like most advanced countries -- accounts for the health care system we have today, and the need to accept an inferior solution.
Most Americans do not fully comprehend the extent to which the modern regulatory and administrative state helps to secure social services that are important safety nets in times of crisis and further the promises of constitutional guarantees long denied in our country's history.
Paul Ryan, its face in the House, is exiting Congress stage right, no doubt off to either lobby or think-tank for more shredding of social safety nets, lowering of public-sector wages, privatization of public goods, and tax cuts for billionaires.
But both crises require the kind of large-scale structural interventions produced by national and international policies, like designing more sustainable infrastructure and transportation and alternate work arrangements, as well as creating emergency responses and strengthening social safety nets for the most vulnerable.
"There is a realisation it would be a good way of ensuring people's safety nets are covered and therefore they can follow public health advice to stay at home more easily," said Fran Boait, executive director of British think tank Positive Money.
This vulnerability is an inextricable element of the human condition, even if the wealthiest Americans have the resources to erect fortresses around themselves — not necessarily of objects but of infrastructure, building personal safety nets while their fellow citizens scramble to make do.
The Gallup World Survey asks residents of many countries whether they feel that they have "freedom to make life choices"; the U.S. doesn't come out looking too good, especially compared with the high freedom grades of European nations with strong social safety nets.
Establishing safety nets with the SDF – especially where the ISIS prisons and al-Hol are concerned – might be a meaningful gesture that would both maintain the value the U.S. places on allies and ensure that a resurgence of the Islamic State cannot happen.
One thing that's kind of been quietly happening is that even really low-income countries have built safety nets, kind of in the model of Europe, or the U.S. Ethiopia now has a pretty big system of cash payments to poor people.
The Series G investment by NBCUniversal includes several safety nets to assure that the TV and movie company at least makes its money back in the event of a BuzzFeed sale or IPO, according to Delaware incorporation filings obtained by CB Insights.
These dark times have the potential to enclose us in despair: a daily onslaught of ecological destruction, white supremacy and racism, the dismantling of safety nets and public education, a pandering to the wealthiest among us, and lies, lies, and more lies.
" Palinisms tonight: No more pussyfooting... Gravy train... Oh my goodness... Safety nets into hammocks... — Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) January 20, 2016 "We bend over, and say 'thank you, enemy,'" she said, accusing him of having the "skills of a community organizer maybe organizing a neighborhood tea.
With automation, we've come to an understanding that mass unemployment isn't coming anytime soon, and the bigger concern is whether we as a society are prepared for the nature of work to transition toward less stable, lower-paid jobs without safety nets like health insurance.
Countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Sweden and others) that controlled income inequality and maintained investments in human development -- such as early childhood and parenting support, education, and social safety nets in health care and unemployment -- did not experience these increasing problems in adolescent and youth development.
Policies that could help to increase resiliency against the aftermath of tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, and windstorms—such as expanding healthcare, building social and financial safety nets, and universal access to early warning systems—would equate to a $100 billion increase in annual global consumption.
The bottom line, from Kaveh Waddell, co-author of Axios Future: Preparations for the future of work, like job training programs and potential new safety nets, will need to be tailored in part to the groups who will bear the brunt of the changes.
It has refashioned British society, making it less like the rest of Western Europe, with its generous social safety nets and egalitarian ethos, and more like the United States, where millions lack health care and job loss can set off a precipitous plunge in fortunes.
So the best way you help workers is by ensuring that they are flexible — that they have the skills, safety nets, health care and lifelong learning opportunities to make those leaps and that they live in cities open to innovation, entrepreneurship and high-I.
It was an odd coalition for the first roll call vote of the hearing, as Brat, Sanford, and Palmer have criticized the bill for not being conservative enough, while Democrats continue to decry the cuts to Medicaid and safety nets for low-income citizens.
" It's what the author Maggie Nelson identifies as the rationale behind "all kinds of nefarious agendas, from arming kindergarten teachers to dropping a nuclear bomb on Iran to gutting all social safety nets to extracting and burning through what's left of the world's fossil fuel supplies.
"My government has already made a decision to increase the allowances and pensions for all veterans and put in place the requisite safety nets to cushion you with regard to your daily needs," Mnangagwa told thousands of war veterans who met in Harare to discuss their welfare.
A lack of safety nets designed for risk takers, and a push by many Japanese parents — who expect their children to secure cushy, well-paying jobs in Japan Inc — has hindered innovation culture in the world's third largest economy, according to serial entrepreneur and investor Taizo Son.
The enormous privatization programs, the destruction of social social safety nets, and the lack of material support for the refugees create material issues that cannot be fixed through a rather utopian vision of a club as a tool for raising the overall "level of happiness" in society.
Democrats said Pelosi has been very direct in private meetings, immediately shutting down ideas she doesn't think are viable, including suggestions that lawmakers be allowed to vote remotely or an idea raised Wednesday to mail Americans a check instead of temporarily expanding some federal safety nets.
For its part, he says, the right needs to square up to the unyielding fact of human "risk aversion" and the indispensable role safety nets in placating this deep-seated distaste for feelings of uncertainty and insecurity by insuring us against the turbulence of capitalist dynamism.
She's grown accustomed to an incredibly large collection of safety nets — she's always welcome at her mom's house, or her grandmother's mansion, or her friend's apartment if she wants to spend some time in NYC, or her not-quite boyfriend's place if she needs to crash in London.
They had all the social safety nets built in there; you had employee assistance programs, you had all of this infrastructure designed to ensure that no matter what happens, Wall Street and its members were going to survive the extraordinary level of drug use in the '80s and '90s.
We have globalized trade and manufacturing, and we have introduced robots and artificial intelligence systems, far faster than we have designed the social safety nets, trade surge protectors and educational advancement options that would allow people caught in this transition to have the time, space and tools to thrive.
In every case, the costs fall on the vulnerable: people who depend on full employment to get ahead; blue-collar production workers and communities built around factories; families who suffer from austerity-induced weak recoveries and under-funded safety nets, and who depend on a living wage to make ends meet.
This is significantly lower than many of the state-run plans already in place and what's more, passing what in essence is a large-scale government safety net is going to be hard in a Republican-controlled Congress already bent on dismantling existing social safety nets like the Affordable Care Act.
According to a new report published by Australian science agency the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), if policymakers and governments can prepare ahead and implement the correct safety nets for workers, it'll mean that while some jobs might be headed for extinction, others will be created in their wake.
In a country that provides no subsidized child care and no mandatory family leave, no assurance of flexibility in the workplace for parents, no universal preschool and minimal safety nets for vulnerable families, making it a crime to offer children independence in effect makes it a crime to be poor.
"I want to clearly acknowledge the privilege that we have working in tech, and that we see in adjacent industries like media and finance," he wrote, adding that the company was distancing itself to try to reduce the risk for workers in other fields without labor protections and social safety nets.
Adam Harding: I urge clients to spend less time trying to forecast what type of policy they may have in the future, and to instead focus on making sure they are doing everything possible to prepare for a system without safety nets, then to be pleasantly surprised if accommodative policies are adopted.
As a candidate Mr Trump proudly broke with Republican orthodoxy and said that—unlike other rival conservatives with White House ambitions—he would preserve "without cuts" the Medicare and Social Security safety-nets that mostly serve the elderly, as well as the Medicaid system of health insurance for the poor and disabled.
We're in a fight where the top powers are in a position to strangle the ability to resist, and insist on not just a reinstatement of the rights that were there, but an expansion of the kind of safety nets and policies... So that they don't come and get them next time. Right.
The only way to get through it, though, is to try not to think of it as a competition of who has it worse and try to think of how you, as an individual, can help those who are struggling — with or without kids, with or without jobs, with or without safety nets.
Others thought the government needed to step in, like providing a universal basic income or a stronger safety net: Michael Tyndall, SF We should ensure we have more robust safety nets in urban and rural communities, and we should also test the practicalities and economics of a basic living stipend for all citizens.
I can't say for sure whether they'll pay as much, I don't know, but my argument is: Keep yourself open, make sure your safety nets and trampolines are strong — this world will be too fast for some people — and educate the hell out of everybody, and I think the miracle of America will work.
Behind House Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiThe Hill's Morning Report - Trump takes unexpected step to stem coronavirus House Democrats unveil coronavirus economic response package Trump restricts travel from Europe to fight spread of coronavirus MORE (D-Calif.), Democrats are pushing instead for the expansion of safety nets for those most directly affected by the virus.
Even before Monday's actions, the Regents had backed off the tougher requirements, instituting safety nets that allowed candidates who failed the edTPA to try to pass an older test to qualify, and allowed those who failed the ALST to show through their coursework and grades that they had the skills that the test measures.
Its initial goal is to purchase and distribute 100,000 individual water filtration systems for households and classrooms, and 50 large-capacity clean-water devices to a network of nonprofit organizations, union offices, schools and other community-based groups, "which have served as social safety nets for Puerto Ricans", to provide stable and reliable sources of safe water.
But Amazon succeeds in large part because the entire labor economy is overheating and everyone's safety nets are disappearing: people are so busy, people have less and less money to spare outside rent and health care, and so it's easy to just close your eyes and cut corners by getting that free shipping when you can.
But for the last 25 years this argument has been used to rationalize a perverse politics in which Democratic presidents ally with big business and Republicans to make trade deals that expose American workers to brutal competition, and then complain that they are helpless to stop these same "allies" from dismantling social safety nets and destroying labor unions.
Given where we are today, with the epidemic of police killings of people of color, of widening wage gaps, the destruction of social safety nets, of the gig economy that promises freedom and delivers very little, and of obscene environmental irresponsibility from the highest office… it feels like those 80s warnings were naive or even childish.
The result has been that the nation's 2.1 million federal workers — spread across law enforcement, diplomatic functions, education, the military and the country's social safety nets — have received mixed messages about whether they can take the advice of public health officials to take aggressive action to distance themselves from others to slow the spread of the virus.
Insurance is effectively a safety net for getting your main phone up and running again (or putting a replacement in your hands) as quickly as possible—if you're in a situation where you've got alternative safety nets (like a relative who works in a phone repair store), or you're not so attached to your main phone anyway, perhaps you can do without.
Attempts to block health providers who provide safe and legal abortion from providing other health care services and information in their communities — even when the issue at hand has nothing to do with abortion — fall in line with an extreme conservative agenda to dismantle women's reproductive rights and destroy the public health safety nets on which so many Americans rely.
These accelerations are raising all the requirements for the American dream — they are raising the skill level and lifelong learning requirements for every good job; they are raising the bar on governance, the speed at which governments need to make decisions and the need for hybrid solutions that produce both stronger safety nets and more entrepreneurship to spawn more good jobs.
Research shows that in some sectors and industries, globalization and trade has incentivized employers to outsource jobs or source materials more cheaply from other countries, often closing businesses and factories in the U.S. While Yellen doesn't believe there's a "silver bullet" for helping more Americans get ahead financially, she does argue the U.S. needs to improve its social safety nets.
Trump's Baby Boomers -- he was born in 3.43 at the beginning of the Baby Boom -- grew up under fear of nuclear fallout and seeing the Soviet Union as the main existential threat to the US. Now, it is their distrust of socialism that Trump is banking on, even as those Boomers embrace the twin US government safety nets of Social Security and Medicare.
We've argued for much stronger safety nets to help those hurt by trade, currency interventions, trade deals that represent a very different set of stakeholders (workers, consumers, environmentalists), and industrial policies to shape the outcomes of global trade is ways that violate the norms of a status quo long embraced by international economists and politicians from the center-left to the center-right.
While the Democratic and Republican candidates generally differ on social issues, they have been aligned for decades in their support for predatory Wall Street banks, corporate trade agreements that send our jobs overseas, endless expanding war, deadly inaction on climate change, abusive student loans, high stakes testing, school privatization, austerity budgets, the destruction of social safety nets, and tax favors for the wealthy.
But in doing so, the Department of Labor would get into a debate about just how far states should go in gating government benefits, if this is a practical policy to keep in place, or whether this kind of policy could actually lead to more drug use by removing one of the few financial safety nets the unemployed rely on to lead healthy lives.
Whether Mark Zuckerberg is an asshole in the small-scale interpersonal sense belabored over in the movie doesn't really matter — you could call him an asshole for a bunch of grander reasons, like assuming rich people are broadly benevolent enough to replace government safety nets, or calling it "crazy" to remove Peter Thiel from Facebook's board, and calling it "pretty crazy" to ask whether fake news on Facebook helped Trump win.
The answer to the disruptions of globalization is a strengthening of the social welfare state and a return to classic Keynesian principles, which the president evoked by quoting the Canadian-American liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith: So we need growth that is broad and that lifts everybody up, including tax policies that do right by working families, and robust safety nets for those who fall on hard times.
The abolition of slavery, women's right to vote, numerous regulatory protections for farmers and workers, progressive taxation, the 40-hour week, the social safety nets of social security, unemployment compensation, Medicare/Medicaid and civil rights for minorities — all of these were pressed by third parties decades or more before one of the major parties picked them up (or at the very least went along with their popular support).
The Massachusetts Democrat said he fears what President-elect Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE and the Republican-controlled Congress may do to hunger safety nets, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly referred to as food stamps.
In some ways, The Best of Everything is a relic: the dialogue with its cadence of melodrama (how many times can a woman say "I love you" in a row?), the idea that you could be a spinster by age 25, that the girls portrayed in it (women in their twenties were always "girls" back then) are all undoubtedly straight and white and cisgender and middle class — broke, of course, but not so broke that they don't have safety nets.
While the Senate ponders its next move — which should include repealing as much of ObamaCare as possible under budget reconciliation, freezing Medicaid expansion and moving funding and program design to the states, and allowing states to protect those with pre-existing conditions by creating safety nets for the most vulnerable — the Department of Health and Human Services, whose own study showed that premiums have doubled for individual health insurance plans since 2013, should not stand around waiting for the next shoe to drop.
GOP majorities handing over a blank check to fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood and illegal immigration that competes for your jobs, and turning safety nets into hammocks, and all these new Democrat voters that are going to be coming on over border as we keep the borders open, and bequeathing our children millions in new debt, and refusing to fight back for our solvency, and our sovereignty, even though that's why we elected them and sent them as a majority to DC. No!
While many of the Telltale employees previously working on Telltale's adaptation of The Walking Dead were hired by Skybound Studios (producers of The Walking Dead comic series), the layoffs nonetheless raised some important questions Unlike some other industries, games had few to no safety nets or reliable methods of confrontation for workers unjustly laid off or abused on the job, and the possibility of striking without union protection left their jobs vulnerable to scab labor rushing in to fill the vacuum of unworked jobs.
The smartest thing we can do now is to keep our economy as open and flexible as possible — to get the change signals first and be able to quickly adapt; create the opportunity for every American to engage in lifelong learning, because whatever jobs emerge will require more knowledge; make sure that learning stresses as much of the humanities and human interactive skills as hard sciences; make sure we have an immigration policy that continues to attract the world's most imaginative risk-takers; and strengthen our safety nets, because this era will leave more people behind.
GOP majorities handing Obama a blank check to fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood and illegal immigration that competes for your jobs, and turning safety nets into hammocks,227 and all these new Democrat voters that are going to be coming on over the border as we keep the borders open,22012 and bequeathing our children millions in new debt, and refusing to fight back for our solvency and our sovereignty, even though that's why we elected them and sent them as a majority to DC. While she rails against House Republicans, Palin is using a quote from now-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

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