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151 Sentences With "rubes"

How to use rubes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "rubes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "rubes". Mastering all the usages of "rubes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He's just passing through, but he likes jostling with these rubes.
Those rubes in Kentucky were really fascinated by the eclipse huh?!
That the only people who do that are rubes and suckers.
"Young Rubio must think New Hampshire a bunch of rubes," McQuaid wrote.
"Young Rubio must think New Hampshire a bunch of rubes," Mr. McQuaid wrote.
"Young Rubio must think New Hampshire a bunch of rubes," the editorial said.
Youngish guys and they're brash and they're confident, but they're also kind of rubes.
"Rubes" like me will reward a president who is committed to economic growth and border security.
Though Cheddar's source also claims Facebook could lower the price to encourage rubes to buy it.
This was fake policy — a show intended to impress the rubes, not to achieve real results.
Conservatives argue that it has been decimated by cosmopolitan cultural elites who look down on rural rubes.
Visions of blowing the rubes' minds with Bill Hicks-like rants and diatribes danced through my head.
Not being rubes, influencer economy participants know that signing a contract isn't enough to certify continuous truthfulness.
Not being rubes, influencer economy participants know that signing a contract isn't enough to certify continuous truthfulness.
How dare us rubes ask our more sophisticated allies to chip in on the bill especially in public.
Those establishment figures can't help but express their disdain for their fellow countrymen — the "rubes" outside the Beltway.
The smug style belonged to real elites, knowing in their cocktail parties, far from the ears of rubes.
He has even, lately, argued that even the worst of the rubes must be allies in class struggle.
The impulse for these self-taught experts to laugh at rubes in mycology groups on Facebook is somewhat understandable.
It isn't long before these drooling rubes turn into trash-talking toddlers and fall in love with the scatological.
I was called an elitist, a bubble-dweller who (apparently) spent my days snickering at rubes in flyover country.
They started calling the new party Nazis — implying, to the Nazis' great displeasure, that they were all backward rubes.
By the end of Ronald Reagan's presidency, Democrats viewed the Gipper as a celebrity lightweight who had hypnotised the rubes.
Brady will be in the parking lot hocking game-worn jerseys and Himalayan salt to rubes in Aaron Hernandez jerseys.
If pressed for an answer, I suppose they would say Republicans, elected by rubes voting against their own self-interest.
When "Never Trump" zealots routinely demean millions of Americans as "rubes" (or "deplorables"), Trump voters become incensed and ready for battle.
That may be of value to users who feel like motivational speaking is for rubes, but the underlying idea remains unchanged.
A coalition of MAGA rubes, neo-Nazis, trolls, ethno-nationalists, ex-GamerGaters and other reactionaries will be all the more volatile.
The book is most fun, though, when it focuses on Petty's clever ruses to separate the rubes from their life's savings.
Yes, these people are very rich and I am not, but look at the dumb things these rubes spent their millions on.
To see how things should be but to be constantly thwarted and attacked by corrupt senators, inept generals, corporations, rubes, and fools.
Surely, whether he is a wealthy man or an adventurer, he must be superior to these rubes in the arts of corruption.
They went from repressive rubes to noble, hard-hit people who were doing their best in whatever way to weather this crisis.
Finding comfort in the notion that their former allies were disdainful, hapless rubes, smug liberals created a culture animated by that contempt.
And you see how incredibly intoxicating it is for the rubes in the pews -- just as it remains for millions of real Americans.
Take, for example, the practice of adding ice cubes to Chardonnay in the summer—once the exclusive territory of WASPs and wine rubes.
Think hunter-gatherers, Crusaders, shrieking Dothraki hordes, or, more reasonably, Dust Bowl circus carnies, traveling town to town, entertaining (and swindling) the rubes.
It may be easy to mistake with the private venting of frustrated elites, but the rubes can read the New York Times, too.
For the poor, normal rubes, we have to do everything to prove we're actually sick, actually put-upon, actually in debt, actually in trouble.
But unfortunately, he seems to have cashed out years ago like the rest of us rubes who missed the great crypto-wave of 2017.[TechCrunch]
It is a striking passage to choose, but also a misleading one—implying that Trumpian success, in essence, rests on a talent for bamboozling rubes.
When he's doing poorly in places that Republicans are supposed to win, Trump's answer is to rip on those voters as a bunch of rubes.
Ms. Richards may have sounded like the Texas rubes they loved to make fun of, but what she said was in line with their liberal politics.
The process of persuasion can have a positive effect on political discourse, requiring politicians to address voters concerns not merely dismiss dissenters as rubes and know-nothings.
His then-influential history writing drips with disdain for rubes who regard themselves as victimized by economics and history, who have failed to maintain correct political attitudes.
Only you, with your red carpets, fame, millions of dollars, and cameras pointed at your faces, could be trusted to know what was best for all us rubes.
Hype men told the journalists and rubes in the sideshow tent that they had been found in the Amazon or had crashed their spaceship in the Mojave desert.
The cast includes Steve Zahn as Michael Fenne, a colorful charlatan and scam artist, whose lavish spending was enough -- at least for a while -- to dazzle the rubes.
It is, for example, how states cut down on an epidemic of jaywalkers in the early days of the automobile — via ads that mocked them for being ignorant rubes.
The reason they're on the menu is to get rubes like me to pay a little bit more for my side of deep-fried carbohydrates every once in a while.
Catching hold of Frank Ocean's thoughts is like trying to scoop mercury in a fish net, so whenever us unenlightened rubes can manage to do so, it's worth a look.
"Good, clean fun" used to be the calling card for "The Music Man," Meredith Willson's musical from 1957, about a con artist who sells clarinets and trombones to credulous rubes.
He got all the way to White House, and he's still being taken for a ride by the scheming rightwing oligarchs around him — just like those poor rubes in Kansas.
But his populist and authoritarian administration appalled richer middle-class urbanites, who argued that he had used vast wealth earned from telecoms and media businesses to buy the votes of rubes.
The ones they showcase, however briefly, are either portrayed as scheming rubes who love eating at the Olive Garden and Bubba Gump Shrimp Company or apathetic losers who can't stop jerking off.
Often this leads to a game of cat-and-mouse, where people share fake signs, are then mocked as rubes, with the mockees then mocked in turn for caring in the first place.
A second example: Both Clintonite neoliberals and free-market conservatives have long dismissed American anxieties about trade deals as the province of rubes and xenophobes, Ross Perot's nationalists and Pat Buchanan's nativist brigades.
" Evans, a former dentist, proposed that his was "a movement of plain people," and acknowledged that this "lays us open to the charge of being hicks and 'rubes' and 'drivers of secondhand Fords.
Krystal's ticket to prosperity, potentially, comes in the form of Founders American Merchandise, or FAM, which amounts to a cultish get-rich-quick scheme that requires a steady supply of fresh rubes to fleece.
Two of the best-marketed names in artificial intelligence are coming together to pitch their wares to a sea of unwitting rubes new customers with the announcement that IBM and Salesforce are going to partner.
But a lot of the humor is cruel and cynical, for the sake of being cruel and cynical, and even more of it points and laughs at the rubes, provoking them simply to provoke them.
To hear Trump tell it, the humorless media doesn't understand that he is joking about all sorts of things and, as a result, treats his jokes like actual policy statements -- proof positive they are total rubes.
I'm talking about Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, an obvious phony who nonetheless convinced the rubes — that is, much of the news media and the political establishment — that he was a brilliant fiscal expert.
The media did not try to contain their gleeful enthusiasm for such a messy spectacle that would portray Republicans as dopey rubes who had been led over a cliff by an orange-haired, political pied piper.
The famous "exit pursued by a bear" scene serves as the hinge between the two theatrical worlds, and we now spend an hour or so with the requisite rubes, light-fingered scalawags, misallied lovers and sheepshearing hoydens.
The Americans asking, "Why can't we just be more like France?" were launching their own attack in the culture wars, actively distinguishing themselves from those rubes who thought a politician's personal life affected his ability to govern.
Now liberalism is deliberately setting up the last segment of the population actually willing to endure a phone survey in service of what it knew would make for some hilarious copy when the rubes inevitably fell for it.
People who think that jobs being lost of the "New York Daily News" is a national tragedy but jobs being lost in the steel industry is totally fine because those are a bunch of rubes in the rustbelt anyway.
While bookish types such as myself are mustering evidence and reason behind a dispassionate analysis of the facts, he argued, the gun-grabbers and other demagogues are getting the rubes all riled up (I am rephrasing) to do . . . something.
Byrde (played by Jason Bateman) flees with his wife, Wendy, (Laura Linney) and kids — after convincing the cartel he can hide even more money among those rubes at Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks in return for sparing his life.
As many commenters surmised, the "stream" was little more than a short, looping gif dubbed over with stock thunderclap sound effects, prompting responses like "it's fake" that elicited replies from even bigger rubes pointing out that supercell storms are absolutely a thing that exists.
Though "Silicon Valley" is occasionally too childish or heavy-handed in the way it talks about the tech industry and the people in it, the show is mostly a sympathetic portrait of the simple rubes with big dreams who make up the startup world.
Photo: APHere's something to give even Goop's "bio-frequency healing" stickers a run for the money of various rubes: A Canadian man successfully sold slickly marketed bottles of water with hot dogs in them as a miraculous cure-all for whatever ails customers at exorbitant prices.
According to the former mod, who's now involved with a splinter mycology group, the drama started when a few of the Forum's 15 mods and some seasoned foragers in the group colluded to play tricks on rubes and n00bs by making up fake common names for mushrooms.
In the end, Planet of the Apps is a soul-crushing reminder of a tech sphere bloated with rich fucks who seek only to extract value and labor from rubes, swathed in the incompatible trappings of a TV genre that felt novel close to 20 years ago.
If good politics and good beliefs are just Good Facts and good tweets — that is, if there is no ideology beyond sensible conclusions drawn from a rational assessment of the world — then there are no moral fights, only lying liars and the stupid rubes who believe them.
"The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we're seeing now," Bourdain said.
" Bannon also lashed out at the negative ads funded by allies of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, saying that Republican "elites" had put millions of dollars into the Alabama race "to destroy a man," the Chicago Tribune reported, thinking that voters were "a bunch of morons" and "rubes.
"The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we're seeing now," Bourdain told Reason.
Brown acknowledges Hitler's vicious anti-Semitism as the core of Hitler's appeal — and notes the terrified Jewish community was fleeing from him — but goes on to dismiss it as a play to satiate the rubes (bolding mine): He is credibly credited with being actuated by lofty, unselfish patriotism.
The rubes noticed that liberal Democrats, distressed by the notion that Indiana would allow bakeries to practice open discrimination against LGBTQ couples, threatened boycotts against the state, mobilizing the considerable economic power that comes with an alliance of New York and Hollywood and Silicon Valley to punish retrograde Gov.
The group is led by the usual anti-Trump suspects, such as Washington, D.C., attorney George ConwayGeorge Thomas ConwayWhy pro-Trump 'rubes' will win again in 22020 George Conway: Witness missing from impeachment trial is Trump Democrats sharpen case on second day of arguments MORE and former Kasich adviser John Weaver.
There are a lot of other common-sense changes in yesterday's fine print: allowing moderators to turn posting permissions on and off for individual group members, for example; and bringing Facebook verified badges to Messenger, which should cut down on the number of fake Mark Zuckerbergs scamming poor rubes out of their money.
That might be a nice little exception the NFL can make, seeing as it's been complicit in not only ripping off fanbases and lining the pockets of billionaire owners who threaten to leave, but also ripping out the hearts of fanbases of teams that actually do leave for, say, the more willing rubes of Los Angeles.
Mapo tofu will rock your palate with vibrant chili oil and tingling powdered Sichuan peppercorns, while shaanxi dishes like cumin lamb and cold vinegared noodles with cubes of pita bread treat you to flavors and textures you didn't think were available in DC. Also, don't be tricked by their Americanized take out menu which appears prominently at the entrance: it's for rubes and the slow-witted.
That America has so readily bought into the myth of Silicon Valley as this weird Robin Hood/Walt Disney hybrid is an indictment of a lot of things, chief among them the way our politics have spawned an increasingly toothless public sector, which is in turn used to justify apps and laws and worldviews that consider unions to be archaic and cab drivers to be rubes.
Unless you've been under a media blackout the past week and a half, you've likely caught wind of Dan Richards, The Progressive Liberal, a wrestling Hillary Clinton fan who delivers hectoring promos about how he's working the area's Appalachian Mountain Wrestling promotion in order to educate the local rubes on proper living, green jobs, and how to pronounce "Appalachia" (with the third "A" being long, according to him, which is clearly wrong and enrages both me and the fans packing the gyms the promotion works).
George ConwayGeorge Thomas ConwayWhy pro-Trump 'rubes' will win again in 2020 George Conway: Witness missing from impeachment trial is Trump Democrats sharpen case on second day of arguments MORE told CNN on Wednesday that "the verdict of history is going to be on Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyYang congratulates Romney for 'voting his conscious and character' in convicting Trump McConnell 'disappointed' by Romney impeachment vote, but 'I'm going to need his support' Pence celebrates Trump's acquittal: 'It's over, America' MORE's side" after the Utah Republican voted to convict President TrumpDonald John TrumpSchiff: Bolton 'refused' to submit affidavit on Trump's involvement in Ukraine controversy Yang congratulates Romney for 'voting his conscious and character' in convicting Trump McConnell 'disappointed' by Romney impeachment vote, but 'I'm going to need his support' MORE on one article of impeachment, adding that "reality has taken a beating" with Trump's acquittal on both charges in his Senate trial.
Jean-Pierre Rubes, is a manager and promoter of Spanish boxing from the year 1990 to 2000. He discovered boxers like King Don't Go, Bruno Girard, Jean-Marc Mormeck. All these boxers became world champions during the events organised by Jean- Pierre Rubes. Originally from Paris, born in 1972, he spent his childhood boxing with his father, French champion Noel Rubes and big brothers Marc, Patrick and Alain all boxing champions.
Being a popular cartoon, Rubes is also heavily merchandised, with calendars, greeting cards, mugs, and T-shirts. Rubes hasn't won any of the major comics or cartoon awards, but has won a few minor awards like a bronze award at ForeWord magazine’s Book of the Year.
The Providence Rubes were an Eastern League baseball team based in Providence, Rhode Island. Their manager was Rube Marquard, after whom the team was presumably named.Providence Rubes team page They were the league champions in 1926, their only year of existence. They were affiliated with the Boston Braves.
Rubes is a syndicated newspaper single-panel cartoon created by Leigh Rubin on November 1, 1984. Leigh Rubin began making and distributing his own greeting cards in 1979 through his company Rubes. The cartoon Rubes began appearing in newspapers in 1984 and is since January 1989 syndicated by Creators Syndicate to over 400 newspapers worldwide, and was published in paperbacks from 1988 on. It was pulled from the Brigham Young University student newspaper The Daily Universe after several complaints by readers, but seems to have attracted little controversy otherwise.
The Riverside Rubes/Dons were a minor league baseball team, based in Riverside, California that played in the Sunset League from 1947–1950.
Depictions of evangelicals as uneducated rubes or hypocrites are common in Hollywood movies and television shows, such as Saved!, Shawshank Redemption, There Will Be Blood and Inherit the Wind.
In October 2015 it was announced that Vladimir Rubes had stepped down as head coach of the Sydney Bears due to family commitments. Rubes was replaced by assistant Ron Kuprowsky to the position of head coach. Kuprowsky was previously coach of the Sydney Ice Dogs before joining the Bears in 2015. Also in October the Sydney Ice Dogs announced their 2016 committee with Tim Flynn moving from the head coach position to the role of general manager, taking over the position from Anthony Wilson.
Following the appointment of Walsh as head coach the Adrenaline also announced that Gordon Cochrane and Sami Mantere had been signed as assistant coaches for 2016. In March 2016 the Sydney Ice Dogs announced that they had signed former Sydney Bears head coach Vladimir Rubes to the position of head coach. Rubes stepped down from his position of head coach of the Sydney Bears in October 2015 citing family commitments. Also in March the CBR Brave re-signed head coach Josh Unice along with assistant coaches David Rogina and Stuart Philps for the 2016 season.
The team moved back to the new Eastern League in . Babe Ruth played for this version of the Grays in 1914. The Grays returned to the Eastern League again in as the Providence Rubes before changing back to "Grays" in . This team lasted until .
1979 had been busy for Russell Morris, with the release and promotion of the album Foot in the Door, concluding on 4 November on the steps of the Sydney Opera House in front of 100,000 people. In April 1980 Morris lost Joey Amenta and James Black from his band, but they were replaced with Max Chazan and Bruce Haymes. Chazan, Haymes and Rick Puchela has previously played in a band called "The Rubes", so 'The Russell Morris Band' became 'Russell Morris and the Rubes'. The band released a cover of the Billy Joe Royal song "Hush" in September 1980, which peaked at number 14 on the Kent Music Report.
He also spent five games in the big leagues that season, hitting .235 in 17 at-bats. With the Providence Rubes in 1926, the 24-year-old Thomas hit .326 with 38 doubles, 12 triples and three home runs in 620 games, over the course of 153 games.
Rubes created the Museum Children's Theatre in her Toronto kitchen and then, with the help of a few local businessmen, opened Alice in Wonderland at the Royal Ontario Museum in 1963. Susan staged her first YPT show, The Looking Glass Revue, at the Colonnade Theatre in 1966.Maga, Carly. "Toronto theatres welcome refugees".
Unlike many rubes before him, Toby is True Blue. Sometimes he actually rises to the heroic, though invariably he makes it appear accidental. Toby is awkward, unlettered, boisterous, full of fun, with a great amount of common sense. He is the fellow in the play who says what the man in the audience wishes he could have thought of.
"Almost Frantic" is the fifth studio album by Australian singer songwriter Russell Morris. It was credited to Russell Morris and the Rubes. The album was released in February 1981 and peaked at number 28 on the Kent Music Report. Three singles were released from the album throughout 1980/82, with the track "Hush" peaking at number 14.
The origin of the expression can be traced to 1848 when a member of Dan Rice's troupe was attacked at a New Orleans dance house. That man yelled to his friend, named "Reuben", who rushed to his aid. Another explanation is that the name "Rube" is a slang term for country folk (e.g., "Rustic Reubens"), usually shortened to "Rubes".
Toronto Star, September 26, 2016. page E4. Before finding its permanent home in 1977, YPT staged shows at the St. Lawrence Centre, the Ontario Science Centre and Toronto's Firehall Theatre. The company also toured to schools throughout Ontario, and toured the play Inook and the Sun in the UK. In 1975, Rubes received the Order of Canada for her work in children's theatre.
We noticed that, instead of using our university's usual, tasteful red-on-buff official stationery, these letters went out sporting a gaudy, saw-toothed gold seal, with red and blue ribbons affixed. One day a secretary, pointing to the decoration, whispered to us, "We call this the dago dazzler." The document, according to the writer, was "calculated to impress the rubes".
Spain in the 1930s. The Rubes clan is headed by the aristocratic father Cecilio, a roué in love with another woman, Paulina, although he lives with his wife and his teenage son, Sisi. His wife hates the thought and practice of normal sexuality in their marriage. Their son notes his parent’s sexual frustrations but must experience his own initiation into the mysteries of love and sex.
On December 12, 1946, Caster was released by the Tigers. He played for San Diego and Hollywood in the Pacific Coast League during the 1947 season. In 1948, he was a player/manager for the Riverside Rubes in the Sunset League. He attempted a comeback five years later, serving as a player-coach and appearing in eight games for the Edmonton Eskimos of the Western International League in 1953.
After Davies' death, COC director Richard Bradshaw worked with Peters to finalize the opera.The American Record Guide. Vol. 44. American Record Guide; 1999. p. 40.Dundurn Performing Arts Library Bundle — Musicians: Opening Windows / True Tales from the Mad, Mad, Mad World of Opera / Lois Marshall / John Arpin / Elmer Iseler / Jan Rubes / Music Makers / There's Music in These Walls / In Their Own Words / Emma Albani / Opera Viva / MacMillan on Music.
Meanwhile, Marge is finding herself while helping to save manatees. Caleb helps Marge realize that Homer is still the man she fell in love with and the problem is that she still expects him to change. Homer decides to win Marge back by saving a herd of manatees from a gang of abusing jet skiers. The gang initially agreed to leave, but return after hearing Homer calling them 'rubes'.
Joseph Edward Bockman (July 26, 1920 – September 29, 2011) was an American professional baseball third baseman and scout, who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the New York Yankees (), Cleveland Indians (), and Pittsburgh Pirates (–). During his playing days, Bockman stood , weighing ; he batted and threw right-handed. His younger brother, Morley Bockman, played Minor League Baseball (MiLB) for the Riverside Rubes, in the Sunset League, among other teams.
The Kit Carson show had the reputation of being a rough and tumble grift outfit, with plenty of "hey rubes" fights when the grifters were working. Some sources say that the strong grift was what finally closed the show. On Friday, October 23, 1914 at Harlan, Kentucky, the show was shot out of town by irate locals, and the next day, Oct. 24 at Barboursville, Kentucky the show halted.
The Mightyroos, along with Walker, went on to top their group and win gold and promotion to Division 1 for the following year. Walker was selected by Austalia's head coach, former Ice Dog Vlad Rubes, as the team's MVP for the tournament. The Ice Dogs next success came in the 2013 season. The Ice Dogs won the H Newman Reid Trophy for the first time by finishing top of the regular season table.
Former Ice Dogs player, Jason Juba became the new GM and he was keen to re-connect the team to its roots and its early years form. The Ice Dogs then appointed former player, Vlad Rubes as new head coach. While a number of former players re-joined the Ice Dogs including, Tomas Manco, David Dunwoodie, Andrew White and Scott and Todd Stephenson. New team president, Chris Blagg, resurrected the Matt Clark Shield Match.
Modern audiences might be offended by the packaged exploitation these stock caricatures offered, but in early 20th-century America, it paid for performers to play the fool. Audiences were left on their own to interpret whether they themselves were sharing the joke or were the butts of it. While "race" musicians traded in "coon songs" crafted for commercial consumption by catering to white prejudice. "Hillbilly" musicians were similarly marketed as "rubes" and "hayseeds".
His costume is now orange and he has replaced the crash helmet with a metal bullet-shaped hat so he can use his head as a battering ram. It doesn't help him. Spider-Man and Daredevil ride him through the air like a bucking bronco and steer him into a crash with a group of circus rubes. Frustrated by this defeat, Cannonball is more than willing to throw in with the Clown, Princess Python and Great Gambonnos.
Bruce Geoffrey Haymes is an Australian musician. Since 1976 Haymes has been a member of numerous bands including Avalanche (1978), Richard Clapton Band (1979), Russell Morris and the Rubes (1980–83) and Bachelors from Prague (1985–93). He joined Paul Kelly's Band (1995–97) and was also in Kelly's next group, Professor Ratbaggy (1999–2002). In 1997 he was part of the Singers for the Red Black & Gold, which released a cover version of "Yil Lull" (1998).
The National Police Gazette coined the term "confidence game" a few weeks after Houston first used the name "confidence man". A confidence trick is also known as a con game, a con, a scam, a grift, a hustle, a bunko (or bunco), a swindle, a flimflam, a gaffle, or a bamboozle. The intended victims are known as marks, suckers, stooges, mugs, rubes, or gulls (from the word gullible). When accomplices are employed, they are known as shills.
Morris had previously recorded the song with Somebody's Image in 1967, when it reached number 15. The album was promoted with the advertising tag "The album about to explode!" but peaked at number 28 on the Kent Music Report in early 1981. "The Roar of the Wild Torpedoes" and "So Tough" were released in 1981 but failed to chart. Following the release of the album, Russell Morris and the Rubes released "Get it Right" in 1982, before the band parted ways in 1983.
"Young, p. 134. Indeed, his relationship with the hermit has been interpreted as a same-sex marriage that heterosexual society will not tolerate: "No mistake—this is a marriage, and a viable one", writes cultural critic Gary Morris for Bright Lights Film Journal. "But Whale reminds us quickly that society does not approve. The monster—the outsider—is driven from his scene of domestic pleasure by two gun-toting rubes who happen upon this startling alliance and quickly, instinctively, proceed to destroy it.
This was a marked departure from the role played by staff at other agricultural experiment stations throughout the country. Originally an independent unit of the state, the Station became part of Cornell University in 1923. Research was expanded to include studies on canning crops, nursery plants, and disease and insect pests of rubes. At the end of World War II, all animal research was moved to the Ithaca campus of Cornell University and the Geneva Station became a true horticultural research institute.
Reuben or Rube (like Uncle Josh) was a stereotypical country bumpkin: a comic character who flourished in American popular culture in the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He is perplexed by modernity. In this case, he treats a gas lamp like a candle, blowing out the flame which leads to his asphyxiation and death. Other Edison films from this period feature Rube, including Rube's Visit to the Studio, Rubes in the Theatre and Rube and Mandy at Coney Island.
It was Oberländer who introduced the 72 participants on the first day and set for them the task to study the "border struggle" against Poland. Attacking Poland, he advocated fighting the Polish minority in Nazi Germany and demanded that social relationships between Germans and Polish immigrants be prohibited. Oberländer implied that Poland was not capable of sociopolitical and agrarian reforms due to the fact that it was not a "racially homogenous" nation state. He dismissed the population of Polish cities as "transplanted rubes".
Young People's Theatre (YPT) is a Canadian producer of theatre for youth and Toronto's oldest not-for-profit theatre company. Founded in 1966 by Susan Douglas Rubeš, YPT originally operated out of the now-demolished Colonnade Theatre on Bloor Street. Since its 1977-78 season, the company has resided in a renovated heritage building in downtown Toronto. YPT operates two performance spaces in the building at 165 Front Street East; the Susan Douglas Rubes Theatre and the Nathan Cohen Studio.
Huck, Jim, the Duke, and the King wash ashore in Bricktown, Arkansas, and attempt to fleece the rubes they find. The Duke and King come up with a scheme to make money ("The Royal Nonesuch"), tricking the townspeople. By the end of the evening, Huck can appreciate a new way of life — the three are now several hundred dollars richer. When he returns to the raft, Huck plays a horrible trick on Jim by assuming the guise of a slave hunter.
From 1967 to 1974 she was a lyric soprano at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Düsseldorf and performed with singers Bernd Weikl, Rene Kollo, Peter Hofmann, Manfred Jung and Paul Frey. She also made guest appearances at opera houses in Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg Opera, Cologne Opera, Vienna and the Staatstheater Wiesbaden. She performed the title role in Ariadne auf Naxos by Richard Strauss at the Stratford Festival in 1975, conducted by Raffi Armenian and directed by Jan Rubes. Zarou was also active as a concert singer.
Ruben "Doc" Cavazos from One Percenter Bikers. On October 21, 2008, Cavazos and 37 other Mongols were arrested by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives after an investigation into the club, known as Operation Black Rain. Police raided his home in South Hills, West Covina, California, where he lived with his son, Ruben "Lil Rubes" Cavazos Jr, and brother, Al "the Suit" Cavazos, and seized firearms and bulletproof vests. After his arrest during the Operation Black Rain, he pleaded guilty to racketeering charge.
He played in the Eastern League from 1921 to 1930, playing for Bridgeport, the Worcester Panthers, the Providence Rubes, and the Pittsfield Hillies. He hit as high as .316, and his overall minor league average was .284. He played for the Canton Terriers of the Central League and the Binghamton Triplets of the New York–Pennsylvania League in 1930 and 1931, before returning to the Eastern League where he ended his U.S. career with the Allentown Buffaloes and Norfolk Tars in 1931 and 1932.
Apparently, Sisi was killed by a land mine while driving his army truck. His father wants his wife to bear him another son, but she refuses. The old man, broken hearted by Sisi’s death, returns to his former mistress Paulina, who tells him she is pregnant by his own son. With no other legal heirs, the elder Cecilio Rubes, desperate, jumps off his mistress’s balcony and commits suicide. Paulina had always wanted the elder Rubes’s child but is now content with having one sired by his son.
Stewart developed the character of Yogi Yorgesson while appearing on the Al Pearce radio show from Fall, 1932, to 1937. He then began performing a comedy routine as Yogi in nightclubs. Yogi was originally a Hindu mystic from Stockholm, but in time his crystal ball act was abandoned as Yogi was transformed into an everyman; Stewart nonetheless deliberately tried to make Yorgesson more intelligent than the stereotype of the naive rubes that other Scandinavian dialect comedians were using.Minneapolis Tribune, "After Last Night" by Will Jones, April 18, 1950.
The Thunder promoted assistant coach Dave Kenway to the head coach position, replacing Stan Scott who returns to his general manager position. Also in March, it was revealed that the Sydney Bears had hired former Sydney Ice Dogs head coach Ron Kuprowsky as an assistant to head coach Vladimir Rubes. In July, the CBR Brave announced that Brad Hunt had been replaced as head coach by goaltender Josh Unice on an interim basis. The club also announced that defenceman Aaron Clayworth would join the coaching panel as an assistant.
They are unaware, however, that in a minisub off this beach's shoreline hides Zorn, the counterfeiter who is printing the phoney bills. Ultimately, however, the evidence points to an unknown, higher authority directing the operations of these men, and apparently indeed someone connected with the circus. Among the most suspicious-acting of the circus staff are Burton the clown, and any of three "rubes", at least one of whom seems to be lurking by when something threatens the life of Bert or June. After several false turns, Jess Carter the Ringmaster is revealed as the counterfeiters gang leader and Zorn's handler.
They said: "The salient lesson here is: don't cop off with your best mate's boyfriend, so you're just gonna have to ride this one out, Rubes." Peter Dyke writing for the Daily Star said Ruby is a "randy schoolgirl" and said that her romance with Casey was merely a "passionate rebound romp". Whilst Erin Miller of TV Week said: "Phew, it's hard to keep up with Ruby's romantic escapades lately!" In April 2011, TV Week said Ruby had become "increasingly trouble-prone" and concluded that "belle in blue Charlie is at her wits' end about what to do with her wayward daughter".
After Trickum Road, it meanders generally northwest, meeting Rubes Creek and Mill Creek at the same point, just before Canton Highway (Main Street in Woodstock) at the north end of J.J. Biello Park. Continuing northwest, it passes Rope Mill Park just before crossing Interstate 575, and begins to widen into the lake just before meeting Toonigh Creek. Soon after, it meets the Noonday Creek arm of the lake, then widens and again narrows before meeting the Blankets Creek arm. It jogs southwest and the north again to meet Rose Creek, widening and narrowing again at Little River Landing.
Episode 1: 14-year-old contortionist Princess Elayne from Argentina, who hit a target while blindfolded by shooting a bow and arrow with her feet while performing a backbend handstand. Episode 2: Motorcyclist Chris Florin of Grant, Florida. Episode 3: Playing card manipulator Rick Smith, Jr., who threw cards at over cutting vegetables and candlesticks in half, into the Master of Champions cup away, and through seven sheets of newspaper. Episode 4: The "Stupid Fun Club", a Berkeley, California based think tank specializing in robot-people technology, won a Rube Goldberg machine building contest against the current national champions, the "Uber Rubes" from Purdue University.
Lum Edwards and Abner Peabody own a general store in Pine Ridge. When oil tycoon M. A. Parker is stranded in the town awaiting his car being repaired, he decides to play a practical joke on the two small-town rubes, and feigns interest in purchasing their store, alleging that there is an oil deposit below the premises. He offers Lum and Abner $20,000 for their property, but the two believe he is trying to steal their property by offering them far less than the property is truly worth. Rather than take Parker's money, the pair convince their friends and neighbors to donate money to drill for oil.
A year later, another movie titled Santa Claus was produced with sound on De Forest Phonofilm. Over the years, various actors have donned the red suit (aside from those discussed below), including Leedham Bantock in Santa Claus (1912), Monty Woolley in Life Begins at Eight-thirty (1942), Alberto Rabagliati in The Christmas That Almost Wasn't (1966), Dan Aykroyd in Trading Places (1983), Jan Rubes in One Magic Christmas (1985), David Huddleston in Santa Claus: The Movie (1985), Jonathan Taylor Thomas in I'll Be Home for Christmas (1998), and Ed Asner in Elf (2003). Later films about Santa vary, but can be divided into the following themes shown below.
Historic plaque on the building Young People Theatre's current home is a renovated 1887 heritage building in Toronto, Ontario. This site was a three-story stable for the horses that pulled Toronto Street Railways horsecars in the late 19th century, as well as an electrical generating plant and a Toronto Transit Commission warehouse. The warehouse sat empty for much of the 20th century and was ready for demolition before it was chosen by YPT as its home. The building was renovated in 1977 by Zeidler Partnership Architects to contain a large main stage (the current day Susan Douglas Rubes Theatre) and a smaller studio (the Nathan Cohen Studio).
Much of The Independent’s writing style was an exaggeration of modern newspaper style, more in line with 19th-century or early-20th-century style similar to that of The New York Times.:Image:NYTimes-Page1-11-11-1918.jpg Front page articles often had three headlines, and extreme examples of alliteration were not uncommon. In issue twenty, of winter 2004, after President George W. Bush was reelected, the second headline after "God Help Us" read, "Reverend Rove's Red Rubes Rock Rickety Republic / Righteous Rabble Ratifies Rogue Ruler's Reign." Allen Crawford ("Lord Whimsy"), a writer and editor for the paper, stated that his own "unapologetically pompous and florid" writing style found a regular place in the paper.
Once Morris had returned to Australia, he formed the Russell Morris Band. The band signed with Mushroom Records and commenced live performances, writing songs designed to be played live rather than chasing radio airplay, but scoring a couple of minor hits on the way. Eventually, the band played and recorded as Russell Morris & the Rubes. Morris also fronted The Lonely Boys throughout the 1980s and he also branched out onto the musical stage, appearing as 'Riff Raff' in a Melbourne production of The Rocky Horror Show and a few years later taking on the role of Simon Zealotes in the hit 1992 arena production of Jesus Christ Superstar alongside John Farnham, Kate Ceberano, Angry Anderson and Jon Stevens.
The album was recorded under several working titles, including Dancin', Somebody Up There Likes Me, One Damned Song (a quote from the title track), The Gouster, Shilling the Rubes and Fascination. An early acetate of The Gouster provide by Visconti showed "John, I'm Only Dancing (Again)", "Who Can I Be Now?" and "It's Gonna Be Me" in the track- listing. Former Beatle John Lennon collaborated with Bowie for "Across the Universe" and "Fame". Following the conclusion of the second half of the Diamond Dogs tour in December (referred to as the Soul tour), Bowie, Visconti and Alomar regrouped at the Record Plant in New York City to record two new songs, "Fascination" and "Win".
When French con-man Felix Borel lands on the planet Krishna, he expects to take the native rubes for everything they've got. Targeting the Republic of Mikardand he establishes himself in the capital, Mishe. There he quickly ingratiates himself with the ruling class, the knightly Order of Qarar, and enmeshes the knights in a scheme to establish a lottery and peddle a perpetual motion machine that he pretends will enable the Krishnans to catch up to the technologically superior Terrans by supplying them with limitless power. All is going as planned until the knight Shurgez, former paramour of Zerdai, a female member of the order Borel has taken up with, returns from a quest and challenges him to a duel over her.
Bachelors from Prague were formed in Melbourne in 1985 as an R&B;, jazz and funk band. Their initial line-up was Henry Maas on lead vocals (ex-Busby Berkleys, Buddy Lowenstein Big Band), Bruce Haymes on keyboards (ex-Richard Clapton Band, Russell Morris and the Rubes), Chris Minko on trumpet, Andrew Philipp on saxophone, Jeff Raglus on trumpet (ex- Escalators), Tom Roberts on guitar, Justin Stanford on percussion, George Friml on bass guitar, and Russell Cook on drums. Their first album, Live at Sing Sing (1987), was recorded live-in-the-studio in December of the previous year, with David Williams producing. In May 1988 they issued an album, The Energetic Cool, which provided two singles, "Go" (July 1988) and "Tightrope" (February 1989).
In the episode "Mother's Day", Leela looks through a simulation of a bending unit's sight, which targets potential rubes and then denotes a plan to rob them and leave them in a ditch, implying that all bending robots are somewhat prone to theft and amoral by design. However, another unit, Billy West (named after the series voice actor of the same name), is helpful and kind, though he lives as a farmer on the Moon and insists on not being a bending unit. Bender's serial number, 2716057, can be expressed as the sum of two cubes, which is humorous to Bender and Flexo after Flexo reveals that his serial number (3370318) has the same characteristic (119^3 + 119^3) (also, Bender’s designation 1729 is a taxicab number).
Google Maps indicates between Thackery and Longfellow. ;Weston Field :Occupant: Providence Grays - Eastern League (1918-?) :Location: Cranston, Rhode Island - otherwise unknown ;Kinsley Park :Occupants: ::Providence Grays IL (mid-1925 to end of season) moved from and to Newark Bears ::Providence Rubes / Grays - Eastern League (1926 - mid-1930 disbanded :Location: Kinsley Avenue, Acorn Street - opposite Nicholson File Company (a tool maker) :Currently: industrial ;Cranston Stadium :Occupant: Providence Chiefs / Grays - New England League (1946- mid-1949 - league disbanded) :Location: Cranston, Rhode Island - Cranston Stadium complex - Peerless Street (northwest, left and center fields); Crescent Avenue (northeast, center and right fields); Midwood Street (east, right field and first base); football stadium (southwest, home plate and third base). Flint Avenue (south) and Jordan Avenue (southwest) border the football stadium.
The Noonday Water Reclamation Facility is a sewage treatment plant that processes around 20 million gallons or 75 million liters of sewage per day for northeast Cobb and southern Cherokee counties in north-northwest metro Atlanta, located in north-central Georgia. It is operated by Cobb's water system, which partly wholesales its service to Cherokee's. The facility is located just south of the county line and east of Interstate 575 at 415 Shallowford Road, east of Kennesaw, also serving part of Marietta and all of Woodstock, its nearest city.Cobb County Government facilities website This generally corresponds to the drainage basin of both Noonday Creek on which it is located, and Rubes Creek to the east, which is also a tributary of the Little River, in turn flowing northward into the Etowah River via Lake Allatoona.
Coached in how the game works, Donna is a big success, learning how to con the marks and get their money without giving herself to them (which is what the rubes really want). After one successful scamming, she winds up in bed with Patch and the two of them are caught in flagrante by Frankie, which puts a strain on his relationships with Patch and with Donna. While this is going on, a con run by Nails (Theodore Wilson) on Skeets, the local crime boss's main enforcer, goes badly wrong. Upset at losing their money, the local underworld's muscle boys wreck the Bozo Joint and kill On-Your-Mark (Elisha Cook), a carny who has been "with it" for more than fifty years and was planning to retire at the end of the season.
Starting with The Real McCoys, a 1957 ABC program, U.S. television had undergone a "rural revolution", a shift towards situation comedies featuring "naïve but noble 'rubes' from deep in the American heartland". CBS was the network most associated with the trend, with series such as The Andy Griffith Show, The Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, Mister Ed, Lassie, Petticoat Junction, and Hee Haw. CBS aired so many of these rural-themed shows, many produced by Filmways, that it gained the nicknames the "Country Broadcasting System" and the "Hillbilly Network", a parody of their actual nickname, the Tiffany Network. By 1966, industry executives were lamenting the lack of diversity in American television offerings and the dominance of rural-oriented programming on the Big Three television networks of the era, noting that "ratings indicate that the American public prefer hillbillies, cowboys, and spies".
Gender studies author Elizabeth Young writes: "He has no innate understanding that the male- female bond he is to forge with the bride is assumed to be the primary one or that it carries a different sexual valence from his relationships with [Pretorius and the hermit]: all affective relationships are as easily 'friendships' as 'marriages'."Young, p. 134 Indeed, his relationship with the hermit has been interpreted as a same-sex marriage that heterosexual society will not tolerate: "No mistake – this is a marriage, and a viable one ... But Whale reminds us quickly that society does not approve. The monster – the outsider – is driven from his scene of domestic pleasure by two gun-toting rubes who happen upon this startling alliance and quickly, instinctively, proceed to destroy it", writes cultural critic Gary Morris for Bright Lights Film Journal.
A relatively short-lived upsurge in the number of peddlers was witnessed in the period following the second World War, when the wartime manufacturing boom came to an abrupt end, and returning soldiers finding themselves unable to secure suitable work, turned to peddling which generally offered a decent income.Buck, D.S., Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man, Washington, Gallaudet University Press, 2000 pp 4-5 In the United States, the travelling salesman became a stock character in countless jokes. Such jokes are typically bawdy, and usually feature small town rubes, farmers and other country folk, and frequently another stock character, the farmer's daughter.Buck, D.S., Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man, Washington, Gallaudet University Press, 2000 pp 5-8 Throughout much of Europe, suspicions of dishonest or petty criminal activity was long associated with peddlers and travellers.
Richard Kuipers of Variety stated, "Thor delivers the goods so long as butt is being kicked and family conflict is playing out in celestial dimensions, but is less thrilling during the Norse warrior god's rather brief banishment on Earth". Megan Lehmann of The Hollywood Reporter wrote, "The hammer-hurling god of thunder kicks off this superhero summer with a bang". In the Chicago Sun- Times, Richard Roeper liked the film "Thanks in large part to a charming, funny and winning performance from Australian actor Chris Hemsworth in the title role, Thor is the most entertaining superhero debut since the original Spider-Man". Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave it a negative review stating, "Thor is a failure as a movie, but a success as marketing, an illustration of the ancient carnival tactic of telling the rubes anything to get them into the tent".
Over the years, Newcombe and Creators has syndicated some of the most important figures of our time, including Pope John Paul II, Richard Nixon, Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Nancy Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Erma Bombeck, Art Buchwald, Joyce Jillson, Jeane Dixon, Sydney Omarr, Carl Rowan, Robert Novak, Dan Quayle and Oliver North. Newcombe also has syndicated Bill O'Reilly, Molly Ivins, Larry Kudlow, John Stossel, Hunter S. Thompson, Arianna Huffington, Tony Kornheiser, Patrick Buchanan, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Michelle Malkin, Mona Charen, Ben Carson, Star Parker, Mark Shields and Susan Estrich. Other columnists include Alexander Cockburn, Robert Scheer, David Nyhan, Brent Bozell, Tony Snow, Tony Blankley, Eric Breindel, Chandra Bozelko and Benazir Bhutto. In addition to B.C., Creators comic strips include The Wizard of Id, One Big Happy, Speed Bump, Chuckle Brothers, Agnes, Ballard Street, Liberty Meadows, Rubes, The Other Coast, Archie, Long Story Short, Batman, Zorro, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

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