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278 Sentences With "rewatching"

How to use rewatching in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "rewatching" and check conjugation/comparative form for "rewatching". Mastering all the usages of "rewatching" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Hughes didn't spend his sick leave rewatching old Simpsons episodes.
It will make rewatching this series a whole new experience.
He's drinking and he's watching and rewatching the Challenger explosion.
Now, back to rewatching Bandersnatch the 76th Annual Golden Globe Awards.
We'll spend our days waiting for its release by rewatching this.
You can relive your childhood by rewatching Round the Twist here.
Rewatching the movie, you're struck by how little she actually speaks.
I enjoyed rewatching Short Circuit for the first time in decades.
Even rewatching it, I was LOLing, but it also really hurt.
And what holiday episode will Ms. Lyons be rewatching this year?
Before then, we're getting prepared by rewatching the first seven seasons.
Rewatching it recently, I was struck by how odd that is.
I have no idea why I am rewatching this when there are a million other new shows I've been meaning to start, but there's comfort in rewatching something I've already seen and I need comfort right now.
He always packs his videos with enough fascinating visuals to reward rewatching.
I read this book soon after rewatching a number of Bergman's films.
And for now, I'll be rewatching that dance scene over and over.
After rewatching his movie, "I felt like it was compromised," he said.
Rewatching it now, she is surprised at the actual lessons she'd absorbed.
It's to be hoped a DVD will emerge; everything here merits rewatching.
I eat my meal while rewatching Parks and Rec for the umpteenth time.
Ozark fans, you can stop obsessively rewatching the first and second seasons now.
How much of your memory is based on watching and rewatching it later?
" One arch suggestion: following the Bill Cosby trial while rewatching Woody Allen's "Manhattan.
In extra-ghoulish news, Trump's latest attempt to ruin everything we love hits hard — right in the part of our brain where we store the slumber-party memories of watching (and rewatching, and rewatching again) the 1993 classic Hocus Pocus.
Aside from rewatching old episodes on Netflix, what are we to do until then?
Maybe somebody found it funny once in 2002, but rewatching now it's painfully misjudged.
Until then, catch me rewatching seasons one through six looking for recurring background characters.
I kill the half hour before it's done by rewatching an episode of Derry Girls.
Rewatching beloved childhood movies often results in rage-slamming my computer shut by minute 35.
It's delicious, and I sit on the couch rewatching Grey's Anatomy and decompressing while eating.
The first thing you notice when rewatching Lambs in 2017 is how theatrical it is.
There's no rewatching old episodes in a new light now that something has been revealed.
Regardless, in rewatching Next Gen, I've grown to appreciate the character of Guinan more fully.
I was certain that rewatching the film nearly 15 years later would change my opinion.
Fans have been watching and rewatching "This Is America" as they try to interpret its meanings.
If you're rewatching, pay special attention to how skeptical this season is of partnerships or duos.
But, upon rewatching the pilot, it seems to me that the show foreshadowed another major death.
But now people rewatching the movie have discovered that she lived in the Kingdom of Corona.
Honestly, it's not just quicker, but also way less emotionally draining than rewatching the whole thing.
Every December, fans of popular TV shows look forward to rewatching their favorite Christmas-themed specials.
I, for one, wholeheartedly recommend rewatching that video while the opening of "The Sound of Silence" plays.
For the hour and a half I spent rewatching Across the Universe, though, I thought it was.
It makes sense to avoid critically rewatching his own performances, but what about the Star Wars prequels?
As a result, there's plenty to discover within the story — and lots of potential for future rewatching.
So why are you even reading this when you could be watching — and rewatching — the above video?
Rewatching "The Apprentice" more than a decade later, it's easy to see why it struck a chord.
"Oh, those were very fast yesses," says Meyers on Late Night after rewatching Buck's exchange with Mueller.
My boyfriend had the same sentiment this past year, and when we tried rewatching, I passed out.
One can easily see that Shirley's followers across much of the country really enjoy rewatching "The Office".
When rewatching the film, you can see several other characters who are suspects carry or use iPhones.
Still, despite knowing all of this, I'd be lying if I said I didn't love rewatching this movie.
I keep rewatching the video just to hear the solid thud it makes when it hits the stage.
Bryan: Rewatching the original series recently, I was struck by just how low-fi the whole thing feels.
G. has been trying to get me to watch this for a while, so he doesn't mind rewatching.
And as always, we close the show with recommendations: Aliza recommends rewatching the pilot of The West Wing.
Until then, we'll have to get our fix by rewatching all of Swift's Grammy performances from year's past.
Rewatching this scene after the big Bernie reveal, it's actually jarring to realize how many hints are dropped:1.
I just wanted to get into this mood, so I started rewatching a lot of movies from that era.
On Sunday, after rewatching the video with her friend Maria Fernanda, Maria posted the two-second video on Twitter.
Tired of rewatching your complete DVD collection set of all four seasons of The OC over and over again?
When you're ready to start rewatching it from Episode 1, the first five seasons are on Amazon Prime Video.
For those who can swing it, watching — or rewatching — the whole run from start to finish is still recommended.
Rewatching Black Panther will give you a refresher on everything vibranium and also why Okoye (Danai Gurira) is a badass.
After rereading the comic, I found myself rewatching earlier Stranger Things episodes in search of any other hints or clues.
I shower, eat my leftovers from last night, and fall asleep on the couch rewatching Shameless for the tenth time.
Our days of watching and rewatching the too-relevant trailer for The Handmaid's Tale are finally coming to an end.
Already, viewers spent over 20 million hours watching and rewatching the debate live streams on the site, the company added.
The show has an impressive internal mythology, and clever Easter eggs abound; consider them a special reward for close rewatching.
With the coronavirus continuing to spread around the globe, people are rewatching the 2011 film Contagion, about a similar outbreak.
But on rewatching the promo video a third and fourth time, I still can't quite come around to liking this compromise.
Below you'll find some of the trailers that are worth rewatching — or that you might have missed — from the last week.
Until then, I'll be happy that Mindy is a strong, independent woman — while I bide my time rewatching You've Got Mail.
Now, [redacted] years later, I've confirmed both those things are still true by rewatching all 212 seasons of the medical drama.
The one major theme I find particularly problematic upon rewatching is the apparent lack of understanding about consent throughout the film.
Unluckily, you will still be best served by rewatching the Season 5 finale, because its specifics matter tremendously to this season.
Rewatching "Friday Night Lights" with my kids recently got me thinking: America could really use another "Friday Night Lights" right now.
Plus, I've been rewatching "Hidden Figures," and as you will know if you saw that movie, pearls also figure pretty importantly.
Hearing this, you might be eager to start rewatching episodes of Breaking Bad, since there's never a bad time for that.
My only weekend plans include rewatching Rick and Morty episodes and using a small stack of Domino's coupons before they expire.
Recommendations this week: The Good Place, rewatching the Black Mirror episode "San Junipero," and Google Fi. Send the hosts feedback on Twitter.
So, while I'll always enjoy Anne Hathaway's inadvertent banquet brain freeze, I don't think I'll be rewatching The Princess Diaries anytime soon.
Absolutely. Like we were saying about rewatching those films, and being like, what we thought was charming then is now very troubling.
As long as Harry Potter fans keep rewatching the beloved movies, they'll keep finding new reasons the series will make you cry.
In the meantime, we'll just be here rewatching our (I'm assuming it's collective because who can't not enjoy Scream?) favorite scary movie. 
In the meantime, we'll stick to rewatching Lemonade and counting down the days until tickets go on sale for the 2018 festival.
Media interfaces don't feature in "The Entire History of You," an episode about the nasty side effects of rewatching one's own memories.
The best part of rewatching one of your favorite shows is introducing it to friends who missed it the first time around.
Rewatching the film knowing Rodriguez and McGowan's intention gives a whole new meaning to it, especially in a scene featuring Quentin Tarantino.
You might consider rewatching "Twin Peaks," which returns in May on Showtime, or honoring Jonathan Demme, the filmmaker who died on Wednesday.
Rewatching the movies is pretty painful: Looking back, what once came off as playful and raunchy kind of just seems misogynistic and racist.
I'm rewatching The O.C. because it is the greatest televisual experience of the 218090st century, and my coworker gave me her Hulu information.
This week, bus seat ridicule, rewatching The Apprentice, Dunkirk's colonialism problem, the White House as West Wing, and the future of fake news.
So I started rewatching parts of the Minions movie, hoping someone had miraculously translated and subtitled King Bob's speech from Minionese to English.
For the squeamish and easily spooked, however, Halloween TV means rewatching your favorite characters don dorky costumes and whine about passing out candy.
Cosmopolitan writer and Pretty Little Liars devotee Eliza Thompson has spent the past few weeks rewatching old episodes of the series for clues.
Rewatching the show again during the heat of the presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I came away with two thoughts.
I'd like to get caught up with the girls before the new series begins so I started rewatching all the episodes on Netflix.
The video wasn't just lauded, it was a full on pop culture moment that we all spent weeks watching, rewatching, dissecting, and decoding.
" His reaction was similar to the one he'd once had while rewatching "Kinetta," his first movie: "Strange, strange, but not so bad, really.
Rewatching this American Cultural Event, however, makes you realize just how much this performance needed some jaw-dropping behavior to make it memorable.
I'm rewatching "Twin Peaks" for like the fourth time, so I watched an episode of that while I was cleaning up my house.
Now that I've seen this Sixth Sense–style twist ending, friends and I have been "rewatching" the world to spot the hints I missed.
But rewatching the episode, fans will notice things that are "classic Schmidt" or "so Nick," and it's not the same for Cece and Winston.
Rewatching the movie as an adult on the eve of the twentieth anniversary, I was struck by how much of it still holds up.
The friends and collaborators (they have matching tattoos) scoured eBay and crowdsourced the materials, and spent a ridiculous amount of time rewatching the film.
If you go over to a friend's house and they're rewatching, say, National Treasure 2 for the hundredth time, all bets are presumably off.
In what is surely an unprecedented move, the Emmys made the annual accounting segment something worth rewatching — and it's all thanks to Leslie Jones.
Every scene between those two had me giddy with anticipation, the way you get when rewatching your favorite romantic comedy or rereading Jane Austen.
I became obsessed with the lore of Hallownest, and spent my time rewatching specific sections of the game and scouring wikis for more information.
Someone's bound to have missed it, and the rest will probably be fine with rewatching what's essentially a greatest hits album put to video.
This does not make me unique; plenty of others have written odes to the joys of rewatching and the concept of the comfort binge.
When I am feeling like we cannot possibly sink any lower, I find myself rewatching the election night speech of our last popularly elected president.
Many fans are still digesting (and rewatching) season 7 of Game of Thrones, while others have moved on and are already crafting season 8 theories.
On the other hand, the commentary in podcast form allows you to listen to it anywhere, if you don't particularly care about rewatching the film.
"I'm rewatching Gravity Falls on Hulu and have reached Weirdmageddon," user kr0mbopulosm1ke wrote on the Reddit forum dedicated to the kids' cartoon earlier this week.
Karen Gillan and John Cho are nothing short of irresistible, and we will keep watching and rewatching this until this love story gets an ending.
It was cute, but Bill Russell did the same thing in 2011, which, upon rewatching, is a little absurd, considering Kareem is six inches taller.
It's because I am watching the trailer for Boy Erased, and then quickly rewatching the trailer for Beautiful Boy, in a shot-chaser heartbreak combo.
Rewatching these scenes, I think Lauren mistrusted Spencer because she worried he would do to me what Jason had done to her in season one.
But until it does, these nine shows, all worth watching or rewatching, approximate a working definition of the genre and a portrait of its evolution.
Really the only thing that has been uplifting in the days since John's death has been the surge of viewers watching and rewatching his films.
You know, he could be rewatching "Game of Thrones," like he wants to, enjoying it even more now that he can tell the characters apart.
After rewatching "Going Places," I transposed the narrative and read Blier's novel, which is filthy, broader in its concerns and the basis of the film.
Rewatching the movie is a bittersweet experience, because there is deep beauty in the ballroom scene, but the sun always rises and parties always end.
In this way, it feels less expertly crafted than Get Out, though also more ripe for rewatching, considering from new angles; your mileage may vary.
I spent a whole weekend recovering from the flu, watching and rewatching the five episodes (out of eight) to understand critics who saw some former greatness.
Rewatching our favorite episodes, particularly in times of stress, provides a soft safety blanket against the outside world – maybe even a world as harsh as Gilead.
Rewatching the game, there's an obvious nervousness that comes through during those final 12 minutes, a collective uneasiness from both the Raptors players and the fans.
And when I see you are rewatching our favourite show, I am contemplating wether you were watching it alone or introducing it to your new boyfriend.
Their ceremony resulted in their fans rewatching the romantic film as Amazon Prime Video tweeted on Friday that the wedding had caused a surge in viewership.
Starring Maribel Verdú, Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal, Y Tu Mamá También is all kinds of sexy and worth watching and rewatching this Valentine's Day.
Or, if they have no time for all that, they could simply take a quick trip down memory lane by rewatching those old Schoolhouse Rock cartoons.
I had entered into this rewatching because I thought that I was curious about my behavior in my own marriage, but I wasn't thinking about that.
Rewatching "School Daze" made me want to hug and protect every single black person on the screen; it made me want to keep Phyllis Hyman alive.
We're rewatching The Sopranos from season one while we eat Italian takeout from Maggiano's — delicious penne and lasagna along with sourdough, because I want all the carbs.
Shemekka is deeply hurt by the piece, and tells Nola as much (after rewatching, you'll notice Mekka is noticeably disturbed after seeing it for the first time).
The outpouring continued throughout the weekend, with many people declaring that they were already rewatching the film even though they'd watched it days or even hours before.
She started playing softball as a kid and analyzing game tapes with her dad in her spare time — when she wasn't rewatching A League of Their Own.
I figure if I can't master this game at the pace I'd like, at least I can scratch that itch by rewatching a bunch of old favorites.
But you can for sure make some sparks fly by asking the 57 percent of OkCupid users who are currently rewatching Game of Thrones before the premiere.
For one, it'd make a lot of Jews who are tired of rewatching a cartoon Adam Sandler make poop jokes very happy to get some fresh material.
The show wastes no time jumping back into its story, so consider rewatching last season's finale before heading back to the sometimes bizarre world of West Covina.
Still, there is evidence that rereading — and rewatching and relistening and reconsuming all types of culture — might actually be somewhat beneficial, or at the very least comforting.
" The actress later issued a more in-depth apology on her Instagram, calling the incident "humiliating" and said rewatching the video "has shaken me to my core.
The second, To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You just dropped and we will likely be watching and rewatching until the final film is released.
In rewatching it for this article, I (Todd) kept finding myself sucked in by its rhythms all over again, even in episodes I knew weren't that great.
For comparison's sake, YouTube in 2016 reported viewers had spent over 20 million hours watching and rewatching the presidential debates on the site ahead of the U.S. elections.
It's that time of year to rewatch our favorite TV Halloween episodes, but anyone rewatching The Office Season 6 on Netflix might notice the holiday is suspiciously absent.
To that end, we're rewatching the entirety of The Purge series, a four-part series about a world where for one night per year, all crime is legal.
After rewatching the conversation at the dinner table, it was subtly clear that once Natania heard about Tara's dalliances with the Saviors, she decided she had to go.
I love what Richard Price did with The Night Of and am considering rewatching but I realized I'm an episode behind his most recent HBO show, The Outsider.
The World According to Star Wars, out now, was inspired by rewatching the series with his young son Dylan (with wife US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power).
Watch A Short Film At Home Don't have enough time for a three-hour movie but want something a bit more special than rewatching an episode of the Office?
Many of its decisions seem to come from exhaustive research into what its customer base is interested in: what they're clicking on, what they're rewatching, what they're talking about.
Though I started this piece as a screed against the Squirtle Squad, rewatching the episode after two decades made me realize that my childhood impression was incomplete and distorted.
But it also leads the viewer directly into that classic movie, pointing at it with a giant arrow, and I find myself more interested in rewatching A New Hope.
This wave of popularity, swirled together with the stars' own nostalgia from rewatching episodes they shot roughly a decade ago, seems like a setup for a pretty solid podcast.
The ambivalence needs to be acknowledged and analyzed, which is why I've spent much of the past few weeks rewatching movies that I used to count among my favorites.
If you're rewatching it, or seeing it for the first time, it feels like it could've come out today and been just as innovative as it was decades ago. 
The internet says — and rewatching confirms — that Kitt actually appeared in Episode 3 of this season, part of the crew Gus brings to his first roadside meeting with Mike.
I had the pleasure of rewatching the show and then seeing the first six [of season four] cut in rough form and then reading the scripts up until 12.
You've just entered Mashable's Citadel, where we are Rewatching for the Throne, dissecting Game of Thrones season by season to prepare for the final six episodes beginning on April 2272.
All of this adds up to a world in which there's less rewatching of movies people have seen before, and the value of individual pieces of content is far lower.
I've been thinking about this, watching and rewatching videos by Kelela and London songwriter-turned-lead-artist Kamille (she's written for Little Mix, Fleur East, and others as Camille Purcell).
You've just entered Mashable's Citadel, where we are Rewatching for the Throne, dissecting Game of Thrones season by season to prepare for the final six episodes beginning on April 26.
Whether you spent the year obsessively following your favorite celebrity 'ships on Insta or binge-rewatching every new rom-com on Netflix, love was definitely in the air in 2018.
It's a hard pill to swallow for some Bond fans like myself, rewatching the older films in the #MeToo age and recognising the undeniable problems that go with the franchise.
You've just entered Mashable's Citadel, where we are Rewatching for the Throne, dissecting Game of Thrones season by season to prepare for the final six episodes beginning on April 28.
You've just entered Mashable's Citadel, where we are Rewatching for the Throne, dissecting Game of Thrones season by season to prepare for the final six episodes beginning on April 14.
Others excel in spite of their plots, as The Caribbean's naval combat and underwater exploration are significantly more interesting than rewatching the third most recent Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
When I was rewatching Halt and Catch Fire last weekend, it was the Pixelbook I reached for to idly play games, read comics, and google weird milestones in computer history.
You've just entered Mashable's Citadel, where we are Rewatching for the Throne, dissecting Game of Thrones season by season to prepare for the final six episodes beginning on April 27.
And, though she's keen to demonstrate the creative sophistication she quickly built up in the 1960s, she seems to be rewatching her early work impatiently, with the fast-forward button.
The singer, meanwhile, focused on her upcoming performance by settling into her usual routine of listening to her "hype playlist," meditating and rewatching dress rehearsals to perfect her live performance.
But after rewatching Grease in preparation for Grease Live, I've come to the conclusion — with sadness weighing heavy on my bruised and nostalgic heart — that Grease is just no good.
But it's Deutch I look forward to rewatching over and over for years to come when I inadvertently flip across this movie on whatever streaming service it ends up on.
His early Twitter messages quoted Fox News television segments that were aired the previous night, suggesting he was rewatching the programming as he prepared to depart for the anniversary celebrations.
You've just entered Mashable's Citadel, where we are Rewatching for the Throne, dissecting Game of Thrones season by season to prepare for the final six episodes beginning on April 21.
It's certified refurbished and boasts a 1920 x 1080 resolution that you can use for work (or let's be real, rewatching The Office for the 43th time from your bed).
I've been under the weather, not gravely so, but I am going through tissues at a maniacal pace, rewatching "The Crown," and then Googling the royal family on my phone.
We're sad there doesn't seem to be a Thanksgiving episode this season, so until the next episode airs in two weeks, we'll have to settle for rewatching "I Give Good Parent."
It's still a comedy, though, and if you're a fan of Arrested Development's rapid-fire pace and layered humor, you'll love watching and rewatching BoJack Horseman to catch all the jokes.
And so, while it did feel like a 58-minute catch-up with friends, I'm sure it's one we'll probably be rewatching to soothe our pain after next week's big battle.
If you want to catch up on all the best theories and loose ends from all the previous seasons, be sure to check out our ongoing Rewatching for the Throne series.
"Watch Back": A phrase frequently used by host Chris Harrison and podcast hosts alike in reference to rewatching an especially emotional, poignant, painful, or awkward scene from the previous night's episode.
I may enjoy rewatching past seasons of Game of Thrones, but this Angeleno still studiously avoids Twitter on nights when new episodes air, solely to avoid spoilers from East Coast viewers.
"I obviously did not get a queer reading out of the movie when I first saw it, but I do plan on rewatching it with that in mind," Kristen told Broadly.
If after only a few minutes a consumer can't figure out what to put on, PwC finds that one in every five people will resort to rewatching something they've already seen.
I'm less interested in the prospect of getting to the end of this season and rewatching 10 hours of TV, looking for the little clues that were hiding in plain sight.
I'd been depressed lately and the amount of time you have to spend researching a profile — reading the old articles, rewatching the movies — would help me avoid any kind of subversiveness.
Honestly, after rewatching the first eight films and seeing some other exaggerated Force powers, I&aposm fine with letting it go and embracing whatever Abrams tells me is a Force power.
And people who don't want to make tough choices can just follow along on their own by downloading the film, or rewatching specific scenes to see how things could have gone differently.
The many, many, many songs from On My Block Seasons 1 and 2 were confirmed by rewatching the series and cross-referencing with resources including Genius, TuneFind, and fan-made Spotify playlists.
I sat through an hour and change, rewatching two contestants from American Idol go to a lab disguised as a spring-break getaway in an attempt to determine who I should blame.
For women like me, who grew up watching and rewatching burnt out VHS tapes of the film, Spice World is our cultural lodestone—and we'll never give up on the good times.
But as we've speculated many times before in Rewatching for the Throne, Season 26's endgame will likely reveal that these legends misconstrued how the White Walkers were "defeated" the first time.
It's about an extremely corrupt anti-gang police task force in LA and as I've been rewatching it recently, I can't stop thinking about this interview Sigal did with sociologist David Brotherton.
Even now, in endlessly rewatching stories about Scarface and Tony Soprano, the culture is paying its respects to the Chicago OG, Al Capone, who was only caught because he cheated on his taxes.
We're super keen on the Slytherin range to be honest, and would wear it to a game any day — or cuddle up on the couch in it, rewatching Tom Riddle do his thang.
Paul initially said he wasn't going to appeal the decision or make excuses for the loss -- but after thinking about it and rewatching the fight, he believes it's the right thing to do.
Rogen has been rewatching holiday classics in recent days, and he was shocked to learn that the black and white movie Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) watches in "Home Alone" was never actually made.
Rewatching the film after Election Day, the Bagger's colleague Manohla Dargis wrote that she "fell into it gratefully," and imagined parallels with how Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers had lifted Great Depression audiences.
Beginning again this past February, I lived and breathed the series: rewatching much of it, editing an elaborate preseason newsletter and traveling to Northern Ireland to explore the show's relationship with the country.
The CW Watch was my tipping point, not just because it was the 11th streaming service I subscribed to, but because I had signed up for the sole purpose of rewatching old content.
Gerry Connolly (D-VA) told reporters that Butterfield was waiting for someone to request a recorded vote, but no one did, and Hoyer confirmed that after rewatching tapes of the proceedings on the floor.
I realize I probably sound a little war-hungry right now, but I'm rewatching the scene as I write this, and I realize it's not just the dramatic payoff of a long-anticipated conflict.
Rewatching Fight Club in 2019, that reversal feels less revelatory, not least because Brad Pitt has become a stronger, quieter actor since then, throwing the intentional shallowness of his Tyler Durden into sharper relief.
And so, each night before bed, I check in with the chefs at Bon Appétit like I'm catching up with old friends, watching (or let's face it, rewatching) video after video until I pass out.
The contest ends January 31, but you can kill time until then by rewatching that genius funeral episode from last season and fuming about why BoJack got snubbed by the Emmys this year or whatever.
To prove that the answer isn't simply to hide inside all day rewatching teen dramas, we test drove a few outfit combinations quite literally in the middle of a downpour to see what would hold up.
She is a prime example of our ability to love and loathe at the same time, and last week, while rewatching one of her early films, I finally figured out why: She never stopped being Emma.
That the films happened outside of the main Star Wars storylines also allowed for a little detachment and, even rewatching as an adult, far less scrutiny of how pieces fit into the overall Star Wars universe.
If you're into horror movies, rewatching The Dark Night, or other cinematic TV, the best way to enjoy it is on an OLED TV. Problem is, models like the LG C9 (mentioned above) cost a lot.
It's a substantial one, too; users are going to treat truly ephemeral video a lot differently from something that's taking place in the moment but that's also designed to be made available for rewatching later on.
The upshot is an oppressive, inscrutable puzzle that made me more curious about the inside of Alcazar's head than that of his tortured subject — the kind of movie that, in some circles, might inspire fetishistic rewatching.
Whether you're a Halloween Person or prefer to spend the spookiest night of the year on the couch rewatching The Shining, getting dressed up is always better when you have your BFF (or five) in tow.
Just look at how much The Daily Show host cracks up when rewatching old footage of Sanders calling a little kid dumb (jump to 5:40), and try to tell us Noah doesn't love him really.
But until then, have fun rewatching Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein for the fiftieth time, and knowing that somewhere out there, its inventor is hard at work trying to bring more such strange and mysterious creations to life. 
I was recently rewatching old episodes of Sex and the City, cry-laughing at how poorly the show holds up in today's modern dating culture (it's bad, guys), when I became enraged by one of Charlotte's comments.
Since Friends hit Netflix last year, many young people watching the series for the first time—or rewatching it through woke-colored glasses—have found it to be as dated and problematic as, uh, most '90s sitcoms?
Ethan Chapel said he was "lucky to be there at the time", when his monochrome camera captured a bright flash on the biggest planet in our solar system, an event Chapel only discovered after rewatching the video.
Rewatching Rocko's Modern Life, and watching its Netflix reboot, Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling, after 10 months of living in New York, I find myself relating to Rocko more than I find myself laughing at his expense.
Rewatching the film now, those characters are too restrictive, the script is too heterosexist and Marcus's workplace sexual antics are out of step with the current push to increase gender equality in the boardroom and the bedroom.
The big comeback doesn't just involve rewatching the trailer many times over and brushing up on some of the show's best witticisms: The movie's red carpet premiere also had the most zany, amazing getups we've seen in awhile.
When shows are as well-crafted and as well-acted as Brooklyn Nine-Nine is, it's easy to get lost in them, week after week, and then to spend just as much time rewatching favorite episodes later on.
I keep rewatching the video of Bruce Springsteen singing "This Land Is Your Land" at the 2009 inauguration, with a choir that can only be described as magnificent and with folk legend Pete Seeger, who has since died.
This isn't a show I'll keep rewatching to relax, the way I do with some other sitcoms — though I think that's partly due to the plot-driven nature of it, which feels markedly different from most network comedies.
From where we're sitting (rewatching Gaga's glamorous entrance over and over again), that tiny undereye mole — combined with the sexy, thigh-high slit and polished updo — took the A-list actress' whole look to the next level of stunning.
" MJ recommends rewatching the movie Bring It On. "A thing you should know about me is that I have loved Bring It On since it first came out ... It is campy goodness that is rightfully in the American cannon.
This is meant to shock and titillate; to make viewers gasp and go back to Season 1, rewatching it with new perspective, even when the writing and performances bear no hint of Season 2 (because it hadn't been planned).
Between their keen sensibilities, a mountain of reference material and a painstaking juxtaposition of the everyday glamor and banality of showbiz, Becker has been delivering an exhaustively rendered Hollywood that begs for rewinding and rewatching in each new episode.
But what Spotify really wants out of the deal is Simmons's ability to create podcasts, including his Bill Simmons Podcast, and some 30 other titles, which range from an NBA chat show to one devoted to rewatching old movies.
People loved the utopian-minded original series so much they resurrected it after it was canceled, rewatching it in syndication, gathering at conventions, and eventually inspiring the movies, spin-offs, and novels that turned the show into a universe.
On occasion, rewatching a 'classic' with fresh eyes can be elucidating (although my advice is to leave the DVDs of Pretty Woman and The Notebook to languish in the bargain bin at WH Smith along with Davina's Toned in 10).
So we here at Vox Culture — where we're currently into Wonder Woman, rewatching Band of Brothers, and a very solid sitcom about a dog — have a few suggestions for how to make the best use of your pop culture–consuming time.
As a bonus, if you've got a few extra minutes after rewatching Prometheus, it may also be worth your while to check out those Covenant prologues released by 20th Century Fox in the months leading up to the film's release.
You know I wouldn't have known to say that a few years ago, but my daughter and I started rewatching Top Chef and other than sports or music—even that's risky with profanity—you don't have much you can do together.
It's Sunday evening and you're wrapped in a duvet eating a family-size bag of Doritos, rewatching season 2 of Queer Eye with your laptop propped up sideways next you in bed, when you hear a light knock on your door.
I first heard about The Sopranos, which premiered when I was ten years old, from my mother, a psychoanalyst in private practice on Long Island who loved it then and happens to be in the midst of rewatching it now.
" Actually — almost as embarrassing as wasting so much time merely trying to decide what to watch is the fact that I usually wind up just rewatching something I've already seen a million times, like "30 Rock" or "The Twilight Zone.
We could string together an entire necklace using the fine pearls of wisdom acquired over years of watching (and rewatching) Gilmore Girls, like the fact that there's no problem a pro-con list can't solve when Pop Tarts are involved.
There's a surveillance camera moment in which Elaine is seen dancing on screen with the priceless pastry and it hits you upon rewatching that "Seinfeld's" anniversary is really just the anniversary of Julia Louis-Dreyfus cementing her status as an American treasure.
In an interview with The Independent, Jeffrey Wright, who plays Bernard Lowe on the HBO series, said that rewatching the season 1 pilot after reading the season 2 script ended up revealing a whole lot of foreshadowing that regular viewers totally missed.
It's funny — while rewatching the episodes ("for research") this month, I realized I hardly retained any memory of the Brody-, Heidi-, Jason-fueled drama, but I could quote, word for word, most of Lisa Love's boardroom dialogue or Emily Weiss' thoughts on peonies.
At 25: You've just been laid off and you spend your mornings applying to the same dozen newsroom jobs as hundreds of other people while rewatching "The Simpsons," Seasons 1 through 4, because you own them on DVD and you can't afford cable.
Gary (Nathan Fillion... until he's recast season 3) the Severed Head has decided he doesn't want to live like this anymore, and asks Joel if he could kill him (Joel is upset about this, because the two have just recently started rewatching The Wire).
It may not compare to Italy or Disney World, but coming home to a new TV could make the transition a lot less miserable — especially if you finally decide to invest in a new show instead of rewatching It's Always Sunny for the 12th time.
Kyrie Irving talked about his shot in the final minute over Steph Curry, telling Windhorst how he still gets chills when he watches it: "I was rewatching the games and talking to my teammates about it, sending them snapchats of me watching," Irving said.
There's no telling how long this love story will last — they're only 16 in this film, and we've got one more movie left in the TATB trilogy to go — but for right now, we're just content rewatching that final scene over and over again.
But the Instacart workers themselves barely have the luxury of looking up because the orders they are fulfilling are all on their phones and the faster they complete them, the more orders they can fulfill — in many cases, undoubtedly for someone at home rewatching "Succession."
Watching the films I had never seen (and rewatching a few favorites) over the last three weeks was often frustrating and only sometimes revelatory; some of the canonized work does not hold up, while whole periods of his career I had written off were suddenly more interesting.
Sometimes the characters do something that's homophobic, but when that happens, I try to put things into perspective by acknowledging that I'm a person who's spent the past ten hours binge rewatching a sitcom about unlikable straight people that's been off the air for over a decade.
McCann, who had never advanced in five previous trips to the playoffs, said that time — and the watching and rewatching of the playoffs from his couch — had allowed for a deeper appreciation of how hard it is to win and for how remarkable the Series was.
Given the state of the world at the moment, it's probably fair to guess that many of us have been spending a lot of time watching movies and TV lately, whether it's rewatching your favorites or trying those you didn't have time to tuck into before.
Linear TV has an incentive to keep as many viewers as possible from changing the channel, which confines its content to the right side of the chart: shows you can't miss without feeling left out and shows you don't mind rewatching if you stumble upon them.
Lizarde's parents, Dora Chavez and Octavio Lizarde Sr., keep rewatching a two-minute video of their grandson's life that their daughter made: a middle-schooler eating ice cream in a Hot Wheels shirt, an 8-year-old spinning on a swing, a tall teenager smiling with his cousins.
If you're stuck in a cycle of thumbing through streaming sites, looking up trailers, and ultimately rewatching "The Office" for the millionth time, you may want to set your sights on a smaller, choicer pool of options — like all the nominated or award-winning original series on Prime Video.
While rewatching the Westworld season 1 finale for this exhaustive recap, it became clear even a random piece of blink-and-you'll-miss-it packaging receives the same amount of scrutiny as our first hint at the existence of Shogun World (along with, likely, many other Delos parks after that).
Be honest—it wouldn't be so bad if the hour you spend every two weeks speaking to a parent could be redirected toward a more fulfilling hobby, like rewatching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" episodes while scrolling through a work spreadsheet while scrolling through videos that acquaintances took of themselves in cabs.
But, as I've gotten older, it's become so infrequent that I can easily list all the times I've done it in the last few years: Once in 2015 after seeing footage of a hospital in Homs being hit with a barrel bomb, and once this summer while rewatching Brokeback Mountain.
I've noticed that Jake usually kicks things off with a nice little anecdote about what he's been watching in his free time, and it's always such a pure delight, but I've been in a bit of a fugue state recently, so all I've been doing is rewatching random episodes of Trailer Park Boys.
But because it ran for ten seasons, and because reruns aired pretty constantly, I spent a fair portion of my childhood watching—and rewatching—the nascent careers of Amanda Bynes, Kenan Thompson, and Jamie Lynn Spears unfold through surreal gags about fast-food restaurants, baggy pants, and children dressed up as old people.
None of the Ghostbusters movies are particularly good, though you might argue the original was great, in the way that cult comedy classics from the 1980s often take on a life of their own with people who grew up wearing out their VHS copies or rewatching them on TV whenever they aired.
With Spider-Man: Far From Home slated for a July 20183 release and Black Panther 2 still waiting on a release date, we're looking a few years before we see another Captain Marvel film, which means we'll just have to keep rewatching Captain Marvel over and over again in the meantime to get our Carol Danvers fix.
The girls appeared at the Gilmore Girls Fan Fest, which is happening right now in Washington Depot, CT. If there is anything more fun than rewatching our favorite episodes of Gilmore Girls, it's finding out what the cast will look like and wondering what lives their characters will be leading in Stars Hollow when they return to our screens.
The network, which is best known for Christian-friendly holiday fare with titles such as A Shoe Addict's Christmas, A Gingerbread Romance, and the Mariah Carey vehicle A Christmas Melody, has announced plans to release two original Hanukkah features (presumably for you to watch when you aren't rewatching Call Me By Your Name and eating latkes).
"'A Christmas Story' is one of the most beloved holiday films of all time -- audiences have made a yearly ritual of rewatching it -- and we are so thrilled to have Marc leading the charge in bringing the musical version of that film to television," said David Madden, president of entertainment at Fox Broadcasting Company, in a statement.
A search for "red velvet" pulled up everything from crimson garments in paintings to furniture with plush trimming to a 15th-century manuscript covered with the material; searching for "pie" served up still lifes and a lot of carefully decorated pie plates from the 1940s; and even "patterned sweater" delivered (I've recently been rewatching Twin Peaks).
Rewatching some key scenes from All Quiet On the Western Front to prep for this roundtable, what I found distracting was the extent to which a director working before the dawn of modern camera technology or special effects budgets had to rely on repeated quick cuts and close-up inserts to try to convey battle action.
"Game of Thrones": With just under two months to go before HBO releases the eighth and final season of its biggest-ever hit, The Times is rolling out a preseason guide to rewatching the first seven seasons, with a deep dive into plot twists and themes you might have forgotten and tributes to the characters loved and lost.
The rest of the episode follows him on a musical adventure that has Jeff singing, dancing, getting roasted by puppets, and finally confronting the root of his emotional repression in a finale that may or may not have made a Mashable reviewer cry three times while rewatching and once when she glanced at a completely unrelated vacation advertisement that made her think about it on the subway.
Two months ago I ended a relationship that was buckling under the stress of long distance and a demanding job that I love, and found myself rewatching the Gilmore Girls episode when Rory and Paris sit down for dinner and come to the slow, ugly realization that despite the rending that it will cause them, there's nothing they aren't willing to sacrifice for their careers.
So you'll want to make some space on the couch for rewatching last night's season-three premiere, "2 Chainz," as it's one of the series' most enjoyably breezy yet: A shaggy-dog tale that finds Ilana and Abbi traversing New York City in search of a bathroom, and finding instead a never-ending array of weirdos, from porn-watching truck-drivers to brawling sample-sale shoppers to dong-obsessed artists.
THE GLASS HOTELBy Emily St. John Mandel The success of Emily St. John Mandel's 2014 National Book Award-nominated novel "Station Eleven," in which a band of artists travel a post-pandemic North American landscape (and which may merit a rereading after you've finished rewatching "Contagion"), inspired a lot of the usual talk about genre and literary fiction, and whether here was another shining example of the distinction's decline.
Rosanna Norton's costume design, Leslie Dilley's production design, and Rosemary Brandenberg's set decoration all deserve praise for creating a creepy but deeply elegant atmosphere, full of cozy sweaters, moth-eaten lace, festooned turrets, and Nightmare Before Christmas-like swirls (I could write an entire piece about the foyer floor design alone) But what's most clear upon rewatching is that while the movie is named for Casper, this is Ricci's movie.
But before it all ends and we begin rewatching the series from the start on Netflix, there are a few storylines you're going to need to keep in your mind grapes until the final credits roll: Jane's Career While our titular heroine (Gina Rodriguez) has always dreamt of becoming a romance novelist, she recently learned that it was actually her dad, telenovela star Rogelio De La Vega (Jaime Camil), who helped secure her book deal.
My most distinct childhood memory is being sprawled across the sofa on a rainy Tuesday, off from school with the flu but still sporting my trusty tie-dye leggings, fixated at the grainy VHS TV. It was 1999, and I was definitely celebrating the day's lack of gym and math class with the rewatching of my favorite Disney princess, a kick-ass gal named Mulan with a sassy miniature dragon and a sword that just wouldn't quit.
Because I remember that time when you and your two best friends went up to that cabin for Becca's thirtieth birthday, and, after rewatching all five seasons of "Friday Night Lights" and lamenting the fact that you'd never have husbands like Coach Taylor, you promised one another that if you got to thirty-eight and were still single you'd all move to Portland and live in a big Craftsman like hippies and bring up sperm-donor babies together and find random lovers to fulfill your sexual needs.

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