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99 Sentences With "restricted diet"

How to use restricted diet in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "restricted diet" and check conjugation/comparative form for "restricted diet". Mastering all the usages of "restricted diet" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Is it because people don't maintain a carbohydrate restricted diet?
Patients are treated throughout their lives, including a restricted diet.
During the next few years, she perfected the recipes for her restricted diet.
A severely restricted diet can cause a condition called nutritional optic neuropathy, leading to blindness.
Chris Hemsworth went on a restricted diet with his costars for "The Heart of the Sea."
A calorie-restricted diet, rich in protein and fiber, along with increased amounts of exercise, can help.
I have friends who have a more restricted diet than I do [keeping kosher] because they're gluten free.
If you stick to a calorie-restricted diet and maintain a consistent exercise routine, you will lose weight.
Ferreira's son is on a restricted diet and depends on limited items that won't cause an allergic reaction.
However, problems arise as you try to cut calories or eat a restricted diet, such as keto, Atkins, or veganism.
Valerie Habel Szach wrote in about her incurable bladder disease, interstitial cystitis, that forces her to follow a restricted diet.
Kuvan, jointly developed by BioMarin and Merck, is approved in 51 countries for use in combination with a phenylalanine-restricted diet.
This grandma will be on a weird restricted diet, and you will feel duty bound to go to the buffet for her.
When phenylalanine levels are not adequately controlled through a restricted diet, complications including severe intellectual disability, seizures, behavioral problems and psychiatric symptoms occur.
Monkeys on a calorie-restricted diet showed the same patterns of DNA aging as monkeys who were seven years younger but had eaten normal diets.
But doctors have been uncertain just how well surgery works for young patients, and whether they can handle the consequences, including a severely restricted diet.
Lately it appears everyone is interested in some sort of calorie-restricted diet to better their chances for a longer life with fewer chronic diseases.
Jonas also stuck to a very strict, calorie-restricted diet that allowed specific amounts of carbs, fat and protein eaten at specific times of the day.
BioMarin said pegvaliase was the first drug to show the ability to improve phenylalanine levels in a study in patients who did not follow a restricted diet.
And can a teenager be expected to commit to following the very restricted diet required after the surgery, not to mention taking the needed vitamins and minerals?
I've been eating a high-fat, carb-restricted diet for almost 20 years, since I started as an experiment when investigating nutrition research for the journal Science.
Now Hall H gets a restricted diet of finished sizzle reels and first-look trailers that are ready to go up on YouTube minutes after we see them.
After two years, adults on the calorie-restricted diet reported better moods, less stress, increased sex drive and better sleep, compared to the adults who didn't cut their calories.
And we should consume less salt, and when we do use salt, use low-sodium salt and low-sodium soy sauce (except for people on a potassium-restricted diet).
"I knew India was on a restricted diet of between 500 to 900 calories, but I had no idea it was down to 500 calories for a year," said Oxenberg.
Most people think of a diet as a means to an end, and few who go on a food-restricted diet to lose weight expect to have to eat that way indefinitely.
While arguably a bloated bureaucracy in need of a restricted diet, it remains the braintrust and workhorse of government services ranging from Social Security and Medicare reimbursement to veterans benefits, food safety, medical research and epidemic control.
The researchers first analyzed feces from a group of people who stuck to a calorie-restricted diet that optimized their nutrient intake, and another group of people who ate a so-called American diet without dietary restrictions.
A very small 2009 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 16 obese people who ate a very restricted diet three days per week lost an average of 12 pounds over 8 weeks.
Because air frying is an oil-less (it requires a tablespoon or less) alternative to dousing food in a vat of oil, the Foodi is also a pretty life-changing purchase for anyone on a fat-restricted diet.
A restricted diet prompted interspecies bargaining: A bone from the butcher meant for the dog might get rerouted to its owner's soup, or a cut of eel sold expressly for human consumption was sneaked into a cat's dish.
Despite Catherine's best efforts, India is drawn deeper into the cult, eventually joining a secret sorority of female members who are branded with the cult leader's initials, ordered to maintain a restricted diet and forced to recruit other women as sex slaves.
One small trial found that 44 percent of low-carb dieters were able to stop taking one or more diabetes medications after only a few months, compared with 11 percent of a control group following a moderate-carb, lower-fat, calorie-restricted diet.
Digital therapeutics are also a great fit for notoriously complex conditions like IBS, a condition affecting 800 million people, 60 percent of whom go on to develop depression or anxiety, hitherto only treated imperfectly by a range of measures from restricted diet to antidepressants.
Although the crew alleged that these supplies were limited to plastic bags, several reporters claimed it also included food supplies, which would make sense considering the crew was operating on a significantly calorie-restricted diet due to their less than successful attempt at sustenance farming.
As reporter Nidhi Subbaraman wrote in this equally disgusting and depressing story: As Epperly claimed on the group — called Exposing the Lies Candida: Weaponized Fungus Mainstreaming Mutancy — candida attracts parasites, and the only way to health is a severely restricted diet accompanied by large quantities of her signature fermented cabbage juice.
In humans, a protein restricted diet lowers blood levels of valine and decreases fasting blood glucose levels.
Dietary restriction has been shown to significantly increase lifespan in the human model of Rhesus monkeys as well as protect against their age related decline. More specifically, Rhesus monkeys on a calorie restricted diet had significantly less chance of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and age related cognitive decline than those monkeys who were not placed on the calorie restricted diet.
There are several contraindications for air polishing. These include: sodium restricted diet, hypertension, respiratory illnesses, infectious diseases, chronic kidney disease, Addison's or Cushing's disease, and some medications (mineralocorticoid steroids, anti-diuretics, potassium supplements).
He eventually had 5 m (15 ft) of necrotized small intestine removed (about 75%), leaving him on a permanently restricted diet. He later wrote the memoir Patient about his experiences with the disease and recovery.
For example, anovulatory cycles can occur as a result of adopting a restricted diet, as well as engaging in a high amount of exercise. Finally, the cycle is affected more by a vegetarian diet compared to a non-vegetarian diet.
A restricted diet is more often pursued by those wanting to lose weight. Some people follow a diet to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle). Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight and improve health.
Weight loss in overweight women reduced stress incontinence, in women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25 and at least 10 episodes of urinary incontinence per week. With exercise and restricted diet they had a 70% or greater reduction in overall incontinence episodes.
Studies in female mice have shown that estrogen receptor-alpha declines in the pre-optic hypothalamus as they grow old. Female mice that were given a calorically restricted diet during the majority of their lives maintained higher levels of ERα in the pre-optic hypothalamus than their non-calorically restricted counterparts.
One study suggests at least 10 MET-hours per week of aerobic exercise is required for visceral fat reduction. An energy restricted diet combined with exercise will reduce total body fat and the ratio of visceral adipose tissue to subcutaneous adipose tissue, suggesting a preferential mobilization for visceral fat over subcutaneous fat.
Boys were often scarified and bled to make them strong. Girls were secluded for a month at puberty, fed a restricted diet, and tattooed on their arms and breasts. Cross-cousin marriages and those between a man and his sister's daughter were preferred. A girl or woman could not marry without the consent of her father and brother.
King Birtram, his personal morale restored, finds the energy to mobilize the Patrol Cats to fight off the nizzards and save the kingdom. Lord Droon is arrested and punished with a restricted diet consisting entirely of nizzard cooked in various ways. Eric is rewarded with his own pair of red stilts, and joins the King on his outings.
However, there has been no evidence of cannibalism in this species of beetle. The diet of the larvae of this family has not been as widely studied because the larvae spend their time in tunnels and are difficult to identify even when not hidden in the soil. Carabidae larvae are usually more carnivorous than adults and have a more restricted diet.
The Mexican stoneroller prefers shallow waters near gravel and stone substrates, and larger adults can be found in sandy-bottomed streams. They will use under- covered banks to protect themselves from predators and humans. The biotic community of the fish is primarily the Montane Conifer Forest in the Chiricahua Mountains. They are restricted to higher elevations because of their restricted diet of detritus and algae that thrive in colder waters.
Khossousi, A. et al. (2005) The acute effects of a high fibre meal on postprandial blood lipids and satiety. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 2005 Supplement, Vol. 14, pS65-S65 Powdered guar gum, a soluble fibre, was shown to be associated with a significantly lower energy intake in obese subjects who ingested a non-restricted diet over one week, when the same participants did not consume the fibre supplement.
Dietary valine is essential for hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal, as demonstrated by experiments in mice. Dietary valine restriction selectively depletes long-term repopulating HSC in mouse bone marrow. Successful stem cell transplantation was achieved in mice without irradiation after 3 weeks on a valine restricted diet. Long term survival of the transplanted mice was achieved when valine was returned to the diet gradually over a 2-week period to avoid refeeding syndrome.
No education or schooling was provided and girls who resisted, or who showed any form of attitude, were locked in isolation, placed on a restricted diet and had their sentences extended. Typically girls sent to the Hay Institution came from poor socio-economic backgrounds. Many were indigenous children, and many had long been state wards. The first reunion of the Girls Institution took place on the 3 and 4 of March 2007.
There is limited evidence that intermittent fasting produces weight loss comparable to a calorie restricted diet. Most studies on intermittent fasting in humans have observed weight loss, ranging from 2.5% to 9.9%. Alternate day fasting does not affect lean body mass, although one review found a small decrease. Alternate day fasting improves cardiovascular and metabolic biomarkers similarly to a calorie restriction diet in people who are overweight, obese or have a metabolic syndrome.
By 1926, Goldberger established that a diet that included these foods, or a small amount of brewer's yeast, prevented pellagra. Goldberger experimented on 11 prisoners (one was dismissed because of prostatitis). Before the experiment, the prisoners were eating the prison fare fed to all inmates at Rankin Prison Farm in Mississippi. Goldberger started feeding them a restricted diet of grits, syrup, mush, biscuits, cabbage, sweet potatoes, rice, collards, and coffee with sugar (no milk).
Despite the fact that the Fit for Life web site mentioned "clinical trials", many of the proposed principles and benefits of the Fit for Life diet are not supported by citations to any scholarly research, and some of the claims have actually been directly refuted by scientific research. For example, a dissociated diet as that advertised by Fit for Life is no more effective for weight loss than a calorie-restricted diet.
392 She did not romanticise Britain's culinary past: "Farm and factory labourers, artisans and clerical workers, still lived on a very restricted diet ... their cooking facilities were so primitive and their equipment so scanty that only the most basic forms of cookery could be attempted".David (1970), p. 11 But her constant benchmarks were honest ingredients and uncomplicated cooking. She condemned—and explained the alternatives to—the artificial, the ersatz, the "notorious Chorleywood bread",David (1977), p.
He was raised by other members of the Rajneesh movement, and lived with other children in the ashrams. His mother ran a commune called "Medina Rajneesh" in Suffolk, and Guest went to a school run on the commune where no history classes were given. Guest describes multiple rules he disliked which he had to observe while living on the Osho commune, including a restricted diet and mandated worship. His stuffed animals and books were taken away from him.
Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid levels of pipecolic acid are frequently elevated in patients with PDE, though it is a non-specific biomarker. α-aminodipic semialdehyde is elevated in urine and plasma and is a more specific biomarker for PDE. Improvements in these biomarkers have been reported with the implementation of a lysine-restricted diet. Initial studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of lysine restriction evaluated developmental and cognitive outcomes by age-appropriate tests and parental observations.
Since phytanic acid is not endogenously produced in the human body, individuals with Refsum disease are commonly placed on a phytanic acid-restricted diet and avoid the consumption of fats from ruminant animals and certain fish, such as tuna, cod, and haddock. Grass feeding animals and their milk are also avoided. Recent research has shown that CYP4 isoform enzymes could help reduce the over- accumulation of phytanic acid in vivo. Plasmapheresis is another medical intervention used to treat patients.
Early theories of the cause of anorexia linked it to childhood sexual abuse or dysfunctional families; evidence is conflicting, and well-designed research is needed. The fear of food is known as sitiophobia, cibophobia, and is part of the differential diagnosis. Other psychological causes of anorexia include low self-esteem, feeling like there is lack of control, depression, anxiety, and loneliness.Some anorexic people might be perfectionists or have an obsessive compulsive personality which makes them stick to a restricted diet.
Caloric restriction substantially affects lifespan in many animals, including the ability to delay or prevent many age-related diseases. Typically, this involves caloric intake of 60–70% of what an ad libitum animal would consume, while still maintaining proper nutrient intake. In rodents, this has been shown to increase lifespan by up to 50%; similar effects occur for yeast and Drosophila. No lifespan data exist for humans on a calorie-restricted diet, but several reports support protection from age-related diseases.
Tyramine-restricted Diet 1998, W.B. Saunders Company. A large dietary intake of tyramine (or a dietary intake of tyramine while taking MAO inhibitors) can cause the tyramine pressor response, which is defined as an increase in systolic blood pressure of 30 mmHg or more. The increased release of norepinephrine (noradrenaline) from neuronal cytosol or storage vesicles is thought to cause the vasoconstriction and increased heart rate and blood pressure of the pressor response. In severe cases, adrenergic crisis can occur.
Kidney transplantation is a life-extending procedure. The typical patient will live 10 to 15 years longer with a kidney transplant than if kept on dialysis. The increase in longevity is greater for younger patients, but even 75-year-old recipients (the oldest group for which there is data) gain an average four more years of life. People generally have more energy, a less-restricted diet, and fewer complications with a kidney transplant than if they stay on conventional dialysis.
In Chinese societies, "simple eating" (素食 Mandarin: sù shí) refers to a particular restricted diet associated with Taoist monks, and sometimes practiced by members of the general population during Taoist festivals and fasting days. It is similar to Chinese Buddhist vegetarianism. Varying levels of abstinence among Taoists and Taoist-influenced people include veganism, veganism without root vegetables, lacto-ovo vegetarianism, and pescetarianism. Taoist vegetarians also tend to abstain from alcohol and pungent vegetables such as garlic and onions during lenten days.
White's pulse was not taken on the first day. White's back was washed with lukewarm water and treated with a cetaceous ointment and basic lead acetate. Warren placed him on a restricted diet of of potatoes and of bread per day until 9 July when he was placed on a "half diet" of of bread, of meat, of soup and of tea. White could not eat his full allowance after 5 July, eating, for example, just one potato on 6 July.
While visitor numbers dwindled from extreme highs in March and April, Knut remained a major attraction at the zoo for the rest of 2007. 400,000 guests were recorded in August 2007, which was an all- time high. Azerbaijan stamp commemorating the first year of Knut's birth News of Knut and his life at the zoo was still being reported internationally in late 2007. Knut's restricted diet, intended to curtail the natural weight gain necessary to survive harsh winters, made headlines outside of Germany.
The term "calorie restriction" as used in the study of aging refers to dietary regimens that reduce calorie intake without incurring malnutrition. If a restricted diet is not designed to include essential nutrients, malnutrition may result in serious deleterious effects, as shown in the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. This study was conducted during World War II on a group of lean men, who restricted their calorie intake by 45%Keys A 1950, p. 114. for 6 months and composed roughly 77% of their diet with carbohydrates.
Twenty-one thousand such tablets were seized and destroyed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1958. The 1979 predecessor of the Purification Rundown was known as the "Sweat Program" and was similarly designed to remove traces of LSD which, according to Hubbard, remained for long periods in the body. The participant had a restricted diet, including large doses of vitamins and a teaspoon of salt, and spent at least an hour a day jogging in a rubberised suit. For some, this regimen lasted for months.
People with the genotype for PKU are unaffected in utero, because maternal circulation prevents buildup of [phe]. After birth, PKU in newborns is treated by a special diet with highly restricted phenylalanine content. Persons with genetic predisposition to PKU have normal mental development on this diet. Previously, it was thought safe to withdraw from the diet in the late teens or early twenties, after the central nervous system was fully developed; recent studies suggest some degree of relapse, and a continued phenylalanine- restricted diet is now recommended.
"Unattended kettle" This was to be applied at work, as well, even though the firm was paying for wasted fuel."The firm (country) pays for it" British WWII propaganda poster encouraging cultivation of food Recipes were spread for cooking efficiently and nutritiously on the restricted diet that included many substitutions.Andrew Williams, The Battle of the Atlantic: Hitler's Gray Wolves of the Sea and the Allies' Desperate Struggle to Defeat Them p. 110–111 The Ministry of Food urged that it was not clever to take more than your share.
Widdowson and McCance and their colleagues became their own experimental subjects. The two would put themselves on a starvation diet, coupled with rigorous exercise such as climbing mountains and burning almost 5,000 calories (the healthy amount of calories to burn per day for a woman is about 2,500). Then, they would put themselves on their developed diet of bread, cabbage and potatoes for several months to find out if wartime rationing—with little meat, dairy or calcium intake—would affect their health. They showed that good health could be supported by this very restricted diet.
A study of 1800 children aged 2 to 12 in Colac, Australia tested a program of restricted diet (no carbonated drinks or sweets) and increased exercise. Interim results included a 68% increase in after school activity programs, 21% reduction in television viewing, and an average of 1 kg weight reduction compared to a control group."Obesity study bears fruit", Jamie Oliver, 24 August 2006. A survey carried out by the American Obesity Association into parental attitudes towards their children's weight showed the majority of parents think that recess should not be reduced or replaced.
Due to the restricted diet of arboreal folivores, many of them move slowly to avoid wasting energy. The Amazon bamboo rat's slow and cautious manner of climbing has the added effect of making its movements completely silent, helping to protect it from predators. Because the rat moves so slowly, its displacement may only reach 62 meters (about 203 feet) in a single night. If a bamboo rat is quietly approached, it will back away slowly and silently; however, the rat is capable of disappearing swiftly into the foliage if necessary.
The Relief Commission Papers for July 1847 state that the boys' school at the Waterford Union Workhouse is well constructed,Relief Commission Papers 1845-7, 8 Feb. 1847 however, the female school is not the same degree of efficiency and no rolls have been kept by the schoolmistress. Disciplinary actions towards inmates at the Waterford Union Workhouse are recorded as being conducted through the implementing of a restricted diet. Those who misbehaved were given three meals of bread a day for three days, which were to be eaten in isolation.
However, one must do more than the restricted diet in order to learn the plants, one must also ingest the plant, stay loyal to the plant while taking it into his or her body and allowing it to teach from within. Once the neophyte has undergone la dieta and has won the love of the plants, the spirits of the plants will appear to the neophyte either in visions or dreams. It is then that the plants begin to teach the neophyte their magical healing and protective songs, or icaros.
The disorder is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Unlike classic galactosemia, which is caused by deficiency of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase, galactokinase deficiency does not present with severe manifestations in early infancy. Its major clinical symptom is the development of cataracts during the first weeks or months of life, as a result of the accumulation, in the lens, of galactitol, a product of an alternative route of galactose utilization. The development of early cataracts in homozygous affected infants is fully preventable through early diagnosis and treatment with a galactose-restricted diet.
Casimir Funk, who helped elucidate the role of thiamin in the etiology of beriberi, was an early investigator of the problem of pellagra. Funk suggested that a change in the method of milling corn was responsible for the outbreak of pellagra, but no attention was paid to his article on this subject. Pellagra developed especially among the vulnerable populations in institutions such as orphanages and prisons, because of the monotonous and restricted diet. Soon pellagra began to occur in epidemic proportions in states south of the Potomac and Ohio rivers.
Therefore, by tradition, homes should have already been laid with carpets, removed for the warm season, by St. Andrew's Day (30 November), a week ahead of the Nikolobárbara. In Serbia, and among the Serb people living across the world, Saint Nicholas is the most widely celebrated family patron saint, celebrated as the feast day (Slava) of Nikoljdan. Since Nikoljdan always falls in the fasting period preceding Christmas, it is celebrated according to the Eastern Orthodox fasting rules ("Post"). Fasting refers in this context to the eating of a restricted diet for reasons of religion.
Congenital iodine deficiency syndrome, previously known as cretinism, is a condition associated with iodine deficiency and goiter, commonly characterised by mental deficiency, deafness, squint, disorders of stance and gait and stunted growth due to hypothyroidism. Paracelsus was the first to point out the relation between goitrous parents and their mentally disabled children. As a result of restricted diet, isolation, intermarriage, etc., as well as low iodine content in their food, children often had peculiar stunted bodies and retarded mental faculties, a condition later known to be associated with thyroid hormone deficiency.
The memoir Patient, by musician Ben Watt, deals with his experience with EGPA in 1992, and his recovery. Watt's case was unusual in that it mainly affected his gastrointestinal tract, leaving his lungs largely unaffected; this unusual presentation contributed to a delay in proper diagnosis. His treatment required the removal of 5 m (15 ft) of necrotized small intestine (about 75%), leaving him on a permanently restricted diet. Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, the president of Nigeria from 2007 to 2010, reportedly had EGPA and died in office of complications of the disease.
Pre-adaptation occurs when a population has characteristics which by chance are suited for a set of conditions not previously experienced. For example, the polyploid cordgrass Spartina townsendii is better adapted than either of its parent species to their own habitat of saline marsh and mud-flats. Among domestic animals, the White Leghorn chicken is markedly more resistant to vitamin B1 deficiency than other breeds; on a plentiful diet this makes no difference, but on a restricted diet this preadaptation could be decisive. Pre-adaptation may arise because a natural population carries a huge quantity of genetic variability.
Isoleucine, like other branched-chain amino acids, is associated with insulin resistance: higher levels of isoleucine are observed in the blood of diabetic mice, rats, and humans. Mice fed an isoleucine deprivation diet for one day have improved insulin sensitivity, and feeding of an isoleucine deprivation diet for one week significantly decreases blood glucose levels. In diet-induced obese and insulin resistant mice, a diet with decreased levels of isoleucine and the other branched-chain amino acids results in reduced adiposity and improved insulin sensitivity. In humans, a protein restricted diet lowers blood levels of isoleucine and decreases fasting blood glucose levels.
The role was so disliked that inducements were offered, including extra pay or improved lodgings. By the 1880s, punishments also included a restricted diet of bread and water (for a short time span), time in irons, and a lengthening of a prisoner's sentence by a visiting magistrate. The cat o' nine tails, which had been used since the early days of the prison, was abolished during the post-1911 Royal Commission reforms. Other reforms in this period saw the number of punishments inflicted decrease from 184 in 1913 to 57 in 1914, and 35 in 1915.
They have a significantly restricted diet with a preference for a few key plant species and a tendency to select leafy species in the dry season. The plant species they seem to be most attracted to when not in dry season are the woody plants. There are 18 species of woody plants known to the diet of the black rhinoceros, and 11 species that could possibly be a part of their diet too. Black rhinoceros also have a tendency to choose food based on quality over quantity, where researchers find more populations in areas where the food has better quality.
Celebration of Slavic cakes, grain and wine A depiction of Saint Nicholas and his companions visiting children Nikoljdan (; ; ; ) is the patron saint day (Krsna Slava, or Krsno ime, a Serb tradition) of Saint Nicholas, celebrated on December 6 (Gregorian calendar, December 19 on Julian). Since the feast of Saint Nicholas always falls in the fasting period preceding the Christmas, the feast is celebrated according to the Eastern Orthodox Church fasting rules ("Post"). Fasting refers in this context to the eating of a restricted diet (no animal products or dairy products etc.), such as fish (see Eastern Orthodox fasting).
Iodine supplements Iodine deficiency is treated by ingestion of iodine salts, such as found in food supplements. Mild cases may be treated by using iodized salt in daily food consumption, or drinking more milk, or eating egg yolks, and saltwater fish. For a salt and/or animal product restricted diet, sea vegetables (kelp, hijiki, dulse, nori (found in sushi)) may be incorporated regularly into a diet as a good source of iodine. The recommended daily intake of iodine for adult women is 150–300 µg for maintenance of normal thyroid function; for men, it is somewhat less at 150 µg.
Sodium phenylbutyrate is taken orally or by nasogastric intubation as a tablet or powder, and tastes very salty and bitter. It treats urea cycle disorders, genetic diseases in which nitrogen waste builds up in the blood plasma as ammonia glutamine (a state called hyperammonemia) due to deficiences in the enzymes carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I, ornithine transcarbamylase, or argininosuccinic acid synthetase. Uncontrolled, this causes mental retardation and early death. Sodium phenylbutyrate metabolites allows the kidneys to excrete excess nitrogen in place of urea, and coupled with dialysis, amino acid supplements and a protein-restricted diet, children born with urea cycle disorders can usually survive beyond 12 months.
La dieta is key to forming a relationship with the plants, for the plants will not reveal themselves, their uses, and their icaros (sacred songs) to those not following the restricted diet. While a neophyte is undertaking la dieta, he or she must abstain from sugar, salt, and sex, and often oil and fat as well. Generally, human beings smell bad to the spirits, so one must go on this long diet in order to purify oneself from this bad odor. One must practice abstinence while on la dieta in order to eliminate the smell of human sex, for to the spirits this smell is vile and repulsive.
PKU or hyperphenylalaninemia may also occur in persons without the PKU genotype. If the mother has the PKU genotype but has been treated so as to be asymptomatic, high levels of [phe] in the maternal blood circulation may affect the non-PKU fetus during gestation. Mothers successfully treated for PKU are advised to return to the [phe]-restricted diet during pregnancy. A small subset of patients with hyperphenylalaninemia shows an appropriate reduction in plasma phenylalanine levels with dietary restriction of this amino acid; however, these patients still develop progressive neurologic symptoms and seizures and usually die within the first 2 years of life ("malignant" hyperphenylalaninemia).
If a child is not diagnosed during the routine newborn screening test and a phenylalanine restricted diet is not introduced, then phenylalanine levels in the blood will increase over time. Toxic levels of phenylalanine (and insufficient levels of tyrosine) can interfere with infant development in ways which have permanent effects. The disease may present clinically with seizures, hypopigmentation (excessively fair hair and skin), and a "musty odor" to the baby's sweat and urine (due to phenylacetate, a carboxylic acid produced by the oxidation of phenylketone). In most cases, a repeat test should be done at approximately two weeks of age to verify the initial test and uncover any phenylketonuria that was initially missed.
The mourning of a loved one usually involves elaborate rituals, which vary according to region and sect. The intensity of the mourning is thought to reflect the quality of relationship one had with the deceased. From the time of Confucius until the 20th century, a three-year mourning period was often prescribed, mirroring the first three years in a child's life when they are utterly dependent upon and loved unconditionally by their parents. These mourning practices would often include wearing sackcloth or simple garb, leaving hair unkempt, eating a restricted diet of congee two times a day, living in a mourning shack placed beside the house, and moaning in pain at certain intervals of the day.
He also rationed the food in order to save some for the escape and made arrangements to have other prisoners who were staying behind celebrate loudly on the night of December 23, in order to create a distraction. Wattenberg's plan was to get as far away from the camp as possible before the guards realized they were gone. In order to buy some extra time, four U-boat captains informed the Americans that they and the other officers would no longer appear for roll call unless it was conducted by an officer. The American commander did not accept this and put the entire compound on a restricted diet for every day the officers refused to show themselves.
She left port and rendezvoused with the to have deck guns installed, and then spent the next 251 days capturing and sinking commercial vessels off the coast of South America, while simultaneously evading capture by the Allies. The ship eventually ran out of supplies, and dozens of the men in her crew had become sick with beri-beri from the restricted diet on the long voyage. Her captain headed for Virginia, and successfully evading the British ships guarding the port, entered safe harbor at Newport News, in 1915. At the Norfolk Navy Yard, the ship and crew were originally interned as neutrals by the United States, until that country entered the war in 1917.
Breuss maintained that cancer lives on solid foods taken into the body, and that cancerous growths will die if a patient drinks only vegetable juices and herbal teas for 42 days. Breuss stated that more than 45,000 people were cured following his treatment. He wrote a book titled The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases; according to a 1995 English translation, Cancer Cure has been translated into seven languages and has sold more than 1 million copies. A senior nurse for Cancer Research UK stated that they did not support alternative therapies that were not backed by scientific evidence, and that following a restricted diet such as Breuss's could cause malnutrition.
Then men swarm together and, with spears and shields, form a wall to hide him, and place him back on a man's shoulders and take him back to their camp, where he is again buried in leaves. A group of elders among the men, then return to the women's camp, and successively hand over, first clumps of grass, which the younger boys receive and hold at their chests, and then bundles of sticks, which they grasp after throwing the sheaves of grass away. The men then leave, gathered grass and place it back at their camp on the initiand, while the women pack up and shift camp several miles away. While doing so, they must sing certain songs and eat a restricted diet.
Cathartic preparation should be performed in order to clean residual stool from bowel loops from to allow a better visualization of mucosal features and an easier luminal distention as well. This type of preparation usually implies a fiber restricted diet and intake of water solution with laxative effect few days before the exam, and abstaining from food intake starting from six hours prior to the study. Use of enteric contrast media is recommended, aiming to distend small bowel loops, and it is administered orally at regular intervals approximately 40 minutes before the study. The type of endo-luminal contrast media varies among negative contrast media, consisting of superparamagnetic agents that evoke low signal both in T1 and T2 weighted images, positive contrast media, represented by paramagnetic agents, that produce high signal on both sequences, or biphasic contrast media, that gives high signal intensity in T2 and low intensity in T1.
She has recommended that individuals start consuming two cups of Jilly Juice per day, and increasing their consumption of it to up to 16 cups a day or a gallon a day. Proponents of Jilly Juice have claimed that a variety of illnesses and conditions are the result of Candida, a yeast which they claim attracts parasites in one's body. According to Epperly, an abundance of Candida in the body can cause harmful bacteria to multiply, create holes in the intestine, and allow toxins from food to enter one's bloodstream—she refers to this process as "leaky gut syndrome", which is a hypothetical and medically unrecognized condition. Epperly recommends a restricted diet supplemented by consuming large quantities of Jilly Juice, which supposedly removes Candida and parasites from one's body by inducing diarrhea (these bouts of diarrhea have been referred to by Jilly Juice advocates as "waterfalls").
Mama does not know whether Hakim-a-barber and Dee are married, nor does she ask. Hakim-a-barber has a restricted diet to follow, but Dee digs into the food Mama made. She begins asking for things around the house, like the top of a butter churn, and eventually she asks for two quilts as well. This quilt in particular is one that Mama had promised to Maggie, and Dee’s persistence frustrates Mama which develops into an argument between Mama and Dee. Dee argues that by using the quilt as a normal item, in “everyday use”, the quilt will be ruined, and the cultural importance will be lost. Mama would rather the item be used practically by her family and be ruined than have it sit on a shelf or be hung on a wall as a piece of art, and as Dee readies to leave, she tells Mama that Mama doesn’t understand her own heritage.
Although vegetalismo is strongly influenced by indigenous Amazonian cosmology, and to become a vegetalista one must abide by prescriptions that conform closely to those found among Indian tribes of the upper Amazon, vegetalistas do not associate themselves with any specific tribe, therefore there is no community to support the initiation and recognize that the individual has become a vegetalista. One becomes a vegetalista out of personal choice or vocation, and their shamanic powers become recognized gradually as they build up their reputation in the community in which they live. ;La Dieta In order to dominar, or master the plants, one must first prove to the plants that he or she is worthy of their trust. They must show the spirits that they are strong and faithful individuals, and in order to do this they must spend generally a minimum of six months in isolation, living deep in the monte (the wilderness) in order to take on the odor of the jungle and take in the gifts of the spirits, while following la dieta, the restricted diet in order to become a very powerful shaman.

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