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"reposeful" Definitions
  1. of a kind to induce ease and relaxation

20 Sentences With "reposeful"

How to use reposeful in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "reposeful" and check conjugation/comparative form for "reposeful". Mastering all the usages of "reposeful" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Elsa Chetwood was twenty-five, lithely built, outwardly reposeful, but dynamic within.
The reposeful Glen View is needed for the people who barter there.
Though his eyes were closed he did not present a reposeful aspect.
They settled back into reposeful attitudes with airs of having accepted the matter.
I sank into a kind of reposeful belief in the work of accident.
This extrem reposeful campsite is built after international standards and is opened throughout the whole year.
He had the reposeful self-assurance of a man who is conscious that he is idolized.
It was a soft, reposeful summer landscape, as lovely as a dream, and as lonesome as Sunday.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Asian art galleries are some of the most reposeful spaces in New York City.
Märtens Transportbänder wishes all customers, suppliers and associates a reposeful Christmas season, gorgeous Christmas holidays and a happy new year.
While I looked on, he let loose a fast-figured, at times piercingly dissonant improvisation, with reposeful tonal chords to close.
The reposeful, easy, affluent life to which her mother's marriage had introduced her was, in truth, the beginning of a great change in Elizabeth.
So quiet and reposeful within, for everyone slept, spent with watching, and a Sabbath stillness reigned through the house, while nodding Hannah mounted guard at the door.
Cardiff Hill, beyond the village and above it, was green with vegetation and it lay just far enough away to seem a Delectable Land, dreamy, reposeful, and inviting.
Vallabh, then twenty-eight years old, softer, brown-eyed, more reposeful, of Indian ancestry, told me her story: Her mother had died in December, 2010, at fifty-two, afterrifyingifying and confusing illness.
Similar to GNB, she was a genius in her tricky, instantaneous brilliant manodharma. Indira Menon comments MLV did adopt her Guru's idea of a quick impressionistic sketch of the raga covering the two octaves at the start, but settled down to a reposeful elaboration, unfolding it gradually with her virtuosity in the form of BRIGA - CASCADES appearing only where necessary. She was careful not to carry to an excess what her versatile voice was capable of. MLV's mastery over vocal techniques was comprehensive and complete.
The composition is structured in four movements: # "Lebhaft, nicht zu schnell", # "Lebhaft und sehr markiert", , G minor # "Ruhiges Tempo, mit zartem Ausdruck", , G major # "Lebhaft, sehr markiert", common time The first movement is marked "lively, not too fast". It alternates march music and dreamlike sections. The second movement, to be played "lively and strongly stressed rhythms", frames a lyrical section with march music of "a distinct rustic flavour". The third movement, marked "reposeful tempo, with tender expression" is a love duet of clarinet and viola, with constant movement in the piano.
The area of devastation covered about eight square miles. Inside this area, the annihilation of life and property was total; outside was a second, clearly defined zone where there were casualties, but the material damage was less, while beyond this lay a strip in which vegetation was scorched but life was spared. Many victims were in casual attitudes, their features calm and reposeful, indicating that the eruption blast had reached them without warning; others were contorted in anguish. The clothing had been torn from nearly all the victims struck down outdoors.
Twain wrote that he had "never seen any place that was so satisfactorily situated, with its noble trees and stretch of country, and everything that went to make life delightful, and all within a biscuit's throw of the metropolis of the world." "There is no suggestion of city here; it is country, pure and simple, and as still and reposeful as is the bottom of the sea." He later wrote "Dollis Hill comes nearer to being a paradise than any other home I ever occupied". The house was opened to the public in 1909, but it was used as a hospital during the First World War.
The relentless attacks of the equestrian detachments caused heavy losses to the Byzantine-Bulgarian army, which became weaker and weaker, and their lines started to disintegrate, while they could do nothing to stop these attacks. As a final solution, the Christian army, with its broken lines, started a general attack against the center of the nomadic army, which did no action until that and because of this, it was totally reposeful. When the Bulgarian-Byzantines arrived near to it, the nomadic army suddenly split, and let the Christians to enter in the middle, then shot a rain of arrows from both sides on them, this causing huge losses and the total falling apart of their organisation, then the Hungarian-Pecheneg army started a general attack, with their ordered battle lines, on the enemy, causing them to start to flee, but the majority of the Christians had no way to run, because they were encircled. Al-Masudi underlines that until this moment the nomadic army had not used any close range weapons, only their bows which caused the Byzantine- Bulgarians so many losses, but now they pulled out their swords, and started to cut down the enemy.

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