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218 Sentences With "replenishes"

How to use replenishes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "replenishes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "replenishes". Mastering all the usages of "replenishes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Go deeper: Trump replenishes Saudi arsenal by vetoing arms sale blocks
And then the cats go into the landscape, which replenishes their ecosystem.
I may sprinkle a bit of mineral salt in it which replenishes electrolytes.
There is no prepayment penalty and the card replenishes as it is paid off.
Typically, rainfall during the wet season (which runs from December to March) replenishes the lake.
Last week, Clorox stopped advertising on Amazon as it replenishes supplies and avoid price gouging.
Elixir replenishes over time, which you use to play troops that'll march ahead and hopefully conquest.
The hypermiling community tries to maximize fuel efficiency while driving, but the fuel supply never replenishes.
When you are done using them, pop them into a white case that replenishes their power.
For many, self-care, if available at all, is that which replenishes energy drained by work.
He replenishes his health not by finding hearts, but by cooking food, which is more science-y.
Matching swords and shields replenishes your weapon and armor meters can often be accomplished without spawning enemies.
Stamina recharges on its own but focus only replenishes using potions and bonfires—the game's safe spaces.
After a four month burial, the manure changes to a dry, "sweet"-smelling product that replenishes spent soil.
My grandmother taught me that at night your skin replenishes all the things you lost during the day.
Like its rivals, Penney has also sought to speed up its supply chain and revamp how it replenishes stores.
"When a person loses that much spinal fluid and it replenishes itself, I could have developed infections," Jackson says.
Water from a nearby unsafe natural (or municipal, really) source is trucked or piped in and replenishes the reservoir.
The slow processing of cases reduces the population at the camps, while the trickle of new arrivals replenishes it.
The pricey Meem does: As it replenishes your device's battery, it also backs up files without using a cloud service.
It replenishes over time at a rate of about one point every 5 minutes to a total of around 50.
But, Express replenishes stock quickly — which is good, because I have my eye on those two dresses up top next.
"My grandmother taught me that at night your skin replenishes all the things you lost during the day," Hayek said.
If you give blood, which she highly recommends you do, you will still have eight, until your body self-replenishes.
It replenishes your soul and desire to achieve like very few pieces of art do—music or any other medium.
The oiler is a combat logistics ship that replenishes other ships at sea with fuel and other provisions such as food.
They cook there, at this hole in the ground, where the water bubbles up and replenishes itself from beneath the surface.
In nearly two decades of attending DeviantArt meetups, Sotira says he's seen a consistent turnout of a young audience that replenishes regularly.
Link can now cook, for instance, gathering ingredients in the wild, using them to make food that replenishes health or buffs abilities.
Even basic information - how much water they hold, how their supply replenishes, and how they respond under different climatic conditions - is sparse.
Unlike taste buds and olfactory receptors, which the body replenishes continuously, the most delicate elements of the human auditory system don't regenerate.
Fitch expects Xinyuan's leverage to climb in 2852 as the company replenishes its land bank, after not making any land acquisitions in 2268.
Sierra snow is considered vital since it replenishes the state's reservoirs and contributes to about one-third of California's water when it melts.
Yet the company, whose free cash flow more than replenishes that every year, still had over $160 billion of net cash last quarter.
Also, the researchers are not sure if Saturn's D ring will eventually disappear, or if there's some process that replenishes it with new material.
Alpha Platoon can fend for themselves for a few minutes while my artillery battery replenishes its ammunition supply and becomes available for another barrage.
It should last all day on a single charge and comes with a charging case that replenishes its battery in 90 minutes, Amazon says.
She also said that Merck keeps a stockpile of 300,000 doses, which it replenishes by making more vaccine whenever doses are deployed for outbreaks.
It's all part of the company's vision of creating a "closet in the cloud" that replenishes infinitely without contributing as much to apparel waste.
Vivek Sharma, who sells woolen clothing in South Delhi, said he kept shuttling between his small shop and the warehouses where he replenishes his inventory.
According to the DWR, when the Sierra Nevada snowpack melts in warmer months, it replenishes about 30% of California's water needs later in the year.
Chennai's water supply comes from four reservoirs, all of which are almost completely dry because the monsoon rain that replenishes them has not come on time.
That could be welcome news for some as the storm replenishes aquifers in the state that have been low on water, CNN meteorologist Tom Sater said.
While an air purifier will be your number one sidekick during allergy season, humidifier therapy replenishes moisture in the air to combat the symptoms of dryness.
Flash flooding fears The rainfall could be welcome news for some as the storm replenishes aquifers in the state that have been low on water, CNN meteorologists said.
He pointed to the company becoming "water neutral" in 2016 — meaning it replenishes 100% of the water it uses in its finished beverages — as a proof of success.
This study shows the downward movement of air over the ocean replenishes wind as it moves through the farm, which means ocean farms have a much higher energy cap.
Standish believes this may happen because addictions result from deficiencies in serotonin, which ayahuasca replenishes so that people no longer feel the need to rely on substances for it.
The theory being that this then replenishes their usually depleted stores of dopamine, so the next time something excites them, they can fully enjoy it (or so the theory goes).
For other major disasters, we maintain a reserve of funds that FEMA may access to provide relief; if that reserve runs out, Congress routinely and uncontroversially replenishes it, as just occurred.
Judging by how quickly my feed replenishes now, Twitter is more active, and judging by the number of inane fights I've read through in the past few days, Facebook is too.
This is a psychological experiment based on the thesis that if you give someone a bowl of soup that secretly replenishes itself, they will eat more soup than from a regular bowl.
Many forests are supposed to burn as part of the natural ecological process—it not only replenishes the soil, but also helps to clear fallen timber that will prevent even bigger fires.
Low levels of palm oil at Chinese ports are also supporting its demand, as buyers in the world's second largest palm oil consumer replenishes stocks and ramps up consumption during the summer season.
Thanks to a mix of vitamins, fruits, and vegetable fatty acids, the Be Gentle, Be Kind duo replenishes and restores fragile hair while lending protection against the effects of dry weather and heat damage.
Every in-game day that passes — you can rush through by resting at your village or any conquered location — replenishes some of the goods in your Reward Stash, which appears at every fast travel point.
In the game, the practice passes the time and replenishes your health, but for me, the value placed on meditation also enforced its normality as a tool of wellbeing, as easily accessible as food and water.
A series of restrictions imposed over the past three years has cut collective consumption by over half since 2015, as city officials look to see out the hot summer months into winter, when rain normally replenishes reservoirs.
But as the federal Army Corps of Engineers replenishes this town's beach and builds new dunes, one of the obligations of benefiting from taxpayer-funded beach reconstruction is ensuring that the beaches can be used by, well, taxpayers.
Swap in SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Yogurt Hydrate + Repair Shampoo and Conditioner to revitalize stressed-out strands with reconstructive proteins and all-natural ingredients: Manuka honey boosts radiance and shine, yogurt extract provides natural nourishment, and mafura oil replenishes weakened areas.
The goal of sound management is to have a stock that is harvested at the same rate that it replenishes itself—which might typically be a stock about half the size of what would be there if there were no fishing at all.
In a waiting area before the contest began, blue-colored vodka-infused mixed drinks with the words "Slurp Juice" emblazoned on the cups were handed out freely at the bar, a nod to the in-game item that replenishes your health and armor.
Despite the increase, China's fertility rate remains below replacement level — at which a population naturally replenishes itself from one generation to the next — where it has languished for years, according to the National Population Development Plan 236 - 143, issued by China's State Council, the country's cabinet.
Her new book is a series of interviews with wellness-minded doctors on topics such as bloating, constipation, low libido and pain management, with a heavy emphasis on bioidentical hormone-replacement therapy (a controversial anti-aging practice that replenishes hormones such as progesterone and testosterone with plant-based duplicates).
Roger Cohen People ask, and it's a reasonable question, why everyone's so angry, why they're voting against their own-self-interest, even electing hucksters like Donald Trump who never really had anything but mean little thoughts and now says he'll clean the swamp as he replenishes it daily.
So is the Environmental Control Atmosphere Revitalization Section which replenishes them, and which looks as if a madman had lashed drums of paint, plumbing valves, small fans and vessels for which there is no name into a framework of pipes and then applied a hydraulic vice to the whole assembly in every direction.
At the peak of summer, and especially on "sambok," the three days of the year Koreans believe to be the hottest, according to the lunar calendar, many of them seek out roiling bowls of samgyetang in the belief that it replenishes nutrients, improves circulation and helps balance the body's internal and external temperatures.
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Palm oil demand is seen rising on a widening price differential with its rival oilseed soy, spurred by dry weather in the United States, prompting buyers to switch to the cheaper tropical oil, as key purchasing market China replenishes its palm oil port stocks, which have slid to seven-month lows.
But according to the Chicago Tribune, Spaceship Earth features a hidden drainage system that lets rainwater flow through and into well-placed gutters, which then channel it through Spaceship Earth's support legs beneath Future World, where it flows out and replenishes the water supply in World Showcase Lagoon, located in the back half of the park.
This mechanism replenishes the intermediates of the citric acid cycle.
After all orders are completed, a player replenishes their hand by drawing a new Command Card from the deck.
The IDC replenishes all consumption goods needed by Platte island every three month, e.g. food, fuel, medicine, and working equipment.
As the character spends these points, they're very limited. However, through level advancement, he or she replenishes spent action points.
An alien life form that is a huge ball of living matter invades Earth, and replenishes itself by absorbing people.
Whilst flow is now at optimal rates, Colonial claims it will be "several days" before processed fuel reaches and replenishes affected areas.
In the first game, the player also had a stamina meter which depletes as he sprints, but automatically replenishes when he stands still.
A new club house was proposed in 2002 and completed in June 2006. Tauranga City Council monitors erosion at the beach regularly and replenishes sand every year.
These sorts of conditions can persist over several years, even with above average rainfall, as the rainfall only slowly percolates through the water stores and replenishes them.
The art gallery constantly replenishes with new works of artists not only from Kazakhstan but from CIS countries thanks to exhibitions which are held on significant dates and events.
This tends to pull more electrons from further beneath the surface. Eventually the sample replenishes the lost electrons, by picking up the collected secondary electrons through the ground loop.
There are three types of power-ups: Food (replenishes health), weapons (all weapons will eventually 'expire' when their ammo depletes) and treasure chests (give the player(s) extra points or weapons).
Having lost both legs, the hero subsequently shows an amazing strength of character, again sits at the helm of the aircraft and replenishes the account of air victories over the enemy.
The city where Arthur replenishes provisions is of uncertain location, but presumably somewhere still to the west of the Rhone River., introduction. "ane cieté . . . With torris and turatis" (lines 41-42).
If his morph meter runs out it slowly replenishes to a smaller amount than that he started out with, much like the ammo replenishes for the main gun in Earthworm Jim. The ending of the video game involves dancing with a 16-bit representation of Cameron Diaz accompanied by big band music. Cameron Diaz was at the peak of her Hollywood motion picture career during the mid-1990s and was assigned to play the role of Tina Carlyle (Dorian Tyrell's girlfriend) in the actual film.
However, this deep mixing also replenishes near-surface nutrient stocks. Thus when the mixed layer becomes shallow in the spring, and light levels increase, there is often a concomitant increase of phytoplankton biomass, known as the "spring bloom".
Cover crops such as legumes plant, white turnips, radishes and other species are rotated with cash crops to blanket the soil year-round and act as green manure that replenishes nitrogen and other critical nutrients. Cover crops also help suppress weeds.
By spinning into the food, the food is destroyed. A medipack which replenishes 6 hit points if eaten. By eating a box of rocks, Taz can spit out rocks at his enemies. By eating a gas container, Taz can breathe out fire.
Surfing documentaries have been one of the main ways in which surfing culture grows and replenishes itself, not just as a sport but as an art form, the style and quality of surf films have often tracked well the evolution of the sport.
Unexpected breakthrough bleeding can be a possible side effect of longer term active regimens. Since it is not uncommon for menstruating women to become anemic, some placebo pills may contain an iron supplement. This replenishes iron stores that may become depleted during menstruation.
Tree species include willow, American elm, and sycamore. The Connecticut River is from bank to bank at the southern terminus of the Robert Frost Trail and is navigable by power boat. Seasonal spring flooding replenishes the nutrients in the surrounding agricultural land.Earthview LLC.
Two types of items exist: equippable items and consumable items. Each hero can equip one equippable item at a time and it typically provides a stat boost. Consumable items are one time use and provide a temporary buff or replenishes stats when used in an Ultraman.
Chen discovers that the Beastheads consumes human souls but replenishes demonic power. Dante carves his way out of the trap while Chen devours the Beastheads statue. Chen and Dante clash, both using the Sparda's sword-style. Chen gains the upper hand until Dante hurls his sword through Chen's head.
Halyburton replenishes from the battleship during Ocean Safari 85 Over its commissioned service, Halyburton earned numerous Battle 'E' awards for combat readiness. Halyburton was also one of the escorts for on July 21, 1997 as "Old Ironsides" celebrated her 200th birthday and her first unassisted sail in 116 years.
Accessed April 19, 2013. The Great Salt Plains cover an area of . It was so named because it is covered with a layer of salt deposited long ago by an inland sea. A saline aquifer still flows beneath the surface and replenishes the salt whenever the water table rises.
Whenever Cael eats orcs, he gains Mana points. Eating farm animals replenishes Health. When Cael releases captured sprites, they give information or teach Cael about his magical powers. Orc forces include ground units (orc warriors), naval units (ships), air units (hot air balloons), castle defenses (towers), and war machines (catapults).
"Welcome to Bloodborne: Here's what I wish I'd known from the start" . Polygon. Retrieved July 22, 2015. The player can return to the safe zone, known as the "Hunter's Dream", by interacting with lanterns spread throughout the world of Yharnam. Doing so replenishes health, but repopulates all monsters in the game world.
The Laocorn's generator abilities are hover, allowing the mech to hover a few feet over energy grids; refresh, which replenishes the mech's energy; plasma barrier, which serves as a temporary shield; and the blaze laser, which destroys every enemy on screen. Each ability consumes generator energy, which can be refilled through pick-up items.
While in this mode, every unit stops its motion while a timer runs down; the player can freely issue and modify orders to the Marines. Once the timer is depleted or the Freeze button is clicked again, every unit resumes its movement. The timer for Freeze Time slowly replenishes, as long as the game stays in real-time.
Some enemies, like the fly or armored soldier (in the haunted castle world), cannot be defeated by the spin, but only by rocks or the flame. Others, like Yosemite Sam, cannot be defeated at all. The player completes a level by either defeating the boss of that level or reaching the exit sign. Acquiring food replenishes Taz's hit points.
Players also have a hunger bar, which must be periodically refilled by eating food in-game, except in peaceful difficulty. If the hunger bar is depleted, automatic healing will stop and eventually health will deplete. Health replenishes when players have a nearly full hunger bar or continuously on peaceful difficulty. Players can craft a wide variety of items in Minecraft.
Missionary Adele M. Fielde transcribed a Chinese tale from Guangdong (The Three Talismans) where a poor man goes to an island and is gifted a cap of invisibility, a cloak of transportation and a basket that replenishes itself with jewels, and the horn- growing fruits are bananas.Fielde, Adele Marion. Chinese nights' entertainment. New York; London: G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1893. pp. 9-17.
When the energy reaches zero, the player loses a life. Chests are scattered throughout the game (some of which are hidden and must be discovered), the majority of which contain coins that add point to the players' scores, but some of them contain power ups and bonuses such as a pill that replenishes the players' energy bars and an enhanced magic sword.
Because the Mother Creature replenishes eggs when they hatch or are destroyed, it must be defeated before the player can advance to the next wave. If a mutant or a bomb thrown by a mutant comes into contact with the cannon, the cannon will be destroyed and a reserve must be called up. A new cannon is awarded on every other wave.
This breakdown allows vertical mixing of the water column and replenishes nutrients from deep water to the surface waters and the rest of the euphotic zone. However, vertical mixing also causes high losses, as phytoplankton are carried below the euphotic zone (so their respiration exceeds primary production). In addition, reduced illumination (intensity and daily duration) during winter limits growth rates.
Photovoltaic ombrière SUDI is an autonomous and mobile station that replenishes energy for electric vehicles using solar energy. Sustainable engineering is the process of designing or operating systems such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in other words, at a rate that does not compromise the natural environment, or the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Acetylcysteine serves as a prodrug to L-cysteine. L-cysteine is a precursor to the biologic antioxidant glutathione. Hence administration of acetylcysteine replenishes glutathione stores. – Glutathione, along with oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), have been found to bind to the glutamate recognition site of the NMDA and AMPA receptors (via their γ-glutamyl moieties), and may be endogenous neuromodulators.
Each combatant has an energy bar, which is somewhat drained upon each hit the character receives. Energy replenishes over time, necessitating a repeated assault to wear down an opponent. Once the energy bar is depleted, the character loses one bite out of its Green Apple and the energy bar is reset. When the Green Apple is entirely "eaten", the character dies.
The Songkhram is one of the more important but lesser known rivers in Thailand's northeast. It is the last Mekong tributary in Thailand free of developments blocking river flow. Fish can swim freely into the Songkhram River from the Mekong and use it as a spawning ground. This replenishes the fish stocks that are an indispensable food source for inhabitants of the Mekong region.
Players will receive some quests automatically, and others can be obtained by clicking on various NPCs (Non- Playing Characters). By clicking on a monster, the player delivers strikes which will cause the monster a certain amount of damage, dependent upon the player’s level and the equipment they wield. Each strike costs a certain amount of energy, drawn from a pool that slowly replenishes in real time.
The prognosis is good for paracetamol overdoses if treatment is initiated up to 8 hours after the drug has been taken. Most hospitals stock the antidote (acetylcysteine), which replenishes the liver's supply of glutathione, allowing the NAPQI to be metabolized safely. Without early administration of the antidote, fulminant liver failure follows, often in combination with kidney failure, and death generally occurs within several days.
The peasant dies and his son inherits the objects. When he uses them for the first time, the fez grants invisibility, the fife summmons an army and the tobacco pouch always replenishes itself with money. The King's daughter steals the items, but the hero wins them back with white and red grapes that transform one into a buffalo.The Flower of Paradise and Other Armenian Tales.
The former replenishes energy, while the latter gives a speed boost without using up any energy. The less time spent in the pit area, the less energy will regenerate. Courses may also have jump plates, which launch vehicles into the air enabling them to cut corners. Each racing craft contains air brakes for navigating tight corners by using the control stick and shoulder buttons.
The collector's goal to complete a collection is symbolically about completing the self too. Events timed to real world: Popular games such as Dragon City and Wild Ones require users to wait a certain time period before their "energy bars" replenish. Without energy, they are unable to conduct any form of action. Gamers are forced to wait and return after their energy replenishes to continue playing.
Players can absorb a certain amount of damage, but once their health reaches zero, they must resume their progress at the last saved checkpoint. Resting in place replenishes health but saps game time and leaves the player open to attack. Scattered throughout the levels are other items players may use. Potions have different effects: rare blue potions, for example, rid the player character of poison and damage.
Third, PEP carboxylase is significant in non-photosynthetic metabolic pathways. Figure 3 shows this metabolic flow (and its regulation). Similar to pyruvate carboxylase, PEP carboxylase replenishes oxaloacetate in the citric acid cycle. At the end of glycolysis, PEP is converted to pyruvate, which is converted to acetyl- coenzyme-A (acetyl-CoA), which enters the citric acid cycle by reacting with oxaloacetate to form citrate.
The mystical man gives Jerry a cake that tastes of whatever the eater likes best, and replenishes itself whenever the eater takes a bite. However, when Jerry returns to Chubby after finding food for her, the two children realize the kite is gone. At this time it is dark out and night has begun. It is also at this time that Jerry and Chubby meet another mystical creature called a wymp.
These include: hormone balancing, replenishment of fuel stores, cellular repair, innervation and anabolism. Post-exercise oxygen consumption replenishes the phosphagen system. New ATP is synthesized and some of this ATP donates phosphate groups to creatine until ATP and creatine levels are back to resting state levels again. Another use of EPOC is to fuel the body’s increased metabolism from the increase in body temperature which occurs during exercise.
For example, when the smith arrives, he replenishes tool supplies. The entertainers can brighten the moods of the populace, leading to increased tax revenue. Guests of honor come at random times during each social stage of the game, and can also be called to visit once the senate is unlocked. Unlike in the previous game in the series, the players can choose how much to tax their people.
If Tails is hit by an enemy, the player has a chance to recover as he is falling to the ground. His weapon is a gold ring that can be thrown to defeat enemies, bypass traps, and retrieve items. Collecting mint candies replenishes Tails' constantly-depleting health meter. There are five scrolling levels to traverse, which vary in difficulty and take place in locations such as forests, castles, and mechanical fortresses.
With the Successors being restored, Io transforms into a new Bloodspring known as the Weeping Tree which replenishes the Blood Beads and maintains the Gaol as Vein begins anew. Io also produces a special amber- colored Blood Bead containing her memory, allowing the player and the group to venture into the outside world alongside their comrades almost a decade later to save whoever is still living there from the horrors.
Euclide Auclair came to the Quebec colony eight years prior, in the service of Count de Frontenac, as physician and apothecary. His wife has died after an illness, and the duties of housekeeping have devolved upon his daughter Cécile. The following day, Cécile and Euclide attend to Reverend Mother Juschereau, who has sprained her ankle. Her father replenishes the hospital supplies while Mother Juschereau tells Cécile a story.
Heat then conducts into the surface material from the higher temperature air. The result is an increase in the temperature of the material and a loss of energy from the flow. The forced convection ensures that other material replenishes the gases that have cooled to continue the process. The stagnation and the recovery temperature of a flow increases with the speed of the flow and are greater at high speeds.
Radio channel broadcasts in Chuvash and Russian languages on the whole country on 105.0 FM and VHF waves 72.41, the third button, as well as real-time online Technical ability to take "Chuvash national radio – Chăvash Yen" have 1,250.5 thousand. Man in the Chuvash Republic, as well as residents of neighboring republics and regions. The radio channel is actively replenishes audiarhiv, is recording radio shows and premiere performances.
Unlike many other bird families, corvid fitness and reproduction, especially with many crows, has increased due to human development. The survival and reproductive success of certain crows and ravens is assisted by their close relationship with humans. Human development provides additional resources by clearing land, creating shrublands rich in berries and insects. When the cleared land naturally replenishes, jays and crows use the young dense trees for nesting sites.
If everyone gives up, the cards are shuffled back into the deck. The game ends when the deck is exhausted, and the player with the most cards wins. Longer games of 24 proceed by first dealing the cards out to the players, each of whom contributes to each set of cards exposed. A player who solves a set takes its cards and replenishes their pile, after the fashion of War.
Their hit points are generated with a very small die (a four-sided die) with a class-based bonus. This reduces the role of chance in determining a character's ability to withstand damage. Characters also gain access to a "reserve pool" of hit points that they may call upon between battles to restore their hit points, and which replenishes each day. However, almost all healing magic has been removed from the game.
Unable to restore his powers, Lastikman gets so depressed that HE ACTUALLY CONSIDERS KILLING HIMSELF. Fortunately, it never comes to that. His ship's emergency energy reserves kick in, and he discovers that his body is low on the "foreign matters" that give him his shape-shifting abilities. Once a special machine on his ship replenishes those foreign matters in his body, Lastikman is finally able to take on the lethal Lightning Lady.
Back at sea on 9 November, the store ship embarked upon a 19-day cruise to the West Indies. During that mission, she tested underway replenishment equipment and made port calls at San Juan, Puerto Rico, and at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The vessel arrived back in Norfolk on 28 November and, two weeks later, entered the shipyard of the Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. for a month of repairs. Alstede replenishes , circa in 1964.
Spell cards, in this game, are special moves that have to be announced before they can be used. Each character can choose 1 out of 3 normal spell cards and 1 out of 3 overdrive spell cards to use before a match starts. The overdrive spell card replaces the normal spell card when the player's character has been defeated once. Also, when a spell card is announced, the player's HP replenishes for a certain amount.
This aggravates flooding problems in the plains. On the credit side however, the silt replenishes the nutrient content of the soil of the downstream lowland plains, which produce more than 80% of Nepal's agricultural food supply. The second important aspect of the significance of the Siwalik region and associated concerns, is that it supports dense sub-tropical forest. Deforestation is increasing in consequence of demands for timber, firewood and litter from the local population.
In the interior there is a relict lake, Lake Mogil'noe (or Molginoye), which is separated from Kildin Strait by an isthmus through which seawater filters that replenishes the lake. The brackish lake holds a unique species of cod (Gadus morhua kildinensis) that has adapted to it. The island is long by and wide at the widest part. Kildin Strait, which separates it from the mainland, is long and varies in width from to about .
Lake Berryessa is a monomictic lake, which means that the waters of the lake turnover once a year. For monomictic lakes that turnover time is somewhere in the Fall. Lake turnover happens when the warmer surface water starts to cool to match the lower cooler water. Once the lake is all the same temperature, water can freely circulate all around and oxygen replenishes parts of the water where it has been diminished.
Various power-ups can be acquired that will increase the effectiveness of either Pocky or Rocky's attacks, such as making their projectiles larger or giving them the ability to throw multiple ones at once. Others include a shield that absorbs enemy attacks, and a power-up that replenishes hit points, giving Pocky and Rocky more endurance. A floating being called "Help man" is hidden in each level that will drop power-ups when found.
Dialogue options are used for conversation and hunting prey to feed on, which replenishes strength and levels up the lead character. Weapons and supernatural abilities are employed while combatting enemies. Set during the era of the Spanish flu, London serves as a fictionalised semi-open world composed of four districts, amenable to destruction based on the player's actions. The developers researched the setting by travelling to London and consulting history books and documentaries.
Proximity to the upper and lower surfaces also affects movement speed which becomes slower when near either surface. The player can land the sheep on areas of grass on either the top or bottom of the screen, in order to reduce its hunger. A stomach meter shows the player's current state of hunger - overfeeding or allowing the sheep to starve will result in the loss of a life. Feeding also replenishes the sheep's shields.
But the cell has an enzyme called telomerase, which carries out the task of adding repetitive nucleotide sequences to the ends of the DNA. Telomerase "replenishes" the telomere "cap." In most multicellular eukaryotic organisms, telomerase is active only in germ cells, some types of stem cells such as embryonic stem cells, and certain white blood cells. Telomerase can be reactivated and telomeres reset back to an embryonic state by somatic cell nuclear transfer.
Collecting coins provides experience points, while various items can be found in treasure chests such as orbs (used to perform super moves) and food (which replenishes the player's vitality). These elements make the game very similar to a side- scrolling action game rather than a traditional competitive fighting game. Red Earth is one of the few Capcom games with fatalities. They include splitting the opponent in half, decapitation, artery rupture, organ removal, and limb slicing.
Other power-ups include the flag of the Hokuto Army, which replenishes Kenshiro's life gauge, a silver necklace which grants him more "bomb" units (which is required for Kenshiro's projectile attack) and a gold necklace that grants him temporary invincibility by summoning the power of the ultimate technique Musō Tensei. Kenshiro is given an extra life for every 100,000 points achieved by the player. Shooting power can also be replenished for every 20 thugs killed by the player.
Over the course of the game, players can use a wide variety of weapons, including plastic bags, baseball bats, crowbars and a variety of bladed items. Later in the game, firearms become available (which cannot be used for executions). Should players take damage, their health depletes; health can be restored through the use of painkillers, which are available throughout each scene. Players also have a stamina meter which depletes as they sprint, but automatically replenishes when remaining stationary.
At Queen Street Mill, Burnley, a tackler is running two Pemberton 'Burnley' Looms, in a six loom set. You see him start the loom by moving the leather drive belt from the idler to the drive wheel and the motion of the loom. He replenishes a shuttle and has both looms working. A tackler was a supervisor in a textile factory responsible for the working of a number of power looms and the weavers who operated them.
Rather than restoring lost health by picking up power-ups as in many first-person shooters, the player instead replenishes their shields and oxygen through activating recharge stations placed in walls; if either drops below zero, they die. Upon dying, the player revives at the last save point. The player can only save their game by locating and then activating a pattern buffer device. These devices are placed infrequently throughout the game's levels and some even lack them entirely.
Between his students at Évora, we have the most noted polyphonists of the next generation: Fr. Manuel Cardoso (1566–1650), Filipe de Magalhães ( – 1652) and Duarte Lobo (1564/69-1646) [6]. These continued the pedagogical action of their teacher, worthing him references as «mestre de toda boa musica deste reino» («teacher of every good music in this kingdom») and «el Mendes Sonoroso que de Musicos llena toda a Europa» («the sound Mendes who replenishes Europe with musicians»).
One of the first games to use a graphical indicator for health points is Nintendo's 1983 arcade title Punch-Out!!. The game includes a "stamina" scale that replenishes every time the player successfully strikes the opponent and decreases if the player fails to dodge the opponent's blow. If the scale is fully depleted, the player character loses consciousness. Namco's 1985 title Dragon Buster is considered the first game to have popularized the use of a health bar.
Gene battles against two enemies Weapons are equipped on both hands of the characters and are used with the circle and cross buttons. Pressing both buttons in succession is necessary to execute combos. The other buttons are used to lock focus onto an enemy, guard, dash, or manually change the camera angle. The number of attacks and blocks is limited by an energy meter for each arm, which decreases after each move but replenishes with time.
The attacker then replenishes his hand from the talon, so that he has five cards. If another player also has cards of same rank as the card or cards on the table, he may reinforce the attacker by playing it and replenishing his hand likewise. By this point there will be up to 4 cards on the table. The defender now attempts to capture all these cards individually, placing the captured cards on a common wastepile to one side.
Some water infiltrates deep into the ground and replenishes aquifers, which can store freshwater for long periods of time. Some infiltration stays close to the land surface and can seep back into surface-water bodies (and the ocean) as groundwater discharge. Some groundwater finds openings in the land surface and comes out as freshwater springs. In river valleys and floodplains, there is often continuous water exchange between surface water and ground water in the hyporheic zone.
It replenishes the telomeres that are lost during DNA replication, compensating for enough telomerase sequence so that the useful DNA content would not be damaged. This allows such cells to have continuous division. Some other cells do not have the mechanism of cell cycle withdrawal because they don't even contain the function of cell division. Red blood cells, for example, do not contain genetic material when mature, and hence will not carry out cell cycle or its withdrawal.
If all bars disappear, the player loses a life and must restart the stage. The game ends if all lives are lost, at which point it reverts to the beginning or the last point at which the player saved his or her progress with a Controller pak. Defeated monsters sometimes leave behind dumplings and Maneki Neko—the former replenishes health, and the latter upgrades weapons up to two levels above starting strength. Goemon's Great Adventure features a system of day and night.
This solution was first introduced by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who attempted to solve the thought puzzle by introducing the idea of a river where water replenishes it. Arius Didymus quoted him as saying "upon those who step into the same rivers, different and again different waters flow".Didymus, Fr 39.2, Dox. gr. 471.4 Plutarch disputed Heraclitus' claim about stepping twice into the same river, citing that it cannot be done because "it scatters and again comes together, and approaches and recedes".
There are two types of structures that can be built without any nearby asset, they are the Ammo Dump and the Fuel Dump. These can be built anywhere as long as they are further than 1.2 km from an asset. The Ammo Dump, or AD, replenishes all ammo to maximum loadout in any vehicle(VIN) and restores full armor. The process takes around 30 seconds and a player is entirely vulnerable during that time, including from an opponent killing the AD itself.
With Judy's help, Gene escapes with the box of explosives. After setting the dynamite in place, Pearson and the townspeople arrive and try to arrest Gene, but Frog accidentally sets off the explosion, which replenishes the reservoir and provides the necessary water for the mining operation. One of Pearson's henchmen confesses that Pearson was behind the sabotage. Soon after, the mine is fully operational, and Gene and Frog broadcast a show from Nancy's radio station and lead the audience in a sing- along.
The Momsen lung contains a canister of soda lime, which removes poisonous carbon dioxide from the exhaled air and then replenishes the air with oxygen. Two tubes lead from the bag to a mouthpiece: one with which to inhale air and the other to with which to exhale spent air. The device hangs around the wearer's neck and is strapped around the waist. Besides providing oxygen for the ascent, it also allows a submariner to rise slowly to the surface, thus avoiding embolisms.
In response to the mass removal, exhumation (an isostatic-uplifting process which deep-seated rock is brought to the land surface) occurs and hence, replenishes materials for on-going denudation. Thus, the dynamic equilibrium system between denudation and exhumation further facilitates the development of thicker weathering profile as well as the accumulation of REEs. Abundant rainwater causes rapid infiltration and leaching of REEs to layer B and C. (Figure t1) Moreover, secondary processes (i.e. weathering and erosion) remove upper layers of materials.
Eagle has a range of at her cruising speed of under diesel power. She carries a reverse osmosis system that replenishes the ship's fresh water supply at sea. Eagle current auxiliary diesel engine Eagle has a three-masted barque sailing rig, with two masts fully rigged with 'square sails' and one mast with only 'fore-and-aft' sails. The large sail area of the 'square sails' provide much of the power while the 'fore-and-aft' sails enable superior maneuverability.
Fecal microbiota transplant, also known as a stool transplant, is roughly 85% to 90% effective in those for whom antibiotics have not worked. It involves infusion of the microbiota acquired from the feces of a healthy donor to reverse the bacterial imbalance responsible for the recurring nature of the infection. The procedure replenishes the normal colonic microbiota that had been wiped out by antibiotics, and re-establishes resistance to colonization by Clostridioides difficile. Side effects, at least initially, are few.
Frotho I is one of the legendary Danish kings in Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum, where he has a substantial biography. He succeeds his father Hadingus to the throne and replenishes the war-drained treasury by slaying a dragon and winning its treasure. He uses the money to finance expeditions into the Baltic, where he wins victories with clever strategems (including one where he crossdresses as one of his own shieldmaidens). After some trouble at home he campaigns successfully in Britain and captures London.
While on a horse, the player may have the horse automatically take them to the next recommended destination by pressing the left trigger button, or make their horse sprint by pressing the right shoulder button. Like characters, horses have their own stamina gauge, which depletes when sprinting but replenishes when they are not. All 83 characters from Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires returned. New characters also were introduced, one of whom made his first appearance in the spin-off Warriors All-Stars.
Along with bathing on the strand, swimmers can choose from the Pollock Holes, New Found Out and Byrnes Cove. The Pollock Holes, which is also known as Duggerna Reef, are three natural rock-enclosed pools, with water that is changed by every tide. This not only brings in fresh water, but replenishes the marine life in the many rock pools surrounding it. The diving boards at New Found Out allow for dives of up to 13 metres (45 feet) into the open sea.
Oral tradition maintains that the Niihau dialect is closer to the Hawaiian register spoken during the time of contact with Europeans; there is linguistic evidence to support this claim, such as the pronunciation of k as . English is the second language. Some residents have radio and television sets, although limited reception effectively limits the latter to watching pre-recorded media. Niihau is subject to regular droughts that occasionally force the population to evacuate to Kauai temporarily, until rainfall replenishes their water supply.
The player has a health meter but no brief invulnerability period after being hit, so can die instantly if hit with a barrage of fire. Destroyed enemies and objects yield fruit which replenishes a meter that is used to power the "scatter bomb" attack. This attack can be charged to release up to 100 shots scattered in all directions at once. Hitting all 100 shots on enemies will open a small portal to a shop where the player can get upgrades such as improved shot damage.
Sedimentation is an essential part of the ecosystem that requires the natural flux of the river flow. This natural cycle of sediment dispersion replenishes the nutrients in the soil, that will in turn, determine the livelihood of the plants and animals that rely on the sediments carried downstream. The benefits of heavy deposits of sedimentation can be seen in large rivers like the Nile River. The sediment from the delta has built up to form a giant aquifer during flood season, and retains water in the wetlands.
The Central Valley Project Delta-Mendota Canal replenishes the San Joaquin River at the town of Mendota, and replaces the volume of water being delivered by the Friant-Kern Canal. Average annual throughput is , with a high of in 2005, and a low of in 2015. In the past few years canal flows have been reduced due to river restoration projects requiring a greater release of water from the Friant Dam into the San Joaquin. The Friant-Kern Canal capacity is , gradually decreasing to at its terminus.
Downed wood replenishes topsoil as it decays. Fungus on a tree stump in the Białowieża Forest, one of the last largely intact primeval forests in Central Europe Fallen timber, or coarse woody debris, contributes carbon-rich organic matter directly to the soil, providing a substrate for mosses, fungi, and seedlings, and creating microhabitats by creating relief on the forest floor. In some ecosystems such as the temperate rain forest of the North American Pacific coast, fallen timber may become nurse logs, providing a substrate for seedling trees.
Anaerobic glycolysis is the transformation of glucose to lactate when limited amounts of oxygen (O2) are available. Anaerobic glycolysis is only an effective means of energy production during short, intense exercise, providing energy for a period ranging from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. The anaerobic glycolysis (lactic acid) system is dominant from about 10–30 seconds during a maximal effort. It replenishes very quickly over this period and produces 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule or about 5% of glucose's energy potential (38 ATP molecules).
The second form obtained by Jen, the Undine form is useless above water, prolonged use of which will reduce Jen's demonic health to one, where she can be killed in a single strike. While underwater, her health replenishes automatically, and she gains energy tentacles to strike enemies from a distance. This is the only form which regenerates instantly, as a majority of the realm's journey is spent underwater, and Scree is unavailable. The Undine form also offers instant telepathy, allowing the player to interact with Scree instantly.
As demonstrated by Yaxchilan Lintels 24 and 25, and duplicated in Lintels 17 and 15, bloodletting in Maya culture was also a means to a vision quest, where fasting, loss of blood, and perhaps hallucinogenics lead to visions of ancestors or gods. Contemporaneous with the Maya, the south-central panel at the Classic era South Ballcourt at El Tajín shows the rain god piercing his penis, the blood from which flows into and replenishes a vat of the alcoholic ritual drink pulque.Wilkerson, p. 66.
In the online version of the game, races such as circuits, sprints, and cross country are playable against other players, along with other game types such as Infected and King. The standalone expansion of the game based on The Fast and the Furious franchise, Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious, added nitrous oxide boosts to the Forza series. Unlike other racing games however, nitrous can only be used during most of the game's events, and only replenishes at the very start of said events.
The error was realized and the embargo rescinded in 1934; however Utah had forever lost its pre-eminent position as an alfalfa seed growing state, and California took the lead. After World War II, demand for alfalfa seed reached an all-time high. Normally alfalfa is planted in rotation with other crops, because, as a legume, it replenishes nitrogen in the soil. However, wartime needs had caused many alfalfa fields to be converted to vegetables and other crops thought to be more necessary to the war effort.
The second component is the ability to refill one's glore vyrden when it is empty - if one does not possess it, then one can use magic only once or twice during one's whole life. A person with such an ability usually replenishes the glore vyrden by absorbing sunlight or light from other sources. The final component is a conduit allowing the use of one's glore vyrden however one desires. This conduit can be small or blocked, limiting the maximum amount of magic one can use at a single time.
After flying a certain distance the player is notified, by a beeping sound, that a friendly airbase is about to appear. The player should then land on the airfield, which refuels the aircraft, fixes its damage, and replenishes its supply of bombs. In order to access the next area, the player must destroy a certain amount of special targets - flashing cars and planes, and buildings and bridges marked with a flashing cross. If not enough special targets have been destroyed, the plane, upon taking off, will fly through the same area again.
Battle Shark (バトルシャーク) is a first person shoot 'em up arcade game released in 1989 by Taito. The player looks through a submarine periscope in order to destroy enemies, featuring simulated damage whenever the player gets hit by either an enemy torpedo or a missile. The player starts off with a limited amount of torpedoes, which slowly replenishes itself, so players must shoot accurately. Power-up targets appear throughout the games, which can increase the player's supply of torpedoes, repairs damage or add extra firepower in addition to the torpedoes.
When Jake returns home to check in on his mother, he finds her charred remains and breaks down in tears. Seeing this, Roland vows to avenge her death. This leads to him teaching Jake the basics of gun fighting, as well as the Gunslinger's Creed, which he hasn't uttered since his own father's death. As Roland replenishes his weapons supply at a gun store, he is attacked by Walter, who captures Jake and takes him through a portal at his base to a machine that will destroy the Dark Tower with Jake's powers.
While Hornblower replenishes his supplies, the 50-gun Spanish ship Natividad is sighted off the coast heading his way. Unwilling to risk fighting the much more powerful ship in a sea battle, Hornblower hides nearby until it anchors and then captures it in a daring, surprise nighttime boarding. El Supremo demands that it be turned over to him so that he may have a navy. After hiding the captured Spanish officers to save them from being murdered by El Supremo, Hornblower, needing his ally's cooperation, has no choice but to accede.
Sustainable urban design and innovation: Photovoltaic ombrière SUDI is an autonomous and mobile station that replenishes energy for electric vehicles using solar energy. Environmental technology (envirotech), green technology (greentech) or clean technology (cleantech) is the application of one or more of environmental science, green chemistry, environmental monitoring and electronic devices to monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. The term is also used to describe sustainable energy generation technologies such as photovoltaics, wind turbines, bioreactors, etc. Sustainable development is the core of environmental technologies.
In more dynamic action games, it is important to quickly restore a character's health, while role-playing games feature slower-paced methods of health restoration to achieve realism. A number of games incorporate a regeneration system that automatically replenishes health points if the character does not take damage. This makes the game easier to play by giving the player the opportunity to restore the character's health after a difficult battle. However, this system can make the game too easy, allowing the player to safely run through dangerous parts of the game without consequence.
Here adults can select books, while their children happily spend their time playing toys in a children's corner. For more than 10 years the department replenishes the fund of books of increased demand, which contains more than 1000 books, - these are novelty books of Ukrainian and foreign authors and the latest manuals on various disciplines. The Arts Department is one of the cultural centers of the city and the region. It contains collections of albums, books and magazines, music scores, slides, a collection of recordings, audio and video materials of all kinds of art.
Resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at larger amplitudes at certain frequencies, known as the system's natural frequencies. At these frequencies, even relatively small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude vibrations, because the system stores energy. For example, a child using a swing realizes that if the pushes are properly timed, the swing can move with a very large amplitude. The driving force, in this case the child pushing the swing, exactly replenishes the energy that the system loses if its frequency equals the natural frequency of the system.
Erculiani attempt to explain the cause of mortality beyond the Original Sin and linked it to the flood. She combines her understanding of the humors with those of the elements found in nature of earth, water, and air. In explaining a cycle where by the death of man replenishes the element earth back to the planet, she postulated that a detriment existed in the supply of earth available to the Earth at the time of the flood. This factor allowed the water element to "take over" and engulf the land.
This means that the crystals function as extra lives, to a degree. If Jen is in human form, her health replenishes automatically if she is not in battle (human form only; demon energy must be replenished by either drawing on Scree's reserve energy or, failing that, by using a crystal). While in human form, Jen's health represents her presence in the demon world. If she loses all her health while in human form, she is returned to the human world, where she is in a near-death state.
The acquifer is about the size of Rhode Island and replenishes at a rate of 1.2 billion cubic meters a year. Gachet's company, RTI established a new basis for the mapping of Kenya. Some wells remain open, but one planned for 160,000 nomads in the region was dismantled because the Kenyan government could no longer fund it. In 2015, the Iraqi government appealed to Alain Gachet to find new water reserves in an attempt to relieve Iraq from the threat of water shortages, generated upstream, in the dams along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
Rhizopus microsporus lives as a necrotroph where both the fungus (Rhizopus microsporus) and its harbored endobacteria (Burkholderia rhizoxinica) form a symbiotic relationship. In order to kill the living cells of its host, the harbored endobacteria secrete rhizoxin, a toxin that inhibits cell mitosis and vegetative production. R. microsporus has developed a resistance to the toxin due to an amino acid exchange in the β-tubulin protein. The resulting necrosis of the plant tissue replenishes nutrients to both the fungus and the bacteria by feeding on the decaying matter.
This discovery was recognized with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1986. ;Gap genes :Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and colleague Eric Wieschaus were the first to describe gap genes, genes involved in the development of segmentation in Drosophila embryogenesis. This work was foundational to our understanding of the genetic control of embryonic development. ;Telomerase :Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, and Jack W. Szostak co-discovered the enzyme telomerase, which replenishes the telomere, a structure found at the ends of chromosomes which protects the DNA in the rest of the chromosome from damage.
Over time, human forces will shoot down the player's invader troops, which the player replenishes by shaking the Wiimote. Upon eliminating all opposition in the stage, which includes fighter jets, helicopter gunships and gunboats, the player must then take on a large boss, which include a giant tank, mecha and a huge battleship.Dengeki Online The final battle of the game is against the original UFO that crashed on Earth 30 years ago during the first invasion, upgraded and modified by the earthlings. The game also features online leaderboards.
Much of Iceland is volcanically active, resulting in significant meltwater production beneath its two ice caps. This meltwater also accumulates in basins and ice cauldrons, forming subglacial lakes. These lakes act as a transport mechanism for heat from geothermal vents to the bottom of the ice caps, which often results in melting of basal ice that replenishes any water lost from drainage. The majority of Icelandic subglacial lakes are located beneath the Vatnajökull and Mýrdalsjökull ice caps, where melting from hydrothermal activity creates permanent depressions that fill with meltwater.
Phase three was the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act"), a $2 trillion aid bill that provided checks to many Americans and forgivable loans to small businesses, signed into law on March 27, 2020. The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act is referred to as "Phase 3.5" as it includes "interim" funding that replenishes one of the programs established by the CARES Act (Phase 3). The CARES Act created the $349-billion Paycheck Protection Program, which provided low- interest loans to small businesses that were forgivable if they maintained their employees and payroll.
Pyruvate is also converted to oxaloacetate by an anaplerotic reaction, which replenishes Krebs cycle intermediates; also, the oxaloacetate is used for gluconeogenesis. These reactions are named after Hans Adolf Krebs, the biochemist awarded the 1953 Nobel Prize for physiology, jointly with Fritz Lipmann, for research into metabolic processes. The cycle is also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle, because citric acid is one of the intermediate compounds formed during the reactions. If insufficient oxygen is available, the acid is broken down anaerobically, creating lactate in animals and ethanol in plants and microorganisms (and carp).
For player characters, HP can be restored with items or by units with healing magic; it can also be regained by standing on forts, gates or castles, or using a special spell that replenishes health based on damage dealt to an enemy. Each unit is governed by a character class system, with their class affecting what weapons they can use. After each action in battle gains experience points (EXP). Upon reaching 100 EXP, a unit levels up and its statistics such as attack power and defense are randomly raised, while weapon ranks increase naturally when using their respective weapons.
The Coachella Valley Water District is an independent special district formed in 1918, specifically to protect and conserve local water sources in the Coachella Valley. Since then, the district has grown into a multi-faceted agency that delivers irrigation and domestic (drinking) water, collects and recycles wastewater, provides regional storm water protection, replenishes the groundwater basin and promotes water conservation. CVWD's service area covers approximately 1,000 square miles in Southern California from the San Gorgonio Pass to the Salton Sea, mostly within the Coachella Valley in Riverside County, California. The boundaries also extend into small portions of Imperial and San Diego counties.
Research shows that alcohol hand sanitizers do not pose any risk by eliminating beneficial microorganisms that are naturally present on the skin. The body quickly replenishes the beneficial microbes on the hands, often moving them in from just up the arms where there are fewer harmful microorganisms. However, alcohol may strip the skin of the outer layer of oil, which may have negative effects on barrier function of the skin. A study also shows that disinfecting hands with an antimicrobial detergent results in a greater barrier disruption of skin compared to alcohol solutions, suggesting an increased loss of skin lipids.
Among them is Svitiaz, the deepest lake in Ukraine, with an area of 28 square kilometers and a depth of . The water reserve is 310 million cubic meters; 180.8 million cubic meters of them are kept in Svitiaz. Park logo The majority of lakes are joined to each other by soil-reclamation canals of Soviet or earlier times, or natural channels. As long as the main European watershed goes through Shatsk Region, surplus water from them periodically replenishes basins of the Baltic and the Black seas via the Bug and the Vistula, the Prypiat and the Dnieper rivers accordingly.
The chicken dies after taking one hit, after which it loses a life, which only replenishes after clearing a level or getting a game over, which happens when the chicken loses all its lives. Within the levels are blue gems that the chicken can collect, as well as hidden rooms which house even more gems. Between each level is an opportunity to trade a certain number gems to increase the player's maximum extra lives. With each trade, the threshold for gems increases, so the player will have to collect more gems across multiple levels in order to meet this minimum requirement.
Additionally, the player have access to a Reactive Attack, used whenever the player presses the right button when prompted to do so; this attack allows the player to charge into enemies, counter enemy attacks, or finish off weakened enemies. Musou Attacks return from previous games, and their mechanics are identical to Dynasty Warriors series games prior to Dynasty Warriors 6. The player also have access to an airborne Musou Attack, which depletes only a small portion of the Musou gauge. New to Dynasty Warriors 9 is the Stamina Gauge, a gauge that gradually replenishes until full.
Elizabeth Helen Blackburn, (born 26 November 1948) is an Australian-American Nobel laureate who is the former President of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. Previously she was a biological researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, who studied the telomere, a structure at the end of chromosomes that protects the chromosome. In 1984, Blackburn co- discovered telomerase, the enzyme that replenishes the telomere, with Carol W. Greider. For this work, she was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, sharing it with Greider and Jack W. Szostak, becoming the first Australian woman Nobel laureate.
The hydrogen and helium are primarily a result of primordial nucleosynthesis, while the heavier elements in the ISM are mostly a result of enrichment in the process of stellar evolution. The ISM plays a crucial role in astrophysics precisely because of its intermediate role between stellar and galactic scales. Stars form within the densest regions of the ISM, which ultimately contributes to molecular clouds and replenishes the ISM with matter and energy through planetary nebulae, stellar winds, and supernovae. This interplay between stars and the ISM helps determine the rate at which a galaxy depletes its gaseous content, and therefore its lifespan of active star formation.
Cyanobacteria displays a circadian clock system in which three protein oscillators, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC, constitute a system known as a post-translational oscillator (PTO) that facilitates the oscillation of the larger transcription translation negative feedback loop (TTFL). The TTFL drives gene expression and replenishes KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC, while the PTO constitutes the core of the circadian clock of cyanobacteria. This Kai core confers circadian rhythmicity to ATP hydrolysis activity and kinase/phosphatase activity, both of which are temperature compensated. Additionally, KaiB and KaiC, but not KaiA, have a circadian rhythm of 24 hours in experimental conditions, such as free-running in conditions of constant light.
Belize has been uniquely endowed with substantial surface and groundwater resources. A dependable tropical/subtropical rainfall pattern in the Northwest Caribbean region replenishes the freshwater resource after extended dry periods, which are often induced by recurrent atmospheric / oceanic phenomena such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and feedback mechanisms associated with climate change. However, increase in demands for freshwater resulting from increasing population, economic activity and agricultural expansion are threatening the quality and availability of freshwater. Coupled with this is the added stress on water resources induced by increasing climatic variability witnessed during the past decade or two.
A revolving fund is a fund or account that remains available to finance an organization's continuing operations without any fiscal year limitation, because the organization replenishes the fund by repaying money used from the account. Revolving funds have been used to support both government and non- profit operations. In the case of revolving funds for a government project whose budget goes through annual parliamentary or other legislative appropriations that relate to a fiscal year then the unutilized balance may lapse after the close of the financial year. However it is restored the next year provided the agency concerned includes the amount in next year's appropriation.
The player's health bar consists of three health units instead of one, giving Jay the ability to endure more hits before dying, although some shots can deplete two health units instead of one. In addition, some enemies fire a hail of bullets in rapid succession. When Jay dies, the game allows the player to restart from the exact position they died at, rather than forcing them to continue from a check point or the beginning of the stage as the prequels had done. If the player chooses to start the game without a starting special weapon, the room that replenishes that weapon will instead add a health unit.
Mono Lake's "South Tufa" area The limnology of the lake shows it contains approximately 280 million tons of dissolved salts, with the salinity varying depending upon the amount of water in the lake at any given time. Before 1941, average salinity was approximately 50 grams per liter (g/l) (compared to a value of 31.5 g/l for the world's oceans). In January 1982, when the lake reached its lowest level of , the salinity had nearly doubled to 99 g/l. In 2002, it was measured at 78 g/l and is expected to stabilize at an average 69 g/l as the lake replenishes over the next 20 years.
Ultimately, diatom cells in these resting populations re-enter the upper mixed layer when vertical mixing entrains them. In most circumstances, this mixing also replenishes nutrients in the upper mixed layer, setting the scene for the next round of diatom blooms. In the open ocean (away from areas of continuous upwelling), this cycle of bloom, bust, then return to pre-bloom conditions typically occurs over an annual cycle, with diatoms only being prevalent during the spring and early summer. In some locations, however, an autumn bloom may occur, caused by the breakdown of summer stratification and the entrainment of nutrients while light levels are still sufficient for growth.
Arthur W. Radford replenishes from (CVN-73) in the Mediterranean in 1996. As of 31 August 1995, Arthur W. Radford was to become part of Destroyer Squadron 26. In May 1997, Arthur W. Radford received the first shipboard installation of the Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor System which fully integrates advanced materials, structures, and manufacturing technologies with sensor technology, electromagnetics, and signature reduction to achieve improved warfighting capabilities. On 4 February 1999 at about 23:34, Arthur W. Radford collided with the Saudi Riyadh, () a 29,259-ton, -long, roll-on/roll-off container ship, which was preparing to enter the Chesapeake Bay bound for Baltimore.
Sustainable urban design and innovation: Photovoltaic ombrière SUDI is an autonomous and mobile station that replenishes energy for electric vehicles using solar energy. As mentioned under Shelter, some sustainable households may choose to produce their own renewable energy, while others may choose to purchase it through the grid from a power company that harnesses sustainable sources (also mentioned previously are the methods of metering the production and consumption of electricity in a household). Purchasing sustainable energy, however, may simply not be possible in some locations due to its limited availability. 6 out of the 50 states in the US do not offer green energy, for example.
Iron and steel wrecks are subject to corrosion, which is most rapid in shallow sea water where the salinity induces galvanic corrosion, oxygen content is high and water movement replenishes the oxygen rapidly. In deeper water and in still water the corrosion rates can be greatly reduced. Corrosion rates of iron and steel are also reduced when concretions, solid layers of rust, or layers of marine organisms separate the metal from the ambient water, and encourage the development of a layer of relatively stable black oxide in the hypoxic layers. Ships that sink upright onto a sand bottom tend to settle into the sand to a similar level to that at which they would normally float at the surface.
The primary distinction between an open and closed system is that the open system flows air through the chamber (i.e., air is pushed or pulled by pump) at a rate that constantly replenishes the O2 depleted by the animal while removing the CO2 and water vapor produced by the animal. The volumetric flow rate must be high enough to ensure that the animal never consumes all of the oxygen present in the chamber while at the same time, the rate must be low enough so that the animal consumes enough O2 for detection. For a 20 g mouse, flow rates of about 200 ml/min through 500 ml containers would provide a good balance.
Yet oil continued to pool and wash up on shore; on August 26, the harbor was so full of oil that once again it had to be closed, with cleanup crews spreading straw from boats to bunch the oil up again, just as they had six months before. Indeed, oil from the spill persisted in the ocean into 1970, with large areas of crude still being observed. Since the spill occurred during the stormy season, when beach sand is at its lowest levels (it replenishes during the course of a normal spring and summer), one fear was that regions of oily sand would be revealed during the following winter; however this did not happen.
In spring 2015, biologists discovered three coho salmon (with tags from the nearby Scott Creek hatchery) spawning in Pescadero Creek. California Golden Beaver (Castor canadensis subauratus) were re- introduced to Pescadero Creek around 1937-1938 by the DFG after near extinction in California in the early twentieth century. The beavers continue to thrive and although concerns about flooding related to beaver dams occurs, there is evidence that beaver in the lower channel in the 1950s reduced sediment movement through the system, especially since the late 1980s. Beaver improve salmonid abundance and size as their beaver ponds recharge the water table which, in turn, replenishes stream flows in the dry season and by providing ideal over-summering habitat.
That night, with some acrobatic prowess, Thomas and Cat gain entrance to a room in the attic of the casino where there is a peek-hole down to the roulette table and a voice tube down to a basement room where a magnet can guide the roulette ball. Cat, Thomas and Hutch take positions in the two rooms. Cacopoulos, however, seeks the company of a saloon girl and wakes up in the morning robbed of his cash. He hastily replenishes it by forcibly inviting a bill collector to a card game that Cacopoulos ”wins.” He finally enters the casino, where he repeatedly puts the money on 13 until he breaks the bank with a $360,000 win.
USNS Big Horn (T-AO-198) an underway replenishment oiler. US sailors aboard the prepare to receive replenishment from the In the United States Navy, an Oiler is a Combat Logistics ship that replenishes other ships with fuel and in some cases food, mail, ammunition and other necessities while at sea, in a process called Underway Replenishment or UNREP. Up through the Second World War Navy oilers used commercial tanker hulls, with the addition of UNREP gear, defensive guns, and military electronic and damage-control equipment; since the 1950s however they have been built from the keel up as specialized naval auxiliaries. They were previously classified as Fleet Oilers in the 20th Century; under the current MSC operation their full classification is listed as Fleet Replenishment Oilers.
He also learned the sitar from Pandit Guru Asit Ganguly, dance from Guru Uday Shankar, and completed his master's degree in mathematics from the University of Calcutta. In 1982, he composed a ballet on the life of Emperor Ashoka, called Rhythm of 262 BC. In 2013, he obtained permission from the Government of Assam to make the Saraighat Bridge disappear. Some of his most famous illusions include: X-Ray Eyes, where he performs seemingly impossible mathematical calculations while blindfolded; The Water of India, where a magic jug replenishes itself endlessly; and The Curse of Chemia, where a draped body levitating in the air is revealed to have vanished. He frequently performs with his son, Pouroosh, known as P. C. Sorcar, Master.
In this screenshot, the player- character, Madeline, is seen dashing mid-air towards an item that replenishes the dash ability in Forsaken City. Celeste is a platform game in which players control a girl named Madeline as she makes her way up a mountain while avoiding various deadly obstacles. Along with jumping and climbing up walls for a limited amount of time, Madeline has the ability to perform a mid-air dash in the eight cardinal and intercardinal directions. This move can only be performed once and must be replenished by either landing on the ground, hitting certain objects such as replenishing crystals, or moving to a new screen (although the player is granted a second dash later on in the game).
The Royal Navy maintains a fleet of technologically sophisticated ships, submarines, and aircraft, including two aircraft carriers, two amphibious transport docks, four ballistic missile submarines (which maintain the UK's nuclear deterrent), seven nuclear fleet submarines, six guided missile destroyers, 13 frigates, 13 mine-countermeasure vessels and 23 patrol vessels. As of August 2020, there are 77 operational commissioned ships (including submarines as well as two "static ships") in the Royal Navy, plus 13 ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA); there are also five Merchant Navy ships available to the RFA under a private finance initiative. The RFA replenishes Royal Navy warships at sea, and augments the Royal Navy's amphibious warfare capabilities through its three vessels. It also works as a force multiplier for the Royal Navy, often doing patrols that frigates used to do.
The continuous culture system more closely resembles that of the gut, as it continuously replenishes and removes culture medium. The simulator of the human intestinal microbial system (SHIME) models the small and large intestine through the use of a five- stage reactor, and includes numerous ports for continuous monitoring of pH and volume.Molly K, Woestyne M Vande, Smet I De, Verstraete W. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease Validation of the Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem ( SHIME ) Reactor Using Microorganism-associated Activities Validation of the Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem ( SHIME ) R. 2009;2235(March 2017). Most recently, researchers improved on SHIME by including a computer controlled peristaltic wave to circulate chyme throughout the apparatus.Minekus M, Marteau P, Havenaar R, Huis in ’t Veld JHJ.
The deck that took Hovi to his win at Pro Tour Rome was of a type that is now considered the most powerful and "broken" in the game's history: The Academy Deck, named after its key card, Tolarian Academy. The card can be tapped to add 1 blue mana to its controller's mana pool for each artifact under that player's control. Decks of this type rely on large numbers of mana-producing artifacts (like Mox Diamond, Lotus Petal, Grim Monolith, and Thran Dynamo), mechanisms for repeatedly untapping the Academy and/or those artifacts (like Voltaic Key and Mind Over Matter), and ways to get more cards into the player's hand (like Stroke of Genius). Time Spiral was a particularly abusive card in this deck type because it replenishes the player's hand, recycles the graveyard, and untaps the Academy at the same time.
Bones as they are referred to, the game's currency, are also rewarded after task completion, and can be used to buy healing items, accessories, and clothing. The player can explore 23 locations, one of which is only used for the prologue section and a brief plot-related visit midgame, while another is only visited as part of the end-game dungeon, a point of no return. While most locations contain enemies, there are several that acts as a hub, where there is no enemy and the player can buy items or sleep, which fully replenishes their HP. Sleeping is for free when done in their house in Pupsville; otherwise, the player has to pay a bone. The player can also save through a mailbox and store items in a chest for later use (the game only permits a number of items in the inventory) in the hubs.
Werehog gameplay in nighttime levels (Spagonia, Wii/PS2 version) Nighttime levels feature slower-paced, action-oriented levels, in which Sonic transforms into the Werehog, a beast form that has great strength and stretchable arms. Gameplay here sees the player use a variety of melee and combo attacks to defeat large numbers of enemies, collect items, and move items around to advance through the level, and use his stretchable arms to cling to distant objects; simple puzzle elements are also featured. Collecting rings in these levels replenishes the Werehog's health, while a special move, Unleashed Mode, allows the Werehog to channel his energy into increasing the power of his attacks for a short time. Nighttime levels are adjusted in the Wii version to allow greater use of the Wii Remote, such that players may control the arms of the Werehog by using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk in order to grab onto objects and proceed in the levels.
One example is Blob's new ability to perform a powerful dash attack, which breaks through obstacles and kills most foes, at the expense of a sizable amount of paint points. Furthermore, as the player progresses through the game, they obtain "inspiration points", which are used at the Idea Emporium to purchase upgrades for Blob, such as increased paint capacity and defensive shields. Power-ups feature within the levels as well: the magnetic Wrecking Ball allows Blob to roll up metal surfaces, sink underwater, and destroy any enemy easily; the Hazmat Suit protects Blob from any passive hazards such an ink and hotplates; the Graviton Bomb temporarily transforms Blob into a devastating black hole; the Re-Gen constantly replenishes Blob's paint points; and the Rainbow gives Blob infinite paint points and gives him the use of all seven colors at once. Another new inclusion is a two-player mode akin to the co-op functionality of Super Mario Galaxy.
Depending on the hotel, some night auditors are asked to perform other functions. Examples include setting up breakfast in the hotel's dining area, delivering express checkout folios to rooms, delivering newspapers to select guests' rooms, laundry, stocking a "market" area of the lobby where snacks and refreshments are sold to guests, patroling the hotel property (in lieu of the hotel having security guards), and making coffee for guests on an individual basis (or alternately, pots of coffee for a complimentary guest coffee area in the hotel lobby). At times, the night auditor helps tidy up the hotel lobby area (including picking up trash left behind, or glassware and dishes not left in a restaurant or bar by a guest), stocks up employee supplies for the front desk area, or replenishes guest amenity/sundry items given out complimentary at the front desk. At hotels without in-house technical or IT departments, it is up to the night auditor to contact property support for technical assistance during their shift.
The kingdom is ruled by King , Mystogan's father, who replenishes his world's magic using inter- dimensional portals that absorb magic power from Earth-land and crystallize it as lacrima. A version of Fairy Tail exists in Edolas as a dark guild because of Faust's abolition of wizard guilds. Among its members are , Natsu Dragneel's timid counterpart and the guild's vehicle expert; , a boyish and intimidating version of Lucy Heartfilia; , an overdressed version of Gray Fullbuster who harbors unrequited feelings for Juvia Lockser's counterpart; and a teenage version of Wendy Marvell. They are hunted by Edolas's royal military, which includes Panther Lily, commander of the first division; the second division's , Erza Scarlet's ruthless counterpart who wields a transforming spear based on Haru Glory's Ten Commandments sword from Rave Master; the third division's , who controls Faust's indoor amusement park attractions with a baton; the fourth division's , whose sword can turn anything into liquid; chief of staff , who carries various magical potions; and , Byro's young, barefoot aide.

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