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67 Sentences With "remiss in"

How to use remiss in in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "remiss in" and check conjugation/comparative form for "remiss in". Mastering all the usages of "remiss in" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mr. Modi has not been remiss in returning the favor.
"I would be remiss in not asking this," Meacham finally ventured.
Congress has long been remiss in its duties to shape foreign policy.
Nothing at all, and Oculus wasn't remiss in showing off a few upcoming titles.
What if it were a garment factory that had been remiss in paying tax?
"I do think that Congress has been remiss in not passing comprehensive immigration reform," he said.
I must tell you something, dearest Martha, as I feel I've been remiss in maintaining our marriage smart contract.
Policy-makers and operational officers were remiss in not preparing more comprehensive procedures to guard against massive truck bombs.
Evidently good judgement is indeed remiss in some, who somehow have not learned any lessons from countless past incidents.
I'd also be remiss in not pointing out how tech has enabled the other great part of the World Cup — watching with friends.
I would be remiss in not acknowledging the simple fact that I have the luxury of "choice" that cancer patients are not afforded.
The NRA would be mistaken to assume support from members of this group, and gun control-advocates would be remiss in ignoring their existence.
TV: Given that it's Loving Day [when we're conducting this interview], I'd be remiss in not asking you about Loving... RN: It's ironic, isn't it?
As a tea enthusiast, I would be remiss in not adding a caution that the water you use is nearly as important as the tea.
The increased number of bed bug infestations might also seem to suggest that hoteliers are being remiss in their maintenance efforts, but that's also not true.
I do not think, for example, that Lin-Manuel Miranda was remiss in leaving slavery in the background in his musical "Hamilton," contrary to some critics.
The White House has not been quiet about its view that American allies around the world have been remiss in contributing fairly to global security efforts.
But she'd be remiss in her "We've come a long way, baby" toast not to mention that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Now, I would be remiss in not acknowledging the fact that many of the advancements in weed consumption enrich white business owners and serve primarily (white) upper-class customers.
It'd be remiss in saying that Carnegie Mellon was a big player in Uber's, a lot of self-driving cars, a lot of robotics, a lot of things like that.
The fund was remiss in not objecting when Mr Menem tried to spend his way to a third term in the late 1990s, just when money was flooding out of emerging economies.
Elise Stefanik said in opposing Perry's amendment that "we would be remiss in our efforts to protect our national security" by not accounting for the effect of climate change on the military.
Images of the couples themselves are remiss in the surrounding paintings, which instead depict carefully rendered scenes of domestic life, from numerous clothes lines to tables laden with household wares and jewelry.
There'll be time enough in coming weeks to study Judge Gorsuch's work in various areas of law, but I'd be remiss in concluding this overview without making one important note about the announcement ceremony.
In Squamish, Miller's coach, Bjoern Ossenbrink, dropped her as a client, saying that perhaps he had been remiss in relying on her word — and not on independent data — to monitor her times during training sessions.
The idea, again, is that tech founders, just like ordinary humans, sometimes there's a problem and humans are good at being in denial about something and then sometimes humans are remiss in asking for directions.
They did so, they said, because it was such a tense and anxious time for the country, and because they thought they would be remiss in not taking an opportunity to address Mr. Pence directly.
"The UK's actions will please Washington as the Trump administration has grumbled that U.S. allies have been remiss in upholding freedom of navigation in the South China Sea," said Storey, of Singapore's ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute.
I'd be remiss in not pointing out that the art style of the film is absolutely gorgeous, with a textured, brightly colored vibe that looks like someone blended a comic book with Pixar-style 3D animation.
While we can point to any one of its unique features—and we'd be remiss in not mentioning its practically bezel-free edge-to-edge display—its design and array of options make this Dell stellar.
John Tester (D-Mont.) to attack Jackson personally with unsubstantiated, anonymous allegations of misbehavior, the Senate would be remiss in failing to raise fundamental questions about Jackson's professional qualifications to head Veterans Affairs, the second largest Cabinet department.
"We would be remiss in our efforts to protect our national security to not fully account for the risk climate change poses to our bases, our readiness and to the fulfillment of our armed services mission," Stefanik argued.
The truth is that there is no easy fix to the challenge of the caravan, which is why Trump was so clever to make the issue his own and Democrats have been so remiss in letting him have it.
Understanding the impact of these changes on your employees"Employers would be remiss in only focusing on the financial aspects, they certainly need to make sure they&aposre focusing on the human aspect of it as well," Ferrero said.
I would be remiss in not asking you this, but women and VCs, this has been a big topic, obviously, Uber and things like that, and people of color and different people, different ages: What's the problem with VCs?
Again, though, I'd be remiss in not pointing out the more sinister figures that crept their way into Wikipedia searches in the last year including O.J. Simpson (#113, 211,2322,2747 views), Charles Manson (#34, 11,131,106 views), and even Adolf Hitler (#48, 9,311,486 views).
"The company was remiss in not heading the problem off," said Chris Shuey, director of the Uranium Impact Assessment Program at the Southwest Research and Information Center, an organization providing information to the public about the impacts of energy development and resource extraction.
Recently, though, Dio's music became clearer for me, and it happened around the time I realized that I was remiss in expecting a society set up on the twin values of spending and earning to find a place for a person like me.
What's worse, Bioware's continued instance on maturity feels particularly remiss in Andromeda, which Dombrow said is the first Mass Effect game to not be bogged down by Shepard (the original trilogy's protagonist) and his no-nonsense style and primary focus on saving the world.
The internet and computing giants — the heaviest users of open source in the world — are collectively worth trillions of dollars, but you would be remiss in thinking that their wealth has somehow trickled down to the maintainers of the open source projects that power them.
Roughly a month later, it followed up with a request for information about a 85033 caller to Sean Hannity's radio show, who identified himself as "John in Iowa" and suggested "individuals were remiss in their duties" during the violence, which killed four Americans including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
While I am grateful for the immense support I have received from the NGV, it would be morally remiss, in light of the above knowledge, for me to remain silent in the context of the current conversation that is taking place around the Australian government's ongoing and systematic abuse of refugees.
It is not my way to trumpet the fact that I am a woman up for the top job, but I would be remiss in not remarking on it—not least because of the outpouring of support from young women at CIA who consider it a good sign for their own prospects.
A three-judge panel said the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) erred in issuing a mining permit without a definite term and was also remiss in denying a request by more than half-a-dozen green groups to review the potential environmental effects of PolyMet Mining Corp's planned mine in Minnesota's northeast.
Director Watt and FHFA are correct to be concerned about the potential consequences for running these two companies on zero capital, and they are right that these two companies are so vital to the U.S. mortgage market that they would be remiss in gambling on the prospect that future draws under the PSPAs would not cause any disruption of the market.
"In explaining how I feel about one thing that Donald Trump said or did to my daughters, I would be remiss in not revealing the full conversation, which is also why Mommy, who's a woman, did not support the first female presidential candidate for a major party," Trump's campaign manager turned White House counselor said in an interview for TIME's new Firsts video series profiling groundbreaking women.
For a fascinating narrative dive into research on the interface between wildfire and communities, read Paul Tullis's long 2013 feature in The New York Times Magazine: "Into the Wildfire: What Science is Learning About Fire and How to Live With It." [Insert] I was remiss in leaving out "Big Burn," the 2008 Pulitzer-winning Los Angeles Times series on the many costs of western wildfire policy, by Bettina Boxall and Julie Cart.
Certainly much recent cultural and public dialogue about slavery traces its way back to "Roots": Consider the feature films "12 Years a Slave" and "Amistad," the African Slave Burial Ground in New York City, the New-York Historical Society exhibit about slavery in New York, the discussion of reparations for slavery in the late 1990s, black Americans' interest in tracing their genetic ancestry, and even criticisms that the smash Broadway musical "Hamilton" is remiss in downplaying the role of slavery in its characters' lives.
I've been remiss in mentioning it, but when it comes to the Internet in general I am the epitome of remissness.
21 Mar. 2008. Neglect is defined as to be remiss in the care or treatment of something."neglect." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004.
Oaxaqueños stand when they hear it. Alcalá was said to be passionate and high-strung, characteristics that distinguished his playing and his compositions. But he passed his life struggling with poverty, disease and alcoholism. Few of his compositions survive, because he was remiss in transcribing his improvisations.
He had been remiss in providing his revenue payments. He had gathered a force of 15,000 soldiers and joined with allies of Chait Singh including Bachu Singh. His rebellion was swiftly put down by John Crawfurd and he was jailed. He was restored to his "forfeited" zamindari in 1790 after his release.
A summary of material declassified in 2004 states that Kornbluh and Dinges conclude that "The paper trail is clear: the State Department and the CIA had enough intelligence to take concrete steps to thwart the Condor assassination planning. Those steps were initiated but never implemented." Shlaudeman's deputy Hewson Ryan later acknowledged in an oral history interview that the State Department was "remiss" in its handling of the case.
The song has been widely recorded, including by Paul Robeson. In the first edition's frontispiece, credit to Stanton is missing. He was often remiss in protecting his work, and only after publication did Jacobs-Bond become aware of Stanton's authorship of what had been printed as an anonymous poem by a Chicago newspaper.The poem appears in Stanton's Songs of the Soil, published 1894 in New York by D. Appleton & Company, which owned the copyright.
Heavy fines awaited any nobles who acted in favor of the Jews, and members of the clergy who were remiss in enforcement were subject to a number of punishments.Encyclopaedia Judaica, p. 222 Egica (687–702), recognizing the wrongness of forced baptism, relaxed the pressure on the conversos, but kept it up on practicing Jews. Economic hardships included increased taxes and the forced sale, at a fixed price, of all property ever acquired from Christians.
Two years after Tabinshwehti's death, Bayinnaung had restored the late king's empire. But he considered his job unfinished because Siam, which according to him had been remiss in sending him, the rightful successor of Tabinshwehti, tribute. He seriously considered invading Siam but his advisers led by Binnya Law, governor of Bassein, recommended that he should attack Ava instead. Taking their advice, the king sent 14,000-strong combined land and naval forces led by his heir apparent Nanda on 14 June 1553.
Ocala Star Banner Jan 19-25, 1974 Page 2 TV Week COVER She was critically praised for her performance in the episode I Dies from Love, wherein Emily falls for a footman from another home and is rejected by him. Evin's character is scolded by the cook she works under for being remiss in her duties. Despairing of hope, she hangs herself. Other roles include Biddy Hall in the joint 1975 BBC and ABC televisualisation of the life of Ben Hall.
Nearly one hundred years after Harris's report, the debate about the school calendar in America continued. On August 26, 1981, President Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Education T.H. Bell created the National Commission on Excellence in response to the "public perception that something is seriously remiss in our educational system". In 1983, the Committee released its report A Nation at Risk which added to the growing consensus that the American school system was failing. The Committee highlighted four areas of findings: content, expectations, time, and teaching.
The result was inconclusive, with both fleets suffering damage until they separated at dusk. On 25 June, Pimienta landed with a force of 3,300 soldiers who attacked the French lines, but were forced to retreat and reembark. On 14 April 1648, while Spain was at war with France over the territory of Roussillon, the king appointed Díaz Pimienta Governor of Menorca, Royal Councillor and Captain General of the Ocean Sea Fleet. The Spanish were often remiss in providing pay and provisions for the sailors.
Narain Singh had a tradition of rebelling from 1770 onwards and decided to join the revolt of Chait Singh of Varanasi in 1781. He was one among many rebels in Bihar who rose against the East India Company during that same period. He had been remiss in providing his revenue payments to the EIC and was therefore deposed and lost his lands. In response he had gathered a force of 1500 matchlockmen and joined with allies of Chait Singh including Bachu Singh and together they amassed a force of 15,000.
They were even exhorted to visit the prisoners every Wednesday and Saturday in order to investigate the cause of their imprisonment, and to admonish the supervisors of the prisons to treat those committed to their charge with Christian charity. In case the prison-keepers were found to be inhuman or remiss in their duty towards their prisoners, the bishops were to report these abuses to the emperor. The rights of the bishops, which were almost unlimited in this respect, were somewhat regulated for the bishops of the Eastern Empire in "Codex Justiniani", lib. I, tit.
In Jewish tradition, when Terah died at age 205, Abraham (70 years younger) was already 135 years old. Abram thus left Haran at age 75 well before Terah died. The Torah, however, relates Terah's death in Haran before Abram continues the journey to Canaan as an expression that he was not remiss in the Mitzvah of honoring a parent by leaving his aging father behind.Compare Rashi, Bereishis 11:32 with Bereishis Rabbah 39:7 The significance of Terah not reaching Canaan, was a reflection of his character, a man who was unable to go "all the way".
Fenby wrote that Hengyang would have probably fallen as the Japanese had committed overwhelming force, but the city could have had far longer than the seven weeks that it did if only Xue and his 10th Army had received more supplies, stating that Stilwell was remiss in attempting to command Sino-American forces fighting in Burma and in China at the same time. The Japanese ground forces advanced and seized Chennault's forward bases. Slowly, however, the greater numbers and greater skill of the Allied air forces began to assert themselves. By mid-1944, Major General George Stratemeyer's Eastern Air Command dominated the skies over Burma; this superiority was never to be relinquished.
She claimed unsuccessfully that photographs of her in a bikini with David Scott, by a press photographer in Majorca, with a powerful zoom lens and published in the British media, constituted an invasion of her privacy. In a letter to The Guardian in February 2010, Ford accused Martin Amis (a friend of her late husband Mark Boxer) of having neglected his duties as godfather to her daughter Claire and also having been disrespectful to Boxer at the time of his death.The root of Martin Amis's anger The Guardian – 20 February 2010 Amis rejected her allegations in a reply, but accepted that he had been remiss in his duties as godfather. She self-describes as a birdwatcher.
" However, she described Guru Maharaj Ji and his entourage as "an easy target" and wrote that "anybody can look like a fool when a smartass wide angle lens distorts their face, and teenage ex-dopers who think a fat boy is God don't stand a chance". Butler wished that TVTV would move on to more challenging subjects for their future work. Bob Williams of the New York Post called the documentary a "deplorable film" and "flat, pointless, television". He wrote: "The hour-long program was remiss in not providing some small examination of the available box-office take of the goofy kid guru, much less telling prospective contributors how it got involved in spending how much of its foundation grants and viewer subscription money in such a questionable venture without more inquisitive journalistic endeavor, or ignoring gurus.
Murray asserted that Urquhart had sought to interfere with his jurisdiction as sheriff and had threatened him with imprisonment, while Urquhart accused Murray of remissness in taking proceedings against the covenanters, and of declining to supply him with a list of those concerned in the rebellion. As power had only been granted to Urquhart to act as justice of the peace, and not to sit alone as magistrate, he had exceeded his prerogatives in interfering with the duties of Murray as sheriff, but the council declined to affirm that he had acted beyond his powers. On 21 Jan. 1681 the case was again brought before the council, and finally, on 6 October, the council found that Murray had "malversed and been remiss in punishing conventicles", and therefore they simply deprived him of his right of sheriffship of Selkirk, it not being heritable, but bought by King Charles from his father, and declared it was devolved in the king's hands to give it to any other.
Whilst at the university he "never, as far as is known, delivered a single lecture", despite his chair's bequest that the holder deliver forty lectures each year, although his predecessor had not given any lectures either. The excuse was made that there was already an astronomical chair at Cambridge established before the Lowndean that already gave lectures. By the 1820s it was no longer acceptable to consider chairs as sinecures, and Lax received criticism from a living descendant of the original benefactor, Thomas Lowndes, for being remiss in his duties. His successor to the Lowndean chair George Peacock promised "to do his duty in a less lax manner than his predecessor", and although he struggled to get anyone to attend his lectures on pure mathematics, his lectures on practical astronomy were well attended.Harvey W. Becher, 'Peacock, George (1791–1858)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2009 accessed 25 December 2011 However, Peacock's translation as Dean of Ely three years later meant that he was largely absent from his chair, which he was severely criticised for retaining.

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