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409 Sentences With "remarked upon"

How to use remarked upon in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "remarked upon" and check conjugation/comparative form for "remarked upon". Mastering all the usages of "remarked upon" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And I do think that's something that should be remarked upon.
In the evenings, at the hostels, my solitude was constantly remarked upon.
The dancing has been remarked upon less, but it's also highly anomalous.
" Trump then remarked upon "all of these acts where she's 100 percent guilty.
Less remarked upon, however, is the massive economic Coachella Valley gets from the happening.
" Less remarked upon, the 28-year-old shooter described himself as an "eco-fascist.
In 1542, long before the combustion engine, Spanish sailors remarked upon the area's smoky air.
Now music is more like food—something to be enjoyed, digested, remarked upon in passing.
One less remarked-upon but more interesting theory just chalked it up to pilot experience.
Since 9/11, the equation of "Muslim" with "terrorist" has become routine, rarely even remarked upon.
Less remarked upon is the equally important role freedom of speech plays in holding government accountable.
My sister was the first person I knew who remarked upon it, some time around 2007.
And I think that goes under-remarked upon for the NCAA tournament, because it's amateur sports, right?
I discount -- a lot -- the much remarked-upon hostility of "GOPe" meaning the Republican establishment to Cruz.
In one especially odd moment, Trump remarked upon how white one of his key Latino surrogates looks.
Many have already noticed that Mike Huckabee's Twitter is bad enough to remark upon, and subsequently remarked upon it.
This relentless positivity in the face of failure was recently remarked upon by the retired football star Peyton Manning.
Less remarked upon was the polling "miss" related to the highest-profile election in November 2017 — the Virginia governor's race.
They met last summer, and their bond — much remarked upon — has made them the mother and father of the movement.
An institutional one, scarcely remarked upon, occurred this spring: the Metropolitan Opera House's half-century as a home for ballet.
Less remarked upon but perhaps more surprising is that sanctions have also not had much effect on the North Korean economy.
Rauschenberg's sexuality was something of an open secret, known by everyone but never quite remarked upon, even by the artist himself.
Iger remarked upon such on the call, but he wants to bring as much exclusive content from powerhouse studios to Hulu.
The fact that both Roseanne Barr and her character support President Trump is the most remarked upon detail of the show.
A pause in arrests in the spring of 218 was so noticeable that it was remarked upon in the local paper.
O.K., perhaps, but I wanted Priebus at least to acknowledge that there were other "moments" this week that people have remarked upon.
The character breakdown describes James as trans, but his gender identity is never explicitly defined — it's so unremarkable, it's never remarked upon.
The president complained in a recent tweet that the "MSM" (Main Stream Media) has not remarked upon the record run in stocks.
"This divergence between real-economy action and progress in the negotiations was remarked upon by many observers," Ryan said in the statement.
This statement is not a casual aside; it has been remarked upon by other learned scholars who are committed to meaningful American jurisprudence.
There is a bias in climate policy shared by analysts, politicians, and pundits across the political spectrum so common it is rarely remarked upon.
Ratjen – whose "girlishly smooth" torso was remarked upon in the police notes – was not given such careful consideration at the time of his arrest.
Some of that is the much-remarked-upon contradiction between Beyoncé's talent and how much she wants you to know she's using that talent.
KEVIN HASSETT: Right, well, for sure there is a global slowdown going on and that's something that's been remarked upon by the IMF and the World Bank.
I was grieving a child I wouldn't get to have, and my mother remarked upon my body, and made my loss about her, sharing about her own disappointment.
Chief among our remarked-upon habits is our often-claimed colorblindness and affinity for individuality, a supposed indifference to race that often reads more like ignorance of it.
A revision that came just a few years later remarked upon the "authentic" quality of the food and that many Asian Americans seemed to be eating at the restaurant.
Holding up a copy of the Constitution, Grassley remarked upon the balance of power between the president and the Senate when it comes to selecting and approving judicial nominees.
Their first meeting, which took place in Washington in March 2017, included the moment when Trump appeared to ignore Merkel&aposs offer of a handshake, a much-remarked upon incident.
Still, the lack of big new ideas has been widely remarked upon by politicians and local leaders, and some, including the City Council speaker, Corey Johnson, have filled the void.
On these ships, there are always 23 crew members, and it is an oddity never remarked upon by the traffic officer that many of the ships have the same call sign.
Another method the series uses is the much-remarked-upon way that Earn and his friends' adventures can, almost at random, be interrupted by violence visited upon them by authority figures.
The show wasn't a void of diversity—of the four and later five main characters, two were black men, a rather remarkable ratio for 1988 that was never actually remarked upon.
One of the most remarked-upon elements of the movie was the graphic sex scenes between the two women -- one of whom, Adele, was only 18 at the time of filming.
Finally, and this is one of the least remarked upon secular changes to the investing landscape but perhaps the deadliest for the hedge fund business, there is the issue of social signaling.
Reviews of the first "Shuffle Along" — and of the many black musicals and revues that flooded Broadway in the wake of its success — habitually remarked upon the superiority of black chorus dancers.
Perhaps the most remarked-upon feature of Super Bowl City, aside from its boundaries and fences and checkpoints, was all the security, police, and military personnel, and all their great big guns.
And what's been less remarked upon is how much strength director Lee Unkrich, co-director Adrian Molina, and co-screenwriters Molina and Matthew Aldrich garner from structuring the story as a mystery.
But less remarked upon at the time was Barack Obama's rapprochement with another old foe: Sudan, whose president, Omar al-Bashir, is wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of orchestrating genocide.
While not articulated in these terms, his plan imagines that the much-remarked-upon slump in productivity will reverse itself if Mr. Trump's agenda of lighter regulation and lower taxes was put into effect.
Kelly told the WSJ that his daughter's much remarked upon swagger as she entered his home office was down to her "hippity-hoppity mood" -- the result of a birthday party that day at her kindergarten.
The names changed every day, but it was painfully obvious by the second day how few women directors' names we'd see, something that was remarked upon but not ultimately a focus at last year's festival.
The link between Trump the candidate and Trump the Apprentice star has been remarked upon before, but it it seems more urgent than ever now that it turns out that his unorthodox campaign actually worked.
Case in point: A much remarked upon feature of both "Moonlight" and "If Beale Street Could Talk" is the use of haunting images in which a character stares directly into the camera, breaking the fourth wall.
Among the most remarked-upon aspects of this presidential election is the fact the two major party candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are the two candidates with the highest unfavorable ratings since modern polling was invented.
The attempted slaughter of Republican lawmakers on a baseball diamond outside Washington was less an aberration than the latest example of a grim trend, widely remarked upon by leaders in both parties, but never slowed or stopped.
Many commentators have remarked upon the Jacksonian timbre of President TrumpDonald John TrumpO'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms Objections to Trump's new immigration rule wildly exaggerated MORE's inaugural address.
But little remarked upon at the time was the unlikely seed from which the movement had grown: an anti-suicide campaign among a tight-knit group of youths, most younger than 25, impelled by tragedy and guided by prophecy.
As Hanno tells it, the band's much-remarked upon two-man format isn't the result of any grand artistic vision; rather, they couldn't find a decent bass player in town, and as it turned out, they didn't need one.
After the meeting, Orthman remarked upon what a difference several months had made for the campaign - that there was nowhere close to this kind of infrastructure in place when Warren released her first major policy proposal, the "wealth tax," in January.
My guess is that both the methods and the technology of synthetic biology — and here I'm thinking particularly of DNA synthesis — will continue to become more common, less remarked upon, and just part of the toolkit of biotechnology and bioengineering.
This was much-remarked upon among Puerto Ricans — in Puerto Rico itself (which will gain electoral college votes if Trump has his way) and in and around Orlando, where a great many of their friends and relatives live, work and vote.
Setting Hawkeye on a killing spree that only involves nonwhite criminals — and is hardly remarked upon — is not a particularly great look, and there's perhaps a visit to a planet or two that feels longer than it needs to be.
Mr. Bayona and the screenwriters, Colin Trevorrow (who directed "Jurassic World") and Derek Connolly (who was a co-writer of it), try to atone for the sexism that was one of the most remarked-upon features of the last installment.
When US President Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a short speech at the White House last month, the presence of his Vice President Mike Pence, standing just behind his right shoulder, was much remarked upon.
Less remarked upon has been the growing support he enjoys among white voters, especially in the heavily white and critical early states of Iowa and New Hampshire, where Buttigieg has recently been leading in the polls, or close to doing so.
That sort of pass, along with the long-remarked-upon good vibes he provided to any locker room he was invited into, kept Earl Watson in the league for 12 consecutive seasons even though he was never, strictly speaking, especially good.
Less remarked upon is how the show spurred a generation of young, ambitious and single professionals to move to New York to chase their own "Sex and the City" dreams — whether that meant finding Mr. Big or sipping cosmopolitans in the Hamptons.
By the time of "Interior Drama" (1977), the resemblance of Ms. Childs's work to Baroque ballet (much remarked upon in the early 1980s) has been established: springing feet; legs often making brisk extensions, almost to 45 degrees but not higher; constant floor patterns.
And yet: after the debate ended, in a much-remarked-upon moment, Ms. Warren declined to shake Mr. Sanders's outstretched hand, and the two had a brief exchange of words before Mr. Sanders appeared to cut off the conversation and turn away.
In an interview this week in her office, Ms. Conway kept one eye on impeachment coverage — "they should put him under oath when he's on TV," she remarked upon seeing James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director — as she praised the messaging reinforcements.
" More recently, US Health an Human Services Secretary Alex Azar -- who worked for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Co. and became president of Lilly USA -- has remarked upon "positive developments" in pharmaceutical pricing behavior, but "drug companies have a lot further to go.
The show's references to beloved films of the '80s have been much remarked upon, but "Stranger Things" also calls to mind all those books and TV shows — from "The Chronicles of Narnia" to "Muppet Babies" — where parents are either absent or pushed into the background.
The main thing is, the movies will keep him in the public eye — talk shows, awards ceremonies, magazine covers — continuing the much-remarked-upon McConnaissance that went into effect when, in a self-empowering move, he gave up rom-coms for more challenging fare.
As Amazon narrows the finalists to host its much-sought second headquarters and its tens of thousands of new, high-paying jobs, a little-remarked-upon factor may be playing a large role in its thinking — the company's vulnerability to antitrust action by an activist White House.
Rosemary's Baby holds a particularly visceral spot in horror film history for women, as it draws on the complicated feeling of having another being in your body during pregnancy, as well as being seen as an object, a body to be remarked upon and talked about.
In case you haven't looked around yourself recently and remarked upon the sea of chokers, crop tops, flatforms and pig tail buns before you, allow us to be the first to alert you to the fact that the fashions of the early aughts are back in a big way.
That said, it's nice to see the Oscar nominee as a character who's not as one-note grotesque as the title characters she's played in movies like Identity Thief and Tammy; it's also nice that her size is never comic fodder here, or even remarked upon at all.
In his current column for the Communications of the ACM, Cerf worries about the decreasing longevity of our media, and, thus, about our ability as a civilization to self-document—to have a historical record that one day far in the future might be remarked upon and learned from.
What this means, unfortunately, is that Fass has a hard time apprehending the parenting period that followed her own — one in which there has been a radical shift in parent-child relations from the generally hostile "generation gap" of the late 1960s to the much-­remarked-upon boomer-­millennial bond.
It has also been steadily tweaked to add features that drive users back to Facebook's main app — changes that have been remarked upon by users mostly because they're confusing and embarrassing, and which Newton cites as establishing a "death by a thousand cuts" dynamic between the image-sharing app and its parent company.
" The peripheral sadness is mostly a result of Ezra's physical frailty (aqua fitness, a quintuple-bypass scar, 27 pill bottles in the bathroom), which is relentlessly remarked upon, both by Alice and by Ezra himself, though almost always leavened with sly deadpan exposition: "She gave him a cord for his reading glasses.
Less remarked upon is how the show spurred a generation of young, ambitious and single women to move to New York to chase their own "Sex and the City" dreams — whether that meant finding their Mr. Big, landing a fashion P.R. job or sipping cosmopolitans in Manolo Blahniks while summering in the Hamptons.
In 1980, as the ownership of King Ying Low settled in and only 60 years after a reporter remarked upon the absence of Chinese New Year celebrations in Des Moines, the Register profiled Young and his family in honor of the same holiday, an article in which Young discussed Chinese cultural traditions and his own opinions on his home country.
It is so aggressively non-totalizing that it stops itself from fully exploring the boldness of its potential claims, settling, instead, for a model of "twitchy, agitated interpassivity" — that all-too-familiar digital-age affect remarked upon by Mark Fisher, a mirror image of the schizophrenic technological landscape it sets out to critique which further entrenches "reflexive impotence" as the only available response.
This I heard over and over, from professors to farmers, even duel-scarred students; sometimes, in grand company, remarked upon in third person—a pretty way of saying more than two men in a room means the third can be ignored, as I was when they spoke of my birth and Mr. Jefferson's death in one breath, voices dusted with wonderment, faint sunlight quivering on a hidden breeze.
Attitudes in developing countries are often quite different. Many societies consider head louse infestation to be normal, if even remarked upon at all.
Another element of the soundscape less often remarked upon is simply silence, which can mean both safety (nothing is happening) and unseen danger, creating tension.
The third century BC poet Euphorion of Chalcis remarked in his Hyacinth that "Only Cocytus washed the wounds of Adonis".Remarked upon in passing by Photius, Biblioteca 190 (on- line translation).
2 March 2011. has been remarked upon by the press as being composed of unusually devoted fans of this advertising vehicle from a bygone age.Lahti, Evan. Backspace - Chex Quest: Never Forget.
The film was released to digital-projection cinemas, and was marketed "direct-to-churches", which one reverend remarked upon as "relatively new." The film made $58,662 on its opening weekend, and $84,093 total.
In September 2018, Sirisena remarked upon the quality of cashew nuts served to him in a Sri Lankan Airlines flight: "When I returned from Nepal, they served some cashew nuts on the plane [that], let alone humans, even dogs can't eat, who approves these things?". It was unclear as to what exactly was offensive about the said nuts, but the outburst which was much remarked upon, led to comments that Sirisena had "come unhinged". The airline promptly stopped serving cashew nuts.
O.S. 6, I.SW (1887); VII.NW (1891) The Hall was surrounded by extensive gardens, remarked upon in 1851,S. Bagshaw, Directory of Shropshire (1851), 442 notably to the south where there were large, walled kitchen gardens.
Stoke-on-Trent City Museum & Art Gallery (1986). pp. 44-51 Given the fickle nature of the consumer, much remarked upon by Wedgwood during his career, it is remarkable how long creamware remained popular in its many forms.
Oberlin was often compared with fellow Cameroon-born, Swiss international Breel Embolo, and Zürich chairman Ancillo Capella remarked upon Oberlin's departure that he did not want "hysterical mothers claiming that their sons are at least as good as Embolo".
Hewitt's constant "c'mons" when he won a point or his opponents made an error have been remarked upon as poor sportsmanship by opponents and media commentators. Notably this behaviour particularly riled his 2005 Australian Open second-round opponent James Blake.
The series marks the first time that a Kamen Rider's main vehicle is a car rather than a motorcycle, which has been remarked upon by entertainment news as a shock and a major change from previous Kamen Rider television series.
The musical was praised by Rolling Stone as the first rock musical to “truly rock”. The show also attracted many fans in the music world. The show's authenticity, and its use of characters outside the usual hetero- normative constraints of theatre, was also remarked upon.
White's most remarked-upon service for Cecil is his report on his visit with Mary, Queen of Scots, in 1569, during the early years of her imprisonment. He may have published an English translation of the Argonautica in the 1560s but no copy has survived.
In 2005 the FrightFest quiz was introduced. The first quiz was spread over the weekend but was then streamlined. In 2007 the quiz was devised by Alan Jones and was remarked upon as being especially challenging. This quiz was conducted by British Horror institution David McGillivray.
The attention to detail, often absent in stadium design, has been remarked upon, including the cigar-shaped roof supports with blue lighting beacons, sculpted rainwater gutters, poly-carbonate perimeter roof edging and openable louvres to aid pitch grass growth with similarities also made to high-tech architecture.
Author: Candice Anne Lim. Retrieved 30 June 2012. while Butch Francisco of The Philippine Star remarked upon Santos' ability to be "riotously hilarious and realistic [...] nothing too dramatic, nothing phony [...] unbeatable in the festival's Best Actress competition."Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo: Marrying a family Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino.
The line is noted for being sharp, and for having moved only slightly over the past several centuries. A visible boundary which represents the Landsker line is Brandy Brook which runs through Newgale, remarked upon by Richard Fenton in his Historical Tour of 1810.Fenton, p.
He also studied locally, under Mas Ngabehi Mangoenwidjaja. While still in his youth, Tan moved to Surakarta and began working at the Sie Dhien publishing house. He would later marry Lie Gien Nio; the couple had three children. Tan maintained a personal appearance which was commonly remarked upon.
In D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover the working-class gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors, is stated to have served as a lieutenant during the war. His ambiguous position as a temporary gentleman is remarked upon by his lover, the upper-class Lady Chatterley, when she says "he might almost be a gentleman".
Williams famously remarked upon the bitter irony of the fact that most of the homes he designed, and whose construction he oversaw, were on parcels whose deeds included segregation covenants barring Black people from purchasing them. A number of his works are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
In particular, it appears Carnegie either misunderstood or intentionally misrepresented some of Spencer's principal arguments. Spencer remarked upon his first visit to Carnegie's steel mills in Pittsburgh, which Carnegie saw as the manifestation of Spencer's philosophy, "Six months' residence here would justify suicide."Wall, Joseph Frazer (1989). Andrew Carnegie. p. 386.
He began swearing, shouting, screaming, grunting and barking loudly, with intermittent bouts of heavy panting. He remarked upon the people present, with his comments being related to the situation in question. He attempted at times to excuse his behavior. Afterwards the patient was able to provide an account of what had happened.
Tacitus notes Germanic women who exhorted their reluctant men to valorous battle by aggressively baring their breasts.Tacitus, Germania 8.1; Bonfante, "Nursing Mothers," p. 187. Although in general "the gesture is meant to arouse pity rather than sexual desire", the beauty of the breasts so exposed is sometimes in evidence and remarked upon.
In early June, RKO announced that Louise Latimer would be starring in the film. Lattimer's small figure was remarked upon by papers of the day. On June 13 it was reported that the movie was one of 12 in production by RKO. And the film was definitely in production by June 22.
Paul's stylish wardrobe was often remarked upon and reported about."Queenie Paul's Dresses" Sunday Times (4 February 1923): 5. via Trove "Queenie Paul's Rainbow Frock" Sunday Times (18 February 1923): 5. via Trove Later in life, she continued performing in variety shows,"Queenie Paul at Royal" Sunday Mail (January 20, 1952): 11.
One Chinese legend mentions large war dogs from Central Asia that resembled black-tongued lions. One Chinese ruler was said to own 5,000 Chows. The Chinese also used Chows to pull dog-sleds, and this was remarked upon by Marco Polo. One author states that the Chow-Chow was also bred for human consumption.
Emily Cecil, 1st Marchioness of Salisbury, by Joshua Reynolds (1780) Mary Amelia 'Emily Mary' Cecil, Marchioness of Salisbury (16 August 1750 - 22 November 1835), was an English aristocrat, Tory political hostess and sportswoman. The marchioness's eccentricity was frequently remarked upon, in particular her style of dress; her clothes were often of her own design.
Stegosaurus is one of the three dinosaur types whose physical characteristics were combined by the designers at Toho, to create the Japanese monster Godzilla; the other two dinosaurs were Tyrannosaurus and Iguanodon. In the American version of King Kong vs. Godzilla this is remarked upon by a reporter, claiming Godzilla was half-Stegosaurus, half-Tyrannosaurus.
Moten-Foster died April 9, 2011. Her husband Robert O. Foster had died approximately three weeks earlier. Moten-Foster's death was remarked upon, among others, by then-United States Representative Mike Pence, who read a memorial to her on the House floor. On Moten-Foster's death, ownership of the Muncie Times passed to Moten- Foster's daughter Rev.
Her inventive faculties were widely remarked upon by "practically everybody whose opinion on a literary matter was worth anything".,Carswell 275. and she was on friendly terms with the leading women writers of her time. The American critic and writer John Neal referred to Baillie in an 1866 Atlantic Monthly article as the "female Shakespeare of a later age".
The third century BC poet Euphorion of Chalcis remarked in his Hyacinth that "Only Cocytus washed the wounds of Adonis".Remarked upon in passing by Photius, Biblioteca 190 (on-line translation). According to Lucian's De Dea Syria, each year during the festival of Adonis, the Adonis River in Lebanon (now known as the Abraham River) ran red with blood.
See Timberg, An American Odyssey, p. 92. he would only accept the offer if every man captured before him was released as well.Hubbell, P.O.W., p. 452. McCain's refusal to be released was remarked upon by North Vietnamese senior negotiator Lê Đức Thọ to U.S. envoy Averell Harriman, during the ongoing Paris Peace Talks.Timberg, An American Odyssey, p. 209.
There has been an absolute outpouring of Kinks covers in recent years, but such things were very rare in the 1970s and 1980s, making The Ophelias version much remarked upon, several publications calling it the best Kinks cover ever. Medford has often stated that The Kinks were the band most influential on his becoming a musician.
When William Rufus died suddenly in 1100 and Henry became king, Richard de Redvers quickly became one of his most trusted advisers. He witnessed more than 20 of Henry's charters & royal writs, in several different places, and sometimes as the only witness. After Richard's death his loyalty was remarked upon by Anselm of Canterbury.Bearman 1994, p.3.
This reunion was remarked upon in the World's Fair newspaper. When he was seventy The Express newspaper reported that George Lockhart had his arm crushed by the elephant Burma whilst he was taking visitors around the circus stables. According to the report he continued presenting the circus throughout the second half before being admitted to hospital for his injuries.
Phoenix displayed an introduction animation in the vein of Chicago's well-known intro animation, set to the same song, before the game, which was remarked upon by the commentators. Before the game a moment of silence was observed in memory of New Jersey Nets guard Dražen Petrović, who had been killed in a car accident two days earlier.
It is painted in blue-black ink on paper.Lee Page 379-380 The painting became famous for the tremendous skill of the brushstrokes. Their subtlety of modeling is often remarked upon. The thick and thin brushstrokes that model the lightest of the persimmons make it seem to float in contrast to the dark one next to it.
Great Exxxpectations, Wayne Hoffman, Tablet Magazine, July 21, 2009. The openly all- Jewish cast was also remarked upon by the Los Angeles Times blog, which noted that whenever Jews are more open about their Jewish identity it is a "healthy development".'Men of Israel': The new box-office stud?, Patrick Goldstein, LA Times blog, July 22, 2009.
He did so a year later. Tony Boyle's left knee was heavily strapped, a fact which was much remarked upon before the game; this resulted from an injury he had sustained in the Ulster final. Martin Gavigan and Anthony Molloy also started the game with a leg each strapped. Finbar Wright sang the national anthem before the game got underway.
He crashed to his death in a field in France on 7 May, sparking a wave of national mourning and posthumous recognition, which included the award of the Victoria Cross for his actions during his final tour of duty. The famous German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen, remarked upon hearing of Ball's death that he was "by far the best English flying man".
She wrote a book, Consider, opposing the repeal of Prohibition. Her temperance work was much remarked upon when her husband was accused of participating in a "rum ring" and indicted in 1933."Scott Durand Named in Rum Ring Indictment" Chicago Daily Tribune (February 17, 1933): 4."Wealthy Broker, Mate of Rum Foe, Indicted by U. S." Decatur Daily Review (February 17, 1933): 1.
Fortescue's father was dead, and Gilbert, who was always protective of the ladies who performed in his works, took an interest in the matter. See Stedman, p. 198 and Ainger, p. 222 Soon afterwards, in a case of life imitating art, since her character, Celia, captivates and marries an Earl (which was much remarked upon in the press),Stedman, p.
Similar methods were used in the tail structure. The fuselage was a monocoque structure of longerons and hoops, covered in three-ply. The fuselage was flat sided but deep and carefully made upper and lower fairings produced its overall rounded look. The high quality and lightness of the woodworking was remarked upon; Pandar had built his reputation and fortune in the furniture trade.
Her resemblance to Brigitte Bardot was widely remarked upon. She was featured in the September 1966 issue of Playboy magazine.Playboy magazine, September 1966 In 1965, she co-starred with Elvis Presley in Tickle Me and later appeared in several roles in Hollywood films, including as "biker chick" Cathy in Hell's Belles in 1969. She also made guest appearances on American television series.
Before a person can erect a library, he must educate himself on the subject of collecting and organizing books. A person must also seek the guidance of those who have already built their own libraries or are in the process. He suggests studying and copying the catalogues of other libraries. Naudé devotes an entire chapter to book selection, remarked upon throughout.
The corrosive effect of polluted, acidic city air on limestone and marble was noted in the 17th century by John Evelyn, who remarked upon the poor condition of the Arundel marbles.E. S. de Beer, ed. The Diary of John Evelyn, III, 1955 (September 19, 1667) p. 495. Since the Industrial Revolution, emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere have increased.
The Richmond Review compared the novel to the works of James Ellroy and Eddie Bunker. In particular Karras search for redemption through his involvement in solving the prostitute murders sub-plot was described as evoking Ellroy. Reviews praised Pelecanos' dialogue and sense of place. They also remarked upon Pelecanos' use of film and music references and the cinematic nature of the book.
Floyer consistently engages the discourse surrounding conceptual art, minimalism, post-minimalism, the ready-made and technology within her work. Her work is often remarked upon for its visual austerity that stands in stark contrast to the abundant verbal implications and how it precipitates greater conjecture. For example, her work Bucket (1999) is a black bucket accompanied by the sound of a leak.Prince, Mark.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart applied the large- scale ideas of Haydn to opera and the piano concerto. Mozart's fluidity with the creation of themes, and the dense network of motives and their parts give his work a surface polish which was remarked upon even by his professional rivals. Mozart favored sonata form and the sonata cycle. Most of his compositions were in sonata cycle.
Kosta's remarkable facility with brush and pen was apprehended and remarked upon by the Russian drawing master Smirnov, who was not related to the beverage. It was now that a crossroads arose. Kosta had a disagreement with father Khetagurov about the direction of his future efforts. The father was convinced that the proper life for Kosta was that of a soldier.
'Regeneration' (Penguin, 2008) p.199 after a friend was accused of "soliciting" with another man. The intensity of their early relationship is demonstrated in Graves's collection, Fairies and Fusiliers (1917), which contains many poems celebrating their friendship. Sassoon remarked upon a "heavy sexual element" within it, an observation supported by the sentimental nature of much of the surviving correspondence between the two men.
Antiquitates Urbis furnished more than a new guide to the antiquities of Rome seen by a humanist's critical eye, the first of a genre of antiquarian topographical studies that extends to our time. It also remarked upon the introduction of printing to Rome in the previous generation and identified a few collections, such as Angelo Colocci's antiquities in his villa beside the Aqua Virgo and Andrea Cardinal della Valle's Roman coins. Many of the astute observations recorded in Fulvio's Antiquitates Urbis have withstood time's tests: the half- lifesize Roman bronze Camillus, then known as the Zingara ("Gypsy Woman"), he first identified as a young serving lad, and the Marphurius he recognized as a reclining river god, a Roman iconographical type unknown to the previous generations of antiquarians. He remarked upon the pacifying gesture of the equestrian Marcus Aurelius.
After two days in agony, Elizabeth and her older sister, 44-year-old Ida Harriet Deane, died from arsenic poisoning. Four others who had sampled the chocolates survived. Elizabeth's father remarked upon the familiar handwriting on the note and saw that it matched the taunting letters he had kept in a drawer. Police traced the candy to a shop in San Francisco, and from there, to Botkin.
McCaffrey played in that year's All-Ireland final win but left the pitch early after sustaining what later proved to be an anterior cruciate ligament injury. His antics later in the evening as Michael Lyster interviewed Jim Gavin and Stephen Cluxton were much remarked upon. A month after the final, McCaffrey had surgery. McCaffrey returned for Dublin against Longford as a substitute in June 2018.
After her retirement she remarked upon the extreme pressures she had gone through to reach the heights of the sport: "Several times I fainted on the training grounds. I will never forget that moment so painful that one can no longer feel pain." Academic Susan Brownell placed Xu's suffering within a wider context of the theme of self-sacrifice in Chinese women's sports.Brownell, Susan.
Trocchi appeared at the 1962 Edinburgh Writers Festival where he claimed "sodomy" as a basis for his writing. During the festival, Hugh MacDiarmid denounced him as "cosmopolitan scum." However, while this incident is well known, it is little remarked upon that the two men subsequently engaged in correspondence, and actually became friends. Trocchi then moved to London, where he remained for the rest of his life.
In her epistle to the reader, Cavendish wrote that woman's wit may equal that of man, and therefore women might be able to learn as easily as men. She argued that wit was natural, whereas learning was artificial, and that, in her time, men had more opportunity to educate themselves than women.Cavendish 1668, pp. 11–13 Cavendish remarked upon her own experience reading philosophical works.
As the Tate puts it: "Chiaroscuro is generally only remarked upon when it is a particularly prominent feature of the work, usually when the artist is using extreme contrasts of light and shade".Tate Glossary. Retrieved 30 August 2007. Photography and cinema also have adopted the term. For the history of the term, see René Verbraeken, Clair-obscur, histoire d’un mot (Nogent-le-Roi, 1979).
"Cog" was first aired on British television on Sunday 6 April 2003. It filled an entire commercial break in ITV's coverage of the Brazilian Grand Prix. The release was widely remarked upon by the media, with articles appearing in both broadsheets such as The Daily Telegraph, The Independent and The Guardian;Cozens, Claire; Never work with cars, The Guardian, 15 April 2003. Retrieved 3 September 2009.
The sequel to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog has been shelved on multiple occasions. In 2009, Whedon remarked upon the possibility of presenting it in the form of another miniseries or a feature film. The script was planned to be written in summer 2012 and the principal photography to take place the following year. However, production was delayed because of his commitment to projects at Marvel Studios.
Baxter was appointed the managing editor of the Sunday Express, a paper launched after the war, in 1922. Under Baxter's guidance, the paper became livelier and its features were remarked upon. After two years, Baxter was moved to the same position on the Daily Express, in effect as deputy to Blumenfeld. Baxter, who was nicknamed "Bax" within the office, got on well with both Blumenfeld and Beaverbrook.
Phillips retired on 17 October 2003 when he turned 70, which is the compulsory retirement age for judges in Victoria. He was chief justice for 12 years. At his retirement ceremony he remarked upon receiving a summons to serve on a jury that explained about the standard of proof in criminal cases. He quipped to the court that he thought that "he knew that already".
Rejecting political intrigues, Général Baron Testot-Ferry distinguished himself on the field of battle - seriously wounded on several occasions and several times remarked upon by Napoleon - and was faithful to his oaths under all regimes in one of the most troubled periods of French history, with one of his mottoes being il vaut mieux mériter sans obtenir, qu'obtenir sans mériter ("it is better to deserve without gain, than gain without deserving").
It was finally installed at the Belvedere in Vienna in 1834. It remains there today, now part of the collection of the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere. The version kept by David until his death in 1825 was exhibited at the in 1846 (where it was remarked upon by Baudelaire). In 1850 it was offered to the future Napoleon III by David's daughter, Pauline Jeanin, and installed at the Tuileries Palace.
Monty (2006), p. 151 Rosa Luxemburg, in the aftermath of the First World War, remarked upon re-reading Candide: "Before the war, I would have thought this wicked compilation of all human misery a caricature. Now it strikes me as altogether realistic." The American alternative rock band Bloodhound Gang refer to Candide in their song "Take the Long Way Home", from the American edition of their 1999 album Hooray for Boobies.
The other three stories received a range of reactions, with their age relative to "Kaine" often remarked upon. Some critics wrote that they were interesting historical artifacts from Yuki's beginnings as a manga artist. According to the reviewer for Manga News, the short story format and artwork was reminiscent of The Cain Saga, and the stories themselves were "refreshing." Planete BD, however, regarded the stories as amateur and uninteresting.
Beni Hammad, Algeria: Dar al-Bahr, the Lake Palace, is situated on the southern end of Beni Hammad Fort, a ruined fortified city which has remained uninhabited for 800 years. Artifacts recovered from the site attest to a high degree of civilization. During its time, it was remarked upon by visitors for the nautical spectacles enacted in its large pool. Surrounding the pool and the palace were terraces, courtyards and gardens.
Reviews of the first performance did not focus on the dance, but the Times described it as "danced admirably and a great improvement on the Explosions-Polka".The Times, 3 January 1978 The 1980s independent performances were likewise not heavily remarked upon. In the 2004 revival, the Guardian noted that while not the centrepiece of the performance, Voices was "the kind of crowd-rousing display that suits programmes of highlights".
He carried on playing for Widnes occasionally until 1884 after which time his cricket career blossomed. Briggs competed with Yorkshireman Bobby Peel for the left-arm spinner’s position in the England Test side, and accomplished more fine performances at Test level, notably at Adelaide in 1891/1892 and at The Oval in 1893. There was a much remarked upon contrast between the two. Briggs was chirpy, hard working and much loved.
The Broken Earth series uses several different styles of narration. The most widely remarked upon is its use of second person. It is eventually revealed that the books' narrator is Hoa. In The Stone Sky, Hoa narrates portions of the book set in the past in first person, and portions set in the present in second person (for Essun's perspective) and third person (for Nassun's and Syenite's perspective).
Sugden was the son of a high-class hairdresser and wig-maker in Westminster, London. Details of his education are said to be "obscure". It appears that he was mostly self-taught, although he also attended a private school. His humble origins and rapid rise were frequently remarked upon by his contemporaries: when he first attempted to enter Parliament, he was heckled at hustings for being the son of a barber.
Wodehouse introduces Pyke in Bill the Conqueror as plain Sir George Pyke. Mammoth Publishing Company is already a mighty undertaking and Pyke is about to become a Lord – he selects the Tilbury title based on the address of his headquarters, at Tilbury House on Tilbury Street. Pyke is not a tall man and runs somewhat to fat. His similarity to Napoleon, both in physique and character, is often remarked upon.
The Courier-Journal noted that violent tactics such as pulling riders off their horses were considered acceptable, and that "biting is about the only thing that is barred." Writing in Plains Folk, James Hoy remarked upon the similarity of these races to the Central Asian sport of buzkashi, which also involves fiercely competitive riders attempting to bring items to a goal, albeit on a much larger scale than potato races.
He also gouged out Law's eyes and inserted cigarettes into his eye sockets, ears and mouth. After he had left Law's bungalow, he bumped into Law's mother and remarked upon her son's suicide whilst smiling. She went to her son's bungalow and found him dead. Police arrested Arkwright, who confessed to four murders, which meant that searches for the bodies of his other victims had to be organised hastily.
The Observations was acclaimed for the playful and compelling voice of its narrator, Bessy Buckley, and for its humorous treatment of dark themes. Reviews of her second novel, Gillespie and I, have remarked upon its themes of obsession and loneliness. Sugar Money, her third novel, deals with themes of slavery and freedom, innocence and experience, love and despair. Harris's work is also notable for dealing with characters on the edge of society.
Hurricane Andres originated out of a tropical wave that entered the eastern Pacific basin on June 16 after crossing Central America. Over the following few days, showers and thunderstorms began to organize around the wave. At this time, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) remarked upon the possibility for tropical cyclone formation. By June 20, the wave spawned an area of low pressure roughly 175 mi (280 km) south-southeast of Acapulco, Mexico.
They remarked upon his more somber demeanor and noted that for a trip home to Philadelphia, he had boarded the wrong train. Gowen wrote to his insurance agent on December 9, 1889, to ask if he could cash in his $90,000 life insurance policy. Three days later, after he had arrived in Washington, D.C., to argue a case before the Interstate Commerce Commission, Gowen purchased a revolver at a hardware store on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Concrete plans for transition to Crown rule—direct control by the British Government—apparently began in 1897. In May of this year, Herbert J. Read published a Memorandum on British possessions in West Africa, which remarked upon the "inconvenient and unscientific boundaries" between Lagos Colony, the Niger Coast Protectorate and the Royal Niger Company. Read suggested they be merged, and more use made of Nigeria's natural resources.Carland, The Colonial Office and Nigeria (1985), p. 50.
She appears together with Silver in Sonic Colors DS in several cutscenes and missions. Blaze has been mostly well-received by critics. IGN remarked upon seeing her at TGS 2005 that she "easily earned her place in the team" amidst unremarkable secondary characters. Her gameplay has been praised as "fast-moving and fun" as opposed to slower characters introduced earlier in the series, but criticized for its resemblance to that of Sonic.
Critics positively noted the game's art design, which blends a simple, cartoon style with scrimshaw influences. The included documentary videos were also remarked upon as "[leaving the player] feeling educated as well as entertained" and "[doing] an excellent job of giving a cultural context" for the game. The platforming elements of Never Alone were more divisive. Some reviewers described the game as "frustrating", noting imprecise controls and inconsistent behavior by in-game characters.
It was renamed The Core Pocket Media Player in July 2005 upon its release for the Palm OS and Windows CE/Mobile operating systems. A release of TCPMP for the Symbian OS has been remarked upon, but further information about it is available only in forums. The TCPMP project page indicates that the development languages used were "assembly, C". In 2006, CoreCodec Inc. discontinued development of TCPMP to focus on the commercial CorePlayer Platform.
Even songs that did not carry an explicitly political message were seen as subversive, due to their being banned in South Africa. Makeba saw her music as a tool of activism, saying "In our struggle, songs are not simply entertainment for us. They are the way we communicate." Makeba's use of the clicks common in languages such as Xhosa and Zulu (as in "Qongqothwane", "The Click Song") was frequently remarked upon by Western audiences.
Morial prevailed, 100,703 votes (53.2 percent) to Faucheux's 88,583 (46.8 percent). Faucheux later became a nationally known political consultant and pundit. By Morial's second term the city's economy was slowing and increased conflict with the City Council led to a decrease in the ability of the Morial administration to govern effectively. The 1984 World's Fair, which transpired midway through Morial's second term, was an embarrassing financial debacle that was negatively remarked upon nationally.
Sibelius's "firm belief" indeed proved prescient, as the critics received the new work warmly; the general impression was that an important new symphonic talent had arrived. For example, the Finnish critic praised Madetoja's symphony in Uusi Suometar, writing, "The symphony appeals through the logic of its construction and the translucent brightness of its orchestration." Sibelius, who was in attendance, also remarked upon the symphony's beauty. Nevertheless, the teacher eyed his former student's maturation somewhat wearily.
Attempts to have his findings exhibited at the newly constructed Pergamon Museum failed, as the museum refused to agree to Oppenheim's financial demands. He thus opened his own private "Tell Halaf Museum" in an industrial complex in Berlin- Charlottenburg in July 1930. The museum's concept of presenting the exhibits is considered quite modern even by today's standards. It was subsequently visited and remarked upon by archaeologist Max Mallowan, his wife Agatha Christie and Samuel Beckett.
No architect mentioned the device until 1615, when Palladio's pupil Vincenzo Scamozzi included a chapter devoted to chimneypieces in his Idea della archittura universale. Those in the apartments of princes and important personages, he considered, might be grand enough for chimneypieces with caryatid supporters, such as one he illustrated and a similar one he installed in the Sala dell'Anticollegio, also in the Doge's Palace.Both remarked upon by Parker 1963:206, and fig. 9.
She is generally "one of the team", although her being female was occasionally remarked upon at the squad. The crime scene photographer J. H. Brodie expressed his infatuation with her, but due to a miscommunication she felt his expression of affection was a way to make fun of her. Det. Mike Kellerman also stated she was attractive "because of the hair." In certain episodes she expressed concern about her sister and gender issues.
Labille-Guiard, Self-Portrait with Two Pupils. The pupils are Marie-Marguerite (left) and Marie-Gabrielle Capet (right). Marie-Marguerite Carreaux de Rosemond, sometimes Carraux de Rozemont (died 1788) was a French painter. Carreaux de Rosemond was a pupil of Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, one of the nine young women whose work was remarked upon at the Expositions de la jeunesse; she was singled out for praise by the critics alongside Marie-Gabrielle Capet and Mlle.
Newgale, along with Abereiddi, appeared in the music video "Delerium – Silence" (featuring Sarah McLachlan) 2000. Newgale marks the boundary between English and Welsh-speaking Pembrokeshire, with the next beach north of Newgale being called Pen-y-Cwm. A physical example of the boundary is Brandy Brook which runs through Newgale, splitting the English-speaking South Pembrokeshire and the Welsh-speaking North Pembrokeshire, remarked upon by Richard Fenton in his Historical Tour of 1810.
Programme judge Amanda Holden remarked upon the audience's initially cynical attitude, and the subsequent "biggest wake-up call ever" upon hearing her performance. Soon, the audition was widely reported and tens of millions of people viewed the video on YouTube. Boyle was "absolutely gobsmacked" by the strength of this reaction. After the appearance, Paige expressed interest in singing a duet with Boyle, calling her "a role model for everyone who has a dream".
Indications of the cave’s contemporary social or ritual significance relate inter alia to the occasional collecting of water, by local African people, for healing purposes. There are other nearby sites where beliefs concerning the ritual power of water (associations with a mythic watersnake are remarked upon), for example by members of the Zion Christian Church, include the Kuruman Eye and Boesmanspit. The past ritual significance of the site is subject to on-going archaeological investigation.
He became an elder of the Japan Sumo Association, working as a coach at his old stable. He was initially known as Shikoroyama Oyakata, and then Tatsutayama Oyakata from 1961. He accompanied his old stablemate Kagamisato when he left Tokitsukaze stable in 1971 to found Tatsutagawa stable. He also worked as a judge of tournament bouts, and it was remarked upon that audience members seated directly behind him would miss most of the action.
At the end of the Polish–Ottoman War (1672–1676) against the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, he signed the Treaty of Buchach in 1672 and the Treaty of Żurawno in 1676. Contemporary European observers frequently remarked upon the atheistic tendencies of Fazıl Ahmed's inner circle of courtiers, and particularly those of Fazıl Ahmed himself. Nevertheless, his exact religious views remain unknown. [in German] Fazıl Ahmed Pasha died on November 3, 1676 from complications resulting from his lifestyle of heavy drinking.
Clancy's is a restaurant in New Orleans situated on 6100 Annunciation Street in the Uptown New Orleans district of New Orleans, Louisiana, near Audubon Park. It, like many of its New Orleans coevals, specializes in Louisiana Creole cuisine. Signature dishes include lemon ice box pie, fried oysters with brie (described in New Orleans Cuisine: Fourteen Signature Dishes and Their Histories as "irresistible"), smoked soft-shell crab, and smoked duck. Their oysters Rockefeller and Oysters Bedouin are also remarked upon.
She made 20 appearances in 2017–18, including the 1–0 Coupe de France Féminine final win over rivals Lyon. On the expiry of her contract she returned to Brazil for surgery on ovarian cysts. She had an offer from a Chinese club, but preferred to stay close to her family after three years away. She accepted an offer to join Corinthians and remarked upon a "gigantic evolution" in Brazilian club football since she moved away to France.
On 19 September 2013 Chalobah signed a loan deal with Nottingham Forest until 15 January 2014. Manager Billy Davies remarked upon his arrival, "He's a tremendous young talent." Chalobah made his debut from the start in Forest's trip to Doncaster Rovers on 21 September 2013. On 5 October 2013, Chalobah was sent off after a second booking in the 67th minute after already picking up a yellow in the first half during the away match against Brighton & Hove Albion.
He had first heard of Daft Punk through the music video of the song "Around the World", which introduced him to many aspects of electronic dance music. He added that Homework was one of the few albums he and his older brother both enjoyed. Regarding Random Access Memories, Lennox remarked upon the approach of having live musicians, but structuring their performances in a minimal, sample-like fashion. For the sixth episode, Gonzales spoke about his contribution to the album.
Daisy Bacon's unmarried status while editing a magazine about romance was often remarked upon, along with her tall slim figure and her stylish wardrobe. She died in 1986, aged 87 years, in Port Washington, New York. In 2016 the Baxter Estates Village Hall in Port Washington held an exhibit about Bacon, including her desk, photographs, manuscripts, and typewriter.Laurie Powers, "Daisy Bacon on Exhibit" Laurie's Wild West (March 23, 2016), a blog post about the 2016 exhibit in Port Washington.
Oliver J held that the bequest was to the association absolutely, so in fact they did not need to use it for buildings (only constrained by the contract). The purpose was within the association’s power to do, and it would be up to them to honour it. Oliver J also remarked upon Re Denley as a Re Bowes type of case, where a purpose is disregarded, while saying it was ‘both with authority and with common sense’.
In her memoir, Cavendish explained her enjoyment in reinventing herself through fashion. She said that she aimed for uniqueness in her dress, thoughts, and behaviour, and that she disliked wearing the same fashions as other women. She also made her desire to achieve fame public. Several passages of her memoir remarked upon her virtuous character, and that while she acknowledged goodness in others, she thought it acceptable that she should hope to be better than them.
Gloger's rule is an ecogeographical rule which states that within a species of endotherms, more heavily pigmented forms tend to be found in more humid environments, e.g. near the equator. It was named after the zoologist Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger, who first remarked upon this phenomenon in 1833 in a review of covariation of climate and avian plumage color.Gloger (1833) Erwin Stresemann noted that the idea was already expressed by Pallas in Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica (1811).
Haffreingue was also the principal of a private Jesuit boarding school for boys (now known as "Le collège Haffreingue-Chanclaire") in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Petre was a student at this school in 1860–186, during Heffreingue's tenure. The building was also said by some to be based on the 19th-century Church of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Paris to which it bore some striking similarities. The similarities to another great French church, Saint-Sulpice, Paris (17th century) have also been remarked upon.
Long a landmark for both the local community and commuters alike, the building ceased to be a residence in 1974, and lay empty and derelict until the trust agreed a restoration project with the then owners, the Diocese of Down and Connor, in early 2009. Completed in November of the same year, The Gate Lodge, now remarked upon for its bright red exterior, serves as the offices of the BBT and is once again a much loved landmark for the city.
"For God's sake," cried the woman of the house, "where are they coming from?" One of the children spied a hole scratched in the roof by a mother hen. Ó Criomhthain lived in a cottage or stone cabin with a hearth at the kitchen end and sleeping quarters at the other. A feature of island life much remarked upon by mainland readers of his books was the keeping of animals in kitchens at night, including cows, asses, sheep, dogs, cats and hens.
Zehlendorf () is a locality within the borough of Steglitz-Zehlendorf in Berlin. Before Berlin's 2001 administrative reform Zehlendorf was a borough in its own right, consisting of the locality of Zehlendorf as well as Wannsee, Nikolassee and Dahlem. Zehlendorf contains some of the most remarked upon natural settings in Berlin, including parts of the Grunewald forest and the Schlachtensee, Krumme Lanke and Waldsee lakes. Additionally, it has large affluent residential neighborhoods, some with cobblestone streets and buildings that are over 100 years old.
She is the ninth person to hold this position. She became the first openly-gay female CEO of a Fortune 500 company, a fact remarked upon by several sources. As CEO, Ford has invested heavily in Land O'Lakes implementation of new technologies in agriculture as well as the vibrancy of rural communities. . Ford sits on the Board of Directors of the Business Roundtable, US Global Leadership Coalition, Paccar, and the Columbia University Deming Center as well as Iowa State University College of Business .
He, Letourneur and Maret were the three plenipotentiaries sent to Lille in summer 1797 for (fruitless) peace negotiations with Britain. During his stay in Lille, on 19 July 1797, the Directory named him Minister of the Navy and the Colonies, to replace Admiral Laurent Truguet. Also in 1797 he was made a rear admiral. As minister, he was once again remarked upon for his unselfishness, honesty and scrupulousness in a regime particularly marked by general corruption among the political and administrative elites.
Key Capital, majority owner of The Sunday Business Post, became involved in 2015, first investing over €100,000 to secure minority ownership, but with expectations of later growth in this investment total. At this time it had ten staff. Enterprise Ireland's involvement was remarked upon as it does not tend to become involved with other media (i.e. print, radio, screen); it offered a further €150,000 in 2016, having earlier offered €25,000 in 2013 at three times less per share than in 2016.
"A Message to Your Heart", written and composed by Paul Curtis, was the United Kingdom's entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 1991, performed by singer and actress Samantha Womack, then known by her maiden name Samantha Janus. Paul Curtis also penned the previous year's entry, "Give a Little Love Back to the World." Womack went on to become a successful actress, starring in the sitcom Game On and the soap EastEnders. Despite her achievements, her entry into the Eurovision is frequently remarked upon.
Edward Moore of the Chicago Tribune remarked upon Farnam's rhythm, comparing the dance-ability of his performance of Handel's organ concertos to Paul Whiteman. He viewed his concerts and recitals as an extension of the church's work, and disdained "theatrical" playing in a sacred setting. Farnam learned new pieces first by playing slowly on the piano, working out precise fingering. Then he transferred the piece to a small organ at his residence, to gain the feel for the organ keyboard.
With a historian's hindsight Johan Huizinga remarked upon "the lamentable consequences of statecraft recklessly embarking on an enterprise of vital import in the spirit of a chivalrous adventure",Huizinga, The Waning of the Middle Ages (1919) 1924:69. though participants and contemporary chroniclers did not analyse the event in these terms. No new expedition was launched from Western Europe to stop the Turkish advance in the Balkans after this defeat, until the 1440s. England and France soon renewed their war.
The Colonial Office were strongly against granting responsible government, and were critical of Weld for allowing the situation to arise. In 1874, Weld went on leave to New Zealand to look after his partnership affairs. He is said to have remarked, upon his departure, "At last she moves", in reference to the improvements he perceived in Western Australia. On this return, he was transferred to the post of Governor of Tasmania, and the issue of responsible government was dropped until 1890.
The lack of love interests in Haya de la Torre's life was sometimes remarked upon. Haya de la Torre once stated to APRA members: El APRA es mi mujer y ustedes son mis hijos ("The Apra is my wife and you [the members] are my children"). However, rumours of homosexuality were scattered around the country during and after his life by his political enemies, generally in a crudely homophobic fashion. Haya de la Torre clearly liked the company of young men.
To balance this Roberts gave some emphasis to the choir, who were dressed in white. A shaft of light focused on the Duke reading the King's proclamation also provides some colour; this phenomenon was remarked upon by contemporary newspaper reports. Artistic licence was taken with the dais shown as much higher that it actually was and some other architectural features of the building either downplayed or ignored. Roberts also honoured the "Father of Federation", Henry Parkes, who had died five years previous.
Soon after the death of Charles II, Louise quickly fell from favour. She retired to France, where, except for one short visit to England during the reign of James II and her attendance at the Coronation of George I, she remained. Her attendance at George I's coronation was remarked upon by the Countess of Dorchester when they met the Countess of Orkney ("we three whores"). Between them, they had been in turn the maîtresse en titre for successive kings for over 20 years.
The very first visit of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth’s, Diamond Jubilee tour in 2012 was to De Montfort University. The Queen was accompanied by Prince Philip and the Duchess of Cambridge. Hosted by Lord Waheed Alli, the then Chancellor of De Montfort University and Shellard, the university put on a fashion show for the Queen. It was widely remarked upon in the media how much the Queen appeared to enjoy this event, as well as her meeting with the university’s Bollywood Dance Society.
He won particular renown during the War of the Austrian Succession, when he commanded some of the regiments involved in the fighting. He saw action at the Battles of Dettingen and Fontenoy, distinguishing himself in the latter with an encounter with a French regiment, that was later remarked upon by Voltaire. His political career was also turbulent, at times spent in opposition to the Administration. It ended after a period of apparent mental instability, and he did not seek re- election.
Edward Jenner (born 1946 in Dunedin), is a New Zealand born poet, translator, teacher and researcher of Ancient Greek texts. He has lived in New Zealand and overseas teaching Classics and producing poems, translations, and scholarly articles. His poetry and research have been reviewed and remarked upon. "Complete Gold Leaves", being his translations and the original Greek texts of Ancient Greek lamellae with messages on the afterlife for adherents of some unknown cult, appeared in 2016 in the magazine Percutio 2016 (number 10).
Geneviève Poitrine, known as Madame Poitrine ( – after 1783), was a wet nurse of the Dauphin of France, Louis Joseph, son of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. Poitrine was retrospectively accused of transmitting tuberculosis to the infant prince, thus inadvertently causing his death, aged seven years; this meant that his younger brother Louis Charles became heir apparent. The word poitrine translates to "chest" or "bosom", and her married name of Madame Poitrine was remarked upon by contemporaries as being appropriate for her duties.
One of the most remarked upon features of the taxon is its mineralized thoracic plates, also referred to as intercostal plates. These are a series of plates along the side of the torso, shared with a handful of other ornithischians such as Talenkauen, Thescelosaurus, and Hypsilophodon. Along with a fused, birdlike sternum, its short torso would have been rather stiff in nature. This, alongside its relatively elongate neck and coelurosaur- like tail, gave it a rather unique form compared to that documented in other ornithischian dinosaurs.
That projection—Gall's orthographic—passed unnoticed when it was announced in 1855. Beyond the lack of novelty in the projection itself, the claims Peters made about the projection were also familiar to cartographers. Just as in the case of Peters, earlier projections generally were promoted as alternatives to the Mercator. Inappropriate use of the Mercator projection in world maps and the size disparities figuring prominently in Peters's arguments against the Mercator projection had been remarked upon for centuries and quite commonly in the 20th century.
The resulting stigma from such a demise for as famous a personage as Tchaikovsky was considerable, to the point where its possibility was inconceivable for many people. The accuracy of the medical reports from the two physicians who had treated Tchaikovsky was questioned. The handling of Tchaikovsky's corpse was also scrutinised as it was reportedly not in accordance with official regulations for victims of cholera. This was remarked upon by, among others, composer Nikolai Rimsky- Korsakov in his autobiography, though some editions censored this section.
Ali ibn al-Fadl was born in the village of Suhayb, near the town of Jayshan (today ruined, near modern ), in southern Yemen. A member of the Sabaean tribe, he was a Shi'ite. With others of his tribe, he went on the pilgrimage to Mecca in 880, and then continued north to visit the Shi'a shrine of Karbala in Iraq. It was there that his fervent devotion before al-Husayn's tomb was remarked upon by an Isma'ili agent (), leading to his recruitment to the Isma'ili cause.
Vivian, Lt.Col. J.L., (Ed.) The Visitations of the County of Devon: Comprising the Heralds' Visitations of 1531, 1564 & 1620, Exeter, 1895, pp. 616–25, pedigree of Prideaux Another branch built Prideaux Place in Cornwall in 1592, where it survives today. It was one of the most widespread and successful of all the gentry families of Devon, and as remarked upon by Swete (died 1821), exceptionally most of the expansion was performed by younger sons, who by the custom of primogeniture were expected to make their own fortunes.
While poor himself at dealing with emotions and other people, Manson was shown to be a canny detective who was very good at reading other people. His lack of a life outside the job following his divorce was also remarked upon by his colleagues. Still, his fair and firm management style, while often humourless and strict, gained him the respect of his subordinates. It became clear that he developed strong, mutually supportive relationships with Inspector Gina Gold and Inspector Dale Smith, who eventually succeeded Gina as Inspector.
Thus Obama and Lugar remarked upon introducing their bill, "Mr. President, we embrace the call upon Congress to improve the executive branch's authority to reform and strengthen fuel economy standards." These bills were introduced in the Senate, but did not pass. (see list of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate) However, according to Obama's advisors, "virtually the exact same set of proposals" were enacted by Congress 18 months later in December 2007, when the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was passed.
616–25, pedigree of Prideaux Another branch built Prideaux Place in Cornwall in 1592, where it survives today. It was one of the most widespread and successful of all the gentry families of Devon, and as remarked upon by Swete (died 1821), exceptionally most of the expansion was performed by younger sons, who by the custom of primogeniture were expected to make their own fortunes.Gray, Todd & Rowe, Margery (eds.), Travels in Georgian Devon: The Illustrated Journals of The Reverend John Swete, 1789-1800, 4 vols.
Dallas defended his decision on the grounds that Frings did not intend to handle the ball, commenting "If it's not intentional it's not a foul, no matter where it is." In the same match Dallas cautioned Oliver Neuville for a foul committed by his teammate Jens Jeremies, having mistaken their identities. Dallas had the backing of his refereeing inspector over the incident, although FIFA remarked upon their "concern [at] one or two major mistakes." Dallas was selected as fourth official for the Final between Brazil and Germany.
292 H. G. Wells remarked upon "the great influence of the studio" on Crane's work, quoting a passage from The Red Badge of Courage as an example: "At nightfall the column broke into regimental pieces, and the fragments went into the fields to camp. Tents sprang up like strange plants. Camp fires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted the night.... From this little distance the many fires, with the black forms of men passing to and fro before the crimson rays, made weird and satanic effects."Wells, p.
The size of the cerebral hemispheres was, for the first time, remarked upon. It was found to taking up around 43% of endocranial volume (not considering olfactory bulbs) in ROM 702. This is comparable to their size in saurolophine hadrosaurs, but far larger than in any ornithischians outside of Hadrosauriformes, and all large saurischian dinosaurs; maniraptors Conchoraptor and Archaeopteryx, an early bird, had very similar proportions. This lends further support to the idea of complex behaviours and relatively high intelligence, for non-avian dinosaurs, in hadrosaurids.
New Musical Express recommended the piece, and described it as electro-rock which astutely sampled Bale throughout the song. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch described the piece as a form of new wave music which used the most spasmodic segments of the incident, and commented that the end product was comedic. The Arizona Daily Star described the piece as a pop music dance song. Multiple sources remarked upon the speed with which The Mae Shi were able to put the song together and release it.
His ascendancy lasted for three years before he was denounced, arrested, and executed. Having ignored the matter for so long, al-Amir's own reputation was left tarnished from the affair, as well as from his extravagance and profligacy: it is said that the palace consumed 5,000 sheep per month, and the rich gifts he made to his favourites were remarked upon. In February/March 1130, al-Amir finally had a son, who was named al-Tayyib. His birth was celebrated with public festivals, and letters were sent abroad announcing his birth as the designated successor.
One of the features most favorably remarked upon was the use of ordinary butcher paper as a veneer base for clear lacquer, and other similar devices. He was also commended for his spare use of the fine materials that normal people did not have access to during the war. Proetz designed the Brooklyn Museum's 19th- century period rooms, the porcelain gallery for the Saint Louis Art Museum, and a series of public rooms and offices for the Smithsonian Museum's National Portrait Gallery. Through the years, Proetz continually broadened his repertoire.
When the King remarked upon the loss of Nelson's right arm, he wittily replied, indicating Berry, "But not my right hand, your majesty". It was agreed between them that when Nelson next hoisted his flag, Berry would be his Flag Captain. With word of French plans to occupy Egypt, Nelson wrote to Berry in late 1797, 'If you mean to marry, I would recommend your doing it speedily, or the to-be Mrs. Berry will have very little of your company, for I am well, and you may expect to be called for every hour'.
O'Rourke was a member of one of Gaelic Ireland's foremost dynasties, and was remarked upon as a handsome and unusually learned Gaelic lord. He assumed leadership of the dynasty in the mid-1560s having assassinated his elder brothers, but his territory of west Bréifne on the border of Ulster soon came under the administration of the newly created Presidency of Connacht. His territory was centred on the banks of Lough Gill and in the area of Dromahair. Foundations of an O'Rourke tower house can be seen today at Parke's Castle, close to Dromahair.
The Guilty Gear series is considered a cult classic among video game fans. The series has often been remarked upon for its visual elements, fighting engine, soundtrack, and the variety of designs of the characters and attacks. Xs Dreamcast version has the highest score of the series as compiled by review aggregator GameRankings (89.33%), while X2 for PlayStation 2 occupies that position according to the other major aggregator, Metacritic (87). On the other hand, the lowest score is given to Guilty Gear 2: Overture from both GameRankings (58.19%) and Metacritic (56/100).
Visible satellite image of Tropical Storm Alex near the Yucatán Peninsula When Alex was still located over the Yucatán Peninsula, the NHC remarked upon the potential for significant strengthening. Because of low wind shear and very warm water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico, the possibility existed that Alex could intensify into a major hurricane--a Category 3 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale--before its next landfall. Early on June 28, thunderstorm activity had reformed over the center, and the depression re-intensified into a tropical storm.
During his second try, Robert d'Harcourt hid in a warehouse, where a German found him. The latter did not denounce him, instead helping him leave the city that night: "[…] then he guided me across a maze of back-alleys and yards, through which I would never have found my way alone, until the entrance to a street where he left me, not without first vigorously shaking my hand and wishing me good luck."d'Harcourt (1935), p. 199. The sympathy of women is equally remarked upon by Riou and d'Harcourt.
An Act of Parliament of 1868 permitted perpetual curates to style themselves vicars and the term parson rapidly lost popularity. The conjunction of this change with near-contemporaneous church reforms aimed at reducing the disparities of income among clergy meant that the distinction between the grades of clergy became progressively less relevant and remarked upon. Popularly, any member of the clergy is often referred to as a vicar, even when they do not legally hold such a post. In the past a similar situation led to all clergy being popularly referred to as parsons.
Protesters have used social networking sites such as Facebook to spread information about rallies, including when and where to meet. However, BBC News has noted that as many as 80 percent of Azerbaijanis do not use the Internet, which has perhaps contributed to relatively low turnout compared to protests in neighboring Armenia and Iran, among other places. A BBC analyst also remarked upon a strategy seen at the unsuccessful 17 April rally in Fountain Square, with demonstrators slowly gathering while at least initially trying to appear unorganized, very similar to a smart mob.
And in a round 11 victory against North Melbourne, the same journalist wrote that he had the "soundest judgement" of all forwards on the field. Wilson played "excellently" in the Reds' defeat of Carlton the next week; Markwell remarked upon his desire "to annihilate the men in blue". He kicked his first goal of the season in round 15, a two-goal win over Collingwood, and finished the day with two majors. Markwell observed that Wilson's "judgment and coolness" went a long way to Melbourne winning their round 16 encounter with Essendon.
Charlotte Despard and Flora Drummond on horseback led the march, which included Marjery Bryce dressed as Joan of Arc and 700 women and girls clothed in white to represent suffragette prisoners. Kate Harvey, Edith Downing and Marion Wallace-Dunlop were among the organisers, and Lolita Roy is believed to have been as well. Jane Cobden organised the Indian women's delegation. The presence of a substantial number of marchers, both clergymen and lay women, under the banner of the Church League for Women's Suffrage was remarked upon by the Church Times.
From then on, the Marxist and anarchist currents of socialism had distinct organisations, at various points including rival internationals. This split is sometimes called the "red" and "black" divide, red referring to the Marxists and black referring to the anarchists. Otto von Bismarck remarked upon hearing of the split at the First International that "[c]rowned heads, wealth and privilege may well tremble should ever again the Black and Red unite!".As cited in The anarchist wing of the First International held a separate congress in September 1872 at St. Imier, Switzerland.
His abilities as a teacher were often remarked upon, and by 1903 he had established his own dojo, the School of Japanese Self Defence, at 31 Golden Square, Piccadilly Circus. Uyenishi adapted enthusiastically to life in Edwardian London society. He was an exotic "character" whose stylish dress- sense and gentlemanly bearing were considered noteworthy by several interviewers. In 1905, with the assistance of his student E.H. Nelson and writing under his professional wrestling alias of "Raku", Uyenishi produced his Text-Book of Ju-Jutsu, which became a popular reference work.
The boundary is known as the Wallace Line, for Alfred Russel Wallace, who first remarked upon the striking difference between animals of Indomalaya and those of Australasia and how abrupt the boundary was between the two biomes. Biologists believe it was the depth of the Lombok Strait itself that kept the animals on either side isolated from one another. When sea levels dropped during the Pleistocene ice age, the islands of Bali, Java and Sumatra were all connected to one another and to the mainland of Asia. They shared the Asian fauna.
250px 250px Multiple news outlets have remarked upon the apparently close friendship between Lee and U.S. President Barack Obama. Despite Lee's wavering support at home, Lee's leadership was lauded by Obama at the 2009 G-20 London summit, where Obama called South Korea "[one of America's] closest allies and greatest friends." Obama and Lee agreed on a need "for a stern, united response from the international community" in light of North Korea's efforts toward a threatened satellite launch. Lee accepted an invitation by Obama to visit the United States on 16 June 2009.
Several reviewers regarded Ace as one of the best available flight simulators of the time. Overall, the critics agreed that the game's arcade- like gameplay was easy to get into and play, but ultimately difficult to master and challenging to finish. Reviewers also negatively remarked upon the inclusion of Lenslok copy protection system where the game would display a garbled image and the player would need to use the provided colored lens to view the two-letter code. ZX Computing and Computer Gamer reviewers had trouble getting it to work and pass.
When Velraj showed Dhanush the script for the film, he was impressed by it and immediately offered to act in it as well as bankroll the venture. Velraj said besides acting, Dhanush suggested additional inputs to the script. Rather than demand changes, the actor collaborated with the director to develop the best script for the film. Dhanush's well-toned body was remarked upon by the media, but Dhanush clarified the workout was mostly for promoting the film rather than having done it as an integral part of his character.
Penicillium roqueforti is a common saprotrophic fungus in the genus Penicillium. Widespread in nature, it can be isolated from soil, decaying organic matter, and plants. The major industrial use of this fungus is the production of blue cheeses, flavouring agents, antifungals, polysaccharides, proteases, and other enzymes. The fungus has been a constituent of Roquefort, Stilton, Danish blue, Cabrales, Gorgonzola, and other blue cheeses that humans are known to have eaten since around AD 50; blue cheese is mentioned in literature as far back as AD 79, when Pliny the Elder remarked upon its rich flavour.
130) state that Marie de Medicis probably sent Clément's brother, Louis Métezeau, to Florence to make detailed drawings. Ceiling of the Salle du Livre d'Or She bought the Hôtel de Luxembourg and its fairly extensive domain in 1612 and commissioned the new building, which she referred to as her Palais Médicis,Remarked upon in correspondence of the Florentine resident Giovanni Battista Gondi, in Deborah Marrow, "Maria de' Medici and the Decoration of the Luxembourg Palace" The Burlington Magazine 121 No. 921 (December 1979), pp. 783–788, 791. in 1615.
The personal bravery of the Prince was also remarked upon by Ian Kiernan, saying that the prince was "cool as a cucumber". Others on the stage included Rear Admiral Peter Sinclair, AO (the Governor of New South Wales), John Fahey (the Premier of New South Wales), Frank Sartor (the Lord Mayor of Sydney), and Tony Lauer (the New South Wales Commissioner of Police).(27 January 1994.) "Prince Charles keep his cool under fire", Sun Journal. Kang had been the second person to attack a royal in Sydney, after Irishman Henry James O'Farrell.
Marie grew up in a wholesome family environment which was remarked upon by their royal relatives for its harmony and simplicity. She the eldest of five children and she had four younger brothers, each highly distinguished in his own right. The eldest of her brothers was the distinguished British First Sea Lord, Prince Louis of Battenberg, father of Louisa, Queen of Sweden and of Earl Mountbatten; he was also the maternal grandfather of Prince Philip. Her second brother was Prince Alexander of Battenberg, who was elected Prince of Bulgaria (equivalent to king) in 1879.
Red squirrel at a feeding tray in the Lake District, England. A decline of the red squirrel and the rise of the eastern gray squirrel, an introduced species from North America, has been widely remarked upon in British popular culture. It is mostly regarded as the invading grays driving out the native red species. Evidence also shows that gray squirrels are vectors of the squirrel parapoxvirus for which no vaccine is currently available, and which is deadly to red squirrels but does not seem to affect the non-native host.
A tropical wave moved off the western coast of Africa on August 12, 2009, and entered the Atlantic Ocean. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) remarked upon the possibility for tropical cyclone development, as the wave had already been accompanied by a broad area of shower and thunderstorm activity. The wave quickly organized, and a low pressure system formed to the south of the Cape Verde Islands on August 13. The convection became slightly less organized on August 14, though by early August 15, the NHC reported that a tropical depression was forming.
Grimm's law (also known as the First Germanic Sound Shift) is a set of statements first systematically put forward by Jacob Grimm but first remarked upon by Rasmus Rask describing the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) stop consonants as they developed in Proto-Germanic (the common ancestor of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family) in the 1st millennium BC. It establishes a set of regular correspondences between early Germanic stops, fricatives and the stop consonants of certain other centum Indo-European languages (Grimm used mostly Latin and Greek for illustration).
He named Mount David and Mount Jonathan, close to one another, and Mount Saul across Indian Creek valley from them, as in Biblical history Saul being close to but forever separated from David and Jonathan. His whimsical and unusual names are among those most remarked upon. Overcoat Peak was given its name because when Sylvester climbed the mountain in 1897 to build a survey target cairn he left his overcoat, which had proven too small for comfort, buttoned around the cairn. Dirtyface Peak was named for its discolored snow banks due to rapid spring melting.
The actress first came to prominence in March 1991 aged 18, when she won the annual A Song for Europe competition to represent the United Kingdom in the Eurovision Song Contest. She finished joint tenth and the song, "A Message to Your Heart", peaked at number 30 on the UK Singles Chart. Despite her achievements, her entry into the Eurovision is frequently remarked upon. She has said regarding the experience that her failure in the contest devastated her at the time and thought it would spell the end of her career.
" Boyca remarked upon the low production costs of the film, and said that Presley was "in top singing and personality form." The Gadsden Times said, "Elvis Presley not only proves himself as a dramatic actor ... but also reveals his versatility by dancing on the screen for the first time. The movie ... also contains Elvis' unique style of singing." Look favored the movie, describing the reception of an audience in a Los Angeles theater that "registered, loud and often, its approval of what may accurately be described as the star's first big dramatic singing role.
82 Durning-Lawrence's vehemence and assertiveness in promoting his views was widely remarked upon. He sent copies of his book to public libraries in Britain and to schools, prompting expressions of concern from Shakespeare scholars who believed unwary readers would be misled. Durning-Lawrence's most famous argument in Bacon is Shake-Speare was his suggestion that the word Honorificabilitudinitatibus, used in the play Love's Labour's Lost, is an anagram for hi ludi, F. Baconis nati, tuiti orbi, Latin for "these plays, F. Bacon's offspring, are preserved for the world".Baconian theory. encyclopedia.
New York Times film critic Caryn James remarked upon the "unevenness" of Temple's adaptation and its "erratic" results. Pauline Kael declared that the music was "peculiarly unlyrical and ephemeral". Jeremy Allen in The Guardian praised Bowie's theme song but described the film as "an overbudget turkey of huge proportions". Corey K. Creekmur stated in The International Film Musical that the film "failed to deliver on the critical expectations surrounding it", although it remained "a deeply interesting, if flawed, attempt to harness the contemporary musical in the services of politics and social equality".
The last recorded inspection of the body whilst at Bury St Edmunds was in 1198. The resemblance between the deaths of St Sebastian and St Edmund was remarked upon by Abbo: both saints were attacked by archers, although only Edmund is supposed to have been decapitated. His death bears some resemblance to the fate suffered by other saints: St Denis was whipped and beheaded and the body of Mary of Egypt was said to have been guarded by a lion.Gransden, Legends, Traditions and History in Medieval England, p. 87.
With regard to Slavic studies, Maksimovich remarked upon the various theses of the Czech philologist, Josef Dobrovský and the Slovak scholar, Pavel Jozef Šafárik. Like them, he divided the Slavic family into two major groups, a western group and an eastern group. But then he sub-divided the western group into two further parts: a north-western group and a south-western group. (Dobrovsky had lumped the Russians together with the South Slavs.) Maksymovych particularly objected to Dobrovsky's contention that the major eastern or Russian group was unified, without major divisions or dialects.
Walter Hume died in Jersey in 1921 and was survived by his children, his wife pre-deceasing him in 1909. His 38 years of service as a surveyor as well as his contribution to Queensland’s land policy and administration was remarked upon in Queensland newspapers. The family’s diaries, photographs and letters, which record the growth of the state of Queensland, architecture, the 1893 floods and the social life of this era are held in the Fryer Library of the University of Queensland. The street of Hume in Rainworth, Brisbane is named for him.
Lesley Howarth (born 29 December 1952) is a British author of children's and young adult fiction. For the novel Maphead, published by Walker Books in 1994, she won the annual Guardian Children's Fiction Prize, a once-in-a-lifetime book award judged by a panel of British children's writers, and she was a runner-up for the Carnegie Medal. Howarth was born in Bournemouth, England. Reviewers including Philip Pullman have remarked upon Howarth's ability to "humanize" highly technical or unusual subjects, a tendency which she calls "the romance of hard things".
With their attendance at local balls and parties, the beauty of the two girls was much remarked upon. They became well-known celebrities, their fame reaching all the way to London. On 2 December 1750, they were presented at the court of St James, at which time they were sufficiently famous that the presentation was noted in the London newspapers. Maria, who was notoriously tactless, was reported to have made a notable gaffe by telling the elderly George II that the spectacle she would most like to see was a royal funeral.
Scholars such as historian Sterling Stuckey have remarked upon the connection between Walker's Appeal and black nationalism. In his 1972 study of The Ideological Origins of Black Nationalism, Stuckey suggested that Walker's Appeal "would become an ideological foundation... for Black Nationalist theory."As quoted in Asukile, 19. Though some historians have said that Stuckey overstated the extent to which Walker contributed to the creation of a black nation, Thabiti Asukile, in a 1999 article on "The All-Embracing Black Nationalist Theories of David Walker's Appeal", defended Stuckey's interpretation.
Uncertain of his own ability and aware of her connections and knowledge, Tsar Nicholas II often told the ministers that he would ask her advice before making decisions, and the ministers sometimes suggested this themselves. It was reportedly on her advice that Nicholas initially kept his father's ministers. Maria herself estimated that her son was of a weak character and that it was better that he was influenced by her than someone worse. Her daughter Olga remarked upon her influence: “she had never before taken the least interest … now she felt it was her duty.
Filmed on the Victor lot in Camden, New Jersey, the film depicted Rodgers singing in a railroad restaurant. It opened with "Waiting for a Train". Rolling Stone later considered the film to be "one of the first-ever country music videos" and remarked upon Rodgers' understanding of the importance of trains as the subject of songs in the genre. Reviews of Rodgers' concerts that included the song at the time remarked it to be among the numbers which "proved most popular", and remarked its appeal to the audiences.
That was not clearly understood by his translator, John Forbes, and the terminology became very confusing after the publication in the 1830s of Forbes's English translation of Laennec's De L'Auscultation Mediate. The difficulty of translating râle itself had been remarked upon in a British review of Laennec's work in 1820. The terminology of "rales" and "rhonchi" in English remained variable until 1977, when a standardization was established by the American Thoracic Society and American College of Chest Physicians. As a result, the term râles was abandoned, and "crackles" became its recommended substitute.
Plath remarked upon the influence of these types of poems from Life Studies in an interview in which she stated, "I've been very excited by what I feel is the new breakthrough that came with, say, Robert Lowell's Life Studies, this intense breakthrough into very serious, very personal, emotional experience which I feel has been partly taboo. Robert Lowell's poems about his experience in a mental hospital, for example, interested me very much."Orr, Peter, ed. "The Poet Speaks - Interviews with Contemporary Poets Conducted by Hilary Morrish, Peter Orr, John Press and Ian Scott-Kilvert".
He was unaware of his connection to the future president until the presidential campaign of 1992, when a Washington Post investigation, based on birth registry records, revealed details of Bill Clinton's family. Ritzenthaler met his half-brother for the first time around that time, and the physical resemblance between them was remarked upon. Blythe's second marriage happened in December 1940 when, nearly four years after his divorce from Virginia Adele Gash, Blythe married her sister, Minnie Faye Gash. This marriage was annulled only four months later, in April 1941, and there were no children.
Reviewed in Rolling Stone Australia at the time of release, it was noted that You Am I were moving away from their earlier "screaching guitar" rock towards gentler and more melodic music. The additional accompaniment of trumpets, french-horns and string sections was remarked upon. Tim Rogers writing was said to be, "almost totally concerned with other people, crafting intricate character sketches in The Beatles/Ray Davies tradition." Juice magazine complimented the musical "width" and "strongly hued richness" on the album, though wondering if old fans would respond to the less direct music.
Lear 2008, p. 222 The illustrations depict the new barn and outbuildings at Hill Top, the wrought-iron gate Potter installed at the kitchen garden, the rhubarb patch, the entrance porch at the farmhouse, the exterior of the Tower Bank Arms in the village, and imagined aerial views of the countryside around Near Sawrey.Lear 2008, p. 223 In 1940, Potter remarked upon the illustration of Jemima rushing downhill with her bonnet and shawl askew, "That is what I used to look like to the Sawrey people. I rushed about quacking industriously."Lear 2008, p.
Other islands named during this survey of the river were Barnston Island (for clerk George Barnston) and Annacis Island (for Clerk Francois Noel Annance). Unfortunately, the Cadboro was unable to weigh anchor close enough to shore to safely unload cargo at the site McMillan had preferred to establish the Fort. The next day it sailed downriver to another spot on the south side of the Fraser, which McMillan had remarked upon earlier. This location was just west of the Salmon River's confluence with the Fraser in an area later to be known as Derby.
300 BC–300 AD) tattoo designs were observed and remarked upon by Chinese visitors. Such designs were thought to have spiritual significance as well as functioning as a status symbol. However, evidence suggesting a lack of tattooing traditions also exists; according to the early 8th-century , no such traditions of tattooing existed on the ancient Japanese mainland, with people who were tattooed regarded as outsiders. A further record in the (sometimes translated as The Chronicles of Japan, the second-oldest book of classical Japanese history) chronicles that tattooing traditions were confined only to the Ainu people.
Old Quarter Acoustic Cafe is a music "Listening Room" in Galveston, Texas founded by Rex "Wrecks" Bell. Originally a bar Old Quarter, it was opened in Houston, Texas in 1965 by Rex Bell and Cecil Slayton. The Old Quarter is most well-known as the venue for Townes Van Zandt live album Live at the Old Quarter, Houston, Texas. The song Rex's Blues from the album was written about Rex Bell whom Van Zandt remarked upon during the recorded live performance.. The reopened Old Quarter Acoustic Cafe in Galveston, Texas features recurring "open mic" acoustic music performances.
While having varying financial success in his life (more down than up), Fitzgerald is remarked upon for his pioneering spirit – the desire to establish something greater than personal fortune despite all the failures and disappointments. For many Irish people deciding upon Australia as their new home in the world the result was often similar. What Fitzgerald saw was the future – a rich and fertile far north Queensland that could house many people and feed even more. The areas he surveyed, from the Daintree down to Tully, are now some of the world's most desirable tourist locations and most productive farm lands.
Vivian, p.616. Later branches were seated at Adeston, Holbeton; Thuborough, Sutcombe; Soldon, Holsworthy; Netherton, Farway (see Prideaux baronets); Ashburton; Nutwell, Woodbury and Ford Abbey, Thorncombe and at Prideaux Place in the parish of Padstow, Cornwall, where the Prideaux-Brune family still resides today. It was one of the most widespread and successful of all the gentry families of Devon, and as remarked upon by Swete (d.1821), exceptionally most of the expansion was performed by younger sons,Gray, Todd & Rowe, Margery (Eds.), Travels in Georgian Devon: The Illustrated Journals of The Reverend John Swete, 1789-1800, 4 vols.
The more usual term was of Diodorus Siculus' Bibliotheca historica v.32.5, in a passage that is translated "...and were called Gallo- Graeci because of their connection with the Greeks", identifying Galatia in the Greek East as opposed to Gaul in the West.This distinction is remarked upon in William M. Ramsay (revised by Mark W. Wilson), Historical Commentary on Galatians 1997:302; Ramsay notes the 4th century AD Paphlagonian Themistius' usage . Brennus invaded Greece in 281 BC with a huge war band and was turned back before he could plunder the temple of Apollo at Delphi.
Writing in The New York Times, Nora Sayre called the film "pensive and moving" but others were less admiring. The Times' own associate editor, Walter Goodman, labeled the film as "Communist propaganda", and complained acidly that it plays upon sentimentality by constantly veering among shots of "beautiful children, bombed-out-towns, beautiful children, workers making bicycles... and beautiful children". An editorial in a Louisiana newspaper called it "an unabashed publicist's job" for the North Vietnamese. The Hollywood trade journal Variety simply dismissed it as an example of the filmmakers' self-dramatization and radical chic (and even scornfully remarked upon Fonda's "incongruously dippy smile").
Hemera is remarked upon in Cicero's De Natura Deorum, where it is logically determined that Dies (Hemera) must be a god, if Uranus is a god.Cicero. de Natura Deorum, 3.17 The poet Bacchylides states that Nyx and Chronos are the parents, but Hyginus in his preface to the Fabulae mentions Chaos as the mother/father and Nyx as her sister. Hemera was the female counterpart of her brother and consort, Aether (Light), but neither of them figured actively in myth or cult. Hyginus lists their children as Uranus, Gaia, and Thalassa (the primordial sea goddess), while Hesiod only lists Thalassa as their child.
The birds were most active in the open in the morning and afternoon hours, but it could regularly be seen all day and heard calling at night. Laysan rails had no natural enemies apart from occasional predation by frigatebirds; all reports remarked upon its fearlessness, and if an observer stood still, rails would approach and even climb over him to search for scraps of food. One bird, removed from its nest in an attempt to photograph the eggs, would immediately return to protect her clutch. The species was somewhat territorial, more so during the breeding season.
Newland Oak, 1858 Newland Oak, 1875 The Newland Oak was a veteran oak tree in Newland, Gloucestershire in England. Originally part of the ancient woodland of the Forest of Dean, it survived clearances that created the settlement of Newland and was afterwards pollarded for timber. Its large size was often remarked upon through the years and it was considered a rival to the Cowthorpe Oak as the largest oak tree in Great Britain. Much of the tree fell during heavy snow in 1955 but a single branch of the tree survived until 1970 when it was killed during an arson attack.
Regardless of the topic, Alcman's poetry has a clear, light, pleasant tone which ancient commentators have remarked upon. Details from rituals and festivals are described with care, even though the context of some of those details can no longer be understood. Alcman's language is rich with visual description. He describes the yellow color of a woman's hair and the golden chain she wears about her neck; the purple petals of a Kalchas blossom and the purple depths of the sea; the "bright shining" color of the windflower and the multi-colored feathers of a bird as it chews green buds from the vines.
The first-year WMAP data suggested that the spectrum might not be nearly scale- invariant, but might instead have a slight curvature. However, the third-year data revealed that the effect was a statistical anomaly. Another effect remarked upon since the first cosmic microwave background satellite, the Cosmic Background Explorer is that the amplitude of the quadrupole moment of the CMB is unexpectedly low and the other low multipoles appear to be preferentially aligned with the ecliptic plane. Some have claimed that this is a signature of non-Gaussianity and thus contradicts the simplest models of inflation.
A critic for the Los Angeles Times called the skyscraper an "architectural emblem of rising inequality", while New York magazine called the building's units "fancy prisons for billionaires". 432 Park's association to wealth inequality was also remarked upon by the building's own architect, Viñoly, who commented that "There are only two markets, ultraluxury and subsidized housing." Even so, several residents of nearby buildings said that the influx of rich residents at 432 Park Avenue would increase the worth of their own properties. Though Viñoly and Macklowe were friends, they often insulted each other over the various perceived flaws in the design.
Di Prisco frequently draws upon his own life experiences in his work, where he fictionalizes them in a larger satire of a genre or narrative. Thus The Alzhammer follows a crime mob boss who is suffering from Alzheimer's; All For Now takes on pedophilia in the Catholic Church, the afterlife, and modern media. Critics have remarked upon the humorous and playful aspects of Di Prisco's work, which at the same time delivers powerful commentary on its subjects. Di Prisco's memoirs and novels have been praised by Jerry Stahl, Anne Hillerman, Dean Young, Steven Gillis and P. F. Kluge, among others.
Just a month before the Testimony of Denial was issued against Hannah Lightfoot, the young Prince of Wales had seen a Quaker at a masquerade at Northumberland House. If noted and remarked upon at the time it may account for the story which then arose. In December 1759 the gossips were saying that the Prince had kept a beautiful Quaker for some years, that she had died, and that a child survived. When he visited Quakers in the City in 1761 the joke was that he had been 'thoroughly initiated and instructed by the fairest of the Quaker sisterhood'.
"Inactive" is a spoof of the Imagine Dragons song "Radioactive" that centers on an extremely lethargic character covered in food residue. O'Keeffe remarked upon the breathing sounds of the original song being recontexualized in the parody, as the character mentions that he requires an inhaler. The Pixies pastiche "First World Problems" lampoons people who complain of various First World problems such as the lack of gluten-free cookies in an airport lounge. The song features "off-kilter guitars and a Black Francis-esque raucous vocal delivery" with stylistic references to the Pixies songs "Debaser" and "Hang Wire".
Strikers gathering in Tyldesley in the 1926 General Strike in the U.K. Economic torts protect people from interference with their trade or business. The area includes the doctrine of restraint of trade and has largely been submerged in the twentieth century by statutory interventions on collective labour law and modern antitrust or competition law. The "absence of any unifying principle drawing together the different heads of economic tort liability has often been remarked upon."p.509 Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law (2003 5th Ed.) OUP) Two cases demonstrated economic tort's affinity to competition and labour law.
On February 28 the New York Evening Journal called it "the greatest act in the history of motion picture cartoonists". Émile Cohl praised McCay's "admirably drawn" films, and Gertie in particular, after seeing them in New York before he returned to Europe. Upon its theatrical release, Variety magazine wrote the film had "plenty of comedy throughout" and that it would "always be remarked upon as exceptionally clever". A fake version of Gertie the Dinosaur appeared a year or two after the original; it features a dinosaur performing most of Gertie's tricks, but with less skillful animation, using cels on a static background.
66–67 The writer Michael Levenson remarked upon the influence at this period in Orwell's life, of Henry Miller, and Miller's attitude to what was happening in the world. Miller sees what is happening, but is Inside the Whale, he " feels no impulse to alter or control the process that he is undergoing. He has performed the essential Jonah act of allowing himself to be swallowed, remaining passive, accepting – even when this means accepting "concentration camps, rubber truncheons, Hitler, Stalin, bombs, aeroplanes." "George Bowling is Orwell's Jonah, and Coming Up For Air is in significant respects a contribution to the 'school of Miller'.
At the close of the song, Ferrer was lifted onto the shoulders of her male dancers, delivering the spoken line "Coco-Dance" a cappella. The uncharacteristic style and performance (Monaco and France both being known for entering gentle ballads) was remarked upon by the BBC commentator immediately following the performance, who said " - Who knew Monaco was so versatile?"'' As Monaco had not competed in the final at the 2005 contest, the song was performed in the semi-final. Here, it was performed tenth (following Cyprus' Annette Artani with "Why Angels Cry" and preceding Macedonia's Elena Risteska with "Ninanajna").
Burkert's core thesis is that when paleolithic man became a hunter, in spite of the generally omnivorous orientation of the great apes, lack of a predator instinct was made up for by turning patterns of intra-species aggression against the prey: Homo necans means "man the killer". Thus, the animal hunted by ancient man automatically acquired aspects of an equal, as if it were of one of the hunter's relations. In a first attempt at applying ethology to religious history,Burkert 1983: "Introduction" p. xiii; Burkert in his introduction to the English edition remarked upon the emergence of sociobiology.
The writing style of the Corpus has been remarked upon for centuries, being described by some as, "clear, precise, and simple".. It is often praised for its objectivity and conciseness, yet some have criticised it as being "grave and austere". Francis Adams, a translator of the Corpus, goes further and calls it sometimes "obscure". Of course, not all of the Corpus is of this "laconic" style, though most of it is. It was Hippocratic practice to write in this style.. The whole corpus is written in Ionic Greek, though the island of Cos was in a region that spoke Doric Greek.
Ranjitsinhji on a 1973 stamp of India Bateman's work on cricket and the British Empire identifies Ranjitsinhji as an important figure in helping build "imperial cohesion", adding that his "cultural impact was immense". Bateman identifies in particular the use of Ranji's image during his era in advertising in England and Australia. This was a marked turnaround from the racism Ranji had faced early in his career, which he had tried to overcome with techniques such as adopting the pseudonym, "Smith". The popularity of an Indian playing cricket in England and for England was remarked upon during Ranjitsinhji's era.
The Mount Tom Railroad, also known as the Mount Tom Railway, was a funicular mountain railway on the northeast slope of Mount Tom in Holyoke, Massachusetts which was operated by the Holyoke Street Railway from 1897 until 1938. Built in 1897, the railway quickly gained national fame when it was visited by President William McKinley who remarked upon the beauty of the mountainside. It was closely identified with the Summit Houses which adorned the mountaintop with the most ornate first two designed by local architect James A. Clough.The History of the Summit Houses Atop Mount Tom, WGBY, PBS.
Born in Coolnagurrane near Skibbereen, County Cork, he was the fourth son of Michael and Margaret O'Sullivan and given the name of Jeremiah - but known throughout his lifetime as Gearóid. His father, a native of Lough Ine, and his mother, née McCarthy, a Coolnagurrane native, were members of West Cork farming families. Early in his education at the local national primary school, his intellectual capacity and promise of greater things was often remarked upon. Despite his young age, he was selected school monitor – to monitor the progression of fellow students as well as the teaching capabilities of the teacher.
After Cohen's death, Cassirer developed a theory of symbolism and used it to expand phenomenology of knowledge into a more general philosophy of culture. Cassirer was one of the leading 20th-century advocates of philosophical idealism. His most famous work is the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (1923–1929). Though his work received a mixed reception shortly after his death, more recent scholarship has remarked upon Cassirer's role as a strident defender of the moral idealism of the Enlightenment era and the cause of liberal democracy at a time when the rise of fascism had made such advocacy unfashionable.
Accordingly he assumed the clerical name Anthimos. The treaties of Küçük Kaynarca, Jassy and Constantinople guaranteed the freedom of religion for Ottoman subjects, while also safeguarding church property and granting the right to erect new churches. A year later he was promoted to presbyter and sent to the village of Vizitsa, where he worked as a teacher. At the conclusion of his one year contract he departed for Constantinople, where he served as a secretary for the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Sofronios II. Sofronios remarked upon Gazis' dedication and hard work rewarding him with the rank of archimandrite.
" Tamanend replied, "We will live in love with William Penn and his children as long as the creeks and rivers run, and while the sun, moon, and stars endure." This peace between the Lenape Turtle Clan and Penn's successors would endure almost a century, until the Penn's Creek Massacre of 1755.Penn Treaty Museum It was remarked upon by Voltaire, who called it "... the only treaty never sworn to and never broken."Dictionnaire philosophique" 1764, article 'Quakers' This location became part of the Fairman Estate and was purchased by Captain Anthony Palmer around 1730 just before he founded the town of Kensington.
Observers half the couple's age have remarked upon their drive and energy for a project that will take many years to complete. The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors' permanent collection of Alex and Allyson Grey's art has currently been placed in storage as fundraising continues. The 2013 Kickstarter funding campaign for the building of the first exhibition area—to be called Entheon—is the 5th most funded ART project in Kickstarter history, raising close to double its $125,000 goal. Entheon is scheduled to open in Fall of 2017, with the construction of the actual Chapel of Sacred Mirrors projected for 2020.
A handful of communists were appointed to lower-level positions in the government. Árbenz read and admired the works of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin (before Khrushchev's report); officials in his government eulogized Stalin as a "great statesman and leader ... whose passing is mourned by all progressive men". The Guatemalan Congress paid tribute to Joseph Stalin with a "minute of silence" when Stalin died in 1953, a fact that was remarked upon by later observers. Árbenz had several supporters among the communist members of the legislature, but they were only a small part of the government coalition.
The need to feed on blood before laying eggs is less remarkable in animals whose ordinary diets consist largely or entirely of blood, such as ticks; in these taxa it is autogeny, or the ability to lay eggs without a blood meal, that is more remarked upon. Many insects are able to produce eggs without ingesting proteinaceous food as adults, relying upon stores of nutrients they acquired as larvae. Most, however, can lay relatively few eggs without feeding on protein, and almost all require a high-protein meal to lay additional eggs after a first batch.
The adventures of Teresa and her husband, and what Andrea calls their "hybrid identities", inspired a variety of literary and visual works.; . According to Manoutchehr Eskandari-Qajar, Shirley and his "exotic wife with an even more exotic life story" sparked a great deal of curiosity and interest among their contemporaries in the West.. During her journeys between Persia and Europe, Teresa was remarked upon by contemporary writers, artists and European royal houses. Travel writer Thomas Herbert described Shirley as "the greatest Traveller of his time", but he admired the "undaunted Lady Teresa" even more, as one whose "faith was ever Christian".
Though her friend Ling's viciousness is more commonly remarked upon, Nelle shares the same quality and can also be vindictive, if on a lesser scale. These traits come to the forefront in Season 3, both following her break-up with John Cage and during her attempt to start her own firm. Nelle is primarily a career-oriented woman and is somewhat unusual among the show's female characters in that she expresses no desire to ever be a mother. She also has no serious long-term romantic relationships after Cage, both because she prefers to focus on work and because she dislikes sex.
As a result, individual collections of literary works increased in the following centuries. Textual culture seems to have been more developed in the south by the early 5th century, with individuals owning collections of several thousand scrolls. In the north an entire palace collection might have been only a few thousand scrolls in total. By the early 6th century, scholars in both the north and south were capable of citing upwards of 400 sources in commentaries on older works. A small compilation text from the 7th century included citations to over 1,400 works. The personal nature of texts was remarked upon by a late 6th century imperial librarian.
This was one of the first books published on social rights. Reviewing it in the Human Rights Quarterly, Barbara Stark remarked upon the book’s ambition and concluded, “Hunt succeeds brilliantly” and that the study "dazzles". Barbara Stark, Book review of Reclaiming social rights: international and comparative perspectives, HRQ, 1999, 547, at 548. At the University of Waikato, Hunt looked at human rights in New Zealand and the South Pacific, including the relationship between culture and rights, as well as the rights of indigenous peoples, which led to scholarship such as Culture, Rights and Cultural Rights: Perspectives from the South Pacific, co-edited with Margaret Wilson.
You can think very similar to Justin > Timberlake style with an Usher or Chris Brown type of thing going on as > well. Grace Rolek interview with Corbin Bleu The Los Angeles Times, in naming Bleu one of the "Faces to Watch" in 2007, remarked upon: > a new brand of teen-pop for Disney – a wholesome, natural, R&B-flavored; > reaction to the synthetic era of Britney and the Backstreet Boys. With his > ebullient-urchin image driven by the tireless Disney promotional machine > that's taken the Cheetah Girls, "High School Musical" and "Hannah Montana" > to the top of the charts, Bleu is poised to be the face of youth-pop in > 2007.
The Australian cricket team first toured New Zealand in 1878 and recognised first class Test cricket between the respective national teams commenced in 1945–46. The underarm incident of 1981 stands as memorable for bringing Australian cricket into infamy and causing anger in New Zealand as well as being remarked upon by the respective heads of government. The two nations have exclusively and directly competed for the Trans-Tasman Trophy in test cricket since 1985–86 and for the Chappell–Hadlee Trophy in ODI cricket since 2006–07. They have competed at Twenty20 internationals and tournaments since their first such match occurring on 17 February 2005.
Although the Pictured Rocks shore waters are a rich fishing ground, the sandstone cliffs are dangerous to canoes and other open boats skirting the coastline. In 1658, the fur trader Pierre Esprit Radisson made this risky passage and noted that his Native American companions made an offering of tobacco to the local spirit of the cliffs. During the Romantic Era of the 1800s, a series of American writers described their feelings upon sight of the Pictured Rocks. Geologist and US Indian Agent Henry Rowe Schoolcraft visited in 1820 and remarked upon "some of the most sublime and commanding views in nature".Schoolcraft, Henry R. (1821).
He took up car racing in 1934, becoming a member of George Eyston's MG team. His car racing ability was soon remarked upon at Brooklands and also drew favourable comment in the Isle of Man ‘Round the Houses’ contests. He also raced cars at Donington and in the RAC International TT on the Ards circuit in Northern Ireland, but he had no success and, after MG exited motor racing, he teamed up with Freddie Dixon. In 1935 he became Dixon's co-driver and together they raced the Dixon Riley at Brooklands, where Walter shared in their gaining the Race Team Award in the 1935 500 mile race.
The large concentrations of fish swimming upstream serve as a tourist attraction during the spawning season. California sea lions are also attracted to the large number of fish, and are often seen around the base of the dam during the spawning season. By 2006, the growing number of sea lions and their impact on the salmon population had become worrisome to the Army Corps of Engineers and environmentalists. Historically, pinnipeds such as sea lions and seals have hunted salmon in the Columbia River as far as The Dalles and Celilo Falls, farther upstream from Bonneville, as remarked upon by people such as George Simpson in 1841.
See also Flemish tapestry of Lord Dinham (died 1501) in the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, New York (Cloister Collection) was suggested by Bertha Putnam in her work on Sir William Shareshull,Putnam, Bertha H., The Place in Legal History of Sir William Shareshull, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 1350–1361: A Study of Judicial & Administrative Methods in the Reign of Edward III. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1950, pp.286-7, appendix 1 but as was remarked upon by Woodger, her suggestion that Sir Richard Arches (died 1417) was the son of Ralph Arches, son of John Arches (d. circa 1405) of East Hendred was clearly physically impossible.
His son James (who lived in Eriboll, a Scottish estate) died of a brain tumour on 15 August 2019, aged 59. While involved in the Matrix Churchill trial he was cited in a divorce case in South Africa, in which it was revealed he had had affairs with Valerie Harkess, the wife of a South African barrister (and part-time junior judge), and her daughters, Josephine and Alison. After sensationalist tabloid headlines, Clark's wife Jane remarked upon what Clark had called "the coven" with the line: "Well, what do you expect when you sleep with below stairs types?" She referred to her husband as an "S, H, one, T".
He added layers of paint until sometimes the original painting had been covered over many times. Despite the speed at which he worked (he usually had several paintings on the go at once), however, he was adamant that his images are not pure abstraction, but all have significance as symbols. Championing the primitive, he saw the role of the artist as akin to that of the shaman, and remarked upon how disparate cultures have adopted common symbols in their visual languages. In addition to painting, whether on canvas or paper (he has stated that he prefers to work on paper), Davie produced several screenprints.
In linguistics, conversion, also called zero derivation or null derivation, is a kind of word formation involving the creation of a word (of a new word class) from an existing word (of a different word class) without any change in form, which is to say, derivation using only zero. For example, the noun green in golf (referring to a putting-green) is derived ultimately from the adjective green. Conversions from adjectives to nouns and vice versa are both very common and unnotable in English; much more remarked upon is the creation of a verb by converting a noun or other word (e.g., the adjective clean becomes the verb to clean).
In August 2008, Boyle applied for an audition for the third series of Britain's Got Talent (as contestant number 43212) and was accepted after a preliminary audition in Glasgow. When Boyle first appeared on Britain's Got Talent at the city's Clyde Auditorium, she said that she aspired to become a professional singer "as successful as Elaine Paige". Boyle sang "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables in the first round, which was watched by over 10 million viewers when it aired on 11 April 2009. Programme judge Amanda Holden remarked upon the audience's initially cynical attitude, and the subsequent "biggest wake-up call ever" upon hearing her performance.
On 8 February 1965, the committee organised a major public meeting at Derry Guildhall, attracting more than 1,500 people to hear speeches by the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) Mayor of Derry Albert Anderson and leader of the Nationalist Party Eddie McAteer, both of whom remarked upon how the issue had united the two communities in the city.Marilynn J. Richtarik, Acting Between the Lines, pp.16-17 The Lockwood Report was issued on 10 February. It recommended locating a "New University of Ulster" in the small town of Coleraine, in a strongly Protestant area on the north coast, and this decision was immediately supported by the Government.
She returned to the stage in the production of Design For Living that premiered in November 2008 and went on into 2009. Chang stated in an interview that, "The reason for me to take on stage play again after 20 years is because I was lured by the director, he has invited handsome guys like Zheng Yuan Chang and David Huang into the play". Critics have remarked upon the versatility in her roles along with her willingness to always try for something new. Chang is also a singer and her music has become popular in karaoke, where her song "The Cost of Love" is commonly sung.
If Richard had a secondary, punitive purpose to the invasion—i.e. punishing the Scots when he could not defeat them—"and the chronicle accounts provide some corroboration of this", Tuck, too, has remarked upon Richard's "unusual sensitivity" and compares it to a similar sensitivity demonstrated towards the rebelling peasants of 1381. Richard's main problem in the aftermath of the campaign, says Gillespie, was one of the perceptions with which he was held after the campaign. Although it may have been more successful than it appeared at first glance, Richard singularly failed to match up to the image of the successful warrior king as epitomised by his father and grandfather.
In a critique of Juice Plus, consumer health advocate and alternative medicine critic Stephen Barrett of MLM Watch remarked upon the previous association between two authors of a 1996 Juice Plus research study and United Sciences of America, Inc. (USAI), a multilevel marketing company that sold vitamin supplements with illegal claims that they could prevent many diseases. In 1986, lead author John A. Wise, who later co-authored several other Juice Plus research studies, was USAI's Executive Vice-President of Research and Development; and second author Robert J. Morin was a scientific advisor who helped design the products. State and federal enforcement actions drove USAI out of business in 1987.
Heinrich A. Rommen remarked upon "the tenacity with which the spirit of the English common law retained the conceptions of natural law and equity which it had assimilated during the Catholic Middle Ages, thanks especially to the influence of Henry de Bracton (d. 1268) and Sir John Fortescue (d. cir. 1476)." Bracton's translator notes that Bracton "was a trained jurist with the principles and distinctions of Roman jurisprudence firmly in mind"; but Bracton adapted such principles to English purposes rather than copying slavishly. In particular, Bracton turned the imperial Roman maxim that "the will of the prince is law" on its head, insisting that the king is under the law.
After taking office as mayor, Jeffrey appointed Davis to a panel tasked with bringing a university to Brampton. However, Davis and Jeffrey had a falling out over Peel Region's proposed Light Rail Transit line, as Jeffrey supported its extension from Hurontario Street in Mississauga further north along Main Street in Brampton (where it would run by Davis' house), while Davis preferred an alternative alignment along Queen Street. In 2018, Davis endorsed Patrick Brown in his ultimately successful campaign against incumbent Linda Jeffrey to become mayor of Brampton. Throughout his political career, Davis often remarked upon the lasting influence of his hometown of Brampton, Ontario.
Many film historians have remarked upon the many great works of cinema that emerged from this period of highly regimented filmmaking. One reason this was possible is that, with so many movies being made, not everyone had to be a big hit. A studio could gamble on a medium-budget feature with a good script and relatively unknown actors: Citizen Kane, directed by Orson Welles (1915–1985) and often regarded as the greatest film of all time, fits this description. In other cases, strong-willed directors like Howard Hawks (1896–1977), Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980), and Frank Capra (1897–1991) battled the studios in order to achieve their artistic visions.
Lee's style is frequently remarked upon for its use of rich poetic prose and striking imagery. Critics describe her style as weird, lush, vibrant, exotic, erotic, rich, elegant, perverse, and darkly beautiful. The technique she used is very descriptive and poetic which works well with the themes she used in her mythical stories. She has been praised for her ability to balance her weird style with the challenges of writing a faraway world, but some critics counter that her style is not always easy on the reader; she sometimes leaves the reader with unanswered questions that could have easily been answered if she had gone into greater detail.
Commenting on Jackie's involvement in "Journey's End" Travis Fickett observed that having the Doctor tell her to stay away from the TARDIS console was "a fun moment", although he felt that having so many characters present in the episode was "a bit awkward." Dave Golder of SFX stated that there being "not enough Jacqui " was one of the episode's low points. Reviewers also compared the character of Donna Noble's mother, Sylvia (Jacqueline King), who featured semi-regularly during the fourth series, against Jackie. Airlock Alpha's Alan Stanley Blair remarked upon the premiere of "Partners in Crime" that Sylvia "doesn't have the same appeal" as Jackie.
By 1920, a sharp turn was taken towards the New Objectivity outlook. New Objectivity was not a strict movement in the sense of having a clear manifesto or set of rules. Artists gravitating towards this aesthetic defined themselves by rejecting the themes of expressionism—romanticism, fantasy, subjectivity, raw emotion and impulse—and focused instead on precision, deliberateness, and depicting the factual and the real. Kirkus Reviews remarked upon how much Weimar art was political:Kirkus UK review of Laqueur, Walter Weimar: A cultural history, 1918–1933 One of the first major events in the arts during the Weimar Republic was the founding of an organization, the (November Group) on December 3, 1918.
In The Art of Discworld, Paul Kidby draws Susan in Edwardian clothing, which he feels fits well with her job as a nanny in Hogfather. Susan has a very striking physical presence, which both Lu-Tze and Lobsang Ludd have remarked upon, and despite her relative youth, she projects a sense of great age. She possesses a birthmark on her cheek that shows itself only when she blushes; it consists of three finger-like lines that were left on her father when Death slapped him in Mort, and which glow when she is angry. In Soul Music, she complains that, as Death's granddaughter, she should have been born with better cheekbones.
This is no small innovation, in that it creates a homophonic analog to the polyphonic fugue – a seed of potential from which the composer could later germinate a range of different effects. Haydn's variety of dramatic effects and ability to create tension was remarked upon in his own time: his music was increasingly taken as the standard by which other practice might be judged. Haydn's set of string quartets, Op. 33 gives the first examples of coordinated use of the resources of sonata form in characteristic fashion. The composer himself listed them as being written on completely new principles and marking the turning point in his technique.
At the same time, it was embellished by Don Rodgers, with Chifley's connivance, for the benefit of public consumption and to further his political aims. As one observer wrote, Chifley was "s superb actor" and played to the public image, not out of insincerity but because he realised that "he was required to set an example, and he set it with real artistry". The Chifley's Busby Street home was central to the creation of this image of a political leader with frugal habits. That he drove a Buick could not be ignored, but Chifley's attention to his clothes seems never to have been remarked upon, other than the oft-publicised fact of him refusing to wear a dinner jacket.
Al-Hafiz' succession broke a continuous line of father-to-son succession of ten generations, something extremely rare in the Islamic world and much remarked upon by medieval authors. Al-Hafiz' accession thus represented an unprecedented departure from the accepted norm, and caused yet another schism in Isma'ilism, as the Musta'li sect was divided into those who accepted al- Hafiz' succession (the "Hafizis") and those who did not, upholding instead the imamate of al-Tayyib (the "Tayyibis"). The former were mostly concentrated in the Fatimid domains in Egypt, Nubia, and the Levant, while the latter in the Yemen, where the Sulayhid Queen Arwa took up a leading role in forming a separate Tayyibi daʿwa.
He was the editor of the Sunday Tribune and worked both on radio and television with RTE before assuming the Editorship of the prestigious The Irish Times in 1986. The fact that he was the first Catholic to be appointed as editor of what was still perceived as a Protestant-oriented newspaper was remarked upon at the time and was seen as part of a process of The Irish Times seeking to broaden its position in Irish society. He was also the first editor to be appointed at the newspaper after a competitive interview process with the participation of staff representatives. Previously he had been Features Editor, then Night Editor and latterly Deputy Editor.
The pacing of the campaign, giving players access to more rooms and technologies gradually, was also remarked upon positively. On the other hand, PC Games criticized the dungeon building aspect for always relying on the same pattern since there are no missions in which a scarcity of resources would force players to change their approach. That research was not saved and had to be repeated each mission was also seen as negatively forcing players into monotonous routine. Although the game's humor was praised by some reviewers, many critics noted that not all players will enjoy the type of humor and that the game relies too much on humor to the point of becoming annoying.
The match against Lincoln City, the final game of that season, had started in a celebratory atmosphere with the home-team receiving the Football League Third Division trophy. At 3.40 p.m., a small fire in the main stand was remarked upon by the TV commentator John Helm, but in less than four minutes, with the windy conditions, it had engulfed the whole stand, trapping some people in their seats. In the mass panic that ensued, fleeing crowds escaped on to the pitch but others at the back of the stand tried to break down locked exit doors to escape, and many were burnt to death at the turnstiles gates, which had also been locked after the match had begun.
Rosa himself may have dismissed them as frivolous capricci in comparison to his other themes, but these academically conventional canvases often restrained his rebellious streak. In general, in landscapes he avoided the idyllic and pastoral calm countrysides of Claude Lorrain and Paul Bril, and created brooding, melancholic fantasies, awash in ruins and brigands. By the eighteenth century, the contrasts between Rosa and artists such as Claude was much remarked upon. A 1748 poem by James Thompson, "The Castle of Indolence", illustrated this: "Whate'er Lorraine light touched with softening hue/ Or savage Rosa dashed, or learned Poussin drew".Lines from "The Indolent Castle", James Thompson, 1748 quoted by Helen Langdon in Burlington Magazine 115(84):p.
" He believed there was a germ of an idea in the adventure but "While it is possible to work up an adequately detailed adventure from the material in The Tenple to Athena, it would likely take as long as starting from scratch." He concluded, "If the level of [fantasy roleplaying] hobby aids is to be improved, the very bad must be remarked upon, and overall, The Temple of Athena is very bad, indeed." In the February 1981 edition of Dragon (Issue 46), Tony Watson mentioned the low production values: "As a general rule the artwork is acceptable, but varies greatly in quality and craftsmanship. Several maps are included, of varying clarity and usefulness... The printing, art, etc.
One paper finds that present-day Canadians born in communities that historically lay outside the reach of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Mounties) seem to inherit a violent code of honour that drives their behaviour. From the viewpoint of anthropologists, cultures of honour typically appear among nomadic peoples and among herdsmen who carry their most valuable property with them and risk having it stolen, without having recourse to law enforcement or to government. Due to the lack of strong institutions, cultivating a reputation for swift and disproportionate revenge increases the safety of one's person and property against aggressive actors. Thinkers ranging from Montesquieu to Steven Pinker have remarked upon the mindset needed for a culture of honour.
She noted the "massive circular pillars and arches" in the chancel, and the "peculiar good taste" of the architecture of the recently rebuilt rectory. The 19th-century writer Samuel Lewis remarked upon the "many elegant monuments" in the church. Writing in 1862, the clergyman and antiquarian Harry Longueville Jones said that it was "one of the largest churches in this division of Anglesey" He said that it had recently been "judiciously repaired and restored" by James Williams and was "now one of the best specimens of an old parish church in the island", adding that the east window was "good in detail and in execution". The Welsh politician and church historian Sir Stephen Glynne visited the church in 1867.
The hoard contains 5827 items weighing approximately 1,100 kg The multiplication of the offensive, in contrast to the defensive, fighting equipment (swords type Boiu – Sauerbrunn, battle axes with spiked disc, daggers, spearheads, arm bracers, all made of bronze), the development of settlements with man-made defenses, the existence of distinct warrior graves, gives the impression that the Bronze Age was a warring world. But there are numerous arguments that it was really a matter of parading rather than using force. The extraordinary non-ferrous mineral wealth of the Intra-Carpathian region has often been remarked upon in the literature. The overwhelming number of finds of copper, bronze, silver and gold products is hard to equal in prehistoric Europe.
Lee, Early Explorers in Australia from the Log-Books and Journals, Including the Diary of Allan Cunningham, Botanist from 1 March 1817 to 19 November 1818, London, 1925, 12 April 1817 p 180; and 3 August 1817, page 301 On the west side of the Fish River the climb up the steep Fish River Hill (elevation ) was remarked upon by numerous travellers as difficult. In 1827 William Dumaresq called it "the worst hill from Sydney to Bathurst". He also noted that the old bridge had been washed away so it was necessary to ford the river and also mentioned that a convict road party was stationed there, presumably carrying out improvements to the Bathurst Road.
The term "pheasant" and the scientific name Phasianus colchicus are derived from "Phasis" and "Colchis", as this was said to be the region from which the common pheasant was introduced to Europe.Oxford English Dictionary, Draft Revision, September 2009 (The ring- necked pheasants seen in the present day were introduced later from East Asia.) It is said that "the failure of Kolkhis to emerge as a strong kingdom or to be maintained as a province of Rome has been blamed on the pestilential climate of the Phasis Valley, a situation remarked upon by travelers down to modern times, when the swamps were finally drained.Robert H. Hewsen, Armenia: A Historical Atlas, 2001, page 38".
The Polish government and Polish diaspora organizations have denounced the use of such expressions that include the words "Poland" or "Polish". The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs monitors the use of such expressions and seeks corrections and apologies if they are used. In 2005, Poland's Jewish Foreign Minister Adam Daniel Rotfeld remarked upon instances of "bad will, saying that under the pretext that 'it's only a geographic reference', attempts are made to distort history and conceal the truth." He has stated that use of the adjective "Polish" in reference to concentration camps or ghettos, or to the Holocaust, can suggest that Poles perpetrated or participated in German atrocities, and emphasised that Poland was the victim of the Nazis' crimes.
Mayo had a half-time lead of two points. By the time Tomás had returned to the RTÉ studio, after emptying himself into the toilet, Dublin had scored 1–2 on their way to defeating Mayo and confirming their place in a fifth successive All- Ireland SFC final. Tomás's trip to the toilet was remarked upon during the post-match analysis as an example of how quickly Dublin had turned the match in their favour. While Tomás was on (or possibly over) the toilet (he declined to reveal the exact manner in which he had relieved himself), Con O'Callaghan scored the first of his two goals in the game, following a Dean Rock point from a free.
During her post-doc work, Loros remarked upon the possibility of frq being light induced, which was later confirmed by a post-doc fellow. Turning her attention to the governing body for this light induction, Loros began experimenting with wc-1 finding that it not only was the mediator for said light induction, but was also necessary for Neurospora’s clock in the absence of light. Wc-1, in conjunction with its partner protein, wc-2, was found to be the first described positive element regulator in a circadian feedback loop, with the norm being that of negative regulators. This led to the precedent of the PAS-PAS heterodimers in both animals and fungi alike.
The Eclipse has been remarked upon for its overt sexual symbolism. Christine Cornea posits that the film's primary theme, the clash of scientific logic with sexual desire, was also evident in Méliès' earlier films A Trip to the Moon and The Impossible Voyage, and would become a prominent in many subsequent science-fiction films. Some scholars, interpreting the Sun and the Moon to be both male, have described the erotic "eclipse" as an early depiction of homosexuality in cinema, with an "effeminate" Moon being seduced by an "devilishly masculine" Sun. By contrast, Méliès's film catalogue describes the liaison in heterosexual terms, referring to the participants as "the man in the sun" and "dainty Diana" and using pronouns to match.
When student Tom Riddle, later known as Voldemort, opened the chamber, the basilisk merely petrified several students (students looked at a reflection of basilisk) and killed one student named Myrtle (later known as Moaning Myrtle) with her stare and hid in the chamber for 50 years, until Riddle's memory opened the chamber again by possessing Ginny Weasley. The basilisk attempts to kill several Muggle-borns, but due to good fortune, all its victims were merely petrified. Riddle commanded Ginny Weasley to kill all the school roosters remarked upon by Hagrid. When Harry discovers the chamber, Riddle reveals his identity and sets the basilisk loose upon Harry while Ginny's life force ebbs away.
Reviewers have compared A Wizard of Earthsea to epics such as Beowulf. Scholar Virginia White argued that the story followed a structure common to epics in which the protagonist begins an adventure, faces trials along the way, and eventually returns in triumph. White went on to suggest that this structure can be seen in the series as a whole, as well as in the individual volumes. Le Guin subverted many of the tropes typical to such "monomyths"; the protagonists of her story were all dark-skinned, in comparison to the white- skinned heroes more traditionally used; the Kargish antagonists, in contrast, were white-skinned, a switching of race roles that has been remarked upon by multiple critics.
Since both combatants' hands were fixed in place on each other's jackets, Collar and Elbow came to be distinguished by its volume and variety of leg techniques. Scufflers would circle each other throwing rapid-fire combinations of trips, taps, kicks, and sweeps in an attempt to off-balance their opponent and send him crashing to the ground - an extended exchange of attack and defense that one historian described as "footsparring". Observers of Collar and Elbow bouts frequently remarked upon this aspect of the style, with one journalist proposing that a Collar and Elbow match between two skilled participants was really "a fist fight with the feet".The Northern Pacific Farmer (Wadena, Minnesota), 27 January 1881, p. 3.
The two sisters did not have any dresses for the gathering until Thomas Sheridan (actor), the manager of one of the local theatres, supplied them with two costumes from the green room, those of Lady Macbeth and Juliet. Wearing the costumes, they were presented to the Earl of Harrington, the then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Harrington must have been pleased by the meeting as, by 1750, Bridget Gunning had persuaded him to grant her a pension, which she then used to transport herself, Maria, and Elizabeth, back to their original home in Huntingdon, England. With their attendance at local balls and parties, the beauty of the two girls was much remarked upon.
School stories have remained popular, however, with a focus shifting towards state-funded day schools with both girls and boys, and dealing with more contemporary issues such as sexuality, racism, drugs and family difficulties. The Bannerdale series of five novels (1949–56) by Geoffrey Trease, starting with No Boats on Bannermere, involved two male and two female pupils of day schools in the Lake District, and a widowed mother. Trease was inspired to set the series in a day school following a letter from a young reader complaining that, despite being the setting for many school stories, boarding schools were in fact no more exciting environments than day schools. This is something remarked upon by the narrator.
Its focus on Irish authors has often been noted by reviewers, but publication of non-Irish authors is not excluded as with some national genre magazines, and the magazine is "primarily interested in good writing". The magazine states that its "definition of what constitutes SF, horror and fantasy is extremely broad" and that it likes "to see material which pushes at the boundaries", a fact that has been remarked upon by readers and reviewers. In this respect, one reviewer stated that "Any magazine that encourages both new writers and readers to range more widely, deserves encouragement." The magazine currently appears in print and electronic pdf format approximately two to three times per year.
McCain campaigned against Proposition 200, a 2004 Arizona state initiative intended to prevent illegal immigrants from voting, receiving welfare benefits, and mandated state agencies to report illegals to the federal government. McCain argued Prop 200 would be overly expensive to execute, that it would be ineffectual, and that immigration regulation falls only under the purview of the federal government.McCain tapped for homestretch campaign help, Phoenix Business Journal, October 15, 2004 McCain repeatedly argued that low-skilled immigrant labor was necessary to supply service roles that native-born Americans refuse. In one widely remarked-upon incident, he insisted to a union group that none of them would be willing to pick lettuce for fifty dollars an hour.
The Telegraph called him a "pioneer and a revolutionary [...] a multidimensional talent [...] (who) co-wrote and performed (songs that) remain as fresh and potent today". The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame included Holly among its first class in 1986. On its entry, the Hall of Fame remarked upon the large quantity of material he produced during his short musical career, and said it "made a major and lasting impact on popular music". It called him an "innovator" for writing his own material, his experimentation with double tracking and the use of orchestration; he is also said to have "pioneered and popularized the now-standard" use of two guitars, bass, and drums by rock bands.
The overall quality of Uzanne's books was remarked upon by The New York Times when reviewing his 1894 work La Femme à Paris: "The book is a highly-artistic achievement in a typographical sense ... This artistic element and the style of the author ... elevate the work from its sphere of usefulness into the sphere of pure literature. It will be serviceable a century from now to students of our civilization." Other symbolic works of art were Féminies (1896), in which Rops illustrated many scenes of worldly life, or Son Altesse la femme (Her Highness Woman, 1885), on which he drew a naked witch in the chapter on medieval women. In the work he explored the lives of women at all levels of French society of his time.
In 747, Easter fell on 2 April, a coincidence that likely would have been remarked upon by chroniclers but was not. If Easter was being used as the beginning of the calendar year, then 2 April 747 could have been, by modern reckoning, April 748 (not on Easter). The date favoured by the preponderance of evidence is 2 April 742, based on Charlemagne's age at the time of his death. This date supports the concept that Charlemagne was technically an illegitimate child, although that is not mentioned by Einhard in either since he was born out of wedlock; Pepin and Bertrada were bound by a private contract or Friedelehe at the time of his birth, but did not marry until 744.
In July 1943 Dunglass attended the House of Commons for the first time since 1940, and began to make a reputation as a backbench member, particularly for his expertise in the field of foreign affairs. He foresaw a post-imperial future for Britain and emphasised the need for strong European ties after the war. In 1944, with the war now turning in the Allies' favour, Dunglass spoke eloquently about the importance of resisting the Soviet Union's ambition to dominate eastern Europe. His boldness in publicly urging Churchill not to give in to Joseph Stalin was widely remarked upon; many, including Churchill himself, observed that some of those once associated with appeasement were determined that it should not be repeated in the face of Russian aggression.
On 20 September 2014, while speaking to party workers in Multan, Bhutto Zardari said, "I will take back Kashmir, all of it, and I will not leave behind a single in of it because, like the other provinces, it belongs to Pakistan." The statement was to be the first marking his stance on the Kashmir issue and remarked upon widely in local and international media. On 6 February 2019, Bhutto Zardari met with the Kashmir Council in Washington to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir. During the meeting, he assured the delegation that he would continue to raise voice against the brutalities of Indian forces against innocent and unarmed Kashmiri people at every available forum both nationally and internationally.
You won't find anyone who doesn't like him." Edmondson himself has added that he gets along well with the cast, although finds that the distance of Elstree Studios from most of their London homes makes them "weirdly unsociable". Edmondson's casting in the role followed a trend remarked upon by television critic Jim Shelley, who noted a tendency of Holby City producers toward hiring already well established actors, including Jesus of Nazareth star Robert Powell and actress Patsy Kensit. When asked in November 2007 whether she actively sought out well-known names to fill new roles in the show, series producer Diana Kyle responded: "It's lovely when we have a new member of the cast come in and bring an audience with them.
Aspects of Nelson's life and career were controversial, both during his lifetime and after his death. His affair with Emma Hamilton was widely remarked upon and disapproved of, to the extent that Emma was denied permission to attend his funeral and was subsequently ignored by the government, which awarded money and titles to Nelson's legitimate family.Oman 1987, pp. 571–72 Nelson's actions during the reoccupation of Naples have also been the subject of debate: his approval of the wave of reprisals against the Jacobins who had surrendered under the terms agreed by Cardinal Ruffo, and his personal intervention in securing the execution of Caracciolo, are considered by some biographers, such as Robert Southey, to have been a shameful breach of honour.
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) was reached between the British Forces and local people that no more house searches would take place. The British believed that this understanding would also mean that they would still patrol through the streets (showing and maintaining a presence), but the locals maintain that this was not in the agreement. It was remarked upon later that the British were not in the habit of creating "no-go zones" for themselves. On the 21 June, three days before the Battle of Majar al-Kabir, Major Kemp went into the town to meet the elders and inform them that there would be a British military presence at the police station where they would collect, but not search for, weapons.
1430 \- 8 May 1500) of Cirencester and of Beauchamp Court (or "Warwick Court") in the parish of Fairford, both in Gloucestershire, England, was a wealthy wool producer and merchant who re-built the surviving St. Mary's Church, Fairford, the former structure of which had been built by one of the Beauchamp Earls of Warwick in the 15th century. The 28 magnificent Fairford stained glass windows he installed in the church are considered amongst the finest and most complete in England. He and his son Sir Edmund Tame (d.1534) so fostered the trade transacted at Fairford, that it came to rival that of the nearby long- established town of Cirencester, which increase was remarked upon by his contemporary the antiquary John Leland (d.
Despard was an active Catholic and on Ash Wednesday in 1907, Despard went with others to the House of Commons and got arrested. In establishing WFL, Despard was joined by Teresa Billington-Greig and Edith How-Martyn, Alice Abadam, Marion Coates-Hansen, Irene Miller[citation needed], Bessie Drysdale, Maude Fitzherbert as signatories to a letter to Emmeline Pankhurst explaining their disquiet on 14 September 1907. In 1911, when first imprisoned with Nina Boyle, Despard was furious when someone paid the fines, allowing them to be released right away; Boyle remarked upon Despard's 'complete and absolute fearlessness'. Sylvia Pankhurst imprisoned with Despard in 1907, also remarked at her death that 'She was one of our most courageous and devoted social workers.
Economic torts protect people from interference with their trade or business. The area includes the doctrine of restraint of trade and has largely been submerged in the twentieth century by statutory interventions on collective labour law, modern antitrust or competition law, and certain laws governing intellectual property, particularly unfair competition law. The "absence of any unifying principle drawing together the different heads of economic tort liability has often been remarked upon."p.509 Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law (2003 5th Ed.) OUP) The principal torts can be listed as passing off, injurious falsehood and trade libel (see also Food libel laws), conspiracy, inducement of breach of contract, tortious interference (such as interference with economic relations or unlawful interference with trade), and watching and besetting.
However, despite being a prolific player, and having a reputation as one of the best strikers of his generation, he has been accused at times in the media of missing an excessive number of chances, and has also been criticised on occasion for his performances in important matches. Although he primarily plays either as a centre forward or as a main striker, he is capable of playing in several offensive positions, and has also been deployed as a supporting striker or as a winger. Writing for The Guardian in 2018, Jorge Valdano remarked upon "the generous endeavour of Cavani, a striker who covers the entire pitch". Due to his composure in front of goal, Cavani was given the nickname "El Matador" during his time in Italy.
The geographic territory of the historic county roughly corresponds with the Welsh territory of Rhwng Gwy a Hafren which fell under the control of the Marcher Lords at the end of the 11th Century. Radnorshire was a poor county and has been an historical backwater but occasionally has drifted to the forefront of history. The most notable historic events are the founding of Cwmhir Abbey and the Battle of Bryn Glas, fought on 22 June 1402 during the rebellion of Owain Glyndŵr. The county's poverty was remarked upon thus in the 17th century by an anonymous visitor: Apart from a handful of parishes along the English border the Welsh language remained the first language of the county well into the second half of the eighteenth century.
As a law student and a lawyer's clerk, Bayard wrote with passion for the theatre and, after several attempts, had a great success at the Gymnase theatre, with la Reine de seize ans (1828, in-8°). One of the most fertile-minded and skilful vaudeville writers of his era, he made a close friendship with Eugène Scribe, often collaborating with him on plays and marrying his niece. Belonging to the school of Dancourt and Picard, he wrote with extreme ease, producing more than 200 plays for several theatres, sometimes alone, sometimes in collaboration. Many of his plays were remarked upon for their witty cheerfulness, and for not excluding sensitivity and everything else that was in vogue in the 19th century.
"L-imħabba" (English translation: "Love") was the Maltese entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1972, performed in Maltese by Helen & Joseph. The song is a mid-tempo duet with the singers describing a search to find the answer to the question of "What is youth's big love?" Initially, they ask this of "wise men, philosophers and poets" and receive the answer that "Love is a kiss" - a word present in Maltese, Italian, Spanish, English and German (in the plural) in the lyrics. Subsequently, the pair asks "freaks, Hells Angels and hippies" the same question and receives the same answer, with the unusual image of a notorious motorcycle gang answering the question in such a way being remarked upon by Des Mangan in his study of the Contest.
The first indications of human inhabitants on the lands of modern Latvia date archaeologically to 9000 BC, suggesting that the first settlers were hunters that stayed almost immediately following the end of the last Ice Age. Colonizers from the south arrived quickly, driving many of the hunters northward as polar ice caps melted further, or east, into modern-day Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. The Roman author Tacitus remarked upon the "Aestii" peoples, thought to be inhabitants of the modern Baltic lands, suggesting that they were abound with formidable, yet peaceful and hospitable people. The Latvian peoples remained relatively undisturbed until Papal intervention via the Germanic, Teutonic Order colonized Kurzeme (Courland in English, Kurland in German), beginning in the first half of the 13th century.
Kapitein Han Chan Piet bought both districts outright for 400,000 Spanish dollars, and was subsequently promoted by Daendels to the dignity of Majoor der Chinezen. The new Majoor resigned his Chinese Captaincy of Surabaya in 1810, and took up residence in his districts as landlord. The traditional Javanese bureaucracy of the districts was maintained, but had to answer to their landlord. From 1794 until 1813, Raden Panderman, son of the Majoor's cousin Adipati Soero Adinegoro, headed the Javanese bureaucracy of Besuki, first as Ronggo, then from 1804 as Tumanggung. French and British travellers during the Interregnum remarked upon the agricultural and economic development of the region under the Majoor’s rule, but criticised his creation of a state within a state.
In 1874 she married Charles Scott, known as C. P. Scott, editor of the Manchester Guardian, and moved to Manchester, where she soon joined the governing body of the city's Girls' High School. She continued to champion women's higher education by creating a home-based university level teaching facility, supported by sympathetic professors from Owens College. Through her unstinting efforts this became incorporated into Owens College in 1883. Scott also served on the Withington Girls School governing body and was interested in the co-educational school Lady Barn House School and took a lead role in education in the City; her eloquent elocution at public events to raise support for education for women and girls, was remarked upon on in her obituary.
As a result of differential immigration over hundreds of years, such as the influx of Flemish people, the south of the county has fewer Welsh-speaking inhabitants (about 15 per cent) than the north (about 50 per cent). The rough line that can be drawn between the two regions, illustrated by the map, is known as the Landsker Line, and the area south of the line has been termed "Little England Beyond Wales". The first objective, statistically based description of this demarcation was made in the 1960s, but the distinction was remarked upon as early as 1603 by George Owen of Henllys. A 21st century introduction of Welsh place names for villages which have always been known by their English names has caused some controversy.
Cassels studies of the habitat and behaviour of birds of prey around her in the prairie were thoroughly documented and quoted in anthologies for her studies of both the barred owl and the white gyrfalcon. Her spotting the gyrfalcon, the first record of this species in Alberta, killed in a homestead for attacking turkeys in a domestic setting in 1920, was referred to her own 1922 work and even remarked upon in 1961. When Cassels became Vice President of the Alberta Natural History Society in 1917, she was not only the first female in that role, but the first woman to hold office in any Canadian natural history association. Cassels held this post up to 1922, and debated with fellow naturalist, the president Dr. Henry George and supported The Canadian Field- Naturalist.
" The entire band stage front at the conclusion of the August 1, 2009, show at Estadio José Zorrilla, Valladolid, Spain. Of the European shows, critical reaction was generally quite favorable. The Irish Times said Springsteen showing no signs of age as he neared his 60th birthday, despite taking a spill during his stage antics in rainy Dublin, and remarked upon how "a set that features so many songs about the toughness of life ... can be delivered with such extraordinary verve that by the time you leave, you’re very glad to be alive." The Independent echoed the sentiment in reviewing the Hyde Park show, writing that he showed "the vigour of a frontman a third of his age" and that "Springsteen's intensity was staggering from first powerful vocal to final thrashed-out chord.
The film has been remarked upon as being the first known feature in cinema history to star an assortment of real, dead, frozen animals, rather than live, trained, stuffed, animitronic, or puppet raccoons. The most important "effect" for the film was going to be the raccoons themselves, and Irvine consulted with experts at Ohio State University as he had initially planned on having raccoons prepared by a taxidemist. He was disappointed when he learned that it could cost hundreds of dollars just to have a single animal prepared, but the expert advised him of the usefulness of using frozen animals that could then be thawed, positioned, frozen, and thawed and then frozen for repeated repositionings, so production used seven legally donated frozen raccoons in this manner to create the killer coons.
However, this time they had a new song: "Rushie is back, Rushie is back". Although the Liverpool team of 1987–88 had played some outstanding football, such was Rush's stature amongst the Anfield faithful, they were pleased to see him return to the club. Rush's departure from Liverpool had sparked the acquisition of new strikers John Aldridge (whose physical resemblance to Rush was often remarked upon) and Peter Beardsley, and on his return to the Liverpool side he was partnered alongside these players to form a 4–3–3 formation. Rush's former strike partner Kenny Dalglish (who had been appointed player-manager in 1985) was still registered as a player but by then he was in his 37th year and rarely played in the first team, retiring completely in 1990.
Howe handled most of the firm's criminal work, participating in more than 600 murder trials in the course of his fifty-year career and winning a large but unstated proportion of them. He was noted for his extravagant dress, favoring bright waistcoats and large jeweled rings—although he steadily dressed down as a capital trial progressed, invariably ending it in a funereal suit and black tie. He had a markedly florid rhetorical style, on one occasion delivering an entire summing-up, two hours, while on his knees before the jury box. One of his most remarked upon talents was an apparent ability to weep at will, although legal historian Sadakat Kadri notes that his frequent opponent Francis L. Wellman "suspected that he used an onion-scented handkerchief to get in the mood".
Howe handled most of the firm's criminal work, participating in more than 600 murder trials in the course of his fifty-year career and winning a large but unstated proportion of them. He was noted for his extravagant dress, favouring bright waistcoats and large jewelled rings - although he steadily dressed down as a capital trial progressed, invariably ending it in a funereal suit and black tie. He had a markedly florid rhetorical style, on one occasion delivering an entire summing-up, two hours long, while on his knees before the jury box. One of his most remarked upon talents was an apparent ability to weep at will, although legal historian Sadakat Kadri notes that his frequent opponent Francis L. Wellman "suspected that he used an onion-scented handkerchief to get in the mood".
It demonstrates the early occupation of lands at Homebush by Europeans, only nine years after the area was first sighted by members of the first fleet, who remarked upon the presence of Aboriginal people in the area. It was the site of an early land grant to pastoral and industrial entrepreneur John Blaxland (1769-1845) whose family were influential in the colony, and whose house is located on adjacent land. The site demonstrates the importance of Parramatta River in the opening up of the colony and the early rural settlement of areas close to Parramatta. Its historical importance as an Armament Depot lies in its demonstration of the evolution of systems and regulations of explosives handling and storage over 90 years and the role of Sydney as a major port for the Australian Navy fleet.
In contrast to tales representing people's rivals as stupid or undignified, it is easy to believe that many or most schoolboy howlers are genuine, or at least are based on genuine incidents; any school teacher interested in the matter can collect authentic samples routinely. However, it is beyond doubt that the collections formally published or otherwise in circulation contain spurious examples, or at least a high degree of creative editing, as is variously remarked upon in the introductory text of the more thoughtful anthologies. It most certainly is not as a rule possible to establish anything like definitive, pedantically correct versions with authentic wording, even if there were much point to any such ideal. Howlers typically are informally reported, and some of them have been generated repeatedly by similar confusion in independent sources.
The Risen Christ, Cristo della Minerva in Italian, also known as Christ the Redeemer or Christ Carrying the Cross, is a marble sculpture by the Italy High Renaissance master Michelangelo, finished in 1521. It is in the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome, to the left of the main altar. The work was commissioned in June 1514, by the Roman patrician Metello Vari, who stipulated only that the nude standing figure would have the Cross in his arms, but left the composition entirely to Michelangelo. Michelangelo was working on a first version of this statue in his studio in Macello dei Corvi around 1515, but abandoned it in roughed-out condition when he discovered a black vein in the white marble, remarked upon by Vari in a letter, and later by Ulisse Aldrovandi.
These families were active sponsors of religious life and charity back in Iraq. Israel Joseph Benjamin, the Ashkenazi Jewish traveller and scholar from Moldova, who conducted extensive journeys to visit even the most furthest flung Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewish communities of Asia between 1845 and 1859, wrote of Baghdad that “in no other place in the east have I found my Israelitish brothers in such perfectly happy circumstances.” One distinguishing feature of the communities of Baghdad and Basra remarked upon by Ashkenazi travelers was the extreme young age of marriage: between eight and twelve years old for girls to men usually eighteen to twenty. Another was the traditional face veils and long flowing garments wore by Jewish women who were not expected to show their face in public like their Muslim neighbors.
In Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage, William Katz writes that the number of Black Indians among the Native American Nations were "understated by hundreds of thousands"; and that by comparing pictorial documentation to verbal and written accounts it is clear that when Black Indians were spotted in these settings, they were often simply not remarked upon or recorded by white chroniclers of the era. Enslaved Africans were renamed by those who enslaved them, and usually not even recorded with surnames until after the American Civil War. Historical records usually relied upon by genealogists, such as censuses, did not record the names of enslaved African Americans before the Civil war. While some major slavers kept extensive records, which historians and genealogists have used to create family trees, generally researchers find it difficult to trace African American families before the Civil War.
As part of her campaigning she has organised protests aimed at convincing the UK government to provide free sanitary products to schoolchildren, featuring speakers such as Adwoa Aboah, Suki Waterhouse, Jess Phillips, and Daisy Lowe. She has written for Vogue about the role of activism among young people, and also for The Guardian and The Telegraph about how the Scottish government's commitment to provide free sanitary products for poor students should be emulated in England. George has often commented on the lengths young people who menstruate go when they cannot afford pads or tampons, including using items of clothing, toilet roll, or using the same tampon many days in a row (putting them at risk of toxic shock syndrome). She additionally has remarked upon how education for men must be improved such that they can engage with tackling menstruation taboo and period poverty.
Drawing comparison with Ron Sexsmith's "best compositions", he surmised that Frame manages to succeed "where lesser talents would fall." Allmusic's Matt Fink also remarked upon Surf's "undiluted format", highlighting Frame's "clever and consistent" songwriting ability as two of the album's most positive aspects. Yet, despite claiming that Frame's "knack for subtlety and nuance makes for near perfect acoustic balladry", he found fault with both the vocal delivery—which he described as "indistinctive and overwhelmingly mellow"—and the record's "lack of both sonic and conceptual variation". Reviewing the album for The Guardian, Adam Sweeting also bemoaned the album's lack of diversity in which he felt that "Frame tends to stick to a fairly narrow palette of musical shapes and chord patterns", but also declared there to be "some treats if sampled sparingly", most notably "Over You", "I Can't Start Now" and "Big Ben".
As is the case with most native populations that did not use systems of writing for most or all of their history, much of what is known about Native Americans comes from the records of the Europeans who first encountered them in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Some of these accounts are accurate, while some include parts that are accurate and other parts that reflect their biases towards native peoples. One aspect of native life which the European colonists often remarked upon, when they left written records, was their system of agriculture. Agriculture is one of the primary means by which pre-industrial human societies impacted their environments; through plant and animal domestication, disruption of prehistoric soil matrices, and the resulting population increases that some degree of agricultural sophistication makes possible within partially nomadic or fully settled groups of people.
Monica Hesse of The Washington Post remarked upon the conclusion of the case that the division between what is considered libel and satire was murky, and asked whether this determination was more difficult to make on the Internet where speech can be amplified by others. Wendy Davis of Online Media Daily commented on the potential impact of the case, and observed it was a victory for proponents of Internet rights. Davis pointed out a judgment for Beck would have enabled additional WIPO cases from individuals who were the focus of satire on the web, as a way for those people to avoid judgment in U.S. courts which adhere to First Amendment case law. John Cook of Gawker called Eiland-Hall's decision to turn the domain name over to Beck an optimal end to the affair which emphasized the ridiculousness of Beck's actions.
Ibrahim Ibn Saaleh al-Mahmud After this, Fuḍayl tried to visit each of his known victims to repay them what he had stolen from them, and when he ran out of available goods, he visited them to beg their forgiveness. However one Jew refused to forgive him until he had been repaid, and ordered Fuḍayl to move a pile of dirt in front of his house to work off his debt. After several days of work, a hurricane blew away the pile of dirt, and Fuḍayl explained to the Jew that God had aided him. The Jew then placed a bag of dirt on his bed and asked Fuḍayl to bring it to him, and remarked upon discovering that the dirt had turned to gold that he now believed in the religion of Fuḍayl, and asked to become a Muslim.
Apart from the dualist aspects specific to the Fifth Republic, which can also help explain the solidity of governments versus the Assembly, the limits of "technical" rationalisation of parliamentarism have often been remarked upon. The first examples of technical rationalisation, found in constitutions drawn up at the end of World War I, notably that of the Weimar Republic, which also had a strong head of state, totally failed, just as they failed under the Fourth Republic and in the Italian republic. On the other hand, British parliamentarism, totally without such measures, demonstrated great stability. This stability is often attributed to bipartisme, notably by Michel Debré in his speech to the Conseil d'État or by René Capitant, one of those who inspired the system, both of whom were great admirers of the British system, founded on a single-round majority vote and bipartisan.
In the first chapter, set on 2 November 1939, Jacques Laruelle and Dr. Vigil drink anisette at the Hotel Casino de la Selva, on a hill above Quauhnahuac (an approximation of the Nahuatl name of Cuernavaca), and reminisce on the Consul's presence, exactly a year ago. His alcoholism is discussed and his unhappy marriage; that his wife came back to him is remarked upon as particularly striking. Their conversation over (they are to meet later again that night at a party), Laruelle walks down from the hotel into town through the ruins of a palace of Archduke Maximilian. Along the way he remembers spending a season with the Consul: Laruelle's family and the Consul's adopted family (the Taskersons, consisting of a poetic-minded patriarch and a set of hard-drinking sons) rented adjoining summer homes on the English Channel.
The verandahs were choked up with piles of bricks, plaster and other debris and the inner walls were as dingy and damp as neglect could make them. This is the place where the "nomination", was to "come off" on the following Monday and I should fancy that it would be the closing scene of this seedy old ruin's career as a courthouse. It is to be degraded into a stable for the police horses and the very magisterial dais itself is to become the depository of cattle fodder.' The journalist remarked upon the construction underway on the current historic courthouse which was 'within a stone's throw' of the old building. The journalist also noted the omission of jury rooms, an omission that would have a bearing on the ultimate decision to build another courthouse in 1986.
In common with other Indo-European languages, the neologisms which are coined for modern concepts are typically based on Greek or Latin, although written in Gaelic orthography; "television", for instance, becomes telebhisean and "computer" becomes coimpiùtar. Although native speakers frequently use an English word for which there is a perfectly good Gaelic equivalent, they will, without thinking, simply adopt the English word and use it, applying the rules of Gaelic grammar, as the situation requires. With verbs, for instance, they will simply add the verbal suffix (-eadh, or, in Lewis, -igeadh, as in, "Tha mi a' watcheadh (Lewis, "watchigeadh") an telly" (I am watching the television), rather than "Tha mi a' coimhead air an telebhisean". This tendency was remarked upon by the minister who compiled the account covering the parish of Stornoway in the New Statistical Account of Scotland, published over 170 years ago.
341 In February 1661 Samuel Pepys remarked upon the poor quality of the new hammered coinage, writing in his diary > we met with Mr. Slingsby, that was formerly a great friend of Mons. > Blondeau, who showed me the stamps of the King’s new coyne; which is strange > to see, how good they are in the stamp and bad in the money, for lack of > skill to make them. But he says Blondeau will shortly come over, and then we > shall have it better, and the best in the world. Blondeau was granted £1,000 to supply all of the machinery required for minting, as well as the machine which would inscribe along the milled edge of the coin the words , meaning "An ornament and a safeguard", signifying the lettering as having a dual role – embellishing the coin as a piece of design, and making it more difficult for counterfeiters.Challis 1992, p.
Throughout the late 70s and 80s, many of the series between the West Indies and England had been dominated by the West Indies who had won fourteen of the fifteen Tests, often by large margins. The next two series in 1989–90 season and 1991 would prove to be closer contests. A 1989–90 series of two halves saw England close to taking a shock 2–0 lead in the series, only to be denied by a wet afternoon at Queens Park Oval and an unusually egregious instance of time-wasting in which officials and ground staff appeared to be complicit, as remarked upon by Brian Lara in a 2017 address. Injuries to their key bowler, Angus Fraser, and batsman, Gooch, changed the course of the series dramatically however, as the West Indies fought back to win the next two Tests, thanks to the pace attack of Ambrose and Ian Bishop.
He likens the song to "Under the Sea", and adds "the mambo is suitably energetic and, once again, acrobatically choreographed by Josh Bergasse". He also comments on Katharine McPhee's "much-remarked-upon blankness" in the song: "her eyes go a little dead... and her whole soul seems to wink out, as if covered by some protective nictating membrane", and adds that "the peak of the song takes her atop a spinning desk, where she looks mighty uncomfortable". He compares the makeover aspect of the song to Evita's "Rainbow High", and adds that sometimes the song was as "lyrically strained" Tim Rice's work, citing: "accenting the word 'the' to keep the rhythm, rhyming obsessively and ostentatiously, strenuously saying nothing and saying it repeatedly, and contracting words to cheat metrical death (e.g., fac'try for factory)", as ways in which "this number trades coquettishly in lyrical hedges that really push [his] buttons".
Following a passionate campaign by Dreyfus's supporters, including leading artists and intellectuals such as Émile Zola, he was given a second trial in 1899 and again declared guilty of treason despite the evidence in favor of his innocence. However, due to public opinion, Dreyfus was offered and accepted a pardon by President Émile Loubet in 1899 and released from prison; this was a compromise that saved face for the military's mistake. Had Dreyfus refused the pardon, he would have been returned to Devil's Island, a fate he could no longer emotionally cope with; so officially Dreyfus remained a traitor to France, and pointedly remarked upon his release: For two years, until July 1906, he lived in a state of house-arrest with one of his sisters at Carpentras, and later at Cologny. On 12 July 1906, Dreyfus was officially exonerated by a military commission.
Diodorus Siculus asserts that a sacrifice acceptable to the Celtic gods had to be attended by a druid, for they were the intermediaries between the people and the divinities. He remarked upon the importance of prophets in druidic ritual: There is archaeological evidence from western Europe that has been widely used to back up the idea that human sacrifice was performed by the Iron Age Celts. Mass graves found in a ritual context dating from this period have been unearthed in Gaul, at both Gournay- sur-Aronde and Ribemont-sur-Ancre in what was the region of the Belgae chiefdom. The excavator of these sites, Jean-Louis Brunaux, interpreted them as areas of human sacrifice in devotion to a war god, although this view was criticized by another archaeologist, Martin Brown, who believed that the corpses might be those of honoured warriors buried in the sanctuary rather than sacrifices.
Dixon's parents separated when she was four and her father moved away, resulting in her later describing her family life as "very dysfunctional". Between the ages of eight and ten, Dixon witnessed her mother suffer domestic violence from her partner; she only spoke publicly about the issue 21 years later, in 2010. Dixon created a documentary for the BBC, Don't Hit My Mum, regarding the issue of domestic abuse from a child's perspective, and remarked upon her own childhood: "When I think about that time, I don't remember living in harmony, I don't remember any fun times, I suppose because the negativity has clouded it. The negative times and the scary times have blocked anything that was good ... I believe that every child has the right to grow up in an environment where they feel secure and fearless going into the world, and I didn't really feel that".
The expected heavy defeat at Sunderland failed to materialise, that club's winning goal coming only when Jack Oliver – a native of the town – chested the ball into his own net while attempting to block a shot. The Leicester Chronicle suggested that if Small Heath could only maintain similar form, they would soon be out of trouble. An exciting though unscientific local derby against West Bromwich Albion, the closest team to Small Heath in the table, produced a 2–2 draw in which Fraser's courage and judgment in a defensive role was remarked upon, and Bruce and James Adlington scored their first goals for the club. On an icy surface on Boxing Day, the home forwards' enthusiasm was rewarded with a goal scored by Adlington from a Wheldon cross to beat Burnley and narrow the gap to just one point behind that club and West Bromwich Albion.
In an otherwise positive review of a 2006 show, Richard Cromelin of the Los Angeles Times noted that Turner seemed "a little spooked by the attention" and hoped he would learn "to reach out more to the audience" in time. In 2007, Kitty Empire of The Observer noted that he was a "reserved" presence on stage: "He chats a bit to about 15 people in the middle of the front rows, and only looks up at the balcony, once, a little apprehensively." Following Arctic Monkeys' headlining appearance at Glastonbury Festival in 2007, Rosie Swash of The Guardian remarked upon Turner's "steady, wry stage presence": "Arctic Monkeys don't do ad-libbing, they don't do crowd interaction, and they don't do encores." Simon Price of The Independent said Turner seemed "to freeze like a rabbit in the spotlights" during a headlining set at Reading Festival in 2009.
An article published by the Michigan Law Review has remarked upon Finch's particular influence in terms of promoting idealistic views of American legal system among many lawyers as well as the character's broader legacy, The original Star Wars trilogy made up of the movies A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi have attracted commentary due to the character arc of series protagonist Luke Skywalker, a former farmer coming from a place of naivety and vulnerability to become a victorious hero. The films' creation intentionally drew upon Jungian archetypes of human psychology such that Skywalker's idealistic nature has gained an emotional resonance with audiences. The theory of the monomyth was important in the trilogy's coming into being as well. In terms of more recent films, the movie Wonder Woman and its titular protagonist has been cited as a commercially successful instance of idealism on the silver screen.
Trained at the École nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, he then went to the Villa Medici after winning the Prix de Rome in 1841, towards the end of Louis- Philippe's reign. He came to be valued for works in an academic style which prefigured his 1841 plaster bas-relief La mort de Démosthène (now at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts), or La Villanelle, exhibited at the Salon of 1848 and remarked upon by Théophile Gautier, who described it as He also produced some more or less romantic paintings, such as Hero and Leander (exhibited in the "grande galerie XIXe siècle" of the musée Roger-Quilliot at Clermont-Ferrand). (See Deluge His short career as a sculptor profited largely from public commissions under the Second French Empire—he was much sought-after for monumental works and received the Légion d'honneur, before dying at only 45.
An associated area of disorganized clouds and thunderstorms persisted off the coast of Mexico for several days, although due to wind shear and its proximity to land, short-term tropical cyclone development--if any-- was expected to occur slowly. On September 27, it began to show signs of organization; the National Hurricane Center (NHC) remarked upon the potential for a tropical cyclone to develop within the next day. It is estimated that the system became a tropical depression at 0000 UTC on September 28, while located about to the south of Manzanillo, Mexico. The depression moved slowly toward the southwest and became better organized, despite a decrease in the coverage of deep convection. By late September 28 the depression was approaching tropical storm status; it turned to the northwest and attained winds of at 0600 UTC on September 29, at which time it was assigned the name Otis.
The precise reasons and motivations behind Vanbrugh's change in career remain unclear, but the decision was sudden enough even to be remarked upon by commentators of his time: :Van’s genius, without thought or lecture, :Is hugely turn’d to architecture. Swift, in this quote, suggests that Vanbrugh had no previous training in, nor studied architecture, but applied himself to the discipline whole-heartedly. As an architect (or surveyor, as the term then was) Vanbrugh is thought to have had no formal training (see "Early life" above). To what extent Vanbrugh's exposure to contemporary French architecture during years of imprisonment in France affected him is hard to gauge, in April 1691page 6, Sir John Vanbrugh Storyteller in Stone, Vaughan Hart, 2008, Yale University Press, he was transferred to Château de Vincennes in the months he spent as a prisoner there he would have got to know the architect Louis Le Vau's grand classical work (1656–61) in the château well.
The 18thC castle and burgh By the first half of the 18th century, rising prosperity was evidenced by the growth of the Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland and British Linen Bank, all based in the city. However Edinburgh was one of the most densely populated, overcrowded and unsanitary towns in the whole of Europe.D Defoe, A Tour Through The Whole Island Of Britain Penguin 1978, p.577 Daniel Defoe's remark was typical of many English visitors, "... though many cities have more people in them, yet, I believe, this may be said with truth, that in no city in the world [do] so many people live in so little room as at Edinburgh". A striking characteristic of Edinburgh society in the 18th century, often remarked upon by visitors,E Topham, Letters from Edinburgh 1774–1775, (James Thin 1971,) p.27 was the close proximity and social interaction of the various social classes.
An archaic ceramic daidala of Athena Glaukopis ("owl-faced" Athena), used as the mascot for the 2004 Olympic Games (National Archaeological Museum, Athens) The daidala is a type of sculpture attributed to the legendary Greek artist, Daedalus, who is connected in legend both to Bronze Age Crete and to the earliest period of Archaic sculpture in Bronze Age Greece. The legends about Daedalus recognize him both as a man and as a mythical embodiment. He was the reputed inventor of agalmata, statues of the gods which had open eyes and moveable limbs, a compelling manifestation of the mystery of divinity (the verb "to see" was reciprocal in Greek: whoever saw was also seen, and the blind were invisible). These statues were so lifelike that Plato remarked upon their amazing and disconcerting mobility, which was accomplished with techniques that are clearly those of the "daidala". The writer Pausanias thought that wooden images were referred to as "daidala" even before Daedalus’s time.
Others were drastically re-arranged takes on old material, such as "Atlantic City", "If I Should Fall Behind" (changed into waltz time), and "Ramrod". The most remarked upon of these was Nebraska's "Open All Night", whose already surreal lyrics about New Jersey's industrial landscape were brought to the level of a "showstopping rave-up" by being rapped against a big band swing arrangement and a pseudo-Andrews Sisters female backing vocal trio. On the third, European leg, the enormous reception the band had received earlier in the year was not lost in the larger shows, and with Springsteen's arrangements of over ten of his original works into folk-like performances to add to the ever-expanding repertoire of Seeger-influenced songs. "The Seeger Sessions Band [was] no longer the ragtag collection of fine individual players they were some months ago, but a tight unit here toward the end of the tour — a band", Backstreets.
The building's fine silk brocaded curtains, chandeliers, cabinets in ebony and gold, and sculptures in alabaster and bronze were remarked upon by a European visitor in 1823, as were the colourful fabric wall coverings imported from England. During the reign of Ranavalona I, Crown Prince Rakoto (later King Radama II) occupied Tranovola as his personal residence. After the Queen's death, Radama continued to occupy rooms on the second storey of the building, using the smaller rooms on the ground floor as storage space. A British visitor in 1873 reported that the wooden floors of Tranovola were highly polished, while the walls were hung with French wallpaper and decorated with imported mirrors and oil paintings including a portrait of Queen Victoria given as a gift to Radama II. Just inside the front door sat a seven-pound Armstrong Gun in its carriage with numerous imported sofas, costly decorative objects and other items placed throughout the vast space.
After receiving his doctorate from the University of Innsbrück in Austria, Bornemissza fled central Europe to escape the post-World War II Soviet regimes and travelled to Western Australia, where he arrived on 31 December 1950. Six months after arriving on Australian shores, while working with the Department of Zoology at the University of Western Australia,Collis, B (2002) Fields of Discovery: Australia’s CSIRO, pub. Allen & Unwin, Australia, ch. 2, p 46, he remarked upon the large number of old, dry cow dung pads that covered cattle grazing fields near Wooroloo, Western Australia \- Riley, Kathy (July 2009), Beetle Mania, Australian Geographic and compared this to the relatively dung-free cattle fields of his native Hungary. In Hungary and elsewhere in the world, dung beetles have adapted to be able to roll and bury large, moist cattle dung pads but native Australian beetles, which co-evolved alongside the marsupials, were not able to utilise bovine dung, since cattle were only relatively recently introduced to Australia in the 1880s.
Hanson, for his part, was new to the composition of opera, although he had already written a fair amount of choral music. Still, he was already respected as an elder statesman of American classical music, and such was his reputation that the Metropolitan was convinced to commission the work. Merry Mount would be the fifteenth American opera, and the last but one, presented at the Met during the tenure of Giulio Gatti-Casazza as company director. The bluntness of the language used in the libretto surprised many, and was remarked upon even during rehearsals; the New York Times wrote, on February 11, 1934: > [T]he call for the first full-dress rehearsal of Mr. Hanson's first act, to > be held today, found several of the singing actors wondering whether modern > censorship would approve the candor of some of the "plain English" sung or > spoken by the Pilgrim Fathers to their disturbing neighbors, the Cavaliers > of Quincy, Mass.
In January 1975 he was made player- manager, a position he retained for most of the next 20 years. Although the strip followed the Rovers through nearly 40 seasons, Roy did not age at the same rate and appeared to be at most in his late thirties by the time the weekly comic ended. This unrealistic longevity was never remarked upon by the weekly comic, although the monthly comic attempted to address the anomaly by explaining that more than one Roy Race had played for Melchester over the years. Roy won a number of trophies during his career with Rovers, including nine league titles, eight FA Cups, three League Cups, three European Cups, one UEFA Cup, and four Cup Winners' Cups, and he also made several appearances for England. He married club secretary Penny Laine at the end of the 1975–76 season, with whom he had three children: Roy Jr. (later known as Rocky), Melinda, and Diana.
His mother suffered a breakdown when he was in his teens and in 1923 entered a mental hospital from which she would not emerge. Prichard's biographer, Menna Baines, has remarked upon the difference in what is made of the community as it is looked at in Prichard's work, with how it appears in the work of Kate Roberts, and T. Rowland Hughes, also writers of the Caernarfonshire quarrying district. "This community traditionally portrayed as [-] hard-working, devout, [of] cultured and politically aware quarrymen, belonging to a whole community of like-minded people was a potent myth of the Welsh-Nonconformist-Radical tradition [-] in Prichard's novel the local pub seems more the focus of village life, and in place of the dignity and stoicism portrayed in the Roberts/Rowland Hughes world [-] here people crack and go under with the strain, commit suicide and go insane [-] religion is not an anchor, but an obsession, gossip and superstition, not political ideas are exchanged on the streets." One Moonlit Night, Penguin Classics, 1999, p.
The Irish Independent said "Meath's Leinster Final goal-that-never-was will go down in history – and not only in Ireland, since by now the images have flashed round the world – among the great injustices suffered in any sport". The Irish Times described "ugly scenes", with Damian Cullen calling it "one of the strangest endings ever to a GAA match", Seán Moran describing it as "the most extraordinary refereeing error since Jimmy Cooney whistled up early 12 years ago", and the newspaper publishing numerous letters on the topic from disgruntled members of the public every day that week. The same newspaper's Philip Reid remarked upon the coincidence that these events had occurred on the same day as the 2010 FIFA World Cup Final in South Africa, wondered why goal-line technology could not be used and added: "On this point, it would appear, the GAA and FIFA have something in common: they live in the times of the dinosaur". The events in Croke Park led to less prominent newspaper coverage of the FIFA World Cup Final itself the next day.
The exceptionally low social status of a surviving English author has been remarked upon. According to Naomi Baker, a major scholar of Thurgood's work, Rose Thurgood's narrative is remarkable in giving "a rare and fascinating glimpse into the lives of puritan women in the early decades of the seventeenth century", "particularly significant as an almost unique opportunity to hear the voice of a seventeenth-century woman living in extreme poverty"; "economic desperation was by no means an exceptional experience in England in the first decades of the seventeenth century, yet texts articulating the agony of a woman who 'could not abide this life any longer' because she 'would not live to see [her] children starve' are extremely rare from this period". Baker has published several critical analyses of Thurgood's "Lecture of Repentance", often alongside Cicely Johnson's similar conversion narrative. Baker cites Thurgood's concurrent use of the Geneva Bible and King James Bible as evidence of "a somewhat more complicated picture of the use of the two versions of the Bible by English Puritans" than had previously been considered.
Positive elements of Sonic Unleashed remarked upon by reviews include the environments, such as the "postcard-perfect architecture", and the graphics, with stages looking "absolutely gorgeous" and being "very pretty and lovingly animated", with one reviewer comparing them to a playable Pixar film. Praise was given to the technical competence of Sega's new Hedgehog Engine as a whole on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, with "bright cartoonish graphics that fly by without a stutter"; however, some complaints were raised about frame rate reduction when large numbers of enemies appeared during the Werehog sections. Although the Wii and PlayStation 2 versions do not use the Hedgehog Engine, graphics for these platforms were still praised for their high quality, with the game being nominated for Best Graphics Technology for the Wii by IGN in its 2008 video game awards. The soundtrack to the game was also praised as being an improvement on more recent installments in the series; use of an orchestral score, rather than rock as in more recent games, was appreciated.
The London Gazette of 17 March 1691 published a patent in favour of John Lofting for a fire engine, but remarked upon and recommended another invention of his, for a beer pump: "Whereas their Majesties have been Graciously Pleased to grant Letters patent to John Lofting of London Merchant for a New Invented Engine for Extinguishing Fires which said Engine have found every great encouragement. The said Patentee hath also projected a Very Useful Engine for starting of beer and other liquors which will deliver from 20 to 30 barrels an hour which are completely fixed with Brass Joints and Screws at Reasonable Rates. Any Person that hath occasion for the said Engines may apply themselves to the Patentee at his house near St Thomas Apostle London or to Mr. Nicholas Wall at the Workshoppe near Saddlers Wells at Islington or to Mr. William Tillcar, Turner, his agent at his house in Woodtree next door to the Sun Tavern London." "Their Majesties" referred to were William and Mary, who had recently arrived from the Netherlands and had been appointed joint monarchs.
This interpretation reduced a near-divine figure (a daughter of the Sun) to a stereotyped emblem of grotesque bestiality and the shocking excesses of lust and deceit.This was the commonplace of brief notices of Pasiphaë among Latin poets, too, Rebecca Armstrong notes, in Cretan Women: Pasiphae, Ariadne, and Phaedra in Latin Poetry (Oxford University Press) 2006:169. Armstrong falls into the trap of literalness: in discussing the list of candidates for children of Pasiphaë and Minos, she remarks, "It seems unlikely that Pasiphaë gave birth to these human children after her liaison with the bull" (172 note 9); but there is no chronologically coherent narrative before and after in myth or dream, the aspect of myth that Ruck and Staples (1994:9) call "the suspension of linear chronology", a feature which is remarked upon in all introductions to Greek myth. Pasiphaë appeared in Virgil's Eclogue VI (45–60), in Silenus' list of suitable mythological subjects, on which Virgil lingers in such detail that he gives the sixteen-line episode the weight of a brief inset myth.
It is commonly accepted that the absence of specific mention of Baruch in canon lists circulating in the West cannot be interpreted as an assertion that the Book of Baruch was non-canonical, only that it is being assumed within Jeremiah ; although there was also an extensive body of pseudopigraphal Baruch apocalyptic literature ( 2 Baruch, 3 Baruch, 4 Baruch), which are frequently classed in Latin lists as apocryphal. The first Christian writer to reject the biblical Book of Baruch in its entirety (whether as a separate work, or as part of Jeremiah) is Jerome. Subsequently, because the Vulgate text of Jeremiah, following Jerome, now lacked both Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah, those Latin Fathers who favoured the Vulgate – Gregory the Great, Isidore of Seville and Bede – notably do not cite texts from either of these two books as scripture; and appear not to consider them canonical. Bogaert notes a preface to the Vulgate text of Jeremiah, likely dating from the 5th century, where the radical differences of the Vulgate and Old Latin texts are remarked upon.
' He delivers more inner life than outer, more desire for vengeance than for anything else, and more sheer stuff per page—stuff you don't expect—than in any other novels.” Literary broadcaster Michael Silverblatt once questioned Theroux’s 'perverse appreciation' at how inaccessible his books are thought to be. > “Perhaps he sees his finely-wrought works of language and their lack of > purchase on the culture as an apocalyptic indictment of that culture, of the > intellectually (and especially verbally) careless society that could corrupt > them. Were I him, I feel as if I’d want revenge: against lazy readers, > against unengaged critics, against risk-averse publishers. But maybe, given > what they’re all missing out on, he’s already taking it.” Alex Kurtagić wrote on his blog in 2009, > “At my wedding, my cousin Pierre remarked upon the fact that when in my > teens I used to enjoy reading dictionaries and collecting rare, antique, and > obscure words (a criterion that defines my collecting in other areas as > well). Several such dictionaries consisted purely of such words, and one of > them helpfully illustrated their usage with quotes by modern authors.
Beyond the emphasis on public ministry, the Odyssean tradition is characterized by the following: it is an Eclectic tradition in its origins that has a strong British Traditional Wicca style to its forms of organization and initiation; although it emulates British Traditional the tradition's approach to ritual is more flexible and may often be less structured than many British Traditional Wiccans would be comfortable with; the tradition rejects the concepts of Neopagan monism and Neopagan monotheism; the tradition does accept the base- line Wiccan concept of Neopagan duotheism but does encourage students and seekers alike to choose to affiliate with a particular Pagan pantheon and encourages the devotion to a deity (or group of deities) . The Odyssean training system is remarked upon as being notably rigorous, which can be observed in the Wiccan Church of Canada weekly classes. These classes comprise the basic body of knowledge considered necessary by Odysseans, and can span upwards of 150 hours of class time or more. Completion of these classes (which includes the student completing the homework exercises assigned) is often considered a minimum requirement by Initiates before they accept a person as a new student.
ALMA. The bending of light by a gravitational body was predicted by Albert Einstein in 1912, a few years before the publication of general relativity in 1916 (Renn et al. 1997). The ring effect was first mentioned in the academic literature by Orest Khvolson in a short article in 1924, in which he mentioned the “halo effect” of gravitation when the source, lens, and observer are in near-perfect alignment. Einstein remarked upon this effect in 1936 in a paper prompted by a letter by a Czech engineer, R W Mandl , but stated (In this statement, β is the Einstein Radius currently denoted by \theta_1, as in the expression above.) However, Einstein was only considering the chance of observing Einstein rings produced by stars, which is low – the chance of observing those produced by larger lenses such as galaxies or black holes is higher since the angular size of an Einstein ring increases with the mass of the lens. The first complete Einstein ring, designated B1938+666, was discovered by collaboration between astronomers at the University of Manchester and NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1998.
578 Napoleon remarked upon it: > There is a gift of being able to see at a glance the possibilities offered > by the terrain...One can call it the coup d'œil militaire and it is inborn > in great generals.Napoleon I, 1769-1821, Mémoires As did Folard and Liddell Hart: > The coup d'œil is a gift of God and cannot be acquired; but if professional > knowledge does not perfect it, one can only see things imperfectly and in a > fog, which is not enough in these matters where it is important to have a > clear eye...To look over a battlefield, to take in at the first instance the > advantages and disadvantages is the great quality of a general.Chevalier > Folard, Nouvelles Decouvertes sur la Guerre, 1724 > A vital faculty of generalship is the power of grasping instantly the > picture of the ground and the situation, of relating one to the other, and > the local to the general.B. H. Liddell Hart, Thoughts on War, xi, 1944, > emphasis in the original The coup d'œil remains important for officers in modern armies for the positioning of infantry, tanks, artillery etc.
Following on from the resurgence of economic liberalism in the 1980s, the last decade of the 20th century was noted for a greater embrace of social liberalism within British society, largely attributed to the greater influence of the generation born in the socially transformative 1960s. In 1990, 69% of Britons surveyed believed homosexuality was morally wrong; by the end of the decade this had fallen to below half, and the legal age of consent for homosexual sexual activity had been lowered to 16, in line with heterosexual sex. The death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997 was also observed to have demonstrated the way in which social attitudes towards mourning had changed, with the unprecedented mass public outpourings of grief that characterised the days after her death being remarked upon as reflecting a change in the national psyche. Growing disparity in the relative affluence of those who have benefitted and those 'left behind' from the deindustrialisation and globalisation of the economy was attributed as one of the primary factors behind the surprise victory of the 'leave' campaign in the 2016 European Union membership referendum, and began wider discourse on the emergence of 'two countries' within England that represented greatly differing social attitudes and outlooks.

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