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"relativism" Definitions
  1. the belief that truth and right and wrong cannot be judged generally but can be judged only in relation to other things, such as your personal situation
"relativism" Synonyms

152 Sentences With "relativism"

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Postmodernism was in the air, and, in an age of cultural relativism, rental relativism fit right in.
You can't beat moral fanaticism with weak tea moral relativism.
No, because it turns out it doesn't descend into relativism.
Cultural relativism that threatens to subjugate ethics and critical thinking.
And we have to get rid of the cultural relativism.
It is ironic that cultural relativism today has so few
It wasn't a call to nihilism or defense of relativism.
The book was a broadside against multiculturalism and cultural relativism.
Call it what you want: relativism, constructivism, deconstruction, postmodernism, critique.
Moral relativism has been exceedingly convenient for China over the years.
But today it has given way to relativism and self-doubt.
That may be so, but it has nothing to do with relativism.
Either way, where America once aspired to be a beacon, relativism rules.
No. Back to relativism when dealing with KKK, Nazi sympathizers, white supremacists?
That's some bullshit relativism, and most lies are plain on their face.
Being smart, they soon realize the incoherence of the relativism being taught.
Moral relativism, we have learned yet again, tends to benefit mendacious demagogues.
Moral relativism corrodes sentiment in the frontline states of the new cold war.
King thinks that the reason for this was the rise of anti-relativism.
It's clear that Andersen is uncomfortable with the extreme relativism we've settled into.
Still, by challenging moral relativism more broadly, Douthat nonetheless raises an important point.
It explicitly rejects moral relativism, modernism, secularism, and the separation of church and state.
In an age of profound relativism, he pursued an ongoing search for immutable values.
Relativism helped displace the notion that the white European male represented a universal experience.
My colleague and I then make our way down the spiraling rabbit hole of relativism.
"We see the growing ascendancy of secularism and the doctrine of moral relativism," he said.
The film also got me thinking about cultural relativism and the ultimate meaning of human freedom.
Taken to its logical extreme, which its proponents often do, it is a form of relativism.
For ordinary Americans, traditional religion was a bulwark against the moral relativism of the modern age.
Uncertainty and doubt are essential elements of any drama, but "Alias Grace" puts relativism at its heart.
While Bill Clinton espoused a sort of moral relativism, everybody should not be judged the same way.
The first problem with this definition of freedom is that it pushes society toward a tepid relativism.
Melle does not go for moral relativism, and he does not exonerate the daughters for their villainy.
Back then, this form of tolerance had not yet been conflated with the notion of cultural relativism.
LOUIS MEYERSSOUTH BURLINGTON, VT. To the Editor: President Trump's defense of Rob Porter exemplifies his moral relativism.
All of this raises a series of disturbing questions: How much further can this political relativism be pushed?
It must be possible to acknowledge, without descending into relativism, that power doesn't corrupt only the most powerful.
There are no longer mediating institutions capable of slowing our headlong descent into epistemological relativism and partisan nihilism.
Many academic feminists today celebrate choice but also embrace a cultural relativism dictated by the imperatives of intersectionality.
That diagnosis seemed accurate to many people, and it seemed to point toward a culture of easygoing relativism.
And yet, for all of the company's catholic tastes, there are lines of relativism it will not cross.
But Trump's relationship to the truth seems novel, if only because he doesn't try to hide his relativism.
Defenders of Harvey Weinstein, of Roman Polanski, or of Roy Moore often use temporal moral relativism as an excuse.
The truly fun part of the story of God of War for Norse nerds is the destabilising moral relativism.
This requires buying into the moral relativism at the heart of Trump's deny, distract, deflect and divide rhetorical strategy.
How he wrote about the issue, however, speaks to the heart of our criticism of moral relativism among progressives.
Each new season of the show is a self-contained chapter testing the boundaries of human resilience and moral relativism.
That is why we all need to make clear there is no moral relativism when it comes to neo-Nazis.
No one can deny that increasing levels of moral relativism have resulted in tragic outcomes that we never thought possible.
Roper, who was himself a lawyer and member of Parliament, was the face of resolve — and relativism — in the law.
Call it identity politics, moral relativism or political correctness — it is shortsighted, dangerous and, ultimately, a betrayal of liberal values.
Relativism is a hard philosophy to kick, so I suggest you avoid getting too attached to it while you're still young.
Walter Kempowski, who was born in 1929 and died in 2007, was a lifelong investigator of this kind of private relativism.
That's why the intelligent conservative has no time either for illiberalism, often of the right, or relativism, typically of the left.
There was an animated debate about penises and female breasts in the office today, but there was actually a ton of substance to the initial topic and the ensuing debate… The discussion touched on a ton of really interesting topics like cultural relativism, gender relativism, Egyptian hieroglyphics, perception, philosophy around absolute aesthetics, and even what constitutes a visual symbol.
It really shook me and made me think that exploring a food taboo like cannibalism could test the bounds of cultural relativism.
Mr Robertson argues that ethical investors should instead adopt a kind of economic relativism, judging countries relative to their GDP per person.
Do you buy Strauss's claim that modern liberalism, insofar as it abolishes transcendent standards, was destined to decline into negation and relativism?
His major-label career had been defined by his well-worn Slim Shady persona, with its cartoon violence and gleeful moral relativism.
"This is speculative, but 'I feel like' fits with this general relativism run rampant," Sally McConnell-Ginet, a linguist at Cornell, suggested.
The danger of this district-by-district relativism, of course, is that the party offers up a thousand messengers but no message.
There is an abundance of moral relativism here, but I see this as increasingly a litmus test of the West on China.
As Casey Williams wrote in The Stone in The Times last April: Call it what you want: relativism, constructivism, deconstruction, postmodernism, critique.
Pluralism is not relativism: I do not have to agree that there is no truth about climate change or racism or God.
Kirill laments that modern relativism makes it hard to preach the Gospel but fails to mention that worse impediments existed in the past.
But we should reject the moral relativism that says because our own union is not perfect, we are no different from the despots.
Dr. Appleby did not reject postmodernism and multiculturalism out of hand, but she feared that they had taken history too far toward relativism.
A version of postmodernism that questioned objective truth and promoted relativism was fashionable, even celebrated, in the academy in the 1980s and 1990s.
It doesn't dissolve into a postmodern-ish haze of discourses; it doesn't prioritize textuality in a way that supplants pluralism with fuzzy relativism.
He was particularly wary of "moral relativism," his catchall term for a philosophy he defined as one in which there were no moral absolutes.
White Rex rejects modern society — its relativism, consumerism, hedonism — in favor of militantly reviving its vision of traditional masculinity: conservative, straight-edge, and unapologetically racist.
But the time is long gone when we can withhold moral judgment about the human depredations against nature or burnish human predators with cultural relativism.
The disturbing rise in U.S. suicides can also be more easily linked to meager mental health care resources and the ubiquity of firearms than moral relativism.
And the fact that he knows it and, therefore, knows what he's doing with this faux attempt at moral relativism makes him all the more dangerous.
"The law is being used as a battering ram to break down traditional moral values and to establish moral relativism as a new orthodoxy," he said.
Like those works, "Hostiles" is most concerned with moral relativism, showing how Blocker's viciousness in killing is no different from the "savagery" he detests in Native Americans.
Christian, if you cannot say definitively, no matter what, that adults creeping on teenage girls is wrong, do not tell me how you stand against moral relativism.
But what is even more troublesome has been the twisted, exasperating (and dangerous) moral relativism of Swedes to what they see every day and night all around them.
A deadly combination of right-wing free-market fundamentalism and left-wing moral relativism led to a withering away of moral norms and shared codes of decent conduct.
"When it's real-world conflict, you can introduce moral relativism," Thomspon said, explaining that boys' fantasy lives are no place for lessons on subjectivity and humanizing the other.
He frequently "rejects the premise" of a question and invokes everything from "Cartesian relativism" and "Greco-Roman philosophy" to the Magna Carta when asked to describe his political beliefs.
"The Closing of the American Mind" is a Great Booksist attempt to account for the rise of cultural relativism, which Bloom thought was the bane of American higher education.
The battlegrounds were college campuses, Hollywood, the bedroom — anywhere that moral relativism, secularism and the general "culture of depravity," as dedicated warriors like Rush Limbaugh put it, held sway.
" But "over the past 216 years religion has been under increasing attack," driven from the public square by "the growing ascendancy of secularism and the doctrine of moral relativism.
It's the kind of life-affirming chicanery that almost makes you forget that deep fake technology is quietly undermining yet another medium in our ever-quickening descent into informational relativism.
Pope Pius IX wouldn't have had to write a Syllabus of Errors if he weren't deeply, deeply worried that those "errors" — secularism, modernity, moral relativism, and more — threatened Catholic ideology.
That tendency was mostly suppressed in Maksik's first novel, "You Deserve Nothing" (2011), in which the protagonist teaches postmodernism by way of relativism to international high school students in Paris.
"Christians, if you cannot say definitively, no matter what, that adults creeping on teenage girls is wrong, do not tell me how you stand against moral relativism," Russell Moore tweeted.
But in the past few decades, the party of Davos — with its globalism, relativism, pluralism and diversity — has sapped away the moral foundations of this Judeo-Christian way of life.
Many seem to resent what one commenter described as the video's emphasis on "memes and cultural relativism," as opposed to a more overt emphasis on vloggers and personality-driven content.
The relativism of "seductress" and "seduced" is too symmetrical; the connection in the drawings is exclusively one of artist and model, with the shrapnel of subterranean desire ricocheting between them.
As a former diplomat to the Middle East and South Asia, I have witnessed first-hand instances where Western values come crashing into the logic of cultural relativism and historical justification.
"The outcry over the Nazi costumes in Taiwan, while obviously offensive to those educated on this terrible period in history, should remind us of the dangers of cultural relativism," he said.
Bloom attacked both Mead and Benedict, and the notion that teachers who preach cultural relativism are turning American students into unpatriotic nihilists has been a recurrent theme in political rhetoric ever since.
It follows that secular folk, who are infecting the nation with a terrible spirit of moral relativism, will not fully understand the concept of evil, except in glimmerings when something terrible happens.
That coexistence depends on a tension between doctrine and practice, in which the church's official teaching remains conservative even as the everyday life of Catholicism is shot through with disagreement, relativism, dissent.
DEBRAM ASKS: While there are certainly examples of moral relativism, I believe it is wrong to say that people on the left do not speak out against child marriage or genital mutilation.
Unless your neighbors' relativism includes thinking that it's right for people to exclude girls from sport programs because their culture thinks they should be excluded, you all believe they're making a mistake.
These are safe spaces for conservatives who think little has changed since William F. Buckley scorned the "ne plus ultra relativism, idiot nihilism" and "hoax of academic freedom" at Yale in the 1950s.
His pre-election homily against the "dictatorship of relativism" helped get him the job, and his papacy was considered by many as a last-ditch effort to save Europe and its Christian roots.
He points out that cultural relativism is the principal target of Allan Bloom's "The Closing of the American Mind," which was published in 1987 and helped launch the culture wars of the ensuing decade.
The senator has called on the government to withdraw funding for the program, on the basis that it was "indoctrinating children into a Marxist agenda of cultural relativism," according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
The biologists endorse an illegitimate cultural relativism: They do not even offer any reason why countries are the appropriate units for these discussions and how relying on them would not simply endorse cultural prejudices.
They don't seem evil all the way through, and yet their cause is not sympathetic enough to pitch the cartoony right-versus-wrong dynamic of The Defenders towards interesting questions around relativism or ambivalence.
And for those who traffic in historical relativism, although Gauguin's world has long since vanished, the artists he supported in his day are the same ones we turn to more than a century later.
So where are Benda's conservative disciples today, the ones I remember from panel discussions on the importance of moral character, the dangers of relativism, or the post-modern assault on the concept of truth?
Andriea Martínez, "Tutti Frutti" (2017), detail view These challenges to cultural relativism permeate much of Martínez's work, which very successfully identifies and reconfigures everyday items that function both as utilitarian objects and national symbols.
The reflexive application of that relativism actually seems like a disservice to Clinton, whom former immediate staff almost always seem to hold in high esteem, even the ones who've disagreed with management choices she's made.
Sarkozy and Le Pen argue that Parisian elites have become so lost in their bubble of cultural relativism that they are blind to the destruction wreaked upon France's secular, Western identity by immigrants and refugees.
It's an accepted truth that you'll hear spoken by everyone from the most experienced fighter to the most casual fan: it's a test with no grey area, no bias, and little room for moral relativism.
That continuing issue aside, Ball is introducing too many subplots and invoking too many huge concepts (empathy, fear, anxiety, religious devotion, optimism, nihilism, relativism, hedonism, sexism, racism) to give any element the attention it deserves.
Some mission statements leave an awful lot of room for collateral damage Some mission statements leave an awful lot of room for collateral damage In the startup world, moral relativism seems to be a guiding force.
To them, the "illiberal" autocrats across the Atlantic are fast becoming the new standard-bearers in a global battle for traditional values, an antidote to what they see as rising decadence and moral relativism in the West.
Before Martin McDonagh's controversial foray into small town American politics with Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, he applied his dark humor toward a couple of hitmen grappling with moral relativism in the small Belgian town of Bruges.
"I think it's really about an immoral or amoral agenda to promote lifestyles, relativism, compromise and shades of gray with no black and white," pastor and faith-based film producer Michael Catt told the evangelical Decision magazine in 2014.
Little is more ubiquitous to American white male artists born in a certain era than narcissistic relativism, that sentiment that the freedom to do whatever one wants should carry no moral responsibility, allow for any confrontations nor engender any consequences.
The rest of the doc gives plenty of screen time to members—many of them young women—letting them show off their rifles and talk at length about the garbled hippie beliefs instilled by Manson and their moral relativism about murder.
Other social media companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, should follow YouTube's lead, most notably because Al Jazeera has been specifically targeting social media users with its youth-oriented AJ+ channel, which spreads such problematic messages as moral relativism about terrorism.
Republicans paint themselves as moral absolutists in a relativistic world, but all the evidence of the last few years shows that most Republicans are actually tribalists who will resort to moral relativism to justify support for a vile public figure.
Long shrouded in a gray area of cultural relativism, eating dogs has become a taboo in the country as younger generations gravitate closer to the Western belief that a pooch is man's best friend, rather than a tasty delicacy, according to AFP .
And MMA has always been more rigid and less forgiving than that, with little tolerance for moral relativism or nuance from its heroes, ready to help accelerate anyone's fall from grace the moment they show the faintest hint of hubris or weakness.
Her speech was one of the classic expressions of the conservative Republican foreign policy case against Democrats, who were allegedly so prone to relativism that they couldn't discuss the crimes of America's enemies without noting that America also had a checkered past.
Lucetta Scaraffia, a Rome-based scholar of Catholicism, said Francis might have wanted a bolder document, but he faced stiffed resistance from opponents who feared that he was trying to change doctrine, or that loosening norms might mean the triumph of moral relativism.
Books like Allan Bloom's Closing of the American Mind and Dinesh D'Souza's Illiberal Education popularized the idea that professors infected their students with relativism, liberalism, and leftism, laying the intellectual groundwork for a new effort to limit the influence of liberal scholars.
He was considered by Claude Lévi-Strauss, no less, to be the first social scientist, and a pioneer of relativism—he thought that those cannibals were just as virtuous as the Europeans they offended, that customs vary equably from place to place.
Kerry Emanuel, a climate scientist at MIT and former member of NAS, says he was initially drawn to the organization because he was worried about what he saw as a growing relativism in the academy, evident in the work of deconstructionist philosophers like Jacques Derrida.
It is not a counsel of relativism: campaigners are right to say that sexual harassment has never been right or forgivable, even if it was indeed forgiven by other men, just as, say, the anti-Semitism of Ezra Pound or Richard Wagner was always obnoxious.
It's a perspective that allows for a very limited sort of historical relativism: artists of the past may not have been as skilled as those in the present, so Vasari thought, but one could still discern those who were better, more advanced, than their contemporaries.
In his disdain for science, in the subjectivity of his worldview, in his radically solipsistic moral relativism (things are good or bad as they relate to him), he is a postmodern hero par excellence, Derrida with a funny haircut and a thousand-dollar suit.
Our Back Pages This week's issue highlights new books about influential figures in American history, including a biography of Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. In 1989, Schlesinger, using an iconic scene in "Huckleberry Finn," argued that America was a nation of relativism rather than absolutes.
By showing that scientific facts are the product of all-too-human procedures, these critics charge, Latour — whether he intended to or not — gave license to a pernicious anything-goes relativism that cynical conservatives were only too happy to appropriate for their own ends.
But Trump's willingness to engage in moral relativism and to stoke the notion that you take as much as you can until someone stronger stops you are the sorts of things that will likely echo well beyond his four or eight years in office.
If this sounds like a forerunner of modern cultural relativism, in a way it is — with the caveat that one worldview, the one based on faith in an inerrant Bible, does have a claim on universal truth, and everyone else is a myopic relativist.
What this means is that rather than trying to figure out how the structure of an alien's language might uniquely shape their worldview (the theoretical basis of Arrival known as linguistic relativism) and basing a message off of that, METI researchers go in the opposite direction.
Splitting the difference between commercial slickness and graphic-novel solemnity, this Trek offers PG-13 violence, audience-pandering exposition dumps, cliffhanger endings, Game of Thrones–style pomp, and a touch of Lost's mystery-box plotting, but also poker-faced musings on quantum science, moral relativism, logic vs.
That two well-known American cable news hosts would so blithely sign up with a network Russia has financed with the explicit purpose of forwarding its view of the world says something about the extreme — and extremely cynical — media relativism that has fallen upon the land.
Her subjects ranged from the pitfalls of modern approaches to history and philosophy to the moral relativism she perceived, with dismay, in the public's attitude about the conduct of President Bill Clinton — his lying about a sexual affair — that led to his impeachment in the 21918s.
I would submit that the Trumps lie in two ways: first, by directly and intentionally saying things they know well aren't true, and second, by obfuscating with linguistic obtuseness, by overusing a nebulous relativism and by spouting an excess of superlatives to stand in for meaningful description and disclosure.
Google's algorithm appears to have been manipulated to deliver a racist, anti-Semitic top result on searches for the term "Boasian anthropology" — a reference to the work of Franz Boas, a German-American anthropologist whose theory of relativism argued against the belief that Western civilization was superior to other cultures.
"The Unintended Reformation," by Brad Gregory, a history professor at Notre Dame, is noted as an example of work that posits a "road not taken," one in which medieval Christianity could have produced a modern world much like our own, only better: less consumerist, free from relativism, more humanly fulfilling.
Mr. Merz's article set off a long, polemical debate in which one side made accusations of racism and the other side answered with accusations of cultural relativism; by the end, the question hadn't been answered, but the fight was so vicious that the word was rendered unutterable in polite conversation.
He joins his voice with those of critics from across the political spectrum who have expressed doubts about our cultural trend toward moral relativism, and more widely, toward what Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman called "liquid modernity": the idea that in late modernity, a person's identity and self are, basically, fluid.
But as such, ideas seeped into popular culture and merged with the narcissism of the "Me Decade" [and] also led to a more reductive form of relativism that allowed people to insist that their opinions were just as valid as objective truths verified by scientific evidence or serious investigative reporting.
In a region of the world where the stoning and dismembering of women and the torching of homosexuals are treated by some as mere oddities of moral relativism, Alexander could have mentioned many countries that, as she phrases it in her piece, perpetrate "injustices beyond our borders," but she singled out Israel for condemnation. Why?
Journalist Matthew Yglesias's infamous 2013 Slate article titled "Different Places Have Different Safety Rules and That's Okay," a defense of the lax safety regulations which led to the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Savar, Bangladesh, similarly repurposes academic arguments about moral relativism to contend that exploitative garment factories are a public good.
Bret: There's a side of me that thinks that Trump is a natural culmination for a country that has spent the past 60 years besotted with television, the past 50 with moral relativism, the past 40 with ostentation, the past 30 with the politics of sex, and the past 20 with the politics of fear.
In its extreme form, relativism excuses Muslim men from universal standards because they are said to be victims of colonialism and of recent military invasions; because they are new immigrants who face cultural alienation; and because they cannot be deprived of their last source of pride: their domination over their women in their communities.
Cardinal Müller told the Italian publication Il Timone that church doctrine clearly prohibits divorced and remarried Catholics from receiving communion unless they abstain from sex, a position laid out in a 1981 exhortation by Pope John Paul II. Cardinal Müller also pointed to a 1993 encyclical from John Paul that warned against moral relativism.
And there's no acknowledgment that a familiar tag like "moral relativism" may be a poor fit for a woke progressivism whose moral fervor is increasingly the opposite of relativist — but perhaps a better fit for a religious conservatism that has demonstrated an embarrassing, at times self-discrediting moral flexibility in its support of, well, Donald Trump.
"The criticism of postmodern theory as 'anything goes relativism' is a bum rap," says John Caputo, emeritus professor of religion at Syracuse University: In postmodern theory we are better served by the idea of having 'good reasons,' meaning the best idea that anybody has at the moment, remembering that some obscure fellow working in a patent office because he can't find a job teaching physics is liable to change the face of physics tomorrow morning.
But in between secularism and traditionalism lies the most American approach to matters of faith: a religious individualism that blurs the line between the God out there and the God Within, a gnostic spirituality that constantly promises access to a secret and personalized wisdom, a gospel of health and wealth that insists that the true spiritual adept will find both happiness and money, a do-it-yourself form of faith that encourages syncretism and relativism and the pursuit of "your truth" (to borrow one of Oprah's Golden Globes phrases) in defiance of the dogmatic and the skeptical alike.
Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanEmbattled Juul seeks allies in Washington Ex-Parkland students criticize Kellyanne Conway Latina leaders: 'It's a women's world more than anything' MORE (R-Wis.) on Monday said there can be no "moral relativism" when talking about neo-Nazis in his sharpest statement yet on the violence earlier this month in Charlottesville, Va. Ryan's message, delivered as a post on Facebook, did not mention President Trump but was clearly worded as a response to the controversy surrounding the president's remarks on the issue, in which he said both sides were to blame for Charlottesville — white supremacists and those protesting them.

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