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23 Sentences With "recountings"

How to use recountings in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "recountings" and check conjugation/comparative form for "recountings". Mastering all the usages of "recountings" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Slogans about believing victims aren't just about believing factual recountings of past events.
The fights are almost blow-for-blow recountings of weapon exchanges and dice rolls.
Two borrowers gave emotional recountings of their ordeal with Wells Fargo's mortgage operation, both breaking into tears.
It is probably an important moment in American history, but we no longer need to rely on the recountings of established media.
For now, Huang's depictions of girlfriends and recountings of his love life seem most compelling during obsessive — even "psychotic," in his own words — scenes of intrusion and strife.
McGahn showed up hundreds of times in Mueller's final report, often as the source of vivid recountings of Trump's attempts to try to stymie an investigation into whether his campaign conspired with Russia on its election-interference attempts.
During Bronze Age recountings of Two- Face's origin, Maroni's role was unchanged, but his name was changed to Morelli. Harvey Dent's surname was altered to Dent, which has become that character's permanent name. In this version, Batman is present at the trial and tries to prevent the mobster from throwing the acid, but is unable to prevent Dent from being disfigured. Prior to COIE, Maroni appeared in DC Superstars #14 and Batman #328 to #329.
In 2012, RBFCU completed the construction of an addition to its new corporate headquarters, including the Randy M. Smith Cuseum, which provides recountings of the credit union's history and heritage through multiple media, including video, multimedia, art and sculpture. In 2018, a second addition was made to the corporate headquarters to allow space for more growth, and to expand upon employee amenity offerings such as a fitness center, café, health clinic and more.
There are also significant portions of stream-of-consciousness writing. What is not written as dialogue or stream-of-consciousness is written as meta-fictional government documentation. The conversations between the characters, when not focused on the moment at hand, are recountings of films that Molina has seen, which act as a form of escape from their environment. Thus there are a main plot, several subplots, and five additional stories that comprise the novel.
The Anglo-Scottish border has a long tradition of balladry, such that a whole group of songs exists that are often called "border ballads", because they were collected in that region. Border ballads, like all traditional ballads, were traditionally sung unaccompanied. There may be a repeating motif, but there is no "chorus" as in most popular songs. The supernatural is a common theme in border ballads, as are recountings of raids and battles.
There are numerous parallels between the Saga of Erik the Red and the Greenland saga, including recurring characters and recountings of the same expeditions, though with a few notable differences. The saga of Erik the Red portrays a number of the expeditions in the Greenland saga as just one expedition led by Thorfinn Karlsefni, although Erik's son Thorvaldr, his daughter Freydís and Karlsefni's wife Gudrid play key roles in the retelling.Smiley, Jane. The Sagas of the Icelanders. Deluxe.
Scriabin said, "What 'Fantaisie'?". This story, told by Sabaneev and repeated by Faubion Bowers in his biography of Scriabin, may however be apocryphal. At any rate, as Sabaneev saw fit to fake Scriabin's death-date and otherwise make free with facts, his recountings of otherwise uncorroborated stories are best taken with a grain of salt. Be that as it may, Faubion Bowers' extensive documentation of Scriabin's concert programs shows no evidence of Scriabin having played the piece in public.
Many authors about sodomy, Ascension Island, or castaway stories read either the version of 1730 or the version of 1976 and decided to include parts in their own publications, not realising they were quoting from a fake story.see Alex Ritsema, Ibid, pp.142-145. As late as 1988, recountings of the stories of castaways in English still claimed his name was unknown. In 2002 a Dutch book Een Hollandse Robinson Crusoë was published, written by the Dutch historian Michiel Koolbergen (1953–2002) after he had done many years of research in Dutch and British archives; Koolbergen died before its publication.
The novel begins with an introduction to Renay's life and a look into her unhappy marriage to Jerome Lee Davis. A young black woman, Renay is a talented pianist, yet only plays for supplemental income in a supper club, called the Peacock Supper Club, a couple of nights a week. After Jerome Lee strikes her, Renay and her young daughter Denise leave him and move in with Terry Bluvard, Renay's new romantic interest, a wealthy white lesbian that she met at her work. Although the 'present day' in the novel begins with Renay's moving in with Terry, much of the novel is recounted in Renay's recountings of past events.
"The Juniper Tree" (also The Almond Tree; ) is a German fairy tale published in Low German by the Brothers Grimm in Grimm's Fairy Tales in 1812 (KHM 47). It was believed until the early 1870s that the Brothers Grimm re-adapted various oral recountings and fables heard from local peasants and townspeople in order to write their well-known fairy tales. However, various critics including Vanessa Joosen argue that this assumption is false, based on an overwhelming amount of disputing evidence. Literary critic Walter Scherf, argued that the Grimm brothers were inspired by the painter Philipp Otto Runge's original adaptation of The Juniper Tree, originally written as The Almond Tree.
Sources do not agree on what should be included in the final sum. The Turkish official history and medical records states 33,000 KIA, 10,000 died in hospitals, 7,000 prisoners, 10,000 seriously wounded, for some 60,000 total irrecoverable casualties. Another estimate given by the French Commandant Larcher is 90,000 dead and 40,000–50,000 captured, which is often repeated in modern recountings of the battle.Erickson, Ordered to Die. p. 60. However, such figures are considered unreliable, both because they exceed the total strength of the entire Third Army and because the actual Chief of Staff of the Third Army (also a German), Lieutenant Colonel Guse, gave casualties as 37,000 dead and 7,000 missing based on operational returns.Erickson 2001, p.
But recountings indicate he must have preferred Dzog Chen or some combination of Dzog Chen and Maha Mudra. Kumaradza's name can be recognized and translated as an epithet for Vajra Kilaiya or Dorje Phurbu, one of the chief protectors of Nyingmapas and important to Sakyapa and Kahjyupa schools. Rikzin Kumaradza could be said to mean "Rigpa Holder Of Kilaiya Regency", or "Awakened Ruler Of Royal Purba", or "Awareness Master King Of Tri-Dagger". Implication being, that Kumaradza is accomplished in realization and liberation and enlightening for beings of the three worlds of past and present and future, as well desire realms and form ranges and formless zones, and also could be interpreted as glowing with Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya eyes.
While in prison, Evans and Cheevers produced many letters and a narrative under the title This is a Short Relation of some of the Cruel Sufferings (for the Truths Sake) of Katharine Evans & Sarah Cheevers in the Inquisition in the Isle of Malta published in 1662. In 1663, Evans and Cheevers also published A True Account of the Great Tryals and Cruel Sufferings Undergone by Those Two Faithful Servants of God, Katherine Evans and Sarah Cheevers, in the Time of Their above Three Years and a Half's Confinement in the Island Malta, which included a narrative of their release and their journey home.Warburton, The Lord hath joined us together, p. 420. These mainly consist of an account of their experiences, including recountings of inquisitions, visions/prophecies, treatment, and illnesses.
Folklorist Jan Harold Brunvand notes that Mothman has been widely covered in the popular press, some claiming sightings connected with UFOs, and others claiming that a military storage site was Mothman's "home". Brunvand notes that recountings of the 1966–67 Mothman reports usually state that at least 100 people saw Mothman with many more "afraid to report their sightings" but observed that written sources for such stories consisted of children's books or sensationalized or undocumented accounts that fail to quote identifiable persons. Brunvand found elements in common among many Mothman reports and much older folk tales, suggesting that something real may have triggered the scares and became woven with existing folklore. He also records anecdotal tales of Mothman supposedly attacking the roofs of parked cars occupied by teenagers.
KQV employees have generally traced the station's history back to Doubleday-Hill's initial 1919 activities, and a September 1934 newspaper article reported that the staff was in the process of preparing a celebration of the station's fifteenth birthday."Operator Who Established KQV Calls It Second Oldest Station" by S. H. Steinhauser, Pittsburgh Press, September 19, 1934, page 27. (Many later recountings give a specific debut date of November 19, 1919.)"KQV Just Keeps on Groovin'" by John Mehno, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, August 8, 1999. Most accounts of Doubleday-Hill's earliest activities say that the initial broadcasts were transmitted using a Special Amateur station authorization, 8ZAE, issued to Burton P. Williams, a company employee living in Pittsburgh. (Contemporary information about licensed stations suggests that 8ZAE didn't receive its first license until late 1921,"New Stations: Special Land Stations", Radio Service Bulletin, January 3, 1922, page 4.
He claims the U.S. Navy was aware of the loss of the Scorpion on 21 May 1968 and engaged in a massive cover-up, within days destroying much of the sound and communication data at SOSUS ground stations in the U.S. and Europe, and delaying any public indication of the loss until its scheduled arrival at Norfolk, Virginia five days later, partly to disguise the fact that U.S. nuclear subs were in constant or frequent communication with U.S. Naval Communication bases and that the subsequent search for the Scorpion was a five months-long deception to pretend they had no idea of the location of the hull. Ed Offley. The last Secret of the Scorpion in the 'Quarterly Journal of Military History, No4,v36,2018' & 'Navy Times, May 22,2019' The oral testimony relied upon by Offley are recountings of surviving SOSUS recordings documenting torpedo sounds, evasion sounds, an explosion, and eventually the sounds of implosions as Scorpion plunged past crush depth.
The "Mask of Sargon of Akkad" (dated circa 2250 BC) was found in 1931 in Nineveh: it was probably mutilated during the destruction of Nineveh by the Medes and Babylonians in 612 BC.Discussion, with many photographs in One of the recountings of the actual battle is taken from the excerpts of Persica, written by Ctesias, preserved in Diodorus Siculus and Photius, whose account may have been mixed with accounts of other battles. According to a Babylonian clay tablet discovered in the 19th century named the Fall of Nineveh Chronicle, there was a bitter 12-year struggle between Babylon and Assyria, as well as civil wars in Assyria itself. They describe that in the tenth year of Nabopolassar (616 BC) the Babylonians defeated the Assyrian army and marched up the river, sacking Mane, Sahiri and Baliḫu. The conflict was renewed the next year, with the Assyrians mustering their army and driving the Babylonians back to Takritain.
Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio to American-born parents of Irish and Croatian descent, Sudetic studied British and American literature, Slavic languages, and journalism at The Ohio State University, Indiana University, Cleveland State University, Davidson College in North Carolina, and the Pushkin Institute for the Russian Language in Moscow (1978); he was a Fulbright Scholar in Yugoslavia during 1984 and 1985 and traveled throughout the East- bloc countries and in the Soviet Union. Sudetic worked as an analyst for the International Crisis Group, a consultant for the International Rescue Committee, an analyst for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia's Office of the Prosecutor, and a writer for the Open Society Foundations of George Soros, with whom he coauthored The Philanthropy of George Soros: Building Open Societies (Public Affairs, 2011).Sudetic, Dubrovnik in Recountings true and exact... (Edizioni Lago Erie, 2015). For a series of country studies prepared by the United States Library of Congress's Federal Research Division, he wrote book chapters on the histories, economies, and societies of Hungary, Albania, Romania, and Yugoslavia.

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