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20 Sentences With "raise spirits"

How to use raise spirits in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "raise spirits" and check conjugation/comparative form for "raise spirits". Mastering all the usages of "raise spirits" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Men jumped a little, and used megaphones to raise spirits.
Upon Napoleon's return from Russia, balls were held in the capital in an attempt to raise spirits.
Houdini was carrying out a war against spiritualists and these superstitious table-knocker people who were trying to raise spirits, and Lovecraft also despised that kind of stuff.
The performer was a paid contractor approved by the principal for the rally, which was meant to raise spirits in advance of the Florida Standardized Assessment exams, said Kathy Burstein, school district spokeswoman.
Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade dropped by the Parkland high school rocked by a tragic mass shooting last month to pay his respects and raise spirits, and the kids... well, the kids were pretty excited about it: Wade forged a particularly strong connection with Stoneman Douglas when he discovered that one of the victims, Joaquin Oliver, was such a big fan that his parents buried him in Wade's jersey.
Farson, p. 83Pope, p. 132 To raise spirits, Lloyd frequently performed on picket lines for free and took part in fundraising activities at among others the Scala Theatre in London, for which she donated her entire fee to the fund.Pope, p.
Az újságíró, Sinkó Ferenc: Nyája között nyugszik a pásztor, in Szerednyei János. Tarcali káplán hősiés életáldozata Budapest: Kalot Kiadó, 2005, p. 64. In the camp he wrote poetry, played the violin and tried to raise spirits of his fellow prisoners. Sometimes he would celebrate the Mass in secret, for this was punished with detention.
He was appointed governor of Bletchingdon Park, near Oxford. Walters speculates that this may have been a dull billet for a young man like Windebank. The house, however, was one of those attacked during Cromwell's raid into Oxfordshire. The colonel, who according to Yurdan was newly married, allegedly invited his young wife and friends for a ball at the house to raise spirits.
Kalleos buys Latro from Hyperides to help rebuild her house and to serve as a bouncer. Kalleos throws a party for Pindaros, Hyperides and Eurykles of Miletos, a necromancer, as well as a couple others. After games and drinking, Eurykles claims he can raise spirits from their graves. The men take a bet on it and venture to a burial ground close by with Latro as a guard.
132 To raise spirits, she often performed on picket lines and took part in a fundraising performance at the Scala Theatre. During one demonstration, she recognised someone trying to enter and shouted, "Let her through, girls, she'll close the music hall faster than we can." The singer was Belle Elmore, later murdered by her husband, Dr. Crippen. The dispute ended later the same year with a resolution broadly favourable to the performers.
The boy varied the monotony of his studies by pranks which revealed his unbalanced character, including an attempt to raise spirits with the aid of Dr Faust's . After graduation, he lectured on biblical exegesis for a time as an adjunct to his father before becoming a catechist (') at the church of . He proved an eloquent and popular preacher and returned to the university as a visiting professor (') of biblical philology. He published a popular book of devotions, The Christian in Solitude, but was required to resign his positions and leave the Leipzig in 1768 on account of his irregular conduct.
Peaches in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, France A very similar practice came into use during the Great Depression that provided a purpose, a job, and food to those who would otherwise be without anything during such harsh times. In this case, these efforts helped to raise spirits socially as well as to boost economic growth. Over 2.8 million dollars worth of food was produced from the subsistence gardens during the Depression. By the time of the World War II, the War/Food Administration set up a National Victory Garden Program that set out to systematically establish functioning agriculture within cities.
On March 12, 2020, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio enacted new restrictions to try to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, which at the time had already infected nearly 100 people. One of the restrictions was banning most gatherings of more than 500 people, which included all Broadway theaters. Quickly after, states like California and Illinois enacted similar guidelines. With thousands of actors instantly out of work and stuck at home, Rudetsky and Wesley came up with the idea as a way to both raise spirits and help those suffering.
The song was written, recorded, and released during the COVID-19 pandemic and touches on the reality of quarantine and the sense of anxiety and loneliness associated with quarantine. In a statement on the song, they state that "we’ve felt the urge to touch base now that the physical touch has been suspended and contribute an effort to raise spirits in the face of adversity. Our thoughts are with all those in jeopardy to the many various horrors in relation to the crisis, those situated on the front lines and those who are direly compromised." Proceeds from the song's sales went to Doctors Without Borders.
His peculiarities and violent rages earned him the nickname "Mad Shelley".Holmes, Richard, (1974), pp 19-20 His interest in the occult and science continued, and contemporaries describe him giving an electric shock to a master, blowing up a tree stump with gunpowder and attempting to raise spirits with occult rituals.Holmes, Richard, (1974), pp 24-5 In his senior years, Shelley came under the influence of a part-time teacher, Dr James Lind, who encouraged his interest in the occult and introduced him to liberal and radical authors. According to Richard Holmes, by his leaving year, Shelley had gained a reputation as a classical scholar and a tolerated eccentric.
It also introduces a new Skill Route and Skill Program function, which allows players to fully customize pilot's skills using Tactical Points, which were obtained through the game's play-through. The game also features two new gameplay mechanics: Extra Order and Extra Action. Extra Action allows player units to use ExC points in each stage to gain advantage in battle while Extra Order allows battleship units to raise spirits of each units. Aside from the new features, combination attacks also return in the game as well as a Remote Play and Cross Save function to play the game in both the Vita and the PlayStation 4 without losing progress.
Wales proposes a séance, not to raise spirits, but to put psychological pressure on suspects. They agree, and Grimshaw calls the Governor, Sir Roscoe Crosby (Holmes Herbert), to make arrangements. At the Governor's residence, the participants gather: the Governor and his wife, Lady Crosby (Janet Beechery); their daughter, Helen Trent (Elissa Landi) and her husband, Major Lionel Trent (Ralph Forbes); their son, Dick Crosby, (Thomas Beck) and his mother's secretary, Nell O'Neill (Madge Evans), who is secretly engaged to Dick; Dr. Mason (Charles Trowbridge); Mary Eastwood (Heather Thatcher); Professor Feringeea (Lal Chand Mehra ); Mr. Stanby (Robert Coote) and his emotionally unstable sister, Miss Stanby (Elsa Buchanan); and Wales himself. The medium, Mme.
Visitations, aid and humanitarian relief to poor families in the Ararat Region. 1994 The summer of 1994 saw fifty participants from several cities across Canada, as well as individuals from Europe and the United States. These volunteers chose to take part in the renovation of a school and a monastery, establish a day camp for the young victims of the Nagorno-Kharabagh war, present a Christian outreach program, conduct home visitations and collect statistical data and anecdotal evidence regarding the forced Armenian exodus from Azerbaijan. Most importantly they chose to share and connect with the locals to raise spirits and give them hope to endure those difficult times and look forward to a brighter future.
The platoon are all feeling blue due to their lack of rifles. In a rather rash bid to raise spirits, Mainwaring promises them some before the week is out, but time is running short. He then is visited by a local nobleman called Colonel Square, who reveals that he has got rifles which he is willing to allow the platoon to use, however Mainwaring discovers that Square will only allow this if he himself is in charge of the platoon, as they are his own weapons. Mainwaring is hesitant but as he runs out of options to keep his word to the men, he contacts Colonel Square and agrees to his terms, putting the platoon under the command of Colonel Square.
The Altar of War is a building, made for summoning Disciples The Spire is the defensive building of the Darklings, which can be upgraded to Crystal Spire to gather Gems With the upgrade Theocracy, you can upgrade: Spirit Chains (Purifier), Sacred War (Altar of War), Strength of Faith (Altar of War), Battle Shrine (Altar of War), Apostle of Death (Battle Shrine), Temple of Nightfall (Townhall), Gold Flow (Temple of Nightfall), Meditation (Temple of Nightfall), Nightfall (Temple of Nightfall), Divine Enlightenment (Temple of Nightfall), Crystal Rainfall (Temple of Nightfall), Magma Spire (Spire). With the upgrade Divine Arts, you can build: Dark Citadel (Townhall), which contains two new units - Dark Rider and Cannoneer. ,,Divine Arts also unlocks the upgrade: Nightweb (Dark Citadel) for the Dark Riders ,,Divine Arts also unlocks the upgrade Thundercall(Altar of War) for the Disciple, Afterlife (Battle Shrine) for the Apostol of Death, Raise Spirits (Temple of Nightfall) for the Dark Mages and Ember Spire for the spire. With the upgrade Divine Touch, you can upgrade: Fear Strike (Dark Citadel), Aether Blade (Battle Shrine), Night Council (Townhall), Evacuation (Night Council), Stoneshaper (Night Council), Fanatic (Night Council).

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