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111 Sentences With "puts in place"

How to use puts in place in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "puts in place" and check conjugation/comparative form for "puts in place". Mastering all the usages of "puts in place" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So it'll depend on what he actually puts in place.
That is, if it puts in place any new rules at all.
The plan also puts in place additional barriers to dental and vision care.
" "It's her first vote that puts in place leaders, no matter what her positions are.
Every studio puts in place clear and enforceable sexual harassment policies and takes every report seriously.
The defenses it puts in place will work only if citizens are prepared to use them.
The president appoints the commissioners and generally puts in place a majority sympathetic to the president's party.
Hatch said he wanted to make sure the bill puts in place a sufficiently tough oversight board.
It puts in place a new system that offers tax credits to help people purchase insurance plans.
Executive action, though, comes with risks: What one president puts in place the next can undo, as can the courts.
No matter what the FCC puts in place this time around, a future FCC will put it all back again.
It's unsettling as ever — even before Alice puts in place a brutal plan to cause her digital Lola clone to glitch.
It essentially puts in place the terms of a future contract, but it is not an indication of a closed deal.
There is, however, a Texas law that puts in place commonsense health and safety regulations for women in such a situation.
But instead of a world where capital returns will always outpace wage gains, the progressive worldview puts in place higher taxation.
It had sent a tweet noting that the surge pricing it puts in place when demand is high had been lifted.
This new approach is the first of its kind in the world, and puts in place the same protections that exist offline.
The new law puts in place long-sought changes to overhaul management of the department and improve health care and benefits for veterans.
And unless you're using it in the password-protected parental control mode, the "barriers" Screen Time puts in place are laughably easy to circumvent.
The move outlines the problems with the phone's exploding battery and puts in place a path for consumers to return or replace the device.
The legislation provides funding and puts in place new safety regulations, including changes to the rest and duty rules for pilots and flight attendants.
Your score can also vary by factors including which version of a company's scoring model is used and customizations the lender puts in place.
As I have written before, if the left wins on health care and puts in place a single-payer system, it would be a disaster .
The regulation puts in place controls to ensure financial firms maintain a "robust cybersecurity program" to protect consumers' personal data, according to the governor's office.
The seven-years-in-the-making agreement puts in place unique targets and timetables with wealthier countries agreeing to halt production HFCs sooner than poorer nations.
Notably, this contest will be held under the existing Pennsylvania congressional lines instead of whatever the state supreme court puts in place for the 2018 election.
As secretary, Mr. King will oversee the department as it puts in place a bipartisan education law passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in December.
It also puts in place a six-year sunset provision, allowing Congress to reexamine the legislation as our society – and everything that threatens it – continues to evolve.
As for a statutory basis, INA puts in place a uniform scheme for naturalization, which the President may not overrule or rewrite as Obama effectively did with DAPA.
If Mr Trump wins, there will be some nervous weeks ahead as the markets try to get a sense of what kind of team he puts in place.
MACCALLUM: And Haider al-Abadi who is the current leader, he may lose, it looks like, to Moqtada al-Sadr&aposs coalition and whoever he puts in place.
"If Donald Trump puts in place the measures this evening, we have a whole arsenal at our disposal with which to respond," Moscovici told BFM TV on Thursday.
Towards this goal, governments across the globe are already taking action to pass legislation that puts in place greater supply chain transparency and human rights due diligence regimes.
" The name of the update has a double meaning: it introduces base-building mechanics to the game and it "[puts] in place a foundation for what is to come.
According to "Don't Panic," a report from Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society, the government is gaining access to digital communications, despite the privacy barrier encryption puts in place.
Portman called it "a sensible and fair solution is to codify the protections for the DACA population that puts "in place stronger border security measures consistent with the president's proposal.
Fast-track authority bars Congress from amending trade deals and puts in place an expedited process for ratification that requires only a simple majority in the Senate instead of 60 votes.
The party often puts in place controls on news before important events, such as the party conclave, held once every five years, which will pick a new group of senior leaders.
Some experts warn that unless the new government puts in place clear guidelines all sides agree on, the issue has the potential to stall railways, ports, mines and other infrastructure projects.
Mr. Trump has an opportunity to save and improve the lives of millions of people if he puts in place plans to end the opioid epidemic and upgrade the country's infrastructure.
Maine is shaking up the national privacy debate with a new law, one that advocates say puts in place some of the toughest measures on internet service providers (ISPs) in the country.
Notably, though, during an audience question at that Warren event, she slid into light law professor mode and described corporations as conceptual — something exclusively defined by the rules government puts in place.
Despite critics' scare tactics, the bill would not sweep up harmless business transactions with no ties to national security, and the bill puts in place reasonable safeguards to prevent this from happening.
The settlement, which must still be approved by a federal judge, puts in place several measures that should help to rule out unjustified surveillance targeting people for personal, political, religious or racial reasons.
NAIROBI, Kenya – Burundi&aposs president has announced he will not run for another term, even as he puts in place a new constitution that would allow him to stay in power until 2034.
The working people in America are clearly tired of a government that ignores them or, worse, puts in place artificial impediments that restrict their ability to achieve their version of the American dream.
But no matter what policies he puts in place, or deals he strikes, it's unlikely factories will create enough new jobs to replace the millions that have been lost to offshoring and improved productivity.
Overall, the bill repeals the core parts of ObamaCare, including its subsidies, mandates, taxes and Medicaid expansion, and puts in place a new system with a new tax credit to help people buy coverage.
As most of the young recruits to ISIS and other groups are not doing so for ideological reasons, removing the blinders desperation puts in place will weaken the influence of those indoctrinating the youth.
"Our final rule puts in place a sensible one national program that strikes the right regulatory balance that protects our environment, and sets reasonable targets for the auto industry," EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said.
Cuban artists were arrested after planning a sit-in at the Cuban Ministry of Culture to protest Decree 349, which puts in place unprecedented censorship of the arts and will take effect December 7.
"Unless the general population is sufficiently enlightened to reject outdated traditional customs and the government puts in place effective strategies to alleviate poverty, we can hardly solve this problem," Bisimba told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
It's time for the United States and other Western governments to tell the Saudis that business-as-usual relations cannot continue unless their kingdom puts in place the building blocks of religious tolerance and pluralism.
"If Donald Trump puts in place the measures this evening, we have a whole arsenal at our disposal with which to respond," Moscovici said referring to reports that Trump could take action on the tariffs Thursday.
It also puts in place what the White House called a "one federal decision policy" under which one lead federal agency works with others to complete environmental reviews and other permitting decisions for a given project.
Keep an eye out for other changes Mayor Pete puts in place in the next few weeks as he transitions himself and his campaign to deal with his newfound status as a major player for the nomination. 3.
The charter also puts in place a goal for all the companies to achieve net-zero emissions—meaning for every ounce of carbon they produce, they balance it by investing in carbon sequestering, like planting forests—by 2050.
What it all means: There is often this assumption that McConnell's members just immediately get behind whatever his preferred route is, follow in lockstep and don't ask questions -- something McConnell essentially puts in place through his own counsel.
As the White House puts in place a sweeping immigration ban focused on majority-Muslim countries, one of the top investigative reporters at The New York Times, Scott Shane, has been seeking an answer to one big question.
For one thing, the public sector unions that are impacted by Janus have been preparing for years for this decision, and many are ready with innovative approaches to attempt to adjust to the changes it puts in place.
Republicans, struggling to figure out a way to pay for their health insurance plan, puts in place a tax on the most expensive employer-based health insurance plans, which is an expanded version of the so-called Cadillac tax.
That draft bill repeals the core elements of the law, like subsidies to help people afford coverage and the expansion of Medicaid, and puts in place a new system based on a tax credit adjusted for a person's age.
New Delhi (CNN)Residents of India's capital are set to suffer record-levels of smog for at least a week, even as the local government puts in place emergency measures to try and tackle New Delhi's heavily polluted air.
The CBO estimates illustrate the difficult choices that lie ahead for supporters of the AHCA: The law puts in place a number of important structural reforms that will eventually lower costs and place federal health spending on a more sustainable pathway.
Among the ways that Facebook harmed consumers, the complaint alleges, are: OAG is seeking an injunction to ensure Facebook puts in place protocols and safeguards to monitor users' data and to make it easier for users to control their privacy settings.
Wang said while his firm was interested in financial services takeovers in North America, the Chinese deal momentum in the United States is likely to pause in the near-term as Trump puts in place his team and finalizes key policies.
Lookers said costs would increase by about 3 million pounds per year from 2020, as it puts in place a remedial plan which will include a review of its past business, establish a revised sales process and new quality checks.
Around the same time, Uber also signed an agreement with the International Association of Machinists that puts in place a series of protections for Uber drivers in New York City, where most choose to work 35 hours or more a week.
The new deal puts in place a redress scheme whereby EU citizens who feel their data has been mishandled can seek remedy via the Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission — a core requirement of the high court's ruling.
"I believe if you work your butt off and pay taxes, you should be able to easily understand and navigate the laws, tax codes, health care and anything else the government puts in place that affects us all," one image read.
"Where 'Salomé' presents variations on a single tone — a 'symphony in yellow major,' 'Execution without Judgment' puts in place a coloristic overload of complementary contrasts, for example the victim's severed head, already turning green, in a pool of crimson blood," Gotlieb writes.
That means the Cabinet and officials he puts in place are going to be critically important — not just because they have a lot of power to influence policy, but because in some ways they're going to be teaching the president how to do his job.
But other than those exceptions, it's free to continue collecting, using, and sharing whatever personal data it wants on its users, as long as it makes an assessment of the risks involved and describes what safeguards it puts in place — if any — to mitigate them.
Though, given it's said it only generally retains data, we must assume there are instances where it might not retain data and the purveyors of dark ads are essentially untraceable via its platform — unless it puts in place a more robust and comprehensive advertiser audit framework.
If, alternatively, U.S. sanctions succeed in depriving Iran of the benefits of the deal, Tehran will withdraw from the JCPOA, ramp up its nuclear program, and end the special monitoring that the nuclear deal puts in place — increasing the risk of proliferation or military conflict in the region.
In separate interviews with CNN's Nick Valencia on Sunday, Stam and Cox shared their thoughts on a number of issues raised by the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, which puts in place a statewide policy that bans individuals from using public bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex.
This funding will support a Cybersecurity National Action Plan, which takes near-term actions and puts in place a long-term strategy to enhance cybersecurity awareness and protections, protect privacy, maintain public safety as well as economic and national security, and empower Americans to take better control of their digital security.
"Now is the time for President Trump to decide if he will keep his promises by supporting this legislation, or will he go along to get along with congressional Republicans who have embraced the status quo and blocked this legislation that puts in place a strong Buy America standard," Baldwin will say.
Comprehensive self-driving regulations could take more than five years, even with the accelerated timeline, but the bill puts in place an interim regulatory framework that requires manufacturers to submit a Safety Evaluation Report addressing a range of key areas at least 90 days before testing, selling, or commercialization of an driverless cars.
The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission also interprets Title VII as forbidding discrimination against transgender people Lawsuits and petitions The act puts in place a statewide policy that bans individuals from using public bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex and stops cities from passing anti-discrimination ordinances to protect gay and transgender identity.
"There are particular risks and complexities to designating an entire army, so to speak, of a country where that then puts in place certain requirements ... that then triggers certain actions that we think are not appropriate and not necessarily in the best interests of our military," Tillerson told reporters during a press briefing in October.
Ask your potential CISO how they would be prepared to answer and report on questions such as: With the framework your potential CISO puts in place to address these questions, are they demonstrating the ability to decide which investments are needed to reach their goals, set the timeline to success and get to work?
"There are particular risks and complexities to designating an entire army, so to speak, of a country where that then puts in place certain requirements where we run into one another in the battlefield that then triggers certain actions that we think are not appropriate and not necessarily in the best interest of our military," Tillerson said.
The warning also comes as Trump fac Trump has previously floated the possibility of a government shutdown over border security and immigration, and on Sunday he made his threat explicit, saying he would do so unless Congress funds his proposed wall, which he promised Mexico would pay for, and puts in place his preferred immigration policies.
PETA echoed the call for a shutdown, with its senior vice president, Kathy Guillermo, saying Santa Anita should not reopen until it replaces the dirt track with a safer synthetic surface, puts in place imaging technology capable of detecting pre-existing conditions in horses' legs, and allows the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office to finish its investigation into the deaths.
"There are particular risks and complexities to designating an entire army, so to speak, of a country where that then puts in place certain requirements where we run into one another in the battlefield that then triggers certain actions that we think are not appropriate and not necessarily in the best interest of our military," Tillerson said at a press conference.
It tried in 2010, but Verizon fought back, and a court ruled that an outright ban was illegal unless the commission relied on Title II. With the ISPs now trying to kill Title II regulation, any future rules the FCC puts in place governing what internet providers can do — and it's not clear that there will be any — would have to allow for paid fast lanes in some form.
Patients should be given the information and support they need to take part in decisions about their care and treatment. To help service users get their views across, the Act puts in place the right to access independent advocacy services. It also puts in place advance statements as a way to help service users say what care and treatment they would and would not want to have. The Mental Health Commission in Scotland examines cases where a person's advance statement has been overridden.
Coffey was instrumental in the introduction of the Construction Contracts Act 2013. The Act regularises payment terms between construction companies, and puts in place a dispute resolution process aimed at reducing days lost and costs on construction projects. He was nominated by the Taoiseach Enda Kenny to the 25th Seanad in May 2016.
L'Embobineuse is led by a group of people that transformed squatted buildings into temporary artist spaces. This music venue opened in 2004. It puts in place the means to the home of artists (visual artists, musicians, dancers, designers) and provides tools for public recognition of their work. Officially, it is (and always was) a non-profit organisation.
It is currently chaired by the Translation Centre, which houses the team responsible for the technical maintenance and improvement of the database. TermCoord represents DG TRAD and the European Parliament in the IATE Management Group. The latter puts in place task forces and working groups in order to constantly improve the content, interface and functions of IATE.
Point Ephémère is led by a group of people that fifteen years transformed squatted buildings into temporary artist spaces. This dynamic art center opened October 13, 2004. It puts in place the necessary means to the home of artists (visual artists, musicians, dancers, designers) and provides tools for public recognition of their work. Before the building was used as the fire station of Chateau-Landon.
Swim England organises competitions throughout England, from age-group to elite level. The Age Group and Youth Championships are aimed at younger swimmers aged between 11 and 17 years and can attract more than 1,600 participants, while the ASA National Championships are aimed at the elite swimmers. Swim England also organizes the English talent programme that puts in place performance opportunities for swimmers to develop their skills and potential.
On 26 November 2008, after cross-party pressure over several years, led by environmental groups, the Climate Change Act became law. The Act puts in place a framework to achieve a mandatory 80% cut in the UK's carbon emissions by 2050 (compared to 1990 levels), with an intermediate target of between 34% by 2020 which would have risen in the event of a strong deal at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
In qualifying Giardelli gets a second place. In race one he starts second and maintains this position until the end of the race. In race 2 instead Giardelli starts seventh due to the regulation of the inverted grid which foresees the inversion of the first eight of the qualifications but despite this he puts in place an excellent comeback with many battles and closes with an excellent second position overall and first among the under 25.
The first performance of Tushmalov's orchestration was conducted by Rimsky-Korsakov in Saint Petersburg on November 30, 1891. The score was published by Bessel the same year and issued in a corrected edition sometime after Tushmalov's death. Tushmalov's orchestration has in recent years been reprinted by Kalmus. Tushmalov's version of Mussorgsky's score is one of the least complete, as it omits 'Gnomus', 'Tuileries' and 'Bydlo' together with all the 'Promenades' except the fifth—which it puts in place of the first.
The blazon of the municipal coat of arms of Hattenhofen is: In red on green hill between two golden deciduous trees a silver house with pointed silver tile roof, closed door and two windows. The community led since 1916 an official seal with a coat of arms on which a silver Obereck, and a tree was displayed next to a house. The now distant Obereck stood for the counts of Aichelberg. House and tree stand for the word Hof, which puts in place names.
This should be reflected in a care plan. In addition the Act puts in place safeguards when consent to treatment has not been given. On many occasions a patient's care and treatment becomes much to the opinion of any one person, with a psychiatric disorder (mentalis confusio), latest labels that of chemical imbalance or chemical disorder, perplex and confuse not only the patient, but those whom may be designated decision makers on a patient's behalf. Family members all too often are not given any information, nor the correct questions to ask.
According to the Veda, marriage is a union between a masculine and feminine entity with commitments to pursue Dharma, Artha (possessions), Kama (physical and other desires) and Moksha (the liberation) in unison. Scripturally, it is viewed as a celebration of sensual pleasure, progress, prosperity and joy as it is also a pyramid of elevation to the next level of one's Karmic experience. Society recognizes this and puts in place quality controls since it influences the social and cultural growth of society. According to Manusmriti, or Manu's text, there are eight different types of marriages.
PJ Carroll and BAT acknowledge that smoking is a cause of various serious and fatal diseases, including lung cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and cardiovascular diseases. In 2013, some lawmakers suggested PJ Carroll should be prohibited from speaking with lawmakers on the basis of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). PJ Carroll comes under the definition of Tobacco Industry as set out by the FCTC, but the FCTC does not prohibit engagement between tobacco companies and public representatives, but puts in place strict rules relating to transparency.
The Ganja Law, or Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2015, was passed by Jamaica's Houses of Parliament in February 2015. The law went into effect on April 15, 2015, making possession of or less of cannabis a "non-arrestable, ticketable offence, that attracts no criminal record". claims "It also puts in place, regulations for marijuana use by persons of the Rastafarian faith and for medical, therapeutic and scientific purposes, including development of a legal industry for industrial hemp and medical marijuana." Earlier revisions of the laws were critiqued for being unduly harsh on citizens.
The Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage puts in place an international framework for nuclear liability. However states with a majority of the world's nuclear power stations, including the U.S., Russia, China and Japan, are not party to international nuclear liability conventions. In the U.S., insurance for nuclear or radiological incidents is covered (for facilities licensed through 2025) by the Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act. Under the energy policy of the United Kingdom through its 1965 Nuclear Installations Act, liability is governed for nuclear damage for which a UK nuclear licensee is responsible.
This is important as it will prevent any bias from occurring throughout the decision making phase. However, the system that the firm puts in place should not be so rigorous that it omits viable projects or too laid-back that resources are spread finely across multiple projects. "The lack of tough Go/Kill decision points means too many product failures, resources wasted on the wrong projects, and a lack of focus." A level of uncertainty can be positive for evaluating criteria by the firm as too many kills of ideas may discourage stakeholders from forming ideas.
Tales of the Abyss takes place on , a planet composed of elementary particles called . For much of Auldrant's history, only six fonons were known to exist, representing the elements of Shadow, Earth, Wind, Water, Fire and Light; but eventually a seventh fonon, controlling Sound, is discovered. Its discovery brings great chaos: using this newest Seventh Fonon allows one to read the future. One such Seventh Fonist, Yulia Jue, an important religious figure in the game, puts in place a future for the world for thousands of years to come, with the promise of unlimited prosperity at its end.
He then realizes that while he lacks an organization, he does not lack resources as he is tremendously rich. He contacts an old Eastern friend of his who knows people that Vlad could use as paid information gatherers, and puts in place an information network. As details start coming in, Vlad uses the pieces he is gathering at the Imperial Library to flesh out what is going on. In the course of this research, he comes to find out that the head of the Right Hand council had died and there is an ongoing power struggle to fill the empty position.
Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 outlines the orders which can issued by the court. A "contact order" (now termed a Child Arrangements Order) outlines the requirements, of the person the child resides with, to allow contact with another person. A ‘prohibited steps order’ prevents a parent from exercising their full parental responsibility without consent of the court. A ‘residence order’ (now termed a Child Arrangements Order) puts in place the arrangements for whom a child should live with. A ‘specific issue order’ relates to directions given from the court to address a query that has arisen regarding parental responsibility for a child.
In the field of networking, the Government Secure Intranet (GSi) puts in place a secure link between central government departments. It is an IP-based virtual private network based on broadband technology introduced in April 1998 and further upgraded in February 2004. Among other things, it offers a variety of advanced services including file transfer and search facilities, directory services, email exchange facilities (both between network members and over the Internet) as well as voice and video services. An additional network is currently also under development: the Public Sector Network (PSN) will be the network to interconnect public authorities (including departments and agencies in England; devolved administrations and local governments) and facilitate in particular sharing of information and services among each other.
A protracted series of armed conflicts have resulted in the presence of large numbers of SALW in unsafe conditions in many post-conflict countries; and this constitutes a constant risk not only to life and limb for the local population but also to the current peaceful transition process in the country. MAG removes and destroys unsecured and abandoned SALW caches and by doing so removes the threat posed by unsecured SALW. MAG conducts nationwide surveys of arms deposits and warehouses, puts in place specialist equipment and training of national staff to carry out the cache destruction activities, and provides advice for the safe storage and control of remaining items. MAG first became involved in the destruction of SALW by providing technical support to demobilisation programmes in Angola and Cambodia during the 1990s.
The Town and Country Planning Association, an organisation heavily involved in initiating the concept several decades previously, published a policy statement in 2002, which proposed a more flexible policy which would allow the introduction of green wedge and strategic gap policies rather than green belts, and so permit the expansion of some urban areas. In October 2007, Sir Martin Doughty, then Chair of Natural England, argued for a review of green belts, saying: "The time has come for a greener green belt. We need a 21st century solution to England's housing needs which puts in place a network of green wedges, gaps and corridors, linking the natural environment and people.".Time for a greener green belt, says Natural England Similarly, the London Society published a comprehensive history of the green belt (as it emerged in the first part of the twentieth century) in 2014.
The definitions of SOA governance agree in its purpose of exercising control, but differ in the responsibilities it should have. Some narrow definitions focus on imposing policies and monitoring services, while other definitions use a broader business-oriented perspective. Anne Thomas Manes defines governance as: “The processes that an enterprise puts in place to ensure that things are done [...] in accordance with best practices, architectural principles, government regulations, laws, and other determining factors. SOA governance refers to the processes used to govern adoption and implementation of SOA.” Anne Thomas Manes, The Elephant Has Left The Building, 1 July 2005 The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effective SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the entire SOA life cycle from business point of view and connectivity and reuse from IT point of view, thus aligning business with IT. To quote Anne Thomas Manes again: “SOA is about behavior, not something you build or buy.
S. Sridhar) appoints his associate, an undercover I.P.S. spy in the Karnataka region, a master- strategist (Shiva Rajkumar), who puts in place the Operation Cocoon through a network of tribals, and informers, such as Deputy spy (Sanchari Vijay), a woman STF spy and landlord, Shriya (Parul Yadav), who befriends and rents out house to Muthulakshmi-the wife of Veerappan (Yagna Shetty). On the other hand, a team of loyal undercover cops led by Rambo Krishna (K Gopalakrishnan), leave Palar base of STF, near M. M. Hills, from Kollegal of Karnataka along with a team of 41 members which includes police from two states, forest officials, forest watchers and informers. The team travels in two vehicles, of which one is a bus carrying most of the team members, and a jeep carrying K.Goplakrishnan, the IPS officer. Veerappan gang plants landmines on the road in more than 14 places to halt their approach, and during the Palar blast, K.Gopalakrishnan, standing on the foot board of the jeep is thrown out, and suffer severe injuries, leaving the police to retaliate and ultimately prevent the snatching of arms.

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