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27 Sentences With "puissances"

How to use puissances in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "puissances" and check conjugation/comparative form for "puissances". Mastering all the usages of "puissances" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Aujourd'hui si vous n'avez pas de crédibilité militaire, dans un monde où les puissances autoritaires remontent, ça n'existe pas.
Et à ce risque de " G103 " Etats-Unis/Chine, s'ajoute le retour de puissances autoritaires, au voisinage de l'Europe, qui nous fragilisent également très profondément.
La défense a régulièrement suggéré que ce procès était le fruit d'une entente entre Idriss Déby, le président tchadien depuis plus de 25 ans, quelques puissances étrangères et des ONG internationales.
Cette réémergence de puissances autoritaires, essentiellement la Turquie et la Russie, qui sont les deux grands acteurs de notre politique de voisinage, et les conséquences du Printemps Arabe créent une forme d'ébullition.
Mais ils ont aussi invoqué la dimension politique du procès, notamment l'implication constante des grandes puissances dans le conflit au Tchad dans les années 80 et la coopération biaisée du gouvernement tchadien actuel avec les CAE.
Mais après, cela a engendré un problème et un affaiblissement : c'est le sens de la crise 2013-2014, la non-intervention face aux armes chimiques en Syrie, qui marque déjà un premier effondrement du bloc occidental, parce qu'à ce moment-là les grandes puissances de la région se disent "les Occidentaux sont faibles".
Les pays du Maghreb et du Moyen Orient, nés de décolonisations souvent arrachées de force à des puissances d'occupation qui leur avaient imposé guerre, pauvreté et misère, ont d'abord été les avocats d'une vision de l'avenir qui reposait sur l'indépendance, l'égalitarisme, le développement, la création des richesses, la justice et le vivre-ensemble.
Jean-Marc Ferry by Claude Truong-Ngoc, 2014. Jean-Marc Ferry (born 5 May 1946) is a French philosopher who is best known for his book Les puissances de l'expérience (1991), described by Paul Ricoeur as "one of the most important works recently published in the field of social and political philosophy".French Il est grand temps de dire que le livre de Jean-Marc Ferry, Les Puissances de l’expérience, est l’une des œuvres les plus importantes récemment publiées dans le champ de la philosophie sociale et politique... Libération, 12 March 1992 He has also translated the work of Jürgen Habermas, by whom he was influenced, into French.
In 1828 he published Observations sur les routes qui conduisent du Danube à Constantinople à travers le Balcan ou mont Hoemus, suivies de quelques réflexions sur la nécessité de l'intervention des puissances du midi de l'Europe dans les affaires de la Grèce, par le lieutenant-général comte de T. Le général de Tromelin was a Grand officier de la Légion d'honneur.
At the invitation of the French imperial cabinet, a group of representatives of the Kingdom of Holland travelled to Paris in September 1807 to negotiate a treaty. The treaty was signed at the Palace of Fontainebleau on 11 November 1807 by Jean-Baptiste de Nompère de Champagny, for France, and Willem Six van Oterleek, Johannes Goldberg and Frederik van Leyden van Westbarendrecht, for Holland.L.W. de Bree, Walcheren Onder Vreemde Heersers, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1945 (Dutch)Supplément au Recueil des principaux traités d'alliance, de paix, de trêve, de neutralité, de commerce, de limites, d'échange etc. conclus par les puissances de l'Europe tant entre elles qu'avec les puissances et états dans d'autres parties du monde depuis 1761 jusqu'à présent précédé de traités du 18eme siècle antérieurs à cette époque et qui se trouvent pas dans le Corps universel diplomatique de Mrs.
Argumentation > opens up claims of identity to rational dialogue as embodied, for example, > in the Enlightenment. Reconstruction, the final step toward reflexivity, > involves hermeneutic attempts to understand the historical grounds behind > the "good reasons" offered by others in argumentation. This is in part a > logical and ethical consequence of the shift from it to you (acknowledging > subjectivity) which emerges with argumentation itself.Philip Smith > (University of Queensland) Les puissances de l'expérience in, Contemporary > Sociology, American Sociological Assoc.
Italian irredentists were citizens of Savoy who considered themselves to have ties with the House of Savoy dynasty. Savoy was the original territory of the duke of Savoy that later became King of Italy. Since the Renaissance the area had ruled over Piedmont and had for regional capital the town of Chambéry. The official language of Savoy was French since the 15th century,Honoré Coquet, Les Alpes, enjeu des puissances européennes : L'union européenne à l'école des Alpes ?, L'Harmattan, 2003, 372 p.
Operational working was facilitated by a provision in the Lausanne treaty allowing for trains to cross the borders in and out of Karaagaç without border control not custom taxes.Traité de paix entre les puissances alliées et la Turquie, Lausanne, 1923. Article n°107 These rights survived until 1971 when TCDD inaugurated its own line from Pehlivanköy to Edirne & Svilengrad fully on Turkish territory. Edirne railway realignement in 1971 At the same time, SEK built a bypass of Edirne also inaugurated in 1971.
For Rousset, his task in assembling formal acts was to give insight to the rulers and their advisers. As he stated in the foreword to his 1733 Intérêts presens: :"La Politique, c'est l'art de gouverner l'Etat, & d'en diriger toutes les Affaires, soit dans la Paix, soit dans la Guerre, relativement à ses Interêts avec les autres Puissances, & conformement au Droit & à la Justice." Doing so, Rousset believed disputes between sovereigns could be settled by established procedures, following both older (Westphalia, Oliva, Golden Bul) and newer treaties (e.g. the 1713 Peace of Utrecht).
E. G. Lagemans (ed.), Recueil des traités et conventions conclus par le royaume des Pays-Bas avec les puissances étrangères, de puis 1813 jusqu'à nos jours, vol. 7 (The Hague, 1878), pp. 7-9. On 19 June the Belgian parliament passed a bill giving legal force to the treaty and empowering the Belgian government to issue government bonds at 3 per cent interest to raise the 18,750,000 Belgian francs necessary.Pasinomie: collection complète des lois, décrets, ordonnances, arrêtés et règlements généraux qui peuvent être invoqués en Belgique (Brussels, 1873), 179-180.
The George Washington Union began as a single lodge, named "George Washington No.1", on December 10, 1976 to work under the concept of absolute freedom of conscience. The newly established Lodge received its Charter from the Grand Orient de France in accord with a covenant signed in August 1977 and ratified by the General Assembly of the Grand Orient de France on September 1978. In 1979, this lodge joined the Centre de Liaison et d'Information des Puissances maçonniques Signataires de l'Appel de Strasbourg (CLIPSAS). It was refounded in 1996.
On 3 November 1815, in the margins of the Paris Peace Conference the four victorious powers - Austria, Great Britain Prussia and Russia Mainz, Luxemburg and Landau were designated as fortresses of the German Confederation and, moreover, they envisaged that a fourth federal fortress on the Upper Rhine, for which 20 million French francs were to be set aside from the war reparations.Procès-verbal de la conférence de M. M. les plénipotentiaires des quatre puissances du 3. Novembre 1815 à Paris, Annexe B, Système défensif de la confédération germanique. Art. 10, dated 3 November 1815.
Guillaume de Garden, Histoire générale des traités de paix et autres transactions principales entre toutes les puissances de l'Europe depuis la paix de Westphalie, Volume 7, Paris, Amyot, 1848, pp. 148–149. The original rationale for compensation, which had been to compensate strictly for territory lost, had been replaced by political objectives: to favor powerful or well-connected rulers and to woo potential allies. Prussia's territorial losses and gains during the period As Austria had been excluded from the discussions, its envoy at Paris only learned of the plan when he read it in Le Moniteur.
The French Revolution of 1789 tore Koch temporarily away from teaching and writing. As leader of the diplomatic mission to Paris, he successfully argued for the protection of Alsacian protestant property against appropriation by the state, citing the treaties of the Peace of Westphalia of 1648. Trusted by the French, he became a member of the French Assemblée nationale in 1791 and, back in Strasbourg, he was incarcerated for several months during the Jacobin Terror. In 1796 his encyclopaedic "Abrégé de l'histoir des traités de paix entre les puissances de l'Europe" appeared cataloguing all of the peace treaties between the major central European powers since the Treaties of Westphalia in 1648.
Today's Assyrian population in Armenia are mostly descendants of settlers who came starting in the early nineteenth century during the Russo-Persian War (1826-1828), when thousands of refugees fled their homeland in the areas around Urmia in Persia. In the beginning of the 20th century, many came from what is today Southeastern Turkey, specifically the Hakkari region, where it was common to have Assyrians and Armenians living in the same villages. Assyrians, like their Armenian neighbors, suffered during a genocide by the Ottoman Turks, in which an estimated over 750000 Assyrians perished.Joseph Yacoub, La question assyro- chaldéenne, les Puissances européennes et la SDN (1908-1938), 4 vol.
Il étudie la composition notamment avec Philippe Manoury au Conservatoire de Lyon. Parmi ses œuvres: le monodrame Rinvenuto (1995); le cycle orchestral Édifice (1995–1997)."Revue des deux mondes – Page 179 2000 "Quant aux puissances que Jean-Louis Agobet (1968) interroge dans son Etude des forces (3) pour trois flûtes, ensemble et électronique, elles sont également à l'œuvre dans Nuée-Traces, pour flûte et électronique, et dans Autour, pour flûte ..." Following a residence at the Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg conductor François-Xavier Roth's recording of his works on the Timpani label was awarded record of the year at the Victoires de la musique classique in 2005.Gramophone – Volume 83 1001 à 1005 2005 "Agobet. Generation. Feuermann. Phonal.
The countries which officially participated in the Exposition were Andorra, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, the United States, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, India, Japan, Morocco, Mexico, Monaco, Nicaragua, Norway, Paraguay, Persia, Saint- Martin, El Salvador, Serbia, Siam, the Republic of South Africa, Switzerland, and Uruguay, The British dominions of New Zealand and Tasmania also took part. Because of the theme of the Exposition, celebrating the overthrow of the French monarchy, nearly all European countries with monarchies officially boycotted the Exposition. The boycotting nations were Germany, Austria- Hungary, Belgium, Spain, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, and Sweden.Schroeder-Gudehus, Brigitte, Les grandes puissances devant l’Exposition universelle de 1889, Le Mouvement social number 149, 1989, pg.
Turkey hereby undertakes, in accordance with the provisions of Article [132 of the Treaty of Sèvres] to accept any decisions which may be taken in this connection. (c) Les mandataires choisis par les principales Puissances alliés sont: la France pour la Syrie, et la Grande Bretagne pour la Mesopotamie, et la Palestine. [The officers chosen by the principal allied Powers are: France for Syria and Great Britain for Mesopotamia and Palestine.] In reference to the above decision the Supreme Council took note of the following reservation of the Italian Delegation: La Delegation Italienne en consideration des grands interêts economiques que l’Italie en tant que puissance exclusivement mediterranéenne possède en Asie Mineure, reserve son approbation à la presente resolution, jusqu’au reglement des interêts italiens en Turquie d’Asie.
He worked together with Jean Dumont de Carelskroon (1667–1727), jurist of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, and author of the Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens,Jean Du Mont de Carelskroon, Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens, The Hague, 1731 to which he published an addition in 1739.Jean Rousset de Missy, Supplément au Corps Universel Diplomatique du droit des gens, contenant un Recueil des Traitez d'alliance, de paix, de trève, de neutralité, Amsterdam, 1739 Rousset's Recueil historiqueJean Rousset de Missy, Recueil historique d'actes, négotiations, mémoires et traitez, depuis la Paix d'Utrecht, The Hague, 1728 and Intérêts presens Jean Rousset de Missy, Intérêts presens des Puissances de l'Europe, The Hague, 1733 were the international reference works for contemporary diplomats. Rousset emphasized the importance of voluntary, or secondary international law: by contracting treaties, monarchs, republics and cities constantly amended, altered or created international law. As natural law (the "first" pillar) was concerned, Rousset referred to the 17th Century theorists Hugo Grotius and Samuel Pufendorf.
With these criteria, it is possible to create a list of ten "Protestant Monarchomach" texts, of which the most well-known are François Hotman's Francogallia (1573), Théodore de Bèze's Droit des magistrats sur leurs sujets (1574), Jean de Coras' Question politique (1569) and Réveille-matin des François (1574). There are also the less celebrated treatises, such as Remonstrance aus seigneurs gentilshommes (1574), Discours politiques des diverses puissances establies de Dieu au monde (1576), Question, assavoir s'il est licite sauver la vie aux massacreurs (1573), and Questions, assavoir s'il est loisible aux sujets de se deffendre contre le Magistrat (1573). Once Barclay's restrictive definition is shed, we can not only study the conceptual foundation of these works from the point of view of their system of historical references (Saint Thomas, Grégoire de Tours, etc.) and biblical references (1 Samuel 8, Romains 13,1), but also measure their spread throughout Europe (Frankfurt Book Fair, public and private library catalogs).
"Albert Gleizes, Painting and Representational Perspective, Lecture dated Paris, 22 March 1927, given in the Carnegie Foundation for the French Intellectual Union and published by Éditions Moly Sabata 1927. Republished in Puissances du Cubisme, Eds Présence, Chambery, 1969. Translation Peter Brooke Cubism, with its new geometry, its dynamism and multiple view-point perspective, not only represented a departure from Euclid's model, but it achieved, according to Gleizes and Metzinger, a better representation of the real world: one that was mobile and changing in time. For Gleizes, Cubism represented a "normal evolution of an art that was mobile like life itself". Albert Gleizes, 1915, Study No. 5 for Portrait of an Army Doctor (Étude 5 pour Portrait d'un médecin militaire), graphite on paper, 24.4 x 18.6 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New YorkAlbert Gleizes, 1915, Study No. 5 for Portrait of an Army Doctor (Étude 5 pour "Portrait d'un médecin militaire), graphite on paper, 24.4 x 18.6 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York > Multiple perspective was in itself a protest against painting defined as an > art based on space, that is to say, static.
A Political History, Methuen & Co., 1967, p. 43. In addition, article 3 provided that the Prince of Orange-Nassau, dynastically related to the king of Prussia who actively defended his interests, would be compensated with the Prince-Bishoprics of Würzburg and Bamberg if his loss of the Dutch hereditary stadtholdership, which followed the creation of the French-backed Batavian Republic, was to become permanent.Guillaume de Garden, Histoire générale des traités de paix et autres transactions principales entre toutes les puissances de l'Europe depuis la paix de Westphalie, Volume 5, Paris, Amyot, 1848, pp. 360–361 Likewise, the peace treaties France signed with Württemberg and Baden the same month contained secret articles whereby France committed to intercede to obtain the cession of specific ecclesiastical territories as their compensation in case their losses became permanent.Garden, volume 5, pp. 353–357. Signed in the wake of major French victories over the Austrian armies, the Treaty of Campo Formio of October 1797, dictated by General Bonaparte, provided that Austria would be compensated for the loss of the Austrian Netherlands and Austrian Lombardy with Venice and Dalmatia. A secret article, not implemented at the time, added the Archbishopric of Salzburg and a portion of Bavaria as additional compensation.

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