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38 Sentences With "proscriptive"

How to use proscriptive in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "proscriptive" and check conjugation/comparative form for "proscriptive". Mastering all the usages of "proscriptive" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"We cannot be judgmental but we must be proscriptive," Levchin told me.
He wasn't afraid of offering too much guidance, causing someone to feel something, or seeming proscriptive.
There's no prescriptive or proscriptive step-by-step rulebook to follow, nobody's coming to take GIFs away.
Then I decided to see how responsible a critic I could be, open to ideas but never prescriptive or proscriptive.
His reviews — listy, pontificating, proscriptive — were a form of self-advertising that also served as a useful means of self-critique.
But other managers are sitting on the sidelines as ESG investing continues to develop, due to concerns that proscriptive rules could limit investment opportunities.
The hardware was designed with this in mind but we'll have to see how people actually use it — Apple wasn't very proscriptive about these options.
Silver sees Soutine caught in the contradictory impulses and traditions between French and Jewish food cultures — between voluptuary French notions of gastronomy and the proscriptive traditions of Jewish dietary laws.
So while it makes sense to get informed—and consult your doctor before making any rash decisions about your SSRIs— it's also worth noting that none of this is proscriptive.
The performance included bondage and fisting on stage without a latex glove — a surprising decision for those who knew how proscriptive Boffin was about how lesbians should have sex during the AIDS Crisis.
Consumption of alcohol is allowed under certain conditions; the dress code is far less proscriptive than in some other Arab countries; and women are treated far more fairly, from being allowed to drive to holding government office and senior private-sector roles.
Deontic modal operators (P-operators) influence the construction of possible worlds as proscriptive or prescriptive norms, i.e. they indicate what is prohibited, obligatory, or permitted.
The second, even more basic, complexity resides in determining which verses have legal content. A seemingly proscriptive verse may be made merely polemical by interpretation, while a seemingly non-proscriptive verse may have actual legal import. Lastly there is the issue of juridical inflation/deflation (the latter termed takhsīs) where the scope/applicability of the ruling may be radically increased or decreased by exegesis. The asbāb surrounding Q.2:115 have already shown how legal consequences may be injected into a seemingly non-hukmic verse.
Prescriptive norms are unwritten rules that are understood and followed by society and indicate what we should do. Expressing gratitude or writing a Thank You card when someone gives you a gift represents a prescriptive norm in American culture. Proscriptive norms, in contrast, comprise the other end of the same spectrum; they are similarly society's unwritten rules about what one should not do. These norms can vary between cultures; while kissing someone you just met on the cheek is an acceptable greeting in some European countries, this is not acceptable, and thus represents a proscriptive norm in the United States.
A fiduciary is expected to be extremely loyal to the person to whom he owes the duty (the "principal") such that there must be no conflict of duty between fiduciary and principal, and the fiduciary must not profit from their position as a fiduciary (unless the principal consents).. The nature of fiduciary obligations differs among jurisdictions. In Australia, only proscriptive or negative fiduciary obligations are recognised, . whereas in Canada fiduciaries can come under both proscriptive (negative) and prescriptive (positive) fiduciary obligations..BLB Corp of Australia Establishment v Jacobsen (1974) 48 ALJR 372 High Court (Australia). LawCite Records.
Owomoyela, Oyekan. 1988. A Kì í : Yorùbá proscriptive and prescriptive proverbs. Lanham, MD : University Press of America. Siran found that people who had moved out of the traditional Vute-speaking area of Cameroon were not able to interpret Vute proverbs correctly, even though they still spoke Vute.
Sachs presents a near dichotomy to Easterly. Sachs presents a broad, proscriptive solution to poverty. In his book, The End of Poverty, he explains how throughout history, countries have ascended from poverty by following a relatively simple model. First, you promote agricultural development, then industrialize, embrace technology, and finally become modern.
On questions of ethics, Green proposes a distinction between tribal and territorial morality.Green, C., Letters from Exile, Observations on a Culture in Decline. Oxford: Oxford Forum, 2004, pp. 3–51. The latter is largely negative and proscriptive: it defines a person's territory, which is not to be invaded, stolen or damaged, such as his or her property, dependants and family.
Former Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor Jack Straw initiated a nationwide controversy on "the veil" by criticising its use in 2006. Straw said he would prefer to see no veils: "Yes. It needs to be made clear I am not talking about being proscriptive but with all the caveats, yes, I would rather".In quotes: Jack Straw on the veil – BBC News.
Aristotle's proscriptive analysis of tragedy, for example, as expressed in his Rhetoric and Poetics, saw it as having six parts (music, diction, plot, character, thought, and spectacle) working together in particular ways. Thus Aristotle establishes one of the earliest delineations of the elements that define genre. Literary genres are often defined by the cultural expectations and needs of a particular historical and, cultural moment or place.
A syntax-directed editor may treat grammar rules as generative (e.g., offering the user templates that correspond to one or more steps in a formal derivation of program text) or proscriptive (e.g., preventing a phrase of a given part of speech from being moved to a context where another part of speech is required) or analytic (e.g., parsing textual edits to create a structured representation).
Reagan Library display American attitudes towards drugs and alcoholic beverages have evolved considerably throughout the country's history. In the 19th century, alcohol was readily available and consumed, and no laws restricted the use of other drugs. Attitudes on drug addiction started to change, resulting in the Harrison Act, which eventually became proscriptive. A movement to ban alcoholic beverages, called the Temperance movement, emerged in the late 19th century.
Chapters I–XX. She characterizes the latter as predominantly negative and proscriptive: it defines a person's territory, including his or her property and dependents, which is not to be damaged or interfered with. Apart from these proscriptions, territorial morality is permissive, allowing the individual whatever behaviour does not interfere with the territory of another. By contrast, tribal morality is prescriptive, imposing the norms of the collective on the individual.
Although strategic control is a general management topic rather than a proscriptive tool, its reliance on feedback on organisational performance has resulted in a long association with performance management tools such as the balanced scorecard and its derivatives such as the Performance Prism, and with related strategy implementation / execution frameworks such as the ACME framework, the five step process that proposed by Hrebiniak and Joyce., or the approach proposed by Kaplan and Norton in 2001.
Scholars have pointed out that countries that specifically ban Holocaust denial generally have legal systems that limit speech in other ways, such as banning "hate speech". According to D. D. Guttenplan, this is a split between the "common law countries of the United States, Ireland and many British Commonwealth countries from the civil law countries of continental Europe and Scotland. In civil law countries the law is generally more proscriptive. Also, under the civil law regime, the judge acts more as an inquisitor, gathering and presenting evidence as well as interpreting it".
In other circumstances they delineate the parameters of acceptable belief and practice in proscriptive fashion. The Articles continue to be invoked today in the Anglican Church. For example, in the ongoing debate over homosexual activity and the concomitant controversies over episcopal authority, Articles VI, XX, XXIII, XXVI, and XXXIV are regularly cited by those of various opinions. Each of the 44 member churches in the Anglican Communion is, however, free to adopt and authorise its own official documents, and the Articles are not officially normative in all Anglican Churches (neither is the Athanasian Creed).
It has banned several other religious groups that it considers deviant, including the Islamic Al- Arqam movement and the Baháʼí Faith. In February 2007 the Government banned as deviant teachings three sects: Saihoni Tasipan, Al-Ma'unah, and Abdul Razak Muhammad. The Government readily investigated and took proscriptive action against purveyors of radical Islam or "deviationist" Islamic groups. The Government periodically warned the population about "outsiders" preaching radical Islamic fundamentalist or unorthodox beliefs and warned Muslims against Christian evangelists, most recently in 2005 during a sermon at the national mosque.
In ethics, value denotes the degree of importance of some thing or action, with the aim of determining what actions are best to do or what way is best to live (normative ethics), or to describe the significance of different actions. Value systems are proscriptive and prescriptive beliefs; they affect ethical behavior of a person or are the basis of their intentional activities. Often primary values are strong and secondary values are suitable for changes. What makes an action valuable may in turn depend on the ethical values of the objects it increases, decreases or alters.
Bancroft, History of Oregon: Volume 2, pp. 424-425. Even as far back as the 1880s such racial measures were regarded as socially retrograde, with historian Hubert Howe Bancroft remarking: > These proscriptive clauses, however they may appear in later times, were in > accordance with the popular sentiment on the Pacific coast and throughout a > large portion of the United States ... However that may be, the founders of > the state government in Oregon were fully determined to indulge themselves > in their prejudices against color, and the qualities which accompany the > black and yellow skinned races.Bancroft, History of Oregon: Volume 2, pg. > 425.
Early writings in the U.S. that the pro-feminist men's movement has identified as antecedents to its thought include Jon Snodgrass's A Book of Readings for Men against Sexism, Michael Kimmel and Michael Messner's collection of essays, Men's Lives, and Joseph Pleck's The Myth of Masculinity. Three basic assumptions of these early texts included the distinction between sex and gender, the treatment of gender as a social construct, and the position that men are harmed by proscriptive gender roles. Building on this last assumption, early pro-feminist men's texts assumed a corollary that if men were made aware of these conditions, they would relinquish their social privileges.
Alide: an episode of Goethe's life (1874) Lazarus contributed towards shaping the self- image of the United States as well as how the country understands the needs of those who emigrate to the United States. Her themes produced sensitivity and enduring lessons regarding immigrants and their need for dignity. What was needed to make her a poet of the people as well as one of literary merit was a great theme, the establishment of instant communication between some stirring reality and her still-hidden and irresolute subjectivity. Such a theme was provided by the immigration of Russian Jews to America, consequent upon the proscriptive May Laws of 1882.
Dembski formulates and proposes a law of conservation of information as follows: > This strong proscriptive claim, that natural causes can only transmit CSI > but never originate it, I call the Law of Conservation of Information. > Immediate corollaries of the proposed law are the following: # The specified > complexity in a closed system of natural causes remains constant or > decreases. # The specified complexity cannot be generated spontaneously, > originate endogenously or organize itself (as these terms are used in > origins-of-life research). # The specified complexity in a closed system of > natural causes either has been in the system eternally or was at some point > added exogenously (implying that the system, though now closed, was not > always closed).
Involved with hard, dangerous and health-threatening employment, the unionised and self-supporting pit-village communities in Britain have been home to more pervasive class barriers than has been the case in other industries (for an example, see chapter two of The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell.) They were also centres of widespread Nonconformism (Non-Anglican Protestantism), which hold proscriptive views on sexual sins such as adultery. References to the concepts of anarchism, socialism, communism and capitalism permeate the book. Union strikes were also a constant preoccupation in Wragby Hall. Coal mining is a recurrent and familiar theme in Lawrence's life and writing due to his background, and is also prominent in Sons and Lovers and Women in Love, as well as short stories such as Odour of Chrysanthemums.
In 1924, the Publications Monitoring Department of the Home Ministry was created with separate sections for censorship, investigation and general affairs. With the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Home Ministry, Army Ministry, Navy Ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs all held regular meetings with publishers to provide advice on how to follow the ever-stringent regulations. Penalties for violations increased in severity, and voice recordings (including radio broadcasts) also came under official purview. In 1936, an Information and Propaganda Committee was created within the Home Ministry, which issued all official press statements, and which worked together with the Publications Monitoring Department on censorship issues. The activities of this committee, a consortium of military, politicians and professionals upgraded to a "division" (Naikaku jōhōbu) in September 1937, were proscriptive as well as prescriptive.
In 1697, although the Anglican Church was never formally established in the Province of New York, Trinity Church was founded in the City of New York by royal charter and received many civil privileges and munificent grants of land. The Dutch Reformed Churches continued, however, to enjoy their property and the protection of their rights undisturbed by the new Anglican foundation, the inhabitants of Dutch blood being then largely in the ascendant. This condition continued many years, for when the Revolution occurred in 1776 the majority of the inhabitants of the Province of New York were not of English descent. The political conditions at home, and also the long contest between England and France for the control of North America, resulted in the enactment by the provincial legislature from time to time of proscriptive laws against the Catholics.
In 2000, he edited the many editions of Karl Polanyi's classic work The Great Transformation into a single edition. He has also published many journal articles on economic sociology, political sociology, sociology of work, and sociological theory in Politics & Society, World Policy Journal, Socialist Review, Theory and Society, Annual Review of Sociology, and Social Problems. In later years, Block gained a more exclusively economic focus publishing three extremely influential works that included two books, Postindustrial Possibilities and The Vampire State; as well as a more proscriptive article on ways capitalist economies could be reformed for more just and efficient results in Capitalism without Class Power. Of these, Postindustrial Possibilities is the most widely regarded as a sweeping statement on the findings of economic sociology as a field of study combined with Block’s own original contribution woven into the narrative.
David C. Earhart, Certain Victory : Images of World War II in the Japanese Media, M.E. Sharpe, 2007, p.89, 108, 143 Therefore, the Naikaku Jōhōkyoku's activities were proscriptive as well as prescriptive. Besides issuing detailed guidelines to publishers, it made suggestions that were all but commands. From 1938, the print media "would come to realize that their survival depended upon taking cues from the Cabinet Information Bureau and its flagship publication, Shashin shūhō, designers of the "look" of the soldier, and the "look" of the war."David C. Earhart, Certain Victory : Images of World War II in the Japanese Media, M.E. Sharpe, 2007, p.99 Article 12 of the censorship guideline for newspapers issued on September 1937 stated that any news article or photograph "unfavorable" to the Imperial Army was subject to a gag. Article 14 prohibited any "photographs of atrocities" but endorsed reports about the "cruelty of the Chinese" soldiers and civilians.Shinichi Kusamori, Fukyoka Shashi Ron: Hūkoku no Shashi 2 (An Essay on Disapproved Photographs: Journalistic Photos on Japan 2), Mainichi Shinbun Hizū Fukyoka Shashin 2, Mainichi Shinbun 1999, p.
The crux of Saiving's argument in the article is that the focus on pride characteristic of traditional Christian interpretations of sin reflects male experience in a way that is inappropriate to the experience of most, if not all, women, who are much more likely to be prone to "triviality, distractibility, and diffuseness; lack of an organizing center or focus; dependence on others for one's self-definition; tolerance at the expense of standards of excellence ... in short, underdevelopment or negation of the Self." Fundamentally, Saiving's essay proposes a radical re-definition of 'sin'; one that correctly addresses the female experience. Christianity's view of salvation as a result of selflessness is seen as potentially proscriptive of women who need, in Saiving's opinion, to be encouraged rather than discouraged from asserting themselves as individuals. Overall, Saiving wished to, "...awaken theologians to the fact that the situation of women, however similar it may appear on the surface of our contemporary world to the situation of man and however much it may be echoed in the life of individual men, is, at bottom, quite different - that the specifically feminine dilemma is, in fact, precisely the opposite of the masculine" (1979, 39).

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