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186 Sentences With "proscriptions"

How to use proscriptions in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "proscriptions" and check conjugation/comparative form for "proscriptions". Mastering all the usages of "proscriptions" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They seek fewer proscriptions, more dancing and song and mirth.
Would we Muslims feel respected if others imposed their proscriptions on us?
Paired with legal proscriptions, film is a persuasive medium for administering racial convention and shaping romantic aspirations.
Among these laws' provisions were draconian fines for violating broad proscriptions on 'vagrancy' and other dubious offenses.
USSR is no more but my art still lives there, 'nonconforming' to the state's cultural dictates and proscriptions.
The result has been to leave the vast federal bureaucracy badly prepared to interpret and enforce the sweeping proscriptions.
The temptation for governments to misuse it is intense, and the proscriptions of manufacturers like the NSO Group are obviously insufficient.
His cards effectively justified the denunciation of the clergy and the proscriptions of the civil authorities (from which the nobility was exempt).
States with nuclear weapons often leave ambiguity in their doctrines to prevent adversaries from exploiting gaps in their proscriptions and to preserve flexibility.
If we dropped all the prurient proscriptions and predilections, we could see it unmasked as what it really is: a shitty job just like any other.
The right likes to complain that immigration is destroying British cultural identity, as if British cultural identity were anything other than a set of fussy proscriptions.
If the firms afraid of these regulatory changes had succeeded in obtaining judicial proscriptions against innovation, the country and the world would be far worse off.
While Iran has riled conservative critics of last summer's nuclear deal with a succession of missile tests, it is not clear whether the latest activity violates any proscriptions.
But it is worth, at the outset, at least understanding that often-oversimplified worldview, its ambitions, and its proscriptions for whoever happens to follow Obama in the Oval Office.
Her interest in abjection's disruption of subjectivity and order and her observations about exclusion and taboo, especially as they relate to biblical proscriptions in Jewish law, would seem highly relevant.
In China, where content laws are far more restrictive and penalties for defying government proscriptions on content are far more severe, new social media giants and telecom providers like Musical.
" Harris said Sanders has struggled with black voters so far because he's failed "to explain to their satisfaction how his social policy proscriptions would become implemented policies, especially healthcare and free higher education.
But broad and subjective legal proscriptions not only contradict the fundamental right to freedom of expression; they also open the door to persecution of minority faiths, as in Ms. Bibi's case, or of political dissidents.
Badu distinguishes between the vegan life style, which strikes her as off-puttingly "hardcore" (with its proscriptions, for instance, against leather clothing), and a vegan diet, which she views as a matter of common sense.
The study, published in the journal Nature, comes just months after a national scientific committee recommended new guidelines for modifying embryos, easing blanket proscriptions but urging the technique be used only for dire medical problems.
That's a plausible argument, but the idea that you can propose policy, economic policy proscriptions, in a social vacuum with no attention to the other identities that are at work, that is something we just don't believe.
Trump has also frequently dominated news cycles with provocative rhetoric that breaks taboos, including unabashed insults targeting women he dislikes over Twitter, or unusual policy proscriptions like his call to temporarily bang Muslims from entering the country to prevent domestic attacks, or to force Mexico to pay for a multi-billion dollar border wall to keep out immigrants.
After all, Ms. Williams said, the Bible was mostly silent on transgender issues, except for one verse, Deuteronomy 20163:22016 (sometimes written, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God"), which struck her as no more binding than biblical proscriptions against trimmed beards or long hair.
But you can sense the delight she takes, after laying out some of the rigid proscriptions that ruled New York society ("A lady will not cross a ballroom unattended"; "A lady never sits in the aisle seat if she is with a gentleman"), in pointing out that even a snob like Caroline Astor ("I have never entertained a foreigner in my life unless he comes to me with a letter of introduction") had to adjust her standards to accommodate her own daughter's divorce.
Three thousand supporters were subsequently arrested and put to death in the proscriptions that followed.
It is possible that this treasure was hidden there by Hipparchus during Domitian's proscriptions. With it, Claudius Atticus restored his family's influence and prestige.
Marcus Licinius Crassus' next concern was to rebuild the fortunes of his family, which had been confiscated during the Marian-Cinnan proscriptions. Sulla's proscriptions, in which the property of his victims was cheaply auctioned off, found one of the greatest acquirers of this type of property in Crassus: indeed, Sulla was especially supportive of this because he wished to spread around the blame as much as possible, among those unscrupulous enough to do so. Sulla's proscriptions ensured that his survivors would recoup their lost fortunes from the fortunes of wealthy adherents to Gaius Marius or Lucius Cornelius Cinna. Proscriptions meant that their political enemies lost their fortunes and their lives; that their female relatives (notably, widows and widowed daughters) were forbidden to remarry; and that in some cases, their families' hopes of rebuilding their fortunes and political significance were destroyed.
Rewards for their arrest gave incentive for Romans to capture those proscribed, while the assets and properties of those arrested were seized by the triumvirs.Eck (2003), 16. Contemporary Roman historians provide conflicting reports as to which triumvir was most responsible for the proscriptions and killing. However, the sources agree that enacting the proscriptions was a means by all three factions to eliminate political enemies.
Bouton placed restrictive covenants on all lots in Roland Park. These included setback requirements and proscriptions against any business operations.Robert M. Fogelson (2005). Bourgeois Nightmares: suburbia, 1870-1930, p.60-63, 66-67.
He supported Cicero in condemning its members. The triumvirs included him in their proscriptions. However, according to Cassius Dio, his brother allowed him to escape.Weigel, Richard D., Lepidus: the Tarnished Triumvir, Routledge, 2002, preface.
During Sulla's proscriptions, Metella sheltered Sextus Roscius after his father's murder. Later, Roscius was defended by the young Cicero, helped by Metella's nephews Metellus Celer and Metellus Nepos, in the celebrated speech Pro Roscio Amerino.
For many decades, there was an alternance between legitimate presidents and others that took government through illegitimate means. Those means included coups d'état, but also proscriptions of major political partiesMendelevich, p. 130—131 and electoral fraud.Mendelevich, p.
Vespasian's second son Domitian, in either 92 or 93, ordered proscriptions on a large number of wealthy men. The father of Claudius Atticus seems to have been accused of attempting to form an extra-constitutional regime in Athens.
Social conventions and religious and theological proscriptions made conversion relatively rare, especially Muslim-to-Christian conversion. In many cases, societal pressure forced such converts to relocate within the country or leave the country to practice their new religion openly.
D by itself is an abstract language specification. It does not specify language syntax. Instead, it specifies desirable and undesirable language characteristics in terms of prescriptions and proscriptions. Thus, D is not a language but a family of both implemented and future languages.
Gibbon, p. 858 At the same time, continuous proscriptions and executions, originating in his weak and fearful disposition, disgraced the dozen years of his reign. "An anxious regard to his personal safety was the ruling principle of the administration of Valens", writes Gibbon.Gibbon, p.
In this process of adaption to the new culture, women have a special role because usually they are responsible for the cooking. Not only they are responsible for the purchase and preparation of food, as they must ensure that food proscriptions are followed and that suitable foods are available for their families. Dietary proscriptions are delineated by various religious traditions, including Islam and Hinduism. Even if women try to satisfy the desire of children by introducing new foods´ elements in the table, also throw traditional food they teach their children about the meaning of being from another culture and/or religion, such as Arabic, Chinese, Buddhist or Muslim.
Appian wrote that in December 44 and again in 43 BC, while Antony was abroad and Cicero campaigned for Antony to be declared an enemy of the state, Fulvia tried to block such declarations by soliciting support for Antony.Appian.B.Civ.3.8.51 Antony formed the Second Triumvirate with Octavian (the future emperor Augustus) and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus in 43 BC and began to conduct proscriptions. To solidify the political alliance, Fulvia's daughter Clodia was married to the young Octavian. Appian and Cassius Dio describe Fulvia as being involved in the violent proscriptions, which were used to destroy enemies and gain badly needed funds to secure control of Rome.Appian.B.Civ.4.4.29.Dio.47.8.2.
Like Camillo Miola, he applied Realism to historical painting. Other paintings were The proscriptions of Sulla and Agrippina spies on the Senate (exhibited 1877 in Naples).Dizionario degli Artisti Italiani Viventi: pittori, scultori, e Architetti, by Angelo de Gubernatis. Tipe dei Successori Le Monnier, 1889, page 69.
111; Philip Matyszak, Sertorius and the Struggle for Spain, p.27. After Octavius surrendered Rome to the forces of Marius, Cinna, and Sertorius, Sertorius abstained from the proscriptions his fellow commanders engaged in. Sertorius went so far as to rebuke Marius, and move Cinna to moderation.
For ancient writers, the most shocking proscriptions were those of Caesar's legate Lucius Julius Caesar, and Lepidus' brother Lucius Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. They were added to the list because they had been the first to condemn Antony and Lepidus after the two allied. In fact they both survived.Weigel, p. 72.
The Ixians are a technological culture in the Dune universe who provide both simple and sophisticated mechanical devices to the rest of the Imperium. Though Ixian technology is commonplace and considered essential, it sometimes tests the limits of the anti-technology proscriptions established in the aftermath of the Butlerian Jihad.
In traditional Thai Theravada Buddhism, accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct" in a previous incarnationJackson, Peter (1995). Thai Buddhist accounts of male homosexuality and AIDS in the 1980s. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, Vol.6 No.3, pp.140–153.
In Heretics of Dune (1984) it is revealed that they are a secret totalitarian theocracy ultimately seeking domination of the known universe. Despite their influence, the Bene Tleilax are universally distrusted and inspire disgust because their products, though desirable, push the limits of the moral proscriptions established by the ancient Butlerian Jihad.
Florian organized and trained an elite group of soldiers whose sole duty was to fight fires."St. Florian History", Brookline Firefighters Association, Brookline, Massachusetts. During the Diocletianic Persecution of Christians, reports reached Rome that St. Florian was not enforcing the proscriptions against Christians in his territory. Aquilinus was sent to investigate these reports.
Arruntius came of an opulent family at the Volscian city of Atina. His wealth made him a target in the proscriptions of the Second Triumvirate, which he evaded by arming his clientes and slaves then fighting his way to the Italian coast, from whence he sailed to join the forces of Sextus Pompeius.
In Schrum v. City of Coweta, 449 F.3d 1132, 1140-1143 (10th Cir. 2006), the Eleventh Circuit rejected an argument that the First Amendment proscriptions do not apply to executive action. The Court recognized that the Supreme Court has assumed on countless occasions that the Free Exercise Clause applies to executive action.
Although no author specifically identifies Ligarius as a victim of the proscriptions of the triumvirs in 43 BC, there is little doubt, as Cicero mentions that there were three brothers, and Appian mentions three brothers with this name who perished in the proscriptions.Cicero, Pro Ligario, 12.Appian, Bellum Civile, iv. 22, 23.
For that decision alone authorized and now sustains > all the unjust discriminations, proscriptions and robberies perpetrated by > public carriers upon millions of the nation's most loyal defenders. It > fathers all the 'Jim-Crow cars' into which colored people are huddled and > compelled to pay as much as the whites, who are given the finest > accommodations.
Though his health was frail, he determined to canvass the entire state.Biographical Sketch, p. 86 He continued his call for an end to Civil War bitterness and proscriptions against those who had sided with the Confederacy. He won the general election over Republican Sidney Barnes and a third party candidate, Judge William B. Kinkead.
But bakufu tolerance for this alien influence diminished as the country became more unified and openness decreased. Proscriptions against Christianity began in 1587 and outright persecutions in 1597. Although foreign trade was still encouraged, it was closely regulated, and by 1640, in the Edo period, the exclusion and suppression of Christianity became national policy.
Monsignor Ellis wrote that a universal anti-Catholic bias was "vigorously cultivated in all the thirteen colonies from Massachusetts to Georgia" and that Colonial charters and laws contained specific proscriptions against Roman Catholics. Ellis also wrote that a common hatred of the Roman Catholic Church could unite Anglican clerics and Puritan ministers despite their differences and conflicts.
Los Angeles created the first municipal zoning ordinance in the United States. On September 14, 1908, the Los Angeles City Council promulgated residential and industrial land use zones. The new ordinance established three residential zones of a single type, where industrial uses were prohibited. The proscriptions included barns, lumber yards, and any industrial land use employing machine-powered equipment.
Sallust, Bellum Catilinae XXIII.5-XIV.1 The Optimates were particularly repulsed because he promoted the plight of the urban plebs along with his economic policy of tabulae novae, the universal cancellation of debts.Sallust, Bellum Catilinae XXI.2 He was brought to trial later that same year, but this time it was for his role in the Sullan proscriptions.
Crassus bought property that was confiscated in proscriptions. He notoriously purchased burnt and collapsed buildings. Plutarch wrote that observing how frequent such occurrences were, he bought slaves 'who were architects and builders.' When he had over 500 slaves, he bought houses that had burnt and the adjacent 'ones because their owners would let go at a trifling price.
The first Vestals, according to Varro, were named Gegania,English pronunciation: Veneneia, Canuleia, and Tarpeia. Tarpeia, daughter of Spurius Tarpeius, was portrayed as traitorous in legend. The Vestals became a powerful and influential force in the Roman state. When Sulla included the young Julius Caesar in his proscriptions, the Vestals interceded on Caesar's behalf and gained him pardon.
Monsignor Ellis wrote that a universal anti-Catholic bias was "vigorously cultivated in all the thirteen colonies from Massachusetts to Georgia" and that Colonial charters and laws contained specific proscriptions against Roman Catholics. Ellis also wrote that a common hatred of the Roman Catholic Church could unite Anglican clerics and Puritan ministers despite their differences and conflicts.
Zaehner, p. 26 Zaehner criticises what he sees as Huxley's apparent call for all religious people to use drugs (including alcohol) as part of their practices.Zaehner p. 19 Quoting St Paul's proscriptions against drunkenness in church, in 1 Corinthians xi, Zaehner makes the point that artificial ecstatic states and spiritual union with God are not the same.
Myint-U 2006: 97–98 Soon, entire communities of ethnic Burmans from the north began to settle in the delta. Mon rebellions still flared up in 1762, 1774, 1783, 1792, and 1824–1826. Each revolt typically was followed by fresh deportations, Mon flight to Siam, and punitive cultural proscriptions. The last king of Hanthawaddy was publicly humiliated and executed in 1774.
Contemporary censorship in Japan dates to the Meiji period. The influence of European Victorian culture was a catalyst for legislative interest in public sexual mores. Post- WWII, the Allies imposed a number of reforms on the Japanese government including anti-censorship laws. The legal proscriptions against pornography, therefore, derive from the nation's penal code. At present, “obscenity” is still prohibited.
Buddhism and Shinto were both still important in Tokugawa Japan. Buddhism, together with neo-Confucianism, provided standards of social behavior. Although Buddhism was not as politically powerful as it had been in the past, Buddhism continued to be espoused by the upper classes. Proscriptions against Christianity benefited Buddhism in 1640 when the bakufu ordered everyone to register at a temple.
In 86 BC, while Sulla was in Asia Minor pursuing his war against King Mithridates VI of Pontus, he was stripped of his imperium by Marius and his colleagues, and forced into exile. Cornelia and her new husband took rapid steps to safeguard Sulla's estates from the resulting mock trials and proscriptions during Marius's seventh consulship. She then joined her father in exile.
Jenkins retired from the CIA in 1973 in Laos. Then moved to Malaysia for a couple of months followed by Australia. Eventually went to the U.S. after the dollar dropped in Australia. He also played a significant role in the covert efforts to resupply the Nicaraguan Contras in the mid-1980s, in circumvention of Congressional proscriptions, as led by Oliver North and Richard Secord.
Offner, 1983, p. 83 It was established under the reign of Moctezuma I. These laws served to establish and govern relations between the state, classes, and individuals. Punishment was to be meted out solely by state authorities. Nahua mores were enshrined in these laws, criminalizing public acts of homosexuality, drunkenness, and nudity, not to mention more universal proscriptions against theft, murder, and property damage.
Lepidus was to become consul and was confirmed as Pontifex Maximus. He would assume control of Rome while they were away. According to Lepidus's biographer Richard D. Weigel, Lepidus' willingness to give up his legions inevitably consigned him to a subsidiary role in the triumvirate. Lepidus also agreed to the proscriptions that led to the death of Cicero and other die-hard opponents of Caesar's faction.
Chapters I–XX. She characterizes the latter as predominantly negative and proscriptive: it defines a person's territory, including his or her property and dependents, which is not to be damaged or interfered with. Apart from these proscriptions, territorial morality is permissive, allowing the individual whatever behaviour does not interfere with the territory of another. By contrast, tribal morality is prescriptive, imposing the norms of the collective on the individual.
Abortion is sometimes treated as an aspect of public morality, even if it is legally defined, regulated by medical professionals, and almost entirely hidden from public view. AIDS as a health policy issue is linked to public morality in a complicated manner. Views on public morality do change over time. For example, there have been proscriptions against eating in the street or allowing women to smoke in public.
But the disturbances continued. In 1935, because of his Jewish descent Wolff, along with his colleague Ernst Rabel, was ousted from his professorship by the new dean of the Law Faculty, the fanatical Nazi Wenzeslaus von Gleispach, although neither he nor his colleague came under the proscriptions of the Civil Service Restoration Act, because they had had tenure since before 1914. The dismissal was nevertheless ordered by the education ministry.
See, for example, the Pandakavatthu section of the Mahavagga. 1:61, 68, 69. The Buddha's proscriptions against certain types of people joining the monastic sangha (ordained community) are often understood to reflect his concern with upholding the public image of the sangha as virtuous; in some cases, this is explicitly stated. Social acceptability was vital for the sangha, as it could not survive without material support from lay society.
In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime, and have been linked with calls for compassion and understanding from the non-homosexual populace."Jackson, Peter (1995). Thai Buddhist accounts of male homosexuality and AIDS in the 1980s.
With Dou Wu eliminated and the Empress Dowager under house arrest, the eunuchs renewed the proscriptions against Li Ying and his followers; in 169 CE they had hundreds more officials and students prohibited from serving office, sent their families into exile, and had Li Ying Crespigny (2007), 511. The eunuchs barred potential enemies from court, sold and bartered offices, and infiltrated the military command.Beck (1986), 323; Hinsch (2002), 25–26.
Elsewhere in the world, rat meat is considered diseased and unclean, socially unacceptable, or there are strong religious proscriptions against it. Islam and Kashrut traditions prohibit it, while both the Shipibo people of Peru and Sirionó people of Bolivia have cultural taboos against the eating of rats.Behrens, Clifford A. (September 1986) Shipibo Food Categorization and Preference: Relationships between Indigenous and Western Dietary Concepts. American Anthropologist, Nathan New Series, Vol.
Since 2015 is included in , the official glossary of the Swedish Academy. is currently treated as a neologism by Swedish manuals of style. Major newspapers like have recommended against its usage, though some journalists still use it. The Swedish Language Council has not issued any specific proscriptions against the use of , but recommends the inflected forms ("her(s)/his") as the possessive form and the object form ("her/him") over , which also occurs.
He certainly migrated to the mountains of Ji County in Tianjin. Here he remained for ten years in meditation in the Lanshui Cave, he purified himself and formulated his philosophical teachings revolving around the Eight Proscriptions (ba jie). At the age of eighty he took ten disciples, who were sent in different directions to spread the teaching. Yang, thanks to his techniques of meditation and refinement, reputedly died at the age of 133.
Scott (1933), 20. Suetonius said that Octavian was reluctant to proscribe officials, but did pursue his enemies with more vigor than the other triumvirs. Plutarch described the proscriptions as a ruthless and cutthroat swapping of friends and family among Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian. For example, Octavian allowed the proscription of his ally Cicero, Antony the proscription of his maternal uncle Lucius Julius Caesar (the consul of 64 BC), and Lepidus his brother Paullus.
Although Cicero had not been a conspirator in Julius Caesar's assassination, he had sympathized with the assassins. This, plus a personal rivalry with Mark Antony, resulted in Cicero being added to the list of proscribed persons during the proscriptions of the Second Triumvirate. Reportedly, Octavian argued for two days against Cicero being added to the list.Plutarch, Cicero 46.3–5 Among the proscribed, Cicero was one of the most viciously and doggedly hunted.
In the modern world, laws are typically created and enforced by governments. These codified laws may coexist with or contradict other forms of social control, such as religious proscriptions, professional rules and ethics, or the cultural mores and customs of a society. Within the realm of codified law, there are generally two forms of law that the courts are concerned with. Civil laws are rules and regulations which govern transactions and grievances between individual citizens.
Henry III of England afforded great deference to the Church, and did not enforce the proscriptions against mortmain in the Great Charters of 1215 and 1217. Magna Carta in 1215 began the process of abolishing the alienation of land in favour of the Church for the purpose of avoiding feudal incidents. The Great Charter of 1217 forbade the practice outright. Giving land to the Church had a long and contentious history in England.
The elder Sextus Roscius was a wealthy landowner and distinguished citizen of Ameria, a municipium in southern Umbria. He had influential connections in Rome, most notably with the prestigious Caecilii Metelli, and, according to Cicero, he had supported the cause of Sulla during the civil wars of the 80s.Freese, Cicero's Speeches, p. 113 In 82 BC, Sulla successfully became dictator, and initiated a series of state-sanctioned murders known as the proscriptions.
Lucius Cornelius Chrysogonus (died 80 BC) was a Greek freedman of Lucius Cornelius Sulla whom Sulla put in charge of the proscriptions of 82 BC. He purchased the property of the proscribed Sextus Roscius Amerinus, worth 250 talents, for 2,000 denarii. Chrysogonus then accused Roscius's son, Sextus Roscius, of murdering his father.Smith, pg. 702 In 80 BC Chrysogonus was in turn accused of corruption by Marcus Tullius Cicero, who was defending Sextus Roscius during his trial.
Pollio vacillated between Mark Antony and Octavian as civil war between them brewed,Cicero, Letters to Friends 10.32, 10.33; Appian, Civil Wars 3.46 but ultimately threw in his lot with Antony.Appian, Civil Wars 3.97 Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian soon joined forces in the Second Triumvirate. In their series of bloody proscriptions, Pollio's father-in-law, Lucius Quintius, was one of the first to be marked for murder. He fled by sea, but committed suicide by throwing himself overboard.
Statues of Marius were destroyed and Marius' body was exhumed and thrown in the Tiber. Cinna was already dead, killed by his own soldiers in a mutiny.Appian, Civil Wars 1.76–102; Plutarch, Sulla 24–33; Velleius Paterculus, Roman History 2.23–28; Eutropius, Abridgement of Roman History 5; Florus, Epitome of Roman History 2.9 Sulla's proscriptions saw hundreds of his political enemies killed or exiled. Caesar, as the nephew of Marius and son-in-law of Cinna, was targeted.
The Maine Kuki Airani (Miss Cook Islands) national pageant was held for the first time in 1960 and was usually happening in every two years. In the Miss Cook Islands pageant, beauty encompasses physical attributes and qualities that are seen to represent the community at large; respectability, talent and commitment to Cook Islands value. An yet, competing for the representative role of Miss Cook Islands necessitates that the participants negotiate contradictory moral proscriptions that define Cook Islands femininity.
On March 12 he stood before a military tribunal, but was freed by the Coup of 30 Prairial Year VII on June 18. Accommodating the coup of 18 Brumaire to satisfaction, Jullien proposed a plan to unify the Italian states in July 1800. Immediately becoming indignant at anti-Jacobin proscriptions, following the Plot of the Rue Saint-Nicaise he was relegated to handling administrative functions in Paris. He received the cross of the Légion d'honneur in 1803.
Scullard (1982), 163. The triumvirs then set in motion proscriptions, in which between 130 and 300 senators and 2,000 equites were branded as outlaws and deprived of their property and, for those who failed to escape, their lives. This decree issued by the triumvirate was motivated in part by a need to raise money to pay the salaries of their troops for the upcoming conflict against Caesar's assassins, Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus.Scullard (1982), 164.
Additionally, many instead are entirely vegetarian, eaten especially among those who hold ethical or religious proscriptions against eating meat or seafood. Curries may be either 'dry' or 'wet'. Dry curries are cooked with very little liquid which is allowed to evaporate, leaving the other ingredients coated with the spice mixture. Wet curries contain significant amounts of sauce or gravy based on broth, coconut cream or coconut milk, dairy cream or yogurt, or legume purée, sautéed crushed onion, or tomato purée.
Little else is known of his life or career.Ronald T. Ridley, "The Dictator's Mistake: Caesar's Escape from Sulla," Historia 49 (2000) 227–228. Julius Caesar began his military service under Thermus after his pardon by Sulla during the proscriptions of 82 BC.Matthias Gelzer, Caesar: Politician and Statesman, trans. Peter Needham (Oxford: Blackwell, 1968), It was Thermus who sent the young Caesar as an envoy to the court of Nicomedes IV of Bithynia to request aid in the form of a fleet.
Moreover, Mauritania's perceived support of Iraq prior to and during the 1991 Gulf War further weakened the strained ties. Relations between the U.S. and Mauritania reached a low in the spring of 1991, as details of the Mauritanian military's role in widespread human rights abuses surfaced. The U.S. responded by formally halting USAID operations and all military assistance to Mauritania. Relations also suffered in the 1990s as a result of repeated reports that slavery continued in some parts of Mauritania despite legal proscriptions.
Apart from the usual blocking and scoring games, also domino games of a very different character are played, such as solitaire or trick- taking games. Most of these are adaptations of card games and were once popular in certain areas to circumvent religious proscriptions against playing cards. A very simple example is a Concentration variant played with a double- six set; two tiles are considered to match if their total pip count is 12. A popular domino game in Texas is 42.
By baring his neck and throat to the soldiers, he was indicating that he wouldn't resist. His hands were cut off as well and nailed and displayed along with the head on the Rostra in the Forum Romanum according to the tradition of Marius and Sulla, both of whom had displayed the heads of their enemies in the Forum. He was the only victim of the Triumvirate's proscriptions to be displayed in that manner. According to Cassius DioCassius Dio, Roman History 47.8.
By baring his neck and throat to the soldiers, he was indicating that he wouldn't resist. His hands were cut off as well and nailed and displayed along with the head on the Rostra in the Forum Romanum according to the tradition of Marius and Sulla, both of whom had displayed the heads of their enemies in the Forum. He was the only victim of the Triumvirate's proscriptions to be displayed in that manner. According to Cassius DioCassius Dio, Roman History 47.8.
During his short time as ruler of England he took over the lordships of Denbigh, Oswestry, and Clun (the first of which belonged to Despenser, the latter two had been the Earl of Arundel's). He was also granted the marcher lordship of Montgomery by the queen. During the War of Saint Sardos the Regent and his queen spent over £60,000 bankrupting the Treasury, even after the proscriptions of Arundel and the Despensers. The Lancastrian opposition were incensed by this casual display of irresponsible government.
The memories of Pharsalus, the Ides of March, the proscriptions, Philippi, and Actium, barely twenty-five years distant, were still vivid in the minds of many citizens. Proconsular imperium was conferred upon Agrippa for five years, similar to Augustus's power, in order to accomplish this constitutional stability. The exact nature of the grant is uncertain but it probably covered Augustus's imperial provinces, east and west, perhaps lacking authority over the provinces of the Senate. That came later, as did the jealously guarded tribunicia potestas.
As Australian invasion literature, White or Yellow? reflects Lane's nationalist racialism and left-wing politics within a future history of Australia under attack by the Yellow Peril. The Yellow Peril proscriptions of the White Australia policies excluded the brown-skinned peoples of Melanesia from immigration to Australia. Lane wrote that in the near future, British capitalists would manipulate the legal system and successfully arrange the mass immigration of Chinese workers to Australia, regardless of its socioeconomic consequences to Australian common folk and their society.
Many kinds of establishments catering to the public were therefore left untouched by this provision; these establishments retained an unfettered discretion to discriminate among their patrons on such bases as race, religion, or ethnic background. Among establishments that were exempt from the proscriptions of the 1884 Civil Rights Act, were retail stores, beauty shops and salons, parking lots, gas stations, schools, health clinics, doctors' and dentists' offices, hospitals, banks, loan companies, lawyers' offices, real estate brokers' offices, employment agency offices, as well as many others.
Juvenal notes in his Fourth Satire that Pegasus was so honest that people were astonished when they learned he was selected as Urban prefect.Satires, IV.77 However, the date he took office and how long he held it is uncertain. The Fourth Satire is set at the beginning of Domitian's reign, a dramatic date between mid-September 81 and Spring of 83. Pegasus' ethical reputation suggests he would not willingly have taken part in Domitian's notorious proscriptions against Senators that started in the year 91.
The proscriptions against Jews were soon followed by required conversions, which led to a wholesale flight of Jews from Visigothic Spain to Ceuta and technically Visigothic nearby territories in North Africa. There, a community of exiles and malcontents formed, that were later to provide useful alliance and information at the time of the Moorish invasion in 711. The filioque clause spread through the Latin-literate West but not through the Greek- speaking East. The Franks adopted it, but its use caused controversy in the 9th century.
He was among the three physicians that empress Anna of Russia asked the latter to recommend to her in 1731. Appointed doctor of the Russian army, he distinguished himself before becoming a court physician. After more than 15 years of stay in Russia, he left the country in 1748 after empress Elizabeth Petrowna had denounced two of his doctor colleagues as Jews. Having had the chance, amid the daily proscriptions which he witnessed to be allowed to leave the country, he took the way to Paris in 1748 where he ended his life.
Bermuda, like Virginia, tended to the Royalist side during the Civil War. The conflict in Bermuda resulted in the expulsion of Independent Puritans from the island (the Eleutheran Adventurers, who settled Eleuthera, in the Bahamas). The church in Bermuda, before the Civil War, had a somewhat Presbyterian flavour, but mainstream Anglicanism was asserted afterwards (although Bermuda is also home to the oldest Presbyterian church outside the British Isles). Bermudians were required by law in the 17th century to attend Church of England services, and proscriptions similar to those in England existed on other denominations.
In July 2014 it was announced that hen would be included in Svenska Akademiens ordlista, the official glossary of the Swedish Academy. It is currently treated as a neologism by Swedish manuals of style. Major newspapers like Dagens Nyheter have recommended against its usage, though some journalists still use it. The Swedish Language Council has not issued any specific proscriptions against the use of hen, but recommends the inflected forms hens ("her(s)/his") as the possessive form and the object form hen ("her/him") over henom, which also occurs.
By the 11th century, with the adoption of the so-called canon-law method of computing consanguinity, these proscriptions had been extended even to sixth cousins, including by marriage. But due to the many resulting difficulties in reckoning who was related to whom, they were relaxed back to third cousins at the Fourth Lateran Council in AD 1215. Pope Benedict XV reduced this to second cousins in 1917, and finally, the current law was enacted in 1983. In Catholicism, close relatives who have married unwittingly without a dispensation can receive an annulment.
However, between 1908 and 1915, Los Angeles City Council created various exceptions to the broad proscriptions that applied to these three residential zones, and as a consequence, some industrial uses emerged within them. There are two differences from the 1908 Residence District Ordinance and later zoning laws in the United States. First, the 1908 laws did not establish a comprehensive zoning map as the 1916 New York City Zoning Ordinance did. Second, the residential zones did not distinguish types of housing; it treated apartments, hotels, and detached-single-family housing equally.
This concept includes an insistence on separate spaces for men and women and proscriptions against interactions between the sexes outside the mahrammat (acceptable male guardians such as father, brother son and any other male with whom a woman may not marry). These restrictions severely limit women's activities, including access to education and employment outside the home. Many are largely confined to their homes. Such restrictions are deemed necessary by conservative males because they consider women socially immature, with less moral control and physical restraint; women's hypersexuality precludes responsible behavior.
Their grievances under the administration of governor de Canço included the Franciscan missionaries forbidding the Indian practices of polygamy, divorce, dancing, games and intertribal wars. These proscriptions weakened his people, according to Juanillo, causing them to lose their old courage and prowess. Juanillo's hatred of the Spanish missionaries was so intense that on the morning of September 13, 1597, his warriors killed the Franciscan Friar Corpa at Tolomato. The next day an assembly of allied Indian leaders gathered; they were also indignant at the loss of their peoples' lands and their freedom to the Spanish.
Givot Olam founder Tovia Luskin was drawn to the Meged site after interpreting a geological survey of the area in 1988 as confirming a biblical passage in the Book of Deuteronomy (33:15) and its associated commentary by Rashi. According to Luskin, he visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe in New York in 1990 and received a blessing from him. In order to accommodate Jewish religious proscriptions against performing labor on the Sabbath, in 2011 Givot Olam introduced Shabbat clocks into its production system to obviate the use of manual faucets.
Sallust, The War with Catiline, 18.3 In 65 BC he was brought to trial along with other men who had carried out killings during the proscriptions (persecutions) of Lucius Cornelius Sulla when the dictator had declared many of his political opponents enemies of the state (81 BC).Cassius Dio, The Roman History, 10.3 He received the support of many prominent men and he was acquitted through bribery.Cicero, Pro Caelio IVCicero, Commentariolum Petitionis, 3 In 63 BC Catiline was a candidate for the consulship again. He presented himself as the champion of debtors.
His proscriptions are as follows: :For a period of 30 years, the proscription of every alien art. We shall replace the drawing-room setting with the setting of the theatre itself, our intention being solely to provide a background for all imaginable actions. :For the first 10 years of this 30-year period: the proscription of any elevation on stage, such as stools, staircases, terraces, balconies, etc. The actor will have to give the impression that he is higher and his partner lower, even when in reality they are side by side.
Colonial charters and laws contained specific proscriptions against Roman Catholics. Monsignor Ellis noted that a common hatred of Catholics in general could unite Anglican clerics and Puritan ministers despite their differences and conflicts. Before the Revolution, the Southern Colonies and three of the New England Colonies had established churches, either Congregational (Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, and New Hampshire) or Anglican (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia). This only meant that local tax money was spent for the local church, which sometimes (as in Virginia) handled poor relief and roads.
The bakufu erected bulletin boards nationwide at crossroads and bridges; among the many proscriptions listed on these boards were strict warnings against Christianity.Jansen, page 58 The systematic persecution beginning in 1614 faced stiff resistance from Christians, despite the departure of more than half the clergy. Once again, the main reason for this resistance was not the presence of a few priests but rather the self-organization of many communities. Forced to secrecy, and having a small number of clergymen working underground, the Japanese Church was able to recruit leadership from among lay members.
He then marries her, although the marriage does not last long. Then he goes to Rome, becomes intimate with a young dissolute, Asuvius, and kills him after he has signed a will in his favor. In 80 BC, Oppianicus fell in love with Sassia, the widow of his former brother-in-law, Aulus Cluentius Habitus the Elder. Cluentius the Elder had fallen victim to the Sullan proscriptions and the widowed Sassia then fell in love with her son-in-law Melinus and forced her daughter to divorce him so that she could marry him herself.
The election laws of the ZAR left the Afrikaners with the political power in Johannesburg despite their being in the minority. All citizens over 21 who were members of a Protestant church could vote for the Volksraad. In 1890, under pressure to serve the growing immigrant population, the government lifted the religious proscriptions and established a Second Volksraad in which immigrants could, two years after they completed their two- year naturalization process, vote after paying a £5 fee. Twelve years after naturalization, they could vote for the First Volksraad.
Many of the goals stated by those interviewed were, rather than leaving a relationship with an abusive husband, to stop the violence, improve relationships with their partners, help their partners learn to be more supportive husbands and fathers. Men and women in Latino cultures are expected to value their families, though the ways to express the value vary based on gender proscriptions. While men are expected to provide financial resources, protection, and leadership, women are told to provide emotionally and physically in part by raising children and doing domestic work within their homes.
Feuerstein, "Holy Madness," p. 86-87 "In 1974 he started his "sexual theater", involving the switching of partners, sexual orgies, the making of pornographic movies, and intensified sexual practices – all of which led to the temporary or, in some case permanent breakups of relationships" Drug and alcohol use were often encouraged, and earlier proscriptions against meat and "junk food" were no longer adhered to.Feuerstein, "Holy Madness," p. 90 Adi Da said that this behavior was part of a radical overturning of all conventional moral values and social contractsFeuerstein, "Holy Madness," 1992, p.
He failed to enter the cabinet of Martignac as Minister of Finance, and failed to be chosen as president of the Chamber, even though he won the most votes in the first poll. At this time his habitual opposition to the government seems to have lessened. When Jules de Polignac formed his ministry in August 1829, he gave La Bourdonnaye the portfolio of the Interior. The appointment was highly controversial, and the liberal press recalled his association with the amnesty laws and the proscriptions, and with the oppression and executions that had followed in the south of France.
Miller and colleagues concluded in their 2006 study, "Identifying principal risk factors for the initiation of adolescent smoking behaviors: The significance of psychological reactance", that psychological reactance is an important indicator in adolescent smoking initiation. Peer intimacy, peer individuation, and intergenerational individuation are strong predictors of psychological reactance. The overall results of the study indicate that children think that they are capable of making their own decisions, although they are not aware of their own limitations. This is an indicator that adolescents will experience reactance to authoritative control, especially the proscriptions and prescriptions of adult behaviors that they view as hedonically relevant.
"Inquisition", p. 67.) The laws were inclusive of proscriptions against certain religious crimes (heresy, etc.), and the punishments included death by burning, although imprisonment for life or banishment would usually be used. Thus the inquisitors generally knew what would be the fate of anyone so remanded, and cannot be considered to have divorced the means of determining guilt from its effects. Except for the Papal States, the institution of the Inquisition was abolished in Europe in the early 19th century, after the Napoleonic Wars and in the Americas, it was abolished after the Spanish American wars of independence.
Syme, pg. 200 Flaccus was the grandson of Gaius Norbanus. His family had suffered under the proscriptions of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, but had found favour under the regime of Julius Caesar.Syme, pg. 200 With Caesar's death, his allegiance passed to Octavianus, Caesar's adopted son.Syme, pg. 235 Norbanus was first elected as praetor in 43 BC.Broughton, pg. 337 With the establishment of the Second Triumvirate and the launching of the civil war against the Liberatores, in 42 BC Norbanus and another general, Decidius Saxa, were sent by Marcus Antonius and Octavianus with eight legions into Macedonia against the assassins of Julius Caesar.
Orca is generally regarded as the son of Quintus Valerius Soranus,Giovanni Niccolini, I fasti dei tribuni della plebe (Milan 1934), pp. 430–431. For the father's political career, scholarly reputation, and controversial death, see article on Quintus Valerius Soranus. a partisan of Gaius Marius who was executed during the Sullan proscriptions of 82 BC, allegedly for violating a religious prohibition against revealing the secret name of Rome.Conrad Cichorius, “Zur Lebensgeschichte des Valerius Soranus,” Hermes 41 (1906) 59–68, remains the most thorough treatment of the evidence for Soranus's life and career; English abstract in American Journal of Philology 28 (1907) 468.
At the insistence of Cato the Younger, who was then quaestor, all men who had profited during the proscriptions were brought to trial. For his involvement, Catiline was accused of killing his former brother-in-law Marcus Marius Gratidianus,The evidence is only sketchy that Catiline early in his life was married to a sister of Gratidianus, and some scholars, notably B.A. Marshall, have doubted Catiline's role in the killing. For further discussion, see Marcus Marius Gratidianus. carrying this man’s severed head through the streets of Rome and then having Sulla add him to the proscription to make it legal.
A general definition of an open marriage is that there is an agreement between the two partners to have some degree of sexual interaction outside the couple. There are variant forms of open marriage, each with the partners having varying levels of input on their spouse's activities. The term open marriage originated in sociology and anthropology. Through the 1960s, researchers used "closed marriage" to indicate the practices of communities and cultures where individuals were intended to marry based upon social conventions and proscriptions, and open marriage where individuals had the ability to make their own choice of spouse.
He also wanted to return the estates which had been confiscated from the men Sulla had executed and sold to private individuals (the proscriptions). Such a demand would destabilise Rome.Florus, Epitome of Roman History, 23.11 Presumably the men who bought the confiscated property would resist such a measure. Granius Licinianus wrote that Lepidus passed a corn law without opposition (it provided a corn allowance of five modii for the people) and made many other promises: to recall the exiles, to rescind the acts of Sulla, and to restore to its owners the land which had been used for military colonies.
Pew Global Attitudes Project 2013: Should homosexuality be accepted in society? Percentage of responders that answered that it should be accepted: Societal attitudes toward homosexuality vary greatly across different cultures and historical periods, as do attitudes toward sexual desire, activity and relationships in general. All cultures have their own values regarding appropriate and inappropriate sexuality; some sanction same-sex love and sexuality, while others may disapprove of such activities in part. As with heterosexual behaviour, different sets of prescriptions and proscriptions may be given to individuals according to their gender, age, social status or social class.
Gradually, Apokaukos's supporters abandoned him, including his son Manuel, who deserted his post at Adrianople and went over to the Kantakouzenos camp. In early 1345, Apokaukos and Kalekas rejected offers of reconciliation conveyed by two Franciscan friars.. Trying to bolster his waning power, Apokaukos began a series of proscriptions in the capital, and even ordered a new prison constructed for political prisoners. On 11 June 1345, Apokaukos suddenly decided to inspect the new prison, without being escorted by his bodyguard. The prisoners immediately rose up and lynched him, and his head was severed and stuck on a pole.
This postnatal recuperation can include "traditional health beliefs, taboos, rituals, and proscriptions." The practice used to be known as "lying-in", which, as the term suggests, centres around bed rest. (Maternity hospitals used to use this phrase, as in the General Lying-in Hospital.) Postpartum confinement customs are well-documented in China, where it is known as "Sitting the month", and similar customs manifest all over the world. A modern version of this rest period has evolved, to give maximum support to the new mother, especially if she is recovering from a difficult labour and delivery.
He took the Imperial examinations at the age of only seventeen, and placed first in his class. After the dismissal of Han Tuozhou as Chief Councillor, Shi was appointed to the position in 1208 (a number of historians accuse Shi of orchestrating Han's murder). Once in power, he reversed many of Han's policies, making peace with the Jin and revoking proscriptions against the Neo-Confucianism of Zhu Xi, although he still did not allow adherents of Zhu Xi's theories any great political power. He generally promoted officials on merit and was able to restore a degree of stability to government.
The consequences of being proscribed included the death sentence, and the public auction of all property belonging to the proscribed.Plutarch, Sulla 33.2 Sulla set the end-date for the proscriptions as 1 June 81 BC, after which time no more names could be added to the list.Cicero, pro Roscio Amerino 128 A few months after 1 June 81 BC, the elder Sextus Roscius was murdered near the Pallacine Baths in Rome while returning from a party. His son, Sextus Roscius the younger, was in Ameria at the time: however, a certain relative from Ameria, Titus Roscius Magnus, was present at Rome.
Proscriptions (Latin proscriptio, plural proscriptiones) initially meant public advertisements or notices signifying property or goods for sale. During the dictatorial reign of Sulla, the word took on a more sinister meaning. In 82 or 81 BC, Sulla instituted the process of proscription in order to avenge the massacres of Gaius Marius and his son. He instituted a notice for the sale of confiscated property belonging to those declared public enemies of the state (modern historians estimate about 520 people were proscribed as opposed to the ancient estimate of 4,700 people) and therefore condemned to death those proscribed, called proscripti in Latin.
The passage of the Field Archaeology Act in 1963 impacted the practice of archaeology in Minnesota in several critical ways. It provided proscriptions related to the practice of archaeology, banned unlicensed practitioners from conducting archaeological investigations on state sites, and enacted penalties for violations of the Act. It also officially established the Minnesota Office of the State Archaeologist, and outlined the licensing process and requirements for archaeologists seeking to work on state sites. In terms of physical archaeological remains and data recovered as a result of field archaeology, the Act explicitly granted ownership and title to the state.
Nevertheless, Emperor Otho ignored their advice and his men were defeated at Bedriacum. When Vedius Aquila, the commander of one of legions supporting Otho, returned to camp and found himself the potential victim of a murderous group of defeated soldiers, Annius Gallus intervened and saved his life.Tacitus, Histories, II.44 Despite having supported one of the unsuccessful rivals for the imperial insignia, Gallus managed to avoid becoming a victim of the ensuing proscriptions. He is next found as a general under Vespasian, assigned to assist in suppressing the Sequani, who had risen in revolt along with the Batavians.
Juanillo was mico, or chieftain, of the Tolomato, and heir to the chiefdom of Guale (clan organization was matrilineal). After the arrival of the Spanish colonizers in Florida, some chiefs of the Guale tribe, whose vast territory stretched from the Altamaha River to what is now Port Royal, were concerned about the spread of Christianity. Their grievances under the administration of the Spanish governor, Gonzalo Méndez de Canço, included the Franciscan missionaries forbidding the Indian practices of polygamy, divorce, dancing, games and tribal wars. These proscriptions weakened his people, according to Juanillo, making them lose their courage and skill.
The tenth book in the Safehold series, was released on January 8, 2019. After winning the war against the Church of God Awaiting, Merlin and the others are preparing for the prophetic 1,000-year-return of the so-called archangels. This possible event constitutes a danger to the development of the human race on Safehold since it was the so-called archangels that set up the Church of God Awaiting specifically to keep the human race wallowing in Middle Ages technology. Although the Charisians have not violated the proscriptions against technology, they have come fairly close with such things as steam engines and dirigibles.
For the consular elections of 64, Hybrida and another candidate, Catiline, received the support of Caesar and Marcus Licinius Crassus for their bids to become consuls of Rome. Dunstan describes Catiline as an "opportunist" who had gained notoriety for murders during Sulla's proscriptions; Kamm expands on this description by including the alleged murder of his own son, violation of a Vestal Virgin and many other "unspeakable profligacies". A third candidate also existed for the consular elections, Marcus Tullius Cicero, whom Dunstan describes as being a "brilliant orator", but he came from an undistinguished family. In the end, Cicero and Hybrida were elected to the position of consul for the year 63.
Octavian's colleague in the consulate that year, his cousin (and nephew of Caesar), Quintus Pedius, died before the proscriptions got underway. Octavian himself resigned shortly after, allowing the appointment of a second pair of suffect consuls; the original consuls for the year, Caesar's legate Aulus Hirtius and Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus, had died fighting on the Senate's side of the first civil war to follow Caesar's death, that between the Senate and Mark Antony himself. This became a broad pattern of the Triumvirate's two terms; during the ten years of the Triumvirate (43 BC to 33 BC), there were 42 consuls in office, rather than the expected 20.
Arms were collected and security was established. At the same time, acts committed for the purpose of enforcing the Shariah included public executions of murderers, stoning for adultery, amputation for theft, a ban on all forms of gambling such as kite flying, chess and cockfights, prohibition of music and videos, proscriptions against pictures of humans and animals, and an embargo on women's voices over the radio. Women were to remain as invisible as possible, behind the veil, in purdah in their homes, and dismissed from work or study outside their homes. They were toppled by a combined Afghan-NATO military force in late 2001.
Feinberg wrote: "In some Southern states, however, and in South Africa, sexual relations between persons of different races are proscribed by law; to me, this fact underlines the close connection between the fear of mixed marriages and the humiliation of full-scale segregation. As a Jew, I believe that, such proscriptions are every bit as shameful as Hitler’s Nuremburg laws, which forbade physical love between Aryans and Jews". Feinberg argued that as long as people refused to marry people of different races, racism would persist. Feinberg condemned the Vietnam War as "immoral", saying that in all good conscience he must speak out against the war.
Throughout the speech, Cicero focusses on the influence, power, and arrogance of Naevius and his supporters. In contrast to the nefarious Naevius, Cicero emphasises the pitiable position of Publius Quinctius, whom he characterises as an honest, hardworking farmer, treacherously deprived of his familial property by a man who was meant to be his friend and partner. Given that Rome was in the midst of Sulla's dictatorship and the proscriptions, Cicero also takes the opportunity to highlight the general lawlessness and insecurity of the times, but falls short of criticising Sulla directly.A. Vasaly, 'Cicero's early speeches', in J.M. May (ed.), Brill's Companion to Cicero (Leiden, 2002), pp.
Initially, proscriptions against "sodomy" were aimed simply at ensuring clerical or monastic discipline; and were only later widened in the Middle Ages to include laymen. By the Middle Ages, the Catholic clergy increasingly encouraged the pious to hunt out those committing homosexual acts, and to hand them over to secular authorities for punishment. The Spanish Inquisition tried nearly a thousand individuals for sodomy, where near 500 cases were of sodomy between persons, with only a few cases where the couple were consenting homosexual adults. The relationship between the Catholic church and the modern day LGBT community has been difficult, especially during the height of the AIDS crisis.
After the Marian purges and the subsequent sudden death of Gaius Marius, the surviving consul Lucius Cornelius Cinna (father-in-law of Julius Caesar) imposed proscriptions on those surviving Roman senators and equestrians who had supported Lucius Cornelius Sulla in his 88 BC march on Rome and overthrow of the traditional Roman political arrangements. Cinna's proscription forced Crassus to flee to Hispania.Plutarch, Parallel Lives, The Life of Crassus, 4.1 He stayed in Spain from 87 to 84 BC. Here he recruited 2,500 men (an understrength legion) from his father's clients settled in the area. Crassus used his army to extort money from the local cities to pay for his campaigns.
The family seemed finished until the third Tudor brother, Maredudd, went to London and established a new destiny for the family. Others eventually surrendered and made peace with the new order. The redoubtable Henry Dwn who with the French and Bretons had laid siege to Kidwelly Castle in 1403 and 1404 made his peace and accepted a fine. Somehow he avoided paying a penny. For many years after his surrender and despite official proscriptions, he sheltered rebels on the run, levied fines on 200 individuals that had not supported him, rode around the county with his retinue, and even plotted the murder of the King’s justice.
The earliest classical calendrical poem which might have inspired Ovid is the Works and Days of Hesiod, which includes mythological lore, astronomical observations, and an agricultural calendar. For the astronomical sections, Ovid was preceded by Aratus' Phaenomena as well as lost poetry on constellations and probably Germanicus' adaptation of Aratus (Fasti 1.17–27). The most significant influence on Ovid were the Roman fasti, the Roman calendrical lists, which included dates, notices of festivals, ritual prohibitions and proscriptions, anniversaries of important events, and sometimes aetiological material. Ovid often mentions consulting these calendars, such as his reference at 1.11 to pictos fastos and his references to the actual annotation marks of the calendar.
Merton defines this 'ethos' with reference to Albert Bayet's 1931 work « La Morale De La Science », which "abandons description and analysis for homily" as "that affectively toned complex of values and norms which is held to be binding on the man of science". He attempted to clarify it, given that previously it had not been 'codified'; Merton uses Bayet's remark that 'this scientific ethos [morale] does not have its theoreticians, but it has its artisans. It does not express its ideals, but serves them: it is implicated in the very existence of science'. > The norms are expressed in the form of prescriptions, proscriptions, > preferences, and permissions.
It was later repealed in Scotland on 21 June 2000 as one of the first pieces of legislation enacted by the new Scottish Parliament, and on 18 November 2003 in England and Wales by section 122 of the Local Government Act 2003, with the Labour government also issuing an apology to LGBT people for the act. This "promotion" is opposed by Morocco. See also Article 200 section of the Penal Code of Romania, which was amended in 1996 and repealed in 2001, and the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda for similar such proscriptions. Lithuania put in place a similar such ban 16 June 2009 amid protests by gay rights groups.
Buddhism was officially introduced to Japan in the 6th century CE. A central teaching of Buddhism is ahimsa, or nonviolence towards all living things, and its proscriptions against killing animals and encouragement of vegetarianism were highly influential in several periods of Japanese history. In 675, Emperor Tenmu banned the consumption of meat (with exceptions for fish and wild animals) due to his devout Buddhism, though the ban seems not to have been well-observed. Meat was reintroduced when Christian missionaries from Portugal and Netherlands arrived in Japan (beginning in the 16th century with their omnivorous diets. The ban on eating meat was reinstated in 1687 under the Buddhist Tokugawa shogunate.
Kinsey then goes on to address why Cicero did not employee the second part of the dilemma in his defence. Throughout his speech, Cicero consistently states that the younger Roscius only wished to be acquitted and that he will not seek to recover his inheritance. Kinsey proposes that many people had profited from the proscriptions (perhaps even members of the jury) and that the younger Roscius was less likely to be “acquitted if it meant the beginning of a long period of reprisal and restitution.” Therefore, Chrysogonus along with anyone else who might have been nervous about the younger Sextus' acquittal would be reassured.
In Coena Domini was a recurrent papal bull between 1363 and 1770, formerly issued annually in Rome on Holy Thursday (in Holy Week), or later on Easter Monday. It included proscriptions against apostasy, heresy and schism, the falsification of Apostolic Briefs and Papal Bulls, violence done to cardinals, papal legates, nuncios; piracy, against appropriating shipwrecked goods, and against supplying Saracens and Turks with war-material. The custom of periodical publication of censures was an old one. The tenth canon of the Council of York in 1195 ordered all priests to publish censures of excommunication against perjurers with bell and lighted candle thrice in the year.
Most of these "holiness standards" are no longer adhered to; however, some are still held to, such as proscriptions on smoking, alcohol and drug use. For much of its history, the Assemblies of God officially opposed Christian participation in war and was listed by The Pacifist Handbook as America's third largest peace church in 1940. The official position of the church until 1967 encouraged Christian nonviolence: "We . . . are nevertheless constrained to declare we cannot conscientiously participate in war and armed resistance which involves the actual destruction of human life, since this is contrary to our view of the clear teachings of the inspired Word of God".
There are no special proscriptions for specific subject matter in US patent law, and Congress and the courts have consistently declined to enact limitations on patentable subject matter for specific industries.Holman, C.M., "The impact of human gene patents on innovation and access: a survey of human gene patent litigation", UMKC Law Review, Vol. 76, No. 2, 2007, p296 Accordingly, a DNA sequence, like other molecules, is eligible to be considered for patenting by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, provided that the patentee alters its environment or structure.Gold, E.R., "Gene patents and medical access", Intellectual Property Forum, No. 49, 2002, p20 Myriad Genetics' patent applications were eligible as the BRCA genes were isolated from their natural environment.
The Anglican Communion has also allowed cousin marriage since its inception during the rule of King Henry VIII. According to Luther and Calvin, the Catholic bans on cousin marriage were an expression of Church rather than divine law and needed to be abolished. Protestants during the Reformation struggled to interpret the Biblical proscriptions against incest in a sensible manner, a task frustrated by facts like their omission of the daughter (but inclusion of the granddaughter) as a directly prohibited relation. John Calvin thought of the Biblical list only as illustrative and that any relationship of the same or smaller degree as any listed, namely the third degree by the civil-law method, should therefore be prohibited.
As noted above, a local government may only enter into a contract that is within the scope of its charter. A contract to do something beyond its power is void and unenforceable, and in fact the local government will be prohibited from performing its obligations under such a contract. The private party who performs under such a contract will have no means of recovery, even under equitable theories such as equitable estoppel, implied contract, quantum meruit, and unjust enrichment. This limitation also applies where the subject of the contract is permissible under the charter, but the manner in which the contract is made or awarded violates proscriptions set forth in the charter.
Crassus is said to have made part of his money from proscriptions, notably the proscription of one man whose name was not initially on the list of those proscribed but was added by Crassus who coveted the man's fortune.(Plutarch, The Life of Crassus, 6.6–7 (trans. Perrin, 1916). "It is said that in Bruttium he actually proscribed a man without Sulla's orders, merely to get his property, and that for this reason Sulla, who disapproved of his conduct, never employed him again on public business.") Crassus's wealth is estimated by Pliny at approximately 200 million sestertii. Plutarch, in his "Life of Crassus," says the wealth of Crassus increased from less than 300 talents at first to 7,100 talents.
In early 1345, Kantakouzenos sent Franciscan friars to the regency to make an offer of conciliation, but it was rejected. Despite this show of confidence, the regency's position remained insecure. The defections of the previous winter had weakened their control of the capital, and in response Apokaukos launched a series of proscriptions. He also ordered the construction of a new prison to house political prisoners. On 11 June 1345, while undertaking an inspection of the prison unaccompanied by his bodyguard, Apokaukos was lynched by the prisoners. 1352–1357 to remove the Kantakouzenoi from power, and later in his rule he would be deposed by his son Andronikos IV in 1376–1379 and by his grandson John VII in 1390.
It was akin to the estates being owned by the dead, hence the term. The Statutes of Mortmain were meant to re- establish the prohibition against donating land to the Church for the purpose of avoiding feudal services, a prohibition which had originated in the Magna Carta in 1215 and was specifically defined in the Great Charter of 1217. But King John, the author of the Magna Carta, died shortly after it was signed, and his son, Henry III, did not enforce the proscriptions and, to the contrary, showed great deference to the Church. Henry's son, Edward I, desired to re-establish the precedent set by Magna Carta and the Great Charter.
Most of the older aristocratic families failed to survive the proscriptions which took place at the end of the Republic, and Tacitus makes it clear that he owed his rank to the Flavian emperors (Hist. 1.1). The claim that he was descended from a freedman is derived from a speech in his writings which asserts that many senators and knights were descended from freedmen (Ann. 13.27), but this is generally disputed.Syme, 1958, pp. 612–613; Gordon, 1936, pp. 145–146 His father may have been the Cornelius Tacitus who served as procurator of Belgica and Germania; Pliny the Elder mentions that Cornelius had a son who aged rapidly (NH 7.76), which implies an early death.
Mondino was the first to incorporate a systematic study of anatomy and dissection into a medical curriculum. The dissection of human cadavers was a hallmark of the Alexandrian school, but declined after 200 A.D. due to legal and religious proscriptions. These bans were eventually lifted, allowing Mondino to perform his first public dissection in Bologna in January 1315 in the presence of medical students and other spectators; the subject was mostly likely a female executed criminal. It was common practice for the professor of anatomy to sit in a large, ornate chair elevated above the dissection proceedings, reading from an anatomical text and providing commentary, while a demonstrator, or surgeon, physically performed the dissection.
His masterpiece (now at the Museum of the Risorgimento in Milan) is considered to be Episodio delle Cinque Giornate (Combattimento a Palazzo Litta) - known in English as Episode from the Five Days (Fighting at Palazzo Litta). Heavily involved in the Risorgimento, he was hunted down by the Austrian authorities in 1848 and forced to live under severe proscriptions. He left for Argentina in 1856, where he taught (the Argentine painter Cándido López was his student) and painted local personalities,Portrait of CRISTINA CASTRO RAMOS MEXIA DE PEÑA at the Museo de Arte Hispanoamericano Isaac Fernández Blanco de Buenos Aires scenes of everyday life and history paintings of political or military events. He also decorated the original Teatro Colón.
The Sections were invited to hold special meetings on 24 May to denounce and disarm all suspected 'terrorists' and Jacobin sympathizers. The result was a massive toll of proscriptions, in which the settling of old scores played as large a part as the testing of political orthodoxy. By the 28 May the Gazette française already put their number at 10,000; and the eventual total of arrested and disarmed must have been considerably larger, as, in several Sections, all former members of Revolutionary Committees, all soldiers of the armée révolutionnaire were arrested or disarmed irrespective of any part they may have played in the events of Germinal or Prairial. The precedent thus established was to be followed on more than one occasion during the Directory and Consulate.
In 1980 Kinship held its first national gathering called Kampmeeting (similar to a typical Adventist camp meeting). Three professors from the Adventist Theological Seminary and two pastors were invited to participate. They received permission from the General Conference, with the stipulation that SDA Kinship would not claim that this indicated the church's acceptance of homosexuality and that Colin Cook also be invited to present his ideas about helping homosexuals find healing. The invited theology professors, after the first in-depth research into what the Bible has to say about homosexuality, came to the conclusion that it was silent about persons with a homosexual orientation, and that its proscriptions against sexual exploitation, promiscuity, rape, and temple prostitution apply equally to heterosexuals and homosexuals.
The Polish Decrees also established that any Pole "who has sexual relations with a German man or woman, or approaches them in any other improper manner, will be punished by death." The were vigilant of sexual relations between Germans and Poles, and pursued anyone suspected of race defilement (); likewise, there were proscriptions of sexual relations between Germans and other ethnic groups brought in from Eastern Europe. As official policy, Heinrich Himmler said that no drop of German blood would be lost or left behind to mingle with any alien races;Richard Overy, The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia, p 543 and that the Germanisation of Eastern Europe would be complete when "in the East dwell only men with truly German [and] Germanic blood".
She was married around 43 BC.Livia, First pLady of Imperial Rome by Anthony A Barrett, Yale University Press. Her father married her to Tiberius Claudius Nero, her cousin of patrician status who was fighting with him on the side of Julius Caesar's assassins against Octavian. Her father committed suicide in the Battle of Philippi, along with Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus, but her husband continued fighting against Octavian, now on behalf of Mark Antony and his brother Lucius Antonius. Her first child, the future Emperor Tiberius, was born in 42 BC. In 40 BC, the family was forced to flee Italy in order to avoid the proscriptions issued by the Triumvirate of Octavian (later Augustus), Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Mark Antony.
Carol Hart analyzes the concept of inflicting pain without injury in the essay "The Black Hole of Pain" in The Science of Dune (2008). In God Emperor of Dune (1981), Moneo Atreides uses a memocorder, a tiny handheld device described as "a dull black Ixian artifact whose existence crowded the proscriptions of the Butlerian Jihad". In the same novel, the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother Anteac writes a message to be sent to her Sisterhood: In Heretics of Dune, Reverend Mother Lucilla recognizes a device called a hypnobong in use on the street, witnessing a passerby lean into a concave basin and then lift his face "with a shudder ... staggering slightly, his eyes glazed". She notes that the device is "outlawed on all of the more civilized worlds".
Societal attitudes toward homosexuality vary greatly in different cultures and different historical periods, as do attitudes toward sexual desire, activity and relationships in general. All cultures have their own values regarding appropriate and inappropriate sexuality; some sanction same-sex love and sexuality, while others disapprove of such activities.Murray, Stephen O., Homosexualities, University of Chicago 2000 As with heterosexual behaviour, different sets of prescriptions and proscriptions may be given to individuals according to their gender, age, social status or class. For example, among the samurai class of pre-modern Japan, it was recommended for a teenage novice to enter into an erotic relationship with an older warrior (see Shudo), but sexual relations between the two became inappropriate once the boy came of age.
Of the planned orators, only Cicero had an opportunity to speak. Cicero detailed Verres' early crimes and Verres' attempts to derail the trial. Soon after the court heard Cicero's speeches, Hortensius advised Verres that it would be hard for him to win at this point, and further advised that the best course of action was for Verres to essentially plead no contest by going into voluntary exile (an option open to higher-ranking Romans in his situation). By the end of 70 BC, Verres was living in exile in Massilia, modern-day Marseilles, where he would live the rest of his life (history records he was killed during the proscriptions of the Second Triumvirate over a sculpture desired by Mark Antony).
Kabuki, like many other traditional arts, originated in the Kamigata area, particularly Kyoto, which also perfected the wagoto (gentler style of acting) school. It grew out of Noh theatre and traditional Shinto dances, and was originally much more a dance form than drama. After periods of women's kabuki (onna kabuki) and young men's kabuki (wakamono kabuki), in which the dancers/actors were also prostitutes, and thus various proscriptions were put into place, including the banning of women from the stage, men's kabuki (yarō kabuki), the beginnings of what is considered today the mainstream form of kabuki, emerged. Sakata Tōjūrō (1647–1709) was one of the first actors in this new form, and an extremely influential one in shaping Kamigata kabuki.
In 1785 Abbé Maury was elected to the Académie française, successor to the chair formerly occupied by Lefranc de Pompignan. His morals were as loose as those of his great rival Mirabeau, but he was famed in Paris for his wit and gaiety. He was elected a member of the Estates-General of 1789 by the clergy of the bailliage of Péronne, proving from the first to be the most able and persevering defender of the ancien régime. (He had, nonetheless, drawn up the greater part of the cahier of the clergy of Péronne which contained a considerable programme of reform.) It is said that he attempted to emigrate both in July and in October 1789, having been placed on a list of proscriptions by the Orléanist faction,Fisquet, p. 561.
The episode "Future Stock" introduces Robot Judaism in a scene where Fry and Dr. Zoidberg, seeking free food, sneak into a "Bot Mitzvah" celebration (a spoof of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah). As a joke about Jewish dietary laws' proscriptions against shellfish, Zoidberg was not allowed in (despite having Jewish stereotype qualities) inasmuch as he was an anthropomorphic lobster. At the Bot Mitzvah, Fry asks a Jewish robot if they don't believe in Robot Jesus, to which the robot replies, "We believe he was built, and that he was a very well-programmed robot, but he wasn't our Messiah". A banner written in Hebrew reads "Today you are a robot" (with two misspellings), referencing the traditional Jewish belief that a boy becomes a man on his Bar Mitzvah.
There is no civil marriage in many Middle Eastern countries like Egypt, Syria, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Lebanon, and Israel, as well as Libya, Mauritania, and Indonesia, among others; all marriages are conducted by religious authorities, and are registered by civil authorities only after having been registered by authorities of officially approved religions, or, having been registered abroad. Some of those countries as Israel, Syria and Lebanon officially recognize Islam, Christianity, Druze, Judaism, and marriage is possible but usually only within the same community. Contrary to the situation in Lebanon, Syrian law prohibits the recognition of any marriage that falls outside the existing proscriptions of its personal status laws, even if the couple marries abroad. Egypt recognizes civil marriages but is very complicated.
Monsignor John Tracy Ellis wrote that a "universal anti-Catholic bias was brought to Jamestown in 1607 and vigorously cultivated in all the thirteen colonies from Massachusetts to Georgia". Colonial charters and laws often contained specific proscriptions against Catholics. For example, the second Massachusetts charter of October 7, 1691, decreed "that forever hereafter there shall be liberty of conscience allowed in the worship of God to all Christians, except Papists, inhabiting, or which shall inhabit or be resident within, such Province or Territory".The Charter Granted by their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, Publisher: Boston, in New- England: Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of His Excellency the Governor, Council and House of Representatives, (1759), p. 9.
Marcus Marius Gratidianus (c. 125 – 82 BC) was a Roman praetor, and a partisan of the political faction known as the populares, led by his uncle, Gaius Marius, during the civil war between the followers of Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla. As praetor, Gratidianus is known for his policy of currency reform during the economic crisis of the 80s. Although this period of Roman history is marked by the extreme violence and cruelty practiced by partisans on each side, Gratidianus suffered a particularly vicious death during the Sullan proscriptions; in the most sensational accounts, he was tortured and dismembered by Catiline at the tomb of Quintus Lutatius Catulus, in a manner that evoked human sacrifice, and his severed head was carried through the streets of Rome on a pike.
An SWP member edited the Northwest Organizer, the weekly newspaper of the Minneapolis Teamsters, and the local union remained militant even as the national union grew more conservative. The CPUSA supported the trial and conviction of Trotskyists under the Smith Act. The defendants were accused of having plotted to overthrow the U.S. government in violation of the newly passed Smith Act and of the Sedition Act of 1861, to enforce which, according to Wallace MG as at March 1920, it seems no serious previous attempt had ever been made. When critics argued that the government should adhere to the doctrine enunciated by Justice Holmes that free speech could only be prosecuted if it presented "a clear and present danger", Attorney General Biddle replied that Congress had considered both that standard and the international situation when writing the Smith Act's proscriptions.
It is unknown when the first attempts were made to represent an oral language with gesture. Indeed, some have speculated that oral languages may have evolved from sign languages, and there may be undocumented cases in history when vocal and signed modes of a language existed side by side. It is not uncommon for people to develop gestures to replace words or phrases in contexts where speech is not possible or not permitted, such as in a television studio, but these are usually limited in scope and rarely develop into complete representations of an oral language. One of the most elaborated examples of this kind of auxiliary manual system is Warlpiri Sign Language, a complete signed mode of spoken Warlpiri which was developed by an Indigenous community in central Australia due to cultural proscriptions against speech.
The RIRA is distinct from the Continuity IRA, another Provisional IRA splinter group founded in 1986, although the two groups have been known to co-operate at a local level. The Provisional IRA has been hostile to the RIRA and issued threats to RIRA members, and in October 2000 was alleged to be responsible for the fatal shooting of Belfast RIRA member Joe O'Connor according to O'Connor's family and 32 County Sovereignty Movement member Marian Price. Organisations called "Irish Republican Army" are illegal in both UK law and Irish law; under section 18 of the Offences against the State Act 1939 both proscriptions have been held to apply to the RIRA as to other groups of the name. Membership in the organisation is punishable by a sentence of up to ten years' imprisonment under UK law.
Gaius Metellus was a young Roman senator at the time of Sulla's proscriptions in the late 80s BC. Given that his cognomen is Metellus, his gens name is likely to have been Caecilius. Nothing about his identity can be established with certainty.Robin Waterfield, Plutarch: Roman Lives (Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 481. Plutarch records what seems to have been a famous anecdote about Gaius Metellus as the one who prompted the Roman dictator to post the first proscription lists: > Sulla now devoted himself to butchery, and the city was filled with murders > without number or limit, with many people being killed out of private > enmity, with whom Sulla had no concerns but permitted it as a favour to his > supporters, until one of the young men, Gaius Metellus, ventured in the > senate to ask Sulla what end there would be to these evils.
"Inquisition", p. 67.) The laws were inclusive of proscriptions against certain religious crimes (heresy, etc.), and the punishments included death by burning, although usually the penalty was banishment or imprisonment for life, which was generally commuted after a few years. Thus the inquisitors generally knew what would be the fate of anyone so remanded. The 1578 edition of the Directorium Inquisitorum (a standard Inquisitorial manual) spelled out the purpose of inquisitorial penalties: ... quoniam punitio non refertur primo & per se in correctionem & bonum eius qui punitur, sed in bonum publicum ut alij terreantur, & a malis committendis avocentur (translation: "... for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit").
Bust of Julius Caesar, posthumous portrait in marble, 44–30 BC, Museo Pio-Clementino, Vatican Museums Based on remarks by Plutarch,Plutarch, Caesar 17, 45, 60; see also Suetonius, Julius 45. Caesar is sometimes thought to have suffered from epilepsy. Modern scholarship is sharply divided on the subject, and some scholars believe that he was plagued by malaria, particularly during the Sullan proscriptions of the 80s.Ronald T. Ridley, "The Dictator's Mistake: Caesar's Escape from Sulla," Historia 49 (2000), pp. 225–226, citing doubters of epilepsy: F. Kanngiesser, "Notes on the Pathology of the Julian Dynasty," Glasgow Medical Journal 77 (1912) 428–432; T. Cawthorne, "Julius Caesar and the Falling Sickness," Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 51 (1957) 27–30, who prefers Ménière's disease; and O. Temkin, The Falling Sickness: A History of Epilepsy from the Greeks to the Beginnings of Modern Neurology (Baltimore 1971), p 162.
"Written genres" (more commonly known as "literary genres") are those works of prose, poetry, drama, hybrid forms, or other literature that are distinguished by shared literary conventions, similarities in topic, theme, style, tropes, or common settings, character types, or formulaic patterns of character interactions and events, and an overall predictable form. Genres are not wholly fixed categories of writing, but their content evolves according to social and cultural contexts and contemporary questions of morals and norms. The most enduring genres are those literary forms that were defined and performed by the Ancient Greeks, definitions sharpened by the proscriptions of our earliest literary critics and rhetorical scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Aeschylus, Aspasia, Euripides and others. The prevailing genres of literary composition in Ancient Greece were all written and constructed to explore cultural, moral, or ethical questions; they were ultimately defined as the genres of epic, tragedy, and comedy.
The theoretical proscriptions concerning the nundinae were not always observed. The rebellion of M. Aemilius Lepidus in 78 was later remembered as an example of the pernicious effects of having the nundinae occur on the January kalends; the New Year was allowed to coincide with a market again in 52.. Cicero complains in one of his letters about a ' being held in the Circus Flaminius despite the nundinae. Following the 46 Julian reform of the calendar, the inalterable nature of its leap day intercalation meant that the nundinae began to fall upon the supposedly unlucky days of January 1 and the nones of each month. Early on in the Julian calendar, though, the strength of this superstition caused the priests to insert an extra day as under the former system; it was accommodated by removing another day sometime later in the year; this seems to have occurred in 40 and 44.
Cicero, Against Catiline, 3.14 Something Julius Exsuperantius wrote suggests that Lepidus probably wanted to restore the land confiscated both from the Italians and with the proscriptions. He wrote that "Lepidus gathered together the dispossessed, whose land had been taken over by Sulla after his victory to make new colonies for his soldiers, and also the children of the proscribed. In this way he collected a large army ..." He also wrote that Lepidus "also made himself popular with the common people, as the defender of the people's freedom, by bestowing many gifts on them, both publicly and individually."Julius Exsuperantius, On the civil Wars of Marius, Lepidus and Sertorius, 35 In one of the fragments of the work of Sallust which have survived, he wrote that there were suspicions that Lepidus was stirring Etruria to revolt and in another passage he mentioned a Tuscan (Etruscan) conspiracy.
On March 14, 2014, Judge Trauger issued a preliminary injunction ordering Tennessee to recognize the marriages of three same-sex couples consummated out-of-state. In her ruling, Judge Trauger did not directly hold Tennessee's ban unconstitutional, but stated that, "At some point in the future, likely with the benefit of additional precedent from circuit courts and, perhaps, the Supreme Court, the court will be asked to make a final ruling on the plaintiffs’ claims. At this point, all signs indicate that, in the eyes of the United States Constitution, the plaintiffs’ marriages will be placed on an equal footing with those of heterosexual couples and that proscriptions against same-sex marriage will soon become a footnote in the annals of American history". On March 23, 2017, Judge Trauger issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting Rutherford County from subjecting children to solitary confinement while their case proceeds.
New Army Rules May Snarl Talks With McCain on Detainee Issue, The New York Times, December 14, 2005 - mirror On June 5, 2006, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Pentagon's revisions would remove the proscription against "humiliating and degrading treatment", and other proscriptions from article 3 of the third Geneva Convention.Geneva references omitted from revised Army interrogation manual , JURIST, June 5, 2006 Army Manual to Skip Geneva Detainee Rule, Los Angeles Times, June 5, 2006 The LA Times reported that the State Department had argued against the revisions because of the effect it would have on the world's opinion of the United States. In 2006, there was an ongoing debate over whether the interrogation section should be classified. The New York Times reported that the Pentagon was considering making the interrogation section public once again, but the Pentagon made no formal announcement of its intentions.
The Legends of Dune prequel trilogy (2002–2004) by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson establish that the Spacing Guild first start using Guild Navigators because the travel technique of spacefolding is not safe; only about nine out of every ten heighliners make it to their final destination without Navigators. Norma Cenva (the first Navigator and the creator of the Spacing Guild) at first uses super-computers to navigate space, but as the proscriptions of the Butlerian Jihad do not allow for the use of thinking machines, she uses melange to develop the prescient ability to visualize a heighliner's path before it actually travels. Cenva's own mutations are described at the end of The Battle of Corrin (2004): > Her direct physical senses were deadened, and Norma no longer cared about > taste, touch, or smell ... She found it remarkable to see webbing between > her fingers and toes. Her face, once blunt-featured and later flawlessly > beautiful, now had a small mouth and tiny eyes surrounded by smooth folds.
These laws ban handgun possession and provide exemptions, including individuals licensed to carry handguns or to possess them for other reasons, including sports, repair, or disposal. As the law's title indicates, New York's restrictive laws also apply to other items regarded as deadly weapons, such as certain chemical sprays, clubs, explosives, fireworks, knives, rockets, slingshots, stun guns, and throwing stars. The ban on stun guns was ruled unconstitutional. Statewide, New York enforces various firearm related prohibitions, many proscriptions similarly listed in the now-expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban.NY Penal Code § 799.99 Definitions. (2010)NY Penal Code § 265.02 Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree. (2010)NY Penal Code § 265.10 Manufacture, transport, disposition and defacement of weapons and dangerous instruments and appliances. (2010) On January 15, 2013, the state assault weapons ban was made more restrictive by the NY SAFE Act. Specified rifle magazines are banned: a) manufactured after 1994; and b) the magazine holds in excess of 10 rounds (handguns included).
Proposed alternatives to the generic he include he or she (or she or he), s/he, or the use of singular they. Each of these alternatives has met with objections. Some feel the use of singular they to be a grammatical error, but according to most references, they, their and them have long been grammatically acceptable as gender-neutral singular pronouns in English, having been used in the singular continuously since the Middle Ages, including by a number of prominent authors, such as Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, and Jane Austen. Linguist Steven Pinker goes further and argues that traditional grammar proscriptions regarding the use of singular "they" are themselves incorrect: > The logical point that you, Holden Caulfield, and everyone but the language > mavens intuitively grasp is that everyone and they are not an "antecedent" > and a "pronoun" referring to the same person in the world, which would force > them to agree in number.
This resulted in their legally becoming the Commission of Three for the Ordering of the State, more commonly known as the Second Triumvirate, through the Lex Titia promulgated in Rome on 27 November 43 BC. The three Caesarian leaders solemnly entered the capital, assumed full political control, and ruthlessly pursued their opponents in the republican faction. Cicero, who was killed on the orders of Antony, was the most high-profile victim of the triumvirate's proscriptions. In the power struggles ensuing many years later, Octavian would eventually defeat Antony and Cleopatra at Actium in 31 BC and usher in the Principate, but Mutina was the milestone where Octavian first established himself as a force to be reckoned with. Without this victory, Octavian might never have attained the prestige necessary to be looked upon as Caesar's successor, and the stability of the Empire might never have been established in the lasting manner which Octavian had decided for it.
Mosè in Egitto, 1818'' The opera was loosely based on the Exodus from Egypt of the Israelites, led by Moses, rendered agreeable to the opera stage by introducing a love theme, in which the Pharaoh's son Amenophis plans to prevent their departure, since he loves the Israelite Anaïs. The 1818 opera opens as the plague of darkness is dispelled by Moses' prayer, and it ends with the spectacle of the parting of the Red Sea and the drowning of Pharaoh's host, which "elicited howls of derision" at the clumsy machinery of its staging at the premiere, though the opera surmounted its technical failings and was a hit. Billed in 1818 as an azione tragico-sacra, the sacred drama with some features of the oratorio circumvented proscriptions of secular dramatic performances during Lent. Rossini slightly revised the opera in 1819, when he introduced Moses' prayer- aria "Dal tuo stellato soglio", which became one of the most popular opera pieces of the day and which inspired a set of variations for violin and piano by Niccolò Paganini.
The rise of this "most celebrated of the parvenues" (Charles Brand) to such power, his haughtiness and ruthlessness, and his complicity in the murder of Alexios II and in Andronikos' increasingly tyrannical rule, with its bloody purges of the aristocracy, combined to make Hagiochristophorites an object of hatred for the traditional elites, as attested in the writings of contemporaries and subsequent historians. Choniates describes Stephen's role in the proscriptions as the "ringleader and chief" of Andronikos' partisans, "whose thunderous voice crashed through the palace, sweeping away [...] all who were deemed suspect by Andronikos." Indeed, Choniates records that his surname, literally meaning "Holy Bearer of Christ"—although originally probably reflecting a place of origin dedicated to Saint Christopher—was popularly changed to , Antichristophorites, literally meaning "bearer of the Antichrist", for, in the words of Choniates, "he was the most shameless of Andronikos' attendants, filled with every wickedness". Likewise, Niketas' brother, the Archbishop of Athens Michael Choniates called him "the iron nerve of tyranny", while a "dialogue of the dead" written after Andronikos' overthrow depicts him, head still cloven in two, trying to tax the dead in Hades in order to pay for his passage on Charon's boat.
The Chinese logograph 廚 was anciently used as a loan character for chú 櫥 (with the "wood radical" 木, "cabinet") or chú 幮 ("cloth radical" 巾, "a screen used for a temporary kitchen"). The Modern Standard Chinese lexicon uses chu in many compound words, for instance, chúfáng (廚房 with 房 "room", "kitchen"), chúshī (廚師 with 師 "master", "cook; chef"), chúdāo (廚刀 with 刀 "knife", "kitchen knife"), and páochú (庖廚 with 庖 "kitchen", meaning "kitchen"). In Daoist specialized vocabulary, chu names a Kitchen-feast communal meal, and sometimes has a technical meaning of "magic", "used to designate the magical recipes through which one becomes invisible" (Maspero 1981: 290). The extensive semantic field of chu can be summarized in some key Daoist expressions: ritual banquets, communion with divinities, granaries (zang 藏, a word that also denotes the viscera), visualization of the Five Viscera (wuzang 五臟, written with the "flesh radical" ⺼), and abstention from cereals (bigu), and other food proscriptions (Mollier 2008a: 279). According to Daoist classics, when bigu "grain avoidance" techniques were successful, xingchu (行廚, Mobile Kitchens or tianchu (天廚, Celestial Kitchens) were brought in gold and jade vessels by the yunü (玉女, Jade Women) and jintong (金僮, Golden Boys), associated with the legendary Jade Emperor (Despeux 2008: 233-234).

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