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450 Sentences With "prays to"

How to use prays to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "prays to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "prays to". Mastering all the usages of "prays to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She just prays to Allah that the island will be saved.
Bless this great-grandmother, for she knows not what really great movies she prays to.
"He said he is Muslim, but prays to seven different gods," the police chief said.
"My daughter's great-grandmother prays to this figure of Saint Anthony every day," writes Gabriela Brandão.
Henson sought help, and now regularly sees a therapist, practices meditation and prays to manage her symptoms.
An Indian fisherman prays to a partial solar eclipse seen in the sky over Bay of Bengal in Konark.
The situation is so bad Rivera prays to God asking that if another storm comes, she won't survive it.
For those of you out of the loop, Lil B prays to the God of all things good, the Based God.
Lady Susan herself, or her sixteen-year-old daughter, Frederica (Morfydd Clark), of whom she prays to be disburdened by any means?
Known as the "whisky priest," the character is a degenerate: He drinks, he fathers a child, he prays to be captured and killed.
He says he can remember the faces of those he killed and how they pleaded for life, so he prays to Buddha every night.
Late in the opera, when she learns of his fate, she prays to God to take her, too, in a poignant duet with the peddler.
In the first, "Always Strong" ("Tsunemasa"), a monk serving at a temple of the royal court prays to Tsunemasa, who has died in a battle.
But the character of Brundy, the guy made of books [who prays to an encyclopedia god], that's actually from a dream Charlotte had and wrote down.
Grover prays to a poster of LeBron James and sees himself as a smooth operator, so much so that he goes after the girlfriend of an upperclassman.
He studies Zen Buddhism, keeps the Jewish Sabbath and prays to his Christian God, our writer found, with the hope that something positive might come of the families' grief.
Mistrust the one who eats foods different from yours, speaks and writes differently, sings songs that are not yours and — most crucially, who prays to a god not yours.
The only respite from an otherwise unnerving scene arrives, of course, from the group's outlier, "Soul in Heaven," who boasts rosy cheeks and bright blue eyes as he prays to God.
Two goddesses — Jen prays to their statues — show up, as real people, and they tell Jen that the sleeping soldiers will never get better because the hospital sits on an ancient cemetery.
Norma counsels peace, at least for now, in a charged stretch of recitative that leads to the great aria "Casta Diva," as she prays to the moon goddess to bestow solace and patience.
My last question is, in Fairyland you have A-through-L, who's named after a volume of an encyclopedia, and in Glass Town Games there is a character who prays to an encyclopedia god.
He narrated a folk tale in which a starving woman hears the moo of a cow coming from the heavens and she prays to Allah to bring down the cow so that she can feed her starving children.
And so at Ihechi's home in Lagos, his father screams mercilessly at the nightly news while his mother feverishly prays to the Ifa gods, and in Enugu, Aunt Kosiso retells of a bloody day that shattered the family's innocence.
Breivik, who describes himself as a neo-Nazi and prays to the Viking god Odin, has never shown any remorse for his actions, saying during his original trial that the attack was "necessary" and that he "would do it again."
In the book, a mother pimps out her daughter to a stranger for sex in a misguided attempt to thwart the young woman's budding sexual desires; an older sister prostitutes teenage girls to help pay for her younger sibling's school tuition; and a young girl dutifully applies toxic potions to her skin and prays to become lighter so that she can escape it all.
Here she demonstrates the same keen eye for telling detail: paunchy middle-aged Fascists squeezed into their old black-shirt uniforms for an anniversary celebration that has the air of a college reunion; a young expectant mother who prays to have a girl so the child will not be dragged off to war; the blank expressionless look of the local peasants, men who have mastered the art of hiding their feelings, as they listen to Mussolini's declaration of war.
His devotion slowly wins her over. Before the tournament, Arcite prays to Mars that he win the battle, Palamon prays to Venus that he marry Emilia and Emilia prays to Diana that she be wed to the one who loves her best. Each prayer is granted: Arcite wins the combat but is then thrown from his horse and dies, leaving Palamon to wed Emilia.
As he lay dying, he prays to the gods that Ciri be protected on the road.
Wang Li returns to Tibet sometime later, and prays to the heavens in a show of penance.
Delia prays to the setting sun for the gods to find more men to bring to Tressock to sire more children.
The pastor prays to God saying he doesn't understand what's happening. God responds saying he's been there, and he's dealt with pain. The last scene is at a cemetery, where an elderly man is dropping flowers off at his deceased wife's grave. The man then prays to God saying he loved his wife until the end.
The repentant dean subsequently prostrates himself before the canon's shrine and prays to be forgiven for all the wrong he had done.
In her anger, Théano causes the garden to burst into flames but Linus prays to Apollo and the god extinguishes the fire.
Palamon and Arcite are to gather 100 men apiece and to fight a mass judicial tournament, the winner of which is to marry Emily. The forces are assembled. On the night before the tournament, Palamon prays to Venus to make Emily his wife; Emily prays to Diana to remain unmarried, or else to marry the one who truly loves her; and Arcite prays to Mars for victory. Theseus lays down rules for the tournament so that if any man becomes seriously injured, he must be dragged out of the battle and is no longer in combat.
Greaseball and the other competitors mock him then leave. Alone, Rusty prays to the supposedly mythical Starlight Express for help in the final ("Starlight Express").
1\. In the first round or phera, the couple prays to God for plenty of nourishing and pure food. They pray to God to let them walk together so that they will get food. 2\. In the second round or phera, the couple prays to God for a healthy and prosperous life. They ask for the physical, spiritual and mental health from God. 3\.
In the third Phera, the couple prays to God for wealth. They ask God for the strength for both of them so that they can share the happiness and pain together. Also, they pray so that they can walk together to get wealth. 4\. In the fourth round, the couple prays to God for the increase in love and respect for each other and their respective families. 5\.
Arkantos prays to Atlantis's patron Poseidon for help but receives none. He then prays to Zeus, who creates a staircase to the surface. Reaching the surface, they find themselves in Egypt, where they help a Nubian mercenary leader named Amanra in fighting Kemsyt, who is there to steal a relic that Amanra's men are excavating. She reveals that the Egyptian god Osiris has been killed by Set, who aids Gargarensis.
He prays to Lord Krishna (Kumari Rukmini), who turns him into a woman (named by Brihannala). After many interesting twists, the truth comes out and everything ends happily.
The prison is located in the Russian Compound in Jerusalem, and so as he is handcuffed, James finally gets to see the city for which his village prays to.
Sita prays to Goddess Gauri. Gauri promises Sita that Ram will be her husband. Episode 86:Ravan goes to the swayamvara and fails to lift the bow. Ram lifts it easily.
Awaiting execution on the gallows, he sees as a "trick of the brain" the rider return, so that they will ride together "till kingdom come". The man prays to God for mercy.
When his wife asks him to pray to end their starvation, Bandhu prays to god, who helps him. Jagganath listens to his devotee's prayers and asks Goddess Lakshmi to meet their needs.
Hakluyt Society, ser. 1. volume 22. (London: Hakluyt Society, 1857). On the other hand Nikitin consistently prays to Blessed Virgin Mary as Theotokos, Christian Orthodox Saints, tries to observe Christian rites, and so on.
Uttanka prays to Krishna for showing his Vishvarupa. Vishvarupa of Krishna as seen by Arjuna. Krishna is also described as having shown this form to Uttanka. The Ashvamedhika Parva narrates Uttanka's meeting with the god Krishna.
Judith, widow of Menasses, prays to the Lord and, along with Abra, her slave, flees the city that same night. God bestows upon her the gift of extraordinary beauty, which she will use to seduce Holofernes.
The practice of praying during the canonical hours has its roots taken from , in which the prophet David prays to God seven times a day. The Shehimo breviary is available in Syriac, Malayalam, English, among other languages.
Janki prays to God to help her son. In court, the judge rules that Raja's death was justified and Suraj is released. Janki is very happy. Suraj marries Shobna, and Prakash marries Kiran in a double wedding.
Although she prays to God, "she doesn't reply". In the song, a robot says "Move on"; she replies, "I'm trying!". Daggers performs the song in an angst-ridden manner, creepily whispering "P.S. I love you" during the bridge.
When Ji-hyun desperately prays to God to save her, her tear necklace attains Han Kang's tear. God also has a tear-collecting bottle in Psalm 56:8. Ji- hyun's last name, Shin (신), means "God" in Korean.
Ram kills Kumbhakarna. Episode 119: Lord Shiva tells the birth story of Hanuman to Goddess Parvati. Episode 120: Meghnad prays to Lord Shiva for a boon, but does not receive it as Hanuman interrupts him. Lakshman kills Meghnad.
The story is based on the historical characters of Bhatti and Vikramarka. Emperor Vikramarka (N. T. Rama Rao) with the help of brother Bhatti (Kanta Rao) are ruling Ujjain. He prays to Goddess Kali (Kanchana) and gets her appreciation.
Inside the wicker man, a terrified Howie recites Psalm 23, and prays to God before cursing the islanders as he and the animals burn to death. The head of the wicker man collapses in flames, revealing the setting sun.
The ugly man reveals his flashback. Vasundhara realizes that the ugly man is her son and that Chandraprabha Maharaja is his father. Vijay invokes the horse. Vasundhara prays to a goddess and takes all the ugliness from her son.
An oriental desert close to a hermitage The hermit prays to free himself from temptation; he is apparently struck dead by lightning when lusting after the pilgrim Marie. Whilst angels and demons debate his fate, he revives and flees.
He regains his limbs and prays to Lord Panduranga to grant him the boon of merging into him along with his parents -- giving the message that one has to serve one's parents and it is the quickest way to Salvation.
The underworld keeps him. Gilgamesh prays to the gods to give him back his friend. Enlil and Suen don't reply, but Enki and Shamash decide to help. Shamash makes a crack in the earth, and Enkidu's ghost jumps out of it.
Ravan chooses to burn his tail. All the men and Meghnadh burn the rear. Sita comes to know about this and prays to Agni devta to produce coolness instead of burning sensation to Hanuman. Hanuman burns the whole unethical Lanka with his tail.
Distressed and disappointed by Rama's actions during her reunion with Rama, Sita prays to the earth goddess, Bhumi- Devi, to swallow her as final proof of her purity and devotion, and the prayer is duly answered, despite the pleas of Rama and Lakshman.
At this moment Apollo's attention becomes engaged, and he begins his own pursuit. Daphne, fleeing to escape Apollo's advances, prays to Zeus to help. Zeus turns her into laurel tree. Parthenius' modern editor remarks on the rather awkward transition, linking two narratives.
That night, Violine and Joséphine both prepare for the wedding bed. Violine prays to a shrine of Napoleon. Joséphine and Napoleon embrace at the bed. In the next room, Violine kisses a shadowy figure of Napoleon that she has created from a doll.
He gets Epeios to construct the horse. Neoptolemos and Philoctetes do not like the plan, because they prefer a more direct battle. Epeios prays to Athena. The horse causes the gods to break out in a brief fight until Zeus ends it.
There she prays to the saints that her father will accept her relationship with Vincènt. The way is hard and unbearably hot. At the end, the saints appear to Mirèio. They tell her of their happiness in Paradise, and Mirèio dies in peace.
She decides to kill her children and commit suicide. She throws her children one by one into a well. Before killing herself, she prays to Lord Shiva to forgive her for the decision. Shiva descends and saves her life, and brings back all the children.
Kayadhu also prays to Lord Shri Vishnu to protect her son. The Sudarshana Chakra appears in the snake pit and the snakes vanish. Prahlad opens his eyes and sees the idol of Lord Shri Vishnu. Meanwhile, an escaped snake bites Aahlad and he dies.
In the temple of Vesta, Julia guards the eternal flame and prays to be freed of temptation. Licinius arrives; during their rapturous reconciliation, the flame expires. Licinius is advised by Cinna to flee. Julia is interrogated by the High Priest but refuses to name Licinius.
Instead, she hands Dumuzid over to them. They put Dumuzid's feet, hands, and neck in the stocks and torture him using hot pokers. They strip him naked, do "evil" to him, and cover his face with his own garment. Finally, Dumuzid prays to Utu for help.
Two other monkeys, Nal and Neel, join the monkey army. Ram prays to Lord Shiva before constructing the bridge. Ram, along with the monkey army, constructs the bridge and goes to Lanka. Vibhishan joins Ram's army and tells them that he will help them in the war.
Vol I. pp. 559–560. In Iliad, his priest prays to Apollo Smintheus,"You Apollo Smintheus, let my tears become your arrows against the Danaans, for revenge". Iliad 1.33 (A 33). the mouse god who retains an older agricultural function as the protector from field rats.
Meanwhile, Emma prays to the Virgin Mary to be given sole possession of Marcello's heart. 3rd Dawn Sequence: The gathering ends at dawn with the crowd mourning a sick child, a pilgrim brought by his mother to be healed, but trampled to death in the melee.
Hence, she prays to become an old-aged woman (as no young man likes to marry an old lady). Lord Vinayaka obliges and when others see it, they feel shell-shocked and understand what has happened. Now, this old woman is named Avvaiyar (K. B. Sundarambal).
Upon spilling of his blood, a thousand more Asura like him spawn and defeat Nandi and the Devas. Nandi prays to Vishnu for aid. When Vishnu arrives he creates several Mātṛkā goddesses who vanquish the demons. When Shiva returns, Andhaka returns in another attempt to abduct Parvati.
She refuses to leave and continues to stay in the same house along with her husband. She prays to her favorite God daily with great devotion. God listens to her at the end and her husband accepts her as his wife and gives her all his love.
Vyjayanthimala is a devout Vaishnava Hindu and a vegetarian. She grew up listening to holy chants and devotional songs. She is an admirer of Aandaal, one of the 12 Alvar saints of Hinduism. She prays to Goddess Saraswati before any public performance to gain her blessing.
Satyavati is blamed for this misfortune. But, finally when Satyavati prays to the goddess, the goddess appears before Satyavati and restores the boys and their mothers. Satyvati's kin then ask for the goddess' forgiveness. Ultimately, the goddess triad also repent and say that they were just testing Satyavati's devotion.
Instead, the taranapantha community prays to the scriptures written by Taran Swami. Taran Svami is also referred to as Taran Taran, the one who can help the swimmers to the other side, i.e. towards nirvana. A mystical account of his life, perhaps an autobiography, is given in Chadmastha Vani.
He gives the cash he has to save the temple and his life. The boss however accuse him of thievery and sends him to jail. KR Vijaya prays to Muruga. Muruga, along with his father, Shiva comes to the boss's house and repays the amount setting him free.
Following his arrest, Muhammad affirmed to officers that he is Muslim, but that he had not been to a mosque in 25 years and that he prays to a total of seven different deities. He also told officers that he was not officially affiliated with any terrorist groups.
Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" has become one of the Russian shrines. Mother of God prays to God and her Son to ask for help and support for all sinners. Nowadays, the image of Our Lady "Inexhaustible Chalice" is in Pokrovsky cathedral of Vysotsky monastery.
Noticing two men gazing at her, Faezeh quickly walks away. The men follow Faezeh. Munis walks out to find Faezeh curled up into a ball and crying after she has been raped, and takes her to the garden. Walking through the trees, Faezeh prays to God to forgive her "sin".
A Saint (M. R. Saminathan) wants to become all powerful (Ashtamasithi) and prays to obtain such powers. He was told that if he could achieve the sacrifice of 1000 men, he shall achieve such a supreme power. As he cannot achieve this feat on his own, he works out a plan.
The central theme of the poem is Muslim Renaissance. Iqbal sketches changing order of the world's political system and laments that Islamic Nations are still devoid of that awakening. He prays to Almighty Allah to bestow Muslims with wisdom and awareness. The word saqi is translated in English as a bartender.
She goes to the palace where the ritual implements are kept and prays to the triplets, who give her the sacred objects necessary for the shamanic initiation rite. The councilor's daughter is the first truly human shaman, and her receiving the ritual objects represents the first generational transfer of shamanic knowledge.
As she prays to Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary asking for redress of the crime committed on her loved ones, her mind snaps. She evokes the Aztec god Huitzilipochtli to assist her in avenging the killings that have taken place. With inhuman scream of pain, she rejects her Christian background.
In Islam, rules have been made to remember Allah. All Muslims follow those rules. It is necessary to be pure in order to remember God in Islam. Every Muslim is required to offer prayers for 5 times,Allah is remembered through prayers In Islam a Muslim prays to God alone.
Raja is left alone even the priest's family also left orphaned. So, Raja takes care of them as his own mother and sister. But Raja is struggling to take revenge against the 3 traitors. So, he prays to Lord Hanuman, with his blessings, Raja acquires supernatural powers and becomes a Superman.
Ikotmi is hungry and needs foods because the wolf took the ducks. He prays to Inyan, whom he refers to as the great-grand- father, to bless him with meat. Ikotmi offers Inyan his blanket. Upon returning from prayer, Ikotmi comes across a wounded deer and believes his prayer was answered.
She goes to the palace where the ritual implements are kept and prays to the triplets, who give her the sacred objects necessary for the shamanic initiation rite. The councilor's daughter is the first truly human shaman, and her receiving the ritual objects represents the first generational transfer of shamanic knowledge.
Durga prays to Goddess Kali to bring her sons back. Miraculously, her prayers are heard and her sons are still alive, but are separated and grown into different families with no knowledge of their past lives – Durga is unaware of this miracle. 20 years pass. Arjun is grown up as Vijay.
According to some translations Asmodeus is strangled. Perhaps Asmodeus punishes the suitors for their carnal desire, since Tobias prays to be free from such desire and is kept safe. Asmodeus is also described as an evil spirit in general: 'Ασμοδαίος τὸ πονηρὸν δαιμόνιον or τõ δαιμόνιον πονηρόν, and πνεῦμα ἀκάθαρτον (; ; ; ).
Telramund's supporters advise him to withdraw because he cannot prevail against the Knight's powers, but he proudly refuses. The chorus prays to God for victory for the one whose cause is just. Ortrud, Telramund's wife, does not join the prayer, but privately expresses confidence that Telramund will win. The combat commences.
Then she orders her to go to the other room where the child is playing. Butterfly then kneels before the statue of Buddha and prays to her ancestral gods. She rises, takes down her father's knife, kisses the blade, and reads the inscription. 34\. Con onor muore ("To die with honor").
Ibarra meanwhile talked to the governor-general to clear his name. He went to Maria Clara's place and proposed marriage. The rejoicing of the couple is interrupted as the Alferez arrests Ibarra for allegedly inciting a rebellion. Maria Clara is in great despair and prays to the Virgin Mary for help.
He is turned into a bear due to another curse. His two elder brothers-in-law rob the gem from him and give it to the king who is then cured. Gunasundari prays to Lord Shiva and Parvati regularly. Shiva and Parvati are pleased with her devotion and bless her and her husband.
While eating, Eve tells Gabrielle that she feels something terrible is about to occur. Gabrielle's food becomes instantly infested with maggots. Maggots then begin to emerge from Gabrielle's hands and her flesh rots. When Eve prays to Eli to cast out the evil presence, the maggots disappear and Gabrielle's hands are restored.
Bellona calls on the youths to seek out military glory (Air and chorus: La Gloire vous appelle). Hebe prays to Cupid (L'Amour) to use his power to hold them back. Cupid descends on a cloud with his followers. He decides to abandon Europe in favour of the "Indies", where love is more welcome.
He is accompanied by seven virgin girls and nine virgin boys and starts the ritual by sprinkling kymys on the ground, feeding the fire. He prays to the Ai-ii spirits for the well-being of the people who depend on them and asks the spirits to bless all the people gathered.
He also challenges that his god will elevate him to someone who would do service for 40 lakhs. He leaves the house. Valliammai realizes her mistake and goes to the temple. She gives off all her jewels and money to the temple and prays to the God for return of her marital bliss.
He reveals that the friends to which he was referring are the gods themselves. Socrates inquires how Hermogenes keeps the gods so friendly toward him. He replies that he prays to them, returns some of what they give him, avoids profanity and lying. Next they question Philippos about his pride in jesting.
The minister persuades the cowman to come to the palace and has Vidhyadhari marry him. When Vidhyadhari realises she has been cheated, and is married to a farmhand, she prays to the goddess Kali for a remedy. Kali appears before her, names her husband Kalidas and endows him with phenomenal literary talents.
Imastaser also introduced another patriotic theme to Armenian literature and music: emigration. In his hymns Imastaser prays to God so that Armenians who left their country could find strength to return home.Agop Jack Hacikyan, Gabriel Basmajian, Edward S. Franchuk, Nourhan Ouzounian. The Heritage of Armenian Literature: From the sixth to the eighteenth century.
Jewish warriors then come through the gates holding Achior. He tried to persuade Holofernes to stop the siege and follow the God of the Jews; as punishment, Holofernes had him bound and left near the city to share in the Jews' destruction by the Assyrians. Everyone then prays to God for deliverance.
8–10Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 2.102.5 In Psedo-Apollodorus, Arsinoe, the daughter of Phegeus, chastises her brothers, who put her into a chest and sell her as a slave.Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3.7.5 Meanwhile, Callirrhoe prays to Zeus that her sons will grow up instantaneously so that they might take revenge on her husband's murderers.
Aryamala is reborn to a Rajaguru who predicts a tragic life for her, but the King adopts her and names her Aryamala. But the King is against their love. Kathavarayan is arrested by the King and taken to be impaled when Shakti prays to Shiva who saves him. Kaathavarayan and Aryamala live happily thereafter.
The maid is the only one in the house who appreciates and sees what this mother does. She prays to god asking him to do right by her as she always thinks good for her family. Mann reaches Mumbai and is on the streets taking part in a celebration. He arrives at his grandmothers.
The key themes of the prayer are the glorification of the Father and petitions for the unity of the disciples through love. Jesus prays to the Father that his followers "may all be one as we are one" and that "the love with which you love me may be in them, and I in them".
Duncan hears of Macbeth's victory and executes the Thane of Cawdor for traitorously allying with Norse invaders, giving Macbeth his title. Macbeth tells his wife of the prophecies. Lady Macbeth prays to the dark spirits for guidance. When Macbeth says Duncan will stay overnight, she urges him to kill the King to fulfil the prophecy.
She then sends the cattle out into the fields to be watched by Kullervo. Canto XXXIII. – Death of Ilmarinen's Wife Kullervo goes about his job as herdsman, lamenting his lowly status and dry bread meal and his master's luxury. He prays to Ukko to shine the sun on him and not Ilmarinen and his family.
Hollander (1955) p 94\. The location of the island is described as being north of a skerry in the center of Hjórunga Bay. South of the skerry lies the island of Horund. On the island, Haakon falls to his knees, and, while looking northward, prays to what is described as his patron goddess, Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr.
Sage Vishwamitra's rituals are plagued by demons. Young princes Rama and Lakshmana (sons of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya) of Ayodhya battle and defeat the demons once and for all. The sage then travels with the brothers to the kingdom of Mithila. In Mithila, princess Sita prays to Goddess Gauri for a good husband and meets Rama in the garden.
On her wedding night, Jezebel evades Ahab and pursues Jehu, whom she seduces. Jezebel establishes the cult of Baal, her idol, in Israel and builds a temple. Jehovah, the God of the Israelites, delivers drought upon Israel because of the idolatry and sends his prophet Elijah to reprimand the people. Elijah prays to Jehovah and the drought ends.
The chorus describe the rage, scorn, and anger that Medea felt as she plotted her revenge. The chorus prays to the gods that Jason will be spared from Medea's vengeance (579-652). Medea's curse contains poisons, snake blood, herbs, and the invocations to all the underworld gods. The cursed robe catches fire when Creusa puts it on.
The empress, in desperation, turns to Shōshō, who is inexperienced in warfare but has no choice but to accept the empress's request.Keene 1999 : 796. Shōshō's force of fifty or sixty men faces a rebel army thirty thousand strong. He prays to the buddhas and gods of Japan, and a supernatural miracle grants the Japanese victory in the battle.
The film is the story of Yamuna (Karthika) whose life is filled with worries and sorrows. Her husband (Vijayaraghavan) is sent to jail on a false count of murder. Her three-year- old son gets lost during a temple festival and that increases her problems. She prays to Lord Krishna and the lord appears and miraculous things take place.
Queen Punitha (Vennira Aadai Nirmala) prays to the goddess Nagadevi (K. R. Vijaya) to have a child as the kingdom has no heirs. The goddess offers her the choice of having a boy but losing her husband or having a girl and losing her own life. She chooses the latter and soon gives birth to a girl, Bala Nagamma.
Dwight sinks into the tar and prays to God not to let him die. Miraculously, he sees Miho swimming towards him. He pleas with her silently to save herself. However, Miho pulls him with her foot attached to a chain at the back of a car and she drags him just in time from the pits.
The film begins with the entrance of Kaliyuga, due to which situations on earth became disastrous. Goddess Bhudevi (Suryakala) prays to Lord Vishnu (N. T. Rama Rao) to take another avatar to which Goddess Lakshmi opposes. So, Lord Vishnu sends a messenger to earth in the form of a baby boy who is adopted by a Saint Sunanda (A.
When he next meets Circe, she brings with her an elderly enchantress called Proselenos who attempts a magical cure (131). Nonetheless, he fails again to make love, as Circe has Chrysis and him flogged (132). Encolpius is tempted to sever the offending organ, but prays to Priapus at his temple for healing (133). Proselenos and the priestess Oenothea arrive.
He judges Urvasi as the best dancer, as she is fearless about her performance. Being satisfied with his answer, Indra presents him a throne carried by 32 Salabajhanjika and a powerful diamond chain. Indra also says that he will rule on this throne for 1000 years. Bhatti also prays to Mahakali and to satisfy her wish beheads Vikramarka.
It then introduces Shukaletuda, a gardener who is terrible at his job and partially blind. All of his plants die, except for one poplar tree. Shukaletuda prays to the gods for guidance in his work. To his surprise, the goddess Inanna sees his one poplar tree and decides to rest under the shade of its branches.
Frollo finds Esmeralda, confronting her; after a brief argument, he relents, allowing her to stay. Esmeralda prays to God to help the less fortunate ("God Help the Outcasts"). Phoebus finds Esmeralda; they argue, Phoebus telling her not to fight unwinnable battles, to which she retorts that she cannot help it. Esmeralda heads to the bell tower, finding Quasimodo there.
Giovanni Battista Baiardo (died 1657) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He was mainly active in Genoa as a painter of religious and historical canvases. He painted the St. Helen prays to cross for the Genoese church of Santa Croce e San Camillo de Lellis. His name is also written as Giovanni Battista Bajardo.
Chandrahasa prays to goddess Kali. Chandrahasa () was the king of Kuntala kingdom which roughly consisted of parts of the north of present-day Karnataka and south of Maharashtra, India, including Gokarna region. Sometimes an overlapping region Gorashtra is mentioned to be part of Kuntala. The story of Chandrahasa is mentioned in Ashvamedhika Parva of the epic Mahabharata.
This movie revolves around the story of a village girl Ganga. A leader of goons named Jaggu kidnaps and rapes Ganga, and no one can prosecute them. Heartbroken, humiliated Ganga prays to Goddess Durga for a remedy so that she becomes powerful enough tontake revenge. Police officer Vijay falls in love with Ganga but she is not convinced.
They suggest sending Prahlad to their kingdom, Kamarupa, with a letter. The letter will tell their son Aahlad to throw Prahlad into a snake pit. Aahlad tells Prahlad he will be taken to visit a temple of Lord Shri Vishnu. Episode 28: Prahlad is locked in the snake pit, where he prays to Lord Shri Vishnu.
Machamma lives in her brother's house like a slave. Machamma once goes to Bhimeshwara temple in Vemulawada and innocently prays to him to fulfill her husband's wish. Bhimeshwara feels happy about her innocent wish and promises her that she will give birth to a baby boy. When Machamma becomes pregnant, society rejects her and she gives birth to Bheemakavi.
First the speaker curses the plants on the farm with bareness and then asks the forests to burn before Lycurgus destroys them with his axe. He then prays to Neptune for a flood to destroy the farm and for the land to turn into a swamp. The poem ends with a farewell to his farm and his lover, Lydia.
Poor, wretched, homeless, injured, and infected with leprosy, he begs Umrao for money, not recognising who she is. She gives him her gold bangles and prays to God for his forgiveness. Ostracized by all and having forgiven those who destroyed her life, Umrao lives out the rest of her days in Lucknow with her poetry and ill fate.
Vyasa prays to Lord Vishnu to help his wife. Lord Vishnu, who was present on the earth as Krishna, arrives. Krishna assures the parrot that no one would kill him and he would be incapable of attachment and eligible for moksha. The parrot then comes out in a human form and is named “Shuka” (Sanskrit for “parrot”).
By this point, Faust has seduced the maiden Gretchen. At a chapel, her brother, a soldier, prays to find and punish the violator of his sister's honour. Mephistopheles points out the soldier to Faust, who wants to kill him, but not with his own hands. Mephistopheles disguises himself as a monk and offers to hear the Soldier's confession.
After that backfires, Bart prays to God for help. That night, Springfield is hit with a massive snowstorm which closes school, giving Bart another day to study. The episode was written by David M. Stern and directed by David Silverman. Mayor Quimby makes his first appearance, and this episode is the first to feature a new opening sequence.
The story is based on the Mahabharata episode of Draupadi Vastrapaharanam. It depicts the episode in which Draupadi is publicly humiliated by the Kauravas. It occurs after Yudhisthara and other Pandavas lose her to Duryodhana over a game of dice. As the Kauravas try to insult her by removing her clothes, she prays to Lord Krishna.
Raymond replies in English, telling the group that Geraldus is such a fanatic that he sent his own father to be burned at the stake for heresy. Diarmuid pulls the relic out of his sack and prays to it. The others join him, and before long, they hear distant chiming. The chime is the bell of a river ferry.
The sculptor Pygmalion falls in love with his own work, a statue of Galatea. He prays to the gods of love Venus and Cupid to release him from his passion. While he sleeps, Galatea's statue comes to life, dances and falls in love with Pygmalion. Pygmalion and Galatea celebrate their wedding in the palace of Venus.
A little boy who dreads of math homeworks, dreads exams and believes that God will save him from all his problems, Ouseppachan is the 'head' of his small family in the absence of his father, who works abroad. A God-fearing boy, who never misses a Mass, he regularly prays to God to make him taller, help him win the online game 'Criminal Case' and make his math teacher fall from his bike or wouldn't mind praying to God for somebody's death so that he doesn't have to attend school. Most of his prayers somehow happen, much to his joy. Once, he prays to God to let someone die so that he could bunk school, but it is his grandfather, to whom he is quite close, who passes away.
Bernart's career can be dated because of references in his poetry to his patron, Hugh II of Rodez. In his poem Iverns vay e.l temps tenebros he even prays to his recently deceased patron requesting him change any "false" words in his poem to right ones: Prec que.l mot fals en sian ras / Pel compte N'Uc, en qui es dos.
Faced with no water, Gerard plans a breakout and releases Cara. After Glysko prays to God. a rainstorm comes encouraging the garrison but destroying the mud built wall. After the rain Gerard orders the approach route to the destroyed wall planted with landmines and covered by machine guns that he figures the Emir will use as his route of attack.
He leaves Ooty on a train headed for Bengaluru. On the train, he beats up a gang harming a group of teenage girls. When Seenu arrives in Bengaluru, a friend of his who lives there reluctantly allows him to stay in his house. Once Seenu arrives in Tift College, he prays to Krishna (Salman Khan's voice) to concentrate on nothing but studies.
Nikolai asks Conchita for a dance, which turns into a fateful event in the lives of the two and Fernando. Fernando is jealous, and guests cynically make bets on whether Rezanov will "pluck the California flower". Both men, Fernando and Rezanov, understand that neither one will give up without a fight. At night Conchita prays to Mary, and Nikolai comes to her room.
At first Anchises refuses to go with Aeneas and tells Aeneas to leave without him. Aeneas refuses to leave Anchises and declares that they will all die in Troy. Creusa argues with Aeneas over his decision and while they are arguing a painless flame appears on Ascanius' head. Anchises notices this and prays to Jupiter for a sign that they must leave.
Tablet four tells the story of the journey to the Cedar Forest. On each day of the six-day journey, Gilgamesh prays to Shamash; in response to these prayers, Shamash sends Gilgamesh oracular dreams during the night. The first is not preserved. In the second, Gilgamesh dreams that he wrestles a great bull that splits the ground with his breath.
They are greeted in Heaven by Ned's second wife Edna Krabappel and Maude, John the Baptist, and God. After a movie argument with Abraham Lincoln, God informs them they are not dead. They are merely in a coma with their families at their hospital beds. After seeing even Bart praying, Todd prays to God, Jesus, and Buddha to bring his dad back.
There is no direct source for this poem. The known lives of Erkenwald do not contain a miracle concerning the salvation of a pagan judge. The closest analogue is the story of Pope Gregory the Great and the Roman Emperor Trajan. In several versions of the story, Gregory learns of Trajan's just life, and prays to God on his behalf.
Next is the role of the Virgin Mary. These are reserved for single young people, who do not have children, addictions, tattoos and can demonstrate their Catholic faith. The role of Jesus requires physical conditioning to carry the cross, which weight about 198 pounds. For a year, the chosen Jesus exercises daily as well as prays to prepare physically and spiritually.
However, Vedhiyar has a soft corner for Nandan for his devotion and disciplined way of living. Nandan, who lives with his mothers, prays to Lord Shiva all the time and propagates good living by praising the lord to his fellow villagers. Valluvan (M. R. Swaminathan), a priest at the village's Karuppuswamy temple, gets angry with Nandan's propaganda on Lord Shiva.
Krishna and his third wife Satyabhama fly on their mount the eagle-man Garuda to Pragjyotisha. Krishna slays Mura, his sons, Narakasura's army and finally the demon-king himself. Bhumi surrenders all stolen items, including the captive women to Krishna. When Krishna arrives in the palace of the captive women, each of them prays to Krishna to accept her as his wife.
His professional and personal life shattered, Brock contemplates suicide and goes to the same church, where he prays to God for forgiveness. The Symbiote, having waited in the rafters of the church since leaving Spider-Man, senses Brock and bonds with him, granting him powers equal and greater to those of Spider-Man, and imparting knowledge of Spider-Man's secret identity.
If there are more athletes, two lots always have the same letter. > Each athlete comes forth, prays to Zeus, puts his hand into the urn and > draws out a lot. Following him, the other athletes do the same. Whip bearers > are standing next to the athletes, holding their hands and not allowing them > to read the letter they have drawn.
Retrieved 29 September 2015. The setting is the Isle of Athelney in the year 878. Following a defeat by the Vikings, Alfred has taken refuge in the hut of the shepherd Corin and his wife Emma who wonder about the mysterious stranger. Alfred expresses his anguish at the state of affairs of his kingdom and prays to the Genius of Britannia.
The poem by Laborde was originally titled Le beau Dunois telling the story of the handsome crusader Dunois. Prior to his departure to Syria he prays to the Virgin Mary that he will love the most beautiful woman and that he himself may be the bravest. His prayers are answered. On his return the brave warrior wins the hand of Isabelle.
The family quickly learns of her departure, and Mulan's grandmother prays to the family ancestors for Mulan's safety. The ancestors order their "great stone dragon" to protect Mulan. They send the small dragon Mushu, a disgraced former guardian, to awaken the stone dragon, but he accidentally destroys it in the process. Mushu conceals this from the ancestors and resolves to protect Mulan himself.
They propose him different ways of assassinating István (Abcúg István). Koppány sends them away - he wants to fight honorably. He also confirms this in front of the shaman Torda and the people - he wants to stand "face to face" with István and his army (Szemtől szembe). Torda prays to the pagan gods for victory and brings them sacrifice (Áldozatunk fogadjátok).
Finally, Réka appears and asks István to give her her dead father's body. He is moved by her sorrow and beauty, but Sarolt brutally chases her away: Koppány would be quartered, as a deterrent for potential rebels (Halld meg uram, kérésem/Felnégyelni!). István is shattered and demands to be alone. He desperately prays to God (Oly távol vagy tőlem - reprise).
Then she is thrown into prison. While in prison, Juliana is visited by a demon pretending to be an angel of God, who tries to trick her into blasphemy. Juliana, being the epitome of unwavering Christian faith, doesn't fall for the charade and prays to God for guidance. A voice tells her to reach out and grab the demon, and Juliana obeys.
Carl murders Roy by shooting him in the head after he refuses to have sex with Sandy. In 1957, Charlotte is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Willard believes that if he prays fervently enough he can influence God to save her life. He obsessively and strenuously prays to God, kneeling before a rustic cross he had erected in the woods behind his house.
Kapila, a devotee of Ganesha, prays to Ganesha to retrieve the gem. Ganesha with his army appears in Gana's dream; one of his soldiers cuts Gana's head. Gana wakes up and marches towards Kapila's hermitage with his army, intending to slay the sage. Abhijit tries to dissuade his son and advises him to return Chintamani to the sage, but in vain.
Bhoja also learns the truth from Vidyadhare: Kalidasa was her husband. Bhoja pledges to Vidyadhare that he'll get her husband back to her and prays to the goddess Kali to donate his half life to Kalidasa. When Kalidasa awakes to life, Bhoja hides himself and tricks him to sing "charama geethe." Bhoja dies once his friend has completed the song.
Reformed Anandan, an ardent devotee of Goddess Kali, prays to the Goddess to help him take revenge on Mudaliar. However, Mudaliar becomes wealthier and becomes the owner of another estate, which infuriates Anandan. Frustrated with the Goddess for helping the rich, Anandan abuses the Goddess at her temple. The devotees get angry with this behaviour of spoiling the sanctity and chase him away.
T. Rama Rao). Daksha performs his 27 daughters' marriage with Lord Chandra (Rama Krishna). After the marriage, Chandra spends most of his time with Rohini (Rajasri) and ignores the others when it was brought to Daksha's notice he curses Chandra to die out of T.B. disease. Here Chandra prays to Lord Shiva, then he gives a boon to protect him.
It is a French production of 293 folios on vellum, made in Rouen, includes 28 colourful miniatures of religious subjects, and the text, which is of the Sarum Use and employs English, French and Latin, is decorated throughout with ornamental margins. All but one of the miniatures are by one artist, known (from this book) as the "Hoo Master", of which about half are devotional scenes and half narrative subjects. They include patron images (identifiable by heraldry): Lord Hoo prays to the Holy Trinity, a little preceding a scene of the disembowelling of St Erasmus, suggesting that he may have suffered from intestinal troubles. Dame Eleanor prays to the Virgin and Child, and wears a high butterfly headdress, and the arms of Hoo impaling Welles upon her kirtle: just after this, images of St Leonard and St Hildevert (Bishop of Meaux, died c.
Later, they take him out of his room so that they can whip him while they sing religious hymns. After his first whipping, he begins to create his religious poems. He recites his verses while he prays to God for the strength to survive. He has flashbacks to a scene when the Mother of a convent introduces him to the nuns who live there.
Prahlad is devastated; he prays to Lord Shri Vishnu for his brother's life and Lord Shri Vishnu brings Aahlad back to life. Episode 29: Hiranyakashipu, Singhika and Viprachitti hear of Aahlad's death and all vow revenge. Prahlad and Aahlad go to the palace together, but Singhika only pretends to be happy and persuades Prahlad to enter the fire with her. Aahlad becomes a Lord Shri Vishnu devotee.
Abimelech (= Ebedmelech the Ethiopian of Jeremiah 38:7) falls asleep for 66 years and awakens next to a basket of figs, preserved perfectly fresh. Because the figs are fresh out of season, Abimelech realizes that he slept for years miraculously. Abimelech reunites with Baruch. They want to communicate with Jeremiah, who is still in Babylon, so Baruch prays to the Lord, who sends him an eagle.
Eteocles refuses Tydeus' request for him to give up the throne. Tydeus leaves in a rage and Eteocles sends an ambush to kill him as he returns in a mountain pass. Tydeus kills all the ambushers except Maeon so he can carry the news back to Eteocles. Tydeus then attaches the battle trophies—taken from the slain—to an oak tree as he prays to Minerva.
Damayanthi finds her leg caught within the jaws of a python. She is sure that she would die and prays to her husband to remember her kindly when he hears of her death. She then observes the Hunter approaching her with bad intentions. Unaware of the plight of Damayanthi, he entreats her to hold on to his shoulder when he sees the python attempting to swallow her.
The hymn's first stanza stresses complete surrender: "All to him I freely give". The second stanza surrenders worldly pleasures, and the third prays to "feel the Holy Spirit". Stanza four asks to be filled with Jesus's love, power, and blessing. In the fifth stanza, the singer feels "the sacred flame" – an image of the Holy Spirit – and the joy of "full salvation" born of surrender.
Scene 1: Sigifredo's palace Elena prays to her dead mother to allow her to die. Guido confronts her, but he is still not entirely convinced that she acted out of free will. Elena is about to explain everything when the bell for the execution of Sigifredo rings, and she re-asserts that she loves Ubaldo. Furious, Guido leaves as Elena again prays for death.
As a result of her confused feelings for Olivia, Natalia has a sexual encounter with Frank, and immediately regrets it. She prays to her Virgin Mary statue to help her deal with her confusing feelings. An extremely distraught and sobbing Natalia tells Olivia that she slept with Frank and she does not know why because she does not love him. Frank proposes to Natalia.
Odysseus takes a ship and returns Chryseis to her father, whereupon Apollo ends the plague. In the meantime, Agamemnon's messengers take Briseis away. Achilles becomes very upset, sits by the seashore, and prays to his mother, Thetis. Achilles asks his mother to ask Zeus to bring the Greeks to the breaking point by the Trojans, so Agamemnon will realize how much the Greeks need Achilles.
Sita falls in love with Rama at first sight in Janaka's garden and prays to Parvati that she may get Rama as her husband. King Janaka sends a messenger to invite Rama, Laksman and Sage Vishvamitra to attend the swayamvara. Janaka puts a condition to identify the right groom for Sita. The great bow of Shiva by the name of Pinaka was kept in the arena.
When Polyphemus cried out, his neighbors left after Polyphemus claimed that "Nobody" had attacked him. Odysseus and his men finally escaped the cave by hiding on the underbellies of the sheep as they were let out of the cave. As they escaped, however, Odysseus, taunting Polyphemus, revealed himself. The Cyclops prays to his father Poseidon, asking him to curse Odysseus to wander for ten years.
Before embarking with the Indians, Unca prays to God. After the prayer, she sings a hymn in the Indian language to demonstrate the Christian ritual for the Indians. She leaves with the large group by canoe, and is welcomed in the Indian country where she is provided with lodging and 6 Indian servant girls. She is presented with gifts of liquor, dried meat, flowers, and fruit.
You can't control any of that stuff.” The film flashes back to three months earlier to Ray's time as a confident, self-centered lounge singer/dart thrower. Ray's band consists of his friends Fozzie (guitar), Frank (stand-up bass) and the “love of his life” Kelly (drums). Before he joins the band onstage, Ray prays to God asking him for assistance in getting Kelly to love him.
Väinämöinen rejoices when he returns home. He takes the pieces of the Sampo that washed up on his beaches and prays to Ukko to always protect his people from evil and famine and disease and to protect them from Louhi and her armies. Canto XLIV. – Birth of the Second Kantele Väinämöinen wishes to sing again but laments that his kantele is lost to the kingdom of Vellamo.
He installs a Linga and prays to the Lord Shiva - who redeems the holy cow and also blesses Lord Indra by granting him the status of Gopathi ( Lord of Cows). The tank made by Indra is known as Gopathi Saras. It is said that people who take a ritual bath in this tank on full moon days get cured of many of their illnesses.
She prays to Isis and is transformed into a man. Iphis and Ianthe happily wed. Kawai considers Iphis's suffering to be similar to that of the Chūnagon, but that the Chūnagon becomes a true woman without the aid of a miracle. Kawai considers the Sadaijin's dream which reveals the tengu's curse to be a moment of harmony between the "exterior reality and the interior reality".
A depiction of the alt=Judas kisses Jesus, and soldiers rush to seize the latter. In the Synoptics, Jesus and his disciples go to the garden Gethsemane, where Jesus prays to be spared his coming ordeal. Then Judas comes with an armed mob, sent by the chief priests, scribes and elders. He kisses Jesus to identify him to the crowd, which then arrests Jesus.
One of her geese brings her the golden crown; she tears off the shawl she has been wearing, revealing a head of glorious golden hair, prays to her parents for help, and suddenly a star falls down from the starry sky and into the lily, which glows. "Redeemed!" the Goose-Girl cries, and rushes away, followed by the Fiddler and her flock of geese.
As a result, the storm calms and the sailors then offer sacrifices to God. Jonah is miraculously saved by being swallowed by a large fish, in whose belly he spends three days and three nights. While in the great fish, Jonah prays to God in his affliction and commits to thanksgiving and to paying what he has vowed. God then commands the fish to vomit Jonah out.
The story is about a young woman separated from her lover. She prays to become a fish to cross the sea to reunite with him. The artwork itself is made from sea glass which took the artist several years to collect. 'Peace' is a quintessential work of the artist, where the mirror fragments used in the mosaic reflects the message of our relation to peace.
Dancing, singing, eating and drinking mark the feast, and Isnegs wear their finest clothes. The shaman, Anituwan, prays to the spirit Gatan, before the first dog is sacrificed, if a human head had not been taken, and offered at the sacred tree, ammadingan. On the last day, a coconut is split in honor of the headhunter guardian, Anglabbang.The Pildap is an equivalent say-am but hosted by the poor.
Batto and his young daughter, Cabiria, live in a lavish estate in the shadow of Mount Etna, at Catana, on the island of Sicily. Cabiria plays with dolls with her nurse, Croessa. When the volcanic Etna erupts violently, Batto prays to the god Pluto for deliverance but receives only a brief respite before his home and gardens are destroyed. While attempting to escape, servants discover a secret stairway leading underground.
Kris is an intelligent and naughty kid who stays at an Orphanage School along with his friends - Pinky and Bablu. An evil demon king, posing as principal Kanishk is out to create havoc in the school. He has ulterior motives to take over the world with his army of zombie demons. To save his friends and school from annihilation, Kris prays to Lord Krishna and is blessed with super powers.
Bhavani prays to goddess Ammoru to save her, but the goddess doesn't react to it. At last she puts her hand on the Goddess's trident and she bleeds. Ghorakh pulls her in a bid to disrobe her, causing some drops of Bhavani's blood to spill on the goddess' forehead and she returns in her fiercest form and kills Ghorakh. She then changes her form to the servant girl.
Akira relocates the boys to a warehouse. Behind closed doors, he performs rituals that signify his return to the ways of ninjitsu, and, with a makeshift forge, he creates a new ninja-to sword blade. In full ninja garb, Akira prays to Aiko's spirit before donning the helmet his father gave him. He attacks Newman's mansion, dispatching Newman and all his henchmen in what quickly becomes an all-out massacre.
Achilles prays to "High Zeus, Lord of Dodona, Pelasgian, living afar off, brooding over wintry Dodona" (thus demonstrating that Zeus also could be invoked from a distance).Richard Lattimore translation. No buildings are mentioned, and the priests (called Selloi) slept on the ground with unwashed feet.. No priestesses are mentioned in Homer. The oracle also features in another passage involving Odysseus, giving a story of his visit to Dodona.
As a result, the storm calms and the sailors then offer sacrifices to God. Jonah is miraculously saved by being swallowed by a large fish, in whose belly he spends three days and three nights. While in the great fish, Jonah prays to God in his affliction and commits to giving thanks and to paying what he has vowed. God then commands the fish to vomit Jonah out.
While Angela rests, Peter prays to God, demanding why he was never given something in return for saving the world. However, they are interrupted by men from the agency, who have entered the church. Peter and Angela go to hide in a confessional. Fitting to their location, Angela confesses that she too was once like Peter, and that she chose to pay a heavy price to save the world.
Instead, she just prays to the spirits to show her gratitude for their protection. All in all, Karnchanaporn argues that domestic sanctification is "double-edged", and can be both a benefit and a snare. On the one hand, it assuages peoples' fears of unknown forces. On the other hand, it falsely encourages people not to take responsibility for bad consequences caused by their own actions in their houses.
Homer convinces Bart to try to heal the kicker. Bart prays to God to help him heal the kicker. With his team down by two points, Lubchenko returns to the game and kicks the winning field goal, losing his leg in the process. Bart announces at the end of the game that he now knows that he does not have special powers and so is not a healer.
Kriemhild prays to avoid this fate. Finally, Siegfried (Seyfrid) arrives to save her, but the dragon appears. The dragon forces Siegfried and Kriemhild to flee into the depths of the mountain, where they find the treasure of the Nibelungen and a sword that can cut through the dragon's skin. Siegfried defeats the dragon, and Kriemhild and Siegfried return to Worms, where they are married and Siegfried rules together with Kriemhild's brothers.
Though triumphant, the Demon lords find that victory is bitter because there are no more enemies worthy of their heroism, no more great deeds to perform. Sophonisba, seeking to reward their heroism, prays to the gods who return the world to how it had been four years before. And so, with a blare of trumpets, an ambassador from Witchland arrives, "craving present audience" and the story starts anew.
Lines 1–423 Hippolytus, son of King Theseus of Athens, leaves his palace at dawn to go boar-hunting. He prays to the virgin goddess Diana for success in the hunt. His step-mother Phaedra, wife of Theseus and daughter of King Minos of Crete, soon appears in front of the palace lamenting her fate. Her husband has been gone for years after journeying to capture Persephone from the underworld.
In the tale told of her, Dwynwen falls in love with a young man named Maelon, but rejects his advances. Stories differ substantially on the events that follow but the outcome remains the same. Either she is raped by Maelon and prays for assistance, or she is unable to marry him due to her father's refusal and prays to forget her love for him. An angel provides her with a potion.
The large man slaps Theseus, and then slaps him again after receiving a curt answer to a question. The man throws a gold ring in the water and tells him to find it if he is Poseidon's son. Theseus prays to Poseidon, finds the ring, and comes up with it. The man asks for it back, but then Theseus says it was offered to Poseidon and throws it back in.
Mullin (2005), p. 178. Tsongkhapa mentions various meditations to be done before falling asleep. In the first one, one generates a vision of oneself as the deity as well as a vision of one's guru, and prays to the guru to recognize the dream and so forth. Then one visualizes a small red four petaled lotus in the throat chakra, with an Ah or Om in the center.
But they refuse as they are afraid of the powerful enemies. Hence Avvaiyar herself goes to save Gemini Ganeshan. When she prays to Vinayaka, he sends many elephants towards the enemies' fort and the wild elephants destroy the enemies and bring back the man. Now, with her mission over, she moves to another place where a boy asks a funny question, to which she could not give a convincing reply.
The poet prays to the Muses to provide him with divine inspiration to tell the story of a great hero. (This convention is restricted to cultures influenced by European Classical culture. The Epic of Gilgamesh, for example, or the Bhagavata Purana do not contain this element.) # In medias res: narrative opens "in the middle of things", with the hero at his lowest point. Usually flashbacks show earlier portions of the story.
In Ancient Egypt, Ema "Emmy" Hesire hides in a pyramid from her mother, who wants an arranged marriage. Emmy prays to the gods to save her and find her true love in the future. The gods answer her prayers and Emmy suddenly vanishes before her mother's eyes. In 1987, Philadelphia artist Jonathan Switcher takes a number of odd jobs, including one where he assembles a beautiful, perfect mannequin.
Colonel Timothy Townsend is a brutal commander leading the British contingent in India. After murdering James' family, he prays to the dark side of the Indian goddess Kali thus becoming blessed with extreme powers. He becomes a demon Sadhu in the process and manages to become a dominant force within the London crime scene. It is stipulated that he is indirectly responsible for James' conversion to a Sadhu.
Later, Homer could not find the remote control and prays to God to help him find it. He finds it under the couch and sees that his prayers are working. After noticing his excessive praying, Marge tells Homer that he should not ask God to do everything for him, which he bluntly refuses to consider. On a Sunday, Homer is walking towards the church and looking up, talking to God.
The Queen sees the captive king, falls deeply in love, and mourns her virginity (for the king had never consummated their marriage). She prays to Cupid and Venus, and she gets her wish to lose her virginity and her husband. Chrononhotonthologos, in camp, takes offence at a piece of pork, slaps his general, and is killed by the raging general. The general creates a bloodbath before killing himself.
In the Syrian Orthodox Church, this service is performed by a bishop or priest. There will be some 12 selected men, both priests and the lay people, and the bishop or priest will wash and kiss the feet of those 12 men. It is not merely a dramatization of the past event. Further it is a prayer where the whole congregation prays to wash and cleanse them of their sins.
The Elephant's Child discovers the Jungle light, and prays to the Eldest Magician to help use it to camouflage them. The Eldest Magician molds and shapes the light beam to fall on the animals in such a way as to hide the giraffe and zebra. The two are transformed into their permanently patchy and stripey patterns.(Jungle Light) But their celebration is interrupted by the sound of crashing waves.
Mr. Rafique dreads the day of the Manhood Test where he and his wife, Zulaikha, must prove that they are an unfit married couple in order to receive a divorce. After they were married, their relationship became strained as it was not consummated. When the couple spends time apart, their sexual desires are heightened but they are left unsatisfied. On the day of the manhood test, Mr. Rafique prays to Allah.
Demetrius is taken to a small house, where he is surprised to find Lucia, lying on a bed clutching the Robe. He finds out that she never had died, after all, but that when he prayed for God to save her, her sudden coma had accomplished her rescue. Now, months later, she is still unconscious. Demetrius realizes he has made a mistake, prays to God, and Lucia awakens.
Knowing this, Chandra feels very happy, but she disappears and Ravi becomes mad. Jayamma prays to Venkat Swamy to get her back. Meanwhile, Jogulu was killed, Gopi is not traceable, Police arrest Chandra, and she agrees that she had killed Jogulu. The rest of the story is about why Chandra disappeared, what happens to Gopi, how did Venkat Swamy be successful and whether Chandra's life turns into a comedy or tragedy.
A hard-working but unlucky peasant named Daietsu- no-suke prays to Kannon, the goddess of mercy, to help him escape poverty. Kannon tells him to take the first thing he touches on the ground with him and travel west. He stumbles on his way out of the temple and grabs a piece of straw. While traveling, he catches a horsefly that was bothering him and ties it to the straw.
He prays to his ancestors when he is attacked by Fowler. He falls into a rage and wakes outside a run down motel, holding Fowler's disembodied hand and gun. He uses the motels pay phone to ask Teddy's help in finding Kaylee. He goes outside to pray to his ancestors to guide him to his wife and son where he is confronted by the Motel's manager Crystal with a shotgun.
Ed. Sherry L. Reames. 14 June 2010 In the longer version, the nuns in Binsey complain of having to fetch water from the distant River Thames, so Frideswide prays to God and a well springs up. The well water has healing properties and many people come to seek it out. This well can still be found today at the Church of Saint Margaret in Binsey, a few miles up river from Oxford.
Goguryeo attacks Nakrang with a huge army, but the legendary drum Jammyungo alerts Nakrang’s army and they successfully defend their country. After losing in the battle, Goguryeo’s King Daemusin prays to his gods and orders his son, Prince Hodong, to attack Nakrang once again. Queen Wonbi tries to get intimate with her stepson, Prince Hodong. But Prince Hodong ignores her attention and leaves with his soldiers to explore the eastern part of his country.
Book V begins with Athena, the war-like goddess of wisdom putting valour into the heart of her champion warrior. She also makes a stream of fire flare from his shield and helmet. Diomedes then slays a number of Trojan warriors including Phegeus (whose brother was spirited away by Hera's son, Hephaestus before being slain by Diomedes) until Pandarus wounds him with an arrow. Diomedes then prays to Athena for the slaughter of Pandarus.
Her communion with the goddess compels her to return to Gita, for the higher good, for herself and her husband, in spite of her baser feelings for Gita. When Gita learns that Dipak approves of his wife seeking her healing, she feels redeemed. She prays to the goddess to grant her the powers to heal this time. For lately, she has been experiencing lapses to this God-given faculty, reminding us of her attendant's warnings.
Hearing these words, Karna gets angry and says that when Yudhishthira lost all his possession he also lost Draupadi, even specifically staking her. Karna calls Draupadi a "whore" for being the wedded wife of five men, adding that dragging her to court is not surprising act whether she be attired or naked. He orders Dushasana to remove the garments of Draupadi. After her husbands fail to assist her, Draupadi prays to Krishna to protect her.
A ritual among devotees is where one prays to the gods to grant one's wish. The ritual includes washing of hands, going inside the chapel barefoot and dropping two blocks of wood. If the blocks of wood are both face up then one could make a wish. If not then it is not yet the time for one's wish to be granted and one has to come to the temple some other time.
The heroes fight for the body of Hippomedon and Hypseus dies. Atalanta in Arcadia has a dream of Parthenopaeus' death and prays to Diana who gives him an aristeia before he is killed by Dryas. Book 10 The Thebans celebrate as the wives of the heroes in Argos perform sacrifices to Juno. Juno sends Iris to the grove of Sleep who puts the Theban army into a deep sleep during the night.
Carmen remains incognito in the guise of a male terrorist for the first part of the novel. The leader of the organization, General Benjamin, notices what a beautiful young woman she has become and notes that, "had she been this pretty before, he never would have let her sign up." She often prays to Saint Rose of Lima. In the ultimate shootout, she is gunned down before Gen can get to her.
The temple belong to the Saliya community residing in this particular "THERU",The temple has got various historical stories behind this. This place accommodates more than hundreds of Saliya families. The head of the temple is known as "MOOTHA CHETIYAR" The Saliya community prays to Lord Ganapathy, one of the main Deva in this temple along with SIVA(MAHADEVA), Gulikan, Vettakkorumakan, Muthachiyamma, Bhagavathy. The temple has got historical connection with Famous Kottiyoor Perumal temple.
Its traditions include women and children decorating trees and tethering posts with "salama" (nine bunches of horse hair hung on horse-hair ropes). The oldest man, wearing white, opens the holiday. He starts the ritual by sprinkling kymys on the ground, feeding the fire. He prays to the Ai-ii spirits for the well-being of the people who depend on them and asks the spirits to bless all the people gathered.
After Zebulon prays to God for their lost loved ones and commends to Him the thieves' souls "whether You want 'em or not", the settlers continue down the river, but their raft is caught in rapids, and Zebulon and his wife Rebecca (Agnes Moorehead) drown. Linus, finding that he cannot live without Eve, reappears and marries her. She insists on homesteading at the spot where her parents died. This section was directed by Henry Hathaway.
Beatrice now returns to her place in the rose, signifying that Dante has passed beyond theology in directly contemplating God,Dorothy L. Sayers, Paradise, notes on Canto XXXI. and St. Bernard, as a mystical contemplative, now guides Dante further (Canto XXXI), describing the heavenly rose and its occupants. The three circles of the Trinity (illustration by John Flaxman), Canto 33. St. Bernard further explains predestination, and prays to the Virgin Mary on Dante's behalf.
Costume by Ivan Bilibin Le Miracle de Théophile (The Miracle of Theophilus) is a thirteenth-century miracle play written in Langues d'oïl, circa 1261 by the trouvère Rutebeuf. The play is a religious drama, drawn from traditional accounts of the lives of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the play, Théophile sells his soul to the Devil. Overcome by remorse, he prays to the Virgin Mary, who delivers him from the cursed pact.
The Deity of Angada, the monkey- prince and son of Vali and Tara and the nephew of Sugriva, is seen with the right hand pointed out. According to the temple legend, the Deity is seen in a scene from the Hindu epic Ramayana when Angada is pointing towards the southern sky to indicate the arrival of Vibishana as Sugriva prays to Lord Rama, not to grant protection to Vibishana - the brother of demon-king Ravana.
Whoever fasts and prays to Lord Muruga for the six days of Kanda Sashti is believed to receive Muruga's blessings. Those who are unable to fast all day can eat once a day or twice a day during this period depending on their health, age and will. Devotees believe that regular chanting of this song causes the predicaments of life to be resolved and that chanting the full song 36 times a day brings wealth.
On the night that Jesse quits, Kevin, his younger brother, confronts him and tells him that football was a major part of his life. He tells him that he belongs in the team. He responds by saying that the only way he would get back into it is if it starts winning. Kevin prays to the angels to come and help the team to win some games, so that Jesse would start playing again.
Then Teav offers Tum betel nuts and a blanket as evidence of the feelings she had for him and prays to Buddha that the young monk will be with her for eternity. Tum accepts the offer with delight to see that she feels the same as he does. Back to the Monastery, Tum cannot stop stop thinking in Teav. The feeling grows stronger and eventually he persuades Pich to quit the monkshood.
3; Vasistha Dharmasutra 14.12. The late Vedic era literature (pre-500 BCE) condemns all killings of men, cattle, birds and horses, and prays to god Agni to punish those who kill. Later texts of Hinduism declare Ahimsa one of the primary virtues, declare any killing or harming any life as against dharma (moral life). Finally, the discussion in Upanishads and Hindu EpicsManu Smriti 5.30, 5.32, 5.39 and 5.44; Mahabharata 3.199 (3.207), 3.199.
Dismissing their claims of having received pardons, Sheriff Cooley orders them hanged. Just as Everett prays to God, the valley is flooded and they are saved. Tommy finds the ring in a desk that floats by, and they return to town. However, when Everett presents the ring to Penny, it turns out it was not her ring, she doesn't want that one, and she can't remember where she put the real ring.
They come upon a church, and while there, Carol stops and prays to the figure of a crucified Jesus. She says that even though she prayed for Ed's death for abusing her and "looking" at Sophia, her punishment shouldn't be Sophia's death. This implies that Ed had a history of sexual temptations towards his daughter, and may have even acted upon them before. The group keeps searching for Sophia but is unsuccessful.
In the fifth round, the bride and groom together pray for the beautiful, heroic and noble children from God. 6\. In the sixth round around the fire, the couple asks for the peaceful long life with each other. 7\. In the final seventh round, the couple prays to god for companionship, togetherness, loyalty and understanding between themselves. They ask God to make them friends and give the maturity to carry out the friendship for lifetime.
To buy more time to study, Bart prays to God for a miracle to avoid tomorrow's test at school. He awakes the next day to find school is closed because Springfield is covered in snow. As Bart prepares to frolic during the snow day, Lisa reveals she overheard him praying and urges him to make good use of an answered prayer. Bart decides to study while everyone else is having fun in the snow.
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Fukushima-juku Local legend has it that Urashima Tarō once dwelled in the mountains of Kiso, Nagano. This legend originated in near-modern times, from the late Muromachi to Edo periods. Although a contrived piece of fiction, the old-style jōruri situates its story in the vicinity of this local legend, namely Agematsu-juku. Urashima Tarō appears here as a child born after a local couple prays to Togakushi Myōjin.
Uddālaka also prophecises that Sujātā will bear him a son who will be become a source of inspiration for the disabled. Kahola and Sujātā get married and choose a desolate forest for their Āśrama, where Kahola starts teaching disciples. Sujātā prays to Sūrya for a son whose life will offer solutions to the afflictions of the disabled, and Sūrya grants her the wish. The canto ends with Sujātā becoming pregnant and the couple delighted.
Peter, still unsure of his crime, returns from prison. Meanwhile, Bess is lying in Porgy's room delirious with fever, which she has had ever since returning from Kittiwah Island. Serena prays to remove Bess's affliction ("Oh, Doctor Jesus"), and promises Porgy that Bess will be well by five o'clock. As the day passes, a strawberry woman, Peter (the Honey Man) and a crab man each pass by with their wares ("Vendors' Trio").
A ship loses all means of navigation in a storm. The crew becomes increasingly desperate as food and water run out. The captain, Kamegoro (Taiji Tonoyama), prays to the sailor's god Kompira to rescue them and rations their food and water. His grandson, Sankichi (Kei Yamamoto), follows his grandfather, but the other two crew members, Hachizo (Kei Satō) and Gorosuke (Nobuko Otowa) rebel and insist on eating their rations of food all at once.
However, Leoben whispers in Roslin's ear that "Adama is a Cylon." Disturbed, Roslin immediately orders Leoben blown out the airlock. As Leoben is airlocked, a shocked Roslin recognizes that the event matches the end of her dream. After Leoben's death, Starbuck prays to the Lords of Kobol to take care of Leoben's soul despite her previous belief that he had none as she knows Leoben feared his soul would not reach God.
The Arya King does not accept their relation, Karthavaraya is captured by soldiers and in that quarrel, Aryamala is hit very badly. Karthavaraya was taken to the punishment area when he is to be impaled. Parvathi reaches there and begs the king not to do such a deed. But the King is not ready to listen, so, she prays to Lord Siva, who creates an apocalypse, by which the entire fort collapses.
Agni swears to protect his kingdom on the condition that the king should sanctify pleasure out of pure love a legitimate action in his kingdom. Years later, after the epic war the victorious Yudhishthira plans on conducting a Yagna by winning over everyone else on Earth. Sahadeva, the youngest of Pandavas knowing that Lord Agni was protecting the Nishada kingdom, prays to Lord Agni successfully and there upon moves to Saurashtra Kingdom.
Dionysus drives the women of Argos to kill their children for refusing his rites. Perseus is incited by Hera to attack the Bacchantes and turns Ariadne into stone after which the Argives accept the rites of Dionysus on Hermes' demand. Book 48 – Hera prays to Gaia, who stirs her sons the Giants to fight Dionysus and they are slain. Dionysus wrestles with the daughter of King Sithon to win her hand and then slays the king when he wins.
The following Sunday she tries again, thinking she is at least as good as the others in church, but again the dancing red shoes bar the way. When Sunday comes again Karen dares not go to church. Instead she sits alone at home and prays to God for help. The angel reappears, now bearing a spray of roses, and gives Karen the mercy she asked for: her heart becomes so filled with peace and joy that it bursts.
The first mantra begs the elders to proceed and return quickly with success back from their mission on his behalf. The second mantram ("anruksharaa Rjava:...") asks for the gods' blessings for the elders' safe journey to the house of the father of the would-be-bride. The mantra prays to Aryama and Bhaga for a marriage full of harmony. The father accedes to the request of the elders and the resulting agreement for betrothal is known as vaak daanam.
Sumerian king Enmerkar wants to conquer the land of Aratta. Rounding up his army, Enmerkar marches toward Aratta, a city on the eastern highlands. Amongst the soldiers is Lugalbanda, who falls seriously ill and is left by his brothers to live or die in a cave along with some provisions. Lugalbanda lies ill for two days; he prays to the gods Shamash, Inanna, and Nanna to be healed of his sickness and is eventually healed by them.
Enkidu's interpretation is missing here, but as with the other dreams, it is assumed he puts a positive spin on the volcanic dream. The fourth dream is missing, but Enkidu again tells Gilgamesh that the dream portends success in the upcoming battle. The fifth dream is also missing. At the entrance to the Cedar Forest, Gilgamesh begins to quake with fear; he prays to Shamash, reminding him that he had promised Ninsun that he would be safe.
The hero Hercules, on his never ending mission to perform glorious deeds to increase his fame, has come to pay a visit to his friend King Admetus. As her husband the king sleeps, his wife Alceste prays to Apollo to spare his life. The statue speaks and informs her that only if a close relative dies in his place will Admetus be permitted to continue to live. Alceste resolves to sacrifice her life for her husband.
The battle is over and Armide searches for her father in vain, but finds Adraste, King of India, still breathing. Adraste blames Armide's double-dealing for his death and Hidraot's impending slaughter at the hands of Renaud. Armide prays to heaven to strike her down and save her father and, when she hears that Hidraot has been bound in chains to the chariot of the victorious Renaud, she decides to kill herself. Renaud enters and tries to stop her.
Then, the poet confesses that he is tired, tired of his works, tired of the non-understandable unending ebb and flow of the life and praying to God, calling Him as "Mother", who sent the poet to the world, to provide him refuge. He prays to Mother to rescue him from the world of false aspirations, delusion and cycles to life and death, as he thinks, his play (i.e. work) is done and he should be given freedom now.
Out of defeat, Kajal's father meets a rowdy, Sketch Mani (Rajendran) to kill Kumar. Mani asks Kajal's father to bring Kumar and his family in the name of marriage to the haunted house in Sivankodamalai to murder Kumar and his family and blame it on the ghost. Before they leave, Kumar's mother prays to Lord Muruga and accidentally drops the Vel in the bag and takes it along. But nobody knows that the house is haunted.
At the same time, driver of her father comes and hands over the family property to her as her father is no more. With the money, the couple completes the temple and runs a business successfully. One day, a group of foreigners, faking themselves of Muruga devotees come to steal the gold statue the couple has and prays to everyday in their home. KR Vijaya sees this in her dream and also sees that they met with an accident.
Fremont and his companions manage to hold off Sinclair and other enemies and make their way back to the tomb, where they open a portal to the Underworld. In the Underworld, Fremont and his friends succeed in finding and freeing Tutankhamun, but the boy pharaoh is too weak to help them. Meanwhile, Sinclair is absorbed by Set, who then attacks Fremont. At the critical moment, Barakat prays to Ra to empower Tutankhamun and her wish is granted.
From the answers it is clear that demons do not do only evidently sinful things. They can do something and help in something that, for inexperienced person, looks like good. For example, the person prays to God but does it with conceit, not with the intention to fulfill the will of God. In this case, the demons can be allowed to "help" this person and to do the deed that he wanted against the will of God.
Hemanatha Bhagavathar, a talented singer, tries to conquer the Pandya Kingdom when he challenges its musicians. The king's minister advises the king to seek Banabathirar's help against Bhagavathar. When the other musicians spurn the competition, the king orders Banabathirar to compete against Bhagavathar. Knowing that he cannot win, the troubled Banabathirar prays to Shiva—who appears outside Bhagavathar's house in the form of a firewood vendor the night before the competition, and shatters his arrogance by singing "Paattum Naane".
Devotees visit from far and near to seek her blessings to be blessed with their desires. A devotee wishing for a desire ties a coconut in the mutt premises and prays to her. Once the desire/wish is fulfilled, the devotee has to come back and un-tie a coconut in the premises and do the thanksgiving to the saint. Currently 8th generation of her family members are taking care of the mutt and performing puja regularly.
The 'Lord of the Seeds', and the 'Rice Master' recite verses in reference to the seeds that were entrusted by the corpse of Bei Suri. One of the 'Master of the Word' sacrifices a cock with red feathers by killing him. The throat is not cut with a knife as it is usually done, to prevent severing ties with the "seed". The 'Lord of the Word' recites a welcome text and prays to the 'lord of the village altar'.
At the beginning of the poem, the sleepless poet, who has suffered from an unexplained sickness for eight years (line 37), lies in his bed, reading a book. A collection of old stories, the book tells the story of Ceyx and Alcyone. The story tells of how Ceyx lost his life at sea, and how Alcyone, his wife, mourned his absence. Unsure of his fate, she prays to the goddess Juno to send her a dream vision.
The Simpsons contains a large number of audience that watch the show daily as it is broadcast during prime time. Characters such as Apu are highly discriminated and stereotyped. On this show Apu is characterized as an Indian immigrant, who prays to Ganesh, and holds a highly noticeable and dissimilar accent. This is a stereotype which is observed by young children and is perceived as humorous; they apply this knowledge towards those they meet in real-life.
He searches for three days and on the third day finds the grand courser on the sand with a fiery mane and smoking nostrils. Lemminkäinen prays to Ukko, and hail falls down on the back of the horse allowing him to bridle, mount and return it to Louhi. I have reigned the mighty courser, brought the foal of Hiisi bridled. Louhi tasks Lemminkäinen again: this time he has to shoot a swan from the black river of Tuonela.
He adorns his sledge with sweet songbirds and prepares for departure with the finest horse in his possession in the harness. He prays to Ukko to clear his path and make for him an easy journey, and he sets off on his journey. Väinämöinen and Ilmarinen meet each other along the journey. They shout over the waters and snowfields and agree to a friendly pact and to be happy for whoever wins the hand of the beautiful Pohjola maiden.
Within the Water-mother's womb, Väinämöinen is growing and turning. He laments his situation and prays to the gods to release him from his dark prison. When the gods fail to give him freedom, he forces his own way into the world; he slips into the sea and floats for nine years until he hits ground. He turns himself over on this new land and beholds the moon and stars and sun for the first time.
Mary is thrown in a jail cell along with a young boy, David Carver, his parents, Ralph and Ellen, and an old man, Tom Billingsley. The little girl is the Carver's daughter, named Pie. In the meantime, in the police station, David kneels and prays to God, his practice since his best friend Brian was struck by a drunk driver. For the duration of the film, David is a mouth piece for commonplace Judaeo-Christian values.
Ulysses prays to Athena, asking her for a way to end the war. He gets a response from the goddess and constructs the legendary Trojan Horse, realising that the only way out is a head without a heart ("The Horse with no Rider"). Agamemnon 'volunteers' Sinon as a stooge in order to convince the Trojans to bring the horse inside the city. The Trojans find the horse and Sinon, who convinces Priam to take it into the city.
On an ill-fated voyage in winter, he brings his daughter aboard ship for company. The skipper ignores the advice of one of his experienced men, who fears that a hurricane is approaching. When the storm arrives, the skipper ties his daughter to the mast to prevent her from being swept overboard. She calls out to her dying father as she hears the surf beating on the shore, then prays to Christ to calm the seas.
At one point, Baltar tries to convince Gaeta in the head to believe him before assaulting Shelly. In a desperate attempt to exonerate himself, Baltar distracts Gaeta with a fire alarm and attempts to destroy the damning photograph which Gaeta has managed to clean up, revealing Baltar's face. Baltar fails and is arrested for treason and finds no help even from President Roslin. Finally, Baltar prays to God for help and his Six returns to his side.
The young hetaira Corine is in love with the poet Anacréon, unaware that he shares the same feelings for her. As she prepares for Anacréon's fiftieth birthday celebrations, she prays to Cupid to bring her and the poet together in spite of the difference in age between them. There is a storm outside and a tiny guest arrives at Anacréon's house, soaked to the skin. It is Cupid in disguise, on the run from his mother Venus.
Khalidor is located in northern Midcyru and ruled by a line of tyrannical Godkings. Its population has been corrupted by the false goddess Khali, who feeds on human suffering. Khalidoran mages (called meisters and Vürdmeisters) use the unnatural vir, powered by a reservoir of magic that is collected from the life energy - or glore vyrden - of everyone who "prays" to Khali. Some Khalidoran Vürdmeisters also know the secrets of raising undead creatures known as krul and every variation thereof.
Lupita Flores knows her fiancé Carlos Fernández was in a boat sunk by a German submarine and she prays to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Later on, she cannot sleep and she starts reading a book about the apparition of Tonantzin as the Virgin of Guadalupe. The story follows Juan Diego, who sees a vision of the maiden at Tepeyac. Eventually, Carlos is saved and Lupita and Carlos go to Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12.
She believes in human equality and once saved Shamu from mocking goons, which left him in love with her. One day, Rani comes across a beautiful place where a florist tells her about the beauty and fate of the town's well-known woman,'Nigar Begum' (Sana Nawaz). This fascinates Rani, who constantly prays to be like her one day. It is revealed that Nigar Begum is a head courtesan who shelters homeless girls in her brothel.
For the first time, Kitiara prays to Takhisis and promises to do anything, even confront Lord Soth, if her life were spared. She is overheard, via scrying, by Ariakas's other lover, Iolanthe. Iolanthe frees Kitiara and binds her to her promise regarding Lord Soth, feeling Kitiara would ultimately triumph in the power struggle with Ariakas. Sturm, Derek, and the rest of the company meet the natives of Icewall and ask for their help in defeating Feal-Thas.
Unfortunately, the husband's sister sends her men to intercept them, and Guenelic and his friend are forced to leave Hélisenne in the woods while they fight their assailants. Victorious, they return to find Hélisenne at the point of death; she repents her actions, prays to God, and asks Guenelic to think of his own salvation and then swoons. In his sorrow, Guenelic, too, prays and dies. The epilogue is told by Quezinstra who recounts the death of the two lovers.
"Aurora" has been described as "something that appeals to a child-like imagination", and having a "magical and airy quality". In the lyrics, she addresses a Nature goddess, and sings about "literally dissolving with pleasure" as she "prays to become one with the pure color of the northern lights". One of Björk's broodiest compositions, "An Echo, a Stain" is underpinned by a creeping choir line and nibbling clicks, and features an "unresolved, ominous tension" that is atypical of her writing style.Pytlik, 2003. p.
Helen is rescued when she remembers her ancestral past life and prays to the goddess Isis to come to her aid. The statue of Isis raises its arm and emits a flash that sets the Scroll of Thoth on fire. This breaks the spell that had given Imhotep his immortality, causing him to crumble to dust. At the urging of Dr. Muller, Frank calls Helen back to the world of the living while the Scroll of Thoth continues to burn.
Once more, she prays to the Buddha for three years. The priest returns and tells her to submerge her hands in a jar of oil for three years, and then to keep them burning for another three years while praying to the Buddha. At the end of these six years, Dorang-seonbi appears and tells her to follow him. He leads her on the treacherous road to the afterlife, and they are reunited for good in the realm of the dead.
Again complicit Nagarsen (One of the primaries who instigated the hatred towards Sita) challenges Sita's character and asks her to prove her purity. Sita is overflown with emotions and decides to go back to Mother Earth from where she emerged. She prays to her mother Bhoomidevi (Goddess of Earth), the ground breaks into half and closes after Sita vanishes into it. Rama rules Ayodhya for many years and finally takes Samadhi into Sarayu river along with his 3 brothers and leaves the world.
The Emperor of Germany has a daughter who is mute, but this does not stop a sultan coming to claim her hand in marriage. The emperor refuses and a dreadful war begins. On three successive days, Sir Gowther, as Hob the fool, prays to God that he might be given arms to help defend the emperor's lands from the heathen hoards. And three times, he is rewarded by the magical appearance of a horse and armour outside his small room.
According to Nanditha Krishna, the cow veneration in ancient India "probably originated from the pastoral Aryans" in the Vedic era, whose religious texts called for non-violence towards all bipeds and quadrupeds, and often equated killing of a cow with the killing of a human being, especially a Brahmin. The hymn 10.87.16 of the Hindu scripture Rigveda (c. 1200–1500 BCE), states Nanditha Krishna, condemns all killings of men, cattle and horses, and prays to god Agni to punish those who kill.
Sarah, in a musical number, prays to God and hopes her family will be healed. After continuing to angrily reject Will's apologies, Sarah speaks to Kim, who tells her to make a list with every good thing Will had ever done for her along with every bad one. She continues, saying that if the bad outweighed the good, then she was free to let Will go. But if the good were to outweigh the bad, then she should fight completely for her marriage.
In the Book of Joshua, the Israelites battle against many different opposing nations. The book's seventh chapter describes how God punishes His people by causing them to lose a battle as a result of their sinning. Following news of the defeat, Joshua and the elders of Israel tear their clothes and lie face down in front of the Ark of the Covenant, and following that, Joshua prays to God bemoaning his people's lowered moral, vulnerability to attack, and possible extermination.
Sutala constructed by Viswakarman, is the kingdom of the pious demon king Bali. The dwarf Avatar of Vishnu, Vamana tricked Bali – who had conquered the three worlds – by begging for three paces of land and acquired the three worlds in his three paces. Vamana pushed Bali to Sutala, but when Bali surrendered to Vishnu and gave away all his belongings to him, Vishnu in return made Bali, richer than Indra, the god-king of heaven. Bali still prays to Vishnu in this realm.
Mini is a 10-year-old school girl from a middle-class family whose father is a habitual drunkard who beats up his wife as a rule and throws tantrums into the early hours of the morning. The mother and daughter suffer in silence; but the neighbours find the daily antics a nuisance. Despite their vehement protests things go from bad to worse. Mini prays to god and wishes that her father stop drinking and turn over a new life.
In the winter of 1823, Antonio Salieri is committed to a psychiatric hospital following an unsuccessful suicide attempt, during which he loudly confesses to murdering Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The young priest Father Volger approaches Salieri for elaboration on Salieri's confession. Salieri recounts how, even in his youth in the 1760s, he desired to be a composer, much to the chagrin of his father. He prays to God that, if He will make Salieri a famous composer, he will in return promise his faithfulness.
Polyphemus prays to his father, Poseidon, for revenge and casts huge rocks towards the ship, which Odysseus barely escapes. The story reappears in later Classical literature. In Cyclops, the 5th-century BC play by Euripides, a chorus of satyrs offers comic relief from the grisly story of how Polyphemus is punished for his impious behaviour in not respecting the rites of hospitality. In his Latin epic, Virgil describes how Aeneas observes blind Polyphemus as he leads his flocks down to the sea.
Mutiara, Yetti, and Mulyani found that Tuan Direktur contrasted the arrogant Jazuli, referred to in the title as "Mr Director", with the more humble Jasin. Jasin spends more time praying as he becomes richer, and is willing to aid another man in entering business. His access to wealth, in their opinion, brings him closer to Allah. Thus, they surmise that the novel's moral is that an arrogant person will find sorrow, but one who is humble and prays to God will find happiness.
When the demon king Ravana out of arrogance attempts to uproot Kailasam that was on his way back to Lanka, Lord Siva gently presses down the mountain with his right toe, that by itself has such a profound effect on Ravana that he nearly dies. At this point of time saint Vageesar prays to lord Siva to spare the demon so that he may be accounted for and taken to his abode by lord Vishnu to whom the demon was a servitor.
She has an inner torment whether to follow the words of her employer (Haridas). But after she puts money in the holy steps of the temple and pray to show her a sign whether to follow his words by blooming the Blue Lotus of the pond, she decides to go to her room. And the two have a romantic and physical relationship. Kunjimalu prays to show the sign of Blue Lotus when she hears he is going to attend an interview.
Kristina suffers a miscarriage and Ulrika takes her to the doctor, then brings Karl Oskar the bad news that, after her miscarriage, Kristina's body cannot take much more. Another childbirth would mean her death ("Miscarriage"). A devastated Kristina thinks of all the bad things that have happened to her, having to leave her home, losing her child and now her husband's love. She desperately prays to God, not knowing what she will do if he isn't real ("You Have To Be There").
Damayanti is given shelter by a group of travelling merchants, but Kali makes them believe she is a witch and they beat her. Finally, Damayanti arrives in the town of her aunt Bhanumati, where she stays on as a maid. She is falsely accused of stealing a necklace, but Damayanti prays to God and curses the thief. Kali, who had been hiding in the niche above the door, runs off, tearing off the wooden peg and dropping the necklace on the floor.
Unhappy that she was not able to see the maavilakku ceremony, she prays to the Mother Goddess to forgive her. The Goddess (Ramya Krishnan) appears in front of her house in the guise of a lady, gives her some flour as blessing and leaves the house. After that, things start happening to the advantage of Sivakami through the grace of the Goddess. She gets pregnant again and this time Rajamma and Balu's efforts were in vain to abort the baby.
Henry has also become neglectful of his wife, Julia (Whitney Houston), and his son, Jeremiah. Julia worries that her marriage is failing. Unsure that he can make a difference in his parishioners' lives and beginning to lose his faith, Henry prays to God for help, which comes in the form of Dudley (Denzel Washington), a witty and debonair angel. Dudley tells Henry that he is an angel sent by God to help him, but Henry is deeply suspicious of Dudley.
Louhi however changes her form into a giant eagle, with scythes as the nails of her talons and the remains of the ship as her wings and tail. A large number of her men climb on her back as she takes flight and continues the pursuit of Väinämöinen and his heroes. Louhi lands on the highest mast of Väinämöinen's ship. Ilmarinen prays to Ukko for help and protection while Väinämöinen asks Louhi once again if she will share the Sampo.
Marjatta goes seeking the stable on her own and when her birth begins prays to Ukko for assistance and protection. On arrival at the stable Marjatta asks the horse to keep her warm and supply her with steam for a bath. The child is born and cared for well, but one day the child vanishes and Marjatta weeps uncontrollably. She goes in search of her child and asks a star and the moon for assistance, but they offer no advice.
Happy the Dog debuts in the pilot episode, "Anything You Want", in which Simon begs his parents for a dog, and also prays to God about it. One day, he is up in his attic and he hears a faint bark. He then looks out the window and a dog is sitting in the front yard. Later (in the two-part season two finale), the daughter of Happy's previous owners sees their dog (they called her Whitey) on TV and wants her back.
Author Branislav Nušić was member of the Board for the Building of the Monument. When on the unveiling ceremony he was asked by the Prince George, king's oldest son, what he thinks of the monument now, Nušić replied he now prays to be a member of the Demolition Board. As prince and his entourage laughed out loud, the reporters concluded that the royal family is not happy with the monument either. Writer and journalist Dragutin Ilić liked the monument, calling the composition poetic.
Mary Jo notices these episodes and prays to God to help her husband; the prayer works, as Mark dreams about a glowing orb that explodes electrical energy onto him. While hearing Donald Trump on television news, Taylor receives a message from God, which he writes down in a journal, informing him, "You're hearing the voice of president [sic]." By the time of the 2012 election, Taylor hopes God's wish will be fulfilled. However, Trump doesn't make it as a nominee and Barack Obama wins instead.
Everyone during the festival comes and prays to the goddess to offer her pongal, sarees, turmeric and kumkum, etc. During the last day of festival, the portico will be smashed it into pieces at the auspicious moment. Devotees then clamour around to get the clay smithereens, which they consider as sacred, to be either preserved in the ‘Puja' room or consumed by mixing it in water. Though there is a ban on animal sacrifice, goats and fowls were chopped at will at a corner of the temple.
Later, Luke goes upstairs and has a conversation with his dead mother, a decomposed corpse the family keeps in a bed. Meanwhile, Bert reports Nancy missing and begins searching for her himself. At the farmhouse, the family conduct a Black Mass at midnight and sacrifice Sharon, another local woman they have kidnapped, in the name of Satan. Observing the mass from a cage, Nancy prays to God as they slit Sharon's throat before feeding her blood to their dead mother, attempting to resurrect her.
Lucifer arranges for Joe to become wealthy by winning a lottery, reintroduces Joe to beautiful gold-digger Georgia Brown, and manipulates marital discord between Joe and Petunia. Little Joe abandons his wife for Georgia, and the two embark on a life of hedonistic pleasure. As Little Joe and Georgia celebrate at a nightclub one evening, Petunia joins them, determined to win Joe back. Little Joe fights with Domino for Petunia, and Petunia, anguished at this turn of events, prays to God to destroy the nightclub.
It is called Chandi Than (चन्डी थान). In every Ubhauli (उभौली) festival, a designated Kirat Rai priest called Nakchhong (नाकछोङ) performs puja and prays to the Kirat Rai ancestors for rain, good crops, good health of the people and livestock and continuity of this great Creation. There are certain processes to perform the ritual, and all Kirat Rais have to follow it properly. After the ritual is done, they come to Chandi danda or Chandi bazar (चन्डी बजार), an open space near Balankha bazaar.
Now Nandi sets fire to the forest and he is knockout by Pakshi. During the time of forest fire, Satyadas prays to Lord Vishnu who descends to earth, restores Satyadas's eyesight and shows the Vishwaroopam the entire world form in him. Sridevi & Bhudevi also accompany and performs the marriage of Satyadas & Ratnavalli. Satyadas asks Lord Vishnu to stay on earth to uplift the people, so, Lord Vishnu incarnates in the form of Lord Satyanarayana Swamy and the placed adored by lakhs of people at Annavaram till today.
In the earlier Sumerian texts, Enkidu is Gilgamesh's servant, but, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, they are companions of equal standing. In tablets III through IV, Gilgamesh and Enkidu travel to the Cedar Forest, which is guarded by Humbaba (the Akkadian name for Huwawa). The heroes cross the seven mountains to the Cedar Forest, where they begin chopping down trees. Confronted by Humbaba, Gilgamesh panics and prays to Shamash (the East Semitic name for Utu), who blows eight winds in Humbaba's eyes, blinding him.
The use of these arrows is described by the Latin poet Ovid in the first book of his Metamorphoses. When Apollo taunts Cupid as the lesser archer, Cupid shoots him with the golden arrow, but strikes the object of his desire, the nymph Daphne, with the lead. Trapped by Apollo's unwanted advances, Daphne prays to her father, the river god Peneus, who turns her into a laurel, the tree sacred to Apollo. It is the first of several unsuccessful or tragic love affairs for Apollo.
Distressed at the battle and the danger to her father's life, the princess prays to Apollo and Mohammed. Alberich pretends to be a messenger from (the Christian) God but even so cannot persuade the girl to marry Ortnit, until she challenges him to prove he is stronger than her gods, whereupon he shatters her shrine and throws it into the moat. The princess relents in order to spare her father, and sends her ring to Ortnit. Battle ceases and the heathens withdraw into the castle.
A believer takes a small flower, prays to God seeking divine directions and drops the flower randomly on a board containing an inscription of one of the Chakras. The number on which the flower falls is believed to give a broad indication of the future of the believer. For example, if the design is Sri Rama Chakra in the form of a magic square and the number on which the flower has fallen is 11 then the person can expect "victory in his/her future endeavors".
The Gentleman's Magazine, vol.11 (1741), p.379 In that, the king of the doves prays to Jove for help against a marauding kite and is changed in form to a more powerful bird of prey. After his victory, however, the king becomes an even worse tyrant in his turn. The political moral that Hawkesworth drew from this was similar to Croxall's in requiring a democratic system of checks and balances: > :Wrongs to redress, ne’er arm alone your friend, :But cloth’d in equal Might > his steps attend.
One night, Ben Levi and Elijah are hosted by a poor man who owns only a cow, which Elijah slaughters. The next day, they are refused hospitality by a rich man, but the prophet fixes the man's wall without receiving pay. Finally, the two are refused hospitality by people at a rich synagogue but hosted by a group of poor people. Elijah prays to God to turn everyone in the rich synagogue into rulers, but says that only one person out of the latter should rule.
The text begins with a story where a prince named Ajatashatru was enticed by the villain Devadatta to murder his father, King Bimbisara, in order to ascend the throne. Ajatashatru kills his father, and nearly kills his mother, Queen Vaidehi, but after advice from his other ministers, he relented and threw his mother in prison. Lamenting her fate, Queen Vaidehi prays to Gautama Buddha for help, and he is able to visit her. Vaidehi expresses her wish to be born in Amitābha's pure land.
The Deity of Sugriva, the monkey-king and friend of Lord Rama, is seen with folded hands in a stance resembling prayer to the Lord. According to the temple legend, the Deity is seen in a scene of the Hindu epic Ramayana. Sugriva is seen with folded hands after he prays to Lord Rama, not to grant protection to Vibishana. The exact date of consecration of the Deity is unknown though it is believed to have been installed along with the deities of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana.
Aphrodite is infuriated by his prideful behavior and, in the prologue to the play, she declares that, by honoring only Artemis and refusing to venerate her, Hippolytus has directly challenged her authority. Aphrodite therefore causes Hippolytus's stepmother, Phaedra, to fall in love with him, knowing Hippolytus will reject her. After being rejected, Phaedra commits suicide and leaves a suicide note to Theseus telling him that she killed herself because Hippolytus attempted to rape her. Theseus prays to Poseidon to kill Hippolytus for his transgression.
Amanda breaks up with Faxton, telling her that the romance was contrived to get her as a client. The agency keeps the account, but there is one more woman with reason to hate Brooks. Brooks prays to God for help, and the Devil appears, offering her a job with his operation. She refuses and goes back to a task she had started some time before: calling all the names in Steve's address book, hoping to find a woman who has something kind to say about him.
At the end of their journey, with his mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and others witnessing, Jesus is crucified. Hanging from the cross, Jesus prays to God the Father asking forgiveness for the people who tormented him, and provides salvation to a penitent thief crucified beside him. Jesus surrenders his spirit to the Father and dies. A single droplet of rain falls from the sky to the ground, triggering an earthquake which destroys the temple and rips the veil covering the Holy of Holies in two.
Manu's mother, who was unaware of this affair, asks Manu to marry her friend's daughter. Manu discloses his wish to his mother, but in vain, as his mother had taken the marriage preparations to a point of no-return. His decision to marry the housemaid was not welcomed by the relatives and Manu was forced to go through the arranged marriage that was set for him. Disheartened, Balamani prays to Lord Guruvayurappan (Lord Krishna) to give her strength to let go of her love.
He is ridiculed by the High Priest and the crowd. Dalila taunts Samson further by recounting to him the details of her devious plot in a variant of her love song. When the priests try to force him to kneel before Dagon, he asks the boy to lead him to the two main pillars of the temple, then telling the child to flee. Samson prays to God to restore his strength, and pushes down the pillars and the temple with them, crushing himself and his enemies.
In the ritual, first, the Deori (priest) prays to the goddess Suvasani for the welfare of the family/village and then distributes prasad along with holy water to the people for purifying their souls. Then, ducks are sacrificed by the priest with the help of other people. After the sacrifice is over, the male members of the family/village get together and organise a feast. This ritual is also found among the Tengaponia clan of the Deoris and call the deity as Suvasani or Yanyo Midi.
Then Ileana Simziana asks the emperor's daughter to bring the Holy Water kept in a small church above the Jordan and guarded by nuns who neither slept in the day nor in the night. The girl succeeds but the monk who takes care of the church prays to God and asks him if the thief is a man to make him a woman and vice versa, so that the princess becomes a prince - Făt-Frumos. He marries Ileana Simziana and they live happily ever after.
While they escape, Polyphemus cries in pain, and the other Cyclopes ask him what is wrong. Polyphemus cries, "Nobody has blinded me!" and the other Cyclopes think he has gone mad. Odysseus and his crew escape, but Odysseus rashly reveals his real name, and Polyphemus prays to Poseidon, his father, to take revenge. They stay with Aeolus, the master of the winds, who gives Odysseus a leather bag containing all the winds, except the west wind, a gift that should have ensured a safe return home.
Bess McNeill is a young and beautiful Scottish woman, who has, in the past, been subjected to unenlightened psychiatric "treatment". She marries oil rig worker Jan Nyman, a Danish non-churchgoer, despite disapproval from her community and her Free Scottish Presbyterian Calvinist church. Bess is steadfast and pure of heart, but quite simple and childlike in her beliefs. During her frequent visits to the church, she prays to God and carries on conversations with Him in her own voice, believing that He is responding directly through her.
Yuriwaka Daijin having released his bow, set in Fukaya-shuku (1852). Yuriwaka (also Yuriwaka Daijin or Minister Yuriwaka) is the titular hero of a Japanese tale of vengeance. Yuriwaka, famed for his enormous iron bow, is victorious as a general against the Mongolian forces, but is abandoned on an island by a traitorous subordinate (Beppu) who usurps his governorship. Yuriwaka's hawk (Midori-maru) couriers back a letter to his wife, who prays to the shrine, and through divine intervention, Yuriwaka returns to the province of his governorship.
Saddened, Bart walks home in the rain and prays to God for his soul in his bedroom. When a piece of paper with the words "Bart Simpson's soul" floats down from above, Bart discovers that Lisa bought his soul to return it to him. While she explains philosophers' views on the human soul, Bart eats the piece of paper, overjoyed at getting his soul back. In the subplot, Moe tries to expand his customer base by turning his bar into a family theme restaurant.
In the lower register, there are ten scenes. # Joseph, has his brothers arrested (very incomplete) # Joseph makes his identity known to his family (incomplete) # Moses changes the rod into a serpent # The army of Pharaoh are drowned in the Red Sea. (this scene occupies two sections) # Moses on Mount Sinai # The devil is sent to Job by God # The men and herds of Job are killed # The house of Job falls, killing his sons. # Job prays to God # Job, plagued by boils, is visited by friends.
Pierce stays with his fellow, as the other Hipsters run off. In the cafeteria, the dean explains that Shirley has filed an official complaint on the grounds of separation of church and state but is convinced by Abed that his film is not about Jesus as it's called ABED. Abed realizes in post-production that his film is a "self-indulgent, adolescent mess" which will ensure that he never has a real career. He prays to God to save him from himself which Shirley overhears.
At Tancred's urging, it is Stephen who prays to God and receives a miracle: the boy, dead is brought back to life. Tancred was probably the prior of San Sisto Vecchio in Rome until it was converted into a Dominican nunnery. He was transferred to Santa Sabina to continue serving as prior. In 1222, after the death of Dominic the previous year, Tancred left Italy for the Holy Land as the superior of a group of friars, appointed by Jordan of Saxony to establish a mission there.
The farmers use a special permanent paint to make the pig pink just like all the others. The pig prays to God to keep his peculiarity, and can not understand why God ignored his prayers. Soon after, however, a magic green rain falls that makes all the other pigs green, and since the little pig retains his pink colour, he is once again "a little bit peculiar". ; "The Little Jesus" : Reenacted in II.ii, and originally thought to be the source for the third murder.
The sons of the robber clan patriarch Kozlík ambush a small caravan travelling to the nearby Mladá Boleslav in winter. One man escapes - the new Bishop of Hennau and an important ally of the Bohemian king - while the two captives the clan takes are the Bishop's son and his assistant. Mikoláš, one of Kozlík's sons, encounters the neighbouring clan leader Lazar who is scavenging at the site of the ambush. Mikoláš threatens to kill Lazar, but spares him as he prays to Christ to forgive Mikoláš.
When Elsa appears on the balcony before dawn, she hears Ortrud lamenting and pities her. As Elsa descends to open the castle door, Ortrud prays to her pagan gods, Wodan and Freia, for malice, guile, and cunning, in order to deceive Elsa and restore pagan rule to the region. Ortrud warns Elsa that since she knows nothing about her rescuer, he could leave at any time as suddenly as he came, but Elsa is sure of the Knight's virtues. The two women go into the castle.
He admits that he is a coward and cannot face her, leaving Suzuki, Sharpless and Kate to break the news to Butterfly. Agreeing to give up her child if Pinkerton comes himself to see her, she then prays to statues of her ancestral gods, says goodbye to her son, and blindfolds him. She places a small American flag in his hands and goes behind a screen, killing herself with her father's seppuku knife. Pinkerton rushes in, but he is too late, and Butterfly dies.
David exhorts at length against either wicked people or wicked judges, the latter possibly referring to those who sided with Saul. David uses highly descriptive language comparing the wicked to snakes, serpents, cobras, and lions, and prays to God to "smash their teeth in their mouth, shatter the molars of young lions…His arrows, may they be as if crumbled to pieces". Quoting Jerome, George Haydock avers that the depiction of the wicked judges refers "to the proceedings of the Jews against Christ", and adds that the psalm decries "hypocrites" and "detractors".
The threat of the Machine Empire Black Magma causes the United Nations to establish the Solar Sentai at a summit. From the UN's Guardians of World Peace's (GWP) air force, navy, and rangers, Commander Arashiyama assembles three specialists to become Sun Vulcan. When Black Magma learns of this, he attacks the GWP's base, but Sun Vulcan debuts in time to save it. Hell Saturn prays to the Black Solar God and is rewarded with a revived Queen Hedrian, now a cyborg with a mechanical heart and a metallic afro.
Similarly, Daugava in Livonia (territory at the center of the Livonian War) was also mentioned as Lithuania's. In the poem, in his deathbed Radziwiłł prays to God asking for glory and scepter for Lithuania – a hint at the desire to break the Union of Lublin and for the Grand Duchy to become independent Kingdom of Lithuania. Radvanas followed and borrowed from Roman literature, and in particular from Virgil's Aeneid. For example, he borrowed the idea to describe the entire history of Lithuania in the Radziwiłł's shield from Aeneid.
Dorang-seonbi dies immediately upon coming home, and the birds deliver his wife a letter bearing the news. Cheongjeong-gaksi continuously prays to see her husband again. One day, a Buddhist priest descends from heaven and says that she will meet him if she presses three mal and three doe (approximately sixty liters) of oil from bamboo seeds, dries them all by dipping them on her fingers, and then sets her fingers on fire. When she does this, she only briefly sees Dorang-seonbi flying on a horse.
The poem is divided into seven phases the first detailing Gerontius's final minutes in this world with the later phases illustrating his journey through the courts of Heaven. First Phase Gerontius is a dying man, who on his death bed in his final moments prays to Jesus and Mary for protection and receives the last sacraments. Gerontius isn’t confident with where he’s going in the afterlife and acknowledges he could be going to hell. Gerontius's friends pray to God, listing all the figures from the Bible who were provided with similar passages into Heaven.
Senthamarai is a staunch devotee of thiruparankundaram murugan who visits the god's marriage everyear, who tells him that background where he needed some money to save his wife's life. He found a cigarette pack with the exact amount he needs and that is how he became a devotee on the of the lord and visits everyear on the marriage day of the lord. Circumstantially, Mani gets into a spot where he owes money failing which he would lose his respect which he values above his life. He prays to Muruga as a last resort.
In this same episode Ascanius, before launching the fatal arrow in Numanus, prays to Jupiter, saying: Jupiter omnipotens, audacibus annue cœptis The translation is : "Omnipotent Jupiter, please favour my audacity" or "All-powerful Jupiter, assent to my bold attempt". The last part of the hexameter became the United States motto annuit coeptis. The name Iulus was popularised by Virgil in the Aeneid: replacing the Greek name Ascanius with Iulus linked the Julian family of Rome to earlier mythology. The emperor Augustus, who commissioned the work, was a great patron of the arts.
Khader departs and Aisha calls Vinod but finds that Vinod's phone is switched off and he is nowhere to be seen. Finally, with the help of SI Premkumar, they find him in sitting by the sea bridge and Aisha proposes him to marry her. Vinod asks to kiss her which she agrees. The scene shifts back to the first scene at the same sea-bridge where Vinod prays to God to get that beautiful girl he saw and as he leaves, a woman calls out to the little girl as 'Aisha'.
He cannot free himself, but the crocodile is driven-off by an invisible yakshi when he prays to the Jain divinities. She materializes as a beautiful woman and asks him to join her in love. When he declares that he is bound by the vows of conduct he made to Varadatta, she vanishes skyward after revealing that she too is Varadatta's disciple and was merely testing him. Wandering on, Varānga stumbles into a band of Pulindas, a tribe that inhabited and controlled the vast forests of the Vindhyas region, and captured.
Rajvansh loses his ability to walk. Meena nurses him and constantly prays to God to make him well soon. Rajvansh's friend and family doctor advises him to get admitted to the hospital for better treatment, for which Anjili flatly refuses stating he will never recover in the hospital and she will search for a better doctor for him. In the meantime, Anjili meets her old lover Anand with the help of her uncle and convinces him to stay at her home as a doctor and pretend to treat Rajvansh.
The best-known of Hebel's calendar stories are "Unverhofftes Wiedersehen" (unexpected reunion) and "Kannitverstan" (I cannot understand). The philosopher Ernst Bloch called the first "the most beautiful story of the world". There was a dispute in 1815, as Hebel's calendar story "Der fromme Rat" (pious advice), issued in 1814, was partially criticised by Catholics as being offensive, leading to its removal from the calendar. There he portrays a Catholic who prays to heaven instead of to the cross-bearing priest; the change can be viewed as a conversion of the Catholic to Protestantism.
Cathan prays to Paladine, and the ghost of Pradian, the would-be emperor who hid the crown, appears. Cathan forces Pradian to wake Beldyn, as Pradian does not want to see the crown in the hands of Kurnos, and so Cathan and Beldyn join the fight. In a surprising move, Beldyn breaks the gates of Govinna to let the scatas in. Then, to convince the scatas of his power, Beldyn has Cathan crown him with the Miceram, the Crown of Power, but Sathira appears and lunges for Brother Beldyn.
Feeling bad for his part in Maude's death, Homer secretly makes a videotape of Ned to show to single women across Springfield in order to help him get on with his life. Ned gets to date several women thanks to the tape, including Lindsey Naegle and Edna Krabappel, but none of them are successful. On a Saturday night, Ned prays to God, but becomes angry when he feels he is not getting any response. The next morning, Ned is still angry and tells his sons he will not be going to church, scaring them.
Tom uses a reel of kite string to look for a way out while Becky can rest. As Becky prays to God that they will be found ("Angels Lost (Reprise)"), Injun Joe grabs Becky, but Tom jumps out from behind a rock and fights him off until Huck arrives. The three friends all come together to fight Injun Joe, which ends with Tom accidentally stabbing Joe in the chest, leading Joe to stumble into a ravine to his death. The shaken children find Murrell's Gold and see daylight shining through a crack in the wall.
For example, in Japan, Buddhism, mixed with Shinto, which worships deities called kami, created a tradition which prays to the deities of Shinto as forms of Buddhas. Thus, there may be elements of worship of gods in some forms of later Buddhism. The concepts of Adi-Buddha and Dharmakaya are the closest to monotheism any form of Buddhism comes, all famous sages and Bodhisattvas being regarded as reflections of it. Adi-Buddha is not said to be the creator, but the originator of all things, being a deity in an Emanationist sense.
Even though Nick acknowledges that the murders weren't Frank's fault, he still beats the man to death with a hammer regardless as Frank's hands were used to butcher his wife and son. In the aftermath, Nick prays to Lucifer, having realized that he enjoyed the freedom that came with expressing his inner darkness and is now missing the fallen archangel. In the Empty, a skeletal figure rises with glowing red eyes, presumably Lucifer awakened by Nick's prayer. In "Damaged Goods," Nick continues his revenge quest by capturing and torturing demons to find Abraxas.
The sculptor Pygmalion has fallen madly in love with his statue of Galathée and accordingly does not want to sell it to Mydas, a patron of the arts. Instead he prays to Venus, the goddess of the love, that the statue be brought to life. The wish is granted but Galathée turns out to be a very independent-minded creature. She is unfaithful to Pygmalion with his servant Ganymed (because he is much more pleasing to her than Pygmalion) and does not reject Mydas, who offers her jewelry.
Ezra leads a large body of exiles back to the holy city, where he discovers that Jewish men have been marrying non-Jewish women. He tears his garments in despair and confesses the sins of Israel before God, then braves the opposition of some of his own countrymen to purify the community by dissolving the sinful marriages. ;Nehemiah 1–6 Nehemiah, cup-bearer to king Artaxerxes, is informed that Jerusalem remains without walls. He prays to God, recalling the sins of Israel and God's promise of restoration in the land.
After Father Stone stays through Ted's birthday party three weeks later, making it an awkward time for all the guests, Ted prays to God to get rid of Stone anyway he can. The next day, Ted and Dougal go to the Crazy Golf Course in the middle of a thunderstorm, thinking this is better than hanging around Father Stone. However, Father Stone has followed them there. Ted suggests that Father Stone should try a go at golf; as he raises the club, Father Stone is struck by lightning.
Sacred Grove of Diana with a statue of the goddess - Oreste is tormented both by personal remorse for the killing of his mother and by the furies. Wandering the world in a restless search for relief, he has been shipwrecked on the coast of Tauris. He prays to the goddess for peace and forgiveness (Aria:Pensieri, voi mi tormentate). Ifigenia enters with a retinue of priests and does not recognise the stranger as her brother, whom she has not seen since childhood and she believes to be dead (Aria:Bella calma).
When he strongly rejects her advances, the wife tells her husband that his brother attempted to seduce her and beat her when she refused. In response to this, Anpu attempts to kill Bata, who flees and prays to Re-Harakhti to save him. The god creates a crocodile-infested lake between the two brothers, across which Bata is finally able to appeal to his brother and share his side of the events. To emphasize his sincerity, Bata severs his genitalia and throws them into the water, where a catfish eats them.
When the little dragons were fully grown, they would fall off their mother's head. Only the god Sugaar is associated with this creature but more often with a serpent. A legend describes a Navarrese knight, Teodosio de Goñi, who while making penance for double parricide in the Aralar Range rescues a woman that had been given as ransom to the dragon. When the chains that tie his ankles are bitten by the dragon and he sees no way of defeating it, the knight prays to Saint Michael to save him.
Krishna then targets Sahabji's brothers by using their greed against them. Without revealing himself, he enters into a business deal with them, and later cheats them out of their investments - similar to how they cheated their older brother out of his finances - that renders them penniless and desperate. At this point, Krishna reveals himself to them, and informs them that it was all as part of his plan to restore the lost wealth, glory and fortune of his former master. Krishna goes to a temple & prays to God so that he meets Sahabji very soon.
The four evangelists in niches of the facade were sculpted by Santo Callegari il Vecchio. The main altar (1716) was built by the Corbarelli, but has sculptures by the studio of Andrea Fantoni. In the first chapel on the left is an altarpiece depicting St Andrew with Saints John the Evangelist, Pantaleone, and Lucy (1703) by Antonio Molinari. The flanking walls have canvases depicting the Martyrdom of St John the Evangelist and St Andrew prays to the Cross of Martyrdom, both from 1728, painted by Giuseppe Maria Crespi.
The story goes as follows: The king of Egypt was very sad that a son had not yet been born to him. The king prays to the gods, and that night his wife conceives a child. When the king's son is born the seven Hathors (goddesses, who pronounce the fate of each child at birth) foretell that he will die either by crocodile, snake or dog. His father, afraid for his son’s safety, builds his son an isolated palace in the mountains, so as to keep him away from danger.
The sorcerer travels to Eresh where he bewitches Enmerkar's livestock, but a wise woman outperforms his magic and casts him into the Euphrates; En-suhgir-ana then admits the loss of Inanna, and submits his kingdom to Uruk. Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave \- is a tale of Lugalbanda, who will become Enmerkar's successor. Enmerkar's army travels through mountainous territory to wage war against rebellious Aratta. Lugalbanda falls ill and is left in a cave, but he prays to the various gods, recovers, and must find his way out of the mountains.
At the pivotal moment of Magnus's execution by Hakon, the narrative switches to Flossenbürg concentration camp during World War II . Magnus's unwitting executioner Lifolf becomes a cook at the camp, co-opted into the hanging of the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer by the camp's drunk Nazi commanding officers. The story returns to twelfth century Orkney, and concludes with the tinkers, Jock and Mary (present since the outset of the tale). Jock prays to the tomb of the (as yet uncanonised) 'Saint' Magnus, but is reprimanded by Brother Colomb, Magnus's former teacher.
But Hornakhtyotef uses a Kushite regnal year, possibly that of Teqerideamani II. Hornakhtyotef's grandson Wygte was also a prophet, qorene, and agent of Isis; he is the last member of the family known to have held priestly titles. Wayekiye (A) had another son, Qorene, who was also pelmos. He is known from an inscription in which he prays to the gods for a safe journey to Meroë and to make the Kushite king have favor on him. His son Bekemete reached the position of peseto, or viceroy, in the Kushite administration.
The passengers escape safely in the river and are shown on the local news being baptized by the pair, which catches Thunderbird's attention. He prays to G. O. D. for guidance and it tells him to work with Ambrose to make more money because Ambrose is an innocent and has a clean image. Thunderbird has his minions kidnap Ambrose and bring him to his office where he outlines a plan for his own brand of church on wheels. He says he will pay Ambrose the $5000 the monastery needs if he assists him.
After his death, Germanus was venerated as a saint in southern Italy throughout the early Middle Ages. In his Dialogues, Gregory the Great prays to Germanus to intercede on behalf of the soul of a deacon named Paschasius in Purgatory. When Count Lando I of Capua relocated the city of Capua in 849, Germanus's body was moved with it. In late 873, following a campaign against the Arabs harassing Capua, the Emperor Louis II of Italy took some of Germanus's relics to Monte Cassino, according to the Chronica monasterii Casinensis.
Michael arrives from Apocalypse World at the Bunker and attacks the Winchesters and Castiel. Sam prays to Jack for help, who quickly arrives at the Bunker with Lucifer and defeats Michael. Jack, after finding out Lucifer murdered Maggie, rejects him, which causes Lucifer to admit he only needs his power, causing him to steal Jack's grace and disappear with him and Sam. Castiel and Dean tell Michael of the situation, who is willing to help them defeat Lucifer, but cannot fight him due to the damage to his vessel.
Verse three takes place five years after the second verse. At this point, Johnny and the girl are now (presumably) married and expecting their first child, and the girl is eventually rushed to the hospital to have her baby delivered. The baby, a boy, is safely delivered, but the doctor informs Johnny that his wife is "fading fast" (presumably dying from childbirth complications). Johnny then collapses to his knees and prays to God that his wife survives, even asking that his own life be taken instead of his wife's, as long as she's okay.
In desperation, Melbourne prays to God, something he's not done before. Miraculously, a swarm of albino bats scares off the raven and Melbourne's life is spared. Humbly Melbourne sings (The Music of the Spheres). Melbourne seeks out Perry who, in the interim, had returned to Thamesa's home (And One Day/We’ve Got To Get Out of This Place!) and subsequently suffered a mortal wound by the hand of Thamesa's father, Thomas Farynor. Finding Perry near death, Melbourne vows to protect Thamesa from “the wickedness of the world” (Dual Epiphany).
When the pirate captain tries to rape her, she prays to the Virgin Mary, who sends a storm that causes a shipwreck of which Hélène is the sole survivor. Stranded on the coast of England, she is found by King Henry, who marries her against his mother Marguerite's advice. When he goes off to defend Rome from the Turks, leaving his pregnant wife in the care of the earl of Gloucester, his mother tries through fraud to have Hélène and her newborn twin boys executed. The earl, however, only amputates her right arm.
During this season children and valuable artifacts are kept on the nkpu and okpulukpu (platforms) built in the house above water level. The people during this period prays to their ancestors for protection and safe keeping. The Ani Anam deity is also kept on this platform as well. When the flood receded, the chief priest announces a date for the Ani deity to return to its abode and it is marked with pomp and pageantry, the people gives offering of Thanksgiving to their chi for protecting them from destruction.
He Had a Hat is a 2007 album by jazz pianist Jeff Lorber. All compositions on this album were original, except for "Grandma's Hands" which was originally composed and performed by Bill Withers. The album, and title track, are named after the punchline of an old Jewish joke about a grandmother whose grandson is saved from drowning in the ocean after she prays to God. The joke was told to Lorber by the album's producer, Bobby Colomby, in the recording studio, and Lorber felt it fit in well with the album's lighthearted mood.
Agni swears to protect his kingdom on the condition that the king should sanctify pleasure out of pure love a legitimate action in his kingdom. Liberated from the orthodoxy of marriage as a prelude, women of Mahishmati enjoyed freedom that was then unheard of elsewhere in Arya-Varta. Years later, after the epic war the victorious Yudhishthira plans on conducting a Yagna by winning over everyone else on Earth. Sahadeva, the youngest of Pandavas knowing that Lord Agni was protecting the Nishada kingdom, prays to Lord Agni successfully and there upon moves to Saurashtra kingdom.
Kamesh (Allari Naresh) and his wife (Hema) become the proud parents of a dynamic and powerful new baby who is born with a six pack body. Just when the baby is born, Thikkal Reddy (Jaya Prakash Reddy) comes in as the villain in search of his enemy who runs into New Born Baby's room. He prays to god to save him and hides in the room. The New Born Baby does urination for a long time which leads to the death of Thikkal Reddy's elder son and he becomes a sworn enemy of the baby.
However, Achilles feels disrespect for having to give up Briseis and prays to Thetis, his mother, for restitution of his lost honor. She urges Achilles to wait until she speaks with Zeus to rejoin the fighting, and Achilles listens. When she finally speaks to Zeus, Thetis convinces him to do as she bids, and he seals his agreement with her by bowing his head, the strongest oath that he can make. Following the death of Patroclus, who wore Achilles' armor in the fighting, Thetis comes to Achilles to console him in his grief.
Through Steele, Buck also meets pastor Bruce Barnes of the New Hope Village Church, who outlines for him more Biblical prophecies showing that the next years will make up the Tribulation and that an Antichrist will arise. Though full of questions, Buck remains unconvinced and does not fully commit his life to Jesus Christ until an encounter with the new head of the United Nations, Nicolae Carpathia. Though he had previously met Carpathia and was impressed, on this occasion he senses the truth about the young politician: he is the Antichrist. Overwhelmed, Buck prays to God and becomes a born-again Christian.
Numbers 5:19–24; Isaacs RH, Every Person's Guide to Jewish Sexuality, Jason Aronson Publishers, 2000. , pp.74–75 Such oaths may have been used in civil claims, regarding supposed theft, for example, and the commandment is repeated in the context of honest dealings between people in Leviticus 19:12. At one point of the account of the dedication of the Temple of Solomon, Solomon prays to Yahweh, asking him to hear and act upon curses uttered in a dispute that are then brought before his altar, to distinguish between the person in the right and the one in the wrong.
In this ritual, the bridegroom and the bride look at each other formally for the first time. The bridegroom worries about any doshas (defects) that the bride might have and prays to the gods Varuna, Brihaspati, Indra and Surya to remove every defect and to make her fit for harmonious and long marriage life blessed with progeny and happiness (mantra: Rg 10.85.44). The bride groom recites the mantra and wipes the eyebrows of the bride with a blade of darbha grass, to symbolize the removal of defects. The darbha grass is thrown behind the bride at the conclusion of this ceremony.
The events of Jesus' last week occupy a third of the content of all four gospels. Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph and drives the money changers from the temple, holds a last supper, prays to be spared the coming agony (but concludes "if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done"), and is betrayed. He is tried by the Jewish leaders (the Sanhedrin) and before Pontius Pilate, and Pilate washes his hands to indicate that he does not assume responsibility. Jesus is crucified as king of the Jews, mocked by all.
The toad prince prays to the Lord of Heaven (Phaya Thaen), who grants the prince everything he wishes for and allows him to shed his toad-like appearance to become a handsome prince. The prince finds a beautiful wife and his father happily allows his son to become king. The Toad King and his wife are so beloved that everyone and everything under heaven comes to pay him homage, and forget to honor the Lord of Heaven. The Lord of Heaven is so humiliated he forbids the nāga to make rain, which causes drought, terrible fires and suffering on Earth.
Alpine regions, Josephstragen (German for carrying Saint Joseph) takes place on the 9 days before Christmas. A statue of Saint Joseph is carried between 9 homes, and on the first day one boy prays to him, on the second day two boys pray, until 9 boys pray the 9th day. The statue is then placed near a manger in the town church on Christmas Eve. Devotions to Saint Michael involve specific prayers and novenas to him, hymns such as Te Splendor as well as the Scapular of St. Michael the Archangel and the Chaplet of Saint Michael.
Much to Fletcher's annoyance, the group fail to respect his privacy by asking about his views on prison life due to his criminal record. Finding himself at breaking point, Fletcher prays to God to let him have some peace, as he fears he may not be responsible for his actions otherwise. Unfortunately, the prison chaplain chooses this moment to have a word with Fletcher, causing him to snap and assault the chaplain. Following the incident, Fletcher is brought before the governor by Mackay for his actions, even though Fletcher insist in his defence that the chaplain was not seriously hurt.
They leave together, while Higinio, María's husband, comes out of the gallery and furiously acknowledges his anger towards his bosses and plots his revenge. Act 2 Outside the mine, a feast is being held in honor of Ruperto and Juanacha's wedding that is going to take place in the town. During a cachua (dance), the sky darkens; a storm will begin soon and the couple will be unable to reach the town to get married. Everyone prays to the Virgin, singing "Dulce reina de las cumbres" ("Sweet Queen of the Peaks") and miraculously the sun shines again.
It was popularized by writer George Chigas and has been a compulsory part of the Cambodian secondary national curriculum since the 1950s.Tum Teav - Monument Books The tale relates the encounters of a talented novice monk named Tum and a beautiful adolescent girl named Teav. From the first sight, Tum, the monk, was in love with Teav, a very beautiful young lady. It is reciprocated and Teav offered Tum some betel nut and a blanket as evidence of the feelings she had for Tum and prays to Buddha that the young monk will be with her for eternity.
In the bar, Barney is unimpressed with the women there, not seeing anyone attractive. Ted points out a group of women in the corner who they agree are hot, but Barney states they are simply experiencing the "cheerleader effect": as a group, they look hot, but seen individually, each one is unattractive. As he concludes this observation, Barney receives a call, in which he is told he is going to be a father. He panics, not wanting to have kids, and prays to God for help when he receives news that the woman is not actually pregnant.
The clan attempts to transfer Grace from her human body into her avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls, but she dies before the process can be completed. Supported by the new chief Tsu'tey, Jake unites the clan and tells them to gather all of the clans to battle the RDA. Quaritch organizes a pre-emptive strike against the Tree of Souls, believing that its destruction will demoralize the natives. On the eve of battle, Jake prays to Eywa, via a neural connection with the Tree of Souls, to intercede on behalf of the Na'vi.
Coptic Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on 29 Koiak, which corresponds to 7 January in the Gregorian Calendar and 25 December in the Julian Calendar. Coptic Christmas was adopted as an official national holiday in Egypt in 2002. Communicants of the Coptic Orthodox Church use a breviary known as the Agpeya to pray the canonical hours at seven fixed prayer times while facing in the eastward direction, in anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus; this Christian practice has its roots in , in which the prophet David prays to God seven times a day. Church bells enjoin Christians to pray at these hours.
When the ceremony is over, Don Diego turns to his daughter, asking her to choose a husband and give an heir to the country, but Diana declares that love seems like poison to her, and marriage death. Gaston and Louis, nothing daunted, determine to try their luck, and while the father prays to God to soften his daughter's heart, Cesar's courage sinks ever lower. Donna Diana alone is cool and calm, inwardly resolved to keep her hand and heart free. She is envied by her two cousins Fenisa and Laura, who would gladly choose one of the gallant warriors.
This is an infinitely complex world, and at some point one has to have faith in one's religion. I find it endearing that President Bush prays to God and that he’s not an agnostic or an atheist. I'm glad there’s someone higher that he has to answer to." In the AE interview, Miller was asked about the outrage and public destruction of their music CDs that occurred as a response to the Dixie Chicks' Natalie Maines criticizing Bush at one of their concerts, when she said, "We're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas.
Marius wonders if Cosette will remember him if he does ("Drink with Me"). As Marius sleeps, Valjean prays to God to protect Marius, even if the cost for Marius' safety is his own life ("Bring Him Home"). As dawn approaches, Enjolras realises that the people of Paris have not risen up with them, but resolves to fight on in spite of the impossible odds ("Dawn of Anguish"). Their resolve is fired even further when the army kills Gavroche, who snuck out to collect ammunition from bodies on the other side of the barricade ("The Second Attack (Death of Gavroche)").
Having been found by the pimp, from whom she thought she was now safe, Palaestra despairs, asking what will become of herself and Ampelisca now; once again, she states that it would be better for them to die. Suddenly, the girls notice Trachalio, giving them some hope; however, despite Trachalio's reassurances, both girls insist that they are intent on suicide. Trachalio tells the girls to wait at the altar outside the temple, where both he and Venus will ensure their safety. Ampelisca prays to Venus for this protection, joined by Trachalio who begs for the goddess to help them both.
Iphis prays to the goddess Isis, and is turned into a man. Hayao Kawai says that he is not aware of an equivalent tale to Torikaebaya in Japan or in other languages, but he can draw a parallel between the Chūnagon and a tale from Ovid's Metamorphoses of Iphis and Ianthe. Iphis, (a unisex name) is raised as a boy from her infancy, and when she comes of age, her father arranges a meeting with Ianthe. The two girls fall in love, but Iphis is torn as she believes she cannot marry Ianthe as Iphis is physically female.
Peter heads into the forest to go hunting and meets the pregnant Zephyr, who despite her fisherman husband falls for Peter. Zephyr prays to a stone statue of the goddess Venus that stands in the forest that Peter will be hers, and gives the statue her wedding ring as a gift. Zephyr meets Peter again and Venus appears to have worked her magic, since the two embrace, although Peter notes that he is in love with Juliana and Zephyr notes her marriage. Dr. Solti has likewise been talking to the statue of Venus, which fell over and crushed his leg, causing its amputation.
She tells him that there is a temple of Lord Shiva in that village and if he goes there and prays to the god, victory will be his. Lorik does what Manjari said and wins the war so the both married each other. Before leaving the threshold of the village, Manjari tells Lorik to do something great so that the people remember that they loved each other to such an extent. Veer Lorik asked Manjari that what must he do so that it becomes a symbol of true love and no loving couple would ever return disappointed from here.
Claude Lorrain painted The Trojan Women Set Fire to their Fleet around 1643 at the behest of Cardinal Girolamo Farnese. The scene is Lorrain's take on a famed event in Book 5 of the Aeneid in which the exiled women of Troy, spurred on by the Hellenistic goddess Juno, burn the Trojan fleet to force their men to stop roaming and settle in Sicily. However, Aeneas prays to the god Jupiter to save the ships from the flames by summoning a rainstorm; this is alluded to by Lorrain via his inclusion of dark clouds in the top right of the painting.
When Prince asks him that he was warned then Sangram shows the papers Prince claim them artificial and was going to the collector Sangram subsequently kills Prince by crashing truck to Prince's car and takes over all the property that belonged to Pratap Singh. Seeing no way left, Sumitra Devi goes to Pandharpur and angrily prays to Lord Vitthal to give back her son. Right outside the temple, Mauli (Riteish Deshmukh), a lookalike of Prince, beats up some goons who were eve teasing. In a surprising twist, it is revealed that 25 years ago, Sumitra Devi had given birth to twins, one of which she gave to Lord Vitthal.
The translation by Winkworth, printed in 1879 "" is in six stanzas of four lines each. Written in the first person plural, it addresses Jesus as the true light and prays for enlightenment and rescue for those outside of the community. The text is given as in modern hymnals, and in Winkworth's translation, which omitted the fourth stanza: "" addresses Jesus as the true light, and prays to enlighten the heathen, or gentiles. The readings for the feast of the Epiphany are from the Book of Isaiah, "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, ... And the Gentiles shall come to thy light" () and the narration of the Three Kings ().
As a pre-teenage boy, Jim frames his mother for the murder of his abusive father and is sent to an orphanage, where he and the other adolescents are taught that they will be useless to society. There, he engages in a homosexual relationship with a boy named Seth and regularly prays to the God of Love for affection. After turning sixteen, Jim joins Seth in becoming a prostitute, in which his physical appearance would often be complemented by his clients, to his disgust. One day, one of the clients asks him what his deepest desire is, to which he replied "To be loved".
This provides the arrogant Banasura with overconfidence and he wages war against the Devas. The Devas are no match for the mighty Banasura, who is under the protection of Shiva and are defeated in the ensuing battle. He further challenges Shiva, the very power under whose allegiance he defeated the Devas. Angered with Banasura’s arrogance, Shiva curses him that when the flag of his chariot falls without a reason, Sri Krishna will fight him and humble his pride. Usha, the beautiful daughter of Banasura, prays to Lord Shiva and Parvati who are posted at the entrance to her father’s fort and learns the art of dance from Parvati.
From the middle Imperial period, the title Caelestis, "Heavenly" or "Celestial" is attached to several goddesses embodying aspects of a single, supreme Heavenly Goddess. The Dea Caelestis was identified with the constellation Virgo ("The Virgin"), who holds the divine balance of justice. In the Metamorphoses of Apuleius,Apuleius, Metamorphoses 11.2. the protagonist Lucius prays to the Hellenistic Egyptian goddess Isis as Regina Caeli, "Queen of Heaven", who is said to manifest also as Ceres, "the original nurturing parent"; Heavenly Venus (Venus Caelestis); the "sister of Phoebus", that is, Diana or Artemis as she is worshipped at Ephesus; or Proserpina as the triple goddess of the underworld.
The story starts with a flashback in which two school boys, Vinod Nair and his friend, are at the Thalassery pier. Vinod Nair sees a Muslim girl who he finds attractive and he prays to God to make her his wife in the future. Then movie shifts focus to the present, in which Vinod, hailing from a middle-class Hindu Nair family, is jailed for trespassing the property of a rich Muslim politician, Abdul Khader. Realizing that he went there to meet the Muslim girl, Aisha, the politician's niece with whom he's madly in love, Sub-inspector Prem Kumar and his men request him to tell his love story.
After killing Frank Kellogg, the man who was possessed by the demon Abraxas when Abraxas murdered his family, Nick prays to Lucifer, having realized that he enjoyed being the archangel's vessel and the freedom that came with it. In response to Nick's prayer, a figure with glowing red eyes rises in the Empty, presumably Lucifer himself, somehow awakened from his eternal sleep by Nick's prayer. In "Damaged Goods," Nick manages to track down the demon Abraxas who murdered his family. During a confrontation, Abraxas reveals to a shocked Nick that it was in fact Lucifer himself who ordered the death of Nick's family at Abraxas's hands.
With the other archangels dead and God gone, Michael is now directionless and dispatches Lilith when the demon arrives to take him to God. After Castiel prays to him, Michael agrees to meet with his brother, though he is less than pleased to see the other angel given Castiel's role in his imprisonment in the Cage. The Winchesters and Castiel take Michael captive and attempt to convince him that God is the threat and they need Michael's help to stop him. Even with Adam, who reveals that he and Michael reached an understanding the Cage, helping, Michael refuses to listen as it would mean God's Favorite Son doubting him.
This prefigures his interest in wronged women in The Legend of Good Women, written in the mid-1380s, which depicts various women of Greek mythology, including Dido, Medea, and Ariadne. Chaucer finishes recounting the Aeneid from the brass tablet, and then decides to go outside to see if he can find anyone who can tell him where he is. He finds that outside the temple is a featureless field, and prays to Christ to save him from hallucination and illusion. He looks up to the sky, and sees a golden eagle that begins to descend towards him, marking the end of the first book.
She is genuinely saddened when President Laura Roslin orders him executed by airlock after he admits there is no bomb. She experiences a brief moment of emotional connection with Leoben when they touch palms through the glass of the airlock before he is executed. Afterwards, she privately prays to the Lords of Kobol, acknowledging that Leoben might not have had a soul, but if he did, asking that they take care of it. Starbuck's religious beliefs later come into play when President Roslin asks her to carry out a dangerous mission: return to Caprica and retrieve the Arrow of Apollo, a religious artefact supposedly pointing the way to Earth.
"Guardando il sole" (English translation: "Looking into the sun") was the Swiss entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1968, performed in Italian by Gianni Mascolo. In the song Mascolo says that prays he would like to stay to looking into the sun, prays to see the rainbow. He says that he would like to see his lover and says "I love you" Finally he would like to hold the hand's lover in his hands even he wasn't a star of his lover. The song was performed sixth on the night (following Luxembourg's Chris Bardo & Sophie Garel "Nous vivrons d'amour" and preceding Monaco's Line & Willy with "À chacun sa chanson").
The king wants to know where the god of the Nile, Hapi, is born, and which god resides at this place. Imhotep decides to investigate the archives of the temple ḥwt-Ibety (“House of the nets”), located at Hermopolis and dedicated to the god Thoth. He informs the king that the flooding of the Nile is controlled by the god Khnum at Elephantine from a sacred spring located on the island, where the god resides. Imhotep travels immediately to the location (). In the temple of Khnum, called “Joy of Life”, Imhotep purifies himself, prays to Khnum for help and offers “all good things” to him.
Rajasic Bhakti is one where the devotee prays not to harm others, but to gain personal advantage, fame or wealth. Sattvic Bhakti is the type where the devotee seeks neither advantage nor harm to others but prays to purify himself, renounce any sins and surrender to the ideas embodied as Goddess to liberate himself. The Devi Bhagavata Purana adds Para Bhakti as the highest level of devotion, states McDaniel, where the devotee seeks neither boon nor liberation, but weeps when he remembers her because he loves the Goddess, when he feels her presence everywhere and sees the Goddess in all living beings, he is intoxicated by her ideas and presence.
This is the first of a series of twenty books featuring Brother Cadfael, collectively known as the Cadfael Chronicles. The author did not have a series in mind while writing this first book; the strength of the central character became evident as she wrote the second book. All of the characters in the monastery itself (abbot, prior, monks with specific jobs like the precentor or infirmarer) are introduced by name, if not by personality, in this first book of the series. St. Winifred and her shrine are mentioned in most of the subsequent books, and Cadfael often prays to her or talks to her in Welsh.
All this is shown in intermittent flashbacks when Sethu reads his uncle's diary entries which were written by the latter during his stay in prison. An emotional Sethu returns to Kerala after knowing Govardhan has already been hanged to death 45 years ago. He decides not to tell the truth to the innocent Parvathi, who grows into an elderly lady without knowing what had happened to her guiltless husband. He prays to all the Gods to give him the strength to tell lies to his aunt that he met Govardhan as her wait of 50 years would have been in vain and she would be shattered.
The workshop of Adoniram in Jerusalem Adoniram, sculptor and architect of Soliman's temple, prays to Tubal-cain, who was the first metal-worker according to the Bible, for help in his latest monumental project, the forging of an enormous bowl, a "sea of bronze" (Air: "Inspirez-moi, race divine!"). Three of Adoniram's workers, Amrou, Phanor and Méthousaë, enter and demand of him increased privileges and better pay, but Adoniram dismisses them. An emissary from Soliman invites him to the ceremony welcoming the legendary beauty, Balkis the Queen of Sheba, at the temple he designed. The three disgruntled employees of Adoniram plot to get back at him.
The von Faninals' palace The next day, Herr von Faninal exultantly and Sophie nervously await the arrival of the Rosenkavalier ("Ein ernster Tag, ein grosser Tag!"). Following tradition, Faninal departs before the Knight appears, saying that he will return with the bridegroom. Sophie prays to keep her sense of humility through all the rapid changes happening in her life, but she is repeatedly interrupted by her duenna, Marianne, who reports from the window on the Rosenkavalier's elaborate entourage ("In dieser feierlichen Stunde der Prüfung"). Octavian arrives with great pomp, dressed all in silver, and presents the silver rose to Sophie ("Mir ist die Ehre widerfahren...").
Good and evil appear relative in The War of the Worlds, and the defeat of the Martians has an entirely material cause: the action of microscopic bacteria. An insane clergyman is important in the novel, but his attempts to relate the invasion to Armageddon seem examples of his mental derangement. His death, as a result of his evangelical outbursts and ravings attracting the attention of the Martians, appears an indictment of his obsolete religious attitudes; but the Narrator twice prays to God, and suggests that bacteria may have been divinely allowed to exist on Earth for a reason such as this, suggesting a more nuanced critique.
The husband's (king's) patience expires and he puts them in an iron case with one of the lap dogs and throws it in the sea - eventually the cask washes ashore. Deserted on an island surrounded by salt water the boy prays to god, and god provides a fabulous house, food from a magic tree, and a bridge to the mainland. Eventually tales of the place reach the prince, and he plans to set out to see it. :However he has since married a daughter of Syojatar, who tries to prevent him going, telling of marvels she has - first three pigs, then six stallions - each time the boy drives the creatures off.
In the view of Kabbalah, however, no Jew would worship the supernal community souls of the Jewish people, or the Rabbinic leader of the generation, nor the totality of Creation's unity in God itself, as Judaism innately perceives the absolute Monotheism of God. In a Kabbalistic phrase, one prays "to Him, not to His attributes". As Kabbalah sees the Torah as the Divine blueprint of Creation, so any entity or idea in Creation receives its existence through an ultimate lifeforce in Torah interpretation. However, in the descent of Creation, the Tzimtzum constrictions and impure Qliphoth side of false independence from God result in distortion of the original vitality source and idea.
He finds that the Israelites have been backsliding and taking non-Jewish wives, and he stays in Jerusalem to enforce the Law. # In the 20th year of Artaxerxes I of Persia, Nehemiah, cup-bearer to the King in Susa (the Persian capital), learns that the wall of Jerusalem is destroyed. He prays to God, recalling the sins of Israel and God's promise of restoration to the Land, and asks Artaxerxes for leave to return to Jerusalem and rebuild its walls; the king is receptive and extends his aid to this mission. # Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem, carrying letters of authorisation from the king; he inspects the walls.
Seven of the Pilate texts mention Pilate's fate after the crucifixion: in three, he becomes a very positive figure, while in four he is presented as diabolically evil. A fifth-century Syriac version of the Acts of Pilate explains Pilate's conversion as occurring after he has blamed the Jews for Jesus' death in front of Tiberius; prior to his execution, Pilate prays to God and converts, thereby becoming a Christian martyr. In the Greek Paradosis Pilati (5th c.), Pilate is arrested and martyred as a follower of Christ. His beheading is accompanied by a voice from heaven calling him blessed and saying he will be with Jesus at the Second Coming.
For students both in Catholic and Protestant schools, higher levels of prayer were associated with better mental health as measured by lower psychoticism scores. However, among pupils attending Catholic schools, higher levels of prayer were also associated with higher neuroticism scores. Lourdes: hoping for a miracle It has also been suggested that if a person knows that he or she is being prayed for it can be uplifting and increase morale, thus aiding recovery. (See Subject-expectancy effect.) Studies have suggested that prayer can reduce psychological stress, regardless of the god or gods a person prays to, a result that is consistent with a variety of hypotheses as to what may cause such an effect.
Although Ganesha initially refuses, upon the repeated pleas of his two wives Riddhi and Siddhi, sons, sister and the divine sage Narada, Ganesha creates Santoshi Mata through two flames rising from his wives' breasts. Narada decreed that this mind-born daughter of Ganesha will always fulfil everyone’s desires and thus, would be called Santoshi Maa, the Mother of Satisfaction. The film then shifts from the heavenly abode of Ganesha to the earth, where the story of the goddess's devotee Satyavati is told. Satyavati, prays to the goddess, to get her married to Birju and after her wish is granted, she undertakes a pilgrimage of the temples of Santoshi Mata with her husband.
Sakthivanesvara Temple (சக்திவனேஸ்வரர் கோயில்):ta:திருச்சத்தி முற்றம் சிவக்கொழுந்தீசர் கோயில் is a temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva located in a small village called Thirusakthimutram, near another small (but relatively better-known) village, Patteswaram. The nearest urban centre, about seven kilometres (four-and-a-half miles) away, is Kumbakonam in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Here the presiding deity Sakthivanesvara is a form of the Hindu god Shiva, in which his usual worship symbol the Lingam is hugged by his consort Parvati, hence he is also known as Sivakozhundeesvara and Sakthi Mutham. It is believed that when one prays to Sakthivanesvara with faith, one is blessed with the life partner of one's choice.
A number of simile in the Rigveda, states Doniger, a woman's emotional eagerness to meet her lover is described, and one hymn prays to the gods that they protect the embryo of a pregnant wife as she sleeps with her husband and other lovers. Mandagadde Rama Jois translates verse 4.134 of Manusmriti as declaring adultery to be a heinous offense, and prescribes severe punishments. The verse 8.362 of Manusmriti exempts the rules on adultery for women who earn their own livelihood or are wives of traveling performances, where the woman enters into sexual liaisons on her own volition or with the encouragement of the husband. The Manusmriti, states Doniger offers two views on adultery.
Best friends Claire and Hailey are enjoying their last few days of summer together in their small beach town near Tampa, Florida, before Hailey relocates to Australia because of her mother's work as a marine biologist. Claire, sensible and slightly naive, looks up to Hailey as a mother figure, after her parents drowned in a boat accident years before, and now lives with her grandparents by the beach. Hailey, who is more daring and adventurous, lives with her single mother after her father left them. They have a slumber party and Hailey prays to the ocean god for a miracle that will make her mother change her mind about moving, and minutes later, a violent storm occurs.
The song tells the story of a farmer who works on his family's farm near Amarillo, Texas, where co-writer John Rich is from. The farmer is enduring one of the droughts that plague the Panhandle of Texas, where co-writer Rodney Clawson grew up (as a native of Gruver, Texas). The song mentions the various hardships that the farm has faced, such as a damaging hailstorm in 1983 and an increase in the price of diesel fuel. In the chorus, the farmer prays to God that the farm will remain viable ("He says 'Lord, I never complain, I never ask why / Please don't let my dreams run dry / Underneath, underneath this Amarillo sky.'").
The Vedic texts, including the Rigveda, the Atharvaveda and the Upanishads, also acknowledge the existence of male lovers and female lovers as a basic fact of human life, followed by the recommendation that one should avoid such extra marital sex during certain ritual occasions (yajna). A number of simile in the Rigveda, a woman's emotional eagerness to meet her lover is described, and one hymn prays to the gods that they protect the embryo of a pregnant wife as she sleeps with her husband and other lovers. Adultery and similar offenses are discussed under one of the eighteen vivādapadas (titles of laws) in the Dharma literature of Hinduism. Adultery is termed as Strisangrahana in dharmasastra texts.
In the story each of the Seven Bison charges at Bones Together, but break their legs in their attempts due to Bones Together's pure bone armour. Finally it is the turn of the bison's human ally, who before attacking Bones Together prays to God and is blessed by an eagle, who gives him the Baaxpée to turn into a feather. With this power the man confronts Bones Together, who charges four times, each time missing the man as he turns into a feather and wafts unharmed out of the way as though caught in a breeze. After the fourth charge the man shots an arrow up the rectum of Bones Together, piercing his heart and killing him.
While they are talking, Thunderbird mentions that G. O. D. (Richard Pryor) audibly talks to him when he prays to him and Ambrose is surprised because he himself has never heard from God in this way. Ambrose agrees to work with Thunderbird and they go across the country from town to town holding services in their own bus. One day at Thunderbird's headquarters, Ambrose overhears Thunderbird praying to G. O. D. in his private chamber and when he hears G. O. D. speak back to him, he is intrigued. When Thunderbird leaves, he sneaks into the chamber and discovers that G. O. D. (General Organizational Directivatator) is a sophisticated master computer, linked to all of Thunderbird's finances and operations.
In the Rig Veda, Ṛjrāśva is blinded by his father as punishment for having given 101 of his family's sheep to a she-wolf, who in turn prays to the Ashvins to restore his sight.Murthy, K. KrishnaMythical animals in Indian art, Abhinav Publications, 1985, Wolves are occasionally mentioned in Hindu mythology. In the Harivamsa, Krishna, to convince the people of Vraja to migrate to Vṛndāvana, creates hundreds of wolves from his hairs, which frighten the inhabitants of Vraja into making the journey.Wilson, Horace Hayman & Hall, Fitzedward The Vishńu Puráńa: A System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition, Trubner, 1868 Bhima, the voracious son of the god Vayu, is described as Vrikodara, meaning "wolf-stomached".
Esmeralda, a young gypsy girl, is seen dancing in front of an audience of people. Quasimodo, the hunchback and bell ringer of Notre Dame Cathedral, is crowned the King of Fools until Frollo catches up to him and takes him back to the church. While trying to find Louis to speak to him, Esmeralda is caught by a guard for entering Paris without a permit and is being chased after by a couple of soldiers until she seeks safety in Notre Dame, in which the Archbishop of Paris, Frollo's brother Claude, protects her. She prays to the Virgin Mary to help her fellow gypsies only to be confronted by Frollo, who accuses her of being a heathen.
He, however, has returned to Beirut. She travels alone to Havana where she undergoes an emotional and physical renewal. When she prays to God for some kind of sign that life has meaning, she is interrupted by news that a man is there to see her; it is her lover, the chef, who has suddenly arrived in Cuba to be with her. The film is punctuated throughout by commentaries and glances from various cleaners and maids who act as a sort of Greek chorus as they look and speak directly to the camera, most notably the microbiologist's housecleaner (Henderson), who offers various metaphorical commentary about dirt, germs, and cleanliness and how much they are like the larger world.
Oriental Orthodox Christians, such as Copts, Syrians and Indians, use a breviary such as the Agpeya and Shehimo respectively, to pray the canonical hours seven times a day while facing in the eastward direction towards Jerusalem, in anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus; this Christian practice has its roots in , in which the prophet David prays to God seven times a day. Before praying, they wash their hands and face in order to be clean before and present their best to God; shoes are removed in order to acknowledge that one is offering prayer before a holy God. In this Christian tradition, it is customary for women to wear a Christian headcovering when praying.
Afterwards, Ascanius leads the boys in a military parade and mock battle, the Lusus Troiae—a tradition he will teach the Latins while building the walls of Alba Longa. During these events, Juno, via her messenger Iris, who disguises herself as an old woman, incites the Trojan women to burn the fleet and prevent the Trojans from ever reaching Italy, but her plan is thwarted when Ascanius and Aeneas intervene. Aeneas prays to Jupiter to quench the fires, which the god does with a torrential rainstorm. An anxious Aeneas is comforted by a vision of his father, who tells him to go to the underworld to receive a vision of his and Rome's future.
This short poem in 91 elegiac couplets is related to Aesop's fable of "The Walnut Tree" that was the subject of human ingratitude. In a monologue asking boys not pelt it with stones to get its fruit, the tree contrasts the formerly fruitful golden age with the present barren time, in which its fruit is violently ripped off and its branches broken. In the course of this, the tree compares itself to several mythological characters, praises the peace that the emperor provides and prays to be destroyed rather than suffer. The poem is considered spurious because it incorporates allusions to Ovid's works in an uncharacteristic way, although the piece is thought to be contemporary with Ovid.
Davidson also notes a further connection between fertility and apples in Norse mythology in chapter 2 of the Völsunga saga when the major goddess Frigg sends King Rerir an apple after he prays to Odin for a child, Frigg's messenger (in the guise of a crow) drops the apple in his lap as he sits atop a mound. Rerir's wife's consumption of the apple results in a six- year pregnancy and the Caesarean section birth of their son—the hero Völsung. Further, Davidson points out the "strange" phrase "Apples of Hel" used in an 11th-century poem by the skald Thorbiorn Brúnarson. She states this may imply that the apple was thought of by Brúnarson as the food of the dead.
University Museum, Philadelphia). A brown agate cylinder seal (pictured), which is in the University Museum in Philadelphia, is inscribed “Oh [Shuqamuna], lord who advances in brilliance by your fullness … your light is indeed favourable: Izkur-Marduk, son of Karaindaš, who prays to you and reveres you.”CBS 1108 brown agate seal bearing 7 line Sumerian inscription, University Museum, Philadelphia. Shuqamuna was a Kassite male god symbolized by a bird on a perch often accompanied by his consort, Shumaliya, associated with the investiture of kings. Izkur-Marduk’s name is wholly Babylonian and translates as “he has invoked Marduk”. His renown was apparently so great, that Shutruk-Nahhunte who would go on to ransack Babylon around 250 years later, boasted “I destroyed Karaindaš”, i.e. Babylonia.
He suggests that it acts to correct the views put forward in fragment 5: there, Sappho prays to the Nereids, not just for the safe return of her brother but that "whatever his heart desires be fulfilled";Sappho, 5.3–4. trans. in the Brothers Poem she recognises that such a broad request is out of the competence of the Nereids and should more properly be addressed to the goddess Hera. The role of the speaker (possibly Sappho herself) in the Brothers Poem has been compared to that of Penelope in the Odyssey; she awaits the return of Charaxos just as Penelope (depicted here by Heva Coomans) waits for her husband Odysseus. Links between Homer's Odyssey and the Brothers Poem have been observed by many scholars.
After Vasco da Gama's narrative, the armada sails from Melinde guided by a pilot to teach them the way to Calicut. Bacchus, seeing that the Portuguese are about to arrive in India, asks for help of Neptune, who convenes a "Concílio dos Deuses Marinhos" (Council of the Sea Gods) whose decision is to support Bacchus and unleash powerful winds to sink the armada. Then, while the sailors are listening to Fernão Veloso telling the legendary and chivalrous episode of Os Doze de Inglaterra (The Twelve Men of England), a storm strikes. Vasco da Gama, seeing the near destruction of his caravels, prays to his own God, but it is Venus who helps the Portuguese by sending the Nymphs to seduce the winds and calm them down.
"Judy et Cie" ("Judy and Co.") was the Belgian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1976, performed in French by Pierre Rapsat. The song was performed sixth on the night, following Luxembourg's Jürgen Marcus with "Chansons pour ceux qui s'aiment" and preceding Ireland's Red Hurley with "When". At the close of voting, it had received 68 points, placing it 8th in a field of 18. The melancholy ballad is about the plain and ordinary Judy, "the girl you will forget as soon as the night is over", who "behind her jewelry and mascara prays to Saint Marilyn Monroe", daydreaming of becoming as beautiful as the girls in the fashion magazines, "as thin as reeds, with empty eyes - but no wrinkles".
He prays to the moon, using the names of several moon goddesses known in the Greco-Roman world, asking her to restore him to human form. Isis appears in a vision before Lucius and declares herself the greatest of all goddesses. She tells him that a festival in her honor, the Navigium Isidis, is taking place nearby, and that the festival procession carries with it garlands of roses that will restore his human form if he eats them. After Lucius becomes human again, the high priest at the festival declares that he has been saved from his misfortunes by the goddess, and that he will now be free of the inquisitiveness and self-indulgence that drew him into many of the misadventures he has experienced.
On the last night before his death, Hladík prays to God, requesting that he be granted one year in which to finish the play. That night, he dreams of going to the Clementinum library, where one of the books contains God within a single letter on one of the pages, which the old, bitter librarian has been unable to find despite looking for most of his life. Someone returns an atlas to the library; Hladík touches a letter on a map of India and hears a voice that says to him, "The time for your labor has been granted". The next day at the appointed time, two soldiers come for Hladík, and he is taken outside and the firing squad is lined up before him.
The text of the hymn is as follows, on the left as in Tucher's 1848 publication which shows Englisch's two stanzas, on the right the text from the current German hymnals: Englisch's lyrics are a close paraphrase of the , about being able to go in peace after having seen the light of the Saviour (""). Simeon said so after actually seeing the baby Jesus, 40 days after his birth, and for him departing in peace could mean readiness to die. Englisch begins in the first person, addressing God as his Lord (""), who prays to be allowed to rest in God's peace (""). Spitta transfers the thought to a more general meaning, of travelling one's roads after having seen the light, adding that His mercy is unmeasurable ("").
2005 book cover The tale relates the encounters of a musically talented, novice Buddhist monk named Tum and a beautiful adolescent girl named Teav. During his travels from Ba Phnum, Prey Veng province, to the province of Tbaung Khmum, where he has gone to sell bamboo rice containers for his pagoda, Tum falls in love with Teav, a very beautiful young lady who is drawn to his beautiful singing voice. She reciprocates his feelings and offers Tum some betel and a blanket as evidence of her affections; she prays to Buddha that the young monk will be with her for eternity. Upon returning to his home province, Tum is consumed with longing for Teav and soon returns to Tbaung Khmum.
In the meantime Atalanta, tormented by nightmares of his non-return, prays to Artemis that he may survive, or at least die a glorious death. Eventually Ares, instigated by his mistress Aphrodite, makes Artemis retreat from the battlefield and causes Dryas, a son of Orion, to attack and dissolve the Arcadian contingent. Parthenopaeus, intimidated, still attempts to shoot Dryas but the latter mortally wounds him with a spear thrown, and is instantly himself killed by someone whose identity remains unrevealed. Parthenopaeus dies in the arms of his companions, giving last instructions to Dorceus, and admitting that he must have been too young to go to war.Statius, Thebaid, 9. 570 - 970 In the Aeneid, the ghost of Parthenopaeus, along with those of other members of the Seven, is glimpsed by Aeneas in the Underworld.
189 et seq. : # in the pedestal reserved for men, in the upper third of which Leopold I prays to God as an intercessor, # in the angels as a mediator between God and man belonging area, as well # in the highest level reserved for the Holy Trinity. In addition, there is also a tripartite division in plan, which establishes a connection between the sacral program and the three parts of the Habsburg monarchy: # The western face is dedicated to God the Father and bears a double-headed eagle, the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire, as well as the coats of arms of the Inner Austrian lands, the duchies of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola. Between the western and eastern wings are the coats of arms for the core countries of the monarchy.
Wordsworth's "Laodamia", published in 1815, is a narrative poem in stanzas dealing with the classical story of Protesilaus, a Greek hero who sacrificed himself in fulfilment of the oracle which declared that victory should be the lot of that party from which should fall the first victim in the Trojan War. According to the legend, as narrated by Wordsworth, Laodamia, the wife of Protesilaus, prays to the gods that her husband may return to her from Hades. He does so and relates the story of his death at the hands of Hector, rebuking the excessive passion of his wife, who cannot bring herself to consent to his return to the shades of death. Summoned by Hermes the spectre departs, leaving Laodamia a lifeless corpse upon the palace floor.
However, when Curll prays to Cloacina, Pope provides more motivation for her hearing his prayer: Further, Cloacina aids Curll win the race herself, and not by intercession with Jove, and Pope here explains how she propels him to victory: she makes the ordure nourishment to Curll, and he "Imbibes new life, and scours and stinks along" (B II 106). Again, the phantom poet, More, vanishes. The game for Eliza Heywood's person and poetry is the same as the previous version, except that the promised gift for the victor is a chamber pot. Curll here competes with Thomas Osborne, a bookseller who had claimed to sell Pope's subscription edition of Iliad at half price, when he had merely pirated it, cut the size of the book to octavo, and printed on low quality paper.
To be sure, the Constitution forbids the taking of private property for public uses without just compensation. But that does not create a claim founded upon the Constitution of the United States and within the jurisdictional grant of the Court of Claims. Congress never intended that every wrongful seizure of property by an officer of the government, the Court explained, would expose the government to an action for damages in the Court of Claims, for the statute expressly excludes tort actions and that exclusion would be meaningless under the foregoing broad reading. That Schillinger's action was one sounding in tort is clear, the Court said, for the petition charges a wrongful appropriation by the government, against the protest of the claimants, and prays to recover the damages done by the wrong.
She covers her eyes while crossing a road and demonstrates the ability to show how lucky this cricket is. After Fa Li and all the dressers have finished beautifying Mulan, Grandma Fa gives her a few items to make her look perfect (apple, pendant, jade necklace and Cri-Kee). She constantly encourages her to find a good husband. During the rainy night, she recognizes that her granddaughter has run away to join the army in her father's place, and she picks up a lantern and prays to the ancestors, awakening First Ancestor Fa. When Mulan returns home with Shan Yu's sword and the Emperor's crest, she comments that Mulan should have brought a man home and is shocked when Li Shang arrives, causing her to jokingly say to sign her up for the next war.
Finally, Kullervo asks his mother if she'll weep for him, and she replies that she will, even if she knows him to be wrong. Kullervo hardens his heart and refuses to reconsider, and goes to war full of haughty pride, singing and playing his horn. Kullervo Sets Off for War, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1901 He becomes so obsessed with his revenge that even as he learns of the deaths of his family members during his journey, he doesn't even stop to honour their deaths, apart from weeping a little for his mother—yet he does not pause in his quest for revenge. He prays to the high god Ukko to get from him a magical broadsword, which he then uses to slay Untamo and his tribe, sparing no one, burning down his entire village.
She sings: The storm is in my eyes, I want to turn back time/ We were kids and we loved each other so much, I remember when we hugged. In this phrase she reveals that her love was from her childhood, and the pain all the more so dreadful for her soul. Later, she meditates and gets used to this sweet pain, and as she sings in a gondola, she tries to understand what was wrong in their relationship; next to a fountain sheltered, the ladylove prays to the God with all of her heart to turn back time, to live again with this lover that change her life forever. The next scene follows Paula walking and touching the old columns, singing, and thinking that some day, her love, will come back.
5), suggest that there once existed a detailed "history" of Vishtaspa and his ancestors in scripture.. The Yasht 13 mentions Zairiuuairi, Piší šiiaoθna (Vishtaspa's eschatological son Pišišōtan), Spəṇtōδāta (Spandyād), Bastauuairi (Bastwar), Kauuarazman, Frašaoštra and Jāmāspa (the Huuōguua brothers in the Gathas), all of whom are featured in the Pahlavi narrative about the war between Vishtaspa and Arzāsp (Arjāsp, king of the Xiiaonas). In Yasht 9.31, Vishtaspa prays to Druuāspā that he may successfully fight and kill various opponents and, apparently, turn Humaiiā and Varəδakanā away from the lands of the Xiiaonas. In Yasna 12, the Zarathustra, Vishtaspa, Frašaoštra and Jāmāspa, and the three Saošiiaṇts, Zarathustra’s eschatological sons, and in Yasna 23.2 and 26.5, the fravashi of Gaiia Marətān, Zarathustra, Vishtaspa, and Isaṯ.vāstra (another of Zarathustra’s eschatological sons) are listed as the principal fighters for Asha.
A statue of Isis nursing her son, housed in the Louvre Apuleius wrote about the Queen of Heaven, referring to Queen Isis Isis was venerated first in Egypt. As per the Greek historian Herodotus, writing in the fifth century BC, Isis was the only goddess worshiped by all Egyptians alike,Histories 2.42 and whose influence was so widespread by that point, that she had become completely syncretic with the Greek goddess Demeter.Histories 2.156 It is after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, and the Hellenization of the Egyptian culture initiated by Ptolemy I Soter, that she eventually became known as 'Queen of Heaven'.R.E Witt, "Isis in the Ancient World", 1997, Lucius Apuleius confirms this in Book 11, Chap 47 of his novel, The Golden Ass, in which his character prays to the "Queen of Heaven".
He gets worried, when suddenly he hears an Asareeri (Divine Voice) which asks him to proceed to Sathyavratha Kshetram and to take bath in Ananthah Sarasu and worship Lord Adhi Keshava, whereby his sins will vanish. King Harita goes back to Ayodhya and consults Vashishta Maharishi, who tells him about the Sriperumpudur Mahatyam and narrates how the Bhootha Ganas (those who serve Lord Shiva in Shiv Lok) got rid of their Saapam (curse) there,and also the route to that place. King Haritha then makes alternative arrangement to run the kingdom and proceeds to Sriperumpudur (near Chennai, Tamil Nadu). He takes bath in Ananthah Sarasu and prays to Lord Adhi Kesava; after a while the merciful lord appears before Haritha Maharaja and instructs him on all the Mantras which would help in getting rid of the Dosham.
This dread of damaging special trees is familiar: Cato instructed the woodman to sacrifice to the male or female deity before thinning a grove, while in the Homeric poem to Aphrodite the tree nymph is wounded when the tree is injured, and dies when the trunk falls. Early Buddhism held that trees had neither mind nor feeling and might lawfully be cut; but it recognized that certain spirits might reside in them, such as Nang Takian in Thailand. Propitiation is made before the axe is laid to the holy trees; loss of life or of wealth and the failure of rain are feared should they be wantonly cut; there are even trees which it is dangerous to climb. The Talein of Burma prays to the tree before he cuts it down, and the African woodman will place a fresh sprig upon the tree.
Shankar is a hoodlum who lives in a shanty hut with his pregnant wife, Kanta, and makes a living as a career criminal. He prays to Lord Shiv that if he is blessed with a male child, he will ensure that the child does not take to his path, but instead grows up to a decent and honest human being. His wife does give birth to a baby boy, and Shankar loots the ill-gotten gains of another hoodlum named J.K. A furious J.K. hunts down Shankar in an attempt to abduct his son, but Shankar takes his child and switches him with one belonging to renowned stage artist, Ashok Kumar. Shankar gets into a scuffle with J.K. and his men, killing one of them, getting arrested, tried in Court, and being sentenced to 14 years in jail.
As Lunar New Year 2012 marks the year of the Dragon, the film explores the Chinese's age-old obsession with the Dragon and having children on a "Dragon year" (see Chinese zodiac). In the introduction, Ah Long (Melvin Sia) tells about how his father (Zheng Geping) was desperate to have a son born in the Dragon year because his ancestors had decreed that only a "Dragon boy" could take over family's lion dance association. His mother (younger, Pan Lingling and older, Lai Meng) instead gives birth to "Dragon girls" while Ah Long himself was born several seconds after the clock struck twelve, making him a "Snake baby", much to the disappointment of his father. At present time, Mother Long prays to the gods for blessings on her three children and pours out her desire for a grandchild.
He returns with a midwife, and as they stand at the mouth of the cave a cloud overshadows it, an intense light fills it, and there is suddenly a baby at Mary's breast. Joseph and the midwife marvel at the miracle, but a second midwife named Salome (the first is not given a name) insists on examining Mary, upon which her hand withers as a sign of her lack of faith; Salome prays to God for forgiveness and an angel appears and tells her to touch the Christ Child, upon which her hand is healed. The gospel concludes with the visit of the Three Magi, the massacre of the innocents in Bethlehem, the martyrdom of the High Priest Zechariah (father of John the Baptist), and the election of his successor Simeon, and an epilogue from "James", the purported author, telling the circumstances under which the work was supposedly composed.
Despite his quiet persona, Father Stone's presence dominates those around him, leading to awkward and protracted silences which suck the life out of the room, ruining Ted's birthday party as a result. His unresponsiveness makes him practically impossible to get rid of, causing Ted and the others to go to great lengths just to avoid contact with him, such as going to bed extremely early or going out to the island's sub-standard crazy golf course in the pouring rain. When Ted prays to God with the intention of getting rid of Father Stone, he is subsequently struck by lightning after joining Ted and Dougal at the crazy golf course. He gets stuck in the same position as he was when he is struck, and surgeons are unable to remove the golf club from his hands, leading Dougal to comment: "He looks like a trophy".
Pygmalion slew Sychaeus secretly due to his wealth and Sychaeus appeared to Dido in a dream in which he told the truth about his death, urged her to flee the country, and revealed to her where his gold was buried. She left with those who hated or feared Pygmalion. None of these details contradicts Justin's epitome, but Virgil very much changes the import and many details of the story when he brings Aeneas and his followers to Carthage. (1.657f) Dido and Aeneas fall in love by the management of Juno and Venus, acting in concert, though for different reasons. (4.198f) When the rumour of the love affair comes to King Iarbas the Gaetulian, "a son of Jupiter Ammon by a raped Garamantian nymph", Iarbas prays to his father, blaming Dido who has scorned marriage with him yet now takes Aeneas into the country as her lord.
The film is mostly the same as the original Biblical story, but with notable differences such as, once again, the expanded and sympathetic role of Delilah (Bauer), the introduction of the garrison commander (Stern) who is friends with Samson (Hamilton), more focus upon Samson's relationship with his first wife, a different handling of the 30 garments bet, and, perhaps the most crucial alteration of the climax. In the original story, maintained in the 1949 film and the 1996 film, Samson only regains his strength after his hair has grown long again, thus allowing him to tear down the Philistine temple. In this movie, however, Samson is taken to the Philistine temple just after his hair has been cut short, and he prays to God to restore his immense strength despite his short hair, and God complies, allowing Samson enough strength to tear down the stone pillars, thus destroying the temple. Delilah is saved through what looks like the intervention of God.
Davidson notes a connection between apples and the Vanir, a group of gods associated with fertility in Norse mythology, citing an instance of eleven "golden apples" being given to woo the beautiful Gerðr by Skírnir, who was acting as messenger for the major Vanir god Freyr in stanzas 19 and 20 of Skírnismál. In Skírnismál, Gerðr mentions her brother's slayer in stanza 16, which Davidson states has led to some suggestions that Gerðr may have been connected to Iðunn as they are similar in this way. Davidson also notes a further connection between fertility and apples in Norse mythology; in chapter 2 of the Völsunga saga when the major goddess Frigg sends King Rerir an apple after he prays to Odin for a child, Frigg's messenger (in the guise of a crow) drops the apple in his lap as he sits atop a mound. Rerir's wife's consumption of the apple results in a six-year pregnancy and the caesarean section birth of their son—the hero Völsung.
He is irreligious; he lectures Azuma-zi against religion, and suggests to him that the largest and most impressive of the three dynamos in the plant is more of a "Gord" than the one preached by missionaries. Azuma-zi is powerfully impressed by the humming, whirling machinery and comes to believe that the big dynamo is indeed a god. He starts to worship it; he salaams to it when he arrives at work, prays to it to save him from Holroyd, cleans and polishes it with devotional care, and anoints it with oil - by which he unintentionally damages an area of the insulating varnish on the coils, and on discovering this Holroyd orders him to stay away from the machine with threats of violence. Holroyd's bullying and Azuma-zi's dynamo worship combine to convince Azuma-zi that his god disapproves of Holroyd and eventually that it desires Holroyd as a human sacrifice.
This appellation is rejected by the Catholic Church. Dialogue began with a meeting of the Assyrian Patriarch (Catholicos) Mar Dinkha IV and Pope John Paul II in 1984, and the patriarch's participation in the first Assisi Day of Prayer for Peace in 1986. Nearly a decade of dialogue proved sufficient to resolve the disagreements over terminology in Christology, leading to the Common Christological Declaration Between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East, signed by Pope John Paul II of the Catholic Church and Mar Dinkha IV of the Assyrian Church of the East in 1994. The Common Declaration recalls that the Assyrian Church of the East prays to the Virgin Mary as "the Mother of Christ our God and Saviour", and the Catholic tradition addresses the Virgin Mary as "the Mother of God" and also as "the Mother of Christ", fuller expressions by which each Church clearly acknowledges both the divinity and the humanity of Mary's son.
Lehi has a vision of the tree of life.1 Nephi 8:10 Relating this vision to his children, he expounds on it by teaching about the Messiah, and that they need to be righteous. Nephi prays to the Lord for a similar vision and help understanding his father's vision. In his vision, Nephi sees the vision his father had described, and also given an explanation about its symbolism.1 Nephi 11 Nephi is shown many past and future events, including the life of the Son of God. He also sees the civilizations of his descendants, the voyages of Columbus,1 Nephi 13:12 the American Revolutionary War,1 Nephi 13:17-19 the scattering of his descendants1 Nephi 13:14 (the American Indians), the Book of Mormon, its translation by Joseph Smith,1 Nephi 13:34-36 the restoration of God's church,1 Nephi 13:35-37, 42 continued revelation in the modern era,1 Nephi 13:39 and the correction of biblical translation errors.

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