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13 Sentences With "potables"

How to use potables in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "potables" and check conjugation/comparative form for "potables". Mastering all the usages of "potables" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Americans are drinking less beer and more wine and spirits, while also imbibing alcohol-infused seltzer, cider, kombucha and other potent potables.
So responsibly celebrate St. Patrick this year a little wiser about the health benefits and risks with one of its signature potables.
Coca-Cola is looking at pitching cans of cannabis-infused wellness drinks to consumers in the latest bid by a big beverage behemoth to tackle the budding market for potentially potent enhanced potables.
A variety of other prison-made alcoholic potables are known to exist. These include crude wines, famously fermented in toilet tanks. Sugary beverages like orange drink may also be fermented and distilled using a radiator or other available heat source. Though popularized in prison fiction, these techniques are slow and laborious, and generally result in a low alcohol content.
Rum is often used in the preparation of peanut liqueur, in which the spirit is infused with peanuts.The Spirited Baker: Intoxicating Desserts and Potent Potables - Marie Porter. p. 15. Some varieties are produced with cream and simple syrup. Castries Crème is a brand of peanut liquor based upon rum that has the flavor of peanuts, brown sugar and cinnamon.
Martel and Ed. Rahir.E. Van den Broeck, E.-A. Martel, and Ed. Rahir, Les Cavernes et les rivières souterraines de la Belgique étudiées spécialement dans leurs rapports avec l’hydrologie des calcaires et avec la question des eaux potables, Volume II, Les calcaires carbonifériens du bassin de Dinant et coup d’œil sur le bassin de Namur, H. Lamertin, Bruxelles, 1910, p.
Features celebrities in a room that looks like a jail cell or perhaps a police interrogation room, smoking a cigarette and downing hard liquor, usually telling some humorous "secret" previously unknown about them. For example, one featured Michael Caine saying "I was convinced that the 'MC' in MC Hammer's name stood for Michael Caine. When I found out it didn't, I destroyed his career." Another featured Alex Trebek taking a drink, and admitting he had a "potent potables" problem.
Many jurisdictions have different taxing schemes for potables based upon alcohol content. Since barley wine has a high alcohol content, it is, in some jurisdictions, taxed at a higher rate than other beers. Thus, barley wines tend to suffer a further price premium as compared with other beers. Similarly, many jurisdictions have different regulations regarding where beers and wines can be sold, leading to confusion regarding in which category barley wines fall and therefore limiting access.
In those times, the studies of natural sciences were not yet well developed in Colombia. Zerda published about the "new" phenomenon of radioactivity. In 1865 Zerda founded the Escuela de Medicina Privada, precursor of present-day private medicine schools. During the first years of this school, Zerda published about coca and opium use in Bogotá (Estudios sobre la Coca y el Opio bogotano), drinking water analysis (Análisis de las aguas potables de Bogotá) and oils (Método para blanquear y purificar los aceites grasos).
The Grotte de Rosée was discovered in July 1906, following a fire pit in a quarry belonging to the baron Jacques de Rosée. Workers then used the cavity, which appeared as a vertical chimney, to pour hundreds of wheelbarrows of rubble into.E. Van den Broeck, E.-A. Martel et Ed. Rahir, Les cavernes et les rivières souterraines de la Belgique étudiées spécialement dans leurs rapports avec l'hydrologie des calcaires et avec la question des eaux potables, T. II Les calcaires carbonifériens du bassin de Dinant et coup d'œil sur le bassin de Namur, H. Lamertin, Bruxelles, 1910, p.
Longitudinal section of the Cave of Rosée, as published in E. Van den Broeck, E.-A. Martel and Ed Rahir, Les cavernes et les rivières souterraines de la Belgique étudiées spécialement dans leurs rapports avec l'hydrologie des calcaires et avec la question des eaux potables, T. II, Les calcaires carbonifériens du bassin de Dinant et coup d'œil sur le bassin de Namur, H. Lamertin, Brussels, 1910. The Grotte de Rosée consists of a vast network of rooms, corridors and galleries sometimes parallel, sometimes perpendicular, which intersect on several levels, punctuated by wells, chimneys, siphon, tunnels, etc. It is partially covered by an underground stream.
Many times, the contestants refuse or fail to select an appropriate category and dollar value from the game board, grinding the game to a halt and often requiring Trebek to choose one himself. As the celebrities' growing ineptitude and disinterest became apparent, the subject matter used for categories shifted from normal topics (such as "Movies" and "Popular Music") to more childish topics, categories with titles giving not-so-subtle hints as to the correct response without reading the clues (such as "Famous Kareem Abdul- Jabbars" or Countries between Mexico and Canada), and those requiring no responses whatsoever (such as “Automatic Points” or “Tie Your Shoe”). Recurring Jeopardy! category "Potent Potables" appears in every sketch but is never selected, and when it finally is chosen, it results in an inadvertently offensive pre-recorded Video Daily Double involving Bill Cosby.
Martel, and Ed. Rahir, Les cavernes et les rivières souterraines de la Belgique étudiées spécialement dans leurs rapports avec l'hydrologie des calcaires et avec la question des eaux potables, Vol. II Les calcaires carbonifériens du bassin de Dinant et coup d'œil sur le bassin de Namur; H. Lamertin, Bruxelles, 1910. From west to east, there are five halls, connected via narrow passages: # is the deepest, 10m below the entrance, measuring 10m by 9m; # the Hall of the moon, 8m by 3m, a name given by Doudou, because of light entering through a joint in the ceiling; # the Hall of Nutons, 4m by 3m, part of which is the gallery containing stalactites, which rises toward the west and is obscured by concretions; # the Hall of the Cone, 14m by 3m, named for a cone on the ceiling; # the Grand Hall, 20m by 18m, and 4m high, with two oblique chimneys containing layers of sediment full of bones. These are most likely the remains of some sixty bears and fifty boars, which were collected there by water running through the cave.

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