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"police state" Definitions
  1. a country where people’s freedom, especially to travel and to express political opinions, is controlled by the government, with the help of the police

488 Sentences With "police state"

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That includes Police State 2 through Police State 4, though the original is suspiciously missing from the platform.
I'm not talking about a police state, but sometimes it takes a police state to run some people.
"A police state, they always say, is the safest place to live, but you're in a police state," he said.
The dystopic imaginary police state of the '80s is still our dystopic imaginary police state today, reflecting the state of the ongoing struggle to enforce the law effectively, yet fairly.
They come from a police state, they're not very trusting.
We can have good policing without being a police state.
The authoritarian police state he so loves is now everywhere.
A police state where citizens have no rights and no recourse?
Only the tightly controlled police state of Turkmenistan remains closed-off.
Will the big-data police state engulf the rest of China?
TikTok — Yes, TikTok — Is the Latest Window Into China's Police State.
What would it be like to live in a police state?
But it is not just his police state that fueled women's anger.
If that's a police state, yeah, it happened a long time ago.
They have been accused of torturing prisoners and running a police state.
Two of the children sustained minor injuries in the altercation, police state.
Rules drafted for rich, market-led economies cannot always police state capitalism.
Until the late 1980s the Nationalists ruled Taiwan as a police state.
He has founded the first cyber police state to control his citizens.
Absent a police state, it is impossible to monitor every such individual.
There's a prime-time Nazi-cop show that normalizes the police state.
These people have all types of shit to say about the police state when it's affecting what they perceive to be their rights but let the police state kill a black man then they're all fucking gung-ho.
It belongs to a police state and has no place on our streets.
She is an outspoken activist against mass incarceration and a violent police state.
"We are not looking to create a police state here," Chief Rowe said.
He'll be stopped by majority sentiment, appalled at a police state in neighborhoods.
"It's like a police state," Omaui resident Nico Jarvis told the Otago Daily Times.
The fear in this film is that a government police state is suppressing justice.
The Chinese police state can be at once harsh and accommodating, insidious and absurd.
Bill: Yeah, they've really changed the outside scenes from chaotic cyberwar to police state.
"Assad ran a police state," says one former activist who found asylum in Europe.
That is by design, and it is reinforced by the country's ruthless police state.
That's when Trump turned his attention to the "police state" behind the Russia investigation.
This doesn't mean that our republic is at a disadvantage to their police state.
They are literally (literally) everywhere […] Xinjiang is a police state, and it's open about it.
Sanaa residents twice approached us to complain, in English, of living in a police state.
Xinjiang is the nightmarish extreme that the new technology makes possible: a racist police state.
So how have the Han and Uighur reacted to the imposition of a police state?
At worst, this means pushing them to assist China's armed forces and its police state.
Despite the draconian police-state tactics deployed to silence our voices, our campaign was undeterred.
Last year, the group's song "Police State" took aim at state surveillance and police brutality.
This is Brazil as a police state, rounding up people to export them to Ceilândia.
I don't want America to become a police state that tracks us everywhere we go.
Saudi Arabia has never been a democracy, but it hadn't been a police state either.
I'm sorry we don't live in the police state of your Trumpian fever dreams, you scumbag.
It has developed a police state-like approach in its treatment of those it deems targets.
This article provides glimpses into the life of scientists in the world's most secretive police state.
Public opinion is difficult to judge in any police state in which journalists are closely watched.
China has in the past few years effectively set up a police state in their homeland.
Over time, voters who believed in a police state became ones who fought for workers' rights.
This is beyond legitimate policy differences; it involves police-state tactics against fundamental First Amendment rights.
These are tools to destabilize a police state and help ordinary Cubans, but we curtail them.
Those policies failed and gave Cuban leaders a pretext to run the country like a police state.
Critics, however, say the draconian measures limit civil liberties and have turned France into a police state.
In the name of Marx, Vladimir Lenin established the Soviet Union as police state that killed millions.
Fidel Castro turned a prosperous Cuba into a tragic police state in the name of Marxism-Leninism.
Orlowski meanwhile half-screams, half-raps, half-yelps lyrics about trauma, violence, revenge, and the police state.
If you look up totalitarian regime, if you look up police state, what they're doing is textbook.
The Chinese response to it has been to run Xinjiang as a police state of utmost brutality.
"I do know that Erdogan runs a police state, that he's capable of violence," King told us.
The military cannot remain on a war footing forever without turning the country into a police state.
The U.S. is not and should not become a police state, there's simply no reason for it.
It would create a police state, in which they would have to be aggressively looking for people.
Over its 90-year history, the organization has frequently come under pressure from the Egyptian police state.
Opposition activists and journalists, who have accused Mr. Kagame of running a "police state," are routinely jailed.
It clearly amused Reeves to depict modern Transylvania as a shabby police state ruled by inept policemen.
Is the climate crisis and a police state the price society must pay to support the arts?
The only question is whether Sanders could put in place a police state to enforce his revolution.
It was noted that China's high-tech police state appals Europeans, who dread government surveillance, especially in Germany.
Others opted for blind ignorance because it's hard to stand up for what's right in a police state.
Evelyne Werzola, 46, an immigrant from South Africa, said she had seen what a police state could do.
"What kind of police state have we become?" tweeted U.K. Independence Party leader and European MP Gerard Batten.
The expansion of the police state has added to the number of Uighurs it needs to co-opt.
President Trump never advocated deporting legal immigrants, and he never advocated turning our country into a police state.
Thanks to Snowden, we learned that the NSA were essentially secretly building the tools of a police state.
Read more: 14 seconds of undercover footage reveals the shadowy, sinister reality of China's 21st-century police state
" He adds "There is also a role for the public to play… we are not a police state.
"Indubitably, there is a focus on surveillance and the police state in Weiwei's works and practice, " says Pak.
These "Palmer Raids" awakened fears of a police state and once again revealed how difficult democracy could be.
The idea that organized crime might proliferate in what, at that time, remained a police state fascinated Galeotti.
" And Pussy Riot, the Russian dissident band, takes aim at state surveillance in a new song, "Police State.
"The police are making their own rules and are turning our school into a police state," he said.
But Siad Barre soon turned the country into a police state, awakened clan rivalries and assassinated political opponents.
In the later years, as West Germany lurched towards prosperity, East Germany increasingly tightened into a police state.
They may look like toys, but that's pretty much what you want in representatives of a mechanized police state.
With the reality of life in a police state slowly creeping in, I decided not to press my luck.
Uniformed shop assistants, knife controls and "convenience police stations" are only the most visible elements of the police state.
Citizens and dissenters braving the wrath of Trump are being forced to contemplate the possibility of a police state.
"I don't believe that Kuwait would do such a thing or turn into a police state," he told Reuters.
Chilling undercover footage taken inside China's most oppressive region shows it's virtually impossible to escape the paranoid police state
He nods to the officers, who refuse to answer questions, and says that we're living in a police state.
This is how all Chinese companies, including giants like Alibaba and WeChat's owner, Tencent, defer to the police state.
It's the fastest way for us to become a police state — a fate America narrowly dodged in November 2016.
"They want a police state, with more farces, illegalities and arbitrary acts," she wrote in a message on Twitter.
The mid-sized firm's chairwoman and 14 others have since been detained by police, state media said on Tuesday.
Raids, fences and police-state like checkpoints don't feel like the 'land of the free' our immigrant ancestors built.
"We're dealing with a police state, and people know what they have to say in order to please the government, because in a police state they make you believe that your neighbor or the guy leaning against the corner is with the secret police," Arcos told me over the phone from Miami.
It would be more reassuring if the police state campaign had yielded more than a handful of potential terror suspects.
Much of that human capital was wasted by his one-party system, police state and the stagnant, centrally planned economy.
Perhaps that is inevitable when dealing with something so alien as a hereditary despotism underwritten by Leninist police-state powers.
Others have targeted Texas residents, New Jersey Transit Police, State Department personnel, USF military personnel, and drone operators, among others.
Police state they pulled him over moments after the alleged transaction, and found a bag of pot in his car.
The suspects, 11 of them foreigners, were expected in court after being questioned by police, state-run Anadolu Agency reported.
We don't want to take away all our civil liberties, we don't want to turn this into a police state.
"This country is a bit of a police state, but mostly a pirate ship," the European security official told me.
In the dying days of Mugabe's regime, the CIO – the principal organ of Mugabe's police state – split into two factions.
A song that features a literal choir of thousands chanting the glories of a fictional police state and also Chopin?
But it powerfully reinforces the prejudice of those visitors (along with their supporters) that Israel is a discriminatory police state.
Algiers Dispatch ALGIERS — Much of the capital is boiling over with stifled anger at 20 years of police-state repression.
Many citizens are getting their first taste of what living under China's police state is like during this coronavirus outbreak.
"We keep going," she said, speaking of artists who offer social commentary under the gaze of Vietnam's sprawling police state.
At the DMZ, across snarls of concertina wire, we gazed upon the police state that South Korea might have become.
The province has turned into a police state, with officials surveilling Muslim residents, collecting their DNA and seizing their passports.
In Uzbekistan, a police state where I was detained by security forces 37 times, villagers sometimes did turn me away.
"If you protect yourself everywhere against anything, in the end we will end up in a police state," he said.
The expansion of government as a police state and the failure of it to downsize elsewhere is proving them prophetic.
By 1933, the former soldier had taken control of the nation, transforming it into a fascist, rabidly anti-Semitic police state.
The year is 2017, the economy has collapsed, and the US is a police state, but hey, television is really entertaining.
They'll kill with more impunity and will be less accountable, and, at some point, we'll be in a complete police state.
For some, it may feel "akin to living in a police state", says Patrick Williams, a criminologist at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Under an authoritarian government such as China's, digital monitoring is turning a nasty police state into a terrifying, all-knowing one.
It's being marketed as 'convenient' and for 'public safety,' but it's putting us on a path to a totalitarian police state.
"We can have good security without a security state and we can have good policing without a police state," Peskin said.
Police, state-aligned media and the religious establishment all regard it as a public duty to combat the spread of homosexuality.
But over time, the latter took center stage as Gambia morphed into a police state that tortured opponents, rights groups say.
Police, state-aligned media, and the religious establishment all see it as a public duty to combat the spread of homosexuality.
Speaking of hegemony, your album Brute is a pretty powerful commentary on authoritarianism in America and the increasingly militarized police state.
With the wealth that deal created, the Chinese government spent the next 17 years building the world's largest mercantilist police state.
Read more: Chilling undercover footage taken inside China's most oppressive region shows it's virtually impossible to escape the paranoid police state
"Such police state tactics were historically experimented or resorted to by fascist dictators to ultimately silence critics and resistance," it said.
It's possible that a terrorist attack under the coming administration could cause panic and backlash that leads to a police state.
For now at least, manufacturers like Apple may be our most vital defense to the possible emergence of a police state.
China has constructed what amounts to a police state in the country's northwest region of Xinjiang, which Uighurs consider their homeland.
I was especially empowered by learning about their struggles against the carceral system, the police state, economic injustice and trans misogyny.
However, the Houthis operate a police state and are hostile to uncovered women, gays and anyone bold enough to criticize them.
If the police actually are in charge, if they actually own the night, that's a police state, not a free country.
In March 2017, he published his second book "A Colony In A Nation," about the police state and incarceration in America.
Networks of face-recognition cameras are part of the police state China has built in Xinjiang, in the country's far west.
"This is a police state, and the Ministry of Interior has a lot of influence, even on judges," Mr. Viera said.
Wars, a quasi-police state, global warming, and the attack on immigrant, minority and women's rights affect men and women equally.
For all its megamalls, haute cuisine and dizzying skyscrapers, Dubai can flip at speed from international playground to repressive police state.
Songbun, while a clear component of the police-state apparatus, has historically been tethered to the North's traditional centrally planned economy.
And in the apocalyptic event of a Trump-ruled police state, such designs could prove crucial for the future of free expression.
In reality, the Xinjiang region has become a total police state, with armored cars and tanks on the streets in recent years.
The police state, it turns out, has always depended on the lay contributions of suspicious minds to help carry out its work.
China has installed an unparalleled 21st century police state in the Xinjiang region, where Uighurs are heavily surveilled and detained en masse.
"Also, there's a sense in which the university should be a scholarly environment, a sanctuary from the police state," Mr. Taylor said.
Maybe Santa was excessively heavy-handed, a kind of police-state authority figure that was just too intense for more sensitive imaginations?
Unruly black millennials, along with their grumpy parents and never-forgetful grandparents, must be quickly put in place with police-state precision.
But it has helped establish conditions for ordinary Cubans to have greater autonomy in a society long run as a police state.
As multiple news outlets have reported, he has also deployed high-tech tools in the service of creating a better police state.
But there is still plainly an authoritarian edge, a gentle "pink police state" aspect, to the new world that online life creates.
I was under the usual police-state surveillance, with a minder from the Information Ministry accompanying me during my travels outside Damascus.
In addition to footage of the attack, the suspects also recorded video of themselves plotting what to tell the police, state media reported.
The nude studio performances and unauthorized street actions by Ladik, Hajas, and Szentjóby challenged socialist morals and the power of the police state.
Hikvision — which has previously been accused by US lawmakers of helping China create a "high-tech police state" — suspended trading following the move.
The biggest threat we face right now is the three-headed hydra of the police state, the deep state and the fourth state.
Close your eyes and try to picture what it would look like if you lived in a militarized police state with authoritarian tendencies.
His diaries—quirky, digressive, indiscreet—chronicle his attempts to build cultural relations in a police state filled with fear, corruption and red tape.
In living memory, Mr Cruz has rejected such bad ideas as mass deportations, noting in January that America is not "a police state".
The subsequent measures he implemented, including high-tech mass surveillance, turned China into a super police-state, with little room for any dissent.
It is sad to watch this far-western region become a dystopian police state out of fear of its Muslim minority, the Uighurs.
Peter King, have told TMZ Sports ... Kanter's fears are warranted because Erdogan is a bad dude and runs Turkey like a police state.
They were exhausted but still faithful revolutionaries, tired of the internal violence and the war that had birthed the Islamic Republic's police state.
How the Republican Party became the champion of closed borders and the police state necessary to enforce them is something of a mystery.
This kind of surveillance is already present in Xinjiang, the homeland of the Uighurs, where China operates an invasive, 21st-century police state.
This is the ugly truth that the Hong Kong government does not want you to know: Hong Kong is becoming a police state.
Immigrant advocates claim that Suffolk County is becoming a police state, with an influx of immigration agents from the Department of Homeland Security.
Iran is a police-state — not Pakistan, Afghanistan, or the myriad other countries where criminal gangs rove the streets to take Westerners hostage.
It appears to be preparing for an authoritarian response, channeled not through the provision of welfare but the cruelty of the police state.
They have faced police state-like security been subjected to extraneous protocols and charged security fees just because the speaker is a conservative.
China is building an increasingly sophisticated police state and the government's latest addition to its surveillance apparatus is fake birds that spy on people.
The Malaysians would have to try to sneak inside what is essentially a police state that's closed off to the rest of the world.
Most Gambians also concede that for all its faults, Mr Jammeh's police state managed to keep civil war, Ebola and jihadist terrorism at bay.
Recently it has ignored orders to downplay tensions with America and has offered defiant candour about Xinjiang, a restive western region turned police state.
"We saw legislators left to right saying, what are we doing turning America into a police state?" said Norm Stamper, former Seattle police chief.
For us, it was about awareness of the police state and powerlessness of predominantly Black and brown people, the working class, and the disenfranchised.
Breitbart News on Friday reported on conservative radio host Mark Levin's claim that Obama executed a "silent coup" of Trump via "police state" tactics.
In fact, there is only one administration I know of in recent history who had us wondering if we were entering a police state.
The long-awaited report should resonate nationally, coming nearly two years after a similarly scathing probe suggested Ferguson, Missouri, was basically a police state.
Critics say France has essentially become a police state since the Paris attacks, with large swaths of its Muslim population subject to intense surveillance.
Breitbart News on Friday reported on conservative radio host Mark Levin's claim that Obama executed a "silent coup" of Trump via "police state" tactics.
The Bolsheviks created the first professional revolutionaries, the first total police state, the first modern mass-mobilization on behalf of class war against counterrevolution.
This searing account presents an unusual perspective on the horror of the police state — that of the outsider trying to navigate its treacherous shoals.
In truth, Russia has already reverted to a military-police state, keeping Mr. Putin and his regime in power mainly by force and intimidation.
Poor Southern white men --whose labor was rendered obsolete and wages kept low by slavery -- fought and died to preserve the plantation police state.
" According to media, Hawley responded on Tuesday saying: "I chose the words 'police state' purposely because that is exactly what Hong Kong is becoming.
But what the government did — imposing curfews, blocking internet access, creating a police state — has cut Kashmir off from the rest of the world.
China is today the confluence of a Marxist police state with personalized rule, as in "Xi Jinping Thought," now incorporated into the Chinese constitution.
Sci-fi author Marie Lu sets her trilogies in shadowy realms, from a militarized police state (Legend) to a hunted secret society (The Young Elites).
His film The Wild Goose Lake is the latest to smuggle a critique of inequality, surveillance, and the police state under the guise of genre.
The Mexican army, marines, federal police, state police and the country's top prosecution office were searching for the missing men and their kidnappers, Almaguer said.
I'll show you what it's like, where it can be useful and where it raises some obvious concerns about privacy and creating a police state.
In Xinjiang, China has perfected a technological police state, replete with Orwellian "political education centers," into which tens of thousands of Uyghurs have been detained.
To those already worried about America slowly transforming into a police state, this seemed like one more sign that immigration authorities are abusing their power.
Just ahead of Trump's announcement, CIA Director Mike Pompeo Thursday called Iran a "thuggish police state" and a "despotic theocracy," comparing its ambitions to ISIS.
It was this failure, Ali argues, that turned Lenin toward the European labor movement as a surer path to overthrow of the Tsarist police state.
In any event, the police state is expected to be enormous for the World Cup, and Putin signed legislation to impose harsher punishments for hooligans.
The government has become a police state, and you can tell this not through its monopoly on sanctioned violence, but through its monopoly on gold.
A police state with a democratic veneer, Ethiopia is buffeted by violent clashes in diverse ethnic enclaves where activists are demanding political and economic reform.
Some of the lawmakers lamented that their hometown, normally a peaceful haven for bankers, lawyers and traders, had begun to feel like a police state.
The large internet surveillance companies like Facebook and Google collect dossiers on us more detailed than those of any police state of the previous century.
Instead of becoming a sovereign state, the Palestinian Authority has become a proto-police state, a virtual dictatorship, endorsed and funded by the international community.
It is entirely implausible that a former FBI agent could simply disappear in a police-state like Iran and their government not be the culprit.
CHINA WAS this week confronted with documentary evidence that it has built a vast and cruel police state in its far-western region of Xinjiang.
It's simply a tired little country, no threat to anyone, with impressive health care and education but a repressive police state and a dysfunctional economy.
" He called Trump a "sociopath," and in one post, Barron compared Trump to Adolf Hitler, writing, "The giant police state Trump supports would make Hitler blush.
Our country supports the people of Iran, not their morally bankrupt regime, whose only legacy is a police state at home and proxy terrorist militias abroad.
The society is locked in a feud with its nemesis, Bregna, a police state, where Aeon must travel frequently in the fight for her country's cause.
Britain is portrayed as a police state that is overrun with Muslims and home to a sinister, "socialised" health service that delights in letting children die.
Watership Down focuses on a warren of rabbits that faces destruction at the hands of encroaching humanity and a rival warren ruled as a police state.
And it is a testament to how hard these rappers fought for a sliver of autonomy in a police state that tried to give them none.
US or European companies which seek to profit from the Chinese police state are ultimately as complicit in its human rights violations as the perpetrators themselves.
The reason Xi Jinping can have total control over China is because the education system underpins all the mechanisms of the police state, says Mr Mair.
Beyond the examples listed here, the average Chinese citizen lives in a police state that grows ever-stricter, with freedom looking more distant by the day.
We have become a pseudo-police state that is endorsing the criminalization of a mother's instinct to protect her children in the face of unrelenting danger.
He may have been referencing a Breitbart News story published Friday alleging that the Obama administration used "police state" tactics to keep tabs on Trump's campaign.
Long story short—it takes place in Southern California three years after a nuclear attack wiped out Texas and transformed the country into a police state.
With his shrewdness, Plahotniuc has created both a "kompromat" state based on blackmail, and a police state, a deadly combination for democratic politics and market economics.
Under President Xi Jinping, China has installed a high-tech police state in the region and detained at least 1 million Uighurs in prisons and camps.
Users who accept run the risk of unwittingly provoking the ire of the aggressive police state, resulting in deleted data or accounts, or harassment and imprisonment.
Earlier in the book, Kan similarly goes astray when she claims that for three years beginning in 1983, a "powerful police state" form of control returned.
"Austria was not a police state but close enough," Mr. Brus said, sitting at a long wooden table facing snow-covered hills through large bay windows.
This would be hard and risky in a police state that stifles dissent by rewarding loyalists, punishing critics and sowing division among groups agitating for change.
Republicans will not vote to give Trump dictatorial powers; we will not wake up tomorrow, the day after, or the year after in a police state.
Watchmen doesn't hold your hand or feed into your expectations of what a police state-turned-liberal haven where Robert Redford is president might look like.
"Donald Trump has proposed nothing short of a police state," said Brittany Packnett, an activist who served on President Obama's task force on 21st-century policing.
"The Chinese government is creating a high-tech police state in (Xinjiang) that is both a gross violation of privacy and international human rights," the letter said.
Authorities have used software and devices from those firms to effectively create a police state in the region, which is home to more than 11 million Uighurs.
The Commerce Department sees otherwise and has added 28 Chinese companies to its list of banned exports, trying to keep American companies from helping China's police state.
According to the Justice Department's analysis of what went wrong, which was released last March, the city in St. Louis County resembled a Kafka-esque police state.
The opening episodes do a brilliant job giving us a wider perspective on Gilead, the antifeminist police state that essentially awards religious and legal privileges to rapists.
That story quoted conservative radio host Mark Levin alleging that the Obama administration used "police state" tactics to keep tabs on the real estate mogul's presidential campaign.
Bush helped create the current police state, which has led to the incarceration & death of thousands of black & brown people, while doing little to curb drug use.
At the same time, Chechnya is a police state controlled by the so-called "Kadyrovtsy," security forces technically subordinated to Moscow but in practice loyal to Kadyrov.
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - A Malaysian opposition leader is being investigated for alleged defamatory remarks about the Election Commission and police, state news agency Bernama reported on Saturday.
Critics say Haftar has resurrected the old police state and his supporters have seized the property of opponents who fled to western Libya, charges denied by officials.
"It is a police state where the power belongs completely to the security services," said Daniil Kislov, the Moscow-based editor in chief of a website,
The low-ranking soldier had received money via his brother's account from his online lover, Rajesh Meena, superintendent of police, State Special Branch, Rajasthan Police, told CNN.
Other than that, the Kim dynasty is a typical police state: A ruling elite manages the system and a state police keep the people under tight control.
But unless you live in a police state — and not even then — bad people can choose to do bad things and we can only prosecute them after.
Ring security cameras have received stern criticism over Amazon's cooperation with law enforcement that some see as a violation of privacy and expansion of a police state.
With Le Duc Tho at his side, Le Duan erected a powerful police state in North Vietnam bent on launching a full-scale war in South Vietnam.
The ability for young black people to go to church, school and work without feeling like they live in a police state did not matter to him.
And I do feel an emotional connection to 511 Fifth Avenue, mostly because I had to run up against the police state to get there — and won!
The Wild Goose Lake is the latest Chinese crime film to smuggle a critique of the country's inequality, surveillance, and the police state under the guise of genre.
Having nothing to hide is a luxury that very few people, even good people, can afford, and having nowhere to hide is the definition of a police state.
It's also understandable to be unhappy about this suggestion, but it's hardly a police state to suggest a trade-off that would support the more vulnerable animal population.
China is a brutal police state that persecutes, punishes and imprisons those who dare to defy authoritarian controls and pierce the veil of secrecy used to maintain control.
"It all goes hand in hand: the militarized police state, greedy developers pushing you out of your neighborhood, horrible housing, miseducation of black and brown children," she said.
Instead, Syria remained a police state in which there was a lot to be frightened of — arbitrary arrest, torture and execution inside a prison system of hideous cruelty.
Opinion Columnist RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — It's awkward to find yourself in a police state interviewing people about their leader's penchant for starving children, torturing women or dismembering critics.
Background: Using Hikvision technology, China has built what amounts to a police state in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, home to the Uighurs, a mostly Muslim ethnic minority.
On Sunday, a separate protest also erupted in the northern Indian city of Aligarh, where protesters threw stones at the police, state administration official Chandra Bhushan Singh said.
With the help of Western tech companies and astronomical amounts of money poured into the project, the CCP has realized the nightmare of an all-powerful police state.
Pompeo called Iran a "thuggish police state" and a "despotic theocracy" last Fall and has argued that the United States is less safe because of the nuclear agreement.
Justin Holihan, 31, of Ames, a paramedic who supports Mr. Sanders, said he feared that growing economic inequality might pitch the country toward either revolution or a police state.
He takes strength from the perception by some that he has President Trump in his pocket – yet he still needs a foreign enemy to justify his police-state rule.
As another character in "Super Sad True Love Story" writes to a friend: "This is what happens when there's only one party and we live in a police state."
A wave of arrests against journalists, opposition activists, doctors and religious believers raises a question: Is this a police state in the making or just a highly dysfunctional one?
Mr Levin called this "police state" tactics and suggested that Congress should probe this "silent coup" by the Obama administration, rather than allegations that Russia interfered in the election.
We reported earlier that Trump was likely referring to commentary on Breitbart and conservative talk radio suggesting that the Obama administration used "police state" tactics to surveil his campaign.
Some of the nation's first police forces were slave patrols, which enforced the laws of the plantation police state, caught runaway slaves, thwarted revolts, and punished and executed slaves.
Unconfirmed reports suggest the pair have been in a sexual relationship since the fall, although the police state they do not believe Aldinger had relationships with any other pupils.
Officers from several law enforcement agencies raced to the scene at the Walmart and nearby Cielo Vista Mall, including local police, state troopers, Homeland Security agents and border patrol.
" His colleague Andrew Napolitano, a former state judge, called the arrest "the behavior of a police state where the laws are written to help the government achieve its ends.
But I don't recall all the "experts" criticizing Obama when he met with a brutal dictator in #Cuba who also oversaw a police state & also killed & jailed his opponents.
" Both Bolton and Pompeo have expressed strong disapproval of Iran with the former suggesting pre-emptive strikes against Iran and the latter calling the country a "thuggish police state.
We are an organization that believes in the abolition of prisons and the end to the police state, and we support the Juggalos' efforts to fight for their rights.
Companies doing business in China often get caught in a web: Beijing uses its economic leverage to draw them in and then uses their technology for police-state tactics.
In the video for "Police State," the band's members also wear ski masks, which have the added benefit of conferring anonymity: The group's membership is rotating and sometimes obscure.
"San Francisco supervisor Aaron Peskin added, "I've gotten plenty of complaints from residents and shopkeepers who are pissed off about the noise as well as the police state intimidation tactic.
"We are edging away from a state where there is a rule of law, to a police state," said Céline Parisot of the Union Syndicale des Magistrats, a judges' union.
For decades, racial profiling and the excessive use of force by a disproportionally white police department made the area feel less like a neighborhood and more like a police state.
"As we have seen with the events in Charlottesville and around the country, white nationalists are emboldened by the current political administration and growing police state," organizers wrote on Facebook.
At the same time, he is creating a police state with expanded surveillance in which business leaders can be snatched off the streets at the whim of the dictatorial government.
The band's latest album, "Stereotype," includes both thrashing hardcore criticizing the police state ("Pigs Are Haram") and a tongue-in-cheek ditty that parrots its slogans ("See Something, Say Something").
For them, it was bred from a mixture of the existential insecurity that led to the Patriot Act and the police state Bush's administration created after invading and destabilizing Iraq.
" In contrast, Palestinians "are trapped under the rule that you have now," Kushner said, describing the system as "a police state" and noting that "it's not exactly a thriving democracy.
My children's ancestors include black refugees who fled the South Carolina slave plantation police state during the Civil War, and Jewish refugees who fled the Russian pogroms in the 1880s.
Critics were unconvinced when it aired in 2013, and Brooker told me he agreed that the ending, which skips forward to a Waldo-dominated global police state, is too abrupt.
They have been repeatedly complicit by giving in to the National Rifle Association (and to the police state), and by acting to perpetuate a cycle of incarceration, death, and punishment.
In each such case, we promptly filed a formal protest and thought little more of it, accepting it as the price of being Western reporters in a paranoid police state.
New liberties clashed with the old habits of a police state—young Tunisians were suddenly permitted to join civic and political groups, but the cops harassed them for expressing dissent.
The cruelties inside the police state, often reported by defectors, led to news reports speculating that the North Korean leader may have had his uncle torn apart by ravenous dogs.
Although widespread unrest is unlikely—Turkmenistan is a police state—Mr Berdymukhammedov doubtless wants to restore at least a semblance of economic stability before the next stage-managed election in February.
Conveniently, this "logic" says nothing about the prison industrial complex, the police state, educational disparity, or the housing discrimination that leaves people of color dependent on a state that destroys us.
Britain formally controlled Hong Kong as a colonial power until it was handed over to China in 210, but the city has enjoyed relative autonomy from mainland China's authoritarian police state.
There were similarities in the way the coverage was racialized, footage of people ransacking goods while there's a whole host of social problems and they're living in a veritable police state.
"We can have good security without a security state and we can have good policing without a police state," Supervisor Aaron Peskin, the lawmaker who introduced the bill, said last month.
"It is quite clear that we are now moving into a police state and it means that lawyers like myself and others we will do everything to fight back," Biti said.
First, we must acknowledge that in a country that prides itself on its freedoms and civil liberties, we can never expect the type of security that a police state would afford.
And avoid the wrong responses: A police-state overreaction would be equally damaging in its own way by adding to the intolerance and suspicion that can foster radicalization, isolation and hatred.
If you take away a man's right to access to justice—a man's right to a fair trial—then it's a police state, and we all know where that takes us.
Yet it failed, she says, not only because the police state adapted so efficaciously but also because the people who sparked the revolt ultimately remained faithful to too many reactionary ideas.
A ruthless police state alone is inadequate to suppress the people; regime perpetuation requires projection of intimidation abroad — nuclear bullying — to hammer home the message of invulnerability to latent internal dissent.
The other anxiety, dominant in the embattled liberal center, is that the people who want more than what modernity is currently delivering — whether they're socialists or populists or integralists or something else entirely — are in various ways really just interested in building up Efrafa: either a literal police state with strongmen and zealously guarded borders and tight control of reproduction, a Gilead or Fortress Europe, or else a police state of the imagination, with ideological commissars ever on patrol.
"[The region of Xinjiang] is a 21st century totalitarian police state powered by 21st century surveillance technology, with over a million Uighur Muslims and ethnic minorities in concentration camps," Cheng told Gizmodo.
Authorities visited the school on Monday, a day after students protested about their welfare, tipping off the police about the conditions in the facility, Katsina police state spokesman Isah Gambo told CNN.
The pushback against the now infamous Pepsi ad, in which reality star Kendall Jenner solved police state violence armed only with a can of soft drink, is only the most recent example.
For years in the post-Soviet world, artists have been using humour and creativity to exercise their freedom of expression in the face of increasing government censorship and a brutal police state.
But it is possible to base judgment of Eurasia's future too closely on the crescent of war, strife and police-state thuggery that runs from the Middle East through to western China.
" A day later, Stone shared a post in a Facebook group about the raid on his home, which said, "The Police State raid on Roger Stone is a shocking abuse of power.
Depending on who you ask, Citizen is either a useful urban safety tool or a menacing glimpse into a self-surveilled police state, but either way, the app is coming to Baltimore.
His main threat to the nomination, the execrable Ted Cruz, followed Trump's lead, calling for a police state in which the authorities would "patrol and secure" Muslim neighborhoods in the United States.
More generally, at what point does the urgent need for better data collide with the need to protect individual privacy and avoid enabling the tools for an aspiring, or existing, police state?
"We risk understating the extent to which this high-tech police state continues to require a lot of manpower," said Adrian Zenz, an independent researcher who has studied security spending in Xinjiang.
Judy Browder, Tucson Speaking as an American expat, this piece certainly resonated with me: the palpable anxiety, the extreme wealthy class, the police-state militarism at every turn, the partisan acrimony, etc.
In his revenge fantasy of a play, Dorfman dramatized the confrontation between a woman who was tortured by a Latin American regime and the police-state thug who supposedly did the torturing.
If you want to get really freaky, imagine if Trump tries to start some ill-advised war or implement some police-state security measure and city governments band together to refuse to participate.
A couple of decades later, Wellington Wells is a groovy, rainbow-hued high-tech police state where being a drug-free "Downer" is illegal and every respectable citizen sports a permanently smiling mask.
What China pioneers will likely be copied by other authoritarian governments; states who proclaim support for democracy and human rights must act to prevent their own companies profiting from the Chinese police state.
In Xinjiang, Chinese authorities have installed the equivalent of a 21st-century police state, with the Uighur ethnic minority monitored by electronic spyware, and locked up en masse in prisons and detention camps.
"This is the scandal here — a police state," the president wrote, quoting a conservative commentator about a purported conspiracy to spy on Mr. Trump, as Mr. McCain's coffin was carried into the cathedral.
And there are also collateral implications for the security of America's key Asian allies -- South Korea and Japan -- not to mention the larger question of promoting human rights in Kim's brutal police state.
With an increasingly American police state, where elections are hacked, and cities that have red or blue political leanings might literally be worlds apart, Cowboy Bebop isn't just a landmark series in 20713.
Whether depicting the gig economy, the police state, or climate change, his work resonates because its stagnant and hijacked symbolism reflects, with dark humor, our collective and individual sense of hapless, curtailed agency.
Designed in the USSR is divided into three sections: "Citizen" compiles everyday consumer items; "State" focuses on propaganda design and objects of the police state; and "World" outlines how the USSR represented itself internationally.
In a full-court press, letters spelling out his curated narrative went to law enforcement authorities, including the Ithaca police, State Police, F.B.I. and the Tompkins County district attorney, responsible for prosecuting Ithaca crimes.
And China has built a racist police state in its north-western region of Xinjiang, locking perhaps a million Muslim Uighurs in "re-education camps" and subjecting millions more to oppressive high-tech surveillance.
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean police plan to ban public demonstrations in the capital for a month, according to a public notice issued on Tuesday that opposition lawyers said marked a slide toward a police state.
The Washington Post, however, suggests that Trump may have been referring to a story on the conservative website Breitbart, in which conservative radio host Mark Levin accuses the Obama administration of "police state" tactics.
The fight between the United States and China is about who will control the technology of the future and the implications of who controls it: Will it be the world's largest authoritarian police state?
Korsch is now a Stasi enforcer, working for Erich Mielke, who would soon become the East German Minister for State Security and create the most intrusive and effective police state in Communist Eastern Europe.
The Chinese government has created a virtual police state for Uighurs in Xinjiang, using facial recognition and human intelligence to identify Uighurs to send to indoctrination camps and monitor them after they are released.
Alarmed that acts of vandalism against public and private installations will not go unpunished, groups that can best be described as "Green Antifa" are conjuring up visions of noble activists facing police-state tactics.
Chernobyl struck at a critical juncture in Soviet history, only a year after Mikhail Gorbachev came to power with the promise of reforming the stultifying police state through "glasnost" and "perestroika," openness and reconstruction.
Looming in the future was Germany's own experience with totalitarianism: the emergence in the early 1930s of a predatory police state that initiated the Holocaust and a world war, more cataclysmic than the first.
He also moved swiftly to tighten his grip on the police state he had inherited, defying any hope that his studies as a teenager in Switzerland might make him more open to outside ways.
The list also includes companies that specialize in artificial intelligence, voice recognition and data as well as provincial and local security bureaus that have helped construct what amounts to a police state in Xinjiang.
To suppress the dissent, Le Duan and his allies throughout 282 imposed a veritable police state, whipping up a paranoid frenzy about alleged spies to purge those who threatened their plans — and their power.
Fire and fury, the likes of which the world has never seen, are bellowing from a posh golf club in New Jersey while fire and doom emanate from a medieval police state in Asia.
"If you're Hispanic and in the Brentwood area here, and you're a young kid who came here recently, you're living in a police state," said Bryan Johnson, a lawyer for one of the teenagers.
And, if one did, it doesn't matter to his fans that Sanders would not live long enough to put the police state in place needed to contain the social uprising his programs would cause.
The spiritual implications of abrogating native title and the multibillion dollar theft of native land underscores the difference between true freedom and becoming subjects to a tyrannical economic system and the worldwide police state.
Volland's thesis — that voices in Chinese literature from 1945 to 1965 were aware of, participated in, and helped shape international literary conversations — bucks notions that communist China was an intellectual police state and literary backwater.
" Hikvision has faced international criticism for its surveillance deals in Tibet and Xinjiang, with US lawmakers last year urging sanctions against the company and accusing it of helping China create a "high-tech police state.
The surprise election result that ended Jammeh's authoritarian 22-year rule had been widely seen as a moment of democratic hope and a chance to end repression in a country known as a police state.
"We all support good policing but none of us want to live in a police state," San Francisco Supervisor Aaron Peskin, who introduced the bill earlier this year, told CNN Business ahead of the vote.
In fact, Trump's vision for the future is a virtual police state, where immigrants (or those who "look" or "sound" like immigrants) must live in fear of having "papers" demanded of them at any moment.
There is little media coverage of human rights abuses and diplomats are so focused on the fact that Vietnam is "not China" that this oppressive police state is granted trade and security benefits without conditions.
Photo: Wilfredo Lee (AP) Like a scene out of a dystopian police state film, a failed software update caused hundreds of ankle monitoring devices in the Netherlands to go dark from police surveillance on Thursday.
We addressed issues like the police state inflicting harm in underdeveloped communities, the for-profit prison system and its benefiting from incarcerating immigrants, as well as subjects like xenophobia and the destruction of the environment.
More important, he is among the trained cadre of military and intelligence professionals that the group, much like Al Qaeda before it, was able to recruit from the ranks of Mr. Hussein's dissolved police state.
Yet behind the smoke and mirrors, Russia remains a Potemkin village that hides a police state and an expansionist empire, steeped in systemic corruption and governed by up-to-date techniques of repression and manipulation.
So long as the person overseeing the police state claimed to be surveilling people for their own good, it was easy to turn a blind eye, especially if the surveillance was concentrated in certain neighborhoods.
You may have noticed by now that Nova Rock is a pretty relaxed festival—there's a lot of security, but not so much that you feel like you're trying to party in a police state.
But if you're spending all your time talking about the police state and not pausing occasionally to riff on the Lakers lineup or whatever, you're probably not a very interesting person to hang out with.
Trump can call for a police state pogrom against 11 million people and be rewarded, because a majority of Republican caucusgoers are white, native-born and believe that electing a demagogue will make American white again.
Police use heavy surveillance tactics in the region to help authorities conduct random detentions, forcing the population to spend time in political indoctrination centres in what The Economist recently described "a police state like no other".
Yet the image left here by its dealings with diplomats, staff and journalists is one of a country with an inferiority complex— an inconsistent and sometimes downright unpleasant police state unwilling to stick with prior arrangements.
Some of the experts suggested in fact that, maybe, with the right amount of regulation, America wouldn't devolve into a repressive police state just because its citizens have their faces scanned every time they step outside.
It is a cold-war anachronism that hurt Cubans (and Americans) rather than the Castros, who use it to justify their police state and as an excuse for the penury inflicted on the island by communism.
General Gatot Nurmantyo said the investigation, in which the police, state auditors and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) participated, found the deal did not follow proper procedures, causing a loss of 220 billion rupiah ($17 million).
Saudi Arabia is in fact a repressive police state that has long exported a strain of Islam supportive of Islamic jihadi terrorist activity and that ideologically has been hostile to America, the West, Jews and Christians.
Launched in 21, IVM last year raised its annual production target for 60.0000 from 4,000 to 6,000 vehicles due to a "Made in Nigeria" campaign that generated strong sales to the police, state agencies and churches.
From the Nero-esque Governor to those ravenous Terminus lunatics to Officer Dawn's actual police state to the predatory Wolves to the despicable Saviors, "The Walking Dead" has so far equated post-apocalyptic polity with toxicity.
This riveting and heartbreaking story, along with Campbell's perspective as an outsider rather than a victim, sheds new light on the horrors of the police state; even amid despair, there are moments of levity and humor.
But longtime North Korea observers say that organized subversion is highly unlikely under the North's police state, in which huge numbers of soldiers and security agents are dedicated to the sole task of protecting Mr. Kim.
A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday urged Washington to impose sanctions on Chinese officials responsible for rights abuses of Muslims in Xinjiang, saying the region was being turned into a "high-tech police state".
A chilling new documentary created by two undercover reporters reveals the paranoia at the heart of China's 21st-century police state in Xinjiang, the western frontier region where authorities are cracking down on millions of Muslims.
"Independent India should have the confidence to scrap the anachronistic sedition law suited for the police state that existed before 1947, and let free speech flourish without fearing its own citizens so much," The Economic Times said.
Nevertheless, the story based on Frank Miller and Alan Moore's cult classic graphic novel is as pertinent as ever, though the evil dictators who engineered Britain's rigid police state were far more competent than America's current regime.
It might be a stretch to say Axon's pilot program is a simultaneous explosion of the police state and the surveillance state, but if there was such an expansion, it would probably look a lot like this.
When West Germany swallowed up a decrepit East, it was seen as a crowning western triumph in the Cold War: the Communist police state that imprisoned dissidents and shot escapees was assimilated to its successful, democratic neighbor.
He was looking for anything related to Ubisoft working with police departments to create the game, which is set in the near future and features hackers exploiting ubiquitous computer systems to fight back against the police state.
The law's return raises fears among some Egyptians, who see it as a formal return to the pre-2011 police state, at a time when rights activists say they already face the worst crackdown in their history.
" The Brazilian newspaper O Globo denounced Cardinal Arns's support of Mr. Castro, saying in an editorial that it was "simply unbelievable that an archbishop should discover similarities between the kingdom of God and a totalitarian police state.
BEIJING — China has turned its western region of Xinjiang into a police state with few modern parallels, employing a combination of high-tech surveillance and enormous manpower to monitor and subdue the area's predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities.
Sisi has violently cracked down on all forms of dissent and turned Egypt into a police state arguably worse than anything seen under former President Hosni Mubarak, who was toppled in 2011 after 30 years in power.
In the federal case in San Antonio, a small border town and some of the largest Texas cities told a judge in June that SB 4 could lead to an immigration police state and establish illegal racial profiling.
The company helped to build China's police state surveillance apparatus at home and has become a leading part of China's bid to export surveillance technology across the globe, a trend that has caused significant concern among western governments.
But the idea that Saudi Arabia -- now led by a crown prince who, while introducing significant social reforms has been accused of running a veritable police state -- shares America's values and interests strains credulity to the breaking point.
But you probably would've guessed that if you've been paying attention to the rise of Trump and his wink and a nod to the police state that gains more power in the United States with each passing day.
To this — a scenario that would produce a billionaire president who does not believe in climate change, and would build a police state to round up 11 million undocumented immigrants — many Sanders supporters respond with an agonized shrug.
The speech was a reverie of immigrant-fearing, police-state bluster, with Mr. Trump gushing about building "an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall," assailing "media elites" and listing his various notions for thwarting evil foreigners.
Stonewall was an explosion of queer fury against normative culture and the police state, and the people involved have sort of gone extinct as a species in that area; it feels pretty heteronormative and conventional at this point.
But I would venture this statement to describe the plight of China's Uighurs, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz today: Xinjiang has become a police state to rival North Korea, with a formalized racism on the order of South African apartheid.
North Korea is a hereditary Asian dynasty (currently on its third Kim) — but one maintained by Marxist-Leninist police-state powers unimaginable to earlier epochs of Asian despots and supported by a recently invented and quasi-religious ideology.
Beneath the democratic veneer, Gambia was a police state subject to the whims of its erratic leader, a man who fired ministers without warning, developed an herbal paste he claimed could cure AIDS, and threatened to behead gays.
But so too are the acts of shutting down popular facilities for security purposes, and bringing in less-experienced security personnel who needlessly escalate violence with students, and transforming the campus into a microcosm of a police state.
It's hard to push Jackie Chan's questionable support for the Chinese police state to the back of your mind, but one way to do so is watching his first box office success, The Legend of the Drunken Master.
There are plenty of neo-fascists out there, to my dismay, and we often seem to be doing our best to accidentally construct the tools of a police state out of modern technology — smartphones, drones, facial recognition technology, etc.
Considering that much of NON's work deals both with direct samples and sonic evocations of living in a police state, it's not surprising to see that Amobi and Valerio were drawn to the track with its prominent alarm sample.
Released on Wednesday, the video for "Police State" shows three children in pastel-colored masks — a Pussy Riot trademark — who are being forced to watch looped videos of President Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia shaking hands.
Or they note that Mr. Chen's policies are so burdensome and so costly that they will be difficult to sustain: Han Chinese residents of Xinjiang also complain about the inconvenience and cost of living in such a police state.
He had been a vice minister of public security in a police state and had played a role in many operations, including Operation Fox Hunt, which tried to bring Chinese officials and businesspeople suspected of corruption back from abroad.
The account also presents an unusual perspective on the grinding horror of the police state, not the all-too-familiar tale of one of its direct victims, but rather that of the outsider trying to navigate its treacherous shoals.
The election is the first in the nation of 33 million since Mirziyoyev took power in late 2016 following the death of strongman Islam Karimov, who had run the former Soviet republic as a police state for 27 years.
"What stops us from becoming a police state and just having the police stand on the corner down here and stop every person, ask them for identification, put it through and, if a warrant comes up, searching them?" she asked.
But for many, the execution of Saddam Hussein ended the life of a brutal dictator who oppressed the people of Iraq for three decades, unleashed devastating regional wars and reduced his once flourishing oil-rich nation to a police state.
Photo: GettyThe Chinese government, in its ongoing pursuit to create the dystopian police state dreamed up in many a science fiction tale, is reportedly readying a new vehicle identification system that will be capable of monitoring the movement of citizens.
Another Indonesian ISIS supporter, Bahrun Naim, is believed to have planned the country's most recent terror attack, a July 5 suicide bombing at a police state in the city of Solo in Central Java, that left one police officer injured.
I wrote a piece several years ago called "The Police State Playbook", on how dictators from Zimbabwe to Myanmar to Iran -- whether African and Christian, Asian and Buddhist, or Middle Eastern and Muslim -- turned on their people in nearly identical ways.
Since the start of the campaign, U.S. State Department assistance for Philippines law enforcement has been diverted from narcotics control to maritime security and human rights training for the national police, State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a news briefing.
In Kandahar, for example, the security and stability of the city has come at the expense of rural residents, who are routinely discriminated against by the powerful police commander, Abdul Raziq, who has been accused of running a police state.
Depending on your point of view, COINTELPRO is either one of the most successful efforts to destroy a domestic terrorist group -- or a shameful chapter in U.S. history when the nation operated more like a police state than a democracy.
In East Germany, Olympic medals masked the country's deficiencies, casting the country not as a police state with a shaky economy and a scarcity of luxury items but as a nation of wealth and prosperity, as evidenced by its amazing athletes.
Some groups mixed sports and politics, chanting that France is a police state — it has been under a state of emergency since the November attacks and will remain so throughout this tournament — or voicing protests against an unpopular labor law.
It can react "irrationally," by building up its "police state" to contain and control the migrants, or it can act "with rationality," by exchanging intelligence more freely with other European nations to help identify violent and radicalized people before they strike.
But the prospect of enforcing that hatred wholesale, rather than retail, with, say, a police-state dystopia "wall" of drones and automatic facial-recognition checkpoints enveloping the southern borders of Europe and America — that is something entirely new and terrible.
The technology enabling a full techno-police state was on hand, giving a glimpse into how new advances in things like artificial intelligence and facial recognition can be used to track citizens — and how they have become widely accepted here.
Liz Krueger and Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes is the gold standard for legislation that can begin to undo the harms Bloomberg perpetuated and finally do right by the communities of color who were victims of his police state.
One longtime Kremlin insider and an architect of Mr. Putin's regime, Vladislav Surkov, recently declared that Russia could be maintained only as a military-police state, and that Mr. Putin was the only leader whom the Russian people could trust.
Since then, Xinjiang has been rapidly transformed into a vast police state, where Uyghurs, the mostly Muslim ethnic group native to the region, are systematically targeted and surveilled, with more than a million held in concentration camps and detention centers.
Not only are they being forced to live under an oppressive police state led by a multidimensional empire known as the Combine, but for the past five years, an unfortunate bug has left every NPC in the game unable to blink.
Not only has Pompeo likened Iran to the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group, calling the country a "thuggish police state" in a speech in October, he has also promised to constrain Iran's investment environment and "roll back" its 2015 nuclear deal.
Manning, who served seven years of a 35-year sentence for leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks before her sentence was commuted by President Obama, said Harvard choosing to disinvite her was a sign of a police state, The Associated Press reported.
The government disagrees with Apple's arguments challenging the 200-year-old All Writs Act as "archaic," saying the court order would lead to a "police state" and criticizing the FBI's investigation as "shoddy" (though Comey openly admitted the FBI screwed up).
The movie version seemed outsized and comedic in its day, but now, it feels a little too close to reality for comfort: it's 2019, and the United States has become a totalitarian police state, complete with doctored news broadcasts and labor camps.
Chinese authorities are using detentions in political indoctrination centers and data-driven surveillance to impose a digital police state in the region of Xinjiang and its Uighurs, a 10-million strong, Turkic-speaking Muslim minority Beijing fears could be influenced by extremism.
"We can have good security without a security state and we can have good policing without a police state," Supervisor Aaron Peskin, the lawmaker who introduced the bill, said at today's hearing, a line he's hammered home over the last few months.
Seemingly benign at the outset of Harry, Ron, and Hermione's story, the organization evolved into a Voldemort-controlled enforcement agency of his police state, a situation it arrived at only through the willful ignorance of its Minister, Cornelius Fudge, during the build-up.
Paul Michael Glaser's "The Running Man" (1987), adapted from the pseudonymous Stephen King novel, works from a similar premise: In this police-state future, criminals are promised a chance at pardons if they can outrun and outwit "stalkers" bent on killing them.
Call it "soft fascism": a political system that aims to stamp out dissent and seize control of every major aspect of a country's political and social life, without needing to resort to "hard" measures like banning elections and building up a police state.
It is both ironic and a testament to Campbell's skills as a storyteller that, despite her own very limited risk in the situation she describes, she has produced one of the more harrowing accounts of life inside a police state in recent memory.
Writers here don't live enslaved in a totalitarian police state, and it would be unwise to act as if we did, unless—or until—there is a genuine assault on our rights and the country is drowning in Trump's river of lies.
That the media was turned back and threatened not only underscored the powers of the police state and the abrogation of the First Amendment, but also the fact that an extraordinary lie of severe ecological consequence was being forced onto the people.
Amid the euphoria of the Jasmine Revolution, the repressive apparatus of Tunisia's police state temporarily fell apart, and young men could grow their beards without being harassed; young women began appearing in public wearing conservative head scarves or even the full-face niqab.
"If you look at both of these laws, they are geared toward the same goal — the police having more power and slowly transitioning the country into something like a police state," said Javier Carrasco, the executive director of the Institute of Penal Justice.
A group of activists who protested against the government's abuse of the rule of law under the banner "Not In My Country"were violently dispersed using teargas, ironically just moments after they told reporters the country was turning into a police state.
Not having a driver's license and being undocumented, that's the No. 1 way that ICE [US Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is able to identify who you are, come tear your family apart, deport you, and turn New York into a police state.
But as my colleague Jennifer Williams notes: Sisi has violently cracked down on all forms of dissent and turned Egypt into a police state arguably worse than anything seen under former President Hosni Mubarak, who was toppled in 2011 after 30 years in power.
For another -- and this is the argument Trump would make if he were at all fluent in conservative political thought -- it is entirely UN-conservative to essentially grow the government to support an outsized Big Brother police state that will monitor our bathroom trips.
Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, announced on Sunday that he would use an executive order to compel the police, state agencies and social service providers to seek out and in some cases forcibly move homeless people to shelters when the temperature falls below 32 degrees.
Crowley became embroiled in fringe right-wing politics, spending his own money to finance a trailer for a film called Gray State, which would dramatize a future in which the US was turned into a police state and ruled by a controlling globalist shadow government.
Whether they view her as just another politician or believe that her support of crime policies in the 1990s led to the rise of a racially discriminatory police state, numerous measures indicate that Clinton has not captured the imagination of black voters in this election.
I don't mean to imply that they intended to use them as such; but it is foolhardy in the extreme to build the tools of a police state in the blithe unthinking certainty that they can and will only ever be used for good.
While some candidates are talking about abolishing or reforming U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the context is the restructuring of our immigration system so that ICE (or whatever it becomes) does not act like the militarized enforcer of a terror-based nationalistic police state.
But hours before Air Force One landed at José Martí International Airport, the challenges inherent in normalizing relations with a Communist police state were laid bare, as dozens of arrests were made at the weekly march of Ladies in White, a prominent dissident group.
Better security might also require the the adaptation of increasingly severe tactics, like Germany's "round up the usual suspects" approach, as Khan describes it, which France has yet to adopt despite claims that it has become a police state during its (extended) state of emergency.
Indeed, Rhodes once wrote an article back in 2008 depicting a future dystopia in which "Herr Hitlery" becomes president and, "[d]ressed in her favorite Chairman Mao signature pantsuit," proceeds to disarm the American people and turn the country into a totalitarian police state.
In the 2005 Broadway production, Billy Crudup—giving a performance that I haven't got over yet, either—played Katurian, a writer living in a police state, whose bloody tales closely resemble a series of terrible real-life crimes that are being committed against children.
Though as a police state China no doubt has reams of information from officials, spies and informers, the rulers probably hear what they want to hear, that most Hong Kongers are content with their relative prosperity and freedom and will eventually reject rabble-rousers.
" And he has been just as quick to protect Trump from allegations of wrongdoing, calling an FBI investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia "almost like a coup" and has called the arrest of former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone "a police state tactic.
Stillwell allegedly showed up at his in-laws' residence with a 9mm semiautomatic pistol "unannounced" and "entered the fenced-in backyard without permission," then refused his father-in-law's request to leave before shooting him in the yard, police state in an incident report obtained by PEOPLE.
Unless Mr. Trump were also prepared to impose a police state that would hunt down and deport every foreigner, immigrants facing a higher cost of entry — higher smugglers' fees, greater odds of dying on the way — would be more likely to stay once they got in.
Fuck the security & cops for being trolls, mistreating & disrespecting curators, artists & attendees from start to finish hedonistic environments cannot exist in this police state of a country In a statement, Boiler Room condemned the "unnecessary display of force" used by law enforcement and the resort's security team.
The guiding principle of this incipient police state is to prevent a recurrence of the events of 2011, one Western ambassador, who asked to remain unnamed because he is not authorized to speak on the subject, told me as we sat in his garden last winter.
For example, the Algerian government — very conservative, a police state and a quiet ally of Islamists — plays on the history of French colonialism to give credence to its claim that "a foreign hand" is only promoting freedom for the people the better to destabilize the leaders.
Though all victims of intimate partner violence need to contend with a society (and a police state) that so often belittles, disbelieves, and even punishes them, queer women survivors are uniquely disenfranchised, because their female partners are often assumed to be incapable of really harming anyone.
In Xinjiang, the government has built a hyper-modern police state, where United Nations experts and activists estimate as many as 1 million Uighurs and other ethnic Muslims have been detained in camps and where a sophisticated artificial intelligence network keeps watch over the non-incarcerated.
In the 52nd minute of the final, three Russians from the protest-art group Pussy Riot stormed the pitch, clad in police uniforms, bringing the match to a brief halt and reminding us that this spectacle of smiley-faced globalism was hosted by a harsh police state.
The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch The Earth is turned into a battleground after wars sweep its surface, and the survivors have fled to orbit aboard a platform known as CIEL, which is ruled like a quasi-police state led by a cult leader named Jean de Men.
Rather, I think they would point to Pahlavi's brutal police state, his perceived fealty to foreign powers, the corruption and Pahlavi excesses that outraged Iranian middle classes, and ultimately internal fissures within Iranian society and state institutions that allowed non-state civil society groups to organize against the state.
" When asked about the episode's origins, Ulin—who was also on staff for Roseanne's weed episode, "Stash from the Past"—cited Drugstore Cowboy and specifically a William S. Burroughs scene where "he gives this speech about how anti-drug hysteria will be used to create a police state.
Trump attacks judges and tries to criminalize political opponents by leading chants of "lock her up" about Hillary Clinton and falsely accusing President Obama of illegal wiretapping — while lavishing praise on police state dictators whose political opponents and advocates of democracy end up dead or hauled without trial to political prisons.
Police state For months the Chinese government has allegedly been secretly cracking down on the Muslim residents of Xinjiang, a province in far western China on the borders of central Asia, according to reports leaking out of the heavily-policed region cited in presentations to the UN hearing last week.
TASHKENT, Uzbekistan — Unraveling a police state is never easy, and just how fraught the process can be has been playing out in a basement cell in Uzbekistan, a rare example of a country seeking to tame a vicious security apparatus at a time when many other nations are doing the opposite.
He dropped out of community college, and with money from his father, produced "documentary" videos, starring himself, about 20153/11 being an inside job, "police state" abuses and the "new world order" he claimed was being engineered by the Bilderberg Group, an annual gathering of prominent financiers, economists and political leaders.
It was this all-in-allness of world and self that, all too often, made of the Communists true believers who could not face up to the police state corruption at the heart of their faith, even when a 3-year-old could see that it was eating itself alive.
To kick off the conference, Ubisoft started with an intense gameplay reveal for Watch Dogs 3, showing a very interesting new take on the series wherein London has been turned into a technological police state and players get to control a huge variety of characters to fight back and resist against tyranny.
It's a vision of a police state that's "good," in that the police themselves are ethical and just because they're held accountable by rules and regulations; a future in which police procedures are open and transparent, and defendants always get the full story about how they came under suspicion in the first place.
Hungary is now the premier example of an emergent political model I've called "soft fascism": a system that aims to stamp out dissent and seize control of every major aspect of a country's political and social life without needing to resort to "hard" measures like banning elections and building up a police state.
Lenin bequeathed a fully functioning police state to Joseph Stalin ; thus the experiment, in its fulminant form, lasted from 1917 to 1953, by which time there were many millions of supernumerary deaths (and if Stalin hadn't died in March of the latter year there would have been a second Jewish Holocaust by Christmastime).
There's nothing sedate about the propulsive power of Mr. Steinman's portrait of literally ageless anomie, in which our forever bare-chested hero, Strat (the mighty Andrew Polec), is doomed to an eternity of being 18: Think Peter Pan meets Peter Frampton, in a dystopian police state ruled over by the volatile Falco.
" After the election of Donald J. Trump, which even to many on the left made the George W. Bush presidency seem deeply traditional, even boring, Roth told The New Yorker in January: "Writers here don't live enslaved in a totalitarian police state, and it would be unwise to act as if we did.
"Chinese government officials should be held accountable for their complicity in this evil and U.S. businesses should be barred from helping China create a high-tech police state in Xinjiang," said Republican U.S. Representative Chris Smith, one of the sponsors of the bipartisan legislation to be presented in both the Senate and House of Representatives.
"Instead of complying, Apple attacked the All Writs Act as archaic, the Court's Order as leading to a 'police state,' and the FBI's investigation as shoddy, while extolling itself as the primary guardian of Americans' privacy," the government wrote in its brief, filed in the US District Court for the Central District of California (.pdf).
Reviewing the film after its release, Roger Ebert marveled at its believable vision of a bleak future in which terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and wars have left Britain as one of the only semi-habitable places on Earth, held together by a police state; immigrants are flooding into the country, which is overstuffed already.
Suddenly, all the mumbo jumbo about special counsel Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerMueller report fades from political conversation Trump calls for probe of Obama book deal Democrats express private disappointment with Mueller testimony MORE's investigation being objective and focused on national security melted away in the face of a police-state action so completely inexplicable.
Cuba reportedly has an estimated 20,85033 agents in Venezuela, supporting the police state, supporting drug (and terrorist) smuggling routes to the United States, attempting to disrupt democratic politics elsewhere in Latin America, and, of course, reportedly taking a cut of whatever profits from oil production are still left after the rampant corruption in Venezuela.
But to the point, Thomas has been an unremarkable jurist, one who for years played sidekick to the late Justice Antonin Scalia while providing a black face to conservative attempts to increase the police state that haunts so many blacks, while also rolling back hard-fought civil liberties for blacks and women seeking legal redress.
I did not contend or imply that Snowden was acting legally or should not be prosecuted for acting in behalf of what he claims is a more morally compelling cause, namely, to protest congressionally approved but sometimes abusive police-state practices adopted to combat international terrorism at whatever cost to a free and open society.
Related: Mysterious Mass Fish Death Sparks Rare Public Protest in Repressive Vietnam "In short, Vietnam is a police state," HRW said in a letter to Obama on May 19, urging him to raise human rights, meet dissidents and former political prisoners, and give speeches making clear that improved relations depended on improved human rights.
Despite the town's temporary transformation into a police state in paradise for the Group of 7 summit meeting attended by Mr. Trump and other world leaders, Taormina's postcard panoramas, its exaggerated Epcot Italian-ness and its reputation as the sun-drenched pleasure dome for reality TV stars, aging playboys and affluent Russians remain intact.
In S.'s eyes, his quest to bring his wife and son to safety in Australia has been a battle fought on two fronts — one in Xinjiang's police state, which is so repressive to Muslim minorities that it is often likened to an open-air prison, and the other through the labyrinth of Australia's immigration bureaucracy.
We don't want a police state, we don't want a security state, we don't want to be watched for no reason and it's not because we have nothing to hide, it is because the consequences of if we don't, we have lost something fundamental, we have lost not just a single right, we have lost all of them.
She also demonstrates a deep understanding of the power of the media and the optics of racial inequality and solidarity—with a cameo in Beyoncé's "Lemonade" and her performance as the leading actress in The Hate U Give, a film adaptation of Angie Thomas's YA novel about police shootings and the way our police state demonizes black bodies.
This policy tells North Koreans that the reason they are hungry and impoverished and locked in a police state is because this is all necessary to fund the military and protect from enemies internal and external, so as to keep them safe from the imperialist Americans who would otherwise surely overwhelm them and do unspeakable things.
Several military veterans who were involved in the struggle for independence that led to the establishment of black-majority rule under a newly independent Zimbabwe in 1980 have criticized Mr. Mugabe and Mr. Mnangagwa, saying that they maintained the repressive police state they inherited from a period of white-minority rule that lasted from 1965 to 1979.
On Sunday, she will perform alongside the fabled avant-garde bassist Henry Grimes at the Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural and Educational Center, in the closing concert of "Justice Is Compassion/Not a Police State," a three-week series of music and poetry presented by Arts for Art timed to culminate with Donald J. Trump's inauguration weekend.
For, after all, Taiwan is to all appearances an independent state -- one, indeed, as Mr. Trump points out with his characteristic hyperbole, that buys "billions of dollars" of weapons from us, and one that, even in its police state days, has behaved in an exemplary fashion in the international community, and does not deserve the indignity with which it has been treated.
Attorney General Jeff SessionsJefferson (Jeff) Beauregard SessionsDOJ should take action against China's Twitter propaganda Lewandowski says he's 'happy' to testify before House panel The Hill's Morning Report — Trump and the new Israel-'squad' controversy MORE, Secretary John Kelly, and President Trump have all taken to spreading sloppy and cherry-picked crime data to justify their plans for an expanded police state in America.
"I can't even begin to picture how we would deport 11 million people in a few years where we don't have a police state, where the police can't break down your door at will and take you away without a warrant," said Michael Chertoff, who led a significant increase in immigration enforcement as the secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush.
He's previously invested in startups like Uber alternative Lyft (which IPO'd but flopped), digital media network Maker studio (acquired by Disney) police state darling Ring (acquired by Amazon), and self-driving startup Cruise (acquired by General Motors.) And to his credit, Chamillionaire has also publicly noted to invest in startups launched by women and people of color, as he told Yahoo!
But the rapaciousness of Henry VIII and the police state of Elizabeth I, the evisceration of the old Catholic culture and the suppression of popular protest and dissent, the ethnic and religious cleansings carried out on England's Celtic fringe — these were very modern projects, and their purpose wasn't liberty but subjugation, not religious tolerance so much as the elimination of any religious challenge to the state.
The horror of what took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is causing a clash of ideals for many on the right, who simultaneously rail against the expansion of the state into the lives of everyday Americans when it comes to say, food stamps or welfare benefits, but who are now voicing support for policies that would bring the "police state" into fifth-grade classrooms.
This policy tells North Koreans that the reason they are hungry and impoverished and locked in a police state is because this is all necessary to fund the military and protect the country from enemies internal and external, so as to keep them safe from the imperialist Americans who are always just on the verge of invading — and, if able, would surely overwhelm them and do unspeakable things.
From the distorted techno of Malkmus's track "Airplane Air," which he envisages as something that might, in the future, be played "on pirate radio in a police state," to the mournful psych-rock strains of Baird's song "1,000 Goodbyes x 100 Hellos," in which she asks, in her words, "whether we can trade our collective environmental, social and economic anxieties for action," listen to the four tracks below.
And instead of watching the kinda-fun-but-mainly-dumb sequel Escape From L.A., follow it up with another cult classic about an ex-Marine reluctantly chosen to save the world… The Fifth Element (1997) When 1997 finally did roll around, things were by no means utopian, but with the dot com bubble just beginning and a cloned sheep named Dolly dominating headlines, the world wasn't exactly the police state Carpenter had envisioned (again, yet).
If one were to start with a sufficiently resourceful group of initial participants with broad agreement on keystone issues—opposition to the drug war, police state, and mass surveillance, for instance, with these issues chosen in order to establish a reasoned polity sharing common values, if not ideological unanimity—one could expect such a system to quickly expand into a vast and formidable new force in world affairs, capable of advancing reform and confronting criminalized institutions across the globe.
It's also a cautionary tale with specific implications for cultural liberalism, because it demonstrates how easily an ideology founded on the pursuit of perfect personal freedom can end up generating a new kind of police state, how quickly the rule of pleasure gives way to the rule of secret tribunals and Title IX administrators (of which Harvard, Yoffe notes in passing, now has 55 on staff), and how making libertinism safe for consenting semi-adults requires the evacuation of due process.
The next alternative, Efrafa, is a totalitarian prison house: Instead of surrendering an essential rabbitness for the sake of ease and safety, Efrafa's dictator, the terrifying and omnicompetent General Woundwort, deals with the enmity of men and predators by running a police state, one that keeps its rabbits underground and regimented, trains the strongest bucks to fight and rule and dominate, denies any agency to the warren's females, and refuses diplomacy and cooperation with fellow rabbits as much as with any other creature.
The urban areas where the border is more, I wouldn't say militarized but more heavily surveilled, where you'd have watchtowers and Border Patrol on every corner — there was the repetitive nature of being stopped and questioned every day, and realizing the larger reality of what it would be like to live under a police state and how easily that bleeds into the common course of life down there, how easily we all become so used to showing identification or stopping at checkpoints when leaving.
This position often gets cast as inconsistent by pro-choicers, but I think it represents the incorporation by pro-lifers of the points that my pro-choice friends actually get right — that pregnancy is unique in ways that mitigate culpability and make it unwise to treat abortion like a normal homicide, that the government can only go so far in restriction without becoming a reproductive police state — without making the literally fatal mistake of believing these things also require a civil right to kill your unborn child.
And so that we can place the idea of disaster in its proper context, recall that the baseline of 21st century America involves a sort of constitutional police state with unprecedented incarceration rates, increasingly militarized law enforcement, an unaccountable intelligence community with a long history of unconstitutional behavior, and a judicial and legislative culture that, all told, has officially rendered tens of millions of Americans criminals via prohibitions on drugs, prostitution, and gambling; meanwhile, due to unchecked growth in federal statutes of extraordinary broadness, it has been convincingly estimated that the average American unwittingly commits three felonies a day.
There are indeed opened "closets of rage" in Veronica, including a harrowing passage ("Broken English") where the poem's language breaks down into shards of gasped syllables, recalling Eric Garner's agonized "I can't breathe" before his death at the hands of a police officer in 2014: re / inserting / re /beating / and re- / suffocating / the b-b-b / b-b-b / b-b-b-b / reathing / grieving / bulleted body / on repeat […] "Broken English" is a "Lamentation—a chorale," one part of the book's relentless and uncomfortable focus on the non-white victims of our contemporary police state: "day after day the bodies pile up / — must be friends with the wrong police —"; Veronica is, however, by no means a one-note howl of anguish or grief at what Langston Hughes called the "dream deferred" (to which Hunt nods in one of her section titles), but a subtle and often lyrically melodic meditation on what it means to be Black in a nation where one's neighbors speak "in concealed carry," what it means to be a woman, and what it means to be an American in general.

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