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217 Sentences With "picking at"

How to use picking at in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "picking at" and check conjugation/comparative form for "picking at". Mastering all the usages of "picking at" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I sanction picking at some of the fast growers tomorrow.
The backstory of the novelette kept picking at my brain.
Picking at a scar on her wrist -- a shrapnel wound.
Whatever happens, don't keep picking and picking at the no.
But peeling, biting, ripping, and picking at them isn't the solution.
Picking at a caprese salad, she responded to the defense's allegations.
Uncertainty over Brexit is akin to picking at barely healed scabs.
Then wash them again before eating or picking at your face.
And you know, I think people are picking at the faults.
We ate on the floor, picking at everything with plastic forks.
"Biggest bond I've ever written," he said, picking at his quail.
He started picking at it and discovered it had a hard edge.
I was just picking at the vegetables, aimlessly looking out the window.
Party guests are still picking at hummus and artichoke dip, but they're anxious.
I ended up picking at random, and it didn't seem to matter much?
Without a deal, the creditors would have been left picking at a skeleton.
Picking at his chili and grilled-cheese sandwich, Mr. Burnside sounded absolutely deflated.
I tried to stay chummy with Evel, picking at him for more stories.
Biden's campaign may fall apart once other Democrats start picking at his record.
In a sense, this is something that I have been picking at for years.
"Lang believes that it's too soon to start picking at this market," Cramer said.
Some people don't have a problem with picking at their skin, but I do.
Picking at your blackheads can even make them push down deeper into your skin.
My arms were prickly and irritated, and I couldn't help picking at the follicles.
It upsets me to see Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders picking at each other.
Would I go back to picking at my skin when my natural nails returned?
You know he was just trying to help, but pumpkin picking at Home Depot?
Picking at our green tea ice cream, the vibe turns unexpectedly deep very quickly.
She admits to a bad habit of picking at them when her anxiety is triggered.
That saves money for other activities like cherry and strawberry picking at a local farm.
"You found a taxi?" she asked, picking at bits of seed lodged between her teeth.
Most of the outrage has been caused by the president picking at the nation's wounds.
The group sat around an oval table, drinking coffee and picking at gluten-free pastries.
The exercise seemed like picking at a scab, but maybe it was therapeutic as well.
Crowded near one are three Pelicans employees, picking at plates of fried chicken and steamed vegetables.
One morning, Coptis sat at a table at the Creekside Kitchen, picking at an egg burrito.
Bulldozers shovel the mix of refuse as birds circle above, picking at the mix of refuse.
It's something completely different, so you don't really know what you're actually poking and picking at.
Alone in their rooms, they both spin endless plots, picking at the details of their projects.
Picking at your own skin is not good, though, and can lead to scarring and infection.
Last October, Mr. Friel proposed while they were apple-picking at an orchard in the Berkshires.
Suddenly, you're inhaling the sliver of pumpkin pie you'd just been picking at a minute ago.
"Here's my father, whose raw aggressions inspired my feminism," Ms. Faludi said, picking at her edamame.
Imagine this: You start picking at a rock with a spoon, and suddenly a little hole appears.
It was the morning of November 15, 2016, and Cai seemed nervous, picking at his blistered hands.
Cut to the scene of you picking at a limp ham sandwich, alone in a toilet cubicle.
I wasn't questioned for picking at my cuticles or scribbling in my notebook during a long presentation.
"I would also caution people on following steam with a session of picking at breakouts," she says.
"To look in the mirror and find the good and stop picking at the bad," Barrymore says.
A. says he isn't hungry, but keeps going over to the kitchen and picking at the leftovers.
Later this year it will begin testing automated grocery picking at a supercenter in Salem, New Hampshire.
After some admittedly weak moments of picking at my blemishes, I've also caused a lot of acne scars.
Most alternated between excitedly gushing about meeting Santa and picking at the stiffness of their collars or tights.
"I Think It's Awesome You Don't Cover Up Your Scars " I started picking at my skin pretty young.
"I&aposve been picking at the skin all over my body since I was six," she told Insider.
Does Spencer really think picking at flowers on a stand is the best way to follow a creeper?
When I ask them to explain expense reports, I'm their wife picking at them about credit card charges.
I am wearing my best tennis whites and nervously picking at the strings on my wooden Wilson racket.
Jaime Lannister, his Kingsguard, watched him pace in the throne room, picking at his scabbed and bleeding hands.
But we have to stop picking at each other, or giving each other the feeling that we are.
She seems relaxed but has a habit of picking at the skin on her fingers when she's nervous.
Once this became apparent, the president sat in boredom, picking at vegetables in his bowl, sipping buckwheat tea.
And will his method of deliberately picking at societal fault lines work when Trump is president of all Americans?
English selectors have historically been even more trigger-happy, picking at least four novices a year since the 1960s.
The series was a single-camera cringefest about people picking at one another's emotional scabs and manipulating one another.
One girl, Brooke, had appeared as a featured extra in the film, picking at the elastic on her braces.
The INSIDER Summary: Katie Wright had to go to the ER after picking at what she thought was a pimple.
The Iowa caucuses are culminating with both sides picking at the scabs of 2016 — and starting to draw new blood.
Naturally, we must note that picking at your skin is a big no-no — even if a dessert inspired it.
Pigmentation can come from lifestyle habits like too much sun exposure, smoking, picking at your blemishes, and even genetic predispositions.
They say your brain chews on it, but it's more like picking at a scab So you know what, AL?
Touching your nails or face or picking at your skin typically indicates that you're nervous, overwhelmed, and not in control.
Abby Tang: So, it's a little difficult to see a difference, but I was definitely picking at my shoulders less.
A vulture picking at road kill stared as we drove by, and little red-winged blackbirds flushed from the fields.
This is why frustrated liberals won't gain any traction by picking at Kavanaugh's inconsistent statements or pointing to his conservative record.
While this might disgust some people, it's actually pretty normal to crave picking at your skin, especially when you're already peeling.
When drama erupted in my favorite parenting group, I obsessively pored over embarrassingly long threads of posts, picking at every detail.
Alden finished the Mail-Flo contract, but he kept picking at the idea of an automated transportation network for human beings.
Picking at Werdum from the outside, Miocic looked to counter each time Werdum over-extended—a constant feature of Werdum's career.
Before Coon was two years old, she had developed a habit of picking at her own skin, often until it bled.
Not picking at your partner or belittling them is the best way to create a happy environment, [where] everyone is equal.
She added that the news media should stop picking at his every rhetorical nit and focus, instead, on his biggest whoppers.
Rather than "post-wounded," I actually found the girls of Girls pretty openly wounded and addicted to picking at their scabs.
They are also flocking to his restaurant, picking at dishes like lamb haneeth and seltah, served in a traditional stone bowl.
All these guys are like, 'Lol, fuck you and your feelings,' until you start picking at something that's actually hurt them.
This aspect of her work — the insistence on picking at history's scabs — is what makes it so dire, necessary, and real.
I constantly play with my cases, whether that means flipping them over to see glitter fall or picking at their rubber relish.
I've just been picking at random stuff in the fridge for food and took a nice long bath to relax and read.
But it was the perfect environment for Puberty 2, an album Mitski spends picking at her psyche like it's a troublesome scab.
Picking at a skewer of grilled chicken, she said she was overweight as a child and vowed never to be fat again.
"It started with two hours in the mirror picking at ingrown hairs like on my armpits or my bikini line," she recalls.
If I were invited to that party, though, I'd be the insufferable person nit-picking at the scientific warts in her stories.
"Those are all in the blast zone and their stocks are not yet low enough to be worth picking at," he said.
Almost every McGregor fight consists of getting in the opponent's face, walking them to the fence, and picking at them until they lunge.
The Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, sits with his legs drawn up, picking at his bare toes and chatting to a Pakistani spy chief.
Unless the international house is in order, no amount of meddling and picking at the edges of Libya's multi-layered mess will help.
He's issued more than 50 tweets on the subject, going after investigators and the media, proclaiming his innocence while picking at old scabs.
We're nixing all of those dirty habits we've picked up over the years, from biting our nails to (ugh) picking at our skin.
Mara was sitting on the edge of a stool, picking at a bowl of pistachios, a plastic cup of wine on the counter.
Sitting in a booth next to her son, picking at a salad, Pam Webster said she and her children were used to delays.
She knows how to make a monkey bread so damn delectable that—sorry, not sorry—you'll be picking at it day and night.
Obviously a sunburn is never something to be stoked about, and picking at a one is certainly not going to help the healing process.
With one more nod of disbelief at the poll numbers, she returned to editing her speech and picking at a plastic container of berries.
Rather than picking at pills with something harmful like tweezers or scissors, it is recommended to use a sweater stone or a cashmere comb.
Midday Thursday, traders began picking at the sectors that have had the worst momentum in the last couple weeks: semiconductors, consumer staples and industrials.
Zoe — of the radiant blond hair and the uneasy squirms and the sleeves she keeps picking at — looks like bad news from the beginning.
Roxie Richner is picking at a California roll with her chopsticks and trying to describe Bernie Sanders's 1980s cable-access television show to a friend.
Their relationship is as platonic as it is vitriolic, but in picking at the power dynamics of a creative industry, it feels entirely on point.
The difficulty of achieving reconciliation by picking at old wounds is perhaps why Lebanon did not really try after ending its civil war in 1990.
They work best when a pimple has already come to a head, but can also be used to prevent you from picking at your skin. 
As usual, you're well served to start solving by looking for straight anagrams, which are useful and plentiful, and then picking at the harder brainteasers.
Deviant Ollam, a security consultant who gives lectures about lock-picking at Defcon, the hacker convention, also provided an assessment of the company's security practices.
The rippling panels join the clattery Cyclone, screaming teenagers, scent of suntan lotion and swarms of sea gulls picking at scraps of hot dog buns.
Instead, he spends almost the entire movie picking at the scab that is Bruce Wayne's anger over the Metropolis disaster that concluded Man of Steel.
Radiohead's later career has been marked by a willingness to continue picking at ideas over the years until eventually finding a way to make them work.
Sitting at a large wooden table in her family's periwinkle-painted kitchen, picking at desserts and sipping tea, she showed no signs of pre-game jitters.
Camille does not want Amma to see her scars, and she is fully aware that her mother is publicly bullying her, picking at her wounds (figuratively).
Mistake: Picking At Your PimplesWe all know that picking your pimples is a huge no-no, but who hasn't done it at some point or another?
Our reality looks more like this: paint our nails at home and pray we don't eff them up while picking at our sad Trader Joe's dinner.
Then, I was back in a flow state: exploring, slipping around the ruins of an ancient library in a vast desert, picking at pieces of lore.
The men haven't spoken for years, but slip into a thorny intimacy that's almost domestic, pushing and pulling at each other while picking at old scabs.
Handmaids wear long dresses and nun-like habits while shopping in spacious supermarkets; wives snipe at their husbands' biblically justified concubines while picking at pastel macaron towers.
Picking at the giant with single shots, Sharkey set up his blows to the head with three or four body jabs and strolled around the ring freely.
Whatever movie you end up picking, at least we can all agree on one thing: Movie theater popcorn is far superior to those chalky conversation hearts, right?
But bit by bit, by picking at smaller, specific cases that could, in due course, show the full picture, Mueller is bringing Moscow's meddling into greater focus.
"I bear a very heavy burden of responsibility," Hart says, picking at a "game plate" of elk, buffalo and quail at The Fort restaurant outside of Denver.
She had a habit of picking at small lesions on her skin, which, early in her new relationship, worsened a staph infection she acquired from sharing makeup.
If you're guilty of picking at your pimples, or have battled cystic bumps since your teenage years, chances are you've been plagued by an acne scar or two.
"Despite Centene's robust overall revenue, cash flow and adjusted earnings per share trends, investors have been nit-picking at this stock all year," Stephens analyst Scott Fidel said.
Aravena was picking at a plate of pernil in a truck stop, recalling what happened next, a story he has probably told a thousand times by this point.
In response to all the stress of finishing up school and starting a new chapter of my life, I was constantly picking at the skin around my nails.
The next afternoon, Lewis was still in her blue sweats, drinking natural wine and picking at a plate of cooked carrots at Café Mogador, in the East Village.
Early on, we shot a scene where Kathy brings the pound cake out, and I&aposm picking at it before I go out to work at the park.
I studied the pavement of our driveway, my fingers nervously picking at the fabric of my sleeves, seven years of guilt rushing up on me like a freight train.
My friends and I dug through each episode searching for meaning even where there wasn't any, picking at it like the last bit of lobster meat in the claw.
Waste hours at some industrious task: following Vidal Sassoon's suggestions for raw egg smoothies to strengthen hair or picking at blackheads with the tip of a sterilized sewing needle.
Sitting beside a plastic plate and picking at some rice and chick peas, Ahmed spoke slowly, exhausted and wondering what would become of relatives who had to stay behind.
While Ayman watched the children (and glanced at the constant roll of his e-mail), Nardin sat at a table picking at an omelette and talking about the past.
The blend of multiple oils and butters ensures that I only have to apply it once — and that I won't be picking at rough bits until they're painful and red.
Many of these are definitely worth picking at into weakness, like the OIH [energy ETF], as the market gets hit with what many people see as the long-awaited pullback.
After picking at the spiritual plaque for five tracks at a time, it can make you feel ready to confront the world again—to dive headlong back into the fray.
When the end of our meal neared, I found myself picking at the fillet's side of the T-bone, hoping to get even just a few more tiny bites of it.
So they stuck the long-gestating project away and kept picking at it, year after year, until, thanks to the success of Good Time, they had the means get it made.
For that reason, "A Woman, a Part" is most effective when picking at the rivalries and resentments that can bloom among longtime friends, illustrating the chasm between our memories and theirs.
Christensen said the girl had violated several school rules after standing on a school bus, taking too many milks at the school cafeteria, and picking at a sign taped to a door.
From a content creator's standpoint, he made the point that Snapchat had become obsolete, picking at its terrible quality on Android, and its failure to keep up with copycat features by Instagram.
But as I sat with this nervousness – and tried to map it – I realized, twenty minutes later as the subway pulled into my station, that I hadn't been picking at my lip.
Picking at Rockhold through the round with low line straight kicks and low round kicks, and closing towards the fence for a flurry or two per round would be a sound strategy.
I've been putting GlamGlow's Supermud Clearing Treatment on my pimples: It has to be better than picking at them and it's so heavy and effective that I feel like I'm doing something.
Both spray-painted in black and white, one image depicts a naked and emaciated mother clutching a newborn; another shows a starving boy, his hair on end, listlessly picking at his hands.
Apparently, he'd gone apple-picking at this very same orchard three years prior with the woman he was dating at the time—a cis femme who also happened to be a lesbian.
Picking at the scab of respectability, she reveals a football-crazed culture of misogyny and entitlement that resulted in the brutal abuse of an unwary teenager too inebriated to recall her ordeal.
But the practice has taken on a new edge under the specter of a White House that came to power by picking at the old, undried scab of "law and order" politics.
Some top Democrats won't stop picking at the scabs of 2016, making others in the party nervous about an intra-party bloodletting that could hurt their chances of defeating President Trump next year.
Other retailers are also racing to respond: Walmart will test Alert Innovation's Alphabot automated grocery picking at a store in New Hampshire, and Kroger has teamed up with British online grocery expert Ocado.
" I had spent the day wondering if I was dying, picking at the inside of my body, and talking to many strangers about my vagina while trying not to say the word "vagina.
They say your brain chews on it, but it's more like picking at a scab, not thinking it'll come off and then it does and your scrape is all gross and oozy again.
You'll also get to witness Alessandra Ambrosio getting trapped in her own denim cut-offs, Kendall Jenner trip in heels and a shark suit, and Kris Jenner picking at something in her teeth.
And then there was that time a lady nearly died from encephalomalacia—brain damage associated with the softening of brain tissue—because she couldn't stop picking at her forehead with a knitting needle.
One Hong Kong man, who recently crossed back from China at the Lok Ma Chau checkpoint, told CNN border police appeared to be "picking at random" people to be subjected to extra searches.
Cohen did not consent to an interview with "60 Minutes" but the media will be sure to keep picking at that thread too, further increasing the chances of the story remaining alive. 5.
The zoo said that Vern was recovering well in a post on October 22, but said veterinarians decided to put a cast on his leg because he was picking at the surgery site.
One recent afternoon while Vega was picking at a piece of chicken from Pollo Tropical, he received a call from a local attorney who wanted to refer him a new client, a hockey player.
"If we think of fascism as a wound from the past that had almost healed, putting Trump in the White House was like ripping off the bandage and picking at the scab," she writes.
For me, coming to terms with my gender, a process that took years — most of my life so far, really — was a little like wearing a sweater and picking at a tiny, fraying thread.
FRIDAY PUZZLE — Here's a puzzle that's truly themeless, with a paucity of tiny words, so I had to take my usual end-of-week approach of picking at factual clues to get it started.
If you're feeling like there's no way that your job could see any changes, or like you'll never quick smoking or picking at your skin, the new moon in Scorpio may prove you wrong!
"At the moment, the stock is only a couple of bucks off its all-time highs, but I think it's worth picking at the next time we get a nasty marketwide sell-off," Cramer said.
He was frequently foul-mouthed early in his career, and he remained feisty and high-strung, burning off his nervous energy between points by feverishly picking at his strings or grabbing reflexively at his shirt.
A few seconds of focusing your energy on a stress toy — or simply giving your fingers something to do that's not nervously biting your nails or picking at your skin — can help you slow down.
I follow their lead, fill my plate and spend the fleeting 30-minute meal cutting, picking at and rearranging the calories on my plate between flimsy complaints that I filled up too much on water.
The exhibits made use of life-size wax figures: there was a Korean commando crouching in the woods, and a dead American soldier with his eyes rolled back and a raven picking at his chest.
After two rounds of picking at Lima with potshots along the fence and then dropping in on the Brazilian's hips to avoid counters, Koreshkov lost his mind in the third round and decided to swing haymakers.
He's picking at the late afternoon feast he's ordered for us—a spread of dosas, idlys, and daal, vegetarian food meant to be shared among friends—as he explains the emotional journey toward Pain of Mind.
Like picking at a scab, I talk to people knowledgeable in venture who nod their heads at the idea that I'd have trouble getting funded, no matter how well the model worked or the software functioned.
"It has been getting worse every year," said Andy Willcott, director of Critical Waste, which organizes litter picking at British festivals and gathers two to three tonnes of rubbish at Glastonbury's 900-acre site each year.
Without CHRISSIE, PARLOUR, ELEVENTH and RAILED AT, I think I'd have been circling around for ages picking at smaller threads — I'm betting that some of you had the same entry-level entries, or some of them.
I can catch myself picking at my nails while deep in thought, sitting idly at work, or waiting 20 minutes for the F train — more often than not, it's all three instances in the same day.
Ben Sasse, a Republican, who tweeted a response to the CNN report, saying, "Few Americans understand Putin's agents are now picking at the scabs of every cultural skirmish we have -- from race to guns to media tribes."
Though his Evan is no carbon copy of his predecessors in the role, he shares many pathetic mannerisms with them: the twitchy picking at himself, the cul-de-sac speech patterns, the upturned, outstretched, suppliant right hand.
When only the skeleton remains, you'll find yourself dipping sticky rice into the pool of sauce hiding below, or scavenging for forgotten pockets of meat: digging into the cheek, or picking at the edges of the belly.
Unclear what Bloomberg was picking at when he got hungry during the campaign event on Monday, but you can see him shove food in his mouth and then go back to the snacks with his unclean hand!
But with a new revival coming to Netflix, it's only fitting that the conversation move online — and now that we know all of Rory's boyfriends are returning to the four-part miniseries, fans can't help picking at old wounds.
"That, not the possible dissolution of the European Union—something I highly doubt will happen—is what makes me more circumspect than usual when it comes to picking at the opportunities presented by this nasty sell-off," Cramer said.
Perhaps it's also true that occasionally men and women are obliged to stand and speak, and rarely more so than when a leader of the United States is intent at picking at the nation's oldest and most painful scabs.
First, the S&P proprietary oscillator, a paid indicator that Cramer uses to understand when it's safe to buy stocks in a decline, hit negative six, a level that has historically signaled that it's time to start picking at stocks.
In the proverbial spotlight for the first time in his musical career, he joked awkwardly about going to bed at nine o'clock, mused about missing Patti Smith and protesting alongside Krist Novoselic, occasionally scratching his beard or picking at his fingers.
Sixteen months into Donald Trump's presidency, picking at his writing and speaking style feels old: Much ink, Google confirms, has already been spilled on the president's tone, which is more energetic and informal (critics might say more puerile) than previous presidents'.
I could see him at dusk in his rocker, with a glass of whiskey and a glass of milk beside it, picking at the shrapnel scars on the back of his neck and staring at nothing from the front porch.
Not that the music stops much even then; when telling stories about his chaotic upbringing in the "crap town" of Freehold, N.J., he is often picking at one of his guitars or vamping on the piano, his eyes half-shut.
The early morning blast was classic Trump, picking at an emotive political scar that enlivens his most loyal supporters, hijacking news coverage and forcing everyone in Washington to respond to his own controversial views -- and then wonder if he really means it.
" Claudia Puig at USA Today compared the film to its opening scene, which shows Jennifer (Megan Fox) picking at a healing scab: "While intending to reveal something creepy and hidden from view, it lacks a sense of suspense and real twisted-ness.
In another parallel to the bad old days, corporate bonds are under heavy selling pressure, investors are picking at the weak links of the euro zone such as Portuguese government debt, and indicators of stress in bank-to-bank lending have edged higher.
"Vitalik has shouldered the weight of the world—of the unbelievable number of total assholes picking at him from a distance on the Internet, and he's done it at the age of nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, with a lot of grace," Lubin said.
"I think that picking at the oil stocks as crude gets to $43 will make you money, even though the long-term doubt is quietly surfacing as a real issue to watch, but not for this decade, but certainly beyond," he concluded.
Kyrgios did his impersonation of the Spaniard in the second set after being penalized for taking too long to serve, brushing his hair back and picking at his shorts whilst looking in the direction of chair umpire Jaume Campistol, who chuckled along.
"'Help me!' people screamed," recalled Mr. Hridoy, absently picking at a thigh of Kentucky Fried Chicken and staring out the smudgy window at the typically epic traffic jam on the dusty highway out front, the relentless barrage of klaxons nearly drowning him out.
Whew. It will no doubt be one heck of a run in the kitchen, Friday night through Monday evening, and if you spend the first night after heading back to work picking at leftovers for dinner, no one here is going to blink.
I remember, what seems like forever ago, not caring about my body, or mostly being amused by it: by the scabs I loved picking at, by the strength of my arms and the way I could poke my belly out and make my friends laugh.
That's one conspiracy that's a little out there because once you start picking at the fabric of reality saying' you can't trust anything or nothing is reliable, they can change the past' that stuff can really make somebody turn what I would call crazy.
Seated at The Nomad bar in Manhattan, drinking water (he gave up alcohol more than two decades ago) and picking at fried olives stuffed with sheep's milk cheese, he turns the doum over in his hands and shakes his head up in down in recognition.
Children can watch them in their spare time, and unlike cattle, who can often be seen picking at the parched grass by the side of the road, they can fit in almost any space, be it the backyard of a colonial mansion or a slum.
Now, none of us likes personal criticism, particularly a president trying to do arguably the toughest job in the world while "the nattering nabobs of negativism," as Vice President Spiro Agnew once put it, are picking at his failures as well as reporting on his triumphs.
I'm also glad this woman asked me to take the time—the same amount of time I would have spent picking at an ankle scab or reloading Snapchat—to explore the rest of my body in a manner that had never occurred to me: thoughtfully, sensually, compassionately.
" She added: "Sometimes you respond to him, especially when he is picking at core values or saying divisive things that divide people in this country, but sometimes you don't respond to him at all, let him go off and rant and rave about whatever he wants to.
To be ok with ourselves, so that when we do see ourselves in the mirror we aren't picking at ourselves and dimming our bodies down, but instead saying, 'Oh, let me see what outfit I can wear to enhance my stomach today, because I want to wear it out.
The dolls and dandies attending the Jazz Age Lawn Party simultaneously express a passion for arcana and a thirst for making the scene as they lunch on the lawn (plucking grapes, scooping quinoa, picking at Caligulan spreads of Carr's crackers) or else cocktail like tycoons in $5,000 V.I.P. tents.
I feel like my skin is also starting to look a lot better because of the tips and tricks Claudia gave me during the facial, so, like, drinking more water, more lymphatic draining, and less picking at my face has obviously helped make a difference in my skin too.
While much of her songwriting output has been viewed through the lens of her earliest public origin story — an abusive relationship with a man who tried to stamp out her creative impulses — Van Etten's new work is less about picking at tender scabs than the faded scars that served as a road map to now.
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — In the sun-drenched student center on the Pennsylvania State University campus here, a few days after Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont trounced Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic primary last week, Renee Tillman, Melanie Suarez and Kamryn Sandidge were picking at their lunchtime salads when they were asked if they considered themselves feminists.
COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch (24-patches), $4.88, available at AmazonAs someone who has a hard time not poking and picking at blemishes, I love these stickers because they help my zits disappear way faster than if left alone, and they help me actually leave them alone by protecting them from the elements and, mostly importantly, me.
" (This metaphor is particularly rich given the earlier, ominous scene of Perkins picking at an oozing soft-boiled ostrich egg.) He goes on to say that he wants the museum dedicated not only to his father, but also to Marvin Gaye Sr., Tiger Woods's father, Serena Williams's father and "the father who drops Emilio Estevez off in 'The Breakfast Club.
He was the one filling my bachelorette pad with a cacophony of reminders that lots of people were in love and happy, reminding me that I, too, was a type, a sad little rat scurrying around the fringes of a wedding reception, picking at leftover cake in an effort to throw myself against the glass-jar-wall of my new life.
Warren is younger (though not young, per se), she would meet the keen desire of liberal women who work in politics professionally to see a woman in the White House, she's better liked by wonks as a rigorous policy thinker, and, most critically, she would represent a populist ideological viewpoint without picking at all the scabs from the 2016 primary.
Good. For the rest of you: After picking at the first grid forever, creating little filler words, I took the plunge and created a word that spanned the grid, then another, and I can tell you that each of these grids has at least one full-length answer from left to right, and at least one from top to bottom.
I pictured the day of my father's funeral—brushing my hair in the mirror in my black dress, picking at my cuticles until they bled, how my vision got blurry with tears walking down the stairs and I almost tripped, the streaks of autumn leaves blearing by as I drove my mother to the university chapel in her Trans Am, the space between us filling with tangled ribbons of pale blue smoke from her Virginia Slim, her saying not to open a window because the wind would mess up her hair.
But he merely took the balance of their payment and told them to sit, and so they sat in that crowded room with a frightened couple and their two school-age children, and a young man in glasses, and an older woman who was perched erectly on her seat as if she came from money, even though her clothes were dirty, and every few minutes someone was summoned through to the dentist's office itself, and after Nadia and Saeed were summoned they saw a slender man who also looked like a militant, and was picking at the edge of his nostril with a fingernail, as though toying with a callus, or strumming a musical instrument, and when he spoke they heard his peculiarly soft voice and knew at once that he was the agent they had met before.

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