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76 Sentences With "physical pleasure"

How to use physical pleasure in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "physical pleasure" and check conjugation/comparative form for "physical pleasure". Mastering all the usages of "physical pleasure" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It connects emotional pleasure to physical pleasure during sex, Dr. McGuire says.
They also tended to prioritise their partners' physical pleasure over their own.
She also fell in love with a boy, with whom she experienced physical pleasure.
Masturbation makes you feel good — and we're not just talking about the physical pleasure.
It distracts people, helps them cope, and even induces physical pleasure, thereby reinforcing the behaviors.
"[That's] not just through the enhancement of physical pleasure, but also emotional openness," Dr. Sulak says.
When I could find it, physical pleasure felt like a victory every time over fear and shame and silence.
Computers are practical, and I use one, but I have never felt any physical pleasure in tapping a keyboard.
"When I say 'tool,' I also mean that these phalluses had a larger purpose than sheer physical pleasure," Xu said.
While these products provided physical pleasure, they didn't address all the emotions people have around sexuality, like shame, trauma, and love.
Exercise — which the doctor recommended, to slow the onset — became a mission, an act of defiance and a source of physical pleasure.
"Everything is on that train: The experience of death, of discovery, physical pleasure, and also the conception of a new life," he said.
Biting into a good piece of fried chicken is a pan-sensory experience that checks off just about every box of non-sexual physical pleasure.
These pioneering enterprises sought to create porn that centered women's physical pleasure—a rejection of the frenetic thrusting, oily bodies, and theatrics that defined mainstream porn for years.
If only women could be more in touch with their physical pleasure, could speak about their needs more, could advocate for their own orgasms, no one would need to fake.
But the kind of sex advice I usually give is less about the basics of physical pleasure and more about the ethics of navigating relationships under patriarchy and other oppressions.
The energy shifts this evening at midnight as the Moon enters solid earth sign Capricorn, encouraging us to stay focused on our goals—but indulge in some physical pleasure, too!
A shift in energy arrives as Venus enters fellow earth sign Capricorn on November 25, creating a lusty energy—Venus in the sign of the horny goat is all about physical pleasure!
The relationship between body and mind was not so harmonious in the Middle Ages, which were governed under the influence of the Christian belief in the sinfulness of the flesh and physical pleasure.
This is the ideal toy for transgender men who are looking for a stroker specifically designed to maximize physical pleasure after taking T. The stroker grips and uses suction on your or your partners' genitals.
For a while I merely glanced at this physical pleasure, but as my voice gained power over the weeks of rehearsal, I began to trust my body to do what I asked it to do.
With all my flaws as a singer — wrong notes, wavering in the higher octaves as I age, I know that when I am singing at my best I make beauty and feel powerful physical pleasure.
Her aggression as a performer reflects the daft tenacity of someone who wants the most out of life: the biggest and most danceable beats, the bounciest and liveliest raps, the most intense modes of physical pleasure.
"It was a combination of just the sheer physical pleasure, but also a release of some of the emotional tension that I had been carrying with me as part of the bust-up in the marriage," she said.
But their consistency, the way they slide past your lips and spring back against your teeth, provides a distinct physical pleasure that will surprise anybody who has had only shaggy, overcooked udon that starts breaking apart before you have a chance to chew it.
That tumble of clauses pushing you forward, letting you get tangled up in the syntax and luxuriate in the syrupy, gleaming wood; the nerdy joy of throwing in the highboys along with the more mundane kinds of furniture; that last evocative image of Gilded Age New York: it's hedonistic to read and it carries a nearly physical pleasure.
The album's composed electrofunk fits the sex theme like a glove, pardon the pun, but with Prince it's never just about sex — it's about people, emotions, love, the universe, existential longing, that black hole in your life you're always trying to fill, suicide, rebirth, and physical pleasure, too, I suppose — and that's precisely why he's the recognized master of pop erotica.
He also dispels information about men and their sexual response; Masters and Johnson report that pleasure was positively associated with the volume of ejaculate released, but Rosenberg, Hazzard, Tallman and Ohl gave a group of men a questionnaire and found that significantly more men reported that physical pleasure was associated with the strength of the ejaculation compared to the volume.Rosenberg, M. T., Hazzard, M. A., Tallamn, C. T., & Ohl, D. A. (2006). Is the amount of physical pleasure with ejaculation related to volume or strength and force of ejaculation? The Journal of Sexual Medicine 3(s1), 14-69.
But this kind of perfect happiness cannot be found in any physical pleasure, any amount of worldly power, any degree of temporal fame or honor, or indeed in any finite reality. It can only be found in something that is infinite and perfect – and this is God. STh I–II, q.
Throughout the novel Isherwood is a character of extremes. At times he pursues physical pleasure, relentlessly devoting himself to debauchery, but he interrupts these binges with periods of discipline, learning German or regularly meditating. Somehow his abandon never leads to personal disaster. The second section of the novel contains a scene that illustrates this pattern.
698032, Adrian Martina, pages 519-528, A theory of agitation, or: Getting off in the cinema, Retrieved Aug. 18, 2014, "... this essay proceeds to ask: is there a model of tension and release,... structure of psychic agitation,...." and why there is this "physical pleasure of cinema" which sometimes manifests itself in an "erotic and subversive" way.
To avoid the repercussions of sex outside marriage, Middle Eastern men and women in certain countries engage in a common practice by the name of "misyar marriage", also called Nikah Misyar. This type of marriage was born for the sole purpose of physical pleasure. It can be defined as a “temporary marriage,” or its literal translation, “traveling marriage.” Pdf.
Together they had a daughter, Voluptas or Hedone (meaning physical pleasure, bliss). In Greek mythology, Psyche was the deification of the human soul. She was portrayed in ancient mosaics as a goddess with butterfly wings (because psyche was also the Ancient Greek word for 'butterfly'). The Greek word psyche literally means "soul, spirit, breath, life or animating force".
Music was used in some of Tutti's performance art. The use of music led to Tutti's interest in the concept of 'acceptable' music and she went on to explore the use of sound as a means of physical pleasure or pain. In 1976 she co-founded the group Throbbing Gristle with Chris Carter, Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson and Genesis P-Orridge. The group disbanded in 1981.
Later, the crew finds cursed Aztec treasure on Isla de Muerta. By removing the golden medallions from their chest, the crew become undead and lose the ability to feel physical pleasure. In order to remove the curse, the crew collect the medallions and return them. Barbossa, believing that Elizabeth Swann is the key to breaking his curse, kidnaps her and brings her to Isla de Muerta.
Because of the stigma attached to providing physical pleasure, a man who performed oral sex on a woman was subject to mockery. Cunnilingus typically appears in Roman art only as part of a reciprocal act, with the woman fellating her male partner in some variation of the "69" position.Clarke, p. 224. A wall painting from Pompeii, however, represents a virtually unique role reversal in the giving of oral sex.
The most common terms are gay (both men and women) and lesbian (women only). Other terms include same gender loving and same-sex-oriented. Among some sectors of gay sub-culture, same-sex sexual behavior is sometimes viewed as solely for physical pleasure instead of romantic. Men on the down-low (or DL) may engage in covert sexual activity with other men while pursuing sexual and romantic relationships with women.
It has two main varieties: simple, and Epicurean. Simple hedonism is the view that physical pleasure is the ultimate good. However, the ancient philosopher Epicurus used the word 'pleasure' in a more general sense that encompassed a range of states from bliss to contentment to relief. Contrary to popular caricature, he valued pleasures of the mind to bodily pleasures, and advocated moderation as the surest path to happiness.
Not native to the "Dark Dimension", Dormammu and "his" sibling Umar were exiled for slaying their progenitor "Sinifer" and for their morbid/unclean obsession with physical matter. They journeyed to the Dark Dimension in search of experience, and assumed corporeal forms.Doctor Strange vol. 3, #22 (October 1990) Dormammu merged with the local "Flames of Regency" to further enhance his power, and returned to an energy state, whereas Umar had grown accustomed to physical pleasure.
Plný also engages in performance art and long-term projects in which he explores the process of his own aging. Over the course of many years, he has photographed himself in identical positions, and he then combined these photographs in collages to create a new artistic artifacts. His mental and physical suffering, but also physical pleasure, are transformed into art projects through which he tries to understand the limits of his own physical existence.
The nipples involved can belong to persons of any gender. Erotic electrostimulation of the breasts is also practiced although such activity around the chest area may carry risks of electrocution. Painful activities such as breast bondage, wax play, spanking, squeezing, punching, or flogging can also be applied to breasts/nipples. The recipient of such activities may receive direct physical pleasure via masochism, or emotional pleasure through erotic humiliation, or knowledge that the play is pleasing to a sadistic dominant.
Ohad Naharin instructing dancers In 2015, a documentary about Naharin called Mr. Gaga by Tomer Heymann premiered. This documentary's title is a reference to the movement language created by Naharin, Gaga. The documentary explores how Naharin and his movement style have influenced Batsheva Dance Company and the modern dance world. Gaga movement stems from Naharin's belief that "physical pleasure from physical activity is part of being alive," and the connection between effort and pleasure through movement.
Sigmund Freud viewed the struggle to delay gratification as a person's efforts to overcome the instinctive, libidinal drive of the id. According to classic psychoanalytic theory, a person's psyche is composed of the id, ego and superego. The id is driven by the pleasure principle: it wants physical pleasure, and it wants it now. The ego, operating under the reality principle, serves to moderate the id's desire for instant gratification against the superego, which is guided by a person's internalized sense of morality.
Books on moral philosophy include: The Secular Saints: And Why Morals Are Not Just Subjective (Axios Press, 2018), A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives (Harper, Collins; 1990, Axios Press; Rev edition May 25, 2000), The Beguiling Serpent (Axios Press; August 31, 2000), Alternative Values: For and Against Wealth, Power, Fame, Praise, Glory, and Physical Pleasure (Axios Press; July 25, 2005). Articles include, among others: "Sustainability, The Complete Concept: Environment, Healthcare, and Economy".
In terms of physical pleasure, a woman's genitals may get direct stimulation from the base of the dildo, or in the case of a double-ended dildo, from vaginal (internal) penetration. A woman can use a secondary vibrator, between the dildo and her genitals, to get pleasure from pegging. Men may find stimulation of the anus, rectum, and especially the prostate, pleasurable. During anal sex, male pleasure can be particularly derived from the prostate, which can lead to an orgasm and ejaculation.
He believed that physical pleasure can give rise to spiritual pleasure. A physical act can become a religious act if it is performed as worship of God and the act is performed in a state of devekut. The study of the Torah is of prime importance in his teachings, although he interpreted the traditional ideal of “Torah for its own sake” as “for the sake of the letter.” Through contemplation of the letters of the text, man can open the divine worlds before him.
The Philebus (; occasionally given as Philebos; Greek: ), is a Socratic dialogue written in the 4th century BC by Plato. Besides Socrates (the main speaker) the other interlocutors are Philebus and Protarchus. Philebus, who advocates the life of physical pleasure (hedonism), hardly participates, and his position is instead defended by Protarchus, who learnt argumentation from Sophists. Socrates proposes there are higher pleasures (such as those of the mind) as well as lower ones, and asks if the best life isn't one that optimally mixes both.
The book develops themes Wolfe introduces in the title essay from his book Hooking Up. The novel centers on Charlotte, a naive new student at Dupont University, a school boasting a top-ranked basketball program and an Ivy League academic reputation. Despite Dupont's elite status, in the minds of its students, sex, alcohol, and social status rule the day. The student culture is focused upon gaining material wealth, physical pleasure, and a well-placed social status; academics are only important insofar as they help achieve these goals.
As espoused in the Tanya, Hasidic Jewish mysticism views sublimation of the animal soul as an essential task in life, wherein the goal is to transform animalistic and earthy cravings for physical pleasure into holy desires to connect with God. Different schools of thought describe general sexual urges as carriers of spiritual essence, and have the varied names of vital energy, vital winds (prana), spiritual energy, ojas, shakti, tummo, or kundalini. It is also believed that undergoing sexual sublimation can facilitate a mystical awakening in an individual.
The ability to control fertility without sacrificing sexual relationships allowed women to make long term educational and career plans. Because the pill was so effective, and soon so widespread, it also heightened the debate about the moral and health consequences of pre-marital sex and promiscuity. Never before had sexual activity been so divorced from reproduction. For a couple using the pill, intercourse became purely an expression of love, or a means of physical pleasure, or both; but it was no longer a means of reproduction.
Although there is some torture, the dialogue contains no actual murder, unlike many of Sade's works. Dolmancé and Madame de Saint-Ange start off by giving Eugénie their own brand of sex education, explaining the biological facts and declaring that physical pleasure is a far more important motive for sex than that of reproduction. Both characters explain that she will not be able to feel "true pleasure" without pain. Then they eagerly get down to the practical lessons, with Le Chevalier joining them in the fourth act and swiftly helping to take away Eugénie's virginity.
Will learns that when First Mate Barbossa and the crew mutinied and marooned Sparrow, only Bootstrap defended him. Infuriated by Bootstrap's betrayal, Barbossa and his crew had looted a chest of Aztec gold. This resulted in them becoming undead and unable to feel physical pleasure. It was only after they had thrown Bootstrap overboard that they learned how to break the curse: they needed to return all of the gold pieces, and each pirate who took the gold had to make a blood offering as a form of repayment.
Lesbian relations were also of a pederastic nature. Ancient Greek men believed that refined prostitution was necessary for pleasure and different classes of prostitutes were available. Hetaera, educated and intelligent companions, were for intellectual as well as physical pleasure, Peripatetic prostitutes solicited business on the streets, whereas temple or consecrated prostitutes charged a higher price. In Corinth, a port city, on the Aegean Sea, the temple held a thousand consecrated prostitutes. Rape – usually in the context of warfare – was common and was seen by men as a “right of domination”.
The Cyrenaics were hedonists and held that pleasure was the supreme good in life, especially physical pleasure, which they thought more intense and more desirable than mental pleasures. Pleasure is the only good in life and pain is the only evil. Socrates had held that virtue was the only human good, but he had also accepted a limited role for its utilitarian side, allowing pleasure to be a secondary goal of moral action. Aristippus and his followers seized upon this, and made pleasure the sole final goal of life, denying that virtue had any intrinsic value.
Sexual dysfunction is difficulty experienced by an individual or a couple during any stage of a normal sexual activity, including physical pleasure, desire, preference, arousal or orgasm. According to the DSM-5, sexual dysfunction requires a person to feel extreme distress and interpersonal strain for a minimum of six months (excluding substance or medication-induced sexual dysfunction). Sexual dysfunctions can have a profound impact on an individual's perceived quality of sexual life. The term sexual disorder may not only refer to physical sexual dysfunction, but to paraphilias as well; this is sometimes termed disorder of sexual preference.
A "hookup" (colloquial American English) is a casual sexual encounter involving physical pleasure without necessarily including emotional bonding or long-term commitment; it can range from kissing (for example, making out) to other sexual activities. Hooking up became a widespread practice among young people in the 1980s and 1990s. Researchers say that what differentiates hooking up from casual sex in previous generations of young people is the "virtual disappearance" of dating, which had been dominant from the postwar period onwards. Today, researchers say, casual sex rather than dating is the primary path for young people into a relationship.
Spinoza shared ethical beliefs with ancient Epicureans, in renouncing ethics beyond the material world, although Epicureans focused more on physical pleasure and Spinoza more on emotional wellbeing. Encapsulated at the start in his Treatise on the Improvement of the Understanding (Tractatus de intellectus emendatione) is the core of Spinoza's ethical philosophy, what he held to be the true and final good. Spinoza held good and evil to be relative concepts, claiming that nothing is intrinsically good or bad except relative to a particularity. Things that had classically been seen as good or evil, Spinoza argued, were simply good or bad for humans.
Feminists have asserted that women faking orgasms is a sign of male-centered sexuality; in a society that celebrates only male sexual pleasure, women may feel pressured to engage in acts that bring their male partners to orgasm but that do not provide them physical pleasure. Women in a discussion group in 1967 analyzed their motivations for faking orgasms and decided that faking was a response to pressures placed upon them by men. As such, the urge to fake an orgasm often sits in a broader context of other problems with sexual repression or male-centered sexuality.
The World Wide Web brings the two protagonists, Andy and Harry, together on a nonchalant afternoon. But this planned sex date takes an unexpected twist and the interactions between Andy and Harry go beyond physical pleasure bringing out questions that need to be answered, truths that need to be accepted and a life that stands to be reckoned. "Amen" makes two characters meet, experience hope amidst confusion, explore truths about sexuality and the self and delves into the profound meaning of life in the continuum of its trifles. The film reflect the diversity of issues that the community continues to face — from social prejudices to the predicament of acknowledging their sexuality.
According to David Gordon White, this feminine spiritual force is also termed boghavati, which has a double meaning of "enjoyment" and "coiled" and signifies her strong connection to bliss and pleasure, both mundane physical pleasure and the bliss of spiritual liberation (moksha), which is the enjoyment of Shiva's creative activity and ultimate union with the Goddess.White, David Gordon, The Alchemical Body: Siddha Traditions in Medieval India, University of Chicago Press, 1998, pp. 219–220. In the influential Śākta tradition called Kaula, Kuṇḍalinī is seen as a "latent innate spiritual power", associated with the Goddess Kubjika (lit. "the crooked one"), who is the supreme Goddess (Paradevi).
In particular, Rado postulated that schizotypes, or individuals with the schizophrenic phenotype, have two key genetic deficits, one related to the ability to feel pleasure (anhedonia) and one related to proprioception. In 1962 Meehl furthered Rado's theory through the introduction of the concept of schizotaxia, a genetically-driven neural integrative defect thought to give rise to the personality type of schizotypy. Loren and Jean Chapman further distinguished between two types of anhedonia: physical anhedonia, or a deficit in the ability to experience physical pleasure, and social, or a deficit in the ability to experience interpersonal pleasure. Recent research suggests that social anhedonia may represent a prodrome of psychotic disorders.
Wells, David F. Review:"Losing Our Virtue: Why the Church Must Recover Its Moral Vision," 1998. Many philosophical movements reject both modernity and postmodernity as healthy states of being. Some of these are associated with cultural and religious conservatism that views postmodernity as a rejection of basic spiritual or natural truths and in its emphasis on material and physical pleasure an explicit rejection of inner balance and spirituality. Many of these critiques attack specifically the tendency to the "abandonment of objective truth" as the crucial unacceptable feature of the postmodern conditionSee for an example the Traditionalist School, in special the critical works by René Guénon.
Support for sexual freedom became increasingly popular as new ideas and beliefs evolved about the positive and negative aspects of engaging in sexual intercourse. It became more widely accepted that having sex was not necessarily always intended for reproduction, but rather had more emphasis on physical pleasure. This new outlook was influenced by several factors, including the eradication of 1930s censorship laws regarding sexually explicit content in media, and also a growing accessibility to birth control pills, condoms, and other forms of contraception. Before the 1960s, unmarried women were usually denied access to birth control since it was traditional for men and women to refrain from having sex until after marriage.
Erotic sculptures at the main Hindu temples of Khajuraho Group of Monuments Religiously, Hindus begin life at the Brahmacharya or "student" stage, in which they are directed to chastely advance themselves educationally and spiritually to prepare themselves for a life of furthering their dharma (societal, occupational, parental, etc. duties) and karma (right earthly actions); only once they reach the Grihastya or "householder" stage can they seek kama (physical pleasure) and artha (worldly achievement, material prosperity) through marriage and their vocations, respectively. According to the Dharmasastras or the religious legal texts of Hinduism, marriage in Hinduism is an institution for reproduction and thus is naturally limited to heterosexual couples. Furthermore, sex outside of marriage is prohibited.
Making that orientation public can be called "coming out of the closet" in the case of voluntary disclosure or "outing" in the case of disclosure by others against the subject's wishes (or without their knowledge). Among some communities (called "men on the DL" or "down-low"), same-sex sexual behavior is sometimes viewed as solely for physical pleasure. Men who have sex with men, as well as women who have sex with women, or men on the "down-low" may engage in sex acts with members of the same sex while continuing sexual and romantic relationships with the opposite sex. People who engage exclusively in same-sex sexual practices may not identify themselves as gay or lesbian.
He also says he has a sister he once French-kissed but talking to Parademon's stuffed body is less socially awkward. Despite lacking genitals, he also apparently planned on having sex with a nurse who gave him her phone number, and it was suggested that he derived physical pleasure from being beaten by Manhunter. Rag Doll spends his share of the Six's loot on constructing a monkey house and purchases 'cute little monkey outfits' that resemble the costumes of the Secret Six for the small pack of monkeys that live in his room. Rag Doll has also mentioned that his father was "not a kind man", and was disappointed in the fact that only his brother inherited the family gift.
He said, "Hollywood treats 'glamour' and sex appeal as the sum-total of woman's personality" and "portraits of women in Hollywood films fall into three general categories: the woman as a criminal or the instigator of crime; the woman as man's enemy, fighting and losing - for she must always lose - in the battle of the sexes; the woman as a `primitive' child, fulfilling the male dream of a totally submissive vehicle of physical pleasure." Lawson also argued that in most U.S. movies, "when a woman succeeds in the world of competition, Hollywood holds that her success is achieved by trickery, deceit, and the amoral use of sexual appeal." The manuscript of his unpublished autobiography is held at Southern Illinois University Carbondale in Carbondale, Illinois.
Though not explicitly science fiction, The Anti-Death League takes liberties with reality not found in Amis's earlier novels. It introduces a speculative bent that continued to develop in others of his genre novels such as The Green Man (1969) (mystery/horror) and The Alteration (1976) (alternative history). Much of this speculation concerned the improbability of the existence of any benevolent deity involved in human affairs. In The Anti-Death League, The Green Man, The Alteration and elsewhere, including poems such as "The Huge Artifice: an interim assessment" and "New Approach Needed", Amis showed frustration with a God who could lace the world with cruelty and injustice, and championed the preservation of ordinary human happiness – in family, in friendships, in physical pleasure – against the demands of any cosmological scheme.
" Spins Harley Brown called it "the purest — and most complex — distillation of everything that makes the band such a nearly physical pleasure to listen to". Brown added, "The real magic of Currents, though, is in how Parker so effectively (and genuinely, for the most part) manipulates the listener's emotions without necessarily revealing any himself." Alex Denney of NME praised Parker for his musical transition, writing, "Fuzzed-out guitars simply aren't where Parker's head is at now, which strikes us as a fair trade-off from a producer pushing at the outer reaches of his talent." Alexis Petridis of The Guardian wrote "A lot of the album's power and strangeness comes from the way [the lyrics] cut against the lusciousness of the arrangements... and the loveliness of the melodies.
In a second letter to Gleizes, dated 26 July 1916, Metzinger writes: > If painting was an end in itself it would enter into the category of the > minor arts which appeal only to physical pleasure... No. Painting is a > language—and it has its syntax and its laws. To shake up that framework a > bit to give more strength or life to what you want to say, that isn't just a > right, it's a duty; but you must never lose sight of the End. The End, > however, isn't the subject, nor the object, nor even the picture—the End, it > is the idea. (Metzinger, 26 July 1916) Continuing, Metzinger mentions the differences between himself and Juan Gris: > Someone from whom I feel ever more distant is Juan Gris.
Yunior and Oscar are character foils that illustrate two different types of masculinity: if Oscar's nerdiness, fatness and awkwardness make him the antithesis of Dominican hypermasculinity, then Yunior, as a Don Juan and a state school player who can "bench 340 pounds" (170), is the embodiment of that identity. They also have completely opposite values: while Yunior cheats habitually and can't appreciate even the most beautiful and loving women, Oscar is faithful and sees beauty in a middle-aged prostitute; while Yunior doesn't value sex for anything other than physical pleasure (at least not at first), Oscar refuses to go to brothels (279). Yunior's masculinity echoes that of Trujillo, who in his violent actions and lust for women, also embodies Dominican hypermasculinity. Despite their differences, Yunior and Oscar become important to each other and develop an unusual friendship.
Theorists believe that sexual desire can serve a number of roles, as a combination of both desire for physical pleasure as well as a need for intimacy in terms of love and affection though the weight of each need may vary dependent on situational context and the individuals involved. Researchers also consistently define sexual desire in the context of motivations, cognitions, emotions and similarly subjective psychological experiences that may be described as the need, wish, longing for, or drive to seek out sexual engagement as opposed to the physiological arousal or sexual events.Regan, Pamela C. Ph.D. & Bersched, Ellen Ph.D.(1996). Beliefs about the state, goals, and objects of Sexual desire, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 22:2, 110-120.Levine, Stephen B. M.D. (2003). The Nature of Sexual Desire: A Clinician’s Perspective, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32:3, 279–285.
Roman ambivalence toward physical pleasure is expressed by the infamia of those whose bodies provided it publicly.Hallett, pp. 66–67. In a technical sense, infamia was an official loss of legal standing for a freeborn person as a result of misconduct, including sexual misconduct, but the word could be used for ill repute in general.Both the censors and the praetors could impose infamia as a legal status; McGinn (1998), p. 65ff. Infamia was an "inescapable consequence" of certain professions, including not only prostitutes and pimps but performers such as actors, dancers, and gladiators:Hallett, p. 67. The Tabula Heracleensis, "probably from the time of Julius Caesar," lists those who are barred from holding local magistracies, including anyone "who has or shall ... have been hired out for the purpose of fighting as a gladiaor ... or who has or shall have prostituted his person; or who has been or shall have been a trainer of gladiators or actors, or who shall run a brothel" (as quoted by Hallett, p. 70).
For all these place their heart and trust elsewhere than in the true God, look for nothing good to Him nor seek it from Him.” Like the New Testament writers, Morgan recognized that departing from the worship of God alone is frequently associated with sexual immorality: “’Tis the homage of the man who, losing his God, worships at the shrine of a fallen Venus.”Morgan, G. Campbell, The Ten Commandments, 1901, Fleming H. Revell Company, p.20 He references Philippians 3:18-19 to support that gluttony and the pursuit of physical pleasure are also widespread, but not new, examples of idolatry. Calvin recalls Moses’ warning to the people of Israel, “Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you,” and notes that this commandment was given despite the abundant temptation to superstitions in the cultures all around them and the lack of good examples.
His belief was influenced by the book Treatise on Physiology by François-Joseph-Victor Broussais, published in Philadelphia in 1826, that claimed what people ate had enormous influence on their health. Graham's interest was also captured by the books written by the German chemist, Friedrich Accum, called Treatise on Adulteration of Foods, and Culinary Poisons, in which he denounced the use of chemical additives in food and especially in bread, and Treatise on the Art of Making Good and Wholesome Bread. Wheat flour at that time was often doctored to hide odors from spoilage, to extend it, and to whiten it, and bread was made from very finely ground flour (which Graham viewed as "tortured") and brewers yeast (used to make beer). Like other members of the temperance movement, Graham viewed physical pleasure and especially sexual stimulation with suspicion, as things that excited lust leading to behavior that harmed individuals, families, and societies.
Bikram Choudhury leading a class of Bikram Yoga at the Los Angeles Convention Center in 2003 Yoga in the United States has a long history, foreshadowed in the 19th century by the philosophers Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose poem "Brahma" is a statement of the Hindu philosophy behind Yoga, and Henry David Thoreau, and starting in earnest with the Hindu leader Vivekananda's visit from India in 1893; he presented yoga as a spiritual path without postures (asanas), very different from modern yoga as exercise. Two other early figures, however, the women's rights advocate Ida C. Craddock and the businessman and occultist Pierre Bernard, created their own interpretations of yoga, based on tantra and oriented to physical pleasure. The practice of yoga as consisting mainly of physical postures began in 1919 when the pioneer of asana-based yoga, Yogendra, brought his system, influenced by physical culture, to the United States. From 1948, Indra Devi, a pupil of Krishnamacharya, brought yoga to public attention by teaching celebrity pupils in her Hollywood studio.

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