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9 Sentences With "petty details"

How to use petty details in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "petty details" and check conjugation/comparative form for "petty details". Mastering all the usages of "petty details" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Bookish annotators, they provide context and commentary on a Pepys website, and quibble comically about petty details.
Add to that this season's penchant for fighting over petty details, and it wouldn't be too out of the question that someone insults (intentionally or accidentally) Demi's home situation.
So nothing seemed out of the ordinary this past Sunday as I pedaled west on Ninth Street toward Avenue of the Americas and saw a lanky guy heading into the crosswalk without a thought about the light, the traffic or any other petty details.
I managed to escape "the danger years of a woman" without succumbing entirely to "bridge, luncheons, dinner parties and the petty details of housekeeping" — all things she warned of when speaking to 500 alumnae the New Jersey College of Women at a reunion in 1931.
In addition to its glaringly problematic story lines, "Friends" had some issues with continuity that can be hard to ignore to this day, from petty details (like characters having multiple different birthdays) to major emotional moments getting little to no follow-through (like Phoebe's birth parents disappearing from her life without explanation).
Frequently they were not even acquainted with the lawyers with > whom, by a convenient fiction, they were supposed to be studying. > Examinations for admission to the bar were held by committees appointed by > the courts, who, where they inquired at all, sought for the most part to > ascertain the knowledge of the candidate of petty details of practice. In > general, the examinations were purely perfunctory. A politician of influence > was not readily turned away.
Gibb gained recognition as a writer with the publication of her first novel, Mouthing the Words, in 1999. She wrote it while living in her brother's trailer home, working on a borrowed laptop, after receiving a $6,000 gift from a benefactor. In 2000, the novel won Gibb the City of Toronto Book Award, and in 2001, she won the CBC Canadian Literary Award for short fiction. Gibb's second novel, The Petty Details of So-and-So's Life, was published in August 2002.
Kirk and Luann tell The Simpsons they are going to be remarried, much to the delight of Milhouse. While preparing for the wedding, Marge suggests to Homer that he match his tie to her eyes, to which he casually replies that he never notices petty details like eye color. Shocked, Marge covers her eyes so Homer cannot see them unless he remembers their color. While the Van Houtens are on their cruise honeymoon, Kirk carries Luann down the hallway to their private room.
In 1930 the traffic load on Norrbro had grown enough to motivate a contest for a traffic route from Skeppsbron to Nybroplan, necessarily including a bridge over the eastern part of Norrström. The contest resulted in a great number of proposals for both bridges and tunnels, none of which succeeded in making a lasting impression on a jury instead advocating further analyses. Before the end of WW2, more than a hundred proposals had been scrapped, and the lively debate between spokesmen for a bridge or for a tunnel had stuck on petty details and matters of principle. The growing traffic didn't allow the question to be postponed for much longer and a provisional bridge was therefore proposed, not to be included in the city plan and with a permanency of no more than ten years.

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