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590 Sentences With "pay to play"

How to use pay to play in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pay to play" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pay to play". Mastering all the usages of "pay to play" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Now, they can pay to play through the "RSVBee" program.
Why isn't it what Mr. Trump calls pay to play.
The Fair Pay to Play Act is just the first step.
The Fair Pay to Play Act, signed yesterday by Democratic Gov.
You make literally nothing, half the time you pay to play.
Yet pay to play is no secret in the golf world.
Booker's plan jumps off of California's "Fair Pay to Play" Act.
Prosecutors said the pay-to-play schemes grew out of that goal.
Progressives do not necessarily have to copy ALEC's "pay to play" model.
His selling of the White House is "pay to play" on steroids.
Brown is the author of "Pay-to-Play Politics" published in 2016.
They (pay-to-play coaches) are in fear of losing their players.
Mayor, you're a criminal with your corruption and your pay-to-play.
Now a federal pay-to-play investigation threatens all of college sports.
The Fair Pay to Play Act does not mandate that players be paid.
The short answer is that it's always been a pay-to-play business.
Takei has a suspicious "affinity" for known pay-to-play clients as well.
The FBI said the crimes were part of a "pay-to-play" culture.
I have attended many pay-to-play dinners like the one she intends.
It's all pay to play, it's all shitty venues and this and that.
IoW negotiated "Pay to Play" provisions with each investor as a defensive measure.
The Fair Pay to Play Act mentions preventing the exploitation of student athletes.
SoftBank has told prospective investors to pay to play, according to the WSJ.
"   "USSF proposed a 'pay to play structure' with less pay across the board.
"Pay to play is not in the interest of the class," he said.
Reimbursement is not inducement or coercion, it's not pay to play, it's reimbursement.
Trump's $100 million inauguration committee looks like a giant pay-to-play scheme.
It has no pay-to-play upgrades or limited-edition rose gold colorways.
The NCAA's proposals and the Fair Pay to Play Act are not the same.
"There's never been any evidence of any pay-to-play at all," Mook said.
Clinton Foundation backer Gordon Giffin is one of the major pay-to-play donors.
PENCE: ... keep that pay to play process out of the reach of the public.
College coaches struggle to find athletes who can't pay to play elite youth sports.
Her reign was one of bold, brazen in your face pay-to-play corruption.
"You almost have to pay to play in the Amazon space," he told BuzzFeed News.
In California, Republicans and Democrats voted unanimously to pass the Fair Pay to Play Act.
The first six statutes on the screen are the anti- corruption pay-to-play statutes.
I think it's more of an indictment on the pay-to-play system we have.
"There is a pay-to-play mentality" in Montgomery, a prominent lobbyist told The Hill.
The public accurately views this pay-to-play system as rigged against most of us.
Some of the new content will be free and some will be pay-to-play.
Mr. Trump said the exchange proved a "pay-to-play" relationship between donors and Mrs.
The practice, which has the whiff of pay-to-play, inspires disapproval among some breeders.
For even more teeth, Congress could pass laws prohibiting "pay to play" and transactional giving.
I always felt bad about the high price players have to pay to play the game.
California's Fair Pay to Play Act represents a seismic shift in the landscape of college athletics.
Didn't even have to pay to play in this event, so it really is free food!
But they still liked contracting through the PBMs, because it was a pay-to-play arrangement.
Unlike Amazon, it will not include any pay-to-play search rankings or third-party sellers.
It's all part of Team Clinton's attempt to shed those pesky pay-to-play charges. 3.
She also asked about Trump's ties to Russia and raised questions about pay-to-play allegations.
Companies like Uber and Lyft shouldn't be prey to pay to play from taxi medallion owners.
Clinton's Republican opponent, has seized on the documents, saying they revealed a "pay to play" operation.
He has also been plagued by accusations of a pay-to-play culture within City Hall.
"You know who else practices this kind of pay-to-play corporate cronyism?" the narrator asks.
Crack down on lawmakers' ability to avoid conviction in situations of pay-to-play and bribery.
To consumer advocates, the defanging of the consumer bureau is the epitome of pay-to-play.
It surely wasn't the intent, but this instance has a strange ring of pay to play.
" New York City Hall's shrug at pay-to-play allegations led to "Case of de Blahs.
If signed into law, the Fair Pay to Play Act wouldn't go into effect until 2023.
Consider a municipal bond, pay-to-play case involving J.P. Morgan Securities and Jefferson County, Ala.
But Yunus is far from a shady figure seeking some type of illegal "pay to play" access.
For our society to progress, we need to democratize education, not further incentivize pay-to-play agendas.
In his experience, opportunities for young artists are pay-to-play or don't provide a living wage.
Americans recognize pay-to-play when they see it, and they are really, really weary of it.
In 2015, the University of Michigan issued a report, Pay-to-Play: Keeping Kids on the Sidelines.
"There's a sense that to curry favor you have to engage in pay to play," he said.
There was no Benghazi, no "Hillary wants to take your guns," no pay-to-play foundation allegations.
Some doubted players would show up, much less pay, to play games that weren't even done yet.
The epic bribery investigation that jailed Lula exposed a pay-to-play political culture of staggering proportions.
While there are obvious defenses for Clinton, the allegation would fit a classic "pay to play" scheme.
He has pledged to do away with the pay-to-play, transactional politics that have long dominated Washington.
No dispute obscures the two recent attempts at pay-to-play schemes hatched by Donald Trump's grown children.
EnCap provided advisory services within two years of those contributions, violating pay-to-play laws, the SEC said.
The bill, also known as the Fair Pay to Play Act, was signed into law on September 30.
The "Fair Pay to Play Act" takes effect in 2023, and was backed by the collegiate players group.
Mook: No evidence of Clinton pay-to-play Trump has been preparing for a transition, too, with Gov.
And I think we&aposre going to see a lot more coming out on Clinton pay to play.
That is the little noticed lesson that CEOs should take away from the latest "pay to play" scandal.
But nevertheless, if that is the one price I have to pay to play then so be it.
I'm still in shock to see how many people are willing to pay to play my mods early.
The big internet service providers, also called ISPs, will not start implementing pay-to-play scenarios right away.
Some have concluded that even direct democracy has been corrupted and turned into a pay-to-play gambit.
Trump and other Republicans have accused the Clintons of a "pay to play" relationship with the foundation's donors.
Bass fishing is one of the few professional sports in which top-tier participants must pay to play.
It was more a form of penance for his implication in the pay-to-play Keating Five scandal.
Both the state assembly and senate have approved the bill, known as the Fair Pay to Play Act.
Rules that foster pay-to-play do not help business, but threaten innovation, healthy markets, and economic growth.
And, on the lobbyist comment, what Mulvaney is saying is the literal definition of pay-to-play politics.
The Clintons raised millions to underwrite the event, sometimes stirring accusations of pay-to-play along the way.
"We would deny any form of 'pay to play policy' is in place, formally or informally," Hoover said.
None of it was enough for players to take to the game's pay-to-play in-game economy.
Full-fledged ethics reforms to address pay-to-play scandals and strengthen freedom-of-information laws went unaddressed.
Under the Fair Pay to Play Act, Ohashi could capitalize on that narrow window of opportunity to secure compensation.
If Britain's crucial financial-services industry wants access to the single market, it will have to pay to play.
"This is an example of pay-to-play politics the American people are sick and tired of," he said.
Chelsea Clinton's role on the board will only perpetuate the "pay to play" perceptions and accusations, the watchdogs said.
But the Flynn case shows that a far more straightforward pay-to-play scandal was occurring closer to home.
A majority seemed ready to defend pay-to-play as a fundamental feature of our constitutional system of government.
Due to the Pay to Play provision, it's not eligible to receive antidilution protection for its Series B investment.
"What was really found guilty was the reckless pay-to-play incompetence of Andrew Cuomo's administration," Mr. Molinaro said.
Fund-raising can taint City Hall by giving the appearance of pay-to-play, even if none is involved.
" And a fiery John Wisniewski lit into Mr. Murphy's campaign's spending practices as "pay to play at its worst.
"We allege that pay-to-play is back at the New York State Common Retirement Fund," Mr. Bharara said.
Trump charged that Clinton used the organization as a pay-to-play scheme during her time as secretary of state.
And here's what I'm not, as opposed to your choice: I've never engaged in influence peddling or pay-to-play.
This wholesome new social media star is—thus far—uncorrupted by all the pay-to-play influencer refuse cluttering Instagram.
Federal "pay to play" regulations prohibit donors to certain politicians from receiving advisory contracts for two years after the donation.
That would effectively push advertisers into paying to boost their content, making Twitter more "pay-to-play" than ever before.
Ethics watchdogs and the American public could rest easy knowing that the threat of pay-to-play kleptocracy has abated.
Four decades of Pay-to-Play is really why they are going after me because they know they did it.
You have to pay to play, so if you want to breed your own kittens you'll need at least two.
On the other side, gamers can pay to play with one (or two) of these coaches in hour-long increments.
Mr. Trump isn't yet known to be hosting pay-to-play pajama parties or dialing for dollars from his office.
Mr. Rogers said that the company was working on pay-to-play options, similar to how its European competitors operate.
The authorities said Mr. Richards conspired with Mr. Mitchell in the pay-to-play scheme from 22014 to August 2015.
The Fair Pay to Play Act will let students get paid for the use of their name, image and likeness.
The House Judiciary Committee's request for a special counsel to look at the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play casino, Mrs.
" What Mulvaney referred to as a "hierarchy" in his congressional office is what some Americans might call "pay-to-play.
But it is the pay-to-play culture with long-time lobbyist donors that most egregiously violates the public's trust.
Kilpatrick has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for corruption that turned city hall into a pay-to-play parlor.
Artists are being asked to pay to play in what is marketed as an open call for art in public space.
The NCAA's stunning reversal came after California passed a Fair Pay to Play Act, which would go into effect in 2023.
Last month, SuperData reported that the successful transition of Chinese gamers to the pay-to-play model was underscoring the turnaround.
Chris Collins defended Donald Trump against "pay to play" accusations Wednesday, saying it's Hillary Clinton who always wants handouts from donors.
It comes as Trump has attacked Clinton with allegations of a pay-to-play scandal involving donors to the Clinton Foundation.
Gavin Newsom opposing his "Fair Pay to Play Act," a bill that would allow student athletes to profit off their likeness.
That ruling barred Internet service providers (ISPs) from discriminating against certain types of traffic or creating pay-to-play fast lanes.
Clinton had engaged in "pay-to-play politics" as secretary of state, citing potential conflicts of interest with the Clinton Foundation.
Broidy pleaded guilty in 2009 in New York as part of a "pay-to-play" scheme involving the state pension fund.
Powerful, moneyed forces are working diligently to keep the pay-to-play system intact, in part by politicizing critical democratic reforms.
Several issued a statement condemning "pay-to-play politics" and insisting on taking "a strong stand" against this kind of corruption.
That's a route that The Juggernaut, a new pay-to-play publication targeted at the South Asian diaspora, is going down now.
The payment raises numerous questions about pay-to-play deals, and AT&T is scrambling to make it all seem perfectly normal.
We pay to play $83 to play at the beginning of the season, but it works out to about $5.45 per week.
Meaning, if the GBT is so useful, why don't researchers simply "pay to play" and remove the need for government funding altogether?
Meanwhile, Trump has accused Clinton of engaging in "pay-to-play" practices at the State Department involving donations to the Clinton Foundation.
"The Clintons made the State Department into the same kind of pay-to-play operation as the Arkansas government was, " Trump said.
The move got a mixed reaction from players, with only a small portion of gamers opting for the pay-to-play option.
His success relies heavily on the U.S., even if it implies paying the substantial "pay-to-play" price demanded by President Trump.
But faced with the pay-to-play, transactional Trump administration, it remains entirely possible that Novartis and AT&T violated bribery laws.
With a quick glance at the numbers, any honest observer can recognize the depth and breadth of Clinton's pay to play scheme.
By all appearances it was a pay-to-play operation, with not much in the way of costumes to disguise its purpose.
The men, meanwhile, reportedly have a pay-to-play structure, with much larger payouts for wins, and even guaranteed money for losses.
" John Kaehny, executive director of Reinvent Albany, said the trial had revealed a state government "riddled with pay-to-play influence-peddling.
Those emails might have disclosed "pay to play" schemes that may have violated the emoluments clause and other federal anti-corruption provisions.
I don't think this is the right time to talk about the pay-to-play investigation going on with the Clinton Foundation.
Gavin Newsom of California, a Democrat, signed the Fair Pay to Play Act on LeBron James' TV show, "The Shop," on HBO.
And yet the week ended with Trump glorying in the renewed F.B.I. investigation and rallying crowds with tales of pay-to-play.
The United States, she writes, has become a plutocracy, and its museums have effectively become pay-to-play country clubs for millionaires.
Renner's strategy was to make his own sandbox and throw out everyone who wasn't willing to pay to play by his rules.
But, as in this case, companies can also pay to play and get these sponsored talks, which are not vetted for quality.
And if every new company has to pay to play, you're sucking dollars away from innovation and using them to line ISP pockets.
Chagas said Bolsonaro, if elected, would deepen corruption investigations that uncovered a sprawling pay-to-play bribery scheme in the nation's public works.
Government watchdog groups followed the case closely, saying it highlighted New York state&aposs lax ethics enforcement and pay-to-play insider culture.
Instead, it's a battlefield of "pay to play," where publishers have to pony up the dough to get back into the News Feed.
That is pay-to-play if I've ever heard it, and it runs contrary to everything Mr. Trump has said about the swamp.
Pay-to-play fees for athletes in multiple disciplines are now $375, up from $200 in the previous year, according to the index.
" On the latest revelations about the Clinton Foundation, Eric Trump told CNBC they prove "pay to play" and "corruption at the highest level.
"Is this the market thinking maybe there could be more pay to play details coming out on Clinton that ultimately derail her candidacy?"
Petrobras was at the center of an investigation dubbed "Car Wash" that uncovered a massive and long-running pay-to-play corruption scheme.
But she would also face questions based on the unproven premise that she used the family charity as a pay-to-play front.
California governor Gavin Newsom just signed the "Fair Pay to Play Act," a law that allows college athletes to get paid for endorsements.
Such "pay-to-play" articles have been singled out by observers as contributing to an overall decline in the quality of scientific articles.
The charge against Strathearn grew out of an FBI investigation of alleged pay-to-play activities in Allentown City Hall, federal prosecutors said.
"We ended up with this sort of pay-to-play idea," said Tanya Sanerib, a senior attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity.
Sara Henderson, executive director of Common Cause Georgia, a government watchdog group, said that such cozy relationships raised suspicions of pay-to-play.
According to CBS, the Risch staffer who was copied on Manchester's email alerted the White House about the apparent pay-to-play scheme.
But the Manchester scandal isn't just one about pay-to-play gone wrong — it's also one about the ongoing shadiness of the RNC.
But policies at several financial institutions limit employees from donating to sitting politicians when the transaction could be interpreted as pay-to-play.
What's next: Once the details are ironed out, the proposed law — known as the Fair Pay to Play Act — will head to Gov.
"BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury," read the headline.
The controversy over California's Fair Pay to Play Act is about who controls all the profits from college sports and who truly earns it.
The new collaboration comes as Florida and New York became the latest states to push legislation similar to California's NCAA "pay to play" law.
The new pay-to-play option called "RSVBee" allows parents to pay for their kids to move on even if they lose at regionals.
Rather than withdrawing from an environment because the competition is prepared to "pay to play", should they not act to expose the corrupt behaviour?
After decades of lies and scandal, her corruption is closing in," the narrator says, explaining how "pay-to-play politics" made her "filthy rich.
While the SEC's "pay-to-play" rules are intended to prevent corruption in the award of public pension fund business, they are too broad.
In practice, such lawsuits would legitimize pay-to-play politicking whereby donors contribute to politicians on the strict condition the politicians satisfy some obligation.
His decisions establish a pattern of obstructing the path for people to participate in our democracy while constructing a pay-to-play political system.
News of the fine came as Mr. Trump has spent days accusing Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation of similar pay-to-play schemes.
There is (so far) no smoking gun email, no explicit evidence of pay-to-play or coordination between the State Department and the foundation.
And the games are now almost all pay-to-play in some manner, even if it is a recreational activity funded by municipal taxes.
Beyond that, the blatant lies and pay-to-play allegations will neither be forgotten by Congress, nor by the public who will demand answers.
Accusing McAdams of taking campaign donations from developers linked to the project, Love argued it was an example of his "pay to play" tactics.
Some in the EU are sympathetic and there is talk of PAY TO PLAY — giving banks access if London pays to the EU budget.
LeBron James spoke with reporters about his support for California's Fair Pay to Play Act during the Los Angeles Lakers press day on Monday.
There are several state governors facing corruption charges and Pena Nieto's wife and his finance minister were tarred by a pay-to-play scandal.
Dr. Kaloyeros, who headed the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute, is charged with corruption in connection with pay-to-play projects upstate.
Ultimately, the two companies realized they were actually fighting the same opponent: Regulators labeling their pay-to-play fantasy businesses as illegal gambling sites.
"These trials keep raising the same pay-to-play questions over and over again," said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York.
Most of all, we hope that public-sector retirees stand to benefit as pay-to-play practices retreat from public pensions — hopefully, for good.
Despite participating in the process — and winning a universal slot — DuckDuckGo told us it still does not agree with the pay-to-play approach.
Andrew M. Cuomo of hypocrisy and pay-to-play tactics, and the governor's senior adviser in turn calling them "idiots," preceded by a vulgarity.
Here's the Nirvana song that was originally called "Pay to Play" and whose final title tells one what they should probably do with sponsored songs.
Beautycounter consultants have to pay to play ($98 for a starter kit) and become a part of a downline — just like in any other MLM.
During the election, Trump criticized his rival Hillary Clinton for alleged pay-to-play deals with foreign governments, citing her ties to the Clinton Foundation.
Internet access providers are prohibited from blocking or throttling the Internet content of consumers' choice or from exacting "pay-to-play" tolls from online companies.
These portals must prove that investors' funds are protected from theft or computer malfunction, and nobody is engaged in unethical acts of pay-to-play.
There are no exceptions here — you&aposll need to pay to play, so to speak (although in this case, it&aposs paying to…pay again).
And why isn't what happened and what went on between you and the Clinton Foundation, why isn't it what Mr. Trump calls pay to play?
They constantly read stories and watch news of a political system awash in dark money, unfettered access by special interests, and pay to play politics.
Flashback: Democrats used a similar message in 2006, the Washington Post notes, focusing on pay-to-play politics after a number of controversies involving Republicans.
The biggest concern is that the internet will become pay-to-play technology with two tiers: one that has speedy service and one that doesn't.
The New York Times broke a story last week about the degree to which the National Prayer Breakfast has become a "pay to play" event.
Before announcing it would move to a 'pay-to-play' auction model to assign the non-Google slots on the screen starting early this year.
Along with Thuong Harvison at the University of Arizona, I conducted research to help clarify the picture on pay-to-play and public pension funds.
We do not know whether Mueller will pursue other aspects of the D.C. swamp, such as the Clinton Foundation and its pay-to-play antics.
In September, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Fair Pay to Play Act, which lets athletes negotiate payment when their brand or likeness is used.
At the very least, the Trump sons must have recalled that their campaigning father made much of alleged pay-to-play activities of opponent Hillary Clinton.
Ed Pawlowski, 53, was convicted on March 1 of 47 counts related to pay-to-play schemes in which he solicited kickbacks from prospective city contractors.
The line of questioning almost certainly had more to do with the pay-to-play scheme and the legality of the front than alt-right domains.
The TV spot accused Hawley of 'refusing to investigate an allegedly illegal pay-to-play scheme' involving the top donor from his previous run for office.
Gavin Newsom signed the Fair Pay to Play Act, which made California the first state to allow college players to be paid using their own likeness.
It's one thing when you're fighting for something, even if it's a hard battle, but you believe in it; this was just pure pay-to-play.
Hawley has also denied the other allegation laid out in one of the ads – that Hawley ignored a pay-to-play scheme involving a prominent donor.
The changes to the Foundation's donation policy comes as critics slam Hillary Clinton for leading an alleged pay-to-play operation while at the State Department.
He described the activities of the Clinton Foundation as a "pay to play" scheme, whereby foundation officials sought donations from people seeking access to the government.
The ban on contributions from federal contractors is a longstanding law meant to prevent pay-to-play deals between companies receiving taxpayer money and public officials.
"The big difference between us and other players in this space is that on other platforms, a business needs to pay to play," said Alon Shiran.
For just $2, you can pay to play poop bingo and patiently wait to see if one of the two hens will shit on your numbers.
Scandals involving Russian interference in the 28500 election and pay-to-play endeavors regarding Ukraine did not fully expose the sinister underbelly of this presidency, remarkably.
"The internet should be one of the greatest tools for democracy — but it's increasingly being turned into an opaque, pay-to-play playground," Mr. Schneiderman said.
Small businesses, individual executives, and business educators can speak openly about their concerns over this pay-to-play environment and the costs to business and society.
With so many venues roping bands into pay-to-play schemes, the streets were littered with people passing out show bills, and the actual bills themselves.
That verdict, paired with the conviction of Mr. Silver, seemed to strike a blow to the culture of corruption and pay-to-play politics in Albany.
Hundreds of business leaders from across the nation have expressed concerns about the implications of pay-to-play politics for our economy and our global competitiveness.
We tested that question by looking at the data before and after the SEC's pay-to-play rule for investment advisers went into effect in 2011.
" Gabriel Weinberg, CEO of DuckDuckGo, said the auction system was a "pay-to-play auction" that meant "Google will profit at the expense of the competition.
More recently, Mr. Capalino's name had been linked in the news media with questionable access to city officials and investigations into potential pay-to-play issues.
As if that isn't shocking enough, the Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) developed and implemented its "pay to play" scheme without any oversight or authorization from Congress.
In 2006, a pay-to-play scandal helped the party win the governor's mansion, breaking a decade-long Republican hold on all three branches of state government.
Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed Senate Bill 206 -- aka the Fair Pay to Play Act -- which will allow college athletes in the state to sign endorsement deals.
In fact, the Clinton Foundation even hired a law firm to find out if their pay-to-play scheme would jeopardize their charitable status with the IRS.
Pay-to-play MMO sales slipped 4 percent to $226 million, while cash generated from games played on social media was nearly flat at $604 million. 1.
"The internet should be one of the greatest tools for democracy—but it's increasingly being turned into an opaque, pay-to-play playground," Attorney General Schneiderman tweeted.
They have venerated him throughout the Republican primary for rejecting the dirty business of pay-to-play politics, and for populist vows to protect the ordinary worker.
Now, as the NSF gradually decreases funding to Green Bank and Arecibo, the observatories have had to solicit support elsewhere—primarily through pay-to-play private partnerships.
At the time the move was met with a mixed reception from gamers, with only a small portion of users opting for the pay-to-play option.
The SEC's effort to regulate investment firms via its "pay-to-play" rule does not bode well for an SEC corporate political disclosure rule involving public companies.
The move toward making more games available through a subscription like this could be the start of an industry shift in how players pay to play games.
"If one of the goals of the ESA is to de-commodify wildlife when they're imperiled, this concept of pay-to-play is really troubling," Sanerib said.
In a campaign appearance in Iowa in January, Trump talked about the corrupting power of money in politics and how he himself had to pay to play.
Public financing of campaigns, started in New York City in the late 1980s, helped liberate the city from pay to play, which was rampant at the time.
And Wyss-Coray has openly mused that the Ambrosia pay-to-play model might be an abuse of public interest in and excitement about young blood research.
Like "League of Legends," gamers won't have to pay to play "Valorant," but it's not clear whether it will look to monetize with in-game transactions instead.
Last year, I proposed that Congress eliminate the risk of pay-to-play corruption posed by President Donald Trump's sprawling business empire by nationalizing the Trump Organization.
The pay-to-play scheme, investigators say, operated undetected at Bloomberg and involved interior construction work at the company's offices, including its headquarters at 731 Lexington Ave.
The broader story being painted in the federal courthouse is the enduring pay-to-play culture in New York, where money and friends buy access and power.
"Today's indictment sends a clear massage to airline companies and airport vendors: pay-to-play schemes will not fly in New York," James said in a statement.
MS. SHERGALIS: We're seeing a lot more pay-to-play, but I also think we're seeing actresses choose small independent designers that align with their own values.
Gao believes the model will gain further traction in 2020 as it attracts old-school game developers, which were accustomed to pay-to-play, to follow suit.
Wealthy donors being rewarded with cushy ambassador gigs is not a new development in American politics, nor is it a uniquely Republican form of pay-to-play.
"It's a pay-to-play model," says Troy Johnston, a former Amazon seller who now provides software to help other sellers optimize their performance on the site.
We are united by a singular purpose to return government to the American people, not the deep-pocketed donors who have perfected a pay-to-play system.
And players realized they would much rather own a game and play it in the comfort of their homes than "pay to play" at a strange location.
It confirmed opponents' view of DeVos as "the ultimate pay-to-play person," unqualified for her role beyond her billions in donation, as Laura Moser put it.
The hearing will pit the New Mexico State Investment Council against Marc Correra, who was caught up in pay-to-play scandals that rocked U.S. public pension funds.
"So @Etsy increased their fees to 5% and announced some dubious pay to play subscription service where you get better service and customization and likely clout," Knopp Tweeted.
Washington (CNN)A top Clinton Foundation official defended its "lifesaving work" Sunday amid new criticism and pay-to-play accusations over Hillary Clinton's connections to its top donors.
Google's ad blocker could provide a more agreeable alternative — and possibly cheaper one, too, as it is expected to use industry standards rather than pay-to-play tactics.
He is an attorney at the Caplin Drysdale law firm where he handles a specialized public policy portfolio including campaign finance, lobbying, "pay-to-play," and ethics laws.
"FWS has a history of issuing permits under what we call a pay-to-play system," said Carney Anne Nasser, legislative counsel for the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
In 2003, under President George W. Bush, FWS attempted to make the pay-to-play policy explicitly legal, but backed down after intense backlash from conservationists and scientists.
The former aide was convicted late last month on three corruption charges and was found guilty on two counts of conspiracy as part of pay-to-play scams.
Democratic strategist Adrienne Elrod on Monday said the Trump administration is taking part in "pay to play" practices by opposing a World Health Assembly resolution to promote breastfeeding.
Clinton; scrutinized pay-to-play optics at the Clinton family's foundation, and examined her record on Libya and Syria with an eye on what she'd do as president.
Also known as the Fair Pay to Play Act, the bill gives student-athletes the ability to earn money from the use of their names, images, and likenesses.
The California state legislature has approved a bill called the "Fair Pay to Play Act," which would, starting in 2023, allow college athletes to make money through endorsements.
Jasmine Harris, an expert on student athletes, addresses how the bill, known as "Fair Pay to Play Act," would alter college athletics if it gets signed into law.
That effort, in turn, led to some of the state and federal investigations into fund-raising and pay-to-play that would later threaten to derail his administration.
They did not let it pass as they hammered the incumbent with accusations of a pay-to-play culture in City Hall and mismanagement of the city overall.
Tyler Hagenbuch is a political law attorney with Perkins Coie, where he advises businesses and organizations on ethics compliance, campaign finance, lobbying disclosure and pay-to-play rules.
A significant continuing investigation concerns fund-raising for Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York related to possible pay-to-play issues involving the awarding of city contracts.
In my naivety I assumed that it was a pay-to-play system and that the only surefire road to a nomination ran through the AVN committee's pants.
In the case of Trump and Bondi, the appearance wasn't of pay-to-play, but of bribery—the quid—and the quo is right there—Bondi dropped the investigation.
Others have raised questions about undue foreign influence while Clinton was the nation's top diplomat, with Trump alleging donations to the organization were evidence of pay-to-play politics.
Just this year alone, there have been allegations of "pay to play" involving a Hudson Valley healthcare company, an Onondaga film studio, and a failing casino in the Catskills.
But the outcome now appears to be under federal scrutiny, the latest subject of a sprawling investigation into fund-raising and potential pay-to-play politics in New York.
"Today's indictment sends a clear message to airline companies and airport vendors: pay-to-play schemes will not fly in New York," said Letitia James, New York's Attorney General.
For example, the law would allow so-called "specialized services" that could result in pay-to-play "fast lanes" for deep-pocketed corporate giants, according to open internet advocates.
Mr. Rechnitz, a wealthy real estate scion, and his friend Jeremy Reichberg were key figures in federal and state inquiries into pay-to-play accusations against Mr. de Blasio.
Yet, in America today, the ideal of free enterprise is too often replaced by "pay-to-play," where firms and special interests compete for favors based on political spending.
The smoke of pay-to-play scandals has come close to enveloping this mayor, and a few months back, de Blasio publicly forswore talking with Capalino and other lobbyists.
The presidential sleaze involves everything from using public money to promote and enrich Trump properties to pay-to-play schemes that allow companies to buy influence at many levels.
The company's shares came under pressure in late 2017 on bad publicity after video game players accused its "Star Wars Battlefront II" game of aggressive pay-to-play tactics.
In addition to personal identity and group affiliation, pup play also presents a financial opportunity: The pup community will pay to play, and leather purveyors are happy to oblige.
Hipstamatic was the pay-to-play Apple app of the year, while Instagram was the free upstart that was bought by Facebook and never had to worry about making money.
The business practice is criticized by consumer watchdog groups as a "pay-to-play" situation that favors big content providers who can afford to pay for access to internet users.
Sustained growth in mobile and console games underscored the worldwide gains, while the pay-to-play, free-to-play and social segments all saw sales decline from the previous February.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - State Street Corp will pay $20143 million to settle allegations that it conducted a pay-to-play scheme to win Ohio pension fund contracts, U.S. regulators said Thursday.
There was also no evidence that "pay-to-play" exists on a scale warranting intervention, a reference to brokers forcing customers to buy consultancy services in return for insurance business.
President Enrique Peña Nieto, who has been the target of pay-to-play allegations involving real estate arrangements his family benefited from, would be wise to endorse such a law.
In the field of "corruption," he has been thoroughly investigated and there is nothing to match the smarmy signs of pay-to-play kickbacks alleged in the Clinton State Department.
"It's a huge loophole," said Craig Holden, a government affairs lobbyist for Public Citizen who has helped states write pay-to-play laws more restrictive than the federal-level bans.
Google's latest user-hostile design change makes ads and search results look identical Information becoming pay-to-play in your mental space should make people on the web feel passionate.
If you Google "muni bonds" and "pay-to-play," you find story after story about finance firms using campaign contributions and other payments to win bond business from government officials.
Not only is the sort of pay-to-play outlined in the emails unethical, but it's also arguably illegal, as soliciting or receiving payments for public offices violates federal law.
Unity research shows 96 percent of their gamers don't pay to play their mobile games, and 71 percent are OK with seeing ads instead of having to fork over cash.
Take the once-overriding priority of ethics reform, ending the sick pay-to-play culture in which lawmakers dance with lobbyists and corporate interests until they are indicted or dead.
Federal contractors are banned from making political contributions to avoid so-called "pay to play" arrangements, in which elected officials dole out lucrative deals to companies that supported their campaigns.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, it was Citizens United and Judicial Watch that pried open Foggy Bottom to expose Hillary Clinton's emails and  pay to play scandals at the  Clinton Foundation .
Well, the problem with the pay-to-play model is that, with federal funding, the GBT is able to offer thousands of hours of open-access time to researchers each year.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Damon broke down the real reason Trump has appeared in so many movies: his yuge real estate empire and a little pay to play.
Also on Friday, Fox News host Bret Baier apologized for reporting on-air that there would "likely" be an FBI indictment against the Clinton Foundation for alleged pay-to-play schemes.
It is a perception that matches up with the pay-to-play mind-set that defines politics in many parts of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the former Soviet states.
Earmarks sound like a quick fix, but bringing them back would relaunch a pay-to-play system that picks winners and losers based on political muscle rather than on project merit.
The process of directing money to candidates in New Jersey through the national groups has been a practice since the state's pay-to-play law was expanded and toughened in 220.
Steve King this week over his incendiary comments, learned what a growing number of corporate interests are discovering in a hyper-partisan America: It doesn't always pay to play in politics.
Sure, we can lay much of this at the feet of a Supreme Court that almost blesses this "pay to play" system, where ingratiation and buying access are not considered corruption.
We've already seen the "pay to play" ethos at work with Mr. Trump's Washington hotel and his children putting access to him up for sale to the highest bidder (later reversed).
The charge against Kelley emerged from the latest pay-to-play case involving the third-largest U.S. pension fund, following a scandal a decade ago that sent the state comptroller to prison.
From subscription boxes to membership programs, pay-to-play models have become a popular way for retailers to differentiate themselves and build customer loyalty — but only if they can prove their value.
The Associated Press ran a major investigative story into Clinton Foundation influence peddling that treated a meeting with a Nobel Peace Prize winner as evidence of an insidious pay-to-play scheme.
It went on to talk about "modifying" rules and creating a path to "enhance opportunities" for student-athletes but it never mentioned "pay to play" or "agents" as does the California law.
Notably, the document illuminates a series of tangled interests, but it did not appear to present any evidence whatsoever of either pay-to-play or corruption for Band, Bill or Hillary Clinton.
Addressing the report that Hillary Clinton met with donors to the Clinton Foundation during her time as secretary of state, Johnson said there is an "implication" of a "pay-to-play" arrangement.
Challenging an entrenched incumbent, I was primarily interested in leveling the playing field and had not yet heard the expression "pay to play" (it had not entered the lexicon at that point).
Shervin instituted a "pay-to-play" scenario by pressuring potential Hyperloop One investors to invest in Shervin's own fund, Sherpa Capital, in order to gain access to direct investment in Hyperloop One.
On this particular case, it also reflects how Riverstone's late aughts pay-to-play scandal ― which prompted The Carlyle Group to cut ties with the firm ― is no longer a reputational risk.
Today Wendy is turfed again, her "cave" at the perfectly-named Funky Winker Beans set to replace her gigs with pay-to-play rules and all-week karaoke as of November 5.
He convinced Republican voters during the campaign that those expressions of support were nothing more than practical business maneuvering done to survive in Washington's pay-to-play environment of policymaking and regulation.
" But they allow users to select a reason they're afraid of a "pay-to-play" internet, and provide a section for users to type out a reason "the internet matters to me.
The mobile segment posted 8 percent sales growth in April, helping to offset slight revenue declines in premium PC and pay-to-play online titles, console downloads and social media-based games.
Trump has called it a "pay-to-play" operation in which the former secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, rewarded big donors to the foundation with political access.
The endless carping about "Benghazi" has produced virtually nothing of moment, and neither formal nor media inquiries into the Clinton Foundation have uncovered any clear example of a "pay-to-play" scheme.
One is corruption, from the pay-to-play proclivities of the Trump administration to the tendency of both Democrats and Republicans to leap from government service straight into lucrative private-sector jobs.
While this kind of pay to play dysfunction is widespread in telecom, the assault on net neutrality was among the most obvious examples of government kowtowing to natural monopolies, say consumer groups.
At the news conference, Mr. Bharara noted that it had been six years since a former state comptroller, Alan G. Hevesi, pleaded guilty in a pay-to-play scheme involving the fund.
Mark Renaud is a partner at Wiley Rein, LLP, where he advises clients on a wide array of international, federal, state and local campaign finance, lobbying, ethics and pay-to-play laws.
Moreover, nothing the S.E.C. has alleged would constitute securities fraud, a breach of the S.E.C.'s pay-to-play rules or a violation of any other rule the S.E.C. has authority to enforce.
Hillary Clinton's moral fitness for service after her email scandal and amidst growing "pay to play" questions about the Clinton Foundation is making even many traditional liberals more than just a little uncomfortable.
It's much worse: they've used their winnings in our pay-to-play political system to buy politicians and policies to protect and build on their winnings at the further expense of the losers.
The paid games market, however, seems to be in healthier shape, with 35 percent of players reporting they pay to play, and 30 percent reporting they do so at least once a month.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Bill Ackman's hedge fund paid $75,000 to settle civil "pay-to-play" charges with the Securities and Exchange Commission after running afoul of campaign contribution and money management rules.
Americans have made clear they strongly oppose the "pay to play" political system that purposefully muzzles their voices in the halls of power, even when those voices are part of the majority opinion.
Then when the order goes into effect, after being published in the Federal Register, broadband providers will be free to start charging fees for access to users and pay-to-play fast lanes.
If the company follows similar schemes from competitors, it may pay itself to exempt Time Warner brands from data caps — a pay-to-play scheme that could run afoul of net neutrality principles.
Trump and his allies claimed without evidence during the campaign that Clinton was involved in a "pay-to-play" scheme at the State Department, trading diplomatic favors for donations to the Clinton Foundation.
On Thursday, his broadcast will unveil one such piece — a report on a "pay-to-play surgery scheme" that details allegations of an attempt to push high-priced implant surgery on drug addicts.
Donald J. Trump has campaigned very clearly for change — a policy upheaval to promote faster growth, repair the economic stagnation and end the corrupt pay-to-play system that favors the well heeled.
And if that's indeed their goal, it only makes sense that they'd start acting like the radio industry, instituting pay-to-play schemes and working behind the scenes to make select tracks ubiquitous.
LONDON (Reuters) - Formula One is targeting the lucrative U.S. fantasy sports market with the launch on Thursday of daily pay-to-play and traditional free F1 games in partnership with Dublin-based PlayON.
New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) on Wednesday announced an indictment against three men involved in the World Trade Center rebuilding, accusing them of engaging in a "pay-to-play" bribery scheme.
Mr. Pawlowski's lawyers say that he is innocent, that there were no explicit pay-to-play agreements, and that the case was built with unreliable consultants to the mayor who were crooked themselves.
At its main power lunch spot, Andrew's (no relation), across from the Capitol, the sweet potato waffle fries are named for a city commissioner under investigation for an alleged pay-to-play scheme.
In a recent email exchange with a wealthy prospective donor, a top fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg made an offer that was unusually blunt — even by modern pay-to-play standards.
Michigan's Female Hockey Players Support Their Team With Cash and Brooms At a university that spends $160 million on athletics annually, women must pay to play, sometimes sweeping the arena to do so.
So was Steven Rattner, the Wall Street veteran who oversaw the auto-industry bailout during Obama's first term and then got charged in a pay-to-play scheme involving New York pension funds.
Reports of possible violations of New Jersey's pay-to-play rules unfolded during Mr. Baker's competitive race against Ms. Coakley; before the election, Mr. Christie blocked release of records related to an official investigation.
"Pay-to-play schemes are intolerable, and lobbyists and their clients should understand that the S.E.C. will be aggressive in holding participants accountable," said David Glockner, the director of the S.E.C.'s Chicago office.
As a citizenry, we hold relatively little power to destroy lobbying; to reform pay-to-play; to transform the media industries; re-engineer Facebook, or temper the bad behavior of the wealthy and powerful.
The charges against Kelley and Kang mark the latest pay-to-play case related to the third-largest U.S. pension fund, following a scandal a decade ago that sent the state comptroller to prison.
HANNITY: We can&apost have one justice system for the Clintons that mishandled, destroyed classified top secret special access program information, all of these issues involving the kickbacks, the paybacks, the pay-to-play.
But this push threatens to create a "pay to play" system where the only taxpayers who will receive personalized service are those who can afford to pay for it, the agency's taxpayer advocate warned.
But the bigger the adjustment, the more difficult it will be for individual workers, and the more we should expect a decline in pay to play a critical role in clearing the labour market.
While big brands "pay to play" on social platforms, media outlets are operating on smaller budgets and, in lieu of high dollar marketing spend, they're setting up traffic swapping programs with like-minded publishers.
The result is an unsavory mix of charity work, profiteering, and pay-to-play politics that potentially reaches the highest levels of US foreign policy and screams for IRS and Department of Justice reviews.
Not proof of corporate maleficence, pay-to- play, bribes, potential treason, sexual assault, attacks on veterans, or straight up porn is enough to pierce the bubble of the alternate reality they've chosen to inhabit.
Senior Democratic officials told the newspaper that the party's agenda will include proposals to eliminate loopholes that let lobbyists and lawmakers secretly sell influence and will focus on ending "pay-to-play" political practices.
Releasing such fleshed-out experiences to promote an upcoming game feels like something from a bygone era, before Minecraft showed in 2009 that people would pay to play a game that's still in development.
The recent release of e-mails from the server have revealed pay-to-play examples involving donations to the Clinton Foundation and access to Clinton's State Department while she served as Secretary of State.
The governor has expressed no remorse, despite this latest exposure unraveling in the wake of multiple corruption convictions of his associates, and in the midst of yet another federal investigation of pay-to-play.
On Saturday — when the press corps that regularly covers the mayor and is most knowledgeable about pay-to-play accusations would be unlikely to attend — his office sent a notice at 10:16 a.m.
The president's inaugural committee is currently under criminal investigation by the SDNY for an alleged pay-to-play scheme that allowed top donors to buy access to — and possibly influence — the incoming Trump administration.
Even if they had the right guests, a lot of these conferences were run by people who weren't journalists, or if they were journalists — And they pay to play, putting their sponsors on stage.
With California's Fair Pay to Play Act dominating headlines and lawmakers across the country considering similar bills, it's important to remember that the NCAA doesn't have any authority when it comes to actual legislation.
There's even a term for it, "pay-to-play," which, in a political context, refers to the bestowal of government work (often lucrative government contracts) in exchange for gifts in one form or another.
Given the "Teflon ability" of the Clintons to avoid political fallout from past questionable dealings – Whitewater, Chinagate, Travelgate, Monica-'gate', Clinton Foundation's "pay-to-play" – Hillary's karma may be catching up with her now.
Blagojevich was sentenced to prison in 2011 after being convicted of various "pay to play" schemes that involved state jobs, contracts, and exchanges of favors — the most infamous of which involved Obama's Senate seat.
Nixon was referring to the upcoming pay-to-play trial involving bribery allegations against various Buffalo and Syracuse business executives, as well as the recent conviction of a former Cuomo aide on corruption charges.
But when Democrats were last in the majority, Visclosky became tied up in a high-profile criminal investigation that centered on a well-connected appropriations lobbyist, Paul Magliocchetti, involved in pay-to-play tactics.
Ron DeSantis threw his support Thursday behind two bills allowing college athletes to make money from endorsement deals, joining New York in pushing for quick legislation responding to California's new "Fair Pay to Play" law.
The prior problem was that they were providing false information on there website that would intentionally cause any body reading this information (including me) to lose there contests which they make you pay to play.
Much like Xbox Live or the PlayStation Network, the Switch's new service will require users to pay to play certain games online, including notable Nintendo titles like Splatoon 2, Arms, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
If this proves to be a corrupt "pay-to-play" scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343).
Not only have we nearly doubled in readership over the past few years, we've done it without going inorganically broad, attempting to squeeze out more value per eyeball or making our events pay-to play.
"All of those charged today contributed to a pay-to-play culture that has no business in college basketball," Bill Sweeney, assistant director in charge of the FBI's New York division, added at the briefing.
The state's Fair Pay to Play Act ran counter to the NCAA's rules at the time, giving California college athletes the ability to make money off their name, image and likeness beginning in January 2023.
PENCE: ... the reason the American people don't trust Hillary Clinton is because they are looking at the pay to play politics that she operated with the Clinton Foundation through a private server... QUIJANO: Governor, please.
In order to win these reforms, we have to start by unrigging a rigged system where the wealthy rule, and that means ending the pay-to-play politics and getting big money out of politics.
"This is the new version of pay-to-play, 'Get in there and do business with the Trump Organization,'" said Richard Painter, who was the chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush.
BamBrogan's suit accuses Shervin of a pay-to-play arrangement and of paying a public relations vendor from Pramana who represented the company well above a normal salary ($400,000 a year) while they were allegedly dating.
Other portions are relevant to even the most experienced serial entrepreneurs — like how to think through potential drag-along and pay-to-play provisions, full-ratchet anti-dilution clauses and other tricky terms one might find.
Very few loyal players like that they'll have to pay to play the Necromancer class, and many others find the "Darkening of Tristram" dungeon a poor way to celebrate 20 years of such a storied franchise.
HOUSTON, July 12 (Reuters) - Private-equity firm EnCap Investments will pay $500,000 to settle civil "pay-to-play" allegations by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission after running afoul of campaign contribution and money management rules.
The complaint "underscores how pay-to-play greed and deception have corrupted the ratings and rankings on which consumers increasingly rely to make informed purchasing choices online," said Rebecca Kelly Slaughter, a commissioner at the FTC.
In August, Trump urged the Justice Department to investigate the Clinton Foundation, which he called a "pay-to-play" operation that rewarded big donors with favors from the State Department while Clinton was secretary of state.
The foundation has been under fire from many Republicans who allege that Hillary Clinton was involved in a pay-to-play operation while serving as secretary of State, exchanging favors for large donations to the foundation.
ST: What bothers me is that Hillary was secretary of state and there was pay-to-play going on; 1,100 foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and they got their meetings with the secretary of state.
"What really sets it apart is that the people getting involved in Dogecoin were technologists who were simply interested in how it worked, and it was voluntary, not pay-to-play," Palmer said over the phone.
Rival search engines including Ecosia, DuckDuckGo and French pro-privacy search engine Qwant have been highly critical of this pay-to-play switch — hitting out at the limited slots and sealed bid auction structure Google devised.
The governor's office said it did not believe the measure would have covered the M.T.A. "The perception of corruption and pay-to-play is enough to have a corrosive influence on the process," Mr. Myrie said.
In yet another example of absentee ethics within Supreme Court politics, several Justices last week essentially condoned pay-to-play politics, giving the OK to rich donors buying time, resources, and special treatment from government officials.
In 85033, the FBI Philadelphia Public Corruption Unit led by Special Agent John Roberts was closing in on a long-term investigation into a pervasive culture of "pay-to-play" political favors at Philadelphia City Hall.
What was once considered a past time of the working class has become financially competitive with the rise and popularization of pay-to-play all-star teams, travel to regional and national competitions, and private training.
"Hillary Clinton played an equally major role in causing the financial crisis as an obstructionist Senator," they said, crediting the Clintons' alleged "pay-to-play fundraising practices" for influencing Hillary Clinton's role as a U.S. senator.
When asked about the Frisky's pay-to-play marketing strategy by BuzzFeed News, Google appears to have downranked the site, according to a review of recent search rankings and data from SEMrush, a search marketing analytics site.
Bad news with Obamacare, WikiLeaks' release of Podesta's emails prompting another round of "pay to play" headlines, and news that the FBI was reopening the email server investigation make for a bad week for the Clinton campaign.
State Street's banking unit will pay $220 million to settle Securities and Exchange Commission charges that an executive and an outside lobbyist operated a pay-to-play scheme to win the firm contracts from Ohio pension funds.
There's his FCC appointment which will probably kill Net Neutrality and squelch innovation by smaller startups that could get nudged out of site on a pay-to-play Internet And then there's the HB-1 visa situation.
The former president pushed back on criticism that donors to the Clintons Foundation engaged in a "pay-to-play" scheme, whereby donations to the foundation bought influence with Hillary Clinton during her term as Secretary of State.
Chief White House ethics lawyer to President George W. Bush panned the move to the AP. "This is the new version of pay-to-play, 'Get in there and do business with the Trump Organization,'" Painter said.
A federal judge has dismissed a whistleblower lawsuit by a former employee of Lee Health that accused the large Florida healthcare system of engaging in a "pay-to-play" scheme by excessively compensating doctors to encourage referrals.
Clinton has faced heavy criticism recently from many Republicans, who allege that she was involved in a pay-to-play operation while serving as secretary of State, exchanging favors for support large donations to the Clinton Foundation.
While the fate of the Ringling cats is up in the air, the fate of the pay-to-play permitting scheme seems clearer: It will remain the unofficial policy of the U.S. government for the foreseeable future.
"All of those charged today contributed to a pay-to-play culture that has no business in college basketball," Bill Sweeney, assistant director in charge of the FBI's New York division, said at the news briefing Tuesday.
The pattern of political IOUs paid to the Clinton Foundation was so pernicious that the State Department even tried to execute a special agreement with the charity to avoid the overt appearance of "pay-to-play" policy.
Brown is assistant professor of public policy at the City University of New York, John Jay College at the Graduate Center, and the author of "Pay-to-Play Politics: How Money Defines the American Democracy" (Praeger, 2016).
Because sharing threat indicators is a "pay to play" or voluntary collaboration in which a company must share in order to receive, some companies may not join the collective for fear that their information will be misused.
CHAI, which is a closely affiliated but legally separate entity to the Clinton Foundation, takes millions from foreign entities to fight HIV/AIDs and other diseases and has been under pressure to address "pay-to-play" concerns.
He has spent the second half of his first term bogged down in internecine fights with the governor, battling with and lecturing the press, and fending off federal and state pay-to-play investigations involving his donors.
"I see it as keeping with what is happening with a lot of other aspects of children's lives, and these kinds of pay-to-play competitions are so common in chess, in science fair," said Dr. Shankar.
This reporting has revealed that politically influential plaintiffs' lawyers frequently shop their ideas for potentially lucrative lawsuits against corporate defendants to friendly state prosecutors who then hire the lawyers, expecting generous pay-to-play campaign contributions later.
One of its five solutions is reducing "pay to play" politics, because in a democracy, making laws should be based on the power of ideas, not simply the size of the checkbook or moneyed interests behind them.
The fund-raiser provided a vivid example of how things work in Albany's pay-to-play culture, where political contributions are often viewed by business leaders as a prerequisite for getting their perspective heard in the capital.
Trump has sought to paint the Clinton Foundation as a "pay-to-play" operation under which the former U.S. secretary of state and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, rewarded big donors to the foundation with access.
In fact, Pence could very well hamper Trump's fundraising with corporations and Wall Street given his socially conservative record as an Indiana governor and "pay to play" laws that hamper state officials from fundraising from financial services firms.
That's why Democrats rolled out a national campaign earlier this year taking aim at corruption and pay-to-play politics in Washington under the Trump administration — a platform reminiscent of a message Democrats successfully campaigned on in 2006.
A deeper dig into Trump's past shows yet another prosecutor who seems to have taken it easy on the billionaire -- and received a needed political donation in what might be a coincidence, or might be pay-to-play.
There's rappers that are decent, but they don't do anything, and the rappers that do do stuff are just, like paying to get on shows, like, pay-to-play, open at the Emporium for Ja Rule and stuff.
Agents with knowledge of the email investigation, and a tangential case involving alleged "pay to play" scheming between the Clinton State Department and the Clinton Global Initiative, advise me that McCabe wanted to disassemble the Little Rock, Ark.
The regional growth, which has been 10-30 percent month-over-month recently, appears more remarkable when factoring in PicsArt's zero user acquisition expense in a crowded market where pay-to-play is a norm for emerging startups.
Just this week Retraction Watch published a post on how such "pay to play" journals are "subverting academic publishing," and in 2015 The Scientist lamented how such shops are causing a decline in the quality of reliable research.
It extended far beyond the typical one-off, pay-to-play artist-fashion collaboration (which have become as common as bugle beads these days) and would allow Mr. Simons unprecedented access to the Warhol archive for three years.
It's being called the "Fair Pay to Play Act" and it was passed by the CA State Senate this week, allowing college athletes to be paid for the use of their name, likeness and image without being punished.
It has done this with deep investigative dive into the penetralia of the Trump empire and no equivalent reporting about the Clinton emails, the Clinton Foundation's corrupt pay-to-play scheme or the nonstop lies from Clinton herself.
Critics of this arrangement cite conflicts of interests in the form of a "pay-to-play" model, whereby finance commingles with curatorial decisions, which can, in turn, compromise the integrity and artistic independence of large institutions like the HdK.
NEW YORK, March 22 (Reuters) - The former top administrator of Allentown, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to federal fraud charges, becoming the seventh person convicted in a long-running FBI pay-to-play investigation that includes Mayor Ed Pawlowski.
Other cynics will decry that the App Store is now a pay-to-play environment, forcing developers to bid even on their own name or app title unless they want to see competitors kidnap traffic clearly meant for them.
Pay-to-play schemes involve campaign contributions or other payments made by investment advisers to state and local government officials in an attempt to influence the awarding of lucrative public contracts, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Fodder for Republicans The Clinton Foundation's activity has provided fodder for Republicans who have for months accused Hillary Clinton of pay-to-play schemes, connecting her actions as President Barack Obama's secretary of state to contributions to the foundation.
That the Clintons raked in millions of dollars while these same donors had business before Hillary Clinton's State Department points to a rampant pay-to-play culture that would be on full display should Hillary Clinton be elected president.
Despite inhumane conditions in private prisons, President Trump's administration has announced several orders that benefit specific private prison companies in both the immigration and criminal justice systems, creating the appearance of pay-to-play corruption at the highest level.
If the Senate convicts Ms. Rousseff of financial wrongdoing — which is likely since 55 of Brazil's 81 senators voted to put her on trial — Brazilian leaders may find it easier to revert to pay-to-play politics as usual.
" She also believes the stories about Trump's links to Russia would have more credibility had they also looked into "Clinton's issues, such as the pay to play as secretary of state or the sale of US uranium to Russia.
Net neutrality is the principle that broadband giants like Comcast, AT&T and Verizon shouldn't be able to favor their own internet services, discriminate against rival content, or create pay-to-play online "fast lanes" for deep-pocketed partners.
Mr. Nadler said publicly on Monday that his committee was keenly interested in the possibility of pay-to-play style corruption and possible violations of the Constitution's emoluments clause, which bans public officials from receiving gifts from foreign governments.
Jeff Brindle, the executive director of the Election Law Enforcement Commission, said the one restriction on national donations from New Jersey is that businesses are not allowed to form political nonprofits to circumvent the state's pay-to-play laws.
Mr. Goldstein was leading a team of prosecutors under Preet Bharara, then the United States attorney in Manhattan, who were investigating whether Mr. de Blasio had committed a series of corruption crimes: bribery, pay-to-play and campaign fraud.
De Vido has denied any wrongdoing and says he is being prosecuted as part of a political vendetta against members of the administration of previous President Christina Fernandez, who stands accused of other pay-to-play public works schemes.
Catch up quick: An investigation into the industry's media pay-to-play; a judge dismissed an initial lawsuit against Coinbase over Bitcoin Cash listing; and the SEC's newest commissioner recently met with groups behind the Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) proposal.
The arraignment came in the latest pay-to-play case to center on the third-largest U.S. pension fund following a scandal a decade ago that sent the state comptroller to prison and sent shock waves through the pension fund world.
Mook: No evidence of Clinton pay-to-play Kaine argued that Clinton -- who called the Trans-Pacific Partnership a "gold standard" trade deal as secretary of state in 2012 -- didn't flip-flop by announcing her opposition once the deal was done.
All of which means that any election 'security' effort that fixes on a narrow definition (like "election ads") seems unlikely to offer much more than a micro bump in the road for anyone wanting to pay to play with democracy.
The customer is far too often ignored in highly regulated industries, which, sadly, are frequently dominated by special interest, pay to play politics (balancing the relative power and needs of insiders typically becomes paramount to actually creating logical public policy).
Edwin Pawlowski, a Democrat who was elected in November to his fourth term as mayor despite a sweeping "pay-to-play" indictment, went on trial in U.S. District Court in Allentown on 54 criminal counts, including bribery, conspiracy and fraud.
This "pay-to-play" system means that Black and Hispanic households, which according to the U.S. Census Bureau have lower median incomes compared to non-Hispanic White households, are more likely to get priced out of high-level soccer early on.
Back in June 2018, when the plant's second shift was laid off, the district eliminated pay-to-play fees for sports programs and removed student program fees that might have kept less fortunate students from taking advantage of the school's offerings.
The biggest payouts were for contracts with Brazil's state oil company, Petrobras — the focus of a massive pay-to-play scandal that has upended Brazilian politics, landing a laundry list of powerful people in jail, including Odebrecht's boss, Marcelo Odebrecht.
Updated, March 1, 2018: Ed Pawlowski, the mayor of Allentown, Pa., was found guilty of 47 counts, according to the Morning Call, including conspiracy, bribery and false statements to federal officials, for what prosecutors described as a pay-to-play scheme.
On one condition — we all play by the same rules: hard work and innovation, not hard work and stealing intellectual property, massive government interventions, ignoring W.T.O. rules, lack of reciprocity and forcing Western companies to pay to play inside China.
Mr. Janot is challenging that narrative, asserting that his office has enough evidence to demonstrate that she was more than a bystander in a multibillion pay-to-play scheme that drained the government's treasury while enriching scores of businessmen and politicians.
But for me, he was just one of about a dozen of these bad guys that I was exposing online, talking to reporters about, and saying, 'no, conservation [does not mean] breeding tigers for use as pay-to-play props.
As Vox's Amanda Sakuma reported last week: The president's inaugural committee is currently under criminal investigation by the SDNY for an alleged pay-to-play scheme that allowed top donors to buy access to — and possibly influence — the incoming Trump administration.
The bill's formal justification said that government appointees donating to the executive that appointed them "fosters skepticism and distrust of the political process in Albany," and leads citizens to believe that Albany is rife with a pay-to-play culture.
The move followed guilty pleas by three members of Pawlowski's administration to federal charges stemming from what prosecutors say was a pay-to-play scheme benefiting the mayor, who has held the top job in Pennsylvania's third-largest city for 10 years.
Still, Meyer said she was reluctant to vote for Clinton given the FBI investigation into her use of a private email server as secretary of state and what Meyer feared would be a "pay to play" administration (a charge levied by Trump).
While PUBG was reportedly the top-grossing "premium" game last year, making $1.035 billion according to analyst firm SuperData, the fact that users have to pay to play puts it at a significant disadvantage to Fortnite, which is free for anyone to play.
Heavy media scrutiny of the Clinton Foundation has found scant evidence of the "pay to play" Trump alleges, though the Clinton family has said it will make changes to the foundation to avoid potential conflicts of interest should Hillary Clinton be elected president.
Manhattan federal prosecutors announced charges centered on the New York State Common Retirement Fund, which was shaken by another pay-to-play scheme a decade ago that sent the state comptroller to prison and sent shock waves through the pension fund world.
Clinton, whose own family foundation has been the focus of pay-to-play allegations related to her time helming the State Department, began her series of tweets by questioning whether Trump would "sever ties" with his company if he becomes president 1.
The fact that Donald Trump, with media complicity, used the specter of pay-to-play corruption to abnormalize and disqualify Hillary Clinton should make the fact that Trump is now bringing the specter to life in his own White House a paralyzing scandal.
Aimee Boden, the president of the Randalls Island Parks Alliance, which oversees 62 constantly booked fields on an island in the East River, said that the proliferation of pay-to-play leagues, which include travel teams, has helped drive up the competition.
Republicans have long accused her of running a pay-to-play operation, but those allegations took on new life after The Associated Press reported that foundation donors accounted for more than half of the meetings she held with people outside of government.
Pay-to-play is one of the more divisive conventions in American youth soccer—the ability of some families to spend thousands of dollars a year on elite youth soccer clubs tends to make that elite a self-selecting, self-perpetuating group.
His first marriage ended in divorce in 2014, and he remarried a year later to Corinne Adams, whose employment at an architecture firm that received business and subsidies from the county led to accusations of pay-to-play by the Cuomo campaign.
If Trump and Congress unleash 501(c)(3) nonprofits to wield their substantial, tax-exempt wealth in politics, they inadvertently could usher in a new era of college sports pay-to-play—except with the money going to politicians, and not athletes.
The documents were published by The Times as Trump told a Pennsylvania crowd to "follow the money," his latest line of attack against Hillary Clinton, in reference to his allegations she was engaged in a pay-to-play scandal while secretary of state.
The investigation focused on interior construction at various Bloomberg office buildings, including its headquarters at 22015 Lexington Avenue, in which subcontractors paid bribes and kickbacks to Turner and Bloomberg executives to land work in a "pay-to-play" scheme, according to investigators.
Had she donated to any of the officials in counties where her husband's firm has contracts, which total about $630,000, according to the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, they too would have come under scrutiny for potential pay-to-play violations.
Investigators are looking at whether the donations — made mostly to obscure county committees of the Democratic Party — were part of an attempt to circumvent campaign finance limits, and whether some contributions may have been made as part of a pay-to-play scheme.
The complaint also accused McKinsey of offering "pay to play" deals to various bankruptcy lawyers, in which McKinsey would offer "to refer its vast network of consulting clients" to them if in exchange they would refer their bankruptcy clients to McKinsey's restructuring business.
When the two next met, Mr. Barton "revealed that he had been upset and angry to learn that McKinsey had, in fact, been making pay-to-play offers to bankruptcy lawyers," and spoke with outside counsel, who confirmed that such conduct was illegal.
Next came Trump saying he'd wipe the sentence of Rod Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois — and former contestant on Trump's NBC show "The Apprentice" — who has spent eight years in prison after a pay-to-play scheme blew up in his face.
We've all grown used to backdoor agreements and wink-and-a-nod deals, but the latest fiasco involving "pay to play" deals to circumvent the Endangered Species Act (ESA) should have every citizen outraged ("Democrat outraged by endangered species hunting permits," June 27).
Part of E33's dilemma is that it's no longer necessary for companies to talk to the press to reach their fans, when they can just go the fans themselves (or to pay-to-play influencers who do an impression of fans).
Jim Himes (Conn.) warned last week that the Clinton's need to adopt "a purer than Caesar's wife approach" to the foundation to eliminate any pay-to-play accusations, but he did not say they should cut all family ties to it. Rep.
LendEDU, a website that compares loans, credit cards and insurance for consumers, engaged in a pay-to-play scheme that saw the online marketplace accept money from financial firms in exchange for higher ratings and post fake customer reviews, according to the Federal Trade Commission.
The fundraising haul is a silver lining on what otherwise was a difficult month for Clinton, where questions about her exclusive use of a private email server as secretary of state and questions about pay-to-play at the Clinton Foundation hamstrung her campaign.
Brown is an assistant professor of public policy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and The Graduate Center, City University of New York, and is the the author of the forthcoming "Pay-to-Play Politics: How Money Defines the American Democracy" (Praeger, Spring 2016).
Just as the company's cheap prices and fast shipping caused a seismic shift in retailing that shuttered stores selling books, electronics and music, now Amazon's pay-to-play culture is forcing online sellers to choose between paying hefty fees or leaving the platform altogether.
Brown is an assistant professor of public policy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and The Graduate Center, City University of New York, and is the the author of the forthcoming "Pay-to-Play Politics: How Money Defines the American Democracy" (Praeger, Spring 2016).
Whether legal or not, the garbage bag episode illustrates the collapse of careful defenses built up in the city over the last three decades against "pay to play" practices in which people gave campaign contributions to gain access to or favors from powerful officials.
Others in the cabinet are weathering ethical scandals such as excessive use of first class tickets, or charters, or even military aircraft for seemingly personal purposes, or allegations of insider trading, or conflicts of interest, or lavish office spending, or even pay to play allegations.
Others that will be reviewed also include advisers to government pension plans, with a focus on ensuring they are managing conflicts of interest, upholding their fiduciary duty and complying with "pay to play" rules which limit advisers from making political contributions in exchange for business.
The guys who run Pay-to-Play, a competing ticket, were talking about giving the Broncos four points instead of three, and paying the winners 3-to-1 meaning you bet $100 to win $300, an enticement to get people to bet on the underdog.
Debbie Lee, women's football operations manager at the Melbourne Demons club and a key architect of the AFLW, had to pay to play her 300-odd games in the full-contact sport but women players can now earn up to A$40,000 a season.
The donations from Suffolk highlight how a 70-year-old campaign finance law meant to prevent pay-to-play deals between public officials and companies making money from the government is often ignored by those making the donations and those on the receiving end.
But it might have resonated more had it come from someone who did not rely on big money in his campaigns, and was criticized by federal prosecutors for blurring pay-to-play ethics — and has no doubt run his last race for local office.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has begun an investigation into whether the Clinton Foundation conducted "pay-to-play" politics or other illegal activities during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, The Hill reported on Thursday, citing law enforcement officials and a witness.
Had her donations gone directly to Philip D. Murphy, the Democratic candidate for governor in New Jersey, it would have prevented her husband's firm from getting any state contracts under a potential Murphy administration, the result of New Jersey's strict pay-to-play laws.
As for the lobbyist-loving wing of the Trump administration, one of its leading members — Mick Mulvaney, who heads the Office of Management and Budget and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — was extolling the practice of pay-to-play public service the other day.
These are the kind of players who routinely fall through the cracks of American soccer, victims of financial hardships that sometimes prevent their talents from being properly nurtured, and exposed, in the pay-to-play culture that dominates youth soccer in the United States.
NEW YORK, Dec 21 (Reuters) - U.S. prosecutors on Wednesday accused a former portfolio manager at New York state's retirement fund of steering $2 billion in trades in exchange for bribes from brokerage employees, in the latest pay-to-play case to rock the fund.
The Hill, citing law enforcement officials and a witness, reported last week that the DOJ has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of State.
Earlier this week, unnamed sources within the bureau told the Wall Street Journal that some FBI agents believed they had enough evidence to begin an aggressive investigation into a potential pay-to-play scheme at the Clinton Foundation, but were overruled by more senior officials.
The two companies were buying TV ads like they were going out of style and were (and still are) in the midst of heated regulatory battles in numerous states around the legality of their product, which offers cash prizes for pay-to-play fantasy sports contests.
Photo: APDonald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen is starting to take heat from the big guy himself over a brewing scandal involving a shady front company that bears every outward appearance of a thinly veiled pay-to-play scheme peddling whatever influence Cohen had on the president.
Investigation into the industry's media pay-to-play (Breaker Magazine) Why it matters: One unfortunate side of the boom in cryptocurrency and blockchain tech interest and activity is the rise of unethical trade press practices — namely some outlets charging fees to promote a project or company.
What does it mean when two DJs who embody everything wrong with mainstream dance music culture—who've achieved a level of fame through marketing ploys and pay-to-play schemes instead of hard work and talent—resort to spinning vinyl in an attempt at gaining some credibility?
This is a question that could be applied to so many things when it comes to Trump — his health records, his taxes, his foreign investments, his business dealings with Russia, his foundation's pay-to-play schemes, his charitable giving (if any), his wife Melania's immigration history, etc.
"I've never been in a situation where somebody asked me to do something really obviously physical in exchange for [a job], like a pay-to-play kind of situation," the 30-year-old told THR when the women were discussing sexual harassment and misogyny in the industry.
Donald J. Trump, who has repeatedly denounced pay-to-play politics during his insurgent campaign, is now defending himself against claims that he donated $25,000 to a group supporting the Florida attorney general, Pam Bondi, to sway her office's review of fraud allegations at Trump University.
However, she argued that "this approach transforms our tax system into a pay-to-play system" where only those with the expertise to navigate the self-help options or the resources to pay a third party to help them will be able to protect their rights.
A Grady Department of Interior could include a dismantling of longstanding environmental protections in favor of pay-to-play programs the clear the way for large-scale environmental destruction on lands where development is potentially profitable, in exchange for "saving" areas in which industry has little interest.
In February, California State Senators Nancy Skinner and Steven Bradford introduced the Fair Pay to Play Act to the California state legislature, which would allow athletes at California colleges that make more than $10 million in media rights revenue each year to make money from their likenesses.
Thanks to our current net neutrality rules, when people like this take their genius beyond Twitter, to the rest of the internet, they don't have to worry about whether it's in a pay-to-play internet "fast lane" that makes access to certain types of content easier.
The government gave away cheap land, and state-guided banks granted cheap loans for new industries, but foreign companies that wanted access to China's market were forced to pay to play — to have a Chinese partner and be willing to transfer their advanced technology to them.
"This is an attack on immigrant families and an attempt to make our immigration system a pay-to-play system where only the wealthy need apply," said Jackie Vimo, a policy analyst with the National Immigration Law Center, a Washington-based group that defends low-income immigrants.
He seems to think that putting his two adult sons in charge of his various business operations — golf courses, licensing deals and hotels — is enough to mute concerns over his conflicts of interest, which could take pay-to-play government corruption to a whole new level.
However, she argued that 'this approach transforms our tax system into a pay-to-play system' where only those with the expertise to navigate the self-help options or the resources to pay a third party to help them will be able to protect their rights.
The net neutrality rules, approved by the Federal Communications Commission in 2015, aimed to preserve the open internet and ensure that it could not be divided into pay-to-play fast lanes for web and media companies that can afford it and slow lanes for everyone else.
TIME reported in 2013 that the one branch of the BBB based in Los Angeles had been involved in a pay-to-play scheme: While the BBB offers consumers many services—lists of popular scams to watch out for and such—the organization's mission isn't to have your back.
They argue there is no evidence of a pay-to-play scheme, and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has heavily criticized an Associated Press report that said foundation donors accounted for more than half of the people outside of government who met with her when she was secretary of State.
Trump has repeatedly accused Democratic nominee and former secretary of State of providing access and political favors to donors of the Clinton Foundation, but the video released Tuesday accuses the "pay-to-play expert" of buying favoritism with a contribution to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (R) in 2013.
And thanks to the Associated Press, we know that the Trump foundation, actually engaged in real, pay-to-play schemes when the Foundation made an illegal donation to the Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who then turned around and dropped a pending investigation into fraudulent activity at Trump University.
Here are all 15, rankedLeBron James explains why he supports college athletes' right to earn from their name and likeness after California passes Fair Pay to Play ActLeBron James says he was 'literally shedding tears' when he found out that Nike would be naming a new building after him
Whether it's the email saga, or Clinton's pay-to-play tenure at the State Department (seats on commissions appear to have been given in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation), or her big-buck speeches on Wall Street, Hillary Clinton does not have a reputation for honesty.
MR. KATZ: I think where jewelry houses like ourselves are best suited in the market now, given the pay-to-play of the big carpets, are the smaller carpets where the celebrity is more comfortable and the stylist is more comfortable to choose something they really want to wear.
The rules were intended to ensure an open internet, meaning that no content could be blocked by broadband providers and that the internet would not be divided into pay-to-play fast lanes for internet and media companies that can afford it and slow lanes for everyone else.
The about-face follows dissent within the agency over the move in March to readmit Rattner, who in 2010 was barred from the industry as part of an SEC settlement over his alleged role in a pay-to-play arrangement involving New York state's flagship pension fund, the Journal said.
"With growing evidence of pay-to-play relationships between Clinton's State Department and her family foundation, the State Department owes it to the American people to release the thousands of work-related emails she failed to turn over before voters head to the polls," Priebus said in a statement Wednesday.
There was a time when civic virtue flourished, but that was long ago and far away, a time before the corruption of greed and pay-to-play seeped into the bosom of public officials and turned the Beltway into a huge red-light district where access is bartered for money.
She has also spearheaded a global fund to support female entrepreneurs that—goals aside—has all the trappings of a pay-to-play scam of the sort that her father pretended to be offended by on the campaign trail, and that would make the founders of the Clinton Foundation blush.
Whereas college basketball coaches scour playgrounds and high school gyms looking for the next Michael Jordan, youth football in America operates on a "pay-to-play" system, in which the sport is treated as a mere extracurricular activity that well-off parents can choose to invest in for their children.
While Trump spent much of his campaign blasting the Clinton Foundation as some big pay-to-play scheme, Trump has been defiant in his insistence that he has the right to let his children run his international business and that he has no plan to create any kind of serious firewall.
"When we wrote the pay-to-play law, we tried imagining everything that we can as to how people are going to get around it," said Craig Holman, a former senior researcher for the Brennan Center for Justice in New York who helped draft the law in New Jersey in 2000.
Bill ClintonWilliam (Bill) Jefferson ClintonThe magic of majority rule in elections The return of Ken Starr Assault weapons ban picks up steam in Congress MORE defended the embattled Clinton Foundation Monday, saying he is "unaware" of any "pay to play" schemes taking place while his wife was secretary of State.
The recent announcement by Joon H. Kim, the acting United States attorney in Manhattan, about the decision not to charge any crimes involving fund-raising by Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York that may have involved pay-to-play contract awards shows how equivocal evidence of wrongdoing can be.
Some of his costliest deals simply paid companies to move around within the state, and the appearance of "pay to play" surrounds the many deals in which executives at subsidized companies gave large contributions to Christie's reelection campaign, the governor's mansion fund, or the Republican Governors Association while Christie headed it.
TC: So no pay-to-play provisions [meaning if a company needs to raise money and resorts to insiders for it, those who can't or don't want to contribute their pro rata share will see their preferred shares reduced to either common stock or some other subset of equity with fewer rights].
But the level of subsidies he has received along with his doggedness in claiming them seem at odds with his rhetoric as an outsider candidate who boasts of his single-handed success and who has denounced what he calls the pay-to-play culture of politics and a "rigged" system of government.
The real dream, I suppose, is Valve themselves offering a service that lets you pay to play everything you own through the cloud, but in the absence of that, GeForce Now sounds like it has the potential to deliver more of what people wanted from the potential of a thing like Stadia.
"Pay to play" has been used by trophy hunters, theme parks and animal exhibitors to obtain permits for the use of endangered elephants in abusive traveling exhibitions that have violated the Animal Welfare Act, to hunt and import the remains of an endangered black rhinoceros and to perform invasive experiments on endangered monkeys.
By a wide margin, Americans perceive there is pervasive corruption in our political system — whether within the Trump White House, from the impeachment inquiry over the withholding of Ukrainian aid, the influence of unlimited funds from political action committees on elections, or the pay-to-play lobbying of corporate interests in the congressional legislative process.
Steven Rattner, a former Treasury official under Barack Obama who was banned from Wall Street trading after being implicated in a pay-to-play scheme, spends about 1,000 words freaking out about how buzzy left-wing wish-list items like Medicare for all, "free college tuition," and the Green New Deal would explode the debt.
Appearing before Judge John G. Koeltl of New York's Southern District, the outsider artist's lawyers argued that his $100 million lawsuit against New York's top museums should continue to trial so that litigators might uncover a potential conspiracy linking those cultural institutions to the art market's top five galleries in a pay-to-play scheme.
"'Pay-to-play' charges by Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE have not been proved," the newspaper added.
During the post-convention lull, the press strained hard to create the impression that Hillary Clinton had used (and would use) the Clinton Foundation as a vehicle for pay-to-play corruption, while Trump ran the most deviant and corrosive campaign in modern history and his far more well-documented corruption received relatively scant attention.
Couple that with the outsize role of lobbyists in influencing legislation, a lack of real committee oversight, transactional giving, power struggles with the executive branch, pay to play politics, and the unpredictable schedule, and it is no wonder we have heard again and again from our elected officials that the job is a drag.
It's still unclear whether Cohen actually followed through on his pay-to-play promises, but a story in The Wall Street Journal on Sunday quoted a Cohen associate who said that he expressed frustration with the president last year, grumbling that Trump was "not calling him and not helping him," the person reportedly said.
One of the great questions about the iPhone is whether it adds more to society at large than it detracts—do the omnipresent GPS, education apps, and connective power of social media make up for a world of omnipresent lostness in info, pay-to-play gaming apps, and time-draining excesses of social media?
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE, the GOP's presidential nominee, has repeatedly accused the Clintons of "pay-to-play" politics with their family's charitable organization.
But investigations and convictions appear to remain a perennial feature of the industry: In 2015, the Manhattan district attorney's office successfully prosecuted John Cassisi, the former director of global construction for Citibank's Citi Realty Services, for operating a pay-to-play scheme in which he received $500,000 in cash and gifts from contractors seeking work.
Baskin especially takes issue with the fact that Joe and Doc breed big cats — many of which are endangered species — to live their entire lives in captivity and fund the zoo owners' "pay to play" business model, in which visitors to their zoos can buy the opportunity to play and take pictures with the cubs.
There also are all sorts of sophisticated arguments that Google is "fixing its search" results so you only see what it wants you to see, and that it is involved in "pay to play" activities requiring firms to pay Google a fee to get their names high on the search list and so on.
During Trump's ferocious election fight with Clinton, chants of "lock her up" -- referring to Clinton -- became a refrain of the Republican's campaign, as he hammered the Democratic presidential nominee over her decision to use a private email server as secretary of state, and lobbed accusations of corruption and "pay to play" politics at the Clinton Foundation.
You would have to be delusional now to believe that Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE's tenure as secretary of State was nothing more than a vast pay-to-play operation.
San Francisco DA George Gascon recently brought felony bribery and money laundering charges against two of Mayor Ed Lee's former Human Rights Commission staffers, as well as against former school board president and local fixer Keith Jackson, in relation to suspect campaign contributions and "pay to play" politics; both a lumber company and an FBI informant are involved.
Republican presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE has attacked Clinton with allegations of a pay-to-play scandal involving donors to the Clinton Foundation.
It seemed that arm sales had become a "pay-to-play" deal, which would guarantee our support for MbS's extensive economic and political agenda as he visits the U.S. On the political side, MbS's visit will seek to give real teeth to a U.S.-Saudi common front to counter Iran's hegemonic policies in the Middle East.
"The American people already know that Scott Pruitt is working for corporate polluters and not for them, but the revelation that his staff is moonlighting for private clients while working at the EPA full time brings suspicions of pay to play to a whole new level," Melinda Pierce, the group's legislative director, said in a statement.
Solo said she is campaigning on four core principles: to create a winning culture in U.S. Soccer, starting with youth development; to push for equal pay for the women's national team and all women within U.S. Soccer; to address the "pay-to-play" model and make soccer accessible to all; and stress transparency within the federation.
" U.S. Soccer's lawyers at Seyfarth Shaw referred my request for comment to the Federation, which said in an email statement, "Women's national team players are paid differently because they specifically asked for, and negotiated, a completely different contract than the men's national team, despite being offered, and rejecting, a similar pay-to-play agreement during the past negotiations.
One executive, who asked not to be named so as not to jeopardize relationships with City Hall, said that some also feared that a donation could backfire if city officials felt compelled to act less favorably to big donors with projects requiring city action regarding zoning or other factors, in order to avoid any suggestion of pay to play.
The harder AiB volunteers work to be inclusive today in fast-gentrifying Bushwick, the more that inclusivity grows to include those who were never left behind in the first place — like the startups whose presence within BOS gives them dirt-cheap street cred or the curators who run pay-to-play popups that piggyback on BOS's reputation.
In an attempt to defend the president's other lawyer Michael Cohen from accusations he took $600,000 to "consult" (read: sell influence) on the merger, Giuliani told the Huffington Post:Giuliani said Cohen's business relationships did not contradict Trump's campaign promises to end "pay-to-play" schemes and to "drain the swamp" because Cohen did not get for his newfound clients what they wanted.
There are structural problems with juried shows in general, one of them being the entry fee, and the Municipal Gallery charged artists $10 to submit work for Offal (when the gallery posted the call for artists on Facebook, one artist commented, "I never pay to play and I especially do not want to participate in a show that glorifies people consuming animal products").
And look, we can work with, invest in a dozen startups at any given time, there's 603,000 I think in the U.S. right now, so even though I want the ones in my portfolio to do better than the other ones, I don't want any of them to get screwed over by like, pay-to-play politics and just entrenched interests squashing innovation.
After spending months out of the public eye -- primarily fundraising for his wife's campaign -- the former President has used a series of campaign events to call Trump hypocritical for claiming that the Clinton Foundation is a pay-to-play scheme while the Republican nominee's foundation was fined by the IRS for donating $25,000 to a political group supporting Pam Bondi's 2014 reelection bid.
"This news is just the latest in a series of damning reports this year about Senator McConnell's pay-to-play corruption and self-serving interests in Washington, where he is now blocking bipartisan efforts to secure our elections and refuses to answer for the mounting questions about who he's actually working for," Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee spokesman Stewart Boss told The Hill.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio campaigned to improve the lives of poor and everyday New Yorkers, who deserve much better than this pay-to-play The taxi industry has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to de Blasio's campaign and has also donated to members of the City Council, including Rubén Díaz Sr., chairman of the city's Committee on For-Hire Vehicles.
How ironic that the most retrograde of all imaginable candidates will now be embraced by those that are totally disgusted with the scene of the hogs feeding at the trough that we now call politics in America – that Trump is the insurgent straight talking fighter for the little guy and Clinton is the symbol of the pay-to-play status quo.
Trump has repeatedly accused Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE of "pay-to-play" schemes while serving as secretary of State, alleging she gave access to foreign governments and corporations who donated to the Clinton Foundation.
"Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE must commit his administration to a serious, independent investigation of the very serious Clinton national security, email, and pay-to-play scandals," organization president Tom Fitton said in a statement.
Americans heard throughout the campaign from Bernie SandersBernie SandersJoe Biden faces an uncertain path Bernie Sanders vows to go to 'war with white nationalism and racism' as president Biden: 'There's an awful lot of really good Republicans out there' MORE that Wall Street had engaged in a pay-to-play process that has hijacked the legislative agenda at the expense of blue-collar workers.
The controversy over the Trump Foundation donation has gained extra attention because Trump has been attacking Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE over what he alleges has been a "pay-to-play" scheme at the Clinton Foundation.
At a glance the big loser looks to be Microsoft's Bing search engine — which will only appear as an option on the choice screen shown in the U.K. Tree-planting search engine Ecosia does not appear anywhere on the list at all, despite appearing on some initial Android choice screens — having taken the decision to boycott the auction because it objects to Google's "pay-to-play" approach.
Gavin Newsom signed the Fair Pay to Play Act, which allows college athletes to not only profit from their name, image and likeness but also hire an agent, the NCAA announced Monday that it will also open the doors for athletes to "benefit from the use of their name, image and likeness in a manner consistent with the collegiate model" (as the NCAA put it in its statement).
Foundation donors on more than one occasion also had business at the State Department when Clinton served as secretary, raising "pay-to-play" allegations from Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE and other Republicans.
The scrutiny of Trump's foundation is deepening at a time when Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE is facing allegations from Republicans that the Clinton Foundation was running a corrupt "pay-to-play" operation while she was secretary of State.
The irony, of course, is that Trump spent the last month of his campaign accusing Bill and Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE of "pay to play" by arranging meetings for Clinton Foundation donors with the then-secretary of State.
This is a big story that has truly failed to crack the top crust of the mainstream news media, a fact that continues to baffle and outrage Clinton supporters who feel that their candidate is subjected to a daily barrage of pointed questions about email servers and pay-to-play accusations while Trump seems to get a pass on what some say is a case of outright bribery.
Although prosecutors announced in March that they would not bring charges against the mayor, Mr. Rechnitz has all but outright accused Mr. de Blasio and one of his fund-raisers, Ross Offinger, of participating in pay-to-play schemes after Mr. Rechnitz and his friend, Jeremy Reichberg, donated or arranged for more than $100,000 in contributions to the mayor's 2013 campaign and other political causes of the mayor.
Republican presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE and others in his party have seized on the donations as evidence of a pay-to-play system in which foreign governments and corporations were buying access through their donations.
Here, for instance, is the Atlantic's Russell Berman writing about the Morocco emails: The chief complaint that critics make about the Clinton Foundation is that the former and perhaps future presidents engaged in a "pay-to-play" scheme, whereby donors—many of them foreign governments—would contribute money to the charity in exchange for access to Bill or Hillary Clinton, or worse, beneficial treatment from the State Department.
The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE served as secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.
Business Insider spoke about these different fictional portrayals with three retired FBI agents, Jerri Williams, author of the upcoming novel " Pay to Play," Joe Navarro, author of " What Every Body is Saying," and Chris Voss, author of " Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It." They revealed which popular fictional clichés about the FBI are dead wrong and discussed the handful of shows that come close to getting it right:
As the Trump administration erroneously devalues expertise and institutional knowledge by handing over core leadership positions to the inexperienced, by disgustingly elevating nepotism, by downplaying conflicts of interest and by allowing access in a pay-to-play style, openly favoring those with a higher social economic status, members of Congress of color are defending progress on the issues that matter most to our families — environmental protection and creating safeguards to grow healthy communities.
Trump's campaign quickly seized on the AP report and released a statement from his running mate Mike PenceMichael (Mike) Richard PenceThe Hill's Morning Report - Trump on defense over economic jitters FEC chair calls on Trump to provide evidence of NH voter fraud Five years after Yazidi genocide, US warns ISIS is rebounding MORE, calling it is "further evidence of the pay-to-play politics at her State Department" and reiterating his call for the foundation to shut down.
In May on Fox and Friends, I said that Trump should demand certain actions by government agencies because quite frankly his voters and base are demanding these things: President Trump should direct Attorney General Sessions to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server and the Clinton Foundation's' apparent illegal use of donor funds for personal gain and the allegations of its pay-to-play schemes with Russia and other countries while Hillary was Secretary of State.
Breaking up Google by forcing it to separate its ad server arm from the rest of the business is one of a number of possible interventions it's eyeing, along with enforcing choice screens for search engines and browsers that use non-monetary criteria to allocate slots — versus Google's plan for a pay-to-play offering for EU Android users (which rivals argue does not offer relief for the antitrust abuse the European Commission sanctioned last year).
If the mayor were serious about ending the influence of "pay to play" in politics — as he used to be when he was the city's public advocate — he would endorse recommendations by the Campaign Finance Board and good government groups like Citizens Union, which have called for the City Council to make groups like the Campaign for One New York subject to the city's campaign-finance law, with strict spending limits, full public disclosure and no connection to anybody trying to do business with the city.
Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE's presidential campaign is accusing Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's foundation of a pay-to-play controversy.
Neither side made more than passing allusions to allegations of a pay-to-play scheme with Mr. de Blasio that Mr. Rechnitz detailed during his six days on the witness stand — a notable absence given the extensive time both government and defense lawyers had devoted to the topic during Mr. Rechnitz's testimony (Federal and state inquiries into Mr. de Blasio's fund-raising practices did not lead to charges.) The closest anyone got to acknowledging those claims came when Mr. Shechtman referred to Mr. Seabrook's one-time political aspirations.
Other notable committee appointments went to former senator Heidi Heitkamp, who now sits on the board of the hawkish neoconservative (John) McCain Institute; former Obama official Carol Browner, who voted down radical climate change initiatives in 2016; Harold Ickes, described by the Times as "Bill Clinton's Garbage Man," for both selling access to the president and whipping support after the Gennifer Flowers incident; Alex Padilla, accused of suppressing progressive independent voters in California; and Michael Steed, founder of the Paladin Capital Group, which settled with the state of New York in a pay-to-play scheme involving a New York pension fund.
GOP presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE has made the Clinton Foundation a new attack point for his campaign, ripping it as a pay-to-play organization that traded cash for access to the State Department when Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE was in charge.
Millions clearly see his recusal from the Russia investigation as a serious mistake, and his inaction with regard to Obama and Clinton-era alleged crimes — especially the "pay to play" of Uranium One, Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE's "ServerGate," and the infamous 2016 Phoenix airport tarmac meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill ClintonWilliam (Bill) Jefferson Clinton3 real problems Republicans need to address to win in 2020 Buckingham Palace: Any suggestion Prince Andrew was involved in Epstein scandal 'abhorrent' The magic of majority rule in elections MORE — as an indictment of his tenure.

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