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34 Sentences With "pass gas"

How to use pass gas in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pass gas" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pass gas". Mastering all the usages of "pass gas" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Methane is released when they belch, pass gas and make manure.
Methane is created in cattle production when cows pass gas, belch and defecate.
It also creates a lot of methane when they burp and pass gas.
I get up and pass gas and don't know where it came from.
The tag became a forum for discussions on animals and whether they pass gas.
The cardinal sin as a team member in an underwater habitat is to pass gas.
On a romantic weekend with a man, she can't sleep for fear she will pass gas in his presence.
Most people pass gas through the mouth or anus 13 to 21 times a day — they just don't talk about it.
We all deserve a safe place to pass gas, whether that's on the street, in a bathroom stall, or at a party.
"Asians are known for being obsessed with saving face, but when my dad had to pass gas, he didn't care," she said.
When those girls get a bit older, they learn to pass gas silently — while boys do it loudly, and think it's hilarious.
About a quarter of the methane in the country comes from cattle, which produce the gas when they burp or pass gas.
Babies arching their backs, having a swollen belly, and pushing until red in the face can be signs that they need to pass gas.
However Brown reportedly turned up three hours late for the meeting, and upon his eventual arrival, preceded to pass gas in Prisk's face and laugh.
It doesn't help that many yoga postures are intended to aid in digestion and specifically help you pass gas, explains Kyle Filley, a yoga instructor in Brooklyn.
He said that "dozens for sure, likely hundreds" of jurisdictions would pass gas bans and pro-electric legislation this year, though lawsuits challenging them may also proliferate.
In some cultures it is considered polite to pass gas after your meal; in other areas, guests must wait for the eldest male to eat before they begin.
It's such an important relationship marker, in fact, that we apparently need a how-to guide for the first time we pass gas in front of a new partner.
Dr Victor Prisk said Brown turned up three hours late for a body fat check in 2018 before preceding to pass gas in his face and leaving without paying.
Cattle products are particularly harmful, as cows produce huge amounts of noxious methane -- a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide -- when they burp or pass gas.
One such holding is Royal DSM, a Dutch chemical company that has developed a food additive, called Clean Cow, that reduces the methane, a greenhouse gas, released when cows burp and pass gas, he said.
This enhanced pain response was associated with abnormalities in the transport of gas through the gut, with a tendency to pass gas less rapidly per rectum and for increased quantities of the infusate to reflux from the intestine back into the stomach.
"I was never one to trip or fall or pass gas or anything like that," the This Is Us star and Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Emmy nominee, 41, tells PEOPLE for Editor-in-Chief Jess Cagle's The Jess Cagle Exercise.
Before Frida Mom launched in August 2019, another line of products called Frida Baby was already on the market, selling products to help care for babies, like the "Windi," meant to make it easier for babies to pass gas and the "NoseFrida," for their tiny, stuffed noses.
Experts urge that you call your doctor or go to the emergency room without delay if you notice new or worsening pain, especially if you also have fever, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, lack of energy, abdominal bloating, constipation or diarrhea and an inability to pass gas.
A flexible tube, inserted into the rectum, can be used to collect intestinal gas in a flatus bag. This method is occasionally needed in a hospital setting, when the patient is unable to pass gas normally.
It is well known that optical interference often is a major problem in laser-based gas spectroscopy. In conventional laser-based gas spectrometers, the optical interference originates from e.g. etalon-type interference effects in (or between) optical components and multi-pass gas cells. Throughout the years, great efforts have been devoted to handle this problem.
Steve Carell suggested Michael get in the car and leave Andy outside, then tell him while driving away, which was how the scene was ultimately shot. During a scene when Andy returns to the office and confronts his co-workers; there is a long, awkward silence, and the script originally called for Kevin to pass gas and ruin the tension. During filming, it was changed so Phyllis would pass gas instead because it was decided it would be funnier if it were a woman. During the editing process, Holland decided the joke did not work very well and cut it, but a brief moment of Dwight reacting in a disgusted way to the flatulence, while maintaining a defensive fighting pose toward Andy, can still be seen in the finished episode.
Signals are most effectively observed if the baby is left without diapers for the first couple of weeks of starting elimination communication. Babies who are nursing will often start unlatching and relatching repeatedly as they feed when they need to eliminate. For defecation, many babies may grunt or pass gas as a signal. As babies get older their signals become more conscious and babies often point to, or look at, a caregiver or potty to indicate need.
Later in the night, the girls open the book and use it to gain magical power. Perrie then turns her hair purple, Leigh-Anne has yellow fire powers, Jesy has blue powers, and Jade levitates her glasses. The girls change into their normal selves; becoming the real Little Mix, as some of the male students' jaws drop as the girls walk by. They then embarrass the spiteful girl from the previous day by magically causing her to constantly pass gas.
A barium enema in a disposable bag manufactured for that purpose In a lower gastrointestinal series an enema that may contain barium sulfate powder or a water-soluble contrast agent is used in the radiological imaging of the bowel. Called a barium enema, such enemas are sometimes the only practical way to view the colon in a relatively safe manner. Failure to expel all of the barium may cause constipation or possible impaction and a patient who has no bowel movement for more than two days or is unable to pass gas rectally should promptly inform a physician and may require an enema or laxative.
If the hernia content get trapped combined with severe pain, inability to perform bowel movement or pass gas, swelling, fever, nausea and/or discoloration over the area, it could be signs of a prolonged compromise in blood flow of the hernia content. If so, emergency surgery is often required, since prolonged compromise in blood flow otherwise threatens organ integrity. Hernias that are symptomatic and disturb daily activity, or hernias that have had episodes of threatening incarceration, preventive surgical treatment can be considered. The surgery is performed under anaesthesia, while the surgeon identifies the edges of the defect and bring them together permanently using either suture or mesh.
After he hangs up, Dwight and Andy admit their deception and congratulate Michael on standing up to the Mafia. Michael is too elated by his accomplishment to be mad at Dwight and Andy for lying to him, and eagerly recounts his conversation with Grotti to the rest of the office. Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner) uses Jim's office to pass gas in and eventually sets up a temporary workspace in there. Jim's credit card company calls his office phone inquiring about some unusual charges and Kevin, worried someone might have stolen Jim's card, uses one of Jim's pay stubs to give them his address and social security number.
One of Parker and Stone's earliest responses to the show being condemned as "nothing but bad animation and fart jokes" was creating a show-within-the-show about two even-more-crudely-drawn characters named Terrance and Phillip who do little else but pass gas around each other. The child characters on the show find Terrance and Phillip, who debuted in the season one (1997) episode "Death", to be hysterical, while their parents find them to be horribly offensive. An entire episode featuring the duo aired on April 1, 1998 in lieu of an episode that was supposed to continue from the show's previous episode from four weeks earlier, which ended with a cliffhanger promising to reveal the identity of Cartman's father in the show's next airing. Several fans were angered by the April Fools' Day prank, to which Comedy Central received 2,000 email complaints.

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