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569 Sentences With "pamphlets"

How to use pamphlets in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pamphlets" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pamphlets". Mastering all the usages of "pamphlets" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They printed pamphlets detailing laws that discriminated against women, and distributed the pamphlets behind closed doors, collecting signatures for the repeal of those laws.
Some are manuals, some are informational pamphlets, some are reportage.
In the past I have received from you pamphlets etc.
"Can we look at the pamphlets?" he asks the chaperone.
Authors anonymously published pamphlets expressing their displeasure about the government.
Record jackets, catalogs, pamphlets, much of it spoken in performance.
If I could, I would write pamphlets instead of novels.
He noted that those belongings included Bolanos' pamphlets about fertility.
The woman took some pamphlets and promised to spread the word.
He's also aiming to sell books and pamphlets featuring the beverages.
Business pamphlets, grant proposals and blog posts all need copy editing.
I also had PMPHLTS ("pamphlets") instead of HNDBLLS ("handbills") at 59A.
They do it in pamphlets that their religious scholars put out.
He might point out the nearby racks that display tourist pamphlets.
Supporters of Emmanuel Macron distributed pamphlets in La Courneuve in April.
Two printers were working nonstop, churning out "know your rights" pamphlets.
In our pamphlets, Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" was printed like a liturgical poem.
Inside, however, shelves of pamphlets imply that love needs a little help.
The embassy also distributed pamphlets to attendees addressing the U.S.-Russia relationship.
But in investors' pamphlets it is a city of malls and highways.
He pulled together information about medicines from books, pamphlets, and distribution records.
They are available from various sources, including doctors' offices, marketing pamphlets and online.
Pamphlets about extreme rightist and white supremacist organizations were found at his house.
A man on the corner stopped us, waving pamphlets for the Special Olympics.
Tacked up on the board were an array of pamphlets from American colleges.
The potential fines for the pamphlets totalled A$8 million, the inquiry heard.
Dupree wrote five books, and more than 100 articles and pamphlets, on Afghanistan.
Millions of pamphlets, posters and stickers printed to defeat an incumbent in Serbia.
In one, he wrote: I've handed out clandestine pamphlets, yelling: VIVA LA LIBERTAD!
Flugschriften – the German word for "pamphlets" – captures the new reality Luther was creating.
He published tracts and pamphlets ridiculing both the papacy and fellow Protestant theologians.
She did not immediately respond to a question about when those pamphlets were distributed.
A small wooden box sat on the table next to pamphlets advertising constituent services.
"I tried to start a revolution, but I didn't print enough pamphlets," Korg deadpans.
Yet on Hashima neither the guides nor the pamphlets and signs refer to it.
There are lots of pamphlets and books documenting the accusations and trials of witches.
Volunteers distributed pamphlets laying out the terms at army bases (some soldiers burned them).
Even minor infringements, such as perusing smuggled religious pamphlets, can result in severe punishment.
She had pamphlets about hospice care and wanted to discuss my grandmother's last wishes.
They burned magazines, movies, junk food, college brochures, and pamphlets for the GI Bill.
Hired by Jefferson to write anti-Federalists pamphlets, Callender turned on Jefferson as President.
The earliest human campaigns leveraged paintings, cartoons, posters, pamphlets, films, radio and TV shows.
Her father was first arrested in 1977 for distributing pamphlets calling for political change.
They started by filling a milk crate with some flyers, photographs, pamphlets, and ephemera.
The "street counselors" who hand out misleading anti-abortion pamphlets have become more aggressive.
One group received this intervention; a control group received pamphlets handed out by barbers.
She gave me books, pamphlets to art exhibitions, and my first book of Picasso.
At several points characters espouse beliefs straight out of old Zero Population Growth pamphlets.
In normal circumstances, he said, parties would deliver their election pamphlets in both languages.
The pamphlets left outside the churches in Santiago on Friday were not entirely coherent.
Officials plan to hand out the pamphlets at gun shows, weekend flea markets and elsewhere.
I have seen and was given a million pamphlets at the doctor during my pregnancy.
They were arrested on Saturday as they distributed pamphlets urging residents to attend Monday's march.
There are signs for the campus food pantry and pamphlets for the free dental clinic.
He insisted that heresy should be fought from pulpits and in pamphlets, not by coercion.
Appearing mostly on pamphlets and in saloon windows, they were often crude and deeply racist.
She says she quietly prayed and passed out Bible tracts and pamphlets about baby development.
This article has been updated to reflect that "slim jim" was a reference to pamphlets.
He handed out pamphlets, which countered rumors that the shocks could adversely affect pregnant women.
Hossein and other volunteers had conducted a local census, distributed pamphlets, and recruited poll monitors.
It was passed around due to its popularity, the same way pamphlets are distributed today.
Zion's attendees were also given pamphlets of officially sanctioned churches that they might attend instead.
Later, we'd slide out two-page pamphlets with health and safety warnings and little else.
There were buttons, pamphlets and hand-painted "Free Angela" banners from marches around the world.
The railroad company used the images in advertising pamphlets or exhibited them in rail stations.
In addition to distributing social media pamphlets, the division has held information forums for families.
Jefferson watched with dismay as untrustworthy pamphlets and broadsides of dubious quality littered the streets.
This is very much in the tradition of early photocopied punk zines and political pamphlets.
Leaving a Kasich campaign event, I spotted a dignified gentleman with white hair handing out pamphlets.
Park has previously used balloons to send pamphlets and other pieces of information to North Korea.
Such organization can range from financial support to the distribution and preparation of information and pamphlets.
He prints seditious pamphlets, and smuggles alcohol from France, which they store in the brothel's cellar.
Such activities can range from financial support to the distribution and preparation of information and pamphlets.
In all Gonzalez says she has received about 10 death threats, sent by email or pamphlets.
Ahead of the airport rally, protesters circulated brightly-colored pamphlets online to help tourists understand events.
There are guides and pamphlets to help adults teach children how to cope with traumatic experiences.
Hemant set out the next day with a fistful of pamphlets and an uncharacteristically sunny disposition.
Funds from the GoFundMe were also used to make pamphlets, buttons, and shirts for Comic Con.
My school, the University of Missouri, provided pamphlets on sexual health and there were free condoms.
When Reza-Jorjani spoke in February, Arktos Media had a large stall, selling books and pamphlets.
"The pamphlets manufacturers are giving to plastic surgeons are not making it to us," she said.
"Over the 12 years we did, it went from pamphlets and books to videos," Euston said.
The founders did not have electronic media: Their media were pamphlets, letters, posters, handbills, and newspapers.
" An earlier version of this article misstated the number of research pamphlets collected in "Canon/Archive.
This credential landed him his first job in politics: handing out pamphlets for a local politician.
At high school, he met Jackson Pollock and the pair were eventually expelled for distributing satirical pamphlets.
"I'd definitely be into having a drug safety group come in and pass out pamphlets," he said.
One of the pamphlets read: "Pope Francis, the next bomb will be in your robe," authorities said.
In addition, Sprout prepared pamphlets and other marketing materials and enlisted doctors as expert speakers for Addyi.
Compiled by the artist Tony Oursler, it includes photographs, paintings, drawings, manuscripts, books, pamphlets and mechanical devices.
Vandals burned Chilean and Vatican flags at the site and tossed pamphlets with threats against the pope.
Reginella also created pamphlets so people visiting the ferry can educate themselves on this very serious tragedy.
Just ask the pastor at most local churches, or the subway preacher with his brimstone-heavy pamphlets.
Far more individual are the snippets we get from pamphlets Lucia writes on the seductions of arson.
The field needs pamphlets as well as tomes, it needs interpretive writing in addition to original revelation.
He printed pamphlets highlighting those endorsements, and walked the hallways stuffing the paper into all the lockers.
It's November 2016, and we're sitting in downtown Oakland, California, where she has been stapling pamphlets together.
Beyond broadcasting warnings on local cable news channels, authorities also distributed Marathi-language pamphlets in and around Dhule.
When shown in their original forms, en masse, these pamphlets, posters, magazines, and books are all overtly political.
She gave us pamphlets on WIC and EBT, and other free or low-cost resources in our area.
The group threw pamphlets demanding that Greek authorities grant a furlough to allow Koufodinas to leave jail temporarily.
In Switzerland voters get pamphlets full of charts on the issues each time they go to the polls.
Loughlin flashed a smile as the couple made their exit down the church steps with pamphlets in hand.
Groups would pass out pamphlets or set up tables to inform others about their various causes or concerns.
They compared the pamphlets and messages disseminated by the CO2 Coalition to "propaganda" dispensed by the tobacco industry.
Research could lead to pamphlets about safe gun storage becoming available in the waiting rooms of health providers.
In one room, he sifts through a pile of posters and pamphlets designed by Fluxus impresario George Maciunas.
Past plants include leaving parody CDs at a local music store and fake pamphlets at a national park.
But this information doesn't appear in pamphlets, flyers, website banners and electronic notices sent out by the Block.
Over the years, she's released two pamphlets — Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth and Her Blue Body.
The militia information mill used to run on scanned pamphlets, homemade comb-tooth books, and conservative talk radio.
It was a network of artists, intellectuals and students who disseminated pamphlets and posters calling for civil disobedience.
They're hiring squadrons of care coordinators and navigators (sometimes too many), and redesigning and rewriting pamphlets and forms.
The free guided tours were only in Japanese, but plenty of tourists wandered around, English pamphlets in hand.
There's still no substitute for conventional campaign work: handing out pamphlets, speaking at local events, and shaking hands.
Read their website, brochures and pamphlets to get a sense of how they communicate and what they value.
One would require the agency to reinstate the availability of paper pamphlets offering instructions for filing tax returns.
Right after Thanksgiving, a person flew a drone into an NFL stadium and dropped pamphlets in the crowd.
They waved pamphlets demanding "Freedom for Saudi women" or which read "Bin Salman, you are murderer Number 1".
And then there are the more familiar tricks of campaign seasons, from dodgy pamphlets to avoiding the media.
With a loan from his mother, he began publishing his poetry in pamphlets while still at St. Mary's.
Engaged with the issues of their time, they wrote books and pamphlets alongside their contributions to the publication.
Arabic names of al Qaeda and ISIS ideologues, and the titles of terrorist strategies, pamphlets, books, and films.
Eleven of the pamphlets have now been collected in "Canon/Archive," out next week from n+1 Books.
The literary quality of the lab's pamphlets, which are usually credited to teams of researchers, also doesn't hurt.
The argument descends into an extended metaphor about randomized text generators creating comprehensible pamphlets by selecting for readability.
It was there that she administered the "wheatgrass therapy" she developed and promoted via pamphlets and self-published books.
In between the comics are drawings and collages done with the forms and pamphlets that are found in hospitals.
Health officials say they have seen anti-vaccination pamphlets containing misinformation being distributed in the affected parts of Brooklyn.
He lambasted the government for distributing pamphlets on sexual health to adolescents and promised to phase out speed cameras.
The man took on everything from pamphlets to social media, and swiftly delivered evidence of Mr Barrett's rising popularity.
They give pamphlets to expectant mothers who survived the procedure so they can help their doctors understand birthing options.
Last year, police searched Clanton's apartment and seized flags, pamphlets and other paraphernalia associated with Antifa and anarchist movements.
" In this case, she had a wry reply: "I could send you some pamphlets that might help you understand.
The cartoonist patiently drew his story in short, irregularly released pamphlets, gathered together every few years in paperback collections.
And in one of the pamphlets, they describe how they cremate dead babies in these little individual 'metal pans.
The one reporters visited provided pamphlets on a wide range of subjects, including how to legally change your sex.
I remember so many of my friends camping out in Zuccotti Park, standing on corners and handing out pamphlets.
Some said they did not receive informational pamphlets from manufacturers that gave a more detailed accounting of the risks.
Since then, investigators have recovered 18 books and 2021 maps, plates and pamphlets, worth about $1.6 million, he said.
Cominform used Communist newspapers, pamphlets and posters to paint the Marshall Plan as an American plot to subjugate Europe.
Pamphlets are passed through the crowd during the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance's "Freedom Tour" at Eagles Lodge in Sandpoint.
One of the pamphlets begins by defining a beard as "hair that grows on your face and your cheeks".
Dissidents and defectors smuggled out pamphlets, firsthand accounts and other forbidden materials, which circulated in Hong Kong and beyond.
The line for entry stretched down the street as fans waited in the rain and activists handed out pamphlets.
This guy's cartoon pamphlets were responsible for a lot of the anxieties I STILL have around God hating me.
My favorite, so far: pamphlets, automotive manuals, fast-food–franchise contracts, and blog posts, vantablack pigment, artists's mixing bowls.
Seditious pamphlets printed in Ethiopia, as well as two new television channels linked to the exiled opposition, are stirring anger.
It makes sense for "The La-A Consortium," a set of pamphlets, branding, and products that lead deliberately to nowhere.
Where pamphlets and audio tours fall short is in truly conveying the deep history that lends significance to these locations.
Why hold seminars or airdrop political pamphlets when you could connect citizens to the open web to explore for themselves?
WHEN George Orwell, an avid collector of political pamphlets, surveyed the blossoming literary form in 1943, he was unexpectedly unimpressed.
One day at the grocery store, Zahava saw a pile of the pamphlets and felt her distress well up again.
" On the wall was a rack of pamphlets with titles such as "Before She Decides" and "Intentional Abstinence for Singles.
The Red Cross and fire department set up a tent with fire education pamphlets next to the corner bodega Friday.
The government there is sending out "war pamphlets" to its 4.8 million households, informing them of the perils of battle.
The organization produces pamphlets translated into several languages informing would-be migrants of what they might be getting themselves into.
In the months before his death, in 2150, they took down the flags and got rid of the slavery pamphlets.
In previous years, Lebanese Muslims have occasionally received mass text messages or pamphlets urging them not to participate in Christmas.
Alarmed about these "ghost candidates," the House Democratic campaign arm printed pamphlets indicating who had dropped out of the race.
But a cute boy, Moises, shows up outside the supermarket handing out pamphlets cautioning residents about some encroaching condo buildings.
They use websites such as Pastebin to pass around pamphlets, and they use other apps such as Kik to chat.
Scattered around the entrance are century-old pamphlets in Portuguese and French that the positivists once printed in the basement.
On Sunday, students at Peking University handed out pamphlets in a campus cafeteria to spread word about the missing activists.
Social workers go into slums, where these warnings might not reach, and hand out rehydration packets and pamphlets on heat safety.
The guard told police that he noticed Thompson was coming at him with the knives while he was delivering the pamphlets.
The suit alleged such "abuses of economic power" as mailing pamphlets through the state-owned postal service without the right stamps.
One study cited by the authors, for instance, found an accuracy rate of 60 percent for patient pamphlets translated to Spanish.
At her sixtieth and seventieth birthday parties, Siegal even passed out pamphlets with her beauty secrets, according to New York Magazine.
In some cases, the "evidence" included mere possession of political materials such as pamphlets calling for the release of political prisoners.
He once proposed using a helicopter to drop pamphlets warning drug dealers to leave poor communities, or be fired upon indiscriminately.
On this side of the street, pamphlets titled "Quit Tobacco in Pregnancy" and "Parents' Guide to Gangs" lay about the lobby.
The fictional trial scripts were published by state-run presses as short pamphlets, with up to 100,000 copies of each circulated.
Castro announced plans to deploy 220,000 troops in February to distribute educational pamphlets and help scour cities for mosquito breeding grounds.
That was when he wasn't handing out pamphlets on campuses or creating videos to expose the grisly reality of meat production.
We have to be an information resource for people dealing with addiction, handing out pamphlets and directing them to addiction centers.
Mr. Boehm's cocktail book library, which is kept at the office, features first editions, cocktail recipe pamphlets and decades-old menus.
In a cinder-block garage in Stroudsburg, Pa., Mr. Reese discovered a trove of pamphlets printed in Kentucky in the 1820s.
Union pamphlets and cards were surreptitiously exchanged in the parking lot, in the bathrooms, under tables in the employees' dining room.
And the Liberal Democrats — pitching themselves as the party of "Remain" — have distributed election pamphlets that look like real local newspapers.
His campaign recently announced a push to open storefronts in swing states targeting black voters with "Woke"-themed merchandise and pamphlets.
Starting before dawn, the protesters in Amsterdam held pamphlets saying "SORRY that we blocked the road, but this is an emergency".
A model peer counselor, Ms. Gomez tapes safe sex pamphlets, free condoms and other necessities of college life on her door.
In November, hooded activists set fire to a bus and scattered pamphlets after the pope's visit to the region was announced.
She also came across Iraqi "smart cards": laminated pamphlets that were intended for troops to use as communication tools with Iraqis.
Thompson told police that he was working to hand out pamphlets at the apartment complex before the incident with the security guard.
There's a massive upsurge in pamphlets about witches and in no time at all there's a massive upsurge in prosecutions of witches.
He circulated anti-Jewish content through his newspaper The Dearborn Independent and a four-volume set of pamphlets called The International Jew.
While the administration furnished the station with pamphlets, exhibition catalogues, and maps, the Ladies often acted  put-upon when approached with questions.
At the time, Froeba was provided with informational pamphlets and counseling detailing the dangers of using drugs while pregnant and breast feeding.
When printers of the late 15th and early 16th centuries fought for the market, the price of knowledge — books and pamphlets — plunged.
Zamyatin had left socialist pamphlets under his bed and nitrocellulose, an explosive, on his windowsill (alongside his staples of sugar and salami).
After she gave pamphlets to my mother, she placed a red carnation on my grandmother's bed, just inches away from her feet.
In fact, they advertise in offices of partnering vets, the pamphlets for CareCredit and Scratchpay conveniently set up on the receptionists' desks.
She discusses Maoist thought semi-weekly in a rented home next to the plaza and organizes followers who distribute thousands of pamphlets.
Investigators raided Navalny's Moscow election headquarters on Thursday and police entered a warehouse, where activists said they had confiscated pre-election pamphlets.
A single attack could "make more propaganda than thousands of pamphlets," said the anarchist philosopher Peter Kropotkin, and anarchists carried out dozens.
The Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety and the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police are investigating the pamphlets, they said in a statement Sunday.
But by late afternoon, the pamphlets depicting men wearing military clothing and bearing arms were already circulating on campus and social media.
The Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety and the Pittsburgh police are investigating the distribution of anti-Semitic pamphlets in the city's neighborhoods.
Reginella's hilarious con was made possible by way of a few sculptures, a website, a social media page, a mockumentary and pamphlets.
He bought fine volumes and ephemera, collecting pamphlets and song sheets with as much fervor as the works of the humanist Erasmus.
The classmates didn't volunteer at shelters or hand out pamphlets; they simply huddled with poor people on the streets and swapped stories.
Local government pamphlets that have been circulating state that, on Saturday, scaffolding will be built in the area the community is occupying.
Paige Godden, a veteran of regional Iowa papers, said she had lined up one gig designing pamphlets for a chamber of commerce.
They have a renewed emphasis on spreading their message through pamphlets and stickers, often on college campuses, as large public protests diminish.
He travels from one New Age spiritual event to another, handing out pamphlets on the virtues of veganism in English and Spanish.
Harrison and Delgado also started promoting ''emergency abortion pill reversal kits,'' glorified instructional pamphlets intended for emergency rooms and crisis pregnancy centers.
The 43 Group published and distributed pamphlets (see picture) and a newspaper, and raised funds to cover hospital bills and legal expenses.
His mother pulls to a stop a few blocks farther on, and Sander takes the big valise of pamphlets, walks behind her.
Warwick's students' union is littered with pamphlets encouraging its 27,000 students to vote; the university's mobile app has been pinging notifications too.
"Our immediate competition is the passport folks," a staffer whispered, nodding toward a man and a woman standing nearby, armed with pamphlets.
Of course there was nothing to contain, nothing to dread — as he later rejoiced, in his sonnets, pamphlets and fantastically frank memoirs.
Playbooks that used to resemble pamphlets have ballooned to the size of physics textbooks, and now can only be contained in digital form.
The Trump reelection campaign printed 16-page pamphlets promoting the president and sent them to the Iowa GOP for distribution at caucus sites.
Posters and pamphlets in local languages provided information about what people should do if they encounter traffickers or suspect someone is being trafficked.
Growing up, the Cheney daughters were a vivacious and personable duo: together on the road, handing out pamphlets and swag at campaign events.
This series, Ink Spots, is a helpful guide to which zines, pamphlets, and publications you should be reading when you're not reading ours.
These include photographs with Crimp, intimate notes with artist Jack Whitten, flyers from ACT UP campaigns, occasional poetry, political pamphlets, and other ephemera.
Luther was responsible for more than a fifth of the entire output of pamphlets from the empire's newfangled printing presses during the 1520s.
In the 213s forged pamphlets designed to start a war between the Black Panthers and the Jewish Defence League failed to do so.
Before the outbreak in New York City, anti-vax organizations targeted Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods with magazines and pamphlets full of anti-vaccine propaganda.
When Jen Kraemer-Smith was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, she was handed stacks of pamphlets to help explain her journey ahead.
They did give me some informational pamphlets, because they figured the chance that I'd never try any kind of drug was pretty slim.
Myles's announcement triggered Leonard's piece, which has continued to be an influential manifesto, circulating freely through pamphlets, photocopies, copies, re-printings, and reinterpretations.
It shows a befuddled Everyman at a voting booth who, despite having educated himself with newspapers and pamphlets, still can't make a decision.
And Luther was important in establishing print culture, since his books and pamphlets would be in high demand all over Europe for decades.
Sometimes, pamphlets with terms like "thetan" and "Dianetics" and "E-meter" scatter through your street, but you have no clue what they mean.
They're composing hand-lettered posters and pamphlets to lay out what to do if ever, heaven forbid, a school shooting were to happen.
Others plan to picket and hand out pamphlets about their demands, according to the union, which represents more than 20,000 airline catering workers.
They took photographs of the exhibits and discussed how to hide related books and pamphlets from mainland border officials when they returned home.
He also published a popular series of pamphlets on faith, ethics and education that were based on lectures he gave at his kollel.
This year, the publisher Gallimard abandoned a plan to publish an edited version of Céline's anti-Semitic pamphlets after it caused an uproar.
Kind of like restaurants have table toppers or pamphlets — it lets them spread awareness to people, but instead hurting their atmosphere, it helps.
Elsewhere, booths that in years past had been staffed by activists hawking pamphlets were now filled with vendors pushing apps for registering voters.
Tables had been set up around the perimeter of the gym; from them the island's political parties were dispensing sweets, pamphlets, and swag.
Mr. Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party have invoked Gandhi in speeches and pamphlets, saying he would have supported a contentious citizenship law.
In early publicity pamphlets for its new elementary school obtained by the Japanese news media, Mr. Kagoike proposed naming it after Mr. Abe.
Similarly, Augusto de Campos's Poemobiles, pamphlets halfway between poems and pop-up books, can only be read when opened and transformed into sculptures.
This series, Ink Spots, is a helpful guide to which zines, pamphlets, and publications you should be reading when you're not reading ours.
Several have been handing out pamphlets at Foxconn events, which they say have become common on campus, and working with the graduate worker union.
Kahn campaigned on the need to build cheap housing as part of his early practice, and illustrated pamphlets for the United States Housing Authority.
The 1800s featured radical pamphlets, the 1960s saw independent and literary magazines emerge, while the 1990s spiked with DIY zines photocopied around the world.
"The library has historically collected things outside the mainstream, whether it be periodicals or pamphlets," Karen Gisonny, curator of periodicals at NYPL, told Hyperallergic.
It's incredible to imagine them, though: poems, usually confined to books or pamphlets, instead worn out and about, perhaps whirled around a dance floor.
Balloons carrying pamphlets, SD cards and USB flash drives have been released in hopes that the wind would carry them over into North Korea.
There were no placards with clear slogans or political activists handing out pamphlets or any of the other hallmarks of your typical French protest.
In the early Enlightenment, Montesquieu and other thinkers were regularly composing pamphlets and treatises, an explosion of information similar to today's digital-media deluge.
Frost explains that anti-monarchy pamphlets called libelles became enough of a threat to power in pre-revolutionary France that they were banned outright.
" "The usher was handing out little pamphlets, and as he did would let every single person know that he had just got engaged recently.
Museumgoers engaged positively with the fake guides, (D)IRT says, but the pamphlets were quickly removed by security after they realized they were unauthorized.
Things only became worse: Pamphlets appeared outside their mosque, calling for Ahmed's head to be chopped off as punishment for his father's alleged blasphemy.
That should be a warning — isn't there some office at City Hall that distributes cautionary pamphlets about guys with novels that supposedly need reading?
A spokesman told Italian media that the pamphlets were the work of a few fans, and did not reflect the position of the club.
"We keep our staff as diverse as possible: straight, gay, trans," she explains as she showed me some of the information pamphlets on display.
I was very lucky the day two months ago that a man handing out pamphlets invited me to a computer class taught by volunteers.
A substantial percentage of the book is given over to personal testimonies, sometimes quoted at length, taken from memoirs, pamphlets and other researchers' work.
Republicans hoping to win back Mr. Carter's seat this fall have created pamphlets with his smiling face next to images of Lenin and Stalin.
Rough-edged prints, whose hashed lines recall the illustrations in pamphlets from Brazil's poorer northeast, also depict despairing or gluttonous figures with open mouths.
Mr. Shortz's collection includes more than 264,000 puzzle books and magazines, dating to 1534, along with pamphlets, small mechanical puzzles and other ephemeral items.
We archive flyers, pamphlets, books, newspapers, and images from social movements like the civil rights movement, feminist activism, LGBTQ+ organizing, and the labor movement.
I gave boxes of pamphlets to bands going on tour (Bikini Kill, Heavens to Betsy) so that they could disseminate them across the country.
"Let those with strength contribute strength, for their safety, for their freedom and for illuminating the path to justice in society," the pamphlets said.
But the deposit program was twice as effective at getting people to quit — and five times as effective as just pamphlets and Nicorette gum.
Following World War II, the birth control organization published illustrated pamphlets that provided authoritative guidance on how to best prepare to start a family.
Sammy Harkham is perhaps the most masterful comic storyteller I can think of who is still making comic-book pamphlets, besides the Hernandez Brothers.
This collection was started in 2375 and is comprised of signs, flags, pamphlets, and other memorabilia used in Extinction Rebellion's protests and related activist efforts.
For the experiment, researchers offered 64 new mothers who were exclusively breastfeeding traditional help including educational pamphlets and information on support groups and lactation specialists.
On weekends, al-Baghdadi coached a youth soccer team, using practices as an opportunity to hand out pamphlets advocating the ultraconservative Wahhabi strain of Islam.
He made his comments after the National Enquirer claimed Rafael Cruz had been handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets with Oswald months before the assassination.
"Bollocks," says Jack Roberts, an independent researcher from Galway, Ireland, who has published several books and pamphlets that stress a Celtic origin for the Sheelas.
King and his team have been handing out pro-marriage equality badges and pamphlets to encourage Australian Electoral Commission enrolment over the past few weeks.
They also circulated brightly-colored pamphlets online ahead of the airport demonstrations, aiming to help tourists understand events, in which they vowed never to surrender.
Todd was supported by Christian tract maker Jack Chick, who used his fabricated claims as the basis for numerous comic-style pamphlets advocating against Satanism.
This collection was started in 2014 and is comprised of signs, flags, pamphlets, and other memorabilia used in Extinction Rebellion's protests and related activist efforts.
In Tunis, the birthplace of the 2011 pro-democracy Arab Spring uprisings, hundreds of demonstrators waved banners and pamphlets expressing disapproval of the prince's visit.
This series, Ink Spots, is a helpful guide to which of those zines, pamphlets, and publications you should be reading when you're not reading ours.
Advertising the scheme is now banned, but at least one law office used to distribute pamphlets resembling passports to visitors at the island's main airport.
So her centre sent out boxes filled with pamphlets and books on health, nutrition and farming, as well as history, as lending libraries for villages.
Subtle coercion by agencies can begin with agency pamphlets themselves: promising the child emotional and financial stability and parents who can provide the best education.
First-aid kits, gas masks, bottles of vinegar, protection glasses, cellphones, political pamphlets, markers, a car-fire extinguisher, a slingshot and a Goofy key chain.
In posters, pamphlets and its popular newspaper, The Black Panther, the party's imagery was guided by the vision of Emory Douglas, its minister of culture.
"I would be the first to say it should be ... ballots, information pamphlets, all the material in our country, should be in English," he said.
Paul Bunyan, a figure in early oral histories and legends, took on national fame after appearing in marketing pamphlets from the Red River Lumber Company.
The bombs went off behind the palace as soon as the royal procession started and some activists threw anti-imperialist pamphlets on the royal boat.
The vote means that Mr. de León's name will appear on millions of pamphlets that the Democratic Party will mail to its voters this fall.
Officials said pamphlets detailing the dangers of the virus and ways to avoid contracting the illness would be distributed to those visiting the Olympic sites.
Lying in Rio's rubble are thousands of pamphlets from the Games — scars of an Olympics that proved to be more than the city bargained for.
In this hypothetical, let's input and analyze all available written and spoken word — from mainstream media commentary to the most obscure one-off crank pamphlets.
To supplement her scant funding, she accepted US$250 a month from the Nazis as well as pro-German propaganda pamphlets from German Embassy officials.
Stalls that lined the road to the main square distributed information pamphlets, hosted live radio shows and showcased young children singing Islamic and nationalist anthems.
Slick, colourful posters, pamphlets and documents highlight Islamic State's intense focus on dictating what it called proper Islamic behaviour for the citizens of its caliphate.
Real 'fake news' The Liberal Democrats were also slammed for creating pamphlets to look like local newspapers, full of praise for its policies and candidates.
They also refer to themselves as "infidels" and "patriots," and can be seen taking pamphlets from outdoor stands at the Islamic Community Center of Tempe.
They can charge fees to facilitate fairly complex account setups; they also may provide education about the rules and regulations through books, pamphlets or videos.
It was no rare occurrence to find, near the beach's northern boundary, a small but fervent cohort of nude baby boomers distributing Naturism 101 pamphlets.
At the Forward Union Fair, visitors enthusiastically engaged with the fair participants, chatting and asking questions, taking pamphlets and signing up for further follow up.
The Associated Press reports that, on Sunday, they'll start running court-mandated ads on network television, in metro newspapers, and on pamphlets tucked into cigarette packs.
There were religious pamphlets and tracts on display, and after a while, it became "obvious to me that this is not a medical facility," she says.
You can pick up a few basic part-time jobs by reading the subway station pamphlets, but others will pop up as you open new areas.
At first his spokesman said he was handing out pamphlets, though he was at a loss to explain why they were palm-sized and tightly rolled.
This is good news for those who've been unable to find his work from the '22016s, published in pamphlets by Adventures in Poetry and Bouwerie Editions.
The 76-year-old New Hampshire conservative still believes Kasich would have made a "wonderful" president and was wistful as he sifted through old Kasich pamphlets.
A photo exhibition featuring 16 prints and a glass-box performance-art installation with Unarius videos and pamphlets continues at the Standard, Hollywood through August 28.
She has published special pamphlets and a campaign video that describes her as a woman and a mother and shows her flicking through family photo albums.
Pamphlets saying "Meet the New Nisman" had recently been left on Cartasegna's home patio, he told local newspaper La Nacion in an interview published Wednesday morning.
City officials fired back with their own pamphlets and subpoenaed Father Farrell to be questioned by a state commission investigating public funding for private charity groups.
Despite all the pamphlets the social workers gave us when I was in the hospital, we don't really know how to talk to our boys yet.
Hamilton's pamphlets urged Democrats to unite against Trump, and the woman expressed disgust and urged Hamilton to leave the public area, which he refused to do.
The nerds had their subreddits and Metafilter threads, the artists had their zines and Tumblrs, the 9/11 truthers had their email lists and subway pamphlets.
And later, stirred by pamphlets from a version of that same press, the American colonies rose up against a king and gave birth to a nation.
There are countless books at the annual New York International Antiquarian Book Fair, of course, but also ephemera of all kinds: posters, pamphlets, calendars, playing cards.
Members of Basement trained for acts of civil disobedience demanding healthcare, jobs, and resources for communities of color, and printed flyers and pamphlets for those actions.
"So many companies today get by just fine with a web site—no printed pamphlets, no samples to ship, not even printed press releases," he told me.
Sand had penned some 80 novels as well as plays, pamphlets, editorials and letters; during her lifetime she was one of the highest-paid writers in France.
A professional graphic designer made the Anti-Eviction Operations Manual, which outlines goals and best practices for the campaign, as well as the pamphlets all canvassers carry.
His research was based on his reading of pamphlets and books, of which he read over 22,000 in his lifetime, and voluminous correspondence with intellectuals and experts.
Edison frequently diminished Westinghouse in the press and sent letters and pamphlets to media, government officials and companies and cities that were looking to buy Westinghouse's systems.
Well-traveled foe: A representative for a pro-ethanol group, which has been tailing (and dogging) Mr. Cruz all week, yawned deeply as he handed out pamphlets.
Residents say they received pamphlets about the lockdown, and local television footage showed a large red poster perched on a mountain road with details of the strike.
Her research has uncovered many pamphlets—the 17th-century version of movies-of-the-week, about actual crimes—which dealt with the "hot topic" of murderous wives.
The heart of it, though, is that the Eurosceptic world has thousands of books and zillions of pamphlets and has been talking about this for many decades.
As they walked down the church steps with pamphlets in hand, Loughlin flashed a smile while speaking with Giannulli, who also held leaves of a palm branch.
Pamphlets describing how to keep the Islamic State alive following a military defeat, such as "[T]he Caliphate Will Not Perish" are widely distributed through social media.
This was the first war in which both sides invested huge resources in whipping up patriotic fervor with posters, films, pamphlets, postcards, plays, children's books, and more.
User manuals, quick-guide pamphlets, special websites, and informative packaging material sound like what you would expect from something on the shelf at a Best Buy store.
This is why PDFs are so popular for resumes, professional reports, pamphlets, and so many other files that feature text, graphics, or a blend of the two.
In the spare cabins that dot the property, one can even find pamphlets promising guidance in overcoming domestic abuse, marital infidelities and other ills of modern existence.
There was also the usual sideshow attractions you find at any campaign stop, like perpetual candidate Vermin Supreme, his signature boot atop his head, handing out pamphlets.
UJO and other groups helped health officials conduct outreach, distributing lead awareness pamphlets in Yiddish, urging clinics to boost screening, and holding meetings for residents and landlords.
This was their shining moment, and the cascade of federally funded classes, recipe pamphlets, dietary recommendations and public-service positions elevated the domestic sciences to national importance.
"We have a really rich Reformation collection," with more than 295,700 rare books, pamphlets, manuscripts and documents, said Rebekah Bedard, the library's reference librarian and outreach coordinator.
She has been stealing books and carrying on with a ragtag group of feverish ideologues whose crime is printing pamphlets calling for greater dissent in Iranian society.
The group ran out of the voter forms and pamphlets on Saturday after speaking with dozens and dozens of people, but they didn't keep an exact count.
While other political parties were handing out pamphlets on the streets, it spent weeks distributing a message with the names of candidates it supported through WhatsApp groups.
When the bell rang, I stuffed my leftover pamphlets into a bag and began to navigate the human tsunami that is a high school hallway at lunchtime.
To be a radical feminist during these years would have meant being familiar with this text and its central demand, which appeared in leftist pamphlets and literature.
Fortunately, there is a simpler solution that does not require poring over tomes that daunt you with complexity, or pamphlets that mislead you by promising easy expertise.
Printed pamphlets, inhabitable structures, and videos with headphones encourage physical engagement with the works on display, while projectors transmit images of portraits and mementos in glowing blue.
In the filing, it states that Runels has used Kardashian West's name and image in his practice's promotional pamphlets, website and even on his own LinkedIn page.
He walks a few steps after her, wearing a new black suit that has room for him to grow into, carrying a big black valise of pamphlets.
" Pamphlets soon began to appear on the stoops of the city's middle-class bungalows: "Your Home is your castle — Keep it that way by Voting STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN.
There are also printouts of various know-your-rights pamphlets, a button making station, and an iPad with a printer and art supplies for making political posters.
So she read up on the shots in PEACH's pamphlets, watched the anti-vaccine documentary Vaxxed, and talked to her neighbors in her Brooklyn Orthodox Jewish community.
The most visible sign of the president's initiative to license more gun dealers is the printing of 10,000 pamphlets clarifying what qualifies a gun seller as a dealer.
Pamphlets and flyers from the non-profit he runs, Stay Focused Ministries—a group that provides guidance to communities ravaged by gang violence—are strewn throughout his van.
For a couple of hours after breakfast he busied himself at the dining room table, signing his name on pamphlets that set out the basic tenets of Islam.
Its principal officer was listed as Rebecca Fleischmann, who told BuzzFeed News that her nonprofit group did not publish or have any association with the magazine or pamphlets.
Emmett (Luke Wilson) kisses her, then they cut to one year in the future with Elle and Vivian handing out pamphlets for their new Blonde Legal Defense Fund.
As part of a crackdown by Prime Minister Viktor Orban against so-called irregular migrants, the bill could criminalize acts such as handing out food or informational pamphlets.
" Around the same time, Wise Use rallies often featured pamphlets from groups like the Militia of Montana, said David Helvarg, the author of the "War Against the Greens.
In past elections, voters have been subjected to robocalls, anonymous pamphlets left on their front steps, and ruthless advertisements, all from mysterious operatives spreading rumors about rival candidates.
At this year's edition, held from February 23rd to 25th, booths manned by clean-cut millennials offered pamphlets on such subjects as child discipline and taxing carbon emissions.
The poodle was claimed to be a witch in disguise which had invested Rupert with magical military powers — hence, the pamphlets proclaimed, his huge successes on the battlefield.
At first, they ordered up huge mass mailings of leaflets, pamphlets, postcards, and letters, augmented with blizzards of newspaper ads, cartoons, posters, billboards, film trailers, and even skywriting.
The assailants at ARY News' Islamabad office dropped pamphlets linked to the Islamic State's self-declared province of Khorasan in Afghanistan and Pakistan, ARY reported on its website.
CNN attempted to contact Isidro by phone and by visiting his office, where two stacks of PBA and Nuedexta pamphlets sat on a table in the waiting room.
The partisanship and personal attacks written in pamphlets and tabloids of the era of our Founders would be right at home on partisan cable networks and social media.
His booth at the Chicago conference features a range of informational pamphlets and T-shirts that exclaim, "Swallow hard!" or depict the outline of a swallow (the bird).
Many protesters Monday wore eye-patches in reference to the woman's injury and handed out pamphlets and pasted posters showing photos of alleged police brutality throughout the protests.
Guidance counselors would show me pamphlets with white faces in white coats or white faces in dark suits, and they would ask me what I wanted to do.
Dr Gao, who became a dear friend, wrote the books and pamphlets and spoke out; Dr Wang, under cover, provided much of the evidence that underpinned her certainty.
Water Skills for Life has distributed surf safety pamphlets in the Tibetan language and it also provides swimming classes for disadvantaged groups, including women living in local shelters.
Other items available included reusable grocery bags on the Sanitation Department table, a Fire Department coloring book, condoms, lots of pens, and brochures and pamphlets on city services.
The last few traditional routers and extenders I set up were still nightmares involving instruction pamphlets in multiple languages with hidden default passwords to get up and running.
During the family bathroom break, you notice something: Rows of vending machines, stacks of pamphlets for attractions that you never knew existed, and maybe a few lottery machines.
Mr. Santos said he dreamed of the day when such pamphlets would teach Colombian students only science, art, mathematics or poetry, because Colombia would be land-mine free.
There are works on the walls across from pamphlets in a vitrine, below another line of paper works, in turn below printed quotes, all interlaced with wall text.
It was an account based on research that extended far beyond Mather's hundreds of books and pamphlets and thousands of letters and diaries in English, Latin and Greek.
The birth control organization published illustrated pamphlets aimed at veterans as well as women that provided firm, authoritative guidance on how to best prepare to start a family.
The archive regards this as their most ambitious exhibition so far, and in their small gallery space they showcase a truly rich collection of pamphlets, posters, and flyers.
"Aside from political motivations, broadsides and pamphlets — decorated with a familiar set of woodcuts — were the easiest way to illustrate our basic fears and desires," as Crabb writes.
They were a family whose kids had spent the night at the Clintons' White House and had been passing out pamphlets for their father in Park Slope since childhood.
The print dossier is stuffed with leaflets, pamphlets, and fold-outs meant to introduce you, the traveler, to the local brands that best exemplify Singapore's current boom in branding.
The machines will dole out packages of 10 needles (or syringes), along with a disposing container, bandages, addiction treatment pamphlets, a tourniquet and alcohol swabs, according to CBS News.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian investigators raided the Moscow election headquarters of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny on Thursday and police entered a warehouse, where activists said they confiscated pre-election pamphlets.
"The reason why the badness of contemporary pamphlets is somewhat surprising is that the pamphlet ought to be the literary form of an age like our own," Orwell wrote.
He pointed to pamphlets distributed by monks and ultra-nationalist organizations in rural areas prior to the 2200 violence in Rakhine as a more pernicious vehicle for spreading disinformation.
Kushner's approach, however, may be the most detailed so far, presented in two pamphlets of 40 and 96 pages each that are filled with financial tables and economic projections.
Even Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were known to anonymously insult one another in the newspapers and pamphlets of the day at the founding of the Republic.
In 1916, Father Farrell began writing a series of scathing screeds against city leaders in pamphlets distributed at Sunday Mass "in every parish in the city," Father Jordan said.
He sought solace by designing pamphlets that he called experimenta typographica, filled with drawings, collages, typographical doodles and quotations from Le Corbusier, Proudhon, Stendhal and other thinkers he admired.
Last month, The Swedish government started distributing pamphlets to citizens as part of its total defense concept to mobilize the civilian population in the event of a Russian attack.
A recently married gay couple has filed a federal lawsuit against printing company Vistaprint after receiving a box of religious pamphlets instead of the wedding programs they had ordered.
Misleading or inaccurate information is not new, dating back to some of the more spurious revolutionary pamphlets distributed by our own founding fathers — an eighteenth century version of Reddit.
Police also detained a British national at the courthouse that ordered the arrests after finding him with pamphlets printed by parliament's Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), which has Kurdish roots.
Battles over sex education in American middle- and high-school textbooks brought on a flurry of right-wing pamphlets bemoaning the imperiled state of spiritual self-regulation in America.
Part of what made revolutionary thought so powerful was that it could be formulated away from the watchful eyes of the British, in colonial pamphlets and coffeehouses and taverns.
There are rabid, guy-handing-out-pamphlets-on-a-subway-platform conservatives like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones, deranged to a degree that keeps them quarantined on the fringes.
In getting ready to tell my family I am trans, I found it useful to do a lot of research, ingesting articles, forum posts, pamphlets, and books about transition.
Some wood-paneled floors of precious books, maps, prints and pamphlets require shoppers to be accompanied by a staff member, and you could easily spend a full day browsing.
Conspiracy theorists who might once have resorted to handing out subway pamphlets and shouting from street corners have found hungry, durable audiences on cable news shows and social networks.
The video shows the women bringing fliers and pamphlets from the mosque to their car before taking the children and two small dogs on a walk around the property.
Roberts, who has fibromyalgia and often uses a cane or a wheelchair, receives guests in the living room, which is strewn with boxes of fund supplies: diapers, condoms, pamphlets.
The SXSW trade show is a place where dreamers go to hand out pamphlets for their cloud-based storage solution platforms, but also, there's robotic arms playing Europe songs.
But her fame started to sour after she sprinkled antiwar pamphlets around the White House from her plane in 1939, prompting the Civil Aviation Authority to suspend her license.
He also said health officials are distributing pamphlets in English and Chinese to passengers, outlining the symptoms of infection and asking passengers who have any to to identify themselves.
Outside, the scene felt familiar: Vendors spread souvenirs on sidewalks, protesters handed out pamphlets, teenagers smoked and jived, and, across the street, families picnicked at the Alameda Central park.
They pelt pharmaceutical industry reps with fake blood; storm into labs to seize withheld data on protease inhibitors; enter school classrooms to hand out pamphlets on safe anal sex.
So paid canvassers are handing out pamphlets that cross out the names of some of the candidates who have withdrawn while noting two of them have endorsed Mr. Rouda.
In his previous career as a lawyer, the exceptionally charismatic Donovan had been an enthusiast for the latest presentation techniques, like color pamphlets, which at the time were visionary.
The policy was announced last July and phased in over a four-month period as the university handed out pamphlets and other educational materials to students and staff members.
The next month, in March, a supervisor warned employees that they could be fired if they distributed pro-union stickers and pamphlets — that was illegal, according to the judge.
Less, he explains, for its contents than for its form: It was printed as a pamphlet, with nothing to distinguish it from the earnest political pamphlets of its day.
Among the declassified documents is a statement from a US citizen who was arrested and brutally tortured by the regime in October 1976, after being found carrying leftist pamphlets.
Of course, secular pictures eventually filled the pages of pamphlets like the photographs of today's newspapers, depicting all kinds of subjects, from portraits of royalty to scenes of death.
"Trump is an extremist and ideologue," said Thomas Simmons, a former community college economics professor who was at Saturday's rally handing out stickers and pamphlets for his Libertarian congressional campaign.
The comic book panels depicting Wonder Woman bound or chained can also be directly linked to the pro-birth control illustrations and pamphlets that Byrne's mother and aunt illegally distributed.
The independently run archival library has the largest collection of women's liberation literature and zines in the UK, which includes around 5,000 pamphlets, books, and zines dating back to 1990.
You&aposre going to have to go door-to- door, you&aposre going to have pamphlets get voter registration and knock on doors and get your neighbors to come out.
Parsing through the aftermath, the pair began collaborating, drawing on Dada and other Interwar art movements to create bizarro, disconcerting takes on agitprop posters, 50s ad graphics, and religious pamphlets.
The pamphlets left behind said the Islamic State claimed responsibility for attacking media which are "siding with the apostate army and government of Pakistan in their global crusade against Islam".
The first birth control clinic in the U.S. opened 100 years ago this year in Brownsville, Brooklyn, offering patients pamphlets and counseling for nine days before it was shut down.
Mr. Bunzel said he suspected that it was Mr. Binali who headed the Islamic State's Research and Fatwa Department, which issued pamphlets explaining the legality of raping enslaved Yazidi women.
Many riders and transit officials attributed the relatively smooth start to a successful public awareness campaign, including numerous station attendants who answered questions, handed out pamphlets and herded disoriented passengers.
In her work as a caseworker she educates people about the virus but many people, she says, won't even touch the pamphlets or look at the information on the table.
We didn't have Twitter to ignite the violence; we managed to do it by word of mouth, through pamphlets and rumors that said, let's kill them before they kill us.
While brands like Glossier and M.Gemi choose to mail pamphlets out on their own, more companies are opting for a way in which they can share the costs: group mailers.
The pamphlets also detailed how feeding pigs a daily regimen of two antibiotics would make them fatter and, as any farmer understands, a heavier pig is a more profitable pig.
As this revelatory and sometimes punishing study documents, the United States took shape not only in coffeehouses and on the pages of political pamphlets, but also on blood-soaked battlefields.
At a community center in southern Florida, a middle-aged woman handing out Republican pamphlets reached frantically for her pepper spray as a man supporting Hillary Clinton charged at her.
In addition to photographs of the tower's residents and architecture, the project also includes more idiosyncratic images of flickering TVs and stained posters, assembled into more than a dozen pamphlets.
His "Sermon on Indulgences and Grace" was the first in a series of passionate pamphlets that first piqued the interest of a wide public, and then formed a popular movement.
As a teenager, she helped to print pamphlets calling for greater dissent, and as a young adult she spoke out against a cleric who admonished her for exposing her hair.
In a particularly funny scene, operatic music swells as the animal-suited artists helicopter away with a suitcase of philosophical, diagrammatic pamphlets that they intend to sell as high art.
At one point, he even ordered the postmaster general to destroy abolitionist pamphlets mailed to the Southern states, fearing the newsletters could fuel discontent around slavery and spark a civil war.
For example, in Marsh v Alabama (1946), a company-owned town was told the First Amendment prevented it from arresting a Jehovah's Witness for distributing religious pamphlets near a post office.
With their main customers—politicians and legislators—more eager to probe their digestive tracts rather than scour policy pamphlets for ideas, one might wonder whether think-tanks have had their day.
There could be protestors on any given day, shouting and handing out pamphlets, accosting patients as they try to make their way to the clinic entrance, or plotting something much worse.
The vandals, who are yet to be identified, set fire to at least two of the churches in the nation's capital city and tossed pamphlets in the street as they fled.
The newspaper noted that Cicconetti ordered another person who tossed life vests into the water earlier this year to hand out pamphlets on water safety and Lifesavers candy to park guests.
The then-presidential candidate was echoing a story in the National Enquirer claiming that the senior Cruz distributed pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets alongside Oswald in 2628, the year Kennedy was murdered.
One morning that August, a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan dropped pamphlets in the driveways of Hampton Bays, a blue-collar hamlet on the fringes of a seaside resort community.
Before the rise of cloaked social media accounts, there were pamphlets of unknown origin, anonymous letters peddling false charges, as well as dubious parking-lot fliers, phone calls and blog posts.
Still, some Somali American families thought their children had disproportionately higher rates of autism spectrum disorder and anti-vaxx activists started showing up at community health meetings and handing out pamphlets.
The effort to normalize self-managed abortion in Columbia started as soon as people walked through the door, where they were greeted by a table covered in cutesy, neon-bright pamphlets.
The next year, he argued before the Supreme Court in defense of their First Amendment right to hand out pamphlets in Los Angeles International Airport, winning a 9-to-0 ruling.
This included instating strict company rules governing the distribution of pro-union pamphlets, grilling workers about their union activities, and telling employees that union efforts would be "futile", per the ruling.
When I get back, all the notes, receipts, pamphlets, business cards, matchbooks and bric-a-brac I've collected go onto my coffee table, spilling onto the floor, and I write, slowly.
From what I observed, a good number of visitors came out and enthusiastically engaged with the fair participants, chatting and asking questions, taking pamphlets and signing up for further follow up.
MassResistance has even translated pamphlets and videos into Chinese as part of a anti-gay marriage campaign in Taiwan; one of its Chinese-subtitled videos has over 280,000 views on YouTube.
Modeled after the Revolutionary-era hand-distributed pamphlets that Founding Father Alexander Hamilton himself once wrote, it also featured a frontispiece that paid homage to the distinctive design of the "Hamiltome," a.k.a.
They may not be allowed to walk into a clinic and hand out pamphlets, but they can distribute the same information to the same women in the same place, via their phones.
If women were able to read about it leading up to their pregnancy in books like What To Expect, or even in pamphlets at the doctor's office — it could save their lives.
With sensationalist headlines like "The Scope of Jewish Dictatorship in the U.S." and "Jewish Degradation of American Baseball," the pamphlets were translated into German and cited by leading Nazis as an inspiration.
The crowd putters around the carpeted convention hall, picking up pamphlets on collecting rainwater or stopping to look at Salvador Alvarenga, a celebrity survivor after 13 months adrift in the Pacific Ocean.
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Attackers on a motorcycle lobbed grenades and opened fire at a Pakistani television station on Wednesday, wounding one person, and left behind pamphlets linked to Islamic State, the station said.
Dianne McNicol—who performs under the name Dottie the Clown—said that the group planned to be there for just a few minutes handing out pamphlets denouncing IT's negative portrayal of clowns.
None of the pamphlets mention the psychological toll of waiting to die or of waiting for (even grimly rooting for) someone else to die so that you can get that person's lungs.
On Sunday, Pittsburgh officials said that anti-Semitic pamphlets were being spread throughout the city, including in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood, the site of a mass shooting that targeted Jews in October.
The part they won't mention—and that you won't find written in most informational pamphlets, but that I have experienced—is that it doesn't always seem to replace all of the opiate.
Today it is known to millions from the internet, television, films, pamphlets, books, newspapers and magazines, talked up in families and taught in schools, often with videos provided by the Heimlich Institute.
The pamphlets that really defined ... The pamphlet wars that you're talking about that helped define the framework on this country in the 1770s and 1780s were not so dissimilar to today, absolutely.
She pointed to less-than-compassionate Bush policies like a provision that forbade the use of federal money for "the promotion of homosexuality," such as safe-sex pamphlets that mentioned gay sex.
Sure, we had a few regular protesters, who trailed patients from the subway to the front door, all while shoving pamphlets in their faces and begging them not to kill their babies.
The fair's pamphlets and signage were only in English, not Spanish, and while both are official languages of Puerto Rico, only 20% of the population spoke English fluently per the 20003 census.
Colorful pamphlets advertised Mr. Trump as "a builder of communities and the American Dream," and a rendering showed a possible exterior design for a center inside of what looked like a mall.
Other Quakers produced pamphlets citing examples from more than 30 dead and living languages to argue that their use of "thee" and "thou" was grammatically — as well as theologically and politically — correct.
An innocuous comment on its own, her words take on a darker tone in view of the types of items she sells and collects: mechanical banks, minstrel postcards, slave documents, K.K.K. pamphlets.
The entirety of the evidence is that there's a picture of a guy standing near Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Castro pamphlets and that guy looks kind of like Rafael Cruz.
When Tom threw his cigarette butt on the ground, a woman handing out pamphlets to asked him to be a good lad and pick it up and put it in the bin.
A popular tactic for spreading the word about conditions on factory farms is leafletting — handing out to passersby pamphlets that describe the conditions of farms, and urging people to look into it more.
" At the 2007 premiere of The Golden Compass, a film adaptation of the first novel in the trilogy, the Catholic League passed out pamphlets urging Americans to boycott a franchise that "denigrates faith.
The pamphlets left behind said "Islamic State Khorasan Province" claimed responsibility for attacking media that it accused of "siding with the apostate army and government of Pakistan in their global crusade against Islam".
The notion that vaccines could be dangerous also jumped from these sources to ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn, where the ideas spread mostly through the analog form of phone hotlines and pamphlets.
The Bush campaign recently handed out pamphlets that read "Jeb on the Rise" and pointed to a new poll showing that he had drawn even with his non-Trump rivals in the state.
Marsdal and the Manifest Center have published a number of readable but informative pamphlets on pensions, tariffs, higher education, neoliberalism, and more for an intended audience of union nurses, teachers, public utility workers.
Last year, the Schlesinger Library at Harvard University's Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study acquired her personal archive, comprising more than 150 boxes of papers, photographs, pamphlets and other material covering her entire life.
Up North, there are more places, but around here there's only the one, and Evan doesn't like the vibe of it—the prayers before meals, the sad chapel with folding chairs, the pamphlets.
On the first of her many "school strikes for the climate," Ms. Thunberg camped outside the Swedish Parliament for days, pamphlets in hand, forcing us to reckon with the consequences of our passivity.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, 11 states require doctors to give their patients pamphlets highlighting the so-called "risks" of abortion care, including widely debunked claims that abortion causes breast cancer or infertility.
The group coalesced during this period of social upheaval in the late 1998s, turning out a flood of satirical, often inflammatory posters and pamphlets, before the rise of social media and viral videos.
Rosa said that when she first started with Avon, she remembers being managed by white women with little or no Spanish, and designing her own flyers and pamphlets to supplement Avon's English-only offerings.
Through photos, newspaper articles maps, ephemera such as clocking in and out cards, original strike banners, news footage and pamphlets, "We Are The Lions" brings the dispute, and its tumultuous 227s context, to life.
It is much easier to target wide swaths of constituencies through television and radio ads, mass phone calls and dropped-off campaign pamphlets, rather than trying to visit every single county in the state.
The first such campaign can be traced to 1963, when Navy's sports information director mailed out pamphlets about Roger Staubach and regularly visited sportswriters in New York to bolster the junior quarterback's Heisman chances.
The protesters are expected to use similar tactics to those of a rally at a tourist area on Sunday, where they handed out pamphlets printed in the simplified Chinese characters used on the mainland.
He burst onto the capital's legal scene in 1987, when he helped Jews for Jesus win a Supreme Court case against an ordinance banning them from handing out pamphlets at Los Angeles International Airport.
Rafael Cruz was allegedly recognized in a photo handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans in August 1963, just a few months before JFK's November assassination by Oswald.
The pamphlets urged them to move to buildings and hospitality centers across Greece that have been set aside for the purpose, according to a government official from the country's refugee crisis management coordination body.
As I headed toward the parking lot, I took a last look around me: the parents dragging kids, the kids dragging parents, the half-consumed turkey legs, the crumpled pamphlets describing what cows eat.
The 19th century was when the modern Thanksgiving meal began to take shape, thanks to the republishing of pamphlets and historical records from the Pilgrims of the first Thanksgiving celebration and Hale's tireless advocacy.
The center describes itself as a multi-specialty medical facility offering services including primary care, immigration medicals, and dermatology, but flyers and pamphlets for GAINSWave were all over the reception area and waiting room.
There are no plaques describing what it represents or even labeling it; no signs or pamphlets for visitors to read anything about Palmyra or even the destructive event that led to the replica's creation.
Tuolumne County Visitors Bureau representatives have been stationed at the Big Oak Flat entrance handing out small garbage bags and pamphlets with information explaining just how limited services apply to visitors during the shutdown.
In papers, documents, and pamphlets, skeptics, known as Antifederalists, openly worried that a constitutional republic would leave us vulnerable to tyranny, and that human nature was too corruptible to trust with so much power.
In Manzanita on the Oregon coast, resident Kerry Driscoll said she has an evacuation plan and the cabins at the beachside resort where she works are equipped with pamphlets telling tourists how to prepare.
Anti-Semitic pamphlets and imagery throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries visually portrayed the Jew as something between a corporate fat cat and a shadowy overlord; someone "cosmopolitan," urbane (and urban), and dangerous.
The more entertaining version was brought to us by the anti-tulip propaganda of the age: pamphlets spreading exaggerated tales about these wilting, decadent symbols of wealth and the ruin they brought with them.
Some exhibitions opt for pamphlets instead of wall captions to avoid this issue, which may have been a better idea here if the curators were so concerned for the uncluttered display of these works.
But they get caught playing around in the church by Mylene's little sister, who blackmails her into handing out pamphlets in exchange for not telling their father that she sang secular music in the space.
Published by the British Library, it presents a richly illustrated history of hypnosis in the Western world through material — much of it sourced from the Library's own archives — that includes photographs, posters, and performance pamphlets.
The centre-left party out-raised its business-friendly opponents in donations from individuals by an average of $219,000 per race—enough money for thousands of extra mail pamphlets or a handful of television advertisements.
Oppressed minorities, if they're able to air their true views at all, tend to do so in marginal publications or grassroots pamphlets (think, for example, of the role zines have played in the LGBTQ community).
State health officials say they're trying to educate tourists about responsible pot usage through educational pamphlets and signs at pot shops, a big part of a $5.7 million "Good To Know" campaign launched last year.
Armed with temporary identity cards and pamphlets, Singh and a group of volunteers have helped set up seven camps to keep track of children who travel with their families to attend the eight-week festival.
In an attempt to explain to migrants the significance of German carnival, a highlight of the year in the country's mostly Catholic regions, local authorities have provided information pamphlets on it in languages including Arabic.
How lost they must feel in the world, where all instructions, all the lyrics of all the stupidest possible songs, all the menus, all the excruciating pamphlets and brochures—even the buttons in the elevator!
The Colored Conventions Project researchers are still hunting for missing pamphlets recording dozens of meetings that may be filed away at historical societies or in small libraries that have not yet fully digitized their catalogs.
At Thursday's hearing, ComInsure was asked about ASIC's handling of a series of advertising pamphlets which the regulator said were misleading because they suggested the insurer would offer coverage for all types of heart attacks.
At Fat White Family's store, however, fans lined up to buy radical pamphlets that poked fun at the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, and secondhand items such as a pair of Lias Saoudi's soiled sneakers.
Led by the city's chamber of commerce, which distributed pamphlets and books across the country portraying Southern California as a sun-dappled utopia, the marketing effort helped propel Los Angeles's growth as a major metropolis.
Kim Thomas, owner of Christopher Amira Studio in Cleveland, joined the program in June, drafting other local Cuyahoga County barbershops and salons to stock campaign pamphlets and host candidate meet and greets for prospective voters.
It's a recurring joke that no one can explain mental archery beyond its "focus on focus," but pamphlets are written, yoga poses created ("Priapic Centaur, Roaring Rama, Encircling Sioux"), and a core of acolytes gather.
Ideas that used to remain confined to pamphlets or small networks leap from the dark corners of the internet into lines in speeches and tweets from the president himself, who has long trumpeted conspiracy theories.
WASHINGTON — The centerpiece of a plan for stemming gun violence that President Obama announced last month largely amounts to this: an updated web page and 10,000 pamphlets that federal agents will give out at gun shows.
Buttons, pamphlets with essays and poems, headsets playing contemporary music, and news articles depicting activists like Dorothy Nyembe are displayed alongside a slew of lithographs by Judy Seideman, a longtime, American-born Medu Art Ensemble member.
Afghan journalists who have been covering the Taliban since the 1990s said before the advent of social media the group sent out hand-written pamphlets and news reports to Afghan reporters based in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Metz and her colleagues are developing the questionnaire pregnant mothers participating in the study; Elephant Circle is creating pamphlets and other documentation for dispensaries around Colorado to inform women of the current research and their rights.
However, some Somali American parents already believed their children were at an increased risk of autism, so anti-vaxxers targeted them by coming to community health meetings and handing out pamphlets about the "dangers" of vaccines.
In addition to this service, funded by a Portuguese NGDO, Boomers could receive drug information pamphlets, ear plugs, and even tiny water bottles for nasal rinsing and paper cards meant to be used as snorting paraphernalia.
A couple of months ago, Ralph Arellano, the director at the Hispanic Technology and Community Center, had the idea of putting the bilingual EPA pamphlets inside boxes of food distributed at a pantry he works with.
Coming out of the Depression and World War II, there's this culture of women's magazines and pamphlets and newsletters and companies encouraging readers to use what they have, create things with what they have on hand.
If you don't have time to go and do the research, there's brochures and pamphlets at voting booths that tell you, briefly, a sort of CliffsNotes version of what you need to know about each candidate.
Atlantic landed the Chatham County jail's $197,43 annual dental contract from CorrectHealth a few months before Jackson appeared in pamphlets for Sheriff Wilcher during the white Republican's campaign for a full four-year term that November.
What those efforts may be -- such as pamphlets, black box warnings or a ban on certain implants -- remains to be seen, while women who claim to have gotten sick from their breast implants hope for change.
A recurring feature is the ROTLAND DREADFULS, a drawn and written series that pays homage to penny dreadfuls, cheaply produced 19th-century English pamphlets that contained discursive and entertaining little stories, often dealing with horror themes.
Back in April 2015, LA Metro launched the "It's Off Limits" campaign that posted advertisements on 2,200 buses and 400 train cars and handed out pamphlets encouraging victims of harassment to report the abuse to local police.
For Swanzy, being able to tap into this resource was empowering, but as a lot of the pamphlets were from the '60s and '70s it seemed that the discourse and conversation around feminism hadn't really moved on.
But, at the same time, pamphlets were also used during the English Civil War period as a cynical political propaganda tool to whip up racial and sectarian hatred, most markedly in the parliament's fight against the king.
As I was doing research on covert US military operations in Iraq, I came across laminated, postcard-sized pamphlets titled "IRAQ Visual Language Translator" that are distributed to the service women and men when they get deployed.
It is not one of the many political pamphlets being distributed ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections on June 24th; inside are not campaign promises, but stories of fantasy fiction set in supernatural or imaginary worlds.
Many of the pamphlets tout a wholly debunked link between abortion and breast cancer or infertility; others warn of something called "post-abortion syndrome," a term neither the American Psychiatric Organization nor the American Psychological Organization recognizes.
After all, he used his fame as a star of reality television to propel the birther conspiracy from the world of internet chat-rooms and smudgy pamphlets hawked at Tea Party rallies to a national talking-point.
In the more than 500 years since printing presses began turning out pamphlets and news sheets, markets were spawned for journalism, advocacy and propaganda – concepts that were not, and still in many places still are not, differentiated.
"Any threat to the lives of the Venezuelan or Colombian-Venezuelan population that has come to Colombia is a crime and there will be judicial and criminal consequences for those responsible for these pamphlets," Ramirez told journalists.
If you're not, you have to tell everyone who comes through your door in search of medical advice that you're not an actual doctor, just a person in a lab coat with a bunch of fetus pamphlets.
The Schlesinger Library at Harvard University's Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study is announcing Tuesday that it has acquired her personal archive, more than 150 boxes of papers, photographs, pamphlets and other material that spans her entire life.
In last-minute rallies, pamphlets and television advertising and even in electric signs placed atop cars that resemble pizza delivery advertisements, the candidates are running more explicitly on their purported viability than in any modern presidential primary.
For instance, although blatantly misleading hashtags like #vaccineskill are blocked on Instagram, people use hashtags like #vaççineskillandinjure, or cryptic hashtags #readaninsert, which refers to a grassroots campaign to spread paper inserts and pamphlets that promote vaccine misinformation.
That includes letting security guards harass workers who were passing out union pamphlets in the parking lot, banning employees from wearing pro-union T-shirts and buttons, repeatedly interrogating union organizers, and eventually firing one of them.
The Support Group and Resource Center on Sexuality Studies (SGRC) had caught the attention of higher education minister Muhammad Nasir after pamphlets advertising the group's services, such as counseling for depressed and suicidal LGBT youth, were circulated online.
His main source of information on the streets is Credence (Ezra Miller), a quivering teen who's stuck in a Dickensian nightmare that's basically Fagin's child gang, but focused on handing out anti-witchcraft pamphlets instead of pickpocketing strangers.
The Truman has used the 72 warplanes on board to drop 1,481 smart bombs and pamphlets on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria since last December when it arrived in the Gulf, the Navy said on Wednesday.
When they did it in the past, it was doing things like trying to put in biased or half-true stories — getting stories like that into the press or pamphlets people would read, so on and so forth.
In pamphlets for the mural, Meyer and the artists encourage viewers to lap "'Āina Aloha" several times, taking in the alternating red and green while having to circumnavigate this piece that sits in the middle of the room.
At Ms. Sinclair's conjuring room, a visitor immediately notices the books and pamphlets: "Secrets of Hazel Kolar, Queen of Mind Readers"; a tell-all autobiography by Lulu Hurst, "The Georgia Wonder," put out by the Psychic Publishing Company.
However, because the show is composed of closed magazines and pamphlets written in German and French, without Spanish or English translations, the archival material fails to give the audience a sense of what Dada artists' work actually was.
Savonarola was amongst the first to tap into the information revolution of the time, and while others produced long sermons and treatises, Savonarola disseminated short pamphlets, in what may be thought of as the equivalent of political tweets.
Voters there, according to the office of the secretary of State, have received pamphlets that feature photographs and bios of both Trump and Cruz, while Kasich's name is merely listed among eligible candidates and could be overlooked entirely.
Armed with pamphlets, ETI staff infiltrated high-walled compounds where employees live and work, and went about asking women how often they brush their teeth, when they wash their hands and how much they spend on sanitary towels.
Ida Rauh, a lawyer, artist and prominent Village activist, arrived in Union Square at one point in 1916 to illegally distribute birth control pamphlets in a chauffeured limousine — to better ensure she would get noticed and then arrested.
In fiery speeches and pamphlets, Mr. Jagan, an American-trained dentist whose Indo-Guyanese family had been employed by Booker for generations, exposed how "Big Sugar," based in London, dodged taxes and refused to invest in local infrastructure.
She spends her days immersed in archival research for a dissertation on Jonestown, seeking signs of resistance in the pamphlets and oral history of a community steeped in the rhetoric of racial utopia but headed inexorably toward massacre.
The records offer new facts about American citizens who were detained and tortured in Argentina, including Gwen Bottoli, who was taken into custody in April 1976 after leaving banned political pamphlets on a bus stop bench in Rosario.
Last October, just before the new rules were approved, protesters surrounded a luxe Parisian restaurant where she was scheduled to attend a conference, armed with "Wanted" leaflets bearing her image and pamphlets suggesting that she be hunted down.
History was not kind to the 30 or so purveyors of pamphlets, old maps and dog-eared books that lined Fourth Avenue, mostly between Astor Place and 13th Street, a stretch that was then known as Book Row.
For Mr. Rose, there was only one critical outburst during his impeachment announcement — from a New Jersey community organizer, who brought pamphlets from the pro-Trump LaRouche PAC — that was quickly hushed by the majority of the crowd.
The sketch is amusing and joyfully absurd (Madame S. employs a goat to eat her husband's excess pamphlets), but it also rests, like much Python, on the assumption that men playing women are funnier than women playing themselves.
Activists set up tents where they told women how to dress, and, according to Marks, they promoted chastity by handing out pamphlets that featured a picture of a clamshell with a stop sign inside its half-open mouth.
Early in his career, in pamphlets, on posters and in paintings, and in his later years, in a series of illustrated letters and drawings, he gave free rein to wordplay and employed his acute sense of writing's materiality.
He also wrote poems, a translation of Homer into ottava rima, librettos, some pamphlets on mathematics, historical studies on Poland and Venice and — among other things — a five-volume work of science fiction set in the Earth's interior.
Prosecutors said Francisco Marquez, 30, and Gabriel San Miguel, 24, were arrested on Sunday after being stopped on a highway in eastern Venezuela carrying pamphlets and 2.9 million bolivars, equivalent to less than $3,000 on the black market.
Since 2010, Stanford Literary Lab, which he founded with Matthew Jockers, has issued a string of pamphlets chronicling its research into topics ranging from loudness in the 19th-century novel to the evolving language of World Bank reports.
Brutal security measures in Sinai — including forced disappearances and extrajudicial executions — have helped drive members of the indigenous Bedouin community into the Islamic State's waiting arms as the group has gone around al-Arish distributing pamphlets promising revenge.
Watch "Cold Turkey: New Hampshire's Prison Detox" The clinic is separated from the rest of the GMHC space by its own waiting room, which features pamphlets about PrEP, syringe exchange programs, crystal meth use and other vital information.
Inside the theatre, the ACLU had a table set up in the foyer, with chipper attendants handing out stickers, informational pamphlets, and mini US Constitutions, which I took a stack of to make rain on the dancefloor and #EducateTheYouth.
Influenced: Ottoman historians, Enlightenment thinkers, Joseph Schumpeter Anders Chydenius 21992-21989 Main political work: The National Gain, 1765Known for: A priest and philosopher, Chydenius's work included pamphlets and reports on freedom of speech, freedom of religion and free trade.
I continued to volunteer at the clinic over the next few months and watched the same cycle: Scared young women came in, got lectured, received pregnancy news, and left without anything except for some pamphlets about pregnancy and adoption.
Photos in local media from the scene of one of the attacks showed pamphlets and a banner from a Mapuche organization known as "Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco," a radical group that says it fights for the recovery of Mapuche lands.
WASHINGTON — While serving stateside during the Vietnam War, David Cortright took to the streets in his uniform, on base and off, to pass out pamphlets describing atrocities committed by American troops and calling for an end to the fighting.
""This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-tracks, cartoons, photographs — to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance.
Colonists had devised secret ways of distributing anti-British newspapers and pamphlets in the decade since the introduction of the Stamp Act, which required that special seals be bought from British agents and placed on legal and commercial documents.
"As treason may be committed against the United States, the authority of the United States ought to be enabled to punish it," James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers, a series of pamphlets published during the Constitution's ratification debates.
According to Andrew F. Smith, author of Food and Drink in American History: A 'Full Course' Encyclopedia, Welch even founded two pamphlets, The Acorn and The Progress, in which he paired bomb-ass anti-alcohol content with juice ads.
Luther's anti-clerical pamphlets and essays — which were written in German, the language of the people, rather than the more obscure and "formal" academic language of Latin — could be swiftly and easily disseminated to convince others of his cause.
She took me into her office, a book-filled study that she calls the Noise Room, and, on a couch, opened an accordion folder that contained a dozen or so U.S.-government pamphlets, most of them from the seventies.
Aside from a few textbooks and pamphlets, I couldn't find a whole book devoted to measles — not since the 10th century A.D., that is, when the Persian physician Al-Razi wrote "The Smallpox and Measles" to differentiate the two.

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