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601 Sentences With "paint a picture"

How to use paint a picture in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "paint a picture" and check conjugation/comparative form for "paint a picture". Mastering all the usages of "paint a picture" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But most of all, they paint a picture of diversity.
It tries to paint a picture of sensationalism and gore.
Together, they paint a picture of the album Thriller's universality.
"I wouldn't paint a picture that it's all bad," Nelson said.
Then he'd be able to paint a picture and sell it!
"They are my eyes; they paint a picture for me," Caples said.
Let's paint a picture of the wacky planet we're dealing with here.
But collectively, they paint a picture of an industry under intense pressure.
The MPS had every reason not to paint a picture of turmoil publicly.
Altogether, then, these particular MANETs may soon paint a picture of communications perfection.
However, it doesn't paint a picture of a store that's growing much, either.
Enrich it with sensory adjectives and really paint a picture with your words.
Mission scientists also began to paint a picture of the comet's chemical composition.
"Her statements paint a picture of someone who didn't know her at all."
Bank advertisements targeting monied folk paint a picture of two-child domestic bliss.
When you go on social media, it doesn't paint a picture of reality.
All of these details can help NASA paint a picture of Jupiter's formation.
Legal documents filed in the US paint a picture of a spectacular fraud.
Interviews and marketing materials help paint a picture of the companies' basic approach.
Whether it intends to paint a picture for investors, too, is less clear.
Let's just say they don't exactly paint a picture of a seasoned basketball executive.
Together, they paint a picture of a chaotic White House at war with itself.
Instead, the documents paint a picture of a disorganized and paranoid American security apparatus.
The documents paint a picture of the early stages of a tense police investigation.
"I'm going to paint a picture of him with my penis," he said proudly.
It's time to think outside the box and paint a picture of the future.
Indeed, if anyone knows how to paint a picture with words, it's travel writers.
Why would the Trump administration paint a picture so starkly at odds with reality?
The whole point was to paint a picture of steady leadership versus dangerous unpredictability.
" When I saw a botanica, I thought, "I could paint a picture of a saint.
Article headlines paint a picture that would be comical, if the situation weren't so grave.
Only put your top accomplishments, the ones that truly paint a picture of your success.
Copious texts in these galleries paint a picture of urban societies not unlike our own.
"Let me paint a picture of what's waiting for you on the shore," he says.
In the more traditional tech world, one can paint a picture of an uncapped future.
By thinking like your boss, you can paint a picture of how you'll improve outcomes.
I can't paint a picture without some big robot, or something with tentacles or something.
It's like the home-school bloggers that paint a picture perfect utopia of home learning.
You paint a picture of a man who is half Paris Hilton, half Caligula. Ha!
But they paint a picture that will keep Trump's base afraid, angry, and on his side.
At the Republican convention, Trump clearly meant to paint a picture of an America in decline.
"It's hard to paint a picture of a consensus when there is no consensus," said Swonk.
Twitter also today shared a handful of self-reported metrics that paint a picture of progress.
Let us paint a picture: You're getting ready to head out to dinner on February 14th.
But in broad strokes, the exit polls paint a picture of a radically shifting religious landscape.
The numbers in Oregon paint a picture of just how successful automated voter registration can be.
Viral stories on the culture of "workism" paint a picture of millennials logging 244-hour workdays.
On the one hand, they paint a picture of an increasingly equitable education and employment landscape.
"It's hard to paint a picture where this leads to a true retirement crisis," Biggs said.
We are trying to paint a picture while we're inventing the paintbrush at the same time.
I don't want to paint a picture that I sat, smiling in bliss, for five hours.
They paint a picture of a chaotic, violent place where little value is placed on life.
Developments in the coronavirus outbreak and how the city is coping paint a picture of panic.
These statistics paint a picture of success for the United States' agriculture industry under the USMCA.
They paint a picture of a chaotic, violent place where little value is placed on life.
Taken together, the disclosures paint a picture of a dash across Japan to a waiting plane.
The standings paint a picture of a team in trouble, but not hopelessly out of contention.
The videos are lightly edited to paint a picture that's not altogether true and are easily spreadable.
It's hardly a complete accounting (newsflash, Trump is an awful person) but it does paint a picture.
These activities paint a picture of Rubio's vision for Latin America—a return to Cold War policy.
Together, they paint a picture of common abuse techniques to keep the victim dependent on the abuser.
Really paint a picture for the hiring manager of how you got to where you are today.
Small numbers of studies can't paint a picture of universal truths, because that's not how science works.
Drones allowed us to paint a picture for the investors about why this was a good idea.
This question is particularly helpful to ask when you are trying to paint a picture using data.
Both paint a picture of a White House in chaos, with staffers actively thwarting the President's agenda.
Let's paint a picture: You've stood on the platform as three completely packed trains have gone by.
They compile data, research competitors, propose a plan, and paint a picture for each client through presentations.
Expect Democrats to paint a picture of a president who was using foreign diplomacy for personal gain.
"It's so hard to paint a picture of the overwhelming emotional impact that it has," he said.
On a purely literary level the work is filled with rich similes and metaphors that paint a picture.
Her lawyers sought to paint a picture of Zschaepe as a naive woman enthralled with two violent men.
The money woes paint a picture of an increasingly tenuous business, one that's been disrupted by rocket malfunctions.
Real estate agents paint a picture of a decline in condo prices that outstrips declines in similar properties.
White House press pool reports and comments from eyewitnesses paint a picture of a relaxed but aware Trump.
I met a Miami artist this past Art Basel and had her paint a picture of Tom surfing.
Both systems bounce signals off the environment around them, then read what comes back to paint a picture.
Miller's words paint a picture of a mature, amicable breakup between two people at crossroads in their careers.
It is quite another to paint a picture of the whole wood as it appears to the badger.
They paint a picture that seeks to comfort conservatives in their moment of crisis rather than challenge them.
At first blush, the appropriations documents paint a picture of government as one might hope it would be.
Although these allegations are not criminal, they clearly paint a picture of a hostile working environment for women.
"They want to paint a picture like she&aposs on her death bed," Weberman told The Associated Press.
"By using those words, I paint a picture of myself that isn't the true me," she went on.
The Shea Butter Baby singer uses her verse to paint a picture good enough for the dinner table.
Studies like these can better paint a picture of the interstellar environment through which the Sun is traveling.
But the scant details Iger provided about ESPN Plus, the new service, paint a picture of a crap service.
They also paint a picture of what has been, for many, a sad and alienating moment in American history.
Her lawyers have sought to paint a picture of Zschaepe as a naive woman enthralled with two violent men.
But what limited responses they did give paint a picture of an administration failing to put its citizens first.
Investigative documents paint a picture of a secret relationship carried on with explicit text messages and frequent sexual encounters.
Defector interviews and research about the North help paint a picture of a country undergoing social and political change.
"I like the way he can paint a picture with what he says," Mr. Bowie said in the film.
But taken in the aggregate, the dozens of Times/Siena polls paint a picture of a still uncertain race.
Taken with the Gallup data, they paint a picture of a nation split down the middle on the President.
Ezra Klein Can you paint a picture of what it could be like to live in a decarbonized world?
I reached out to financial experts across different platforms to help me paint a picture of my investing options.
We've tried to paint a picture for you of what the game feels like—its strengths and flaws and frustrations.
Together, they paint a picture of a regime that has tortured and murdered on an industrial scale to silence dissent.
Figuring out the gases in that atmosphere could paint a picture of what conditions are like on the surface below.
She used visceral language to paint a picture of the invasion of privacy she believes is allowed by the decision.
Like it or not, they paint a picture of what he was like as a teen and a young man.
The women who have come forward paint a picture of powerful men "enabling" one another to engage in sexual misconduct.
Modern anthropologists paint a picture of early agricultural society as a community of unsophisticated barterers, trading goods and services directly.
Whoever was paying to paint a picture of Apple in near pure Democrat blue clearly had an agenda to peddle.
We hope to paint a picture for you of what the game feels like—its strengths and flaws and frustrations.
I'm not trying to paint a picture of a brilliant comedian who went off the rails into conservatism and conspiracy.
Instead, they seemed determined to paint a picture of an almost mafia-like criminal outfit, albeit with a postmodern twist.
Rather, politicians and talking heads paint a picture of refugees as threats to our security and drains on our resources.
Will you paint a picture of tomorrow that candidly acknowledges the yesterdays that created the inequity we work to overcome?
Would you write a scene from a musical or novel, paint a picture, make a video or create a poem?
I hate to trot out statistics, but it's the easiest way to paint a picture of how grim it is.
But it focuses on metrics like minutes watched and concurrent viewers to paint a picture of its size and growth.
But former inmates and rights groups paint a picture of violence, psychological abuse, squalor, forced marriage, and regular suicide attempts.
Zuckerberg's effort to paint a picture of people celebrating their birthdays via Facebook Live — how often does that really happen?
Together, they paint a picture of a vital workforce in professional and personal crisis — with no clear end in sight.
We assembled more than 683,000 data points, allowing us to paint a picture of where Second Amendment law stands today.
To help answer these questions and more, below are 10 facts that paint a picture of abortion in America today.
To help us do that, Dior has lent exclusive backstage images that paint a picture of the calm before the storm.
Looking at the data, the scientists were able to paint a picture of a solar eruption as it propagated through space.
Still, the survey results do paint a picture of the anxiety that is being felt in some classrooms around the country.
Together, the Dirty Computer flashbacks paint a picture of Jane's free-spirited lifestyle despite constant surveillance and the threat of persecution.
"What it tries to do is paint a picture of someone as a fugitive and that is completely false," she added.
These diverse samples are helping scientists paint a picture of how ancient groundwater interacted with these rocks and changed over time.
Surveys, research, and testimonials compiled by the organization paint a picture of a population traumatized by the constant threat of deportation.
It turns out we really were able to paint a picture of the emergence of our modern world -- and that's phenomenal.
From these scenes, you have to paint a picture of what actually happened aboard the boat during its five-year absence.
Mason and Derby paint a picture of a socially awkward, unemployed systems administrator who takes out his frustration on the keyboard.
"When I say devastating, I mean it's going to paint a picture that's going to be politically very devastating," he said.
Current and former colleagues of Ricardel paint a picture of a committed conservative and national security expert with a strong personality.
The never-before-seen-or-published illustrations and interviews paint a picture of the hard work of the designer Ralph McQuarrie.
Despite all the money consultants spend on sophisticated analysis, their attempt to paint a picture of the public remains stubbornly incomplete.
Other new details paint a picture of inter-agency confusion and unrest over Trump's move to withhold military aid from Ukraine.
The disclosures paint a picture of a firm in transition from overhyped property startup to a maturing corporation with diverse clients.
So, like, paint a picture for us if someone's typing up an email or a query or something in your software.
Overflowing hospitals, closed businesses, and empty grocery-store shelves paint a picture of the situation in the center of the outbreak.
What's more, Trump is doing all of this specifically to paint a picture of an America that's in decline due to minorities.
Celebrities, movies, GIFs and challenges paint a picture of the 2016 in danger of drowning but looking firmly in the other direction.
This isn't an exact metaphor, but it can help paint a picture of how the process of managing retirement savings can work.
Why it matters: This latest acquisition is helping to paint a picture of Jet's—and by extension, Walmart's—strategy for online retail.
Its two volumes paint a picture of Donald Trump as deeply narcissistic and incompetent, alternately conned and ignored by everyone around him.
A raft of European PMIs scheduled for publication later on Monday are expected to paint a picture of robust manufacturing momentum globally.
Liberals paint a picture of a society at breaking point -- torn apart by gender, class and race, desperately in need of therapy.
As I predicted in earlier columns, the Mueller report was always going to try to paint a picture of obstruction of justice.
If needed, identify what it would take to reach your goal and paint a picture of how you will exceed those expectations.
It's not women's responsibility anymore to tell our stories of abuse and paint a picture of the misogynistic world we live in.
"My goal was to paint a picture of what LA is in my head, rather than the reality of it," he explains.
To paint a picture for you: I'm wearing leather pants, black boots, a black t-shirt, and I have a nose ring.
The dark, primal drum rhythms of "Club Insomnia" paint a picture of sweat dripping off the ceiling of a packed, heaving dancefloor.
They went out of their way to paint a picture of the world's worst houseguest — or a man going seriously stir crazy.
To improve our chances, I wrote a witty note, one that would paint a picture of a responsible and charming little family.
The divide demonstrated by the study coupled with the discourse surrounding Ansari paint a picture of a society confused, unsure and anxious.
Segall: Facebook needs to (and is trying to) paint a picture of a company that takes its role in society very seriously.
Those interviews paint a picture of Israel's recognition in the early 19673s that it needed a crash program to get the bomb.
It happened because polls weight the results of respondents from different demographic groups to paint a picture of the country at large.
Again, the goal is not to gather evidence of a crime, but instead to paint a picture of one's character and suitability.
I've heard a couple of things in recent weeks that should help paint a picture of the challenges any bipartisan bill will face.
But it's not in service of understanding Cheney as much as it's trying to paint a picture of what Cheney was involved in.
From there, they were able to paint a picture of how events at one particular hospital contributed to the spread of the infection.
Snap goes on to paint a picture of a company wanting to innovate to outsmart the dominant digital marketing platforms of and Facebook.
For years I told these stories to paint a picture of myself as the neglected daughter of two hard-working, ambitious, professional parents.
Movies like Interstellar and Avatar, and hundreds of other captivating science fiction stories, paint a picture as to what might be out there.
I really wanted to paint a picture of, 'Okay, yeah, we take selfies all day, but that's not exactly who we really are.
The Panama records paint a picture of a thinly regulated industry where anonymity is regularly used to shield all kinds of questionable behavior.
Together, they help paint a picture of the 23-year-old's mental state before and after he was imprisoned for the church massacre.
"The two women we had meet with the people on the show could paint a picture, create an in-depth storyline," she said.
The minutes paint a picture of a more hawkish Fed than Janet Yellen portrayed in her remarks following December's 25 basis-point hike.
" Cruz also praised Rubio warmly, saying he could "paint a picture and weave a tapestry about the promise of America like nobody else.
It's all for show so the Republican Party can dishonestly paint a picture that they represent the democratic process of balance and fairness.
He said the special investigator could resolve whether a crime was committed, as well as help paint a picture of what really happened.
Stronger activity in the services sector, along with a stagnating manufacturing industry, also paint a picture of an economy that is slowly rebalancing.
If you consistently and intentionally nurture positive thoughts and expectations, you paint a picture of future success on the walls of your mind.
She started by touching on Heard's "sexually fluid" lifestyle and the former couple's age gap in order to "paint a picture" for viewers.
"In sum, the allegations paint a picture of overseas slave labor that defendants perpetuated from headquarters in the United States," the court wrote.
IPCC reports pool together research that's already been published to paint a picture of how the world will change as it heats up.
Then you've got to paint a picture of what you look like coming out, because that's where you've got to focus everybody on.
Taken together, the data paint a picture of an economy that is not just creating jobs but that is increasingly creating good ones.
But they help paint a picture as to why Tinder may want to try some weird, experimental "mini-series"-styled event like this.
Despite figures that paint a picture of a cable ecosystem in slow decline, a number of channels saw significant growth over the last year.
Huishan's accounts paint a picture of accumulating short-term loans and a deteriorating current ratio that indicates its liabilities are larger than its assets.
There's nothing wrong with these kinds of photos, of course, but they paint a picture of pregnancy that will never reflect women like Smith.
His statements paint a picture of an unreliable and unpredictable ally across the Atlantic, who can easily be swayed by the Kremlin, among others.
"We were told that the media didn't understand China and wanted to paint a picture of a company doing poorly," a former employee says.
But, seriously, it's crazy no one was hurt ... we obtained 911 calls from the scene -- and they paint a picture of a wild accident.
But all accounts paint a picture of a happy, well-liked teenager who excelled in sports and school and had dreams of doing more.
During the 2008 campaign, Obama occasionally used "crumbling schools" as Trump does, to paint a picture of why his candidacy and presidency were crucial.
The office he represents provides "authoritative, high-quality data, to paint a picture of what immigration looks like" in the United States, said Baugh.
Not all of those activities are themselves unusual, but together they paint a picture of a White House struggling to attract and retain talent.
Meanwhile, Manafort's attorneys are attempting to paint a picture of the protégé as the real perpetrator and Manafort, his boss, as the innocent dupe.
Overall, they paint a picture of Apple updating some core apps like Messages, Maps, and Reminders, while continuing its years long push into health.
Recent reports paint a picture of tepid U.S. wage growth, with wages rising just 21625 percent after inflation in the first quarter of 2900.
"We need to paint a picture of the future in the which everyone sees themselves and everyone is seen," she writes in her book.
But Trump is wrong when he tries to paint a picture of these gang members' effect on violent crime here in the United States.
"They try to paint a picture of how these things worked, but the reality of it is that the evidence isn't there," he said.
They paint a picture of a stubbornly outmoded approach that is unsuited to the fight, and that perpetuates the mistakes of successive Egyptian leaders.
I try daily to paint a picture for her of the people and attitudes that exist outside her school, and outside our red state.
In numbers: These figures paint a picture of declining living standards and eroding purchasing power and explain why the French are in the streets.
But taken as a whole, they paint a picture that Apple is forced by Chinese authorities to make compromises to preserve its business interests.
The data is indeed encouraging, but not very different from the figures he used as a candidate to paint a picture of economic despair.
The tests paint a picture of an industry trying to keep pace with the constantly changing smartphones and social media landscape—with mixed results.
Itamar Rabinovich uses his experience as a foreign diplomat and academic to paint a picture of Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's first native-born prime minister.
For retailers in particular, Merritt's company hones in on ultra-specific data points that paint a picture of broader customer patterns, wants and needs.
President Donald Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday attempted to paint a picture of an administration seeking national unity and political reconciliation.
We just got more information on President Donald Trump's taxes, and what we're seeing doesn't paint a picture of a wildly successful business leader.
Taken together, much like 2014's #YesAllWomen, the tweets paint a picture of just how common, and how harmful, these experiences are for women.
Even with missing data, these numbers paint a picture of the severe lack of diversity in a space that will impact the safety of millions.
While these are relatively standard upgrades, they do paint a picture of the future of Chrome OS as the rightful replacement for Android tablet software.
In March alone: Taken together, these incidents paint a picture of a platform on which crises are developing faster than its minders can address them.
By analyzing the metamorphic rocks, the researchers were able to paint a picture of the surprisingly habitable environment in which these bacteria-like organisms lived.
It was important to paint a picture of a mythological hero, that at the same time, looked like many of the residents of Scarborough, Canada.
Throughout, the tributes paint a picture of a highly educated and deeply caring woman, who was equally at home in the laboratory and the home.
You're trying to paint a picture of it with sound, and I feel like in this song I really was a painter for that moment.
Orman went on to paint a picture of darker times, reminding the audience of the financial ruin the Great Recession caused just 10 years ago.
And will you paint a picture of the world that we need to continue to fight for, even though you will no longer be president?
However there are some figures we can look at, which together paint a picture of a potential public health backlash of the FDA's vaping regulations.
Orman went on to paint a picture of darker times, reminding the audience of the financial ruin the Great Recession caused just 11 years ago.
The U.S. Department of Justice recently released the findings of its yearlong civil rights investigation, and the results paint a picture that's hard to stomach.
If I ran, I wanted to paint a picture of America's future, what we could become, how everyone could be dealt back into the deal.
Takes time to scale up The IPO filing didn't even attempt to paint a picture of how and when Lyft will venture into the black.
" The authors paint a picture of Obama as unwilling to confront the country's problems because he was "influenced and indoctrinated by many who despised America.
Thanks to the internet, a quick Google search on literally anyone can help you paint a picture of them before you ever meet in person.
Lawmakers appeared frustrated at times over the lack of transparency on the policy, referring to government reports that paint a picture of confusion and chaos.
The details are horrific and paint a picture of church officials far more interested in protecting themselves and the Catholic Church's image than helpless children.
Behind the scenes, members paint a picture of a Ways and Means chairman who has deliberated the tax issue, but hardly let it consume the committee.
"If I'm going to make a map to paint a picture of this history, I owe it to everyone to make an accurate map," Ramey said.
I go into great detail about the massive guillotine they're going to use to behead him because I really like to paint a picture, you know.
Why it matters: Discoveries like this one help to paint a picture of a galaxy teeming with exoplanets (worlds that orbit stars other than a sun).
Tesla's cars, however, collect and store more more data than your standard car which may help them paint a picture of exactly how certain crashes happened.
Let me paint a picture of what might happen to Earth's biodiversity under this scenario, according to the research conducted by Trisos and his co-authors.
It's a strategy in which victims paint a picture of a subculture used to enforce control, and juries learn about their close attachment to the defendant.
The emails from inside the New York Fed paint a picture of the Treasury as withholding information in order to gain leverage in the ongoing negotiations.
"Trump was, like, I am going to paint a picture of her as someone who will come steal your children and take your guns," one said.
But a recent set of deleted scenes uploaded to Matthew Keys' YouTube account paint a picture of a very different film lurking just beneath the surface.
But he had a goal in mind, learning how to construct and paint a picture so well that it would have to hang in a museum.
Policy discussions about adding work requirements to government benefits like Medicaid and SNAP often paint a picture, intentionally or not, that is far from the truth.
And even those facts to paint a picture of just how foreign the Tesla Semi may be to every red-blooded trucker on American roads today.
However corrupt we may believe him to be at this point (read: very), the man sure knows how to paint a picture and sway a jury.
"You can never paint a picture of a black person prospering," she says, as we pull up outside her childhood home, hidden within a lush garden.
Instead of investing in new jobs, however, Big Oil hides behind a small number of aging refineries in Pennsylvania to paint a picture of economic hardship.
My experience on The Bachelorette didn't yield the result I had hoped, but it did begin to paint a picture for me that is ever-changing.
They paint a picture of the family that now represents the country, of their ambitions, goals and values, at a moment when the world is watching.
"I was disgusted and sick to my stomach that this lawyer tried to paint a picture of my brother that this was gang-related," Morris said.
A lot of times trans stories rely on our trauma, or they want to paint a picture that is digestible to cis-normative expectations of it.
The idea is to paint a picture of symmetrical radicalization, one in which both sides have extremist flanks that pose a major threat to civil peace.
The whole episode sits uneasily with other comments the Lime VP made during the interview, as he sought to paint a picture of a collaboratively minded company.
Three weeks since the company first publicly disclosed the situation, a steady stream of gaffes and revelations paint a picture of Equifax's deeply lacking response to catastrophe.
But observers say the ongoing discoveries increasingly paint a picture of negligence—especially in Equifax's failure to protect itself against a known flaw with a ready fix.
Aspiring artists in the class are greeted with all the supplies they will need to paint a picture of the pet, with none of the clean up.
Features like this and the new "proactive notifications" are starting to paint a picture of Home as a more capable device in its relatively limited feature set.
To be clear, Sensor Tower's look into app store revenue is only includes in-app spending, which doesn't paint a picture of Pandora's business as a whole.
They paint a picture of a serial predator who targeted vulnerable students on social media and abused his authority as a respected academic to threaten their careers.
Extensive interviews with Mack, Jones, and McGee and a review of legal documents by BuzzFeed News paint a picture of what Kelly's life offstage is like today.
The organization Common Sense Media released a research report on Monday that aims to paint a picture of the role that social media plays in teens' lives.
Over the course of the next week, we hope to paint a picture for you of what the game feels like—its strengths and flaws and frustrations.
Former employees, suppliers, fellow business people and private equity investors paint a picture of a firm whose management capacity did not keep up with its prodigious growth.
"We are speaking to as many people as we can to try to paint a picture of what may have happened 18 years ago," the sheriff said.
In yet another, aspects of masculinity are touched on, in memories that paint a picture of Yuito's father as a young man who was unlucky in love.
We were kind of trying to paint a picture with different stuff, as far as having some keyboard stuff and doing more percussion than we've ever done.
"Our locations, where we live, where we work, and the doctors and businesses we visit, those data points paint a picture of our private lives," Cagle said.
At a lavish inauguration attended by the heads of many African nations, Kenyatta did his best to paint a picture of a country moving beyond that divide.
The documents paint a picture of a company that heard from angry clients, and some of the emails or responses to them were also sent to Whitaker.
Buttigieg mentioned the feud in the Vegas debate, hoping to paint a picture of a Sanders coalition that viciously attacks anyone who doesn't believe in his platform.
Paint a picture If you boil any rom-com movie down to its most basic elements, they are all pretty much the same: beginning, middle, and end.
Interestingly, the roll call votes do paint a picture of certain candidates racing to the left, despite being somewhat more moderate in the beginning of their careers.
Author Kevin Kwan's 2013 novel Crazy Rich Asians was a major hit and a perfect summer read because of Kwan's ability to paint a picture of luxury.
As she tries to prepare the meal, the protagonist's inner ramblings paint a picture of an educated, liberal woman who views domesticity as foreign and beneath her.
Mr. Suder's lawsuit and the supporting correspondence paint a picture of a partnership that seemed to be going well until two weeks after the final check was cashed.
The Robotic Church includes around 50 "robotic saints" built from 1987 to 2006, which rhythmically bang on drums, play marimba, strum mellow strings, and even paint a picture.
So, it began to paint a picture for me that the media had been incredibly dishonest about their narrative of who Trump was and who his supporters were.
Though the source of their revenue is unclear, the most recent financial records from each organization paint a picture of an overall business thriving in the Trump era.
RARE ROMAN COIN DISCOVERED ON REMOTE SCOTTISH ISLAND Records from Adie's accusers paint a picture of a frail woman with failing eyesight, according to the University of Dundee.
While this early look into the iMessage App Store helps paint a picture of what developers are building, it doesn't yet indicate which apps consumers are actually downloading.
A look at the most recent ECB survey of bank lending conditions does not paint a picture of a currency zone in the grips of a credit freeze.
On Tuesday, details were continuing to paint a picture of what led a campus officer -- identified by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation as Tyler Beck -- to shoot Schultz.
The results will paint a picture, albeit an imperfect one, of how that has affected support for May's center-right Conservative Party, and the leftist opposition Labour Party.
They paint  a picture of someone who was incredibly precocious, who wanted to be successful and who believe her family's history had a lot to do with this.
Both paint a picture of President Donald Trump as impetuous, impulsive and petty, detailing how some inside the administration have endeavored to stop him from taking certain actions.
Lemon laughed uproariously while Wilson and Ali used accents to paint a picture of Trump supporters as people who are uneducated and can&apost find places on maps.
While recent data has pointed to a recovery in the U.S. economy, reports out of Asia and the euro zone continue to paint a picture of faltering growth.
Pinecones, incense and evidence of hallucinogens found in various temples paint a picture of some of the mystical rites that may have been practiced in these clandestine temples.
These planes suck up some enemy communications, jam others and help paint a picture of the Islamic State on the ground for American fighters and bombers to attack.
But his teammates paint a picture of someone brimming with the attitude and ability that led to his being recruited by major Division I programs in two sports.
Law enforcement are still looking for a motive, but the allegations are the latest in a string of incidents that paint a picture of a troubled, violent person.
That happened to Turner too after his defense team played a similar card, rallying character witnesses to paint a picture of a bright young athlete on Stanford's swim team.
"However, in the near term we don't think Italy's woes will affect ECB's policy...ECB will try to paint a picture of confidence in the short term," Catril said.
Because I felt like, for a second, I felt like an artist that I got to paint a picture for people to dive into however it emotionally changed them.
"They're only trying to paint a picture that it is a simple murder where the two girls were involved," Gooi Soon Seng, a lawyer representing Aisyah, told BuzzFeed News.
The decline was the second time in four months that payrolls increased by less than 100,000 as the U.S. labor market continues to paint a picture of economic slowdown.
The view of the US attorney general coming before a group of aggressive senators may paint a picture similar to the media bonanza of Comey's blockbuster hearing last week.
Writing for the court, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said what a debtor tells a creditor about a single asset may paint a picture about the ability to repay a debt.
These traits help paint a picture of good leadership, the attributes that separate the entrepreneurs who will build a lasting company and those who won't last until next week.  
Charging documents paint a picture of Papadopolous as eager to leverage his relationships with the professor and the Russian woman as part of his role with the Trump campaign.
But the two busts paint a picture of the Taliban as an increasingly ambitious—and well-financed—opioid cartel at a time of intense national demand for those drugs.
Together, these discrete policy decisions paint a picture of a president who has been all talk, no action — and what little action there is counts as counterproductive — on opioids.
And conservatives will try to paint a picture of liberals engaging in ridiculous fussiness about decades-old parties and trying to spike a Supreme Court nomination over teen drinking.
So far, the few details that have leaked out paint a picture of a bill sure to cover millions fewer people and raise costs on those with preexisting conditions.
With sensitive instruments to pick up on these messages, and urban apiaries becoming more common, it's possible to paint a picture of a world that appears ever more connected.
Taken together, those names paint a picture of a country enduring a deep, shared trauma — and, potentially, transforming in ways that become permanent features of the post-coronavirus economy.
Struck by what I'd heard, I decided to solicit young people's opinions in a more systematic way, to paint a picture of how their generation sees the country today.
The polls paint a picture of a country no easier to govern than after April's election with no one party or political bloc winning a clear mandate to govern.
Rather than voluntary schools, the documents paint a picture of heavily-fortified detention centers where Uyghurs are forced to learn the Chinese language and are subjected to "ideological" education.
To paint a picture of the typical first-timer, we drew information from the 2016 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, published annually by the National Association of Realtors.
In order to paint a picture for those on the selection committee, our best comparison was sandbelt courses outside of Melbourne, Australia, that have similar vegetation and sandy nature.
There is little economic data beyond official statistics that paint a picture of sustained growth, but some foreign executives say hard currency shortages have crippled the state-dominated economy.
They tried to paint a picture of Poly's supposedly rough childhood living a tenement in South London's ethnically diverse and low-income Brixton district, but Poly wasn't having it.
Unsurprisingly, both paint a picture of a future that's rife with opportunity for the two of them and the greater team, not to mention the entrepreneurs they hope to fund.
The lyrics to the song and the video paint a picture of Grande in serious lust mode as she watches Riverdale's Charles Melton cross the room at a crowded party.
The interactive media experience "FEED FRANK" asks users to paint a picture using a touch-sensitive heat map and "bits" of emojis—all to feed the powerful and mysterious Frank.
The defense has tried to paint a picture of a "broken man" and will likely focus on the media coverage and public treatment of Pistorius as one of their arguments.
"I was trying to paint a picture of what it was like for me growing up as a child with one Aboriginal parent and one non-Aboriginal parent," she explained.
Multiple accounts of Cruz's behavior and actions while at Marjory Stoneman Douglas paint a picture of an isolated teenager, who had few friends and rarely interacted with his fellow students.
Interviews with Wu paint a picture of an experienced hiker who made her way up over 100 mountains in full hiking gear before changing into a bikini at the top.
Desperate for a legislative win, Congress and the White House are trying to paint a picture of a more united front on tax reform than they had on health care.
The figures, along with other data this week, paint a picture of an economy that is improving slowly but increasingly reliant on a housing boom and government spending for growth.
From the financial industry to cars to sports, they paint a picture of how business scams are built, how they subsequently crash, and how all the involved players are affected.
The controversial 2000 pages of intelligence memos compiled by retired British spy Christopher Steele paint a picture of widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
The defense has said Fields acted in self-defense, and on Thursday his attorneys tried to paint a picture of a hostile environment in which Fields might have felt threatened.
Though it splices and even throws out whole movements from Vivaldi's original score, Anno is faithful to the composer's intent: to paint a picture in celebration of the changing seasons.
Taken together with previous polls from January, it starts to paint a picture, according to Jon Ralston, editor of the Nevada Independent and dean of the state's political press corps.
The documentary claims it will paint a picture of the unseen parts of Hillary's exceedingly public life as a First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and the Democratic presidential nominee.
He wanted to paint a picture of an ongoing domestic life, which meant setting up and shooting long scenes, only to use a few seconds to capture the emotional beats.
Most of the arrests — the first was in 2008 — were on misdemeanor charges like selling marijuana, trespassing and disorderly conduct, but taken together they paint a picture of volatile instability.
Importantly, they also discovered the presence of preserved diatoms—small, single-celled aquatic creatures that can be used to paint a picture of what water conditions were like at the time.
She is seeking to paint a picture of corruption, malfeasance and incompetence through House investigations that Democrats can place before voters to argue Trump is not fit for a second term.
But the team is particularly eager to sample a site high in magnetite, as it could paint a picture of how much water and organic material was present in Bennu's past.
The details posted by Digital Foundry paint a picture of a console that should dramatically improve graphical performance for Xbox One games, power that would benefit Xbox 360 titles as well.
He still isn't saying, but on Friday the president did paint a picture of how he perceives the tension between security and personal privacy and the existential dangers of unbreakable encryption.
And in a second referendum, the pro-Brexit side would have new ammunition: Leave could all too easily paint a picture of a Blairite elite refusing to listen to the people.
" Regarding the publication of the texts, Sean Cassidy, a representative for Gaga, said, "These text messages paint a picture of one friend trying to help another through an extraordinary difficult time.
"Publishing unverified complaints — or, worse, using those complaints to paint a picture of guilt in the public domain — is irresponsible," said Richard Hunt, the chief executive of the Consumer Bankers Association.
Investors were looking ahead to next week's results which would help paint a picture of the health of the UK economy, with HSBC and the major listed supermarkets due to report.
Their findings paint a picture of a hunting encampment where people passing through the landscape would spend the night, take shelter and clean and consume the animals they hunted, McPherron said.
Its lawyers paint a picture of Mikkelson mismanaging tens of thousands of dollars by using Snopes' money for non-business travel — allegedly including a honeymoon to Asia following his second marriage.
The drove of polls released today paint a picture of an ever-tightening race, with Clinton holding small leads in many of the key swing states that will decide the race.
Glass Door is a valuable source of information for them, so it's wise to regularly check in there to see how employees (and ex-employees) paint a picture of your company.
Debbie's family — cousin Christy Sheppard, aunt Glenna Jones, and mother Peggy "Peppy" Carter — paint a picture of a sweet, ambitious young woman who was anxious to live a fulfilling, independent life.
No one can seem to paint a picture of marijuana users accurately, as evidenced by the absurdly racist filter that Snapchat released on 4/20 in order to celebrate the holiday.
In addition to the technical issues of creating a record that could withstand the pressures of space, there was the philosophical burden of how to paint a picture of our planet.
The series of events, most of which have not been previously disclosed, paint a picture of a major global automaker hobbled by distrust and deep conflicts of interest among top executives.
But in Twitter threads, lengthy Facebook posts and screeds on Telegram, political commentators have put forward so many different theories that they paint a picture of a nation in collective befuddlement.
"I was thinking a drippy brush stroke is the symbol of an abstract painting and I was going to make it paint a picture by itself," Ms. Steir (pronounced Steer) said.
Gareth Wrighton, 25, London When Gareth Wrighton was 10 years old, he saw a photo of Beyoncé wearing a D&G dress and felt compelled to paint a picture of it.
Because of this detailed paper trail, Walker's business left behind a rare trove of records that paint a picture of what black entrepreneurship was like at the start of the 20th century.
The figures, dating back to 2016, paint a picture of a company desperate to meet over-ambitious autonomy targets and one that is willing to spend freely, even recklessly, to get there.
"If I could paint a picture of what it's like in one of these [counterfeit factories in China]..." says Gregg Marrazzo, Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel of the Estée Lauder Companies.
Overall, the data are expected to paint a picture of a sluggish economy that may require more stimulus from the central bank or the government if global trade flows continue to weaken.
"With inflation continuing to rise and the domestic economy still suffering it is hard to paint a picture where ARS (Argentine peso) rallies significantly," Rabobank strategist Christian Lawrence said in written comments.
Akon drops some more facts about West Africa to paint a picture of what Akon City's going to look like ... and says he'll drop a YouTube video soon to share his vision.
People with military experience of Korea "paint a picture that should scare the hell out of anyone in the US who was contemplating an attack," says Jonathan Pollack of the Brookings Institution.
Let us paint a picture for you: You're in the shower, minding your own business, when, all of the sudden, the bottom of your shower starts to flood with sudsy, used water.
But in a segment aired on 60 Minutes tonight, business leaders, government officials and security experts paint a picture of a particularly sophisticated attack on the intellectual property of "thousands" of companies.
Coupled with British Columbia's latest coroner report on fentanyl-detected deaths, the PHS findings paint a picture of a crisis that ramped up in the spring and has not slowed down since.
The reports by New York Times and the Los Angeles Times paint a picture of Simmons as a man who wielded his power and influence as both a music mogul and entrepreneur.
Furthermore, the conversations with Comey soon after Trump moved into the White House paint a picture of a new President more concerned with own fortunes than the burden of his new responsibilities.
Otherwise, however, Note 9 reports paint a picture of fairly minor upgrades over the Note 8, with plenty of features cribbed from the S9 announced back in February at Mobile World Congress.
Their logbooks paint a picture of sea ice that fluctuated year-to-year — as it does still — but there was not a such a deep, long-term, downward trend in sea ice extent.
Instead, they paint a picture of extreme dereliction of duty by the founder — where he was gone from the office for months at a time — something other non-exec Zozi employees have confirmed.
The world's leading Diana experts chime in alongside her closest friends to paint a picture of the remarkable life of the Princess of Wales, captured on archival footage and through PEOPLE's unparalleled reporting.
Anal penetration is going to feel different for everyone, but we've found our favorite descriptions of anal sex from Reddit and the R29 community to paint a picture of what you can expect.
He also goes under the hood to discuss some of Apple's overlooked competitive advantages in media and to paint a picture of how Apple's new product lines might evolve in the long-term.
But Levine and El-Faizy paint a picture of a man who, by the time he sought the nomination, had been known for decades in his circles for predatory behavior and unwanted advances.
To listen to your attorney attempt to paint a picture of me, the face of girls gone wild, as if somehow that would make it so that I had this coming for me.
You really need to be able to present that and paint a picture of how things can be and have the juxtaposition of about, you know, what they&aposre facing in North Korea.
With the overall U.S. labor market hot and unemployment having fallen to a 16-year low, the survey's findings paint a picture of entrepreneurs optimistic about their businesses but frustrated about funding them.
They paint a picture of a Britain "in control of its destiny" becoming more not less liberal and more not less open to the world: a sort of sovereignty-blessed Singapore on steroids.
The messages shared by Abdulaziz, which include voice recordings, photos and videos, paint a picture of a man deeply troubled by what he regarded as the petulance of his kingdom's powerful young prince.
SITO collects data including a device's ID and location as well as the time an app is opened and uses those details to help paint a picture of a user's behavior and preferences.
Taken together, the three reports paint a picture of highly indebted households and a still-robust housing market that is expected to cool in 20.3 as more tightening of mortgage rules takes effect.
With 20,000 total rhino samples -- gathered from crime scenes and research labs -- in the database today, the system is becoming "very significant" while helping paint a picture of international criminal networks, Huijbregts said.
While either or both of those things may well be true, Mateen was also surrounded by other forms of violence and bigotry that might help to paint a picture of his warped worldview.
In addition to the technical issues of creating a record that could withstand the pressures of space, there was also the philosophical burden of how to best paint a picture of our planet.
Our reporters paint a picture of what might have been going through his mind before he fled, blindsiding the lawyers defending him in a drawn-out criminal case on charges of financial wrongdoing.
Despite concerns that Sunday's referendum could be bad for business in the country's richest region, potentially fomenting unrest and political instability, investment indicators as well as anecdotal evidence paint a picture of confidence.
For years people wanted, the company wanted to paint a picture that I was hysterical and blowing this out of proportion, when we've now seen at least three examples of them doing this.
They paint a picture of a choice that isn't being freely made at all — and one in which parents, instead of making a decision with their children, aren't even being allowed to say goodbye.
There's so much information in the text around the map, from trading opportunities to details of the voyages, even the illustrations of the ships in battle, all paint a picture of what was happening.
While Morrison is expected to corroborate parts of Taylor's account, he is also expected to paint a picture of the NSC keeping the train on the tracks and not carrying out any illegal actions.
But his habitual outbursts — during the Iran deal negotiations, at the Munich security conference, and most recently, taking to social media to resign — paint a picture of an egoist as much as a strategist.
It was a bold proclamation, and it helped at the time paint a picture of Facebook as a risk-taking, moonshot-hunting Silicon Valley juggernaut in the mold of Google and its X lab.
More broadly, Powles and Hodson paint a picture of Google and DeepMind as companies that are poised to profit from access to UK health data that was created at the expense of the taxpayer.
As the WNBA celebrates the tip off its 20th season this weekend, it's easy for naysayers to paint a picture of a league that's stagnant at best, and a NBA charity case at worst.
The former FBI director recorded at least one of those interactions in a written memo, the now-leaked contents of which paint a picture that some Democrats characterize as bordering on obstruction of justice.
"They're trying to paint a picture [of him] as a villain of some sort, and to me the true story is not being told about my brother," Michael Meadows, Jonathan's older brother, tells PEOPLE.
Interviews with people who have worked with or solicited money from him, as well as years of publicly available charity records, paint a picture of Mr. Trump as a reluctant giver despite his wealth.
" _____ • Invoking the memory of his father and the record of his home state, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York tried to paint a picture of the party as one of "dreamers" and "doers.
The national headlines emerging from San Francisco's current rental crisis paint a picture of wealthy landlords pushing old ladies out of units they've inhabited for decades in order to quadruple their profits housing techies.
Those at the forefront of state insurance regulation paint a picture of the industry's watchdogs attempting to walk a fine line between the need to alleviate financial pressure on insurers and policing risky deals.
His legal team tried—and failed—to paint a picture of a possibly autistic savant who made a big bet and lost, but ultimately didn't hurt anyone since his investors profited in the end.
Motivated by that reporting, which showed how the president could have avoided paying taxes for nearly two decades, the reporters set out to paint a picture of Mr. Trump's finances from 1995 to 2005.
Of course, I did eventually dive into it — this is my job, after all — and man, does it paint a picture of an administration with a culture of stretching, if not undermining, the truth.
Their stories paint a picture of an esteemed doctor who wielded great authority with parents desperate to help their children and patients too young to know the difference between legitimate medical practice and molestation.
Constant news reports paint a picture of an out-of-control, angry, mentally unstable, reckless president who is prejudiced against all of humanity except white people with modest incomes and out-of-date values.
Democrats believe that the witnesses they already called in the House investigation and hope to hear from in the Senate paint a picture of an unaccountable and corrupt presidency that could scare uncommitted voters.
Much of the testimony was tangential to Jackson's death, but Judge Craft made the questionable decision to allow it, giving Weirich the chance to paint a picture of a teenager spinning out of control.
This data gives landlords the ability to paint a picture of when a tenant is home, who the tenant shares access with and how often, and when the tenant's kids come home from school.
It's a treasure trove of data collected to paint a picture of the administration of the 2016 Federal Election and to give us indicators about ways we can improve election administration and voter experience.
He went on to use the specifics of Mill's case to paint a picture of injustice in the criminal justice system at large, including how black people are disproportionately imprisoned for probation or parole violations.
On Election Day, Muslim Americans used social media to paint a picture of their values and priorities that provided a much-needed contrast to the oversimplified and often bigoted narratives that dominated the campaign cycle.
To paint a picture, the first miniboss you fight is another Ogre that acts just like Ogres have for the past four years, and one of the last minibosses you fight is...also an Ogre.
Reports from refugees and rights groups paint a picture of widespread attacks on Rohingya villages in the north of Rakhine state by the security forces and ethnic Rakhine Buddhists, who have torched numerous Muslim villages.
The movie mogul's defense has also pointed to a new female witness -- a close friend of one of Weinstein's accusers -- using her to paint a picture of a consensual relationship between Weinstein and his accuser.
Combined with its existing efforts, this begins to paint a picture of where Apple plans to play in offering a comprehensive consumer services product that is substantially differentiated from similar offerings by Google and others.
I've already despaired of trying to paint a picture with words, because words have to come one after another, and it's in the nature of a picture to appear before the eyes all at once.
On both the causes of crime and the public safety solutions, the survey results paint a picture of an administration that is deeply out of touch with the priorities, needs and experiences of crime survivors.
The editors bribed a mishmash of unemployed laborers to participate, and Cossins uses their stories to paint a picture of France in the early 1900s to show how the race influenced the culture of cycling.
But interviews with six people with direct knowledge of the company's graft-busting efforts, including former Chief Compliance Officer João Elek Jr., paint a picture of an organization still struggling to root out bad behavior.
Taken in total, they paint a picture of an American intelligence establishment fixated on the theory that the assassination was part of a larger Cuban or Soviet plot to destabilize and weaken the United States.
"Google taught us was we have to paint a picture of what's possible, that's not possible today, if you let us — indeed, if you help us, not with money, but with process improvements," Downes said.
Over the past decades, the arrival in Xinjiang of waves of Han Chinese, the country's predominant ethnic group, has also fueled ethnic tensions, despite the government's best effort to paint a picture of ethnic harmony.
The theater that unfolds in the House chamber on Tuesday will encapsulate a turbulent moment in America's story, resonate with clashing political egos and paint a picture of stark national divides and accelerating demographic change.
Comments like this paint a picture of what the future of the US may look like for the next four years and allow parallels to be drawn between that of Castro's Cuba and Trump's America.
Legendary investigative journalist Bob Woodward has a new book about President Donald Trump's administration, and explosive excerpts, revealed by The Washington Post, paint a picture of a White House gripped by fear, loathing and chaos.
Instead, our results paint a picture of a movement that enjoys broad support across different age groups, and that is inspiring women, older and younger, to rethink their assumptions about work, politics, and the future.
It's true that Google will have an uphill battle convincing consumers to look beyond the pure numbers, but there are enough additions on-board to paint a picture of a compelling and well-rounded hardware product.
The details that have emerged since paint a picture of an absentee ballot operation in Bladen County that is, at the very least, sketchy, conducted by a man who worked as a subcontractor for Harris's campaign.
Cohen helped paint a picture of a man unconcerned with constraints on his power, the rule of law, and minority rights — even directly warning in his closing statement that Trump posed a threat to American democracy.
"The figures, dating back to 2016, paint a picture of a company desperate to meet over-ambitious autonomy targets and one that is willing to spend freely, even recklessly, to get there," TechCrunch's Mark Harris reports.
Greebel's lawyer, on the other hand, tried to dig up dirt on government witnesses and to paint a picture of an innocent man whose only crime was happening to know the most hated guy in America.
It's one of the reasons why I often try to paint a picture of what the world would look like in 2054, because it's the year I get to the current age of the current president.
But sporadic disclosures and interviews paint a picture of a support base including mostly libertarian or anti-establishment donors, as well as so-called donor-advised funds that allow philanthropists to donate without fingerprints to nonprofits.
"Audio is amazing because it's imaginative; it requires you to paint a picture in your brain that's very stimulating and it's super intimate and very personal," Dipsea co-founder and chief executive officer Gina Gutierrez told TechCrunch.
The document outlines security concerns about nuclear-armed North Korea, China's growing military might and territorial ambitions, and Russia's intent to rebuild its power that paint a picture of Japan surrounded by potential adversaries in East Asia.
But the writer and director's last interview with PEOPLE reveals just how important his personal relationships were to his success, and paint a picture of a loving grandfather and friend as well as an acclaimed Hollywood hitmaker.
"I wanted to paint a picture and put a story out there through my fashion, and I wanted to show we could spread out message with not just posters and fliers but also with garments," he added.
But especially in recent years, Sony's managed to paint a picture—and a narrative—about the slate of games scheduled for PlayStation 4, without them (or, in several cases, third party creators) delivering in a timely manner.
It is very jarring, but maybe what's necessary to paint a picture of this man, who blames his failed business on his wife's Jewishness, his son palling around with people of a different race—everyone but himself.
But much like the movie's costumes, it's also a radical song as the lyrics and visuals together paint a picture of the two stars searching for personal meaning and self-worth away from their white-dominated society.
They might have learned he was stalking his wife when she left the house, isolating her from friends and family — all of which could have come together to paint a picture of a family in serious danger.
The numbers paint a picture of investors worried about the global demand outlook as the deadly coronavirus, which has killed at least 3,507 people and sickened more than 103,000, slows economic productivity and trade around the world.
"Publishing unverified complaints — or worse using those complaints to paint a picture of guilt in the public domain — is irresponsible," said Richard Hunt, president and CEO of the Consumer Bankers Association, a major trade group for banks.
Alongside the accounts of three other women, these accusations paint a picture of a powerful man who was fully aware that he was a compulsive sexual harasser, routinely apologized for it, and yet failed to curb his behavior.
"We were told that the media didn't understand China and wanted to paint a picture of a company doing poorly,"Some employees were given a heads-up that cuts were planned, while others were caught completely off-guard.
The motion filed Friday by attorneys for Summit and Cuyahoga counties paint a picture of drug companies driven by greed in part for their failure to report suspicious shipments of prescription painkillers that helped fuel the opioid epidemic.
But interviews with the people who have actually fought the gang Trump fan Oliver North calls "the ISIS of the Western Hemisphere" paint a picture of a spiraling problem compounded by a legacy of local corruption and brutality.
You can only prove so much to a person who doesn't relate or understand, so you have to paint a picture for them to look at and digest—that's why Sink The Pink has become what it is.
In the near future, Murton plans to drill boreholes into the Batagaika permafrost and conduct a high-resolution analysis of the sedimentary layers, which will hopefully paint a picture of atmospheric conditions present during the last ice age.
But these indictments paint a picture of something much broader, akin to the first layer of an onion being peeled back on Russia's broad, multi-year information operation to defraud the United States and boost Donald Trump's candidacy.
A first-of-its-kind survey conducted in December by the University of Copenhagen, the University of Greenland and Kraks Fond Institute for Urban Economic Research sought to paint a picture of how Greenlandic residents view climate change.
Democrats hope McGahn's testimony would inspire a new wave of national interest as they seek to use the national spotlight on McGahn's testimony to paint a picture of a corrupt commander in chief who is unfit to lead.
A flurry of Chinese data in coming weeks will likely paint a picture of broadly steady growth, Reuters polls show, but tepid demand, slowing investment and rising debt levels remain pressing concerns for the world's second-largest economy.
From killing top terrorists to combating Iran to renegotiating trade deals, Trump can use last year's events to paint a picture of a leader in full control of his foreign policy, feared by enemies and respected by allies.
Elijah Cummings, the head of the House Oversight Committee, paint a picture of the harried early months of the administration and the role of Derek Harvey, a senior director at the National Security Council and aide to Flynn.
"It appears that the administration is trying to paint a picture that the parks are open and everything is OK and that's far from the truth," said Phil Francis, Chair of The Coalition to Protect America's National Parks.
Interviews with 10 current and former employees, all of whom asked to remain anonymous, paint a picture of ThirdLove's transformation, from a data-driven bra brand to a bastion of diversity and inclusion, as one of keen opportunism.
J.P. — who shares son Fordham Rhys, 5, and daughter Essex Reese, 3, with Bachelorette bride Ashley Hebert Rosenbaum — didn't describe his symptoms in detail, but did paint a picture of the effects it would have on his life.
The company runs certification programs, provides uniforms and holds complete disciplinary power over judges, he notes, which begins to paint a picture much like another case, in which Uber drivers have claimed successfully to be employees in California.
To paint a picture of the sheer amount of data we're talking about, when it comes to cancer research such as the work being done at the Garvan Institute, it helps to think in terms with which we're familiar.
And when combined with a record one million pre-orders in Korea, paint a picture of a handset that has bucked early concerns that the company would be adversely impacted by a year's worth of seemingly unending negative publicity.
When asked to paint a picture of what her life will look like in 10 years, she knew the answer right away: "It's always going to be me walking down the beach with the sunset in front of me."
Modern science has magnified the information obtainable from tiny clues, and it is often by focusing on these that Mr Fagan is able to paint a picture that is satisfying, if necessarily at times impressionistic and informed by guesswork.
What it looked like: The researchers looked at features of the skeleton that typically don't change over the course of life to paint a picture of a 3-ton, 15-foot-tall dinosaur with feathers, wings and a beak.
But at a company with more than 15,000 people that has historically based both promotions and terminations on those most willing to go all in on its values, current and former employees paint a picture of deeply embedded problems.
Court records and online recordings by 56-year-old Dwight Lamon Jones paint a picture of a troubled man with a history of domestic violence who at one point was a stay-at-home dad who occasionally taught tennis.
Behind the scenes, analysts, aides on Capitol Hill, sources familiar with the debate and former officials paint a picture of an administration that is working to channel the whims of an impulsive President in order to stay the course.
Details that emerged at Sayfullo Saipov's initial court appearance Wednesday paint a picture of a man who reportedly had planned even more carnage after the deadly attack on a bike path near the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan.
Extraordinary appearance Kelly prefaced his criticism by drawing on his own experiences losing a son -- which he rarely discusses publicly -- to paint a picture for Americans of the ultimate sacrifice only a sliver of the population will ever know.
The aide noted that afterward, "the Indians took a step back" in their relationship with the US. Put together, these excerpts paint a picture of a selfish, impetuous, astoundingly uninformed president potentially willing to commit crimes to get ahead.
Such numbers paint a picture of an animal frequently pushing its own limits, and suggest that the whale is not only the largest animal ever, but perhaps as large as an animal with a circulatory system can possibly be.
The descriptions coming out of the White House describing Trump's state of mind over the last few days all paint a picture of a frustrated and angry executive who feels more and more isolated in his own White House.
He doesn't look like the Gen Z whisperer I expected to meet, and his responses to my questions about the "VSCO girl" meme paint a picture of a CEO who's inadvertently connected with a generation 22013 years his junior.
He also requested the tax returns of eight of Trump's business entities, a nod to escalating pressure from liberals in the caucus who have argued that Trump's personal returns wouldn't sufficiently paint a picture of the President's financial history.
CHRISTCHURCH (Reuters) - An aircraft engineer, a takeaway store owner, a student pilot; details emerging of some of the 50 people gunned down at two New Zealand mosques paint a picture of dozens of ordinary lives suddenly and savagely ended.
Together, the school's report, which said that staff members sexually abused 26 students in the 1970s and '80s, and the lawyers' reports of some 40 total victims, paint a picture of unchecked sexual misconduct at the elite prep school in Middletown.
People who spoke to BuzzFeed News about their interactions with her, as well as a review of her interviews, writings, and extensive social media posts, paint a picture of someone who knew how to push all the right conservative buttons.
"We will be sure to paint a picture of the state of mind of the subject and do our best to identify a motivation," Delacourt said, adding that the FBI would investigate any possible "radicalization" or links to militant groups.
Working with partner Emmanuel Massú, a local Sinaloan rapper known as "El Enfermo" (the sick one), they are building a bank of characters from the underworld in an attempt to paint a picture of their daily lives, motivations, and struggles.
Drake really goes out of his way to paint a picture of a brotherhood all over this album, like many previous albums, while every woman gets painted the tired Madonna (his mother)/whore (literally everyone else he's met, it seems?) trope.
In that same opening episode Chris used his flair for storytelling to paint a picture of himself running away from a California rehab called Impact—a rehab that sends a shiver down the spine of anyone who knows of it.
A lot of people at the time had been clamoring for him to paint a picture of the then-candidate, because they thought it made sense with his art style, and Heuser painted it because he thought it would be fun.
Washington (CNN)Both the Clinton and Trump campaigns have hit the ground hard in Arizona, Florida, Nevada and Pennsylvania, and new CNN/ORC polls across the four states paint a picture of a tight race to the finish in critical battlegrounds.
Over a span of 12 years and six kids, Brangelina kept a delicate balance between their personal and public lives — but shared enough to paint a picture of a deep and loving relationship that seemed only to strengthen with time.
Considering everything from Hillary Clinton's pantsuits to how vocal designers are about being "woke" during Fashion Week and beyond, the top two words paint a picture of activism and reminds the world that fashion is about so much more than clothing.
These estimates, the first to paint a picture of how widespread this conversion therapy is in the US, were produced from analyzing previous data collected for the Generations Study, a national probability study of LGB individuals, and the US Trans Survey.
But details in the memo released Thursday instead paint a picture of a disgruntled employee who stole "an astonishing quantity" of documents that he did not even have permission to access in the course of his duties at the NSA.
The bottom line: Wired's Thompson and Vogelstein paint a picture of how each Facebook controversy over the last two years — from a blow up among conservatives to outraged publishers — compounded to put the world's largest social network on the defensive.
If there are more indictments or breaks in the Mueller inquiry in the 12 days he is away, they will be sure to overshadow the critical goals of his trip, and paint a picture of a beleaguered President shadowed by scandal.
"The Republicans have really had a tough time with it because they're trying to paint a picture of gloom and doom when the fact is the economy in Louisiana is doing better today than it has in many years," he said.
But even if individual messages don't amount to obstruction, witness tampering or threats, if altogether "they paint a picture of a guy who's trying to influence a witness who may have testimony against him, then that's more problematic," Zeldin said.
So what can Internet users do right now to stop tech giants, advertisers and unknown entities tracking everything you do online — and trying to join the dots of your digital activity to paint a picture of who they think you are?
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Soaring U.S. share prices and plunging market volatility measures may paint a picture of optimism, but there are signs in the equity options market that investors have started to question how long this goldilocks period can last.
LONDON (Reuters) - With just days to go before Britain's June 23 referendum on European Union membership, Britain's newspapers have publicly come out on their chosen sides, hoping to influence the debate as polls paint a picture of an evenly split electorate.
The troop commitment and the, yet unconfirmed, video both paint a picture of the complex relationships existing in the area, especially as the influence and strength of the Islamic State wanes in the region, leaving long-standing rivalries and mistrust.
Based on the book "The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and Peoples Temple" by the journalist Jeff Guinn, the show weaves archival footage and unreleased recordings of interviews with survivors and Jones's relatives to paint a picture of the events.
If you are able to count and test everybody — for example, on a cruise ship, or in a small community — then you may be able to paint a picture of what fraction of infections are asymptomatic, mild, symptomatic, and severe.
That'll paint a picture of the relative air quality, and that info will be available publicly so that weather monitoring agencies and others can provide more accurate and up-to-date air quality information to people as part of their forecasts.
Biggest governing challenge Interviews with more than 20 sources across Washington -- including lawmakers, White House officials, health experts and diplomats -- paint a picture of deep concern over the widening coronavirus outbreak and the Trump administration's readiness to handle the crisis.
The new report and interviews with players, administrators and union officials paint a picture of a field in transition, with some ensembles struggling, some doing well, and nearly all trying to adapt as classical music's footprint in the broader culture shrinks.
The images paint a picture of precision: The first satellite imagery of the aftermath of the Iranian strike on Ayn al-Asad Air Base in Iraq highlights Iran&aposs improved ability to accurately strike distant targets with its extensive missile arsenal.
The records paint a picture of a financial situation that would have likely lead to personal and professional bankruptcy for Todt, who worked out of Connecticut during the week and traveled down to Florida to be with his family on weekends.
But interviews with more than dozen friends, relatives and acquaintances, in Bangladesh and the U.S., paint a picture of a young man who is impulsive, angry, riveted to militant social media and outraged by injustices inflicted upon Muslims — especially the Rohingya.
Interviews with more than a dozen friends, relatives and acquaintances, in Bangladesh and the U.S., paint a picture of a young man who is impulsive, angry, riveted to militant social media and outraged by injustices inflicted upon Muslims — especially the Rohingya.
And it's super important because what we talked about a lot is, there is individual experience, and that it's super important to share those stories, and there's data, and that helps paint a picture of the real severity of the problem.
Interviews with six current and former employees paint a picture of tumult at the ex-Fortune 500 company, with a growing malaise among staff members after its chairman, Ye Jianming, was revealed in February to be under investigation for suspected economic crimes.
All told, they paint a picture of a future that will be a natural step up from the current generation, with no grand leaps in technology if you've spied a game playing on a high-end PC in the last year or two.
Conversations with aides to Tillerson, career foreign and civil service officers, lawmakers and current and former administration officials paint a picture a goal-oriented career executive bringing a CEO mentality to reforming the State Department, and perhaps the job of secretary of state.
Other fun facts the couple has revealed that paint a picture of the birth of their second baby James include: Lively cracking jokes to the doctor while in labor and Reynolds playing "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye in the delivery room.
Interviews with 2600 sources close to Medium paint a picture of a company that has plenty of buzz but no stable strategy, and that has cycled through and in some cases alienated the writers, editors, and publishing executives it purports to put first.
They have all kinds of information to paint a picture of how to deal with that person as an individual, but once that person is standing in front of them or on the phone, they need to execute, just like that baseball player.
But the organizers' stories — of getting demoted, sidelined, and isolated by management — paint a picture of the divisions within Google around employee activism, and what it feels like to speak out for change at one of the most powerful companies in the world.
Internal Trump administration emails that the Union of Concerned Scientists obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit paint a picture of an administration bracing for the heightened standards, and fearing the conflicting guidance's impact on other parts of the federal government.
The details in the complaint paint a picture of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Scott dissembling to keep the customer from learning about how HSBC was taking an advantageous position ahead of the large trade to increase its profit from the $3.5 billion order.
Those cables, part of a huge cache leaked to WikiLeaks by US Army soldier Chelsea Manning, paint a picture of a canny political operative who has surfed the waves of Zimbabwean politics, navigating periods both in and out of Mugabe's trusted inner circle.
The descriptions provided by former staffers paint a picture of an agency where political staffers were driven foremost by their desire to please Pruitt and help him appear competent — a task made increasingly difficult as a towering number of controversies surrounded him.
This did not go well, according to tweets by annoyed fans that paint a picture of piss-covered chaos: The report tells stories of 45-minute-long lines for the porta-potties driving some fans to pee on a fence in desperation.
Mr. McGahn's cooperation with Mr. Mueller played a crucial role in allowing the special counsel's investigators to paint a picture in their report of a president determined to use his power atop the executive branch to protect himself from the Russia investigation.
Sometimes one will use black squares to paint a picture (this puzzle, by Joe Krozel, was fun and tricky), and sometimes you might be asked to play an entirely different game altogether within the crossword (as in this one, also by Ms. Gorski).
The descriptions provided by former staffers paint a picture of an agency where political staffers were driven foremost by their desire to please Pruitt and help him appear competent -- a task made increasingly difficult as a towering number of controversies surrounding him.
"While euro zone data continues to paint a picture of an economy that closed out 2017 with very strong momentum, there continues to be a significant lack of inflation that will ultimately keep the pace of ECB normalization very, very cautious," he said.
Instead, interviews with more than a dozen clerks and a review of papers housed at the Library of Congress paint a picture of someone with a dogged work ethic, an understated but appealing presence and a sense of fairness tempered by cautious judgment.
LONDON (Reuters) - With just days to go before Britain's June 23 referendum on European Union membership, the country's newspapers have publicly come out on their chosen sides, hoping to influence the debate as polls paint a picture of an evenly split electorate.
Interviews with dozens of Lion Air's management personnel and flight and ground crew members, as well as Indonesian investigators and airline analysts, paint a picture of a carrier so obsessed with growth that it has failed to build a proper safety culture.
That could all be re-litigated by Alphabet if it calls any number of current and former Uber executives to the stand to paint a picture of a rapacious corporate culture — which might explain how Uber found itself in possession of Alphabet's files.
In their new book Billion Dollar Whale: The Man Who Fooled Wall Street, Hollywood, and the World, Wall Street Journal reporters Tom Wright and Bradley Hope paint a picture of Low's lifestyle and what it portends for the global financial system, Hollywood, and corporate America.
BuzzFeed News interviews with a dozen AI experts paint a picture of Apple's artificial intelligence research that shows the company is opening up a bit more — but there is still a disconnect between the academic AI community's values and Apple's way of doing business.
That's the idea to encourage governments to get on board, plus, he added, mClinica "tends to give a lot of this data for free" to public sector organizations to help shape policy and paint a picture of the here and now of a nation's health.
But, Waymo's lawyers went to great lengths to paint a picture where Kalanick understood the importance of Lidar, or lasers, and knew that Levandowski, who had helped start Google's self-driving car effort in 2009, had spent much of his career working on that technology.
The women, both related to McCrae Dowless, paint a picture of American political chicanery at its lowest levels — though with sweeping consequences both for voters allegedly denied the franchise, and for the outcome of a pivotal national election, which Harris won by 905 votes.
However, both Mustill and the Japanese scientists acknowledge that at the present, there's not really a way to tell when an oxygen ion hit the Moon, so it would be hard to paint a picture of the Earth's atmospheric history with this data alone.
For example, the suit cites with little certainty the names and jobs of people who were discussed during family dinner conversations in an effort to paint a picture of Levandowski's work life, which the nanny appeared to be trying to document closely, beginning last February.
The idea is to offer web searchers better answers to their ongoing questions, but one that taps into more visual imagery to help paint a picture of the human side of the crisis, and the scale of the situation in the country of Syria.
True to his word, Bloom walks us through Sivan's experience step-by-step, from the moments shaped by naivety to the ones that paint a picture of a man – not a boy – who knows the complexities of what it's like to fall in love.
The included chat logs paint a picture of a company that knew it was screwing over developers, a stance that caused at least some employees to lament how badly Facebook was "fucking with" the companies that relied on access to Facebook APIs and user data.
The strength of The Queen lies in Levin's meticulous scouring of the historical record to paint a picture of a woman who was infuriatingly difficult to pin down during her lifetime, resurrecting a biography of the person who would become the ur–welfare queen.
His online footprint and information from his family paint a picture of a former military man and corporate security expert who had some familiarity with Russia, traveling and collecting friends there, and having an account on a Russian social media platform similar to Facebook.
Those cables, part of a huge cache leaked to whistleblowing website Wikileaks by US army soldier Chelsea Manning, paint a picture of a canny political operative, who has surfed the waves of Zimbabwean politics, navigating periods both in and outside of Mugabe's trusted inner circle.
From heart and blood health to carrier status of a certain gene to diseases that may have been passed down, AncestryHealth starts to paint a picture of your current or future health while coming up with steps to put you on the healthiest path.
LOS ANGELES — As talk of a sale or shutdown swirled around the embattled Weinstein Company on Friday, the studio's co-founder Bob Weinstein tried to paint a picture of stability, saying that "business is continuing as usual" and outlining plans for film releases through February.
They paint a picture of an adviser who was more of a witness to the president's frustrations with the investigations into his campaign and his own conduct, rather than someone who was an active participant in any discussions of what to do about them.
And yet the story seemed to concentrate on the broken hyoid bone to paint a picture of possible foul play... What Sanjay Gupta told me To get a better understanding of this, I spoke on the phone with Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent.
But for Democrats, there's no better evidence with which to paint a picture of what they say is a self-dealing, obstructive leader with a kingly view of his own powers than the highlight reel already compiled by the most television-obsessed president in history.
The data paint a picture of stable health insurance coverage, across both private and government health plans, in a year that saw repeated efforts by the White House and Republicans in Congress to repeal Obamacare and to roll back provisions for the expansion of Medicaid.
CDP collected these impact reports — which include "risks and opportunities" posed by climate change — from about 7,000 companies, including 1,800 in the US, in an attempt to paint a picture of how President Trump's environmental policies could ripple into all corners of the economy.
Their results, published recently in *Science and confirmed in part by experimental evidence reported by a European team in this week's issue of the journal, paint a picture in which two protein complexes sequentially organize the DNA into tight arrays of loops along a helical spine.
Alexander goes on to paint a picture of a future in which virtual influencers need no human assistance at all once they're published, and quotes Edward Saatchi, the co-founder of "virtual beings" company Fable Studio, who promises to make influencers who can move between platforms.
The researchers ran a number of studies, gathering ~5,000 of cookie notices from screengrabs of leading websites to compile a snapshot (derived from a random sub-sample of 1,573) of the different cookie consent mechanisms in play in order to paint a picture of current implementations.
The personal financial management space has been a hot one, with market leaders like Mint and Credit Karma offering products that paint a picture of a user's finances and directing users to sign up for credit card offers and other financial products as a business model.
"Interviews with former and serving employees paint a picture of confusion and overlap between competing divisions, where the short-term interests of promoting hardware trump long-term efforts to build platforms that would add value for customers and increase their loyalty to the brand," the pair wrote.
I also invited two artists, Jean Foos and Frank Holliday, who knew Wojnarowicz during his lifetime, to help paint a picture of a scene that burned bright, but was eventually snuffed out by a commercial art world obsessed with novelty, and the looming disaster that was AIDS.
Aides from agencies including EPA, the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education and Department of Interior paint a picture of a Trump administration that they say has been working in good faith to respond to an onslaught of document requests in the first weeks of Congress.
"It's like something out of Frankenstein," Roderick says when Faraday pulls out the electroshock device, and the way science and technology pop up through the story helps paint a picture of a mid-century England still uncertain about how the explained fits in with the unexplainable.
But really this is all color to just paint a picture of how utterly normal this presentation was for a company that is going to be one of the largest tech IPOs in recent memory, and one that's supposed to set the stage for tech IPOs in the future.
"It's easy to paint a picture of a market crisis in 2019, market liquidity conditions worsening with lingering effects of Fed hikes and continued balance reduction, the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan scaling back their quantitative easing measures and China continuing its deleveraging policies," they added.
Moments on the album paint a story of a dysfunctional relationship and young love — and I haven't really had the experience in being in a ton of relationships — but I think as an artist, I can paint a picture and a vibe for other people to relate to.
Outer Heaven's Realms of Eternal Decay, Ataraxy's Where All Hope Fades, and Chapel of Disease's ... as We Have Seen the Storm, We Have Embraced the Eye aren't explicitly political, but together they paint a picture of a storm-tossed world rapidly decaying, its denizens struggling to find hope.
The messages also paint a picture of a prosecutor's office that failed at first to grasp the level of attention on the case, appearing overwhelmed by the criticism it faced when it abruptly announced in late March that it was dropping all of the criminal charges against Mr. Smollett.
"I just wanted to paint a picture of my mum, and I wanted to do it to honor her," he said this summer in an interview at his Catskills farmhouse, where he and his wife, Georgie Hopton, live four months of the year, spending the rest in London.
Louisville, Kentucky (CNN)The two top leaders of the Senate sought to paint a picture of civility in a rare dual appearance outside the Capitol, following a year of bitter fighting between the two parties in Congress over issues like tax cuts, health care and the Supreme Court.
Jon Tester in Montana A new book by Bob Woodward and an anonymous op-ed by a senior Trump administration official in The New York Times paint a picture of an administration that distrusts its own boss and goes out of its way at times to thwart his agenda.
"The Democrats are so without a legislative agenda that now they're having to just start bringing up contempt and all these to try to paint a picture because they can't show anything fruitful to bring to their base, so now they're just going to start having contempt hearings," said Georgia Rep.
Advocates for a return to small-scale, organic animal agriculture often paint a picture of the "good old days" before factory farming, and set up a dichotomy between big versus small ag, with of course big being bad and small all but romanticized as the embodiment of human harmony with nature.
"  However, defense filings in court paint a picture of a troubled but harmless individual who, as a "decorated member of the U.S. Coast Guard" is a good man with "a long and honorable history of dedicated service" who should be viewed as an "asset, not a danger, to our society.
In the company's press statement, Kik CEO Ted Livingston said, "The SEC tries to paint a picture that the Kin project was an act of desperation rather than the bold move that it was to win the game, and one that Kakao, Line, Telegram and Facebook have all now followed."
Harvey Weinstein and his defense are trying to turn the tide in his ongoing sex crime case by pointing to a new female witness -- who was a close friend of one of Weinstein's alleged victims -- and use her to paint a picture of a consensual relationship between Weinstein and his accuser.
Kotaku spoke to nearly 30 current and former employees at Riot Games to paint a picture of the kinds of things that women face at Riot Games and its "bro culture," including comments about women's looks, women's ideas being dismissed, and a lack of opportunities for women at the company.
Interviews with Kerry and more than two dozen US and foreign diplomats, State Department aides, current and former senators and foreign policy experts over the course of eight months paint a picture of a modern-day leader whose reliance on personal outreach and diplomacy harks back to an earlier era.
In the police report, cops paint a picture that seems very damning of Keffeler -- saying there was a trail of blood from the kitchen area of the apartment to the bathroom ... and in the bathroom, there was blood spatter on the wall along with several "stab marks" on the wall.
Those who have experienced these events are some of the most valuable voices in the current debate, and the stories in this collection paint a picture of how these tragedies affect victims not only in the weeks and months after the event, but often for the rest of their lives.
As Tate's op-ed implicitly suggests, having benchmark information about employers' diversity numbers (in fact, she relied on such information as it relates to diversity on Capitol Hill to make her argument) helps to paint a picture about just how far employers can and should go toward diversifying their boards.
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The evidence likely to be presented at the New York trial of Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman will paint a picture of a Robin Hood figure, albeit a brutal one, who amassed a $14 billion fortune by bribery, murdering rivals and smuggling huge amounts of drugs.
" The Democrat memo uses heavy brush strokes to paint a picture of Carter Page as a likely Russian spy, noting that he "resided in Moscow from 2202-2628 and pursued business deals with Russia's state-owned energy company Gazprom," and that a "Russian intelligence officer (redacted) targeted Page for recruitment.
Drake doesn't paint a picture of Toronto, he paints a picture of his Toronto, the one he ran through with the woes before woes were cool or had bottle service, before his meticulously brushed waves grew to the skin-tanned-hair-long curls we know to be The Boy's signature post-vacation look.
The report, prepared by her team's finance committee, aims to paint a picture of a fiscally prudent campaign operation that has been spending heavily on digital tools and organizing last year and is now ready to ramp up ad spending as the 383 White House race moves into a critical new phase.
On Tuesday Kushner sought to paint a picture for Palestinians -- whose officials boycotted the conference -- and the conference's attendees of a post-conflict future, one in which the West Bank and Gaza can host a thriving Palestinian economy that improves the lives of Palestinians and boosts the region's economy as a whole.
In hundreds of newly digitized pictures, artists like Queen Latifah, LL Cool J, the Sugarhill Gang, and Public Enemy are captured in their prime, while a slew of flyers advertising early and iconic hip-hop performances paint a picture of the history of one of America's greatest cultural contributions to the world. —G.
The employees, along with documents and legal filings from a consumer protection lawsuit, paint a picture of a business with a cutthroat, Wild West sales environment that fostered the mistreatment of some of the company's more than 30,000 customers — while spinning a broken student loan system into pure profit for its owners.
However, a survey of interviews with four current and former dashers as well as three former DoorDash corporate workers, emails to the company's contractors, past marketing materials, screengrabs from a private dasher group on Facebook, and screenshots of the platform itself paint a picture of a system that's confusing as if by design.
In numerous photos posted online, the authorities paint a picture of ethnic unity, showing smiling Han officials and minority families jointly preparing meals, doing household chores, playing sports and even sharing the same bed -- images that Human Rights Watch's Wang says put the "forced intimacy" element of the program on full display.
There is no way around it: these revelations about the EPA administrator paint a picture of a Cabinet official who is out of touch with his responsibilities as a public servant; who has little consideration for the judicious use of taxpayer dollars; and, who has no sense of the impropriety within his agency.
But the testimonies paint a picture of sexual abuse - including rape - that is so widespread that many of the women interviewed did not understand that coercive sex should not be an almost every-day occurrence, said one investigator who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the work.
The big picture: Lyft attempted to paint a picture of its "path to profitability" for investors on Thursday, emphasizing that it's adjusting its margins by cutting costs, increasing revenue per active rider, and increasing more profitable rides like those to and from airports, in premium cars, for medical providers and corporate transportation.
Using a deposition from an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employee involved in the effort to stop the Pebble Mine near Bristol Bay in southwest Alaska, the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee tried to paint a picture of an agency that decided long ago how to act and will consider no other options.
Taken along with government and corporate records, their accounts paint a picture of a regime that at once recalls the paranoia of the Mao era and is also thoroughly modern, marrying heavy-handed human policing of any behavior outside the norm with high-tech tools like iris recognition and apps that eavesdrop on cell phones.
Family says he was with wedding party shortly before arrest Whelan's online footprint and information from his family paint a picture of a former military man and corporate security expert who had some familiarity with Russia, traveling and collecting friends there, and having an account on a Russian social media platform similar to Facebook.
Interviews in recent days by Reuters with more than a dozen friends and colleagues, as well as his sister, paint a picture of a strong-minded, ambitious but friendly person with an enduring belief in the power of tax cuts to fuel economic growth and seemingly bottomless energy to devote to promoting that belief.
DEBATE TEAM, WHIFFLE BALL Interviews in recent days by Reuters with more than a dozen friends and colleagues, as well as his sister, paint a picture of a strong-minded, ambitious but friendly person with an enduring belief in the power of tax cuts to fuel economic growth and seemingly bottomless energy to devote to promoting that belief.
While it is hard to determine the exact size of an animal based on incomplete remains, the recovered portions of Razana's head paint a picture of a carnivore that must have been a horrifying addition to ancient Madagascar's fauna, an assemblage that included top predators like lithe, knotty-headed abelisaurs and razor-toothed ceratosaurs the size of pickup trucks.
"They're at a critical juncture; for me as an investor it's hard to paint a picture that Telstra is in a better place in five years time, with any confidence, than they are now," said Hugh Dive, senior portfolio manager at Aurora Funds Management, who sold the fund's Telstra holding during a company buyback in September.
Long also went to the College of the Canyons for two spring semesters, according to that school He lived with his mother Paul Delacourt, assistant director of the FBI's Los Angeles office, said agents are processing Long's home and vehicle in an effort to identify his motivation and paint a picture of his frame of mind.
The recent struggles of SoundCloud, streaming's most democratic and artist-friendly service, paint a picture of a listener base that continues to gravitate toward the surface-level trend hopping of playlist culture, putting more power in the hands of the major streaming services and giving artists less room to make a definitive statement with their music.
It goes even further, using a large number of sources to paint a picture of an administration where the national security adviser either knowingly lied to the vice president about the content of his conversations with Kislyak (leading Pence to unintentionally relay false information to the American public) or one in which Pence himself deliberately lied.
The accusations by FIFA and its lawyers seemed intended to paint a picture of a leadership group operating outside FIFA financial controls: ■ In 2010, Mr. Blatter, Mr. Valcke and Mr. Kattner were awarded $23 million in retroactive bonuses for the 23 World Cup in South Africa that FIFA said were not called for under their employment agreements.
I had decided that among the boxes in which I would at least glance at every piece of paper would be the ones in Johnson's general "House Papers" that contained the files from his first years in Congress, since I wanted to be able to paint a picture of what he had been like as a young legislator.
And if you want to write about independent games (that don't have millions of dollars to drop on renting an apartment in everyone's head via marketing), then you do need to play those advertised games so that you can paint a picture of why someone who likes the big games might also like the small ones.
Other Pelosi critics I've spoken to on the Hill paint a picture that's more sins of omission — the top ranks of Democratic leadership are in a weakened state and simply not doing much of anything (Pelosi just hired a new chief of staff in perhaps a sign that she felt things were not going well) on a strategic level.
Larson explores Churchill's political career and domestic life, drawing on diaries, archival documents, and intelligence reports to paint a picture of the man who led the UK through World War II. Gladwell's latest book describes the ways in which we fail to understand people we don't know, and why our miscommunications can have such dire consequences.
The question of how Clinton's administration would operate is trickier, but hacked campaign emails released by WikiLeaks over the past month paint a picture of an organization that is contemptuous of opposition, often obsessed with how an issue is perceived, and yet sometimes prone to decisions that seem self-defeating and dance on the knife's edge of political disaster.
"Interviews with former and serving employees paint a picture of confusion and overlap between competing divisions, where the short-term interests of promoting hardware trump long-term efforts to build platforms that would add value for customers and increase their loyalty to the brand," wrote Jeremy Wagstaff and Se Young Lee in a December 2015 report for Reuters.
Sometimes infused with drama — but always straightforward and apolitical — the testimonies of these three dedicated public servants helped paint a picture of how the Giuliani maneuverings around U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine helped to muddy the waters and swing the pendulum of priorities towards Trump's private political obsessions, instead of the interests of the country he was elected to lead.
Ask a grumpy baby boomer just what it is he thinks the kids are up to out there in those abandoned warehouses of Brooklyn, and his worst fears might paint a picture of the new Mission Chinese Food, in Bushwick: a glowing glass façade surrounded by a twenty-four-thousand-square-foot performance venue on an otherwise desolate industrial block.
Mr. Corbyn did well, keeping his cool and sense of humor, but had difficulty explaining away his past sympathies for groups like Hamas and Sinn Fein while trying to paint a picture of a better future with more money for nearly every social service coming from higher taxes on corporations and those earning more than 80,000 pounds a year, or about $103,000.
Collectively, these interviews paint a picture of a second-term senator who is deeply weary of US military interventions, resists drawing distinctions between domestic and foreign policies, and has attracted to her presidential campaign a number of career diplomats who say Washington, as one adviser described it, is in urgent need of a "substantial rethink" of how it conducts foreign policy.
The transcripts released Tuesday — which included that of former U.S. special envoy Kurt Volker — paint a picture of an American president whose deep-rooted hostility toward Ukraine was evident in private conversations, including his belief that the country "tried to take me down," in reference to a debunked conspiracy theory about the country's involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
But behind the scenes, many current and former employees paint a picture of dysfunction and hypocrisy, with clashes between Agrawal and key members of her team, employment policies that seem to fly in the face of the company's women-first messaging, and an increasingly volatile work environment that's led many of those who were instrumental in creating the brand to tender their resignations.
GOP nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's critics have seized on the unrest to paint a picture of an amateur campaign struggling to unite a divided party.
If you take the sum of the breathless (dare I say thirsty) stories tying together a bunch of anecdotes about Jony's last couple of years, they are trying to paint a picture of a legendary design figure that has abandoned the team and company he helped build, leading to a stagnation of forward progress — while at the same time trying to argue that the company is doomed without him.
VH: So one thing that struck me sort of emotionally while we were working on this story Dan is, I think, week after week you've been writing about the opioids crisis and we've been reading about the opioids crisis and most of the stories are very Bleak, and also you start to paint a picture in your mind of what a typical opioids user looks like, you know.
A recent Washington Post Magazine feature about Instagram's tactical community spent significant time with Black Rifle Coffee company owner Mat Best, who has established his brand not just by brewing coffee and firing big guns but by writing himself into YouTube sketches that paint a picture of an affable but hapless husband, engaged in a goofy domestic tug-of-war over whether and when he can get some.
A poem entitled "If They Gun Me Down" by Daniel J. Watts, a Walker collaborator and Hamilton star, presented alongside Walker's objects, aims to capture the bleakness of the representation of black life by the media, even in death: If they gunned me down would the media paint a picture of a poet or would I be politically portrayed as a perilous person with potential to be a paraphernalia pushing pistol popping pilferer?
Connecting the dots I ... Garrett M. Graff writes on WIRED that Mueller's court filings, "when coupled with other investigative reporting, paint a picture of how the Russian government, through various trusted-but-deniable intermediaries, conducted a series of 'approaches' over the course of the spring of 2016 to officials in Trump's orbit: "The answer, from everyone in Trumpland — from Michael Cohen in January 2016, from George Papadopoulos in spring 2016, from Donald Trump, Jr. in June 2016, from Michael Flynn in December 2016 — appears to have been an unequivocal 'yes.
But if special counsel Robert Mueller's team is to be successful in convincing a jury of Northern Virginians to convict Manafort, they had to paint a picture that placed the 230 charges into one gripping narrative: that of a man who got rich, went to extra lengths to hide that wealth from the IRS, pushed fake documents to banks to keep up the cash flow, leveraged his role as Donald Trump's campaign chairman for a final $16 million, and did whatever he could to enjoy fortune and power.

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