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172 Sentences With "owning up to"

How to use owning up to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "owning up to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "owning up to". Mastering all the usages of "owning up to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's scary owning up to something that didn't go well.
We're lousy at owning up to our weak spots too.
At times, he's even considered owning up to that fact.
It wasn't the smartest decision, and I'm owning up to that.
Thankfully, many outdoors organizations have begun owning up to these realities.
Self-compassionate people are better at owning up to their mistakes.
Worryingly, humanity may be getting worse at owning up to its goofs.
And he had made himself vulnerable by owning up to the needle.
"You are the queen of not owning up to anything!" she says.
Increasingly, China is owning up to data shortcomings, particularly in provincial data.
I want more men to start owning up to what they're attracted to.
We'd be foolish to let this moment pass without owning up to them.
Owning up to all of this helped me change — but only so much.
Especially because they've actually done a good job of owning up to their errors.
I'm simply owning up to my mistakes and taking full responsibility for my actions.
There's something refreshing about an elite conservative owning up to being an elite conservative.
Rice deserves credit for unsparingly owning up to her reputation as a difficult boss.
That reflects the airline's owning up to the "sophisticated, malicious criminal attack" on its website.
Bieber is owning up to everything he has done, but he's not begging for forgiveness.
By recognizing and owning up to his mistakes, he establishes credibility and builds good faith.
But Hinge's data shows that owning up to certain vices could actually harm your profile.
We are owning up to our past as we take a step into the future.
But, boy, they could definitely mine of comedy out of owning up to it huh?
Miley Cyrus has never shied away from controversy, but she's owning up to one particular misstep.
Other tech CEOs would do well to learn the value of owning up to their mistakes.
The critical point here is that Weinstein isn't owning up to any of the alleged behavior.
It's clear Kim is following her own advice by "owning up" to her perceived bad behavior.
Clearly, he's hoping owning up to the crime will buy him some leniency from the judge.
Here we are, owning up to the obnoxious habits we've developed through our line of work.
Ignoring your debt, or not owning up to what you owe, will only prolong the process.
Tilman grows frustrated with Matt who, instead of owning up to his mistakes, keeps making up excuses.
Hart seems to consider joking about his past a form of owning up to his misdeeds, though.
So, for me, 'Reasons' was a way of owning up to the fact that it takes two.
LONDON (Reuters Breakingviews) - Any cocksure child knows that owning up to mistakes is part of growing up.
Instead of owning up to his high school drinking habits, he told what appear to be lies.
"Chuck also accepted responsibility for his own conduct by pleading guilty and owning up to his mistakes."
Instead of owning up to Red's own poor design choices, the company's deflecting blame on its outsourced help.
I really appreciated Connor apologizing and owning up to the picture drama from the start of the week.
"(Not) owning up to the real medical reason for the repeat surgery is just plain deceitful," he added.
He's had some issues, like his DUI, that I find he did a great job owning up to.
What matters is owning up to that, taking responsibility for our actions, and trying to set things right.
Fully accepting and owning up to all the violence he's done, he fully passes judgment into the player's hands.
After all, don't we utter those words when we want to hurl an insult without owning up to it?
In a sport that values the ritual of owning up to failure, that stance has infuriated their fellow players.
And it goes towards removing hat stigma about mental health and to speaking up to and owning up to it.
Key to converting some residents has been listening to them about, and even owning up to, mistakes of the past.
Today, the iPhone maker is owning up to the allegations and offering an apology, according to The Wall Street Journal.
But Republicans pushing back on Trump's rigged talk aren't owning up to their role in laying the groundwork for this.
I detest confrontation and owning up to my mistakes more than anyone, but I knew I had to be brave.
The point, however, is to try to do better — which means owning up to your mistakes and learning from them.
Barry isn't quite ready to accept that the "right" thing includes owning up to his crimes and facing the consequences.
Throughout the interview, Barr also seemed to blame Jarrett for being sensitive to her remarks, instead of owning up to them.
For Almond, owning up to not entirely understanding how the new digital world works is key to being a good CMO.
To Wall Street analysts, it was the company owning up to the weaknesses long apparent in customer surveys and sales numbers.
From girls to friendship to owning up to your mistakes, viewers saw Cory face the good and bad moments of adolescence.
He said he was going to talk to them about "owning up to mistakes," taking responsibility, and being a better person.
Apple hasn't been paying much attention to its pro users lately, and the company finally seems to be owning up to it.
YouTube is trying to walk a fine line between owning up to this problem and arguing that the issue is relatively minor.
And while Woods is doing all she can redeem herself, the source said Woods is having trouble owning up to the truth.
The makers of Crocs are owning up to the shoes' "ugly" rep by adding tiny fanny packs -- yes, fanny packs -- to the heel.
Yet euro-zone creditors refuse to accept any debt relief, preferring variants of "extend and pretend" to avoid owning up to fiscal transfers.
I course corrected by basically owning up to how I was really feeling, but it was embarrassing to have to observe in myself.
"It's so difficult to break a habit like that but so much respect for really trying and owning up to mistakes," another added.
After owning up to his dad, Fred (Luke Perry), about wanting to be a musician Archie confronts Ms. Grundy head-on about tutoring him.
Her column, "Owning Up to Abortion," published in the New York Times op-ed section, was part of the idea that sparked my project.
The fact that instead of simply owning up to his error, Giuliani immediately turned toward accusing Twitter of anti-Trump bias is extremely problematic.
Adults allow others to fill the desperately-needed father figure roles, all the while owning up to the realization that dads are humans, too.
But given the time lags involved with owning up to the news, you'd probably be best served keeping an eye on your account yourself.
Facebook didn't become one of the most powerful companies in the world by owning up to mistakes or opening itself up to outside scrutiny.
By switching around the narrative provided by a disapproving society—by writing about them first and owning up to them—something shifted in me.
Rather than fully owning up to to the disastrous aspects of the bill, Biden has over the years bragged about it and defended it.
It's unsettling, but maybe a little less so when you consider that we've been doing it all along, usually without owning up to it.
Dudden noted the Japanese have generally done a poor job of owning up to the wrongs they've done to other nations in the region.
"It is highly unfortunate that the Potamkins are apparently incapable of owning up to their wrongdoing and have forced Mr. Blackmore to pursue legal remedies."
Admittedly, this is fraught territory and there's no guidebook for voluntarily owning up to years-old abuse — and perhaps no "good" way to do it.
Owning up to a mistake — or, say, completely blanking on an important question that you're expected to have a good answer to — is a start.
On his HarmonTown podcast, the showrunner spent about seven minutes (starting at 18:40) owning up to his harassment of female Community writer Megan Ganz.
But it's yet another privacy misstep for the social media company, which has been owning up to its errors with increasing frequency in recent months.
Instead of owning up to their mistake and letting it lie, Blizzard had instead used the outside canon of the game to justify its folly.
Because it appears the only thing better than owning up to your mistake in Silicon Valley is sending your enemy down the same doomed rabbit hole.
The Duke of Cambridge thinks social media companies should be owning up to the responsibilities that come with the massive impact they have on our lives.
Eichner pointed out that owning up to a problematic mindset can be scary, especially if it could force Hart to examine flaws or shame he's repressed.
Since the late 1940s, with greater or lesser success, Germans have made a national pastime of owning up to individual and collective crimes associated with Nazism.
Instead of owning up to the issue, the chief security officer of the company covered it up and paid out $100,000 to the hackers, according to Bloomberg.
Alsup on July 10 demanded PG&E give him a "fresh, forthright statement owning up to the true extent of the Wall Street Journal report" published that day.
"Instead of owning up to it, taking responsibility and seeking a way to fix the flaw, he instead decided to blame Democrats, because he does that," Abrams said.
You can't build trust on shaky ground, so being aloof when it comes to owning up to a mistake can negatively affect a lot of relationships at work.
Gui dramatically re-emerged on Chinese state-controlled television months later, apparently owning up to a 2003 hit-and-run accident in what supporters said was a forced confession.
Speaking on the sidelines of an industry conference in São Paulo, Weng said the Shanghai-based company would consider owning up to 20 percent in greenfield projects in Brazil.
Instead of owning up to the fact that most sexual performance problems stem from our own issues, it's a lot easier to blame a partner for being sexually incompetent.
But I went from making fun of all that to finally maybe owning up to the fact that I don't have to stay a 22-year-old struggling artist.
There are so many brands that continue to miss the mark when it comes to doing right by all of its customers — and Tarte is owning up to its part.
Plus, ASOS owning up to their goof gave us a tiny moment of internet joy — a hard thing to come by these days unless you're constantly watching candle carving videos.
It's not that football doesn't have its own player safety protocols; it's that it's been such a high-profile adversary of owning up to what happens after the big hits.
I think that's what people are concerned about, much more so than Bill Clinton's obvious indiscretions, and Donald Trump having been divorced a couple of times, but owning up to it.
In the season finale, Frankel staged a rapprochement with Radziwill and called herself "too much," owning up to her role in the friendship's demise but also setting up her defense narrative.
That's what makes Sandberg's openness in owning up to Facebook's wrongdoing in this instance refreshing — and it's the kind of response all tech companies should adopt when a PR crisis occurs.
What is plausible, on the other hand, is that the internet's made people with an incipient interest in BDSM and kinky sex more comfortable owning up to it and exploring it.
One suspects Stahelski recognizes this: Chapter 2 is a lot campier than its predecessor, as if he hopes that owning up to the preposterousness will make it go down more smoothly.
A national independent study by Lynn Taylor Consulting found that 91% of employees said that owning up to one's mistakes as a manager was an important factor in employee job satisfaction.
Worried that owning up to using the drug could jeopardize their VA benefits—even if they're participating in a medical marijuana program approved by their state—veterans have often kept mum.
An analysis in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that people who embraced owning up to mistakes also appreciated the opportunity to mend relationships and were better positioned for growth.
His answer was revealing in how self-serving it was—the image of someone owning up to their mistakes is as positive a spin as he can put on this scandal.
Instead of simply owning up to his mistake, Giuliani doubled down on it on Monday night, accusing Twitter of being "committed cardcarrying anti-Trumpers" who had allowed someone to vandalize his post.
And in owning up to all their lies without a trace of embarrassment, Val reveals how proud and grateful he is to be part of his family, "unconventional" though it may be.
A source tells PEOPLE that while Woods "very much wants to be forgiven" for allegedly hooking up with Khloé Kardashian's boyfriend Thompson, she may be having trouble owning up to the truth.
This idea – of Hov growing up and owning up to his mistakes and transgressions, seeing himself through the eyes of his children as though clearly for the first time – permeates the record.
Instead of owning up to the central role he played in preventing a warning to the public when it mattered the most, McConnell is now trying to shift blame and move on.
Instead of owning up to that uncomfortable truth, senior agency officials instead decided to pull and bury that analysis, deceiving the public about the Labor Department's ability to even produce such an analysis.
The regulator also said that applications for owning up to 51 percent of local fund management companies are already being accepted, though added that this was unrelated to the changes in securities guidelines.
The ESPN host returned to his TV/Radio show on ESPNews on Tuesday and started by essentially owning up to boozing too hard that night and passing out in the wrong hotel room.
SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook is increasingly owning up to its role as one of the world's largest distributors of information by taking more responsibility for the millions of stories that flow through its site.
LONDON (Reuters) - Expanding QE could see the European Central Bank owning up to 21.2 percent of the 53 trillion euro government bond market, analysts estimate, exacerbating worries about bond scarcity and thin market conditions.
As for Boeing's reputation, the company is trying to be as transparent as possible, offering a steady stream of updates and owning up to problems instead of blaming pilots, airlines, regulators, or anyone else.
Fetty Wap is doing a complete 180 -- he's now owning up to being the father of Masika's baby after vehemently denying it at first, and he's dropping major coin on her and the kid.
It's nice to see Eugene owning up to his weak moral character here, though I can imagine this is all some ploy to redeem him later on when a crucial opportunity to betray Negan arises.
"Under pressure for lying about his monetary support for our veterans, Trump threw a tantrum — hurling insults at reporters instead of owning up to his broken promise to veterans," the group said in a statement.
And instead of owning up to the incident, or not mentioning it at all to keep the attention off of you, Lochte went on air with NBC and said that he was robbed at gunpoint.
The family has also collectively changed the culture surrounding celebrity plastic surgery, openly discussing and owning up to all the work they've had done, something which previous generations of stars held as a tightly guarded secret.
There's no shame in owning up to that fact when even Apple, the company that's made the most profit out of designing and selling phones in history, makes a slightly-less-premium edition of its flagship.
Owning up to mistakes is all well and good, but if I am a fan of the team that has been victimized by a call that cost it the game, the apologies do me no good.
Wary of disclosure that could lead to embarrassments like owning up to cheating on agreed production ceilings, the OPEC member states have not "produced or published reliably transparent data for many, many years," Mr. Atkinson said.
It is hence necessary for us to rise to this position and engage with the world, owning up to our impact in it, in a more proactive way through this period full of turbulence and change.
The two women meet for coffee, during which Rhea disarms Siobhan by owning up to her romance with Logan before suggesting that Shiv regain some leverage at Waystar by pursuing a position at Pierce Global Media.
Their formative recklessness is something Teen Suicide has since made an effort to atone for during their hiatus and beyond, owning up to the consequences of growing up, in Ray's words, "privileged and publicly on social media".
"If they're not experiencing the same good results as their peers, you may have to question if they're owning up to their issues," said Jerry Braakman, chief investment officer of First American Trust, which holds Goldman shares.
"I guess that was John McCain finally giving us a little straight talk and owning up to the fact that he and George Bush actually have a whole lot in common," Obama said in a frequent refrain.
I couldn't face people; I hated pretending to eat, or owning up to why I wasn't eating, or eating anyway for normalcy's sake and then enduring my body's inevitable, dramatic rejection of any "food" that wasn't iced tea.
But the documents obtained by CNN show that far from owning up to their confessions, some of the men in the Awamiya case repeatedly told the court that the admissions were false and had been obtained through torture.
The training emphasized each party involved owning up to his or her responsibility and making amends, with an honest conversation or an action (a student who had left a classroom in disarray might help the teacher clean it).
" Whether he is owning up to his receding hairline by making jokes about it or lining up with other basketball fans before a game to cheer Curry, Spieth has a humility that Roddick described as "kind of endearing.
It has become a means of owning up to the complexity of our problems, of accepting the likelihood that even we the righteous might be implicated by or complicit in some facet of the very wrongs we decry.
Trump's fans can excuse and explain all of this, and there are glimmers of merit in some of what they say: He is owning up to, and not laboring to disguise, the emotional currents that move most politicians.
Dani Mathers, the Playboy model who drew outrage in July when she Snapchatted a surreptitious photo of a naked woman in a gym locker room, has returned to social media — and she is owning up to her past mistakes.
Solutions to both these scourges come too late to prevent tampering that may have aided Donald Trump winning the presidency — but at least Facebook is owning up to the problem, working with the government and starting to self-regulate.
In preparation for her Witness tour, the "Bon Appétit" singer held a three-day live stream event in which she talked about becoming a feminist, realizing her sexual power, and the importance of owning up to her past mistakes.
"We've asked Japan for an apology for a long time, but they're still not owning up to the past," said Noh Min-ock, a 19-year-old student who joined others shouting slogans and waving flags outside the embassy.
SOSNIK: He actually gave two speeches in one — the first half was basically owning up to what he had not admitted in the past and the second part of the speech was an attack on Starr and the investigation.
However, whether it can do so by illuminating and owning up to the numerous blind sports in GDR art history, or whether it will merely replicate blockbuster exhibitions with the same tired white-male-European-Modernist format remains to be seen.
Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, took pointed shots at Buttigieg, accusing the former mayor of being compromised by donations from billionaires, lacking experience for the job of president, and not owning up to his record on race relations in South Bend.
That journey was interesting to us because owning up to the fact that we are millennials, and that Kathy and I are both 'professionally gay' now, it feels likes a door we kicked open that can never be closed again.
All of these accounts, however, reveal an important point: When someone calls an ex "crazy," more often than not, he or she is leaving out a huge part of the story — rather than truly owning up to how the relationship ended.
Attending would be a bridge too far, especially given that the man about to walk into the White House seems incapable of self-reflection or owning up to his role in the ugliness that has overtaken our politics over the past several years.
That, and the fact that she's totally okay to owning up to her mistakes, which is exactly what she did when she appeared on Bachelorette contestant Eric Bigger's podcast Bigger Talks on Wednesday and spoke about her regrets following the shocking season finale.
Trump has attacked reporters for not owning up to mistakes in coverage; Weigel tweeted Saturday night that "it was a bad tweet on [his] personal account, not a story for the Washington Post," and it's "very fair" for Trump to call him out. .
Including Chet and Jeremy in that final shot is essentially owning up to the fact that the show is stuck with these characters as much as Quinn and Rachel are, because Lifetime's executive suite apparently consists entirely of Jeremy's number one fans.
But Gym added that the Monarchs' tour of the South and the 2013 movie about Robinson's life, titled "42," further piqued her interest and the City Council's in remembering Robinson and owning up to the Phillies' contribution to the hostility he initially encountered.
" "This is not directed toward President (Donald) Trump, it would apply equally to any President," Kaine said on Wednesday, adding, "It's fundamentally about Congress owning up to and taking responsibility for the most significant decision that we should ever have to make.
" Kaine argued Wednesday that the resolution is "not directed toward President Trump, it would apply equally to any President," adding, "It's fundamentally about Congress owning up to and taking responsibility for the most significant decision that we should ever have to make.
In an essay on politics and poetry, she writes that political poetry has become a means of owning up to the complexity of our problems, and introduces the reader to some, like Justin Phillip Reed and Evie Shockley, who are doing it well.
After absorbing the complaints and hiring legal experts to conduct a review, Airbnb last week published a report that marked something of a milestone for Silicon Valley: a major network owning up to the vast, if new and ethereal, kind of power it possesses.
Letters To the Editor: "Owning Up to Torture," by Eric Fair, a former private contractor in Iraq (Sunday Review, March 20), is a chilling reminder of how easy it is to become a torturer yet how difficult it is to live as a former torturer.
But Israeli officials, while not owning up to having written it, say they agree with its message: that the German government should halt any financial support to organizations or institutions the Israeli government views as undermining the Jewish state and siding with the Palestinians.
Electricity to recharge phones, cameras …" Owning up to this pollution was important to Mr. Farneti, particularly after he and the 25 other international Vogue editors made a pledge in December to help "preserve our planet for future generations" and show respect "for our natural environment.
I've learned things through experience which I share, and through these last couple of weeks, I've learned a lot through this well deserved internet dragging…… This is about a man owning up to his actions, taking responsibility, recognizing how to do better, and actually doing better.
Silicon Valley investors are once again owning up to their namesakes and taking a deep interest in next-generation silicon, with leading lights like Graphcore in the United Kingdom hitting unicorn status while weirdly named and stealthy startups like Groq in the Bay Area grow up.
I've learned things through experience which I share, and through these last couple of weeks, I've learned a lot through this well-deserved internet dragging...... This is about a man owning up to his actions, taking responsibility, recognizing how to do better, and actually doing better.
It takes place just about everywhere, and when exponential growth ran out, each of these institutions had to find some way of either owning up to a new business model or continuing the old one with smoke mirrors and the cannibalization of someone else's source of income.
"This episode and its aftermath exposes, once again, the trademark Clinton failure to take personal responsibility; the allergy to owning up to error; the refusal to cede any ground, no less apologize; the incessant double-standarding, with different, more forgiving rules for the Clintons and their loyalists," Marcus argues.
And gone would be any hope of living in a United States freed from the murderous fragility of whiteness: a United States capable not only of owning up to the past destruction and present-day ravages of white supremacy, but of making a concerted effort to rectify, repair, and prevent.
Noble is seeking to halve its senior debt and hand over 70 percent of the restructured business to a group of senior creditors, known as the Ad Hoc Group, while existing equity holders would be diluted to 10 percent and company management would end up owning up to 3.23 percent.
And, rather than do what I usually do as a father — take a deep breath, try to fix the problem by owning up to my side of the blame — I allowed myself to drift a little bit further than usual, into the taboo waters of what I was actually feeling.
To restore confidence in Boeing's once-sterling reputation for safety, corporate governance experts and analysts urged the world's largest aerospace company to take more dramatic steps, including shaking up its board of directors, curbing Muilenburg's power, owning up to what went wrong with the 7373 Max and hiring a credible outsider to investigate.
But then I underestimated that sometimes you need that, so it was good to compartmentalize that into Starting Line lyrics, because I have this place that acts like a garbage disposal and I got to get all the garbage thoughts out of the way by writing those songs and owning up to it.
"Isn't it disgraceful that Hillary Clinton makes the worst mistake of the political season and instead of owning up to this grotesque attack on American voters, she tries to turn it around with a pathetic rehash of the words and insults she used in her failing campaign?" he said in a statement.
Now, 22 years old and three albums into a career that has also included television exposure (with a recurring role leading the band Glitterish on "Transparent") and modeling (for the designer Emma Mulholland), she sounds less guarded and more direct than ever, owning up to confusion and insecurity even as her guitar riffs counterattack.
Honestly, the Tom and Shiv marriage is a thing Succession hasn't quite explained in a fashion where it makes a ton of sense, but this feels like the start of some serious introspection, like the series owning up to the idea that it just might be broken beyond repair, even if both parties have tried to fix it at various times.
Alberto's refusal to obligate himself in any way can at times seem like an extreme reaction to fascism's doubling down on hierarchies and obligations, but it is also hard to ascribe any subconscious motive to someone so routinely afraid of owning up to his true self, someone whose aversion to making any major choices can seem just as oppressive as the worst of them.
But by owning up to the ways in which the intellectual framework behind the Fed's push to raise rates over the last few years isn't holding up to scrutiny, Mr. Powell is sending an important message: As long as he is running the show, the Fed will aim to react quickly to the world as it is, not as the models say it ought to be.
But by owning up to the ways in which the intellectual framework behind the Fed's push to raise rates over the last few years isn't holding up to scrutiny, Mr. Powell is sending an important message: As long as he is running the show, the Fed will aim to react quickly to the world as it is, not as the models say it ought to be.
" FR: "I think also just owning up to your mistakes, I mean mistakes are going to happen and I think one of the things I've learned from my mistakes is that when you really make a genuine apology and you take responsibility for what you've done and then you put in steps to actually make sure that doesn't happen again, your audience is a little bit more forgiving.
There's the indefatigable campaigner who was capable of owning up to mistakes and defending his opponents, and the man who introduced Sarah Palin's version of anti-establishment politics to a national stage; the Vietnam prisoner of war who wouldn't abandon his men even in the face of extreme brutality, and the legislator with a complicated legacy on torture; and the anti-candidate who ran twice for America's highest office.

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