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"overtly" Definitions
  1. in a way that is open and not secret

978 Sentences With "overtly"

How to use overtly in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "overtly" and check conjugation/comparative form for "overtly". Mastering all the usages of "overtly" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Right now, baseball feels overtly masculine because it is overtly masculine.
From the start, Ms. Mangini's films were overtly political and overtly left-leaning.
"Even the most failed of erotic thrillers still present active, overtly sexual, overtly ambitious, driven women," she tells me.
TED is not an overtly partisan group, but in the eyes of its community, issues like climate change, Islamophobia, and gun violence aren't overtly partisan.
Regardless, on Tuesday we're going to have an overtly political Trump immigration speech in primetime — even though when Obama was president overtly political speeches didn't qualify.
"Here in Texas, people do not identify as overtly pro-choice or overtly pro-life," says Alexa Garcia-Ditta, communications director for the state chapter of NARAL Pro-Choice.
I never wanted to overtly nod to anything, because I wear my influences on my sleeve, and I feel like if I do anything too overtly, it'll be way too obvious.
Too grimly unfunny, I suspect — and too overtly political.
" Nancy Kress on feminism: "My stories are seldom overtly feminist.
I'm ready for it to be implied, not overtly stated.
None of this context is overtly addressed in the film.
The database shows relatively few inmates with overtly criminal tattoos.
But there had been no hostilities or overtly partisan shenanigans.
Overtly negative album reviews are becoming an increasingly rare occurrence.
The street vendors' union is not an overtly political group.
There is growing acceptance, however, for less overtly political graffiti.
An ad addressing such overtly controversial ideas is inherently risky.
There's nothing questionable about its intent; it is overtly racist.
To achieve this, procurement rules overtly favour stuff made locally.
Sportage is not overtly sporty, but it is quite comfortable.
Overtly hostile opinions do surface publicly from time to time.
They're overtly sexual, lecherous, cunning, frivolous and not much else.
The directors let their subjects speak without overtly passing judgment.
These institutions are not overtly trying to rip off anyone.
Stewart is not overtly political and Blagojevich is a Democrat.
However Facebook's algorithms work, they are missing overtly political ads.
"Glass Ceiling" is at once overtly political and weirdly ambiguous.
That's when I started yearning to be more overtly sexual.
Our popular entertainments for teenagers have become more overtly scrutinizing.
Perhaps she expected the images to say something overtly political.
"Soot and Spit," though, is overtly about disability and otherness.
We might come to the point that they interfere overtly.
Even its most overtly expressive incidents are hard to label.
But, on the other hand, it certainly isn't overtly political.
The biases that most interest Eberhardt aren't overtly racist beliefs.
The company marketed both with overtly sexual, sometimes controversial advertising.
It doesn't come up overtly but it is certainly still there.
It's not about shooting models from angles that look overtly predatory.
It mentions "two fathers," which overtly refers to God vs. Satan.
And the day hasn't been marked by such overtly militaristic displays.
This can be done overtly or covertly, depending on the situation.
Watch the competent remake if you want more overtly witchy action.
Amanda (Olivia Cooke) is the more overtly troubled of the pair.
Mr Kelly's overtly partisan defence of his president surprised many civilians.
Now you're not allowed to overtly do terrible things to women.
Given the album's title, it's obviously political, but not overtly so.
This album is much more overtly political than the previous records.
Greenfield doesn't overtly challenge this assertion, perhaps because it's so ridiculous.
But mixing politics with trustbusting so overtly is a dangerous game.
Overtly, it asks what would happen if millions of people vanished.
The companies tend to describe such work in overtly patriotic language.
On the right, a well-diversified bond portfolio overtly suppresses drawdowns.
LG: I mean, Snapchat just like overtly has something called streaks.
Even overtly consensual interactions have elements of implicit coercion to them.
Over half (57%) were overtly negative, while another 32% were neutral.
Remy has a creative solution for not overtly spilling his guts.
This is something that has not happened so overtly here before.
It's overtly masculine on hazing day, and on every other day.
He was "constantly making overtly sexual and inappropriate" comments, she alleges.
CDC did tend to be more overtly political than its contemporaries.
Vargas Llosa is the most overtly political of the Boom writers.
The concerto is less overtly theatrical, though hardly less inventive musically.
Ms. Bayle and Ms. Stavisky made the most overtly progressive statements.
Tell her why you didn't want it to be overtly sexy.
MyOasis is a similar game with a less overtly feminine design.
Horton's essay says nothing overtly about slavery, or about that case.
At the New Museum, not every piece will be overtly political.
It's a backdrop that feels aggressive and more overtly man-made.
It's like the French series "Les Revenants," but less overtly spooky.
Mr. Ellinghaus was adamant that the ad not be overtly political.
What she less overtly advertised, though, was her fiercely independent life.
Under the Obama administration, this took on an overtly partisan flavor.
JS: How did your work become more overtly political and representational?
I try not to be too overtly political in my art.
These depictions were sometimes overtly racist at least until the 1970s.
About 300 of them were overtly negative, according to new research.
And I feel like in some way that presents a solution to this problem of the giant monster just overwhelming the whole story, and maybe that doesn't happen if it's so overtly metaphorical and so overtly personal.
In recent years, Thai advertisements have been criticized for being overtly racist.
In doing so, these companies have started acting overtly like traditional publishers.
"Trump is the most overtly racist president since Woodrow Wilson," said Brinkley.
Two of the disqualified candidates in 2016 had overtly pro-independence views.
His early lyrics, while overtly sexual in nature, had tinges of spirituality.
They were not Pop Art, and they were not overtly about design.
She has also more overtly embraced the legacy of Mr. Obama's presidency.
With the meeting, Kardashian became more overtly political than she has before.
Do you think there is a growing appetite for overtly political work?
No one has ever said something overtly sexist to me on set.
Other than this echo, there is nothing overtly odd about the painting.
"There was nothing flamboyant or overtly 'celebrity' about his energy," Henry continued.
Covers featured overtly glossy women with poofy hair and heavy make up.
We're not expressly trying to make contact per se, at least overtly.
To be sure, Nadler has shied away from overtly calling for impeachment.
At first, there's nothing overtly weird about director Fernando Livschitz's new short.
This overtly romantic behavior isn't anything out of the ordinary for Gwake.
Those who have been more overtly and consistently critical, including outgoing Sens.
But the Constitution enshrines no such thing, at least not overtly. That
Would an overtly contemporary structure still have the same power and meaning?
Under Murdoch's supervision, the Fox News lineup became more overtly pro-Trump.
Contemporary disco and dance music doesn't necessarily come off as overtly political.
Mr. Maassen's overtly political comments sent shock waves through Germany's quality press.
There was a show where one of the characters was overtly racist.
She uses an overtly light palette, especially pale blue, to signal melancholy.
Wines made from overripe grapes would be overtly jammy, with less acidity.
And you know, it's interesting: Like Trump, he was not overtly religious.
Mahalia Jackson soundtracked the civil-rights movement, echoing its overtly religious appeal.
Despite Kaepernick's appearance in it, the new Nike commercial isn't overtly political.
Kneeling, on the other hand, is overtly political, yet has been accepted.
He is, like many Senate Democrats, trying to avoid seeming overtly political.
Some struggled to find their place in the overtly pro-choice Women's March.
Just being overtly sexual to her in front of us or in public.
Where does a pretty funny joke cross the line to being overtly bigoted?
The heroes all riff on (or overtly reproduce) the ones from Blizzard's game.
There's really no way to look at McCabe's firing other than overtly political.
Yellen didn't overtly say so in her Monday speech but signaled the possibility.
After that, he became more overtly a cowboy in the old caricature style.
These weren't overtly violent, sexual, or scatological videos, but they felt viscerally wrong.
The most overtly ideological target in Bradbury's original novel is essentially identity politics.
Martin Dempsey, recently wrote an open letter lambasting generals for being overtly political.
The instrumentation was proggy but not stale, melodic without ever being overtly poppy.
Only about 100 ads overtly mentioned supporting Donald Trump or opposing Hillary Clinton.
Even his more overtly emotional movies don't play like acts of soul-baring.
Texas's challenge to DAPA an overtly partisan effort to upend a decades-old
They had overtly angular designs, obvious optical displays, or worse, built-in cameras.
The elder Le Pen made the party overtly racist and especially anti-Semitic.
Trump has overtly threatened one on-the-fence Republican already over health care.
"Welcome to the Gather-n-Hunt" is the show's most overtly pastoral image.
Others, like Jobbik in Hungary and Golden Dawn in Greece, are overtly racist.
Tonight was an overtly mushy, but much appreciated, send off of that friendship.
Some, as documented in the viral videos, are overtly anti-immigrant and xenophobic.
Since World War II, only fringe figures have overtly identified themselves that way.
By the same light, Coltrane's overtly religious themes were delivered with little fuss.
Fortunately, voters are seeing this intransigence for what it is: overtly partisan obstruction.
His behavior calls to mind sexist double standards, if not overtly reinforcing them.
Today's female consumers are increasingly turned away by Victoria's Secret overtly sexy image.
His positions have been too overtly pro-Beijing, rankling much of the population.
Moon's political opposition, in contrast, has criticized the overtly "emotional" reaction by Seoul.
Even if men are not, like, overtly sexist—they are not exactly conscious.
While never becoming overtly political, Obama's speech then touched on music's unifying powers.
Without overtly being one, Veronica has always been a role model to me.
For Dark Rebel Rider, I wanted an overtly masculine sexuality to this perfume.
Eventually we moved after Julian wouldn't stop pestering me about being overtly molested.
Has any of your work actually tackled the subject matter this overtly before?
Yadav's film is full of such quick-fix solutions and overtly obvious messaging.
Those fees can only be used for collective bargaining, not overtly political activity.
She's got a few other projects under her belt but nothing overtly political.
It's also taken steps to make the WTO legal process more overtly politicized.
Yes, they are overtly depoliticized, but they certainly are political in another way.
Embracing an overtly political mode out of desperation or resignation, they rock frantically.
By early July, Mr. Cohen was making overtly hostile moves toward the president.
Though not overtly designed to hamper trade, the rules often have that effect.
She has been more active and overtly opinionated than Kaepernick on social media.
GLENN THRUSH: Well, I remember Cruz was more or less overtly aligning himself.
The Jutul family are fun to watch because they are so overtly villainous.
While her work was overtly feminist, Ms. Bretécher resisted that label for herself.
Of this new crop of books, I prefer those that aren't overtly therapeutic.
When they tackle overtly political issues, it's through selective editing and legacy building.
It's the first time Warren's orbit has made the electability pitch so overtly.
Amyl and the SniffersProbably the only overtly poppers-themed band booked this year.
"Her attitude was youth personified, not overtly sexual and supercasual," Ms. Hess said.
Thanks to Thiel's influence, it has increasingly become an overtly right-wing one.
But he did not overtly cross gender lines by putting men in skirts.
And in the last few festivals, schools have gravitated to overtly political plays.
"The government has overtly favored the other religion over Buddhism," he told Reuters.
Just over a decade ago, consumers were inundated with overtly sexual imagery. 10.
Today, this fusion of financial profligacy and military industrial largesse often manifests itself overtly.
Half the country can't just be overtly prejudiced towards a specific racial minority, right?
Of all the prolific college basketball coaches, Boeheim is the most overtly, well, annoying.
Before I got into the game, vogue femme was more about being overtly feminine.
Not overtly political, Thomas's steadily radiant works assume new meanings in these dark times.
Are the guys who come to see you for being involuntarily celibate overtly angry?
There's something going on out there that's preventing ETIs from overtly colonizing the Galaxy.
Trump had not yet weighed in overtly on the Republican plan until Tuesday afternoon.
He doesn't overtly say it, but it's clear what he means by it anyway.
Garrison, who still has the gig, has always been less overtly political than Pence.
Is it fair to judge Swift, who isn't an overtly political figure, like that?
"Folks don't want to publicize some of their less overtly positive experiences," Peper said.
That the show would be overtly irreverent about taboos, including sex, was a given.
Texas officials in recent years have become ever more staunchly and overtly anti-abortion.
Mr Macron's overtly pro-European politics are unfashionable in parts of France these days.
" She also alleged the judge was "overtly and arrogantly collaborating with the [district attorney].
But it also had a sense of humor, especially in its overtly comedic episodes.
But as elections come, there may be an incentive to be more overtly political.
Israel has a range of parties seeking to create a more overtly Jewish state.
WORST: Gronadal Rocking Chair - $250This is IKEA overtly gunning for the Pottery Barn crowd.
The unintended consequences of these two overtly political nominations became clear in U.S. v.
It's not something I overtly think about, but I imagine one influences the other.
Her Majesty never tells you overtly that this is an oppressive society for women.
Today, that tradition of subtext has evolved into a more overtly strategic tactic: queerbaiting.
Following Swift's lead, the Barefoot Contessa just got overtly political for the first time.
Have there been overtly political pardons—to continue using this term—in the past?
Perhaps foremost, "Kong: Skull Island" feels too overtly like a bid by Warner Bros.
Don't take the mention of fascism as an indication Spider-Man is overtly political.
Aralyte's marketing materials and its website overtly feature endorsements by Harvard Medical School physicians.
The fandango at the border did not start out as an overtly political act.
She accused the Washington Attorney General of "repeatedly and overtly" demeaning her client's faith.
Despite its subject matter, it doesn't strike me as being an overtly "political" song.
The dynamic between victimhood and agency can be seen in less overtly political activities.
The food wasn't flashy or overtly branded like the food at the other steakhouses.
But others said they were disturbed by the overtly political tone of Pence's speech.
"Fashion is moving to a place that is more overtly sports-based," he said.
Though not as overtly spiritual as Coloring Book there are liberal references to God.
A few pieces — but really a precious few — engage overtly with the outside world.
Cleverly titled, Mouthpiece really does act like a "mouthpiece," overtly expressing one's suppressed thoughts.
Aggressive and overtly pro-Obamacare campaigns probably aren't in the mix for open enrollment.
The company is aggressive, overtly in-your-face, and it doesn't mind offending people.
The mood of many of these was somber, and several offered overtly sociopolitical themes.
The movie shows the personal as political while never overtly insisting on the point.
As a result, today's anti-abortion activists are less overtly religious in their arguments.
Some critics said "Rape of Love" was hindered by Ms. Bellon's overtly feminist outlook.
After a few clicks, some played more overtly at prepubescence, posing in children's clothing.
Mr. Liu could also be subversively humorous in photographs that were less overtly political.
Sometimes these comments from other gay men may not be overtly or intentionally hurtful.
Created three years ago, the North Carolina map was drawn for overtly partisan reasons.
To court votes, an effective legislative leader cannot stick to an overtly ideological line.
Even when Superman isn't overtly evil, he's often portrayed as kind of a dick.
Ms. Radu said that while being overtly political was never an interest for Mrs.
Nonetheless, these rates imply that 53m Britons and 23m Americans are overtly anti-Semitic.
Even though they were overtly radical, his musical choices seemed self-evident and effortless.
The NFL typically requests ads not to be overtly political during the Super Bowl.
"Some of the most overtly erotic texts become sacred, devotional pieces," Mr. Agnew said.
Ray's most overtly ethnographic work, the movie flirts with a sort of simpering exoticism.
Violence doesn't always figure overtly in Bausch's fiction, but the atmosphere never precludes it.
Take one of the most overtly personal objects collected and photographed: a love note.
It was crunchy and sweet, but not as overtly sweet as Honey Nut Cheerios.
Whereas Hela is overtly destructive and dominant, the Grandmaster is a more ingratiating figure.
Her set was far louder and more overtly dramatic than the one that followed.
Since then, a more overtly nationalist faction has become more influential within the party.
There is nothing overtly feminine about what the young woman in "CrissCross" is wearing.
All of this is conveyed formally; there is nothing overtly expressionistic about her work.
This turnabout where George W. Bush gets free airtime to promote his immigration idea but then Obama doesn't get free airtime for his ideas because it's "overtly political," and then Trump gets free airtime for an overtly political message on immigration, is striking.
Here are five ways Fidel Castro influenced American presidential politics and government, overtly and indirectly.
Presidential memos aren't always publicly released and they influence policy less overtly than executive orders.
Many works are overtly political, graphic, and punchy, while others are more nuanced and playful.
It was the first hearing to overtly address this issue in more than four decades.
Then it may be tacitly or overtly necessary for you to follow the same path.
Perhaps unfollow suggestions took this long because no app wants to overtly shame specific people.
It wasn't as overtly political as, say, American Horror Story: Cult with its ideological extremism.
Tennessee, Colorado, and Wyoming require that prosecutors prove that the officer overtly abused their authority.
"The judge won't say that overtly, but it will weigh into his sentence," he says.
Even Anti's overtly sexy songs are slower, more purposely shapeless than Rihanna's usual bedroom jams.
Instead it is the overtly erotic relationship between Eve and Villanelle that drives the narrative.
Under President Xi Jinping, China has sought more overtly to stifle dissent in Hong Kong.
Whether or not she's been overtly political, though, Swift has always been a political tool.
Even with the premise and open door to BDSM culture, Bonding isn't often overtly sexual.
There is without a doubt a guttural emotional response to the movie's overtly feminist scenes.
Piper tapped racial material on a regular basis but never as overtly as with Snuka.
Some Evangelical pastors, who are becoming increasingly popular in Brazil, have adopted overtly homophobic rhetoric.
With overtly feminine silhouettes and details, the collection is super-sweet without being too much.
Putin doesn't need, and presumably does not expect, an overtly pro-Russian shift in Italy.
Thus far, Western companies have not been overtly punished for maintaining their ties with Qatar.
They don't always, even with the blockbuster franchises that were overtly planned as ongoing series.
The accuser in this case, Ford, has made an overtly political decision to come forward.
Instead of avoiding talk of politics in bars, they'd overtly talk about politics in bars.
One area that would benefit from a more overtly French treatment is the dessert menu.
"It draws on Christian vocabulary but doesn't appear to have overtly religious content," he said.
It is almost unrecognizable from the sugary-sweet, overtly sexual realm of the early aughts.
Barbecues, often held on the Fourth of July, became overtly political in the nineteenth century.
I didn't expect to have an overtly emotional reaction to the new Kalmah album, Palo.
And, look, I'm not out here pretending that overtly gimmicky metal bands don't irk me.
It's an overtly angry and political work of art, one that has continuing resonance today.
Though this doesn't usually last long—my work constantly, and overtly, puts perspectives in flux.
"It is much easier to target the much more overtly, intentionally provocative genres," she said.
The second movement, "Surface Tension," is more overtly combative, though often in a playful way.
Ms. Wang is, perhaps, more overtly brilliant, though she is capable of probing musical sensitivity.
The center is hated, but whether overtly or covertly it finds some ways to hold.
This is often haunting, especially when Mr. Lucas overtly varies the spoken and signed scripts.
When Kavanaugh used overtly partisan rhetoric at his hearing this week, he revealed his bias.
Things never go adrift or become overtly theoretical; this is lived music, physical and direct.
Until recently, the government allowed L.G.B.T.Q. advocacy so long as activities didn't appear overtly political.
The other thing I want to add is that Bollinger's views are less overtly dramatic.
"The Bandaged Place" initially seemed "overtly traditional," said David Bar Katz, the foundation's executive director.
Her mother was less overtly political, but a Brotherhood supporter nonetheless, and devout and traditional.
The officials denied at the time that they were told the episode was overtly sexual.
But at least on first glance, the trees don't seem to be suffering too overtly.
A trauma victim can as easily appear calm or flat as distraught or overtly angry.
The latter overlap with the former and modify them, transforming their spirit, covertly or overtly.
Dom Vetro's glasses evoke the 1960s and eschew overtly trendy styles (mirrored, pill-size lenses).
Candidates have traditionally used implicit racial appeals to win over voters without appearing overtly prejudiced.
It reminded us that authentic art is identity art; some is just more overtly so.
Everything had to be tighter, smoother, more taut and toned, and often more overtly sexual.
But neither Mr. Bush nor Mr. Obama overtly aspired to division on a routine basis.
Kipling loved Balestier, too, and their friendship, if it wasn't overtly sexual, had erotic overtones.
There were few overtly political moments Sunday evening, which more often focused on guild issues.
Putin overtly expressed this policy line in his 2014 speeches about the annexation of Crimea.
They play the system overtly and often outsmart it (or, some might say, reinforce it).
If not overtly framed as the victim, all the women in his world lack control.
This work is not necessarily more or less successful than the more overtly political work here.
The season nodded to current events — Russian meddling here; the 2016 election there — but never overtly.
Studies have shown couples who are overtly active on social media are less likely to endure.
Sometimes, focusing on non-erogenous zones can be more erotic than engaging in overtly sexual activities.
Many British Conservatives have been overtly hostile towards those business leaders who express fears about Brexit.
But this movie overtly couches all that in the language of romantic relationships, and it's hilarious.
Either way, it is a spectacular special effect and a trigger for more overtly hostile language.
They are all, however, polite and friendly, and while some are complimentary, none are overtly sexual.
While Law admits it's not overtly addressed, he says that doesn't mean it never will be.
He dashed off messages both formal and intimate, mostly paternal in tone rather than overtly romantic.
Anything too overtly sexy might also backfire, because who wants to compete with Hollywood sex scenes?
He reportedly kept his job only by promising not to break overtly with the leadership again.
"I reasoned that it had been inappropriate and uncalled-for, but not overtly sexual," she explains.
Egypt has a long tradition of censorship, both overtly through a government organ and through intimidation.
To any viewer, Thursday's episode of Superstore ("Cloud Green") was nothing overtly out of the ordinary.
"Sourdough is still perhaps more stylish than overtly popular—soft white bread still rules," he says.
While not overtly political, these works, when considered in context, point to or signify political injustices.
He has not, however, overtly backed his father's calls for Japan to abandon nuclear energy immediately.
He overtly solicited Americans to cry for him and his mournful story of post-conviction regret.
The exhibition's final two works are less overtly dramatic but more tantalizing than the self-portraits.
We have experienced this ourselves, being told—both overtly and not—that tech isn't for women.
These inspirational plans for entertaining are all tasteful nods to Disney rather than being overtly branded.
Why it's nuanced Blackface, of course, is the most verboten and overtly offensive of costume choices.
I didn't highlight blatantly discriminatory hiring and I didn't call bullshit on overtly gender-biased investing.
She is image-savvy and self aware, but also earnest and political without being overtly so.
Overtly melodramatic lyrics, arpeggiated acoustic guitar, names like 'Your Eyes Are Bleeding' – she's got it nailed.
He criticized the revisions to how the government implements the Endangered Species Act as overtly political.
Yet beyond optics, she took on issues more overtly women-focused than those of her competitors.
Not that female directors should be expected to bring only overtly feminist stories to the stage.
"Wonder" is that rare thing, a family picture that moves and amuses while never overtly pandering.
Chongqing is perhaps not quite so overtly red since his removal, but the red restaurants remain.
In 2016, tie-dye of an overtly countercultural bent started amassing a new kind of hype.
But even in the more overtly comic "Fleabag," she carries a stiletto in her pen hand.
Even if most textbooks are no longer overtly racist, it doesn't mean pedagogy has sufficiently changed.
Some harvest information overtly through their positions as attachés and academics, and others secretly as spies.
The New York City-based conceptualist Laila Gohar's work is less overtly confrontational but still destabilizing.
Democratic candidates have criticized Trump's top-down and overtly political approach to handling the disease's outbreak.
But even if historic codes aren't overtly hostile to solar development, unclear rules can chill enthusiasm.
In less overtly religious way, Mr. Buttigieg also talks frequently about values on the campaign trail.
American government doesn't operate by daily, hourly or issue-by-issue polls (at least not overtly).
The whole idea of modernization raises, whether latently or overtly, the issue of what to keep.
At the time, Mr. Bourne's overtly theatrical approach in "Swan Lake" was unusual in contemporary dance.
At the time, Mr. Bourne's overtly theatrical approach in "Swan Lake" was unusual in contemporary dance.
They're more overtly comic than they were before and less likely to disturb an unsuspecting audience.
More recently, Kimmel got overtly political by attacking the GOP's plan to address ObamaCare's many woes.
It looked especially careless given the criticism the series has historically received for being overtly white.
This is the one moment that is overtly a tribute to Herman, and it is touching.
Sanders does not overtly advocate MMT, and some aspects of it clash with his progressive rhetoric.
" The Twitter message pushing for the demonstrations was denounced in opposition circles as being overtly "sexist.
But it's not overtly political like Hustlers, and it's less meandering and gonzo than Spring Breakers.
I did not expect Spielberg to make his first overtly feminist film since The Color Purple.
"I don't see China doing something overtly like sticking its finger in his eye," he said.
Kemp has not overtly made it an issue, but he's tried to paint Abrams as extreme.
So what happens if Khan breaks with the army's policy of not overtly targeting militant groups?
Against that hyperpartisan backdrop, none of the overtly propagandistic editorial decisions in the essay are surprising.
And on occasion the covers are overtly political ('i actively reject the demands of the patriarchy…').
A pair of African-American women engage in investigative tenderness: not overtly sexual but unmistakably intimate.
What inspired you to do this album after not being so overtly political in your art?
Some, like Mary Hanke, were overtly hostile to Mr. Schultz and his record as a businessman.
Mr. Navalny himself is a YouTube force, having created the nation's most successful, overtly political channels.
What if there were gaps in the more overtly political departments like the Department of State?
That could reduce the visibility of stories with sensational headlines, or that overtly beckon you to engage.
Presidents haven't traditionally delivered public remarks, and the day hasn't been marked by such overtly militaristic displays.
Students have instead been stampeding into overtly practical subjects such as medicine, veterinary sciences and business studies.
So there is a chunk of media that is verbally and overtly in support of Donald Trump.
I'm very aware of American acts like Chino Amobi who are making explicitly, overtly politicized club music.
Tadek distances himself from the overtly racist parts of the movement but seems unaware of its reach.
She's pious, overtly sexy ("Here's your jury booty"), and casual, with a corresponding outfit for each character.
Sure, referring to oneself as "big papa" (read: daddy) might not seem overtly horny, but just wait.
Goggins is his typical hilariously sleazy self, while John-Kamen's more overtly dramatic performance fits her character.
The tone is stark and subdued, and while it's not an overtly sexual shot, it is striking.
In my brief engagements with the game, the response options seemed rudimentary and the interactions overtly scripted.
It's just never been so overtly branded as such, and it's making men on their laptops mad.
It's rare in pop that resistance is so overtly political, so celebratory and goes hard as hell.
But in the most immediate timeline, Luke's in an overtly post-apocalyptic landscape: unmarked, abandoned, and barren.
Second, these powers could be misused, either for overtly political ends or because they are badly calibrated.
The character was not overtly modeled on Ms. Myles, according to Paul Weitz, the film's writer-director.
And in overtly violent ways: Nazgul shrouds herself in a bright pink scarf, embarrassed by her scars.
"Real Life" (scripted by Moore, adapting Dick's "Exhibit Piece") is the most overtly Dick-ian episode, conceptually.
It doesn't feel like it's overtly high quality, but it's solid enough and, most importantly, very pocketable.
It's interesting ... he was more overtly supportive of Oprah running than Elizabeth Warren, who deflected the question.
When your character is overtly at death's door, rather than performing normally, fights become urgent and frightening.
But that was a bipartisan announcement, and this is an overtly political move by the White House.
Written down, these ingredients make RINA sound overtly nostalgic or kitsch, but it doesn't feel like that.
You can also work in neutrals and earth tones to counter any overtly girly colors like pink.
A lot of Linder's work utilizes computer interfaces and a more familiar, overtly "dark" take on technology.
As a society, we are too quick to blame victims, overtly or subtly, especially on college campuses.
"The Russians can use compromising material in a variety of ways, sometimes overtly, sometimes subtly," said Yates.
One can only hope that a more overtly queer sequel might one day grace our theater screens.
Complainants believed the ad was overtly sexual and offensive because of the man's clothes and dance moves.
He says enough to let you know exactly what he's talking about, but refuses to overtly condemn.
Apple has erected a much more stringent, overtly exclusionary walled garden around its iPhone and iOS software.
It was an overtly political work positioned steps away from the high finance of the art fair.
This story is more overtly political than most, especially because the superhero's purpose is rooted in place.
Others object to the tweet because they feel classifying all GMOs as bad is overtly bad science.
The show was not overtly Christian in content but was consistent with the values of his faith.
Archbishop Gomez's focus on border detentions and family separations has often been more pastoral than overtly political.
Are poll workers suggesting (or overtly stating) that provisionals don't count and dissuading people from voting provisional?
Some paintings — by McArthur Binion, Mavis Pusey and William T. Williams — are entirely abstract; others overtly topical.
On the contrary, Dubya's campaign was far more overtly religious and  socially conservative than Bush 19703's.
Some are more overtly sexual than others, but that doesn't make them less of a sex worker.
The more overtly negative reactions to hearing about slave history were varied in their levels of subtlety.
Don't order your daughter to dump her boyfriend and try not to bad-mouth him too overtly.
"Space Act Agreements don't usually include anything about using government aircraft for overtly shipping cargo," Cowing said.
Anyone that wants to evolve a thinking culture must look for ways to avoid overtly aggressive work.
While the Proud Boys accept minority members, they have at times joined forces with overtly racist organizations.
Rather than smashing things overtly, they would work from behind the scenes to cast doubt on things.
It was, in general, much more overtly political than most shows in and around New York City.
I mean, the President is telling you almost overtly that the dollar is too strong -- telling us.
Usually an Americans season premiere will involve a splashier spy mission, or at least something overtly shocking.
How far is the Supreme Court willing to open the public square to more overtly religious expression?
"Grey Rock," a simple and somewhat allegorical story, is less overtly political than any of these pieces.
For some conservatives, the selection of Ms. Hill was an overtly political one, typical of liberal Hollywood.
Both parties, without question, have played a role in making the courts more partisan and overtly political.
Have any of these people been trained, schooled or overtly led in any way by Russian agents?
" It overtly states that today's greatest challenge comes in the form of the "rise of Islamist extremism.
Over the years, Victims lyrics have often been political without being overtly connected to any one topic.
Once naturalized, Mr. Akhmetshin began traveling regularly to Moscow and taking on more overtly pro-Russian projects.
If that happens then we have missed a great opportunity, but no one will be overtly harmed.
This approach presents overtly horrifying facts about uniquely feminine struggles and delivers them flatly, dripping with sarcasm.
Strom Thurmond in 1948 and George Wallace in 1968 staged independent candidacies founded on overtly racial appeals.
"In Memoriam" doesn't debate policy prescriptions or solutions, or overtly get into the politics surrounding the issue.
Professor Panjshiri briefly served as a diplomat in Iran, friends said, but he was not overtly political.
Governments consistently try to exert influence, whether overtly or covertly, and the United States is no exception.
Aaliyah, who was alluring even when rejecting overtly sexy looks, is also a progenitor of modern fashion.
There is nothing overtly topical or political in the other three nominees, which are also from Europe.
It would also fuel speculation that the overtly pro-Israel Trump administration is blatantly campaigning for Netanyahu.
Some might say Rihanna opted for this cute, less overtly sexy look because she's in a relationship.
The claim by CGTN America, an overtly state-owned organization, represents a direct challenge to that effort.
When you put this together with the last several reports the trend is still not overtly strong.
Owens isn't overtly interested in tailoring, the linchpin of the masculine wardrobe since the early 19th century.
It's also one of the few overtly Christian programs that still airs annually on American broadcast television.
I'm surprised there's nothing out of the ordinary or even overtly political about the other visitors' cars.
Pro-lifers have overtly set aside their concern for morals now that political goals are at stake.
And yet Hallmark Christmas movies aren't overtly agenda-driven in the way that, say, Fox News is.
This rule holds especially true for the season four episodes that more overtly borrow from genre tropes.
Chandra's highly suggestive imagery is both humorous and charged, and it embraces sexuality while forgoing overtly sensuous excesses.
He plays with flair, ingenuity, and a special brand of fearlessness without devouring possessions or being overtly reckless.
At every level, this is an overtly political argument, which Democrats, unlike Republicans, seem hesitant to make historically.
What flies off the shelves, according to her, are the practical spellcraft supplies and the overtly feminist pieces.
Not only is she refusing to forage and eat, she begins to engage in overtly self-destructive behaviors.
It must be related to that, that I thought I would write about it more overtly this time.
While not overtly drumming up business, government officials said there was available office space in the Grand Duchy.
The show has hinted that the character is gay, but never overtly confirmed his sexual orientation either way.
"She wasn't overtly sexy in the 1950's va-va-voom way," says Audrey Style author Pamela Keogh.
That particular metaphor feels fairly thin, though, and it certainly isn't overtly political or up to the moment.
When shown in their original forms, en masse, these pamphlets, posters, magazines, and books are all overtly political.
In general at work, I do wish there were situations when people would take a stand more overtly.
"I think that could be a mistake if (Clinton) is running ads that are overtly political," Packer said.
It's another thing to overtly support (the policies) when there was no need for them to do so.
Some black nationalist leaders have long believed that overtly racist whites make better allies than liberals or integrationists.
Bias is not just -- or it doesn&apost come in the form of overtly, one-sided, lopsided reporting.
The Captain Phasma jacket, in particular, takes inspiration from the character but isn't an overtly "Star Wars" design.
The right political posture now, hands down, is to be increasingly not subtle, but overtly and explicitly progressive.
Your character's life is overtly metaphor for the continuance of everybody, and their different ideals, experiences and identities.
In the original novel, Hannah's suicide is not overtly discussed: It's rumored that she purposely overdosed on pills.
Rather, the overtly political pieces glide along a plane somewhere between history painting and stream-of-consciousness poetry.
Needing to plug in headphones to hear parts of the dialogue but not others is just overtly dumb.
Before the Wednesday hearing, Schneiderman and Healey reiterated their arguments that Smith's probe is unconstitutional and overtly political.
Sometimes overtly, but often by stealth and dissimulation, the AK party has spread its tentacles across Turkish society.
"The Tories (Conservatives) are overtly split and that is never a good look," ICM director Martin Boon said.
As for these polls showing the hordes of people evidently supporting these overtly racist, Islamophobic, isolationist pussy grabbers?
Before his run as the Bikertaker took the supernatural sheen off his career, the Undertaker was overtly weird.
In seeking to protect the agency's independence, Comey guaranteed that the agency would be seen as overtly political.
Maybe something that wasn't so overtly Chinese and, no offense to the talented Zhang Yimou, so old-school.
The F-150 was more overtly luxurious, but the Silverado was a lot of truck for the money.
A high school dance to "A Whiter Shade of Pale," under a revolving disco ball, is overtly charming.
Mr. Tsang's artwork is not overtly personal or confessional; but the feelings of outrage and inequality are clear.
Which means hate will be a dominant theme over the next 16 months, playing out subliminally and overtly.
Mr. Trump overtly appealed to supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont to back him instead of Mrs.
Mr. Davies considered composing to be a moral act, and many of his compositions had overtly political wellsprings.
As a rule of thumb, the more overtly political the speaker, the closer they came to outright misogyny.
I should pause here to admit I'm the kind of person who gets overtly enthused about this stuff.
This is easily the most overtly racist comment I have seen a contemporary politician make on drug policy.
Even art that isn't overtly political in nature communicates a great deal about the circumstances surrounding its production.
Work by Teresa Margolles, who makes visible gendered, racial and economic violence in Mexico, may look overtly feminist.
"Sorry to Bother You," a sleeper hit, may be the most overtly anticapitalist feature film made in America.
Ms. Shyu's vocal solidity — whether tender and contemplative, or more overtly theatrical — is what made the set cohere.
I made the decision, very overtly, to tell the story using the conventions of a classic prestige biopic.
Some were overtly critical of the writer and her story: The author of this piece is incredibly callous.
The irony here is that the more he overtly does that, the worse it looks for him politically.
There is a Black Lives Matter-themed joke in Episode 2, which some will read as overtly political.
Red Velvet's concert in Tokyo, attended mostly by teenage girls, was a nonstop cavalcade of overtly consumerist imagery.
That the work appears to be whatever you want it to be is itself democratic, even overtly populist.
Joshua Kushner's Instagram feed is less overtly political, but he reportedly donated $50,000 to March for Our Lives.
Mooney—who wasn't overtly alarmed at the seemingly offhanded remark—assured his friend that they'd find a solution.
Four fraternity members at the University of Georgia were expelled when an overtly racist video came to light.
You might expect the Crazy Horse — a cabaret trading in overtly erotic entertainment — to be the worst offender.
But the newest crop of technology millionaires and billionaires to arrive began to overtly flex their financial muscle.
"A campy, over-the-top, overtly sexual image can be part of a visual fantasyland," Ms. Arnold said.
Mr. Trump has wanted to take on his own government more overtly for months despite his lawyers' warnings.
While there is little in the way of overtly political gear, political correctness is definitely not in fashion.
There was a rough-and-tumble side to the Dawg Pound — a dark side, an overtly problematic side.
Yet it's hard to remember any season in which the term itself was so overtly questioned or underscored.
He's been honest in his portrayal of what he's been struggling with without overtly drawing attention to it.
O'Donnell hadn't said anything overtly derogatory; in fact, she used the doctor as a foil for self-deprecation.
Only in his most overtly political work do all components align and fuse, defining and sharpening one another.
His work can be overtly political — sweeping, raw canvases that engulf the viewer with the tragedy of violence.
Most of the other chardonnays were pleasant enough but overtly sugary, appealing to the famous American sweet tooth.
Moreover, Russian generals and officials have repeatedly spoken overtly of their desire to suborn Azerbaijan's independence and integrity.
Overtly racist accounts were created by enemies to make Gab look bad, Mr. Torba said in a post.
"You don't need to speak overtly about religion in order to get a message across," Rogers once said.
The Oversight Board's overtly bureaucracy branding is pepped up in Facebook headline spin as "an Independent Oversight Board".
Uncut Gems is less overtly stylized, which only throws the alien textures of the music into sharper relief.
Even in the sexually progressive San Francisco Bay Area, many lesbians overtly avoid relationships with sexually fluid women.
Some black campaign workers described microaggressions — subtle interactions that, while not overtly discriminatory, still played on racial prejudice.
Mr. Scott's take on the character may be the most palpably neurotic, and least overtly heroic, I've seen.
It posted more than 100 times a day, including many overtly political messages that resonated widely on Twitter.
But according to the ad agency behind the spot, Fox rejected the ad for being too overtly political.
This is a disturbing section in an otherwise overtly celebratory book that wouldn't hurt to be more critical.
The gap he describes doesn't manifest in the form of overtly racist attitudes; it's more pervasive, more insidious.
The movie might not be overtly Christian, but it can't escape L'Engle's spin on religion all the same.
Cinema America is not an overtly political body but does sometimes choose to show films which contain political sentiments.
Perhaps it'll be easy, and not too contentious, to flag overtly hateful content, such as blatant racism or homophobia.
Our view is that rather than overtly weaponising the currency they would simply not resist a market driven move.
On a broader level, the movie doesn't really try to be too overtly political despite the characters in it.
Sadly, its more overtly action-oriented trappings don't really work, and the film lacks any deeper themes or ideas.
This is what differentiates it from classic horror—namely, a lack of overtly sexual content and less gory violence.
The color adjusted nicely, as well, and never seemed overtly orange in an attempt to make a calmer light.
However, Iran has refrained from overtly escalating its nuclear program beyond the caps imposed by the 2015 nuclear deal.
Despite the partisan divide, most Democrats would band together with independents and Republicans to reject such overtly undemocratic decisions.
Its latest update separates friends from professional content publishers to create a more overtly interactive wing of its app.
Today's wave of emails is similar to — but more overtly threatening than — another widespread ransom scam earlier this year.
Let's be honest: These overtly sexual portrayals have nothing in common with how we typically wear our underwear IRL.
" Edwards' program is considered by the Southern Poverty Law Center to be an "overtly racist, anti-Semitic radio show.
"América sin Fronteras (America Without Borders)" is concerned with green politics and ecology, though it never states it overtly.
While some works in the exhibition present overtly Buddhist themes, others offer more subtle manifestations of his Buddhist spirit.
But even in a movie where everything is spelled out and shouted, this daring choice is never overtly examined.
So China is unlikely to overtly support a Taiwanese candidates because such a strategy would likely backfire, said Chamorro.
We generally try to think of something that's either overtly illegal, shocking visually, or a combination of the two.
But national legislative bodies have historically blocked attempts to amend the Constitution and make Indonesia an overtly Islamic country.
I don't have any overtly explicit photos of me or past or current partners saved in my camera roll.
And while the film isn't intended to be overtly political according to Cuarón, it does speak to class systems.
Growing up in Arkansas, I was taught both overtly and covertly about the various ways women's lives are restricted.
It shows Manafort had a much more serious and overtly politicized relationship with Moscow than we ever knew before.
While the luxury brand has never been this overtly political, sustainability has been a brand priority in recent years.
And that's very disturbing, if you think about its implications on any subject that is not overtly pro-American.
Vanderpoel was not overtly political, but she was a staunch proponent of women's education and involvement in the arts.
There are a few other minor imperfections, perhaps most notably the game's ridiculous fascination with overtly sexualized female characters.
These are just some of the responses that overtly encourage or express hope for the console to be hacked.
The album deals so much with dishonesty that he decided to counterbalance the subject matter with overtly honest writing.
She's like this from the very beginning; overtly selfish, to the point where any concerned-mom actions feel performative.
Respect Trump will overtly request that foreign governments show the American people respect and call out those who don't.
Thousands of letters and emails opposing the redistricting plan, some of them overtly racist, have poured in to policymakers.
The Catholic bishops are not prone to overtly political statements, often relying on the symbolic to convey their message.
In the postmodern cauldron of cultural references Poe draws from, J-Sette emerges as the most overtly political choice.
Pence, who declined requests for an interview, is also one of the few with whom Trump hasn't overtly feuded.
Commenters said overtly anatomical designs were the biggest turnoff in terms of the way some sex toys are designed.
The Iranian-linked pages proved to be more overtly political in nature than the latest round of Russian accounts.
This cosmopolitan author is not overtly funny; his humor seeps organically to the surface, like a rising water table.
You need a real man), and "overtly sexual comments" ("When I was your age, I could go all night").
People weren't sure what to make of it: was it pro-Trump and overtly racist, or dark and satirical?
There's New York chewing while holding a comically oversize steak knife, her mien too blasé to be overtly threatening.
Interestingly, it produces a portrait of pathos without being overtly elegiac, an intention he makes clear at the outset.
How could a country assumed to be so morally advanced by so many elect a man so overtly foul?
The display of Lynes (19163-55) pictures is where the exhibition most evidently connects ballet to overtly gay art.
This is, of course, not true of every white evangelical church, and there are some that are overtly racist.
Police in Tallahassee, Florida, where the group is based, suggested the shooter was not overtly involved with the group.
The overtly political themes in Mr. Adams's operas, in fact, might well make them uniquely appealing to audiences today.
The duet is not overtly sexual in its choreography, and the men touch approximately five times in eight minutes.
Those cameos are what so much of this special amounted to, especially in the more overtly goofy Jeffersons episode.
And they note the difficulty of being overtly political onstage at a time when coronavirus dominates the nation's consciousness.
Ms. Dupuy-Spencer, a former New Yorker, paints overtly political subjects too: a Trump rally, a toppled Confederate statue.
The content was not overtly political, but the publication was a bold gesture, a dog whistle of free thinking.
Since you haven't seen the resumes of the other applicants, there's no use in overtly comparing yourself to them.
Unable to push back against the West overtly, the opportunistic, improvisational Putin has grasped at unconventional, even unlikely, weapons.
The tactics used were "overtly and almost invariably supportive" of his campaign even to the detriment of other Republicans.
The marathon lineup suggests that the aesthetic struggle of the 1980s have given way to more overtly political ones.
The officials denied that they were told at the time that the episode in the shower was overtly sexual.
Though they often overtly rejected the diktats of the runway, in doing so they drafted diktats of their own.
Life is a vast marketplace in which we negotiate value constantly, overtly and covertly, in hard and soft currencies.
That way they can't say anything overtly sexual or offensive until after you've spent an hour talking to them.
The use of thunder and lightning as audiovisual effects throughout the episode is both overtly theatrical and intelligently expressionistic.
Ms. Bonds, whose other plays include "Five Mile Lake" and "Michael & Edie," works in a less overtly histrionic key.
Nearly all of the top-performing fake election stories had either an overtly pro-Trump or anti-Clinton bent.
Trump bullies overtly by mocking and belittling his competition until they come bow at his feet, like Chris Christie.
Low-key menace pervades the narrative, even before anything overtly weird (leaving aside the grave-digging scene) takes place.
Of the three, "Lucy Barton" is the least overtly political and, on its own terms, the most artistically satisfying.
But even ads that didn't hit that beat overtly featured occasional moments that felt like snipes at the president.
The scene provides another answer for how to deal with human suffering, this one less overtly religious in nature.
Falcons appear in the other sculptures too, and also in the wall panels, sometimes overtly, sometimes via subtle hints.
The right political posture now, hands down, is to be increasingly not subtle, but increasingly and explicitly overtly progressive.
He posts videos which are, if not overtly callous, of the same obnoxious shock value he built his brand on.
After years of encouraging gift ideas, Rivers was finally candid with the teenager, overtly expressing what she wants this year.
Last week, the day before Super Bowl Sunday, Beyoncé released "Formation," perhaps the most overtly political song of her career.
KURTZ: Well, there was a chunk of media that was overtly in support of Barack Obama, including places like MSNBC.
Yeah, I also think that you don't have to be overtly in your music to be political in your music.
There's minimal flag-waving here, making it a universal story about tenacity and sacrifice, rather than anything more overtly patriotic.
We take what should be the social side — the human, relational, people-centric side — and making it overtly about us.
Games are entertainment products and so, while being topical has a value, being overtly political comes with more possible downsides.
These days, the latest YouTube sensation captivating millennials and younger generations alike is less overtly weird yet somehow more unsettling.
They argue that the party would lose support if it were seen, like the Liberal Democrats, as overtly anti-Brexit.
There is nothing overtly autobiographical about his work, but I get the feeling that it is all grounded in experience.
But although Mr Kim's regime continues to crack down on more overtly political expressions of individuality, fashion is increasingly tolerated.
They have long argued that the CFPB is overtly political, misuses the law and is not accountable for its actions.
Our generation may not be as overtly savage as the queen, but we are arguably equally transfixed by our reflections.
It was her first overtly political message in her long career, and, apparently, caused a spike in voter registration. Basically?
And the dress code only serves to further drive home the CTA's discomfort with visible displays that aren't overtly nonsexual.
The study's results suggest that people are actually not very likely to digest economic information from such overtly partisan reports.
This was the most defiant, most boastful, most ostentatiously theatrical, most overtly campaign-oriented, most am-I-hearing-this-right?
In short, the mere absence of overtly violent language in Trump's statement does not appear fatal to plaintiffs' incitement claim.
For example, your résumé objective can be a place to succinctly but overtly acknowledge points that might raise an eyebrow.
Other paintings, like "Seed No. 21" (1969), move overtly into still life as they explore the inner anatomy of flowers.
She explains how, when they first started out, they were careful not to speak too overtly for fear of controversy.
" The most overtly political series of photographs in the exhibition are by Res, organized under the title, "Towers of Thanks.
So it is great that the Miss America contest isn't going to overtly judge women based on their bodies anymore.
"It's a good skill for anyone to have, but particularly Muslim women because we are more overtly Muslim," she says.
In such an environment, overtly caving to American demands could destroy your electoral prospects -- not to mention your political career.
It has a very subtle cutout in the front that's just a little bit sexy but not so overtly showy.
Should we read something more into the fact that the company has recently put out two obviously overtly racist products?
The decision to showcase Singapore -- an overtly prosperous industrialized nation -- may seem strange given North Korea's strident denouncement of capitalism.
The Sanders campaign Reach: Aired in Wisconsin Impact: Bernie Sanders has refused to air overtly negative ads against Hillary Clinton.
Sharper, better made and better acted, "Eye in the Sky," doesn't present as overtly critical a view of drone warfare.
These are his connections, his studios, his negotiations, and she's made to feel, whether overtly or subtly, that she's replaceable.
Enterprise startups may not be overtly or obviously sexy, but they are already commanding the attention of China's top investors.
Chelsea Wolfe is magnificent, and she does a wonderful job of melding overtly heavy sounds with spine-chilling softer pieces.
But he's not the reason that this video is the most overtly sexy material we've seen from these women yet.
And we here at Business Insider have been hearing some overtly encouraging things from investors and strategists across the industry.
On top of that, there's the way Trump has been so much more overtly aggressive about the US-China relationship.
Not a lot of overtly tricky cluing today, but here is a small selection of clues that caught my eye.
Some will carp that the central bank is jeopardising its independence by acting so overtly in concert with the Treasury.
The president did eventually praise his coronavirus task force Tuesday morning with a tweet, though even that was overtly political.
But his reasons for thinking this is a good idea remain overtly political instead of based on the public good.
But others — Ms. Kloss playing basketball in gym shorts, knee socks and a cutoff muscle tee — are less overtly sexualized.
I managed to get in a few strong pieces, small triumphs that were overtly counter to the paper's general conservatism.
There's also legal precedence for removing what Indian law deems overtly sexual products under Section 292 of the penal code.
By the time he received the newly discovered Bible in June 1864, scholars say, he was growing more overtly religious.
Their websites look like those of any medical provider, with people in scrubs and an absence of overtly religious content.
He leaned into the overtly racist aspects of anti-Obama and anti-immigrant politics rather than shying away from them.
I know I am not overtly racist, but I'm certain that deep down in my soul, these tendencies still reside.
We've done M.R.I.s that didn't show anything overtly, so obviously there was some treatment that came from it — the injections.
So pervasive is fashion's logo fixation that it vies with, and even outpaces, that of previous, more overtly ostentatious eras.
And by no longer posting overtly violent material, the groups arguably merit a different treatment by the social media companies.
She declared that she would be moving in a more overtly political direction, but continued to focus on her illness.
Power is overtly coercive, but influence is wily: It can slip into your consciousness without your noticing and start renovating.
The response argues that Netflix didn't stylistically copy the Choose Your Own Adventure book covers or overtly reference the series.
The story has nothing overtly to do with Shakespeare, though its title is an allusion to Lady Macbeth's deadly plotting.
Considering the price of fine jewelry, buying a gold ring with an overtly political message is a more costly proposition.
"The impulse behind making the game Antifa was simply a perceived lack of overtly antifascist computer games," Wobbly Dev said.
By calling out Yellen for being political, he is overtly pressuring the Fed to raise interest rates to prove otherwise.
I had attempted to write something more overtly political, more of a polemic, and it didn't feel true to me.
That reaction helped some of the more overtly liberal former DOJ lawyers see a silver lining in the current crisis.
Though these theatrical episodes were musically effective, I liked the opera best when Mr. Lang's music turned more overtly expressive.
It said she had filed a formal complaint about being asked to convey overtly partisan language on Brexit in Washington.
Doing the best with the least so overtly and seductively, Flavin is the most magical and emblematic of the Minimalists.
Art Moore, 20193, is a lieutenant colonel in the Virginia Army National Guard and was immediately — but not overtly — impressed.
We know that he overtly asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to open an investigation into Joe Biden and his son.
Social media rules here, and President Trump is using it to defend himself from an overtly antagonistic fake-news media.
"We don't see the incoming administration ... as being just overtly hostile to the interests of Silicon Valley business," Seaver said.
While I don't see Oscar as some nefarious villain trying to deny coverage overtly, it is a violence through inaction.
"Unless we are talking about overtly sweet wines, alcohol content is by far the largest driver of calories," he said.
The report is so overtly partisan that it may undermine its own effectiveness among all but the President's strongest supporters.
Some classic books still taught in schools contain language and storylines that would be considered overtly racist by today's standards.
Under the official policy, Twitter said ads that discuss elections, candidates, parties and other overtly political content would be prohibited.
" Ms. Milano responded: "We are in a 'culture of outrage' because the magnitude of rage is, in fact, overtly outrageous.
They're doing it overtly, whether it's marching in Charlottesville or disrupting a book signing in Northwest Washington over the weekend.
Holley's work is more broadly and overtly related to the contemporary political pulse — the environment in a rather different sense.
Now, on Dedicated, we see a sultrier side of Jepsen—one who isn't afraid to overtly reference more adult dalliances.
FIFA has long held reservations about making overtly political rulings, but delaying the issue has only made it more political.
Republican politicians, aware of the moral shift against saying overtly racist things, have needed to appeal to this sentiment more subtly — engaging in what University of California Berkeley scholar Ian Haney López calls "dog whistle politics," wherein they make arguments that are not overtly racist but will be understood in racial terms by white audiences.
The more we started using our real identities and the more overtly toxic the internet became, the more we lost that.
Langford had one of the most overtly racist nicknames of the era, with venues billing him as 'The Boston Tar Baby'.
This contrast is hypnotizing and hard to look at, but not overtly threatening because the fabric looks light to the touch.
We discussed how humanity is shifting from medicine that repairs and remediates toward a system that overtly changes our physical composition.
For users who are transgender, Tinder has been tricky — if not overtly dangerous and risky — to navigate in its current form.
The reasons for these shifts vary, though they tend to be politically motivated, if not as overtly as Turkey's 2015 maneuvering.
Female shoppers today are increasingly turned away by Victoria's Secret overtly sexy image, which is reinforced by its annual fashion show.
Over the border Michigan the Lenawee Militia is active and makes the political conversations E has with neighbors often overtly conspiratorial.
Bailey added that slowing volumes and a lack of any overtly bad political news could also be helping shares glide higher.
But there's concern that working with Democratic leaders was a way for Trump to overtly stick it to McConnell and Ryan.
I can't account for why the Chinese Ambassador said these – JOE KERNEN: They've criticized you overtly, too, in saying certain things.
Buzz: "If confirmed, McNamee would be the most overtly political person to serve on FERC in decades," E&E News reports.
Liza leads a double life to support herself and her daughter, a situation that's rarely portrayed in an overtly raw way.
I was, say, between 20 and 35, brown, an overtly practicing Muslim, and I was probably associating with other practicing Muslims.
But the geography matters less, because it's a quirk of the actor, not an overtly ignorant mistake made by the showrunners.
" While underdressed people in most underwear ads may be considered appropriate, "gratuitous use of an overtly sexual nature will be unacceptable.
The so-called "alt-lite"—or the contingent that is less overtly racist and anti-Semitic—will not be in attendance.
His more overtly pop albums utilise the sounds of the Americas in a way that prefigures the work of David Byrne.
Ironically, the men I have been with who have been more overtly abusive have been easier for me to deal with.
The surprising finding was that this pattern only held for the "just the facts" news stories – not the overtly partisan ones.
"Historically women have always been showcased overtly sexualized or [as] stereotypes – the nagging wife or mom…and that's changed," said Poggi.
That album was home to the androgynous ("If I Was Your Girlfriend"), the overtly sexual ("I") and the spiritual ("The Cross").
The Kaduna state government said the group had "overtly continued with unlawful processions" and "obstruction of public highways" since the clashes.
It's a new twist on the old saying: If the CEO is not (overtly) selling the product, he is the product.
Kat — a teenage girl with small features and long blond hair — was unlike the overtly sexualized female leads of her time.
The art market's pendulum has recently swung from abstraction back to figuration, especially figuration that overtly addresses the politics of representation.
Another emoji that seems slightly off-kilter is the rolling eye face, which Samsung makes look like an overtly intrigued person.
This Close to Happy is neither overtly helpful nor reassuring to any depressed reader hoping to see that It Gets Better.
Two years ago, the airline's union complained that the overtly sexy uniforms were leading to a slew of onboard harrassment incidents.
And even in the most overtly abusive relationships, it can be hard to see the problem when you're on the inside.
And while the play is not overtly political, Dumezweni said there are moments in the show that resonate with current events.
When looking through the scenes on some of the movies, it becomes clear how overtly some films impose their own narrative.
There are many people who see these frenzies about cultural appropriation, trigger warnings, micro-aggressions and safe spaces as overtly crazy.
"My family wasn't overtly racist," she said, but they weren't going to befriend nonwhite people or welcome them into their home.
Some nationalists do believe that their country is better than all others, and some nationalisms are plainly illiberal and overtly racist.
Mentioning skirmishes between youths and the police, it is the most overtly topical installment and suggests a nightmare in plain sight.
While not overtly acknowledged in the film, Western modernism does borrow heavily from Asian culture, which Kogonada has also previously discussed.
Every so often, black golf carts whizzed by, driven by overtly stressed people radioing in on lines that always seem busy.
I didn't climb on to the stage that night — or any night, really — with the intention of overtly smashing the patriarchy.
They are overtly passionate about equality and conscious of self-improvement, so as to not offend any specific group or values.
President Obama once tried to deliver a similar immigration address, but the networks turned him down, saying it was overtly political.
Though not as overtly illustrative as his earlier works, some include figures made of thin metal strips nailed into the surfaces.
Overtly political works dotted the show and a tentativeness hung over the sales market, breaking with the frenzy of recent years.
In short, while President Trump's scandals and deep popularity aren't helping the Republican legislative agenda, they're not overtly harming them either.
Leftist comedians join the hosts as they add their commentary to video games both big and small, overtly political and not.
The public repudiation of racism and the stigmatization of overtly racist expression was a groundbreaking achievement of the 1960s and 1970s.
This "War of the Worlds" never becomes overtly didactic on this point, preferring to let the question linger in the air.
For all the timely intensity of her work, she stayed curiously apolitical, never crossing a line into an overtly polemical gesture.
Some candidates, such as Ms. Warren and Ms. Harris, overtly tied Mr. Trump's actions to xenophobia and an anti-Muslim sentiment.
Yet there's a rub for older artists whose work has never overtly addressed identity or politics, as Mr. Bradford's work does.
She might still react negatively, and you may need to be overtly reassuring that you're not judging her as a person.
That can undermine efforts to address bias because it can give officers a way out by denying they are overtly racist.
In this overtly racist telling, Zola is the trashy lowlife who dragged sweet innocent Stefani down the depraved path to prostitution.
Nobody used the exact phrase, "Remember Steve King" (a la the Alamo or the Maine), but the connection got made -- overtly.
Turn a corner into the next gallery and you find work from around the same time but on overtly polemical themes.
That scene wasn't about the fact that these frat kids had this Confederate flag on the wall or were overtly racist.
Instead, the chief stews aren't afraid to emphasize the (male) crew's hotness, especially when the guests are overtly horny (or gay).
I think there was also a lot of pressure on artists at that moment to make work that was overtly political.
Allegations of sexual harassment surfaced around Charney, and people started to wonder if American Apparel's overtly sexualized image went too far.
"Impeachment is not something that should be dealt with lightly or in an overtly political manner," Dent said in an interview.
You might be surprised that the stand-up comedian John Mulaney's list of cultural essentials doesn't contain much that's overtly funny.
Car manufacturers long argued that adding fuel-saving technology on every single vehicle is overtly expensive and will skyrocket car prices.
"President Trump has displayed an overtly hostile attitude toward the press since the early days of the presidential campaign," said Himes.
His style is not demonstrative, nor overtly shaped — the aim seeming to be to make things appear as uninterpreted as possible.
Meriam said they celebrated Muslim holidays and her mother wore a traditional headscarf, but the three daughters were not overtly religious.
His courageous and unforgettable recital at Carnegie Hall in February, mostly devoted to Russian songs, may not have been overtly political.
Chomsky walked back some of his praise as Venezuela became more overtly dictatorial, but others on the left weren't as squeamish.
"Apparently the band started off as a Christian rock band, but this song isn't overtly or even covertly religious," she said.
No matter whether music is overtly political, or it's just talking about someone's culture, it's affecting society in the same way.
The Dead or Alive franchise is known both as a stellar fighting game and a series with overtly sexualized female characters.
Published just months after King's other overtly feminist novel, Gerald's Game, Dolores Claiborne is a notable stylistic break for the author.
The three large paintings in the exhibition mark Whitten's turn away from the overtly figurative to a form of subliminal figuration.
That includes an overtly stated message, delivered by Wahlberg's character, as to why such terrorists can never win in the long run.
The new charges, however, relate to seeking, obtaining, and publishing embarrassing US government secrets, making the superseding indictment much more overtly political.
There's a reason these books remind us so much of ourselves, even though there aren't any overtly openly gay characters in them.
He's a great example of someone who isn't overtly racist, but hasn't corrected his white superiority complex, a product of his upbringing.
Grime is always inherently political, but there's something about the way Jammz overtly confronts issues that gives his sound a bulkier punch.
While there was clearly an undercurrent of resistance to the current administration in Washington, winners did not overtly attack President Donald Trump.
Others, like Reddit user PhD_in_everything, satirize internet archetypes like the mansplaining know-it-all by overtly condescending to whomever they're speaking with.
While other area hotels are overtly modern and luxe, the Williamsburg Hotel is both, but with a more intimate, laid-back vibe.
But I know for a fact that lots of people hate overtly partly political lectures from celebrities and dig their heels in.
He's perfectly cast, and the character design, which is more subtle and less overtly monstrous than the 2017 iteration, is nightmare fodder.
She goes on a completely normal date with her new Latin lover but keeps all of her overtly sexual innuendos to herself.
Long before the world looked and felt as overtly dangerous as it does today, Janet Jackson never shied away from political opinion.
As much as those soirees may include needling from her, Ms. Brown's daytime summits with publishers tend to be more overtly contentious.
She was known for overtly embracing sequins, glitter, and feathers — and it seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
She added that Ferguson "repeatedly and overtly demeaned" Stutzman in legal briefs, and compared her religious beliefs about marriage to racial discrimination.
But the network also funds more overtly political organizations, such as Americans for Prosperity, a grassroots organization with chapters around the country.
There's ample evidence, however, that female scientists are still frequent targets of gender-based discrimination, from the subtle to the overtly threatening.
Gadsby overtly rejects self-deprecating humor from the outset of her show, seeking a more empowering way to talk about her identity.
" Trump refrained from making the event overtly political, praising the team for its accomplishments and joking that the players were " very handsome.
According to Twitch, Giphy's content is moderated to remove those GIFs that are "overtly offense" to any race, gender, ethnicity or community.
"Being overtly pro-EU is no longer something to be ashamed of," says Michiel van Hulten of the London School of Economics.
But in recent weeks, Uber has been positioning itself for a comeback — albeit a much more scaled back and overtly cautious one.
Goons Los Angeles Lately I've seen a ton of overtly anti-authoritarian pins, each with a slogan more corny than the last.
A successful Trumpian of the future would be anti-immigrant, but express it in less overtly racist ways that alienate mainstream opinion.
And, Nick Viall doppelgänger Luke S. simply went overtly sexual with a "going down" joke host Chris Harrison did not approve of.
It is a question that many in the media would never ask about Democrats, even in the face of overtly false claims.
He made overtly bigoted appeals to white grievance, which is just another way of saying he ran for president as a racist.
So somebody who's overtly trying to burn down a social safety net, it's hard for me to want to support that person.
" McFaul shot back that the organization publishes "stolen data" and has made clear in the presidential race that it is "overtly partisan.
But despite the world-class defense sector in the U.K., historically speaking, it has not reached out quite so overtly to startups.
But, perhaps more than anything else, their foremost advantage lies in something they can never overtly sell: the legacy Bush left behind.
It's not about overtly sexy, possibly objectifying suggestions for how to wear pretty, lace-laden pieces (as most lingerie brands offer up).
In recognition of the new politicization of the queer in culture over the last ten years, Queer Eye has become overtly political.
The '80s, of course, were the Gordon Gecko decade, a "morning in America" overtly driven by the pumping-up of Wall Street.
Strzok defends the FBI Continuing in that vein, Strzok pushed back on the idea that the FBI is an overtly political organization.
In almost no case did either the headlines or the leads of major newspaper articles overtly favor one side or the other.
Of Tuesday's concertos, the most overtly seductive was Dai Fujikura's Cello Concerto, written for Katinka Kleijn, a player of formidable expressive gifts.
As more explicitly violent and even nebulously sexual material would make its way to Nintendo consoles, so too would overtly religious material.
Yet, the figures in Williams' sculptures, who often seem to scream in terror, are not meant to be overtly representative of fear.
Justin Bieber shows, ecstatic as they may be, are not largely comprised of kids shouting down racism while overtly celebrating their queerness.
In overtly masculine environments, men will do things to rob each other of their masculine capital—like putting rookies into feminine outfits.
These upgrades and further actions to strengthen Pyongyang's nuclear deterrent will continue overtly in absence of an explicit agreement to stop them.
Arguments on the other side, typified by some of the attacks on DeVos, can be overtly hostile to the presumption of innocence.
The call appeared designed to stoke distrust in the news media, feeding people's worst fears of salacious, unethical and overtly partisan reporting.
The chief one to watch will be the foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, perhaps the most overtly disloyal member of the rancorous cabinet.
I find it overtly sexist when people think Styles is lesser than Business, Sports, and whatever all these other sections are called.
She lays out these gifts in "The Lake on Fire," her first overtly "historical" novel and her first novel in 18 years.
I have the highest respect for those who are overtly scientific within their work, musically speaking, but that's not who I am.
But he's not in the early episodes, and the apparent new villain is murkier in motivation, less overtly frightening and less charismatic.
"For Modi it's important that the U.S. doesn't support Pakistan overtly," Akhil Gupta, former chairman of Blackstone India, said in an interview.
If the justices overturn that decision, will they take the opportunity to repudiate precedent and embrace an overtly more religion-friendly approach?
Despite these moves, Russia remains overtly supportive of Mr. Maduro's administration, and is part of his major remaining economic and political bulwark.
Even if the individuals who claim this aren't overtly homophobic or transphobic, there are groups within the population who most definitely are.
But you can get creative too, slipping in an icon that might not be quite so overtly sexy — except in certain contexts.
English players learn the game in frosted conditions that tend to thwart precision passing, fostering a rough, overtly physical style of play.
The content of Language poetry may not be overtly political; instead, Language poets sought to advance a leftist agenda through radical forms.
"There's so much out there right now that's overtly visual; this is different than snapping a photo and sending it," she explains.
"It's a rewinding of history, overtly looking for trade with Commonwealth countries, rather than with Europe," said John Lamb, a chamber spokesman.
Now, just weeks after "Saturday Night Live China" made its debut — with no overtly political content — its future looks even more doubtful.
Some do their best to avoid overtly claiming that any race is inferior, arguing that each should have its own ethno-state.
I have a lot of great costume jewelry, so I love finding clothes that aren't overtly intricate, so I can enjoy accessorizing.
In the downstairs galleries, the series "In the light and shadow of Morandi" overtly recalls the muted still lifes of Giorgio Morandi.
And he is doing so in a way that is virtually unheard-of in today's Washington — an overtly and unashamedly bipartisan approach.
Ms. Rodriguez, of Unbound, tries to market her products the way a health or beauty company might, without an overtly sexualized aesthetic.
"When I was growing up, it was considered uncool to be overtly patriotic and take photos with the national flag," he said.
Even overtly sweet red wines, such as Apothic, did not stand out as sweet among the treacle that is cheap Cali cab.
In that way, the White House made good on its promise, having said Mr. Trump would avoid giving an overtly political speech.
In that way, the White House made good on its promise, having said Mr. Trump would avoid giving an overtly political speech.
A task force assembled by the governor recommended removing nearly 100 overtly discriminatory and racist laws that were still on the books.
All you're really allowed to do is... sit, write, and maybe read (but nothing overtly stimulating, so no 50 Shades of Grey).
" Before 2016, the only regular English-speaking live comedy show was the overtly tourist-targeted "How to Become Icelandic in 60 Minutes.
"Í blóma (In bloom)," in the gallery's front room, takes things in a different direction: more erotic, homoerotic, botanical, and overtly sculptural.
Kilbride generally focuses his attention on large-cap, US-based issues with low volatility and operating models that aren't overtly capital intensive.
Afrofuturist allusions crop up less overtly in the sprawling canvases of Kerry James Marshall, whose exhibition at the Met Breuer, through Jan.
"Mumsnet did not set out to change the world or engage in an overtly political way," its founder Justine Roberts tells me.
His openness was so refreshing, especially compared with American men I had known who wouldn't dare overtly express their interest in someone.
It's true that there are some tingle-inducing videos that are overtly sexual, as well as some porn that uses the technique.
The clean-cut Kingston Trio, trying to advance their careers in the midst of the McCarthy era, generally avoided overtly political songs.
His critics respond that while comments made by some party members may not be overtly anti-Semitic, they represent dog-whistle politics.
Intimate without being overtly personal, ambitious without being striving, Jacobsen's work makes small but convincing claims for the outsized power of modesty.
While clearly about bathrooms, but not being overtly about trans people, you signal the power dynamics that occur at any policed boundary.
The organization's controversial founder Julian Assange has been overtly hostile to Clinton over the foreign policy she practiced as Obama's secretary of state.
It's not cool to be overtly political on the TED stage, but there's no denying that this year's speakers are playing Trump's foil.
It's the first of her novels to feature no overtly queer characters, and the first told entirely from a male point of view.
I loved how my top half had an obvious glow without looking overtly greasy or sweaty (a big 'no, no' in my book).
I'm sure all the stuff I learned there is used in my career in some way, it might just not be overtly obvious.
The Offshore isn't overtly oppressing the rest of the country, it's just abandoned it, retreating to a place that genuinely can't accommodate everyone.
It was a stunning start to an over-the-top set that, while not overtly political, was certainly aimed at her political fans.
But it's also not clear how Fink defines good and bad behavior, and he does not overtly outline what the consequences may be.
In the mid-2000s, MSNBC rebranded itself as "the place for politics," and its evening opinion lineup took on an overtly liberal cast.
It also sent angry but less overtly threatening messages to a number of accounts, including responses to headlines from the gossip outlet TMZ.
Gosling takes a small cue from Joaquin Phoenix's Inherent Vice performance but expands it, making it more overtly comic and more accessibly likable.
Hillary Clinton, Roberts noted, at least had the resources and political acumen to defend herself against intimidation in the overtly political Benghazi hearings.
In 1968, Ailes assisted Nixon in crafting a strategy of adopting some of George Wallace's racist positions while rejecting his overtly racist language.
For example, when prompted about the rationale behind his overtly sexual lyrics, he shifts to a backstory that could belong to either person.
Waypoint explored this issue in a look at another game, the overtly homophobic Gay World, which is still listed on Steam even now.
We're seeing a president who's racist and sexist and overtly so, and who is emboldening these groups of extremists who have similar viewpoints.
A lot of On Cinema and certainly Decker is overtly political in how they take in current events and spit them back out.
Instead of creating a new beer for women, those surveyed would've preferred that the existing beers were marketed with less overtly sexist advertisements.
While White says that PathoGlyph has conducted little formal testing, he claims that only a few people have had an overtly negative reaction.
Cliven Bundy, the father of current armed occupier Ammon Bundy has expressed views on race that are ass-backwards, if not overtly hateful.
It was done either overtly, as grants or loans with his name attached, or covertly, through donations from organisations whose finances he controlled.
The Band's complicated afterlife is never overtly mentioned in the text, which gives off the impression that Robertson is taking the high road.
It's more than just a stylistic choice, too: Vollmer intended to create a game that was "overtly inaccessible," he said on his blog.
The most overtly pro-sex storyline arrives in the form of Holly, a patient of the week with a massive inoperable heart tumor.
The overtly patriotic "Wolf Warrior 2" became China's top grossing film after its July release, helped in part by strong state media support.
Though not overtly about education choice, the show's underlying message is that too many of us have longed for something different in education.
Also driving the shift away from more overtly anti-abortion rights candidates is a larger trend of polarization within both parties, experts say.
" Previous songs from the band have not touched so overtly on societal issues, but Flowers said "it's a very important time right now.
These days, movies and television shows are still often historical in nature, but they're less overtly nationalistic and more focused on pure entertainment.
"There are many people who see these frenzies about cultural appropriation, trigger warnings, micro-aggressions and safe spaces as overtly crazy," she writes.
There were fewer overtly political speeches and more of the self-congratulatory pats on the back that we've come to expect from Hollywood.
"My gut is, they have 400 to 500 things you can overtly target," said Michael Levine, senior research analyst at Pivotal Research Group.
"There might be sort of a reminder to the Japanese officials: 'Hey, remember not to massage your currency too overtly'," said HSBC's Neumann.
He told Mashable that commenters said overtly anatomical designs were the biggest turnoff in terms of the way some sex toys are designed.
But to me the dancing, though not overtly emotional, was as human as the music, partly because of its simplicity: walking, running, skipping.
In the U.S., Coinhive is perfectly legal and has even been used overtly by the news site Salon as an alternative to advertising.
Perhaps you're pressured—overtly, or more likely, through veiled comments—to attend an off-hours work function during which you're not getting paid.
We saw their relationship go from platonic to overtly flirtatious, from top secret to common knowledge, and from long-term to lawfully forever.
JS: I know in the past you've spoken about art world pressure to make paintings that are more overtly statements of your identity.
Also overtly political was "Mothers of Steel," a duo created and performed by Madalina Dan and Agata Siniarska in the "European Platform" series.
He said Mr. Conditt was not overtly political when they were growing up, but seemed to like debating issues and probing logical extremes.
He did so by running a campaign that was both more economically populist and more overtly racial than any other recent Republican had.
In "Body Comes Apart," though, both the nudity and the continual putting on and taking off of clothing have grown more overtly confrontational.
There didn't seem to be any overtly conceited behaviour from anyone, just a simple, unabashed pleasure in the excitement of a match day.
In early 2018, North Korea stopped overtly threatening to attack America with its nuclear and missile programs, although it continued to enhance both.
Still, he acknowledged, there is a place and a purpose for both poetic and more overtly ideological approaches to engaging politics in art.
We seem to have a president who is overtly working with a hostile power, against the United States — what would you call that?
Until Monday, Mr. Trump had not so overtly tied the Justice Department's responsibility for pursuing charges against alleged criminals with Republicans' election prospects.
You desist from overtly anti-Semitic discourse — invoking the malignancy of our appearance and ambitions — and we will allow you your anti-Zionism.
In interviews, the band has suggested that the new album is more overtly topical, with songs about electoral shocks and threats to democracy.
"As a self-defined 'home for cutting-edge performance and discourse,' we would like to see these issues overtly displayed," the email said.
Buttigieg overtly courted wealthy donors, most infamously at a wine cave in California where $900-a-bottle wine was served under Swarovski crystals.
In contrast to most overtly Jewish comedy, which usually compares Jews and gentiles, most of his material juxtaposes the frum and not frum.
Both overtly and subtly, each of these films deal with how people act when in some way estranged from the society around them.
"This is the most overtly anti-LGBTQ agenda from the Florida legislature in recent memory," Equality Florida Public Policy Director Harris Maurer said.
The extreme became mainstream, as Republican leaders subtly or overtly embraced anti-Obama conspiracy theories about civil unrest, martial law and Texas secession.
In a statement, the company called the California law "biased and overtly political" for granting preferential treatment to an arbitrary group of industries.
The QAnon channel routinely shares posts from an anti-Semitic conspiracy channel, which in turn promotes content from overtly and violently racist channels.
The Americans and Soviets did not kill one another's high-ranking officials during the Cold War for good reason, and certainly not overtly.
After coming out as non-binary and now using they/them pronouns, they changed their name from Ali, more overtly feminine, to Ari.
The letter, addressed to the former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, overtly references the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, when the world almost ended.
In the week Biden spent in Nevada, he went to numerous African-American events and held only one that overtly appealed to Latinos.
"No one sort of overtly says that, because the Pentagon can't say it's about China, and the tech companies can't," Mr. Singer said.
That theme comes across most overtly in "Our Planet," a Netflix series hosted by the great patriarch of the genre, Sir David Attenborough.
Despite worrying signs that he was willing to humor Hindu extremists, Mr. Modi refrained from overtly approving violence against the nation's Muslim minority.
Although the performances in Needed: You are not overtly political, many hint at timely topics such as surveillance, expression, and freedom of movement.
As the "face" of Breitbart, everything Yiannopoulos does is overtly political, particularly now that a presidential candidate has aligned himself with Yiannopoulos's website.
Traditionally, Republican Party politicians have tried to shy away from saying overtly racist things precisely because racism is not a winning general election platform.
By balking at distancing itself from overtly anti-Semitic supporters and flirting with "denial lite," the Trump administration as a whole has unsettled historians.
Officials have warned Erdogan against campaigning overtly when he opens a mosque on Saturday in Cologne, home to one of Germany's largest Turkish communities.
Watch: The Consultant Teaching Trans Women How to Be "Feminine" Hillary Clinton has run the most overtly pro-trans presidential campaign in US history.
The work is neither overtly critical nor praiseful, but focuses on the forms — at times beautiful, banal, and bizarre — seen from the car window.
Compared with the work Goodman showed, mostly in Brooklyn, over the past few years, the current paintings are more abstract and less overtly figural.
But it's clear its policies are substandard if dozens of overtly prohibited products were still for sale as recently as June of this year.
What Broad City added to the archetype was an overtly sex-positive, feminist sensibility and the ingredient that's conspicuously absent from Jane's life: friendship.
Daphne is one of the most overtly comical roles she's done in a while, and her performance here reminds us what we've been missing.
YouTube has faced issues with grotesque, overtly sexual, and dangerous thumbnails for quite some time, as creators try to garner attention toward their videos.
In many ways, this is evidence of Bungie finding the right balance between overtly demanding and time-consuming "hardcore" gameplay and more casual fare.
None of the oil industry execs gathered in Houston have been as overtly political or rah-rah-rah about Donald Trump as Harold Hamm.
Netflix didn't overtly hype its period setting; it simply presented the story and aesthetic of the show, and let those elements do the talking.
The court sided with Mr Phillips because it saw signs that the Colorado civil-rights commission was overtly hostile toward the baker's religious beliefs.
Her stories are linked by both a reverence and fear of the natural world, and an overtly political tone that feels essential right now.
Minnesota's law barred people from wearing clothing, badges, buttons or other insignia with overtly political messages inside polling places during primary or general elections.
Because Al Jazeera Arabic overtly promoted Doha's foreign policy objectives, the network was controversial and disliked by virtually every other government in the region.
Ariana and Hailey mirror one another, too, albeit less overtly: the effortless sun-kissed beauty, the fleeting acting careers, the affinities for bad boys.
" Oliver went on to write even their mom Goldie Hawn, was "overtly flirting with him," going around "wearing these little nighties around the house.
Hence why so many women dress in an overtly sexual manner, because they can reclaim it in a way that becomes acceptable on Halloween.
Maybe you were watching Breakfast at Tiffany's and Mickey Rooney's overtly racist Asian stereotype made you sit slack-jawed while staring at the screen.
Mr Otowa does not overtly criticise Jinja Honcho, but he does talk about how women used to have a much bigger role in Shinto.
Half a century later, radicalized by the overtly misogynistic anti-war and civil rights movements of the '60s, a second wave of feminists emerged.
There's also the assumption that to be "thirsty" means to be overtly sexual, says Justine Shuey, PhD, a board certified sexologist and sexuality educator.
He might be the show's most overtly comic character, but he's also able to play straight man when other characters need to be weird.
The men I have been with who have been more overtly abusive have been easier for me to deal withI brushed off the incident.
Petlin is committed to being a witness to history, but he does not make overtly political art, as did his friends Golub and Spero.
The soft, neutral makeup is in direct opposition to the bright red lipstick or overtly sexy smoky eye the Hallmark holiday often calls for.
"The administration is pretty overtly acting contrary to law," says Nicholas Bagley, a University of Michigan law professor and an expert on ACA litigation.
In June 2014, Putin formally rescinded an earlier order that had granted Russia legal authority to invade Ukraine — indicating he would not invade overtly.
" While Democrats and pro-immigration groups condemned the comments as "overtly racist" and a "national embarrassment," Stringer reportedly said he was "speaking the truth.
One of the most overtly religious songs that the pre-Jehovah's Witness Prince had ever done, this builds from solemn folk to righteous rock.
The CBS host has continued to overtly mock Trump, recently going as far as to visit Russia for episodes that aired in mid-July.
Manzano said 22019 percent of respondents consider Trump to be overtly hostile toward them, while 29 percent said he doesn't care about the community.
But while this adaptation superficially goes out of its way to avoid being overtly political, its patriotic tenor is as unmistakable as its sentimentality.
What I love most about the assumed premise of Girls Trip is that it doesn't seem to punish Black women for being overtly sexual.
The casualties are thousands of lost jobs, entire communities shuttered as their sole source of prosperity disappeared thanks to overtly political mandates from Washington.
The process is overtly emotional: The outrage felt translates directly, thanks to the magic of social media, into a "rebellion" that becomes democratic governance.
Overtly echoing the first film, it's a bag of fun, but also a melancholy meditation on age, on relationships, on manhood, and it hurts.
Hobbs & Shaw overtly positions the Rock as the successor to Diesel's legacy as the franchise's central figure, and this works up to a point.
This means conversation is encouraged as long as it runs the gamut from mundane to vicious but stops at the overtly sexual or violent.
But several judges have argued that campaign promises should be off-limits, or at least dwarfed by government actions that are not overtly discriminatory.
A senior Iranian diplomat and a former nuclear negotiator said he believed the Europeans had no intention of following Trump's overtly aggressive Iran policy.
Kristen Stewart might consider herself an "overtly serious person" — but playing Sabina Wilson in the upcoming Charlie's Angels movie brought out her comedic side!
Q. You talk about this partly being driven by the process of internal devolution, but more overtly playing out in the language of migration.
It's not overtly sexist — though there are whiffs — and his points are rather tame compared with a lot of the other "Ghostbusters" muck online.
Russian leaders fear that the West wants to subjugate or even destroy their nation, something President Vladimir V. Putin has at times said overtly.
He did not overtly declare his candidacy, and he did not resign from the government, as some within it are saying he must do.
The decks were rigged so that one would "win" more often than the other, but the participants didn't know that—at least, not overtly.
The First Quartet (1948) is the most overtly nationalistic of the three, with motifs and rhythms inspired by the pampas, the grassy Argentine plains.
Between demands for environmental studies, complaints about "corporate greed," and at least one call to "go vegan," there were also overtly anti-immigrant comments.
" Batman himself, Ben Affleck, cautioned that the movie isn't "overtly political," telling a group of reporters that taking that approach "would be a mistake.
The latter, a realm of coy sexual playtime, is rendered with vivid reds and purples and blues, and shot with more overtly theatrical angles.
First, Northam explicitly admitted to being in the photograph, and he even apologized for his decision to pose in such an overtly racist getup.
But the most surprising thing about Raging Bull — not, for all of its references, overtly a film about religion — may be the very end.
Here he is a few years ago playing Mozart's more overtly brilliant Concerto No. 25 with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra and Manfred Honeck.
"There's a whole team that is dedicated to doing things that may not seem so sexy overtly because they're not consumer-facing," Ashtari said.
Democrats will aim for some bipartisan cooperation in conducting their investigations, lest their push seem too overtly political ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
The initial work that resulted from this awakening wasn't overtly topical, but it was about as far from being abstract as she could get.
The tongues quickly became overtly sexual in nature, mimicking sexual poses and licking each other all over to the delight of the cheering crowd.
While From Caplan to Belsize was more overtly political, Hekt says she felt like she said all she needed to say on that record.
All of these factors play a part in her art without it ever becoming overtly autobiographical: she is not a storyteller in that regard.
The last time I watched an overtly frightening movie, I was in high school; since then, I'd avoided all cinematic attempts to spook me.
Even if there is something honest about his overtly candid approach in this case, diplomacy is in many ways about outcomes rather than honesty.
And La Copine isn't one of those restaurants on a mission to educate diners, or tell them what to like — at least not overtly.
Without being overtly "meta," Jez Butterworth is considering the way we tell stories (replete with nationalistic clichés), for ill as well as for good.
Despite this, Salah isn't overtly political; he says it's for Egyptians, not Egypt, that he has put on the cleats of his national team.
Our era is less overtly sexually destructive in part because we are giving up on sex itself, retreating into pornography and other virtual consolations.
They bathe their games in overtly patriotic ceremonies and discourage players, mostly hidden behind masks and uniforms of armor, from individual acts of showmanship.
Some of her sessions are more overtly wedding oriented, addressing issues like dealing with overbearing in-laws or negotiating religious differences during the ceremony.
O'Rourke is running -- overtly and not -- against Trump as much as Cruz, and that gives him and other Democrats lift in a potential wave.
Until he fears the costs of acting out, covertly or overtly, we do not expect him to try much harder to conceal his efforts.
Paddock, however, seemed atypical of the overtly troubled, angry young men who experts said have come to embody the profile of most mass shooters.
Fogelman divides the various stories into chapters, using the shifting narration as a central (indeed, overtly debated) device to weave together his elaborate tapestry.
But now, if anything, Mr. Abe faces the opposite problem: an American president who seems overtly eager to confront their mutual adversary, North Korea.
As a master tactician, Chief Justice Roberts occasionally delivers narrow, partial wins to progressives when an overtly partisan ruling might undermine the court's legitimacy.
The posture isn't overtly "please don't donate to other candidates" but that's clearly the strategy, said three wealthy donors familiar with the Bloomberg effort.
Thankfully, a host of new picture books tackle "taking the ferry," staring down that overtly thwarting subject, and making it personal, peaceful and approachable.
Yet it has also been criticized for its absence of any overtly identified LGBTQ characters, an absence that should be rectified in subsequent sequels.
But Mr. Schlather focuses more overtly on whimsical physicality (lots of tumbling around) and winking metatheatricality, with characters beckoning spotlights and cuing the orchestra.
The new videos show Stockley, exit his patrol car carrying a personal rifle, an AK-85033 style rifle, overtly violating St. Louis Police policy.
And, while Franco's ad campaigns addressed issues ranging from animal cruelty to AIDS , Scott's work isn't overtly political, although he has ventured into politics.
She'd avoided her relatives—not overtly, that much was true, but she had not gone out of her way to visit or call them.
That sense of identity doesn't always necessarily overlap with overtly racist ideas, but it can nonetheless influence white people's thought process, subconscious or others.
Ms. Conway is loathed by many Clinton aides as the architect of a presidential campaign that they felt used overtly and implicitly sexist messages.
This was seen as an improvement on overtly racist policies, but in reality the new practices reinforced the very problems they hoped to solve.
The White House wants the Senate to hold a trial that does not overtly dismiss the articles of impeachment, two meeting attendees told Politico.
Dressed in a purple suit and wearing rings that paid tribute to "Do the Right Thing," Mr. Lee gave a passionate, overtly political speech.
It permits just enough criticism to maintain the illusion of dissent and only acts overtly when fears of mass protest or collective action arise.
They are the most overtly floral works in More, yet spray paint lines add shocks of effervescence, giving the compositions unnatural and appealing glows.
Political parties stopped being overtly racist and started speaking in code—a candidate can say "law and order," and everyone knows what he means.
Lauren Goode: Walt, if you ever start sharing things that look to be overtly fake, I'll just DM you and let you know, okay?
Accordingly, staffers have removed overtly racists statues from the main galleries and put them in a basement room where they will still be accessible.
This GLOW is also explicitly (and aggressively) going for a more overtly feminist vibe than the original ever could have attempted in the '80s.
But those efforts, while having an overtly charitable and good goal of bridging the digital divide, have had very mixed results up to now. Internet.
Given the opportunity on Wednesday during her quarterly news conference to praise or pan the president-elect, Yellen chose to do neither, at least overtly.
The industry finds initiatives like these, which encourage upgrades but not drastic overhauls, generally palatable—they promote good behavior without overtly punishing status quo ships.
But by pushing the boundaries of overtly racist rhetoric — and getting away with it — Trump is successfully changing how people think it's acceptable to behave.
While not overtly interactive like a video game, Dear Angelica adapts to your field of vision, dynamically moving the brushstroke action in front of you.
Overtly political messages usually have two effects: People who already agree with the message nod vigorously, and people who already disagree continue to do so.
Both Moore and Cain are more overtly partisan than most previous nominees to the Fed, and Trump has been unusually critical of recent Fed decisions.
Sometimes they don't do so in an overtly manipulative way, but simply to turn an "objective" lens on all the worst things they can find.
The glass' overtly curved bowl and tapered opening make the bubbles last longer and burst at exactly the right place to release the wine's aromatics.
And the key distinguishing factor here is race: Trump is just far more willing to overtly engage in racist rhetoric than any Republican in decades.
The students say that a mandatory humanities course dubbed "Hum 110" focuses overtly on European thought leaders, leading to "whitewashing" of the students&apos education.
Arthur: It may or may not be a bad political decision to use overtly evangelical language like a lot of the Republican candidates are doing.
But that doesn't mean that the same rhetoric can't be found in other pockets of our community, even if it's softer and less overtly obvious.
New York-based artist, Fatima Al Qadiri, has shared "Power," the latest track from her overtly political new album Brute on Kode9's Hyperdub imprint.
American presidents usually avoid overtly partisan gestures during state visits to foreign allies, where they are celebrated by their host countries and heads of state.
But as Silicon Valley has become more overtly political, they've caused significant embarrassment and fueled legal complaints, including an extended fight over diversity at Google.
In the demo video above, blending a flute and a snare makes a sound that's glassy and quasi-sharp, without any overtly "drum-like" qualities.
Mr. Trump has been reaching out to evangelicals more overtly in recent days, including a visit to a Presbyterian church in Muscatine, Iowa, on Sunday.

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