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"overgeneralizing" Antonyms

21 Sentences With "overgeneralizing"

How to use overgeneralizing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "overgeneralizing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "overgeneralizing". Mastering all the usages of "overgeneralizing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But analysts have cautioned about overgeneralizing at the season's midway point.
Instead, program administrators ignored basic protocols that clearly warn against overgeneralizing results.
However, Chang warns against overgeneralizing on the basis of an epidemiological study.
Stop idealizing, stop thinking about what could be, and stop overgeneralizing what's going on.
The researchers cautioned against overgeneralizing the findings until the study could be replicated in different classes and schools.
At the risk of overgeneralizing, when compared with the era we now inhabit, my generation's youthful apathy seems outrageous.
At the risk of overgeneralizing, many of these vulnerabilities stem from the ease of set-up and use that make these singular-purpose devices so attractive.
A better way forward is to realize that overgeneralizing — either in terms of enforcement or prevention — is unlikely to succeed, because violence is "sticky," meaning it concentrates among a small number of identifiable places, people, and behaviors.
On the marketing front, confirmation bias — "our predisposition to filter and interpret information in ways that confirm what we already believe" — leads to all kinds of me-centered pitfalls like imaginary audiences, ignoring evidence, and overgeneralizing best practices.
"There's a lot of interest and excitement, for good reason, but I think people are pushing it too hard, too fast and are overgeneralizing things," said Ryan Vandrey, a professor at Johns Hopkins who studies the behavioral pharmacology of cannabis.
US Senator Mark Warner named AI Superpowers as his recommended book for The 2018 POLITICO 50 Reading List. On the other hand, American magazine Foreign Affairs criticized the book for promoting zero-sum thinking and hyping Chinese state investment in tech ventures that often underperform relative to expectations; for focusing on deep learning to the exclusion of other forms of artificial intelligence; and for overgeneralizing the usefulness of Chinese data sets.
Reviewing Cognitive Gadgets in the arts journal Leonardo, Jan Baatens described the book as "an impressive and convincing intervention in the debate on what makes us human", and commends Heyes's style of thinking as "nuanced and cautious. The author does not make overgeneralizing claims, she is not looking for a new Grand Theory". In 2019, a precis of Cognitive Gadgets will be reviewed by 20–30 cognitive scientists, neuroscientists and philosophers in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
The Angry Cognitions Scale (ACS) is a psychometric measure of how anger is acted out. It measures cognitive processes and their relation to attributes of anger, including misattributing causation, overgeneralizing, catastrophizing, demandingness, inflammatory labeling, and adaptive processes. The ACS is similar to, but distinct from, the Anger Rumination Scale (ARS). The ARS characterises the tendency of an individual to focus on anger episodes, but does not measure cognitive processes generally associated with anger.Cromwell, E. N., Golub, A., & Sukhodolsky, D. G. (2001).
Huambisa, Huambiza, Wambiza, Jíbaro, Xívaro, Wampis, Maina, or Shuar-Huampis is an indigenous language of the Huambisa people of Peru. Spanish colonizers first generated the name Xívaro in the late 16th century as a way of overgeneralizing several ethnicities of similar sociopolitical statuses within the region and referring to them as savages. It is an established language spoken in the extreme north of Peru. It is closely related to the Achuar- Shiwiar, Shuar, and Aguaruna languages, all of which belong to the Jivaroan language family.
The phenomenon of intrusive R is an overgeneralizing reinterpretation of linking R into an r-insertion rule that affects any word that ends in the non-high vowels , , , or ;. In Cockney, is another vowel affected when such a word is closely followed by another word beginning in a vowel sound, an is inserted between them, even when no final was historically present. For example, the phrase bacteria in it would be pronounced . The epenthetic can be inserted to prevent hiatus, two consecutive vowel sounds.
Therapists or computer-based programs use CBT techniques to help people challenge their patterns and beliefs and replace errors in thinking, known as cognitive distortions, such as "overgeneralizing, magnifying negatives, minimizing positives and catastrophizing" with "more realistic and effective thoughts, thus decreasing emotional distress and self-defeating behavior". Cognitive distortions can be either a pseudo-discrimination belief or an over-generalization of something. CBT techniques may also be used to help individuals take a more open, mindful, and aware posture toward cognitive distortions so as to diminish their impact.
Second, the more recent the observations we draw on, the stronger our belief in the conclusion. Third, the longer and more discontinuous a line of reasoning, the weaker our belief in the conclusion. Fourth, irrational prejudices can be formed by overgeneralizing from experience: the imagination is unduly influenced by any "superfluous circumstances" that have frequently been observed to accompany the circumstances that actually matter. And paradoxically, the only way to correct for the pernicious influence of "general rules" is to follow other general rules, formed by reflecting on the circumstances of the case and our cognitive limitations.
In the Dominican Republic, women are frequently stereotyped as sultry and sexual as the reputation of Dominican sex workers grows.Brennan, Denise (2004), "Selling sex for visas: sex tourism as a stepping-stone to international migration", in Many poor women have resorted to sex work because the demand is high and the hours and pay are often dictated by the workers themselves. White European and American men "exoticize dark-skinned 'native' bodies" because "they can buy sex for cut-rate prices". This overgeneralizing of the sexuality of Dominican women can also carry back to the women's homes.
He praised the realistic manner in which Ray depicted the police station scenes and the engaging manner, according to Moffitt, in which he captured the nihilism of the teenage subculture for his audience. Moffitt took issue with the underlying ideology of the film, however, especially its implication, as he saw it, that professional bureaucrats could better guide youth than the American family unit itself. He criticized the film for overgeneralizing, calling this aspect a "convenient cliche", and summed up his review by describing the film as "a superficial treatment of a vital problem that has been staged brilliantly". Robert J. Landry, managing editor of Variety magazine at the time, wrote a review published on October 26.
As young people are more likely than other demographic groups to lack a conventional "landline" phone, a telephone poll that exclusively surveys responders of calls landline phones, may cause the poll results to undersample the views of young people, if no other measures are taken to account for this skewing of the sampling. Thus, a poll examining the voting preferences of young people using this technique may not be a perfectly accurate representation of young peoples' true voting preferences as a whole without overgeneralizing, because the sample used excludes young people that carry only cell phones, who may or may not have voting preferences that differ from the rest of the population. Overgeneralization often occurs when information is passed through nontechnical sources, in particular mass media.
Further, REBT generally posits that disturbed evaluations to a large degree occur through over- generalization, wherein people exaggerate and globalize events or traits, usually unwanted events or traits or behavior, out of context, while almost always ignoring the positive events or traits or behaviors. For example, awfulizing is partly mental magnification of the importance of an unwanted situation to a catastrophe or horror, elevating the rating of something from bad to worse than it should be, to beyond totally bad, worse than bad to the intolerable and to a "holocaust". The same exaggeration and overgeneralizing occurs with human rating, wherein humans come to be arbitrarily and axiomatically defined by their perceived flaws or misdeeds. Frustration intolerance then occurs when a person perceives something to be too difficult, painful or tedious, and by doing so exaggerates these qualities beyond one's ability to cope with them.

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