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"ordonnance" Definitions
  1. disposition of the parts (as of a literary composition) with regard to one another and the whole : ARRANGEMENT

121 Sentences With "ordonnance"

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He was replaced in 2008 by General Didier Etumba Longomba. An announcement of his retirement was made by Ordonnance 13/082 of 13 July 2013.Ordonnance 13/082 via Jason Stearns, , accessed January 2014.
An announcement of his retirement was made by Ordonnance 13/082 of 13 July 2013.Ordonnance 13/082 via Jason Stearns, , accessed January 2014. It is not clear what post he held between 2007-2013.
That decree listed his Matricule service number as 104309/K. He is also a former governor of Kinshasa. An announcement of his retirement was made by Ordonnance 13/082 of 13 July 2013.Ordonnance 13/082 via Jason Stearns, , accessed January 2014.
After that, they must have had a carte de résident (10-year residence permit) if they had lived in France for more than five years, otherwise one of the titres. Border controls would have been made possible through an ordonnance and a décret of 23 January 2019 and an ordonnance of 27 March 2019 to establish border checks. An ordonnance of 30 January 2019 allowed the movement of defence goods between France and the United Kingdom to continue.
Commercial, Brevets, fasc. 4631, Saisie-contrefaçon. Introduction. Ordonnance autorisant la saisie-contrefaçon; fasc. 4631-10, Saisie-contrefaçon.
Law of August 9, 1936. In 1959, it was further extended to 16.Ordonnance of January 6, 1959.
Prostitution was widespread and practiced openly in Paris. In 1778 Lenoir published an Ordonnance that imposed harsher fines on women who solicited and those who rented rooms to prostitutes. It was hoped that the result would be greater registration and control of prostitutes working in licensed brothels. The Ordonnance was not effective and clandestine arrangements continued to be widespread.
New ordonnances were issued occasionally to either reinforce or reform previous ones. The ordonnance of 1363 attempted to create a standing army of 6,000 men-at-arms, although it was unlikely it achieved more than 3,000 in reality. In 1445, a more radical overhaul was attempted. 15 companies of the ordonnance were created, each of 100 lances.
The Ordonnance de Montpellier, signed on 28 December 1537 by Francis I of France, established the first legal deposit system. Previously, on 13 January 1535, Francis I had banned all printing following the Affair of the Placards. This decree was later repealed, but concern about errant religious teachings remained. In the Ordonnance, Francis decreed that no book be sold in France until a copy was deposited in his library.
The Order of Grimaldi (usually called Ordre de Grimaldi but officially Ordre des Grimaldi according to the Ordonnance) is an Order established in Monaco on 18 November 1954.
It was with his increasingly professional army, including its gendarme heavy cavalry, that the French king ultimately defeated the English in the Hundred Years War and then sought to assert his authority over the semi-independent great duchies of France. When the Burgundian duke Charles the Bold wished to establish an army to stand up to this royal French threat, he emulated the French ordonnance army, raising his own force of gendarmes in ordonnance companies starting informally in 1470, officially establishing these by means of an ordonnance issued in 1471, and refining the companies in further ordonnances issued in 1472, 1473 and 1476. These created twelve ordonnance companies, for a total of 1,200 gendarmes.Contamine, War in the Middle Ages, 171 Like French companies, the Burgundian gendarmes d'ordonnance companies were also composed of 100 lances, and were similarly raised and garrisoned, but were organized differently, being split into four squadrons (escadres), each of four chambres of six lances each.
The French Ordonnance de la Marine (1681) abolished the jus entirely and put castaways under royal protection. The Turkish capitulations of 1535 and 1740 contain clauses banning the jus naufragii.
However, the stately genius of England opposed her; her remonstrances prevailed, and Pope took the place which Boileau thought belonged to him. The second list, "The Balance of Poets", is a table, giving 20 modern and 20 ancient poets marks of up to 20 points in each of the following categories: Critical Ordonnance, Pathetic Ordonnance, Dramatic Ordonnance, Incidental Expression, Taste, Colouring, Versification, Moral, and Final Estimate. Boileau's "Final Estimate" rating is 12, the same as Euripides and Tasso, better than Lucretius and Terence (who both get 10), Ariosto, Dante, Horace, Pindar, Alexander Pope, Racine and Sophocles each get 13. "Perhaps neither of these curiosities of criticism is to be taken very seriously", wrote Alexander Clark, an early 20th-century literary historian.
By 1450 the companies were divided into the field army, known as the grande ordonnance and the garrison force known as the petite ordonnance.Vale, M.G.A. (1992). Charles VII. Berkeley: University of California Press.
French orderly, Napoleonic Wars. In the French Army the term for batman was ordonnance ("orderly"). Batmen were officially abolished after World War II. However, in the 1960s there were still batmen in the French Army.
Sonacome, the parent company of SNVI was founded by the Algerian government on August 9, 1967 through ordonnance 67-150. It inherited French-era's Berliet factories and equipment after the latter ceased operations by 1973.
In 1664 under the royal charter creating the French East India Company, the Custom of Paris became the primary law in New France, supplemented with royal ordinances, e.g. the "Code Louis", consisting of the 1667 ordinance on civil procedureOfficial title: Ordonnance civile pour la réformation de la justice, but now referred to as Ordonnance de Saint Germain en Laye. and 1670 ordinance on criminal procedure; the 1673 "Code Savary" on trade; and the 1685 Code noir on slavery.Jean Louis Bergel, “Principal Features and Methods of Codification”, Louisiana Law Review 48/5 (1988): 1074.
France considered that a no deal Brexit (sortie sèche in French) would occur because a withdrawal agreement had not been ratified. Accordingly, 200 measures were considered, including the possibility for the government to make and unmake laws by ordonnance (roughly equivalent to a statutory instrument). The rights of British citizens living in France are ruled by an ordonnance dated 6 February 2019 and by décrets (decrees) dated 2 and 3 April 2019. This included a 12-month period, assuming reciprocity, to allow British nationals to continue to live in France without titre de séjour.
The decisions made by the French President under art. 16 of the French Constitution, enabling him to take emergency measures in times where the existence of the Republic is at stake (a form of reserve powers) are not called ordonnances, but simply décisions. The introductory sentence of an ordonnance, as published in the Journal Officiel de la République Française, is: "The President of the Republic [...], after hearing the Council of State, after hearing the Council of Ministers, orders:". The word ordonnance comes from the same root as ordonner "to order".
By 1450 the companies were divided into the field army, known as the grande ordonnance and the garrison force known as the petite ordonnance. In addition to these companies, French kings still called upon men at arms and footmen in the traditional way by calling the arriere- ban, in other words, a general levy where all able-bodied males age 15 to 60 living in the Kingdom of France were summoned to go to war by the King. Furthermore, there existed throughout the kingdom countless garrisons of royal soldiers in towns, cities, castles and fortresses which were summoned to go to battle as in previous centuries; however their importance was not the same as that of the ordonnance men. While traditional historiography has force comprising 20 compagnies of 100 lances each, this is not the case, and is a later (even folk-historical) assessment.
Tibesti Est is a departments of Tibesti Region in Chad. It was created by Ordinance No. 002 / PR / 08 of 19 February 2008.Ordonnance n° 002/PR/08 portant restructuration de certaines collectivités territoriales décentralisées Its chief town is Bardai .
Wadi Bissam is a department of Kanem Region in Chad. It was created by Order No. 002 / PR / 08 of 19 February 2008.Ordonnance n° 002/PR/08 portant restructuration de certaines collectivités territoriales décentralisées Its chief town is Mondo.
Engineers were selected for the project in June 2015. On 21 April 2016, an ordonnance was approved by the President of France, authorizing the construction of the canal and creating the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe to manage the project.
Ordonnance du Duc Pierre pour faire armer la Noblesse & les Archers des Paroisses : "Preuves" de Dom Morice, Tome II, colonnes 1555-1557. Publié ez plaids generaux de Rennes le 29. jour de Mars 1450. Tiré des Archives du Présidial de Rennes.
In 1731, Louisiana reverted to royal rule. In contrast to Metropolitan France, the government applied a single unified law of the land: the Custom of Paris for civil law (rather egalitarian for the time); the "Code Louis", consisting of the 1667 ordinance on civil procedureOfficial title: Ordonnance civile pour la réformation de la justice, but now referred to as Ordonnance de Saint Germain en Laye. and 1670 ordinance on criminal procedure; the 1673 "Code Savary" for trade; and the 1685 Code noir for slavery.Jean Louis Bergel, “Principal Features and Methods of Codification”, Louisiana Law Review 48/5 (1988): 1074.
By this means the Estates General furnished the material for numerous ordonnances, though the king did not always adopt the propositions contained in the cahiers, and often modified them in forming them into an ordonnance. These latter were the ordonnances de reforme (reforming ordinances), treating of the most varied subjects, according to the demands of the cahiers. They were not, however, for the most part very well observed. The last of the type was the grande ordonnance of 1629 (Code Michau), drawn up in accordance with the cahiers of 1614 and with the observations of various assemblies of notables that followed them.
Poujoulat, p. 428. Louis XVIII dealt another blow to Cardinal Maury's prestige and amour propre. On 28 March 1816, he issued a royal ordonnance, restoring the pre-revolutionary titles and structure of France's academies, and adding lists of members.Recueil général annoté des lois, decrets, ordonnances, etc.
Henry Wager Halleck, Military Tribunals and Their Jurisdiction, Mil. L. Rev. Bicent. Issue 14, 15 (1975). Civilian codes and courts eventually gained power at the expense of military law and control. The first code that specifically regulated military personnel (as opposed to civilians) was the French ordonnance of 1378.
This ordonnance would only have had effect in the occupied zone. Laval negotiated a French law covering both zones instead.Cointet 1993, p. 393-394 Laval put workplace inspection, the police and the gendarmerie at the service of forced impressments of labor, and tracking Service du travail obligatoire scofflaws.
A less known discriminative law was adopted in 1960, inserting into the Penal Code (article 330, 2nd alinea) a clause that doubled the penalty for indecent exposure for homosexual activity. This ordonnance was intended to repress pimping. The clause against homosexuality was adopted due to a wish of Parliament, as follows: > This ordonnance was adopted by the executive after it was authorised by > Parliament to take legislative measures against national scourges such as > alcoholism. Paul Mirguet, a Member of the National Assembly, felt that > homosexuality was also a scourge, and thus proposed a sub-amendment, > therefore known as the Mirguet amendment, tasking the Government to enact > measures against homosexuality, which was adopted.
Until the publication of the Ordonnance de la Marine in France in 1681,forward - propos.pdf maritime Code. Avant-propos the Book of the Consulate of the Sea was the code of maritime law in force throughout the Mediterranean. In Spain it continued in use until the introduction of the Spanish Commercial Code.
The Eloquence of Silence. London: Routledge, 1994 p. 134 Ordonnance 59-274 giving women more say in their marital status, public unveiling of female Algerians by French women,Lazreg, Marnia. The Eloquence of Silence. London: Routledge, 1994 p. 135 extension of the vote to women in 1957,Shepard, Todd. The Invention of Decolonization.
The Ordonnance was one of about 140 acts signed by the king during his stay in Montpellier from 21 December 1537 to 17 January 1538. In context, the law would control the spread of ideas, particularly heretical religious beliefs. Vague and ineffective, the decree was not widely followed and the legal deposit requirement was abolished in the French Revolution.
Ordonnance du Roi, Concernant l'Infanterie Français du 26 Avril 1776 de Par le Roi.Susane, Volume VII, pp. 280, 292, 305, 310. The officers of the (3rd) militia battalions served on average some five years or more in the regular battalions, and therefore were able to provide many of the troops in these battalions a lot of experience driven training.
Ordonnance no. 75/128 du 19 mars 1975 portant creation et organisation de la Force Navale Zairoise, JOZ no. 13, du 1 July 1985, 665-666. Before the downfall of Mobutu Sese Seko, Zaire operated a small navy on the Congo river with a few facilities on the Atlantic coast. It consisted of 1,300 personnel, including 600 marines.
Sept morts sur ordonnance (Seven Deaths by Prescription or Bestial Quartet) is a 1975 French drama film directed by Jacques Rouffio and starring Michel Piccoli, Gérard Depardieu, Jane Birkin, Marina Vlady, Charles Vanel and Valérie Mairesse. The film was awarded the César Award for Best Editing, and was nominated for Best Film, Best Actor and Best Writing.
Then came the ordonnance du 2 février 1945 on delinquent childhood, which while reworked several times, remains in effect today. In this system it is the personality of the author more than the act itself which enters into account. The system is above all preventive and more geared to avoiding recidivism than to sanctioning a mistake.
The governor exercises most of the few remaining powers elsewhere exercised by a provincial governor, particularly in the field of public order, as far as no (federal) law, (regional) decree, ordonnance or decision states otherwise.Proposal for an ordonnance, stating the Governor's powers for the "arrondissement Brussels", the latter should be seen as the part of the arrondissement Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde that is not part of the Flemish Brabant province. The governor is appointed by the government of the Brussels-Capital Region on the unanimous advice of the Federal Council of Ministers. The regional government also appoints the vice-governor, who must have a considerable knowledge of both the Dutch French and the and who must ensure that the legislation regarding the use of languages is observed in Brussels.
Paul Arcand (born May 12, 1960) is a Canadian radio host, journalist and film producer. He has been a popular francophone radio host for many years. His latest film is "Québec sur ordonnance" a documentary filmed with a point of view, on the subject of Quebecers taking ever more prescribed medication. Quebec has public health care, financed by the government.
Ordinance no.70/295 of 9 November 1970 fixed the organization of the Coast, River, and Lake Guard, after it had been created by ordonnance-loi 70/060 of the same day. A coast guard was headquartered at Banana, the River Guard at Kinshasa and the Lake Guard at Kalemie. Some five years later, however, the organization became the Force Navale Zairoise.
Ordonnance n°58-1341 du 27 décembre 1958 NOUVEAU FRANC The official euro-to-franc exchange rate was MCF 6.55957 to EUR 1. Today, Monégasque coins have only numismatic value, including the fleurs de coins, or proof-like coins. The period for exchange of the coins for euros has expired. The Monégasque franc was legal tender in Monaco, France and Andorra.
Pat McGill, Armand Pacou, and Rod Erskine Riddel,The Burgundian Army of Charles the Bold: The Ordonnance Companies and their Captains( Lincoln: Freezywater Publications, 2001), 8–15. The failure of the siege of Neuss was attributed by the inhabitants of the city to the intervention of their patron saint, Quirinus of Neuss.Richard Vaughan, Charles the Bold, London, Boydell, 2002, 312–35.
General Henri-Pierre Castelnau. Henri-Pierre Castelnau together with Adjutant Daniel Nordlander (upper left), with Adjutant Fritz von Dardel, Ordonnance Officer Ferdinand-Alphonse Hamelin, King Charles XV of Sweden and Prince Oscar, future King Oscar II of Sweden. Likely at the International Exposition (1867) in Paris, France. Henri-Pierre Jean Abdon Castelnau (30 July 1814 - 1 November 1890), was a French General.
He held that position from 1 June 2005 to 29 March 2010, having been appointed three months earlier by the prince and the French government. He was made a Grand Officer of the Order of Saint-Charles (25 March 2010).Nomination by Sovereign Ordonnance n°2694 of 25 March 2010 (French) He was the head of government of Monaco until 2010.
An equestrian portrait of Charles XV, painted by Carl Fredrik Kiörboe, circa 1860 Statue of Charles XV in Stockholm Adjutant Daniel Nordlander (upper left), with Adjutant Fritz von Dardel, Ordonnance Officer Ferdinand-Alphonse Hamelin, General Henri-Pierre Castelnau, King Charles XV of Sweden and Prince Oscar, future King Oscar II of Sweden, at the International Exposition (1867) in Paris, France.
From the Ordnance of the King on 8 April 1779, one company of the Bataillon d'Aix was attached to the Garrison Battalion of the Dauphiné Regiment Bataillon de Garnison du Régiment de Dauphiné. Eventually following the French Revolution and the subsequent army reforms in 1791, the battalion was disbanded.Ordnance of the King, concerning the Royal Grenadiers on 8 April 1779 — Ordonnance du roi, Concernant les Greandiers-Royaux.
Ordonnance du 3 juin 1847 qui crée un village sous le nom de Bugeaud [archive], dans Recueil des actes du gouvernement de l'Algérie : 1830-1854, Alger, Imprimerie du gouvernement, 1856, VIII-1319 p., 22 cm (notice BnF no FRBNF35338908), p. 514.Bugeaud (Algérie) » [archive] [php], sur, Archives nationales d'outre-mer (France), mis à jour le 29 avril 2015 (consulté le 28 septembre 2016).
After his death, his seat went to Chabert-Cogolin. Through the Royal Ordonnance of 7 October 1732, Vallière endeavoured to reorganize and standardize the King's artillery. He significantly improved the method used for founding cannons, superseding the technique developed by Jean-Jacques Keller. He thus developed the de Vallière system,A Dictionary of Military History and the Art of War By André Corvisier, p.
In 2018, an opportunity to formally create a full University arose with a new Ordonnance (ordinance) allowing to create a collegiate University, whose constituents may keep their legal personality, quite similarly to the constituent faculties of a British university like University of Cambridge. This Ordinance was frequently nicknamed 'Ordonnance PSL' because it was generally considered that PSL would be one of the obvious beneficiary of this new opportunity. In 2019, a few changes occur in the list of constituents, and finally 9 institutions approve the new statutes and become établissement- composante (constituent college): Chimie ParisTech, Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique, École Nationale des Chartes, École normale supérieure, École pratique des hautes études, ESPCI Paris, Observatoire de Paris, MINES ParisTech, Paris Dauphine. In complement, two members with very specific statutes College de France and Institut Curie become associate- members, also participating closely to the governance of the University.
There are 42 lower administrative courts and 8 administrative courts of appeal, which hears appeals on fact and law. Administrative courts can enforce their decisions by ordonnance to the public body. In addition to generalist administrative courts, there are special administrative courts on asylum, social welfare payments, the disciplinary organs of professional bodies, and courts that audit public bodies and local governments. Administrative court judges are selected separately from other judges.
On 30 January 1817, he was officially naturalized as a French citizen by order of King Louis XVIII.(Nº 1753) ORDONNANCE DU ROI qui accorde des Lettres de déclaration de naturalité au Sr. Stamati Bulgari, capitaine d'infanterie, dessinateur extraordinaire au dépôt général de la guerre, né à Corfou, îles ioniennes, le 17 mai 1777 (Paris, 30 Janvier 1817), p.147, in Bulletin des lois, Partie principale, Éditeur Imprimerie nationale, 1817.
The Canon de 24 de Vallière was a type of cannon designed by the French officer Florent-Jean de Vallière (1667-1759), Director-General of the Battalions and Schools of the Artillery. The cannon was a result of the Royal Ordonnance of October 7, 1732, enacted to reorganize and improve the King's artillery.A Dictionary of Military History and the Art of War By André Corvisier, p.837 De Vallière 24-pdr guns, Les Invalides.
Its position on the Western Sahara conflict is, since the 1980s, one of strict neutrality. Ordinance 83.127, enacted 5 June 1983, launched the process of nationalization of all land not clearly the property of a documented owner, thus abolishing the traditional system of land tenure. Potential nationalization was based on the concept of "dead land",Ordonnance 9 i.e., property which has not been developed or on which obvious development cannot be seen.
Among the works listed in this agreement is the construction of deux dosmes d'une belle ordonnance et pareils à celuy qui est faict à l'hôpital de la Flèche, l'un desquels sera posé sur l'église et l'autre sur le chœur pour servir de clocher. This work is of long duration. It was only on July 26, 1658, that the nuns made a deal with Pierre and Gilles CorbineauThe father living in Rennes, the son in Nantes. to build the church.
Badiar National Park () is a national park in Guinea, on the border with Senegal and contiguous with Senegal's much larger Niokolo-Koba National Park. It was established on 30 May 1985 (by ordonnance N°124/PRG/85), partly in response to Senegal's concern about poaching in Niokolo-Koba National Park. Badiar is an International Union for Conservation of Nature Category II park. The park consists of two separate areas: the Mafou sector of and the Kouya sector of .
The Alsace wine region is distinct from other French wine regions. After the 1919 Treaty of Versailles and the return of Alsace into France, German law in this previous Reichsland was largely retained as local law. This situation held up the recognition of Alsace wines.The preamble of the ordonnance n° 45-2675 of 2 November 1945 relating to the definition of the designation of origin of Alsacian wines shows the many prior regulations taken into account.
The unit was created in 1984,See Ordonnance-loi No. 84-036 du 28 Aout 1984 portant creation et organisation de la Garde Civile du Zaire, Agence Zaire Presse, 29 August 1984. See also Meitho 2001, 44–49. after fighting between Zairian and Zambian soldiers in the Shaba Province (now Katanga Province). Trained by instructors from West Germany and Egypt, it was responsible for border security, the fight against illegal traffic and terrorism, and the restoration of public order.
As a screenwriter, his record is brilliant, including L'Horizon (directed by Jacques Rouffio 1967), Sept Morts sur ordonnance (J. Rouffio 1976), La Victoire en chantant (Jean-Jacques Annaud 1976), Judith Therpauve (Patrice Chéreau, 1978), La Banquière (Francis Girod 1980). It also works in television, directing A2 on a collection of films and with the launch of the series Châteauvallon. Some of his books were made into movies, including The Savage State and Le sucre by Jacques Rouffio.
The jinetes, Spanish light cavalry, were placed in front of the rest of the army, while the Spanish heavy cavalry under Prospero Colonna were kept in reserve. Córdoba's troops faced a professional French army based on the Ordonnance reforms, relying on the heavily armoured cavalry of the Compagnies d'ordonnance and mercenary Swiss pikemen. This army also had more artillery than the Spanish, but the French artillery would not arrive in time to take active part in the battle.
The Executive must consult the Council of State on every ordonnance; the advice of the Council is compulsory but nonbinding. An ordonnance must be signed by the French President, the Prime Minister and relevant ministers. This proved in 1986 to be a source of tension, during a period of cohabitation when President François Mitterrand and Prime Minister Jacques Chirac were of opposite political opinions, and the President refused to sign ordonnances requested by the Prime Minister, forcing him to go through the normal parliamentary procedure,Jean V. Poulard, “The French Double Executive and the Experience of Cohabitation”, Political Science Quarterly, vol. 105, no. 2 (Summer 1990): 243-267 but it was then controversial at the time whether he had the right to refuse to sign them.Jean-Luc Parodilien, “Proportionnalisation périodique, cohabitation, atomisation partisane : un triple défi pour le régime semi-présidentiel de la Cinquième République”, Revue française de science politique, vol 47, no. 3-4 (1997): 292-312.Valérie Moureaud, “Le refus de signature des ordonnances en 1986 : un enjeu structurant en période de cohabitation ”, Revue d'étude politique des assistants parlementaires, no. 2.
On 22 July 1544 Cardinal de Tournon was elected Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey (Congregation of S. Maur) of Ambronay (Ambroniacum) in the Diocese of Lyon by the monks; he held the post until 1550.Gallia christiana IV, p. 279. King Francis I died on 31 March 1547, and on 2 April 1547 the Cardinal received an ordonnance in council of Henri II that he was to retire to his estates. He was out of favor with the new King.
François Serpillon, Code criminel, ou commentaire sur l'ordonnace de 1670, 1767 The Criminal Ordinance of 1670 (, a.k.a. Ordonnance criminelle de Colbert) was a Great Ordinance dealing with criminal procedure which was enacted in France under the reign of King Louis XIV. Made in Saint-Germain-en- Laye, the Ordinance was registered by the Parliament of Paris on 26 August 1670 and came into effect on 1 January 1671. It was one of the first legal texts attempting to codify criminal law in France.
During the Hundred Years' War the francs-archers fought in companies of 200–300 men. The companies were led by nobles and were later put under the command of 4 captains-general. The 1448 ordonnance specified the equipment of the archer as a sallet helmet, dagger, sword, a bow, a sheath of arrows, a jerkin and a coat of mail. In 1466 they used the pike for the first time and by the late 1470s some companies were employing Swiss-style pikemen.
30-32 In 1999 they were modified in 28 departments; this was ultimately changed in 2002, when 18 regions replaced them. As for the regions, they are divided in departments, while the latter are divided in sub-prefectures. After a series of splits in 2008 the number of regions increased to 22.Ordonnance n° 002/PR/08 portant restructuration de certaines collectivités territoriales décentralisées In 2012 Ennedi Region was split into Ennedi-Est and Ennedi-Ouest, producing the current 23 regions.
The number of men-at-arms would continue to fluctuate, dependent on military circumstances, into the 16th century. In the first quarter of the century, they varied between a peacetime minimum of 1500 lances in 1505 and a wartime maximum of 3847 in 1523. The changes were made both by raising and disbanding whole companies and by varying the number of men in ordonnance companies. In 1559, for example, Francis II reduced the number of lances in each company by 20.
The Flag of the Brussels-Capital Region consists of a stylized yellow, grey and white iris on a blue background. Note that this is the flag of the whole Brussels Region, and the City of Brussels municipality has a different flag. The first flag was adopted by the Capital Region in 1991.Ordonnance du 16 mai 1991 portant fixation de l'emblème et du drapeau de la Région de Bruxelles- Capitale A new flag based on the city's current logo became official in early 2015.
In 1930 and 1945 general public welfare funds were introduced that included retirement plans. The employees of the companies who had previously been granted pension schemes decided to keep them instead of participating in the new plans. The ordonnance (law created by the executive organ of State) of October 4, 1945, which is now incorporated into the set of laws regulating social securities measures (code de la Sécurité Sociale), officially permitted these older pension plans to subsist and they became known as the régimes spéciaux (special retirement plans).
FFI uprising on 19 August. One skirmisher is wearing an Adrian helmet. All over France, from the BBC and the Radiodiffusion nationale (the Free French broadcaster) the population knew of the Allies' advance toward Paris after the end of the battle of Normandy. RN had been in the hands of the Vichy propaganda minister, Philippe Henriot, since November 1942 until de Gaulle took it over in the Ordonnance (he signed in Algiers on 4 April 1944),Journal Officiel des établissements français de l'Océanie, Titre V, Dispositions générales, p.
Shortly thereafter, as an ordonnance officer, he accompanied general Graf Schulenburg-Renert in the war against France. A fall from his horse in 1793 led to a fracture of his foot and rendered him unusable for field duties. He was assigned as an assistant to the Upper War Collegium, where he remained, raising in his rank, until the treaty of Tilsit in 1807. In the same year he was assigned to hold the Report of Military Affairs in front of the king, which should prove to be deciding for his career.
Aides Daniel Nordlander (upper left) and Fritz von Dardel, Ordonnance Officer Ferdinand-Alphonse Hamelin, General Henri-Pierre Castelnau, King Charles XV of Sweden and Prince Oscar, future King Oscar II of Sweden, at the 1867 International Exposition in Paris, France. Oscar Fredrik was born in Stockholm on 21 January 1829, the third of four sons of Crown Prince Oscar and Josephine of Leuchtenberg. Upon his birth, he was created Duke of Östergötland. During his childhood he was placed in the care of the royal governess, Countess Christina Ulrika Taube.
In September 1802, at Rennes where he was garrisoned, Bory married Anne-Charlotte Delacroix of la Thébaudais, with whom he had two daughters: Clotilde, born on 7 February 1801, and Augustine, born on 25 May 1803, whom he called "his little Antigone" and with whom he remained very close all his life. His marriage, "contracted too young to be a happy one" did not last. His wife died in 1823, after their separation. When he was proscribed by the Ordonnance of 24 July 1815 and was fleeing to Rouen, he met the actress Maria Gros.
The Instructie that the States-General drew up, promulgated on 31 May 1582 by William the Silent, to regulate the Supreme Court was in large part based on the Ordonnance of 1559 that governed the Great Council. This text, comprising 289 articles, would essentially remain in force during the entire history of the Court. The first 50 articles describe the jurisdiction and competence, composition and internal procedures of the court. Then follow the articles governing the work of the procureur-generaal (sollicitor-general) and advocaat-fiscaal (attorney-general) (art. LI-LXIII).
The Great Ordinance of Marine of August 1681, (French: grande ordonnance de la marine d'août 1681) also called the marine code, is a royal ordinance drafted under the reign of Louis XIV, which comprehensively codifies practices in maritime transport (shipping). Inspired by the customs and statutes of the United Provinces (Amsterdam and Antwerp), it was established under the administration of Colbert.Denis Diderot et Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, 1751—1772, p. 580 The order is divided into five books,M.
For C.R.A.Z.Y., Jutras won the Genie Award for Best Editing in March 2006, and the Jutra Award for Editing. However, in 2008 when Vallée reassembled much of his crew for his next film The Young Victoria, Jutras was replaced by Jill Bilcock. When Paul Arcand made his documentary film Québec sur ordonnance, he turned to Jutras for help with editing, and Arcand said they had great conversations in their work. In 2010, after editing an advertisement for Bombardier during the Winter Olympics, Jutras began working for Rooster Post, an advertising company based in Toronto.
Meanwhile, in 1584 Georges d'Armagnac, the archbishop of Avignon, took an ordonnance for the commune of Châteauneuf-Calcernier, known as "du Pape", to protect the vines.Robert Bailly, Histoire du vin p62. In the next century, his successor, Hyacinthe Libelli, had the château redecorated and restored during 1681 so he could take up residence there. En 1728, François-Maurice Gontier, the new archbishop of Avignon, rented the building for 400 livres a year to an Irish noble named John, Baron of Powers, who also leased l'enclos des papes, the papal enclave.
There are two discrete sections of the Swiss law that pertain to the use of the name Swiss made. The first law, which applies to all types of Swiss products, is the "Federal Act on the Protection of Trade Marks and Indications of Source".Federal Act on the Protection of Trade Marks and Indications of Source, Federal Chancellery of Switzerland, status as of 1 January 2017 (page visited on 17 October 2018). Its article 50 provided the authority for the enactment of the second law, Ordonnance du 23 décembre 1971, relating specifically Swiss watches.
In France, legal deposit was initiated by the Ordonnance de Montpellier of 1537, under which a copy of any published book had to be delivered to the king's library, for conservation purposes. During the following centuries, legal deposit was sometimes used to facilitate censorship and the obligation was thus removed briefly during the French Revolution, under the argument that it violated freedom of speech. The main depository is the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Legal deposit is extremely developed and concerns not only printed material but also multimedia archives and even some web pages.
Boralex owned 23 per cent of the trust, and O'Leary Funds held about 9.4 percent. O'Leary Funds contended that the proposed amendment to Boralex Power Income Fund's trust agreement was illegal, and petitioned the Montreal District Superior Court for the Province of Québec for a safeguard order (injunction), or ordonnance de sauvegarde, to prevent Boralex from proceeding with the sale. The petition was rejected, but the court ruled that O'Leary Funds had sufficient cause to seek damages in civil court. The case was still before the court as of February 2017.
They were usually answered by an ordonnance, and it is chiefly through these that we are acquainted with the activity of the estates of the 14th and 15th centuries. In the latest form, and from the estates of 1484 onwards, this was done by a new and special procedure. The Estates had become an entirely elective assembly, and at the elections (at each step of the election if there were several) the electors drew up a cahier de doléances (statement of grievances), which they requested the deputies to present. This even appeared to be the most important feature of an election.
Starting in 1944, Jean and Évelyne Baylet spent two years assembling evidence of their "Résistance credentials" and submitting applications to have the newspaper business returned to the family. With the need for secrecy gone, there was abundance evidence available from numerous well placed witnesses of the extent of the practical help Jean Baylet had given to those opposing the German occupation. In 1946 they obtained the necessary "ordonnance de non-lieu", confirming that they were not to be pursued as suspected "Vichy collaborators".Antoinette Fouque, Mireille Calle-Gruber et Béatrice Didier (dir.), Le Dictionnaire universel des créatrices, Éditions des femmes.
Unlike other colonial powers, France, under the guidance of Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu, encouraged a peaceful coexistence in New France between the Natives and the Colonists. Indians, converted to Catholicism, were considered as "natural Frenchmen" by the Ordonnance of 1627: Acadia was also developed under Louis XIII. In 1632, Isaac de Razilly became involved, at the request of Cardinal Richelieu, in the colonization of Acadia, by taking possession of the Habitation at Port-Royal (now Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia) and developing it into a French colony. The King gave Razilly the official title of lieutenant-general for New France.
Bartoli was appointed Chevalier of the French Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (1995), and Commander of Monaco's Order of Cultural Merit (November 1999)Sovereign Ordonnance n° 14.274 of 18 November 1999 : promotions or nominations In 2003, she received the Brit Award for Outstanding Contribution to Music at the Classic Brit Awards. In 2010, she was awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Music from University College Dublin., "World-leading Mezzo-Soprano, Cecilia Bartoli honoured by UCD" Retrieved 11 October 2020 In 2011, she won a fifth Grammy Award for Best Classical Vocal Performance for Sacrificium.Past Winners Search, grammy.
An age of consent was introduced on 28 April 1832. It was fixed to 11 years for both sexes and later raised to 13 years in 1863. On 6 August 1942, the Vichy Government introduced a discriminative law in the Penal Code: article 334 (moved to article 331 on 8 February 1945 by the Provisional Government of the French Republic)Ordonnance 45–190 which increased the age of consent to 21 for homosexual relations and 15 for heterosexual ones. The age of 21 was then lowered to 18 in 1974, which had become the age of legal majority.
The cannon was a result of the Royal Ordonnance of October 7, 1732, enacted to reorganize and standardize the King's artillery.A Dictionary of Military History and the Art of War By André Corvisier, p.837 Whereas numerous formats and designs had been in place in the French army, de Vallière standardized the French sizes in artillery pieces, by only allowing the production of 24, 12, 8 and 4 pound guns, mortars of 12 and 8 French inches, and stone-throwing mortars of 15 French inches. The 24-pdr was the largest caliber available to French artillery in this system.
The Allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées (solidarity allowance for the elderly) (ASPA) is a French state pension for elderly people, whether former employees or not, on low incomes. It replaced the multiple components of the minimum pension (Minimum Vieillesse) from 1 January 2006. Ordonnance n° 2004-605 du 24 juin 2004 simplifiant le minimum vieillesse Existing recipients of the minimum pension are not automatically transferred to the ASPA, but may do so on request. In its 2012 annual report, the Service d'Allocation de Solidarité aux Personnes Âgées (SASPA), managed by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, counted 70,827 recipients of the ASPA on 31 December 2012 (against 71,490 in 2011).
In 1214 Philip Augustus attached the forest to the royal domain and dictated the first ordonnances to guide its maintenance by foresters called sergents du roi, under the governor of royal châteaux of Villers-Cotterêts and of Vivières. The period of the Hundred Years' War (1337–1453) marked depredations on the woodlands. In 1346, the Valois King Philip VI of France promulgated the first codified forestry law, the ordonnance de Brunoy, which gave birth to the designated Maître des Eaux et Forêts, a member of the Maison du Roi. The kingdom's first Maître des Eaux et Forêts was installed at the château de Villers-Cotterêts in the Forest of Retz.
But unlike the other colonial powers, France, under the guidance of Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu, encouraged a peaceful coexistence in New France between Natives and Colonists. Indigenous persons, converted to Catholicism, were considered as "natural Frenchmen" by the Ordonnance of 1627: According to the 19th-century historian Francis Parkman: In many instance, French officials adopted Indian habits in order to gain their support. The French government officials and tribal sovereignty had an exchange program between Native children and French children that helped build diplomacy among the two groups, known as "metis". The Baron de Saint-Castin was adopted by an Abenaki tribe and married a native girl.
It was created under the Military government of Chile (1973–1990) of Augusto Pinochet on June 25 of 1975, and zone by Ordonnance, in order to support the economic development of the area, as far as jobs and economic integration is about. It has become an important center of trade in foreign countries in the region as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Bolivia. Its strategic location allows it to be the entrance and exit to products that make trade between the Mercosur, Latin America, and Asia. The ZOFRI administration, by law transfers the equivalent of 15% of its revenue to municipalities in the Tarapacá Region and Arica y Parinacota Region.
A "shooting society" somewhere in Switzerland; people come to such ranges to complete mandatory training with service arms, or to shoot for fun. A shooting stand in Switzerland Shooting ranges in Switzerland are unique in Europe, in keeping with the strong shooting traditions and liberal gun laws that exist in Switzerland. The sale of ammunition -- limited to Swiss ordonnance calibers, but including Gw Pat 90 rounds for army-issue assault rifles -- is subsidized by the Swiss government and made available at the many shooting ranges patronized by both private citizens and members of the militia. There is a regulatory requirement that ammunition sold at ranges must be used there.
The village of Jonchères (Drôme) in the 1900s General view of Jonchères in 2011 Poster informing the inhabitants about the establishment of a fair in the commune of Jonchères in application of the Royal ordonnance of October 26, 1834 Jonchères is a commune in the Drôme department in southeastern France, in the region of Auvergne-Rhône Alpes. It is located in the Béous valley, an affluent of the left bank of the Drôme river. The village is on a small winding road that climbs from the town of Luc-en-Diois away, toward Prémol Pass. The village is at an altitude of , surrounded by mountains thick with fir and pine.
In the Swedish Army, he was appointed Captain on 7 March 1862, Major on 15 February 1867, and Lieutenant Colonel on 12 April 1872. Adjutant Daniel Nordlander (upper left), with Adjutant Fritz von Dardel, Ordonnance Officer Ferdinand-Alphonse Hamelin, General Henri-Pierre Castelnau, King Charles XV of Sweden and Prince Oscar, future King Oscar II of Sweden, at the International Exposition (1867) in Paris, France. Nordlander served as acting General Staff Officer at the Ministry of Defence in 1855, ordinary General Staff Officer 18 April 1856. He then served as Courier Officer on 5 March 1861 and then Adjutant on 28 January 1864 to King Charles XV of Sweden.
Francis set an important precedent by opening his library to scholars from around the world in order to facilitate the diffusion of knowledge. In 1537, Francis signed the Ordonnance de Montpellier, which decreed that his library be given a copy of every book to be sold in France. Francis' older sister, Marguerite, Queen of Navarre, was also an accomplished writer who produced the classic collection of short stories known as the Heptameron. Francis corresponded with the abbess and philosopher Claude de Bectoz, of whose letters he was so fond that he would carry them around and show them to the ladies of his court.
Historical attitudes towards linguistic diversity are illustrated by two French laws: the Ordonnance de Villers-Cotterêts (1539), which said that every document in France should be written in French (neither in Latin nor in Occitan) and the Loi Toubon (1994), which aimed to eliminate anglicisms from official documents. States and populations within a state have often resorted to war to settle their differences. There have been attempts to prevent such hostilities: two such initiatives were promoted by the Council of Europe, founded in 1949, which affirms the right of minority language speakers to use their language fully and freely. The Council of Europe is committed to protecting linguistic diversity.
Thus, they could be approvals or denials of a letter of petition, acknowledgements of a report, grants of permission for a request, an annotation to a decree, or other government documents. Hatt-ı hümayuns could be composed from scratch, rather than as a response to an existing document. After the Tanzimat reform (1856), aimed to modernize the Ottoman Empire, hatt-ı hümayuns of the routine kind were supplanted by the practice of irâde-i seniyye ( meaning "ordonnance"), in which the Sultan's spoken response was recorded on the document by his scribe. There are nearly 100,000 hatt-ı hümayuns in the Ottoman archives in Istanbul.
The Abbé Jean-Louis de Cordemoy (1655-1714) was a French architectural historian, prior of St-Nicolas at La-Ferté-sous-Jouarre (Seine-et-Marne), and a canon at St-Jean-des-Vignes, Soissons (Aisne). His Nouveau Traité de toute l’architecture was amongst the first studies of ecclesiastical architecture, wherein he praised the Gothic style for its clear expression of structure. Influenced by Michel de Frémin and Claude Perrault his ideas of ordonnance, disposition and bienséance as expressions of integrity to nature and structure were early precursors of the modern concepts of functionalism and truth to materials.History of Architectural Theory, Hanno-Walter Kruft, 1994, p.141.
Adding to the murky historiography associated with this development, it seems pretty clear that there was not a single Grande Ordonnance, but rather two dozen or more, published simultaneously (or nearly so) across France. Each of those localized simultaneous versions applied only to the immediate area and its assigned force, but was otherwise identical to in terms of regulations, guidelines for recruitment, and so forth. Accordingly, the size of companies varied, and individual companies contained anywhere from 30 to 100 lances, depending on the defense and security requirements of the region where the troops were stationed. Prior to this legislation, the French depended on a haphazard mixture of volunteers, mercenaries, and feudal levies, of very mixed capabilities and reputations.
Worse, many of these fighters were essentially freebooters, more interested in larceny or brigandage than in actually defending France. The Grande Ordonnance, in whatever form it took, was a coherent, centralized effort to place the defense of the realm in the hands of a reliable force, whose senior officers were (as direct appointees of the crown) loyal to the French monarchy, and dependent on it for supplies, pay, and support. Each lance (properly a lance fournie or 'furnished' or 'equipped lance') contained, as contemporary sources put it, six horses and four men. Actually, each lance contained six personnel, each with a horse, but only four of them were counted as combat personnel.
After World War II, equality of rights was proclaimed by the ordonnance of 7 March 1944 and later confirmed by the loi Lamine Guèye of 7 May 1946, which granted French citizenship to all subjects of France's territories and overseas departments, and by the 1946 Constitution. The Law of 20 September 1947 granted French citizenship to all Algerian subjects, who were not required to renounce their Muslim personal status.Gianluca P. Parolin, Citizenship in the Arab World: Kin, Religion and Nation, Amsterdam University Press, 2009, pp. 94–95 Algeria was unique to France because unlike all other overseas possessions acquired by France during the 19th century, Algeria was considered and legally classified to be an integral part of France.
Les ordonnances - bilan au 31 décembre 2007, section I That can happen because even though the ratification bill has been brought before Parliament, it is not necessarily scheduled for examination and vote. If Parliament votes down the ratification bill, it does not go into effect. The Constitutional Council and the Council of State decided that ratification can be explicit (a vote on the ratification bill or a ratification amendment added to another bill) but also be performed implicitly by Parliament referring to an ordonnance as if it were a statute.Les ordonnances - bilan au 31 décembre 2007, section III CCécile Castaing, “La ratification implicite des ordonnances de codification. Haro sur « La grande illusion »”, Revue française de droit constitutionnel, no.
Sa majesté Louis XVIII, de glorieuse mémoire Permit, par > ordonnance royale du 30 décembre 1823, L'érection de ce monument d'amour et > de reconnaissance Envers son auguste famille The aqueduct was demolished three years later to clear the place d'Aix.One archway of the old aqueduct survives in front of the modern Conseil regional. The project, however, was to suffer yet again from changes in regime in France. Although the main construction work started under Charles X, it was only completed under Louis-Philippe in 1839; and, with the intervening political changes in France, the monument could no longer just celebrate the campaign of the Duke of Angoulême, but instead the more general theme of French victories.
According to the division into constituencies by the law n°86-1197 of 24 November 1986, the 3rd constituency of Vaucluse included six cantons : Bédarrides, Carpentras- Nord, Carpentras-Sud, Mormoiron, Pernes-les-Fontaines, Sault. According to the national census conducted in 1999 by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), the total population of the constituency was estimated at 127,749 inhabitants. Approved in February 2010 by the Constitutional Council of France, the redistricting of electoral boundaries came into effect from the 2012 legislative elections. Ratified on 21 January 2010 by the Parliament of France, the ordonnance n°2009-935 of 29 July 2009 reduced the area of the constituency.
In French politics, an ordonnance (, "order") is a statutory instrument issued by the Council of Ministers in an area of law normally reserved for primary legislation enacted by the French Parliament. They function as temporary statutes pending ratification by the Parliament; failing ratification they function as mere executive regulations. Ordonnances should not be confused with décrets issued by the prime minister (an order-in-council) or president, or with ministerial orders (arrêtés); these are issued either in matters where the Constitution allows primary legislation from the Council or as secondary legislation implementing a statute. Hierarchy of French legal norms In the French justice system, the word can also refer to a summary ruling made by a single judge for simple cases.
Each Burgundian lance still contained the six mounted men, but also included three purely infantry soldiers—a crossbowman, a handgunner and a pikeman, who in practice fought in their own formations on the battlefield. There was a twenty-fifth lance in the escadre, that of the squadron commander (chef d'escadre). The newly established Burgundian Ordonnance companies were almost immediately hurled into the cauldron of the Burgundian Wars, where they suffered appalling casualties in a series of disastrous battles with the Swiss, including the loss of the Duke himself, leaving no male heir. Ultimately, however, elements of his gendarmes d'ordonnance were re- established by Philip the Handsome on a smaller scale, and these companies survived to fight in Habsburg forces into the sixteenth century.
During the Third French Republic the president of the Council of Ministers acted as president whenever the office was vacant.: "In case of a vacancy due to a decease or for any cause, the two houses of Parliament elect a new president. In the meantime, the executive power is vested in the council of ministers." According to article 7 of the Constitution, if the presidency becomes vacant for any reason, or if the president becomes incapacitated, upon the request of the , the Constitutional Council may rule, by a majority vote,Ordonnance no 58-1067 du 7 novembre 1958 portant loi organique sur le Conseil constitutionnel (in French) that the presidency is to be temporarily assumed by the president of the Senate.
The estate's name has origins from the founding family, presumably of Scottish origin sometimes documented as Demay, who lived in France since the Middle Ages and were installed in Pomerol at the end of the 16th century. Archives state the family by royal ordonnance became masters of the fief of Certan, or Sertan, making this the oldest vignoble of the district, an area that also encompassed present day Vieux Château Certan and Château Certan-Giraud. The French Revolution led to the division of the domain, leaving the de May family with a small parcel of the original property, then called Petit-Certan. After the death of the last de May in 1925 the estate came to the Barreau-Badar family, the present day owners.
In the German Army the batman was known as Ordonnanz ("orderly") from the French "ordonnance", or colloquially as Putzer ("cleaner") or as Bursche ("boy" or "valet"). The main character Švejk of the antimilitarist, satirical novel The Good Soldier Švejk by the Czech author Jaroslav Hašek is the most famous portrayal of a batman drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army during the First World War. (The 1967 German song "Ich war der Putzer vom Kaiser" is actually based on the British instrumental hit "I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman" of the same year, with original German lyrics.)"Sänger der Fünfziger Jahre" is a web-page maintained by Günter Schiemenz dedicated to the popular music of the 1950s under You find the recordings of "Die Travellers" under
In 1801, under the Consulate, he returned to France and established himself as an advocate at Besançon, being appointed conseiller-auditeur to the court of appeal therein 1808. At the Restoration he was made advocate-general by Louis XVIII, resigned and left France during the Hundred Days, and was reappointed after the second Restoration in 1815. In 1817, after the modification of the constitution by the ordonnance of the 5 September, he was returned to the chamber of deputies, where he attached himself to the left centre and supported the moderate policy of Richelieu and Decazes. He was an eloquent speaker, and master of many subjects; and his proved royalism made it impossible for the Ultra-Royalists to discredit him, much as they resented his consistent opposition to their short-sighted violence.
The CSC was established under the Third Republic, and first began operations in 1994. Its first remit was to provide broadcast licenses for private electronic media, granting its first radio broadcast license to a local affiliate of Radio France International in February of that year.NIGER HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES, 1994 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, FEBRUARY 1995 Under the Third Republic, the CSC oversaw the first legalisation of a free press in Niger's history and the creation of dozens of independent newspapers and radio stations. Legalisation of these was established by the a 30 March Ordnance by the new government (Ordonnance 93-29 du 30 mars 1993, JORN spécial n° 12 du 25 juin 1993).L’empouvoirement citoyen pour la bonne gouvernance à travers la radio communautaire en Afrique de l’Ouest .
The Canon de 4 de Vallière was a type of cannon designed by the French officer Florent-Jean de Vallière (1667-1759), Director-General of the Battalions and Schools of the Artillery. The cannon was a result of the Royal Ordonnance of October 7, 1732, enacted to reorganize and standardize the King's artilleryA Dictionary of Military History and the Art of War By André Corvisier, p.837 Whereas numerous formats and designs had been in place in the French army, De Vallière standardized the French sizes in artillery pieces, by allowing only for the production of 24, 12, 8 and 4 pound guns, mortars of 13 and 9 inches, and stone-throwing mortars of 16 inches. The 24-pdr was the largest caliber available to French artillery in this system.
In August 1830, Voulgaris, sick, returned to France and was raised in 1831 to the rank of chef de bataillon. In 1838, he retired to his native Corfu, in the village of Potamos near Lefkimmi, where he died in 1842. In his will, he left money to various friends and relatives, and, moreover, to the French Consulate to distribute to the French indigents of Corfu.(Nº 19,587) ORDONNANCE DU ROI (contre-signée par le garde des sceaux, ministre de la justice et des cultes) qui autorise le ministre des affaires étrangères à accepter la disposition faite par M. Stamati Bulgari, chef de bataillon en retraite, dans son testament, en date du 12 juillet 1842, au profit des Français indigents qui arriveraient à Corfou ; pour, ladite disposition, être exécutée conformément aux intentions du testateur.
The Edict of Châteaubriant issued on June 27, 1551, prohibited possessing any books listed on the University's Index; translating the Bible or works of the Church Fathers; importing books from Geneva and other places not under the Church's control; or printing or selling of any religious books written in the last 40 years. Nemours' cahiers de doléances asking for the end of censorship, 1789. French National Archives The state itself began to take a greater role in censorship over the University and in 1566, the Ordonnance of Moulins was issued, banning the writing, printing or selling of defamatory books attacking individuals' good reputations and requiring that all books published must be approved and include the privilege and the great seal. The state control was strengthened in 1571 by the edict of Gaillon which placed enforcement of the censorship laws in the Chancellor's office instead of the University.
Tribunal correctionnel de Paris, at quai des Orfèvres In France, the tribunal correctionnel is the first-instance tribunal (en première instance) that governs in penal matters over offenses classified as misdemeanorsArticle L221-9 of the Code de l'organisation judiciaire Article 381 of the Code de procédure pénale and committed by an adult. Article 1 paragraph 1 of the ordonnance no 45-174 du 2 février 1945, modifiée, relative à l'enfance délinquante In 2013, French correctional tribunals rendered 576,859 judgments on 'action publique, pronounced 501,171 verdicts and homologué 67,983 compositions pénales. Les chiffres-clés de la Justice 2014 Lesser offenses called contraventions are judged by the tribunal de police Article L121-10 of the Code de l'organisation judiciaire or the juridiction de proximité.Article 521 of the Code de procédure pénale Article L231-6 of the Code de l'organisation judiciaire More serious wrongdoing such as felonies (crimes) are judged by the cour d'assises.
The government encouraged descendants of exiles to return, offering them French citizenship in a 15 December 1790 law: > All persons born in a foreign country and descending in any degree of a > French man or woman expatriated for religious reason are declared French > nationals (naturels français) and will benefit from rights attached to that > quality if they come back to France, establish their domicile there and take > the civic oath. Article 4 of 26 June 1889 Nationality Law stated: "Descendants of families proscribed by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes will continue to benefit from the benefit of 15 December 1790 Law, but on the condition that a nominal decree should be issued for every petitioner. That decree will only produce its effects for the future." Foreign descendants of Huguenots lost the automatic right to French citizenship in 1945 (by force of the Ordonnance n° 45-2441 du 19 octobre 1945, which revoked the 1889 Nationality Law).
Although the creating and maintaining parish registers in Europe had been in practice since the Middle Ages, legislation regarding the widespread and legal use of parish registers in France was officially passed into law with the signing of the Ordnance of Villers-Cotterets in 1539. However, it was not until 1666 where after perceiving the immense advantages to be gained through civil registration that King Louis XIV revitalized the parish registration system in France and her colonies. This edict, set forth by the king, made it compulsory for individuals to register within their parish communities. Moreover, in 1667 the king revealed the Ordonnance de Saint Germain en Laye, a piece of legislation which required parish priests to produce a duplicate of all registers so that all copies may be stored in emerging records offices. In New France, these duplicates were stored in Quebec and Montreal’s Courts of Justice official records office and listed New France’s Roman Catholic population exclusively.
158 But, lacking money, he soon found himself at the mercy of Marcel, who had seized upon the indignation provoked by a new ordinance to change the currency (published on 10 December 1356) and caused all the corporations to take up arms; the Dauphin had to accept the dismissal of his counsellors, cancel the currency change and recall the States-General, to meet at the start of February 1357.Paris à travers les âges : histoire nationale de Paris et des parisiens depuis la fondation de Lutèce jusqu'à nos jours. Tome premier / par H. Gourdon de Genouillac ; ouvr. réd. sur un plan nouveau et approuvé par Henri Martin pages 179-183 Bibliothèque Nationale de France On 3 March, after stormy debates, the Dauphin accepted the promulgation of the major "grande ordonnance" that had been voted for on 28 December during the States-General of 1355 and that his father had ratified just before departing to fight the English in summer 1356.
Michel Debré arrived on the island of Réunion in April 1963, and succeeded in being elected Député for Saint-Denis on 6 May despite local opposition to the Ordonnance Debré law he had introduced in 1960, that allowed civil servants in the overseas departments and territories of France to be recalled to Metropolitan France if suspected of disturbing public order.Ordonnance n°60-1101 du 15 octobre 1960 relative au rappel d'office par le ministre dont ils dépendant des fonctionnaires de l'État en service dans les DOM dont le comportement est de nature à troubler l'ordre public Supported by those who rejected autonomy, he immediately became the leader of the local right-wing. This state of affairs would be challenged by Pierre Lagourgue that during the next decade. To justify the departmentalization of the island that occurred in 1946 and to preserve its inhabitants from the temptation of independence, Debré implemented an economic development policy, and opened the island's first family planning center.
The francs-archers ("free archers") militia were the first attempt at the formation of regular infantry in France. They were created by the ordonnance of Montil-lès-Tours on 28 April 1448, which prescribed that in each parish an archer should be chosen from among the most apt in the use of arms; who was to be exempt from the taille and certain obligations, to practise shooting with the bow on Sundays and feast-days, and to hold himself ready to march fully equipped at the first signal. Under Charles VII the francs-archers distinguished themselves in numerous battles with the English, and assisted the king in driving them from France. The Francs-archers deficient combat performance, indiscipline and unreliability led Louis XI in 1480 to train a professional army under Marshal Philippe de Crèvecœur d'Esquerdes and abolish the militia a year later, ordering their equipment to be put in store in the parishes.
Charles finally learned that René's army was indeed close by and drew up the bulk of his army in a strong defensive position south of Nancy on a heavily wooded slope behind a stream at the narrowest part of the valley down which he knew the Swiss would have to advance. The exact numbers available to Charles are hard to judge, but contemporary observers put the numbers between 2,000 and 8,000, for even his household troops were by this stage well below strength, while most of the Ordonnance companies were at best only 50% of their theoretical strength. Charles, as usual, deployed his troops to a precise battle plan despite the short notice he received of the approach of René's forces. The infantry companies and dismounted gendarme formed up in a large square formation with some 30 field guns in front at the top of the slope, while on either flank were mounted knights and coutilliers.
Henry de Montherlant brilliantly staged all the protagonists of this struggle in his play, Port-Royal. As his reputation of intransigence seemed firmly established - it is he who prohibited the Tartuffe Molière the day after his first public performance at the Palais Royal Theater in 1667"Considering that in a time when our great Monarch so freely exposes his life for the good of his State, and where our main care is to exhort all the good people of our Diocese to make continual prayers for the preservation of his Sacred Person and for the success of his weapons, there would be impiety to attend shows capable of attracting the wrath of Heaven, have and do very express inhibitions and defenses to all people of our Diocese, to represent, to read , or to hear recite the above-mentioned Comedy, either publicly, or in particular, under any name and pretext whatsoever, on pain of excommunication." Ordonnance of 11 August 1667. \- as Hardouin Perefixe continued to enjoy all his life in the favor of Louis XIV.
Peter G. Thomson, founder of The Champion Coated Paper Co., began construction on Laurel Court in 1902. He selected James Gamble Rogers, the nephew of Peter's wife, Laura Gamble Thomson, to design the Gilded Age mansion. Although the design is sometimes mistakenly said to be based on the Petit Trianon, Rogers based the house's ordonnance and design system on the Trianon de Marbre, the Grand Trianon at Versailles, France, as can be seen from the duplication of the Grand Trianon's decorated Ionic order (the Petit Trianon is Corinthian), the governing concept of a colonnade between cubical pavilions, and the overall articulation of the structure. The house is of course smaller than the Grand Trianon, it is revetted in simple stone rather than the varicolored marbles of the French prototype, and it is of two stories rather than one and adapted otherwise to meet the requirements of a private residence of its time, but every design decision in the structure was governed by reference to the Grand Trianon, with no reference whatever to the much later Petit Trianon.
Marie Clémentine Léopoldine Caroline Clotilde of Orléans, styled Mademoiselle de Beaujolais, was born on 6 March 1817 at the Château de Neuilly, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, soon after the Bourbon Restoration. She became a royal princess, Princess of Orléans,By an ordinance he signed on 13 August 1830, Louis Philippe I, King of the French, defined the manner in which his children, as well as his sister, would continue to bear the name and arms of Orléans: :Ordonnance du roi qui détermine les noms et titres des princes et princesses de la famille royale. :LOUIS PHILIPPE ROI DES FRANÇAIS, à tous présens et à venir, salut. :Notre avènement à la couronne ayant rendu nécessaire de déterminer les noms et les titres que devaient porter à l'avenir les princes et princesses nos enfans, ainsi que notre bien- aimée sœur, :Nous avons ordonné et ordonnons ce qui suit : :Les princes et princesses nos bien-aimés enfans, ainsi que notre bien-aimée sœur, continueront à porter le nom et les armes d'Orléans.

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