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111 Sentences With "old saw"

How to use old saw in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "old saw" and check conjugation/comparative form for "old saw". Mastering all the usages of "old saw" from sentence examples published by news publications.

AS THE old saw has it, nobody reads party manifestos.
And Bloomberg is the public face of this old saw.
The old saw is "a stitch in time saves nine".
Don't ever believe the old saw about guns not killing people.
Every old saw about the market has been wrong this year.
It may be time to update the old saw about gentrification.
I knew the old saw: No fool like an old fool.
At that point a second old saw would have been proved wrong.
Politics, despite the old saw, doesn't really stop at the water's edge.
All of this helps it make even an old saw feel sharp.
Wealth Matters So much for that old saw that money can't buy happiness.
The old saw about the long arc of history bowing toward justice was true.
"The graybeards missed all of these stories because of their old saw," Cramer said.
The old saw has it that American wine consumers talk dry but drink sweet.
Older millennials between 25 and 34 years old saw the highest increase in death rates.
Take the old saw that younger drivers are always the riskiest to insure, for example.
But of course the old saw about convicts is that they all claim they are innocent.
An old saw in the journalism industry advises reporters to go only where the facts lead.
The old saw — If I'd had more time I would have written a shorter letter — applies.
YHL: There's the old saw that one death is a tragedy while a million is a statistic.
As the old saw goes, a leader without followers is just a guy out for a walk.
Perhaps this underscores that old saw: it's often less about what you know than who you know.
There's an old saw in politics: When you don't want to fix a problem, appoint a commission.
Technological advances in particular have lent poignancy to the old saw: There ought to be a law.
For now, though, there is the old saw about aging: It is, at least, better than the alternative.
The old saw that the cover-up is worse than the crime often obscures more than it reveals.
"You can't make the club in the tub," is the old saw that Williams repeats with a sigh.
The former director answered with the old saw that the Met cannot set out to hire a woman.
We're in danger of playing out that old saw (apparently from Marx?) of history repeating itself as farce.
If we're worried, as the old saw goes, counting imagined sheep will settle our minds enough to sleep.
The old saw that Vince McMahon would rather lose money his way than make money someone else's holds here.
The old saw — that it's the cover-up rather than the crime that gets you — is sometimes literally true.
The old saw in the aviation industry is that safety rules are "written in blood"—they come from experience.
And if you've just tuned in, I'm not reporting things my 6-year-old saw on the playground today.
It's generally delicious but protracted, confirming that old saw about how years go fast but the days pass slowly.
The overbearing mother-in-law bit is an old saw, but Streep takes it to a new, more insidious place.
"It's like the old saw: I didn't believe in the seniority system until I was here for 20 years," Ornstein notes.
"So the Democrats are left to fall back on their old saw of saying it only benefits the rich," Murtaugh said.
In the case of climate change, we know the old saw applies: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
That old saw about watching the money turns out to work as well in the wild world of transportation as anywhere else.
Still, as the media habits of the young drive everybody else's, I'm reminded of that old saw about those who forget history.
As the old saw goes, budgets are "moral documents" that show us how the authors would choose to allocate finite national resources.
And for years, awards-season pundits have repeated the old saw that the academy votes for films that remind voters of themselves.
"All my kids saw it a couple weeks ago and then my 4-year-old saw it, but he's super confused," Witherspoon says.
Some policymakers have found comfort in an old saw, which says if nobody likes the outcome, you must be doing something right. Balderdash.
The 21-year-old saw the raccoon on the narrow, wooded trail ahead of her, baring its tiny teeth and blocking the path.
The old saw about Microsoft being boring and Apple being interesting applies here, as choosing Porsches doesn't entail a lot of risk taking.
There's an old saw about Washington, D.C., that staffers in their twenties know more about the minutiae of government than their bosses do.
My 6-year-old saw me on TV the other day using the word multiple times and frankly she will be just fine.
IT HAS been a rough few months for conventional wisdom in Washington, DC, but one old saw never lost its force: "Personnel is policy".
They had no new argument either in supporting Ford or opposing Kavanaugh — other than the old saw of serially calling for a delaying 'F.
You believed the old saw that "boys will be boys" and that somehow you bore the full responsibility of what had happened to you.
Wordplay WEDNESDAY PUZZLE — There's an old saw that says that if you want to be financially comfortable in life, you should become a plumber.
"There truly is a method to his madness, to quote that old saw, and people who think otherwise can quickly get buried," Cohen said.
The 26-year-old saw early success that took her to the United States in 2011, away from her family and hometown of Norwich, England.
In 2012, the 40-year-old saw his salary drop from 3,000 euros to 800 euros overnight and he could no longer pay his mortgage.
Never has the old saw – an ounce (or in this case half a teaspoon) of prevention is worth a pound of cure – held more true.
He proclaimed his innocence, flashed the Nixon victory sign and reiterated the old saw from his mentor, Roy Cohn, that any attention is good attention.
Those aged 16-24 years old saw a job gain of 136,000 where the category above them up to 54 years saw job losses in November.
Kamin likened the report's value to the old saw about the drunk woozily hanging onto a lamppost: "It's there for support, not for illumination," he said.
After four decades of growing pot illegally, the 54-year-old saw an opportunity last year to start a legitimate business serving the medical marijuana market.
Boing Boing has the video that followed the prank, and it sure underscores that old saw about how the definition of funny is other peoples' pain.
That old saw "You'll Never Work In This Town Again" came crawling back to putrid life like a re-animated cadaver in a late-night zombie flick.
The bonds of trust between nations are fraying, and the old saw that the European Union advances only in times of crisis is being tested to destruction.
The 3-year-old saw his pitch count elevate after issuing four walks, giving him 228 on the season - just two shy of his total last year.
"There's the old saw that Mozart is too easy for children and too difficult for adults," the pianist Garrick Ohlsson recently said by phone from San Francisco.
If, as the old saw goes, it's impossible to depict war onscreen without glamorizing it, it may also be impossible to depict rape onscreen without eroticizing it.
The old saw goes that on a deathbed nobody wishes they'd spent more time at the office, but I suspect many women, whose careers stop prematurely, do.
Think of the old saw about how long it takes to turn an aircraft carrier around: It's slow, and there's not much to see at any given moment.
The old saw that all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing was never truer than it was in Weinstein's case.
My son Lysander at almost 3 ½  years old saw his first tigers, mesmerized by the electric aura this being emanated in the secret lairs of its jungle habitat.
While past performance does not guarantee future results (you've probably heard that old saw!), for public investors, historical success is at least an indicator of more likely future success.
That light-hearted, if morbid, joke is built on an old saw in the black community, that black people must work twice as hard to get half as far.
It's a very old saw, dating back to the late 22016th century — when the word 'feminism' as we know it first comes into the English language — if not earlier.
Of all age groups, adults 264 to 280 years old saw the largest increase in mortality rates -- 271% -- according to the study, published Tuesday in the medical journal JAMA.
Hestaas, a serial entrepreneur, became interested in building a social network for kids after his son, who was then seven years old, saw his older sisters using Instagram and Snapchat.
He writes incisively about many things here but especially about, as the old saw has it, how it is easier to fight for your principles than live up to them.
The old saw about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery isn't really true for remakes — find something fresh, or go home — yet imitation is what mostly comes to mind here.
But the truth is plodding, getting its pants on, one leg at a time, while a lie races halfway around the world, as the old saw attributed to Mark Twain goes.
I think there is an old saw in Washington — and it's mostly among the chattering class that used to love their cocktail parties — that the problem is a lack of personal relationships.
In his few years in the spotlight, the 20-year-old saw national success as a rapper as well as several high-profile run-ins with the law — including allegations he was abusive.
This is becoming old saw: Russia stole and published emails and also generated fake news, all in an attempt to hurt Hillary Clinton's chances of being elected and therefore to aid Trump's chances.
There is an old saw about work: if you don't want to be asked to do something, be really, really bad at it, so then no one will ask you to do it again.
"I think there is an old saw in Washington — and it's mostly among the chattering class that used to love their cocktail parties — that the problem is a lack of personal relationships," Schatz says.
Has anyone done an economic analysis of the staggering cost to insurers, patients and the government that flow from the medical profession's clinging to the old saw about looking for horses and not zebras?
The unnamed 60-year-old saw what she thought was a bowl of avocado on the table, ate an entire spoonful, and somehow managed to not start sobbing in front of the other guests.
The plot is set in motion by the murder of a teenager -- an old saw if there ever was one -- another youth who stumbles upon the body, and faulty assumptions that wind up multiplying the pain.
Gazing out her bedroom window, the 13-year-old saw a car pulling into the driveway of the home she shared with her parents, Jim and Denise Closs, outside of Barron, Wisconsin, and went to alert them.
The 19-year-old saw his follower count on his popular page drop from 16.5 million subscribers on Friday to 13.8 million (and counting) by Monday morning, with critics keeping the hashtag #JamesCharlesIsCancelled trending on social media.
It was suspicious of video games, even the ones based on its own worlds; there was an old saw that video games were the enemy, in diametric opposition to the collect-paint-fight-socialize ethos of Warhammer.
He has long been a familiar name in the political cognoscenti (long enough so that the old saw about a person who manages to be "a rising star in three different decades" has been applied to him).
The old saw is that for every success story, you can name a he's-the-next-Michael-Jordan type like Eddy Curry (drafted by the post-Jordan Bulls) or Kwame Brown (drafted by Jordan's Washington Wizards) who washed out.
Elections have consequences, goes the old saw, and in Virginia a Democratic wave in November remade the political landscape on one of the state's longest-running and most contentious issues: whether to expand Medicaid to 400,000 low-income residents.
"When a seven-year-old saw that this older boy was getting extra food by being helpful, he asked if he could help clean up the room and keep it neat so that he, too, could get extra food," Binford explained.
Towards the end of the film, Wolfe and Perkins share an old saw about the ancient need for storytelling as something cavemen did around the fire to keep at bay their fear of the wolves out there in the dark.
I don't hold to the old saw suggesting that one should drink the same wine used in cooking, but cabernet would be a fine choice, whether from the Médoc or greater Graves region, or a balanced but fruitier selection from California.
The 26-year-old saw his pitch count elevate to a season-high 211 as a result of surrendering a campaign-high five walks, marking the sixth straight time he's issued at least three or more free passes this season.
Mind you, another old saw is that bear markets do not end until prices pass their previous peak; on that measure, the Nikkei 25.4, which is less than half its 213 high, is still caught in a 221-year-long bear run.
A MINUS Vampire Weekend: Father of the Bride (Columbia) Somehow the raft of confused reviews that greeted VW's half-decade-coming fourth album failed to ditch the old saw that set designer's son turned Columbia scholarship boy Ezra Koenig sings the lifestyles of the rich and famous.
Jamey Verrilli, who runs Relay's Newark branch (there are seven others), says the approach shows teaching for what it is: not an innate gift, nor a refuge for those who, as the old saw has it, "can't do", but "an incredibly intricate, complex and beautiful craft".
Filmmakers, advertisers, modeling agencies, dating websites and other key gatekeepers demonstrate repeatedly the ongoing pertinence of the old saw: If you're black get back If you're brown, stick around If you're white you're all right Colorism was part of the drama that starred Barack and Michelle Obama.
In the six months after Hurricane Floyd hit North Carolina in 1999, the rate of traumatic brain injury, one of the most severe results of child abuse, in children under two years old saw a fivefold increase in counties that were severely affected by the hurricane.
When the 17-year-old saw the results, he let out a triumphant "holy fuck" yell, which snuck past NBC's censors and into the live feed, inadvertently articulating the thoughts of viewers nationwide who were currently comparing his win to all the dumbass stuff they were doing at 17.
The residents of a small town have disappeared, but that mystery is overshadowed by a man mutilating a dead elephant with a peach knife, an old saw, a pick and his bare hands, only to abandon the "taller than a circus tent" carcass to be eaten by maggots.
The old saw about boxers, that they wouldn't expend a certain kind of energy before a bout — sexual energy, which would need to be hoarded if the fighter wanted to be at peak strength — aligns nicely with this notion, one in which the ascetic isn't starving herself so much as harnessing her powers, because power is a finite thing.
And of course, despite the fact that over 370 organizations as varied and respected as the American Legion, the Military Coalition, AFL-CIO, NAACP and AARP, all want the rule upheld, Wall Street interests dusted off their old saw about "trial lawyers"—but that's what you do when you don't have facts or logic on your side.
I think sort of the old saw of the editor, which is you have contempt for your readers — I mean we're joking when we say that kind of thing, but there has long been this idea that editors know best, or we know what is important, we know what we think is important that you should be aware of.
And just one day before Jones was pulled over last week, he was in a different New Mexico courtroom, pleading no contest to charges of driving without a license, registration, or insurance in January: all in all an epic of vehicular ineptitude (or worse) and repeated confirmation of that now-old saw that the only person who can beat Jon Jones is Jon Jones.
The King is one of the few movies I've ever seen that answers the old saw of whether it's possible to make war look truly unattractive on camera with a resounding "yes": This war is all anonymous armored figures hurling themselves at each other like football players to bash about with swords or beat each other to death or drown each other in the soupy, smothering mud all around them.
You can see this in the performance of several high volatility names: Freeport-McMoran: down 42% Wynn Resorts: down 14% Cameron Int'l: down 7% First Solar: down 6.8% And the better performance of stocks that are low volatility: Campbell Soup: up 3.3% Clorox: up 0.6% Kellogg: down 1.4% Coke: down 2.4% P&G: down 4.2% There's an old saw on Wall Street, that there's two types of selling: intellectual and non-intellectual.
Since sharing it online, he's managed to identify over a dozen individuals in the the pictures, as people have recognized friends or family members and reached out: one woman noticed the face of her late grandfather in a group of men celebrating Chinese New Year on Bayard Street; the son of the owner of a seafood store saw his great uncle smoking a cigarette and carrying a bag of scallops; a 35-year-old saw himself as a toddler, napping in his grandfather's lap while the man read the newspaper on a stoop.

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