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"oecology" Definitions
  1. a less common spelling of ecology
"oecology" Antonyms

6 Sentences With "oecology"

How to use oecology in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "oecology" and check conjugation/comparative form for "oecology". Mastering all the usages of "oecology" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Ecology or oecology, the study of plants in relation to each other and to their environment.
The translation of Warming's term into English as "Oecology" led to Cowles becoming one of the primary popularizers of the term ecology in the United States. Cowles was one of the founding members of the Ecological Society of America in 1915.ESA history Cowles married Elizabeth Waller in 1900, and their daughter Harriet was born in 1912.
Also Frederic Clements was much inspired by Warming when starting to working with succession, but more by Oscar Drude in formulating his concept of vegetational climax in his 1916 book. A more unexpected avenue of influence went through the American sociologist Robert E. Park, who read Warming's Oecology of Plants and used the ideas of ecological succession as inspiration for a notion of succession in human communities – a human ecology. Warming's influence on later Scandinavian ecology was immense. Especially significant was his inspiration to Christen Raunkiær – his pupil and successor on the chair of botany at the University of Copenhagen.
286: "Unter Oecologie verstehen wir die gesammte Wissenschaft von den Beziehungen des Organismus zur umgebenden Aussenwelt, wohin wir im weiteren Sinne alle "Existenz-Bedingungen" rechnen können." (By "ecology" we understand the comprehensive science of the relationships of the organism to its surrounding environment, where we can include, in the broader sense, all "conditions of existence".) Haeckel was a zoologist, artist, writer, and later in life a professor of comparative anatomy. Opinions differ on who was the founder of modern ecological theory. Some mark Haeckel's definition as the beginning; others say it was Eugenius Warming with the writing of Oecology of Plants: An Introduction to the Study of Plant Communities (1895), or Carl Linnaeus' principles on the economy of nature that matured in the early 18th century.
The first discussion of bulliform cells occurred in 1909 in the revised and expanded version of the Plantesamfund (Oecology of Plants) written by botanist Eugenius Warming for an English audience. One of the features he investigated was the phenomenon of leaf rolling in the Poaceae and Cyperaceae families and how he noticed the bulliform cells, which he termed "hinge-cells", were on the epidermal layer of the leaf tissue, but deeper than the epidermal cells themselves and capable of folding distortion along with the leaf. In the early 1990s, it was suggested by Fahn and Cutler that, at least in grasses, bulliform cells developed as a form of xerophytic adaptation. This was supported by evidence from decades earlier that showed that bulliform cells had larger development in species that lived in a desert ecosystem with a need to control water and salt levels.
While Grossinger attended Amherst College and Hough at Smith College in Massachusetts, they founded North Atlantic Books' progenitor Io Magazine, an alternative college literary magazine in 1964, featuring work from Robert Kelly, Charles Stein, and Nels Richardson, among others. Over the next decade, Io became a counter-cultural journal mixing literature, science, and history, as it came out of Michigan, Maine, and Vermont with issues such as "Alchemy", "Doctrine of Signatures", "Ethnoastronomy", "Oecology", "Dreams", "Earth Geography", and "The Olson-Melville Sourcebooks". Io is credited with publishing early works by Stephen King (his poem, "Brooklyn August," was featured in Io Issue #10), Jayne Anne Phillips, poets Robert Duncan, Charles Olson, Ed Sanders, Diane di Prima, as well as the work of writers including David Wilk, Rob Brezsny, and Phoebe Gloeckner. In 2009, North Atlantic books created the Io Poetry Series, featuring collections from under-recognized voices in American poetry.

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