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77 Sentences With "obvious truth"

How to use obvious truth in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "obvious truth" and check conjugation/comparative form for "obvious truth". Mastering all the usages of "obvious truth" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That would seem like an obvious truth, but it's not.
Trump formally recognized an obvious truth: Jerusalem is the rightful capital of Israel.
Now they continue to deny the obvious truth of human life in the womb.
I don't think there's any room to sort of not face the obvious truth.
"He tells whoppers all the time and denies the obvious truth," Mr. Trumka said.
Only by facing and acting on this obvious truth can this pathological culture be healed.
First, our experience running a large-scale, year-round field canvass reveals a somewhat obvious truth.
The obvious truth is American citizens have common sense and value our hard-fought Constitutional rights.
That is the simple and long since obvious truth behind the alleged mystery of climate denial.
Obvious truth: When Donald Trump loses the presidential election, he will start his own Trump TV network.
Even when the math points at what seems to obvious truth, feelings can get in the way.
We need to start reconnecting with the obvious truth that we do live in a common reality.
The obvious truth was that Reva had loved her mother in a way that I hadn't loved mine.
If those who oppose changing United States policy toward Cuba visited the island, they, too, would realize this obvious truth.
It's an obvious truth that Joel doesn't disagree with — he just asks if Susie is going to tell Midge as much.
A glance at any listicle of TV reboots reveals the obvious truth, that most of them fail and fail for good reason.
Ryan still has time to reclaim some of that dignity, to let the obvious truth about the G.O.P. nominee's unfitness set him free.
"While that might seem to be an obvious truth, the biotechnical approach to medicine essentially negates it in regards to practice," Galinsky said.
Many critics and fans see this as a challenge rather than acknowledging the more obvious truth: Yorke's greatest lyrical gift is his practiced inscrutability.
" I found a gastroenterologist, who — after taking my history, running tests, and doing a thorough exam — told me the obvious truth: "Acid reflux. Classic.
" When confronted with the increasingly obvious truth that Trump's presidency is creating a climate of hatred through the US, Ivanka said, "I reject that.
The plain, obvious truth is that Trump is running a racist campaign based on an unimpressive record in business and bad public policy ideas.
They constitute a denial of the obvious truth that a prosperous society is necessarily going to be one that is evolving and changing over time.
But the plain, obvious truth is that Trump is running a racist campaign based on an unimpressive record in business and bad public policy ideas.
The most obvious truth about us is that we really are -- despite all cries to the contrary -- a nation of immigrants, by immigrants, and for immigrants.
Yet, despite the obvious truth of that statement, we may wonder: What are the moral and political arguments that underwrite the claim that black lives matter?
" According to McGowan, the former mogul's denial "is a sad, pathetic old-fashioned sexist attempt to undermine obvious truth and the gaslighting will no longer be tolerated.
They just have to recognize an obvious truth: They can use some of the profits from their moneymaking drugs to subsidize other drugs that are desperately needed.
Beneath that veneer there's a more obvious truth, however: Eugene always puts himself first, and he's just desperately trying to prove that he's valuable enough to keep alive.
And yet, people seem unwilling to point out a fairly obvious truth, which is that this campaign is a shitty fucking piece of garbage and everyone hates it.
The obvious truth is that both temporary and permanent help are needed; they should not be played off one against the other because of budget inadequacies rooted in Congress.
While that may sound like an obvious truth, you'd be surprised by how many people I talk to who don't know what kind of progress matters to them most.
Fundamental disagreements about sex and gender have become so polarized that oversimplification is inevitable, and the obvious truth that both social and biological forces are at play is cast aside.
This obvious truth dawns on him when he sees all the babies Mindy's fertility practice has brought into the world; a practice that is facing closure due to plot-moving reasons.
In February, we reported on a study that observed an obvious truth: Trans kids who are accepted develop similarly to the general population, instead of being plagued by depression due to discrimination.
This obvious truth should not be taken as a reason to do nothing, for there is a very real problem before us; climate change is both happening and a very real danger.
The American story is both devastating and hopeful over the arc of over 400 years, and an honest look reveals an obvious truth: that "America," land of opportunity for everyone, has never existed.
It was Twitter at its best, distilling an obvious truth down to a three-word hashtag that didn't just take off online; it helped shape the Oscar conversation for the rest of the year.
"They're not willing to face a devastating and obvious truth about this president, that he is wildly corrupt and that we are well past the threshold to kick him out of office," he said.
"The United States calls on all nations in the region to face this obvious truth, and let the Cuban regime know that it will be held responsible for continued oppression in Venezuela," Bolton said.
It would be good for him to support the obvious truth, under attack for generations by the most powerful elements of society, that there are public interests that can only be served by public action.
And Trump's incessant fight against fact and denials of obvious truth may also mean he has a credibility issue even if he comes before the nation to talk about what he sees as a credible threat.
And it also puts forth the obvious truth that keeping third parties out of the transaction process as much as possible is the best way to get fair and clear pricing and better goods and services.
There is not one of Trump's generals, nor one of his Cabinet members, who agrees with his refusal to unequivocally state the obvious truth that Russia intervened in the 2016 campaign for the purpose of electing him.
Perhaps what seems to me an extremely obvious truth—namely, that there should be some fact to the matter of what I experience once I step in and press the button—is really not a truth at all.
That night, I explained what I'd done to my parents, and they mercifully and patiently walked me through the now obvious truth that girls aren't video game characters; they're humans — something I'd learn if I spoke to them.
For more than two years, the news media and progressives have been outraged by the the president lying about all things great and small; it pains me to see the president create "alternative facts" counter to the obvious truth.
When the highly popular governor said that both parties in Washington share responsibility for the failures that make politics in Washington so distasteful to so many Americans today, she was speaking an obvious truth that is told too rarely.
" And President Trump also used his letter to remind Kim of an obvious truth: "You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.
" According to McGowan, the former mogul's denial "unequivocally proves a continued attempt to malign, smear and 'slut shame" McGowan and "is a sad, pathetic old-fashioned sexist attempt to undermine obvious truth and the gaslighting will no longer be tolerated.
At a political moment when almost everyone agrees that income inequality is a problem, the EPI report notes what used to be regarded as an obvious truth: Unions have historically been a crucial force in raising wages and increasing benefits.
"Throughout their responses to the committee, Apple dodged and weaved to avoid stating the obvious truth: they systematically inhibit repair of their products by their customers and independent repair shops," Kyle Wiens, CEO of iFixit, told Motherboard in an email.
The obvious truth, though, is that immigrant mothers of all stripes are much more than their aspirations in the U.S. The mothers mentioned above all contain a little bit of my own, as does Nami under the lens of Yao.
Ms. Prokopyeva has been in the sights of Russia's security services since 2014, when, as editor of Pskovskaya Guberniya, her hometown's only independent newspaper, she oversaw coverage exposing another "obvious" truth: that Russian soldiers have been fighting and dying in eastern Ukraine.
Coming across this idea as eloquently expressed as it was by this writer really made me stop, and think, and recognize the obvious truth of what he says — as if I'd known it before, but never felt it so sharply as when he articulated it well.
You don't need a psychological sketch to understand the events in Syria, just the bare and obvious truth: Because Trump is president, people are being murdered before cameras, the world is more unsafe, and American promises are worth less than the cursed account that they're tweeted on.
If this current shutdown "crisis" illustrates anything, it's the unfortunate and obvious truth that if there is no political courage to address the straightforward issue of border security, there is no hope that our leaders will meaningfully address the very real economic threats facing the future of our country.
" I hear the same thing from a woman whose stall sells a mishmash of religious iconography and kitschy wine bottle holders: Asked why business has been slower after the raids, she tells me (as if knowing she's stating an obvious truth), "Because people are afraid to go out.
But judging by the USDA's repeated actions against the interests of vulnerable animals over the last year, it's time to recognize an alarming but obvious truth: Under the Trump administration, the USDA has not merely turned a blind eye to animal cruelty – it has become complicit in it.
That single line, relayed by William B. Taylor Jr., the avuncular, experienced diplomat sent back to Kiev in May by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, encapsulated the now obvious truth that Mr. Trump had little interest in the central national security strategy that his own administration published in late 2017.
It's hard to offer too much credit to those conservatives coming forward now, when she is the only thing standing between the country and an authoritarian takeover, to admit the blindingly obvious truth: that Clinton is a normal, competent politician, while Trump is a tremendous threat to U.S. democracy and global security.
Reading through all the revulsion, what emerges for me is an uncomfortable, but relatively obvious truth that has both little and everything to do with Cyrus: that hip-hop culture is — in its mainstream, highly commercialized versions — precisely constructed to be a kind of costume one can put on and take off.
Today, a flavor of this hostile, alienating exoticism remains, and the obvious truth that North Koreans are people like anyone else gets lost, meaning that the idea of huge numbers of them dying in a blaze of "fire and fury" is seen more in terms of how it might affect people outside North Korea.
The only thing that remains clear about it is that she was never serious about the proposal in the first place and she refuses to submit to the obvious truth that people across the income spectrum are going to have to pay more to the government in order to accomplish this a Medicare for All system.
Can you not harvest within your mind the mere modicum of morality required to induce you to gather up what little integrity you still retain and admit an obvious truth: The man you've supported all this time has not the knowledge, temperament or judgment to be commander in chief, and should never, ever put us all at risk by sitting in the Oval Office?
For a moment I thought Minoli, a 2000 graduate of Lewis and Clark Law School might have been forced into a Sean SpicerSean Michael SpicerOvernight Defense: Dems talk Afghanistan, nukes at Detroit debate | Senate panel advances Hyten nomination | Iranian foreign minister hit with sanctions | Senate confirms UN ambassador Trump taps Sean Spicer to join Naval Academy board of visitors Trump falsely claims his events have never 'had an empty seat' MORE-moment, denying the obvious truth of the nature of Pruitt's tenancy in much the same way that Spicer asked the public to suspend disbelief about the size of Trump's inaugural crowd.
A lapalissade is an obvious truth--i.e. a truism or tautology--which produces a comical effect. It is derived from the name Jacques de la Palice, and the word is used in several languages.Georges Lebouc, 2500 noms propres devenus communs, p.
In the early 18th century Bernard de la Monnoye collected over 50 of these humorous "La Palice" quatrains, and published them as a burlesque Song of La Palice. From that song came the French term lapalissade meaning an utterly obvious truth--i.e. a truism or tautology.
Dave (Morris Chestnut) and Clarice Johnson (Taraji P. Henson) have reached a breaking point in their marriage. When Clarice is injured in a car accident, her mother Mary (Jenifer Lewis) intervenes. The obvious truth that more than just her injuries need immediate attention is exposed. Clarice begins to be treated by Julie (Maeve Quinlan), a physical therapist.
In the U.S., a White elephant gift exchange is a popular winter holiday party activity. The idiom Elephant in the room tells of an obvious truth that no one wants to discuss, alluding to the animal's size compared to a small space. "Seeing pink elephants" refers to a drunken hallucination and is the basis for the Pink Elephants on Parade sequence in the 1941 Disney animated feature, Dumbo. "Jumbo" has entered the English language as a synonym for "large".
Hoover also requested that the British allow aid shipments as long as the German Government met the conditions he had specified and asked that the governments in exile provide funding for aid supplies. He also argued that "the obvious truth is that there will be wholesale starvation, death and disease in these little countries unless something is done about it".Medlicott (1952), p. 554 The US Government did not support Hoover's statement and it also failed to win public support.
A Kinsley gaffe occurs when a political gaffe reveals some truth that a politician did not intend to admit. The term comes from journalist Michael Kinsley, who said, "A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn't supposed to say." The term gaffe may be used to describe an inadvertent statement by a politician that the politician believes is true while the politician has not fully analyzed the consequences of publicly stating it. Another definition is a statement made when the politician privately believes it to be true, realizes the dire consequences of saying it, and yet inadvertently utters, in public, the unutterable.
'Changes to DA's Shadow Cabinet', DA press statement, 3 October 2015 Davis was an avid campaigner for equal education, and a fierce opponent of the militant South African Democratic Teacher's Union. On 16 February 2016, he gave a speech in the debate on the State of the Nation Address calling on President Zuma to "smash the SADTU protection racket, so that we can improve the education of every child." 'Smash the SADTU protection racket' Political commentator Andrew Kenny described it in The Citizen newspaper as the best speech he had heard in the debate. "It was sincere, told an obvious truth, and dealt with a terrible problem, the appalling education of our black children", said Kenny.
In the 1970s and 1980s, after DAR was determined to be a poor predictor of sales, the research industry began to depend on a measure of persuasion as an accurate predictor of sales. This shift was led, in part, by researcher Horace Schwerin who pointed out, “the obvious truth is that a claim can be well remembered but completely unimportant to the prospective buyer of the product – the solution the marketer offers is addressed to the wrong need” (Honomichl). As with DAR, it was Procter and Gamble's acceptance of the ARS Persuasion measure (also known as brand preference) that made it an industry standard. Recall scores were still provided in copy testing reports with the understanding that persuasion was the measure that mattered (Honomichl).
Delivering the vote of thanks at the Ramnath Goenka Memorial Awards in 2016, Jha underlined that questioning those in power and holding them accountable, inviting their criticism, was the hallmark of good journalism, an obvious truth that often gets lost in the "selfie journalism" of "likes and retweets" and turning the camera on yourself. The next year, Jha said that the only counter to fear in the newsroom was to get up and switch the lights on rather than find a safe blanket to hide under. In 2017, for his "outstanding contribution" to journalism and literature by telling stories about a changing India with "honesty, compassion and courage," Jha was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award by his alma mater Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, at its annual convocation. "IIT Kharagpur Distinguished Alumnus Award 2017" Past recipients of this honour include Google's Sundar Pichai, Arvind Kejriwal and Harish Hande.
Of course I do not claim that these views are representative of MP-speakers in general, but they reflect the overwhelming impression I had during fieldwork in the region. Therefore I deem it necessary and valuable to give a voice to their opinions here. Many of the MP-speakers I met deny the Greekness of their language, although they know at least that many words in Standard Modern Greek (SMG) are identical to the ones in MP. As a linguist I was often asked to join them in their view in favour of the distinctness of their language. Without telling a lie I tried to reconcile the obvious truth that MP is a Greek dialect with the equally true assertion that MP and SMG are two different languages in the way that Italian and Spanish are distinct languages, to the extent that some characteristics are very similar and others completely different.
Louis probably overlooked that affirmation by the army was the original ancient source for the title of Imperator, before it came to mean the ruler of the Roman Empire. Though it would have been possible for either side of the dispute to concede to the obvious truth, that there were now two empires and two emperors, this would have denied the understood nature of what the empire was and meant (its unity). Louis's letter does offer some evidence that he might have recognized the political situation as such; Louis is referred to as the "August Emperor of the Romans" and Basil is referred to as the "very glorious and pious emperor of New Rome", and he suggests that the "indivisible empire" is the empire of God and that "God has not granted this church to be steered either by me or you alone, but so that we should be bound to each other with such love that we cannot be divided, but should seem to exist as one". These references are more likely to mean that Louis still considered there to be a single empire, but with two imperial claimants (in effect an emperor and an anti-emperor).

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