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275 Sentences With "not to be found"

How to use not to be found in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "not to be found" and check conjugation/comparative form for "not to be found". Mastering all the usages of "not to be found" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Here, one has to work hard not to be found.
Nationwide statistics on police shooting accuracy are not to be found.
But Mary Shelley's gifts are not to be found in this movie.
Yet the magical museum of my memory was not to be found.
Solutions, in other words, were not to be found through law and order.
The real pleasure of "Underground," however, is not to be found in its philosophical reflections.
It's not to be found in books or lecture halls or even churches or synagogues or mosques.
He was not to be found at the anonymous basement supermarket he runs beneath the Marché Couvert.
Menorah candles, chocolate gelt and dreidels were not to be found in our small town in Indiana.
That, again, many other basic services that one would expect are not to be found consistently throughout Iraq.
Fantasy, the place I was looking for, is not to be found in dragons, ghosts, or magic wands.
Looking for people who work hard not to be found, she has been chased off by drug dealers, lunging dogs, a pig.
It is not to be found in a big theme park, but indoors at the new American Dream mall in New Jersey.
Being the "perfect" immigrant daughter meant conforming in spaces like Harvard and Yale, trying desperately not to be found out for not belonging.
She expected him to live and fight valiantly, not to be found as cold as the snow upon which his dead body rested.
"Right now, I'm really afraid," said Claudia, who asked that her last name be withheld because she is hoping not to be found.
Finding a vessel that is designed not to be found is more difficult "by an order of magnitude" than a surface vessel, Graham said.
Having boarded the lorry with 29 other desperate migrants, Helen was the only stowaway not to be found when police searched the vehicle at the border.
Jesus was clear about what a Christian must do: Side with the poor, and know that your riches are not to be found on this earth.
Meaning is not to be found in the cheapness of "blood and soil" but in the mystic chains that connect every woman and man to one another.
The solutions to these problems are not to be found in an app designed for children and adolescents at an age when they are most emotionally and psychologically vulnerable.
Mr. Leboyer's pointed criticism of the modern medical establishment was not to be found in peer-reviewed articles, in large-scale studies and trials, or in mountains of data.
Publicly it's the attempt, but privately it's the same rushed meetings, quick decisions made, changes of mind, trying to cover your tracks, trying just not to be found out.
Both Greg and Molly cautioned that what they were planning to prepare was not to be found on Dandelion's cafe menu, nor had they made syrup from whole chocolate before.
And then there's the conspiracy theory going around that even if we looked for certain information online, it's been made not to be found, that search engines are being controlled.
Stephen was the faith's first martyr, slain for suggesting, among other things, that God was not to be found in the temple, or in any dwelling made by human hands.
A tour of local home-improvement stores in search of ideas proved that the streamlined, contemporary look they wanted was not to be found on the shelves of Home Depot or Lowe's.
If they exist, these living-in-the-moment individuals are not to be found in the Palo Alto of "Come With Me," Helen Schulman's strikingly original, compelling and beautifully written sixth novel.
But Middlemarch goes farther than rejecting social class as an arbiter of worth — it suggests that the vitality required to thrive in a changing world is not to be found in the aristocracy.
For those familiar with these suspects, the answer to the scourge of homegrown terrorism in Europe is not to be found in more abstract notions of defeating radical jihadist ideology, or in militarized responses.
We have the potential to create a brighter future out of this dark history: The scales of justice are not to be found in the dusty cells of Guantanamo, but in the federal courtrooms of the United States.
Fini is quoted as saying "Only the inevitable theatricality of my life interests me," which is perhaps why this season's statements were not to be found on a T-shirt, or even a jacket, but on the skin itself.
Art, Wurtz suggests, is not to be found in something polished as a new BMW, but rather in your laundry, in the prosaic mystery of how a pair of socks entered your washing machine but only one came out.
One of the most widely viewed pieces during Miami Art Week, the annual spectacle that ended on Sunday, was not to be found at the international art fair Art Basel Miami Beach or any of the galleries around town.
The great swell of middle-class jobs that China created as it became the workshop to the world is not to be found in India, because turning small businesses into productive large ones is made nigh-on impossible by bureaucracy.
When the former center Marshall Plumlee's leg cramped up during a home game last season and a muscle roller stick was not to be found, Krzyzewski had Michael Karamardian, now a senior manager, massage Plumlee's upper leg with his own hands.
Its benign charisma wafts out from delicate black-and-white photographs, and from a text that can only be read — if it is not to be found entirely risible — as an allegory of the relation of royalty to its people.
Self-knowledge is not to be found, his work argues, on a psychoanalyst's couch or a remote mountaintop, but rather in the things with which we surround ourselves, what passes through our hands and over our bodies, and how we use them.
He responded with a blistering attack on the Republican candidate, noting that U.S. elections are run and monitored by local officials, who may well be appointed by Republican governors of states, and saying that cases of significant voter fraud were not to be found in American elections.
"I planned to offend Yoweri Museveni Kaguta, because he has offended us for 30-plus years," said Nyanzi on Thursday, who explained that she was disappointed not to be found guilty of offending the President "because that is what serious mothers in Uganda should be doing".
In short, the answer is not to be found solely in the workshop, which is why it is worrisome that so many writers of color, women writers and working-class writers who are excluded from the model of the workshop continue to subscribe to its powers.
When he leveraged the Nuggets to trade him to the Knicks in February 2011, he missed the memo — authored by LeBron James and Chris Bosh when they joined Dwyane Wade in Miami — that happiness was not to be found with a team stripped of talent in order to make room for you.
Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found ... There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they are so decentralized.
16, and in Nasmith CXLII. The name of Brasbrigg is not to be found in James Nasmith's catalogue.
In the end, the couple discovered that true love is not to be found but has to be cultivated.
Its depth range is down to about and it tends not to be found on patch reefs, preferring limestone slopes.
Consistency, however, was not to be found, and after only two seasons, Lola abandoned Formula One cars for the time being.
Rabbi Johanan (or some say Rava) interpreted "it is not in heaven" to mean that the Torah is not to be found among the arrogant. And Rabbi Johanan interpreted "neither is it beyond the sea" to mean that it is not to be found among traveling merchants and business people.Babylonian Talmud Eruvin 54b–55a, in, e.g., Talmud Bavli: Tractate Eruvin: Volume 2, elucidated by Yisroel Reisman and Michoel Weiner, edited by Hersh Goldwurm (Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1991), volume 8, pages 54b–55a.
A creditor, ex-employee Carl Schoening, charged that Mr Bean withheld cash transactions from the accounts books. Other books which might have supported his claims were not to be found. At this time all three sons were in his employ.
DJ Taucher released a heavier techno version of the song in 1995. This version is not to be found on any of his studio albums, but is included on the compilation albums Dance Now! 10 and Maxi Dance Sensation 18.
Fossils are not to be found in areas of igneous rock (except in some beds between lava flows). In rocks which have undergone metamorphism, fossils are generally so distorted that they are difficult to recognize or have been destroyed completely.
Gunaratana further notes that Buddhaghosa invented several key meditation terms which are not to be found in the suttas, such as "parikamma samadhi (preparatory concentration), upacara samadhi (access concentration), appanasamadhi (absorption concentration)." Gunaratana also notes that the Buddhaghosa's emphasis on kasina-meditation is not to be found in the suttas, where dhyana is always combined with mindfulness. Bhikkhu Sujato has argued that certain views regarding Buddhist meditation expounded in the Visuddhimagga are a "distortion of the Suttas" since it denies the necessity of jhana. The Australian monk Shravasti Dhammika is also critical of contemporary practice based on this work.
Bellmetalware, conch-shell and terracotta jewelry is also available here. The "Dashavatar Taas", kind of playing cards depicting ten avatars of Hindu god Vishnu, is drawn by hand. It is a rare art piece not to be found anywhere else in India.
They tend not to be found in the daytime, since they avoid light. In an experiment by Tsai and Chi they found that populations of brown-banded cockroaches would be expected to thrive in environments with a temperature between 25 and 33 °C.
The environment in the park is unique to Swedish waters. Over 6,000 marine species have been identified, about 200 of them can not to be found elsewhere in Sweden. The Kosterfjord ()Alander, Harald. 1942. Sponges from the Swedish West-Coast and Adjacent Waters.
They succeeded in wounding Azem who later died from his wounds. His last wish was for his body not to be found by the Serbs, and thus he was buried in a deep cave somewhere near Drenica. He died on July 15, 1924.
The regiment was censured again and described as setting "a very bad example to the brigade" for its action near Mount Jackson on November 22, when it left rear guard duty and "was not to be found until after the brigade was relieved from duty".
Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or for all humanity, is likewise above criticism. #Loading the Language. The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand.
It took the three of us, searching independently, 15 minutes to find one. There were no store displays of any kind. It was not filed under New Releases. It was not to be found under my name in the pop female vocal section or any other category.
Such background factors are not difficult to locate. Economically, the province of Tripolitania was still struggling with the dislocations of war. Many people had come to the city from the countryside seeking employment, which was not to be found. Along with the economic stress was considerable political anomie.
Being possessed of properties in Gloucestershire and Monmouthshire, he paid the costs of his imprisonment, and his name therefore is not to be found in the Tower Bills. He died 6 April 1586 in the Tower, and his will was proved on 27 May of the same year.
A pantomath is a person who wants to know and knows everything. The word itself is not to be found in common online English dictionaries, the OED, dictionaries of obscure words, or dictionaries of neologisms."pantomath" @ - metasearch across 1,000+ dictionaries returns no hits other than this article.
Burns had induced Quinlivan to withdraw the money at Dunkeld, and several days later Quinlivan was not to be found. Burns was acquitted over Forbes's death and immediately re-arrested and charged with the murder of Michael Quinlivan. Burns was convicted and sentenced to death on 23 July 1883.
The mob ultimately killed Jones, as well as his son William. Others found at the place were spared. One son of Jones, Cuthbert Bullitt, slipped out of a second story window, and held on to the ledge, so as not to be found. His life was spared as a result.
Lieutenant Vilain assumed command. Casualties mounted on both sides, but amongst the Legionnaires, "water and food, the two most required necessities, were not to be found. Thirst, heat exhaustion, and sunstroke had replaced them." Their mules had run off after the first encounter with the Mexican cavalry, and then Col.
This type of information is often difficult to obtain, especially in cases where birth certificates and baptismal certificates were intentionally falsified; legal documents are filed as concealed records not readily available to the public without a search warrant; or when persons of interest are deceased, uncooperative, or desire not to be found.
The characters of Shardula and Simhika are original creations of Kottayam Thampuran; they are not to be found in the Mahabharatha. In the Mahabharatha, Kirmeera(Kirmira) is a brother of Bakasura and friend of Hidimba, who attacks the Pandavas in order to exact revenge for their death at the hands of Bhima.
The cheque bounced and when Ronnie tried to collect the money Rachman was not to be found. Rachman knew that if he started to pay the Krays for protection they would continue to milk him indefinitely, so he needed to buy them off permanently.The Kray Twins: Brothers in Arms. Good Times Rolling.
And the Gemara taught that this agrees with Abdimi bar Hama bar Dosa, who interpreted to mean that if it were "in heaven," one would have to go up after it, and if it were "beyond the sea," one would have to go overseas after it. Rather, people can learn the Torah using the tools that they find where they are. Rava (or some say Rabbi Johanan) interpreted "it is not in heaven" to mean that the Torah is not to be found among those who believe that their insight towers as high as the heavens. And Rava interpreted "neither is it beyond the sea" to mean that it is not to be found among those whose self-esteem expands as the sea.
Desperate not to be found out, Zeke uses Kyle as a cover. Zeke talks to Donna on his last show and then reveals his real identity. Sunny develops a crush on Zeke and when they are locked in a closet during camp, they almost kiss. Sunny and Zeke decide to take their relationship slowly.
Germania Superior, the Agri Decumates and the limes are not to be found there, though they certainly existed at the time. "Germania Magna" is found within the Rhine, Danube, Vistula and shores of the "Oceanus Germanicus". Most of the tribes are missing or listed without name. The Main is not there, nor is Lake Constance.
One day, Walter made a glass heart but Peter later stole it. Were the heart not to be found, Walter and his ideas would die. To help find Peter, Olivia calls her assistant, "Esther Figglesworth" (Farnsworth). Later, Olivia follows Nina Sharp, only to find herself kidnapped by a "watcher" (the Observer, played by Michael Cerveris) working for Sharp.
Unfortunately for the Americans, this time the winning magic was not to be found as the game went into a shootout from the penalty spot and the Korean keeper dominated. Savannah Jordan, Lindsey Horan, and Rose Lavelle were all denied by Korean keeper Kim on weak efforts from the spot and the Americans exited the tournament earlier than expected.
Agriculture was once held to be the most important source of income, but is now only of lesser importance. Major industrial operations are not to be found in the village. Börsborn is a residential community for those who earn a living at the industrial operations in the Saarland and elsewhere. Groundwork for a tourism industry could be strengthened.
Lycia was completely Hellenized by the end of the 4th century BC,. after which Lycian is not to be found. Stephen Colvin goes so far as to term this, and the other scantily attested Luwic languages, "Late Luwian", although they probably did not begin late. Analogously, Ivo Hajnal calls them – using an equivalent German term – Jungluwisch.
Amongst the works of Drusius not to be found in this collection may be mentioned: #Alphabetum Hebraicum vetus (1584, 4to) #Tabulae in grammaticam Chaldaicam ad usum juventutis (1602, 8vo) #An edition of Sulpicius Severus (Franker, 1807, 12mo) #Opuscula quae ad grammaticam spectant omnia (1609, 4to) #Lacrymae in obitum J. Scaligeri (1609, 4to) #Grammatica linguae sanctae nova (1612, 4to).
The attendants were curious and went back to the place where they had met a sadhu only to be left dumbstruck. The sadhu was not to be found anywhere. One scholar remarked that the historical Vimalamitra "would have been astonished to find himself the focus of such a tradition."Davidson, Ronald M. Tibetan Renaissance, p. 229.
The events of Barrow have rippled throughout the world, causing a death squad of elders to "thin the herd" of America's troublesome new breed. Trying not to be found, Rufus attempts to hide by getting a dog, and a girlfriend, pretending to like his neighbors, and going to extreme lengths to hide his insatiable craving for blood. Written and illustrated by David Lapham.
Suitable mossy forests are only found on the top of the mountain and the species is likely to be a micro-endemic, not to be found more widely. The habitat is threatened by tourist activities (hiking, expanding tourist facilities). Moreover, there is illegal collection of slipper orchids that could disturb the habitat. The population occurs within the Gunung Brinchang Forest Reserve.
Fancier instruments which are frequently used in pagan metal, like keyboards, violins and flutes, and medieval gear are intentionally not to be found here. Their music is very fast, heavy and spiked with hymn-like melodies. The band’s sound is sometimes very cold and brutal, yet harmonic and brilliantly produced. It is deeply rooted in the 'underground' but still very catchy.
He was a son of Richard Ainsworth of Preston, Lancashire by Elizabeth. He held the offices of Clerk of the peace, Derbyshire by October 1523-by July 1537 and coroner, Derbyshire by February 1534. "He must have had legal training, although he is not to be found at any inn of court". Ainsworth was a Member of Parliament for Derby in 1529.
In the present day, the island mine is now submerged underwater and inaccessible. The theme of locating luminous gems at night is found in other sources. The c. 125 CE didactic Christian text Physiologus states that the diamond ("carbuncle") is not to be found in the day but only at night, which may imply that it emits light (Laufer 1915:62).
The present letter is a very long one, simply because I had no leisure to make it shorter.' Charles Perrault wrote of the Letters: "Everything is there—purity of language, nobility of thought, solidity in reasoning, finesse in raillery, and throughout an agrément not to be found anywhere else."Charles Perrault, Parallèle des Anciens et des Modernes (Paris, 1693), Vol. I, p. 296.
The "Scythian formula", according to Trifolius, was not to be found in the four Councils, and had already been condemned by the Council of Chalcedon.Aloys Grillmeier, Theresia Hainthaler, Christ in Christian Tradition: From the Council of Chalcedon (451) to Gregory the Great (590-604) (1995 translation), p. 326. The "formula" refers to Unus ex Trinitate passus est."One of the Trinity suffered"; Grillmeier and Hainthaler, p. 318.
This evidence is supplemented by an analysis of NSS, Act 2 Scene 1, a scene common to both plays, when Balthazar sets out his credentials of loyal service in seeking to advise the King. Gasper points out that this scene in NSS contains elements from de Thou, not to be found in The Parliament of Bees, principally the need to intervene on behalf of Onaelia.
While initially met with protests and boycotts, Herschel is then seen as an icon of free speech and empowerment. While Herschel is hosting a friendly debate, Ben shows up and questions his thoughts on Christianity. This leads to a rant about Christianity, causing Herschel to become despised by the public. His immigration files are also not to be found, causing the government to try and deport him.
Illustration from Jami's Rose Garden of the Pious, dated 1553. The image blends Persian poetry and Persian miniature into one, as is the norm for many works of Persian literature. From about the 12th century, Persian lyric poetry was enriched with a spirituality and devotional depth not to be found in earlier works. This development was due to the pervasive spread of mystical experience.
He was well known for being able to take any household object that someone would suggest to him on a dare, and instantly generate a plot based around it. His byline was commonplace on pulp covers. He wrote primarily in the genres of aviation, detective, adventure, science fiction, sports (primarily boxing), and weird menace. Two genres he was not to be found in were love and westerns.
Such a feature was not to be found on other South African windmills. The sails, which have a span of , were carried on a teak windshaft. This was fitted with a cast iron poll end in 1935, because the terminus of the wooden shaft had rotted. Contemporary South African windmills all had wooden windshafts, apart from one of the Salt River windmills, which had an iron cross.
Diving mammals such as whales and seals have muscles with particularly high abundance of myoglobin. Myoglobin is found in Type I muscle, Type II A, and Type II B, but most texts consider myoglobin not to be found in smooth muscle. Myoglobin was the first protein to have its three-dimensional structure revealed by X-ray crystallography.(U.S.) National Science Foundation: Protein Data Bank Chronology (Jan.
The Hyman Archive contains over 4,500 individual title publications and over 120,000 individual issues as at April 2017, although the collection is still growing at approximately 30% per annum. The collection spans the period 1850 to the present day. More than 55% of the title publications are not to be found in the British Library. Independent publishers represent 75% of the title publications in The Hyman Archive.
Consider these in turn. Iron for the armor was in short supply throughout the Confederacy, and was not to be found near New Orleans. Eventually the Tifts were able to find a foundry in Atlanta that would produce plate iron of sufficient thickness, but delivery by way of the already overtaxed railroad system was often sporadic. Plates awaiting shipment sometimes lay in Atlanta for weeks.
Pemba fell through space and his torn placenta became the earth. Because he left the egg prematurely the earth formed from this piece was arid and barren and of no use to Pemba. So Pemba tried to return to the egg, to rejoin his twin and his place in the rest of the placenta. But it was not to be found-Mangala had changed the remaining placenta into the sun.
Lowe was vehemently opposed to flying one of Wise's old-style balloons. The engineers waited the whole month of July for Wise to arrive on scene. By 19 July 1861, McDowell started calling for a balloon to be brought to the front at First Bull Run (Centreville). As Wise was not to be found, Whipple sent Lowe out to inflate his balloon and prepare to set out for Falls Church.
When Tresilian's case came up for trial, he had gone into hiding and was not to be found, and was sentenced in absentia. Not long after he was discovered hiding in sanctuary in Westminster. He was dragged into court with cries of 'We have him!' from the mob and, as he was already convicted, was summarily executed, being hanged naked before his throat was cut.Harriss, Shaping the Nation, p. 464.
Williams disappeared on the day of his sentencing.Dick Foster, "Extremist is 'not to be found'; Little hope held of finding Al-Fuqra fugitive", Rocky Mountain News, 25 February 1994, p8. In 2000, Williams was apprehended attempting to re-enter the United States and was sentenced to serve 69 years in prison. His convictions were upheld on appeal by the Colorado Court of Appeals, except for one count of forgery.
He kills fish until weary. "I have in this very river that runs by us, in three or four hours taken thirty, five and thirty, and forty of the best trouts in the river." And he concludes his advice with a note of earthy practicality not to be found as the sport becomes more refined: a recipe for fresh trout boiled with beer and horseradish. It is excellent, by the way.
Samuel interpreted the words "For this commandment . . . is not in heaven" in to teach that the Torah is not to be found among astrologers who gaze at the heavens. When people countered that Samuel himself was an astrologer and also a great Torah scholar, he replied that he engaged in astrology only when he was free from studying the Torah — when he was in the bath.Deuteronomy Rabbah 8:6, in, e.g.
The first so-called "sprechende Kästen" (speaking boxes) she created in 1972. These are unique in their kind and not to be found by other object artists of that time. The boxes contain different objects, technical scrap which is moved motor-driven or commented acoustically with the help of an audio tape at the touch of a button. The artist developed her own manuals for these objects: 'The game begins.
The Surah of Wilaya and Nurayn are two surahs (chapters) that are considered forgeries by Sunni and Shi'a Scholars. The chapters first appeared ten years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in a mid 17th century book called "Dabistan-i Madhahib" by anonymous writer(s) in India. These chapters are not to be found in the Qur'an and there is no record of them in earlier sources.
The Umeå Institute of Technology or Tekniska högskolan i Umeå is part of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Umeå University. The Institute offers a wide range of study programmes, some of them not to be found in any other part of Sweden. Research in engineering is gradually being expanded. The faculty's traditionally strong position in natural sciences form a base on which new technology research is built.
Into whatever vocation they entered they have made practical > use of the habits of industry and perseverance learned during those early > years. Skilled labor teaches something not to be found in books or in > colleges. Their early experience developed their characters... and helped > them to fight well the battle of life. Harriet lived to the age of 86 and died at home in Malden on 22 December 1911.
The case against Walker did not hold, and Walker pressed charges against Shields, stating that he believed Shields wanted to kill him. Shields' defense attorney Fred L. Smith was accused of intimidating witnesses to leave town,"Smith's Acts Not Off Color", Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska). May 27, 1902. Page: 4, and during the trial witnesses were not to be found"Damage and Other Suits", Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska).
MGN had only intended to have one prize of £50,000. MGN held a draw among the 1472. MGN pointed to "Rule 5", which said there would be a draw where more prizes were claimed than available. Rule 5, however, although published in some newspapers, was not to be found in the 3 July 1995 edition. This only said ‘Normal Mirror Group rules apply.’ Mr O’Brien had seen that.
Peyna is puzzled by the requests, but, seeing no harm in them, grants them. Five years later, Peter escapes from the Needle, having used the toy loom in the dollhouse and threads from the napkins to make a rope. After the escape he and his allies rush to get Roland's bow and arrow. However, it is not to be found because Thomas had it once they got into the king's "sitting room".
After three years at the Academy, Thompson was ready to begin her professional career in the United States. In early 1961 she returned to New York City. The social and artistic acceptance Thompson had enjoyed in Germany, however, was not to be found even in that most cosmopolitan of American cities. She soon realized that because she was a black woman, she was refused the shows and gallery representation that she felt her work deserved.
Markland Grips was popular for fishing, hazelnuts and blackberries. Leisure Centre (including swimming baths) By the mid 20th century Creswell supported facilities not to be found in other villages, such as a cinema and some baths. The original cinema was in King Street, but in the 1930s it burned down and was replaced. The new cinema on Elmton Road was a stylish art deco structure, built by the Rogers family and called the Regors.
The fifth movement (adagio) briefly introduces timpani and trumpets, not to be found again in a Haydn symphonic slow movement until Symphony No. 88. The finale features one of Haydn's famous musical jokes: the energetic prestissimo opening grinds to a sudden halt following a spectacularly discordant orchestral flourish, as the violins discover that they seemingly "need" to retune their strings—which they noisily proceed to do for 10 to 15 seconds before they resume playing.
An eminent scholar, who was occupied for many weeks in consulting rare books not to be found elsewhere, failed to obtain access to Lenox's library. He was assigned an apartment in Lenox's spacious mansion and the works were sent in installments without him ever entering the library or meeting Lenox. In 1855, there were 19 millionaires in New York. He was the third richest man in New York worth approximately three million dollars.
This message encourages him to move to Penang. Decades have passed, but the intent was not to be found Lily too. In 1985, when the new increased likuran years of age, Budi narrowly accidentally met Razak now having son (Ammar Ashraff) who are elderly and infirm deck wheezing. In 2012, at the age of nearly 30 years, Remy as the owner of a flower shop aspires to reopen his home as homes.
On 14 November 1805, Canonnière sailed from Cherbourg to reinforce Linois at Île de France in the Indian Ocean. When Linois was not to be found there, Bourayne sailed in search of him off the cape of good hope. It was here that he fell in with a fleet of British Indiamen, resulting in the Action of 21 April 1806.James, W. "Naval History of Great Britain" vol IV. London Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1824, p.
After the Downey group left, the group from 38th street gang left to gather more of their group, prior to returning to the Williams Ranch. The group arrived at Sleepy Lagoon around 1:00 a.m. on the morning of the 2nd, to find no one, so someone suggested the Downey gang had moved to the party at the bunkhouse nearby at the Williams Ranch. At the party, the Downey gang was not to be found.
The > chief authority is Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite; after him, Athanasius, > the three Cappadocians, Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, and John of > Damascus reappear most frequently.” Migne reprints the Latin translation of this work, made by Francisco Torres in the late sixteenth century (PG 152, 741-992). More recently, an edition of the Greek text is reported to have appeared, although so far it is not to be found in most Western libraries.Vasileios L. Dentakes, ed.
Geden's preferred field of study was oriental literature and philology. In 1874, at the Camborne Methodist conference, he delivered the fifth Fernley lecture, on The Doctrine of a Future Life as contained in the Old Testament Scriptures, opposing the view that the teaching is not to be found in the Old Testament. It was published by the Wesleyan Conference office. In 1878 he published in the same way Didsbury Sermons, orthodox in content.
A partially completed factory was started in Honeyville, Utah in 1919. Also in that year, U-I purchased an Amalgamated factory under construction in Whitehall, Montana. Amalgamated had formed the Jefferson Valley Sugar Company and then contracted with Larrowe Construction to build the Whitehall factory in 1917. The pledged lands from farmers was withdrawn or "were not to be found", leading to financial troubles for both Jefferson Valley Sugar and Amalgamated Sugar.
In 1996, SELFHELP became Ten Thousand Villages, a retail company that now has over 100 stores in the United States and Canada. The new name was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi who said “India is not to be found in its few cities but in the 700,000 villages.” By 2008, the company’s sales had surpassed $25.5 million, one third of which was paid to artisans directly. The other two thirds covered importing, storage, marketing, retail costs, and administration.
The bench was unveiled by Pete Waterman. The humour of Hay's films has been described as subversive and similar to that of fellow English comedian Frank Randle. His films are often characterised as exhibiting traits of anti-authoritarianism and having a satirical approach towards how authority figures are portrayed. This is notable with Hay himself, who often played an incompetent authority figure who struggled not to be found out, but whose idiocy was discovered by those around him.
Sister Marie explained to him that such a secret was not to be found in her but in Christ whose example she did her best to follow. "He remained in bed for months, devoting himself to prayer, reading and reflection." His discussions with Sister Marie, alongside meditation on the Gospel, and study of Saint John of the Cross that led to conversion to Catholicism. This embrace of Christianity led him to decide to devote his life to religion.
The two start to spend time together: at one point, she exiting her council house through an upstairs window so as not to be found out by her husband. Without announcement, the Slaters move to the Herefordshire countryside along with Mrs. Potter. Nigel co-exists with her but never accepts her. She makes a competition of cooking when the teenaged Nigel's shows an emerging interest in developing his skills at school home economics class cookery lessons. Mrs.
A reviewer of the first print wrote in the Monthly Musical Record: "The great art of expressing thoughts simply – in other words, concealing the art – is not to be found here; the composer is still in his storm and stress period.". The three unpublished pieces were used for the collection Zwölf Stücke, Op. 80 in 1904. The pieces have been performed individually or in sequence. In Reger's lifetime, performers often combined often movements from different collections.
In the 19th century, Vivekananda played a major role in the revival of Hinduism, and the spread of Advaita Vedanta to the West via the Ramakrishna Mission. His interpretation of Advaita Vedanta has been called "Neo-Vedanta". In a talk on "The absolute and manifestation" given in at London in 1896 Swami Vivekananda said, Vivekananda emphasized samadhi as a means to attain liberation. Yet this emphasis is not to be found in the Upanishads nor in Shankara.
The smalleyed ray is a shallow water species, they tend not to be found in water deeper than , which prefers to hunt over substrates consisting of sand, mud and light shingle. They are known to enter estuaries. The main food of the smalleyed ray is fish, although squid will also be readily taken. It is an ambush predator, which buries itself into the substrate from which it launches itself at prey as it comes into reach.
Portrait of B.C. Koekkoek The flat Dutch countryside could not satisfy Koekkoek's romantic soul for very long. ‘Surely’, Koekkoek wrote in 1841 ‘Our fatherland boasts no rocks, waterfalls, high mountains or romantic valleys. Proud, sublime nature is not to be found in our land’. With that in mind, in the summer of 1834 he moved to the old Ducal capital of Cleves, Germany, where he found his ideal subject matter in the region of the Ahr, Ruhr and Rhine.
He was the one who founded the Serebuoso. He sent his Krontihene Ankama Kwaku, his son Topea and his Nephew Sakyi Akomea to search for his brothers who were not to be found, they came and found them at Sebreni. Nana Tano met his brothers under a Dwene tree where they were planning to attack their enemies, hence Dwene originated from that meeting under the ‘DWENE TREE’. Nana Ntow Kokroko was the one who came from Dua Yaw Nkwanta.
Only three works by Zacharie have survived with reliable attribution: a motet, a Gloria, and a secular song, a ballata. The longest is the motet Letetur plebs. It begins with a long passage in imitation, but the rest of the composition uses none at all. As is true of much music from southern and central Italy of the quattrocento, there is very little French influence; the influence of the ars subtilior is not to be found in Zacharie's surviving music.
Montrose was involved in a sinister affair in 1910. American physician Hawley Crippen and his lover, Ethel Le Neve had fled England after the circumstances around his wife's death were questioned. After a body was found in the basement of Crippen's north London residence, Scotland Yard Chief Inspector Walter Dew sought the couple for murder charges. One theory had the couple sailing from Dover on , but when inspected in New York on arrival, Crippen and Le Neve were not to be found.
G.F.J. Dart held individualist views on education which he expressed in plain English through speeches and various writings. His views meant that some practices, common in other schools, were not to be found at Ballarat Grammar. In 1944, for example, Dart oversaw the abolishment of the house system, which he believed was divisive, creating artificial factions within a school. Houses were not reinstated at the school until after Dart's retirement, when one of the new boarders’ houses was named Dart House.
In his God and the Universe of Faiths (1973), Hick attempts to pinpoint the essence of Christianity. He first cites the Sermon on the Mount as being the basic Christian teaching, as it provides a practical way of living out the Christian faith. He says that "Christian essence is not to be found in beliefs about God...but in living as the disciples who in his name feed the hungry, heal the sick and create justice in the world."Hick, John.
His single lines and single phrases have a brilliancy and force not to be found in French drama between Corneille and Victor Hugo. A complete edition of Rotrou was edited in five volumes by Viollet-le-Duc in 1822. In 1882 Louis de Ronchaud published a handsome edition of six plays--Saint Genest, Venceslas, Don Bertrand de Cabrère, Antigone, Hercule Mourant and Cosroes. Venceslas and Saint Genest are also to be found in the Chefs-d'œuvre Tragiques of the Collection Didot.
After the serpents started falling into the sacrificial fire, Takshaka was not to be found anywhere. Uttanka then recited the mantras with great vigour to draw Takshaka to the fire. In mortal fear, Taskshaka took shelter with Indra and got himself tied to the throne of Indra for protection. Uttanka, who realised that Takshaka had taken refuge with Indra, intensified his mantras to ensure that not only Takshaka but also Indra along with his throne were drawn to the fire.
Unbeknown to them, the two young men are actually lovers, though various visual clues ensure that the audience is let in on the secret. While Nesta has a very masculine and straight-acting look, Aldi is feminine and moody. Nesta explains to Aldi – and to the audience – the theory of chocolate strawberry. Basically, strawberry equates to feminine and gay, and so in order not to be found out it is important to act chocolate – that is, to act masculine and straight.
F.J. Gottlieb had just directed ' produced by competitor Artur Brauner and had previously worked on Wallace scripts for Constantin Film. He reworked the script, trying to improve the odds of receiving a favourable age rating from the FSK. It was one of the earliest films of the series emphasizing the "gothic" elements that came to be a hallmark of the series but were not to be found in Edgar Wallace's original material. Principal cinematography took place from 17 April to 28 May 1963.
The word Paramatman is not to be found in the Rig Veda but through allusion referring to Paramatman as Isha. This distinction is made because all of its mantras which in the form of prayers are addressed to gods. In its great Riddle Hymn (Sukta I.164) is the famous mantra - R.V.I.164.20, that was revealed to Rishi Deergatamaah Auchathyah and borrowed by Mundaka Upanishad III.1.1-3, which belongs to Atharva Veda, to weave the parable of the Two Birds:-Two birds.
The Southern Suburbs has many popular tourist attractions and Public Spaces. The Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is one of the oldest botanical gardens in South Africa, and is situated along the Eastern Slopes of Table Mountain in the suburb of Bishopscourt. There are many unique flower species in this garden that are not to be found anywhere else in the world. The Rhodes Memorial is a popular tourist attraction on the slopes of Devil's Peak in the suburb of Rondebosch.
The figures and facts are not to be found in any one publication,' and therefore may with advantage be collected here, as the commencement of an attempt to understand the real condition of the Company's affairs." :"The 30 September 1856, marks the culminating point in the success of the Company. The road was good, and its equipments in cars, locomotives and every thing necessary for doing a large business, were nearly all that could be desired. From thence, its decline may be dated.
A project to check the register began in 1967, and found that 66 percent of entries were inaccurate in some way, with many guns not to be found at all. Police thought that the register was largely useless, and that substantial resources would be needed to keep it up-to-date. It was believed that the government would be unlikely to provide the resources required to update the register and that it would be politically difficult to demand registration information from firearm owners.
After a body was found in the basement of Crippen's North London residence, Scotland Yard Chief Inspector Walter Dew sought the couple for murder charges. One theory had the couple sailing from Dover on Kroonland, but when inspected in New York on arrival, Crippen and Le Neve were not to be found. The fleeing couple had instead sailed from Antwerp on the Canadian Pacific liner . Crippen, identified during Montroses crossing, was arrested, convicted of his wife's murder, and hanged; La Neve was acquitted.
Amalgamated formed the Jefferson Valley Sugar Company, then contracted with Larrowe Construction to build a factory at Whitehall, Montana, near Butte in 1917. The pledged lands from farmers was withdrawn or "were not to be found", leading to financial troubles for both Jefferson Valley Sugar and Amalgamated Sugar. The factory construction was halted, and the remaining sugar beet production was sold to Great Western Sugar Company and transported to their Billings factory. The partial factory was sold to Utah-Idaho in 1920.
Manikantan (Kalabhavan Mani) is a zoo-keeper. A bear from the zoo accidentally escapes out of the zoo, for which the hero is held responsible. He would lose his job if the bear is not to be found, and the losing of his job would lessen the prospect of his getting married with the girl he loves. The movie is all about how Manikantan dresses up as a bear to be able to secure his job and marry his girlfriend.
The first verse is quoted as follows; the translation is by Eoghan Ó Raghallaigh, cited below. > Le dís cuirthear clú Laighean; clú 'na gcumaidh ní fog[h]ar; ní t[h]éid barr > dáibh nach dleag[h]ar; mall treabhadh cáigh 'na gcom[h]ar. The fame of the > men of Leinster is spread by two men; fame comparage with theirs is not to > be found; they are entitled to their pre-eminence; others progress slowly in > comparison with them'.
It is not clear whether any new monuments erected after about 3000 B.C. in southern England, although rituals continued to be held in the old ones. In the northwest, the old tradition probably lasted longer. The conversion of a classic passage tomb into a henge monument, as in Bryn Celli Ddu on Anglesey, shows that the religious focus was maintained in traditional construction, even if new sites were already being built. Such evidence, however, is not to be found everywhere.
They continued digging and a national treasure that had been sleeping soundly underground for more than 3,000 years gradually showed its magnificent appearance. The object was later named "Four-goat Square Zun". After Jiang Jingshu and his brothers unearthed the square zun, they didn't take it home until it was dark in order not to be found by others. However, although it was dark then, the big and heavy square zun still drew people's attention all the way through the night.
Paul Engelbert: Schmalspurig durch Bulgarien, Stenvalls Verlag, Malmö 2002, , page 93 After the appearance of the new class 75, the vehicles were not resettled together with the class 82 to Cherven Bryag, but they remained in Septemvri. The withdrawal took place in 1973 (81-01) and 1975 (81-02). Another sign of life is not to be found for the vehicles. They were stationed until their cancellation in Septemvri, the subject of the photo created in 2015 could come from the pre-war production.
Springer's early interest in herpetology was soon displaced, but not extinguished, by a lifelong fascination with sharks. Having dropped out of college in 1929 as a sophomore, a friend and he headed south to Biloxi, Mississippi, where they hoped to collect and preserve animal specimens for zoological study in colleges. They were interested in catching and selling dogfish, but soon discovered that dogfish were not to be found in Biloxi waters. They learned of another shark species about the same size as Squalus called the sharpnose shark.
The tower has a beautiful Madrid-style slate spire that incorporates great verticality into the construction. In the Santísimo Cristo Chapel there are artworks by Alonso Cano, Luca Giordano and el Greco. In fact, the painting by El Greco is not to be found in the chapel of the Santísimo, it is situated in the main church but covered by wood and it is only on display on Saturdays from 11.30 am to noon. In 2009 the church acquired The lamentation by Michiel Coxie.
777, 7 December 1839. Medical journals, on the other hand, were more restrained in their praise. The Provincial Medical and Surgical, for instance, in its review of the second edition, thought that it was "a good and concise elementary treatise ... presenting in a readable and intelligible form, a great mass of information not to be found in any other single treatise". But the Provincial had a few technical quibbles, among which was the complaint that there was no description of the construction of a stethoscope.
While Sony Music have continued to release hits compilations with Azúcar Moreno all through the 2000s, such as Toda La Pasión De Azúcar Moreno (2001), Colección De Oro (2002), 20 Grandes Exitos (2003), Los Esenciales (2003) and 20 Exitos Originales (2005), as well as numerous mid-price collections, none of these include any new recordings, remixes or tracks not to be found on the duo's ten studio albums for the CBS/Epic/Sony label, several of the duo's greatest hits do however appear in edited form.
Three days after the train bombings, the opposition PSOE won the elections. The subsequent investigations held by a Parliamentary Committee were characterized by bitter partisan exchanges between the different political parties, with dispute over who may have been responsible for the bombings. Aznar appeared before the Committee in November 2004 and declared his belief that the authors of the bombings were not to be found "in faraway deserts or remote mountains." Aznar said in 2006 that he thought that the attacks were not exclusively perpetrated by Islamists.
With parents at home, it was believed that there was more control over children's attendance at school, not to be found when one or both parents were absent from home in the workplace during the day. By 1931, the drop in overall truancy rates also translated into a drop in the number of residents and boys being admitted to the Truant School. At the end of 1931, there were 58 boys in residence at Linnwood. On average, most boys spent around 3 to 4 months at Linnwood.
Andersson was commemorated in the Piperaceae genus Anderssoniopiper Trel.. Aluka - Nils Johan Andersson According to Yuncker, Trelease's student who completed Trelease's work after his death, there are grave doubts about the type locality of Anderssoniopiper panamense Trel. (presently filed under Piper latifolium L.f.), which is not to be found anywhere in Panama. It may well have been collected in Tahiti, Honolulu or Sydney and mislabelled during or after the voyage. He was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1859.
In Greece, the elite comprised clergymen and scholars, but there was scarcely any Greek aristocracy. A million or more Turks had settled in the Balkans, typically in smaller urban centers where they were garrison troops, civil servants, and craftsmen and merchants. There were also important communities of Jewish and Greek merchants. The Turks and Jews were not to be found in the countryside, so there was a very sharp social differentiation between the cities and their surrounding region in terms of language, religion and ethnicity.
For the reasons unknown the order did not approve a special provision on the methodological and educational council of CF, so it is not to be found in the act. The heads of the said service, however, are still entitled to consultations, methodological and practical assistance granted by the council in the education of the inmates. On the other hand, a new clause regulating the operation of the organizations set up by the prisoners themselves was added. The special document regulating the operation of these organizations is a requirement of the CC of Ukraine.
German and English literatures are not to be found in the same way as most of the indigenous servants have access to the European quarters. In addition, a green stripe was painted along what is now known as Segeneyti Street, which served as an additional barrier that locals were not allowed to cross. Cafiero anticipated that one hectare of land would be allocated for every 380 locals, while only 140 Italians would inhabit the same amount of space in their zone.Denison et al.: Asmara – Africa’s Secret Modernist City, pg.
Barlowe described the land as a place where "in all the world the like abundance is not to be found...." He and his crew were met by a large group of the Secotan tribe, led by their king's brother Granganimeo. Their king Wingina was unable to be there because of a leg wound sustained during a battle with a neighboring tribe. Several of the natives accompanied them as they sailed north to Roanoke island. There they found a Secotan village, where, according to Barlowe, they were treated with great hospitality and generosity.
Female choice can have a serious impact on mate selection and successful reproduction. Several species of Ornithoptera have been known to create hybrids if they have no access to their own species. Troides oblongamaculatus females have been known to choose to mate with other species such as Ornithoptera priamus poseidon, which will attempt mating if their own species is not to be found near by. The females will typically resist mating attempts by covering their abdomen with their forewings or dropping to the ground, making mating near impossible.
This volume first appeared in 1870, and was reissued in the next year; its popularity was somewhat marred by the introduction of the narrative of his quarrels with his colleagues in the office, but it contained much information not to be found elsewhere. Several articles on the subjects in which he took most interest were contributed by him to the seventh edition of Andrew Ure's ‘Dictionary of Arts’."George Frederick Ansell - obituary", The Times, 25 December 1880. His daughter Gertrude Mary Ansell was a noted suffragette and animal rights activist.
A rare, obsolete meaning of alectryomancy is "a divination by a cock-stone". A cock-stone or alectoria was "a christall coloured stone (as big as a beane) found in the gyzerne, or maw of some cockes" (Cotgrave). These stones, purportedly found in a rooster's crop, were known to the Romans (in Latin they were called alectoria gemma, literally "cock's gem") and were imputed with magical powers. Apparently, they were used for some sort of lithomantic divination, though the details of this use are not to be found.
The protagonist of the third novel The Herb Garden, Juulius Kilimit, is the son of a village schoolmaster, lives in something of an aestheticist fantasy world of his own. He flees in his mind to an folkloric idyll, taking his urge towards freedom from German and Greek classics. But his god is not to be found in the groves of Arcadia, but in the landscape of Estonia, where he seeks his roots. While the Estonian literature of the time often portrayed the intellectual with some ridicule, Ristikivi picks his ideals from a symbolic herb garden.
Reichweiler is today, like most of the other villages in the area, a typical residential bedroom community. Major commercial enterprises are not to be found in Reichweiler, nor are independent farmers. Agriculture is nowadays only ever pursued as a secondary occupation, or simply for the farmer's own needs. Formerly, the village was purely a farming village, later growing, particularly after the Second World War, into a “worker-farmer” village, the result of an economic and social restructuring that was not without consequences for the appearance of the village's buildings and houses.
Late in 1306, the embattled Robert I, King of Scotland seems to have fled to the safety of Dunaverty Castle. According to The Bruce, the king was harboured there for three days by Aonghus Óg Mac Domhnaill, before sailing off to Rathlin Island. Contemporary sources reveal that the castle was already under the king's control, however, and that the king acquired it from a certain Maol Coluim in March. In September of that year, the castle fell to an English siege, and the Scottish king was not to be found.
The Judgment of SUBBA RAO, C.J., SHAH, SIKRI, SHELAT and VAIDIALINGAM, JJ. was delivered by SUBBA RAO, C.I. According to this Judgment-(i) the power to amend the Constitution is not to be found in Art. 368 but in Arts. 245, 246 and 248 read with Entry 97 of List 1; (ii) the amending power can not be used to abridge or take away the fundamental rights guaranteed in Part III of the Constitution; (iii) a law amending the Constitution is "Law" within the meaning of Art. 13(2) and (iv).
It > was some time before we were let in – the brothers were at prayer, but when > we walked into their church one of them bowed out and most courteously > showed us about. Unfortunately the key to the library was not to be found – > the keeper of it was out. We saw the neat galleries and little chambers of > the fathers, with Armenian letters over them. Our conductor showed us a > man’s dictionary of Armenian and Latin – told us there were about forty > frati and eighteen pupils, some few from Armenia, but mostly Constantinople.
The construction of the plant had a major impact on the local beauty spot Assaroe Falls. The salmon run at the Falls was described by Richard Twiss in 1775 as "a scene of such a singular nature, as is not to be found elsewhere, and is as unique to Ireland as bullfights are to Spain." This was lost when the dam was constructed. It also required the destruction of a late seventeenth-century bridge, a number of nearby country houses including Camlin Castle, Stonewold, Laputa and Cliff House and a number of other dwellings.
The equestrian figures from episodes from the region's turbulent history incorporate representations of the channeling of ase to safeguard the conquering hero. Maternity figures invoke ase for increasing procreative abilities and fertility, while references to medicine also express the dependence of personal well-being on the judicial channeling of ase. Perhaps, then, the iconographic clue to the meaning of Epa masks is not to be found in their elaborate superstructures, but in the crude pot helmet itself as a manifestation of the efficacy of ase for communal and personal well-being.
125–128; Anderson (1922) pp. 230–231; Munch; Goss (1874) pp. 66–69. The record of events during the mid part of the twelfth century suggests that Leinster-based overkings of Dublin enjoyed the cooperation of the indigenous leaders of Dublin, and the emergence of the Meic Torcaill during this period may well fit into such a context. When an indigenous ruler was not to be found, however, the Dubliners seem to have sought leadership from the Isles, rather than endure a non-Leinster overking, as evidenced by the attempt to install Gofraid.Downham (2013) pp. 167–168; Downham (2007) pp. 40–41.
The last time the manuscript was mentioned in the inventories of Skarð church was in 1807. In 1827 it was recorded that "The Lives of the Apostles on vellum are now not to be found." The codex reappears on record in 1836, when Thomas Thorpe offered it for sale in London. Nothing is known about the manuscript's whereabouts between 1807 and 1836, but Benedikz has suggested that it may have left Skarð "as a peace-offering to Magnús Stephensen". The codex was bought from Thorpe in November 1836 by the private book-collector Sir Thomas Phillipps.
So far, most data about neutron-star oscillations come from the blasts of four specific Soft Gamma Repeaters, SGR, especially the event of 27 December 2004 from SGR 1806-20. Because so few events have been observed, little is known for sure about neutron stars and the physics of their oscillations. The outbursts which are vital for analyses only happen sporadically and are relatively brief. Given the limited knowledge, many of the equations surrounding the physics around these objects are parameterized to fit observed data, and where data is not to be found solar values are used instead.
All of these scenes might be interpreted as a traditional herbal medicine and health-related treatments in ancient Java. The Madhawapura inscription from Majapahit period mentioned a specific profession of herbs mixer and combiner (herbalist), called Acaraki. The medicine book from Mataram dated from circa 1700 contains 3,000 entries of jamu herbal recipes, while Javanese classical literature Serat Centhini (1814) describes some jamu herbal concoction recipes. Though possibly influenced by Indian Ayurveda systems, Indonesia's vast archipelago holds numerous indigenous plants not to be found in India, including plants similar to those in Australia beyond the Wallace Line.
Burton published an edited English translation of these manuscripts, but not a critical edition of the Kamasutra in Sanskrit. According to S.C. Upadhyaya, known for his 1961 scholarly study and a more accurate translation of the Kamasutra, there are issues with the manuscripts that have survived and the text likely underwent revisions over time. This is confirmed by other 1st-millennium CE Hindu texts on kama that mention and cite the Kamasutra, but some of these quotations credited to the Kamasutra by these historic authors "are not to be found in the text of the Kamasutra" that have survived.
It has the characteristics of a tidewater river and drains an extensive region. A noteworthy peculiarity of southern Chile, from the Taitao peninsula to Tierra del Fuego, is the large number of glaciers formed on the western and southern slopes of the Andes and other high elevations, which discharge direct into these deeply cut estuaries. Some of the larger lakes of the Andes have glaciers discharging into them. The formation of these icy streams at comparatively low levels, with their discharge direct into tidewater estuaries, is a phenomenon not to be found elsewhere in the same latitudes.
At the end of the hunt, Thompson was not to be found, and no clues were unearthed. The official search lasted for 11 days, and sporadic additional searching went on for months. The case generated worldwide publicity and intense speculation, with most press reports and analysts contending that Thompson had been kidnapped (although no ransom note was forthcoming); had been murdered (although no body was ever found); had voluntarily left to do secret work in resolving the Vietnam War (although no evidence was presented); or was eliminated by business rivals (although no evidence on this emerged).
The flowers and the mature seeds, as well as the flesh of the fruit, are eaten in some areas. Before the arrival of Europeans, C. moschata and C. pepo had been carried over all parts of North America where they could be grown, but they had not been carried into South America as had beans, which originated in the same general region. They were generally grown by American Natives all over what is now the United States. Many of these tribes, particularly in the West, still grow a diversity of hardy squashes and pumpkins not to be found in generic markets.
Miss Knight began to exhibit at the Royal Academy in 1803, and sent in all thirty pictures to that gallery, exhibiting also two unnamed pictures at the Old Water-Colour Society. She ceased work in 1836, having recorded altogether 696 portraits, at an average price of 7.5 guineas apiece. Certain portraits appearing in the Royal Academy catalogues are not to be found in her list, in which there are many curious omissions. Some years have hardly any entries given to them, and nothing at all actually appears marked for the years 1818, 1820, and 1832, although Academy catalogues show her exhibiting in 1818.
The heyday of the almanac was perhaps the 1820s, during which decade they gradually began to appear in England in an etiolated form as literary annuals. In 1823, a writer in the European Magazine of London commented: :In Germany, the most popular species of work is what is called their Almanacs. The booksellers are generally concerned in such speculations, and there is scarce a toilette on which one or several of them are not to be found. Such works contain the coups d'essai of swarms of maiden authors, and with the ephemeral and lighter pieces of writers whose reputation is established.
Baptism must be willingly chosen by an adult who understands the meaning of the act. The protest also criticized Martin Luther's reformation by claiming that the sacrifice of Jesus is not in itself sufficient atonement for sin, especially the sins of people who lived long after Christ and who had no influence on the events of the past. In other words, belief in Jesus must entail following the guidance of Christ in one's own life. Other Christians labeled this "works righteousness" and claimed that the essence of Christianity is not to be found in doing good works.
Perhaps, just as her death is not to be found, so > I may have found some traces of the holy and blessed Virgin. ...The holy > virgin may have died and been buried—her falling asleep was with honour, her > death in purity, her crown in virginity. Or she may have been put to > death—as the scripture says, 'And a sword shall pierce through her soul'—her > fame is among the martyrs and her holy body, by which light rose on the > world, [rests] amid blessings. Or she may have remained alive, for God is > not incapable of doing whatever he wills.
" If, however, one first measured the grain and then recited the blessing, then prayer is in vain, because blessing is not to be found in anything that has been already weighed or measured or numbered, but only in a thing hidden from sight.Babylonian Talmud Taanit 8b, in, e.g., Koren Talmud Bavli: Taanit • Megillah, commentary by Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz) (Jerusalem: Koren Publishers, 2014), volume 12, page 44. Rabbi Isaac taught that it is forbidden to count Israel even for the purpose of fulfilling a commandment, as can be read, "And he numbered them with pebbles (, be-bezek).
Virtually all browser plugins for video are free of charge and cross-platform, including Adobe's offering of Flash Video, which was introduced with Flash version 6. Flash Video has been a popular choice for websites due to the large installed user base and programmability of Flash. In 2010, Apple publicly criticized Adobe Flash, including its implementation of video playback for not taking advantage of hardware acceleration, one reason Flash is not to be found on Apple's mobile devices. Soon after Apple's criticism, Adobe demoed and released a beta version of Flash 10.1, which uses available GPU hardware acceleration even on a Mac.
In 1329 John XXII sent him to King Charles I of Hungary and to Ban Stephen II of Bosnia for the purpose of bringing about the extermination of the heretics, largely Patarenes, in these countries. On 5 September 1333, Gerardus and the Dominican Arnauld de Saint-Michel (Arnauldus de S. Michaele) were appointed papal legates to make peace between the Kings of England and Scotland. The procurator of the Scottish king in Paris having reported, however, that his master was not to be found in Scotland, John recalled the commission of the legates, 31 October 1333.
In Love's Labour's Lost, Armado asks his page Moth, "Is there not a ballad, boy, of 'The King and the Beggar'?", to which Moth responds, "The world was very guilty of such a ballad some three ages since, but I think now 'tis not to be found; or, if it were, it would neither serve for the writing nor the tune."Edmondstoune Duncan (1907), The Story of Minstrelsy (London: Walter Scott Publishing), pp. 246–47. Ben Jonson also makes reference to the ballad in his play Every Man in His Humour (1598) and William Davenant in The Wits (1634).Chappell (1842), p. 83.
The work was staged in a multitude of other theatres throughout the Austro-German part of Europe and no other original score by Haibel ever equalled its success. Haibel continued to compose music for the theater until the death of his first wife Katharina (ca. 1768 – Vienna, 14 February 1806). At the time, he was not to be found in Vienna, for in 1804 he had already left for Diakowar (Đakovo), Slavonia,Lorenz, Michael (2008) Neue Forschungsergegnisse zum Theater auf der Wieden und Emanuel Schikaneder ("New research results concerning the Theater auf der Wieden and Emanuel Schikaneder"), p. 13.
The myriad > things are all from seeds, and they succeed each other because of their > different forms [萬物皆種也 以不同形相禪]. From start to finish it is like a circle > whose seam is not to be found [始卒若環 莫得其倫]. This is called the celestial > potter's wheel, and the celestial potter's wheel is the framework of nature > [是謂天均 天均者 天倪也]. (27/1-10, tr. Mair 1994: 278-9) The last part of this passage (27/10) equates tiānní (天倪, tr.
Caffin wrote to a friend that "In no house that I entered was there not to be found the dead or dying ... never in my life have I seen such wholesale misery, nor could I have thought it so complete." Caffin's letter was published in various newspapers, an act which brought some relief efforts from the British Government to Schull. However by March this appeared to have ended when Traill stated "the distress was nothing in Captain Caffin's time compared with what it is now". Traill is said to have spent most of his income on relief for the needy.
According to other sources, such as Alexandria Gazette, October 16, 1865, it was Major Heros von Borcke who led the party which killed Ulric Dahlgren and who searched the body and found the papers, and his lieutenant handed them to Fitzhugh Lee. The names 'Halbach' or 'Littlepage' are not to be found in any relation to Dahlgren's death in the Library of Congress's newspaper collection for the years 1864 following. According to one of the papers: > The men must keep together and well in hand, and once in the city it must be > destroyed and Jeff. Davis and Cabinet killed.
The English grammarian and lexicographer C T Onions states that the De primo Saxonum adventu is the only known source for details about Eadwulf's life, as other extant authorities are based upon it. In contrast, Dorothy Whitelock argues that both John of Wallingford's chronicle and De primo Saxonum adventu are based on a single lost source. Whitelock also maintains that some 10th century charters briefly mention Eadwulf Evil-child, as do other authorities. Eadwulf Evil- child's name is not to be found in De Omnibus Comitibus Northimbrensibus, probably because he was not considered by the eleventh century earls to be an important ancestor.
There exists a certain, pre-established moral norm to which we must conform. It is through this view that Durkheim makes a first critique of Kant in saying that moral duties originate in society, and are not to be found in some universal moral concept such as the categorical imperative. Durkheim also argues that morality is characterized not just by this obligation, but is also something that is desired by the individual. The individual believes that by adhering to morality, they are serving the common Good, and for this reason, the individual submits voluntarily to the moral commandment.
This was a matter of intense interest for the silver delegates: Bryan had written to large numbers of delegates urging them to support his men over their gold rivals; once in Chicago, he and his fellow Nebraskans had spoken with many others about the dispute. The convention, by voice vote, seated the silver Nebraskans, who arrived in the convention hall a few minutes later, accompanied by a band. Soon afterwards, the delegates, bored, shouted for a speech from Bryan, but he was not to be found. Once seated, Bryan went to the Platform Committee meeting at the Palmer House, displacing the Nebraska gold delegate on the committee.
Joan Hollingsworth's mother orders her to remain in her bedroom during a party for older sister Ethel, whose beau J. Waldo Barnes is the guest of honor. Tired of her sister always being favored, Joan sneaks out of the house and runs into a burglar who is thinking about robbing it. A police officer comes along so Joan, not wanting to get arrested but also not wanting her mother to discover what she's up to, convinces the cop that she's employed for the party as a maid. She goes back inside and tries not to be found out, successful right up to the very end.
Yon, Jean-Claude. Jacques Offenbach. Éditions Gallimard, Paris, 2000. Composed in Nice, Offenbach asked Nuitter and Ferrier to help him with the song lyrics as his regular collaborators, Meilhac and Halévy had distanced themselves in order to concentrate on other projects, including work with Lecocq. Premiered at the Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens, the piece was taken off after less than two months, and Le timbale d’argent returned to the Bouffes. Reflecting on his many previous successes, when the opera failed to run more than 50 performances, Offenbach wrote to Ludovic Halévy that ‘Offenbach’ was not to be found on the billboards for the 1878 Exhibition.
In the introduction to the complete works, which is the beginning of the first volume, Deschner explains his intention by starting with what is not to be found in his work: an answer to the question "What is Christianity good for?". According to the sentence Audiatur et altera pars ("one should listen to the other side, too") he wants to counterbalance the gigantic ascendence of the existing glorification of Christianity. Also, he does not want to write about the alleged or - exceptionally - really positive effects of Christianity. Instead, he wants to demonstrate that the advocates of a primary moral instance not only partially but permanently failed their own ideals.
He was on hunger strike for Seven days (145 Hours )to demand advanced street lights in city to make it safe, bright and beautiful. Ameet Satam is also brainchild behind India's vertical Garden at a public place which has come up at Andheri and is the replica of the one in Shanghai. He also has conceptualized the beautification of central medians by putting up LED Christmas Trees which are not to be found on public places at any city of the world. Ameet Satam has developed over 25 open spaces in Andheri West, Refurbished over 75 toilets in slums including one starred toilet only for ladies outside Andheri station.
In the book's preface, Heisenberg wrote: > On the whole, the book contains nothing that is not to be found in previous > publications, particularly in the investigations of Bohr. The purpose of the > book seems to me to be fulfilled if it contributes somewhat to the diffusion > of that 'Kopenhagener Geist der Quantentheorie' [i.e., Copenhagen spirit of > quantum theory] if I may so express myself, which has directed the entire > development of modern atomic physics. The term 'Copenhagen interpretation' suggests something more than just a spirit, such as some definite set of rules for interpreting the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics, presumably dating back to the 1920s.
The Additions and the roots of Arabic words are perfectly organised. The scope of this organisation, by linking into one philosophical chain, all the verbs and nouns, belonging to the same root, points out their interrelationships. This is not to be found, to this degree of excellence, in other languages. 4\. In Arabic expressions, words are few but meanings are many, that is to say, the Arabic language makes use of (ا) [alif], and (ل) [laam] and nunnation (تنوین) and the sequence of words, in such a way that to express the same meaning the other languages need a number of sentences to be linked up for the same purpose. 5\.
This part of the Danish Jazz Center's collection was purchased with funds allocated by the former Statens Musikråd. The collection contains more than 50 sheets of music, 49 books, 1516 78-rpm records, 482 LPs, 300 CDs and a number of journals, some of which are not to be found in any other Danish library. The collection consists of more than 2600 reel-to-reel tapes, 1000 cassette tapes and 500 Digital Audio Tapes of jazz broadcasts including both music and interviews taped from Denmark's Radio between 1975-1997. These tapes are invaluable documentation of what went on the jazz scene during this period.
Section 2 deals with contracts for the creation or sale of legal estates or interests in land, and not with documents that transfer such estates or interests. The required scope for such contracts is defined in s. 2: The Court of Appeal has noted which types of agreements fall either within the Act or outside of it: The "single document" requirement is strictly applied: The Court has given guidance on circumstances where a land contract can be avoided under s. 2: #A party seeking to avoid must identify a term which the parties have expressly agreed, which is not to be found in the single, or exchanged, signed document.
Maxwell's equations lead to the prediction of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, which is strictly transverse waves, that is, the electric and magnetic fields of which the wave consists are perpendicular to the direction of the wave's propagation.David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, However plasma waves are longitudinal since these are not electromagnetic waves but density waves of charged particles, but which can couple to the electromagnetic field.John D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, .Gerald E. Marsh (1996), Force-free Magnetic Fields, World Scientific, After Heaviside's attempts to generalize Maxwell's equations, Heaviside concluded that electromagnetic waves were not to be found as longitudinal waves in "free space" or homogeneous media.
Although the roots of alienation lie far back in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the concept of alienation first gained prominence in the philosophy of Hegel, and particularly in his mature writings. There are signs of the idea in his earlier works, but it is not until the Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) that alienation occupies a central place in his writings. In the opening sections of the Phenomenology, Hegel attacked the views of common sense and simplified natural science that the world consisted of discrete objects independent of man's consciousness. Truth, for Hegel, was not to be found in knowledge that was stripped of any influence from man's own desires and feelings.
Bennet's manuscripts yielded a number of posthumous publications, among them: a second part of his Christian's Oratory (1728); Truth, Importance, and Usefulness of Scripture (1730); View of the whole System of Popery (1781). In 1717 Bennet published A Memorial of the Reformation, growing out of a sermon preached on George I's coronation; it was a Protestant view of the Reformation. It preserved anecdotes from original sources not to be found elsewhere, as, for instance, of Judge Jeffreys's visit to Newcastle in 1683. A second, updated edition (dedicated to Lord Barrington) appeared in 1721 covering further episodes in English history such as the Civil War.
The investigation was hampered by the fact that the recording of the crew's conversation with ATC at Tura Airport was somehow lost before the official investigation began. A.M Chernov, the owner of Cheremshanka Airlines, ordered that before the records were transferred to the investigation team, he should listen to them first. After the records were transferred to the Russian investigation team, the recordings were not to be found, which could indicate possible sabotage by Chernov. The investigation found that there were several serious shortcomings in the organization of flight work at Cheremshanka Airlines, as well as in the flight safety culture in the air traffic control at Tura Airport.
His importance though is not to be found in his writings, but in his ability to identify and promote new artistic talents. His salons, some of which were held at his private apartments, some at the presidential palace of La Moneda while his father was president, were the most important cultural gathering points of the time. He also promoted the creation of the old Ateneo de Santiago. In 1886, he met Rubén Darío, then a lonely, awkward, poor and unemployed 19-year-old immigrant, at the editorial room of the La Epoca newspaper, where he was a collaborator, and soon both became fast friends.
All of the accused are represented by Wan Haidi Wan Jusoh of Ubaidullah Aziz and Company, who unsuccessfully petitioned the court to order his name blacked out by the media. The Sky Kingdom had previously had great difficulty obtaining legal representation, presumably because of attorneys' fears of reprisals or negative publicity. As of 2007, after wide media coverage, the original Hulu Besut commune, now containing only 24 members, had reportedly chosen a new leader—a former police chief inspector in his 30s. The group is suspicious of visitors, and routinely turns out the commune's lights when a car approaches at night so as not to be found.
Al Khazneh in the ruins of Petra (Jordan) The Nabataeans are not to be found among the tribes that are listed in Arab genealogies because the Nabatean kingdom ended a long time before the coming of Islam. They settled east of the Syro-African rift between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea, that is, in the land that had once been Edom. And although the first sure reference to them dates from 312 BCE, it is possible that they were present much earlier. Petra (from the Greek petra, meaning 'of rock') lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, east of Wadi `Araba in Jordan about south of the Dead Sea.
After the battle Stenbock was promoted to Field Marshal by an approving King Charles. The battle was won by efficient use of artillery combined with determined flanking attacks by infantry and cavalry, and it gave the hard-pressed Swedish forces some well needed breathing room. Stenbock who had earlier fought in the Nine Years' War, later pronounced: "Never have I seen such a combination of uncontrollable dash and perfectly controlled discipline, such soldiers and such subjects are not to be found the wide world over except in Sweden." About his Swedish troops that fought and died in this masterpiece-tactical victory in the battle of Gadebusch.
The Rabbis taught in a Baraita that upon entering a barn to measure the new grain one should recite the blessing, "May it be Your will O Lord, our God, that You may send blessing upon the work of our hands." Once one has begun to measure, one should say, "Blessed be the One who sends blessing into this heap." If, however, one first measured the grain and then recited the blessing, then prayer is in vain, because blessing is not to be found in anything that has been already weighed or measured or numbered, but only in a thing hidden from sight.Babylonian Talmud Taanit 8b (Babylonia, 6th century), in, e.g.
This king was not to be found until Louis- Philippe's reign during the July Monarchy. Guizot set forth the Doctrinaires' ideology in his 1816 treatise Du gouvernement représentatif et de l'état actuel de la France. The chief organs of the party in the press were the Indépendant (renamed the Constitutionnel in 1817) and the Journal des Débats. The Doctrinaires were chiefly supported by ex officials of the empire who believed in the necessity for monarchical government, but had a lively memory of Napoleon's authoritative rule and a no less lively hatred of the Ancien Régime merchants, manufacturers and members of the liberal professions, particularly the lawyers.
I think Russia is playing a > significant role here, but the reasons are not to be found in Russia, they > are internal. This is a civil war, where the interests of two parts of > Ukraine that consider themselves linked to two cultural traditions are > clashing with each other. While Andrei Babitsky claimed his dismissal was political for his opinions towards Crimea and Ukraine, RFERL stated it was due to staff reorganisation; RFERL spokesman, Martins Zvaners, commented that RFERL cannot discuss the Babitsky's case, but it was "totally false" that the dismissal was connected with Babitsky's personal views, and RFERL had no bias in coverage of Ukraine.
He was forced to have his full face, chest, thighs, and arms tattooed as a sign of loyalty to the tribe. Even though Burns did not want to, he agreed to save his life. When about a quarter of the tattoo on his face was completed, Burns escaped and found his way back to his own tribe, who sought vengeance without success as the Ngāi Te Rangi were not to be found. The Kekeparaoa pā site was at the location of the dark green trees on the Waikohu River In 1832 subtribes of Te Whakatohea from the Bay of Plenty region had settled in an area inland from Poverty Bay.
In 1537 he was appointed reader at the Inner Temple, and in 1543 double reader (duplex lector), as a person appointed for the second time was then called. In 1547 he was elected treasurer of that society. His name is not to be found in the year books of Henry VII's reign, nor in any of the reports belonging to the reign of Edward VI. In 1550 he was appointed Recorder of Leicester, and in the same year Master of the Rolls, in succession to Sir Robert Southwell. In this capacity he was commissioned to hear causes for Lord Chancellor Rich (26 November 1551) and for Lord Chancellor Goodrich (21 January 1552).
As a composer, Calkin essayed many forms, but his sacred music is best known, especially his morning and evening services in B flat, G, and D. His communion service in C is marked Op. 134, a sufficient proof of his fertility. He wrote much for the organ, including numerous transcriptions, and he scored many string arrangements, as well as original sonatas, duos, &c.; His hymn tunes, though not to be found in 'Hymns Ancient and Modern,' are in other collections. Calkin's setting of "Fling out the Banner" (by Bishop G. W. Doane) has a great vogue in America and the British colonies, and was included in the Canadian Book of Common Praise (1909), edited by Sir George Martin.
The only remaining hero is Eckehart, who, > having visited the Venusberg, will continue to live until the day of > judgment and warns others not to go there. The Heldenbuch-Prosa assembles an enormous amount of material in a somewhat haphazard fashion to explain the world of the heroic poems. Some of the material in the "Heldenbuch-Prosa" is not to be found in the narratives in the book or in other surviving material; some has parallels in the Thidrekssaga, but the compiler cannot have been familiar with that text. This suggests that he was also drawing on oral traditions, as well as perhaps as on his own invention, in order to make coherent sense of the material.
With the kidnapping and death of the writer Rodolfo Walsh and Piri Lugones (press officer of the Institute) as well as dozens of collaborators being kidnapped, killed or exiled, he was forced to a constant daily pilgrimage to remain incognito. He took refuge in different addresses with his family (wife and two daughters 2 and 9 years old) not to be found. His wife, Magdalena Ramos, a psychoanalyst, couple and family therapist and a college professor, also suffered from the closure of the University of Buenos Aires and the prohibition of gathering groups. She describes her misfortunes and those of Cherniavsky in the book "Sou daqui e sou de lá – Autobiografia do exílio".
The Numbering of the Israelites (engraving by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux) The Rabbis taught in a Baraita that upon entering a barn to measure the new grain one should recite the blessing, "May it be Your will O Lord, our God, that You may send blessing upon the work of our hands." Once one has begun to measure, one should say, "Blessed be the One who sends blessing into this heap." If, however, one first measured the grain and then recited the blessing, then prayer is in vain, because blessing is not to be found in anything that has been already weighed or measured or numbered, but only in a thing hidden from sight.
At age 21, in 1783, he tried his hand at shoemaking, a skill his father, a tailor, insisted he learn, however, he tired of it after a year. According to his brother, "He seemingly inherited my dissatisfaction with leaving a destiny to a father's whim, and he left to seek his fortune. He tried his luck in the towns of Boston, Philadelphia and New York City, but his fortune was not to be found in a city." Although he could make a living off of city jobs, Webster a wanted to be a frontiersman and went to Albany, New York before heading out into the wilderness where he met an Indian hunting party.
Products liability: a commentary. University of Chicago Law Review. Although it is not to be found in most legal dictionaries, it has been used by some scholars such as Sri Lankan Lakshman Marasinghe. Lakshman proposes that the doctrine provides legal relief that falls outside tort or contract, but with some of the characteristics of tort or contract, as can be found in restitution (including unjust enrichment),Pavey & Matthews Property v Paul (1987) 162 CLR 221 equity (including unconscionable conductCommercial Bank of Australia Limited v Amadio (1983) 151 CLR 447), beneficiaries under a trust of the benefit of a promise, people protected by the valid assignment of promise, fiduciary duty, and contracts of insurance.
The third treatise, of twenty-three chapters, is a critical review of adverse religious sects and Christianity. In the seventeenth and eighteenth chapters Qirqisani refutes the doctrine of metempsychosis, though among its exponents was Anan, who wrote a work on the subject. For Qirqisani, the solution of the question, much debated by the Muʿtazili kalam, concerning the punishments inflicted upon children is not to be found in the doctrine of metempsychosis, but in the belief that compensation will be given to children in the future world for their sufferings in this. In the fourth treatise Qirqisani expounds, in sixty-eight chapters, the fundamental principles leading to the comprehension of the particular religious prescriptions.
HLA-B51 is more frequently found from the Middle East to South Eastern Siberia, but the incidence of B51 in some studies was 3 fold higher than the normal population. However, B51 tends not to be found in disease when a certain SUMO4 gene variant is involved, and symptoms appear to be milder when HLA-B27 is present. At the current time, a similar infectious origin has not yet been confirmed that leads to Behçet's disease, but certain strains of S. sanguinis has been found to have a homologous antigenicity. Vasculitis resulting in occlusion of the vessels supplying the optic nerve may be the cause of acute optic neuropathy and progressive optic atrophy in Behçet's disease.
The scientists conclude that the Spinners, involved in a war with some other now-extinct race, had decided to disguise their home star in the unsuccessful attempt not to be found and destroyed. The Spinners' world becomes the new Earth population outlet, with the proceedings of Cable sales bootstrapping its economy. The alien races depicted by Timothy Zahn are the ctencri, shrewd merchants not unlike Star Trek's Ferengi; the rooshrike with their warrior code of honour; the m'zarch, a foolhardy race bent on war for war's sake, reminiscent of Klingons; the pom, a marine race resembling dolphins; the orspham; and the whissst, a race whose whole culture is based upon humour and practical jokes.
The two freshwater lakes in the island plus the many number of swamps and marshland areas in the island give habitat to different plant and animal species not to be found anywhere else in the Maldives. Among such species, the common moorhen (locally known as Valikukulhu) is a bird natively confined to Fuvahmulah only in the Maldivian archipelago. Also, the dense forest of Syzygium cumini (Jambul), locally known as "Dhanvah Baal" (literally "Jambul grove") to the North of Dhadimagi Kilhi is the largest vegetation of Jambul to be found anywhere in the Maldives since this plant variety is nearly extinct elsewhere in the country. Fuvahmulah is also the largest producer of mangoes in the Maldives.
Oscar Nuccio (Brindisi, 9 July 1931 – Rieti, 23 April 2004) was an Italian historian of economic thought. He taught the history of economic thought in the departments of political science at the University of Pisa, the University of Teramo, and Sapienza University of Rome, always as an associate professor, as he was never awarded tenure. He penned over 200 academic publications between 1957 and 2008, focusing his studies on the birth of Italian economic thought. A practicing Roman Catholic, he opposed Max Weber's thesis, arguing that the root of market capitalism is not to be found in the Protestant Reformation but in the reaction by lawyers and humanists to the framing of economic issues under scholasticism.
The novel shocked and outraged Chicago readers, who found its unflattering portrait of the city jarring. The novel won the praise of the influential critic and novelist William Dean Howells, whose positive review did much to secure Fuller's position as an important regional realist. Novels like The Cliff-Dwellers and With the Procession (1895) were influenced by the social realism of Howells, who described American institutions being transformed by the economic and demographic changes of the late nineteenth century, although the scenes of violence in The Cliff-Dwellers feature elements of naturalism not to be found in Howells' novels. With the Procession, though realistic, was kindlier in touch, with humor playing over its seriousness, unlike the relentless realism of The Cliff-Dwellers.
The role of information processing in consciousness has been criticised by John Searle who, in his Chinese room argument,Searle, J. (1980) "Minds, Brains and Programs" states that he cannot find anything that could be recognised as conscious experience in a system that relies solely on motions of things from place to place. Dennett sees this argument as misleading, arguing that consciousness is not to be found in a specific part of the system, but in the actions of the whole. In essence, he denies that consciousness requires something in addition to capacity for behaviour, saying that philosophers such as Searle, "just can't imagine how understanding could be a property that emerges from lots of distributed quasi-understanding in a large system" (p. 439).
In 948 an Arbogast von Franckenstein confirmed to the abbot of Lorsch Abbey in two contracts to "grant defense and shield the carriages travelling on the Bergstraße and passing through Frankenstein realm". In the same year, this knight Arbogast is supposed to have won the Tournament of Cologne, thanks to an invitation of the Archbishop Bruno the Great, who was said to have been the former abbot of Lorsch Abbey. Arbogast von Franckenstein is mentioned in Georg Rüxners Turnierbuch, a tournament book, but is probably legendary as Rüxners's statements, especially when citing "earlier centuries", are often deemed. One has to add, that the contracts are not to be found in the Lorsch Abbey archives, but are appearing in secondary literature.
In resource consent hearings the burden of proof generally falls on the consent applicant to satisfy a hearing panel that the purpose of the Resource Management Act is met by granting rather than refusing consent. Also, a burden of proof lies on any party who wishes a hearing panel (or the Environment Court) to make a determination of adverse or positive effects. A 'scintilla' of probative evidence may be enough to make an issue of a particular adverse effect 'live' and therefore requiring rebuttal if it is not to be found to be established.Carrying the burden: Considering the appropriate evidential tests in resource management decisions , By Claire Kirman, Ellis Gould and Catherine Somerville, Chapman Tripp, Resource Management Journal, August 2006.
This esteem is evidenced by a nationwide poll conducted by Country Life magazine that placed PA Yeomans among the top 3 Australians who had contributed most to Australian agriculture and by representations received from the practitioners and advocates of Permaculture attesting to the seminal role of the Keyline experiments in subsequent sustainable landuse theory and practice. The place has potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of the cultural or natural history of New South Wales. Yobarnie is of state heritage significance for its ability to demonstrate not only the principal characteristics of the Keyline system, but also for the evidence of Yeomans' early experiments which led to the perfection of that system. This evidence is not to be found on any other property.
Some time afterwards, Eitumātupua sent a woman to fetch Ahoeitu, but she returned with the message that the boy was not to be found. The god immediately deduced what had happened and confronted his other sons, forcing them to vomit their brother's remains into a 'kumete' (a large wooden bowl, now widely used throughout the South Pacific islands for kava-drinking ceremonies) by tickling their throats. Noticing that the boy's head was missing, Eitumātupua sent a messenger to seek out the head and the bones. When the last of 'Aho'eitu's missing remains were located, everything was combined in the kumete, together with water and some leaves from the nonufiafia, which is a known medicinal plant able to revive people who were near death.
From 1902 to 1904 Heward had published his magazin "The Puritan Quarterly" . Together with his own writings it contained "contributions from modern Puritans, such as Jonathan Ranken Anderson". The strong influence of his devout parents, his "great love for the writings of the Puritans", hints of Christian friends and especially his own studies of the Scriptures in Hebrew and Greek gradually led him to the conviction that many customs, traditions and teachings amongst the Christians of his time were not to be found in the Bible, but originated from man. His life-long ministry amongst Christians was characterized by standing against what he saw to be error and by his fervent pleas to return to the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures.
The play is written in a very rough and uneven verse, a jumble of alexandrine and heptameter or fourteener meter: ::But senior Mercadorus tell me, did ye serve me well or no? ::That having gotten my money would seem the country to forego: ::You know I sent you two thousand ducats for three months' space, ::And ere the time came you got another thousand by flattery and your smooth face. ::So when the time came that I should have received my money, ::You were not to be found but was fled out of the country: ::Surely if we that be Jews should deal so one with another, ::We should not be trusted again of our own brother....Spelling and punctuation modernized.
One important contribution that he made to modern science and modern intellectual culture was efficient reasoning with the principle of parsimony in explanation and theory building that came to be known as Occam's Razor. This maxim, as interpreted by Bertrand Russell, states that if one can explain a phenomenon without assuming this or that hypothetical entity, there is no ground for assuming it, i.e. that one should always opt for an explanation in terms of the fewest possible causes, factors, or variables. He turned this into a concern for ontological parsimony; the principle says that one should not multiply entities beyond necessity – – although this well-known formulation of the principle is not to be found in any of William's extant writings.
We do not mean to imply that there are no > qualifications to the treaty-making power; but they must be ascertained in a > different way. It is obvious that there may be matters of the sharpest > exigency for the national well being that an act of Congress could not deal > with but that a treaty followed by such an act could, and it is not lightly > to be assumed that, in matters requiring national action, 'a power which > must belong to and somewhere reside in every civilized government' is not to > be found.252 U.S. 416 at 433. Proponents of the Bricker Amendment said this language made it essential to add to the Constitution explicit limitations on the treaty-making power.
The Union troops from the two camps, and other Union troops nearby, repeatedly forced the guerrillas to scatter. Instead of being able to round them up, however, they found the guerrillas would simply disappear, not to be found until they decided to attack Union troops. After the War it was discovered the guerrillas had established a well concealed camp (Livingston's Hideout) 5½ miles east of Camp Hunter and just inside the Kansas border with Missouri.Kyrias, "The Civil War," pp. 2–3; Kyrias, letter to Pollard, pp. 1–3. In early September 1862 the area around Camp Hunter found itself in the path of a Confederate offensive. The 31st Texas Cavalry, under Col. Tresevant C. Hawpe, headed toward the two camps, which were quickly abandoned.
Although the Mace was sent back in 1590, the archives were not. Principal Dr James Fall told the Parliamentary Commissioners of Visitation on 28 August 1690, that he had seen the Bull at the Scots College in Paris, together with the many charters granted to the university by the monarchs of Scotland from James II to Mary, Queen of Scots. The university enquired of these documents in 1738, but was informed by Thomas Innes and the superiors of the Scots College that the original records of the foundation of the university were not to be found. If they had not been lost by this time, they certainly went astray during the French Revolution when the Scots College was under threat.
The P2OG has been recommended to be constituted of "one hundred 'highly specialized people with unique technical and intelligence skills such as information operations, PSYOPS, network attack, covert activities, SIGINT, HUMINT, SOF, influence warfare/deception operations and to report to the National Security Council with an annual budget of $100 million". The group would be overseen by the White House's deputy national security adviser and would carry out missions coordinated by the secretary of defense or the CIA director. "The proposal is the latest sign of a new assertiveness by the Defense Department in intelligence matters, and an indication that the cutting edge of intelligence reform is not to be found in Congress but behind closed doors in the Pentagon." - Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists.
The term was codified with its current meaning by Tom Wolfe in a 1973 collection of journalism articles he published as The New Journalism, which included works by himself, Truman Capote, Hunter S. Thompson, Norman Mailer, Joan Didion, Terry Southern, Robert Christgau, Gay Talese and others. Articles in the New Journalism style tended not to be found in newspapers, but rather in magazines such as The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, CoEvolution Quarterly, Esquire, New York, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and for a short while in the early 1970s, Scanlan's Monthly. Contemporary journalists and writers questioned the "newness" of New Journalism, as well as whether it qualified as a distinct genre. The subjective nature of New Journalism received extensive exploration; one critic suggested the genre's practitioners were functioning more as sociologists or psychoanalysts than as journalists.
In codes such as the ABC Code, code words could contain blanks. For example, in the "Freight and tonnage requirements" section, ANTITACTE means "Mozambique, loading at not more than two places, to ____, steamer for about ____ tons general cargo at ____ per ton on the d/w capacity to cargo". The telegrapher would then fill in the three parameters: the destination, the number of tons, and the price per ton. The regulations of the International Telegraph Convention distinguished between "code telegrams", which it describes as "those composed of words the context of which has no intelligible meaning", and "cipher telegrams", which it describes as "those containing series of groups of figures or letters having a secret meaning or words not to be found in a standard dictionary of the language".
Epistulae ad Quintum Fratrem (Letters to brother Quintus) is a collection of letters from Roman politician and orator Marcus Tullius Cicero to his younger brother Quintus. The letters in this collection, when combined with Cicero's other letters, are considered the most reliable sources of information for the period leading up to the fall of the Roman Republic. His letters to Quintus share a similar quality to those sent to his close friend Titus Pomponius Atticus, written with a freedom and frankness not to be found in his correspondence with others. Traditionally spanning 3 books, and featuring letters from 60 or 59 to 54 BCE, this collection may have been first published by Cicero's freedman and personal secretary Marcus Tullius Tiro sometime after the deaths of both brothers in 43 BCE.
The feminist argument that the personal is political was revisited in the image that Riot grrrl set forth, similarly to the culture of Punk that self- actualization is not to be found in external forces but rather through an individual's true self. By recognizing and reevaluating the institutional structures that affect individual experiences within social situations, an individual can gain the knowledge to better know herself and therefore know how to present herself to others so that they may know her accurately. Riot grrrl termed this movement to self-actualization, girl love – "girls learning to love themselves, and each other, against those forces that would otherwise see them destroyed or destroy themselves". The accompanying slogan "every girl is a riot grrrl" reinforced the solidarity that women could find amongst themselves.
Excidium Troie is printed pp 397-404. Its discovery revealed a source for many details in medieval texts whose sources had been obscure, not appearing in the familiar Latin epitomes of the Iliad, through which Homer was transmitted to medieval culture, the Greek text being lost to Western Europe. That there was a lost Latin source grew clearer in the late nineteenth century, as scholars compared narrative poems like the Middle English The Seege or Batayle of Troy with Konrad von Würzburg's Trojanische Krieg and with versions in Old Norse and in Bulgarian,Trójumanna Saga and Trojanska Priča (Atwood 1934:382). and found that they shared details in the opening episodes that were not to be found in Dares nor in the famous Roman de Troie of Benoît de Sainte-Maure.
After resigning in good standing, Jones began to work for intelligence reform by meeting with members of Congress and their staffs, members of the executive branch, journalists, political operatives and political contributors, and writing articles and a book. While many policy and opinion makers agree that the CIA's human source programs do not function effectively, Jones believes the problems are not to be found with the quality of employees in the CIA, who are overwhelmingly talented and intelligent. Rather, the problem lies within the structure of the organization itself, which encourages a bureaucracy featuring excessive layers of non-producing administrators and managers. Jones recommends dramatic reductions in the layers of managers and administrators and restructuring of the CIA's chain of command to clarify precisely who is in charge of any given operation.
For Mark, the Davidic Messiah and Daniel's Son of man are one and same person, and their name is Jesus. In Mark 14:61-62, the reply that Jesus makes to the high priest's question ("Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?") conveys some glorious connotations of "the Son of God" as a figure who will come in triumph on the clouds of heaven to judge his enemies: "I am; and you will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of the Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven". In John's Gospel the expression gains a very significant element, not to be found in the Synoptic Gospels under any of the three meanings listed above: the "Son of man" is a personally pre-existent figure (e.g.
" He added, "[T]o construe the Parental Notification Act so narrowly as to eliminate bypasses, or to create hurdles that simply are not to be found in the words of the statute, would be an unconscionable act of judicial activism," and "While the ramifications of such a law and the results of the Court's decision here may be personally troubling to me as a parent, it is my obligation as a judge to impartially apply the laws of this state without imposing my moral view on the decisions of the Legislature." Political commentators had suggested that Bush forecast the selection of Gonzales with his comments defending the Attorney General made on July 6, 2005, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Bush stated, "I don't like it when a friend gets criticized. I'm loyal to my friends.
We do not know how many the secret services kept under surveillance, held criminally liable, arrested, sent to psychiatric hospitals, or who were sacked from their jobs, and restricted in all kinds of other ways in the exercise of their rights. No objective assessment of the total number of repressed persons is possible without fundamental analysis of archival documents. The difficulty is that the required data are very diverse and are not to be found in a single archive. They are scattered between the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the archive of the Russian Federation State Statistical Committee (Goskomstat), the archives of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD of Russia), the FSB of Russia, the RF General Prosecutor's Office, and the Russian Military and Historical Archive.
''''' is an apostolic constitution in the form of a papal bull promulgated by Pope Alexander VII in 1656 which judged the meaning and intention of Cornelius Jansen's words in Augustinus, and confirmed and renewed the condemnation in ' promulgated by Pope Innocent X in 1653 that five propositions found in Augustinus were heretical. That same year, 1656, sixty Jansenist doctors, including Antoine Arnauld, were degraded from the College of Sorbonne faculty of theology. French bishops supported Alexander VII. Michael O'Riordan wrote, in Catholic Encyclopedia, that since some still insisted that those propositions were not to be found in Augustinus, or were not meant by Jansen in the sense in which they were condemned, ' furthermore declared that they are contained in Augustinus, and have been condemned according to the sense of the author.
In March 1613, Ballyshannon was incorporated as a borough by James I. In 1775 the salmon-leap of Assaroe at Ballyshannon was praised by the traveller Richard Twiss in A Tour in Ireland (p. 157): > The Giants Causeway is an object which is scarcely worthy of going so far to > see; however that is to be determined by the degree of curiosity of which > the traveller is possessed. But the salmon-leap at Ballyshannon is a scene > of such a singular nature, as is not to be found elsewhere, and is as > peculiar to Ireland as the bullfights are to Spain..... It was in Ballyshannon, around 1793, that Viscount Castlereagh, the future Chief Secretary for Ireland and, later, British Foreign Secretary, had his famous vision of the radiant boy.
When determining ‘arbitrariness’, Chaoulli v Quebec is instructive. A law can be found to be arbitrary where it bears no relation to, or is inconsistent with, the objective that it pursues. In order not to be found to be arbitrary, the limit on life or liberty requires both a theoretical connection to the purpose of the legislation and a real connection on the facts.Seales v Attorney-General [2015] NZHC 1239 at [176]Chaoulli v Quebec (Attorney-General) [2005] 1 SCR 791 at [130]-[131] Collins J determined that the purpose of the relevant sections of the Crimes Act in New Zealand were created with the purpose to protect all life, it could not be found to be arbitrary, thus Seales' right to life was not found to be limited arbitrarily.
47 Edmund Evans too shared Greenaway's frustration, writing in his Reminiscences: > Immediately this novelty in style was imitated by several artists who ought > to have known better: some actually copied parts of the figures from Under > the Window and took the head of one to add to the figure of another, > thinking not to be found out. One fairly well-known artist from the North of > England wanted me to buy a copy of a book he had drawn, painted, and I > believe written the verses, calling the book Afternoon Tea. Of course I > could have nothing to do with such a bare faced copy of K.G.'s book. It was, > of course, bought and published by another firm of publishers and soon got > classed as "Kate Greenaway Books" which flooded the bookseller's shop for > years to follow.
But the title also refers to a recurring theme in her stories, for 'the ship that never set sail' is a symbol, in that first novel, of youth's romantic idealism forced to come to terms with the realities of life and the pressures of society. The Ship that Never Set Sail is the most personal of Jean Curlewis's novels and, although it contains elements that were to appear in her subsequent writing, it has a feminine grace that is not to be found to the same degree in the later yarns. Those novels, however, owe a great deal to genres less explored by her mother and her aunt. Drowning Maze (1922) opens in the tradition of the school story as it was then established, but moves into melodrama – or Comic-Opera Country as one chapter is headed.
Foundation stone in the form of a letter labyrinth: Silo princeps fecit Painting of Salvador Dalí inspired by the foundation stone. The church contains a foundation stone in the form of a letter labyrinth ("Silo Princeps Fecit") that records the 8th-century founding of the church by King Silo of Asturias. The inscription Silo princeps fecit singularly combined in fifteen horizontal lines and nineteen perpendicular columns of letters. The T forms the beginning and the end of the first and last line in consequence of which the name Silo is not to be found till the eighth line and the S which begins it is exactly in the centre of that line and of the tenth column thus the name is in the shape of a cross as the letters above below and on each side of the S form the word Silo.
Mr. Thomas was for sometime Superintendent of Public Works under the Imperial Government of Bermuda, which place he left for Canada about the year 1852; since then and up to the moment of the sad accident resulting in his death, he was engaged as subcontractor in the erection of many important buildings on this continent. The present national monument at Queenston reared by a grateful people to the memory of the "Gallant Brock," was erected under his supervision, so was the Montreal Bank and Town Hall in Cobourg, the latter considered to be one of the handsomest buildings in the Dominion. The subject of our notice was in every respect an excellent man. In business he was strictly correct in all his transactions; as a husband and father, most affectionate, as a philanthropist, his peer was not to be found in this city.
Bhavartha Ratnakara was formerly a little-known Sanskrit treatise on the predictive part of Hindu astrology which is believed to have been written by Ramanuja, it had for a very long time remained confined mainly to the southern parts of India. It was in the year 1900 that Raman Publications, Bangalore, published this text along with its translation into English and comments by Bangalore Venkata Raman, the 10th Edition of which translation was published in 1992 followed by another edition in 1997. Bhavartha Ratnakara does not cover the entire Phalita portion of Hindu astrology as do other standard texts but selectively lists rules some of which are not to be found in other more renowned texts e.g. the rule which states that a person will be fortunate in respect of that bhava whose karaka is situated in the 12th house from the Ascendant.
It was in this setting, surrounded by the ruins of the formerly glorious Marquesan civilization, that Heyerdahl first developed his theories regarding the possibility of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact between the pre-European Polynesians, and the peoples and cultures of South America. During several exchanges with an elderly Marquesan man who lived in Uia with them, a former cannibal named Tei Tetua, Heyerdahl determined that, although prior to the arrival of Europeans, cats were not to be found in Polynesia, the Marquesans were nonetheless familiar with the creatures, and indeed, certain of the carved tiki figures seemed very much to represent felines: :To our surprise, the reliefs of two human figures with hands above their heads appeared, and between them, two large quadrupeds in profile, each with an eye, a mouth, erected ears, and a tail. Two quadrupeds!...A cat?...
The Pan-African Federation (PAF) was re-formed in Manchester in 1944 under the presidency of Dr Peter Milliard, a politically active physician of British Guianese origins; Makonnen was the secretary. The PAF organised a Pan- African Congress, convened in Manchester in July 1945, with delegates and representatives from the Black world. The principal political organiser of the Congress was George Padmore, assisted by the recently arrived Francis (Kwame) Nkrumah. In order to maintain continuity with previous Congresses, W.E.B. DuBois, who had called four of them, was invited to chair the Manchester Congress. ‘One important thing that came out of the Congress’, Makonnen believed, was ‘that the struggle was not to be found in Europe for the majority of us. The old idea that you could do more work for liberation outside Africa was being laid aside’.
He manages to get near the plaza where Sherazade's circus is performing and is spotted by the young acrobat Ali Ben Ali (Sabu), who finds out his identity and decides to hide him in the circus, confiding only in Sherazade (though he does not tell her about the fugitive's true identity). Upon awakening from the wounds he had received in his flight, Haroun beholds Sherazade and instantly falls in love with her. Meanwhile, Kamar, thinking that Haroun is dead, assumes the throne of Baghdad, but to his chagrin Sherazade is not to be found, and he orders the captain of his guard (Turhan Bey) to find her. But then the scheming Grand Vizier Nadan (Edgar Barrier) approaches the captain with the order to make Sherazade 'disappear', and upon finding them the captain decides to sell the troupe into slavery.
Because the Tanakh came to be seen as unintelligible or even offensive, midrash could be used as a means of rewriting it in a way that both makes it more acceptable to later ethical standards and renders it less obviously implausible. James L. Kugel, in The Bible as It Was (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1997), examines a number of early Jewish and Christian texts that comment on, expand, or re-interpret passages from the first five books of the Tanakh between the third century BCE and the second century CE. Kugel traces how and why biblical interpreters produced new meanings by the use of exegesis on ambiguities, syntactical details, unusual or awkward vocabulary, repetitions, etc. in the text. As an example, Kugel examines the different ways in which the biblical story that God's instructions are not to be found in heaven (Deut 30:12) has been interpreted.
God would, according to Ahmadiyya belief, reveal the Prophet some knowledge of the unseen if He so wills, tell the Prophet to project his message across the people of his society, tell the Prophet to establish a gathering of his followers and continuously give the Prophet revelation expressing His Divine Will. Some, most or all of the revelation given to a Prophet is sometimes recorded as a Holy Scripture and thus, Ahmadis also believe in all those Books regarded as such, i.e. the Bible, Avesta, Torah, Qur'an etc. Ahmadiyya belief states that some original Holy Scriptures such as the Scrolls of Abraham, are not to be found in contemporary times and that all Holy Scriptures, have undergone some form of interpolation or extraction by the followers of each independent faith and thus they are not reliable today as they were when they were first revealed.
In another conceptualization, he contrasts "official law" (made by the state and its agents) to "unofficial law" (made by societal agents), which brings him close to legal pluralism. He parallels Eugen Ehrlich´s idea of living law when he states that "the true practice of civil law or any law is not to be found in the courts, but altogether elsewhere. Its practitioners are not judges and advocates, but each individual citizen..." (Petrażycki 1897, as quoted by Motyka) Petrażycki's theory of law is anti-statist and very critical of the legal positivism of his time, which he takes to task for being naive and lacking a truly scientific basis because of its focus on norms, rather than the experience of those norms. He also rejects the rather common notion that only human beings can have rights and can therefore be seen as an early proponent of animal rights.
Luther Albright is a devoted father and a designer of dams, a self-controlled man who believes he can engineer happiness for his family by sheltering them from his own emotions. But when an earthquake shakes his Sacramento home, the world Luther has constructed with such care begins to tilt: his son's behavior becomes increasingly bizarre and threatening, his loving wife seems to grow distant, the house he built with his own hands shows its first signs of decay, and a dam of his design comes under investigation for structural flaws exposed by the tremors. Nightmarish connections begin to whisper at Luther from the most innocent of places as debut novelist MacKenzie Bezos tightens her net of psychological suspense around the listener with bravura skill. This is a portrait of an ordinary man who finds himself tested and strives not to be found wanting.
Diószegi described taltoses as specialists who are able of going through a controlled ecstasy (rejtezés). One becomes a taltos by heredity or vocation, and the process of becoming one includes the typical stages of psychophysical disease, acceptance and healing: After an initial resistance to vocation and the various symptoms of the "shamanic disease", the chosen by the gods finally accepts his role and is endowed with his powers. Taltoses acquire superior knowledge at a young age—usually at seven—, through shamanic journeys taking place in days-long dreams, in which the main goal is to climb the égig érő fa ("sky-high tree"), also called élet fa ("tree of life"), világ fa ("world tree") or tetejetlen fa ("tree without a top"). Diószegi considered many elements of Hungarian taltosism to be peculiar to the Hungarian ethnicity, not to be found in Central Asian shamanic traditions.
In 1977, George Howard propounded in the scholarly Journal of Biblical Literature his theory that "towards the end of the first century" (when the most recent of the New Testament writings were still appearing) Christians had already begun to use nomina sacra in place of the Tetragrammaton. While in non-biblical material Jews freely used either the Tetragrammaton or a substitute such as κύριος, in copying the biblical text itself they carefully guarded the Tetragrammaton, a practice that they extended to translation into Greek but not into Aramaic (p. 72); but, Howard said, in the earliest extant copies of the Christian LXX the tetragrammaton is not to be found and is almost universally replaced by κύριος (p. 74). "In all probability", he said, "the Tetragram in the Christian LXX began to be surrogated with the contracted words and at least by the beginning of the second century" (pp. 74−75).
The 1911 edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia noted the movement's spread: "not only in the number of Jews affiliated with the Zionist organization and congress, but also in the fact that there is hardly a nook or corner of the Jewish world in which Zionistic societies are not to be found."Zionism article (section Wide Spread of Zionism) by Richard Gottheil in the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1911 Support for Zionism was not a purely European and Ashkenazi phenomenon. In the Arab world, the first Zionist branches opened in Morocco only a few years after the Basel conference, and the movement became popular among Jews living within the Arab and Muslim world where Jews generally faced religious discrimination, prejudice and occasional violence. A number of the founders of the city of Tel Aviv were early Moroccan Jewish immigrants and Ottoman Salonika had a vigorous Zionist movement by 1908.
As for herself personally, she had wished to be educated about the manners of the grand world and participate in high society. Now, however, they had lived all their lives as prisoners and had grown to be content with their lives. They had only three wishes; first, that they wished to be allowed to visit a meadow, as they had heard that it had flowers not to be found in their garden; second, that the wives of the officers should be allowed to visit them to provide company; and finally, they wished to learn how to put on and wear the complicated upper- class garments they were provided with, such as corsets, because neither themselves nor their servants knew how they should be put on or worn. If these three wishes were granted, she stated, all four of them would be content to continue living as before.
They had only three wishes: first, that they be allowed to visit a meadow, as they had heard that it contained flowers not to be found in their garden; second, that the wives of the officers should be allowed to visit them to provide company; and finally, that they be taught how to put on and wear the complicated upper-class garments they were provided with, such as corsets, because neither they nor their servants knew how they should be put on or worn. If these three wishes were granted, she stated, they would all be content to continue to live as before. Before their release, the siblings were provided with new wardrobes and household gifts from the empress, so that Russia would make a good impression in Denmark. When told that they would be transferred to Denmark, they asked that they be housed in a remote place with few people there.
The British officers were praised for the capture of Guillaume Tell, the last surviving French ship of the line to escape the Battle of the Nile: Nelson, who by his absence had "missed what would indeed have been the crowning glory to his Mediterranean career", wrote to Berry that "Your conduct and character in the late glorious occasion stamps your fame beyond the reach of envy."Bradford, p. 248 Despite Nelson's praise however, Berry in particular came in for subsequent criticism, especially from the historian William James, who wrote in his 1827 history of the conflict that: James instead attributed most of the praise for the victory to Blackwood and Dixon, whose ships were heavily outmatched by Guillaume Tell, but who successfully pressed their attacks with the intention of delaying the French retreat. He also highly praised Decrés for his conduct in the engagement, stating that "A more heroic defence than that of the Guillaume-Tell is not to be found among the records of naval actions".
The centre of the park, which is called the "preserved heart", will include an area of not less than 400 dunams of natural sand dunes in order to preserve the unique ecology that includes a wide range of rare plants, the like of which is not to be found elsewhere along the coast. The ring around the "preserved heart" will form the outer envelope of the park and will be zoned for municipal recreation and leisure activity. Further to the hearing of oppositions to the deposited version of the scheme (Holon H-500), the district planning and building committee decided to extend the "preserved heart" of the park at the expense of the area for future planning. The 1,500 dwelling units that were allotted in an area for future planning according to the deposited version of the scheme were moved by the district committee's decision to the residential domains, so that their allotment will not be dependent on changes to the Airport flight paths.
At the heart of the continuing conflict are attitudes towards the state's governor, Ulises Ruiz, a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party which governed Mexico for most of the 20th century, but which now is a minority in a nation where political power resides in 3 main parties. However, the main power struggle is between the rightist National Action Party and the leftist Democratic Revolutionary Party, leaving the Institutional Revolutionary Party free to form coalitions with one of the two parties. Ruiz is a polemical figure whom opponents accuse of stealing his 2004 election, suppressing the freedom of the press, destruction of public spaces and historical monuments in the city, and repression of political opponents. Protestors argue that the constitution gives the central government the power under certain circumstances to remove a sitting governor; the Senate of the Republic, voted on the issue and decided that those "special circumstances" are not to be found in Oaxaca.
Reprinted in, e.g., Midrash Rabbah: Genesis. Translated by Harry Freedman and Maurice Simon, volume 2, page 663. Alluding to Rabbi Samuel bar Nahmani said in the name of Rabbi Jonathan that when a wife summons a husband to his marital duty, they will have children such as were not to be found even in the generation of Moses. For with regard to the generation of Moses, says, “Take wise men, and understanding and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you.” But says, “So I took the chiefs of your tribes, wise men and known,” without mentioning “understanding” (implying that Moses could not find men with understanding). And says, “Issachar is a large-boned donkey” (alluding to the Midrash that Leah heard Jacob's donkey, and so came out of her tent to summon Jacob to his marital duty, as reported in ). And 1 Chronicles says, “of the children of Issachar . . .
In its album version, the song is 7 minutes and 47 seconds long, almost half of that as an instrumental outro with characteristic guitar riffs and keyboard melodies. The title is not to be found in the song, and is not a reference to the Boeing 747 airplane even though the lyrics are flight- inspired: the Swedish original, which is slightly different from the English release, describes the narrator and an unidentified second character leaving or escaping something, towards an unknown destination, on a passenger airliner. It closes with a crash scene, moving into the instrumental outro: listening tense & strapped in & when panic erupts you smile faintly and whisper to me you are worth dying for but against rubber, glass & metal a miracle means nothing at all The cover image of the Isola album is an aircraft (in fact, a Boeing 737) which was also used as a backdrop in ensuing concerts. The album name itself is supposed to symbolize New York City, referencing "Isola" in Ed McBains crime novels.
In the period 1956 to 1963, S.T. Demetriades proposed methods of atmospheric gas accumulation by means of a satellite moving in low Earth orbit, at an altitude of around 120 km, or propellant accumulation by stations on the surface of a planet or by gathering and exploiting interstellar matter JBIS, Vol 17, p114, 1959 - 1960; ARS Preprint 2438-62, Part I, 14-16 Mar 1962; Parts II, III and IV not to be found in the open literature; also National Archives ARC Identifier No. 1250057 and 12500581963 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology. In its simplest form, Demetriades' proposed satellite extracts air from the fringes of the atmosphere, compresses and cools it, and extracts liquid oxygen. The remaining nitrogen is, in part, used as propellant for a nuclear-powered magnetohydrodynamic electromagnetic plasma thruster, which maintains the orbit at about 120 km, or a solar powered thruster (and collection system) for altitudes above 150 km (as stated in the original 1959 JBIS article, p119) compensating for atmospheric drag. This system was called “PROFAC” (PROpulsive Fluid ACcumulator).
However, in his text the word order is not to be found. To describe the four species of columns (he only mentions: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) he uses, in fact, various words such as: genus (gender), mos (habit, fashion, manner), opera (work). The St-Gervais-et-St- Protais Church in Paris presents columns of the three orders : Doric at the ground floor, Ionic at the second floor, Corinthian at the third floor The term order, as well as the idea of redefining the canon started circulating in Rome, at the beginning of the 16th century, probably during the studies of Vitruvius' text conducted and shared by Peruzzi, Raphael, and Sangallo.H. Burns and H. Gunthers, 24éme Colloque International d'Etude Humanistes, Tours 1981 Ever since, the definition of the canon has been a collective endeavor that involved several generations of European architects, from Renaissance and Baroque periods, basing their theories both on the study of Vitruvius' writings and the observation of Roman ruins (the Greek ruins became available only after Greek Independence, 1821–23).
1484), (builder of Rosslyn Chapel) had knowledge of Henry Sinclair's involvement with the Zeno brothers and had decorated the interior of the chapel with carvings of plants discovered during the voyage. This claim of 'proof' that the voyage took place has been discredited.. The letters and accompanying map are controversial and are regarded by at least one historian as a hoax, either by the Zeno brothers themselves or by their descendant who wrote a narrative which he said was based on what was left of letters that he had torn up as a boy. In 1989, Italian scholar Giorgio Padoan a published studyPadoan studied the "detailed descriptions that could have not been borrowed by others" -as geographer Von Humboldt stated- in the book written by younger Nicolo' about his father suggesting that there is some authenticity in their travels and that Nicolò is not to be found in any document between the years 1396-1400 (so he could have been at least in Iceland), while Andrea Di Robilant has written a book on this possibility.
One of the first (initially experimental) electronic interlockings built in Germany (class El S) was opened at the station in 1988. Special functions for new high-speed lines, which were not to be found on the existing network, were tested at the signal box there in preparation for their approval and use in electronic interlocking in Germany. Over a length of about 12 km between the stations of Hockenheim and Graben-Neudorf (Molzau junction), the functions of the new technology were first tested in parallel with the existing technology although the new technology was not given responsibility for safety. A temporary relay interlocking (class Sp Dr S600) was built in Hockenheim station with a minimum of equipment (one block section with a length of 12 km) for operations and safety testing of the electronic interlocking for at least one year. After a positive outcome of the test of operations, the “second stage” of the Hockenheim electronic interlocking was installed and the storage area on the north half of the new line (50 km) was developed.
In Mahayana Buddhism the term True Dharma Eye Treasury () refers generally to the Buddha Dharma, and in Zen Buddhism, it specifically refers to the realization of Buddha's awakening that is not contained in the written words of the sutras. In general Buddhist usage, the term "treasury of the Dharma" refers to the written words of the Buddha's teaching collected in the Sutras as the middle of the Three Treasures of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. In Zen, however, the real treasure of the Dharma is not to be found in books but in one's own Buddha Nature and the ability to see this Correct View (first of the Noble Eightfold Path) of the treasure of Dharma is called the "Treasure of the Correct Dharma Eye". In the legends of the Zen tradition, the Shōbōgenzō has been handed down from teacher to student going all the way back to the Buddha when he transmitted the Shobogenzo to his disciple Mahākāśyapa thus beginning the Zen lineage that Bodhidharma brought to China.
The facilities necessary for the translation team were provided by Lama Gyaltsen Ratak over a number of years. In addition, as the many who collaborated and mentored the work who have not already been mentioned in this article were not given title credit for the work and instead are known as the 'Kalu Rinpoche Translation Team' they have been luxuriously quoted herewith with metatext enhancement not to be found in the print original: > "The translation of Myriad Worlds was largely prepared by Elio Guarisco, > Könchog Tenzin, Tenpa Kalsang, Peter Roberts, Sarah Harding, Ingrid McLeod, > Anthony Chapman, Ngawang Zangpo and Yeshe Wangmo; research of the citations > was conducted by Lydia and Oliver Brunet; and the Introduction was written > by Elio Guarisco. Grateful acknowledgement is made to several other > translators with whom we collaborated: Daniel Boschero, Ken McLeod, Eric > Pema Kunzang, Dechen Cronin, Norbu Tsewang, Daniel Perdue, Surya Das, and > Samten Zangmo...Susan Kyser, Shawn Woodyard, and Daniel Reid for their > careful revision of the final English manuscript, Kristine Paknys and David > Patt for their correction of the Sanskrit, Roar Vestre for his technical > assistance...".Kongtrul Lodro Taye (author, compiler); Kalu Rinpoche > Translation Group (translators) (1995, 2003).
Legislation relating to wages and prices was long ago abandoned, but the laws affecting the employment of apprentices still exist in some form, although conditions of employment have changed so materially that apprenticeships are not entered as of old; but the laws regulating the employment of apprentices were the basis on which English legislation found a foothold when parliament wished to regulate the labour of factory operatives. The code of labour laws of the present time is almost entirely the result of the industrial revolution during the latter part of the 18th century, under which the domestic or hand-labour system was displaced through the introduction of power machinery. As this revolution took place in the United States at a somewhat later date than in England, the labour legislation necessitated by it belongs to a later date. The factory, so far as textiles are concerned, was firmly established in America during the period from 1820 to 1840, and it was natural that the English legislation found friends and advocates in the United States, although the more objectionable conditions accompanying the English factory were not to be found there.
Page of Thietmar's Chronicle Between 1012 and 1018 Thietmar, while Bishop of Merseburg, composed his chronicle Chronicon Thietmari, which comprises eight books, that cover the period between 908 and 1018, the Saxon Emperors Henry the Fowler, the three Ottos, and Henry II the Saint. As counsellor of the Emperor and participant in many important political transactions he was well equipped for writing a history of his times. The first three books, covering the reigns of Henry I and the first two Ottos (Otto I and Otto II) are largely based on previous chronicles most of which are still extant (e.g. Widukind of Corvey's Res gestae Saxonicae, the Annales Quedlinburgenses and others); the fourth book, comprising the reign of Otto III contains much original matter; while the remaining four books, which describe the reign of Henry II to the year 1018, are the independent narrative of Thietmar and, besides being the principal source for Saxon history during the reign of Henry II, contain valuable information, not to be found elsewhere regarding the contemporary history and civilization of the Slavic tribes east of the river Elbe, as well as Poles, Hungarians and Bulgarians.
The museum, covering Chinese history from the Yuanmou Man of 1.7 million years ago to the end of the Qing Dynasty (the last imperial dynasty in Chinese history), has a permanent collection of 1,050,000 items, with many precious and rare artifacts not to be found in museums anywhere else in China or the rest of the world. Among the most important items in the National Museum of China are the "Simuwu Ding" from the Shang Dynasty (the heaviest piece of ancient bronzeware in the world, at 832.84 kg), the square shaped Shang Dynasty bronze zun decorated with four sheep heads, a large and rare inscribed Western Zhou Dynasty bronze water pan, a gold-inlaid Qin Dynasty bronze tally in the shape of a tiger, Han Dynasty jade burial suits sewn with gold thread, and a comprehensive collection of Tang Dynasty tri-colored glazed sancai and Song Dynasty ceramics. The museum also has an important numismatic collection, including 15,000 coins donated by Luo Bozhao.Luo Bozhao qianbixue wenji by Ma Feihai, Zhou Xiang, Luo Jiong, Luo Bozhao, review by Helen Wang The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-), Vol.

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