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"New Testament" Definitions
  1. the collection of the books of the Bible that were produced by the early Christian church, comprising the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Revelation of St. John the Divine.
  2. the covenant between God and humans in which the dispensation of grace is revealed through Jesus Christ.

128 Sentences With "New Testament"

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That's the story of Easter weekend in the New Testament.
Some Jesus mythicists say many New Testament scholars are intellectual snobs.
With Rick Moody, she edited Joyful Noise: The New Testament Revisited.
Turns out the New Testament is full of Jesus' interfaith encounters.
I am in for a long haul before the New Testament.
He translated portions of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament,
"Women's roles have been downplayed in the New Testament," she says.
For President Trump, the Bible (the New Testament, not the Old).
Much of the New Testament has to do with breaking down divisions.
How do you account for the many contradictions within the New Testament?
I try to bring the New Testament with me wherever I go.
Messianic Judaism accepts Jesus as the messiah and embraces the New Testament.
It comes from one of the most dramatic moments in the New Testament.
He says the New Testament is full of accounts of Jesus confronting demons.
Last year's Ghetto Gospel: The New Testament album typifies his new artistic era.
Moore was merely re-enacting the New Testament in the name of lust.
The three greatest Jews in the New Testament: Peter, Paul and Jesus Christ.
As for the New Testament, the first witnesses to the Resurrection are women.
It could well be the best book about resurrection since the New Testament.
I wouldn't characterize the New Testament descriptions of the risen Jesus as fuzzy.
She cited a popular New Testament verse often invoked by athletes and inspirational speakers.
When it comes to the Nativity, however, the Quran differs from the New Testament.
In the New Testament, Christ's followers spit on him in renunciation of their loyalty.
However, the New Testament is just as silent on abortion as the Old Testament.
Paul even writes in one New Testament passage about meeting James, the brother of Jesus.
When the New Testament came along it did not erase what came before it. Creation.
Inside were pajama bottoms, a New Testament, Vaseline, and a Nintendo gaming console and case.
Among other things, he translated the New Testament from Greek into German in eleven weeks.
Messianic Judaism believes that Jesus is the messiah and that the New Testament is authentic.
A New Testament fragment would be valuable — especially when beautifully packed by an auction house.
The reasons stretch back a century — and, some would argue, to the New Testament itself.
Just a line in the New Testament from mere mortals presuming to speak for him.
I was surprised to find an orange pocket-size New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs.
According to the New Testament, one of Jesus' followers arranged for Christ to be arrested.
In short, Mueller is the Old Testament of Trump scandals, Ukraine is the New Testament.
Thomas Jefferson's version of the New Testament erased all references to the divinity of Jesus.
The Old and New Testament, I believe both speak with authority and we oughta receive it.
And maybe, just maybe, I am fixated because I am looking ahead to the New Testament.
The Old and New Testament, I believe both speak with authority and we outta receive it.
It's like the gospels in the New Testament: the same story getting told in different ways.
Brockes's libretto identifies the soldiers who scourge Jesus as Jews—a departure from the New Testament.
Jesus, though, didn't have a problem sharing the stage with women, according to New Testament accounts.
Though a devout Muslim, he had an Arabic copy of the New Testament on his shelf.
While alive, these men created their own condensed (and utterly different) versions of the New Testament.
"I&aposve studied the bible, both the Old and the New Testament," the 2016 presidential candidate said.
The New Testament has much to say about this enigmatic figure, but is by no means comprehensive.
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares," the New Testament warns.
Messianic Judaism holds the belief that Jesus is the messiah and that the New Testament is authentic.
And what about gold, the third gift brought by the Magi according to the New Testament story?
Justice is one of the main themes in both the Jewish scriptures and the Christian New Testament.
Thomas Jefferson wrote his own version of the New Testament and got rid of all the miracles.
I find the roots of anti-Semitism in the New Testament depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus.
"When the New Testament was edited and canonized, women's voices like Mary Magdalene were suppressed," Sahlin says.
He showed me, on his phone, a library of Biblical texts that included the entire New Testament.
The fasces remained entwined with the threat of physical violence — a fact revealed in the New Testament.
The introduction says that it's a precursor to the idea of redemption and mercy in the New Testament.
In the New Testament, Mary Magdalene was close to Jesus and was the first to recognize the resurrection.
The field of New Testament studies has never been a reliable starting point for scholars seeking publishing superstardom.
In his view, the war has replaced the New Testament as society's vehicle for understanding good and evil.
We know this story from the two sources in the New Testament: the gospels of Matthew and Luke.
Her parents, Mike and Carol Gabbard, taught Tulsi the New Testament of the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita.
As he aged, however, Jefferson undertook a spiritual quest that focused his attention intensively on the New Testament.
Members of the group read relevant passages from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Book of Mormon.
He does during a moment of applause after he read from 1 John 4:12 in the New Testament.
The New Testament is full of similar stories in which Jesus suggests that welcoming outsiders is a basic expectation.
Last Notes: The episode's title, "Mary and Martha," refers to the story in the New Testament of the Bible.
Ghetto Gospel: The New Testament comes ten years after the original Ghetto Gospel project and the growth is striking.
This migraine-inducing romp through the New Testament combined pseudo-intellectualism with high camp on a constantly rotating stage.
It was in Religion 2 that I first read the New Testament and in psychology that I read Freud.
On the other hand, many New Testament passages seem — and not metaphorically — to promise the eventual salvation of everyone.
"Remember, in the New Testament it's the church that has accountability over the members—not the pastors," he said.
While many Framers were Christian, Jefferson famously took a razor to portions of the New Testament he found implausible.
In the New Testament, Jesus Christ instructs his followers to reject that teaching and instead turn the other cheek.
This New Testament epic from 1965 is so long and boring that those short, simple words barely do it justice.
Mundane objects — weights and scales, fishhooks, playing dice, lamps and cookware — bring the verses of the New Testament to life.
"We follow the New Testament pattern of asking men to take on some spiritual responsibility for their families," Lent said.
It was a New Testament with a camouflage cover, issued to him when he served in the Texas Air Guard.
The most well-known verse in the New Testament starts with 'For God so loved the world' (John 85033:16).
In other parts of the New Testament, Paul sometimes using the same Greek word to describe earthly and angelic authorities.
Erasmus's humanist scholarship and reformist Christianity converged in his "Novum Instrumentum," the first Greek New Testament ever to be published.
Around a campfire, the other kids passed around a Bible and took turns reading — from the New Testament, of course.
In the New Testament, Jesus had told his disciples that "wars and rumors of wars" would presage the end times.
Even so, it took many years for the familiar New Testament canon to edge out rival Gnostic and Manichaean writings.
Today, many ministry leaders follow Mr. Graham's example to avoid "the appearance of evil," as the New Testament puts it.
There is an entire subgenre of serious modern fiction that focuses on Jesus and other characters from the New Testament.
A mélange of figures gradually emerged, depicting Old and New Testament figures, but also vignettes relating to the baker's trade.
Sessions gave a New Testament reason for his newfound opposition to international trade deals, a position pushed hard by Trump.
"I Am Jesus Christ," as it is so aptly titled, is a forthcoming godly simulation set in the New Testament.
Ehrman, for example, is an agnostic who has written books that argue that virtually half of the New Testament is forged.
He quotes the New Testament to tag some Republicans — specifically Vice President Mike Pence — as hypocrites for working with President Trump.
" "The New Testament" affirms, the brief said "that civil government exists to protect the innocent and punish those who do evil.
She says Paul's Eddie, whom she calls the "Christ-like figure" of the story, was definitely inspired by the New Testament.
If the Hebrew Bible's stories need not be taken literally, why not also accept that the New Testament writers took liberties?
Similarly, the New Testament imparts clear instructions to, among other things, pay taxes without complaint and to obey the governing authorities.
"The gospels are not designed to be journalistic documents," says Martin, who specializes in origins of Christianity and the New Testament.
But the largest release of nuclear fall-out in the history of humanity seemed to be prophesied in the Bible's New Testament.
Cropping appears in the New Testament of the Bible when Simon Peter cuts off the slave Malchus' ear, and Jesus heals him.
In their rejoinders to Mr Sessions, many commentators cited passages in the Old and New Testament which emphasise hospitality to the outsider.
A church is, in the Greek of the New Testament, a "gathering place" or ekklesia; our word "ecclesiastical" derives from that root.
Candles and cards stood next to Twix bars — Ms. Warner's favorite — and Bibles were left open to pages in the New Testament.
The Christian scripture as we know it—almost the very last line of the New Testament—is this prophecy of "His" return.
It is not, and has never been, the pope's prayer, and we have the very words of Jesus in the New Testament.
I'm studying the New Testament at Northern Seminary, with the aim of transitioning into their master of divinity program in two years.
Living under the alias Junker Joerg (Knight George), Luther translated the New Testament into German, from the original Greek, in eleven weeks.
By the fourth century, Gnostic texts depicting her spiritual leadership were deemed heretical and excluded from the New Testament canon, says Sahlin.
But in Guatemala, Father Rother was determined to reach out to residents and learned the local Tz'utujil language, translating the New Testament.
After vowing to protect Christians across the globe, Trump read a verse from Second Corinthians — one of the books in the New Testament.
Our donors helped fund a new Persian translation of the New Testament, which we help print and secretly distribute through a trusted network.
Oscar Cullman, a New Testament scholar who died in 13, posed an interesting theory: Paul was talking about cosmic authorities, not civil ones.
It's his translation of the four Gospels of the New Testament, which he condenses into a single narrative of the life of Jesus.
They were harsh and vindictive like the God of the Old Testament, not generous and inclusive like the Jesus of the New Testament.
"Their track record on investigations and independence contaminates the whole story," said Mr. McKnight, a New Testament professor at Northern Seminary in Illinois.
The writer of the first book of John in the New Testament warns of generic "Antichrists" who deny that Jesus is the messiah.
During a question-and-answer session, Pasha Syed, an imam from a local mosque, cited a New Testament passage about killing one's enemies.
He attended General Theological Seminary in New York, where he received a master's degree in New Testament studies and was ordained in 1953.
The bill would require Missouri education officials to develop clear guidelines and standards for offering courses on the Old Testament and New Testament.
Pilate was the Roman governor who presided over the trial of Jesus and ordered his crucifixion in the New Testament of the Bible.
Two of the New Testament scholars who are leading the way arguing for Jesus' existence have a reputation for attacking, not defending, traditional Christianity.
According to Jehovah's Witnesses official website, the religion is a form of Christianity that follows both the Old and New Testament of the Bible.
But plenty of ordinary people have been misstating the true meaning of that and other popular New Testament passages for ages, biblical scholars say.
"A thorn in my side told me, 'Hold, please,' " Bejar sings on his new album, stapling the New Testament to a customer-service script.
When Constantine converted, the New Testament didn't formally exist and Christians disagreed on basic theological concepts, among them how Jesus and God were related.
Neither is it found in the other New Testament epistles, or in any extant documents (like the Didache) from the earliest post-apostolic period.
Once Ea's search for disciples begins, "The Brand New Testament" slips from satire into absurdist farce, loses its sharper edges and becomes merely silly.
The reveal is SPREADING THE GOSPEL, and the circled letters spell out the four gospels of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
At his death, he was a professor of New Testament studies and the chairman of Anglican studies at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
Scholars can make that determination because the theology and writing style is so markedly different in some of Paul's New Testament letters, Crossan says.
He went through the Bible, probably the New Testament, picked out all the verses in which light was mentioned and that was his statement.

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