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10 Sentences With "move stealthily"

How to use move stealthily in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "move stealthily" and check conjugation/comparative form for "move stealthily". Mastering all the usages of "move stealthily" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It made its move stealthily on the night of Jan.
The virus was able to move stealthily throughout the Americas in part because it rarely causes serious illness in healthy men and women.
An expert US Marine scout sniper, no matter how precise their marksmanship, has to be able to do two things: hide and move stealthily.
The researchers described TrickBooster as a "powerful addition to TrickBot's vast arsenal of tools," given its ability to move stealthily and evade detection by most antimalware vendors, they said.
To find him, Jean enlists the help of her ragtag team of wildlife sighters — the immigrant street cleaners, traffic wardens and hotel staff who move stealthily, like hunted animals, in the shadows of the city, inhabiting the crepuscular seams of urban life.
Mercenaries can also crouch to make themselves a smaller target or take cover behind objects. It is possible to walk backwards and move stealthily so the mercenary can avoid being noticed by the enemy, though both of these actions uses more action points than normal moving. When attacking, there is a certain chance that the mercenary will hit. The chance to hit is also affected by the number of action points the player uses to aim.
Jade can run, move stealthily, jump over obstacles and pits, climb ladders, push or bash doors and objects, and flatten herself against walls. As Jade, the player investigates a number of installations in search of the truth about a war with an alien threat. In the game's interior spaces, the player solves puzzles and makes their way past enemies in order to reach areas containing photographic evidence. Jade's main tools are her Daï-jo combat staff (a melee weapon), discs for attacking at range, and a camera.
Hooker, his predecessor at I Corps, but by this time the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Hooker originally placed the I Corps on the extreme left of the Union line, southeast of Fredericksburg, hoping to threaten and distract the Confederate right. On May 2, Hooker changed his mind and ordered the corps to conduct a daylight march nearly 20 miles to swing around and become the extreme right flank of the army, to the northwest of the XI Corps. The march was delayed by faulty communications and by the need to move stealthily to avoid Confederate contact.
The quail-plover is usually found singly or in pairs in dry grassland and thorn scrub. It is rather skulking preferring to move stealthily through grass but also running around like a courser in the open. Tends to crouch down and hide when approached and flushes only when the observer is almost on top of it and then flies off with a jerky undulating flight. It breeds during the dry season and moves north ahead of the rains It tends to be more active at night and to call with a soft low whistle like the wind going through a pipe during moonlit nights.
" In a breach of diplomatic norms, Upshur leaked the communique to the press to inflame popular Anglophobic sentiments among American citizens.Crapol, 2006, p. 197: Upshur's letter "a breach of diplomatic protocol ..." In the spring of 1843, the Tyler administration had sent executive agent Duff Green to Europe to gather intelligence and arrange territorial treaty talks with Great Britain regarding Oregon; he also worked with American minister to France, Lewis Cass, to thwart efforts by major European powers to suppress the maritime slave trade.Varon, 2008, p. 166: "In 1841, Tyler had dispatched Green as an emissary to London, to move stealthily in diplomatic circles in search of 'proof' that England had designs on Texas Merk, 1978, p.

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