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416 Sentences With "most vital"

How to use most vital in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most vital" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most vital". Mastering all the usages of "most vital" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The ruling is not simply the court's most vital civil rights decision; it is also the court's most vital decision about the rule of law.
The first is the most vital: Don't overcook your pasta.
Attending tech conferences is far from the most vital activity.
I think those are the most vital parts of our identity.
The writer's most vital nourishment and inspiration — alcohol — is also absent.
It turned out to be the most vital place on campus.
Yet the notebooks contain some of Nietzsche's most vital, pungent writing.
Most vital was to establish an airway, then replace the blood.
Unsurprisingly, the smartphone was the most vital work tool among journalists.
One of my most vital videogame memories is actually a travel story.
The most vital aspect of this overview is the customer acquisition strategy.
And what does it mean for this most vital of international relationships?
How can we sustain our most vital connections, our relationships, our friends?
And yet this is probably the most vital part of the show!
The two most vital concepts in most video games are learning and dying.
Nearly two years into his administration, Twitter remains Trump's most vital communication platform.
Most vital was political leadership—a prime minister determined to make it happen.
And his agency's less publicized job is securing the government's most vital secrets.
With Atlanta, he proves he's one of its most vital creative forces, period.
Germany is considered one of the U.S.'s most vital allies in Europe.
But it's in times of crisis that civil liberties are the most vital.
It is considered one of the most vital infrastructure projects in the country.
In some ways, this is the most vital research field at the moment.
Also, ‎the most vital lead indicator for growth is business spending and investing.
It puts a strain on a campaign's most vital resources: time and money.
Screenshot: GizmodoTry starting small with the emails most vital to you or your work.
Moderating content and comments is one of the most vital responsibilities on the internet.
But he adds that the most vital subsidized goods should be spared, including bread.
However, the ban does include our most vital ally in the fight against ISIS, Iraq.
Learning to say "No" is easily one of the most vital skills we can cultivate.
Understanding good communication best practices may just be the most vital part of working remotely.
The socioeconomic diversity at elite colleges is hardly the most vital concern about higher education.
The most vital parts of our economy and national security are being targeted — our communications.
But the most vital part of the movement is artist-run projects like Bikini Wax.
The most vital tool for me here is WhatsApp, a messaging service owned by Facebook.
With the move, Ms. Kotb becomes one of the most vital figures at NBC News.
These are the men who will be deciding the most vital issues in women's lives.
Intense and deeply moving, "Capernaum" is cinema at its most vital and its most potent.
These phone surveys will represent the most vital opinion polls for the Leave campaign to date.
Kendall and Kylie are the youngest and currently the most vital of the Kardashian/Jenner empire.
We are your #ONE source for the most vital world event and stories happening every day!
"That's the most vital part in order to dive, otherwise your eardrums would burst," she explains.
The moves define bin Salman's growing leadership in the areas most vital to the country's interests.
His mission is now one of the most vital ways to keep the virus from spreading.
He returned in late August and was one of their most vital bats in the playoffs.
The authors believe this is one of the most vital acts of protest you can undertake.
This is one of the most vital steps to capture the features specific to this dog.
Angelica might be a mess, but she's also the most vital and natural element on screen.
How well is the United Nations performing on the most vital global challenges of the past decade?
Briton, Jamaican, mother, writer, female: on becoming whole with one of this generation's most vital literary voices.
When her parents laid off all but their most vital workers, they kept him on the payroll.
Disagreement is dear to me, too, because it is the most vital ingredient of any decent society.
He may be the "weirdest man in dance music" but he may also be the most vital.
"Understanding good communication best practices may just be the most vital part of working remotely," says Holliday.
How feedback is delivered is one of the most vital — and underappreciated — indicators of a company's success.
In the economy's most vital sector, oil production, the international companies that remain are barely hanging on.
"Broadband Internet is the most vital tool of the 21st Century economy," Eshoo said in a statement.
Mr Macintyre makes a plausible case that he was the West's most vital human asset in the 1980s.
One of the most vital skills any designer can have is the ability and willingness to question everything.
All this would come as New York City's most vital public service is in a state of crisis.
"Tigers are some of the most vital and beloved animals on Earth," DiCaprio, 41, said in a statement.
The simplest needs are often the most vital: power and clean water will get you a long way.
Probably the most vital tech tool I carry is the lightest: a paper clip to switch SIM cards.
To Borders, the most vital trait of whomever the league chooses to replace her is love over knowledge.
More relevant to Balanchine (1904-83), these companies represent the three countries most vital to his long career.
Opera remains the most vital of American classical forms, but in an economically challenged environment, small is beautiful.
"A Woman's Life" is exactly the kind of movie that seems most vital and vulnerable at this moment.
Indeed, a degree of humility on the part of his successor may be his or her most vital quality.
"Producers are the most vital and endemically the least fairly compensated actors in the coffee supply chain," it said.
But, nevertheless, Trump later indicated he would still try to get the "most vital" question included on the questionnaire.
Opinion TWO of our most vital industries, health care and education, have become increasingly subjected to metrics and measurements.
The young activist stresses psychological help as the most vital requirement for children to overcome the trauma they've experienced.
How to Pack and Prepare Your Smartphone for Traveling This Summer Your smartphone is your most vital travel tool.
In the past year, he has experienced repeated setbacks on some of the most vital issues on his agenda.
Eurovision's bigger problem in Ukraine is that it has become entangled with one of the country's most vital democratic reforms.
The resulting United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) keeps its predecessor's most vital feature: tariff-free trade in most goods.
Howards End plays its most vital card when the constraints of time and place finally effect both Margaret and Helen.
Netanyahu's potential downfall would have a dramatic and immediate impact on Israel's relationship with the US, its most vital ally.
It occurred near the Strait of Hormuz which is one of the world's most vital sea lanes for oil shipments.
The city is located near some of Iraq's most vital oil fields, as well an oil pipeline that services Turkey.
CHINESE demand for the world's commodities may be sputtering, but not for the most vital ingredient of football: its players.
The city is also near some of Iraq's most vital oil fields, as well an oil pipeline that services Turkey.
We started with our consultation, which Cunningham said is one of the most vital parts of getting your color done.
The buried pipes that carry clean drinking water to our communities are some of the most vital infrastructure we have.
If "The Lobster" remains Lanthimos's most vital work, that's because it tempers the gloom with a mischievous play of wit.
A cutthroat mixture of heavy metal's big riffs and hardcore punk's ferocious speed, thrash is metal at its most vital.
Sometimes, the hardest elements of modern society to confront are also the most vital to acquire a deeper understanding of.
It seems to me that the most vital concern on the island is getting resources to the most isolated communities.
And when high blood pressure isn&apost treated, it can pose dangers to the most vital parts of your body.
Mulvaney and Cipollone, Trump's two most vital strategists for impeachment, aren't getting on, as documented by the Times and others.
A personal-injury lawyer in Houston is using an unusual argument to try to upend the internet's most vital law.
The too-brief filmography of the Taiwanese director Edward Yang is one of the most vital in all of cinema.
U.S. intelligence officials consider Section 702 among the most vital of tools at their disposal to thwart national security threats.
But the most vital feminist education I received was at Catholic school, in the early 1980s, in the suburban Midwest.
Welcome to Role Call, where we call up TV's leading ladies to talk about their most vital, memorable, and feminist episodes.
The most vital role Thursday was played by Lamet, who was promoted from Triple-A El Paso prior to the game.
The most vital question at stake was whether or not Virginia's laws violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
Sifting through the rubble of my former life, I discovered the truth: I had compromised the most vital part of myself.
Almost overnight, the Obama Administration's mistreatment of Israel and frosty approach to one of our nation's most vital allies has thawed.
Each U.S. state has its own unique registry of births, and most vital statistic records are kept at the county level.
Running backs are once again the most vital position in the sport, and quarterback looks to be surprisingly deep this year.
"This is one of our most vital corridors in all of New York City," Polly Trottenberg, the city's transportation commissioner, said.
Possibly their most vital trick, though, is to have a full set of GIFs on hand in preparation for any situation.
They're the most vital piece of the puzzle in the quest to print viable hearts, livers, kidneys and lungs, she said.
For now at least, manufacturers like Apple may be our most vital defense to the possible emergence of a police state.
So 501 Canal existed in quiet isolation in the midst of one of the biggest, most vital cities in the world.
For a very different kind of New York story, the Lower East Side has always turned out the most vital music.
A condition called situs inversus with levocardia, in which most vital organs are reversed -- almost like a mirror inside the body.
First, we reached out to Facebook Watch to ask where exactly Red Table Talk got the most vital piece of its set.
In terms of tangible, skill-based learning, we start with the most vital skill for an orangutan, that is, how to climb.
Welcome to Role Call, where we call up TV's leading ladies to talk about their most vital, memorable, and feminist TV moments.
You can under-pack, leaving behind what somehow always ends up being the most vital items — toothbrush, underwear, I'm looking at you.
Benefiting from huge, homogeneous home markets, America's and China's tech giants have a surfeit of the most vital resource for AI: data.
But clarity begins to go out the window when she attempts to define her relationship with gender, arguably Secrets' most vital purpose.
Together, this deep-dive into graphic design's most vital tools will give you the background to get started on a new career.
We humans, apparently, are nothing but puppets on a string, easily manipulated even while performing one of our most vital civic duties.
The most vital of these is assuring that Turkey does not slide toward the upheaval that has engulfed some of its neighbors.
But one of their most vital players apparently doesn't want to stick around to see just how good the team can become.
Large employers across California have taken similar steps, ordering employees to work from home or postpone all but the most vital travel.
Its singular mission would be to protect the ongoing operations of the nation's most vital sea, air, rail and ground freight hubs.
Long a crucial swing state, Ohio may now be the most vital proving ground for a progressive economic message in Trump country.
When you're starting out, information about the do's and don'ts of workplace culture will be some of the most vital you'll get.
On Monday the administration took steps aimed at stopping Iran's five biggest customers from buying Iranian oil, the country's most vital export.
The literature has primacy over the life, yet the truest and most vital life is not in the facts, but the fictions.
Without ample blood supply to brain cells, or neurons, they will stop working and heavily impair your body&aposs most vital functions.
Securing the border is one of the most vital functions of government and is a core part of any routine funding bill.
The former is true of Nardwuar's latest outing, where he finally interviewed the world's greatest, most vital boyband, and positive social force, BROCKHAMPTON.
This is the most vital aspect of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general: its role in bringing personal power to everyone who uses it.
To me, however, the most vital benefit of the Jones Act is the law's critical role in protecting America's borders and homeland security.
As steel factories close in the United States, the military and some of our most vital industries become increasingly reliant on foreign suppliers.
Perhaps the most vital trait that was first established was his penchant for theatricality, announcing his crime via radio before they even happened.
In order to keep the tone consistent and the momentum going, what's the most vital part of your process: writing, production, or editing?
This has deprived us of our most vital means of collective self-defense: meaningful democratic control over the institutions that shape our lives.
As Eleven (so named by the government scientists who experimented on her), Millie Bobby Brown occasionally feels like Stranger Things' most vital character.
So it's appropriate that the most vital Meek Mill moment of this cycle comes on this freestyle, part of Funkmaster Flex's ongoing series.
Lasting Legacies It is a minor character in the "Odyssey" who develops one of its most vital themes — the importance of one's legacy.
The middle class is now the smallest part of our population, and yet, it is the most vital resource for a viable democracy.
This movement and, tragically, King's murder, helped spur passage of the FHA, which remains one of our nation's most vital civil rights laws.
We are proud stewards of the world's most vital and influential art form, but right now, our most vulnerable creators are in jeopardy.
The thing that is the most vital to trying to start to change things is compassion: Having compassion, showing compassion for other people.
The specimens consisted of seed samples for some of the world's most vital food sources like potato, sorghum, rice, barley, chickpea, lentil and wheat.
But the pages of the L.R.B., which foment dissenting views by including diverse, dissenting voices, couldn't be more, in the most vital sense, common.
In each case, the infections seem to specifically target Ukraine's most vital institutions, rather than making a broader attempt to find lucrative ransomware targets.
All in all, Paprika 3 is the home cook's most vital app, and it's a great way to start geeking out in the kitchen.
"The film itself is just a vehicle because the movement the film is stirring up is the most vital part of it," she explains.
All of that seems to be the case for the most vital vision on the show, from all the way back in Season 2.
WantedDesign Manhattan Since it was founded in 2011, WantedDesign has become one of the most vital design events outside the International Contemporary Furniture Fair.
" The National Association of Home Builders made a similar statement, saying the change "strips the tax code of its most vital homeownership tax benefit.
The hell is going on here, other than the Grammys' typical detachment from the most vital music being made at each moment in time?
To the Editor: Eight critical steps were outlined, but the most vital step of all was hardly mentioned: access, care education and care coordination.
U.S. intelligence officials consider Section 702 among the most vital of tools at their disposal to thwart threats to national security and American allies.
Reversing a long history of being denied the chance to play, black quarterbacks are the most vital change agents of this era of football.
From blackface minstrels to the Velvet Underground to virtual reality: How a gritty neighborhood in New York always turned out the most vital music.
He routinely left the public mostly in the dark as to what the nation's top defense official thought about the world's most vital issues.
Great artists reach into their own hearts, brains, and guts to wrench out what's most vital and hold it out for you to grasp.
Distilling a complex story to its most vital details so it can be read quickly can be challenging, especially since the alerts are one sentence.
FirstMark is one of the most vital VC firms in New York City, with a portfolio that includes Shopify, Airbnb, Discord, DraftKings, Brooklinen and Upwork.
America's favorability around the globe, and the perception of its place as the most vital nation on Earth, have increased over the past seven years.
The study showed that English was overwhelmingly seen as the most vital language for children today, with every country polled putting it ahead of Mandarin.
Given the evidence that he doesn't understand the workings of our most vital technology, the internet, modernizing his knowledge base would be a big challenge.
I would say that it takes a very particular group of actors to make the play live in its most vital and exciting, compelling form.
A successful artistic career almost always requires long-distance travel, as touring and shows are the most vital income streams for many artists working today.
But if those jobs operate then as they do now, they'll be done by some of our least visible and most vital workers -- domestic workers.
"Constant involvement in the thick of geopolitical struggles requires the exercise of the government's military-police powers to be most vital and decisive," Surkov contends.
Senior U.S. intelligence officials consider Section 702 to be among the most vital tools they have to thwart threats to national security and American allies.
After doing many of these interviews, my takeaway is that the smartphone and computer are still the most vital tools for people to do work.
Serena Joy was season two's most vital and interesting character, an often brilliant examination of a woman suddenly forced to reckon with her own complicity.
But America is also close to the Syrian Kurds, who have emerged as one of Washington's most vital battlefield partners in the anti-ISIS fight.
Graham, a former Trump critic who's now one of his most vital allies on Capitol Hill, sounds exasperated by Trump but is sticking by him.
It is indeed embarrassing that New York couldn't find a way to keep one of its most vital public servants from walking out the door.
For the second year in a row, Ligia Lewis, a Dominican-born choreographer living in Berlin, offered the most vital new work in the festival.
Mr. Anderson, who several mayors described as the most vital point of contact at Bloomberg Philanthropies, is now directing the campaign's "Mayors for Mike" coalition.
During government shutdowns, only "essential" government employees—those whose jobs are the most vital for the maintenance of government agencies—continue to show up to work.
It consists of three comprehensive courses designed to teach you the app's most vital functions so that you can crunch numbers and data like a pro.
A GREAT film can also double as a work of history, philosophy, or sociology, but it is perhaps at its most vital when serving as anthropology.
These workers, by the way, are responsible for one of the most vital chores of maintaining Facebook: Making sure the most heinous postings are taken down.
To mandate that every person participates in these rituals is a gross act of religious coercion, at a time when privacy and autonomy are most vital.
IYRTITL is the moment where the decade's biggest pop star reconnected with his roots, proving he was truly a rapper and making his most vital music.
Before committing, those teams engaged in rigorous debate, weighing an indefinite sacrifice of depth against the potential for identifying talent at the sport's most vital position.
All of that has hit the European economy in one of its most vital sectors, tourism, just as a tenuous recovery was starting to take hold.
Haynes grew up amid the suburban buoyancy and abundance of Encino, California, just a few miles from Hollywood, during one of the industry's most vital periods.
For that reason, a range of job market barometers will provide some of the most vital signals about how the economy is withstanding the virus' impact.
The "main" refers to the water lines that can be thanked for one of the least heralded but most vital components to modern life: indoor plumbing!
Bungie, in its quest to make the game more accessible and less like a second job, had instead drained Destiny of its most vital and sticky elements.
For both parties, every election can feel like the most vital of a lifetime, the one day standing between a still-proud nation and its imminent demise.
Quarterback is the most vital position on the football field and NFL teams will pay top dollar to ensure they have a top player commanding their offense.
It gave the group its best claim to legitimacy as an Islamic caliphate, and it has been its most vital source of tax revenue and forced labor.
Power Games remains one of the purest and most vital expressions of the NWOBHM era: a lo-fi joy that pulses with adolescent fury and demented gnash.
Coming just two days after he'd released ★ (Blackstar), his most vital record in over three decades, the idea he'd passed into the next bardo seemed impossible.
And Icarda's most vital project — a seed bank containing 0003,2000 varieties of the region's main crops, a sort of agricultural archive of the Fertile Crescent — faced extinction.
Mr. Carlson has become, seemingly overnight, one of the network's most vital players, a remarkable turnaround for a pundit whose bow-tied heyday had seemed behind him.
"Securing the border is one of the most vital functions of government and is a core part of any routine funding bill," Shah said in a statement.
Today, in the post-Deng Xiaoping era, we have merged food with what, for many Chinese people, has become the most vital aspect of their lives: business.
At stake was how the M.T.A. would balance construction and service as it began a 25-month project on one of the city's most vital subway lines.
And yet for all its mess, for all its sprawl, for all its shagginess, Transparent remains one of TV's most vital shows and one of its most artful.
Hispanics chasing the American Dream have seen their fortunes rise steadily over the years, except when it comes to the measure that might be most vital: accumulating wealth.
Suffice it to say that without the myriad musical personas Arca has inhabited, some of the most vital, game-changing pop music of the 2010s simply wouldn't exist.
Considered a dove closely aligned with ECB President Mario Draghi, Lane will be responsible for preparing monetary policy decisions, one of the most vital positions at the bank.
It wasn't a physical attack, it was an electronic attack, on our most vital of systems, and he's done nothing to prepare us for what is to come.
Considered a dove closely aligned with ECB President Mario Draghi, Lane would be responsible for preparing monetary policy decision, one of the most vital positions at the bank.
With so many options available, wading through the vast food container selections can be exhausting, so we've broken down the most vital information to consider before clicking buy.
As booksellers, you are practicing, to my mind, one of our species' oldest arts, the art of fostering, sharing and shepherding our most vital stories into the future.
"The House of Representatives has taken a big step to ensure the continuation of one of the intelligence community's most vital tools for tracking foreign terrorists," he said.
It is also the rental hall of choice for some of the city's most vital music programmers, like the avant-jazz Vision Festival and Thomas Buckner's Interpretations series.
At 42, he's long been known as one of the most vital figures in straight-ahead jazz — and an ambassador for the musical treasures of Philadelphia, his hometown.
But your smartphone is your most vital travel tool: You rely on it for navigating unfamiliar places, finding places to eat and things to do, and taking photos.
The announcement is yet more evidence that the virus is affecting the tech industry's presence in one of its most vital markets, both for sales and manufacturing operations.
One of the most vital issues surrounding the Senate trial involves the role of the chief justice who will preside over the trial as specified under the Constitution.
But the most vital reason of all is that the future of the park system completely depends upon the support of the American electorate, which is increasingly racially diverse.
She spends years working her way into the ship's most vital systems, bonding with the Olympia's AIs, preparing for an uprising that will upend the Olympia's rigid social structure.
First, compile an inventory of global infrastructure efforts and conduct an internal assessment to identify those projects and geographies that are most vital to American economic or security interests.
As the ambassador to Mexico, I would have expected to have been told what the president intended to do about the most vital part of our relationship with Mexico.
There was some logic to this: America's most vital satellites are those which watch for missile launches, detect nuclear detonations and pass orders from the president to nuclear forces.
In March, a small group of Taliban fighters, with the help of Afghan Army insiders, infiltrated Camp Shorab, one of the most vital bases in Helmand, before being repelled.
Meanwhile, attacks against civilian shipping in one of the world's most vital international waterways, which sent crude oil prices up more than 3 percent on Thursday, have to stop.
If that faith is sufficiently shaken, the most vital check Americans have on elected power could be shattered, and the Democrats are not without options to capitalize on it.
This could make her one of Dany and Jon's most vital allies for understanding their fire magic and dragon riding — potentially even helping them raise a new dragon from stone.
When setting up a food drive, one of the most vital ways to take charge is by spreading the word about the best (and worst) types of food to bring.
The B-52 was designed to attack Moscow's most vital targets via the North Pole in the event of a nuclear war when the Soviet Union still existed, Deinekin said.
The Green Book swiftly became the most vital document for black travelers in America, detailing places where they could eat, drink, and spend the night without being harassed or worse.
He is also favored to win a third straight gold medal at 200 meters in Rio and yet another as the most vital member of Jamaica's 4x100-meter relay team.
But at the basis of all these, he says, is the overarching idea that abortion is good, which is the most vital part of any argument in favor of it.
It's not just a small branch of the digital marketing tree, either: It's one of the biggest, most vital ways for businesses to market their products and get new customers.
It has created a glut of cardboard scrap that is allowing American mills to obtain their most vital raw material at 70 percent less than it cost a year ago.
The Amazon fires are scorching the Earth's most vital ecosystem at such a voracious rate that by the time you read this, thousands more trees will have turned to ashes.
Yet the player perhaps most vital to Pittsburgh's hopes of tracking down Super Bowl champion and longtime nemesis New England by the end of January was nowhere to be found.
In the wake of the Shale Revolution in the U.S., the ports of Texas and Louisiana have become some of the most vital in the world for global energy security.
He's noticing trends in the types of well-being they tend to harp on — groupings that he thinks may reveal something about what human beings find most vital these days.
We want to believe that we can see and hear the most vital art and its contours, mysteries, and wily beauty, but more often than not trusted guides are needed.
Galleries and museums needn't disrupt or distance themselves from a neighborhood in order to present art; indeed, the most vital art often grows out of connection to community and place.
The deployment came a week after an Iranian surface-to-air missile shot down a US drone over the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most vital strategic shipping routes.
The decision comes after Iran seized British-flagged Stena Impero oil tanker on Friday in the Strait of Hormuz, considered one of the world's most vital waterways for global oil supply.
While we're engaged in a national debate about whose stories get told and recognized by Hollywood institutions, The Birth of a Nation feels like one of the festival's most vital selections.
Scalise was only struck once, far from his most vital organs, but the bullet traversed his hip, shattering bones and unleashing concussive forces that caused severe internal bleeding and organ damage.
But Wentz's steep rise in the esteem of the football establishment also reflects the new realities of the college and professional games and how they affect the sport's most vital position.
These numbers are dramatic and damning, not least of all because our nation's economic health relies upon vital rural communities, but because we are losing our country's most vital technological laboratories.
Now Read This Our January pick for the PBS NewsHour-New York Times book club is Sandeep Jauhar's "Heart: A History," an exploration of our most vital organ and favored metaphor.
Both experts said that in-store, the most vital actions a shopper can take to avoid becoming infected are to avoid others and to wash their hands once they get home.
The US claimed the drone was in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most vital shipping routes, while Iran said the drone was over its territory.
After transportation, a car's most vital societal function is arguably giving everyone from horny teens to closeted gays to unfaithful spouses a relatively safe place to do it outside the bedroom.
The company said same-store sales, one of the sector's most vital statistics, gradually started to pick up in July and August after posting a record fall of 15.5% in June.
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - The European Central Bank appointed Massimo Rostagno as director general monetary policy on Wednesday, formalizing his temporary appointment in one of the most vital staff positions at the bank.
When she returned home from the hospital, she would find that some of her most vital possessions—passport, employment authorization card, a gold ring, wads of cash—were nowhere to be found.
The bigger issue is not what is happening to the world's most important Opinion page, but rather what is happening to you, the reader, as your mind loses its most vital nourishment.
The Texas attorney general said Tuesday that daily fantasy sports constituted illegal gambling under the state's laws, putting that nascent billion-dollar industry at odds with another of its most vital markets.
According to the latest estimates in the Social Security Board of Trustees 2016 report, seniors' most vital social program is just 17 years away from exhausting its $753 trillion in spare cash.
In this bundle, you'll get the training you need to crush today's most vital IT security certification exams: CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP-003), CompTIA Cyber Security Analyst (CSA+), and CompTIA Pentest+.
Cate Lamb, director of water security at the Carbon Disclosure Project, a non-profit environmental research group, said the study showed the world was poorly managing one of its most vital resources.
Our lineup of Disrupt main-stage interviews, Off the Record sessions and workshops throughout the Arena feature an outstanding roster of speakers and tech icons discussing today's most vital and compelling technologies.
Along with the returns of FXX's "You're the Worst," Netflix's "Bojack Horseman" and Hulu's "Difficult People," they have made summer the main season for the style of serious comedy that's most vital.
Our reporters in New Delhi and Mumbai took a look at how one of the country's most vital institutions, pictured above, manages to rule on up to 700 legal matters a day.
Cashman could have easily brought Girardi back, but he wanted someone perhaps better suited for the most vital task of today's manager: communicating the vision of the front office to the players.
Attempting to hold this administration to account will be among the new Democratic majority's most vital, and most fraught, duties — especially after two years of cowed Republicans letting the president operate unchecked.
The three most vital: Bose noise-canceling headphones, a small shortwave radio and a seven-piece, four-weight fly rod that breaks down to fit in a tube under a foot long.
But that would risk confirming that men, who are socially conditioned to think of themselves as indestructible, are in fact vulnerable—and vulnerable in that part of themselves most vital to manhood.
The most vital shifts to come to the pop charts in recent years are the result of the rise of streaming, and how digital distribution and consumption have advanced hip-hop's representation.
A US official confirmed to CNN a drone had been shot down, but said the incident occurred in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most vital shipping routes.
This line of communication to the generation they speak for is the most vital to their success thus far, so the perception that their work could be anything but personal is ill-conceived.
It's a hard problem for all sorts of reasons, but both doctors and patients could benefit if we figure out a way to stop flushing away some of our most vital health information.
The most vital data about a submarine is its unique "signature" of noise, heat and electro-magnetic emissions, and it is the combination of such signatures that determines the ability to detect them.
It takes the most vital information and biggest ideas from all the most important business and personal development books and cuts to the heart of them in 12-minute animated videos and summaries.
If President Trump has time to meet with Kanye West, Steve Harvey, and vaccine skeptics, he should make time to select a qualified leader for one of the most vital agencies in government.
It is important to them to share what is happening in the region, stories they believe will be among the most vital in the world as concern over climate change continues to grow.
In a new book, "Opening Wednesday at a Theater or Drive-In Near You," the critic Charles Taylor argues that some of the most vital American filmmaking of the 1970s has been neglected.
The ruptures are typically intentional provocations, but not always: The period of deep trauma following the 2007 death of his mother remains one of Mr. West's most vital, influential and least understood times.
"It is obvious that it will be a good opportunity to exchange opinions on the most vital issues, both international and bilateral," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said of the two leaders' expected meeting.
The sweeping force of the text is reminiscent at times of the Lebanese-Canadian playwright Wadji Mouawad's most vital plays, and like Mr. Mouawad, Mr. Melquiot is occasionally given to drawn-out digressions.
One of the most vital elements, Russo says, is the encouragement for parents to acknowledge their own feelings, facilitated through a journaling page, a coloring page and an uplifting Spotify playlist that reinforces acceptance.
I have asked the Department of Commerce and the Department of Justice ... to do whatever is necessary to bring this most vital of questions, and this very important case, to a successful conclusion. USA!
Harman has made much use of more recent biographies, particularly Lyndall Gordon's and Juliet Barker's, but it is Gaskell's Brontë who seems most vital to her, whom she never stops comparing with her own.
Einhorn says he tries to make allocation decisions based on which customers are most vital to public health, and where the patients are the sickest and therefore the most vulnerable to this particular virus.
There was some logic to this: among America's most vital space assets are the satellites which look for signs of missile launches, detect nuclear detonations and pass orders from the president to nuclear forces.
The study -- conducted by US Geological Survey scientists Chris Milly and Krista A. Dunne and published Thursday in the journal Science -- adds urgency to efforts to protect one of the country's most vital rivers.
Lindsey Graham, one of President Trump's most vital allies on Capitol Hill, opened the door to changing his mind on impeachment if there turns out to be what he considers a quid pro quo.
Its permafrost makes it the ideal home for the Global Seed Vault, an underground repository for the world's most vital crops (and likely Svalbard's most famous tourist attraction, though no tourists are allowed inside).
"Obviously, if there are repeated leaks, if there are repeated incidents like this, the U.K., one of our closest, most vital allies, may well rethink that," Coons, a Senate Foreign Relations Committee member, added.
Considering participants had just five minutes to escape from each show's room, that's no small feat — but when it comes to the larger trend of immersive entertainment in general, it's often the most vital component.
A four-hour sci-fi crime epic from 2007 that depicts a high-tech future in which America's most vital infrastructure is a supercharged internet that allows people to upload immersive porn into their brains.
There are joggers and lovers, political rallies and marathons, skaters and drug dealers, homeless people and wealthy donors who try to figure out their role in preserving one of the city's most vital public institutions.
VICE correspondent Thomas Morton explores the most vital bridges, tunnels and waterways in the U.S. to see how much the situation has deteriorated and to find out if the Trump Administration's promise is being kept.
"For me, the spirit of collaboration has been the most vital part of the Festival, giving artists the chance to experiment and work in new forms with new partners," Mr. Woetzel said in a statement.
And if it can be so adapted, then the days of the fatberg should be numbered—meaning that one of the most vital, if hidden, parts of any society's infrastructure, its drains, can run free.
In June, tensions between the US and Iran escalated into a military standoff after an American drone was shot down by Iran over the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most vital shipping routes.
Pool duty isn't the most glamorous assignment, but it is some of the most vital work political reporters do, because when someone is vested the power of the presidency, history is always at his fingertips.
With a Twitter egg preparing to be sworn in as President, a vast array of musicians have come out in support of America's most vital civil rights organizations and charities over the last two weeks.
As an institution, the U.S. Congress has a responsibility to help inform the public of these risks, rein in these threats, and develop policies that will help safeguard our most vital democratic processes and institutions.
In doing that work in whatever way we can, as often as we can, we renew the truest and most vital American reality, that our community is bigger than our religion, national origin or race.
But it said same-store sales, one of the sector's most vital statistics, though down 7.8% in the first half, fell less in July and August after posting a record fall of 15.5% in June.
So I cringe when I hear President Trump claim to be the victim of a "witch hunt" because of the F.B.I.'s investigation into Russian interference in one of our most vital rights: free elections.
Large airplanes and helicopters that dump water or other firefighting materials are thus increasingly seen as the most vital weapons for what officials call "surge capacity" — the ability to add resources as fires defy control.
While his White House portfolio has variously encompassed everything from immigration to the Middle East, his most consistent assignment has been informal campaign chairman, overseeing the most vital arm of the new family business: politics.
While the dance routines were strong, turning the music of Motown — which featured some of the most vital, urgent vocals in pop music history — into a Busby Berkeley routine was a swing and a miss.
But the one thing that came out of President-elect Donald Trump's long-awaited news conference Wednesday that could affect the most Americans in the most vital way was his unexpected targeting of the drug industry.
LUANG PRABANG, Laos, Feb 563 (Reuters) - On a wide bank of the Mekong River, yellow markers and visits by surveyors show preparations underway to build Laos' third and largest dam on Southeast Asia's most vital waterway.
And in June, tensions between the US and Iran escalated into a military standoff after an American drone was shot down by Iran over the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most vital shipping routes.
When I served on the legal staff of the National Security Council, perhaps our most vital responsibility was to work with top lawyers across the government to ensure that America's use of violence abroad was lawful.
In track and field, the centerpiece sport of the Summer Games, shoes are the most vital piece of equipment and serve purposes beyond performance: supplying advertising billboards for apparel companies and providing financial footing for athletes.
This week, the Social Security Administration, which frequently deals with elderly Americans in its offices around the country, reduced the options for employees to work from home at a time when they may be most vital.
"From cutting-edge digital projects to the painstaking practice of traditional scholarly research, these new N.E.H. grants represent the humanities at its most vital and creative," Jon Parrish Peede, the endowment's chairman, said in a statement.
Some of the most vital government services — the military, veterans affairs and health and education programs — were funded in separate spending measures that already passed and were signed into law, limiting the scope of the shutdown.
The Supreme Court, a progressive counterweight to the recent rightward shift in Indian politics, is considered one of India's most vital public institutions and is among its busiest, hearing up to 700 legal matters every day.
This is the sorry state of what passes for good-enough care for patients who depend on Medicaid, among the most vital safety nets for the American poor and disadvantaged, in the second most populous state.
With a global health crisis sweeping the globe, millions are confined to their homes, and social media platforms have become one of the most vital ways for people to share information and socialize with one another.
It's unclear how many changes the group will be able to force to the controversial program, seen by federal investigators as one of the most vital tools the U.S. has to identify and disrupt terror plots.
For example, CNN reported that the downgrade in Kushner's clearance status would prevent him from viewing the President's Daily Brief, a collection of some of the nation's most vital intelligence compiled for the President each day.
At the same time, the memory of over 30 years of violent oppression has helped gay Germans—in Berlin, Hamburg, and Cologne in particular—develop one of the most vital gay scenes in the world today.
A dataset containing over 1,000 Doom levels was processed to extract the most vital information; in this case, images depicting key features of the level such as the walkable area, floor height, and objects, and accompanying descriptions.
A collapse would also mean U.S. air and naval forces would no longer be holed up in northeast Asia and could thus redeploy to the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, which are China's most vital areas.
The accounts below, which were shared by emergency operators themselves on Reddit, prove that even the people tasked with manning one of society's most vital lines of communication must deal with their fair share of nonsense. 1.
As well as solid sound and lighting and less than squalid toilets, the attitude of those at the center of the rave remains the most vital element, as well as often being the hardest science to perfect.
The difficulty, then, of keeping our most vital and basic systems intact, including how we distribute food from our fields to our tables, is not simply a matter of finding innovative solutions to the most pressing problems.
Peres played a role in every major event that befell the Jewish state over a 28503-year period, serving in the country's most vital leadership positions, including Minister of Defense and three times as Israel's Prime Minister.
A rush to fight terrorism and crime by weakening encryption risks eroding consumer trust in online banking and commerce, undermining one of the most vital parts of the American economy without delivering any clear gains in security.
The combination of Mr. Lane's all-consuming passion for the theater and Walter's for getting the story makes the endangered profession of print journalism feel, for a flickering moment, like the most vital job on the planet.
But beyond those immediately affected, the deal will have ramifications for virtually every quarterback seeking a new team or a revamped contract, as well as any team trying to make a change at football's most vital position.
State Republicans in three of the country's most vital swing states are displaying open contempt for the most basic principle of democracy: that when you lose an election, you have to hand over power to your opponents.
As Jason Lipshutz wrote for Billboard, "The song release capped off a week in which the biggest news story in the United States was the restriction of women's rights," making it her "most vital" song to date.
Their work covers a vast array of important environmental issues—including the protection of public lands, water quality, and sustainable agriculture—but one of their most vital areas of impact is in the arena of climate change.
Since that is a sentiment Colton has shared repeatedly this season, it stands to reason Hannah must mean a lot to the Bachelor if he's willing to open up the most vital part of his life to her.
Imagine the chaos it would cause inside of one of America's most vital sources of innovation and growth, and the hope it would elicit among the public that perhaps the government can reduce business elites' sway over society.
It remains a person-to-person example of community, collaboration and commerce (the three Cs in "C3") built upon human capital and knowledge exchange in the most vital and impactful arenas of cross-border cooperation: improving healthcare outcomes.
Eleven nonfatal shootings took place on I-28, the city's most vital freeway, between August 8 and September 226, 2015, in which someone, or a group of people, opened fire seemingly randomly at cars, horrifying the city's commuters.
One of our most vital national systems is falling apart: Medicare is running out of money faster than expected — a reminder that no one's dealing with that problem, and that there's no way to duck it in 2020.
The most vital moment in "Impulso" comes earlier, when Molina makes a joint appearance with the flamenco luminary Antonia Santiago Amador, known as La Chana, whose whole body seems to convulse with a passion "Impulso" otherwise rarely conveys.
They emerged from a Minneapolis basement in 214, destroyed everything in their path (tour vans, hotels, dressing rooms, audiences) and then disappeared for 2000 years—but not before creating some of the most vital rock'n'roll of our times.
This is the sort of thing you'd see on Battlestar Galactica, the kind of everyperson companion we get on Doctor Who — indeed, Rose shares her name with the first and most vital companion of that show's new era.
This article originally appeared on VICE Germany In 2011, American photographer Mustafah Abdulaziz got to researching how different cultures perceive water, the exploitation this leads to, and the challenges we face to preserve our planet's most vital resource.
Soil is one of the most vital substances on Earth; a digestive stew where trillions upon trillions of microorganisms break down plants and animals into tiny molecules, recycling their nutrients so that the circle of life can churn on.
Looking ahead, Jackson suggested that the Knicks did not need to pursue one of the top free-agent point guards, even if they have become among the most vital cogs in the predominant style of play in the league.
Even if the two governments are not ready for diplomacy, at the very least such a connection could help ensure that the many military assets arrayed around one of the world's most vital shipping lanes don't ignite a war.
During his visit to Sydney in April, Vice President Mike Pence told Australian business and government leaders that the United States remains Australia's most vital economic partner, with American investment growing by 50 percent in the past three years.
Democracy, a form of government built on and for diversity, demands that each of us overcome our biases, and neither a $250 lawsuit nor a $500 misdemeanor fine is going to help us in this most vital, rewarding and unifying enterprise.
We've been treated or subjected (depending on your outlook) to Taylor's perfectly Pinterested and Instagrammed tributes to the "Star-Spangled Banner" since at least 2013 and now, at a time when her patriotism is most vital, she has nothing to say?
Because of the ways it has allowed women to control their fertility, their bodies, and their sexual choices, the contraceptive pill has been and continues to be one of the world's most vital discoveries when it comes to women's equality.
But the most enduring idea running through the book, the one that is perhaps most vital to the America of 2017, is the deep and profound belief held by most of the characters in The Locals that they have been conned.
Yes, to the extent that he was able to before Parliament voted, because he both believed in removing Saddam for its own sake and because he believed that not doing so would have undermined the country's most vital security relationship.
Because we simply cannot trust the social networks, or any centralized commercial platform, with these cliques and crews most vital to our lives, these bands of fellow-travelers who are—who must be—the first to hear about all good things.
An incubator resident receives time and space — a dance artist's most vital resources, aside from dancers — as well as housing, food, a technical crew and a creative fee to hammer out the design components of a new work, like indoor precipitation.
But where the original 24 is one of the most vital documents of its era, running from 24 to 2010 at a diehard sprint, then returning briefly in 2014 for an old-man saunter of a miniseries, this one limps.
Jettisoning a statistical method introduced under British colonial rule in the 1920s, the India Meteorology Department has for the first time relied on the so-called dynamic model to improve the accuracy of one of the world's most vital weather forecasts.
CreditCreditLauren DeCicca for The New York Times KUANTAN, Malaysia — In the world's most vital maritime chokepoint, through which much of Asian trade passes, a Chinese power company is investing in a deepwater port large enough to host an aircraft carrier.
So instead of dealing with the episode's most vital and interesting themes (particularly as pertains to the Hosts' intelligence), the show instead spins out a bunch of pointlessly busy plot lines that feel like second-rate rip-offs of Lost.
The Indian police said the attackers had cut a hole in the barbed-wire fence at a Border Security Force paramilitary camp that sits less than 1,000 feet from the terminal building of the airport, one of Kashmir's most vital hubs.
Rex W. Tillerson, the Trump administration's first secretary of state, described his outreach to India as among the most vital initiatives of his tenure, giving a gushing speech in October about the myriad reasons the two countries were natural partners.
The court is one of the most vital institutions in a vast and chaotic democracy of 1.3 billion people, weighing in on wild dogs, killer tigers, mob lynchings, garbage dumps and Muslim divorce rules — hot potatoes that Indian politicians won't touch.
In the meantime, Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman have a huge common problem to address with the embarrassing perception that they are both emperors without clothes when it comes to protecting their most vital facilities from Iran.
The 18003-million-acre Nevada Test and Training Range is already one of the country's most vital aerial gunnery and bombing domains, where the Air Force and its allies practice dogfights and launch missiles onto targets positioned in the desert valleys.
What follows is a timeline that pares down the saga to its most vital moments and explains how each one fits into the fundamental question looming over them all: whether team Trump colluded with Moscow to swing the 2016 election.
Here's a pre-cursor to that approach from Chrono Trigger, kindly filling in your default name, with the cursor ready to overwrite left-to-right if you want to choose another name: This reduces friction at the most vital moment — first use.
The US has also blamed Iran for explosions on two oil tankers last week on one of the world's most vital strategic shipping routes, the Strait of Hormuz, as well as on four commercial ships off the coast of the UAE last month.
Each day, plastic from the most mundane of our daily activities, chemicals from the farms which produce the foods we eat, and our choices in seafood consumption threaten to topple one of, if not the most vital ecosystem for planetary survival—the oceans.
His speech and the days that follow offer a last chance to bolster his lagging poll ratings, define his legacy, rebut negative narratives emerging from the campaign trail and challenge his would-be successors to address the issues he deems most vital.
Labour Prime Minister Clement Attlee told parliament in 1950 his party was "not prepared to accept the principle that the most vital economic forces of this country should be handed over to an authority that is utterly undemocratic and is responsible to nobody".
" One huge, oft-debated book difference is that the show did not include the final and most vital prediction: "And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
It's not that we need to check in on every character every week, but the show would be better served by focusing on theme and concept, and weaving the most vital characters around those concepts into something that feels like a coherent tapestry.
Jettisoning a statistical method introduced under British colonial rule in the 1920s, India's meteorology office is spending $60 million on a new supercomputer to improve the accuracy of one of the world's most vital weather forecasts in time for next year's rains.
A new public transportation system called the Red Line, opened in September, connects the mid-size city's most vital cultural areas, making it easier and safer than ever to bounce from one hip dive or farm-to-table restaurant to the next.
And the question is whether we can maintain that edge knowing that it is ultimately our tolerance for the opinions that offend us most that's the most vital ingredient in the preservation of our national institutions and the perpetuation of our national greatness.
The two have built an incredible fortune, reportedly north of $500 million, while turning the exchange operator into one of the most vital market-structure players in the world and solidifying the couple as one of the most powerful on Wall Street.
The US has also blamed Iran for explosions on two oil tankers this month near the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most vital strategic shipping routes, as well as on four commercial ships off the coast of the United Arab Emirates last month.
Banning "offensive" speech and creating "safe spaces" may, in fact, be detrimental to students in the long run, going against what is perhaps the second most vital function of a university after education: that of preparing students for professional and personal life outside the university.
FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Euro zone officials could pick a new European Central Bank vice president within weeks, kicking off two years of flux at the top of one of Europe's most vital institutions and previewing a tussle to replace ECB chief Mario Draghi in 2019.
"If you know how to charge your phone, you can make money charging Birds," the company says on its website, but chargers who I spoke to claim it's not so simple, and that Bird, in particular, has woefully neglected those doing its most vital work.
It accused them of fuelling instability in Pakistan's Sindh and Baluchistan provinces, as well as sabotaging its most vital economic project, the $46-billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), involving transport and energy infrastructure projects to link China with Pakistan's coast on the Arabian Sea.
The most vital of these is his choice to spend time writing a book—a commitment of several years for an author who believes time is the most precious thing, and whose political project might well be crushed by resistance or snuffed out by indifference.
According to the Argotech people, this was the most vital part of the research into their dishes: how to make sure the food clings together and keeps the different grains from having a grain party, floating through your space station and getting in your machinery.
In a new 50 page report, a team of MIT cybersecurity researchers asserts that the most vital economic systems in the U.S. are essentially defenseless, imploring the Trump administration to do something about it instead of just waiting for everything to come crashing down.
For the purpose of this video, I chose five aspects of wedding planning that I think are the most vital for a bride-to-be: selecting a venue, designing your color scheme and flowers, creating your invitations, finding your dress, and choosing the food.
"We stand by those falsely accused of starting forest fires in the Amazon, and reaffirm our support to those who are dedicated to protecting one of our planet's most vital and imperiled ecosystems," said Wes Sechrest, chief scientist and CEO of Global Wildlife Conservation.
Countries that added seeds to the facility include Benin, India, Pakistan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Netherlands, the US, Mexico, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, and the UK. The seed samples, which will be stored at the facility for safekeeping, include some of the world's most vital food sources.
For as long as nation states have been in conflict with each other, they have sought advantages against their adversaries through information operations -- through the collection of tactical information, the dissemination of propaganda, and more recently through exfiltration, manipulation and exploitation of an adversary's most vital information.
The following is a list of current staging tips from the pros: REDUCE CLUTTER Long considered one of the most vital aspects of preparing a home for sale, it may be more important than ever to tidy up and sell, store, donate or dispose of unnecessary goods.
Given that dynamic — and the tremendous waves of press that MoviePass' increasingly cheaper prices continue to generate — it makes sense for chains like Cinemark to roll out their own options to encourage attendance at the screens they see as most vital to the future of their business.
The National Security Council is going to develop a hierarchy of American interests, starting with the most vital ones: preventing domination of Europe by one power; balancing China's growing power in Asia; fighting radical Islamist terrorism; preventing Iran and North Korea from obtaining deliverable nuclear weapons.
Interestingly, New Wave, Sunfed Meats, Purple Carrot, and Beyond Meat all share a common investor with similar ideals: New Crop Capital's mission is to disrupt conventional agriculture in order to fix "a broken system [that] poses the most vital economic and ethical imperative in our time."
It also forces us to remember that the man facing a serious, long-standing child sexual assault accusation, the man who married his former partner's young daughter and the man who gave us one of cinema's most vital depictions of love and heartbreak are the same person.
ROSCOE MITCHELL "Bells for the South Side" (ECM) A magnum opus from one of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians' most vital elders, this two-CD suite is full of open space — bell tones and scattered piano and staccato saxophone — but it hardly lacks form.
Yet the authors never waver from their essential principle, which is a rock-ribbed defense of both the moral and practical need to defend free speech as both the most vital tool available for the disenfranchised — and essential for the preservation of honest intellectual inquiry and debate.
But its examination of the myriad ways we deceive and blind ourselves to the truth puts it among the century's most vital movies, illuminating in devastating detail how genocides happen, and how surprisingly simple it is for humans to act with unspeakable cruelty toward one another.
Prince didn't play during the Super Bowl; the Super Bowl played around him In one performance, Prince had transformed me from someone who knew him more for his name changes and odd outbursts into one that recognized him as one of our most vital living artists at the time.
Thus, in a perverse way, it is in the left's long-term political interest for a GOP health care bill to become law—and yet, the most committed single-payer advocates in the country have distinguished themselves as the most vital and effective soldiers in fight against Trumpcare.
The Defense Department was then forced to release a statement praising the Middle East country for its "enduring commitment to regional security," as Trump was apparently unaware Qatar hosts a US airbase—arguably the most vital in the region—from which more than 11,000 US-led coalition forces operate.
Word of the Day noun: soft spongelike central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants noun: the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience verb: remove the pith from (a plant) _________ The word pith has appeared in 20 articles on nytimes.
Mr. Pompeo's condemnation was the strongest yet from any American official about the attack on Saturday in Saudi Arabia, which cut oil production, left two of the kingdom's most vital facilities smoldering and exposed failures by the Saudis and their American allies in detecting an incoming aerial assault.
Editorial After a tumultuous month of incumbency, President Trump actually plans to begin his 2020 re-election campaign Saturday in Florida with one of his most vital campaign props in tow — the news media that he makes a daily art form of undermining with institutional and personal attacks.
And one could also argue that the most vital literary terrain in America's overseas wars is now occupied not by journalists but by novelists and even poets: Jehanne Dubrow's "Stateside," Brian Turner's "Phantom Noise," David Abrams's "Fobbit," Nadeem Aslam's "The Blind Man's Garden," the stories of Katey Schultz.
Mr. Wheeler, who has made Peak Performances one of the most vital performance series in the region, said he was pleased that the collaboration would give Mr. Goren a home, and that he hoped it would attract new audiences to opera, beginning with the students at Montclair State.
There's no question that the entertainment industry is one of our most vital economic engines, creating and retaining jobs, not just in Los Angeles and New York, but also in small- and medium-sized cities across the country such as Sarasota and Pasadena who treasure their theaters and art scenes.
Last week, however, the Trump administration had to grapple with its move forcing federal workers at the Social Security Administration, which frequently deals with elderly Americans in its offices around the country, to work at the office at a time when options to work from home may be most vital.
He carried on regardless, holding on to the role that made him most vital: warning that gay men are living in a plague, that complacency and government negligence have enabled the plague to continue, that sexual promiscuity is an invitation for the next deadly virus, that homophobia has not gone away.
In a recent Times article, my colleague Jon Caramanica chronicled the rise of ''SoundCloud rap,'' a subgenre of rap released primarily on the streaming service that he described as ''the most vital and disruptive new movement in hip-hop thanks to rebellious music, volcanic energy and occasional acts of malevolence.
"These changes read to us mostly as a cover for not making the change that is most vital: ensuring politicians are not allowed to use Facebook as a tool to lie to and manipulate voters," said Madeline Kriger, who oversees digital ad buying at Priorities USA, a Democratic super PAC.
As Favreau modernized Disney's take on the classic Rudyard Kipling stories and included nods to its memorable assortment of songs, he couldn't resist tapping the talents of one of the 1967 film's most vital collaborators: composer Richard M. Sherman – who with his late brother Robert wrote most of the original movie's tunes.
Last year, though, the progressive-minded Austrian pianist and impresario Markus Hinterhäuser took over as Salzburg's artistic director, and he is stirring memories of the festival's most vital period—that of the nineteen-nineties, when Gerard Mortier presided over a superb array of provocations, including an avant-garde series that Hinterhäuser co-curated.
" But Tuesday, Trump wrote he had directed the Department of Justice (which argued for the question in front of the Supreme Court) and the Department of Commerce (which oversees the census) "to do whatever is necessary to bring this most vital of questions, and this very important case, to a successful conclusion.
What WIRED learned from tech, science, culture, and more in 2019 Mariko Tamaki's funny, touching tale of high school relationships—not just romantic, despite the title—and of overcoming the toxic influences in your life is a joy, underscoring just why she's one of the most vital writers in the industry today.
Good consent education teaches students things like how to overcome awkwardness and make sexual communication feel like a fun part of the action, the importance of paying attention to body language, and the most vital part: that if you can't tell if your partner is having a good time, you have to check in.
Three: The fact that the style guide has changed from "twttr" to "Twitter," and yet Twitter still doesn't have an edit button to actually change this tweet from "twttr" to "Twitter" shows that one of Twitter's most vital and fundamental flaws has been evident for a decade now, and it still hasn't been fixed.
It was just another unpredictable, bruising night in the world of SoundCloud rap — a swelling subgenre that takes its name from its creators' preferred streaming service — which in the last year has become the most vital and disruptive new movement in hip-hop thanks to rebellious music, volcanic energy and occasional acts of malevolence.
Specifically, consider the following two conspiracy theories, courtesy of the brilliant hivemind of the internet: This Saturday sees the end of one of the most vital Saturday Night Live seasons in recent memory, with the venerated sketch series leaning hard into political humor during the tail end of the 2016 election and the subsequent Donald Trump presidency.
Indeed, since the announcement in 93 that DIS — composed of Lauren Boyle, Solomon Chase, Marco Roso, and David Toro — were to be curators for BB9, speculation has run rampant that one of the continent's most vital institutions of contemporary art would be transformed into a marketing gimmick of "post-Internet" vanity aesthetics, design, and fashion masquerading as art.
If you love Chipotle, but it breaks your heart just a little bit every time you have to pay up the extra $1.50 or so to put guac (the most vital topping) on your burrito bowl, the chain is soon providing a promo that will do a little something to make up for repeatedly causing you heartache.
The role of a leader in protecting values and morality, whether the president of the United States or a small unit commander in the Marine Corps, is the most vital in times of war, when the violence and brutality of an enemy threaten us physically and calls for no-holds barred tactics threaten our values and moral fabric.
Partially due to its size, and partially because due its connection to the hip-but-relaxed, wild-but-conscientious Mexico City party scene, it offers a community affect that makes the whole thing an inviting proposition—a much-needed reminder that sometimes great music and a great party can be among the boldest, and most vital, forms of resistance.
A pair of reckless and talented guards, linked through their shared time in Oklahoma City, and pitted against each other in a hectic race for M.V.P., they are perhaps the two players in the N.B.A. most vital to their teams' success and will undoubtedly put on a show in this series since neither bothers playing much defense.
His and Farrow's biological son, Ronan Farrow, has sharply criticized his father and the entertainment industry for silencing his sister, and he has emerged as one of the most vital journalists working today in terms of covering sexual harassment and abuse in Hollywood, having played a major role in exposing Weinstein, writing a series of blistering New Yorker articles about the producer.
It was a statement about building bridges, but also audacious flag-planting: Those bands could belong to anyone who ever played a Warped Tour, sure, but they also form part of the DNA of one of the most vital and unusual global pop idols of the now, a Puerto Rican rapper-singer with an uncanny knack for melody and anextravagantly colorful style.
National Sawdust in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, which has emerged since its opening in the fall as the city's most vital new-music hall, hosts the violinist Jennifer Koh's "Shared Madness," a program of new short works; a homage by Brooklyn Rider to New York's downtown music scene; the premiere of pieces by participants in the orchestra's Very Young Composers program; and the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival.
In the same way that Airbnb is the largest accommodation provider with no properties, Alibaba is the largest retailer with no stores and Uber moves people around with no cars owned, we're seeing a movement where ownership of the customer interface is most vital and where all media is becoming digital, and that means companies spreading across types of content rather than among discrete channels or technologies.
A 12-year-old boy is running Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's presidential campaign office in one of Colorado's most vital counties, according to a new report.
Principled liberals and conservatives, whether they support or oppose the impeachment of President TrumpDonald John TrumpStates slashed 4,400 environmental agency jobs in past decade: study Biden hammers Trump over video of world leaders mocking him Iran building hidden arsenal of short-range ballistic missiles in Iraq: report MORE, should want to make the momentous decision based on the best available evidence and the testimony of the most vital witnesses of fact.
The most vital and trusted news source for a large percentage of "consistent conservatives," according to Pew, Fox focused as much on Mr. Comey's potential motives and actions as it did on the substance of his central charge: that the president of the United States sought to derail an F.B.I. investigation into ties between Russia and his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, as Russia allegedly sought to influence an election.
Even if you're not one of these addicts, it reaches you, too, because the distillation of what Mr. Allen considers the most vital news items of the day can influence the thinking of television news producers and Mr. Allen's rival national political reporters, sometimes in a pro-Allen way (especially when Mr. Allen has included their work in his list of TOP TALKERS) and occasionally in an anti-Allen way (especially if he has dismissed their work as already-been-done USED NEWS).
The voice has become the focus of the most vital experiments in pop music today—the way that the vocals of rappers like Kanye, Future, and Young Thug sound mangled and gooey over their tracks; the centrality of Auto-Tune to Caribbean pop and Afrobeats, a style of music that often sounds like a more ecstatic version of American R. & B.; the possibility that T-Pain, who popularized the use of pitch-shifting software, might be one of the most influential artists of our time.
Here's why your company needs one, and how to find a rock star to fill the postWhy tech leaders should seek a direct report to the CEO: A former General Electric CTO shares the top reasons 'tech chief' will soon be the most vital job in a company's C-suiteMaking the move from CIO to CEO: 'Everything is up for disruption': Why MuleSoft's founder thinks the digital revolution could lead more CIOs to become CEOsHow to push a data-driven agenda: A CTO who jumped from the grocery business to high fashion reveals how tech leaders can push a data-driven agenda to achieve big changes in any industryHow to think about defining tech roles in the C-suite: Healthcare companies staffing up on top tech talent should use Obama's leadership structure as a guide, says first-ever White House CTO

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