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77 Sentences With "most poisonous"

How to use most poisonous in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most poisonous" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most poisonous". Mastering all the usages of "most poisonous" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It has done so by adopting the most poisonous methods possible.
They're second only to the most poisonous scum on Earth: students.
That was what the Web site said: not most poisonous— deadliest .
"Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as family," the post said.
Not just any snake, but a brown one -- considered one of the most poisonous.
The incredible potency of the nerve agents makes them among the most poisonous synthetic chemicals ever produced.
"They said that she had been stung by the most poisonous caterpillar in the United States," Chambers told NBC.
Trilobites The nightshades have an ominous reputation, but this large plant family is more than just its most poisonous members, like belladonna.
According to Western Australia's Department of Fisheries, puffer fish are the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world after the golden poison frog.
A row over anti-Semitism entered its most poisonous phase, with the shadow cabinet in open revolt against Jeremy Corbyn, Labour's far-left leader.
If we mobilize and come together and say a collective no to some of the most poisonous working practices, there is a positive way forward.
But the most poisonous addiction is one they all share: the irresistible urge to stab at one another's most vulnerable points, and then pretend they didn't really mean it.
"It has been confirmed that I was bit by a brown recluse spider, one of two of the most poisonous spiders in the US," Linsey wrote in a lengthy caption.
It didn't have to be this way, but we've also seen the growing appeal of conspiracy theories, with the most poisonous and revealing being that Mr. Obama was not born in the United States.
Editorial One year after the United States and Cuba formally re-established diplomatic relations, the two governments have made considerable, if halting, progress toward rebuilding what has been the most poisonous relationship in the hemisphere.
Nicholas Soames, the grandson of Britain's World War Two leader Winston Churchill, said he was appalled by the tone of the debate and it was the most poisonous atmosphere he can remember in 37 years in parliament.
While a bite from most poisonous fish will inflict excruciating pain on its victims, the fang blenny—a small, fearless fish found on the GBR and around the Pacific—appears to only use its venom to slow predators down.
One evening, I was driving through central Maine with our older child, when they announced that when they got out of college they wanted to move to Australia, to help develop anti-venom for the world's most poisonous snakes.
But some of their most poisonous rows turn on the notion, which is widely believed in Israel, that Mr Obama has repeatedly used America's leverage to restrain Mr Netanyahu from launching military strikes on Iranian nuclear research centres or enrichment plants.
The developer Zoë Quinn, who has already faced some of the most poisonous online harassment as enemy number one of Gamergate, went public last week about the extensive emotional and sexual abuse they suffered at the hands of their former partner, developer Alec Holowka.
" WATCH: Whitney Port Opens up About Amplifying Drama for 'The Hills' Pratt's admission that she is not speaking to her family comes nearly four months after she blasted her brother and fellow The Hills alum Spencer Pratt on Twitter, referring to him as one the most "poisonous" people she knows while also criticizing her parents for "living in denial.
The roots and rootstalks are the most poisonous parts of the plant, but apparently all parts of the plant may contain some of the poison, especially in the early stages of growth. Ingestion of a small portion of the root is enough to kill an adult. Some would list these plants as the most poisonous naturally occurring North American genus of leafy plants.
The roots and seeds contain alkaloids, which are most poisonous before flowering. The plant has been used to make medicine to treat neuralgia and sciatica.
H. orientalis contains alkaloids and is toxic if eaten in large quantities. The bulb, however, is the most poisonous part and should not be ingested under any circumstances.
Asclepias eriocarpa is a specific monarch butterfly food and habitat plant. It is one of the most poisonous milkweeds. Natural History July/August 2015 calls it the most poisonous, but most sources put it below A. lancifolia (now known as Asclepias perennis). No source found, said whether the toxicity is due to high levels of cardioactive glycosides, or to the presence of a neurotoxic resin which some milkweeds produce in addition to the glycosides.
The torafugu, or tiger pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes), is the most prestigious edible species and the most poisonous. Other species are also eaten; for example, Higanfugu (T. pardalis), Shōsaifugu (T. vermicularis syn.
Version 2012.2. Downloaded on 31 May 2013. is a species of frog in the family Dendrobatidae. It is an arboreal insectivorous species, and is the second-most poisonous species in the genus, after R. variabilis.
Debunked: Are Daddy Longlegs the most poisonous spiders in the world? -, 20 October 2013. Despite widely held beliefs that adult crane flies (or "mosquito hawks") prey on mosquito populations, the adult crane fly is anatomically incapable of killing or consuming other insects.
See, for instance, Raymond W. Thorp and Weldon Dwight Woodson, Black Widow: America's Most Poisonous Spider (The University of North Carolina Press, 1945), p.65, 156, 188. James A. Wilkerson, "Black Widow Spider Bites." In Medicine for Mountaineering & Other Wilderness Activities (2001), p.298.
In the evening, they come to Mr. Sarkar's house. There they see three of the most poisonous creatures - rattle snake, a blue scorpion and a Black Widow Spider. There they meet Mr. Sarkar's assistant, Ganesh Guha. They also learn that Mr. Sarkar knows about the ring.
The most poisonous of these frogs, the golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis), has enough toxin on average to kill ten to twenty men or about ten thousand mice. Most other dendrobatids, while colorful and toxic enough to discourage predation, pose far less risk to humans or other large animals.
The main distinguishing characteristic of western water hemlock is its toxicity. Cicutoxin is the toxin that is produced, making water hemlock the most poisonous plant in North America. Cicutoxin is a yellowish liquid that is prevalent in the roots. This unsaturated alcohol has a major impact on the central nervous system of animals.
Veratrum species contain highly toxic steroidal alkaloids (e.g. veratridine) that activate sodium ion channels and cause rapid cardiac failure and death if ingested. 2-deoxyjervine is also found in the plant and is known to cause cyclopia. All parts of the plant are poisonous, with the root and rhizomes being the most poisonous.
It is an extremely poisonous plant. Despite this, it was used in the past in herbal medicines. It is also grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. The berries contain cardiogenic toxins which can have an immediate sedative effect on human cardiac muscle tissue, and are the most poisonous part of the plant.
White baneberry (Actaea pachypoda) in Canada Baneberry contains cardiogenic toxins that can have an immediate sedative effect on human cardiac muscle. The berries are the most poisonous part of the plant (hence the name baneberry). Children have been poisoned by eating the waxy, shiny red or white berries. Ingestion of the berries can lead to cardiac arrest and death.
Domestic preparation occasionally leads to accidental death. Fugu is served as sashimi and chirinabe. Some consider the liver to be the tastiest part, but it is also the most poisonous, and serving this organ in restaurants was banned in Japan in 1984. Fugu has become one of the most celebrated and notorious dishes in Japanese cuisine.
Kannaki then sees a local snake seller, and gets the most poisonous snake from him. Later Manickam is seen gifting Kannaki with a wedding saree to wear for their wedding. He says they will marry right after the game, which he is sure he will win. Kannaki dresses up as a bride, and wishes Manickam the best for the game.
Both the berries and the entire plant are considered poisonous to humans. The berries contain cardiogenic toxins which can have an immediate sedative effect on human cardiac muscle tissue, and are the most poisonous part of the plant. Ingestion of the berries can lead to cardiac arrest and death. The berries are harmless to birds, the plant's primary seed dispersers.
In Freiburg he started working on toad poisons and bile acids. In association with Boehringer Ingelheim he worked on synthetic alkaloids such as morphine and strychnine. In 1925 Wieland succeeded Richard Willstätter as Chemistry Professor at the University of Munich. In 1941, Wieland isolated the toxin alpha-amanitin, the principal active agent of one of the world's most poisonous mushrooms Amanita phalloides.
Altogether, over 200 toxins have been isolated from the limited number of amphibian species that have been investigated. The fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), a toxic species, wears warning colours. Perhaps the most poisonous animal in the world, the golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis) is endemic to Colombia. Poisonous species often use bright colouring to warn potential predators of their toxicity.
The genus Taricha use the poison tetrodotoxin (TTX) that binds and blocks voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav) in nerves and muscles. This blockage causes the cessation of action potentials, leading to paralysis and death. Tetrodotoxin is the most toxic non-protein substance known. The Rough-Skinned Newt (Taricha granulosa) uses tetrodotoxin and is considered the most poisonous species of Newt.
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London. The strawberry poison frog is perhaps most famous for its widespread variation in coloration, comprising approximately 15-30 color morphs, most of which are presumed to be true-breeding. O. pumilio, while not the most poisonous of the dendrobatids, is the most toxic member of its genus.
A tuberous-rooted, herbaceous perennial reaching 1.0 metre tall by 0.5 metres wide and tolerant of many soil types, Aconitum ferox forms the principal source of the Indian poison known variously as bikh, bish, and nabee. It contains large quantities of the extremely toxic alkaloid pseudaconitine (also known as nepaline, after Nepal) and is considered to be the most poisonous plant found in the Himalaya and one of the most poisonous in the world. The symptoms of poisoning usually appear 45 minutes to an hour after the consumption of a toxic dose and consist of numbness of the mouth and throat and vomiting. Respiration slows and blood pressure synchronously falls to within 30-40 beats per minute and consciousness characteristically remains unclouded until the end, which consists usually of death by asphyxiation, although occasionally of death due to cardiac arrest.
Another example is D. semisanguinea (pictured), which from above is an ordinary brown colour, but which shows a striking blood-red sheen when the underside of the cap is viewed. Lethal webcaps one of world's most poisonous mushrooms belongs to the group. The Austrian Professor Meinhard Moser (1924-2002), whose book is referenced, was one of the authorities who promote Dermocybe to the status of a genus.
He could do as he liked with her. However, disrespecting the state gods was a crime punishable by death, which the magistrate could only overlook at his own risk. Having gotten counsel the "most poisonous serpent" prepared the banquet, where Eusebius became intoxicated and fell into a deep sleep. Straightway "a raging mob of gentiles" boarded the ship and placed Julia on the shore.
The concept behind the creation of the new word Asudem is described by Shokof that he believes the real evil is not the head of a human being covered and poisoned by most poisonous snakes but rather that the real horror is the defenseless snakes heads that are covered by evil heads of most dangerous and poisonous human beings driving the snakes into madness.
Many of the historical pigments were dangerous, and many pigments still in use are highly toxic. Some of the most poisonous pigments, such as Paris green (copper(II) acetoarsenite) and orpiment (arsenic sulfide), have fallen from use. Many pigments are toxic to some degree. Commonly used reds and yellows are produced using cadmium, and vermilion red uses natural or synthetic mercuric sulfide or cinnabar.
Seeds The toxicity of raw castor beans is due to the presence of ricin. Although the lethal dose in adults is considered to be four to eight seeds, reports of actual poisoning are relatively rare. According to the Guinness World Records, this is the world's most poisonous common plant. Symptoms of overdosing on ricin, which can include nausea, diarrhea, tachycardia, hypotension and seizures, persist for up to a week.
The seeds and roots are also toxic, more so than the leaves. While hemlock toxicity primarily results from consumption, poisoning can also result from inhalation, and from skin contact. Farmers also need to be careful that the hay fed to animals does not contain hemlock. Poison hemlock is most poisonous in the spring when the concentration of γ-coniciene (the precursor to other toxins) is at its peak.
It is one of the most poisonous species of pitohui, but the toxicity of individual birds can vary geographically. The hooded pitohui is found in forests from sea level up to , but is most common in hills and low mountains. A social bird, it lives in family groups and frequently joins and even leads mixed-species foraging flocks. The diet is made up of fruits, seeds and invertebrates.
Enzyme inhibitors are found in nature and are also designed and produced as part of pharmacology and biochemistry. Natural poisons are often enzyme inhibitors that have evolved to defend a plant or animal against predators. These natural toxins include some of the most poisonous compounds known. Artificial inhibitors are often used as drugs, but can also be insecticides such as malathion, herbicides such as glyphosate, or disinfectants such as triclosan.
Palytoxin, PTX or PLTX is an intense vasoconstrictor, and is considered to be one of the most poisonous non-protein substances known, second only to maitotoxin in terms of toxicity in mice. Palytoxin is a polyhydroxylated and partially unsaturated compound (8 double bonds) with a long carbon chain. It has water-soluble and fat-soluble parts, 40 hydroxy groups and 64 chiral centers. Due to chirality and possible double bond cis-trans isomerism, it has over 1021 alternative stereoisomers.
The palila, for example, can deal with dozens of times the dose of cytisine that would kill a laboratory mouse. Both seed predators seem to be able to recognize and avoid the most poisonous trees, which would be natural selection in action. Cydia caterpillars are able to break up the toxic compounds. They do not sequester the alkaloids for their own use, but are found to contain about as much phenolic compounds as the seed coats do.
Laburnum species and hybrids are cultivated as ornamental trees for gardens and parks. They are also trained as espaliers on pergolas, for ceilings of pendant flowers in season. In its natural form, Laburnum is a shrubby, multi-branched tree, but it is often pruned to maintain a single trunk which displays the smooth green bark. Gardeners are advised to remove the spent seedpods after flowering because they sap the strength of the tree and are the most poisonous part.
Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous substance known. Intoxication can occur naturally as a result of either wound or intestinal infection or by ingesting formed toxin in food. The estimated human lethal dose of type A toxin is 1.3–2.1 ng/kg intravenously or intramuscularly, 10–13 ng/kg when inhaled, or 1000 ng/kg when taken by mouth. Commercial forms are marketed under the brand names Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA), Dysport/Azzalure (abobotulinumtoxinA), Xeomin/Bocouture (incobotulinumtoxinA), and Jeuveau (prabotulinumtoxinA).
Dr. Krishnan (Kottayam Chellappan) and his son Dr. Balan (Madhu) are dedicated to eradicating death by snake bite. They go on a mission to the dense forests surrounding the mountain ranges in search of the Thanka Sarpam or the Golden Snake, believed to be the most poisonous in the world. Their intention is to conduct research based on its venom and perhaps invent anti- venom that would be a remedy for all snake bites. Their compounder (Adoor Bhasi) also accompanies them.
Most poisonous lichens are yellow. In the past, Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) was an important source of food for humans in northern Europe, and was cooked as a bread, porridge, pudding, soup, or salad. Wila (Bryoria fremontii) was an important food in parts of North America, where it was usually pitcooked. Northern peoples in North America and Siberia traditionally eat the partially digested reindeer lichen (Cladina spp.) after they remove it from the rumen of caribou or reindeer that have been killed.
Phyllobates contains the most poisonous species of frog, the golden poison frog (P. terribilis). They are typical of the poison dart frogs, in that all species have bright warning coloration (aposematism), and have varying degrees of toxicity. Only species of Phyllobates are used by natives of South American tribes as sources of poison for their hunting darts. The most toxic of the many poisonous alkaloids these frogs emit from their skins is batrachotoxin, alongside a wide variety of other toxic compounds.
Closely related to other deadly pure white amanitas, the fool's mushroom is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world. Just like the death cap, this organism contains a fatal dose of alpha-amanitin, which causes liver failure if not treated immediately. While this mushroom (along with many other deadly and edible fungi) also contains phallotoxins, these phallotoxins are not toxic to humans (when ingested) as they are poorly absorbed. This mushroom's toxicity and symptoms are similar, if not identical to that of the death cap.
Industry, agriculture, and other sectors employ poisonous substances for reasons other than their toxicity. Most poisonous industrial compounds have associated material safety data sheets and are classed as hazardous substances. Hazardous substances are subject to extensive regulation on production, procurement and use in overlapping domains of occupational safety and health, public health, drinking water quality standards, air pollution and environmental protection. Due to the mechanics of molecular diffusion, many poisonous compounds rapidly diffuse into biological tissues, air, water, or soil on a molecular scale.
However, all types of botulinum toxin are rapidly destroyed by heating to 100 °C for 15 minutes (900 seconds). Botulinum toxin, one of the most poisonous biological substances known, is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. C. botulinum elaborates eight antigenically distinguishable exotoxins (A, B, C1, C2, D, E, F and G). Most strains produce one type of neurotoxin, but strains producing multiple toxins have been described. C. botulinum producing B and F toxin types have been isolated from human botulism cases in New Mexico and California.
P. toxica contains palytoxin, one of the most poisonous substances known. This zoanthid is not the only member of its genus to contain the toxin; that distinction is shared by P. tuberculosa. The latter species has a seasonal cycle, varying in toxicity at different times of year, whereas P. toxica is equally toxic all year round. Other species of Palythoa have also been shown to contain the substance in varying amounts at different times and in different places, and some algae and certain crabs and fish have been found to contain it.
The Orellani are a group of seven related species in the genus Cortinarius that have been classified as a section of the subgenus Leprocybe or a subgenus in their own right. They are among world's most poisonous mushrooms as they contain the highly toxic compound orellanine. The best-known species are the deadly webcap (Cortinarius rubellus, formerly also known as C. speciosissimus or C. orellanoides) and the fool's webcap, C. orellanus. The mushrooms' characteristics are quite common, making them difficult to identify, which often leads to fatal poisonings.
Immature specimens of A. virosa resemble several edible species commonly consumed by humans, increasing the risk of accidental poisoning. Small specimens may resemble the common Portobello mushroom to non-experts, but just one cap of A. virosa is enough to kill an adult human. The symptoms of poisoning comes generally several hours afterwards, a fact which makes this fungus even more problematic. Along with its geographical namesakes, A. virosa is one of the most poisonous of all known poisonous mushrooms; its principal toxic constituent α-amanitin damages the liver and kidneys, usually fatally.
Phyllobates aurotaenia is a member of the frog family Dendrobatidae, which are found in the tropical environments of Central and South America. First described by zoologist George Albert Boulenger in 1913, P. aurotaenia is known for being the third most poisonous frog in the world. It is the smallest of the poison dart frogs in the Phyllobates genus and is endemic to the Pacific coast of Colombia. Wild specimens store batrachotoxin in glands in their skin, which can be fatal to humans in doses as small as 100 µg.
Mechanism of Botulinum Toxin neurotoxicity Botulinum Toxin (BTX) is a group of neurotoxins consisting of eight distinct compounds, referred to as BTX-A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, which are produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and lead to muscular paralysis.Brin, Mitchell F (1997) "Botulinum Toxin: Chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicity, and Immunology." Muscle & Nerve, 20 (S6): 146–68. A notably unique feature of BTX is its relatively common therapeutic use in treating dystonia and spasticity disorders, as well as in inducing muscular atrophy despite being the most poisonous substance known.
The red-backed poison frog is a moderately toxic dendrobatid, and is the second-most poisonous of the frogs in the genus Ranitomeya. Its toxins are used as the frog's natural defense mechanisms, making them inedible to many, if not most, of the predators in its natural area. To advertise its poison and further reduce the risk of injury, the red-backed poison frog displays its brilliant warning colors, especially its red-orange back, for which it is named. Like all dendrobatids, it does not manufacture its poison itself, but rather is theorized to take the toxins from the ants, mites, and beetles on which it lives.
Kimball dismisses the notion that his life is in danger until he is informed that his car has been wrecked and his chauffeur is dead — killed by a fer-de- lance, a South American snake that is probably the most poisonous in the world. The autopsies of Professor Barstow and Carlo Maringola reveal that they too were poisoned, by the venom of the fer-de-lance. Convinced that his life is in deadly peril, Kimball pleads for Wolfe's help. After E.J. Kimball tells him about his sensational past in South America, Wolfe concludes that at least six people had reason to wish him dead — and that the Barstow family is not above suspicion.
Scotts Head is popular with surfers because of the headlands projecting into the ocean in three directions, and the choice of three beaches. Scotts Head is known for right handed surf breaks, it is occasionally visited by turtles, and offshore is part of the whale migratory route. The beach areas were the traditional home of the local indigenous tribe, due to once abundant fish stocks and the availability of fresh water from two natural fresh water pools that were located close to the main headland, which is known locally as "the point". According to the 'Guinness Book of Records', Scotts Head boasts the largest variety of reptiles available anywhere in the world in one place, including several varieties of lizards and many of Australia's most poisonous snakes.
In China, this plant is known as "arrow poison wood" and the poison is said to be so deadly that it has been described as "Seven Up Eight Down Nine Death" meaning that a victim can take no more than seven steps uphill, eight steps downhill or nine steps on level ground before dying. Some travellers' tales have it that the Upas tree is the most poisonous in the world, so that no one can reach the trunk before falling down dead. Another account (professedly by one Foersch, who was a surgeon at Semarang in 1773) was published in The London Magazine, December 1783, and popularized by Erasmus Darwin in Loves of the Plants (Botanic Garden, pt. ii). The tree was said to destroy all animal life within a radius of 15 miles or more.
During a 3 September (2019) parliamentary debate on Brexit, Jacob Rees-Mogg called two Jewish Conservative MPs, including Oliver Letwin,N. Broda, 'We need to talk about the Tories' antisemitism problem' (03/10/19) on Jewish News members of the Illuminati,N. Lampert, 'Brexit Chaos Now Threatens an Unprecedented Storm of anti-Semitism for British Jews' (17/09/19) on Haaretz which, according to Michael Berkowitz, professor of Modern Jewish History, who commented on the incident, is one of the "most poisonous antisemitic canards in all of history ... frequently used as justification for violence".M. Berkowitz, 'Jacob Rees-Mogg’s alarming cry of "Illuminati"' (05/09/19) on UCL Brexit Blog Antony Lerman suggests that this is "dog-whistle antisemitism and at the same time a chase for votes to shamelessly exploit Jewish fears".
The leaves may be eaten safely by livestock, but the stems, and especially the carbohydrate-rich roots are much more poisonous. Animals familiar with eating the leaves may eat the roots when these are exposed during ditch clearance – one root is sufficient to kill a cow, and human fatalities are also known. It has been referred to as the most poisonous of all British plants, and is considered particularly dangerous because of its similarity to several edible plants. The species O. javanica, commonly known as Chinese celery or Japanese parsley (seri; not to be confused with mitsuba or Japanese wild celery, Cryptotaenia japonica) is edible and grown in several countries of eastern Asia, as well as in Italy and India, where the spring growth is relished as a vegetable.
It was recognized that the most poisonous parts were the liver and eggs, but that toxicity could be reduced by soaking the eggs, noting that tetrodotoxin is slightly water-soluble, and soluble at 1 mg/mL in slightly acidic solutions. The German physician Engelbert Kaempfer, in his "A History of Japan" (translated and published in English in 1727), described how well known the toxic effects of the fish were, to the extent that it would be used for suicide and that the Emperor specifically decreed that soldiers were not permitted to eat it. There is also evidence from other sources that knowledge of such toxicity was widespread throughout southeast Asia and India. The first recorded cases of TTX poisoning affecting Westerners are from the logs of Captain James Cook from 7 September 1774.
Besides records about competitions, it contains such facts such as the heaviest tumour, the most poisonous fungus, the longest-running soap opera and the most valuable life-insurance policy, among others. Many records also relate to the youngest people to have achieved something, such as the youngest person to visit all nations of the world; it is Maurizio Giuliano. Each edition contains a selection of the records from the Guinness World Records database, as well as select new records, with the criteria for inclusion changing from year to year. The retirement of Norris McWhirter from his consulting role in 1995 and the subsequent decision by Diageo Plc to sell The Guinness Book of Records brand have shifted the focus of the books from text- oriented to illustrated reference.
The majority of pufferfish species are toxic and some are among the most poisonous vertebrates in the world. In certain species, the internal organs, such as the liver, and sometimes their skin, contain tetrodotoxin and are highly toxic to most animals when eaten; nevertheless, the meat of some species is considered a delicacy in Japan (as 河豚, pronounced fugu), Korea (as 복 ,bok, or 복어, bogeo), and China (as 河豚, hétún) when prepared by specially trained chefs who know which part is safe to eat and in what quantity. Other pufferfish species with nontoxic flesh, such as the northern puffer, Sphoeroides maculatus, of Chesapeake Bay, are considered a delicacy elsewhere. The species Torquigener albomaculosus was called by David Attenborough "the greatest artist of the animal kingdom" due to the males' unique habit of wooing females by creating nests in sand composed of complex geometric designs.
In fact, many hobbyists and herpetologists have reported that most dart frogs will not consume ants at all in captivity, though ants constitute the larger portion of their diets in the wild, likely due to the unavailability of the natural prey species of ants to captive frog keepers. Though all poison frogs lose their toxicity when deprived of certain foods, and captive-bred golden poison frogs are born harmless, a wild-caught poison frog can retain alkaloids for years. It is not clear which prey species supplies the potent alkaloid that gives golden poison frogs their exceptionally high levels of toxicity, or whether the frogs modify another available toxin to produce a more efficient variant, as do some of the frogs from the genus Dendrobates. Thus, the high toxicity of P. terribilis appears to be due to the consumption of small insects or other arthropods, and one of these may truly be the most poisonous creature on Earth.

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