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78 Sentences With "most illuminating"

How to use most illuminating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most illuminating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most illuminating". Mastering all the usages of "most illuminating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The political dilemmas that Salesforce faced are the most illuminating.
You're going to have the best, most illuminating weekend ever.
What's the one that felt the most illuminating to you?
What is the most illuminating way to relate military history?
The discussion of whether meat is "natural" is the most illuminating.
The most illuminating focus on technical elements, demystifying filmmaking for lay viewers.
Here the time he spent at The New York Times is most illuminating.
Stevens is most illuminating in her behind-the-scenes glimpses of the work.
As they repeat the same actions, they reveal their strangest and most illuminating tendencies.
Here are some of the family's most illuminating quotes on fatherhood, Trump-style. 153.
They come across as complicated men, and that's what was most illuminating about the movie.
But it seems to me that the obvious lies aren't necessarily the most illuminating ones.
It's largely forgotten by history books, but may also be one of the most illuminating.
We received hundreds of responses, and asked artists to illustrate some of the most illuminating.
In one of the most illuminating moments of the evening, HELP Committee ranking Democrat, Sen.
But this approach runs the risk of missing the most illuminating contributions to art law itself.
The most illuminating bit of the study concerns the male perspective about why there's a diversity problem.
The period of time that is the most illuminating happened after the "Access Hollywood" tape came out.
"That woman is my daughter, and she's incognito," Atwood's mother says, in the most illuminating of the remarks.
Most illuminating are the book's portraits of the inhabitants of annexed lands—Puerto Rico, the Philippines, the Virgin Islands.
But the most illuminating session happened inside the Peterson Air Force Base, the hub for monitoring threats to the homeland.
The most illuminating study on union's effects on politics comes from researchers James Feigenbaum, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, and Vanessa Williamson.
BOOTHE: Well, I thought was most illuminating is Jonathan Swan of Axios who, I think, did a great job doing reporting.
But if you're wondering what the goal of all of this is, it's the newly released short film that's most illuminating.
Some of the most illuminating pieces in the collection were made by right-wing ideologues, intending to spread their vision of America.
Perhaps most illuminating is the difference in how the two address a pair of intertwined issues: health care and President Barack Obama.
So, where do you ... With the companies coming to Congress, the last Mark Zuckerberg hearing was not the most illuminating, I think.
But this approach, which fails to think beyond the marketplace, runs the risk of missing the most illuminating contributions to art law itself.
Some of the most illuminating conversations I had in Kabul were on deep background — no names, no official titles, nothing on the record.
The most illuminating of these chats is with Ata, a congenial bearded chap who delves at length into the history of teutonic techno.
But perhaps the most illuminating distillation comes from his scathing, and arguably bizarre, dissent in the Supreme Court's 2014 ruling on gay marriage.
Perhaps the most illuminating example of this logic at work was featured in a column for LifeSiteNews, a very popular pro-life website.
But Friday's late-day stop to speak with truckers in Iowa has to be one of the most illuminating moments from this odd circus.
He is acutely aware that they often do both at the same time, and it is this tension that brings out his most illuminating writing.
Amateur music scholars on Twitter shared their appreciation, and a Twitter moment gathered the most illuminating pieces of information gleaned from the Spotify and Genius partnership.
One of the most illuminating — and often rewarding — parts about having a novel published is the ability to see your work through the eyes of readers.
As mentioned, it was my experience of North Koreans as thoughtful, kind, and humorous people, in many ways not different from us, that I found most illuminating.
Yet, season 6's eleventh episode, the aptly-titled "Well This Took A Dark Turn," is able to supply one of the most illuminating, important moments of the entire series.
But the most illuminating juxtaposition is that of a bronze study for Balzac's head with the terra-cotta bust of a resident of Balzac's native Tours that Rodin used for reference.
One of the most illuminating pieces on Conley was Jonathan Abrams's Grantland profile of him two years ago, which painted the portrait of someone who was more concerned with his teammates than himself.
Perhaps the most illuminating is the opinion written by Judge Cornelia Pillard for a unanimous panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Priests for Life v.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The most illuminating moment of the Eagles' enchanted season was a Week 3 play ridiculed in Philadelphia but celebrated here by a small cadre of people who recognized its significance almost immediately.
But it was his comments on the competition that were the most illuminating — shedding light on how Google sees threats to its core business, and how it is pushing back on antitrust charges in Europe.
I recently read a most illuminating article, "Care of Transsexual Persons," that answered many of the questions and concerns that have been raised about transsexualism, which is now more commonly referred to as being transgender.
What's most illuminating is to witness these two contemporaries (they both danced in Nina Wiener's company in the mid-1970s), each long accustomed to doing her own thing, observe and comment on the other's approach.
China is such a vast, contradictory land that the most illuminating books often explore it through an intense focus on a single topic: the aviation industry, the one-child policy, the lives of migrant factory workers.
The grotesque sexism among Trump surrogates and supporters — the words they use, the chants they shout, the T-shirts they wear and the signs they wave — has been perhaps the most illuminating, jaw-dropping aspect of this ugly race.
If asked, it may be the most illuminating question of the hearing, and here's why: To start, the Supreme Court alone decides which 70 or so cases it will resolve each year, giving it unprecedented power to set the national agenda.
"The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling": Judd Apatow's affectionate but frank look back at his comedic mentor -- drawing heavily from Shandling's diary entries -- is the most illuminating glimpse one could imagine into the mind of a brilliant but mercurial artist.
In terms of the presentation, the most illuminating wrinkle in "Killer Inside" involves having access to audio of phone calls Hernandez made from prison, providing modest insight about his post-arrest state of mind and relationships with those closest to him.
It was hardly the most illuminating event of the primary season so far, but it came at a crucial moment, mere days before the South Carolina primary and the last debate before Super Tuesday's high-delegate contests in California, Texas, and other states.
Though Zuck provides many of the same flavors of responses we've come to expect from him — saying fake news on Facebook isn't as common as most people think, for example — one of the most illuminating episodes is about a game of Scrabble he once played against a friend's daughter.
I think the fact that they sued Alternative Tentacles for taking too high a cut of their back catalog is the most illuminating, and shows where their head was at in the 90s, where they were coming to realise that the whole independent/DIY philosophy only worked if you weren't making money.
Don't take too dark a view of the reporting environment: It's an opportunity for us to practice the skills we've learned in much tougher places around the world and to lead by example – and therefore to provide the freshest, most useful, and most illuminating information and insight of any news organization anywhere.
" Interviewing dozens of colleagues, family and critics, "Spielberg" elicits some of its most illuminating observations from the director himself, who is remarkably forthcoming in discussing his childhood ("Everything scared me when I was a kid"), his parents' rather messy divorce and his sensitivity about misfires like the comedy flop "1941," which left him "devastated.
Here, the most illuminating evidence comes from studies that looked at an underground safe injection site in an undisclosed location in the U.S. The facility opened in September 2014, under the rationale that, due to the opioid epidemic, the group simply could not wait for bureaucratic approval or the legalization of supervised consumption facilities to act.
In prison you're really starting from first principles, people come in with very very little and so going through how Shaka Senghor built that culture, built the prison gang culture and then changed it is one of the most illuminating things that I have ever kind of been through as a process, understanding that in any kind of cultural example I've seen.
"This preliminary analysis of the organic material has been most illuminating, with a variety of textiles and fibers identified—an extraordinary collection of silk, wool, and linen textiles and braids, as well as 'skin products' (leather and/or parchment)," explain the two conservators, who sought out input by colleagues who specialize in ancient textiles in order to unpack the bundles while preserving the packing materials.
The most illuminating comparison was between the giraffe and its closest relative, and only other living member of the Giraffidae family, the okapi: As you can see, the okapi has a kind of long neck, but not, like, a giraffe-long neck, despite the fact that these two species diverged only 11 to 12 million years ago and share about 19 percent identical genes.
The Bibliotheque Nationale has an exhibition honoring the bicentenary of the death of the Duc de Saint-Simon, France's amplest secret memorialist and most illuminating historical gossip.
Chinese Shadows has earned mixed reviews from critics. In Peggy Durdin's review, she states that it was the "most illuminating book so far written about the Chinese People's Republic.". Durdin, Peggy. Rev. of Book of Simon Leys: Chinese Shadows.
Not Quite Art has been accepted to favourable reviews and critical acclaim. An article in The Age Newspaper explained; "Not Quite Art is the freshest, most illuminating, thoughtful and funny locally made arts program in years."The Age, Green Guide, Article, October 2008.
Many of the film's most illuminating sequences were filmed in public houses. In one scene Tony orders a round of drinks from the bar and lists a number of drinks that would have been staple drinks in 1940s and 1950s Liverpool, but are barely heard of now. These include 'Mackies', 'Black and Tan', a 'Pale Ale and Lime' and a 'Rum and Pep' (Rum and Peppermint).
" He added that "it's good to read the evidence" of how authoritarian governments and systems operate. Moynihan wrote that the book "contains many points that are common- sensical". Moynihan added that there are some minor errors in fact in the book due to its large scope. Brittan wrote that it is "most illuminating in the cases of dictatorships in the developing world or highly imperfect democracies such as Russia or Iran.
After his trial and execution, he enters the next life only to confront some of the same issues and, judged to be of minimal use in heaven, is sent back to Earth for recycling. Theatre critic Brooks Atkinson called it "the most original and brilliant play any American had written up to that time ... the harshest and most illuminating play about modern society [Broadway had ever seen]."Atkinson, p. 215. Dorothy Parker and Alexander Woollcott were enthusiastic.
In 1995 Papetti met the writer and biographer James Lord who wrote a significant critical essay on his work. James Lord wrote the following about Papetti: “The first, and perhaps the most illuminating thing to be said about the art of Alessandro Papetti is that it is profoundly Italian. No artist of course ever successfully conceals his national, traditional and psychological origins, though some are more prone to do so than others. One thinks of Van Gogh.
Switched on Pop received positive reviews from critics. Hannah Giorgis of The Atlantic praised the book, writing "Switched on Pop is a far less foreboding sensory experience than 'Swimming Pools,' but it’s no less immersive." Emily Bootle of the New Statesman noted that the "required understanding of music theory leads to necessarily laborious explanations, but also allows for the authors' most illuminating insights". Neil Shah of The Wall Street Journal lauded the book for its "sophisticated but accessible discussion" of the selected musical tracks.
' I told > him I liked the ones with all the moods, like that great country song 'Love > Me' - 'Treat me like a fool/Treat me mean and cruel/But love me.' So when we > were leaving, after a most illuminating and funny 90 minutes with the guy, I > was walking down the corridor. He swung 'round the door frame, looking quite > pleased with himself, and started singing that song: 'Treat me like a fool.' > I turned around and did Elvis right back at him.
Satan in Paradise Lost, as illustrated by Gustave Doré Lucifer and Prometheus is a work of psychological literary criticism written by R.J. Zwi Werblowsky and published in 1952. In it, Werblowsky argues that the SatanFor Werblowsky's purposes, the names "Satan" and "Lucifer" are used more or less interchangeably. of John Milton's Paradise Lost became a disproportionately appealing character because of attributes he shares with the Greek Titan Prometheus. It has been called "most illuminating" for its historical and typological perspective on Milton's Satan as embodying both positive and negative values.
The Murašû Archive is a collection of cuneiform tablets, excavated between 1888 and 1900, from the ruins of Nippur in central Babylonia. Named after the chief member of a single family, the Murašû Archive is a collection of business records that spans four generations. Assembled during the reigns of the Persian kings Artaxerxes I, Darius II, and Artaxerxes II, the Murašû Archive provides the largest and most illuminating view into the business activities and conditions of Persian-ruled Babylonia during the last hundred and fifty years of the Achaemenid kingship.
A few fitting and poignant excerpts taken from Be the Best at Who You Are: “Faith in God subdues the stings of the past, the worries of the present, and the fears of the future.” “No man (or woman) has learned how to live until he knows how to distribute himself, where to place the emphasis and where not to place it.” “The character of a good person is the most illuminating light shining in this world. Genius and brilliance are admirable qualities, but too often brilliance is no more than a display of pointless wit or clever cynicism.
In 1970, Arden formed the radical feminist theatre group Holocaust and then wrote the play A New Communion for Freaks, Prophets and Witches. The play would later be adapted for the screen as The Other Side of the Underneath (1972). Arden directed the film and appeared in it uncredited; screenings at film festivals, including the 1972 London Film Festival, caused a considerable stir. The film depicts a woman's mental breakdown and rebirth in scenes at times violent and highly shocking; the writer and critic George Melly described it as "a most illuminating season in Hell",Vertigo Magazine: Unknown pleasures: By Sean Kaye-Smith.
Sdok Kok Thom (, Sadok Kok Thom, ; ), or Sdok Kak Thom, is an 11th-century Khmer temple in present-day Thailand, located about northeast of the Thai border town of Aranyaprathet. The temple was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. Constructed by a prominent priestly family, Sdok Kok Thom is best known as the original site of one of the most illuminating inscriptions left behind by the Khmer Empire, which ruled much of Southeast Asia from the end of the 9th century to the 15th century. Built of red sandstone and laterite, the temple is a prime example of a provincial seat of worship during the empire's golden age.
Almost all recollections of Gaetano Fichera concerning how this situation influenced his relationships with Mikhlin are presented in . Perhaps, the most illuminating one is the election of Mikhlin as a member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: in June 1981, Solomon G. Mikhlin was elected Foreign Member of the class of mathematical and physical sciences of the Lincei. At first time, he was proposed as a winner of the Antonio Feltrinelli Prize, but the almost sure confiscation of the prize by the Soviet authorities induced the Lincei members to elect him as a member: they decided to honour him in a way that no political authority could alienate.According to .
Between 1926 and 1930, Schlick labored to finish Fragen der Ethik (Problems of Ethics'), in which he surprised some of his fellow Circlists by including ethics as a viable branch of philosophy. In his 1932-33 contribution to Erkenntnis, "Positivism and Realism", Schlick offered one of the most illuminating definitions of positivism as every view "which denies the possibility of metaphysics" (Schlick [1932-1933], p. 260). Accordingly he defined metaphysics as the doctrine of “true being”, “thing in itself” or “transcendental being”, a doctrine which obviously "presupposes that a non-true, lesser or apparent being stands opposed to it" (Ibid). Therefore in this work he bases the positivism on a kind of epistemology which holds that the only true beings are givens or constituents of experience.
Especially important in the haze of present-day attempts to establish a sound basis for public regulation of corporate income is Lough's insistence that earning power, not original investment, is the most rational basis of capitalization. In accordance with this theory one would wish that he had devoted more than a paragraph to the important recent changes in New York and other state laws permitting the issue of stock without par value. The fourth section entitled Internal Financial Management is the most illuminating in the book. While by no means all accountants would agree with those paragraphs expounding one or another of the various moot problems, still the discussions are all thoroughly sound, albeit savoring more of business expediency than the strict logic of accountancy.
Shia Muslims around the world every year commemorate the mourning custom of death of Husayn ibn Ali, his family and his follower in months of Muharram and Safar. They entitle him "Prince of Martyrs" and know him as a spiritual and political savior. He still has an important role in the religious and national consciousness of the people. According to the Shia belief, taking part in the mourning ritual will be a help to salvation on the Day of Judgment, as Elias Canetti (winner of Nobel Prize) said “[it] became the very core of the Shiite faith ... of all the traditional religions of lament which could be adduced for closer consideration – that of the Islamic is the most illuminating... The lament itself, as an impassioned pack opening out, to a true crowd, manifests itself with unforgettable power at the Muharram Festival Shiites”.
Bob Deitrick along with Lew Goldfarb published Bulls Bears and the Ballot Box on July 1, 2012. The book examines presidents Herbert Hoover through Barack Obama, ranking them according to their performance in three distinct economic categories. The authors review 80 years of our nation’s economic history from the Great Depression and Herbert Hoover to the Great Recession and George W. Bush; a time period in which the Democratic and Republican Parties occupied the Oval Office for 40 years each. Adam Hartung of Forbes said of the book, “Their compendium of economic facts is the most illuminating document on economic performance during different administrations, and policies, than anything previously published.” Hartung has written five articles in tandem with Bob Deitrick and Steven Morgan, of Polaris Financial Partners, which have produced, in aggregate, 2 million views between the five articles with Hartung and they rank #’s 1,3, and 4 among Hartung’s most popular articles in Forbes.

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