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283 Sentences With "most human"

How to use most human in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most human" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most human". Mastering all the usages of "most human" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Like most human beings with beating hearts, I love dogs.
But, like most human enterprises, DNA analysis is not perfect.
Most human experiences don't have to announce themselves as such.
But its best moments are the quietest and most human.
That's how most human interaction goes, if you think about it.
Machines, and computers, are at their most human when they fail.
Ross Douthat PUNDITRY, like most human occupations, depends on pattern recognition.
And now, in their most human act yet, they're starting to bleed.
Its isolation had, until recently, afforded it protection from most human activities.
It's because most human beings are way too unreliable to fly anything.
Patti Smith is otherworldly, and yet she's the most human of people.
It had become the purest, most human transaction of my own day.
I saw Hillary Clinton at her most human and I liked her.
And the ability to reinvent ourselves is the most human trait of all.
Most human-made materials are only designed to survive one or the other.
Unlike most human beings, Trump's greatest fear wasn't death or failure or loss.
Now add to that list one of the most human of human endeavors: smoking.
We are at our most human when we think the world isn't watching us.
A psychologist once told me that most human conflict stems from poorly concealed contempt.
She is one of the most human people I've met in my entire life.
"Most human beings are afraid of death," says screenwriter and director, Ry Russo-Young.
Maddow reacted like most human beings would to such a heartbreaking story — with compassion.
I do have a healthier relationship with my delivery guy than most human beings.
But it was also the most human interaction I've had on LinkedIn in years.
But then wrenches get tossed in the gears for the most human of reasons.
"I was wholly devoid of most human boundaries or morality," he notes in passing.
The Investigative Unit at Fox News concluded that most human trafficking victims are underage.
The Fram Strait, where researchers collected the data, is far from most human activity.
But so far, most human studies have failed to link dietary acrylamide to cancer.
As in most human affairs, minimization of our failings may be the best course.
Most human outbreaks have begun in people who visited bat-infested caves or mines.
Hands down, the most human profile of her I saw during the election cycle.
And getting life's answers so, so wrong in the most human (and literal) way possible. 
Flatter me This is a novelty, but it may be Alexa's most human-like skill.
I think using technology to make your life better is probably the most human thing.
But experts say most human trafficking cases look nothing like what Epstein is accused of.
Like Blade Runner 2049 , it's Altered Carbon's most artificial character that is its most human.
And sometimes it is when we are least wise that we are also most human.
I have seen most human emotions in all their humor and tragedy carried to completion.
But the northern third has always been more pristine, located far from (most) human activity.
Our urine, ourselvesUltimately, however, the animals that drink the most human pee might be humans themselves.
Now, the way most human beings deal with cognitive dissonance is to try to reduce it.
Photo Reply removes the most human element of a conversation, letting an algorithm emote for you.
Their violence feels like the most human response to the brutality the world inflicts on them.
The most human and memorable scenes Moretti writes have little to do with these mysteries, however.
It was found that most human beings are walking around with around 2.7 percent Neanderthal DNA.
Most human coronaviruses cause "mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses", similar to the common cold.
The most human thing that Kanye or any artist can do is express their unique perspective.
All dogs, just like most human students, have good days and bad days when learning something new.
The gray spike around 8,000Hz is what really bothers most human ears with the old Mavic drone.
It's the most human thing he's done so far, and maybe that's why it hurts so much.
We wanted to dig as deeply as we could into the most human qualities of these men.
Angela is incredibly tough and quite relentless, but she's also the most human character in the story.
It is acknowledging and reflecting on our times of weakness and frailty that make us most human.
That's where most human-made space objects congregate, including the International Space Station and thousands of satellites.
The most human trafficking cases have been reported in California, Texas, and Florida, according to the hotline.
It's the most human aspect of his game, the only hint of self-doubt he ever displays.
In "Brandenburg Concertos," Ms. De Keersmaeker starts out simply with the most human of movements: a walk.
Most human coronaviruses cause "mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses", similar to the common cold ( here ).
Rich and haunting, it mixes disparate pitches and textures in a way most human musicians wouldn't dare.
Most human muscles are what physiologists consider mixed, with a variety of oxidative and slow muscle fibers.
Most human beings need six to eight hours of sleep each night to operate at optimum performance.
And part of a good personality, as most human beings would agree, is a good sense of humor.
In this scenario, the robot hosts are the most human and the humans who abuse them are monsters.
Engaged in pure animal act, I'm reminded that at our most base we can be our most human.
But being near other people also allows us to express our most human qualities, like empathy and collaboration.
Voice is our natural interface, with the potential to be the most human-centered interaction with technology ever.
And unlike most human drivers, they will deliberately comb through that experience for lessons and apply them consistently.
In his most human moments, he's an undersized guard and an unreliable shooter who holds the ball too long.
The most human aspect of Randy, to me, is the fact that just wants to be remembered, however ridiculously.
Reddit is the most human place on the Internet, we'll fight to preserve this as hard as we can.
That's what I love the most: human connection and interaction afterwards, even though I'm a very socially anxious person.
Take a look at some figure skaters' most human moments captured mid-performance from this year's games in Pyeongchang.
In fact, most human women are grossed out by it, and "there must be a reason why," he says.
It was always the same thing: Bring people together in the most human way possible when they're physically apart.
Most human cases occur in rural communities in Europe and Asia with poor living conditions, according to previous research.
As Steve said, Chris was the most human TV guy and "I say that as the highest compliment." pic.twitter.
Like most human endeavours of that size, and most artistic trends, "it was not a monolith," Ms Wiedemeyer says.
It's the most human experience, but I had no idea I was writing song and song again, of death.
Though epidemics have occurred in Africa, Asia, and South America, most human cases since the 1990s have occurred in Africa.
I mean, that was, I think, the most human and compelling version of that story you were going to hear.
It's a clever machine, and the shapes are much more even and symmetrical than what most human hands can create.
The mission of our company has always been to connect people in the most human way possible while physically apart.
I may have missed out on what might be the most human of all acts, to raise my own child.
But most human beings could not survive the scrutiny she is under, nor so deftly dodge efforts at simplistic caricature.
The uncertainty with how to ultimately portray himself is perhaps de Hory at his most human, and his most honest.
Once the labels fade into the background, most human beings realize they are not all that different from one another.
Alan: But of course these games are far from being measures of who is the most human human (whatever that means).
The logic was faultless, potentially saving more ships and their crews, but is not something that most human commanders would contemplate.
Platooning, or what most human drivers would call "tailgating," actually saves fuel and cuts pollution — up to 10%, according to Mercedes.
You can make the most human music with purely electronic means - you just have to work a bit harder at it.
Most human studies on sedentary behavior—and really, most studies in general—have only looked at white people of European descent.
This—the willful preservation of an obvious illusion—was the most human moment in a night dedicated to transcending humanity itself.
It is in those moments that Trump is most human and our ire toward this liar is most vindicated and validated.
God is faithful and ur prayers really work thanks .. the most human season I've ever been in facing my stuff head on.
In May, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a law that would have allowed most human rights abusers to go home.
The most human-looking robots are best suited to roles such as hotel receptionists, museum tour guides and language tutors, he said.
Up until now, checking in to an Airbnb listing was one of the sloppiest, most human components of the Airbnb user flow.
After 15 years of dysfunctional U.S. development schemes costing over $100 billion, Afghans remain near the bottom of most human development indices.
Formed in 2003, Caninus got further than most human-led bands before Basil's untimely demise saw them put the project on ice.
Most human coronaviruses, such as the common cold, typically cause mild-to-moderate illness, but some are capable of causing severe disease.
"When I first moved to the US I thought Americans were the kindest and most human people in the world," she said.
The most human step in taking bias out of the equation is hiring a diverse team to code the AI innovations of tomorrow.
These are organised into groups of ten to 30 in each tumour type, and are probably, collectively, responsible for controlling most human cancers.
In fact, parking lots are one of the most human places you could put a car that doesn't need a human to drive.
Most human diseases are not influenced or controlled by single gene variants, and yet some gene variants are strongly linked to the disease.
We cannot get the things that we wanted to, which is to connect people in the most human way possible when they're apart.
The images are never complete, in a perpetual process of becoming — and that may be the most human, and disconcerting, thing about them.
Most human beings could not stand the assault on their reputation, the abandonment by friends and business partners, the opprobrium of the media.
Obama said that such language is not new and has been at the "root of most human tragedy," including slavery and the Holocaust.
The world of ideas, as rendered by Packer, is a very different kind of place than the world where most human beings reside.
Janet, the most intelligent and powerful nonhuman in existence, shows her most-human self yet when she tearfully says her goodbyes to Eleanor.
"Universal income will be necessary over time if AI takes over most human jobs," Business magnate Elon Musk wrote in a tweet last month.
Everyone is familiar with that struggle; indeed, the battle between systems one and two tends to be the central drama in most human lives.
The daily goal for most human adults is to get home from work and immediately break free from the fabric that imprisons our thighs.
F1 is already the hyper-technical motorsport, he says, so NASCAR should own the niche of being the motorsport with the most human influence.
Making music is one of the most human things we do, but in recent years, AI has stepped in to lend a helping hand.
Mr Eagleton is eloquent when he elaborates on the enduring power of faith as a source of cohesion and inspiration in most human societies.
Holland is having so much fun and is so convincing in this role that he creates the most relatable and most human Marvel hero.
Snapchat tells me it set out to create the most human camera, and making the camera roll come alive was the obvious next step.
His own tests found that 80 percent of people greeted his most human-like androids with a "hello," initially mistaking them for real people.
The way that Thomas approaches the people on his team is really special — he's probably the most human artist that I've ever been around.
Although Chase is an emotionless baked potato, I will say that he seems like the most human out of the three who are left.
Robert Downey, Jr./Tony Stark/Iron Man goes to Queens to recruit Spider-Man in the best, funniest, most human scene in the movie.
That's half-a-day's worth of calories and more than two times the amount of sugar most human beings should consume in a day.
There's a tendency -- and this is the most human of traits -- to revise your own history to make yourself look as good as possible.
For me Leonardo becomes the most human in the explorations of his endless failures: unfinished paintings and statues, ruined frescoes, unpublished ideas, unbuilt machines.
The calculus has shifted from who is convenient or who invites us to the most exciting place, to who makes us feel most human.
Most human infections of the virus aren't serious, but the few that reach the brain can quickly turn fatal or cause lasting neurological symptoms.
To really make a dent, they need to get involved when it comes to the most important, and most human, part of health care.
Sophia is one of the most human-like robots being developed and has made headlines for its quirky responses to questions posed to it.
But giving language to years of unexpressed hope and exasperation in that lawyer's office is the most wonderful, most human speaking Johansson has done.
This is the book business at its darkest and most human, but many balance sheets have been balanced by a posthumous work or two.
In the United States, most human deaths from rabies occur because people don't seek medical treatment, probably because they are unaware of the animal contact.
In a program heavy on technological and business insights, Oprah's emphasis on personal connection distilled the week's conversations down to their purest, most human level.
Since 1979, the nonprofit organization based in Leipzig, Germany, has been devoted to research on and conservation of this most human-like of primate species.
The reason why conflict is so interesting is because that's where men express themselves; it's where men were most human, in the most inhuman environment.
Yet, despite the fact that most human pathogens originate from animals, disease ecologists know strikingly little about how they spread and the paths they take.
Of the human-pig chimeras, those with the most human cells were the most underdeveloped; those with the fewest seemed to be developing more normally.
Fifty-two percent believe it is either somewhat likely or very likely that robots will take over most human activity within the next 30 years.
"Houseparty was designed to connect people in the most human way possible when they are physically apart" the startup's co-founder Ben Rubin tells me.
" He went on: "Such language isn't new -- it's been at the root of most human tragedy throughout history, here in America and around the world.
Even though some of the early devices seem clunky, I think these will be the most human and social technology platforms anyone has built yet.
She's just hit the double digits in age, and she's bright and inquisitive — but also deeply suspicious of most human beings that aren't her mother.
We imagine he knows things but doesn't talk about them, which is exactly the inverse of how most human beings in DC seem to operate.
These are, of course, deeply existential questions, and over time, Shalev-Gerz has become adept at articulating them in the most human and ordinary of contexts.
Defining our relationship with early AI A recent Pew report found that a majority of Americans believe that most human jobs could be automated by 2065.
Overall, the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund budget has contributed to these four areas the most: human services, public health and the environment, education, and local affairs.
Most human beings buy into the idea that good people are helpful, and so most people don't like to say no to a request for help.
It did not end in cataclysm, as it rightfully could have, but with that most human of tendencies: the dream of a new and better future.
It's also worth pointing out that most human diseases aren't caused by a single faulty gene, so these monkeys will likely be of limited clinical relevance.
After about three hours of training the program was preoccupied with the idea of greedily capturing stones, a phase that most human beginners also go through.
The way the band draws on these fears, coupled with dreamy and complex pop music makes this album one of their most human works of art.
But I've realized that I can't be my best, most human self in sweatpants, pretending to pay attention on video conferences between trips to the fridge.
Really placing what our actual issues are, and what our actual things are at the forefront is the thing that I think makes us most human.
Most human cases are believed to have originated from exposure to animals in a market selling meat and seafood in Wuhan, the New York Times reports.
A six-character piece for women, the play is a fascinating rococo experiment in power—the sadomasochism that, for Fassbinder, at least, defines most human interactions.
This work is a grind — it's not big speeches, it doesn't come with wide applause, and it requires an emotional toughness most human beings can't summon.
"Most human serial killers are less prolific, because to kill a human takes a lot more effort than to kill an animal," says Rising matter-of-factly.
The incident, which seemed as if it might obliterate a large part of that state, began with that most human of mistakes, a dropped piece of equipment.
The follies of the enterprise, part of most human endeavors, make the unmeasured language of the president about North Korea and nuclear attacks all the more reckless.
"Even though some of the early devices seem clunky, I think these will be the most human and social technology platforms anyone has built yet," he said.
That the show is able to argue most human beings would end up going to Hell after death, while still cracking jokes, remains perhaps its finest accomplishment.
Unable to connect with his most human of feelings, Ensler reveals how her father's internal turmoil led to her molestation when she was a 5-year-old girl.
In 2017, Kern published a paper showing that most human adaptations arose from existing genetic variation within the genome, not novel mutations that spread rapidly through the population.
While his bond with his human was incredibly strong — as in, rivals most human-human marriages — Molly wondered if Wally would feel more fulfilled with a bunny friend.
"Most human blood-stage infections are mild and associated with low parasitaemias, but increasing numbers of severe infections accompanied by high parasitaemias are being reported," the study notes.
"If you're going to project that human capability, the most human way to control it is to have it be as much like you as possible," says Pedersen.
Inevitably, the most human-seeming android stumbles into a lab stocked with trial iterations of itself and realizes, with horror, that it's not a person but a widget.
"People expect the field of creativity as the last thing that will be mechanized, the thing that will be the most human," Christie's specialist Richard Lloyd told Recode.
But it was his openness to new ideas and experiences, and his vision of change as the most human of biological processes, that synthesized all of his work.
"It was like it was the most human and … memorable conversation I had in VR chat up until that point," Syrmor said in an interview with VICE News.
Charles Darwin once described blushing  as "the most peculiar and the most human of all expressions," that is brought on by "thinking of what others think of us".
"All dogs, just like most human students, have good days and bad days when learning something new," the CIA wrote on its blog, which is apparently a thing.
In addition to offering a glimpse into the artist's typical haunts, the illustrations serve as observational snapshots of people in their most human moments—completely natural and unsuspecting.
A dead whale has washed up in the Philippines with 88 pounds of garbage in its stomach, perhaps the most human waste ever found inside of a whale.
Doubt is arguably one of the most human traits of all, and Deaver's deeply held skepticism gives Castle Rock a center as other characters begin to succumb to darkness.
"Opioid addiction, like most human behavioral traits, is a very complex issue that is hugely unlikely to be comprehensively explained by a small set of genetic variations," said Austin.
"The most human problem that these companies are posing is that the data clearly shows a huge rise in anxiety and depression among teenage girls in particular," Yang said.
For starters, most human cultures have a long culinary tradition of consuming animal blood; Russia, notes Adrianne Jacobs, a contributor to Seasoned Socialism, has long trucked in blood sausages.
To me, the most human problem that these companies are posing is that the data clearly shows a huge rise in anxiety and depression among teenage girls in particular.
But most human cultures dislike the color of darkness, which is why in language, black often refers to negative things such as witches, unlucky cats and the Grim Reaper.
The groom, 34, is a San Francisco-based nonfiction author, whose books include "The Most Human Human" (Penguin Random House) and "Algorithms to Live By" (Henry Holt and Company).
While we're figuring out how to get better, we need to tread more lightly in assessing the work of the professionals who practice in our most human and sacred fields.
We must, in our lifetime, in the most human, most piercing, most painstaking and revealing of ways, highlight the stories of the poor, the marginalized, the disenfranchised, and the vulnerable.
To be clear, not wanting to work under Anthony Scaramucci is the most human thing Spicer has done since getting sad that Trump denied him an audience with the Pope.
For me, the hammam becomes a symbol of that home I am yearning for — a place in which I can just feel like myself in the most human way possible.
He is the most loving father, the most brilliant actor, the most beautiful operatic tenor, the most talented visual artist- the wisest and most human advice giver, & best Grandpa ever!!
I think the most human interviews that he ever gave were the ones when he was in a lot of trouble—the DUI or after he was caught smoking pot.
That which is most enduring, most noble, most human about me — my urge for something brighter, more vivid, more loving, more alive — all of this is being used against me.
He is the most loving father, the most brilliant actor, the most beautiful operatic tenor, the most talented visual artist -- the wisest and most human advice giver, & best Grandpa ever!!
Shariatmadari also introduces Noam Chomsky's point that most human speech is internal and exists as thought, but doesn't wrestle with what we know (what we can know) about its evolution.
In his book The Most Human Human, Brian Christian enters a Turing Test competition as the human foil and finds that it's actually quite difficult to prove your humanity in conversation.
"Nicol's heart was bigger than most human beings, her spirit was infectious, and she just had a way of making every time we gathered an awesome one," Miller wrote on Facebook.
The resulting dichotomy, the way the mind couldn't quite process how the perfect and imperfect kept colliding in this figure, made Luger one of the most human performers of the 1990s.
Strange to say considering MacDonald's reputation as a cold, almost inhuman fighter, but he may have provided me the most human moment I've ever had as a mixed martial arts fan.
Sex is one of the most human, most ​alive things we do, and it's been curiously absent in this season of The Americans, at least until the end of this episode.
Even though we could have every reason to hate or mistrust someone, when we see a person in need, the most human thing we can do is offer a helping hand.
Even the season's simplest tale, the lean thriller "Metalhead," involves artificially intelligent "dog" robots — possibly related to an apocalypse that seems to have ended most human life — hunting people as prey.
The scariest scene in "A Ghost Story" may be the most human, when a random guy at a party won't stop talking about the meaningless of existence in an indifferent universe.
By reducing the time it takes Alexa to respond to commands and queries to milliseconds, Amazon has succeeded in making talking with Alexa the most human-like interaction available on the market.
The most human and relatable thing about PSL is that it's obsessed with death and won't stop talking about its cat even when it's completely irrelevant to the thread of the conversation.
I called her up for a chat about how people have conceived of blood over time—and what it means that the most human substance there is has more value than oil.
Most human cases of hepatitis E, which typically causes mild symptoms including nausea and diarrhea, resolve themselves within six weeks, but they can be more serious for patients with weakened immune systems.
It's true that the most effective single action that most human beings can take, not only to combat climate change but to preserve a world of biodiversity, is to not have children.
The paper, which published in the journal Biology Letters, said these two linguistic laws known as Zipf's Law of Brevity and the Menzerath-Altmann Law respectively, are shared by most human languages.
" As Hannah Arendt wrote in "The Human Condition," privacy was once closely associated with "a state of being deprived of something, and even of the highest and most human of man's capacities.
The baggage that becomes sustenance, the dirty rituals that keep us sane, the inheritance of the earth's soil and its inhabitants who reject our every breath, our most human needs and desires.
What made Watson often appear most human wasn't him getting answers right, but seeing on his display what his second, third, and fourth guesses would have been, with percentages of surety beside each.
Most human infections are caused by eating contaminated food, such as undercooked or raw poultry or eggs, but it's also possible to get the bacteria through contact with animals, as in this outbreak.
Of course, it's not a pleasant pinnacle of consciousness but it arguably is a time where we feel most human, because we are most in touch with ourselves as a mortal human being.
Of course, the Bullshit Marina, the one who "consoles herself by watching bad movies" and "putting her head under the pillow to pretend her troubles don't exist" is the most human and relatable.
"Isn't it interesting that as we've invented listening robots, the first thing we program them to do is play jazz, as if to prove the point in the most 'human' genre?" says Darlington.
These and other such examples have, to be sure, often involved eloquent Buddhist critics of violence — but the fact remains that the histories of Buddhist societies are as checkered as most human history.
It names Facebook accounts and Tumblr pages that feature people with natural, unstraightened hair, brazenly eating food — like watermelon — negatively associated with black people that, like most human beings, black people also enjoy.
While globally, most human trafficking cases are for sexual exploitation and forced labor, Southeast Asian women are especially vulnerable to trafficking for forced marriage, according to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
But there's still a certain schadenfreude in seeing companies invest so much in appearing friendly and relatable only to seem the most human when they're doing exactly what everyone does online: Creating bad tweets.
America needs to ban direct-to-consumer advertising, massively raise fines for misleading marketing, and give the National Institutes of Health the funding and responsibility for most human clinical trials, rather than drug companies.
" Kim Sung-ryong, a South Korean Go master who provided commentary during Wednesday's match, said that AlphaGo made a clear mistake early on, but that unlike most human players, it did not lose its "cool.
Since most of them are around knee-height, Kelly said, most human bystanders can only be identified from the waist down (which, depending on your point of view, is either a good or bad thing).
The best scenes are the most human ones, when Silas attends an underground support group of those afflicted with S.O.S. led by Jonas (Guy Pearce), who helps the lovers plot their escape from the Collective.
Called Poppy by his family, Gampy by his grandchildren and 41 by his son, Mr. Bush was a patrician by birth and a preppy by inclination, yet in many ways the most human of presidents.
In December 216 came the first giant leap, when the three Apollo 215 astronauts flew all the way to the moon, orbited it and flew home, a journey that most human beings appropriately found amazing.
His reputation as a tortured creative aside, the man present onstage was indeed at his most human and personable, less so the spectacular hip-hop specter bedeviled by compounding exiles—some self-inflicted, others harshly imposed.
It's not that Waters has abandoned her belief—she's attracted something of a reputation in Washington, as it were, for her unflappable left-wing worldview—she just believes in operating on the most human level possible.
But Almereyda's ( Experimenter, Cymbeline—which, full disclosure, I have minor roles in) innate ability to highlight at once the most human and mythological moments from Fancher's myriad of tall tales is on full display in Escapes.
Collecting is at the heart of most human endeavors… and it's why the three founders of Covetly, one of the companies graduating from Y Combinator's latest accelerator batch, launched their business — to make collecting even easier.
But Almereyda's (Experimenter, Cymbeline—which, full disclosure, I have minor roles in) innate ability to highlight at once the most human and mythological moments from Fancher's myriad of tall tales is on full display in Escapes.
So most workers are complacent: A Pew Research Center study found that 77 percent of respondents believed robots would eventually replicate most human work tasks, but only 30 percent thought that robots could do their job.
Unlike al-Qaeda, which chose difficult and (in its view) strategic targets such as embassies or the Pentagon, ISIS chose the most vulnerable, because this would sow the most terror and do the most human damage.
Doubleday, in particular, has really come into her own the more Angela has fallen into ECorp's embrace, and her scene with Rami Malek this week is maybe the most human Elliot has felt all season long.
Those with college degrees; households with higher annual incomes; and those who work in the government, education or nonprofit sector were also more skeptical that machines will render most human elbow grease redundant in the near future.
" LGBTQ researcher at Human Rights Watch Kyle Knight tells Broadly, "We take the strong position—as do most human rights institutions, NGOs, UN agencies, or otherwise—that a legal gender recognition procedure should be an administrative procedure.
Since Google Clips was created with pet owners and parents in mind, it is trained to seek out faces and movement, which means it will upload videos to your app with the most human and animal action.
Wind gusts in the storm's most intense inner core are estimated to be above 220 miles per hour, which would be capable of stripping trees of their leaves and producing catastrophic damage on most human-made structures.
Gravity doesn't affect Smith Jr. like most human beings; he's equally explosive off one leg or two, and packs enough energy in his 195-pound frame to convince shot-blocking bigs to retreat and live another day.
Giving someone a second chance after we've tapped out is probably one of the kindest and most human things we can do (squeamishness is silly, you're literally gonna be dead, dude, let someone else have a go).
So it shouldn't require high intelligence to conclude that most human beings in self-driving cars are unlikely to be up to assuming control of their vehicles at a split-second's notice in case of an emergency.
But in Fairy Dust, a film that combines a series of music videos from her Lady Wood LP with personal monologues (à la Beyonce's Lemonade), we meet the Swedish pop superstar at her darkest—and most human.
One thing antibiotics do is affect the function of the mitochondria, a structure found in most human cells (and those of many other organisms) that converts carbohydrates into energy, synthesizes proteins, and signals cell growth and death.
A former heroin addict who had threesomes with his son, taught him to smoke dope and is directly responsible for a person's death, he remains supremely sympathetic and provides many of the film's funniest and most human moments.
"I see a consistency in him that's rare in most human beings and politicians," said Koenig, who performed acoustic versions of Vampire Weekend songs Saturday and a duet of "This Land Is Your Land" with Sanders on stage.
But stepping in to fill Sondheim's shoes is acclaimed Australian composer/lyricist Tim Minchin, whose adaptation of Matilda turned out to be one of the wittiest, sharpest, and most human musicals Broadway has played host to in decades.
Imagine a centralized 'smart scheduler' that knows what planes need what maintenance and when, along with staff availability, flight schedules and cargo load-outs – it could be a lot more proactive than most human-run systems likely are now.
The number of calls from trafficking victims to the National Human Trafficking Hotline fell 212 percent to 33 last year in Texas, listed by the U.S. government as having the most human trafficking activity alongside New York and California.
In his later years, the painter's "libidinous humor" (Vasari's words) would have him elope with a novitiate nun who would become the mother of his children and the model for one of the sweetest, most human of Renaissance Madonnas.
Simon Pegg: I see Benji as a character who takes on the look of the audience who's going into this world of you know, high tech espionage, masks, and gadgets because he's the most human part of the group.
The law is widely seen as targeting the left because it affects most human rights organizations in the country, which typically receive money from foreign governments, but not most pro-settler groups, whose funding comes largely from private donors.
Whether or not the Israeli government agrees with my work — and, of course, I know it doesn't — I still should have been able to take part in those most human of activities: mourning my father and celebrating his life.
As for HAL — a conflicted artificial intelligence created to provide flawless, objective information but forced to "live a lie," as Mr. Clarke put it — the computer was quickly identified by the film's initial viewers as its most human character.
The installations, sculptures, and works on paper in her current exhibition at White Cube Bermondsey are made of materials drawn from every part of life, ranging from the most human (hair and blood) to the most industrial (magnets and cement).
Most human rights groups are incandescent with rage over the move, and are likely to redouble already fierce criticism of the Saudis' conduct in Yemen -- and of Western indifference to the actions of a major oil producer and weapons market.
This is fertile terrain, born of the gradual recognition that technology's great promise may in fact be to summon, capture and display our most human qualities, both the darkness and the light, to pave avenues of deepened connection with others.
This Saturday marks the long-awaited return of MMA's first and arguably only true genius, of a mythic, superhuman figure who could defy physical laws and redefine anatomical possibility but who tumbled down to earth by committing the most human of sins.
Expressing what's in your soul in the face of certain death is one of the most human impulses there is, but alone in her hotel room, Elizabeth has only a pad and pencil with which to make this last confession (of sorts).
" And Mandy Moore, who at age 16 co-starred alongside Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews in The Princess Diaries, said that the director was a "gem of a man" and "the kindest, the most patient, the most human and so, so wildly funny.
"Nicol's heart was bigger than most human beings, her spirit was beautiful, her laugh was infectious, and she just had a way of making every time we gathered an awesome one," Miller wrote on a GoFundMe page he started for her family.
Another concern is that while editing of genes in most human cells to, for example, fix a disease-causing mutation affects only the person whose genes are edited, embryo editing — also called germline engineering — makes changes that are passed on to subsequent generations.
For all the idealism, daily life in these "heavens on earth"—to borrow the title of Mark Holloway's classic 1951 work on American utopias—rarely managed to rise above the mundanities that mark most human settlements: financial shenanigans, nepotism, authoritarianism, envy, sexual exploitation.
The sudden onslaught of anti-gay speech and of recommendations aimed at chipping away at the already fragile social standing of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country has caught most human rights activists here by surprise.
Most human infestations only feature a single, infertile worm, unable to do much of anything but freak out the host's immune system, which traps the worm in a "nodule" underneath the skin (in rare cases, however, the worm can cause more serious organ damage).
Or it can be taken as a charming reminder that even if science has left creation myths and just-so stories behind in the past, some problems—like consciousness, as well as language—remain hard to solve precisely because they are humankind's most human traits.
At a time when the industry appears to bet that AI will replace most human jobs, starting with the tens of millions currently residing in call centers, one startup is working to use the same technology to empower the jobs it is pegged to displace.
It was Alfred Kinsey himself—who came to Indiana to study wasps and ended up the world's premier researcher of human sex habits—who reported in his 1953 book Sexual Behavior in the Human Female that most human females have the capacity for multiple orgasms.
"The lived experience of most human beings is different than me and the people in this room, and the successful candidate is going to find out a way to talk directly to them, even if they're going to get asked those questions," Cecil said.
Most human-caused methane is inadvertently leaked while producing and transporting gas and oil, so improving those systems "could give us a pretty big bang for a buck," says Andrew Rice, an associate professor at Portland State University who was not involved with the study.
Adams and Jones, meanwhile—both big fans of apocalyptic claims about FEMA camps themselves—saw something special at work too; as with most human events that fall under their mutual gaze, they claimed that the coronavirus is nothing less than a global depopulation effort.
In a new study published in the journal Nature Immunology, researchers looking for previously undiscovered ways the immune system naturally attacks tumors found a T-cell armed with a new type of receptor that recognizes and kills most human cancer types while ignoring healthy cells.
As much as Kusama – Infinity celebrates the artist's overcoming of personal challenges and sexual discrimination, what is most human about her story is captured by her walk to her studio with an assistant every day from the psychiatric institution where she continues to live by choice.
The heart of "Lost Without" is about the most human feeling of all: It concerns the fact of being, and everything that comes with it—doubt and the experience of overcoming doubt, the pursuit of something better, love, fear, and what it means to trust in oneself.
Though the outfit he's wearing seems to be yet another homage to The Man Who Fell to Earth—pretty much the same black shirt-and-pants set with diagonal white stripes he wore in promotional images for that film—this is Bowie at his least alien, and most human.
Given that any such replacement is a mirage, this ideology has strong resonances with other historical ideologies, such as technocracy and central-planning-based forms of socialism, which viewed as desirable or inevitable the replacement of most human judgement/agency with systems created by a small technical elite.
Only around 30 percent of those surveyed believed their own job was at risk Interestingly enough, though, only around 30 percent of those surveyed believed their own job was at risk, while 77 percent said the prospect of a future in which robots do most human jobs is at least somewhat realistic.
We generally experience each of these contours of intelligence in some combination, but that doesn't mean they cannot be comprehended independently, perhaps even creatively within the context of AI. Most human behaviors are essentially instincts or reactions to outward stimuli; we generally don't think we need to be intelligent to execute them.
The origin of the term "pansexual" is generally attributed to "pansexualism," a term popularized by Sigmund Freud in the early 1900s to describe the view that most human behavior derived from sexual instincts, said Justin R. Garcia, assistant professor of gender studies and research scientist at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University.
As the leading Chinese virology team wrote, after comparing the genetics and proteins of the new virus and SARS, "the Wuhan nCoV poses a significant public health risk for human transmission," because it -- like SARS -- has the ability to bind to a protein found on the surface of most human lung cells.
Through all of the disasters, both natural and man-made, there is one thing that proved to be more powerful than the devastation: that absolute, and most human, intention to look into each other's eyes — not at each other's skin color, political views, or religious or sexual preferences — and connect on a completely soulful level.
There's something great about this, especially in the moments where you see this behavior stripped down to its most human elements: young people reaching out to other young people within their fandom who might be struggling, or when the name of a person from a fandom begins trending on Twitter because some tragedy has fallen upon them.
Behavioral economists and evolutionary psychologists have demonstrated that most human decisions are based on emotional reactions and heuristic shortcuts rather than rational analysis, and that while our emotions and heuristics were perhaps suitable for dealing with the African savanna in the Stone Age, they are woefully inadequate for dealing with the urban jungle of the silicon age.
Unemployment for former felons was 27% earlier this year, per The Prison Policy Initiative's estimates (there are no federal figures for former felons' unemployment), yet most human resource managers report they would consider hiring those who have been incarcerated (only about 14% of human resource managers say they won't consider it), per a report by the Society of Human Resources Management.
"There's only so much you can anticipate," Tina Malhotra, chief experience officer at Color Factory, tells me from the company's newest location in Houston, Texas, where she and her team have been working for the past 2310 months to not only develop a new location near the Museum District, but also make sure it's their most human-proof one yet.
Some of what is so arresting about Monk's gift of using her voice and body as an instrument is her ability to produce multiple sounds — singing a tune at the back of her throat while creating a rhythm section of mouth clicks, for example — but the most human moments are those when the performance is broken so that she can breathe.
For all the possible reasons that 20493 failed to connect this weekend (long running time, R rating, a purposely kept-secret storyline), the one that makes the most sense to me is, perhaps appropriately, the most human: Blade Runner is kinda confusing (and definitely dark), and not a lot of people want to invest three hours of their time into something they feel they won't understand.

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