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218 Sentences With "more poignant"

How to use more poignant in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more poignant" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more poignant". Mastering all the usages of "more poignant" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But it ended up being more poignant than I imagined.
There are few more poignant, exasperating creatures than teenage girls.
The group's choice of location, meanwhile, was much more poignant.
That made her Mother's Day discovery all the more poignant.
The urgency for nationalizing public utilities could not be more poignant.
Carson's touching words seem all the more poignant after Boyce's death.
The inquiries are even more poignant when legends talk of retirement.
Mr. Rowan said it made the gathering all the more poignant.
But I think it's more poignant, or more utopian, than that.
Not many players could experience a farewell more poignant than that.
It's hard to say what's gained, clarified, made more poignant or dramatic.
These commercials are more poignant and memorable than an ordinary campaign ad.
Think: ANTM, but much more poignant (and minus the campy contest factor).
In real life, I wanted it to be more poignant and private.
That makes her latest Instagram post all the more poignant and special.
And Ms. Hill's Eva is an even more poignant, guilt-inspiring presence.
And the more foreign the setting, the more poignant the event seems.
Minutes later, however, the conversation feels more natural, and by extension more poignant.
In Firewatch, you're completely alone, so it makes that relationship even more poignant.
By the end, its fragmented recounting and reticence became all the more poignant.
But it also means something more poignant: the end of your character's journey.
Their increasingly serious relationship only makes Sam's conflicted feelings about leaving home more poignant.
Meng also happens to be Ren Zhengfei's eldest daughter, making his statements more poignant.
It becomes a more poignant question as Monday&aposs U.S. Memorial Day draws closer.
Instead, the songstress continued to use fashion to carry out a more poignant message.
The first was that it would be more poignant to show her subjects happy.
Countless Kidz Bop lines are at once preposterous and more poignant than the original's.
They are rooted to the ground, their striving made more poignant by its obvious futility.
When pain emerged ungarnished, it was not only more poignant, but expressive for that fact.
The experience was incredible, according to audience member Celeste Headlee, and, now, even more poignant.
My boyfriend didn't offer much insight into his appetite, but said something much more poignant.
His passing also makes this Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee episode all the more poignant.
We see the worst of her and Ariel, which makes the ending somehow more poignant.
I can imagine a more penetrating biography of O'Neill, but not a more poignant one.
When she returned to the US, she was poised to make a more poignant social critique.
That Park wrote this novel while fighting stomach cancer himself makes the story even more poignant.
What's more poignant about my experience is the compassion for myself that I've developed over time.
Freedom Summer was considered one of the more poignant demonstrations of interracial cooperation of the era.
But what was even more poignant than Tuesday night's theme was how they chose to tackle it.
And the more both groups are forced to pay, the more poignant a political issue it becomes.
Now that the song's lyricist has become a parent himself, the song is all the more poignant.
Others are more poignant; "Song of Knife 1 and 2" (2010) features political leaders wielding samurai swords.
One of the shows that you curated there, "Still Life: 50s Photorealism," feels even more poignant now.
That, in a way, is the film's subject (made the more poignant by Milch's diagnosis of Alzheimer's).
This made Close's performance even more poignant and heart-rending than it was in the original production.
Some customers literally watch their dogs sleep for hours a day, while others have more poignant stories.
His recent photos of the California coast, subject to wildfires and drilling, feel all the more poignant.
With the mass shooting committed in Orlando earlier this month, Pride celebrations have become ever more poignant.
But there was something different, even more poignant, and final about the D-Day anniversary commemorations this year.
In the wake of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, this year's Maundy Thursday Mass has proven more poignant.
Even more poignant and touching, then, that the receiver of this gift may well be Wintour's own granddaughter.
Never has Mr. Boulez's lifelong study of the precious immediacy of sound, its resistance to permanence, been more poignant.
The existential novel's exploration of class, family and sacrifice become all the more poignant when revisited as an adult.
Here's hoping Van ultimately stays nearby, just so we can get more poignant daddy-daughter scenes like this one.
The only thing more poignant would be for Amazon to build a giant warehouse where America's largest mall once stood.
Even beyond its ties to national politics, the timing of this show's arrival in Seattle couldn't have been more poignant.
That he was once such a bold swimmer and an exquisite writer makes his later trajectory all the more poignant.
In an interview with Vogue, Leon admitted that this theme became more poignant to them as designers after the election.
If autofiction for the relatively unattached male is best exemplified by Knausgaard, Better Things is its more poignant female analogue.
One of the night's more poignant moments came when Steve Carell presented a new award to TV legend Carol Burnett.
The streets of New York are layered with decades of memories that become more poignant as I prepare to leave.
It would be difficult to find a more poignant example of the Olympic ideal that Brundage had spent decades promoting.
For many, his death makes the words sung during the show's finale — "no day but today" — all the more poignant.
One of the more poignant works in the exhibition is a letterpress print, "The Eight Winds" (2017), by Bernstein, the curator.
But there may be none that face a larger, more poignant gap between historical accomplishment and contemporary reality than this one.
But there's a bigger, more poignant question, and they argue about that, too: This man they revere did some horrible things.
The context definitely makes the work more poignant; for example, there's a painting of a farmer reaping swaying fields of wheat.
SR: Do you find that being with your family makes that sense of loss more poignant or alleviates that for you?
Praise of Kahlo's work has become cliché, but her complex canvases feel more poignant when seen among those of her contemporaries.
One of the more poignant responses came from Melissa Hanham, a researcher at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.
It's bittersweet in the wake of her death, but that quality also makes it even more poignant as a final cinematic memoir.
As a mental illness survivor, Baker's connection to the program is professional and personal — and all the more poignant as a result.
Awkwafina gives a marvelous performance in The Farewell — and a surprising one, too, given that her role is more poignant than funny.
This made the news on March 29th that Theresa May had offered to resign to get her Brexit deal through more poignant.
With the advent of the Internet, new technology had the power to make advertising more poignant; instead, the worst-case scenario happened.
Given Lovato's triumphant return to the stage at this year's Grammy Awards, the star's revelations only make her comeback performance more poignant.
"New York I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down," already a song about the end of an era, was even more poignant.
But one of the more poignant points of Madonna's lacerating speech was the music industry's unwillingness to support women of a certain age.
Daniel's last morning Of the many tributes, none were more poignant than those from the parents and relatives of the Sandy Hook victims.
So it is all the more poignant that it fell to Obama to point out how un-American Trump's political outlook has become.
There's unbridled exploration and change, however there's also something much more poignant about looking at these objects through the lens of a mother.
Her final scene, with Mimì on her deathbed surrounded by friends, was all the more poignant because she showed no trace of melancholy.
That theme renders the movie's technological fight against real-life aging more poignant, as the digital fountain of youth gives way to decrepitude.
"Turn the Page" (live in 1975) Seger's melancholic ode to the "long and lonesome highway" sounds even more poignant when played on the road.
Less violent and horrifying, more poignant and intimate, their works aim to communicate similarly complex messages to viewers, but through subtlety rather than shock.
It was all the more poignant because of the youth of the victims in a country where the population is among the world's oldest.
In that sense, it's even more poignant that Paterson is set in a fading city, among characters who are normally overlooked by American films.
The timing of the IMF's warnings to Brazil would seem to be all the more poignant in light of recent global financial market developments.
To make a poignant film even more poignant, Sungwoong punctuates the film with shots of letters Hakamada wrote to Hideko before he became ill.
The loss of Macke is all the more poignant because, unlike Marc, he never arrived at anything that could pass for a final style.
More important, they use the splintered music to convey a fractious but blessed interconnectedness that makes their retrospective coming apart all the more poignant.
Mary has this, too, and a self-destructiveness that is all the more poignant because she is fully aware that it exists inside her.
Look past the invented costumes and the dodgy history, and something simpler and more poignant appears: a whole country yearning to know where it belongs.
On Thursday night, late night hosts Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, and Trevor Noah all made jokes — though they're more poignant than funny — at Franken's expense.
It was all the more poignant because of the young age of many of the victims when Japan has one of the world's oldest populations.
They were made all the more poignant for him by the death of his own father, a taciturn cattle dealer from Northern Ireland, in 1986.
So Wonder Woman — a unifying symbol of female strength who's literally built on the concept of empowerment — couldn't have arrived at a more poignant time.
For many, the approval of the memorial was made more poignant by the death of the Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel this month.
Its shortcomings shouldn't be taken as a reason that approach doesn't work but rather a reason to try it again in a more poignant way.
In fact, in one of the more poignant passages in a book that is full of them, Pagels senses the presence of her deceased husband.
Jonah was expecting Offerman to have a bigger, more poignant reaction to coming face-to-face with someone who made his life a living hell.
Among the more poignant works in a show filled with heart breakers is MacArthur Fellow LaToya Ruby Frazier's "Landscape of the Body (Epilepsy Test)" (2011).
More poignant and less ribald is David Cale's "We're Only Alive for a Short Amount of Time," the most personal work Cale has ever written.
That it was delivered on the eve of the G-85033 gathering of the world's largest economies, including the U.S., made it yet more poignant.
This reminiscing was made more poignant when Malek eventually accepted the award for best actor, something he probably only dreamed of back on the 2005 show.
But the particularly racist history of American swimming pools — and resulting lack of opportunities for black swimmers for decades — makes it an even more poignant victory.
The fact that a lot of Skaikru have decided to drink and party instead of suffer makes Clarke's decision in this episode all the more poignant.
A more poignant criticism is not knowing its impact on increasing the number of parents who stay home with their children during the weeks after birth.
That Shakespeare never quite achieved this aim, while still succeeding in restoring his family to respectable status as minor gentry, makes the story only more poignant.
Knowing that Don Draper turns enlightenment into a Coke commercial doesn't lessen the journey of Mad Men, it just casts it in a more poignant light.
But the particularly racist history of American swimming pools — and resulting lack of opportunity for black swimmers for decades — makes it an even more poignant victory.
" Kelly Lawler of USA Today writes, "It is faithful to the original while modernizing and expanding the story to make it more epic and more poignant.
NATO officials usually refer back to the member nations but the lack of clarity becomes a more poignant question as Monday’s U.S. Memorial Day draws closer.
In a dramatically more poignant segment, a former nun describes her quest for justice and spiritual peace after being repeatedly raped by her superior, a Catholic priest.
The human details are more poignant: over the past year around three-quarters of Venezuelans have lost weight, averaging 8.7kg per person, because of a scarcity of food.
The situation is even more poignant because the archival films were originally in such bad shape that the Portuguese Cinematheque deemed them irrelevant when approached to digitize them.
Many staff members shared posts on social media of the scenes in the office, none more poignant than a video from a journalist on the AJA morning show.
But perhaps a more poignant thread focuses on toxic aspects of success and self-destructive behavior by comedians who "made it," many of whom have died too young.
Hearing those words was all the more poignant for me to hear since one of my daughters spent a year working as her personal assistant following the shooting.
That "something different" is the heart-clutching sensation that throbs throughout this miraculous show, as precise as it is elusive, and all the more poignant for being both.
This is made all the more poignant by the fact that we already know how Black Widow's story ends: she (spoiler) meets an unfortunate fate in Avengers: Endgame.
The ways they fit into their world, and how they want to fit into their world, was so much more poignant and touched than Sam's own epic journey.
But when you view the film through the prism of its origins — in a nation that had just been through so very, very much — that reading becomes more poignant.
No matter what else debuts between now and the Super Bowl, it will be hard for any commercial to have a more poignant soundtrack than Audi's just-released ad.
What makes this discovery even more poignant is that Cavin had originally wanted to adopt the pair of cats from the shelter but knew her landlord wouldn't allow it.
Even more poignant is how, if you go online, you can cooperate with other players to push forward — all without ever knowing who's helping you, and who you're helping.
But perhaps no story here is more poignant than that of the 34-year-old Croatian Lucic-Baroni's fulfilling some of the great potential she showed as a teenager.
Except most people I know read fiction at least in part because they want to see their lives, or the lives of their contemporaries, reflected in sharper, more poignant form.
Some games on there aren't really all that weird—last week's Free Play about lost memories was more poignant and picturesque—but sometimes, they really live up to the label.
In the history of TV anchor pairings, Katie Couric and Matt Lauer stand out as one of the strongest — which makes her reaction to his bombshell firing even more poignant.
And the scene is even more poignant and prescient given last week's fatal shooting in Charlotte, and the ensuing attempt by the police to conceal video of the violent episode.
Even more poignant was a piece called Notes on Blindness, created based on the audio diary of writer and academic John Hull, who lost his sight halfway through his life.
As the current climate for refugees continues to worsen, I wanted to find a more poignant way to contribute to those in a similar position that I once was in.
Indeed, what makes our love of flowers even more poignant is that they are ephemeral not just as individuals but as a concept: The days of flowers may be numbered.
Capes of California (2018-19) is rendered all the more poignant in light of wildfires that recently devastated regions throughout Northern and Southern California — as many as 16 in October.
And while neither franchise has ever warranted the critical acclaim that some of Pixar's more poignant work has, the pattern of sequels has nevertheless proven tremendously successful at the box office.
"Trump has made me a better stand-up because everything is much more poignant now," said Gervais, who is as well known in Hollywood as he is in his native Britain.
The Teixeiras shared a warm embrace in a clubhouse hallway, one made all the more poignant by who was not there — Mark's mother and John's wife, Margy, who died in December.
It ends with a kind of call to action, both for viewers and for Thorn himself, but even more poignant is what happens during the long pan at the video's midpoint.
In June, at Joe's Pub, he wore his own clothes and hair, but his voice — airy, languid, day-dreamy — still conjured her, in a homage sweeter and more poignant than ever.
Rather than taking the joke-a-minute slapstick approach, Toni Erdmann slow-burns its humor, winding up to the punch with care and pathos that renders the punchline all the more poignant.
When the whole theme of the show is the complicated nature of power, I can't think of anything more poignant than a finale that suggests humans will never determine a real winner.
But it's the way she approaches Zoller beforehand that feels more poignant — a flash of sympathy that dooms her, a rare and fatal moment of softness from a character of steely resolve.
But some moments have become more poignant in retrospect, reframed by her unexpected passing, as when she spots a decorative plate that reads, "Prepare to Meet Thy God" while out shopping in London.
Rating Rather than taking the joke-a-minute slapstick approach, Toni Erdmann slow-burns its humor, winding up to the punch with care and pathos that renders the punchline all the more poignant.
"Imagine being 50 years old and having to live with yourself knowing you swatted and got someone killed cause you lost a videogame," read one of the more poignant and less profane replies.
As to the emotional value of the restitution, however, Ms. Salazar Bertran said it was made more poignant because she had coincidentally been told about the book on the day her mother died.
But the book doggedly follows its intriguing conceit, rendering even more poignant the scene of the czarina and her daughters busily sewing jewels into the seams of their garments, optimistic to the end.
Supporting characters who have spent more time considering their own sexual and gender identities inspire and intimidate our heroine, who jumps into a pool to contemplate her weariness underwater, where it is more poignant.
It is hard to capture the anxiety and real-world implications of this week's global roller coaster carried out largely by algorithms, making the human elements that Hodgson focuses on all the more poignant.
As it turns out, the lack of comments makes this image even more poignant — Grande wants us all to have a moment of silence and reflect on Miller's life, his work, and his soul.
An even more poignant meditation came back in town, when Phyllis Chen performed an enchanting recital of music for toy piano in the courtyard of the Ojai Art Center, the audience full of children.
On the right, there are some who are pushing it because Venezuela has been run into the ground by a socialist regime — an impulse made all the more poignant by folks such as Sen.
The airy, upbeat first movement was followed by an Andante of exquisite velvety inwardness, with moments of swelling tone and yearning expressivity that were all the more poignant for being reined in so quickly.
Most synaesthetes are born with the ability, but I have the unique perspective of having experienced a time before, during and after it, which makes the color I see now all the more poignant.
It's been made all that more poignant as Sanders and Warren have been duking it out for second place in early 2020 polls — an indication that progressive voters are beginning to split between the two.
When Mr. Hollander and Mr. Marber discussed the revival, they knew they wanted to make Carr a more poignant figure, his younger self haunted by the war that wounded him, his older hassled by senility.
Like a tailback on the M5, the memory becomes immovable, intransient, stuck in an ever-present now of seatbelt swaying and window-down choruses that make otherwise uneventful journeys feel more poignant than they probably were.
You start off thinking it's going to be an amusing, relatable tale about a young woman struggling to find the right path post-university, and then everything suddenly gets a whole lot darker and more poignant.
Opinion: Why America needed this Cubs win And the final night played out in the critical battleground state of Ohio, making the moment all the more poignant by creating a unified space days before the election.
LONDON — Usually, a jaunty video of a grandparent getting to grips with their new phone would a source of amusement — but in the case of the clip above, the whole thing is so much more poignant.
But the story became considerably more poignant when its coach, Adam Krikorian, received a phone call two days before the Games informing him that his 48-year-old brother, Blake, had died in a surfing accident.
But the history of the FBI makes Director Wray's point regarding "policing ideology" all the more poignant, because the agency and the Department of Justice itself have historically been all too happy to do just that.
Nowhere are the conversations more poignant than within families and across generations, between young adults who have known only the restrictions the peace process brought and their parents, who believed those would pay off in statehood.
The events were made even more poignant coming less than a week after a gunman slaughtered 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, marking the largest of many mass shootings in modern U.S. history.
But Brooks's witty, sophisticated screenplay doesn't treat them like stock characters; these people are all both likable and deeply flawed, and the film's refreshing lack of clear choices makes Hunter's romantic predicament all the more poignant.
Regarded as a veiled critique of class divides across the United State's rapidly expanding metropolitan areas in the 1950s, Lady and the Tramp (1955) has been lauded as one of Disney's more poignant (and blatantly racist) films.
Saturday and Sunday at Joe's Pub You'd be hard-pressed to find a time when the Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef's material was more poignant, especially in the aftermath of the killing of the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi.
This is not to imply judgment one way or the other, but merely to recognize that the jazz age has passed and so the beauty of this work is even more poignant than when it was first made.
As Wonder Woman maintains its hold on the box office and Pixar movies prepare to occupy every other highway billboard, independent filmmakers tend to be more occupied with reality—documenting the darker, more poignant sides of everyday life.
Abraham Kawa, a professor of Cultural Studies at the University of the Aegean, worked together with established animators Alecos Papadatos and Annie Di Donna to tell a much more poignant and authentic tale than what is typically told.
If you've never seen it, it absolutely stands the test of time and, for me at least, has gotten even more poignant, as I don't think I knew anyone with autism in 1988, when "Rain Man" came out.
Unlike other photographers who were able to work with relatively little interference, Addario had only a brief period of time with this community before pressure from the government forced her to leave, making her images all the more poignant.
Rolón, it seems, wants it both ways — or perhaps it would be more poignant and generous to say he belongs to both worlds, floating somewhere between a heart of 24-karat gold leaf, and a genuine heart of gold.
Perhaps no collection of images is more poignant than this one, curated by our own Kate Bubacz, which paints a wide perspective of the scene on the ground and the lives that have been changed forever by Hurricane Harvey.
Consequences in Washington and abroad Tuesday's events were all more poignant since they coincided with Thanksgiving, the quintessentially American holiday that remembers pioneers who fled tyranny in Europe to found a land built on freedom in the new world.
In the end there can have been few more poignant sights than that of Siya Kolisi, the boy from a dusty, poverty-stricken South African township, on Saturday lifting the Rugby World Cup following an emphatic victory over England.
Seeing this exhibition, you may be able to imagine new possibilities for a future that may seem unsettling at first, but in reality, will help us all connect to each other and the land in new and more poignant ways.
He tells PEOPLE that giving back has "always been a big part of [his] life" and that of his Devious Maids star wife — a priority that has only become more poignant since their daughter Sebella "Sebi" Rose, now 5, was born.
We hope that Uncle Jesse has moved on to big things all these years later, but surely there will be some Tanner family milestone that can be made all the more poignant with a soft rock ballad by Jesse's band.
The equally divisive Keystone XL pipeline provides a more poignant example: First proposed in 2008 to connect Canada's oil sands to Gulf Coast refineries, the line may now never get built - despite the enthusiastic backing of U.S. President Donald Trump.
To his right is Yangervis Solarte, among the game's more poignant stories between his gradual ascension from anonymous farmhand to an everyday stalwart, and his transition to a single father of three daughters following the death of his wife, Yuliette.
The subsequent backstory, in which it becomes obvious exactly how much Phoebe meant to Luke — and how he swallowed his feelings for her to protect his friendship with Dylan — makes the final return to her memorialised bedroom all the more poignant.
Seeing as "Time After Time" is already couched in heartbreak, Cam'Ron's version feels all the more poignant as the song focuses on drug addiction and people reaching out even when they're down to the last few coins in their pocket.
The prayers, which allow a rare moment for quiet and contemplation, are all the more poignant for the service men and women who have lost their friends and colleagues in the fatal accidents at sea in the past few months.
The agricultural reform was at least partly to blame for massive famine under which around 38 percent of the Kazakh population died; the impact of mass starvation within recent history resonates eerily, and always makes food studies much more poignant.
She writes of her relationships with her kids and other people important to her: "I have a more profound sense of time's value, and memories that are both more ridiculous and more poignant than I ever would have had otherwise."
However, in a New York Times article published shortly after the statement was released and titled "Christo, Trump and the Art World's Biggest Protest Yet," the artist gave a very different and much more poignant reason for abandoning the project.
Francis' appeal for inter-religious dialogue was made more poignant on Sunday by the presence in Rabat cathedral of Father Jean-Pierre Schumacher, a 95-year-old French monk who survived what is known as the Tibhirine massacre in Algeria.
"If it's a Friday night, I'll sit there with Bill Maher on, who gets on my nerves as well, and I'm going to be probably more poignant and acerbic when I post things if I hadn't had a drink or two," Fox says.
KENNY That last chapter of "My Last Sigh," in which he describes his preparation for death, is sad and funny at once — and never more poignant than when he complains that his deafness has made it impossible for him to listen to music.
It's an unabashedly feel-good work, yet at a time when the Caribbean — the source of so many of Mr. Brown's influences — is struggling in the wake of recent hurricanes, its resonance may be more poignant and its outpouring of energy more urgent.
But there are also quieter, more poignant moments in the movie — like the ones Lucy has with the three girls, or a scene where Gru has to explain the existence of unicorns to Agnes — that echo the tenderness of the first film.
The series has always presented an exaggerated, absurdist take on a That Girl / Mary Tyler Moore Show-style "eager young woman takes on the big city" sitcom, cut with the more poignant story of its heroine's bizarre past as a kidnapping victim and cult member.
"Nothing, I think, is more interesting, more poignant, and more difficult to seize than the intersection of self and history," Nochlin wrote in "Starting from Scratch," the 1994 essay in which she remembers and reconsiders feminist art history and her role in that unfinished enterprise.
We are remembering several 50 year anniversaries in 2018 but, for me, none is more poignant than June 4, the day five decades ago that Robert F. Kennedy won the California Democratic presidential primary and was shot and killed that night following his victory celebration.
One moment the couple seated at a restaurant is laughing or arguing, and the next, one person (it's more poignant if there is one survivor) is crawling their way over broken debris and glass trying to find the life and partner they just had.
It was a poignant summer moment, one that seems all the more poignant today with winter approaching and with the realization that Novotna — she of the very human touch — did not have nearly as long as she should have to bask in its afterglow.
When the show opened last September, this message didn't seem so revolutionary, but since the GOP's sweep of the federal government in November 2016 — and subsequent attempts to roll back legal protections for everyone except cisgender white males — the artists' message has grown more poignant.
Rosie Fletcher, Digital Spy: It is a perfect lament to the death of childhood: the refrain throughout from the kids is that they just wanted to have a fun summer, and it's made all the more poignant because we know that, of course, they never will again.
The moment was all the more poignant because it involved a white man in his 60s querying a young black woman who was overcome with emotion as she looked on at what was, in a sense, a symbol of our nation's tortured history of race relations.
The story has ramifications far beyond the surface story: the Bolshoi has always been a symbol of Russia and its role on the global stage and at a time when diplomatic relations with the country are reminiscent of colder times, this story is all the more poignant.
The increasing surge of EV policies and state support build on long standing low and zero emission policy in California, led by the California Air Resources Board and made more poignant by Governor Brown's Executive Order requiring that the state adopt 85033 million ZEVs by 2025.
And here at historic 16th street Baptist church there's no more powerful reminder of what's at stake, no more poignant example of what is demanded of us in response," he said "It's a battle we fought again and again, it's a battle that's claimed countless lives.
If [Michelangelo] shunned the conventional formula of the toppled horseman, it was because he had more poignant ways of expressing humiliation — by lowering the protagonist to the trough of the field and through his contact with the bare ground [on "The Conversion of St. Paul" from "Michelangelo's Last Paintings"].
I'm sure some will wish the series had let BoJack stay dead — the penultimate episode, set in his subconscious as his brain slowly ceases to function, is something else — but I think there's something even more poignant about the choice to conclude with BoJack having to keep living.
In 2017, the series grew ever darker and ever more poignant, as Rebecca's journey toward self-discovery led her to find new ways to hit rock bottom and, finally, as the year wrapped, with a beacon of hope in the form of a psychological diagnosis and treatment plan.
Ms. Merkel's reminiscences about Mr. Bush were all the more poignant, given that she was about to sit down with Mr. Trump, who grew up during the Cold War but has gleefully tried to dismantle the European and global institutions that Mr. Bush and his Cold War-vintage colleagues built.
The fact that Mr. Cuomo's administration is currently footing the bill — $65,19803 per day — to keep Ellis Island open during a federal government shutdown, sparked by Mr. Trump's insistence that Congress fund a border wall with Mexico to keep immigrants out, made the location all the more poignant a contrast.
Yet the meandering lines and switchbacks express a sense of nostalgia for running through secret fields as a child — a memory that becomes more poignant now that this landscape is so overpopulated with gigantic estates and exclusive wealth on Long Island's East End, where Hazan's parents (both artists) had a summer house.
Over the years, Weems has revisited in her work the age she was then — 8, 9, 10, a girl still in the process of becoming herself, with a dawning adult awareness of the world and a self-assurance made all the more poignant with the knowledge that it won't survive adolescence wholly intact.
"It has been a very tumultuous political time over the last several years so I think a moment like this is even greater and more poignant because of the times that we live in," said Fagen, former senior aide and White House political director to George W. Bush, the 43rd president who eulogized his father.
" Ginsberg's last poem, written about a week before his passing, becomes even more poignant in the context of this book; Wills presents it as inspired by the revelation that the poet will never travel again: it begins with the line, "Never go to Bulgaria, had a booklet and invitation," and ends with "except in an urn of ashes.
"Yesterday's Not Here" meanwhile sounds like a duet between the Kinks and Giorgio Moroder (a beautiful thing, obviously, and all the more poignant lyrically now Pete's no longer with us), while the closing track, "It's Hard Enough Knowing," is a gorgeously weighted electronic waltz that traverses a tightrope slowly but elegantly in order to wring out all the tension.
Gahan talks more about ideas of misinformation and cults of personality in the context of Depeche's new album Spirit and compares the Trump era to the UK under Margaret Thatcher in the 80s ("That was the time when to me, music was way more poignant to me, and was way more important than anything I was hearing in school").
On the obvious level, Dylan catching up with his exes gives him plenty of opportunity to reexamine his life and his choices; but as the audience watches the events unfold in the past and present, what was once played for laughs becomes more poignant, as we catch up to the characters' realizations of what's passed them by.
With its barely-there vocals and windswept guitar accents, closer "The Same Reply" recreates the emotional experience of finding a message in a bottle where the ink's irreparably smudged by saltwater; the message is there in the stains and smudges, and it's all the more poignant because you can't exactly what tell what the person who wrote it was trying to tell you.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads As Cuban Americans mark the death of Fidel Castro by celebrating in the streets of Little Havana and south Florida stares down a watery future amid rising sea levels, worsening superstorms, and a climate change denier overseeing the Environmental Protection Agency's transition team for President-elect Donald Trump, there could not be a more poignant time to travel to Miami and look at expensive art in vast conference centers and luxurious hotels amid droves of one percenters.

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