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11 Sentences With "more incredulous"

How to use more incredulous in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more incredulous" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more incredulous". Mastering all the usages of "more incredulous" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Getting ready to board the Senate subway on Tuesday, McCaskill sounded even more incredulous.
And others may now be more incredulous of the campaign's statements on her health.
As colorful as the Trump administration has been, few officials have drawn more incredulous attention than EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.
Caleb, meanwhile, is more incredulous than anything else over his injury, and jokes that the accident even landed him a new nickname.
Before long, there were about 1,200 comments on the thread—enough to necessitate a second thread, in which commenters grew even more incredulous about Avery's case.
Carlson grows incredulous and furrows his brow; he grows more incredulous and unfurrows it, letting his features melt into a disbelieving smile, which sometimes gives way to a high-pitched chuckle of outrage.
One evening, as flowers continued to accumulate in Kensington, and journalists at the scene became more and more incredulous at the unfolding tableau, my mum finished her shift at work and announced that we were going to Kensington.
The President's claims of innocence looked even more incredulous Tuesday night after The New York Times reported that Trump released the hold on Ukraine aid after he was briefed on the whistleblower report outlining his dealings with Ukraine.
Humphrey had been suspicious of American involvement in Vietnam since the mid-1950s, but became more incredulous of the war's success after meeting with the veteran intelligence officer Edward Lansdale in 1964, who argued that a political solution to the war was possible.
I would have been more incredulous at this delayed reaction if it hadn't been for the even bigger puzzle, before the massage began, of why Steinke was sweating it out in the sauna, feeling the rising agony of a hot flash about to strike.
The remark was delivered by a commander in chief who is ever more incredulous at the tone and substance of the race to succeed him, and who has limited opportunities in his last months in office to shift the public focus to the issues he prefers.

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