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415 Sentences With "more fair"

How to use more fair in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more fair" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more fair". Mastering all the usages of "more fair" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And we want to make it more fair and the chancellor wants to make it more fair.
"We need a reciprocal relationship, which we don't have... We're working on it and we want to make it more fair and the chancellor wants to make it more fair," Trump said.
Mikey Facts of Life: Life is more fair than unfair.
Join us to create a more fair and inclusive system.
Trump wants to see a more 'fair' division of labor.
That thou, his maid, art far more fair than he.
It has been much more balanced and much more fair.
Police were more fair to us than the organiser folks.
It should be better and more fair to more people.
Would it be more fair to incorporate broader cultural accomplishments?
For emerging VC fund managers at least, this seems more fair.
You're much more fair, and my emotions get in the way.
And to be more fair ... Jay doesn't need to fight anybody.
But we'll get it a little bit more fair, I think.
But the clue/entry pairing is more fair than you think.
But Cuphead is also a game that feels more fair than punishing.
Which is where the more fair—and more fun—argument lies, anyway.
This is an important first step toward a more fair ride-hail industry.
It's addressing longstanding racial inequities and creating a more fair and just society.
Uber's trying to make its five-star rating system a little more fair.
GetUp wants to move Australia towards a more fair, flourishing and just tomorrow.
Comparing it to the rest of the F-Pace line is more fair.
"This is an important first step toward a more fair ride-hail industry."
The process is meant to be more fair than first-come, first-served.
And fight for the people means fighting for a more fair criminal justice system.
President Heinz Fischer called for a "more fair and balanced" asylum policy in Europe.
"You couldn't ask for a more fair-minded judge than Barry Williams," Murphy said.
"We can come up with a more fair system that reflects reality," he says.
He promised regulations would be made "more fair, transparent and predictable" to attract investment.
"AI has tremendous potential to make things more fair and more valid," Sydell said.
Or maybe it's more fair to say that we aspire to Hyper Light Status.
"I think it's more fair to say days, for sure," the defense chief responded.
He did not specify what it would take to make trade laws more fair.
It seems more fair, or at least more interesting, to spread the love around.
If everyone just had unlimited time, it would just make everything much more fair.
"If that becomes more fair now, the U.S. will certainly the a beneficiary," she added.
I think it makes me a more fair judge because I can see both sides.
We commit to modernize the WTO to make it more fair as soon as possible.
Few national columnists in the mainstream media have been more fair and friendly to Sen.
"If that becomes more fair now, the U.S. will certainly be a beneficiary," she added.
It's more fair to describe this as a nascent marketplace [instead of a failing marketplace].
This standard is clear to regulators, more manageable to employers, and more fair to workers.
You've got to figure out how you can adjust those guidelines so they're more fair.
If so, what can be done about making the process less stressful and more fair?
So what can each of us do to create a more fair and accurate picture?
Reducing tax rates, simplifying the tax code, and making it more fair is long overdue.
Every winter, more and more fair-weather Manhattanites flee to the Pacific in search of sunshine.
Trump also hinted that he might slow down on tweeting if he got more fair coverage.
Changing my process to be more fair, founders I think are very more open to it.
"We're talking about trying to create a more fair system," Ms. Mark-Viverito said on Tuesday.
Everyone can agree that the U.S. needs a clearer and more fair immigration policy for all.
Billboard's changes are trying to make the rules more fair and less confusing for us all.
" Rodda is motivated in his designs by a desire to make iconic "girly" toys more "fair.
Collective bargaining can consolidate power and act as a powerful tool to standardize more fair contractual terms.
"We will make more a more fair and equitable environment for investment from outside companies," Li said.
They should recuse themselves so I can fight a terror group that is more fair to me!
Should men applaud that another barrier has fallen so that our world is more fair and equitable?
Will the president be able to negotiate better trade deals and make them more "fair" and profitable?
Also, correcting for bias can make an algorithm more fair, but sometimes at the expense of accuracy.
TAVERNISE: So maybe it was like they were more racist, but they were also more fair, somehow?
Which is a more sustainable capitalism, a more equitable capitalism, a more fair, and more just, capitalism.
These practices and policies give equal access to more people and make the system much more fair.
The ad asks Google workers to consider their role in making Google's search-ranking practices more fair.
"You couldn't ask for a more fair-minded judge than Barry Williams," Murphy said after the Nero verdict.
Instead, they said, the demonstration was calling for more "fair" trading deals that distributed benefits beyond large corporations.
"I think the workplace is safer for my daughter and is more fair than it was," she said.
Aside from helping recruiters sort through applications, the tool also has the potential to make hiring more fair.
China would also offer a more fair and transparent environment for foreign firms, including U.S. ones, Xi said.
Eurovision's byzantine voting rules have evolved as organizers have tried to make voting more fair and more suspenseful.
It certainly seems to introduce more fair and balanced matchups, but the tournament is far from over yet.
Concordia University in St. Paul began giving the same allowances in 2012 to make the system more fair.
Last election cycle, five states had ballot initiatives that were designed to make the redistricting process more fair.
"We can make the world more fair if everyone has access to these people," Rogier told CNN Business.
All of these are unorthodox tournament setups, but they're also a lot more fair than the current system.
Good causes all, but I'd have ranked this higher if it were a little more ... fair and balanced (gulp).
The next wave of consumer financial services will mean more efficient, more fair and more valuable services for people.
A better approach would be to cluster hospitals, as noted earlier, to create a more fair and useful comparison.
It is our hope this lawsuit leads to lasting reform and a more fair, more just criminal justice system.
As a step toward making our justice system more fair and modern, let's rethink how we criminalize drug use.
Allowing Trump's lawyers to participate anyway could build public support and make it appear more fair, however, they said.
But they, too, believe there are better ways to make the tax system more fair than a wealth tax.
" Boone added: "Hopefully in the end, the result is a better game, a more fair game between the lines.
All take the executive's job of granting mercy seriously, which makes those grants both more fair and more common.
"He had a more fair and meaningful relationship with his actresses after my confrontation so there is hope," she shared.
But if we hope to achieve more fair and equal society, we must also recognize the need for systemic solutions.
It began offering in-office therapy, took steps to make corporate compensation more fair, and made driver ratings less draconian.
We're going to cut taxes for the middle class, make the tax code simpler and more fair for everyday Americans.
"We've got to demand a more perfect union, we have to demand a process that is more fair," Gillum said.
Researchers don't offer much in the line of why this is happening (or maybe more fair to say, not happening).
But having said that, I don't think there's anybody more fair and objective in what we call the mainstream media.
I think we'll have a better relationship than we do now and it will be a much more fair relationship.
It seems that when we humans realize our biases, we can adjust and act in ways that are more fair.
And any appearance that corporations are getting a more fair deal than individuals will make people not want to comply.
"I think it's more fair to say days," he answered when asked whether the attacks were days or weeks away.
U.K. authorities also have stepped up efforts as well with a series of new provisions aimed at making markets more fair.
And it would be more fair toward individual employees and entrepreneurs working so that everybody can get the same basic services.
It's more fair to give the hosts a chance to react than to keep mum and leave a bad review later.
Might wake up to a world just a little more fair, a little less violent, a little less xenophobic, terrifying, uncertain.
Trade experts see Europe as the next front in the Trump administration's efforts to make trade more fair for American companies.
So the Green New Deal tries to create some protections that create a path for a more fair and just transition.
Or is it more fair to, as you said, spare a child that suffering and "take the pain as our own"?
Ultimately they hope to use that information to make these platforms more fair and transparent for consumers, regulators and investors alike.
Long term, he says, the Trump administration's conflict with other countries over tariffs will probably end well, with more fair markets.
I've been reading about how Hollywood's assistants are making a move toward unionizing for more fair pay and humane work hours.
And while I felt that Florida was not ready to relinquish the death penalty, I tried to make it more fair.
"District judges make a difference every day, and leave a lasting legacy, by making our society more fair and just," he said.
Attempts to make the meritocratic ladder more fair and accessible — such as need-blind admission policies and nondiscriminatory hiring practices — are commonplace.
Financial data from outside of the bureaus can make credit assessment more accurate, more inclusive, and more fair for millions of Americans.
But keep in mind how you can move the needle to make the world a bit more fair, a bit more just.
The temporary injunction against Secretary Detzner's campus early-voting ban is just one step toward creating a more fair and equal democracy.
The number of categories and rankings make the lists more useful to our readers, and also make competition between authors more fair.
I don't think most Americans think that billionaires are the ones who are going to help give us a more fair economy.
By setting it so that each president would nominate two justices during their term, we could make the nominating process more fair.
But legal experts agreed that giving Trump some basic protections and allowing his lawyers to participate would make the process more fair.
Venus and Mercury both enter Libra on Saturday, encouraging us to be more fair-minded in our communication with lovers and friends.
"We are very supportive of introducing a leverage cap but 100-200 times seem more fair," said one of the four sources.
Jobbatical is one company that may make the system more fair and relaxing for stressed workers looking to build their international careers.
Proponents say they can be more fair and more thorough than overworked human recruiters skimming through hundreds of résumés and cover letters.
The passage of the FIRST STEP Act marked a critical milestone in our journey toward a more fair and effective criminal justice system.
America needs "a new, more sustainable, more equitable, more fair capitalism," Benioff told CNN's Poppy Harlow in a Boss Files interview this week.
At each stage of the criminal justice system, Garduque said, there are opportunities to create a more fair and just way of operating.
Not only has it lost billions on WeWork, but several of its other portfolio companies are suffering through layoffs, mismanagement and more. Fair.
But some legal experts said giving Trump basic protections and allowing his lawyers to participate would make the impeachment investigation appear more fair.
After meeting Merkel in Washington last week, Trump said he did not believe in isolationism but that trade policy must be more fair.
This is all outside of my portfolio, but I think we need that common push to have a much more fair global marketplace.
Mental Aquarius will help you direct your good will toward learning more about how to make our communities more fair, honest, and equitable.
Or would it be more fair to encase the perpetrator in concrete and force him to spend all eternity guarding Emperor Qinshihuang's tomb?
President Donald Trump signed two executive orders on Friday, which lay the groundwork for fulfilling key campaign promises to make trade more fair.
Obama, though, argued the government's actions in the Pfizer-Allergan deal helped to protect American consumers and make the tax system more fair.
Rather than simply honor them as champions of change, we should continue their advocacy and work for a more fair and inclusive democracy.
She has articulated a vision of a more fair, just and inclusive society, and has given the specifics of how to achieve it.
They have also been steadfast in advocating changes in tax laws — raising the inheritance tax, for example — to create a more fair society.
Ms. Pruis said that even though they were dividing responsibilities as she and her husband had, it felt more fair with her wife.
But it includes more goals related to making elections more fair and representative, including an end to gerrymandering and corporate money in politics.
And there was only slight support for the partisanship hypothesis—a result that suggests people are, perhaps, more fair-minded than is often assumed.
" He also defended the Obama administration's efforts "to fix the immigration system, make it more fair, and make our enforcement smarter and more efficient.
And that, I think, would be more fair to employers of all sizes, especially small employers, because that is a big cost for them.
While Damore wasn't asking for improved safety measures, he may have talked to colleagues about how to make the company's diversity programs more fair.
The move has many people questioning whether the IAAF's attempt to make women's running more fair actually unjustly excludes some women (and intersex people).
What we do know is that wherever she has been, she has made the outcome more fair than it would have been without her.
What do you think can be done to create a more fair, consistent standard of treatment for sexual-assault cases in our justice system?
And once destigmatization is complete, maybe—just maybe—we might collectively work toward securing a more fair and prosperous future for the coming generations.
Spicer dutifully answered, giving a brief explanation of NAFTA and adding that President Trump wants to make a better deal for more fair trade.
President Donald Trump is expected to sign two executive orders on Friday, which aim to fulfill key campaign promises to make trade more fair.
More importantly, they could toil behind the scenes to make the system better, more fair and most of all, less dangerous for young actresses.
Weighted average antidilution, unlike full ratchet protections, take into account a number of different factors to produce a more "fair" or reasonable dilution regime.
Sugar quotas continue to be brought up by U.S. trading partners as being inconsistent with the Trump administration's demands for more fair trade abroad.
But Stevenson and Forman also powerfully point us in a different direction than our current course, one toward a more fair and just society.
"It's about getting more fair outcomes without sacrificing public safety," Mr. Vance said in an interview this week as the plan was being completed.
I think we need to move toward a certainly more fair, more accurate and frankly a more responsible news media for the American people.
But Trump asserted on Tuesday that the U.S. will continue to negotiate for more fair trade deals, instead of what he called "stupid" ones.
"There is an urgent need for us to speed up the internet economy and work for governance that is more fair and equitable," Xi said.
Of course, this does make the test more fair, because the harpoon, buoy, and net are attempting to capture trash of known sizes and shapes.
If we channel our anger into productive conversation and activism that bridges our differences, our democracy and policies will be more fair, effective, and resilient.
The president said he would start talks to re-enter the agreement, but with terms that he called a more "fair" deal to his country.
That meant a heated progressive tirade against the "billionaire class" and a pledge to make the economic system we live under more fair and equitable.
Had Democrats included Republicans in the process and made it more "fair," Collins said, some of his GOP colleagues may have voted for the resolution.
It may seem more fair to only cut tax rates for the middle class filers, but there's simply not that much more left to cut.
As we were writing this review, EA reached out to tell Motherboard that it's tweaking its progression systems to make them more fair and balanced.
As the incomes of the self-employed have been less taxed than those of employees, some praised the government for making the system more fair.
I think that we need to move towards a certainly more fair, more accurate, and, frankly, a more responsible news media for the American people.
In fact, she wishes she were even more fair-skinned, like the actors in the Korean dramas that have exploded in popularity in the Philippines.
Kevin Ring is the president of FAMM (Families Against Mandatory Minimums), a national nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a more fair and effective justice system.
In the modern world, nothing could seem more fair or natural than two people deciding to exchange goods, agreeing on a price and shaking hands.
He has therefore pledged to make trade more fair to the U.S. Kirk said that trade was a "pretty convenient whipping boy" in the country.
"It will help build a future that is more just, more fair, and more prosperous for every single person in this state and this country."
If only for the high ratings he draws, Fox News might make amends with Trump for now—and start acting a little more fair and balanced.
WASHINGTON — After the contentious primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party formed the Unity Reform Commission to make the nominating process more fair.
SARA EISEN: So you don't buy the idea that it's just a negotiation, Art of the Deal, tactic to get more fair trade for American business?
These are the critical, systemic reforms that will revive our democracy, make it more fair, and importantly, make sure that it actually works for the people.
While he doesn't like tariffs, he understands why the president has had to use them to break down barriers and establish a more fair trading architecture.
Closing down those abuses as a starting point would be the best approach to making the tax code more simple and more fair for all Americans.
"We fully intend to support ballot initiatives that reform the process in the states that make the redistricting process more fair," Ward said in an interview.
Not only was that more fair in terms of health costs, but remember that older Americans are much more likely to be wealthy than younger ones.
" We all have an interest in a more fair society — and if only women speak up for gender equity, they may be dismissed as shrill "hyenas.
Its new Republican chairman has started undoing policies of his predecessor that were intended to make phone, cable and internet service more fair and more affordable.
The goal is to make election maps more fair and competitive, and this comes ahead of the next reapportionment process that begins after the 2020 Census count.
It would be more fair to say that people have different visions of the promised land that lies on the other side of an oppressive status quo.
And that businesses have to move this new capitalism — a more fair and equal sustainable way of doing business, that values all stakeholders as well as shareholders.
Making the choices equal in visible weight, rather than burying the ways to make changes in grayed-out buttons and tiny links, would have been more fair.
The bill is based on legislation Coons introduced last year, which aimed at making patent proceedings "more fair and efficient," according to a statement from his office.
Third, if you make the same investments in raising the quality of life and livelihoods of the people making it, isn't that also a more "fair" price?
Lil Uzi's serious about getting out from under his contract ... we're told his side proposed an amended deal, one that's more fair and balanced for the artist.
It also just feels more fair to hunt an animal with a bow-and-arrow as opposed to a missile launcher like in other Far Cry games.
The goal of complaining about media bias is, normally, to make journalists second-guess themselves and start bending over backward to be more fair in the future.
We need less lip service to sexual harassment training and the development of a better and more fair system for reporting actual sexual harassment in the workplace.
That basically just means incumbent politicians and celebrities Denying that the First Amendment applies to associations of people and spending money does not make politics more fair.
The bill is based on legislation Coons introduced last year, which aimed at making patent proceedings "more fair and efficient," according to a statement from his office.
" He also said Democrats shouldn't just talk about how to make the tax system more fair but "have to talk about how to grow wealth as well.
Eggleston said Obama's actions only provide a partial fix, writing that "only Congress can achieve the broad reforms needed" to make the criminal-justice system more fair.
"It seems they do not become more generous, more fair," the cleric said, referring to Chinese Indonesians, in the interview in an Islamic center in South Jakarta.
The combined restoration of UMRA's original intent and expansion of its scope to account for real-world costs will provide a more fair and transparent regulatory environment.
It announced it was adopting Järlström's formula to determine traffic light timing, which should ultimately lead to traffic penalties being more fair, while also improving public safety.
Changing the process Rather than seek the national spotlight as a Senate or presidential candidate, Abrams has turned making US elections more fair a call to action.
The trade-offs — slight increases in costs for most people and sizable help for those who need expensive drugs — would make the system more fair, proponents contend.
But within the parameters of the permissible, and mostly on matters to do with economic affairs, the government is trying to make the administration of justice more fair.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said working together to maximize the benefits of both sides was only possible if "there is a more fair and balanced" economic relationship.
"It's about helping them gain awareness when they're stuck in those negative-thinking patterns and working on giving them a more fair assessment of the situation," she says.
Next week's special election In Georgia's 6th district -- a seat Trump carried by only one point in 2016 -- will be a more fair fight than this Kansas seat.
Trump also said he would start talks to re-enter the accord with what he called a more "fair" deal, but was immediately rebuked by several European governments.
So while the new repayment formula may be more "fair" to the average college graduate, it makes life considerably more difficult for the borrowers who are already struggling.
Perhaps saddest of all is that there are many ways that actual experts could help boost confidence in the electoral process, making it more fair, equitable, and transparent.
If those assessments come back with a more fair valuation, multiple residents who initially said they'd decline the deal told Business Insider they would reconsider selling to SpaceX.
"District judges make a difference every day, and leave a lasting legacy, by making our society more fair and just," Roberts wrote in this year's report released Saturday.
Farmer group Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association urged Ottawa last week to change the law to make cross-border wheat trade more fair, and avoid a trade dispute.
Warren has called for dramatic restructuring to make the economy more fair, while Biden has pushed for more incremental change to build on former President Barack Obama's policies.
It comes as Mr. Mnuchin is leading the Trump administration's push to overhaul the tax code, which he has promised to make more fair for middle-class Americans.
"It is our hope that this action will spur Beijing to adopt a more fair and reciprocal approach to U.S. and other foreign press in China," he said.
And while a wealth tax may reduce billionaires&apos fortunes, it might not do anything to make the economy feel more fair to the middle class, Smith argued.
The Justice Department brought six more fair lending lawsuits in 2016 and another two in January 2017, several of which involved accusations of redlining, including the KleinBank case.
Trump has repeatedly threatened to walk away from NAFTA unless Canada and Mexico agree to major changes Washington says are needed to make the 1994 treaty more fair.
"I really wanted to do something that would have a long-lasting effect and make some real changes, making this society a little bit more fair," she says.
"Join as we push for a more fair, just, and safer rideshare system that works for everyone not just the corporate investors in Uber and Lyft," the group said.
Nintendo wanted this to be a more fair way of pricing, ensuring that parents didn't have to worry about kids racking up a huge bill of in-app purchases.
At the very least, it would improve morale, increase the disposable income of people most likely to spend it, and make the American economy seem a little more fair.
Or, for a more fair comparison, the Moto G6, which has very similar specs but a weaker processor and a smaller battery, starts at 13,63 rupees ($195) in India.
In a controversial move last week, Trump said the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, saying he wanted a more "fair" deal for American businesses and workers.
The State Council, China's cabinet, said in a statement the plan would help to develop a more fair and sustainable pension scheme, while also promoting reform of state firms.
On Wednesday the Department of Justice made a policy change that will make our immigration system more fair for individuals seeking asylum – protection from persecution in their home countries.
The president also said he would start talks to re-enter the accord with what he called a more "fair" deal, but was immediately rebuked by several European governments.
It is also no more fair or logical than saying that those who oppose saying "Fire!" in a crowded theatre are against the First Amendment right to free speech.
These are certainly important changes that lean toward more fair and livable working conditions; however, they leave unaddressed other issues, including those outlined in the senator's letter from July.
Let's think of some ways to try to either educate them about what you're doing that's fair, or make your process more fair, or figure out where you are.
" He added, "Justice Sheila Abdus-Salaam was a trailblazing jurist whose life in public service was in pursuit of a more fair and more just New York for all.
She added that among its changes, the company so far has implemented mentorship programs, created hiring rubrics to be more fair and made changes to its performance management system.
There are a number of policy options on the menu to protect working families, mitigate the worst effects of the tax bill, and make state tax codes more fair.
And I have no doubt that a more fair, open, and orderly process of allowing me to read the State Department records would have made this process more transparent.
And I have no doubt that a more fair, open, and orderly process of allowing me to read the State Department records would have made this process more transparent.
This would be a genuine step in the right direction that would make our system of election administration and voter registration considerably more fair, efficient, and democratic for all.
The president has repeatedly thrashed free trade deals struck by his predecessors, arguing they hurt American workers, and has pledged to make trade more fair to the United States.
The president has repeatedly thrashed free-trade deals struck by his predecessors, arguing they hurt American workers, and has pledged to make trade more fair to the United States.
Preventing those kinds of preemptive complaints may itself be a pretty good reason to get rid of the superdelegates and make the process look more fair from the outside.
"At a time of deepening racial and economic divide and insecurity, hourly associates can guide a more fair, inclusive and equitable corporate ecosystem that bridges differences," the proposal reads.
That argument holds that appearing on Fox News legitimizes the network in the eyes of advertisers, and thereby keeps the network in business without incentivizing them to be more fair.
After much speculation and lobbying from both sides, the president kept his campaign promise to withdraw, though he said he was open to negotiating a deal that is more fair.
Moreover, as a technology platform, we can focus on safety before, during and after each ride in ways that are more fair and effective than relying on criminal records alone.
But we, as women, keep fighting our way in and guaranteeing that we're treated equally — the core of our fight is to make these places feel safer and more fair.
If the price of product goes up because it uses more environmentally sustainable materials, then isn't that price more "fair" than the lower-priced product that has a bigger impact?
Demanding more fair trade, the United States has imposed some trade tariffs on China and asked Beijing to reduced its trade surplus with the United States by 200 billion euros.
Board officials have said that the test's overhaul, the biggest in a decade, was done to make the test more relevant to what children learned in school — and more fair.
"Everyone is realizing that the soonest we can reach a settlement it is going to be much more fair for everyone," Anastasiades told CNBC in a TV interview at Davos.
Even Chuck, as the guy who wants to bring down "bad guys" and make the world a little more fair, gets his hands dirty and steps on people to advance.
But if you think college should be engines of economic opportunity, then perhaps it's more fair to spend your financial aid on students who need that money to attend school.
Mr. Trump, who campaigned on a get-tough approach to trade, has said his tariffs would make trade pacts more fair and ultimately help American workers, farmers, manufacturers and other.
He dates the beginning of the "tailspin" to the 1960s, when school reformers set out to replace the old-boy aristocracy with a system more open, more fair, more meritocratic.
"What it was motivated by was a desire to make the world a little more fair and to even the playing field for women who are especially vulnerable," she said.
Diab indicated the controls could soon be standardised, saying a draft law would "regulate the relationship between the banks and their customers, for it to become more fair and just".
"I have no doubt that a more fair, open and orderly process of allowing me to read the State Department records would have made this process more transparent," Sondland said.
A number of companies are designing payment platforms and cryptocurrencies specifically for the sharing economy, which they say is in need of a more fair and efficient path to compensation.
Defendants that seek good-faith resolutions of expansive class actions — meritorious or dubious — should not bear a further tax for procedural formalism that fails to make the settlement more fair.
Without details, experts fear the task force will only be able to give general policy advice rather than specific examples of how the city can make its algorithms more fair.
Trump spent much of the campaign telling voters that NAFTA was "the worst trade deal ever signed," vowing to rewrite the entire agreement to make it more "fair" to America.
He enlisted moderators from among the more fair-minded regulars, and for five years now they have policed not just name-calling, rudeness, and hostility but superfluous jokes and mindless agreement.
And by creating a more fair and open platform where developers can build without fear of straying too close to Facebook's history or road map, it could reinvigorate its developer ecosystem.
The two-minute bonus time for teams who captures a point with less than 30 seconds left has been reduced to a one-minute bonus, making it a little more fair.
Treating Cuban refugees the way all refugees are treated — requiring them to show proof that they are subject to political oppression — would be a more fair path to citizenship, she said.
That's reflected completely in my policy, from eliminating section 1325 to making our immigration courts independent so that people actually get a more fair hearing and also providing them with counsel.
We must find more fair and just ways to fund our courts and criminal justice system that do not balance the books on the backs of those who cannot afford it.
It gave us an opportunity to reconnect with our citizens and lead a new transition toward a more fair and egalitarian society, where progress and development are more inclusive and sustainable.
"Today's meeting was a huge step forward in getting a bill passed that will help keep communities safe and make our criminal justice system more fair," Lee said in a statement.
Democrats are saying -- They've argued that Bolton's statement shows Nancy Pelosi's strategy of withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate in hopes of getting a more fair trial is working.
"We hope this is the start of a more fair industry not only here in New York City, but all over the world," said IDG founder Jim Conigliaro, Jr. in a statement.
"We hope this is the start of a more fair industry not only here in New York City, but all over the world," IDG founder Jim Conigliaro, Jr., said in a statement.
As we start #BlackHistoryMonth, we remember the many Americans—from Frederick Douglass to Zora Neale Hurston to Dr. King—who fought to make this country more democratic, more fair, and more free.
Mexican state power utility CFE said this week it would negotiate a more fair resolution to contractual disputes over several pipelines being built by companies including Mexico's IEnova and Canada's TC Energy.
After much fanfare, Trump said he was pulling out of the 2015 accord, and that his administration would begin renegotiating to find a deal that was more "fair" to the American people.
The president also said he would start talks to re-enter the accord with what he called a more "fair" deal, but that idea was immediately shot down by several European governments.
With tiers priced according to usage, each user was bringing in a relatively equal amount of revenue, making the platform more fair to its users and offering healthier margins for the company.
Go deeper: Axios' Ina Fried has more on the risk of bias in AI: New tools are making artificial intelligence more fair Why good AI should be able to show its work
Zimbabwe is no stranger to electoral court challenges, although Mr. Mugabe's departure had raised hopes that this time the vote would be conducted in a manner that was more fair and transparent.
WASHINGTON, March 5 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that he expects Beijing to take a more fair approach toward American and other foreign media working in China.
But 50 years of Canadian experience shows that it can make elections more fair — and that it's one reform that the new Holder-Obama group should seriously consider pushing for in the states.
And the President is trying to figure out a way to create a more fair or a trade parody system or a free fair trade system, and it hasn&apost been that way.
On the campaign trail, Harris has repeatedly talked about one of the key reasons she became a prosecutor: "to fight for a more fair criminal justice system" that disproportionately punishes people of color.
In the meantime, Trump said he is seeking to renegotiate this agreement or strike another deal in order to be "more fair" to the U.S.  This brings me to the second key point.
We hope other members of Congress will join Congressman Westerman's bipartisan efforts to create a more fair and just system for our children who are convicted of serious crimes in the federal system.
"At a time of deepening racial and economic divide and insecurity, hourly associates can guide a more fair, inclusive and equitable corporate ecosystem that bridges differences," the proposal says, according to the Post.
Crafting an executive order to attempt to compel the custodians of these spaces to be more "fair," however, tramples all over the crucial boundaries we have constructed between government powers and private freedoms.
Back then, lawmakers were trying to simplify the tax code and make it more fair, and they focused on lowering the top individual tax rate and eliminating some tax shelters and special deductions.
Mr. Trump has repeatedly criticized Europe for flooding the American market with cars while limiting imports of United States vehicles, and has called for revised trade terms that make the relationship more fair.
Pelosi has repeatedly denied politics were a factor when considering impeachment matters, and she and other Democrats have said they held onto the articles to secure a more fair trial in the Senate.
While Defense Secretary Mike Esper on Tuesday said it was "more fair" to say the attack Soleimani was planning was to be executed in days rather than weeks, Pompeo avoided specifying a timeline.
I'd love to see more of these partnerships, because they are much more fair to the consumer and ultimately allow smaller subscription companies to compete with the likes of Google, Amazon, Apple, and others.
The next step for the president and his cabinet is to "begin negotiations that will allow America to re-enter" the Paris Accords under terms that the president deems more fair to U.S. interests.
If we take into account scope and cost, it's more fair to say that the actual largest vehicle recall in history is actually a combination of several recalls for Takata airbags beginning in 2014.
While California overall voted decisively for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, many of the state's farmers supported Trump, who said he wanted to make international trade deals more fair.
Imagine a world where data are used to make institutions more fair, rather than more efficient, where books are published with fantastic titles like Algorithms of Justice, Automating Equality, and Weapons of Math Construction.
For the first time in generations, principled conservatives came out en masse on the side of punishment-plus-rehabilitation over punishment-only -- and called for a more fair, humane and effective justice system. 9.
Parliamentarians voted on Tuesday to establish an expert commission to examine how to make taxing multinationals "more fair" after Netherlands-based Shell recently acknowledged it had paid virtually no Dutch corporation tax in 2018.
"We still want him to return to face the court and to prove that our system is far more fair than even his homeland's," Mr. Hughes said, "and we are an objective, peaceful people."
Congressional Republicans have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform the tax code to make it more fair and just, and to improve the lives of working people and people living in poverty.
But so far he hasn't made any of the hard decisions that would show he's willing to close the loopholes that benefit him in order to make the tax code more fair and efficient.
The caucus system has been a central focus of the party's Unity Reform Commission, a group formed by Clinton and Sanders after the 2016 primary to make the Democratic nominating process more fair and transparent.
So while Chou describes the new virtual card option as a true credit card alternative, it's probably more fair to say that Affirm is an alternative to the high-limit nature of some credit cards.
"It's possible that Samsung Group companies will try to behave more transparently in response and operate in a more fair manner that shareholders can rationally understand," said IBK Asset Management fund manager Kim Hyun-su.
So the need for Congress to act – to advance policies that will make our workplaces more fair and family friendly for all workers, no matter where they live and what jobs they hold – is urgent.
President Donald Trump arrived in Switzerland on Thursday to attend the World Economic Forum where he will push his "America First" agenda and seek more fair, reciprocal trade between the United States and its allies.
He stressed that while the legal battle with NYC continues on, Lyft has increased the rates for drivers on a weekly basis, not on a per trip basis, which the company believes is more fair.
Both the House and the Senate are wrestling with what deductions will stay and what deductions will go in order to simplify federal income tax filings and make it more fair and equitable for all.
It would be better if the president pushed for some changes in the rules that not only would be more fair to everyone, but have a chance of being passed even in this dysfunctional Congress.
" And in the nation's most influential publication, The New York Times, he would call on "my fellow business leaders and billionaires" to create a "more fair, equal and sustainable capitalism that actually works for everyone.
We are going to massively lower taxes on the middle class, reduce taxes on American business, and make our tax code more simple and much more fair for everyone, including the people and the business.
The core takeaway from the first week of the Crucible is that Destiny 2's multiplayer is more fair and balanced team shooter, promoting the kind of strategy and skill the original painfully overlooked or ignored.
It'll be both more fair and more useful to have a mechanism where candidates know in advance that they're going to have to account for some of the major claims that fact-checkers have found wanting.
The effort to make Democratic primaries more fair — a process that has spanned two years, two committees, and dozens of arcane rules about how to make changes to the rules — is nearing its long-awaited end.
Many Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike have increasingly cited the disproportionate damage enforcement of drug laws has done to communities of color, tying marijuana legalization to broader efforts to make the criminal justice system more fair.
But while self-monetization purports to offer a more fair alternative to the traditional label system, SoundCloud's deal pushes artists into restrictive terms, with ambiguous payment dates and payout percentages that can change at any time.
PiS argues its wide-ranging reforms of the justice system and public media, which have attracted accusations of a tilt toward authoritarian rule, aim to make Polish society more fair and true to its Catholic heritage.
Supplementing hiking, gondola rides and mountain biking, Vail Resorts has opened two on-mountain summer activity campuses positioned to engage more fair-weather visitors in the outdoors and balance the seasonal economies of its mountain towns.
Kevin Hassett, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, told reporters that the importance of fighting for more fair trade terms with China shouldn't be overshadowed by fears of economic harm triggered by retaliation.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said on Tuesday it was "more fair to say" the attack that Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani was planning was to be executed in days rather than weeks.
The game is perhaps the best balanced battle royale title on the market, and I've found its ranked mode, while excruciatingly difficult at times, much more fair than the modes offered by other games like Overwatch.
"I stressed how important it is for President Trump to rectify that situation so that trade becomes more balanced, more reciprocal and more fair, with the opportunity to have American workers be treated fairly," he said.
In the year since the last awards, which came under fire for not representing many female artists in its nominees, the Grammys have restructured the membership and nominations process in an effort to be more fair.
Either we&aposre going to get a deal for the American people that basically reduces the trade deficit with Mexico and then allows us to build more fair factories here or we&aposre going to leave NAFTA.
Democratic officials are considering a new proposal to effectively eliminate all superdelegates, a move that would go beyond recommendations put forward late last year by the commission tasked with making the party's presidential nominating process more fair.
WUZHEN, China (Reuters) - China's President Xi Jinping called on Wednesday for greater global cooperation in developing the internet and make it more "fair and equitable", as Beijing seeks to bolster its global role in shaping the web.
Both legitimate artists gaming the system in hopes of a more fair payout, and bots created to harvest artificial listens, are costing the company enough money it's starting to get aggressive about combating click fraud and spam.
His plan to serve notice that America was abandoning NAFTA was no game, Mr Trump said, but it would have been "very disrespectful" not to give Mexico and Canada one last chance to make the deal more fair.
China would "uphold cyberspace sovereignty" and make the governance of the global web "more fair and equitable", President Xi Jinping said in video remarks played at the opening of the third World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province.
The most exciting thing about financial innovation is the potential breadth of its impact, and it's our belief that the next wave of consumer financial services will mean more efficient, more fair and more valuable services for people.
After pulling the U.S. out from the climate agreement, Trump said he would start talks to re-enter the accord with what he called a more "fair" deal, but the president was immediately rebuked by several European governments.
The Cutler era was marked by questions of his leadership and toughness, some more fair than others; the team only made the postseason once in that span and finished a perfectly mediocre 51-51 in games he started.
And while assessments are generally much more fair than they used to be, tens of thousands of homeowners have already paid well beyond what they should have owed, and many lost their homes because they couldn't keep up.
We are working to lower tax rates in the middle class to reduce tax rates big league on businesses and to make our tax code more fair and very simple for all Americans so it's understandable by everyone.
It's time for a new capitalism — a more fair, equal and sustainable capitalism that actually works for everyone and where businesses, including tech companies, don't just take from society but truly give back and have a positive impact.
"While the federal government continues to target immigrants and threatens to tear families apart with deportation, these actions take a critical step toward a more just, more fair and more compassionate New York," Cuomo said in a statement.
"In the beginning there will be some sneaker sellers will not be happy about the transparency," Luber said, noting that this pricing model will result in a more fair market price than what's currently available from resellers and eBay.
So, if we want a more fair, more just, and more broadly prosperous economy, we need to replace the neoliberal narrative with a better story that correctly puts the American people back at the center of the American economy.
We understand the path to a stronger and more fair America because we bargain for it every day —good wages, fair pay, time off when we need it, never having to choose between our job and a sick child.
The more fair comparison is against the host of other slot-in mobile VR headsets, including most popularly the Samsung Gear VR. With Daydream in view, the limitations of Oculus and their current mobile strategy come into full view.
"We formed the National Democratic Redistricting Committee in January 2017, all with the aim of making our democracy more fair and to have representatives who reflect the desires of the people who put them in the office," said Holder.
On Wednesday, Trump highlighted several key goals for his tax-reform push: making the tax code simpler and more fair, reducing the tax burden on U.S. companies, cutting rates for middle-income Americans and bringing back cash parked overseas.
But advocates say that as the chair of the all-male, all-white Judiciary Committee, he could have done more to protect Hill from Republican attacks and humiliation, and that he could have structured the hearings in a more fair manner.
"  She thinks the director "was fully aware of this game" but because she was the first one that stood up to him "he had a more fair and meaningful relationship with his actresses after my confrontation so there is hope.
The CPI-E serves as a significantly more fair measure because it reflects the actual increases in costs confronting older adults every year, including costs like healthcare and housing, for which older adults are more likely to spend their income.
Trump has said the Paris accord was negotiated to have terms that are unrealistic and unfair to the U.S. The president is looking to withdraw from the accord and immediately restart talks to set targets that would be more fair.
If that's the case, ask yourself this: Is it any more fair to impose this tax on a group of young men who generally come from low-income families, and already are prohibited from earning almost all kinds of outside income?
In recent years, several of ballparks have been made "more fair," though always in the other direction; that is, fences have been lowered or drawn closer to the plate, almost entirely because of complaints from hitters on the home team.
Mike LeeMichael (Mike) Shumway LeeMcConnell, allies lean into Twitter, media 'war' Conservatives buck Trump over worries of 'socialist' drug pricing Criminal justice reform should extend to student financial aid MORE, said the bill would make our immigration system more fair.
"It's simply asking for a more fair appeals process, so it's shifting the burden of proof in favor of the vet if they have PTSD or TBI and that diagnosis materially contributed to the circumstances of their discharge," he said.
And though the map of State Senate districts was redrawn by court order in 2016 to make it more fair, only a few Republican senators represent competitive districts, where voting against gun control might hurt them in a general election.
Mr. Teinturier said the amount of money Mr. Macron was going to dole out to low earners was enough to make a difference, but it did not address the demands for a more fair distribution of incomes between rich and poor.
"While the federal government continues to target immigrants and threatens to tear families apart with deportation, these actions take a critical step toward a more just, more fair and more compassionate New York," Mr. Cuomo said in a statement on Wednesday.
Mr. Bell's victory is part of a broader movement to elect a new breed of prosecutor — candidates who will run on promises to make the criminal justice system more fair to the poor, rather than typical tough-on-crime pledges.
"A big underpinning of our investment thesis was to break apart some of those preconceived notions that exist at employers and have people acknowledge that this is actually a great, more fair, more efficient way to acquire talent," said Evans.
On the issue of fairness, 53 percent of respondents said Republicans will hold a fair trial, and 50 percent said Democrats are advocating for the inclusion of witnesses and additional evidence only because doing so will make the trial more fair.
And if the public health community really thinks we need a new name for these devices, a more fair one would be "Electronic Nicotine/Formaldehyde/Diacetyl Delivery Systems" — though not even that would reflect the full list of harmful components.
Playing as the trio—or maybe it's more fair to say in league with the trio—you wander from exhibit to exhibit, choosing dialog options and determining if and how the three friends interpret and play around with what's on display.
"I think it's more fair to say days, for sure," Esper said when asked if Soleimani's purported attack plans — which the Trump administration says played a role in the decision to kill him — were expected to occur in days or weeks.
"All we can be is cautiously hopeful that the process will be fair and reforms were made after 2016, which helped the process be more fair," Briahna Joy Gray, a national press secretary for Sanders's White House campaign, told Hill.
It's unfair to call the AHCA a disguised effort to cut taxes on rich people; it's more fair to call it the extension of a prolonged conservative effort to block or repeal those taxes, which, yes, mostly affect the rich.
After taking office, Trump announced that he would withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and promised to make good on his campaign trail promises to renegotiate new deals he deems more fair, including an overhaul of NAFTA.
Internet service providers claim that this makes pricing more fair for people who don't use as much data–but it also has the benefit of protecting their pay TV businesses as more viewers become cord-cutters by rejecting cable and satellite services.
KUALA LUMPUR, April 23 (Reuters) - Malaysia is hopeful of getting more "fair" investment from China, its foreign minister said on Tuesday, after both countries agreed to resume two multi-billion dollar projects just before a Belt and Road conference in Beijing this week.
We are engaged with a range of leaders on this important issue, and we will soon be meeting with CBC officials and other civil rights leaders to discuss progress on reaching our shared goals of a more fair, just and inclusive society.
"Democrats need to show -- and can show -- that they can simultaneously fight for a society that is both more fair and more prosperous -- and drive home the fact that Trump is delivering neither," long-time Democratic strategist Ron Klain said in an email.
The U.S. president said he would seek to begin fresh talks to re-enter the accord in search of a deal which was more "fair" for America, however, he faced an immediate backlash from several European governments, business leaders and environmental organizations.
"Increasingly the U.S. government has imposed sanctions on individuals, entities, and companies that are wrongdoers as opposed to entire jurisdictions because the more surgical approach is viewed as more effective and more fair," said Adam Smith, a former senior advisor at Treasury.
"We hope that by filing a lawsuit that we can achieve long-lasting changes in MTA advertising policies that allow for more fair advertising processes," she said, "and of course, that we too will be able to advertise amongst our sexually-oriented peers."
We encourage our artist-teachers to see opportunities for their work to help uncover and address inequality and to take actions to make their classes, schools, community, and worlds more fair and inclusive places and to inspire their students to do the same.
But it is also because of a peculiar irony of American history: The American creed has no more devoted adherents than those who have been historically denied its promises, and no more fair-weather friends than those who have taken them for granted.
MARTIN WELLINGBRONXVILLE, N.Y. To the Editor: David Brooks's explanation for "The Strange Failure of the Educated Elite" is right about everything except the value of diversity, which he argues is a midpoint, not an endpoint, in establishing a more fair social system.
The letter also says Meetup is in the process of "exploring many options" to consider how to make pricing more fair for event organizers, and leaves the door open to making major payment changes so long as it gives the community "advance notice" first.
"We're grateful to the tens of thousands of Americans who have chipped in to ensure Cory's voice will be heard in the Democratic debates this fall, and who believe in Cory's uplifting vision of building a more fair and just country for everyone," he said.
Clinton could have campaigned aggressively in the closing days of the campaign in states such as Wisconsin and Michigan, with a rousing appeal to working class voters based on more fair trade, a higher minimum wage for workers and a public option for healthcare.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday it was concerned about a European Commission order for Apple Inc to pay billions in unpaid taxes to Ireland because it seemed TO undermine joint U.S.-EU progress on creating a more fair international tax system.
You have this society you'd like to create, one that is more fair of a political landscape, where citizens are returned to having inalienable rights but, at the same time, if the government won't budge, how do you achieve that without a show of disobedience?
But even as New York City detectives strove to make the lineup more fair by concealing one identifying feature, they left another clue in plain sight: It is lying on the floor, next to the ankle of the man in the No. 5 position.
Instead, it's probably more fair to say that Kentucky Route Zero is a game about what capitalism does to people, how it turns them into fuel and into highway both, so that it can spread further and further, devouring more and more along the way.
Even as the Chinese authorities work to assure people that the courts are becoming more fair, the means for people to publicize injustices and bring them to court are being hobbled by a nationwide crackdown on lawyers who take up the causes of the powerless.
Fisher contended that a merit-based admissions policy would be more fair than UT's existing holistic review policy, which includes race when evaluating applicants like Abigail Fisher who did not qualify for automatic admission by graduating in the top 10 percent of their class.
Ultimately, Overkill: The Unsolved Murder of JonBenét is a far more "fair" TV special about the Ramsey case as a whole, one that cites the media's influence in not only how the investigation was handled, but how people perceived the case and the guilt of certain parties.
Now, she says, it can help him achieve more fair trade for the U.S. "I applaud President Trump for focusing on the problem of shifting exchange rates and how much that undermines free markets and what we think of as the principles of free trade," she said.
Ethics in machine learning is still a relatively new intersection of thought, and this bill appears aimed at forcing companies to think about the way their algorithms work, who they might harm or disenfranchise, and how they are actively working toward more fair, accurate, and just systems.
"MK's decision to challenge this discrimination in court was an opportunity for Hong Kong to break away from the injustices of the past and start shaping a more fair and equal society," Man-kei Tam, the director of Amnesty International Hong Kong, said Friday in a statement.
This must include how we educate, skill and equip our work forces for the future; how we reform tax and welfare systems to encourage more fair distribution of wealth; and how we replenish our nations' infrastructures and invest in the communities most harmed by trade and technology.
A wealth tax could have cut Jeff Bezos&apos fortune in half and made Bill Gates $61 billion less rich, but it might not do anything to make the economy feel more fair to the middle class, Bloomberg columnist Noah Smith argued in a recent column.
They have retreated from key civil rights enforcement and using the law as intended to guarantee fair opportunity to minority populations in poverty, including stalling efforts to finally address residential segregation, while halting bipartisan momentum to make our criminal justice system more fair and less punitive.
Mr. Booker "is running for president to reignite our sense of common purpose to build a more fair and just nation — that means enacting policies that atone for this nation's history of intentionally discriminatory public policy toward African-Americans," said Michael Tyler, a spokesman for his campaign.
Speaking for Box specifically, we have no problem with making the system more fair, requiring more in terms of qualifications or criteria for getting an H-1B [worker], whether it's a salary minimum or other ways of really making sure this is truly high-skilled kind of talent.
"It's probably more fair to say that we are engaging on the issue than we have developed a plan for it," said Ron Achelpohl, the director of transportation and environment for the Mid-America Regional Council, an association of local governments in nine counties in Kansas and Missouri.
Briefing reporters in the Roosevelt Room ahead of the president's announcement Thursday, senior administration officials described a system for new arrivals that they said would be more fair and clear and also would significantly shift the population receiving American citizenship toward a much more highly educated, higher-income group.
"It seems like their policy announcements are directly contradictory to all the work we did to make justice more fair and more effective over the past eight years," Dena Iverson, a spokesperson for the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division under Obama, said in an interview with BuzzFeed News.
He said the proposal, versions of which have already been introduced in the Assembly and Senate, "is explicitly predicated on making our current system more fair," including by cutting tolls for bridges around the city while imposing new ones for drivers entering the central business areas of Manhattan.
"I'm certainly very aware of the court decision and we are in the process of implementing that -- while at the same time we are continuing to work on revising the rule so that it is one that we think is more fair to both students and taxpayers," she added.
According to a cover story in The Atlantic by Liza Mundy, while tech giants like Google and Facebook struggle to overcome bias and bring more people of color and women into overwhelmingly white, male offices, Intel may have figured out a way to make hiring more fair without sacrificing quality.
When it comes to fairness, don't you think the people who were behind the scenes, in the workroom, watching ever moment, being in the challenges, seeing people struggle, and seeing people triumph... Don't you think that inside Big Brother point of view is valuable and, in a way, even more fair?
The three most problematic concepts that he focuses on in his new book "Can American Capitalism Survive?" are: Capitalism automatically works when everyone pursues their own self-interest; the income we earn is always a good reflection of what we contribute; and making the economy more fair would impede its growth.
The elections on July 30 were the first to be held after the ouster of Robert Mugabe, who led this country for 37 years before he was toppled last year in a military coup, and whose departure had raised hopes that the vote would be conducted in a more fair and transparent manner.
"For years, Illinoisans have been fighting to make our income tax system more fair to middle class families and those striving to get there, and this monumental vote in the General Assembly means that voters will have the right to decide our system for themselves in November 2020," Pritzker said in a statement.
During an appearance on a morning talk show on Wednesday, the mayor touted his plan to tax the richest New Yorkers, a so-called "Millionaires Tax," to fund the subway, as more fair that Mr. Cuomo's notion to pay for it through congestion pricing, charging drivers a fee to enter Manhattan's business districts.
"Trump's win in 2016 and my performance these last two years in Virginia proves that instead of the Democrat Party representing the working class, the Republican Party is rejecting the Corporate Cronyism of the Rockefellers and the Clintons in favor of a more just, more fair, more equitable approach to government," Stewart's statement read.
" During the press conference, Cornet said the "totally shocking" comments came from someone who "lives in another time" and were "10,000 times worse than what happened to me on the court yesterday because… he doesn't have to do that… This kind of person doesn't help the work that we're all doing to make it more fair for women.
A rise in anti-establishment populism has been blamed on globalization but the founder of the World Economic Forum told CNBC that global trade, which has created hundreds of millions of job, should not be made a scapegoat "We have to make globalization more fair," Klaus Schwab, the executive chairman of the WEF, said in an interview with CNBC.
"We're looking at every country of the world, we're looking at where we're going to put our assets and where we're going to deploy resources, and the U.S. under a President Trump, where he started to talk about a reduction in U.S. taxes to make it more fair or competitive on a global basis, is really important," he said.
While he was not shy to admit that his negative personal opinion of President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE — "Fair to say, I'm not a fan, sir," Strzok told Rep.
Trump has repeatedly said he could withdraw from the pact among the U.S., Mexico and Canada if he cannot secure terms that he deems more fair to the U.S. The president told the Journal that he wants a fair deal, or a "Trump deal," as talks about revisions to the pact continue among the three countries.
This is true on the urgent issue of gun violence prevention and so many other pressing issues that we face as a country Only when we make our political infrastructure more fair can we ensure that our lawmakers are actually accountable to their constituents -- and truly create a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
Moreover, future AI-powered drones and other autonomous weapon systems (AWS; also known by their opponents as "killer robots") can hopefully be made more fair and rational than human soldiers: equipped with superhuman sensors and unafraid of getting killed, they might remain cool, calculating and level-headed even in the heat of battle, and be less likely to accidentally kill civilians.
Those trials are now overseen by a pair of federal judges whose decisions are endlessly scrutinized for clues about future cases; under the Music Modernization Act, the cases would be randomly assigned to a pool of judges in United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, which the bill's backers argue would make the process more fair.
Second to the superdelegate measure, the biggest change made on Saturday was a set of rules meant to make caucuses more fair and transparent: States that hold caucuses over primaries will be asked to offer same-day registration, publicly report the results of caucus voting, create a mechanism for absentee voting, and ensure that every caucus site is accessible to people with disabilities and English-language limitations.
On issue after issue Warren is offering detailed plans to make the economy more fair, require the most wealthy Americans to pay a reasonable wealth tax, create universal child care, address the plaguing burden of student debt, and champion a progressive capitalism by running against a system in which the game is fixed and the deck is stacked against poor, middle-income and working-class voters.
A week after facing a brutal dissembling of her record in a New York Times op-ed piece by University of San Francisco associate law professor Lara Bazelon, who is the former director of the Loyola Law School Project for the Innocent, Harris renewed her efforts to frame herself as someone who tried to fight for a "more fair criminal justice system" from within.
That has stayed with me and I am an optimist today because I believe most people in Washington and around this country want to live in a more fair and more just world, are willing to work together to get there, and they need leaders who will honor that and bring out those tendencies as opposed to the tendencies that tend to tear us apart.
Trump has advocated one-on-one agreements over multilateral pacts in an effort to make deals that are more "fair" to the US. This is the first major one-on-one agreement the Trump administration has made so far, and it's likely as much of an attempt to bolster relations between the two allies ahead of North Korea talks, as it is to win America the best deals.
"I am an optimist today because I believe most people in Washington and around this country want to live in a more fair and more just world, are willing to work together to get there, and they need leaders who will honor that and bring out those tendencies as opposed to the tendencies that tend to tear us apart," he said on the latest episode of Recode Decode.
And we have to make sure that we have trade agreements that are more fair, because if we can encourage work made in America, every time you hold something in your hand that says 'Made in America,' it is the ingenuity of our workers, it is the quality of a product, it is equality of our workers, and it is the hopes and dreams of the American people.
"It's difficult to handicap the outcome, but my hope is the strong personal relationship between President Trump and President Xi will facilitate an agreement, just as it seems to possibly be doing relative to North Korea," Ross said during a speech Monday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. "The president has meticulously honored his campaign promises, and key among them is making our trade relations with China much more fair," he added.
Anthony Scaramucci, a senior advisor on the Trump transition team, told a group of business leaders convened at a bipartisan meeting by the group No Labels that President-elect Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE is a free-trader who is looking to make trade deals more fair, not scrap them.
Anthony Scaramucci, a senior advisor on the Trump transition team, told a group of business leaders convened at a bipartisan meeting by the group No Labels that President-elect Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE is a free-trader who is looking to make trade deals more fair, not scrap them.
This is not to say that many stakeholders in the compassionate use arena could not do better:  there is a historic lack of transparency on how access decisions are made and by whom; apprehension about how and to what extent the FDA might factor adverse events that may be due to a patients' co-morbidities when reviewing a drug for ultimate approval; questions of how decisions can be more fair and just for all patients in need and not just those who have access to learned clinicians who are aware of drugs in the pipeline and who understand how to make compassionate use requests.
Democratic strategists say Trump's attacks on Hunter Biden, whom the president called "stone-cold crooked" at a nationally televised press conference with the president of Finland, make his eldest sons, Eric TrumpEric Frederick TrumpKey Republicans split with Trump on Biden investigation push The Hill's Campaign Report: Warren, Sanders overtake Biden in third-quarter fundraising Trump campaign, GOP raise M after Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry MORE and Donald Trump Jr.Donald (Don) John TrumpLouisiana GOP bring in big names to block Democratic governor Key Republicans split with Trump on Biden investigation push Ocasio-Cortez says woman who suggested 'eating babies' was Trump supporter MORE, fair game to similar attacks.
Manafort and his attorneys want the case moved to the Western District of Virginia, they wrote, which they said in a memo contains a more even split of voters who supported President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE and Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonThe exhaustion of Democrats' anti-Trump delusions Poll: Trump trails three Democrats by 10 points in Colorado Soft levels of support mark this year's Democratic primary MORE in the 2016 election and would therefore be more fair to the former Trump aide.

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