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15 Sentences With "more argumentative"

How to use more argumentative in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more argumentative" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more argumentative". Mastering all the usages of "more argumentative" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"And one of the more argumentative participants only watches Australian rules football...," Miller replied.
They're far more argumentative and comfortable with the idea of discussing the issues that matter.
In "Ordinarily Well," Kramer tills some of the same ground that he did in his previous book, but his approach this time is less philosophical and more argumentative.
Cam's answers on the fumble are more argumentative than his response to the press conference issue, but there is some truth to the point about the expectations on quarterbacks.
The God of the Book of Genesis or of Job, who makes bargains or bets, or the God with whom Jesus, in effect, contests in the Agony in the Garden, is a more argumentative, a more anthropomorphic, creature.
Customers who are in a bad mood are more difficult to please. They are slower to process information and consequently take longer to make decisions. They tend to be more argumentative and are more likely to complain.
The television adaptation altered the relationship between the children slightly, with Mary becoming Jack's daughter and William and Alice's cousin. Her character is also considerably more argumentative and headstrong than in the books, as well as having apparently relocated from Canada to Jack's home country, as had Phoebe, who, like Mary, has a Canadian accent.
Individuals will choose their strategy for expressing dissent based on the strength of their arguments. Kassing and Avtgis (1999) found an individual who is more argumentative and less verbally aggressive is prone to use articulated dissent. On the other hand, an individual who lacks argumentative skills will resort to using a less direct and more aggressive strategy, latent dissent.
School of Logic is grades 7 and 8. School of Rhetoric is grades 9 to 12. In the Grammar stage (K - 6) Regents students are taught the building blocks for future subjects, including phonics, Latin, grammar, and math facts. In the Logic stage (grades 7 – 8), when a child would naturally become more argumentative, Regents students learn Formal Logic.
It is a less aggressive form of skepticism which may occur in that sometimes "[s]uspension of judgment evidently just happens to the sceptic". Aporetic Pyrrhonism, in contrast, describes a "more argumentative form of scepticism, one that works more actively towards its goal". Aporetic skepticism may also be described as a state of perplexity. They are actively "engaged in refutation".
For example, the aesthetic life view is written in short essay form, with poetic imagery and allusions, discussing aesthetic topics such as music, seduction, drama, and beauty. The ethical life view is written as two long letters, with a more argumentative and restrained prose, discussing moral responsibility, critical reflection, and marriage.Kierkegaard, Søren. The Essential Kierkegaard, edited by Howard and Edna Hong.
In 1961, the term "foreigner" came to replace "foreign races" or "foreign peoples". In 1986, the term was no longer used in economics. Since 1991, primarily the verb "überfremden" has been in use, and one could speak of a country being überfremdet (). In 1993, the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache () declared "Überfremdung" to be the Unwort des Jahres (), as it makes "undifferentiated xenophobia" sound more argumentative and clinical.
Those who have been characterized as compulsive talkers talk with a greater frequency, dominate conversations, and are less inhibited than others. They have also been found to be more argumentative and have a positive attitude regarding communication. Tendencies towards compulsive talking also are more frequently seen in the personality structure of neurotic psychotic extraverts. It has also been found that talkaholics are never behaviorally shy.
Lower-income families can have children who do not succeed to the levels of the middle-income children, who can have a greater sense of entitlement, be more argumentative, or be better prepared for adult life.,Lareau, Annette. (2003). Unequal Childhoods: Race, Class, and Family Life. University of California Press Research shows that lower SES students have lower and slower academic achievement as compared with students of higher SES.
The study also reported that teachers found children from childcare to be "disobedient", fight more frequently, and more argumentative. The study reported the increases in both aggression and vocabulary were small. "The researchers emphasized that the children's behavior was within the normal range and were not considered clinically disordered." As a matter of social policy, consistent, good daycare, may ensure adequate early childhood education for children of less skilled parents.

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