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29 Sentences With "morally problematic"

How to use morally problematic in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "morally problematic" and check conjugation/comparative form for "morally problematic". Mastering all the usages of "morally problematic" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Every element of the arrangement is politically, legally or morally problematic.
"I think there are other uses that wouldn't be so morally problematic," London says.
Lastly its judicial nominees are the least diverse, most underqualified, and morally problematic candidates in recent memory.
But an alternative technique that Dolly inspired had produced something almost as good—and much less morally problematic.
And I find this entire genre of boffo, entitled, show-off masculinity morally problematic and just plain tiresome.
It is morally problematic — offensive to children of German Jews, like myself, who are painfully aware of its falsity.
"If my film did not portray him as the hero, I would feel on morally problematic territory," he told me.
There's this line right after she does something that she can't come back from, that is very morally problematic, about halfway through the book.
Proposals such as Warren's wealth tax, then, strike many of these people not just as a personal threat, but as being economically inefficient and morally problematic.
And perhaps one might think even a minimally invasive surgery is morally problematic, given the rights we enjoy in most circumstances to reject forced medical treatment of almost any sort.
In fact, many liberals (myself included), find the proposed bill morally problematic: It would've placed limitations on individuals who have not been convicted of any crime, purely based on suspicion.
Supposing such a case, we might then ask, would an army realizing an institutional plan that was functionally identical to the algorithms of a killer robot be any less morally problematic?
If they had waited longer—it's been reported between two weeks and a few months—she would have been 16 and, though certainly morally problematic, the relationship wouldn't have been a crime.
When Ross and co-author Dr. Ellen Wright Clayton of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, read about the dilemma and the protocol change, they thought the decisions were morally problematic.
It dared to propose that donning a mask or wrapping yourself in the colors of the flag in order to dispense some version of justice is itself a morally problematic, even questionable, act.
Full-on rage set in when Erickson followed up his tweet with a blog post arguing that while Trump is morally problematic, Buttigieg is "no better a Christian than Donald Trump" because he's gay.
Many younger evangelicals want both to atone for old racial wrongs and expand their faith's appeal; countenancing Mr Trump's "racist invective," thinks Mr Moore, is "morally problematic but also self-defeating", since "angry old white people" are not the church's future.
She doesn't consider getting herself off using the handheld showerhead morally problematic, but it presents two logistical complications, the first of which is that, the more often she does it, the more difficult it is for Casey to bring her to orgasm on the occasions when they're feeling ambitious enough to have sex.
The inclusion of child nudity has been frequently raised as morally problematic; consequently, this book remains on lists of books either challenged or banned. The book has been ranked 25th on the "100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000" list compiled by the American Library Association.
Indeed, many people did not see these activities as illegal or even morally problematic. Moreover, many regulations and law governing cadre work and public service were rarely enforced, resulting in two prevailing winds among Chinese officialdom that "if everyone else is doing it then it must be okay," and that "I probably won't ever be caught anyway". Following the announcement of the campaign, former premier Zhu Rongji made a rare public statement voicing support for the campaign.Chen Chu-chun.
However, vaccine experts and manufacturers state that vaccines do not contain any of the original fetal tissue or cells, that the abortions occurred decades ago and replenishment with new tissue has not occurred. Also, producing a safe vaccine for many diseases requires the use of these cell strains. The Catholic Church, which opposes abortion, has stated that vaccination should not be refused on moral grounds in cases where the public health benefits of vaccination may outweigh the use of aborted fetal tissue to develop some vaccines, when an alternative vaccine created from cell lines that are not morally problematic are not available.
The Chinese government censors content it considers contrary to Chinese moral and cultural norms. Content censored on moral grounds has included pornography in China, particularly extreme pornography; violence in films; "low-culture" and morally "problematic" performances, such as hip-hop or those featuring visibly tattooed artists and LGBTQ content on television. Pornography has been illegal since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949 and is a major target of censorship, but it is still commonly accessible within the country. Chinese media have reported on censors specifically hired by provincial authorities to screen movies confiscated from unlicensed dealers for pornographic content.
Many proponents of this stance express concern that the sanctity of marriage may be compromised by the insertion of a third party into the marriage contract. Additionally, the practice of in vitro fertilisation involved in gestational surrogacy is generally viewed as morally impermissible due to its removal of human conception from the sacred process of sexual intercourse. Pro-life Catholics also condemn in vitro fertilisation due to the killing of embryos that accompanies the frequent practice of discarding, freezing, or donating non-implanted eggs to stem cell research. As such, the Catholic Church deems all practices involving in vitro fertilisation, including gestational surrogacy, as morally problematic.
National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City Memorial museums are museums dedicated both to educating the public about and commemorating a specific historic event, usually involving mass suffering. The concept gained traction throughout the 20th century as a response to the numerous and well publicized mass atrocities committed during that century. The events commemorated by memorial museums tend to involve mostly civilian victims who died under "morally problematic circumstances" that cannot easily be interpreted as heroic. There are frequently unresolved issues concerning the identity, culpability, and punishment of the perpetrators of these killings and memorial museums often play an active research role aimed at benefiting both the victims and those prosecuting the perpetrators.
The point can be put like this: the fact that Jesus ate fish (and possibly other meat) shows that, in some circumstances, it is sometimes permissible to eat some meats. But Jesus's eating of fish (possibly meat) doesn't show that eating meat is always justified. At this point in the debate, Christian vegetarians and vegans are likely to point to practices in the modern, industrialized farming system, which they think make the eating of meat produced in such farms morally problematic—practices such as, to give just one example, the mass killing of day-old male chicks from laying hens. Some Christian vegetarians and vegans have appealed to biblical scholarship to argue that biblical passages often need nuanced interpretation, and to guard against a wooden literalism.
At most, we could deduce that when Jesus declared all foods clean, he was implicitly accepting the permissibility for his immediate audience of eating the meat that was available to them in Israel in the first- century. But it doesn't follow from this that all Christians everywhere can eat whatever they like. Christian vegetarians and vegans might make the point described above in the discussion of Luke 24, namely, that few Christians in the West think it is okay to eat cats, dogs, or foods such as foie gras. If, however, it is morally problematic to eat cats, dogs or foie gras, then Jesus's declaring all foods clean doesn't make eating animals purely a matter of "Christian liberty", if by that is meant that each person can decide for him- or herself what to eat.
Statue in Oviedo, Spain In January 2018, the Goodspeed Opera House in Connecticut canceled its adaptation of Allen's film Bullets over Broadway (1994). The following month, Circle Theater in Grand Rapids, Michigan, also canceled their adaptation of Bullets over Broadway. In February 2018, Savanah Lyon, a theater major at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), began organizing an online petition to have a course teaching Allen's films removed from the UCSD syllabus, saying that because of the abuse allegations against him, the university should not have a class devoted to his work. On February 16, the UCSD Academic Senate announced that it would retain the course, stating that the removal of courses featuring "controversial material, or even material widely regarded as morally problematic" would undermine the values of free inquiry and academic freedom.
Increasing awareness of the range of perspectives to be examined can benefit policy by more thoroughly informing decisions, and also encourage caution about too quickly adopting policy positions based on a limited perspective. Though her work on the nature of scientific knowledge is broadly feminist in the sense that it argues for the value of contributions by diverse people (and accordingly the value of the contributions of women) to science, some of Longino's other work has been more explicitly feminist and concerned with women. For example, she has presented and analyzed alternative narratives of female and male-centered accounts of human evolution, emphasizing the impact of gender-centered assumptions on the formation of theory. Beyond the study of knowledge, her writing has included the analysis of the nature of pornography and the circumstances under which it is morally problematic.
Seana Shiffrin, Gerald Harrison, Julia Tanner and Asheel Singh argue that procreation is morally problematic because of the impossibility of obtaining consent from the human who will be brought into existence. Shiffrin lists four factors that in her opinion make the justification for having hypothetical consent to procreation a problem: # great harm is not at stake if the action is not taken; # if the action is taken, the harms suffered by the created person can be very severe; # a person cannot escape the imposed condition without very high cost (suicide is often a physically, emotionally, and morally excruciating option); # the hypothetical consent procedure is not based on the values of the person who will bear the imposed condition. S. Shiffrin, Wrongful Life, Procreative Responsibility, and the Significance of Harm, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 133. Gerald Harrison and Julia Tanner argue that when we want to significantly affect someone by our action and it is not possible to get their consent, then the default should be to not take such action.

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