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14 Sentences With "mooseknuckle"

How to use mooseknuckle in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mooseknuckle" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mooseknuckle". Mastering all the usages of "mooseknuckle" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mitch had smoothly removed her shortlets and panties. Began massaging mooseknuckle.
Mitch had smoothly removed her shortlets and panties. Began massaging mooseknuckle.
While Zoop tries to delay the punctual kangaroo back at Mooseknuckle, Iggy and Jiggers narrowly escape a hungry panther, but make it back to Mooseknuckle by five o'clock, to deliver the petition. The episode ends with Zoop telling them that it's Tuesday, and since the petition was due Wednesday, Jiggers finishes his tantrum about losing his bottle-cap collection for nothing.
Iggy is descended from a long line of explorers, all of whom have made great discoveries. These people are modeled from famous historical explorers. His great-great-grandfather, Figgy Arbuckle, was the first of his ancestors to come to the Kook. Figgy's son, Twiggy, planted an oak tree near Mooseknuckle, which Iggy affectionately called "Alvin", before it died in "Iggy's Family Tree".
The most prominent locations in the park include a volcano called Mount Kaboom, which Jiggers is constantly afraid will erupt, despite Iggy saying it has been dormant for centuries. The first story in the debut episode focused on this matter. Three other recurring places are a lake called Gottalottawatta, in which character Catfish Stu frequently dwells, an Iceland called Brainfreeze and a town called Mooseknuckle.
Spiff's duty is to keep the Kook clean, and he takes this job very seriously, even going so far as to clean up after others when he's away from Mooseknuckle. He gets extremely angry whenever anyone litters, rather than properly dispose of their trash. He considers tourists to be a problem, since they tend to be careless litterbugs. Even so, he grows bored and restless when there's a long period in which no one litters.
He enjoyed this position until Harley asked him to retrieve the emerald from Hissabiss. After successfully fetching it out of the canyon (though it ended up rolling away into the forest), Jiggers and Iggy escaped back to Mooseknuckle. Jiggers was concerned over how he could hide away from the tribe, but they were too busy running after the emerald to notice he was gone. They were among the park residents who gave signatures for the highway petition in "Petition Impossible".
Iggy is excitedly waiting with a fatigued Jiggers in the center of Mooseknuckle. He tells Jiggers that Manly Boarman, a famous Australian explorer whom he has idolized since childhood, is coming to explore the Kookamunga, and that Iggy has agreed to be his guide. When Manly arrives, he is immediately swarmed by bees from the press, who are anxious to photograph him at all opportunities. When he lands after parachuting from his plane, he greets Iggy and Jiggers, who then proceed to lead him around the park.
The raccoon family are tourists who stayed at Catfish Stu's "eco-friendly" resort in "Mooseknuckle Unplugged". Because Catfish Stu was overusing the energy from the power generators, the music he played was too loud, the water in the swimming pool too hot, and the air conditioning too cold. This dissatisfied the family, and the mother (Voiced by Ellen-Ray Hennessy; credited as Ellen Ray Snow) demanded that he give them a refund. When he refused, she mildly threatened to claw him, and he gave in.
Kira is native to the city, and is a relatively new resident of Mooseknuckle. Therefore, she is unfamiliar with most of the Kook's traditions and folklore, but still enjoys learning about them and getting in on them. Of the regular cast (the characters who are featured in the opening credits), she is the most infrequently seen. Kira and Jiggers have, on more than one occasion, given each other glances, complimented each other, and are shown in "Any Friend of Yours" to have many things in common.
Zoop notices, however, and snips their pockets open to let the goods out, upon which each of them claims the other was going to pay for it all."Good Scavenger Hunting/Mooseknuckle Unplugged"; When Kira asks both scavenger hunting teams (Iggy and Jiggers vs. Catfish Stu and his henchmen) to find physical evidence of evolution in the Kookamunga, Stu cheats by pulling fur off of Robear and Robert, matting it together, and claiming it's a bald eagle's wig. Iggy, suspicious, tricks the ferrets into thinking there's something to steal behind them, and they eagerly turn around, revealing their bald necks.
Stu is greedy, and bent on becoming a millionaire. He is also self-centered, cynical and egotistical; believing himself to be above everyone else in Mooseknuckle, frequently calling them all "Mooseknuckleheads", and seeing nature as nothing more than a disposable resource to implement his plans. Along with that, he is somewhat of a picky eater, insisting on feeding only on gourmet food, and openly mocking and criticizing Zoop's health-concerned, all-natural-ingredient food products. Despite his upper-class desires, he's apparently cheap as well, as he buys second-hand rowboats, which he keeps locked up in a shed so no one else knows about them.
He is the only official "Pig Ranger" other than Iggy (though Catfish Stu temporarily became one in "The Things We do for Mud"), and is also a skilled mechanic and wood sculptor. He prides himself on his teeth, which play a major part in his work, and does his best to take care of them even ordering in an electrical toothbrush, called the Incisor 3000 with extra gadgets in "Mooseknuckle Unplugged". Jiggers has a strong tail; it is capable of creating a wind current or digging a hole. However, in "The Things We Do for Mud", it is shown that Jiggers has an unbearably itchy tail, which is why he sometimes smears "miracle mud" on his tail in large quantities (while not liking when Iggy talks about itching of Jiggres' tail in public).
Iggy and Jiggers return home from protecting the river during the rainy season, to find that amongst their mail from the past week is a letter that, due to a contract from the 1940s, there will be a highway built through the middle of Kookamunga National Park. They notice the petition available to contest this construction, and head to Mooseknuckle to collect signatures. When there, they explain the situation, and even Catfish Stu makes it a point to force everyone into signing when he finds out that the highway will not allow anyone to stop and book in at his Adventure Camp. However, the petition, which needs 200 signatures, is missing most of the requirements, so Iggy and Jiggers head all over the park gathering signatures from the residents and tourists; finally resorting to wild yaks' hoof prints when nothing else is available.

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