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22 Sentences With "misallocating"

How to use misallocating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "misallocating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "misallocating". Mastering all the usages of "misallocating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

At YBC one of my biggest mistakes was misallocating time.
So I think you may be misallocating some of the blame here.
That package was later criticised for misallocating resources and delaying much-needed structural reforms.
Some worry that Intel's attempts at diversification risk misallocating both cash and its engineers' attention.
They're misallocating their funds, and that's not to say that you don't go on television.
Teachers — both male and female — had been misallocating comments more frequently to the men in the classroom.
The company was accused of deceiving borrowers, misallocating payments and steering borrowers into costlier forbearances rather than income-based repayment programs.
Efforts to control utilization end up extending government price and quantity controls to every aspect of medical care, misallocating resources and reducing productive efficiency.
"I think our study shows that, if you're blaming all the problems on bots, you're misallocating resources on how to fix the problem," said Vosoughi.
However, everyone can agree that misallocating tax dollars for activities that produce no benefit keeps tax rates artificially high and deprives investors and innovators of scarce capital.
Economists' main argument against budget deficits has long been that when the government borrows, it crowds out private-sector borrowing, thus misallocating resources and increasing interest rates.
While property rights, rule of law, and free markets are key factors for economic growth and human flourishing, monopolies overcharge consumers and retard economic growth by misallocating resources.
China's P2P firms have dabbled in all manner of misdemeanors, including misallocating funds and mass criminal enterprises such as Ezubao - a 22 billion yuan fraud - where convictions ranged from illegal possession of weapons to undocumented border crossings.
BOOM AND BUST China's P2P firms have dabbled in all manner of misdemeanours, including misallocating funds and mass criminal enterprises such as Ezubao - a 50 billion yuan fraud - where convictions ranged from illegal possession of weapons to undocumented border crossings.
The BOJ's buying spree will make it harder for investors to sift good companies from bad, and raises a host of other problems including misallocating capital, making equities trading more speculative and reducing incentives for companies to meet shareholder needs, analysts say.
Ramsey has been accused of misallocating funds and inappropriately drawing additional compensation from other sources, and he caused a stir last Halloween when a picture surfaced of him and his staff members dressed in Mexican outfits, complete with sombreros (he later apologized).
At the center of the bureau's effort is its case against Navient, a spinoff of Sallie Mae, which the agency accused in 2017 of steering low-income borrowers into higher payments than they needed to make, misallocating payments and failing to provide customers with clear information about cost-saving options.
Alcock, J. 2005. Animal Behavior: eighth edition This strong parental drive will be selected for, but the organisms will still make the mistake of feeding young that are not theirs and misallocating their resources.
Output can be expanded when price discrimination is very efficient. Even if output remains constant, price discrimination can reduce efficiency by misallocating output among consumers. Price discrimination requires market segmentation and some means to discourage discount customers from becoming resellers and, by extension, competitors. This usually entails using one or more means of preventing any resale: keeping the different price groups separate, making price comparisons difficult, or restricting pricing information.
There are two schools of thought on how to cope with risks raised by availability cascades: technocratic and democratic. The technocratic approach, championed by Kuran and Sunstein, emphasizes assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating risks according to objective risk measures (e.g. expected costs, expected disability-adjusted life years (DALY)). The technocratic approach considers availability cascades to be phenomena of mass irrationality that can distort or hijack public policy, misallocating resources or imposing regulatory burdens whose costs exceed the expected costs of the risks they mitigate.
Buss posits that men and women have faced different adaptive challenges throughout human history, which shape behavioral difference in males and females today. Women have faced the challenges of surviving through pregnancy and lactation and then rearing children. Men, by contrast, have faced the challenges of paternity uncertainty, with its related risk of misallocating parental resources, and of maximizing the offspring onto which they pass their genes. Because insemination can occur by any mating choice of the female; males cannot be certain that the child in which they are investing is genetically their offspring.
While trade in corporate bonds typically centered in the U.S., two-thirds of corporate debt growth since 2007 was in developing countries. China became one of the largest corporate bond markets in the world, with the value of Chinese corporate bonds increasing from $69 billion in 2007 to $2 trillion at the end of 2017. By mid-2018, total outstanding U.S. corporate debt reached 45% of GDP, which was larger than that seen during the dot-com bubble and subprime mortgage crisis. Noting negative bond yields in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the US in August 2019, Bloomberg News stated that effectively paying borrowers to borrow is distorting incentives and misallocating resources, concluding that bonds are on a bubble.

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