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7 Sentences With "milords"

How to use milords in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "milords" and check conjugation/comparative form for "milords". Mastering all the usages of "milords" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He was born in Nice, but grew up in Córdoba and Buenos Aires, Argentina. After learning guitar, he returned to France when in his teens, and formed an instrumental beat group, Les Milords. Massiera played lead guitar; the other members were Pierre Malaussena (rhythm guitar), Patrick Batteu (bass), and Francis Cavallaro (drums). Les Milords, Guitares & Batteries.
Quenya has a conjugated preposition formed from the contraction of a preposition with a personal pronoun. :ótar "(together) with you (Sir or Mam)", and ótari "(together) with you (Milords or Miladies)".Vinyar Tengwar 43, p. 29 :rámen "for us".
Around this time, an aunt gave him money for professional singing lessons, but he used it to buy the Beatles' first album Please Please Me. In September 1963, he started at Charterhouse, a public school in Godalming, Surrey. There, he was a drummer and vocalist for his first band: the trad jazz outfit the Milords (or M'Lords). This was followed by a holiday band called the Spoken Word. In 1965, Gabriel formed Garden Wall with school friends Tony Banks on piano and Chris Stewart on drums.
Born in Florence, he received architectural and engineering training from Antonio Maria Ferri, an outstanding figure of the Accademia dei Nobili, who lectured and wrote a treatise on perspective, fortifications and artillery. With him young Galilei worked on the study of building techniques, stereometry, hydraulics.Tre artisti per riscoprire Firenze Visiting English milords were impressed with the classicism of his early designs, and he was invited by a party of English to London in 1714. There he participated in a variety of architectural projects, most notably collaborating with the civic engineer Nicholas Dubois.
This provoked a response from Romani himself, presenting his case against Bellini based largely on the composer's inability to decide on a subject and then finding his melodramma "touched up in a thousand ways", in order to make it acceptable to "the Milords of the Thames [who] await him", a sarcastic reference to Bellini's planned trip to London to stage the opera there. A further "cannonade" from Romani (says Weinstock) appeared in Milan's L'Eco in April.Detailed in Weinstock 1971, pp.140—142, who notes that the entire contents of the letters is reprinted in Cambia 1945 However, the relationship was eventually repaired in correspondence between the two men in 1833 and 1834, with Bellini in Paris and Romani in Milan.
C'est pour les démasquer que je vous dédie mon ouvrage; vous ne serez pas insensibles à mes tourments, vous les ferez cesser dès qu'ils vous seront connus. ::TO ALL THE EMPERORS, KINGS, PRINCES, AND SOVEREIGNS OF THE FOUR PARTS OF THE WORLD ::Milords, ::Fathers of nations, you who represent the heavenly God of peace and consolation on earth, unite your efforts to my own to destroy the power of Demons, Witches, and Imps, that devastate the unhappy dwellers of your countries. You see at your feet the most unfortunate of men; the torments with which I have struggled for these twenty-five years are the best titles that I can bear before your paternal gaze. ::Ah! The diabolical persecutions of the Imps would have long since been ended on Earth, had one of your subjects had the courage to reveal them to you.
This letter removes the blame from Bellini and lays it at the feet of Romani, outlining the timetable for the delivery of the libretto, which was contracted to be due in two parts: one in October and then the second in November. The author states that, except for a limited amount of text, nothing had been received by mid-January and the piece continues by describing the legal proceedings taken by Bellini and the various setbacks which occurred even after Romani arrived in Venice. On 2 April, this provoked a response from Romani himself, presenting his case against Bellini based largely on the composer's inability to decide on a subject, as well as justifying all the work which he did after arriving in Venice, only to find his melodramma "touched up in a thousand ways", in order to make it acceptable to "the Milords of the Thames [who] await him", a sarcastic reference to planned trip to London. Another, a more "venomous" version of this letter, was sent to Milan's L'Eco.

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