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145 Sentences With "metastasizing"

How to use metastasizing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "metastasizing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "metastasizing". Mastering all the usages of "metastasizing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's metastasizing the same way fear spreads across a population.
But the metastasizing of parking has had equally profound effects.
With no one looking, fake news was born and metastasizing.
It is metastasizing and it is doing so with impunity.
Restraining government remains the answer to a rapidly metastasizing state.
So the anger that threatens Washington based on partisanship is metastasizing.
Elsewhere, though, Yang leverages her flare for metastasizing imagery to bewildering effect.
The only way to prevent them from metastasizing is to ban them permanently.
And to me, it looks as if the Trump administration is now metastasizing.
Boko Haram's movement is metastasizing out of Nigeria and spreading to neighboring nations.
The wars of the Middle East appear to be metastasizing across the Continent.
She also has talked about her cancer metastasizing to other organs in her body.
Mr. Lieberman's proposed legislation is a sign of the disease of intractable conflict metastasizing.
Up against a bewildering, metastasizing enemy, Cuomo has so far shown decisive, forceful leadership.
We do not yet have a strategy to deal with this globally metastasizing cancer.
Experts say the crisis is metastasizing, opening new fronts for state and local governments.
Brave journalists here exposed this, and Brazilian prosecutors, to their credit, investigated the metastasizing scandals.
What is happening on social networks and across digital communications platforms is disturbing and ever metastasizing.
The risk is that this stain continues to spread, metastasizing and bringing down everything around it.
A sprawling and unaccountable executive branch and metastasizing national security state threatened to make Congress irrelevant.
The key is to stop the scandal from metastasizing from a civil to a criminal matter.
After all, it's not too late to keep climate change from metastasizing into something far worse.
How do we rid ourselves of the cancer on our society that is metastasizing each moment?
How do we rid ourselves of the cancer on our society that is metastasizing each moment?
Donald Trump was a symptom, not the cause, of our cancerous politics — and the disease is metastasizing.
The paroxysm of evil that is eliminating anything that is not human is metastasizing seemingly beyond repair.
Amazon is rapidly metastasizing into an invisible infrastructure that mediates our economy, politics, social relations, and culture.
But the resentments she finds are as toxic as the pollutants in the marsh and metastasizing throughout politics.
In the 22016s, Father Coughlin and Charles Lindbergh peddled the right-wing extremism and xenophobia that was metastasizing overseas.
Mueller is again metastasizing within Trump's inner circle ... and there are markedly fewer and fewer people in that circle.
But doing so will only raise the long-term cost of dealing with crises that are metastasizing each year.
" The most stunning commentary is not about Ephron but Lillian Hellman, described as "a plain woman of metastasizing ugliness.
The fact that there are now three groups who could be to blame shows how the insurgency is metastasizing.
As a consequence, graft can quickly spread through a system like a metastasizing cancer, taking hold across political institutions.
By acting as global lender of last resort, the Fed stopped the subprime mess from metastasizing around the world.
One remaining patient made it through breast cancer treatments, preventing the disease from metastasizing to the rest of the body.
"It's metastasizing now, thanks to our glorious president-elect who can't muster the dignity of a seventh-grader," she elaborated.
This could allow metastasizing cells to cooperate with one another, potentially giving them an advantage in colonizing a new site.
Right now the world is watching the metastasizing humanitarian catastrophe known as the Syrian civil war unfold in real time.
" Sanford, a frequent Trump critic, continued that the idea that Republican lawmakers must align closely with the president is "metastasizing.
" That phrase was repeated in a June blog published by Al Jazeera that also called Israel a metastasizing "cancerous gland.
And the groups are metastasizing, making plans to hold confrontational rallies in places like San Francisco and several other cities.
Yet for all its fanfare, UBI does essentially nothing to address the metastasizing cancer of structural inequality in American society.
"We literally caught it within weeks of metastasizing through to my brain to my skull," Williams said, according to the Post.
Others blame top leaders in the United States for failing to recognize the danger of a metastasizing movement of white supremacists.
American policies have contributed to metastasizing Al Qaeda into a diffuse global movement and intensified radical militancy in the Muslim world.
"We literally caught it within weeks of metastasizing through to my brain, to my skull," Williams said, per the ESPN story.
"A trade conflict with the U.S. would hit what is already metastasizing into a sore spot for the Chinese economy," CBB said.
Its precursor incubated amid Iraq's post-invasion chaos before rebranding as the Islamic State and then metastasizing during the Syrian civil war.
When it makes contact with a person from our realm, the ill will multiplies, metastasizing across the sleepy Washington town of Twin Peaks.
Now, Murray says, drastic measures must be taken to stop the far right from metastasizing—even if that means altering the First Amendment.
Despite six months of White House strife, precious few legislative achievements and a metastasizing Russia scandal, Republicans have largely stood by their president.
Like other legislative and regulatory measures to date, though, it will not prevent or assist organizations in responding to quickly metastasizing malware attacks.
In many autocracies, the regime would have rigged the vote, preventing the growing dissent from metastasizing into a public defeat for the incumbent.
In some patients with metastasizing cancers, they found evidence that the cells had escaped their initial site by hitching a ride along the interstitium.
Charging the batteries of shareable electric scooters overnight — the latest entry in our metastasizing gig economy — can be a bit of a thankless task.
He blamed Beijing's early actions — when it was accused of trying to cover up the crisis and resisting outside help — for "metastasizing" the pandemic.
Entire conversations may have unfolded in the time it took me to grab a cup of water — faster than I ever remember email exchanges metastasizing.
S. government-funded broadcasters should be splicing in critical public health information about how to prevent and contain the spread of this fast-metastasizing virus.
"Obviously this trade skirmish is metastasizing potentially into something worse than it already is," said Mark Luschini, chief investment strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott in Philadelphia.
Rudderless and without product direction, the company was losing users and advertisers, and seemed unable to contain a metastasizing trolling crisis that was destroying its credibility.
The Trump administration has made the right diagnosis, but as long as it pursues the current treatment plan, these revived conflicts are at risk of metastasizing.
Instead the insurgency is metastasizing, giving ISIS a foothold, and the government is nearing surely yet another round of chaotic elections that risks undermining its legitimacy.
In the manner of modern America, we scattered — pulled in this direction by work, in that direction by adventure, our commitments metastasizing, our free time shriveling.
It's Steve Ditko's weird Randian objectivism metastasizing into Spider-Man, and Dr. Seuss doing anti-Japanese propaganda work during World War II. It's Roald Dahl, anti-semite.
Glitches in a mobile app used to report Iowa caucus results not only delayed the results but also provoked metastasizing misinformation about the integrity of the vote.
These patients enter a tense limbo which often ends too quickly with the cancer metastasizing to their bones, lymph nodes or other organs — sometimes causing intense pain.
"Cuomo has, in his own thudding rhetorical style, consistently sounded the alarm about the virus' metastasizing toll, while also playing up the need for resolve," wrote John Philp.
With jurisdiction over the rapidly metastasizing shale gas industry, the US has direct control over one of the biggest and fastest-growing sources of potent, fast-acting methane.
Washington (CNN)The scandals that are metastasizing around the Trump administration are rankling some of the President's largest contributors, who were already in short supply after his insurgent campaign.
This is all the more true now given the unprecedented scale and scope of the multiple simultaneous crises metastasizing quickly beyond our ability to keep up or even comprehend.
The key to preventing an adverse childhood experience from metastasizing into toxic stress, Harris and others have concluded, is having a "safe, stable, nurturing relationship" with an adult caregiver.
For the government, it's about finding an answer to quell the public's discontent — not necessarily about a long-term solution to prevent the problem from metastasizing into something greater.
Addiction services, housing benefits, gang mediation programs and social services for both adults and children have all been pared back, creating metastasizing problems that often fall to the police.
The metastasizing threat of radical Islam and images of desperate migrants stealing across the Mediterranean on huge dinghies have provided Leavers with the perfect backdrop to prey on prevailing anxieties.
His downward spiral climaxes when he goes full McMurphy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest in group therapy on a rant against the "metastasizing mind words" we call religion.
In Jordan and Lebanon, the administration's Jerusalem decision and its cuts in refugee and Palestinian aid have been body blows to governments seen as bulwarks against the region's metastasizing chaos.
As is often the case with financial crashes, markets and experts alike turned out to have been focused on the wrong things, blind to the true problem that was metastasizing.
There's nothing remotely sexy about the bright lights, tiled walls, lotions, potions, and medications strewn all over the surfaces, and an Ikea shower curtain that's been quietly harboring a metastasizing lifeform.
If sex, scandal or both will doom a candidacy, it will happen early, rather than slowly metastasizing, undetectable by most under our now seemingly never-ending primary and general election seasons.
It looks and sounds little like 2016, 2012, 2008 or any other year that I can easily recall, and the main reason isn't rising progressivism, increasing diversity or metastasizing social media.
Between trips to accept book awards and honorary doctorates, Stevens continued to go to work each day into his seventies, even after surgery for a stomach obstruction revealed a metastasizing cancer.
The ISIS terrorist cancer that took Kieran's life isn't defeated or even in remission, but rather it is metastasizing since its loss of a caliphate first in Iraq and then finally Syria.
And now, with Congress scrutinizing it and the world watching, Facebook is scrambling to contain an metastasizing crisis that has tarnished its public image and conjured the threat of possible government regulation.
In the past, a figure like Moore could have been characterized as an outlier, but in the Trump era, he is evidence that Trumpism is a cancer metastasizing within the Republican Party.
In their own words, they aim: This is Operation Berkshire, and from this day on the tobacco industry doesn't simply shrug about the metastasizing mound of cancer evidence—they're actively suppressing it.
In an internal memo, Mike VanderWel, chief engineer of Boeing Commercial Airplane production engineering, said the attack was "metastasizing" and he worried it could spread to Boeing's production systems and airline software.
In the context of rising hate crime and metastasizing hate groups, my organization has asked the White House to use its convening power to create a national task force to prevent hate violence.
As with the Seth Rich revelations or the Kelly tapes, a conspiracy just out of reach — one that's metastasizing in the imagination of its target audience — is often more powerful than one revealed.
Only by approaching the religion's tenets with a new spirit of inquiry can we ever disentangle the Islamic faith from the Islamism that is a metastasizing threat to human rights around the world.
A third Republican senator said "if it's opening up old Clinton stuff, the base loves it," but warned that there's a risk of the probe metastasizing into something that could embarrass the president.
Bin Laden sapped America's confidence, wove fear into the nation's fabric, and inspired a metastasizing form of jihadi fanaticism that continues to terrorize the West in the crazed pursuit of a restored caliphate.
I am more convinced than ever that somebody knows something that could prevent this from metastasizing into our era's Dreyfus Affair — a source of unresolved hatreds for years and decades yet to come.
Rojas, a former Bernie Sanders volunteer, said she respected Biden's time in the Obama administration, but there were clear-cut differences between that administration and that of the progressive movement metastasizing across the country.
Its adjustment to the modern world has proved faltering and agonized enough to produce a metastasizing strain of violent anti-Western jihadist beliefs to which Mateen — like the San Bernardino shooters — was apparently susceptible.
Whether the issue is Russian election interference, metastasizing fraudulent news or incitements to genocide in Myanmar, the company essentially hews to the same talking points: Facebook's mission to connect the world is well-intentioned.
The near-daily barrage of news and revelations, big and small, about the Trump campaign and its metastasizing ties to Russia can be hard to keep track of, even for people following the scandal closely.
Amidst metastasizing social injustice, economic stagnation and environmental catastrophe, Indigenous peoples are leading the way forward to a more just future for our lands, waters, economies and all the nations and peoples who share them.
In his latest series, Your Mountain Is Waiting, he trains his lens on Utah's metastasizing suburbs, where winding streets of bulky McMansions butt up against the foothills of the Wasatch Range of the Rocky Mountains.
She brought the Politico reporter Josh Gerstein on to deliver a play-by-play of the day's "legal drama," a scandal that "seems to be metastasizing all across high-power Washington," as she put it.
In that year or two years, the cancer is just spreading, and growing, and probably metastasizing — and who knows how differently their story would have played out if they had been taken seriously at that first appointment?
The Sessions drama is a mere symptom of Trump's true obsession: the metastasizing criminal investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia and whether he personally tried to obstruct justice by firing then-FBI Director James Comey.
As director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from 28500 to 6900, Flynn warned that al-Qaeda was metastasizing despite the high-profile deaths of al-Zarqawi in Iraq, al-Awlaki in Yemen, and Bin Laden in Pakistan.
In most major cities the firm has a project or three, suitable for housing metastasizing start-up offices, their employees, and floating cultural elites—buildings that are specific without being local, existing within cities but not of them.
In a phone interview, he talked me through the key points of the scandal, demystifying "Korea's byzantine politics" and explaining how the metastasizing crisis reveals endemic corruption deep at the heart of the nation's political and economic systems.
"Imagery that came out of Charlottesville and the violence woke up the American public to the fact that white supremacy was metastasizing in the country," said Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center, who monitors extremist groups.
What happened to the 16-year-old girl in Atlantic City is a cancer that is metastasizing across the country: Violent pimps and sex traffickers use online services like Backpage to exploit and profit off of unwilling victims.
"It," is a terrifying child-eater who resurfaces every 19863 years to prey on kids like a viral outbreak, after "metastasizing" off the evil of the town and its worst citizens until it's grown strong enough to attack again.
"We're still not at the victory that we want to achieve and will achieve in either Syria or Iraq, and we have seen Daesh playing a game of metastasizing out to other countries, particularly Libya," he said as the meetings began.
Be smart: McCain and Ted Cruz both said their assessment is "there's no doubt" there is a rising terrorism threat in Africa with the fall of ISIS in Raqqa, and Bill Nelson and Thom Tillis agreed the threat is metastasizing.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday condemned the rise of anti-Semitism as a "cancer metastasizing" in the Middle East, Europe and in the United States, where he said the Trump administration would vigorously oppose it.
Conservatives might consider that when a patient's life is threatened by a metastasizing cancer, the doctor removes it with surgery, radiation or chemotherapy — he does not support the cancer and promise it will behave better after the patient is dead.
That leaves Mattis as the last man standing — the only one who has not been infected by Trump's metastasizing ethical cancer, the only one who has not visibly lied on Trump's behalf, and who can still put some fear into Trump.
Our narrator is especially worried because of the metastasizing birthmarks that cover his son's body: differently sized tokens of color that remind the world that Nigel is black, a fate as unfortunate as any in the mind of his father.
"It's a grift, it's always been a grift, and now that it is metastasizing into car parts and voting machines and juicers and artificial pancreases, what was once a peripheral nuisance has become a moral hazard and even an existential threat," Doctorow said.
According to data gathered by 21st Club, a soccer analytics consultancy, the number of points per game accrued by champions in Europe's four biggest leagues — England, Spain, Germany and Italy — has been steadily growing in recent years, a sign of a metastasizing dominance.
And the cell must live in a particular context within its host — dodging the immune system, colonizing some tissues and not others, metastasizing to very particular sites: bones but not kidneys for some cancers; liver but not the adjacent spleen for others.
Shlaes's central thesis is that the problems addressed by the Great Society were mitigated but never solved, and the effort itself has burdened society with a metastasizing "entitlement state," the unaffordability of which is crippling our attempts to deal with myriad challenges today.
It's true in movies (hey, didja see that Suicide Squad trailer?), and for the past half-decade it's been true on television as well, with Marvel spreading all over Netflix and ABC, and DC Comics metastasizing across The CW with Arrow and The Flash.
How did we go from predictions that the tech industry would replace the hidebound status quo with a new democratized openness, power to the people, now that we all carry a networked supercomputer in our pocket … to widespread, metastasizing accusations of abuse of power?
Some things may be shaded slightly differently from one blurt or boast to the next—every number he says invariably cheats upward over time, and he periodically adds new scenes and jokes to the metastasizing stand-up act that he rolls out at his rallies.
The metastasizing of the administrative state into a leviathan that challenges the rights and prerogatives of the sovereign people didn't happen overnight and it — along with the other issues that propelled Trump to victory — won't be fixed in the current session of Congress either.
Written by Wes Taylor and directed by Colin Bucksey with all the wit and verve that is now par for the "Billions" course, this week's episode continues to treat unchecked ambition as a metastasizing cancer that consumes everything it touches, which now includes Dake.
Another instance of corruption metastasizing and radiating out of the IRS occurred in October 6900 in a meeting between Lois Lerner, Justice Department officials and the FBI where plans were laid for the possible criminal prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations for alleged illegal political activity.
However, we do know that while other forms of terrorism have lessened, there's still hope that history can repeat itself, and that the violence that's metastasizing throughout the world will not deter the rest of us from trying to live our lives without constant fear.
"They're helping us with this new emerging 85033-nation consortium of Islamic states — moderate Muslim nations who are putting together a group to go after terrorism — and they're beginning to understand and take the lead on preventing radical Islamic terror from metastasizing and growing," he added.
Finally, if you want to see an act of utter cluelessness given what's going on in our country, look at how Boeing sent more than $1 billion of dividend checks to its shareholders three weeks ago, as the coronavirus crisis and corporate stimulus requests were both metastasizing.
It includes a gorgeous eulogy for James Baldwin, a powerful address she delivered to Amnesty International ("The War on Error," about the need for a "heightened battle against cultivated ignorance, enforced silence and metastasizing lies") and meditations on the thinking behind several of her early important novels.
The rapidly metastasizing Mike Vick comparisons are still a tad much, but 610 yards – the most ever by one player in an ACC game – is a jarring sign that, just two games into his sophomore season, Jackson is ascending into the ranks of the game's most feared playmakers.
CIA Director Pompeo told the BBC last week that "there had been no significant diminishing of Russian attempts at subversion in Europe and the U.S." The Russian threat is metastasizing while Congress, the administration and the public dissect a 3.5-page document and speculate about the Democrats' response to it.
But they were the product of a U.S. invasion that included, at best, minimal planning for the invasion's aftermath; the resulting haphazard nature of the occupation, in turn, gave rise to a violent insurgency and a metastasizing Islamic extremism in the form of ISIS that ultimately helped turn Syria into a war zone.
Avery is the network's "liberal voice," which means every episode of his show involves him traveling to some working-class hangout in some blue-collar neighborhood fallen on hard times to ask people what they think about America, like a constantly metastasizing New York Times "welcome to Trump country" profile occupying valuable television real estate.
Indeed, as the year has unfolded, Fox's evening talk shows and its presidentially endorsed morning show have proven to be a particularly egregious and odious swamp of fetid, metastasizing lies and bad faith feedback loops that leave its viewers—and, notably, its Presidential Audience of One—foaming at the mouth with outrage and bile.
If eBay is a metastasizing megamall, it's one where slick, name-brand storefronts sit cheek-by-jowl with halfhearted garage sales, "junk drawer lots" of worthless oddments, and the sort of Weird Stuff, Really Weird Stuff, and Totally Bizarre Stuff (actual eBay categories) that wouldn't be out of place in a wunderkammer curated by John Waters.
As a piece of connective tissue in an ever-metastasizing cinematic universe, Tom Holland's sophomore (solo) outing as Peter Parker does a clever job of closing the door on one phase and nudging it open to another; it's funny and colorful and hinges on some MCU deep-cuts that even the most hardcore fans won't be able to anticipate.
While Clinton, Podesta and the rest of their circle of enrichment struggle to parry reporters' attempts to discuss Wikileaks with modern day red-baiting, the plain and unedited content of the emails is enough to see that a Clinton presidency will be more of the same from a candidate who has been metastasizing controversy since the 1970's.
But speaking as the last person in the American political-journalistic apparatus (or so it feels) who's still agnostic about Kavanaugh's guilt or innocence, I am more convinced than ever that somebody knows something that could prevent this from metastasizing into our era's Dreyfus Affair — a source of unresolved hatreds for years and decades yet to come.
But as I started reporting on a story about the families living in hotel rooms provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which appears on today's front page, I was struck by how, nearly five months after landfall, the trauma Maria created was still intensifying and metastasizing — reaching all the way to a Red Roof Inn in downtown Hartford.
It was all too perfect: beating Boca, its counterweight in the Great Schism that defines Argentine soccer, its opposite pole in perhaps the fiercest rivalry in world sport; seizing the chance — in that moment that Martínez rolled the ball into an empty net — not only to savor its own ecstasy but to taste Boca's pain, each sensation feeding on the other, swirling, metastasizing.
JERUSALEM — Two more serious allegations have surfaced in the metastasizing corruption investigation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his inner circle: that one of his aides tried to bribe a judge to quash a criminal case involving Mr. Netanyahu's wife, and that he or his aides traded lucrative regulatory approvals for favorable coverage on a news website owned by Israel's largest telecommunications company.
The New Yorker gets a good look around the Facebook CEO's full-time home in Palo Alto, which adds insightful color to its in-depth profile of the 35-year-old executive under pressure, as the metastasizing company he built is under investigation by the U.S. FBI, the SEC, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Trade Commission, as well as by authorities abroad.
Buchina keeps us guessing without falling into obscurantist traps, if for no other reason than the horror he depicts is steadily being eclipsed by the horror of actual events; the otherworldliness of his characters' masks, costumes, and actions is no more disorienting than what has been emanating from the endlessly metastasizing Bush/Cheney wars, not to mention the most inane and destructive presidential race in modern history.
It's as if the particular, the concrete reality of "life" to which this author attaches so much importance, were trying to assert its claims in the face of the increasing preponderance of "art": the metastasizing meditations on his method (writing must be "raw, in the sense of unrefined, direct, without metaphors or other linguistic decoration"), the proliferating and often brilliant mini-disquisitions on works of art and literature.
Our economy is a "disaster"; the Chinese and other countries are stealing our jobs; our freeloading allies are not paying us enough to defend them; our political leaders are uniformly incompetent and corrupt; law and order have broken down in our communities; criminal gangs of illegal aliens roam our streets; black and Hispanic Americans are mired in poverty and hopelessness; and, thanks to our bumbling leaders, Iran is stronger than ever and the the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threat is metastasizing around the world.
America — with its decaying infrastructure, its third-world public transit, its shrinking labor market, its evaporating middle class, its expanding gulf between rich and poor, its heartless health insurance system, its mindless indifference to a dying ecology, its predatory credit agencies, its looming Social Security collapse, its interminable war, its metastasizing national debt and all the social pathologies that gave it a degenerate imbecile and child-abducting sadist as its president — remains the only developed economy in the world that believes it wrong to use civic wealth for civic goods.

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